Robotics 34
☆ BOSS: Benchmark for Observation Space Shift in Long-Horizon Task
Robotics has long sought to develop visual-servoing robots capable of completing previously unseen long-horizon tasks. Hierarchical approaches offer a pathway for achieving this goal by executing skill combinations arranged by a task planner, with each visuomotor skill pre-trained using a specific imitation learning (IL) algorithm. However, even in simple long-horizon tasks like skill chaining, hierarchical approaches often struggle due to a problem we identify as Observation Space Shift (OSS), where the sequential execution of preceding skills causes shifts in the observation space, disrupting the performance of subsequent individually trained skill policies. To validate OSS and evaluate its impact on long-horizon tasks, we introduce BOSS (a Benchmark for Observation Space Shift). BOSS comprises three distinct challenges: "Single Predicate Shift", "Accumulated Predicate Shift", and "Skill Chaining", each designed to assess a different aspect of OSS's negative effect. We evaluated several recent popular IL algorithms on BOSS, including three Behavioral Cloning methods and the Visual Language Action model OpenVLA. Even on the simplest challenge, we observed average performance drops of 67%, 35%, 34%, and 54%, respectively, when comparing skill performance with and without OSS. Additionally, we investigate a potential solution to OSS that scales up the training data for each skill with a larger and more visually diverse set of demonstrations, with our results showing it is not sufficient to resolve OSS. The project page is:
☆ VaViM and VaVAM: Autonomous Driving through Video Generative Modeling
We explore the potential of large-scale generative video models for autonomous driving, introducing an open-source auto-regressive video model (VaViM) and its companion video-action model (VaVAM) to investigate how video pre-training transfers to real-world driving. VaViM is a simple auto-regressive video model that predicts frames using spatio-temporal token sequences. We show that it captures the semantics and dynamics of driving scenes. VaVAM, the video-action model, leverages the learned representations of VaViM to generate driving trajectories through imitation learning. Together, the models form a complete perception-to-action pipeline. We evaluate our models in open- and closed-loop driving scenarios, revealing that video-based pre-training holds promise for autonomous driving. Key insights include the semantic richness of the learned representations, the benefits of scaling for video synthesis, and the complex relationship between model size, data, and safety metrics in closed-loop evaluations. We release code and model weights at
comment: Code and model:, project page:
☆ A Simulation Pipeline to Facilitate Real-World Robotic Reinforcement Learning Applications
Reinforcement learning (RL) has gained traction for its success in solving complex tasks for robotic applications. However, its deployment on physical robots remains challenging due to safety risks and the comparatively high costs of training. To avoid these problems, RL agents are often trained on simulators, which introduces a new problem related to the gap between simulation and reality. This paper presents an RL pipeline designed to help reduce the reality gap and facilitate developing and deploying RL policies for real-world robotic systems. The pipeline organizes the RL training process into an initial step for system identification and three training stages: core simulation training, high-fidelity simulation, and real-world deployment, each adding levels of realism to reduce the sim-to-real gap. Each training stage takes an input policy, improves it, and either passes the improved policy to the next stage or loops it back for further improvement. This iterative process continues until the policy achieves the desired performance. The pipeline's effectiveness is shown through a case study with the Boston Dynamics Spot mobile robot used in a surveillance application. The case study presents the steps taken at each pipeline stage to obtain an RL agent to control the robot's position and orientation.
comment: Paper accepted to be presented at IEEE SysCon 2025
☆ Reduced-Order Model Guided Contact-Implicit Model Predictive Control for Humanoid Locomotion
Humanoid robots have great potential for real-world applications due to their ability to operate in environments built for humans, but their deployment is hindered by the challenge of controlling their underlying high-dimensional nonlinear hybrid dynamics. While reduced-order models like the Hybrid Linear Inverted Pendulum (HLIP) are simple and computationally efficient, they lose whole-body expressiveness. Meanwhile, recent advances in Contact-Implicit Model Predictive Control (CI-MPC) enable robots to plan through multiple hybrid contact modes, but remain vulnerable to local minima and require significant tuning. We propose a control framework that combines the strengths of HLIP and CI-MPC. The reduced-order model generates a nominal gait, while CI-MPC manages the whole-body dynamics and modifies the contact schedule as needed. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in simulation with a novel 24 degree-of-freedom humanoid robot: Achilles. Our proposed framework achieves rough terrain walking, disturbance recovery, robustness under model and state uncertainty, and allows the robot to interact with obstacles in the environment, all while running online in real-time at 50 Hz.
☆ Pick-and-place Manipulation Across Grippers Without Retraining: A Learning-optimization Diffusion Policy Approach
Current robotic pick-and-place policies typically require consistent gripper configurations across training and inference. This constraint imposes high retraining or fine-tuning costs, especially for imitation learning-based approaches, when adapting to new end-effectors. To mitigate this issue, we present a diffusion-based policy with a hybrid learning-optimization framework, enabling zero-shot adaptation to novel grippers without additional data collection for retraining policy. During training, the policy learns manipulation primitives from demonstrations collected using a base gripper. At inference, a diffusion-based optimization strategy dynamically enforces kinematic and safety constraints, ensuring that generated trajectories align with the physical properties of unseen grippers. This is achieved through a constrained denoising procedure that adapts trajectories to gripper-specific parameters (e.g., tool-center-point offsets, jaw widths) while preserving collision avoidance and task feasibility. We validate our method on a Franka Panda robot across six gripper configurations, including 3D-printed fingertips, flexible silicone gripper, and Robotiq 2F-85 gripper. Our approach achieves a 93.3% average task success rate across grippers (vs. 23.3-26.7% for diffusion policy baselines), supporting tool-center-point variations of 16-23.5 cm and jaw widths of 7.5-11.5 cm. The results demonstrate that constrained diffusion enables robust cross-gripper manipulation while maintaining the sample efficiency of imitation learning, eliminating the need for gripper-specific retraining. Video and code are available at
comment: Video and code are available at
☆ Autonomous helicopter aerial refueling: controller design and performance guarantees
In this paper, we present a control design methodology, stability criteria, and performance bounds for autonomous helicopter aerial refueling. Autonomous aerial refueling is particularly difficult due to the aerodynamic interaction between the wake of the tanker, the contact-sensitive nature of the maneuver, and the uncertainty in drogue motion. Since the probe tip is located significantly away from the helicopter's center-of-gravity, its position (and velocity) is strongly sensitive to the helicopter's attitude (and angular rates). In addition, the fact that the helicopter is operating at high speeds to match the velocity of the tanker forces it to maintain a particular orientation, making the docking maneuver especially challenging. In this paper, we propose a novel outer-loop position controller that incorporates the probe position and velocity into the feedback loop. The position and velocity of the probe tip depend both on the position (velocity) and on the attitude (angular rates) of the aircraft. We derive analytical guarantees for docking performance in terms of the uncertainty of the drogue motion and the angular acceleration of the helicopter, using the ultimate boundedness property of the closed-loop error dynamics. Simulations are performed on a high-fidelity UH60 helicopter model with a high-fidelity drogue motion under wind effects to validate the proposed approach for realistic refueling scenarios. These high-fidelity simulations reveal that the proposed control methodology yields an improvement of 36% in the 2-norm docking error compared to the existing standard controller.
☆ Enhanced Probabilistic Collision Detection for Motion Planning Under Sensing Uncertainty
Probabilistic collision detection (PCD) is essential in motion planning for robots operating in unstructured environments, where considering sensing uncertainty helps prevent damage. Existing PCD methods mainly used simplified geometric models and addressed only position estimation errors. This paper presents an enhanced PCD method with two key advancements: (a) using superquadrics for more accurate shape approximation and (b) accounting for both position and orientation estimation errors to improve robustness under sensing uncertainty. Our method first computes an enlarged surface for each object that encapsulates its observed rotated copies, thereby addressing the orientation estimation errors. Then, the collision probability under the position estimation errors is formulated as a chance-constraint problem that is solved with a tight upper bound. Both the two steps leverage the recently developed normal parameterization of superquadric surfaces. Results show that our PCD method is twice as close to the Monte-Carlo sampled baseline as the best existing PCD method and reduces path length by 30% and planning time by 37%, respectively. A Real2Sim pipeline further validates the importance of considering orientation estimation errors, showing that the collision probability of executing the planned path in simulation is only 2%, compared to 9% and 29% when considering only position estimation errors or none at all.
☆ Depth-aware Fusion Method based on Image and 4D Radar Spectrum for 3D Object Detection
Safety and reliability are crucial for the public acceptance of autonomous driving. To ensure accurate and reliable environmental perception, intelligent vehicles must exhibit accuracy and robustness in various environments. Millimeter-wave radar, known for its high penetration capability, can operate effectively in adverse weather conditions such as rain, snow, and fog. Traditional 3D millimeter-wave radars can only provide range, Doppler, and azimuth information for objects. Although the recent emergence of 4D millimeter-wave radars has added elevation resolution, the radar point clouds remain sparse due to Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) operations. In contrast, cameras offer rich semantic details but are sensitive to lighting and weather conditions. Hence, this paper leverages these two highly complementary and cost-effective sensors, 4D millimeter-wave radar and camera. By integrating 4D radar spectra with depth-aware camera images and employing attention mechanisms, we fuse texture-rich images with depth-rich radar data in the Bird's Eye View (BEV) perspective, enhancing 3D object detection. Additionally, we propose using GAN-based networks to generate depth images from radar spectra in the absence of depth sensors, further improving detection accuracy.
☆ Robust 4D Radar-aided Inertial Navigation for Aerial Vehicles
While LiDAR and cameras are becoming ubiquitous for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) but can be ineffective in challenging environments, 4D millimeter-wave (MMW) radars that can provide robust 3D ranging and Doppler velocity measurements are less exploited for aerial navigation. In this paper, we develop an efficient and robust error-state Kalman filter (ESKF)-based radar-inertial navigation for UAVs. The key idea of the proposed approach is the point-to-distribution radar scan matching to provide motion constraints with proper uncertainty qualification, which are used to update the navigation states in a tightly coupled manner, along with the Doppler velocity measurements. Moreover, we propose a robust keyframe-based matching scheme against the prior map (if available) to bound the accumulated navigation errors and thus provide a radar-based global localization solution with high accuracy. Extensive real-world experimental validations have demonstrated that the proposed radar-aided inertial navigation outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both accuracy and robustness.
☆ Learning Long-Horizon Robot Manipulation Skills via Privileged Action
Long-horizon contact-rich tasks are challenging to learn with reinforcement learning, due to ineffective exploration of high-dimensional state spaces with sparse rewards. The learning process often gets stuck in local optimum and demands task-specific reward fine-tuning for complex scenarios. In this work, we propose a structured framework that leverages privileged actions with curriculum learning, enabling the policy to efficiently acquire long-horizon skills without relying on extensive reward engineering or reference trajectories. Specifically, we use privileged actions in simulation with a general training procedure that would be infeasible to implement in real-world scenarios. These privileges include relaxed constraints and virtual forces that enhance interaction and exploration with objects. Our results successfully achieve complex multi-stage long-horizon tasks that naturally combine non-prehensile manipulation with grasping to lift objects from non-graspable poses. We demonstrate generality by maintaining a parsimonious reward structure and showing convergence to diverse and robust behaviors across various environments. Additionally, real-world experiments further confirm that the skills acquired using our approach are transferable to real-world environments, exhibiting robust and intricate performance. Our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods in these tasks, converging to solutions where others fail.
☆ Self-Mixing Laser Interferometry for Robotic Tactile Sensing ICRA2025
Self-mixing interferometry (SMI) has been lauded for its sensitivity in detecting microvibrations, while requiring no physical contact with its target. In robotics, microvibrations have traditionally been interpreted as a marker for object slip, and recently as a salient indicator of extrinsic contact. We present the first-ever robotic fingertip making use of SMI for slip and extrinsic contact sensing. The design is validated through measurement of controlled vibration sources, both before and after encasing the readout circuit in its fingertip package. Then, the SMI fingertip is compared to acoustic sensing through three experiments. The results are distilled into a technology decision map. SMI was found to be more sensitive to subtle slip events and significantly more robust against ambient noise. We conclude that the integration of SMI in robotic fingertips offers a new, promising branch of tactile sensing in robotics.
comment: Accepted for ICRA2025
☆ Rapid Online Learning of Hip Exoskeleton Assistance Preferences
Hip exoskeletons are increasing in popularity due to their effectiveness across various scenarios and their ability to adapt to different users. However, personalizing the assistance often requires lengthy tuning procedures and computationally intensive algorithms, and most existing methods do not incorporate user feedback. In this work, we propose a novel approach for rapidly learning users' preferences for hip exoskeleton assistance. We perform pairwise comparisons of distinct randomly generated assistive profiles, and collect participants preferences through active querying. Users' feedback is integrated into a preference-learning algorithm that updates its belief, learns a user-dependent reward function, and changes the assistive torque profiles accordingly. Results from eight healthy subjects display distinct preferred torque profiles, and users' choices remain consistent when compared to a perturbed profile. A comprehensive evaluation of users' preferences reveals a close relationship with individual walking strategies. The tested torque profiles do not disrupt kinematic joint synergies, and participants favor assistive torques that are synchronized with their movements, resulting in lower negative power from the device. This straightforward approach enables the rapid learning of users preferences and rewards, grounding future studies on reward-based human-exoskeleton interaction.
comment: Copyright 2025 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works
☆ Exploring Embodied Multimodal Large Models: Development, Datasets, and Future Directions
Embodied multimodal large models (EMLMs) have gained significant attention in recent years due to their potential to bridge the gap between perception, cognition, and action in complex, real-world environments. This comprehensive review explores the development of such models, including Large Language Models (LLMs), Large Vision Models (LVMs), and other models, while also examining other emerging architectures. We discuss the evolution of EMLMs, with a focus on embodied perception, navigation, interaction, and simulation. Furthermore, the review provides a detailed analysis of the datasets used for training and evaluating these models, highlighting the importance of diverse, high-quality data for effective learning. The paper also identifies key challenges faced by EMLMs, including issues of scalability, generalization, and real-time decision-making. Finally, we outline future directions, emphasizing the integration of multimodal sensing, reasoning, and action to advance the development of increasingly autonomous systems. By providing an in-depth analysis of state-of-the-art methods and identifying critical gaps, this paper aims to inspire future advancements in EMLMs and their applications across diverse domains.
comment: 81 pages, submitted to a journal for review
DynamicGSG: Dynamic 3D Gaussian Scene Graphs for Environment Adaptation
In real-world scenarios, the environment changes caused by agents or human activities make it extremely challenging for robots to perform various long-term tasks. To effectively understand and adapt to dynamic environments, the perception system of a robot needs to extract instance-level semantic information, reconstruct the environment in a fine-grained manner, and update its environment representation in memory according to environment changes. To address these challenges, We propose \textbf{DynamicGSG}, a dynamic, high-fidelity, open-vocabulary scene graph generation system leveraging Gaussian splatting. Our system comprises three key components: (1) constructing hierarchical scene graphs using advanced vision foundation models to represent the spatial and semantic relationships of objects in the environment, (2) designing a joint feature loss to optimize the Gaussian map for incremental high-fidelity reconstruction, and (3) updating the Gaussian map and scene graph according to real environment changes for long-term environment adaptation. Experiments and ablation studies demonstrate the performance and efficacy of the proposed method in terms of semantic segmentation, language-guided object retrieval, and reconstruction quality. Furthermore, we have validated the dynamic updating capabilities of our system in real laboratory environments. The source code will be released at:~\href{}{}.
☆ OccProphet: Pushing Efficiency Frontier of Camera-Only 4D Occupancy Forecasting with Observer-Forecaster-Refiner Framework ICLR2025
Predicting variations in complex traffic environments is crucial for the safety of autonomous driving. Recent advancements in occupancy forecasting have enabled forecasting future 3D occupied status in driving environments by observing historical 2D images. However, high computational demands make occupancy forecasting less efficient during training and inference stages, hindering its feasibility for deployment on edge agents. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, i.e., OccProphet, to efficiently and effectively learn occupancy forecasting with significantly lower computational requirements while improving forecasting accuracy. OccProphet comprises three lightweight components: Observer, Forecaster, and Refiner. The Observer extracts spatio-temporal features from 3D multi-frame voxels using the proposed Efficient 4D Aggregation with Tripling-Attention Fusion, while the Forecaster and Refiner conditionally predict and refine future occupancy inferences. Experimental results on nuScenes, Lyft-Level5, and nuScenes-Occupancy datasets demonstrate that OccProphet is both training- and inference-friendly. OccProphet reduces 58\%$\sim$78\% of the computational cost with a 2.6$\times$ speedup compared with the state-of-the-art Cam4DOcc. Moreover, it achieves 4\%$\sim$18\% relatively higher forecasting accuracy. Code and models are publicly available at
comment: Accepted by ICLR2025
☆ Realm: Real-Time Line-of-Sight Maintenance in Multi-Robot Navigation with Unknown Obstacles ICRA 2025
Multi-robot navigation in complex environments relies on inter-robot communication and mutual observations for coordination and situational awareness. This paper studies the multi-robot navigation problem in unknown environments with line-of-sight (LoS) connectivity constraints. While previous works are limited to known environment models to derive the LoS constraints, this paper eliminates such requirements by directly formulating the LoS constraints between robots from their real-time point cloud measurements, leveraging point cloud visibility analysis techniques. We propose a novel LoS-distance metric to quantify both the urgency and sensitivity of losing LoS between robots considering potential robot movements. Moreover, to address the imbalanced urgency of losing LoS between two robots, we design a fusion function to capture the overall urgency while generating gradients that facilitate robots' collaborative movement to maintain LoS. The LoS constraints are encoded into a potential function that preserves the positivity of the Fiedler eigenvalue of the robots' network graph to ensure connectivity. Finally, we establish a LoS-constrained exploration framework that integrates the proposed connectivity controller. We showcase its applications in multi-robot exploration in complex unknown environments, where robots can always maintain the LoS connectivity through distributed sensing and communication, while collaboratively mapping the unknown environment. The implementations are open-sourced at
comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, accepted by IEEE ICRA 2025
☆ CurricuVLM: Towards Safe Autonomous Driving via Personalized Safety-Critical Curriculum Learning with Vision-Language Models
Ensuring safety in autonomous driving systems remains a critical challenge, particularly in handling rare but potentially catastrophic safety-critical scenarios. While existing research has explored generating safety-critical scenarios for autonomous vehicle (AV) testing, there is limited work on effectively incorporating these scenarios into policy learning to enhance safety. Furthermore, developing training curricula that adapt to an AV's evolving behavioral patterns and performance bottlenecks remains largely unexplored. To address these challenges, we propose CurricuVLM, a novel framework that leverages Vision-Language Models (VLMs) to enable personalized curriculum learning for autonomous driving agents. Our approach uniquely exploits VLMs' multimodal understanding capabilities to analyze agent behavior, identify performance weaknesses, and dynamically generate tailored training scenarios for curriculum adaptation. Through comprehensive analysis of unsafe driving situations with narrative descriptions, CurricuVLM performs in-depth reasoning to evaluate the AV's capabilities and identify critical behavioral patterns. The framework then synthesizes customized training scenarios targeting these identified limitations, enabling effective and personalized curriculum learning. Extensive experiments on the Waymo Open Motion Dataset show that CurricuVLM outperforms state-of-the-art baselines across both regular and safety-critical scenarios, achieving superior performance in terms of navigation success, driving efficiency, and safety metrics. Further analysis reveals that CurricuVLM serves as a general approach that can be integrated with various RL algorithms to enhance autonomous driving systems. The code and demo video are available at:
♻ ☆ An Open-Source Reproducible Chess Robot for Human-Robot Interaction Research
Recent advancements in AI have accelerated the evolution of versatile robot designs. Chess provides a standardized environment for evaluating the impact of robot behavior on human behavior. This article presents an open-source chess robot for human-robot interaction (HRI) research, specifically focusing on verbal and non-verbal interactions. OpenChessRobot recognizes chess pieces using computer vision, executes moves, and interacts with the human player through voice and robotic gestures. We detail the software design, provide quantitative evaluations of the efficacy of the robot, and offer a guide for its reproducibility. An online survey examining people's views of the robot in three possible scenarios was conducted with 597 participants. The robot received the highest ratings in the robotics education and the chess coach scenarios, while the home entertainment scenario received the lowest scores. The code and datasets are accessible on GitHub:
♻ ☆ Shared Control with Black Box Agents using Oracle Queries
Shared control problems involve a robot learning to collaborate with a human. When learning a shared control policy, short communication between the agents can often significantly reduce running times and improve the system's accuracy. We extend the shared control problem to include the ability to directly query a cooperating agent. We consider two types of potential responses to a query, namely oracles: one that can provide the learner with the best action they should take, even when that action might be myopically wrong, and one with a bounded knowledge limited to its part of the system. Given this additional information channel, this work further presents three heuristics for choosing when to query: reinforcement learning-based, utility-based, and entropy-based. These heuristics aim to reduce a system's overall learning cost. Empirical results on two environments show the benefits of querying to learn a better control policy and the tradeoffs between the proposed heuristics.
comment: Accepted for publication in the 2025 IEEE International Conference on AI and Data Analytics (ICAD 2025)
♻ ☆ PROSKILL: A formal skill language for acting in robotics
Acting is an important decisional function for autonomous robots. Acting relies on skills to implement and to model the activities it oversees: refinement, local recovery, temporal dispatching, external asynchronous events, and commands execution, all done online. While sitting between planning and the robotic platform, acting often relies on programming primitives and an interpreter which executes these skills. Following our experience in providing a formal framework to program the functional components of our robots, we propose a new language, to program the acting skills. This language maps unequivocally into a formal model which can then be used to check properties offline or execute the skills, or more precisely their formal equivalent, and perform runtime verification. We illustrate with a real example how we can program a survey mission for a drone in this new language, prove some formal properties on the program and directly execute the formal model on the drone to perform the mission.
♻ ☆ HeRCULES: Heterogeneous Radar Dataset in Complex Urban Environment for Multi-session Radar SLAM ICRA 2025
Recently, radars have been widely featured in robotics for their robustness in challenging weather conditions. Two commonly used radar types are spinning radars and phased-array radars, each offering distinct sensor characteristics. Existing datasets typically feature only a single type of radar, leading to the development of algorithms limited to that specific kind. In this work, we highlight that combining different radar types offers complementary advantages, which can be leveraged through a heterogeneous radar dataset. Moreover, this new dataset fosters research in multi-session and multi-robot scenarios where robots are equipped with different types of radars. In this context, we introduce the HeRCULES dataset, a comprehensive, multi-modal dataset with heterogeneous radars, FMCW LiDAR, IMU, GPS, and cameras. This is the first dataset to integrate 4D radar and spinning radar alongside FMCW LiDAR, offering unparalleled localization, mapping, and place recognition capabilities. The dataset covers diverse weather and lighting conditions and a range of urban traffic scenarios, enabling a comprehensive analysis across various environments. The sequence paths with multiple revisits and ground truth pose for each sensor enhance its suitability for place recognition research. We expect the HeRCULES dataset to facilitate odometry, mapping, place recognition, and sensor fusion research. The dataset and development tools are available at
comment: 2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2025)
♻ ☆ Feature Aggregation with Latent Generative Replay for Federated Continual Learning of Socially Appropriate Robot Behaviours
It is critical for robots to explore Federated Learning (FL) settings where several robots, deployed in parallel, can learn independently while also sharing their learning with each other. This collaborative learning in real-world environments requires social robots to adapt dynamically to changing and unpredictable situations and varying task settings. Our work contributes to addressing these challenges by exploring a simulated living room environment where robots need to learn the social appropriateness of their actions. First, we propose Federated Root (FedRoot) averaging, a novel weight aggregation strategy which disentangles feature learning across clients from individual task-based learning. Second, to adapt to challenging environments, we extend FedRoot to Federated Latent Generative Replay (FedLGR), a novel Federated Continual Learning (FCL) strategy that uses FedRoot-based weight aggregation and embeds each client with a generator model for pseudo-rehearsal of learnt feature embeddings to mitigate forgetting in a resource-efficient manner. Our results show that FedRoot-based methods offer competitive performance while also resulting in a sizeable reduction in resource consumption (up to 86% for CPU usage and up to 72% for GPU usage). Additionally, our results demonstrate that FedRoot-based FCL methods outperform other methods while also offering an efficient solution (up to 84% CPU and 92% GPU usage reduction), with FedLGR providing the best results across evaluations.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, IEEE RA-L submission
♻ ☆ GaRLIO: Gravity enhanced Radar-LiDAR-Inertial Odometry
Recently, gravity has been highlighted as a crucial constraint for state estimation to alleviate potential vertical drift. Existing online gravity estimation methods rely on pose estimation combined with IMU measurements, which is considered best practice when direct velocity measurements are unavailable. However, with radar sensors providing direct velocity data-a measurement not yet utilized for gravity estimation-we found a significant opportunity to improve gravity estimation accuracy substantially. GaRLIO, the proposed gravity-enhanced Radar-LiDAR-Inertial Odometry, can robustly predict gravity to reduce vertical drift while simultaneously enhancing state estimation performance using pointwise velocity measurements. Furthermore, GaRLIO ensures robustness in dynamic environments by utilizing radar to remove dynamic objects from LiDAR point clouds. Our method is validated through experiments in various environments prone to vertical drift, demonstrating superior performance compared to traditional LiDAR-Inertial Odometry methods. We make our source code publicly available to encourage further research and development.
♻ ☆ Highly dynamic physical interaction for robotics: design and control of an active remote center of compliance
Robot interaction control is often limited to low dynamics or low flexibility, depending on whether an active or passive approach is chosen. In this work, we introduce a hybrid control scheme that combines the advantages of active and passive interaction control. To accomplish this, we propose the design of a novel Active Remote Center of Compliance (ARCC), which is based on a passive and active element which can be used to directly control the interaction forces. We introduce surrogate models for a dynamic comparison against purely robot-based interaction schemes. In a comparative validation, ARCC drastically improves the interaction dynamics, leading to an increase in the motion bandwidth of up to 31 times. We introduce further our control approach as well as the integration in the robot controller. Finally, we analyze ARCC on different industrial benchmarks like peg-in-hole, top-hat rail assembly and contour following problems and compare it against the state of the art, to highlight the dynamic and flexibility. The proposed system is especially suited if the application requires a low cycle time combined with a sensitive manipulation.
comment: 7 pages, 7 figures
♻ ☆ MapNav: A Novel Memory Representation via Annotated Semantic Maps for VLM-based Vision-and-Language Navigation
Vision-and-language navigation (VLN) is a key task in Embodied AI, requiring agents to navigate diverse and unseen environments while following natural language instructions. Traditional approaches rely heavily on historical observations as spatio-temporal contexts for decision making, leading to significant storage and computational overhead. In this paper, we introduce MapNav, a novel end-to-end VLN model that leverages Annotated Semantic Map (ASM) to replace historical frames. Specifically, our approach constructs a top-down semantic map at the start of each episode and update it at each timestep, allowing for precise object mapping and structured navigation information. Then, we enhance this map with explicit textual labels for key regions, transforming abstract semantics into clear navigation cues and generate our ASM. MapNav agent using the constructed ASM as input, and use the powerful end-to-end capabilities of VLM to empower VLN. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MapNav achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in both simulated and real-world environments, validating the effectiveness of our method. Moreover, we will release our ASM generation source code and dataset to ensure reproducibility, contributing valuable resources to the field. We believe that our proposed MapNav can be used as a new memory representation method in VLN, paving the way for future research in this field.
♻ ☆ Interactive incremental learning of generalizable skills with local trajectory modulation
The problem of generalization in learning from demonstration (LfD) has received considerable attention over the years, particularly within the context of movement primitives, where a number of approaches have emerged. Recently, two important approaches have gained recognition. While one leverages via-points to adapt skills locally by modulating demonstrated trajectories, another relies on so-called task-parameterized models that encode movements with respect to different coordinate systems, using a product of probabilities for generalization. While the former are well-suited to precise, local modulations, the latter aim at generalizing over large regions of the workspace and often involve multiple objects. Addressing the quality of generalization by leveraging both approaches simultaneously has received little attention. In this work, we propose an interactive imitation learning framework that simultaneously leverages local and global modulations of trajectory distributions. Building on the kernelized movement primitives (KMP) framework, we introduce novel mechanisms for skill modulation from direct human corrective feedback. Our approach particularly exploits the concept of via-points to incrementally and interactively 1) improve the model accuracy locally, 2) add new objects to the task during execution and 3) extend the skill into regions where demonstrations were not provided. We evaluate our method on a bearing ring-loading task using a torque-controlled, 7-DoF, DLR SARA robot.
comment: Accepted at IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 16 pages, 19 figures, 6 tables. See for further information and video
♻ ☆ Humanoid-VLA: Towards Universal Humanoid Control with Visual Integration
This paper addresses the limitations of current humanoid robot control frameworks, which primarily rely on reactive mechanisms and lack autonomous interaction capabilities due to data scarcity. We propose Humanoid-VLA, a novel framework that integrates language understanding, egocentric scene perception, and motion control, enabling universal humanoid control. Humanoid-VLA begins with language-motion pre-alignment using non-egocentric human motion datasets paired with textual descriptions, allowing the model to learn universal motion patterns and action semantics. We then incorporate egocentric visual context through a parameter efficient video-conditioned fine-tuning, enabling context-aware motion generation. Furthermore, we introduce a self-supervised data augmentation strategy that automatically generates pseudoannotations directly derived from motion data. This process converts raw motion sequences into informative question-answer pairs, facilitating the effective use of large-scale unlabeled video data. Built upon whole-body control architectures, extensive experiments show that Humanoid-VLA achieves object interaction and environment exploration tasks with enhanced contextual awareness, demonstrating a more human-like capacity for adaptive and intelligent engagement.
♻ ☆ ChatVLA: Unified Multimodal Understanding and Robot Control with Vision-Language-Action Model
Humans possess a unified cognitive ability to perceive, comprehend, and interact with the physical world. Why can't large language models replicate this holistic understanding? Through a systematic analysis of existing training paradigms in vision-language-action models (VLA), we identify two key challenges: spurious forgetting, where robot training overwrites crucial visual-text alignments, and task interference, where competing control and understanding tasks degrade performance when trained jointly. To overcome these limitations, we propose ChatVLA, a novel framework featuring Phased Alignment Training, which incrementally integrates multimodal data after initial control mastery, and a Mixture-of-Experts architecture to minimize task interference. ChatVLA demonstrates competitive performance on visual question-answering datasets and significantly surpasses state-of-the-art vision-language-action (VLA) methods on multimodal understanding benchmarks. Notably, it achieves a six times higher performance on MMMU and scores 47.2% on MMStar with a more parameter-efficient design than ECoT. Furthermore, ChatVLA demonstrates superior performance on 25 real-world robot manipulation tasks compared to existing VLA methods like OpenVLA. Our findings highlight the potential of our unified framework for achieving both robust multimodal understanding and effective robot control.
♻ ☆ VLAS: Vision-Language-Action Model With Speech Instructions For Customized Robot Manipulation ICLR 2025
Vision-language-action models (VLAs) have become increasingly popular in robot manipulation for their end-to-end design and remarkable performance. However, existing VLAs rely heavily on vision-language models (VLMs) that only support text-based instructions, neglecting the more natural speech modality for human-robot interaction. Traditional speech integration methods usually involves a separate speech recognition system, which complicates the model and introduces error propagation. Moreover, the transcription procedure would lose non-semantic information in the raw speech, such as voiceprint, which may be crucial for robots to successfully complete customized tasks. To overcome above challenges, we propose VLAS, a novel end-to-end VLA that integrates speech recognition directly into the robot policy model. VLAS allows the robot to understand spoken commands through inner speech-text alignment and produces corresponding actions to fulfill the task. We also present two new datasets, SQA and CSI, to support a three-stage tuning process for speech instructions, which empowers VLAS with the ability of multimodal interaction across text, image, speech, and robot actions. Taking a step further, a voice retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) paradigm is designed to enable our model to effectively handle tasks that require individual-specific knowledge. Our extensive experiments show that VLAS can effectively accomplish robot manipulation tasks with diverse speech commands, offering a seamless and customized interaction experience.
comment: Accepted as a conference paper at ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ CoverLib: Classifiers-equipped Experience Library by Iterative Problem Distribution Coverage Maximization for Domain-tuned Motion Planning
Library-based methods are known to be very effective for fast motion planning by adapting an experience retrieved from a precomputed library. This article presents CoverLib, a principled approach for constructing and utilizing such a library. CoverLib iteratively adds an experience-classifier-pair to the library, where each classifier corresponds to an adaptable region of the experience within the problem space. This iterative process is an active procedure, as it selects the next experience based on its ability to effectively cover the uncovered region. During the query phase, these classifiers are utilized to select an experience that is expected to be adaptable for a given problem. Experimental results demonstrate that CoverLib effectively mitigates the trade-off between plannability and speed observed in global (e.g. sampling-based) and local (e.g. optimization-based) methods. As a result, it achieves both fast planning and high success rates over the problem domain. Moreover, due to its adaptation-algorithm-agnostic nature, CoverLib seamlessly integrates with various adaptation methods, including nonlinear programming-based and sampling-based algorithms.
comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Robotics
♻ ☆ FUNCTO: Function-Centric One-Shot Imitation Learning for Tool Manipulation
Learning tool use from a single human demonstration video offers a highly intuitive and efficient approach to robot teaching. While humans can effortlessly generalize a demonstrated tool manipulation skill to diverse tools that support the same function (e.g., pouring with a mug versus a teapot), current one-shot imitation learning (OSIL) methods struggle to achieve this. A key challenge lies in establishing functional correspondences between demonstration and test tools, considering significant geometric variations among tools with the same function (i.e., intra-function variations). To address this challenge, we propose FUNCTO (Function-Centric OSIL for Tool Manipulation), an OSIL method that establishes function-centric correspondences with a 3D functional keypoint representation, enabling robots to generalize tool manipulation skills from a single human demonstration video to novel tools with the same function despite significant intra-function variations. With this formulation, we factorize FUNCTO into three stages: (1) functional keypoint extraction, (2) function-centric correspondence establishment, and (3) functional keypoint-based action planning. We evaluate FUNCTO against exiting modular OSIL methods and end-to-end behavioral cloning methods through real-robot experiments on diverse tool manipulation tasks. The results demonstrate the superiority of FUNCTO when generalizing to novel tools with intra-function geometric variations. More details are available at
♻ ☆ Exploring Quasi-Global Solutions to Compound Lens Based Computational Imaging Systems
Recently, joint design approaches that simultaneously optimize optical systems and downstream algorithms through data-driven learning have demonstrated superior performance over traditional separate design approaches. However, current joint design approaches heavily rely on the manual identification of initial lenses, posing challenges and limitations, particularly for compound lens systems with multiple potential starting points. In this work, we present Quasi-Global Search Optics (QGSO) to automatically design compound lens based computational imaging systems through two parts: (i) Fused Optimization Method for Automatic Optical Design (OptiFusion), which searches for diverse initial optical systems under certain design specifications; and (ii) Efficient Physic-aware Joint Optimization (EPJO), which conducts parallel joint optimization of initial optical systems and image reconstruction networks with the consideration of physical constraints, culminating in the selection of the optimal solution in all search results. Extensive experimental results illustrate that QGSO serves as a transformative end-to-end lens design paradigm for superior global search ability, which automatically provides compound lens based computational imaging systems with higher imaging quality compared to existing paradigms. The source code will be made publicly available at
comment: Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging (TCI). The source code will be made publicly available at
♻ ☆ Stability analysis through folds: An end-loaded elastic with a lever arm
Many physical systems can be modelled as parameter-dependent variational problems. The associated equilibria may or may not exist realistically and can only be determined after examining their stability. Hence, it is crucial to determine the stability and track their transitions. Generally, the stability characteristics of the equilibria change near folds in the parameter space. The direction of stability changes is embedded in a specific projection of the solutions, known as distinguished bifurcation diagrams. In this article, we identify such projections for variational problems characterized by fixed-free ends -- a class of problems frequently encountered in mechanics. Using these diagrams, we study an Elastica subject to an end load applied through a rigid lever arm. Several instances of snap-back instability are reported, along with their dependence on system parameters through numerical examples. These findings have potential applications in the design of soft robot arms and other actuator designs.
comment: 20 pages, 12 figures
♻ ☆ Hierarchical Equivariant Policy via Frame Transfer
Recent advances in hierarchical policy learning highlight the advantages of decomposing systems into high-level and low-level agents, enabling efficient long-horizon reasoning and precise fine-grained control. However, the interface between these hierarchy levels remains underexplored, and existing hierarchical methods often ignore domain symmetry, resulting in the need for extensive demonstrations to achieve robust performance. To address these issues, we propose Hierarchical Equivariant Policy (HEP), a novel hierarchical policy framework. We propose a frame transfer interface for hierarchical policy learning, which uses the high-level agent's output as a coordinate frame for the low-level agent, providing a strong inductive bias while retaining flexibility. Additionally, we integrate domain symmetries into both levels and theoretically demonstrate the system's overall equivariance. HEP achieves state-of-the-art performance in complex robotic manipulation tasks, demonstrating significant improvements in both simulation and real-world settings.
Vision 100
☆ ELIP: Enhanced Visual-Language Foundation Models for Image Retrieval
The objective in this paper is to improve the performance of text-to-image retrieval. To this end, we introduce a new framework that can boost the performance of large-scale pre-trained vision-language models, so that they can be used for text-to-image re-ranking. The approach, Enhanced Language-Image Pre-training (ELIP), uses the text query to predict a set of visual prompts to condition the ViT image encoding. ELIP can easily be applied to the commonly used CLIP/SigLIP and the state-of-the-art BLIP-2 architectures. To train the architecture with limited computing resources, we develop a 'student friendly' best practice involving global hard sample mining, and selection and curation of a large-scale dataset. On the evaluation side, we set up two new out-of-distribution benchmarks, Occluded COCO and ImageNet-R, to assess the zero-shot generalisation of the models to different domains. Benefiting from the novel architecture and data curation, experiments show our enhanced network significantly boosts CLIP/SigLIP performance and outperforms the state-of-the-art BLIP-2 model on text-to-image retrieval.
☆ One-step Diffusion Models with $f$-Divergence Distribution Matching
Sampling from diffusion models involves a slow iterative process that hinders their practical deployment, especially for interactive applications. To accelerate generation speed, recent approaches distill a multi-step diffusion model into a single-step student generator via variational score distillation, which matches the distribution of samples generated by the student to the teacher's distribution. However, these approaches use the reverse Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence for distribution matching which is known to be mode seeking. In this paper, we generalize the distribution matching approach using a novel $f$-divergence minimization framework, termed $f$-distill, that covers different divergences with different trade-offs in terms of mode coverage and training variance. We derive the gradient of the $f$-divergence between the teacher and student distributions and show that it is expressed as the product of their score differences and a weighting function determined by their density ratio. This weighting function naturally emphasizes samples with higher density in the teacher distribution, when using a less mode-seeking divergence. We observe that the popular variational score distillation approach using the reverse-KL divergence is a special case within our framework. Empirically, we demonstrate that alternative $f$-divergences, such as forward-KL and Jensen-Shannon divergences, outperform the current best variational score distillation methods across image generation tasks. In particular, when using Jensen-Shannon divergence, $f$-distill achieves current state-of-the-art one-step generation performance on ImageNet64 and zero-shot text-to-image generation on MS-COCO. Project page:
☆ BOSS: Benchmark for Observation Space Shift in Long-Horizon Task
Robotics has long sought to develop visual-servoing robots capable of completing previously unseen long-horizon tasks. Hierarchical approaches offer a pathway for achieving this goal by executing skill combinations arranged by a task planner, with each visuomotor skill pre-trained using a specific imitation learning (IL) algorithm. However, even in simple long-horizon tasks like skill chaining, hierarchical approaches often struggle due to a problem we identify as Observation Space Shift (OSS), where the sequential execution of preceding skills causes shifts in the observation space, disrupting the performance of subsequent individually trained skill policies. To validate OSS and evaluate its impact on long-horizon tasks, we introduce BOSS (a Benchmark for Observation Space Shift). BOSS comprises three distinct challenges: "Single Predicate Shift", "Accumulated Predicate Shift", and "Skill Chaining", each designed to assess a different aspect of OSS's negative effect. We evaluated several recent popular IL algorithms on BOSS, including three Behavioral Cloning methods and the Visual Language Action model OpenVLA. Even on the simplest challenge, we observed average performance drops of 67%, 35%, 34%, and 54%, respectively, when comparing skill performance with and without OSS. Additionally, we investigate a potential solution to OSS that scales up the training data for each skill with a larger and more visually diverse set of demonstrations, with our results showing it is not sufficient to resolve OSS. The project page is:
☆ VaViM and VaVAM: Autonomous Driving through Video Generative Modeling
We explore the potential of large-scale generative video models for autonomous driving, introducing an open-source auto-regressive video model (VaViM) and its companion video-action model (VaVAM) to investigate how video pre-training transfers to real-world driving. VaViM is a simple auto-regressive video model that predicts frames using spatio-temporal token sequences. We show that it captures the semantics and dynamics of driving scenes. VaVAM, the video-action model, leverages the learned representations of VaViM to generate driving trajectories through imitation learning. Together, the models form a complete perception-to-action pipeline. We evaluate our models in open- and closed-loop driving scenarios, revealing that video-based pre-training holds promise for autonomous driving. Key insights include the semantic richness of the learned representations, the benefits of scaling for video synthesis, and the complex relationship between model size, data, and safety metrics in closed-loop evaluations. We release code and model weights at
comment: Code and model:, project page:
☆ Logit Disagreement: OoD Detection with Bayesian Neural Networks ECCV 2024
Bayesian neural networks (BNNs), which estimate the full posterior distribution over model parameters, are well-known for their role in uncertainty quantification and its promising application in out-of-distribution detection (OoD). Amongst other uncertainty measures, BNNs provide a state-of-the art estimation of predictive entropy (total uncertainty) which can be decomposed as the sum of mutual information and expected entropy. In the context of OoD detection the estimation of predictive uncertainty in the form of the predictive entropy score confounds aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty, the latter being hypothesized to be high for OoD points. Despite these justifications, the mutual information score has been shown to perform worse than predictive entropy. Taking inspiration from Bayesian variational autoencoder (BVAE) literature, this work proposes to measure the disagreement between a corrected version of the pre-softmax quantities, otherwise known as logits, as an estimate of epistemic uncertainty for Bayesian NNs under mean field variational inference. The three proposed epistemic uncertainty scores demonstrate marked improvements over mutual information on a range of OoD experiments, with equal performance otherwise. Moreover, the epistemic uncertainty scores perform on par with the Bayesian benchmark predictive entropy on a range of MNIST and CIFAR10 experiments.
comment: Presented at ECCV 2024 Workshop: 3rd Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification for Computer Vision
Para-Lane: Multi-Lane Dataset Registering Parallel Scans for Benchmarking Novel View Synthesis
To evaluate end-to-end autonomous driving systems, a simulation environment based on Novel View Synthesis (NVS) techniques is essential, which synthesizes photo-realistic images and point clouds from previously recorded sequences under new vehicle poses, particularly in cross-lane scenarios. Therefore, the development of a multi-lane dataset and benchmark is necessary. While recent synthetic scene-based NVS datasets have been prepared for cross-lane benchmarking, they still lack the realism of captured images and point clouds. To further assess the performance of existing methods based on NeRF and 3DGS, we present the first multi-lane dataset registering parallel scans specifically for novel driving view synthesis dataset derived from real-world scans, comprising 25 groups of associated sequences, including 16,000 front-view images, 64,000 surround-view images, and 16,000 LiDAR frames. All frames are labeled to differentiate moving objects from static elements. Using this dataset, we evaluate the performance of existing approaches in various testing scenarios at different lanes and distances. Additionally, our method provides the solution for solving and assessing the quality of multi-sensor poses for multi-modal data alignment for curating such a dataset in real-world. We plan to continually add new sequences to test the generalization of existing methods across different scenarios. The dataset is released publicly at the project page:
☆ RGB-Only Gaussian Splatting SLAM for Unbounded Outdoor Scenes ICRA 2025
3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has become a popular solution in SLAM, as it can produce high-fidelity novel views. However, previous GS-based methods primarily target indoor scenes and rely on RGB-D sensors or pre-trained depth estimation models, hence underperforming in outdoor scenarios. To address this issue, we propose a RGB-only gaussian splatting SLAM method for unbounded outdoor scenes--OpenGS-SLAM. Technically, we first employ a pointmap regression network to generate consistent pointmaps between frames for pose estimation. Compared to commonly used depth maps, pointmaps include spatial relationships and scene geometry across multiple views, enabling robust camera pose estimation. Then, we propose integrating the estimated camera poses with 3DGS rendering as an end-to-end differentiable pipeline. Our method achieves simultaneous optimization of camera poses and 3DGS scene parameters, significantly enhancing system tracking accuracy. Specifically, we also design an adaptive scale mapper for the pointmap regression network, which provides more accurate pointmap mapping to the 3DGS map representation. Our experiments on the Waymo dataset demonstrate that OpenGS-SLAM reduces tracking error to 9.8\% of previous 3DGS methods, and achieves state-of-the-art results in novel view synthesis. Project Page:
comment: ICRA 2025
☆ Continual Person Identification using Footstep-Induced Floor Vibrations on Heterogeneous Floor Structures
Person identification is important for smart buildings to provide personalized services such as health monitoring, activity tracking, and personnel management. However, previous person identification relies on pre-collected data from everyone, which is impractical in many buildings and public facilities in which visitors are typically expected. This calls for a continual person identification system that gradually learns people's identities on the fly. Existing studies use cameras to achieve this goal, but they require direct line-of-sight and also have raised privacy concerns in public. Other modalities such as wearables and pressure mats are limited by the requirement of device-carrying or dense deployment. Thus, prior studies introduced footstep-induced structural vibration sensing, which is non-intrusive and perceived as more privacy-friendly. However, this approach has a significant challenge: the high variability of vibration data due to structural heterogeneity and human gait variations, which makes online person identification algorithms perform poorly. In this paper, we characterize the variability in footstep-induced structural vibration data for accurate online person identification. To achieve this, we quantify and decompose different sources of variability and then design a feature transformation function to reduce the variability within each person's data to make different people's data more separable. We evaluate our approach through field experiments with 20 people. The results show a 70% variability reduction and a 90% accuracy for online person identification.
☆ WorldCraft: Photo-Realistic 3D World Creation and Customization via LLM Agents
Constructing photorealistic virtual worlds has applications across various fields, but it often requires the extensive labor of highly trained professionals to operate conventional 3D modeling software. To democratize this process, we introduce WorldCraft, a system where large language model (LLM) agents leverage procedural generation to create indoor and outdoor scenes populated with objects, allowing users to control individual object attributes and the scene layout using intuitive natural language commands. In our framework, a coordinator agent manages the overall process and works with two specialized LLM agents to complete the scene creation: ForgeIt, which integrates an ever-growing manual through auto-verification to enable precise customization of individual objects, and ArrangeIt, which formulates hierarchical optimization problems to achieve a layout that balances ergonomic and aesthetic considerations. Additionally, our pipeline incorporates a trajectory control agent, allowing users to animate the scene and operate the camera through natural language interactions. Our system is also compatible with off-the-shelf deep 3D generators to enrich scene assets. Through evaluations and comparisons with state-of-the-art methods, we demonstrate the versatility of WorldCraft, ranging from single-object customization to intricate, large-scale interior and exterior scene designs. This system empowers non-professionals to bring their creative visions to life.
☆ Bridging vision language model (VLM) evaluation gaps with a framework for scalable and cost-effective benchmark generation
Reliable evaluation of AI models is critical for scientific progress and practical application. While existing VLM benchmarks provide general insights into model capabilities, their heterogeneous designs and limited focus on a few imaging domains pose significant challenges for both cross-domain performance comparison and targeted domain-specific evaluation. To address this, we propose three key contributions: (1) a framework for the resource-efficient creation of domain-specific VLM benchmarks enabled by task augmentation for creating multiple diverse tasks from a single existing task, (2) the release of new VLM benchmarks for seven domains, created according to the same homogeneous protocol and including 162,946 thoroughly human-validated answers, and (3) an extensive benchmarking of 22 state-of-the-art VLMs on a total of 37,171 tasks, revealing performance variances across domains and tasks, thereby supporting the need for tailored VLM benchmarks. Adoption of our methodology will pave the way for the resource-efficient domain-specific selection of models and guide future research efforts toward addressing core open questions.
☆ Estimating Vehicle Speed on Roadways Using RNNs and Transformers: A Video-based Approach
This project explores the application of advanced machine learning models, specifically Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Gated Recurrent Units (GRU), and Transformers, to the task of vehicle speed estimation using video data. Traditional methods of speed estimation, such as radar and manual systems, are often constrained by high costs, limited coverage, and potential disruptions. In contrast, leveraging existing surveillance infrastructure and cutting-edge neural network architectures presents a non-intrusive, scalable solution. Our approach utilizes LSTM and GRU to effectively manage long-term dependencies within the temporal sequence of video frames, while Transformers are employed to harness their self-attention mechanisms, enabling the processing of entire sequences in parallel and focusing on the most informative segments of the data. This study demonstrates that both LSTM and GRU outperform basic Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) due to their advanced gating mechanisms. Furthermore, increasing the sequence length of input data consistently improves model accuracy, highlighting the importance of contextual information in dynamic environments. Transformers, in particular, show exceptional adaptability and robustness across varied sequence lengths and complexities, making them highly suitable for real-time applications in diverse traffic conditions. The findings suggest that integrating these sophisticated neural network models can significantly enhance the accuracy and reliability of automated speed detection systems, thus promising to revolutionize traffic management and road safety.
☆ Depth-aware Fusion Method based on Image and 4D Radar Spectrum for 3D Object Detection
Safety and reliability are crucial for the public acceptance of autonomous driving. To ensure accurate and reliable environmental perception, intelligent vehicles must exhibit accuracy and robustness in various environments. Millimeter-wave radar, known for its high penetration capability, can operate effectively in adverse weather conditions such as rain, snow, and fog. Traditional 3D millimeter-wave radars can only provide range, Doppler, and azimuth information for objects. Although the recent emergence of 4D millimeter-wave radars has added elevation resolution, the radar point clouds remain sparse due to Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) operations. In contrast, cameras offer rich semantic details but are sensitive to lighting and weather conditions. Hence, this paper leverages these two highly complementary and cost-effective sensors, 4D millimeter-wave radar and camera. By integrating 4D radar spectra with depth-aware camera images and employing attention mechanisms, we fuse texture-rich images with depth-rich radar data in the Bird's Eye View (BEV) perspective, enhancing 3D object detection. Additionally, we propose using GAN-based networks to generate depth images from radar spectra in the absence of depth sensors, further improving detection accuracy.
☆ Q-PETR: Quant-aware Position Embedding Transformation for Multi-View 3D Object Detection
PETR-based methods have dominated benchmarks in 3D perception and are increasingly becoming a key component in modern autonomous driving systems. However, their quantization performance significantly degrades when INT8 inference is required, with a degradation of 58.2% in mAP and 36.9% in NDS on the NuScenes dataset. To address this issue, we propose a quantization-aware position embedding transformation for multi-view 3D object detection, termed Q-PETR. Q-PETR offers a quantizationfriendly and deployment-friendly architecture while preserving the original performance of PETR. It substantially narrows the accuracy gap between INT8 and FP32 inference for PETR-series methods. Without bells and whistles, our approach reduces the mAP and NDS drop to within 1% under standard 8-bit per-tensor post-training quantization. Furthermore, our method exceeds the performance of the original PETR in terms of floating-point precision. Extensive experiments across a variety of PETR-series models demonstrate its broad generalization.
☆ Confidence-Based Annotation Of Brain Tumours In Ultrasound
Purpose: An investigation of the challenge of annotating discrete segmentations of brain tumours in ultrasound, with a focus on the issue of aleatoric uncertainty along the tumour margin, particularly for diffuse tumours. A segmentation protocol and method is proposed that incorporates this margin-related uncertainty while minimising the interobserver variance through reduced subjectivity, thereby diminishing annotator epistemic uncertainty. Approach: A sparse confidence method for annotation is proposed, based on a protocol designed using computer vision and radiology theory. Results: Output annotations using the proposed method are compared with the corresponding professional discrete annotation variance between the observers. A linear relationship was measured within the tumour margin region, with a Pearson correlation of 0.8. The downstream application was explored, comparing training using confidence annotations as soft labels with using the best discrete annotations as hard labels. In all evaluation folds, the Brier score was superior for the soft-label trained network. Conclusion: A formal framework was constructed to demonstrate the infeasibility of discrete annotation of brain tumours in B-mode ultrasound. Subsequently, a method for sparse confidence-based annotation is proposed and evaluated. Keywords: Brain tumours, ultrasound, confidence, annotation.
On Neural BRDFs: A Thorough Comparison of State-of-the-Art Approaches WACV
The bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) is an essential tool to capture the complex interaction of light and matter. Recently, several works have employed neural methods for BRDF modeling, following various strategies, ranging from utilizing existing parametric models to purely neural parametrizations. While all methods yield impressive results, a comprehensive comparison of the different approaches is missing in the literature. In this work, we present a thorough evaluation of several approaches, including results for qualitative and quantitative reconstruction quality and an analysis of reciprocity and energy conservation. Moreover, we propose two extensions that can be added to existing approaches: A novel additive combination strategy for neural BRDFs that split the reflectance into a diffuse and a specular part, and an input mapping that ensures reciprocity exactly by construction, while previous approaches only ensure it by soft constraints.
comment: Published in IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2025
☆ CondiQuant: Condition Number Based Low-Bit Quantization for Image Super-Resolution
Low-bit model quantization for image super-resolution (SR) is a longstanding task that is renowned for its surprising compression and acceleration ability. However, accuracy degradation is inevitable when compressing the full-precision (FP) model to ultra-low bit widths (2~4 bits). Experimentally, we observe that the degradation of quantization is mainly attributed to the quantization of activation instead of model weights. In numerical analysis, the condition number of weights could measure how much the output value can change for a small change in the input argument, inherently reflecting the quantization error. Therefore, we propose CondiQuant, a condition number based low-bit post-training quantization for image super-resolution. Specifically, we formulate the quantization error as the condition number of weight metrics. By decoupling the representation ability and the quantization sensitivity, we design an efficient proximal gradient descent algorithm to iteratively minimize the condition number and maintain the output still. With comprehensive experiments, we demonstrate that CondiQuant outperforms existing state-of-the-art post-training quantization methods in accuracy without computation overhead and gains the theoretically optimal compression ratio in model parameters. Our code and model are released at
comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Code and models are released at
☆ Aligning Task- and Reconstruction-Oriented Communications for Edge Intelligence
Existing communication systems aim to reconstruct the information at the receiver side, and are known as reconstruction-oriented communications. This approach often falls short in meeting the real-time, task-specific demands of modern AI-driven applications such as autonomous driving and semantic segmentation. As a new design principle, task-oriented communications have been developed. However, it typically requires joint optimization of encoder, decoder, and modified inference neural networks, resulting in extensive cross-system redesigns and compatibility issues. This paper proposes a novel communication framework that aligns reconstruction-oriented and task-oriented communications for edge intelligence. The idea is to extend the Information Bottleneck (IB) theory to optimize data transmission by minimizing task-relevant loss function, while maintaining the structure of the original data by an information reshaper. Such an approach integrates task-oriented communications with reconstruction-oriented communications, where a variational approach is designed to handle the intractability of mutual information in high-dimensional neural network features. We also introduce a joint source-channel coding (JSCC) modulation scheme compatible with classical modulation techniques, enabling the deployment of AI technologies within existing digital infrastructures. The proposed framework is particularly effective in edge-based autonomous driving scenarios. Our evaluation in the Car Learning to Act (CARLA) simulator demonstrates that the proposed framework significantly reduces bits per service by 99.19% compared to existing methods, such as JPEG, JPEG2000, and BPG, without compromising the effectiveness of task execution.
comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC)
☆ Game State and Spatio-temporal Action Detection in Soccer using Graph Neural Networks and 3D Convolutional Networks
Soccer analytics rely on two data sources: the player positions on the pitch and the sequences of events they perform. With around 2000 ball events per game, their precise and exhaustive annotation based on a monocular video stream remains a tedious and costly manual task. While state-of-the-art spatio-temporal action detection methods show promise for automating this task, they lack contextual understanding of the game. Assuming professional players' behaviors are interdependent, we hypothesize that incorporating surrounding players' information such as positions, velocity and team membership can enhance purely visual predictions. We propose a spatio-temporal action detection approach that combines visual and game state information via Graph Neural Networks trained end-to-end with state-of-the-art 3D CNNs, demonstrating improved metrics through game state integration.
☆ Memory Helps, but Confabulation Misleads: Understanding Streaming Events in Videos with MLLMs
Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have demonstrated strong performance in understanding videos holistically, yet their ability to process streaming videos-videos are treated as a sequence of visual events-remains underexplored. Intuitively, leveraging past events as memory can enrich contextual and temporal understanding of the current event. In this paper, we show that leveraging memories as contexts helps MLLMs better understand video events. However, because such memories rely on predictions of preceding events, they may contain misinformation, leading to confabulation and degraded performance. To address this, we propose a confabulation-aware memory modification method that mitigates confabulated memory for memory-enhanced event understanding.
comment: Short paper (5 pages)
☆ MVIP -- A Dataset and Methods for Application Oriented Multi-View and Multi-Modal Industrial Part Recognition
We present MVIP, a novel dataset for multi-modal and multi-view application-oriented industrial part recognition. Here we are the first to combine a calibrated RGBD multi-view dataset with additional object context such as physical properties, natural language, and super-classes. The current portfolio of available datasets offers a wide range of representations to design and benchmark related methods. In contrast to existing classification challenges, industrial recognition applications offer controlled multi-modal environments but at the same time have different problems than traditional 2D/3D classification challenges. Frequently, industrial applications must deal with a small amount or increased number of training data, visually similar parts, and varying object sizes, while requiring a robust near 100% top 5 accuracy under cost and time constraints. Current methods tackle such challenges individually, but direct adoption of these methods within industrial applications is complex and requires further research. Our main goal with MVIP is to study and push transferability of various state-of-the-art methods within related downstream tasks towards an efficient deployment of industrial classifiers. Additionally, we intend to push with MVIP research regarding several modality fusion topics, (automated) synthetic data generation, and complex data sampling -- combined in a single application-oriented benchmark.
comment: Accepted to IMPROVE 2025
☆ LEAP: Enhancing Vision-Based Occupancy Networks with Lightweight Spatio-Temporal Correlation
Vision-based occupancy networks provide an end-to-end solution for reconstructing the surrounding environment using semantic occupied voxels derived from multi-view images. This technique relies on effectively learning the correlation between pixel-level visual information and voxels. Despite recent advancements, occupancy results still suffer from limited accuracy due to occlusions and sparse visual cues. To address this, we propose a Lightweight Spatio-Temporal Correlation (LEAP)} method, which significantly enhances the performance of existing occupancy networks with minimal computational overhead. LEAP can be seamlessly integrated into various baseline networks, enabling a plug-and-play application. LEAP operates in three stages: 1) it tokenizes information from recent baseline and motion features into a shared, compact latent space; 2) it establishes full correlation through a tri-stream fusion architecture; 3) it generates occupancy results that strengthen the baseline's output. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our method, outperforming the latest baseline models. The source code and several demos are available in the supplementary material.
☆ Anatomy-Informed Deep Learning and Radiomics for Automated Neurofibroma Segmentation in Whole-Body MRI
Neurofibromatosis Type 1 is a genetic disorder characterized by the development of neurofibromas (NFs), which exhibit significant variability in size, morphology, and anatomical location. Accurate and automated segmentation of these tumors in whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (WB-MRI) is crucial to assess tumor burden and monitor disease progression. In this study, we present and analyze a fully automated pipeline for NF segmentation in fat-suppressed T2-weighted WB-MRI, consisting of three stages: anatomy segmentation, NF segmentation, and tumor candidate classification. In the first stage, we use the MRSegmentator model to generate an anatomy segmentation mask, extended with a high-risk zone for NFs. This mask is concatenated with the input image as anatomical context information for NF segmentation. The second stage employs an ensemble of 3D anisotropic anatomy-informed U-Nets to produce an NF segmentation confidence mask. In the final stage, tumor candidates are extracted from the confidence mask and classified based on radiomic features, distinguishing tumors from non-tumor regions and reducing false positives. We evaluate the proposed pipeline on three test sets representing different conditions: in-domain data (test set 1), varying imaging protocols and field strength (test set 2), and low tumor burden cases (test set 3). Experimental results show a 68% improvement in per-scan Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC), a 21% increase in per-tumor DSC, and a two-fold improvement in F1 score for tumor detection in high tumor burden cases by integrating anatomy information. The method is integrated into the 3D Slicer platform for practical clinical use, with the code publicly accessible.
☆ Evaluating Multimodal Generative AI with Korean Educational Standards NAACL 2025
This paper presents the Korean National Educational Test Benchmark (KoNET), a new benchmark designed to evaluate Multimodal Generative AI Systems using Korean national educational tests. KoNET comprises four exams: the Korean Elementary General Educational Development Test (KoEGED), Middle (KoMGED), High (KoHGED), and College Scholastic Ability Test (KoCSAT). These exams are renowned for their rigorous standards and diverse questions, facilitating a comprehensive analysis of AI performance across different educational levels. By focusing on Korean, KoNET provides insights into model performance in less-explored languages. We assess a range of models - open-source, open-access, and closed APIs - by examining difficulties, subject diversity, and human error rates. The code and dataset builder will be made fully open-sourced at
comment: 18 pages; To appear at NAACL 2025 Main Conference (Project page: )
☆ Enhancing Vehicle Make and Model Recognition with 3D Attention Modules
Vehicle make and model recognition (VMMR) is a crucial component of the Intelligent Transport System, garnering significant attention in recent years. VMMR has been widely utilized for detecting suspicious vehicles, monitoring urban traffic, and autonomous driving systems. The complexity of VMMR arises from the subtle visual distinctions among vehicle models and the wide variety of classes produced by manufacturers. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), a prominent type of deep learning model, have been extensively employed in various computer vision tasks, including VMMR, yielding remarkable results. As VMMR is a fine-grained classification problem, it primarily faces inter-class similarity and intra-class variation challenges. In this study, we implement an attention module to address these challenges and enhance the model's focus on critical areas containing distinguishing features. This module, which does not increase the parameters of the original model, generates three-dimensional (3-D) attention weights to refine the feature map. Our proposed model integrates the attention module into two different locations within the middle section of a convolutional model, where the feature maps from these sections offer sufficient information about the input frames without being overly detailed or overly coarse. The performance of our proposed model, along with state-of-the-art (SOTA) convolutional and transformer-based models, was evaluated using the Stanford Cars dataset. Our proposed model achieved the highest accuracy, 90.69\%, among the compared models.
☆ LongCaptioning: Unlocking the Power of Long Caption Generation in Large Multimodal Models
Large multimodal models (LMMs) have shown remarkable performance in video understanding tasks and can even process videos longer than one hour. However, despite their ability to handle long inputs, generating outputs with corresponding levels of richness remains a challenge. In this paper, we explore the issue of long outputs in LMMs using video captioning as a proxy task, and we find that open-source LMMs struggle to consistently generate outputs exceeding about 300 words. Through controlled experiments, we find that the scarcity of paired examples with long-captions during training is the primary factor limiting the model's output length. However, manually annotating long-caption examples is time-consuming and expensive. To address this, we propose the LongCaption-Agent, a framework that synthesizes long caption data by aggregating multi-level descriptions. Using LongCaption-Agent, we curated a new long-caption dataset, LongCaption-10K. We also develop LongCaption-Bench, a benchmark designed to comprehensively evaluate the quality of long captions generated by LMMs. By incorporating LongCaption-10K into training, we enable LMMs to generate captions exceeding 1,000 words, while maintaining high output quality. In LongCaption-Bench, our 8B parameter model achieved state-of-the-art performance, even surpassing larger proprietary models. We will release the dataset and code after publication.
☆ Chitrarth: Bridging Vision and Language for a Billion People
Recent multimodal foundation models are primarily trained on English or high resource European language data, which hinders their applicability to other medium and low-resource languages. To address this limitation, we introduce Chitrarth (Chitra: Image; Artha: Meaning), an inclusive Vision-Language Model (VLM), specifically targeting the rich linguistic diversity and visual reasoning across 10 prominent Indian languages. Our model effectively integrates a state-of-the-art (SOTA) multilingual Large Language Model (LLM) with a vision module, primarily trained on multilingual image-text data. Furthermore, we also introduce BharatBench, a comprehensive framework for evaluating VLMs across various Indian languages, ultimately contributing to more diverse and effective AI systems. Our model achieves SOTA results for benchmarks across low resource languages while retaining its efficiency in English. Through our research, we aim to set new benchmarks in multilingual-multimodal capabilities, offering substantial improvements over existing models and establishing a foundation to facilitate future advancements in this arena.
☆ The Role of Background Information in Reducing Object Hallucination in Vision-Language Models: Insights from Cutoff API Prompting
Vision-Language Models (VLMs) occasionally generate outputs that contradict input images, constraining their reliability in real-world applications. While visual prompting is reported to suppress hallucinations by augmenting prompts with relevant area inside an image, the effectiveness in terms of the area remains uncertain. This study analyzes success and failure cases of Attention-driven visual prompting in object hallucination, revealing that preserving background context is crucial for mitigating object hallucination.
comment: Under review
☆ MOVE: A Mixture-of-Vision-Encoders Approach for Domain-Focused Vision-Language Processing
Multimodal language models (MLMs) integrate visual and textual information by coupling a vision encoder with a large language model through the specific adapter. While existing approaches commonly rely on a single pre-trained vision encoder, there is a great variability of specialized encoders that can boost model's performance in distinct domains. In this work, we propose MOVE (Mixture of Vision Encoders) a simple yet effective approach to leverage multiple pre-trained encoders for specialized multimodal tasks. MOVE automatically routes inputs to the most appropriate encoder among candidates such as Unichat, InternViT, and Texify, thereby enhancing performance across a diverse set of benchmarks, including ChartQA, MMBench, and MMMU. Experimental results demonstrate that MOVE achieves competitive accuracy without incurring the complexities of image slicing for high-resolution images.
comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables
☆ Weakly Supervised Video Scene Graph Generation via Natural Language Supervision ICLR 2025
Existing Video Scene Graph Generation (VidSGG) studies are trained in a fully supervised manner, which requires all frames in a video to be annotated, thereby incurring high annotation cost compared to Image Scene Graph Generation (ImgSGG). Although the annotation cost of VidSGG can be alleviated by adopting a weakly supervised approach commonly used for ImgSGG (WS-ImgSGG) that uses image captions, there are two key reasons that hinder such a naive adoption: 1) Temporality within video captions, i.e., unlike image captions, video captions include temporal markers (e.g., before, while, then, after) that indicate time related details, and 2) Variability in action duration, i.e., unlike human actions in image captions, human actions in video captions unfold over varying duration. To address these issues, we propose a Natural Language-based Video Scene Graph Generation (NL-VSGG) framework that only utilizes the readily available video captions for training a VidSGG model. NL-VSGG consists of two key modules: Temporality-aware Caption Segmentation (TCS) module and Action Duration Variability-aware caption-frame alignment (ADV) module. Specifically, TCS segments the video captions into multiple sentences in a temporal order based on a Large Language Model (LLM), and ADV aligns each segmented sentence with appropriate frames considering the variability in action duration. Our approach leads to a significant enhancement in performance compared to simply applying the WS-ImgSGG pipeline to VidSGG on the Action Genome dataset. As a further benefit of utilizing the video captions as weak supervision, we show that the VidSGG model trained by NL-VSGG is able to predict a broader range of action classes that are not included in the training data, which makes our framework practical in reality.
comment: 10 pages, ICLR 2025
☆ M2LADS Demo: A System for Generating Multimodal Learning Analytics Dashboards AAAI 2025
We present a demonstration of a web-based system called M2LADS ("System for Generating Multimodal Learning Analytics Dashboards"), designed to integrate, synchronize, visualize, and analyze multimodal data recorded during computer-based learning sessions with biosensors. This system presents a range of biometric and behavioral data on web-based dashboards, providing detailed insights into various physiological and activity-based metrics. The multimodal data visualized include electroencephalogram (EEG) data for assessing attention and brain activity, heart rate metrics, eye-tracking data to measure visual attention, webcam video recordings, and activity logs of the monitored tasks. M2LADS aims to assist data scientists in two key ways: (1) by providing a comprehensive view of participants' experiences, displaying all data categorized by the activities in which participants are engaged, and (2) by synchronizing all biosignals and videos, facilitating easier data relabeling if any activity information contains errors.
comment: Published in the Workshop on Innovation and Responsibility in AI-Supported Education (iRAISE25) at AAAI 2025
☆ PFSD: A Multi-Modal Pedestrian-Focus Scene Dataset for Rich Tasks in Semi-Structured Environments
Recent advancements in autonomous driving perception have revealed exceptional capabilities within structured environments dominated by vehicular traffic. However, current perception models exhibit significant limitations in semi-structured environments, where dynamic pedestrians with more diverse irregular movement and occlusion prevail. We attribute this shortcoming to the scarcity of high-quality datasets in semi-structured scenes, particularly concerning pedestrian perception and prediction. In this work, we present the multi-modal Pedestrian-Focused Scene Dataset(PFSD), rigorously annotated in semi-structured scenes with the format of nuScenes. PFSD provides comprehensive multi-modal data annotations with point cloud segmentation, detection, and object IDs for tracking. It encompasses over 130,000 pedestrian instances captured across various scenarios with varying densities, movement patterns, and occlusions. Furthermore, to demonstrate the importance of addressing the challenges posed by more diverse and complex semi-structured environments, we propose a novel Hybrid Multi-Scale Fusion Network (HMFN). Specifically, to detect pedestrians in densely populated and occluded scenarios, our method effectively captures and fuses multi-scale features using a meticulously designed hybrid framework that integrates sparse and vanilla convolutions. Extensive experiments on PFSD demonstrate that HMFN attains improvement in mean Average Precision (mAP) over existing methods, thereby underscoring its efficacy in addressing the challenges of 3D pedestrian detection in complex semi-structured environments. Coding and benchmark are available.
SentiFormer: Metadata Enhanced Transformer for Image Sentiment Analysis
As more and more internet users post images online to express their daily emotions, image sentiment analysis has attracted increasing attention. Recently, researchers generally tend to design different neural networks to extract visual features from images for sentiment analysis. Despite the significant progress, metadata, the data (e.g., text descriptions and keyword tags) for describing the image, has not been sufficiently explored in this task. In this paper, we propose a novel Metadata Enhanced Transformer for sentiment analysis (SentiFormer) to fuse multiple metadata and the corresponding image into a unified framework. Specifically, we first obtain multiple metadata of the image and unify the representations of diverse data. To adaptively learn the appropriate weights for each metadata, we then design an adaptive relevance learning module to highlight more effective information while suppressing weaker ones. Moreover, we further develop a cross-modal fusion module to fuse the adaptively learned representations and make the final prediction. Extensive experiments on three publicly available datasets demonstrate the superiority and rationality of our proposed method.
☆ Research advances on fish feeding behavior recognition and intensity quantification methods in aquaculture
As a key part of aquaculture management, fish feeding behavior recognition and intensity quantification has been a hot area of great concern to researchers, and it plays a crucial role in monitoring fish health, guiding baiting work and improving aquaculture efficiency. In order to better carry out the related work in the future, this paper firstly reviews the research advances of fish feeding behavior recognition and intensity quantification methods based on computer vision, acoustics and sensors in a single modality. Then the application of the current emerging multimodal fusion in fish feeding behavior recognition and intensity quantification methods is expounded. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of various techniques are compared and analyzed, and the future research directions are envisioned.
comment: 22 pages, 4 figures,
☆ Road Traffic Sign Recognition method using Siamese network Combining Efficient-CNN based Encoder
Traffic signs recognition (TSR) plays an essential role in assistant driving and intelligent transportation system. However, the noise of complex environment may lead to motion-blur or occlusion problems, which raise the tough challenge to real-time recognition with high accuracy and robust. In this article, we propose IECES-network which with improved encoders and Siamese net. The three-stage approach of our method includes Efficient-CNN based encoders, Siamese backbone and the fully-connected layers. We firstly use convolutional encoders to extract and encode the traffic sign features of augmented training samples and standard images. Then, we design the Siamese neural network with Efficient-CNN based encoder and contrastive loss function, which can be trained to improve the robustness of TSR problem when facing the samples of motion-blur and occlusion by computing the distance between inputs and templates. Additionally, the template branch of the proposed network can be stopped when executing the recognition tasks after training to raise the process speed of our real-time model, and alleviate the computational resource and parameter scale. Finally, we recombined the feature code and a fully-connected layer with SoftMax function to classify the codes of samples and recognize the category of traffic signs. The results of experiments on the Tsinghua-Tencent 100K dataset and the German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark dataset demonstrate the performance of the proposed IECESnetwork. Compared with other state-of-the-art methods, in the case of motion-blur and occluded environment, the proposed method achieves competitive performance precision-recall and accuracy metric average is 88.1%, 86.43% and 86.1% with a 2.9M lightweight scale, respectively. Moreover, processing time of our model is 0.1s per frame, of which the speed is increased by 1.5 times compared with existing methods.
☆ A Novel Riemannian Sparse Representation Learning Network for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification
Deep learning is an effective end-to-end method for Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar(PolSAR) image classification, but it lacks the guidance of related mathematical principle and is essentially a black-box model. In addition, existing deep models learn features in Euclidean space, where PolSAR complex matrix is commonly converted into a complex-valued vector as the network input, distorting matrix structure and channel relationship. However, the complex covariance matrix is Hermitian positive definite (HPD), and resides on a Riemannian manifold instead of a Euclidean one. Existing methods cannot measure the geometric distance of HPD matrices and easily cause some misclassifications due to inappropriate Euclidean measures. To address these issues, we propose a novel Riemannian Sparse Representation Learning Network (SRSR CNN) for PolSAR images. Firstly, a superpixel-based Riemannian Sparse Representation (SRSR) model is designed to learn the sparse features with Riemannian metric. Then, the optimization procedure of the SRSR model is inferred and further unfolded into an SRSRnet, which can automatically learn the sparse coefficients and dictionary atoms. Furthermore, to learn contextual high-level features, a CNN-enhanced module is added to improve classification performance. The proposed network is a Sparse Representation (SR) guided deep learning model, which can directly utilize the covariance matrix as the network input, and utilize Riemannian metric to learn geometric structure and sparse features of complex matrices in Riemannian space. Experiments on three real PolSAR datasets demonstrate that the proposed method surpasses state-of-the-art techniques in ensuring accurate edge details and correct region homogeneity for classification.
comment: 13 pages, 9 figures
☆ Soybean pod and seed counting in both outdoor fields and indoor laboratories using unions of deep neural networks
Automatic counting soybean pods and seeds in outdoor fields allows for rapid yield estimation before harvesting, while indoor laboratory counting offers greater accuracy. Both methods can significantly accelerate the breeding process. However, it remains challenging for accurately counting pods and seeds in outdoor fields, and there are still no accurate enough tools for counting pods and seeds in laboratories. In this study, we developed efficient deep learning models for counting soybean pods and seeds in both outdoor fields and indoor laboratories. For outdoor fields, annotating not only visible seeds but also occluded seeds makes YOLO have the ability to estimate the number of soybean seeds that are occluded. Moreover, we enhanced YOLO architecture by integrating it with HQ-SAM (YOLO-SAM), and domain adaptation techniques (YOLO-DA), to improve model robustness and generalization across soybean images taken in outdoor fields. Testing on soybean images from the outdoor field, we achieved a mean absolute error (MAE) of 6.13 for pod counting and 10.05 for seed counting. For the indoor setting, we utilized Mask-RCNN supplemented with a Swin Transformer module (Mask-RCNN-Swin), models were trained exclusively on synthetic training images generated from a small set of labeled data. This approach resulted in near-perfect accuracy, with an MAE of 1.07 for pod counting and 1.33 for seed counting across actual laboratory images from two distinct studies.
☆ CopyJudge: Automated Copyright Infringement Identification and Mitigation in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
Assessing whether AI-generated images are substantially similar to copyrighted works is a crucial step in resolving copyright disputes. In this paper, we propose CopyJudge, an automated copyright infringement identification framework that leverages large vision-language models (LVLMs) to simulate practical court processes for determining substantial similarity between copyrighted images and those generated by text-to-image diffusion models. Specifically, we employ an abstraction-filtration-comparison test framework with multi-LVLM debate to assess the likelihood of infringement and provide detailed judgment rationales. Based on the judgments, we further introduce a general LVLM-based mitigation strategy that automatically optimizes infringing prompts by avoiding sensitive expressions while preserving the non-infringing content. Besides, our approach can be enhanced by exploring non-infringing noise vectors within the diffusion latent space via reinforcement learning, even without modifying the original prompts. Experimental results show that our identification method achieves comparable state-of-the-art performance, while offering superior generalization and interpretability across various forms of infringement, and that our mitigation method could more effectively mitigate memorization and IP infringement without losing non-infringing expressions.
comment: 17pages, 8 figures
☆ Omnidirectional Image Quality Captioning: A Large-scale Database and A New Model
The fast growing application of omnidirectional images calls for effective approaches for omnidirectional image quality assessment (OIQA). Existing OIQA methods have been developed and tested on homogeneously distorted omnidirectional images, but it is hard to transfer their success directly to the heterogeneously distorted omnidirectional images. In this paper, we conduct the largest study so far on OIQA, where we establish a large-scale database called OIQ-10K containing 10,000 omnidirectional images with both homogeneous and heterogeneous distortions. A comprehensive psychophysical study is elaborated to collect human opinions for each omnidirectional image, together with the spatial distributions (within local regions or globally) of distortions, and the head and eye movements of the subjects. Furthermore, we propose a novel multitask-derived adaptive feature-tailoring OIQA model named IQCaption360, which is capable of generating a quality caption for an omnidirectional image in a manner of textual template. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of IQCaption360, which outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin on the proposed OIQ-10K database. The OIQ-10K database and the related source codes are available at
☆ Quantum autoencoders for image classification
Classical machine learning often struggles with complex, high-dimensional data. Quantum machine learning offers a potential solution, promising more efficient processing. While the quantum convolutional neural network (QCNN), a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm, is suitable for current noisy intermediate-scale quantum-era hardware, its learning process relies heavily on classical computation. Future large-scale, gate-based quantum computers could unlock the full potential of quantum effects in machine learning. In contrast to QCNNs, quantum autoencoders (QAEs) leverage classical optimization solely for parameter tuning. Data compression and reconstruction are handled entirely within quantum circuits, enabling purely quantum-based feature extraction. This study introduces a novel image-classification approach using QAEs, achieving classification without requiring additional qubits compared with conventional QAE implementations. The quantum circuit structure significantly impacts classification accuracy. Unlike hybrid methods such as QCNN, QAE-based classification emphasizes quantum computation. Our experiments demonstrate high accuracy in a four-class classification task, evaluating various quantum-gate configurations to understand the impact of different parameterized quantum circuit (ansatz) structures on classification performance. Our results reveal that specific ansatz structures achieve superior accuracy, and we provide an analysis of their effectiveness. Moreover, the proposed approach achieves performance comparable to that of conventional machine-learning methods while significantly reducing the number of parameters requiring optimization. These findings indicate that QAEs can serve as efficient classification models with fewer parameters and highlight the potential of utilizing quantum circuits for complete end-to-end learning, a departure from hybrid approaches such as QCNN.
☆ SiMHand: Mining Similar Hands for Large-Scale 3D Hand Pose Pre-training ICLR 2025
We present a framework for pre-training of 3D hand pose estimation from in-the-wild hand images sharing with similar hand characteristics, dubbed SimHand. Pre-training with large-scale images achieves promising results in various tasks, but prior methods for 3D hand pose pre-training have not fully utilized the potential of diverse hand images accessible from in-the-wild videos. To facilitate scalable pre-training, we first prepare an extensive pool of hand images from in-the-wild videos and design our pre-training method with contrastive learning. Specifically, we collect over 2.0M hand images from recent human-centric videos, such as 100DOH and Ego4D. To extract discriminative information from these images, we focus on the similarity of hands: pairs of non-identical samples with similar hand poses. We then propose a novel contrastive learning method that embeds similar hand pairs closer in the feature space. Our method not only learns from similar samples but also adaptively weights the contrastive learning loss based on inter-sample distance, leading to additional performance gains. Our experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms conventional contrastive learning approaches that produce positive pairs sorely from a single image with data augmentation. We achieve significant improvements over the state-of-the-art method (PeCLR) in various datasets, with gains of 15% on FreiHand, 10% on DexYCB, and 4% on AssemblyHands. Our code is available at
comment: ICLR 2025. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2409.09714
☆ An ocean front detection and tracking algorithm
Ocean front is defined as the interface between different water masses and plays a vital role in the evolution of many physical phenomena. Previous detection methods are based on histogram, Lyapunov exponent, gradient and machine learning. These algorithms, however, introduce discontinuity, inaccuracy, use less information or just approaching traditional results. Moreover, automatic front tracking algrorithm is not open source in preceding studies. This paper foucuses on large-scale ocean fronts and proposes an automatic front detection and tracking algorithm based on Bayesian decision and metric space. In this, front merging, filling and ring deletion are put forward to enhance continuity. The distance between fronts in different days is firstly defined and is well-defined in metric space for functional analysis. These technologies can be migrated to other areas of computer vision such as edge detection and tracking.
AutoMR: A Universal Time Series Motion Recognition Pipeline
In this paper, we present an end-to-end automated motion recognition (AutoMR) pipeline designed for multimodal datasets. The proposed framework seamlessly integrates data preprocessing, model training, hyperparameter tuning, and evaluation, enabling robust performance across diverse scenarios. Our approach addresses two primary challenges: 1) variability in sensor data formats and parameters across datasets, which traditionally requires task-specific machine learning implementations, and 2) the complexity and time consumption of hyperparameter tuning for optimal model performance. Our library features an all-in-one solution incorporating QuartzNet as the core model, automated hyperparameter tuning, and comprehensive metrics tracking. Extensive experiments demonstrate its effectiveness on 10 diverse datasets, achieving state-of-the-art performance. This work lays a solid foundation for deploying motion-capture solutions across varied real-world applications.
comment: 5 figures
☆ Lung-DDPM: Semantic Layout-guided Diffusion Models for Thoracic CT Image Synthesis
With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), AI-assisted medical imaging analysis demonstrates remarkable performance in early lung cancer screening. However, the costly annotation process and privacy concerns limit the construction of large-scale medical datasets, hampering the further application of AI in healthcare. To address the data scarcity in lung cancer screening, we propose Lung-DDPM, a thoracic CT image synthesis approach that effectively generates high-fidelity 3D synthetic CT images, which prove helpful in downstream lung nodule segmentation tasks. Our method is based on semantic layout-guided denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPM), enabling anatomically reasonable, seamless, and consistent sample generation even from incomplete semantic layouts. Our results suggest that the proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art (SOTA) generative models in image quality evaluation and downstream lung nodule segmentation tasks. Specifically, Lung-DDPM achieved superior performance on our large validation cohort, with a Fr\'echet inception distance (FID) of 0.0047, maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) of 0.0070, and mean squared error (MSE) of 0.0024. These results were 7.4$\times$, 3.1$\times$, and 29.5$\times$ better than the second-best competitors, respectively. Furthermore, the lung nodule segmentation model, trained on a dataset combining real and Lung-DDPM-generated synthetic samples, attained a dice coefficient (Dice) of 0.3914 and sensitivity of 0.4393. This represents 8.8\% and 18.6\% improvements in DICE and sensitivity compared to the model trained solely on real samples. The experimental results highlight Lung-DDPM's potential for a broader range of medical imaging applications, such as general tumor segmentation, cancer survival estimation, and risk prediction.
comment: The code and pretrained models are available at
☆ FlipConcept: Tuning-Free Multi-Concept Personalization for Text-to-Image Generation
Recently, methods that integrate multiple personalized concepts into a single image have garnered significant attention in the field of text-to-image (T2I) generation. However, existing methods experience performance degradation in complex scenes with multiple objects due to distortions in non-personalized regions. To address this issue, we propose FlipConcept, a novel approach that seamlessly integrates multiple personalized concepts into a single image without requiring additional tuning. We introduce guided appearance attention to accurately mimic the appearance of a personalized concept as intended. Additionally, we introduce mask-guided noise mixing to protect non-personalized regions during editing. Lastly, we apply background dilution to minimize attribute leakage, which is the undesired blending of personalized concept attributes with other objects in the image. In our experiments, we demonstrate that the proposed method, despite not requiring tuning, outperforms existing models in both single and multiple personalized concept inference.
comment: 9 pages, 4 figures
☆ UrbanSAM: Learning Invariance-Inspired Adapters for Segment Anything Models in Urban Construction
Object extraction and segmentation from remote sensing (RS) images is a critical yet challenging task in urban environment monitoring. Urban morphology is inherently complex, with irregular objects of diverse shapes and varying scales. These challenges are amplified by heterogeneity and scale disparities across RS data sources, including sensors, platforms, and modalities, making accurate object segmentation particularly demanding. While the Segment Anything Model (SAM) has shown significant potential in segmenting complex scenes, its performance in handling form-varying objects remains limited due to manual-interactive prompting. To this end, we propose UrbanSAM, a customized version of SAM specifically designed to analyze complex urban environments while tackling scaling effects from remotely sensed observations. Inspired by multi-resolution analysis (MRA) theory, UrbanSAM incorporates a novel learnable prompter equipped with a Uscaling-Adapter that adheres to the invariance criterion, enabling the model to capture multiscale contextual information of objects and adapt to arbitrary scale variations with theoretical guarantees. Furthermore, features from the Uscaling-Adapter and the trunk encoder are aligned through a masked cross-attention operation, allowing the trunk encoder to inherit the adapter's multiscale aggregation capability. This synergy enhances the segmentation performance, resulting in more powerful and accurate outputs, supported by the learned adapter. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the flexibility and superior segmentation performance of the proposed UrbanSAM on a global-scale dataset, encompassing scale-varying urban objects such as buildings, roads, and water.
☆ Image Translation-Based Unsupervised Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation
Supervised deep learning usually faces more challenges in medical images than in natural images. Since annotations in medical images require the expertise of doctors and are more time-consuming and expensive. Thus, some researchers turn to unsupervised learning methods, which usually face inevitable performance drops. In addition, medical images may have been acquired at different medical centers with different scanners and under different image acquisition protocols, so the modalities of the medical images are often inconsistent. This modality difference (domain shift) also reduces the applicability of deep learning methods. In this regard, we propose an unsupervised crossmodality domain adaptation method based on image translation by transforming the source modality image with annotation into the unannotated target modality and using its annotation to achieve supervised learning of the target modality. In addition, the subtle differences between translated pseudo images and real images are overcome by self-training methods to further improve the task performance of deep learning. The proposed method showed mean Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) and Average Symmetric Surface Distance (ASSD) of $0.8351 \pm 0.1152$ and $1.6712 \pm 2.1948$ for vestibular schwannoma (VS), $0.8098 \pm 0.0233$ and $0.2317 \pm 0.1577$ for cochlea on the VS and cochlea segmentation task of the Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation (crossMoDA 2022) challenge validation phase leaderboard.
comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2303.07674
☆ Interleaved Block-based Learned Image Compression with Feature Enhancement and Quantization Error Compensation
In recent years, learned image compression (LIC) methods have achieved significant performance improvements. However, obtaining a more compact latent representation and reducing the impact of quantization errors remain key challenges in the field of LIC. To address these challenges, we propose a feature extraction module, a feature refinement module, and a feature enhancement module. Our feature extraction module shuffles the pixels in the image, splits the resulting image into sub-images, and extracts coarse features from the sub-images. Our feature refinement module stacks the coarse features and uses an attention refinement block composed of concatenated three-dimensional convolution residual blocks to learn more compact latent features by exploiting correlations across channels, within sub-images (intra-sub-image correlations), and across sub-images (inter-sub-image correlations). Our feature enhancement module reduces information loss in the decoded features following quantization. We also propose a quantization error compensation module that mitigates the quantization mismatch between training and testing. Our four modules can be readily integrated into state-of-the-art LIC methods. Experiments show that combining our modules with Tiny-LIC outperforms existing LIC methods and image compression standards in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and multi-scale structural similarity (MS-SSIM) on the Kodak dataset and the CLIC dataset.
☆ LUMINA-Net: Low-light Upgrade through Multi-stage Illumination and Noise Adaptation Network for Image Enhancement
Low-light image enhancement (LLIE) is a crucial task in computer vision aimed to enhance the visual fidelity of images captured under low-illumination conditions. Conventional methods frequently struggle to mitigate pervasive shortcomings such as noise, over-exposure, and color distortion thereby precipitating a pronounced degradation in image quality. To address these challenges, we propose LUMINA-Net an advanced deep learning framework designed specifically by integrating multi-stage illumination and reflectance modules. First, the illumination module intelligently adjusts brightness and contrast levels while meticulously preserving intricate textural details. Second, the reflectance module incorporates a noise reduction mechanism that leverages spatial attention and channel-wise feature refinement to mitigate noise contamination. Through a comprehensive suite of experiments conducted on LOL and SICE datasets using PSNR, SSIM and LPIPS metrics, surpassing state-of-the-art methodologies and showcasing its efficacy in low-light image enhancement.
comment: 9 pages, 4 figures
☆ Hierarchical Context Transformer for Multi-level Semantic Scene Understanding
A comprehensive and explicit understanding of surgical scenes plays a vital role in developing context-aware computer-assisted systems in the operating theatre. However, few works provide systematical analysis to enable hierarchical surgical scene understanding. In this work, we propose to represent the tasks set [phase recognition --> step recognition --> action and instrument detection] as multi-level semantic scene understanding (MSSU). For this target, we propose a novel hierarchical context transformer (HCT) network and thoroughly explore the relations across the different level tasks. Specifically, a hierarchical relation aggregation module (HRAM) is designed to concurrently relate entries inside multi-level interaction information and then augment task-specific features. To further boost the representation learning of the different tasks, inter-task contrastive learning (ICL) is presented to guide the model to learn task-wise features via absorbing complementary information from other tasks. Furthermore, considering the computational costs of the transformer, we propose HCT+ to integrate the spatial and temporal adapter to access competitive performance on substantially fewer tunable parameters. Extensive experiments on our cataract dataset and a publicly available endoscopic PSI-AVA dataset demonstrate the outstanding performance of our method, consistently exceeding the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin. The code is available at
comment: This paper has been accepted by the IEEE TCSVT
☆ OccProphet: Pushing Efficiency Frontier of Camera-Only 4D Occupancy Forecasting with Observer-Forecaster-Refiner Framework ICLR2025
Predicting variations in complex traffic environments is crucial for the safety of autonomous driving. Recent advancements in occupancy forecasting have enabled forecasting future 3D occupied status in driving environments by observing historical 2D images. However, high computational demands make occupancy forecasting less efficient during training and inference stages, hindering its feasibility for deployment on edge agents. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, i.e., OccProphet, to efficiently and effectively learn occupancy forecasting with significantly lower computational requirements while improving forecasting accuracy. OccProphet comprises three lightweight components: Observer, Forecaster, and Refiner. The Observer extracts spatio-temporal features from 3D multi-frame voxels using the proposed Efficient 4D Aggregation with Tripling-Attention Fusion, while the Forecaster and Refiner conditionally predict and refine future occupancy inferences. Experimental results on nuScenes, Lyft-Level5, and nuScenes-Occupancy datasets demonstrate that OccProphet is both training- and inference-friendly. OccProphet reduces 58\%$\sim$78\% of the computational cost with a 2.6$\times$ speedup compared with the state-of-the-art Cam4DOcc. Moreover, it achieves 4\%$\sim$18\% relatively higher forecasting accuracy. Code and models are publicly available at
comment: Accepted by ICLR2025
☆ Nonlinear Dynamical Systems for Automatic Face Annotation in Head Tracking and Pose Estimation
Facial landmark tracking plays a vital role in applications such as facial recognition, expression analysis, and medical diagnostics. In this paper, we consider the performance of the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) in tracking 3D facial motion in both deterministic and stochastic settings. We first analyze a noise-free environment where the state transition is purely deterministic, demonstrating that UKF outperforms EKF by achieving lower mean squared error (MSE) due to its ability to capture higher-order nonlinearities. However, when stochastic noise is introduced, EKF exhibits superior robustness, maintaining lower mean square error (MSE) compared to UKF, which becomes more sensitive to measurement noise and occlusions. Our results highlight that UKF is preferable for high-precision applications in controlled environments, whereas EKF is better suited for real-world scenarios with unpredictable noise. These findings provide practical insights for selecting the appropriate filtering technique in 3D facial tracking applications, such as motion capture and facial recognition.
comment: 25 pages, 10 figures
☆ Methods and Trends in Detecting Generated Images: A Comprehensive Review
The proliferation of generative models, such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Diffusion Models, and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), has enabled the synthesis of high-quality multimedia data. However, these advancements have also raised significant concerns regarding adversarial attacks, unethical usage, and societal harm. Recognizing these challenges, researchers have increasingly focused on developing methodologies to detect synthesized data effectively, aiming to mitigate potential risks. Prior reviews have primarily focused on deepfake detection and often lack coverage of recent advancements in synthetic image detection, particularly methods leveraging multimodal frameworks for improved forensic analysis. To address this gap, the present survey provides a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art methods for detecting and classifying synthetic images generated by advanced generative AI models. This review systematically examines core detection methodologies, identifies commonalities among approaches, and categorizes them into meaningful taxonomies. Furthermore, given the crucial role of large-scale datasets in this field, we present an overview of publicly available datasets that facilitate further research and benchmarking in synthetic data detection.
comment: 30 pages, 4 Figures, 10 Tables
☆ FD-LSCIC: Frequency Decomposition-based Learned Screen Content Image Compression
The learned image compression (LIC) methods have already surpassed traditional techniques in compressing natural scene (NS) images. However, directly applying these methods to screen content (SC) images, which possess distinct characteristics such as sharp edges, repetitive patterns, embedded text and graphics, yields suboptimal results. This paper addresses three key challenges in SC image compression: learning compact latent features, adapting quantization step sizes, and the lack of large SC datasets. To overcome these challenges, we propose a novel compression method that employs a multi-frequency two-stage octave residual block (MToRB) for feature extraction, a cascaded triple-scale feature fusion residual block (CTSFRB) for multi-scale feature integration and a multi-frequency context interaction module (MFCIM) to reduce inter-frequency correlations. Additionally, we introduce an adaptive quantization module that learns scaled uniform noise for each frequency component, enabling flexible control over quantization granularity. Furthermore, we construct a large SC image compression dataset (SDU-SCICD10K), which includes over 10,000 images spanning basic SC images, computer-rendered images, and mixed NS and SC images from both PC and mobile platforms. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach significantly improves SC image compression performance, outperforming traditional standards and state-of-the-art learning-based methods in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and multi-scale structural similarity (MS-SSIM).
☆ M3-AGIQA: Multimodal, Multi-Round, Multi-Aspect AI-Generated Image Quality Assessment
The rapid advancement of AI-generated image (AGI) models has introduced significant challenges in evaluating their quality, which requires considering multiple dimensions such as perceptual quality, prompt correspondence, and authenticity. To address these challenges, we propose M3-AGIQA, a comprehensive framework for AGI quality assessment that is Multimodal, Multi-Round, and Multi-Aspect. Our approach leverages the capabilities of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) as joint text and image encoders and distills advanced captioning capabilities from online MLLMs into a local model via Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) fine-tuning. The framework includes a structured multi-round evaluation mechanism, where intermediate image descriptions are generated to provide deeper insights into the quality, correspondence, and authenticity aspects. To align predictions with human perceptual judgments, a predictor constructed by an xLSTM and a regression head is incorporated to process sequential logits and predict Mean Opinion Scores (MOSs). Extensive experiments conducted on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate that M3-AGIQA achieves state-of-the-art performance, effectively capturing nuanced aspects of AGI quality. Furthermore, cross-dataset validation confirms its strong generalizability. The code is available at
comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication
☆ HOpenCls: Training Hyperspectral Image Open-Set Classifiers in Their Living Environments
Hyperspectral image (HSI) open-set classification is critical for HSI classification models deployed in real-world environments, where classifiers must simultaneously classify known classes and reject unknown classes. Recent methods utilize auxiliary unknown classes data to improve classification performance. However, the auxiliary unknown classes data is strongly assumed to be completely separable from known classes and requires labor-intensive annotation. To address this limitation, this paper proposes a novel framework, HOpenCls, to leverage the unlabeled wild data-that is the mixture of known and unknown classes. Such wild data is abundant and can be collected freely during deploying classifiers in their living environments. The key insight is reformulating the open-set HSI classification with unlabeled wild data as a positive-unlabeled (PU) learning problem. Specifically, the multi-label strategy is introduced to bridge the PU learning and open-set HSI classification, and then the proposed gradient contraction and gradient expansion module to make this PU learning problem tractable from the observation of abnormal gradient weights associated with wild data. Extensive experiment results demonstrate that incorporating wild data has the potential to significantly enhance open-set HSI classification in complex real-world scenarios.
♻ ☆ Sparse Voxels Rasterization: Real-time High-fidelity Radiance Field Rendering
We propose an efficient radiance field rendering algorithm that incorporates a rasterization process on adaptive sparse voxels without neural networks or 3D Gaussians. There are two key contributions coupled with the proposed system. The first is to adaptively and explicitly allocate sparse voxels to different levels of detail within scenes, faithfully reproducing scene details with $65536^3$ grid resolution while achieving high rendering frame rates. Second, we customize a rasterizer for efficient adaptive sparse voxels rendering. We render voxels in the correct depth order by using ray direction-dependent Morton ordering, which avoids the well-known popping artifact found in Gaussian splatting. Our method improves the previous neural-free voxel model by over 4db PSNR and more than 10x FPS speedup, achieving state-of-the-art comparable novel-view synthesis results. Additionally, our voxel representation is seamlessly compatible with grid-based 3D processing techniques such as Volume Fusion, Voxel Pooling, and Marching Cubes, enabling a wide range of future extensions and applications.
comment: Project page at Code at
♻ ☆ Self-Supervised Diffusion MRI Denoising via Iterative and Stable Refinement
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), including diffusion MRI (dMRI), serves as a ``microscope'' for anatomical structures and routinely mitigates the influence of low signal-to-noise ratio scans by compromising temporal or spatial resolution. However, these compromises fail to meet clinical demands for both efficiency and precision. Consequently, denoising is a vital preprocessing step, particularly for dMRI, where clean data is unavailable. In this paper, we introduce Di-Fusion, a fully self-supervised denoising method that leverages the latter diffusion steps and an adaptive sampling process. Unlike previous approaches, our single-stage framework achieves efficient and stable training without extra noise model training and offers adaptive and controllable results in the sampling process. Our thorough experiments on real and simulated data demonstrate that Di-Fusion achieves state-of-the-art performance in microstructure modeling, tractography tracking, and other downstream tasks. Code is available at
comment: 39pages, 34figures
♻ ☆ HealthGPT: A Medical Large Vision-Language Model for Unifying Comprehension and Generation via Heterogeneous Knowledge Adaptation
We present HealthGPT, a powerful Medical Large Vision-Language Model (Med-LVLM) that integrates medical visual comprehension and generation capabilities within a unified autoregressive paradigm. Our bootstrapping philosophy is to progressively adapt heterogeneous comprehension and generation knowledge to pre-trained large language models (LLMs). This is achieved through a novel heterogeneous low-rank adaptation (H-LoRA) technique, which is complemented by a tailored hierarchical visual perception approach and a three-stage learning strategy. To effectively learn the HealthGPT, we devise a comprehensive medical domain-specific comprehension and generation dataset called VL-Health. Experimental results demonstrate exceptional performance and scalability of HealthGPT in medical visual unified tasks. Our project can be accessed at
comment: Comments: added project page
♻ ☆ Tuning the Frequencies: Robust Training for Sinusoidal Neural Networks
Sinusoidal neural networks have been shown effective as implicit neural representations (INRs) of low-dimensional signals, due to their smoothness and high representation capacity. However, initializing and training them remain empirical tasks which lack on deeper understanding to guide the learning process. To fill this gap, our work introduces a theoretical framework that explains the capacity property of sinusoidal networks and offers robust control mechanisms for initialization and training. Our analysis is based on a novel amplitude-phase expansion of the sinusoidal multilayer perceptron, showing how its layer compositions produce a large number of new frequencies expressed as integer combinations of the input frequencies. This relationship can be directly used to initialize the input neurons, as a form of spectral sampling, and to bound the network's spectrum while training. Our method, referred to as TUNER (TUNing sinusoidal nEtwoRks), greatly improves the stability and convergence of sinusoidal INR training, leading to detailed reconstructions, while preventing overfitting.
♻ ☆ TexLiDAR: Automated Text Understanding for Panoramic LiDAR Data
Efforts to connect LiDAR data with text, such as LidarCLIP, have primarily focused on embedding 3D point clouds into CLIP text-image space. However, these approaches rely on 3D point clouds, which present challenges in encoding efficiency and neural network processing. With the advent of advanced LiDAR sensors like Ouster OS1, which, in addition to 3D point clouds, produce fixed resolution depth, signal, and ambient panoramic 2D images, new opportunities emerge for LiDAR based tasks. In this work, we propose an alternative approach to connect LiDAR data with text by leveraging 2D imagery generated by the OS1 sensor instead of 3D point clouds. Using the Florence 2 large model in a zero-shot setting, we perform image captioning and object detection. Our experiments demonstrate that Florence 2 generates more informative captions and achieves superior performance in object detection tasks compared to existing methods like CLIP. By combining advanced LiDAR sensor data with a large pre-trained model, our approach provides a robust and accurate solution for challenging detection scenarios, including real-time applications requiring high accuracy and robustness.
♻ ☆ AI and Entrepreneurship: Facial Recognition Technology Detects Entrepreneurs, Outperforming Human Experts
Occupational outcomes like entrepreneurship are generally considered personal information that individuals should have the autonomy to disclose. With the advancing capability of artificial intelligence (AI) to infer private details from widely available human-centric data (e.g., social media), it is crucial to investigate whether AI can accurately extract private occupational information from such data. In this study, we demonstrate that deep neural networks can classify individuals as entrepreneurs with high accuracy based on facial images sourced from Crunchbase, a premier source for entrepreneurship data. Utilizing a dataset comprising facial images of 40,728 individuals, including both entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs, we train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) using a contrastive learning approach based on pairs of facial images (one entrepreneur and one non-entrepreneur per pair). While human experts (n=650) and trained participants (n=133) were unable to classify entrepreneurs with accuracy above chance levels (>50%), our AI model achieved a classification accuracy of 79.51%. Several robustness tests indicate that this high level of accuracy is maintained under various conditions. These results indicate privacy risks for entrepreneurs.
comment: 46 pages, 2 tables, 11 figures
♻ ☆ LayerPano3D: Layered 3D Panorama for Hyper-Immersive Scene Generation
3D immersive scene generation is a challenging yet critical task in computer vision and graphics. A desired virtual 3D scene should 1) exhibit omnidirectional view consistency, and 2) allow for free exploration in complex scene hierarchies. Existing methods either rely on successive scene expansion via inpainting or employ panorama representation to represent large FOV scene environments. However, the generated scene suffers from semantic drift during expansion and is unable to handle occlusion among scene hierarchies. To tackle these challenges, we introduce Layerpano3D, a novel framework for full-view, explorable panoramic 3D scene generation from a single text prompt. Our key insight is to decompose a reference 2D panorama into multiple layers at different depth levels, where each layer reveals the unseen space from the reference views via diffusion prior. Layerpano3D comprises multiple dedicated designs: 1) We introduce a new panorama dataset Upright360, comprising 9k high-quality and upright panorama images, and finetune the advanced Flux model on Upright360 for high-quality, upright and consistent panorama generation. 2) We pioneer the Layered 3D Panorama as underlying representation to manage complex scene hierarchies and lift it into 3D Gaussians to splat detailed 360-degree omnidirectional scenes with unconstrained viewing paths. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our framework generates state-of-the-art 3D panoramic scene in both full view consistency and immersive exploratory experience. We believe that Layerpano3D holds promise for advancing 3D panoramic scene creation with numerous applications.
comment: Project page:
♻ ☆ HumanGif: Single-View Human Diffusion with Generative Prior
Previous 3D human creation methods have made significant progress in synthesizing view-consistent and temporally aligned results from sparse-view images or monocular videos. However, it remains challenging to produce perpetually realistic, view-consistent, and temporally coherent human avatars from a single image, as limited information is available in the single-view input setting. Motivated by the success of 2D character animation, we propose HumanGif, a single-view human diffusion model with generative prior. Specifically, we formulate the single-view-based 3D human novel view and pose synthesis as a single-view-conditioned human diffusion process, utilizing generative priors from foundational diffusion models to complement the missing information. To ensure fine-grained and consistent novel view and pose synthesis, we introduce a Human NeRF module in HumanGif to learn spatially aligned features from the input image, implicitly capturing the relative camera and human pose transformation. Furthermore, we introduce an image-level loss during optimization to bridge the gap between latent and image spaces in diffusion models. Extensive experiments on RenderPeople and DNA-Rendering datasets demonstrate that HumanGif achieves the best perceptual performance, with better generalizability for novel view and pose synthesis.
comment: Project page:
♻ ☆ UniDB: A Unified Diffusion Bridge Framework via Stochastic Optimal Control
Recent advances in diffusion bridge models leverage Doob's $h$-transform to establish fixed endpoints between distributions, demonstrating promising results in image translation and restoration tasks. However, these approaches frequently produce blurred or excessively smoothed image details and lack a comprehensive theoretical foundation to explain these shortcomings. To address these limitations, we propose UniDB, a unified framework for diffusion bridges based on Stochastic Optimal Control (SOC). UniDB formulates the problem through an SOC-based optimization and derives a closed-form solution for the optimal controller, thereby unifying and generalizing existing diffusion bridge models. We demonstrate that existing diffusion bridges employing Doob's $h$-transform constitute a special case of our framework, emerging when the terminal penalty coefficient in the SOC cost function tends to infinity. By incorporating a tunable terminal penalty coefficient, UniDB achieves an optimal balance between control costs and terminal penalties, substantially improving detail preservation and output quality. Notably, UniDB seamlessly integrates with existing diffusion bridge models, requiring only minimal code modifications. Extensive experiments across diverse image restoration tasks validate the superiority and adaptability of the proposed framework. Our code is available at
♻ ☆ Going Beyond Feature Similarity: Effective Dataset distillation based on Class-aware Conditional Mutual Information ICLR 2025
Dataset distillation (DD) aims to minimize the time and memory consumption needed for training deep neural networks on large datasets, by creating a smaller synthetic dataset that has similar performance to that of the full real dataset. However, current dataset distillation methods often result in synthetic datasets that are excessively difficult for networks to learn from, due to the compression of a substantial amount of information from the original data through metrics measuring feature similarity, e,g., distribution matching (DM). In this work, we introduce conditional mutual information (CMI) to assess the class-aware complexity of a dataset and propose a novel method by minimizing CMI. Specifically, we minimize the distillation loss while constraining the class-aware complexity of the synthetic dataset by minimizing its empirical CMI from the feature space of pre-trained networks, simultaneously. Conducting on a thorough set of experiments, we show that our method can serve as a general regularization method to existing DD methods and improve the performance and training efficiency.
comment: Accepted to ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ HeRCULES: Heterogeneous Radar Dataset in Complex Urban Environment for Multi-session Radar SLAM ICRA 2025
Recently, radars have been widely featured in robotics for their robustness in challenging weather conditions. Two commonly used radar types are spinning radars and phased-array radars, each offering distinct sensor characteristics. Existing datasets typically feature only a single type of radar, leading to the development of algorithms limited to that specific kind. In this work, we highlight that combining different radar types offers complementary advantages, which can be leveraged through a heterogeneous radar dataset. Moreover, this new dataset fosters research in multi-session and multi-robot scenarios where robots are equipped with different types of radars. In this context, we introduce the HeRCULES dataset, a comprehensive, multi-modal dataset with heterogeneous radars, FMCW LiDAR, IMU, GPS, and cameras. This is the first dataset to integrate 4D radar and spinning radar alongside FMCW LiDAR, offering unparalleled localization, mapping, and place recognition capabilities. The dataset covers diverse weather and lighting conditions and a range of urban traffic scenarios, enabling a comprehensive analysis across various environments. The sequence paths with multiple revisits and ground truth pose for each sensor enhance its suitability for place recognition research. We expect the HeRCULES dataset to facilitate odometry, mapping, place recognition, and sensor fusion research. The dataset and development tools are available at
comment: 2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2025)
♻ ☆ LaRE$^2$: Latent Reconstruction Error Based Method for Diffusion-Generated Image Detection CVPR 2024
The evolution of Diffusion Models has dramatically improved image generation quality, making it increasingly difficult to differentiate between real and generated images. This development, while impressive, also raises significant privacy and security concerns. In response to this, we propose a novel Latent REconstruction error guided feature REfinement method (LaRE^2) for detecting the diffusion-generated images. We come up with the Latent Reconstruction Error (LaRE), the first reconstruction-error based feature in the latent space for generated image detection. LaRE surpasses existing methods in terms of feature extraction efficiency while preserving crucial cues required to differentiate between the real and the fake. To exploit LaRE, we propose an Error-Guided feature REfinement module (EGRE), which can refine the image feature guided by LaRE to enhance the discriminativeness of the feature. Our EGRE utilizes an align-then-refine mechanism, which effectively refines the image feature for generated-image detection from both spatial and channel perspectives. Extensive experiments on the large-scale GenImage benchmark demonstrate the superiority of our LaRE^2, which surpasses the best SoTA method by up to 11.9%/12.1% average ACC/AP across 8 different image generators. LaRE also surpasses existing methods in terms of feature extraction cost, delivering an impressive speed enhancement of 8 times. Code is available.
comment: CVPR 2024. Code is available at
♻ ☆ Generative Video Diffusion for Unseen Novel Semantic Video Moment Retrieval AAAI-25
Video moment retrieval (VMR) aims to locate the most likely video moment(s) corresponding to a text query in untrimmed videos. Training of existing methods is limited by the lack of diverse and generalisable VMR datasets, hindering their ability to generalise moment-text associations to queries containing novel semantic concepts (unseen both visually and textually in a training source domain). For model generalisation to novel semantics, existing methods rely heavily on assuming to have access to both video and text sentence pairs from a target domain in addition to the source domain pair-wise training data. This is neither practical nor scalable. In this work, we introduce a more generalisable approach by assuming only text sentences describing new semantics are available in model training without having seen any videos from a target domain. To that end, we propose a Fine-grained Video Editing framework, termed FVE, that explores generative video diffusion to facilitate fine-grained video editing from the seen source concepts to the unseen target sentences consisting of new concepts. This enables generative hypotheses of unseen video moments corresponding to the novel concepts in the target domain. This fine-grained generative video diffusion retains the original video structure and subject specifics from the source domain while introducing semantic distinctions of unseen novel vocabularies in the target domain. A critical challenge is how to enable this generative fine-grained diffusion process to be meaningful in optimising VMR, more than just synthesising visually pleasing videos. We solve this problem by introducing a hybrid selection mechanism that integrates three quantitative metrics to selectively incorporate synthetic video moments (novel video hypotheses) as enlarged additions to the original source training data, whilst minimising potential ...
comment: AAAI-25
♻ ☆ DeepInteraction++: Multi-Modality Interaction for Autonomous Driving NeurIPS 2022
Existing top-performance autonomous driving systems typically rely on the multi-modal fusion strategy for reliable scene understanding. This design is however fundamentally restricted due to overlooking the modality-specific strengths and finally hampering the model performance. To address this limitation, in this work, we introduce a novel modality interaction strategy that allows individual per-modality representations to be learned and maintained throughout, enabling their unique characteristics to be exploited during the whole perception pipeline. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy, we design DeepInteraction++, a multi-modal interaction framework characterized by a multi-modal representational interaction encoder and a multi-modal predictive interaction decoder. Specifically, the encoder is implemented as a dual-stream Transformer with specialized attention operation for information exchange and integration between separate modality-specific representations. Our multi-modal representational learning incorporates both object-centric, precise sampling-based feature alignment and global dense information spreading, essential for the more challenging planning task. The decoder is designed to iteratively refine the predictions by alternately aggregating information from separate representations in a unified modality-agnostic manner, realizing multi-modal predictive interaction. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed framework on both 3D object detection and end-to-end autonomous driving tasks. Our code is available at
comment: Journal extension of NeurIPS 2022. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2208.11112
♻ ☆ A large-scale multicenter breast cancer DCE-MRI benchmark dataset with expert segmentations
Artificial Intelligence (AI) research in breast cancer Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) faces challenges due to limited expert-labeled segmentations. To address this, we present a multicenter dataset of 1506 pre-treatment T1-weighted dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI cases, including expert annotations of primary tumors and non-mass-enhanced regions. The dataset integrates imaging data from four collections in The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA), where only 163 cases with expert segmentations were initially available. To facilitate the annotation process, a deep learning model was trained to produce preliminary segmentations for the remaining cases. These were subsequently corrected and verified by 16 breast cancer experts (averaging 9 years of experience), creating a fully annotated dataset. Additionally, the dataset includes 49 harmonized clinical and demographic variables, as well as pre-trained weights for a baseline nnU-Net model trained on the annotated data. This resource addresses a critical gap in publicly available breast cancer datasets, enabling the development, validation, and benchmarking of advanced deep learning models, thus driving progress in breast cancer diagnostics, treatment response prediction, and personalized care.
comment: 15 paes, 7 figures, 3 tables
♻ ☆ Long Video Understanding with Learnable Retrieval in Video-Language Models
The remarkable natural language understanding, reasoning, and generation capabilities of large language models (LLMs) have made them attractive for application to video understanding, utilizing video tokens as contextual input. However, employing LLMs for long video understanding presents significant challenges. The extensive number of video tokens leads to considerable computational costs for LLMs while using aggregated tokens results in loss of vision details. Moreover, the presence of abundant question-irrelevant tokens introduces noise to the video reasoning process. To address these issues, we introduce a simple yet effective learnable retrieval-based video-language model (R-VLM) for efficient long video understanding. Specifically, given a question (query) and a long video, our model identifies and selects the most relevant K video chunks and uses their associated visual tokens to serve as context for the LLM inference. This effectively reduces the number of video tokens, eliminates noise interference, and enhances system performance. We achieve this by incorporating a learnable lightweight MLP block to facilitate the efficient retrieval of question-relevant chunks, through the end-to-end training of our video-language model with a proposed soft matching loss. Our experimental results on multiple zero-shot video question answering datasets validate the effectiveness of our framework for comprehending long videos.
comment: 14 pages, 8 figures
♻ ☆ Tailored Design of Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Models using Branchformers
Recent advances in Audio-Visual Speech Recognition (AVSR) have led to unprecedented achievements in the field, improving the robustness of this type of system in adverse, noisy environments. In most cases, this task has been addressed through the design of models composed of two independent encoders, each dedicated to a specific modality. However, while recent works have explored unified audio-visual encoders, determining the optimal cross-modal architecture remains an ongoing challenge. Furthermore, such approaches often rely on models comprising vast amounts of parameters and high computational cost training processes. In this paper, we aim to bridge this research gap by introducing a novel audio-visual framework. Our proposed method constitutes, to the best of our knowledge, the first attempt to harness the flexibility and interpretability offered by encoder architectures, such as the Branchformer, in the design of parameter-efficient AVSR systems. To be more precise, the proposed framework consists of two steps: first, estimating audio- and video-only systems, and then designing a tailored audio-visual unified encoder based on the layer-level branch scores provided by the modality-specific models. Extensive experiments on English and Spanish AVSR benchmarks covering multiple data conditions and scenarios demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed method. Even when trained on a moderate scale of data, our models achieve competitive word error rates (WER) of approximately 2.5\% for English and surpass existing approaches for Spanish, establishing a new benchmark with an average WER of around 9.1\%. These results reflect how our tailored AVSR system is able to reach state-of-the-art recognition rates while significantly reducing the model complexity w.r.t. the prevalent approach in the field. Code and pre-trained models are available at
comment: Submitted and under review for the Computer Speech and Language journal of Elsevier
♻ ☆ Towards Robust Probabilistic Modeling on SO(3) via Rotation Laplace Distribution ICLR 2023
Estimating the 3DoF rotation from a single RGB image is an important yet challenging problem. As a popular approach, probabilistic rotation modeling additionally carries prediction uncertainty information, compared to single-prediction rotation regression. For modeling probabilistic distribution over SO(3), it is natural to use Gaussian-like Bingham distribution and matrix Fisher, however they are shown to be sensitive to outlier predictions, e.g. $180^\circ$ error and thus are unlikely to converge with optimal performance. In this paper, we draw inspiration from multivariate Laplace distribution and propose a novel rotation Laplace distribution on SO(3). Our rotation Laplace distribution is robust to the disturbance of outliers and enforces much gradient to the low-error region that it can improve. In addition, we show that our method also exhibits robustness to small noises and thus tolerates imperfect annotations. With this benefit, we demonstrate its advantages in semi-supervised rotation regression, where the pseudo labels are noisy. To further capture the multi-modal rotation solution space for symmetric objects, we extend our distribution to rotation Laplace mixture model and demonstrate its effectiveness. Our extensive experiments show that our proposed distribution and the mixture model achieve state-of-the-art performance in all the rotation regression experiments over both probabilistic and non-probabilistic baselines.
comment: TPAMI 2025. ICLR 2023 spotlight. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2303.01743
♻ ☆ I2CKD : Intra- and Inter-Class Knowledge Distillation for Semantic Segmentation
This paper proposes a new knowledge distillation method tailored for image semantic segmentation, termed Intra- and Inter-Class Knowledge Distillation (I2CKD). The focus of this method is on capturing and transferring knowledge between the intermediate layers of teacher (cumbersome model) and student (compact model). For knowledge extraction, we exploit class prototypes derived from feature maps. To facilitate knowledge transfer, we employ a triplet loss in order to minimize intra-class variances and maximize inter-class variances between teacher and student prototypes. Consequently, I2CKD enables the student to better mimic the feature representation of the teacher for each class, thereby enhancing the segmentation performance of the compact network. Extensive experiments on three segmentation datasets, i.e., Cityscapes, Pascal VOC and CamVid, using various teacher-student network pairs demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
♻ ☆ Adaptive Prompt: Unlocking the Power of Visual Prompt Tuning
Visual Prompt Tuning (VPT) has recently emerged as a powerful method for adapting pre-trained vision models to downstream tasks. By introducing learnable prompt tokens as task-specific instructions, VPT effectively guides pre-trained transformer models with minimal overhead. Despite its empirical success, a comprehensive theoretical understanding of VPT remains an active area of research. Building on recent insights into the connection between mixture of experts and prompt-based approaches, we identify a key limitation in VPT: the restricted functional expressiveness in prompt formulation. To address this limitation, we propose Visual Adaptive Prompt Tuning (VAPT), a new generation of prompts that redefines prompts as adaptive functions of the input. Our theoretical analysis shows that this simple yet intuitive approach achieves optimal sample efficiency. Empirical results on VTAB-1K and FGVC further demonstrate VAPT's effectiveness, with performance gains of 7.34% and 1.04% over fully fine-tuning baselines, respectively. Notably, VAPT also surpasses VPT by a substantial margin while using fewer parameters. These results highlight both the effectiveness and efficiency of our method and pave the way for future research to explore the potential of adaptive prompts. Our code is publicly available at
comment: 57 pages, 10 figures, 18 tables
♻ ☆ RelaCtrl: Relevance-Guided Efficient Control for Diffusion Transformers
The Diffusion Transformer plays a pivotal role in advancing text-to-image and text-to-video generation, owing primarily to its inherent scalability. However, existing controlled diffusion transformer methods incur significant parameter and computational overheads and suffer from inefficient resource allocation due to their failure to account for the varying relevance of control information across different transformer layers. To address this, we propose the Relevance-Guided Efficient Controllable Generation framework, RelaCtrl, enabling efficient and resource-optimized integration of control signals into the Diffusion Transformer. First, we evaluate the relevance of each layer in the Diffusion Transformer to the control information by assessing the "ControlNet Relevance Score"-i.e., the impact of skipping each control layer on both the quality of generation and the control effectiveness during inference. Based on the strength of the relevance, we then tailor the positioning, parameter scale, and modeling capacity of the control layers to reduce unnecessary parameters and redundant computations. Additionally, to further improve efficiency, we replace the self-attention and FFN in the commonly used copy block with the carefully designed Two-Dimensional Shuffle Mixer (TDSM), enabling efficient implementation of both the token mixer and channel mixer. Both qualitative and quantitative experimental results demonstrate that our approach achieves superior performance with only 15% of the parameters and computational complexity compared to PixArt-delta.
comment: Homepage: Github:
♻ ☆ Magnifier Prompt: Tackling Multimodal Hallucination via Extremely Simple Instructions
Hallucinations in multimodal large language models (MLLMs) hinder their practical applications. To address this, we propose a Magnifier Prompt (MagPrompt), a simple yet effective method to tackle hallucinations in MLLMs via extremely simple instructions. MagPrompt is based on the following two key principles, which guide the design of various effective prompts, demonstrating robustness: (1) MLLMs should focus more on the image. (2) When there are conflicts between the image and the model's inner knowledge, MLLMs should prioritize the image. MagPrompt is training-free and can be applied to open-source and closed-source models, such as GPT-4o and Gemini-pro. It performs well across many datasets and its effectiveness is comparable or even better than more complex methods like VCD. Furthermore, our prompt design principles and experimental analyses provide valuable insights into multimodal hallucination.
comment: The proposed method does not work for up-to-date MLLMs.
♻ ☆ Temporal Misalignment in ANN-SNN Conversion and Its Mitigation via Probabilistic Spiking Neurons
Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) offer a more energy-efficient alternative to Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) by mimicking biological neural principles, establishing them as a promising approach to mitigate the increasing energy demands of large-scale neural models. However, fully harnessing the capabilities of SNNs remains challenging due to their discrete signal processing and temporal dynamics. ANN-SNN conversion has emerged as a practical approach, enabling SNNs to achieve competitive performance on complex machine learning tasks. In this work, we identify a phenomenon in the ANN-SNN conversion framework, termed temporal misalignment, in which random spike rearrangement across SNN layers leads to performance improvements. Based on this observation, we introduce biologically plausible two-phase probabilistic (TPP) spiking neurons, further enhancing the conversion process. We demonstrate the advantages of our proposed method both theoretically and empirically through comprehensive experiments on CIFAR-10/100, CIFAR10-DVS, and ImageNet across a variety of architectures, achieving state-of-the-art results.
♻ ☆ Humanoid-VLA: Towards Universal Humanoid Control with Visual Integration
This paper addresses the limitations of current humanoid robot control frameworks, which primarily rely on reactive mechanisms and lack autonomous interaction capabilities due to data scarcity. We propose Humanoid-VLA, a novel framework that integrates language understanding, egocentric scene perception, and motion control, enabling universal humanoid control. Humanoid-VLA begins with language-motion pre-alignment using non-egocentric human motion datasets paired with textual descriptions, allowing the model to learn universal motion patterns and action semantics. We then incorporate egocentric visual context through a parameter efficient video-conditioned fine-tuning, enabling context-aware motion generation. Furthermore, we introduce a self-supervised data augmentation strategy that automatically generates pseudoannotations directly derived from motion data. This process converts raw motion sequences into informative question-answer pairs, facilitating the effective use of large-scale unlabeled video data. Built upon whole-body control architectures, extensive experiments show that Humanoid-VLA achieves object interaction and environment exploration tasks with enhanced contextual awareness, demonstrating a more human-like capacity for adaptive and intelligent engagement.
♻ ☆ ZeroFlow: Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting is Easier than You Think
Backpropagation provides a generalized configuration for overcoming catastrophic forgetting. Like, SGD and Adam are commonly used for weight updates in continual learning and continual pre-training. In practice, permission to access gradient information is not always granted (the gradient ban), such as black-box APIs, hardware limitations, and non-differentiable systems. To bridge this gap, we introduce the first benchmark ZeroFlow to evaluate gradient-free optimization algorithms for overcoming forgetting. This benchmark examines a suite of forward pass methods across multiple methods, forgetting scenarios, and datasets. We find that forward passes alone are enough to overcome forgetting. Our findings reveal new optimization principles that highlight the potential of forward-pass in mitigating forgetting, managing task conflicts, and reducing memory demands, alongside novel enhancements that further mitigate forgetting with just one forward pass. This work provides essential insights and tools for advancing forward pass methods to overcome forgetting.
♻ ☆ Backdoor Attacks against No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Models via a Scalable Trigger AAAI 2025
No-Reference Image Quality Assessment (NR-IQA), responsible for assessing the quality of a single input image without using any reference, plays a critical role in evaluating and optimizing computer vision systems, e.g., low-light enhancement. Recent research indicates that NR-IQA models are susceptible to adversarial attacks, which can significantly alter predicted scores with visually imperceptible perturbations. Despite revealing vulnerabilities, these attack methods have limitations, including high computational demands, untargeted manipulation, limited practical utility in white-box scenarios, and reduced effectiveness in black-box scenarios. To address these challenges, we shift our focus to another significant threat and present a novel poisoning-based backdoor attack against NR-IQA (BAIQA), allowing the attacker to manipulate the IQA model's output to any desired target value by simply adjusting a scaling coefficient $\alpha$ for the trigger. We propose to inject the trigger in the discrete cosine transform (DCT) domain to improve the local invariance of the trigger for countering trigger diminishment in NR-IQA models due to widely adopted data augmentations. Furthermore, the universal adversarial perturbations (UAP) in the DCT space are designed as the trigger, to increase IQA model susceptibility to manipulation and improve attack effectiveness. In addition to the heuristic method for poison-label BAIQA (P-BAIQA), we explore the design of clean-label BAIQA (C-BAIQA), focusing on $\alpha$ sampling and image data refinement, driven by theoretical insights we reveal. Extensive experiments on diverse datasets and various NR-IQA models demonstrate the effectiveness of our attacks. Code can be found at
comment: Accept by AAAI 2025 (Also fix the typo mistakes in line 9 of the Algorithm 2 in the AAAI camera-ready version)
♻ ☆ ChatVLA: Unified Multimodal Understanding and Robot Control with Vision-Language-Action Model
Humans possess a unified cognitive ability to perceive, comprehend, and interact with the physical world. Why can't large language models replicate this holistic understanding? Through a systematic analysis of existing training paradigms in vision-language-action models (VLA), we identify two key challenges: spurious forgetting, where robot training overwrites crucial visual-text alignments, and task interference, where competing control and understanding tasks degrade performance when trained jointly. To overcome these limitations, we propose ChatVLA, a novel framework featuring Phased Alignment Training, which incrementally integrates multimodal data after initial control mastery, and a Mixture-of-Experts architecture to minimize task interference. ChatVLA demonstrates competitive performance on visual question-answering datasets and significantly surpasses state-of-the-art vision-language-action (VLA) methods on multimodal understanding benchmarks. Notably, it achieves a six times higher performance on MMMU and scores 47.2% on MMStar with a more parameter-efficient design than ECoT. Furthermore, ChatVLA demonstrates superior performance on 25 real-world robot manipulation tasks compared to existing VLA methods like OpenVLA. Our findings highlight the potential of our unified framework for achieving both robust multimodal understanding and effective robot control.
♻ ☆ Balanced Representation Learning for Long-tailed Skeleton-based Action Recognition
Skeleton-based action recognition has recently made significant progress. However, data imbalance is still a great challenge in real-world scenarios. The performance of current action recognition algorithms declines sharply when training data suffers from heavy class imbalance. The imbalanced data actually degrades the representations learned by these methods and becomes the bottleneck for action recognition. How to learn unbiased representations from imbalanced action data is the key to long-tailed action recognition. In this paper, we propose a novel balanced representation learning method to address the long-tailed problem in action recognition. Firstly, a spatial-temporal action exploration strategy is presented to expand the sample space effectively, generating more valuable samples in a rebalanced manner. Secondly, we design a detached action-aware learning schedule to further mitigate the bias in the representation space. The schedule detaches the representation learning of tail classes from training and proposes an action-aware loss to impose more effective constraints. Additionally, a skip-modal representation is proposed to provide complementary structural information. The proposed method is validated on four skeleton datasets, NTU RGB+D 60, NTU RGB+D 120, NW-UCLA, and Kinetics. It not only achieves consistently large improvement compared to the state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods, but also demonstrates a superior generalization capacity through extensive experiments. Our code is available at
comment: Accepted by Machine Intelligence Research
♻ ☆ S-NeRF++: Autonomous Driving Simulation via Neural Reconstruction and Generation
Autonomous driving simulation system plays a crucial role in enhancing self-driving data and simulating complex and rare traffic scenarios, ensuring navigation safety. However, traditional simulation systems, which often heavily rely on manual modeling and 2D image editing, struggled with scaling to extensive scenes and generating realistic simulation data. In this study, we present S-NeRF++, an innovative autonomous driving simulation system based on neural reconstruction. Trained on widely-used self-driving datasets such as nuScenes and Waymo, S-NeRF++ can generate a large number of realistic street scenes and foreground objects with high rendering quality as well as offering considerable flexibility in manipulation and simulation. Specifically, S-NeRF++ is an enhanced neural radiance field for synthesizing large-scale scenes and moving vehicles, with improved scene parameterization and camera pose learning. The system effectively utilizes noisy and sparse LiDAR data to refine training and address depth outliers, ensuring high-quality reconstruction and novel-view rendering. It also provides a diverse foreground asset bank by reconstructing and generating different foreground vehicles to support comprehensive scenario creation.Moreover, we have developed an advanced foreground-background fusion pipeline that skillfully integrates illumination and shadow effects, further enhancing the realism of our simulations. With the high-quality simulated data provided by our S-NeRF++, we found the perception methods enjoy performance boosts on several autonomous driving downstream tasks, further demonstrating our proposed simulator's effectiveness.
♻ ☆ UltraBones100k: A reliable automated labeling method and large-scale dataset for ultrasound-based bone surface extraction
Ultrasound-based bone surface segmentation is crucial in computer-assisted orthopedic surgery. However, ultrasound images have limitations, including a low signal-to-noise ratio, and acoustic shadowing, which make interpretation difficult. Existing deep learning models for bone segmentation rely primarily on costly manual labeling by experts, limiting dataset size and model generalizability. Additionally, the complexity of ultrasound physics and acoustic shadow makes the images difficult for humans to interpret, leading to incomplete labels in anechoic regions and limiting model performance. To advance ultrasound bone segmentation and establish effective model benchmarks, larger and higher-quality datasets are needed. We propose a methodology for collecting ex-vivo ultrasound datasets with automatically generated bone labels, including anechoic regions. The proposed labels are derived by accurately superimposing tracked bone CT models onto the tracked ultrasound images. These initial labels are refined to account for ultrasound physics. A clinical evaluation is conducted by an expert physician specialized on orthopedic sonography to assess the quality of the generated bone labels. A neural network for bone segmentation is trained on the collected dataset and its predictions are compared to expert manual labels, evaluating accuracy, completeness, and F1-score. We collected the largest known dataset of 100k ultrasound images of human lower limbs with bone labels, called UltraBones100k. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test with Bonferroni correction confirmed that the bone alignment after our method significantly improved the quality of bone labeling (p < 0.001). The model trained on UltraBones100k consistently outperforms manual labeling in all metrics, particularly in low-intensity regions (320% improvement in completeness at a distance threshold of 0.5 mm).
♻ ☆ ESIQA: Perceptual Quality Assessment of Vision-Pro-based Egocentric Spatial Images
With the development of eXtended Reality (XR), photo capturing and display technology based on head-mounted displays (HMDs) have experienced significant advancements and gained considerable attention. Egocentric spatial images and videos are emerging as a compelling form of stereoscopic XR content. The assessment for the Quality of Experience (QoE) of XR content is important to ensure a high-quality viewing experience. Different from traditional 2D images, egocentric spatial images present challenges for perceptual quality assessment due to their special shooting, processing methods, and stereoscopic characteristics. However, the corresponding image quality assessment (IQA) research for egocentric spatial images is still lacking. In this paper, we establish the Egocentric Spatial Images Quality Assessment Database (ESIQAD), the first IQA database dedicated for egocentric spatial images as far as we know. Our ESIQAD includes 500 egocentric spatial images and the corresponding mean opinion scores (MOSs) under three display modes, including 2D display, 3D-window display, and 3D-immersive display. Based on our ESIQAD, we propose a novel mamba2-based multi-stage feature fusion model, termed ESIQAnet, which predicts the perceptual quality of egocentric spatial images under the three display modes. Specifically, we first extract features from multiple visual state space duality (VSSD) blocks, then apply cross attention to fuse binocular view information and use transposed attention to further refine the features. The multi-stage features are finally concatenated and fed into a quality regression network to predict the quality score. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the ESIQAnet outperforms 22 state-of-the-art IQA models on the ESIQAD under all three display modes. The database and code are available at
comment: 9 pages, 12 figures
♻ ☆ ZeroPS: High-quality Cross-modal Knowledge Transfer for Zero-Shot 3D Part Segmentation 3DV
Zero-shot 3D part segmentation is a challenging and fundamental task. In this work, we propose a novel pipeline, ZeroPS, which achieves high-quality knowledge transfer from 2D pretrained foundation models (FMs), SAM and GLIP, to 3D object point clouds. We aim to explore the natural relationship between multi-view correspondence and the FMs' prompt mechanism and build bridges on it. In ZeroPS, the relationship manifests as follows: 1) lifting 2D to 3D by leveraging co-viewed regions and SAM's prompt mechanism, 2) relating 1D classes to 3D parts by leveraging 2D-3D view projection and GLIP's prompt mechanism, and 3) enhancing prediction performance by leveraging multi-view observations. Extensive evaluations on the PartNetE and AKBSeg benchmarks demonstrate that ZeroPS significantly outperforms the SOTA method across zero-shot unlabeled and instance segmentation tasks. ZeroPS does not require additional training or fine-tuning for the FMs. ZeroPS applies to both simulated and real-world data. It is hardly affected by domain shift. The project page is available at
comment: 2025 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)
♻ ☆ Rethinking Open-Vocabulary Segmentation of Radiance Fields in 3D Space AAAI 2025
Understanding the 3D semantics of a scene is a fundamental problem for various scenarios such as embodied agents. While NeRFs and 3DGS excel at novel-view synthesis, previous methods for understanding their semantics have been limited to incomplete 3D understanding: their segmentation results are rendered as 2D masks that do not represent the entire 3D space. To address this limitation, we redefine the problem to segment the 3D volume and propose the following methods for better 3D understanding. We directly supervise the 3D points to train the language embedding field, unlike previous methods that anchor supervision at 2D pixels. We transfer the learned language field to 3DGS, achieving the first real-time rendering speed without sacrificing training time or accuracy. Lastly, we introduce a 3D querying and evaluation protocol for assessing the reconstructed geometry and semantics together. Code, checkpoints, and annotations are available at the project page.
comment: AAAI 2025. Project page:
♻ ☆ SCALES: Boost Binary Neural Network for Image Super-Resolution with Efficient Scalings DATE 2025
Deep neural networks for image super-resolution (SR) have demonstrated superior performance. However, the large memory and computation consumption hinders their deployment on resource-constrained devices. Binary neural networks (BNNs), which quantize the floating point weights and activations to 1-bit can significantly reduce the cost. Although BNNs for image classification have made great progress these days, existing BNNs for SR still suffer from a large performance gap between the FP SR networks. To this end, we observe the activation distribution in SR networks and find much larger pixel-to-pixel, channel-to-channel, layer-to-layer, and image-to-image variation in the activation distribution than image classification networks. However, existing BNNs for SR fail to capture these variations that contain rich information for image reconstruction, leading to inferior performance. To address this problem, we propose SCALES, a binarization method for SR networks that consists of the layer-wise scaling factor, the spatial re-scaling method, and the channel-wise re-scaling method, capturing the layer-wise, pixel-wise, and channel-wise variations efficiently in an input-dependent manner. We evaluate our method across different network architectures and datasets. For CNN-based SR networks, our binarization method SCALES outperforms the prior art method by 0.2dB with fewer parameters and operations. With SCALES, we achieve the first accurate binary Transformer-based SR network, improving PSNR by more than 1dB compared to the baseline method.
comment: Accpeted by DATE 2025
♻ ☆ FUNCTO: Function-Centric One-Shot Imitation Learning for Tool Manipulation
Learning tool use from a single human demonstration video offers a highly intuitive and efficient approach to robot teaching. While humans can effortlessly generalize a demonstrated tool manipulation skill to diverse tools that support the same function (e.g., pouring with a mug versus a teapot), current one-shot imitation learning (OSIL) methods struggle to achieve this. A key challenge lies in establishing functional correspondences between demonstration and test tools, considering significant geometric variations among tools with the same function (i.e., intra-function variations). To address this challenge, we propose FUNCTO (Function-Centric OSIL for Tool Manipulation), an OSIL method that establishes function-centric correspondences with a 3D functional keypoint representation, enabling robots to generalize tool manipulation skills from a single human demonstration video to novel tools with the same function despite significant intra-function variations. With this formulation, we factorize FUNCTO into three stages: (1) functional keypoint extraction, (2) function-centric correspondence establishment, and (3) functional keypoint-based action planning. We evaluate FUNCTO against exiting modular OSIL methods and end-to-end behavioral cloning methods through real-robot experiments on diverse tool manipulation tasks. The results demonstrate the superiority of FUNCTO when generalizing to novel tools with intra-function geometric variations. More details are available at
♻ ☆ AVD2: Accident Video Diffusion for Accident Video Description ICRA 2025
Traffic accidents present complex challenges for autonomous driving, often featuring unpredictable scenarios that hinder accurate system interpretation and responses. Nonetheless, prevailing methodologies fall short in elucidating the causes of accidents and proposing preventive measures due to the paucity of training data specific to accident scenarios. In this work, we introduce AVD2 (Accident Video Diffusion for Accident Video Description), a novel framework that enhances accident scene understanding by generating accident videos that aligned with detailed natural language descriptions and reasoning, resulting in the contributed EMM-AU (Enhanced Multi-Modal Accident Video Understanding) dataset. Empirical results reveal that the integration of the EMM-AU dataset establishes state-of-the-art performance across both automated metrics and human evaluations, markedly advancing the domains of accident analysis and prevention. Project resources are available at
comment: ICRA 2025, Project Page:
♻ ☆ TractoGPT: A GPT architecture for White Matter Segmentation
White matter bundle segmentation is crucial for studying brain structural connectivity, neurosurgical planning, and neurological disorders. White Matter Segmentation remains challenging due to structural similarity in streamlines, subject variability, symmetry in 2 hemispheres, etc. To address these challenges, we propose TractoGPT, a GPT-based architecture trained on streamline, cluster, and fusion data representations separately. TractoGPT is a fully-automatic method that generalizes across datasets and retains shape information of the white matter bundles. Experiments also show that TractoGPT outperforms state-of-the-art methods on average DICE, Overlap and Overreach scores. We use TractoInferno and 105HCP datasets and validate generalization across dataset.
comment: Accepted as a conference paper at 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 2025. IEEE holds the copyright for this publication
♻ ☆ MMAD: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Multimodal Large Language Models in Industrial Anomaly Detection ICLR 2025
In the field of industrial inspection, Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have a high potential to renew the paradigms in practical applications due to their robust language capabilities and generalization abilities. However, despite their impressive problem-solving skills in many domains, MLLMs' ability in industrial anomaly detection has not been systematically studied. To bridge this gap, we present MMAD, the first-ever full-spectrum MLLMs benchmark in industrial Anomaly Detection. We defined seven key subtasks of MLLMs in industrial inspection and designed a novel pipeline to generate the MMAD dataset with 39,672 questions for 8,366 industrial images. With MMAD, we have conducted a comprehensive, quantitative evaluation of various state-of-the-art MLLMs. The commercial models performed the best, with the average accuracy of GPT-4o models reaching 74.9%. However, this result falls far short of industrial requirements. Our analysis reveals that current MLLMs still have significant room for improvement in answering questions related to industrial anomalies and defects. We further explore two training-free performance enhancement strategies to help models improve in industrial scenarios, highlighting their promising potential for future research.
comment: Accepted by ICLR 2025. The code and data are available at
♻ ☆ Poison as Cure: Visual Noise for Mitigating Object Hallucinations in LVMs
Large vision-language models (LVMs) extend large language models (LLMs) with visual perception capabilities, enabling them to process and interpret visual information. A major challenge compromising their reliability is object hallucination that LVMs may generate plausible but factually inaccurate information. We propose a novel visual adversarial perturbation (VAP) method to mitigate this hallucination issue. VAP alleviates LVM hallucination by applying strategically optimized visual noise without altering the base model. Our approach formulates hallucination suppression as an optimization problem, leveraging adversarial strategies to generate beneficial visual perturbations that enhance the model's factual grounding and reduce parametric knowledge bias. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our method consistently reduces object hallucinations across 8 state-of-the-art LVMs, validating its efficacy across diverse evaluations.
♻ ☆ Exploring Quasi-Global Solutions to Compound Lens Based Computational Imaging Systems
Recently, joint design approaches that simultaneously optimize optical systems and downstream algorithms through data-driven learning have demonstrated superior performance over traditional separate design approaches. However, current joint design approaches heavily rely on the manual identification of initial lenses, posing challenges and limitations, particularly for compound lens systems with multiple potential starting points. In this work, we present Quasi-Global Search Optics (QGSO) to automatically design compound lens based computational imaging systems through two parts: (i) Fused Optimization Method for Automatic Optical Design (OptiFusion), which searches for diverse initial optical systems under certain design specifications; and (ii) Efficient Physic-aware Joint Optimization (EPJO), which conducts parallel joint optimization of initial optical systems and image reconstruction networks with the consideration of physical constraints, culminating in the selection of the optimal solution in all search results. Extensive experimental results illustrate that QGSO serves as a transformative end-to-end lens design paradigm for superior global search ability, which automatically provides compound lens based computational imaging systems with higher imaging quality compared to existing paradigms. The source code will be made publicly available at
comment: Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging (TCI). The source code will be made publicly available at
♻ ☆ MIA-Bench: Towards Better Instruction Following Evaluation of Multimodal LLMs ICLR 2025
We introduce MIA-Bench, a new benchmark designed to evaluate multimodal large language models (MLLMs) on their ability to strictly adhere to complex instructions. Our benchmark comprises a diverse set of 400 image-prompt pairs, each crafted to challenge the models' compliance with layered instructions in generating accurate responses that satisfy specific requested patterns. Evaluation results from a wide array of state-of-the-art MLLMs reveal significant variations in performance, highlighting areas for improvement in instruction fidelity. Additionally, we create extra training data and explore supervised fine-tuning to enhance the models' ability to strictly follow instructions without compromising performance on other tasks. We hope this benchmark not only serves as a tool for measuring MLLM adherence to instructions, but also guides future developments in MLLM training methods.
comment: Accepted at ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ YOLOv12 to Its Genesis: A Decadal and Comprehensive Review of The You Only Look Once (YOLO) Series
This review systematically examines the progression of the You Only Look Once (YOLO) object detection algorithms from YOLOv1 to the recently unveiled YOLOv12. Employing a reverse chronological analysis, this study examines the advancements introduced by YOLO algorithms, beginning with YOLOv12 and progressing through YOLO11 (or YOLOv11), YOLOv10, YOLOv9, YOLOv8, and subsequent versions to explore each version's contributions to enhancing speed, detection accuracy, and computational efficiency in real-time object detection. Additionally, this study reviews the alternative versions derived from YOLO architectural advancements of YOLO-NAS, YOLO-X, YOLO-R, DAMO-YOLO, and Gold-YOLO. By detailing the incremental technological advancements in subsequent YOLO versions, this review chronicles the evolution of YOLO, and discusses the challenges and limitations in each of the earlier versions. The evolution signifies a path towards integrating YOLO with multimodal, context-aware, and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) systems for the next YOLO decade, promising significant implications for future developments in AI-driven applications. (Key terms: YOLOv12, YOLOv12 architecture, YOLOv11, YOLO11, YOLO Review, YOLOv14, YOLOv15, YOLO architecture, YOLOv12 architecture)
comment: 11 Figures, 7 Tables
♻ ☆ Vision Foundation Models in Medical Image Analysis: Advances and Challenges
The rapid development of Vision Foundation Models (VFMs), particularly Vision Transformers (ViT) and Segment Anything Model (SAM), has sparked significant advances in the field of medical image analysis. These models have demonstrated exceptional capabilities in capturing long-range dependencies and achieving high generalization in segmentation tasks. However, adapting these large models to medical image analysis presents several challenges, including domain differences between medical and natural images, the need for efficient model adaptation strategies, and the limitations of small-scale medical datasets. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art research on the adaptation of VFMs to medical image segmentation, focusing on the challenges of domain adaptation, model compression, and federated learning. We discuss the latest developments in adapter-based improvements, knowledge distillation techniques, and multi-scale contextual feature modeling, and propose future directions to overcome these bottlenecks. Our analysis highlights the potential of VFMs, along with emerging methodologies such as federated learning and model compression, to revolutionize medical image analysis and enhance clinical applications. The goal of this work is to provide a comprehensive overview of current approaches and suggest key areas for future research that can drive the next wave of innovation in medical image segmentation.
comment: 17 pages, 1 figure
♻ ☆ PhysAug: A Physical-guided and Frequency-based Data Augmentation for Single-Domain Generalized Object Detection AAAI
Single-Domain Generalized Object Detection~(S-DGOD) aims to train on a single source domain for robust performance across a variety of unseen target domains by taking advantage of an object detector. Existing S-DGOD approaches often rely on data augmentation strategies, including a composition of visual transformations, to enhance the detector's generalization ability. However, the absence of real-world prior knowledge hinders data augmentation from contributing to the diversity of training data distributions. To address this issue, we propose PhysAug, a novel physical model-based non-ideal imaging condition data augmentation method, to enhance the adaptability of the S-DGOD tasks. Drawing upon the principles of atmospheric optics, we develop a universal perturbation model that serves as the foundation for our proposed PhysAug. Given that visual perturbations typically arise from the interaction of light with atmospheric particles, the image frequency spectrum is harnessed to simulate real-world variations during training. This approach fosters the detector to learn domain-invariant representations, thereby enhancing its ability to generalize across various settings. Without altering the network architecture or loss function, our approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art across various S-DGOD datasets. In particular, it achieves a substantial improvement of $7.3\%$ and $7.2\%$ over the baseline on DWD and Cityscape-C, highlighting its enhanced generalizability in real-world settings.
comment: Accepted to AAAI,2025
♻ ☆ PC-Agent: A Hierarchical Multi-Agent Collaboration Framework for Complex Task Automation on PC
In the field of MLLM-based GUI agents, compared to smartphones, the PC scenario not only features a more complex interactive environment, but also involves more intricate intra- and inter-app workflows. To address these issues, we propose a hierarchical agent framework named PC-Agent. Specifically, from the perception perspective, we devise an Active Perception Module (APM) to overcome the inadequate abilities of current MLLMs in perceiving screenshot content. From the decision-making perspective, to handle complex user instructions and interdependent subtasks more effectively, we propose a hierarchical multi-agent collaboration architecture that decomposes decision-making processes into Instruction-Subtask-Action levels. Within this architecture, three agents (i.e., Manager, Progress and Decision) are set up for instruction decomposition, progress tracking and step-by-step decision-making respectively. Additionally, a Reflection agent is adopted to enable timely bottom-up error feedback and adjustment. We also introduce a new benchmark PC-Eval with 25 real-world complex instructions. Empirical results on PC-Eval show that our PC-Agent achieves a 32% absolute improvement of task success rate over previous state-of-the-art methods. The code is available at
comment: 14 pages, 7 figures
Machine Learning 100
☆ One-step Diffusion Models with $f$-Divergence Distribution Matching
Sampling from diffusion models involves a slow iterative process that hinders their practical deployment, especially for interactive applications. To accelerate generation speed, recent approaches distill a multi-step diffusion model into a single-step student generator via variational score distillation, which matches the distribution of samples generated by the student to the teacher's distribution. However, these approaches use the reverse Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence for distribution matching which is known to be mode seeking. In this paper, we generalize the distribution matching approach using a novel $f$-divergence minimization framework, termed $f$-distill, that covers different divergences with different trade-offs in terms of mode coverage and training variance. We derive the gradient of the $f$-divergence between the teacher and student distributions and show that it is expressed as the product of their score differences and a weighting function determined by their density ratio. This weighting function naturally emphasizes samples with higher density in the teacher distribution, when using a less mode-seeking divergence. We observe that the popular variational score distillation approach using the reverse-KL divergence is a special case within our framework. Empirically, we demonstrate that alternative $f$-divergences, such as forward-KL and Jensen-Shannon divergences, outperform the current best variational score distillation methods across image generation tasks. In particular, when using Jensen-Shannon divergence, $f$-distill achieves current state-of-the-art one-step generation performance on ImageNet64 and zero-shot text-to-image generation on MS-COCO. Project page:
☆ Testing the limits of fine-tuning to improve reasoning in vision language models
Pre-trained vision language models still fall short of human visual cognition. In an effort to improve visual cognition and align models with human behavior, we introduce visual stimuli and human judgments on visual cognition tasks, allowing us to systematically evaluate performance across cognitive domains under a consistent environment. We fine-tune models on ground truth data for intuitive physics and causal reasoning and find that this improves model performance in the respective fine-tuning domain. Furthermore, it can improve model alignment with human behavior. However, we find that fine-tuning does not contribute to robust human-like generalization to data with other visual characteristics or to tasks in other cognitive domains.
☆ FLEKE: Federated Locate-then-Edit Knowledge Editing
Locate-then-Edit Knowledge Editing (LEKE) is a key technique for updating large language models (LLMs) without full retraining. However, existing methods assume a single-user setting and become inefficient in real-world multi-client scenarios, where decentralized organizations (e.g., hospitals, financial institutions) independently update overlapping knowledge, leading to redundant mediator knowledge vector (MKV) computations and privacy concerns. To address these challenges, we introduce Federated Locate-then-Edit Knowledge Editing (FLEKE), a novel task that enables multiple clients to collaboratively perform LEKE while preserving privacy and reducing computational overhead. To achieve this, we propose FedEdit, a two-stage framework that optimizes MKV selection and reuse. In the first stage, clients locally apply LEKE and upload the computed MKVs. In the second stage, rather than relying solely on server-based MKV sharing, FLEKE allows clients retrieve relevant MKVs based on cosine similarity, enabling knowledge re-edit and minimizing redundant computations. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that FedEdit retains over 96% of the performance of non-federated LEKE while significantly outperforming a FedAvg-based baseline by approximately twofold. Besides, we find that MEMIT performs more consistently than PMET in the FLEKE task with our FedEdit framework. Our code is available at
☆ Almost AI, Almost Human: The Challenge of Detecting AI-Polished Writing
The growing use of large language models (LLMs) for text generation has led to widespread concerns about AI-generated content detection. However, an overlooked challenge is AI-polished text, where human-written content undergoes subtle refinements using AI tools. This raises a critical question: should minimally polished text be classified as AI-generated? Misclassification can lead to false plagiarism accusations and misleading claims about AI prevalence in online content. In this study, we systematically evaluate eleven state-of-the-art AI-text detectors using our AI-Polished-Text Evaluation (APT-Eval) dataset, which contains $11.7K$ samples refined at varying AI-involvement levels. Our findings reveal that detectors frequently misclassify even minimally polished text as AI-generated, struggle to differentiate between degrees of AI involvement, and exhibit biases against older and smaller models. These limitations highlight the urgent need for more nuanced detection methodologies.
comment: 17 pages, 17 figures
☆ Automating Curriculum Learning for Reinforcement Learning using a Skill-Based Bayesian Network
A major challenge for reinforcement learning is automatically generating curricula to reduce training time or improve performance in some target task. We introduce SEBNs (Skill-Environment Bayesian Networks) which model a probabilistic relationship between a set of skills, a set of goals that relate to the reward structure, and a set of environment features to predict policy performance on (possibly unseen) tasks. We develop an algorithm that uses the inferred estimates of agent success from SEBN to weigh the possible next tasks by expected improvement. We evaluate the benefit of the resulting curriculum on three environments: a discrete gridworld, continuous control, and simulated robotics. The results show that curricula constructed using SEBN frequently outperform other baselines.
Superintelligent Agents Pose Catastrophic Risks: Can Scientist AI Offer a Safer Path?
The leading AI companies are increasingly focused on building generalist AI agents -- systems that can autonomously plan, act, and pursue goals across almost all tasks that humans can perform. Despite how useful these systems might be, unchecked AI agency poses significant risks to public safety and security, ranging from misuse by malicious actors to a potentially irreversible loss of human control. We discuss how these risks arise from current AI training methods. Indeed, various scenarios and experiments have demonstrated the possibility of AI agents engaging in deception or pursuing goals that were not specified by human operators and that conflict with human interests, such as self-preservation. Following the precautionary principle, we see a strong need for safer, yet still useful, alternatives to the current agency-driven trajectory. Accordingly, we propose as a core building block for further advances the development of a non-agentic AI system that is trustworthy and safe by design, which we call Scientist AI. This system is designed to explain the world from observations, as opposed to taking actions in it to imitate or please humans. It comprises a world model that generates theories to explain data and a question-answering inference machine. Both components operate with an explicit notion of uncertainty to mitigate the risks of overconfident predictions. In light of these considerations, a Scientist AI could be used to assist human researchers in accelerating scientific progress, including in AI safety. In particular, our system can be employed as a guardrail against AI agents that might be created despite the risks involved. Ultimately, focusing on non-agentic AI may enable the benefits of AI innovation while avoiding the risks associated with the current trajectory. We hope these arguments will motivate researchers, developers, and policymakers to favor this safer path.
☆ Machine-generated text detection prevents language model collapse
As Large Language Models (LLMs) become increasingly prevalent, their generated outputs are proliferating across the web, risking a future where machine-generated content dilutes human-authored text. Since web data is the primary resource for LLM pretraining, future models will be trained on an unknown portion of synthetic data. This will lead to model collapse, a degenerative process which causes models to reinforce their own errors and experience a drop in model performance. In this study, we investigate the impact of decoding strategy on model collapse, where we analyse the characteristics of the generated data during recursive training, its similarity to human references and the resulting model performance. Using the decoding strategies that lead to the most significant model degradation, we tackle the question: how to avoid model collapse when the origin (human or synthetic) of the training data is unknown. We design a novel methodology based on resampling the data distribution using importance weights from our machine-generated text detector. Our method is validated on two LLM variants (GPT-2 and SmolLM2) on the open-ended text generation task, demonstrating that we can successfully prevent model collapse and when there is enough human-authored data in the training dataset, our method improves model performance.
☆ Logit Disagreement: OoD Detection with Bayesian Neural Networks ECCV 2024
Bayesian neural networks (BNNs), which estimate the full posterior distribution over model parameters, are well-known for their role in uncertainty quantification and its promising application in out-of-distribution detection (OoD). Amongst other uncertainty measures, BNNs provide a state-of-the art estimation of predictive entropy (total uncertainty) which can be decomposed as the sum of mutual information and expected entropy. In the context of OoD detection the estimation of predictive uncertainty in the form of the predictive entropy score confounds aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty, the latter being hypothesized to be high for OoD points. Despite these justifications, the mutual information score has been shown to perform worse than predictive entropy. Taking inspiration from Bayesian variational autoencoder (BVAE) literature, this work proposes to measure the disagreement between a corrected version of the pre-softmax quantities, otherwise known as logits, as an estimate of epistemic uncertainty for Bayesian NNs under mean field variational inference. The three proposed epistemic uncertainty scores demonstrate marked improvements over mutual information on a range of OoD experiments, with equal performance otherwise. Moreover, the epistemic uncertainty scores perform on par with the Bayesian benchmark predictive entropy on a range of MNIST and CIFAR10 experiments.
comment: Presented at ECCV 2024 Workshop: 3rd Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification for Computer Vision
☆ Predicting gene essentiality and drug response from perturbation screens in preclinical cancer models with LEAP: Layered Ensemble of Autoencoders and Predictors
Preclinical perturbation screens, where the effects of genetic, chemical, or environmental perturbations are systematically tested on disease models, hold significant promise for machine learning-enhanced drug discovery due to their scale and causal nature. Predictive models can infer perturbation responses for previously untested disease models based on molecular profiles. These in silico labels can expand databases and guide experimental prioritization. However, modelling perturbation-specific effects and generating robust prediction performances across diverse biological contexts remain elusive. We introduce LEAP (Layered Ensemble of Autoencoders and Predictors), a novel ensemble framework to improve robustness and generalization. LEAP leverages multiple DAMAE (Data Augmented Masked Autoencoder) representations and LASSO regressors. By combining diverse gene expression representation models learned from different random initializations, LEAP consistently outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in predicting gene essentiality or drug responses in unseen cell lines, tissues and disease models. Notably, our results show that ensembling representation models, rather than prediction models alone, yields superior predictive performance. Beyond its performance gains, LEAP is computationally efficient, requires minimal hyperparameter tuning and can therefore be readily incorporated into drug discovery pipelines to prioritize promising targets and support biomarker-driven stratification. The code and datasets used in this work are made publicly available.
☆ AutoTandemML: Active Learning Enhanced Tandem Neural Networks for Inverse Design Problems
Inverse design in science and engineering involves determining optimal design parameters that achieve desired performance outcomes, a process often hindered by the complexity and high dimensionality of design spaces, leading to significant computational costs. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel hybrid approach that combines active learning with Tandem Neural Networks to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of solving inverse design problems. Active learning allows to selectively sample the most informative data points, reducing the required dataset size without compromising accuracy. We investigate this approach using three benchmark problems: airfoil inverse design, photonic surface inverse design, and scalar boundary condition reconstruction in diffusion partial differential equations. We demonstrate that integrating active learning with Tandem Neural Networks outperforms standard approaches across the benchmark suite, achieving better accuracy with fewer training samples.
☆ Training Neural ODEs Using Fully Discretized Simultaneous Optimization
Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (Neural ODEs) represent continuous-time dynamics with neural networks, offering advancements for modeling and control tasks. However, training Neural ODEs requires solving differential equations at each epoch, leading to high computational costs. This work investigates simultaneous optimization methods as a faster training alternative. In particular, we employ a collocation-based, fully discretized formulation and use IPOPT--a solver for large-scale nonlinear optimization--to simultaneously optimize collocation coefficients and neural network parameters. Using the Van der Pol Oscillator as a case study, we demonstrate faster convergence compared to traditional training methods. Furthermore, we introduce a decomposition framework utilizing Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) to effectively coordinate sub-models among data batches. Our results show significant potential for (collocation-based) simultaneous Neural ODE training pipelines.
comment: Accepted to the 14th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS 2025)
☆ Steering into New Embedding Spaces: Analyzing Cross-Lingual Alignment Induced by Model Interventions in Multilingual Language Models
Aligned representations across languages is a desired property in multilingual large language models (mLLMs), as alignment can improve performance in cross-lingual tasks. Typically alignment requires fine-tuning a model, which is computationally expensive, and sizable language data, which often may not be available. A data-efficient alternative to fine-tuning is model interventions -- a method for manipulating model activations to steer generation into the desired direction. We analyze the effect of a popular intervention (finding experts) on the alignment of cross-lingual representations in mLLMs. We identify the neurons to manipulate for a given language and introspect the embedding space of mLLMs pre- and post-manipulation. We show that modifying the mLLM's activations changes its embedding space such that cross-lingual alignment is enhanced. Further, we show that the changes to the embedding space translate into improved downstream performance on retrieval tasks, with up to 2x improvements in top-1 accuracy on cross-lingual retrieval.
comment: 34 pages
☆ Mantis: Lightweight Calibrated Foundation Model for User-Friendly Time Series Classification
In recent years, there has been increasing interest in developing foundation models for time series data that can generalize across diverse downstream tasks. While numerous forecasting-oriented foundation models have been introduced, there is a notable scarcity of models tailored for time series classification. To address this gap, we present Mantis, a new open-source foundation model for time series classification based on the Vision Transformer (ViT) architecture that has been pre-trained using a contrastive learning approach. Our experimental results show that Mantis outperforms existing foundation models both when the backbone is frozen and when fine-tuned, while achieving the lowest calibration error. In addition, we propose several adapters to handle the multivariate setting, reducing memory requirements and modeling channel interdependence.
☆ Sparks of cognitive flexibility: self-guided context inference for flexible stimulus-response mapping by attentional routing
Flexible cognition demands discovering hidden rules to quickly adapt stimulus-response mappings. Standard neural networks struggle in tasks requiring rapid, context-driven remapping. Recently, Hummos (2023) introduced a fast-and-slow learning algorithm to mitigate this shortfall, but its scalability to complex, image-computable tasks was unclear. Here, we propose the Wisconsin Neural Network (WiNN), which expands on fast-and-slow learning for real-world tasks demanding flexible rule-based behavior. WiNN employs a pretrained convolutional neural network for vision, coupled with an adjustable "context state" that guides attention to relevant features. If WiNN produces an incorrect response, it first iteratively updates its context state to refocus attention on task-relevant cues, then performs minimal parameter updates to attention and readout layers. This strategy preserves generalizable representations in the sensory network, reducing catastrophic forgetting. We evaluate WiNN on an image-based extension of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task, revealing several markers of cognitive flexibility: (i) WiNN autonomously infers underlying rules, (ii) requires fewer examples to do so than control models reliant on large-scale parameter updates, (iii) can perform context-based rule inference solely via context-state adjustments-further enhanced by slow updates of attention and readout parameters, and (iv) generalizes to unseen compositional rules through context-state inference alone. By blending fast context inference with targeted attentional guidance, WiNN achieves "sparks" of flexibility. This approach offers a path toward context-sensitive models that retain knowledge while rapidly adapting to complex, rule-based tasks.
comment: 11 pages, 4 figures
☆ The Relationship Between Reasoning and Performance in Large Language Models -- o3 (mini) Thinks Harder, Not Longer
Large language models have demonstrated remarkable progress in mathematical reasoning, leveraging chain-of-thought and test-time compute scaling. However, many open questions remain regarding the interplay between reasoning token usage and accuracy gains. In particular, when comparing models across generations, it is unclear whether improved performance results from longer reasoning chains or more efficient reasoning. We systematically analyze chain-of-thought length across o1-mini and o3-mini variants on the Omni-MATH benchmark, finding that o3-mini (m) achieves superior accuracy without requiring longer reasoning chains than o1-mini. Moreover, we show that accuracy generally declines as reasoning chains grow across all models and compute settings, even when controlling for difficulty of the questions. This accuracy drop is significantly smaller in more proficient models, suggesting that new generations of reasoning models use test-time compute more effectively. Finally, we highlight that while o3-mini (h) achieves a marginal accuracy gain over o3-mini (m), it does so by allocating substantially more reasoning tokens across all problems, even the ones that o3-mini (m) can already solve. These findings provide new insights into the relationship between model capability and reasoning length, with implications for efficiency, scaling, and evaluation methodologies.
comment: 19 pages, 11 figures
☆ Paradigms of AI Evaluation: Mapping Goals, Methodologies and Culture
Research in AI evaluation has grown increasingly complex and multidisciplinary, attracting researchers with diverse backgrounds and objectives. As a result, divergent evaluation paradigms have emerged, often developing in isolation, adopting conflicting terminologies, and overlooking each other's contributions. This fragmentation has led to insular research trajectories and communication barriers both among different paradigms and with the general public, contributing to unmet expectations for deployed AI systems. To help bridge this insularity, in this paper we survey recent work in the AI evaluation landscape and identify six main paradigms. We characterise major recent contributions within each paradigm across key dimensions related to their goals, methodologies and research cultures. By clarifying the unique combination of questions and approaches associated with each paradigm, we aim to increase awareness of the breadth of current evaluation approaches and foster cross-pollination between different paradigms. We also identify potential gaps in the field to inspire future research directions.
☆ Probe Pruning: Accelerating LLMs through Dynamic Pruning via Model-Probing ICLR 2025
We introduce Probe Pruning (PP), a novel framework for online, dynamic, structured pruning of Large Language Models (LLMs) applied in a batch-wise manner. PP leverages the insight that not all samples and tokens contribute equally to the model's output, and probing a small portion of each batch effectively identifies crucial weights, enabling tailored dynamic pruning for different batches. It comprises three main stages: probing, history-informed pruning, and full inference. In the probing stage, PP selects a small yet crucial set of hidden states, based on residual importance, to run a few model layers ahead. During the history-informed pruning stage, PP strategically integrates the probing states with historical states. Subsequently, it structurally prunes weights based on the integrated states and the PP importance score, a metric developed specifically to assess the importance of each weight channel in maintaining performance. In the final stage, full inference is conducted on the remaining weights. A major advantage of PP is its compatibility with existing models, as it operates without requiring additional neural network modules or fine-tuning. Comprehensive evaluations of PP on LLaMA-2/3 and OPT models reveal that even minimal probing-using just 1.5% of FLOPs-can substantially enhance the efficiency of structured pruning of LLMs. For instance, when evaluated on LLaMA-2-7B with WikiText2, PP achieves a 2.56 times lower ratio of performance degradation per unit of runtime reduction compared to the state-of-the-art method at a 40% pruning ratio. Our code is available at
comment: ICLR 2025
☆ PDeepPP:A Deep learning framework with Pretrained Protein language for peptide classification
Protein post-translational modifications (PTMs) and bioactive peptides (BPs) play critical roles in various biological processes and have significant therapeutic potential. However, identifying PTM sites and bioactive peptides through experimental methods is often labor-intensive, costly, and time-consuming. As a result, computational tools, particularly those based on deep learning, have become effective solutions for predicting PTM sites and peptide bioactivity. Despite progress in this field, existing methods still struggle with the complexity of protein sequences and the challenge of requiring high-quality predictions across diverse datasets. To address these issues, we propose a deep learning framework that integrates pretrained protein language models with a neural network combining transformer and CNN for peptide classification. By leveraging the ability of pretrained models to capture complex relationships within protein sequences, combined with the predictive power of parallel networks, our approach improves feature extraction while enhancing prediction accuracy. This framework was applied to multiple tasks involving PTM site and bioactive peptide prediction, utilizing large-scale datasets to enhance the model's robustness. In the comparison across 33 tasks, the model achieved state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in 25 of them, surpassing existing methods and demonstrating its versatility across different datasets. Our results suggest that this approach provides a scalable and effective solution for large-scale peptide discovery and PTM analysis, paving the way for more efficient peptide classification and functional annotation.
comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to arXiv
☆ On the Robustness of Transformers against Context Hijacking for Linear Classification
Transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated powerful in-context learning capabilities. However, their predictions can be disrupted by factually correct context, a phenomenon known as context hijacking, revealing a significant robustness issue. To understand this phenomenon theoretically, we explore an in-context linear classification problem based on recent advances in linear transformers. In our setup, context tokens are designed as factually correct query-answer pairs, where the queries are similar to the final query but have opposite labels. Then, we develop a general theoretical analysis on the robustness of the linear transformers, which is formulated as a function of the model depth, training context lengths, and number of hijacking context tokens. A key finding is that a well-trained deeper transformer can achieve higher robustness, which aligns with empirical observations. We show that this improvement arises because deeper layers enable more fine-grained optimization steps, effectively mitigating interference from context hijacking. This is also well supported by our numerical experiments. Our findings provide theoretical insights into the benefits of deeper architectures and contribute to enhancing the understanding of transformer architectures.
☆ Do Multilingual LLMs Think In English?
Large language models (LLMs) have multilingual capabilities and can solve tasks across various languages. However, we show that current LLMs make key decisions in a representation space closest to English, regardless of their input and output languages. Exploring the internal representations with a logit lens for sentences in French, German, Dutch, and Mandarin, we show that the LLM first emits representations close to English for semantically-loaded words before translating them into the target language. We further show that activation steering in these LLMs is more effective when the steering vectors are computed in English rather than in the language of the inputs and outputs. This suggests that multilingual LLMs perform key reasoning steps in a representation that is heavily shaped by English in a way that is not transparent to system users.
comment: Main paper 9 pages; including appendix 48 pages
☆ KAD: No More FAD! An Effective and Efficient Evaluation Metric for Audio Generation
Although being widely adopted for evaluating generated audio signals, the Fr\'echet Audio Distance (FAD) suffers from significant limitations, including reliance on Gaussian assumptions, sensitivity to sample size, and high computational complexity. As an alternative, we introduce the Kernel Audio Distance (KAD), a novel, distribution-free, unbiased, and computationally efficient metric based on Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD). Through analysis and empirical validation, we demonstrate KAD's advantages: (1) faster convergence with smaller sample sizes, enabling reliable evaluation with limited data; (2) lower computational cost, with scalable GPU acceleration; and (3) stronger alignment with human perceptual judgments. By leveraging advanced embeddings and characteristic kernels, KAD captures nuanced differences between real and generated audio. Open-sourced in the kadtk toolkit, KAD provides an efficient, reliable, and perceptually aligned benchmark for evaluating generative audio models.
☆ LightThinker: Thinking Step-by-Step Compression
Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable performance in complex reasoning tasks, but their efficiency is hindered by the substantial memory and computational costs associated with generating lengthy tokens. In this paper, we propose LightThinker, a novel method that enables LLMs to dynamically compress intermediate thoughts during reasoning. Inspired by human cognitive processes, LightThinker compresses verbose thought steps into compact representations and discards the original reasoning chains, thereby significantly reducing the number of tokens stored in the context window. This is achieved by training the model on when and how to perform compression through data construction, mapping hidden states to condensed gist tokens, and creating specialized attention masks. Additionally, we introduce the Dependency (Dep) metric to quantify the degree of compression by measuring the reliance on historical tokens during generation. Extensive experiments on four datasets and two models show that LightThinker reduces peak memory usage and inference time, while maintaining competitive accuracy. Our work provides a new direction for improving the efficiency of LLMs in complex reasoning tasks without sacrificing performance. Code will be released at
☆ Improving the Scaling Laws of Synthetic Data with Deliberate Practice
Inspired by the principle of deliberate practice in human learning, we propose Deliberate Practice for Synthetic Data Generation (DP), a novel framework that improves sample efficiency through dynamic synthetic data generation. Prior work has shown that scaling synthetic data is inherently challenging, as naively adding new data leads to diminishing returns. To address this, pruning has been identified as a key mechanism for improving scaling, enabling models to focus on the most informative synthetic samples. Rather than generating a large dataset and pruning it afterward, DP efficiently approximates the direct generation of informative samples. We theoretically show how training on challenging, informative examples improves scaling laws and empirically validate that DP achieves better scaling performance with significantly fewer training samples and iterations. On ImageNet-100, DP generates 3.4x fewer samples and requires six times fewer iterations, while on ImageNet-1k, it generates 8x fewer samples with a 30 percent reduction in iterations, all while achieving superior performance compared to prior work.
☆ Context-Aware Doubly-Robust Semi-Supervised Learning
The widespread adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in next-generation communication systems is challenged by the heterogeneity of traffic and network conditions, which call for the use of highly contextual, site-specific, data. A promising solution is to rely not only on real-world data, but also on synthetic pseudo-data generated by a network digital twin (NDT). However, the effectiveness of this approach hinges on the accuracy of the NDT, which can vary widely across different contexts. To address this problem, this paper introduces context-aware doubly-robust (CDR) learning, a novel semi-supervised scheme that adapts its reliance on the pseudo-data to the different levels of fidelity of the NDT across contexts. CDR is evaluated on the task of downlink beamforming, showing superior performance compared to previous state-of-the-art semi-supervised approaches.
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication
☆ Feature maps for the Laplacian kernel and its generalizations
Recent applications of kernel methods in machine learning have seen a renewed interest in the Laplacian kernel, due to its stability to the bandwidth hyperparameter in comparison to the Gaussian kernel, as well as its expressivity being equivalent to that of the neural tangent kernel of deep fully connected networks. However, unlike the Gaussian kernel, the Laplacian kernel is not separable. This poses challenges for techniques to approximate it, especially via the random Fourier features (RFF) methodology and its variants. In this work, we provide random features for the Laplacian kernel and its two generalizations: Mat\'{e}rn kernel and the Exponential power kernel. We provide efficiently implementable schemes to sample weight matrices so that random features approximate these kernels. These weight matrices have a weakly coupled heavy-tailed randomness. Via numerical experiments on real datasets we demonstrate the efficacy of these random feature maps.
☆ A Cautionary Tale About "Neutrally" Informative AI Tools Ahead of the 2025 Federal Elections in Germany
In this study, we examine the reliability of AI-based Voting Advice Applications (VAAs) and large language models (LLMs) in providing objective political information. Our analysis is based upon a comparison with party responses to 38 statements of the Wahl-O-Mat, a well-established German online tool that helps inform voters by comparing their views with political party positions. For the LLMs, we identify significant biases. They exhibit a strong alignment (over 75% on average) with left-wing parties and a substantially lower alignment with center-right (smaller 50%) and right-wing parties (around 30%). Furthermore, for the VAAs, intended to objectively inform voters, we found substantial deviations from the parties' stated positions in Wahl-O-Mat: While one VAA deviated in 25% of cases, another VAA showed deviations in more than 50% of cases. For the latter, we even observed that simple prompt injections led to severe hallucinations, including false claims such as non-existent connections between political parties and right-wing extremist ties.
☆ Model Privacy: A Unified Framework to Understand Model Stealing Attacks and Defenses
The use of machine learning (ML) has become increasingly prevalent in various domains, highlighting the importance of understanding and ensuring its safety. One pressing concern is the vulnerability of ML applications to model stealing attacks. These attacks involve adversaries attempting to recover a learned model through limited query-response interactions, such as those found in cloud-based services or on-chip artificial intelligence interfaces. While existing literature proposes various attack and defense strategies, these often lack a theoretical foundation and standardized evaluation criteria. In response, this work presents a framework called ``Model Privacy'', providing a foundation for comprehensively analyzing model stealing attacks and defenses. We establish a rigorous formulation for the threat model and objectives, propose methods to quantify the goodness of attack and defense strategies, and analyze the fundamental tradeoffs between utility and privacy in ML models. Our developed theory offers valuable insights into enhancing the security of ML models, especially highlighting the importance of the attack-specific structure of perturbations for effective defenses. We demonstrate the application of model privacy from the defender's perspective through various learning scenarios. Extensive experiments corroborate the insights and the effectiveness of defense mechanisms developed under the proposed framework.
☆ Bridging vision language model (VLM) evaluation gaps with a framework for scalable and cost-effective benchmark generation
Reliable evaluation of AI models is critical for scientific progress and practical application. While existing VLM benchmarks provide general insights into model capabilities, their heterogeneous designs and limited focus on a few imaging domains pose significant challenges for both cross-domain performance comparison and targeted domain-specific evaluation. To address this, we propose three key contributions: (1) a framework for the resource-efficient creation of domain-specific VLM benchmarks enabled by task augmentation for creating multiple diverse tasks from a single existing task, (2) the release of new VLM benchmarks for seven domains, created according to the same homogeneous protocol and including 162,946 thoroughly human-validated answers, and (3) an extensive benchmarking of 22 state-of-the-art VLMs on a total of 37,171 tasks, revealing performance variances across domains and tasks, thereby supporting the need for tailored VLM benchmarks. Adoption of our methodology will pave the way for the resource-efficient domain-specific selection of models and guide future research efforts toward addressing core open questions.
☆ A Defensive Framework Against Adversarial Attacks on Machine Learning-Based Network Intrusion Detection Systems
As cyberattacks become increasingly sophisticated, advanced Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) are critical for modern network security. Traditional signature-based NIDS are inadequate against zero-day and evolving attacks. In response, machine learning (ML)-based NIDS have emerged as promising solutions; however, they are vulnerable to adversarial evasion attacks that subtly manipulate network traffic to bypass detection. To address this vulnerability, we propose a novel defensive framework that enhances the robustness of ML-based NIDS by simultaneously integrating adversarial training, dataset balancing techniques, advanced feature engineering, ensemble learning, and extensive model fine-tuning. We validate our framework using the NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB15 datasets. Experimental results show, on average, a 35% increase in detection accuracy and a 12.5% reduction in false positives compared to baseline models, particularly under adversarial conditions. The proposed defense against adversarial attacks significantly advances the practical deployment of robust ML-based NIDS in real-world networks.
comment: Accepted to IEEE AI+ TrustCom 2024
☆ Estimating Vehicle Speed on Roadways Using RNNs and Transformers: A Video-based Approach
This project explores the application of advanced machine learning models, specifically Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Gated Recurrent Units (GRU), and Transformers, to the task of vehicle speed estimation using video data. Traditional methods of speed estimation, such as radar and manual systems, are often constrained by high costs, limited coverage, and potential disruptions. In contrast, leveraging existing surveillance infrastructure and cutting-edge neural network architectures presents a non-intrusive, scalable solution. Our approach utilizes LSTM and GRU to effectively manage long-term dependencies within the temporal sequence of video frames, while Transformers are employed to harness their self-attention mechanisms, enabling the processing of entire sequences in parallel and focusing on the most informative segments of the data. This study demonstrates that both LSTM and GRU outperform basic Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) due to their advanced gating mechanisms. Furthermore, increasing the sequence length of input data consistently improves model accuracy, highlighting the importance of contextual information in dynamic environments. Transformers, in particular, show exceptional adaptability and robustness across varied sequence lengths and complexities, making them highly suitable for real-time applications in diverse traffic conditions. The findings suggest that integrating these sophisticated neural network models can significantly enhance the accuracy and reliability of automated speed detection systems, thus promising to revolutionize traffic management and road safety.
☆ Generalization Guarantees for Representation Learning via Data-Dependent Gaussian Mixture Priors ICLR 2025
We establish in-expectation and tail bounds on the generalization error of representation learning type algorithms. The bounds are in terms of the relative entropy between the distribution of the representations extracted from the training and "test'' datasets and a data-dependent symmetric prior, i.e., the Minimum Description Length (MDL) of the latent variables for the training and test datasets. Our bounds are shown to reflect the "structure" and "simplicity'' of the encoder and significantly improve upon the few existing ones for the studied model. We then use our in-expectation bound to devise a suitable data-dependent regularizer; and we investigate thoroughly the important question of the selection of the prior. We propose a systematic approach to simultaneously learning a data-dependent Gaussian mixture prior and using it as a regularizer. Interestingly, we show that a weighted attention mechanism emerges naturally in this procedure. Our experiments show that our approach outperforms the now popular Variational Information Bottleneck (VIB) method as well as the recent Category-Dependent VIB (CDVIB).
comment: Accepted as a Spotlight Paper at ICLR 2025
☆ Solving Inverse Problems with Deep Linear Neural Networks: Global Convergence Guarantees for Gradient Descent with Weight Decay
Machine learning methods are commonly used to solve inverse problems, wherein an unknown signal must be estimated from few measurements generated via a known acquisition procedure. In particular, neural networks perform well empirically but have limited theoretical guarantees. In this work, we study an underdetermined linear inverse problem that admits several possible solution mappings. A standard remedy (e.g., in compressed sensing) establishing uniqueness of the solution mapping is to assume knowledge of latent low-dimensional structure in the source signal. We ask the following question: do deep neural networks adapt to this low-dimensional structure when trained by gradient descent with weight decay regularization? We prove that mildly overparameterized deep linear networks trained in this manner converge to an approximate solution that accurately solves the inverse problem while implicitly encoding latent subspace structure. To our knowledge, this is the first result to rigorously show that deep linear networks trained with weight decay automatically adapt to latent subspace structure in the data under practical stepsize and weight initialization schemes. Our work highlights that regularization and overparameterization improve generalization, while overparameterization also accelerates convergence during training.
☆ SALSA-RL: Stability Analysis in the Latent Space of Actions for Reinforcement Learning
Modern deep reinforcement learning (DRL) methods have made significant advances in handling continuous action spaces. However, real-world control systems--especially those requiring precise and reliable performance--often demand formal stability, and existing DRL approaches typically lack explicit mechanisms to ensure or analyze stability. To address this limitation, we propose SALSA-RL (Stability Analysis in the Latent Space of Actions), a novel RL framework that models control actions as dynamic, time-dependent variables evolving within a latent space. By employing a pre-trained encoder-decoder and a state-dependent linear system, our approach enables both stability analysis and interpretability. We demonstrated that SALSA-RL can be deployed in a non-invasive manner for assessing the local stability of actions from pretrained RL agents without compromising on performance across diverse benchmark environments. By enabling a more interpretable analysis of action generation, SALSA-RL provides a powerful tool for advancing the design, analysis, and theoretical understanding of RL systems.
☆ Activation Steering in Neural Theorem Provers
Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown promise in proving formal theorems using proof assistants like Lean. However, current state of the art language models struggles to predict next step in proofs leading practitioners to use different sampling techniques to improve LLMs capabilities. We observe that the LLM is capable of predicting the correct tactic; however, it faces challenges in ranking it appropriately within the set of candidate tactics, affecting the overall selection process. To overcome this hurdle, we use activation steering to guide LLMs responses to improve the generations at the time of inference. Our results suggest that activation steering offers a promising lightweight alternative to specialized fine-tuning for enhancing theorem proving capabilities in LLMs, particularly valuable in resource-constrained environments.
☆ Verification and Validation for Trustworthy Scientific Machine Learning
Scientific machine learning (SciML) models are transforming many scientific disciplines. However, the development of good modeling practices to increase the trustworthiness of SciML has lagged behind its application, limiting its potential impact. The goal of this paper is to start a discussion on establishing consensus-based good practices for predictive SciML. We identify key challenges in applying existing computational science and engineering guidelines, such as verification and validation protocols, and provide recommendations to address these challenges. Our discussion focuses on predictive SciML, which uses machine learning models to learn, improve, and accelerate numerical simulations of physical systems. While centered on predictive applications, our 16 recommendations aim to help researchers conduc
☆ Network Resource Optimization for ML-Based UAV Condition Monitoring with Vibration Analysis
As smart cities begin to materialize, the role of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and their reliability becomes increasingly important. One aspect of reliability relates to Condition Monitoring (CM), where Machine Learning (ML) models are leveraged to identify abnormal and adverse conditions. Given the resource-constrained nature of next-generation edge networks, the utilization of precious network resources must be minimized. This work explores the optimization of network resources for ML-based UAV CM frameworks. The developed framework uses experimental data and varies the feature extraction aggregation interval to optimize ML model selection. Additionally, by leveraging dimensionality reduction techniques, there is a 99.9% reduction in network resource consumption.
comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Networking Letters
☆ MoMa: A Modular Deep Learning Framework for Material Property Prediction
Deep learning methods for material property prediction have been widely explored to advance materials discovery. However, the prevailing pre-train then fine-tune paradigm often fails to address the inherent diversity and disparity of material tasks. To overcome these challenges, we introduce MoMa, a Modular framework for Materials that first trains specialized modules across a wide range of tasks and then adaptively composes synergistic modules tailored to each downstream scenario. Evaluation across 17 datasets demonstrates the superiority of MoMa, with a substantial 14% average improvement over the strongest baseline. Few-shot and continual learning experiments further highlight MoMa's potential for real-world applications. Pioneering a new paradigm of modular material learning, MoMa will be open-sourced to foster broader community collaboration.
☆ Sheaf theory: from deep geometry to deep learning
This paper provides an overview of the applications of sheaf theory in deep learning, data science, and computer science in general. The primary text of this work serves as a friendly introduction to applied and computational sheaf theory accessible to those with modest mathematical familiarity. We describe intuitions and motivations underlying sheaf theory shared by both theoretical researchers and practitioners, bridging classical mathematical theory and its more recent implementations within signal processing and deep learning. We observe that most notions commonly considered specific to cellular sheaves translate to sheaves on arbitrary posets, providing an interesting avenue for further generalization of these methods in applications, and we present a new algorithm to compute sheaf cohomology on arbitrary finite posets in response. By integrating classical theory with recent applications, this work reveals certain blind spots in current machine learning practices. We conclude with a list of problems related to sheaf-theoretic applications that we find mathematically insightful and practically instructive to solve. To ensure the exposition of sheaf theory is self-contained, a rigorous mathematical introduction is provided in appendices which moves from an introduction of diagrams and sheaves to the definition of derived functors, higher order cohomology, sheaf Laplacians, sheaf diffusion, and interconnections of these subjects therein.
comment: 117 pages, 8 figures
☆ Decoding for Punctured Convolutional and Turbo Codes: A Deep Learning Solution for Protocols Compliance
Neural network-based decoding methods have shown promise in enhancing error correction performance, but traditional approaches struggle with the challenges posed by punctured codes. In particular, these methods fail to address the complexities of variable code rates and the need for protocol compatibility. This paper presents a unified Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)-based decoding architecture specifically designed to overcome these challenges. The proposed method unifies punctured convolutional and Turbo codes. A puncture embedding mechanism integrates puncturing patterns directly into the network, enabling seamless adaptation to varying code rates, while balanced bit error rate training ensures robustness across different code lengths, rates, and channels, maintaining protocol flexibility. Extensive simulations in Additive White Gaussian Noise and Rayleigh fading channels demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms conventional decoding techniques, providing significant improvements in decoding accuracy and robustness. These results underscore the potential of LSTM-based decoding as a promising solution for next-generation artificial intelligence powered communication systems.
☆ PAPI: Exploiting Dynamic Parallelism in Large Language Model Decoding with a Processing-In-Memory-Enabled Computing System ASPLOS 2025
Large language models (LLMs) are widely used for natural language understanding and text generation. An LLM model relies on a time-consuming step called LLM decoding to generate output tokens. Several prior works focus on improving the performance of LLM decoding using parallelism techniques, such as batching and speculative decoding. State-of-the-art LLM decoding has both compute-bound and memory-bound kernels. Some prior works statically identify and map these different kernels to a heterogeneous architecture consisting of both processing-in-memory (PIM) units and computation-centric accelerators. We observe that characteristics of LLM decoding kernels (e.g., whether or not a kernel is memory-bound) can change dynamically due to parameter changes to meet user and/or system demands, making (1) static kernel mapping to PIM units and computation-centric accelerators suboptimal, and (2) one-size-fits-all approach of designing PIM units inefficient due to a large degree of heterogeneity even in memory-bound kernels. In this paper, we aim to accelerate LLM decoding while considering the dynamically changing characteristics of the kernels involved. We propose PAPI (PArallel Decoding with PIM), a PIM-enabled heterogeneous architecture that exploits dynamic scheduling of compute-bound or memory-bound kernels to suitable hardware units. PAPI has two key mechanisms: (1) online kernel characterization to dynamically schedule kernels to the most suitable hardware units at runtime and (2) a PIM-enabled heterogeneous computing system that harmoniously orchestrates both computation-centric processing units and hybrid PIM units with different computing capabilities. Our experimental results on three broadly-used LLMs show that PAPI achieves 1.8$\times$ and 11.1$\times$ speedups over a state-of-the-art heterogeneous LLM accelerator and a state-of-the-art PIM-only LLM accelerator, respectively.
comment: To appear in ASPLOS 2025
☆ Mitigating Data Scarcity in Time Series Analysis: A Foundation Model with Series-Symbol Data Generation
Foundation models for time series analysis (TSA) have attracted significant attention. However, challenges such as data scarcity and data imbalance continue to hinder their development. To address this, we consider modeling complex systems through symbolic expressions that serve as semantic descriptors of time series. Building on this concept, we introduce a series-symbol (S2) dual-modulity data generation mechanism, enabling the unrestricted creation of high-quality time series data paired with corresponding symbolic representations. Leveraging the S2 dataset, we develop SymTime, a pre-trained foundation model for TSA. SymTime demonstrates competitive performance across five major TSA tasks when fine-tuned with downstream task, rivaling foundation models pre-trained on real-world datasets. This approach underscores the potential of dual-modality data generation and pretraining mechanisms in overcoming data scarcity and enhancing task performance.
☆ R-LoRA: Random Initialization of Multi-Head LoRA for Multi-Task Learning
Fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) is prohibitively expensive in terms of computational and memory costs. Low-rank Adaptation (LoRA), as one of the most popular parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods, offers a cost-effective alternative by approximating the model changes $\Delta W \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$ through the product of down-projection matrix $A \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times r}$ and head matrix $B \in \mathbb{R}^{r \times n}$, where $r \ll \min(m, n)$. In real-world scenarios, LLMs are fine-tuned on data from multiple domains to perform tasks across various fields, embodying multi-task learning (MTL). LoRA often underperforms in such complex scenarios. To enhance LoRA's capability in multi-task learning, we propose R-LoRA, which incorporates Multi-Head Randomization. Multi-Head Randomization diversifies the head matrices through Multi-Head Random Initialization and Multi-Head Dropout, enabling more efficient learning of task-specific features while maintaining shared knowledge representation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that R-LoRA is better at capturing task-specific knowledge, thereby improving performance in multi-task scenarios. The code is available at
comment: 9 pages, 10 figures
☆ A fast convergence algorithm based on binary integer programming for expert load balancing in MoE LLMs
MoE (Mixture-of-Expert) architectures appear frequently in large language models, and the number of experts can be over one hundred recently. However, the expert load imbalance problem always happens in MoE model pre-training, which will cause routing collapse or increased computational overhead. In order to balance loads on experts, we propose BIP-Based Balancing, an expert load balancing algorithm based on binary integer programming (BIP). The algorithm maintains an additional vector q that can help change the top-K order of s by solving a binary integer programming with very small time costs. In simulation experiments, we observe that BIP-Based Balancing make imbalance disappoint very fast, while the final sum of routine scores decreases very little. Our algorithm achieves nearly perfect trade-off between expert load balance and pre-training efficiency under the simulation view.
☆ Dimension-free bounds in high-dimensional linear regression via error-in-operator approach
We consider a problem of high-dimensional linear regression with random design. We suggest a novel approach referred to as error-in-operator which does not estimate the design covariance $\Sigma$ directly but incorporates it into empirical risk minimization. We provide an expansion of the excess prediction risk and derive non-asymptotic dimension-free bounds on the leading term and the remainder. This helps us to show that auxiliary variables do not increase the effective dimension of the problem, provided that parameters of the procedure are tuned properly. We also discuss computational aspects of our method and illustrate its performance with numerical experiments.
comment: 100 pages
☆ Fed-SB: A Silver Bullet for Extreme Communication Efficiency and Performance in (Private) Federated LoRA Fine-Tuning
Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) has become ubiquitous for efficiently fine-tuning foundation models. However, federated fine-tuning using LoRA is challenging due to suboptimal updates arising from traditional federated averaging of individual adapters. Existing solutions either incur prohibitively high communication cost that scales linearly with the number of clients or suffer from performance degradation due to limited expressivity. We introduce Federated Silver Bullet (Fed-SB), a novel approach for federated fine-tuning of LLMs using LoRA-SB, a recently proposed low-rank adaptation method. LoRA-SB optimally aligns the optimization trajectory with the ideal low-rank full fine-tuning projection by learning a small square matrix (R) between adapters B and A, keeping other components fixed. Direct averaging of R guarantees exact updates, substantially reducing communication cost, which remains independent of the number of clients, and enables scalability. Fed-SB achieves state-of-the-art performance across commonsense reasoning, arithmetic reasoning, and language inference tasks while reducing communication costs by up to 230x. In private settings, Fed-SB further improves performance by (1) reducing trainable parameters, thereby lowering the noise required for differential privacy and (2) avoiding noise amplification introduced by other methods. Overall, Fed-SB establishes a new Pareto frontier in the tradeoff between communication and performance, offering an efficient and scalable solution for both private and non-private federated fine-tuning. Our code is publicly available at
comment: Raghav Singhal and Kaustubh Ponkshe contributed equally to this work
☆ Single-pass Detection of Jailbreaking Input in Large Language Models
Defending aligned Large Language Models (LLMs) against jailbreaking attacks is a challenging problem, with existing approaches requiring multiple requests or even queries to auxiliary LLMs, making them computationally heavy. Instead, we focus on detecting jailbreaking input in a single forward pass. Our method, called Single Pass Detection SPD, leverages the information carried by the logits to predict whether the output sentence will be harmful. This allows us to defend in just one forward pass. SPD can not only detect attacks effectively on open-source models, but also minimizes the misclassification of harmless inputs. Furthermore, we show that SPD remains effective even without complete logit access in GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. We believe that our proposed method offers a promising approach to efficiently safeguard LLMs against adversarial attacks.
comment: Accepted in TMLR 2025
☆ Adversarial Prompt Evaluation: Systematic Benchmarking of Guardrails Against Prompt Input Attacks on LLMs NeurIPS 2024
As large language models (LLMs) become integrated into everyday applications, ensuring their robustness and security is increasingly critical. In particular, LLMs can be manipulated into unsafe behaviour by prompts known as jailbreaks. The variety of jailbreak styles is growing, necessitating the use of external defences known as guardrails. While many jailbreak defences have been proposed, not all defences are able to handle new out-of-distribution attacks due to the narrow segment of jailbreaks used to align them. Moreover, the lack of systematisation around defences has created significant gaps in their practical application. In this work, we perform systematic benchmarking across 15 different defences, considering a broad swathe of malicious and benign datasets. We find that there is significant performance variation depending on the style of jailbreak a defence is subject to. Additionally, we show that based on current datasets available for evaluation, simple baselines can display competitive out-of-distribution performance compared to many state-of-the-art defences. Code is available at
comment: NeurIPS 2024, Safe Generative AI Workshop
☆ TAG: A Decentralized Framework for Multi-Agent Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
Hierarchical organization is fundamental to biological systems and human societies, yet artificial intelligence systems often rely on monolithic architectures that limit adaptability and scalability. Current hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL) approaches typically restrict hierarchies to two levels or require centralized training, which limits their practical applicability. We introduce TAME Agent Framework (TAG), a framework for constructing fully decentralized hierarchical multi-agent systems.TAG enables hierarchies of arbitrary depth through a novel LevelEnv concept, which abstracts each hierarchy level as the environment for the agents above it. This approach standardizes information flow between levels while preserving loose coupling, allowing for seamless integration of diverse agent types. We demonstrate the effectiveness of TAG by implementing hierarchical architectures that combine different RL agents across multiple levels, achieving improved performance over classical multi-agent RL baselines on standard benchmarks. Our results show that decentralized hierarchical organization enhances both learning speed and final performance, positioning TAG as a promising direction for scalable multi-agent systems.
☆ Evaluate with the Inverse: Efficient Approximation of Latent Explanation Quality Distribution AAAI 2025
Obtaining high-quality explanations of a model's output enables developers to identify and correct biases, align the system's behavior with human values, and ensure ethical compliance. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) practitioners rely on specific measures to gauge the quality of such explanations. These measures assess key attributes, such as how closely an explanation aligns with a model's decision process (faithfulness), how accurately it pinpoints the relevant input features (localization), and its consistency across different cases (robustness). Despite providing valuable information, these measures do not fully address a critical practitioner's concern: how does the quality of a given explanation compare to other potential explanations? Traditionally, the quality of an explanation has been assessed by comparing it to a randomly generated counterpart. This paper introduces an alternative: the Quality Gap Estimate (QGE). The QGE method offers a direct comparison to what can be viewed as the `inverse' explanation, one that conceptually represents the antithesis of the original explanation. Our extensive testing across multiple model architectures, datasets, and established quality metrics demonstrates that the QGE method is superior to the traditional approach. Furthermore, we show that QGE enhances the statistical reliability of these quality assessments. This advance represents a significant step toward a more insightful evaluation of explanations that enables a more effective inspection of a model's behavior.
comment: Accepted to AAAI 2025
☆ Learning Chern Numbers of Topological Insulators with Gauge Equivariant Neural Networks
Equivariant network architectures are a well-established tool for predicting invariant or equivariant quantities. However, almost all learning problems considered in this context feature a global symmetry, i.e. each point of the underlying space is transformed with the same group element, as opposed to a local ``gauge'' symmetry, where each point is transformed with a different group element, exponentially enlarging the size of the symmetry group. Gauge equivariant networks have so far mainly been applied to problems in quantum chromodynamics. Here, we introduce a novel application domain for gauge-equivariant networks in the theory of topological condensed matter physics. We use gauge equivariant networks to predict topological invariants (Chern numbers) of multiband topological insulators. The gauge symmetry of the network guarantees that the predicted quantity is a topological invariant. We introduce a novel gauge equivariant normalization layer to stabilize the training and prove a universal approximation theorem for our setup. We train on samples with trivial Chern number only but show that our models generalize to samples with non-trivial Chern number. We provide various ablations of our setup. Our code is available at
☆ Fréchet Cumulative Covariance Net for Deep Nonlinear Sufficient Dimension Reduction with Random Objects
Nonlinear sufficient dimension reduction\citep{libing_generalSDR}, which constructs nonlinear low-dimensional representations to summarize essential features of high-dimensional data, is an important branch of representation learning. However, most existing methods are not applicable when the response variables are complex non-Euclidean random objects, which are frequently encountered in many recent statistical applications. In this paper, we introduce a new statistical dependence measure termed Fr\'echet Cumulative Covariance (FCCov) and develop a novel nonlinear SDR framework based on FCCov. Our approach is not only applicable to complex non-Euclidean data, but also exhibits robustness against outliers. We further incorporate Feedforward Neural Networks (FNNs) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to estimate nonlinear sufficient directions in the sample level. Theoretically, we prove that our method with squared Frobenius norm regularization achieves unbiasedness at the $\sigma$-field level. Furthermore, we establish non-asymptotic convergence rates for our estimators based on FNNs and ResNet-type CNNs, which match the minimax rate of nonparametric regression up to logarithmic factors. Intensive simulation studies verify the performance of our methods in both Euclidean and non-Euclidean settings. We apply our method to facial expression recognition datasets and the results underscore more realistic and broader applicability of our proposal.
☆ Efficient and Provable Algorithms for Covariate Shift
Covariate shift, a widely used assumption in tackling {\it distributional shift} (when training and test distributions differ), focuses on scenarios where the distribution of the labels conditioned on the feature vector is the same, but the distribution of features in the training and test data are different. Despite the significance and extensive work on covariate shift, theoretical guarantees for algorithms in this domain remain sparse. In this paper, we distill the essence of the covariate shift problem and focus on estimating the average $\mathbb{E}_{\tilde{\mathbf{x}}\sim p_{\mathrm{test}}}\mathbf{f}(\tilde{\mathbf{x}})$, of any unknown and bounded function $\mathbf{f}$, given labeled training samples $(\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x}_i))$, and unlabeled test samples $\tilde{\mathbf{x}}_i$; this is a core subroutine for several widely studied learning problems. We give several efficient algorithms, with provable sample complexity and computational guarantees. Moreover, we provide the first rigorous analysis of algorithms in this space when $\mathbf{f}$ is unrestricted, laying the groundwork for developing a solid theoretical foundation for covariate shift problems.
☆ AttentionEngine: A Versatile Framework for Efficient Attention Mechanisms on Diverse Hardware Platforms
Transformers and large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized machine learning, with attention mechanisms at the core of their success. As the landscape of attention variants expands, so too do the challenges of optimizing their performance, particularly across different hardware platforms. Current optimization strategies are often narrowly focused, requiring extensive manual intervention to accommodate changes in model configurations or hardware environments. In this paper, we introduce AttentionEngine, a comprehensive framework designed to streamline the optimization of attention mechanisms across heterogeneous hardware backends. By decomposing attention computation into modular operations with customizable components, AttentionEngine enables flexible adaptation to diverse algorithmic requirements. The framework further automates kernel optimization through a combination of programmable templates and a robust cross-platform scheduling strategy. Empirical results reveal performance gains of up to 10x on configurations beyond the reach of existing methods. AttentionEngine offers a scalable, efficient foundation for developing and deploying attention mechanisms with minimal manual tuning. Our code has been open-sourced and is available at
comment: 15 pages
☆ Drug-Target Interaction/Affinity Prediction: Deep Learning Models and Advances Review
Drug discovery remains a slow and expensive process that involves many steps, from detecting the target structure to obtaining approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and is often riddled with safety concerns. Accurate prediction of how drugs interact with their targets and the development of new drugs by using better methods and technologies have immense potential to speed up this process, ultimately leading to faster delivery of life-saving medications. Traditional methods used for drug-target interaction prediction show limitations, particularly in capturing complex relationships between drugs and their targets. As an outcome, deep learning models have been presented to overcome the challenges of interaction prediction through their precise and efficient end results. By outlining promising research avenues and models, each with a different solution but similar to the problem, this paper aims to give researchers a better idea of methods for even more accurate and efficient prediction of drug-target interaction, ultimately accelerating the development of more effective drugs. A total of 180 prediction methods for drug-target interactions were analyzed throughout the period spanning 2016 to 2025 using different frameworks based on machine learning, mainly deep learning and graph neural networks. Additionally, this paper discusses the novelty, architecture, and input representation of these models.
comment: 64 pages, 7 figures, 10 tables
☆ Efficiently Solving Discounted MDPs with Predictions on Transition Matrices
We study infinite-horizon Discounted Markov Decision Processes (DMDPs) under a generative model. Motivated by the Algorithm with Advice framework Mitzenmacher and Vassilvitskii 2022, we propose a novel framework to investigate how a prediction on the transition matrix can enhance the sample efficiency in solving DMDPs and improve sample complexity bounds. We focus on the DMDPs with $N$ state-action pairs and discounted factor $\gamma$. Firstly, we provide an impossibility result that, without prior knowledge of the prediction accuracy, no sampling policy can compute an $\epsilon$-optimal policy with a sample complexity bound better than $\tilde{O}((1-\gamma)^{-3} N\epsilon^{-2})$, which matches the state-of-the-art minimax sample complexity bound with no prediction. In complement, we propose an algorithm based on minimax optimization techniques that leverages the prediction on the transition matrix. Our algorithm achieves a sample complexity bound depending on the prediction error, and the bound is uniformly better than $\tilde{O}((1-\gamma)^{-4} N \epsilon^{-2})$, the previous best result derived from convex optimization methods. These theoretical findings are further supported by our numerical experiments.
☆ Learning with Limited Shared Information in Multi-agent Multi-armed Bandit
Multi-agent multi-armed bandit (MAMAB) is a classic collaborative learning model and has gained much attention in recent years. However, existing studies do not consider the case where an agent may refuse to share all her information with others, e.g., when some of the data contains personal privacy. In this paper, we propose a novel limited shared information multi-agent multi-armed bandit (LSI-MAMAB) model in which each agent only shares the information that she is willing to share, and propose the Balanced-ETC algorithm to help multiple agents collaborate efficiently with limited shared information. Our analysis shows that Balanced-ETC is asymptotically optimal and its average regret (on each agent) approaches a constant when there are sufficient agents involved. Moreover, to encourage agents to participate in this collaborative learning, an incentive mechanism is proposed to make sure each agent can benefit from the collaboration system. Finally, we present experimental results to validate our theoretical results.
☆ Attention Eclipse: Manipulating Attention to Bypass LLM Safety-Alignment
Recent research has shown that carefully crafted jailbreak inputs can induce large language models to produce harmful outputs, despite safety measures such as alignment. It is important to anticipate the range of potential Jailbreak attacks to guide effective defenses and accurate assessment of model safety. In this paper, we present a new approach for generating highly effective Jailbreak attacks that manipulate the attention of the model to selectively strengthen or weaken attention among different parts of the prompt. By harnessing attention loss, we develop more effective jailbreak attacks, that are also transferrable. The attacks amplify the success rate of existing Jailbreak algorithms including GCG, AutoDAN, and ReNeLLM, while lowering their generation cost (for example, the amplified GCG attack achieves 91.2% ASR, vs. 67.9% for the original attack on Llama2-7B/AdvBench, using less than a third of the generation time).
♻ ☆ SWAN: SGD with Normalization and Whitening Enables Stateless LLM Training
Adaptive optimizers such as Adam (Kingma & Ba, 2015) have been central to the success of large language models. However, they often require to maintain optimizer states throughout training, which can result in memory requirements several times greater than the model footprint. This overhead imposes constraints on scalability and computational efficiency. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), in contrast, is a stateless optimizer, as it does not track state variables during training. Consequently, it achieves optimal memory efficiency. However, its capability in LLM training is limited (Zhao et al., 2024b). In this work, we show that pre-processing SGD in a stateless manner can achieve the same performance as the Adam optimizer for LLM training, while drastically reducing the memory cost. Specifically, we propose to pre-process the instantaneous stochastic gradients using normalization and whitening. We show that normalization stabilizes gradient distributions, and whitening counteracts the local curvature of the loss landscape. This results in SWAN (SGD with Whitening And Normalization), a stochastic optimizer that eliminates the need to store any optimizer states. Empirically, SWAN has the same memory footprint as SGD, achieving $\approx 50\%$ reduction on total end-to-end memory compared to Adam. In language modeling tasks, SWAN demonstrates comparable or even better performance than Adam: when pre-training the LLaMA model with 350M and 1.3B parameters, SWAN achieves a 2x speedup by reaching the same evaluation perplexity using half as many tokens.
comment: In v2 we have revised the related work, added more comprehensive citations, and clarified our key contributions
♻ ☆ Packet Inspection Transformer: A Self-Supervised Journey to Unseen Malware Detection with Few Samples
As networks continue to expand and become more interconnected, the need for novel malware detection methods becomes more pronounced. Traditional security measures are increasingly inadequate against the sophistication of modern cyber attacks. Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) has been pivotal in enhancing network security, offering an in-depth analysis of network traffic that surpasses conventional monitoring techniques. DPI not only examines the metadata of network packets, but also dives into the actual content being carried within the packet payloads, providing a comprehensive view of the data flowing through networks. While the integration of advanced deep learning techniques with DPI has introduced modern methodologies into malware detection and network traffic classification, state-of-the-art supervised learning approaches are limited by their reliance on large amounts of annotated data and their inability to generalize to novel, unseen malware threats. To address these limitations, this paper leverages the recent advancements in self-supervised learning (SSL) and few-shot learning (FSL). Our proposed self-supervised approach trains a transformer via SSL to learn the embedding of packet content, including payload, from vast amounts of unlabeled data by masking portions of packets, leading to a learned representation that generalizes to various downstream tasks. Once the representation is extracted from the packets, they are used to train a malware detection algorithm. The representation obtained from the transformer is then used to adapt the malware detector to novel types of attacks using few-shot learning approaches. Our experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves classification accuracies of up to 94.76% on the UNSW-NB15 dataset and 83.25% on the CIC-IoT23 dataset.
♻ ☆ SWEPO: Simultaneous Weighted Preference Optimization for Group Contrastive Alignment
Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) has proven effective in aligning large language models with human preferences but is often constrained to pairwise comparisons -- overlooking additional positive and negative responses that are commonly available in real-world settings. We propose Simultaneous Weighted Preference Optimization (SWEPO), which incorporates multiple responses per query and prioritizes those that deviate most from the average reward. This deviation-based weighting focuses training on the most informative outliers, akin to a built-in curriculum. Theoretically, we prove that such multi-preference sampling lowers alignment bias, bounding the expected deviation from the true acceptable-response distribution at a rate of $\mathcal{O}(\tfrac{1}{\sqrt{k}})$. Empirically, SWEPO outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on the Ultra-Feedback dataset and demonstrates substantial improvements over DPO and InfoNCA, yielding boosts of up to $\sim 4$% on length-controlled win-rate on AlpacaEval.
♻ ☆ SpinSVAR: Estimating Structural Vector Autoregression Assuming Sparse Input
We introduce SpinSVAR, a novel method for estimating a structural vector autoregression (SVAR) from time-series data under sparse input assumption. Unlike prior approaches using Gaussian noise, we model the input as independent Laplacian variables, enforcing sparsity and yielding a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) based on least absolute error regression. We provide theoretical consistency guarantees for the MLE under mild assumptions. SpinSVAR is efficient: it can leverage GPU acceleration to scale to thousands of nodes. On synthetic data with Laplacian or Bernoulli-uniform inputs, SpinSVAR outperforms state-of-the-art methods in accuracy and runtime. When applied to S&P 500 data, it clusters stocks by sectors and identifies significant structural shocks linked to major price movements, demonstrating the viability of our sparse input assumption.
comment: 38 pages, 11 figures, conference preprint
♻ ☆ Towards Foundation Models for Mixed Integer Linear Programming
Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) is essential for modeling complex decision-making problems but faces challenges in computational tractability and requires expert formulation. Current deep learning approaches for MILP focus on specific problem classes and do not generalize to unseen classes. To address this shortcoming, we take a foundation model training approach, where we train a single deep learning model on a diverse set of MILP problems to generalize across problem classes. As existing datasets for MILP lack diversity and volume, we introduce MILP-Evolve, a novel LLM-based evolutionary framework that is capable of generating a large set of diverse MILP classes with an unlimited amount of instances. We study our methodology on three key learning tasks that capture diverse aspects of MILP: (1) integrality gap prediction, (2) learning to branch, and (3) a new task of aligning MILP instances with natural language descriptions. Our empirical results show that models trained on the data generated by MILP-Evolve achieve significant improvements on unseen problems, including MIPLIB benchmarks. Our work highlights the potential of moving towards a foundation model approach for MILP that can generalize to a broad range of MILP applications. Our code and data are publicly available at
♻ ☆ Vibravox: A Dataset of French Speech Captured with Body-conduction Audio Sensors
Vibravox is a dataset compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) containing audio recordings using five different body-conduction audio sensors : two in-ear microphones, two bone conduction vibration pickups and a laryngophone. The dataset also includes audio data from an airborne microphone used as a reference. The Vibravox corpus contains 45 hours of speech samples and physiological sounds recorded by 188 participants under different acoustic conditions imposed by an high order ambisonics 3D spatializer. Annotations about the recording conditions and linguistic transcriptions are also included in the corpus. We conducted a series of experiments on various speech-related tasks, including speech recognition, speech enhancement and speaker verification. These experiments were carried out using state-of-the-art models to evaluate and compare their performances on signals captured by the different audio sensors offered by the Vibravox dataset, with the aim of gaining a better grasp of their individual characteristics.
comment: 23 pages, 42 figures
♻ ☆ Securing Healthcare with Deep Learning: A CNN-Based Model for medical IoT Threat Detection
The increasing integration of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) into healthcare systems has significantly enhanced patient care but has also introduced critical cybersecurity challenges. This paper presents a novel approach based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for detecting cyberattacks within IoMT environments. Unlike previous studies that predominantly utilized traditional machine learning (ML) models or simpler Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), the proposed model leverages the capabilities of CNNs to effectively analyze the temporal characteristics of network traffic data. Trained and evaluated on the CICIoMT2024 dataset, which comprises 18 distinct types of cyberattacks across a range of IoMT devices, the proposed CNN model demonstrates superior performance compared to previous state-of-the-art methods, achieving a perfect accuracy of 99% in binary, categorical, and multiclass classification tasks. This performance surpasses that of conventional ML models such as Logistic Regression, AdaBoost, DNNs, and Random Forests. These findings highlight the potential of CNNs to substantially improve IoMT cybersecurity, thereby ensuring the protection and integrity of connected healthcare systems.
comment: The final published version is available in IEEE Xplore:
♻ ☆ Exact Risk Curves of signSGD in High-Dimensions: Quantifying Preconditioning and Noise-Compression Effects
In recent years, signSGD has garnered interest as both a practical optimizer as well as a simple model to understand adaptive optimizers like Adam. Though there is a general consensus that signSGD acts to precondition optimization and reshapes noise, quantitatively understanding these effects in theoretically solvable settings remains difficult. We present an analysis of signSGD in a high dimensional limit, and derive a limiting SDE and ODE to describe the risk. Using this framework we quantify four effects of signSGD: effective learning rate, noise compression, diagonal preconditioning, and gradient noise reshaping. Our analysis is consistent with experimental observations but moves beyond that by quantifying the dependence of these effects on the data and noise distributions. We conclude with a conjecture on how these results might be extended to Adam.
♻ ☆ Refined climatologies of future precipitation over High Mountain Asia using probabilistic ensemble learning
High Mountain Asia holds the largest concentration of frozen water outside the polar regions, serving as a crucial water source for more than 1.9 billion people. In the face of climate change, precipitation represents the largest source of uncertainty for hydrological modelling in this area. Future precipitation predictions remain challenging due to complex orography, lack of in situ hydrological observations, and limitations in climate model resolution and parametrisation for this region. To address the uncertainty posed by these challenges, climate models are often aggregated into multi-model ensembles. While multi-model ensembles are known to improve the predictive accuracy and analysis of future climate projections, consensus regarding how models are aggregated is lacking. In this study, we propose a probabilistic machine learning framework to combine 13 regional climate models from the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) over High Mountain Asia. Our approach accounts for seasonal and spatial biases within the models, enabling the prediction of more faithful precipitation distributions. The framework is validated against gridded historical precipitation data and is used to generate projections for the near future (2036$\unicode{x2013}$2065) and far future (2066$\unicode{x2013}$2095) under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios.
comment: 16 pages 8 figures (main text), 32 pages 14 figures (total)
♻ ☆ Tuning the Frequencies: Robust Training for Sinusoidal Neural Networks
Sinusoidal neural networks have been shown effective as implicit neural representations (INRs) of low-dimensional signals, due to their smoothness and high representation capacity. However, initializing and training them remain empirical tasks which lack on deeper understanding to guide the learning process. To fill this gap, our work introduces a theoretical framework that explains the capacity property of sinusoidal networks and offers robust control mechanisms for initialization and training. Our analysis is based on a novel amplitude-phase expansion of the sinusoidal multilayer perceptron, showing how its layer compositions produce a large number of new frequencies expressed as integer combinations of the input frequencies. This relationship can be directly used to initialize the input neurons, as a form of spectral sampling, and to bound the network's spectrum while training. Our method, referred to as TUNER (TUNing sinusoidal nEtwoRks), greatly improves the stability and convergence of sinusoidal INR training, leading to detailed reconstructions, while preventing overfitting.
♻ ☆ Generalization of the Gibbs algorithm with high probability at low temperatures
The paper gives a bound on the generalization error of the Gibbs algorithm, which recovers known data-independent bounds for the high temperature range and extends to the low-temperature range, where generalization depends critically on the data-dependent loss-landscape. It is shown, that with high probability the generalization error of a single hypothesis drawn from the Gibbs posterior decreases with the total prior volume of all hypotheses with similar or smaller empirical error. This gives theoretical support to the belief in the benefit of flat minima. The zero temperature limit is discussed and the bound is extended to a class of similar stochastic algorithms.
♻ ☆ From Priest to Doctor: Domain Adaptation for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation
Many of the world's languages have insufficient data to train high-performing general neural machine translation (NMT) models, let alone domain-specific models, and often the only available parallel data are small amounts of religious texts. Hence, domain adaptation (DA) is a crucial issue faced by contemporary NMT and has, so far, been underexplored for low-resource languages. In this paper, we evaluate a set of methods from both low-resource NMT and DA in a realistic setting, in which we aim to translate between a high-resource and a low-resource language with access to only: a) parallel Bible data, b) a bilingual dictionary, and c) a monolingual target-domain corpus in the high-resource language. Our results show that the effectiveness of the tested methods varies, with the simplest one, DALI, being most effective. We follow up with a small human evaluation of DALI, which shows that there is still a need for more careful investigation of how to accomplish DA for low-resource NMT.
♻ ☆ A graph neural network-based model with Out-of-Distribution Robustness for enhancing Antiretroviral Therapy Outcome Prediction for HIV-1
Predicting the outcome of antiretroviral therapies (ART) for HIV-1 is a pressing clinical challenge, especially when the ART includes drugs with limited effectiveness data. This scarcity of data can arise either due to the introduction of a new drug to the market or due to limited use in clinical settings, resulting in clinical dataset with highly unbalanced therapy representation. To tackle this issue, we introduce a novel joint fusion model, which combines features from a Fully Connected (FC) Neural Network and a Graph Neural Network (GNN) in a multi-modality fashion. Our model uses both tabular data about genetic sequences and a knowledge base derived from Stanford drug-resistance mutation tables, which serve as benchmark references for deducing in-vivo treatment efficacy based on the viral genetic sequence. By leveraging this knowledge base structured as a graph, the GNN component enables our model to adapt to imbalanced data distributions and account for Out-of-Distribution (OoD) drugs. We evaluated these models' robustness against OoD drugs in the test set. Our comprehensive analysis demonstrates that the proposed model consistently outperforms the FC model. These results underscore the advantage of integrating Stanford scores in the model, thereby enhancing its generalizability and robustness, but also extending its utility in contributing in more informed clinical decisions with limited data availability. The source code is available at
comment: 32 pages, 2 figures
♻ ☆ DistRL: An Asynchronous Distributed Reinforcement Learning Framework for On-Device Control Agents
On-device control agents, especially on mobile devices, are responsible for operating mobile devices to fulfill users' requests, enabling seamless and intuitive interactions. Integrating Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) into these agents enhances their ability to understand and execute complex commands, thereby improving user experience. However, fine-tuning MLLMs for on-device control presents significant challenges due to limited data availability and inefficient online training processes. This paper introduces DistRL, a novel framework designed to enhance the efficiency of online RL fine-tuning for mobile device control agents. DistRL employs centralized training and decentralized data acquisition to ensure efficient fine-tuning in the context of dynamic online interactions. Additionally, the framework is backed by our tailor-made RL algorithm, which effectively balances exploration with the prioritized utilization of collected data to ensure stable and robust training. Our experiments show that, on average, DistRL delivers a 3X improvement in training efficiency and enables training data collection 2.4X faster than the leading synchronous multi-machine methods. Notably, after training, DistRL achieves a 20% relative improvement in success rate compared to state-of-the-art methods on general Android tasks from an open benchmark, significantly outperforming existing approaches while maintaining the same training time. These results validate DistRL as a scalable and efficient solution, offering substantial improvements in both training efficiency and agent performance for real-world, in-the-wild device control tasks.
comment: Paper and Appendix, 26 pages
♻ ☆ NEAT: Nonlinear Parameter-efficient Adaptation of Pre-trained Models
Fine-tuning pre-trained models often yields state-of-the-art performance but is computationally expensive when updating all parameters. Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods, such as Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA), address this by freezing pre-trained weights and introducing low-rank matrices. However, because LoRA relies on low-rank decomposition, it struggles to capture complex nonlinear dynamics and optimal optimization trajectories, resulting in a performance gap relative to full fine-tuning and inefficient parameter utilization. To overcome these issues, we propose NEAT, a nonlinear PEFT approach that employs a lightweight neural network to learn a nonlinear transformation of the pre-trained weights, thereby better approximating cumulative weight updates. Our theoretical analysis shows that NEAT achieves greater efficiency than LoRA while maintaining equivalent expressivity. Extensive experiments on four benchmarks and over twenty datasets demonstrate that NEAT significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in both vision and text tasks.
♻ ☆ Are Neuromorphic Architectures Inherently Privacy-preserving? An Exploratory Study
While machine learning (ML) models are becoming mainstream, especially in sensitive application areas, the risk of data leakage has become a growing concern. Attacks like membership inference (MIA) have shown that trained models can reveal sensitive data, jeopardizing confidentiality. While traditional Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) dominate ML applications, neuromorphic architectures, specifically Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), are emerging as promising alternatives due to their low power consumption and event-driven processing, akin to biological neurons. Privacy in ANNs is well-studied; however, little work has explored the privacy-preserving properties of SNNs. This paper examines whether SNNs inherently offer better privacy. Using MIAs, we assess the privacy resilience of SNNs versus ANNs across diverse datasets. We analyze the impact of learning algorithms (surrogate gradient and evolutionary), frameworks (snnTorch, TENNLab, LAVA), and parameters on SNN privacy. Our findings show that SNNs consistently outperform ANNs in privacy preservation, with evolutionary algorithms offering additional resilience. For instance, on CIFAR-10, SNNs achieve an AUC of 0.59, significantly lower than ANNs' 0.82, and on CIFAR-100, SNNs maintain an AUC of 0.58 compared to ANNs' 0.88. Additionally, we explore the privacy-utility trade-off with Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent (DPSGD), finding that SNNs sustain less accuracy loss than ANNs under similar privacy constraints.
♻ ☆ Tensorization of neural networks for improved privacy and interpretability
We present a tensorization algorithm for constructing tensor train representations of functions, drawing on sketching and cross interpolation ideas. The method only requires black-box access to the target function and a small set of sample points defining the domain of interest. Thus, it is particularly well-suited for machine learning models, where the domain of interest is naturally defined by the training dataset. We show that this approach can be used to enhance the privacy and interpretability of neural network models. Specifically, we apply our decomposition to (i) obfuscate neural networks whose parameters encode patterns tied to the training data distribution, and (ii) estimate topological phases of matter that are easily accessible from the tensor train representation. Additionally, we show that this tensorization can serve as an efficient initialization method for optimizing tensor trains in general settings, and that, for model compression, our algorithm achieves a superior trade-off between memory and time complexity compared to conventional tensorization methods of neural networks.
comment: 40 pages, 9 figures. The code for the experiments is publicly available at V2: Added code repository
♻ ☆ The Observational Partial Order of Causal Structures with Latent Variables
For two causal structures with the same set of visible variables, one is said to observationally dominate the other if the set of distributions over the visible variables realizable by the first contains the set of distributions over the visible variables realizable by the second. Knowing such dominance relations is useful for adjudicating between these structures given observational data. We here consider the problem of determining the partial order of equivalence classes of causal structures with latent variables relative to observational dominance. We provide a complete characterization of the dominance order in the case of three visible variables, and a partial characterization in the case of four visible variables. Our techniques also help to identify which observational equivalence classes have a set of realizable distributions that is characterized by nontrivial inequality constraints, analogous to Bell inequalities and instrumental inequalities. We find evidence that as one increases the number of visible variables, the equivalence classes satisfying nontrivial inequality constraints become ubiquitous. (Because such classes are the ones for which there can be a difference in the distributions that are quantumly and classically realizable, this implies that the potential for quantum-classical gaps is also ubiquitous.) Furthermore, we find evidence that constraint-based causal discovery algorithms that rely solely on conditional independence constraints have a significantly weaker distinguishing power among observational equivalence classes than algorithms that go beyond these (i.e., algorithms that also leverage nested Markov constraints and inequality constraints).
comment: 48 pages, 30 figures; acknowledgements added
♻ ☆ Fully automatic extraction of morphological traits from the Web: utopia or reality?
Plant morphological traits, their observable characteristics, are fundamental to understand the role played by each species within their ecosystem. However, compiling trait information for even a moderate number of species is a demanding task that may take experts years to accomplish. At the same time, massive amounts of information about species descriptions is available online in the form of text, although the lack of structure makes this source of data impossible to use at scale. To overcome this, we propose to leverage recent advances in large language models (LLMs) and devise a mechanism for gathering and processing information on plant traits in the form of unstructured textual descriptions, without manual curation. We evaluate our approach by automatically replicating three manually created species-trait matrices. Our method managed to find values for over half of all species-trait pairs, with an F1-score of over 75%. Our results suggest that large-scale creation of structured trait databases from unstructured online text is currently feasible thanks to the information extraction capabilities of LLMs, being limited by the availability of textual descriptions covering all the traits of interest.
♻ ☆ Optimizing Estimators of Squared Calibration Errors in Classification
In this work, we propose a mean-squared error-based risk that enables the comparison and optimization of estimators of squared calibration errors in practical settings. Improving the calibration of classifiers is crucial for enhancing the trustworthiness and interpretability of machine learning models, especially in sensitive decision-making scenarios. Although various calibration (error) estimators exist in the current literature, there is a lack of guidance on selecting the appropriate estimator and tuning its hyperparameters. By leveraging the bilinear structure of squared calibration errors, we reformulate calibration estimation as a regression problem with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) input pairs. This reformulation allows us to quantify the performance of different estimators even for the most challenging calibration criterion, known as canonical calibration. Our approach advocates for a training-validation-testing pipeline when estimating a calibration error on an evaluation dataset. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our pipeline by optimizing existing calibration estimators and comparing them with novel kernel ridge regression-based estimators on standard image classification tasks.
comment: Published at TMLR, see
♻ ☆ Quantifying the Capability Boundary of DeepSeek Models: An Application-Driven Performance Analysis
DeepSeek-R1, known for its low training cost and exceptional reasoning capabilities, has achieved state-of-the-art performance on various benchmarks. However, detailed evaluations from the perspective of real-world applications are lacking, making it challenging for users to select the most suitable DeepSeek models for their specific needs. To address this gap, we evaluate the DeepSeek-V3, DeepSeek-R1, DeepSeek-R1-Distill-Qwen series, and DeepSeek-R1-Distill-Llama series on the improved version A-Eval (A-Eval-2.0), an application-driven benchmark. By comparing original instruction-tuned models with their distilled counterparts, we analyze how reasoning enhancements impact performance across diverse practical tasks. Our results show that reasoning-enhanced models, while generally powerful, do not universally outperform across all tasks, with performance gains varying significantly across tasks and models. To further assist users in model selection, we quantify the capability boundary of DeepSeek models through performance tier classifications and intuitive line charts. Specific examples provide actionable insights to help users select and deploy the most cost-effective DeepSeek models, ensuring optimal performance and resource efficiency in real-world applications. It should be noted that, despite our efforts to establish a comprehensive, objective, and authoritative evaluation benchmark, the selection of test samples, characteristics of data distribution, and the setting of evaluation criteria may inevitably introduce certain biases into the evaluation results. We will continuously optimize the evaluation benchmarks and periodically update this paper to provide more comprehensive and accurate evaluation results. Please refer to the latest version of the paper for the most recent results and conclusions.
♻ ☆ Harnessing omnipresent oscillator networks as computational resource
Nature is pervaded with oscillatory behavior. In networks of coupled oscillators patterns can arise when the system synchronizes to an external input. Hence, these networks provide processing and memory of input. We present a universal framework for harnessing oscillator networks as computational resource. This reservoir computing framework is introduced by the ubiquitous model for phase-locking, the Kuramoto model. We force the Kuramoto model by a nonlinear target-system, then after substituting the target-system with a trained feedback-loop it emulates the target-system. Our results are two-fold. Firstly, the trained network inherits performance properties of the Kuramoto model, where all-to-all coupling is performed in linear time with respect to the number of nodes and parameters for synchronization are abundant. Secondly, the learning capabilities of the oscillator network can be explained using Kuramoto model's order parameter. This work provides the foundation for utilizing nature's oscillator networks as a new class of information processing systems.
♻ ☆ Is Free Self-Alignment Possible?
Aligning pretrained language models (LMs) often requires large-scale preference data and substantial computational resources. These costs become even more prohibitive for multi-objective or pluralistic alignment. Is this truly necessary? Can we perform efficient alignment using only internal model capabilities, and without additional training? To answer this question, we propose AlignEZ, a novel approach that leverages (1) self-generated preference data and (2) representation editing to achieve cost-effective, efficient alignment. By operating directly on learned representations, AlignEZ independently targets different behavioral aspects without the overhead of traditional alignment methods. Our experiments reveal that this cost-efficient procedure improves performance across diverse tasks: up to 19.9% on general alignment and 1.9% on challenging mathematical reasoning tasks, even when starting from a strong base model. AlignEZ can also align models to multiple objectives simultaneously, granting fine-grained control over multiple preference axes. Finally, we show that AlignEZ can accelerate more expensive alignment procedures--such as DPO--even under limited availability of ground-truth preference data.
♻ ☆ DarwinLM: Evolutionary Structured Pruning of Large Language Models
Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved significant success across various NLP tasks. However, their massive computational costs limit their widespread use, particularly in real-time applications. Structured pruning offers an effective solution by compressing models and directly providing end-to-end speed improvements, regardless of the hardware environment. Meanwhile, different components of the model exhibit varying sensitivities towards pruning, calling for \emph{non-uniform} model compression. However, a pruning method should not only identify a capable substructure, but also account for post-compression training. To this end, we propose \sysname, a method for \emph{training-aware} structured pruning. \sysname builds upon an evolutionary search process, generating multiple offspring models in each generation through mutation, and selecting the fittest for survival. To assess the effect of post-training, we incorporate a lightweight, multistep training process within the offspring population, progressively increasing the number of tokens and eliminating poorly performing models in each selection stage. We validate our method through extensive experiments on Llama-2-7B, Llama-3.1-8B and Qwen-2.5-14B-Instruct, achieving state-of-the-art performance for structured pruning. For instance, \sysname surpasses ShearedLlama while requiring $5\times$ less training data during post-compression training. Code is at:
comment: Code:
♻ ☆ An Adversarial Analysis of Thompson Sampling for Full-information Online Learning: from Finite to Infinite Action Spaces
We develop an analysis of Thompson sampling for online learning under full feedback - also known as prediction with expert advice - where the learner's prior is defined over the space of an adversary's future actions, rather than the space of experts. We show regret decomposes into regret the learner expected a priori, plus a prior-robustness-type term we call excess regret. In the classical finite-expert setting, this recovers optimal rates. As an initial step towards practical online learning in settings with a potentially-uncountably-infinite number of experts, we show that Thompson sampling with a certain Gaussian process prior widely-used in the Bayesian optimization literature has a $\mathcal{O}(\beta\sqrt{T\log(1+\lambda)})$ rate against a $\beta$-bounded $\lambda$-Lipschitz adversary.
♻ ☆ Stein Discrepancy for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) leverages information from a labeled source dataset to improve accuracy on a related but unlabeled target dataset. A common approach to UDA is aligning representations from the source and target domains by minimizing the distance between their data distributions. Previous methods have employed distances such as Wasserstein distance and maximum mean discrepancy. However, these approaches are less effective when the target data is significantly scarcer than the source data. Stein discrepancy is an asymmetric distance between distributions that relies on one distribution only through its score function. In this paper, we propose a novel UDA method that uses Stein discrepancy to measure the distance between source and target domains. We develop a learning framework using both non-kernelized and kernelized Stein discrepancy. Theoretically, we derive an upper bound for the generalization error. Numerical experiments show that our method outperforms existing methods using other domain discrepancy measures when only small amounts of target data are available.
comment: 24 pages, 9 figures
♻ ☆ A View of the Certainty-Equivalence Method for PAC RL as an Application of the Trajectory Tree Method
Reinforcement learning (RL) enables an agent interacting with an unknown MDP $M$ to optimise its behaviour by observing transitions sampled from $M$. A natural entity that emerges in the agent's reasoning is $\widehat{M}$, the maximum likelihood estimate of $M$ based on the observed transitions. The well-known \textit{certainty-equivalence} method (CEM) dictates that the agent update its behaviour to $\widehat{\pi}$, which is an optimal policy for $\widehat{M}$. Not only is CEM intuitive, it has been shown to enjoy minimax-optimal sample complexity in some regions of the parameter space for PAC RL with a generative model~\citep{Agarwal2020GenModel}. A seemingly unrelated algorithm is the ``trajectory tree method'' (TTM)~\citep{Kearns+MN:1999}, originally developed for efficient decision-time planning in large POMDPs. This paper presents a theoretical investigation that stems from the surprising finding that CEM may indeed be viewed as an application of TTM. The qualitative benefits of this view are (1) new and simple proofs of sample complexity upper bounds for CEM, in fact under a (2) weaker assumption on the rewards than is prevalent in the current literature. Our analysis applies to both non-stationary and stationary MDPs. Quantitatively, we obtain (3) improvements in the sample-complexity upper bounds for CEM both for non-stationary and stationary MDPs, in the regime that the ``mistake probability'' $\delta$ is small. Additionally, we show (4) a lower bound on the sample complexity for finite-horizon MDPs, which establishes the minimax-optimality of our upper bound for non-stationary MDPs in the small-$\delta$ regime.
comment: 15 pages, excluding references and appendices. Total of 29 pages
♻ ☆ Generalization Bounds via Meta-Learned Model Representations: PAC-Bayes and Sample Compression Hypernetworks NeurIPS 2024
PAC-Bayesian and Sample Compress learning frameworks are instrumental for deriving tight (non-vacuous) generalization bounds for neural networks. We leverage these results in a meta-learning scheme, relying on a hypernetwork that outputs the parameters of a downstream predictor from a dataset input. The originality of our approach lies in the investigated hypernetwork architectures that encode the dataset before decoding the parameters: (1) a PAC-Bayesian encoder that expresses a posterior distribution over a latent space, (2) a Sample Compress encoder that selects a small sample of the dataset input along with a message from a discrete set, and (3) a hybrid between both approaches motivated by a new Sample Compress theorem handling continuous messages. The latter theorem exploits the pivotal information transiting at the encoder-decoder junction to compute generalization guarantees for each downstream predictor obtained by our meta-learning scheme.
comment: Accepted at the NeurIPS 2024 workshop on Compression in Machine Learning
♻ ☆ Adversarial Alignment for LLMs Requires Simpler, Reproducible, and More Measurable Objectives
Misaligned research objectives have considerably hindered progress in adversarial robustness research over the past decade. For instance, an extensive focus on optimizing target metrics, while neglecting rigorous standardized evaluation, has led researchers to pursue ad-hoc heuristic defenses that were seemingly effective. Yet, most of these were exposed as flawed by subsequent evaluations, ultimately contributing little measurable progress to the field. In this position paper, we illustrate that current research on the robustness of large language models (LLMs) risks repeating past patterns with potentially worsened real-world implications. To address this, we argue that realigned objectives are necessary for meaningful progress in adversarial alignment. To this end, we build on established cybersecurity taxonomy to formally define differences between past and emerging threat models that apply to LLMs. Using this framework, we illustrate that progress requires disentangling adversarial alignment into addressable sub-problems and returning to core academic principles, such as measureability, reproducibility, and comparability. Although the field presents significant challenges, the fresh start on adversarial robustness offers the unique opportunity to build on past experience while avoiding previous mistakes.
♻ ☆ Is Q-learning an Ill-posed Problem?
This paper investigates the instability of Q-learning in continuous environments, a challenge frequently encountered by practitioners. Traditionally, this instability is attributed to bootstrapping and regression model errors. Using a representative reinforcement learning benchmark, we systematically examine the effects of bootstrapping and model inaccuracies by incrementally eliminating these potential error sources. Our findings reveal that even in relatively simple benchmarks, the fundamental task of Q-learning - iteratively learning a Q-function from policy-specific target values - can be inherently ill-posed and prone to failure. These insights cast doubt on the reliability of Q-learning as a universal solution for reinforcement learning problems.
comment: Accepted at ESANN 2025
♻ ☆ Graph Neural Diffusion Networks for Semi-supervised Learning
Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) is a pioneering model for graph-based semi-supervised learning. However, GCN does not perform well on sparsely-labeled graphs. Its two-layer version cannot effectively propagate the label information to the whole graph structure (i.e., the under-smoothing problem) while its deep version over-smoothens and is hard to train (i.e., the over-smoothing problem). To solve these two issues, we propose a new graph neural network called GND-Nets (for Graph Neural Diffusion Networks) that exploits the local and global neighborhood information of a vertex in a single layer. Exploiting the shallow network mitigates the over-smoothing problem while exploiting the local and global neighborhood information mitigates the under-smoothing problem. The utilization of the local and global neighborhood information of a vertex is achieved by a new graph diffusion method called neural diffusions, which integrate neural networks into the conventional linear and nonlinear graph diffusions. The adoption of neural networks makes neural diffusions adaptable to different datasets. Extensive experiments on various sparsely-labeled graphs verify the effectiveness and efficiency of GND-Nets compared to state-of-the-art approaches.
comment: 7 pages
♻ ☆ R-MTLLMF: Resilient Multi-Task Large Language Model Fusion at the Wireless Edge
Multi-task large language models (MTLLMs) are important for many applications at the wireless edge, where users demand specialized models to handle multiple tasks efficiently. However, training MTLLMs is complex and exhaustive, particularly when tasks are subject to change. Recently, the concept of model fusion via task vectors has emerged as an efficient approach for combining fine-tuning parameters to produce an MTLLM. In this paper, the problem of enabling edge users to collaboratively craft such MTLMs via tasks vectors is studied, under the assumption of worst-case adversarial attacks. To this end, first the influence of adversarial noise to multi-task model fusion is investigated and a relationship between the so-called weight disentanglement error and the mean squared error (MSE) is derived. Using hypothesis testing, it is directly shown that the MSE increases interference between task vectors, thereby rendering model fusion ineffective. Then, a novel resilient MTLLM fusion (R-MTLLMF) is proposed, which leverages insights about the LLM architecture and fine-tuning process to safeguard task vector aggregation under adversarial noise by realigning the MTLLM. The proposed R-MTLLMF is then compared for both worst-case and ideal transmission scenarios to study the impact of the wireless channel. Extensive model fusion experiments with vision LLMs demonstrate R-MTLLMF's effectiveness, achieving close-to-baseline performance across eight different tasks in ideal noise scenarios and significantly outperforming unprotected model fusion in worst-case scenarios. The results further advocate for additional physical layer protection for a holistic approach to resilience, from both a wireless and LLM perspective.
♻ ☆ Adaptive Retrieval Without Self-Knowledge? Bringing Uncertainty Back Home
Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) improves correctness of Question Answering (QA) and addresses hallucinations in Large Language Models (LLMs), yet greatly increase computational costs. Besides, RAG is not always needed as may introduce irrelevant information. Recent adaptive retrieval methods integrate LLMs' intrinsic knowledge with external information appealing to LLM self-knowledge, but they often neglect efficiency evaluations and comparisons with uncertainty estimation techniques. We bridge this gap by conducting a comprehensive analysis of 35 adaptive retrieval methods, including 8 recent approaches and 27 uncertainty estimation techniques, across 6 datasets using 10 metrics for QA performance, self-knowledge, and efficiency. Our findings show that uncertainty estimation techniques often outperform complex pipelines in terms of efficiency and self-knowledge, while maintaining comparable QA performance.
comment: The code and data are at
♻ ☆ Privacy-Enhanced Training-as-a-Service for On-Device Intelligence: Concept, Architectural Scheme, and Open Problems
On-device intelligence (ODI) enables artificial intelligence (AI) applications to run on end devices, providing real-time and customized AI inference without relying on remote servers. However, training models for on-device deployment face significant challenges due to the decentralized and privacy-sensitive nature of users' data, along with end-side constraints related to network connectivity, computation efficiency, etc. Existing training paradigms, such as cloud-based training, federated learning, and transfer learning, fail to sufficiently address these practical constraints that are prevalent for devices. To overcome these challenges, we propose Privacy-Enhanced Training-as-a-Service (PTaaS), a novel service computing paradigm that provides privacy-friendly, customized AI model training for end devices. PTaaS outsources the core training process to remote and powerful cloud or edge servers, efficiently developing customized on-device models based on uploaded anonymous queries, enhancing data privacy while reducing the computation load on individual devices. We explore the definition, goals, and design principles of PTaaS, alongside emerging technologies that support the PTaaS paradigm. An architectural scheme for PTaaS is also presented, followed by a series of open problems that set the stage for future research directions in the field of PTaaS.
comment: 14 pages, 3 figures
♻ ☆ Post-edits Are Preferences Too
Preference Optimization (PO) techniques are currently one of the state of the art techniques for fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) on pairwise preference feedback from human annotators. However, in machine translation, this sort of feedback can be difficult to solicit. Additionally, Kreutzer et al. (2018) have shown that, for machine translation, pairwise preferences are less reliable than other forms of human feedback, such as 5-point ratings. We examine post-edits to see if they can be a source of reliable human preferences by construction. In PO, a human annotator is shown sequences $s_1$ and $s_2$ and asked for a preference judgment, %$s_1 > s_2$; while for post-editing, editors create $s_1$ and know that it should be better than $s_2$. We attempt to use these implicit preferences for PO and show that it helps the model move towards post-edit-like hypotheses and away from machine translation-like hypotheses. Furthermore, we show that best results are obtained by pre-training the model with supervised fine-tuning (SFT) on post-edits in order to promote post-edit-like hypotheses to the top output ranks.
comment: To appear at the Ninth Conference on Machine Translation (WMT24)
♻ ☆ Three Mechanisms of Feature Learning in a Linear Network
Understanding the dynamics of neural networks in different width regimes is crucial for improving their training and performance. We present an exact solution for the learning dynamics of a one-hidden-layer linear network, with one-dimensional data, across any finite width, uniquely exhibiting both kernel and feature learning phases. This study marks a technical advancement by enabling the analysis of the training trajectory from any initialization and a detailed phase diagram under varying common hyperparameters such as width, layer-wise learning rates, and scales of output and initialization. We identify three novel prototype mechanisms specific to the feature learning regime: (1) learning by alignment, (2) learning by disalignment, and (3) learning by rescaling, which contrast starkly with the dynamics observed in the kernel regime. Our theoretical findings are substantiated with empirical evidence showing that these mechanisms also manifest in deep nonlinear networks handling real-world tasks, enhancing our understanding of neural network training dynamics and guiding the design of more effective learning strategies.
♻ ☆ SAMG: Offline-to-Online Reinforcement Learning via State-Action-Conditional Offline Model Guidance
Offline-to-online (O2O) reinforcement learning (RL) pre-trains models on offline data and refines policies through online fine-tuning. However, existing O2O RL algorithms typically require maintaining the tedious offline datasets to mitigate the effects of out-of-distribution (OOD) data, which significantly limits their efficiency in exploiting online samples. To address this deficiency, we introduce a new paradigm for O2O RL called State-Action-Conditional Offline \Model Guidance (SAMG). It freezes the pre-trained offline critic to provide compact offline understanding for each state-action sample, thus eliminating the need for retraining on offline data. The frozen offline critic is incorporated with the online target critic weighted by a state-action-adaptive coefficient. This coefficient aims to capture the offline degree of samples at the state-action level, and is updated adaptively during training. In practice, SAMG could be easily integrated with Q-function-based algorithms. Theoretical analysis shows good optimality and lower estimation error. Empirically, SAMG outperforms state-of-the-art O2O RL algorithms on the D4RL benchmark.
♻ ☆ Towards Comparable Active Learning
Active Learning has received significant attention in the field of machine learning for its potential in selecting the most informative samples for labeling, thereby reducing data annotation costs. However, we show that the reported lifts in recent literature generalize poorly to other domains leading to an inconclusive landscape in Active Learning research. Furthermore, we highlight overlooked problems for reproducing AL experiments that can lead to unfair comparisons and increased variance in the results. This paper addresses these issues by providing an Active Learning framework for a fair comparison of algorithms across different tasks and domains, as well as a fast and performant oracle algorithm for evaluation. To the best of our knowledge, we propose the first AL benchmark that tests algorithms in 3 major domains: Tabular, Image, and Text. We report empirical results for 6 widely used algorithms on 7 real-world and 2 synthetic datasets and aggregate them into a domain-specific ranking of AL algorithms.
comment: Deprecated version of the paper. Please use "A Cross-Domain Benchmark for Active Learning" (arXiv:2408.00426) instead.
♻ ☆ Feature Aggregation with Latent Generative Replay for Federated Continual Learning of Socially Appropriate Robot Behaviours
It is critical for robots to explore Federated Learning (FL) settings where several robots, deployed in parallel, can learn independently while also sharing their learning with each other. This collaborative learning in real-world environments requires social robots to adapt dynamically to changing and unpredictable situations and varying task settings. Our work contributes to addressing these challenges by exploring a simulated living room environment where robots need to learn the social appropriateness of their actions. First, we propose Federated Root (FedRoot) averaging, a novel weight aggregation strategy which disentangles feature learning across clients from individual task-based learning. Second, to adapt to challenging environments, we extend FedRoot to Federated Latent Generative Replay (FedLGR), a novel Federated Continual Learning (FCL) strategy that uses FedRoot-based weight aggregation and embeds each client with a generator model for pseudo-rehearsal of learnt feature embeddings to mitigate forgetting in a resource-efficient manner. Our results show that FedRoot-based methods offer competitive performance while also resulting in a sizeable reduction in resource consumption (up to 86% for CPU usage and up to 72% for GPU usage). Additionally, our results demonstrate that FedRoot-based FCL methods outperform other methods while also offering an efficient solution (up to 84% CPU and 92% GPU usage reduction), with FedLGR providing the best results across evaluations.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, IEEE RA-L submission
♻ ☆ OptMATH: A Scalable Bidirectional Data Synthesis Framework for Optimization Modeling
Despite the rapid development of large language models (LLMs), a fundamental challenge persists: the lack of high-quality optimization modeling datasets hampers LLMs' robust modeling of practical optimization problems from natural language descriptions (NL). This data scarcity also contributes to the generalization difficulties experienced by learning-based methods. To address these challenges, we propose a scalable framework for synthesizing a high-quality dataset, named OptMATH. Starting from curated seed data with mathematical formulations (MF), this framework automatically generates problem data (PD) with controllable complexity. Then, a back-translation step is employed to obtain NL. To verify the correspondence between the NL and the PD, a forward modeling step followed by rejection sampling is used. The accepted pairs constitute the training part of OptMATH. Then a collection of rejected pairs is identified and further filtered. This collection serves as a new benchmark for optimization modeling, containing difficult instances whose lengths are much longer than these of NL4OPT and MAMO. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that models of various sizes (0.5B-32B parameters) trained on OptMATH achieve superior results on multiple modeling benchmarks, thereby validating the effectiveness and scalability of our approach. Our dataset is publicly available at
comment: This paper has 36 pages, 18 figures, and two co-first authors: Hongliang Lu and Zhonglin Xie
♻ ☆ Integrating the Expected Future in Load Forecasts with Contextually Enhanced Transformer Models
Accurate and reliable energy forecasting is essential for power grid operators who strive to minimize extreme forecasting errors that pose significant operational challenges and incur high intra-day trading costs. Incorporating planning information -- such as anticipated user behavior, scheduled events or timetables -- provides substantial contextual information to enhance forecast accuracy and reduce the occurrence of large forecasting errors. Existing approaches, however, lack the flexibility to effectively integrate both dynamic, forward-looking contextual inputs and historical data. In this work, we conceptualize forecasting as a combined forecasting-regression task, formulated as a sequence-to-sequence prediction problem, and introduce contextually-enhanced transformer models designed to leverage all contextual information effectively. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through a primary case study on nationwide railway energy consumption forecasting, where integrating contextual information into transformer models, particularly timetable data, resulted in a significant average mean absolute error reduction of 26.6%. An auxiliary case study on building energy forecasting, leveraging planned office occupancy data, further illustrates the generalizability of our method, showing an average reduction of 56.3% in mean absolute error. Compared to other state-of-the-art methods, our approach consistently outperforms existing models, underscoring the value of context-aware deep learning techniques in energy forecasting applications.
comment: 39 pages, 8 figures and tables, journal paper
♻ ☆ Adaptive Prompt: Unlocking the Power of Visual Prompt Tuning
Visual Prompt Tuning (VPT) has recently emerged as a powerful method for adapting pre-trained vision models to downstream tasks. By introducing learnable prompt tokens as task-specific instructions, VPT effectively guides pre-trained transformer models with minimal overhead. Despite its empirical success, a comprehensive theoretical understanding of VPT remains an active area of research. Building on recent insights into the connection between mixture of experts and prompt-based approaches, we identify a key limitation in VPT: the restricted functional expressiveness in prompt formulation. To address this limitation, we propose Visual Adaptive Prompt Tuning (VAPT), a new generation of prompts that redefines prompts as adaptive functions of the input. Our theoretical analysis shows that this simple yet intuitive approach achieves optimal sample efficiency. Empirical results on VTAB-1K and FGVC further demonstrate VAPT's effectiveness, with performance gains of 7.34% and 1.04% over fully fine-tuning baselines, respectively. Notably, VAPT also surpasses VPT by a substantial margin while using fewer parameters. These results highlight both the effectiveness and efficiency of our method and pave the way for future research to explore the potential of adaptive prompts. Our code is publicly available at
comment: 57 pages, 10 figures, 18 tables
♻ ☆ IGN : Implicit Generative Networks ICML
In this work, we build recent advances in distributional reinforcement learning to give a state-of-art distributional variant of the model based on the IQN. We achieve this by using the GAN model's generator and discriminator function with the quantile regression to approximate the full quantile value for the state-action return distribution. We demonstrate improved performance on our baseline dataset - 57 Atari 2600 games in the ALE. Also, we use our algorithm to show the state-of-art training performance of risk-sensitive policies in Atari games with the policy optimization and evaluation.
comment: 2022 21st IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA)
System/Control 21
☆ Probabilistic Formulations for System Identification of Linear Dynamics with Bilinear Observation Models
In this paper, we address the identification problem for the systems characterized by linear time-invariant dynamics with bilinear observation models. More precisely, we consider a suitable parametric description of the system and formulate the identification problem as the estimation of the parameters defining the mathematical model of the system using the observed input-output data. To this end, we propose two probabilistic frameworks. The first framework employs the Maximum Likelihood (ML) approach, which accurately finds the optimal parameter estimates by maximizing a likelihood function. Subsequently, we develop a tractable first-order method to solve the optimization problem corresponding to the proposed ML approach. Additionally, to further improve tractability and computational efficiency of the estimation of the parameters, we introduce an alternative framework based on the Expectation--Maximization (EM) approach, which estimates the parameters using an appropriately designed cost function. We show that the EM cost function is invex, which ensures the existence and uniqueness of the optimal solution. Furthermore, we derive the closed-form solution for the optimal parameters and also prove the recursive feasibility of the EM procedure. Through extensive numerical experiments, the practical implementation of the proposed approaches is demonstrated, and their estimation efficacy is verified and compared, highlighting the effectiveness of the methods to accurately estimate the system parameters and their potential for real-world applications in scenarios involving bilinear observation structures.
☆ A Deep Neural Network-based Frequency Predictor for Frequency-Constrained Optimal Power Flow
Rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) and frequency nadir should be considered in real-time frequency-constrained optimal power flow (FCOPF) to ensure frequency stability of the modern power systems. Since calculating the frequency response is complex, deep neural network (DNN) could be adopted to capture the nonlinearities and estimate those two metrics accurately. Therefore, in this paper, a DNN-based frequency predictor is developed with the training data obtained from time-domain simulations using PSCAD/EMTDC. Subsequently, it is reformulated using a set of mixed-integer linear programming formulations and then embedded into the FCOPF framework as constraints to ensure grid frequency stability, creating the proposed DNN-FCOPF model. Two benchmark models, a traditional OPF without any frequency constraints and a linear system-wide RoCoF-constrained FCOPF, are also implemented to gauge the proposed DNN-FCOPF. Finally, the solutions obtained with these three models are compared and evaluated with time-domain simulations using PSCAD under various load profiles, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed DNN-FCOPF.
☆ Autonomous helicopter aerial refueling: controller design and performance guarantees
In this paper, we present a control design methodology, stability criteria, and performance bounds for autonomous helicopter aerial refueling. Autonomous aerial refueling is particularly difficult due to the aerodynamic interaction between the wake of the tanker, the contact-sensitive nature of the maneuver, and the uncertainty in drogue motion. Since the probe tip is located significantly away from the helicopter's center-of-gravity, its position (and velocity) is strongly sensitive to the helicopter's attitude (and angular rates). In addition, the fact that the helicopter is operating at high speeds to match the velocity of the tanker forces it to maintain a particular orientation, making the docking maneuver especially challenging. In this paper, we propose a novel outer-loop position controller that incorporates the probe position and velocity into the feedback loop. The position and velocity of the probe tip depend both on the position (velocity) and on the attitude (angular rates) of the aircraft. We derive analytical guarantees for docking performance in terms of the uncertainty of the drogue motion and the angular acceleration of the helicopter, using the ultimate boundedness property of the closed-loop error dynamics. Simulations are performed on a high-fidelity UH60 helicopter model with a high-fidelity drogue motion under wind effects to validate the proposed approach for realistic refueling scenarios. These high-fidelity simulations reveal that the proposed control methodology yields an improvement of 36% in the 2-norm docking error compared to the existing standard controller.
☆ Learning-based Model Predictive Control for Passenger-Oriented Train Rescheduling with Flexible Train Composition
This paper focuses on passenger-oriented real-time train rescheduling, considering flexible train composition and rolling stock circulation, by integrating learning-based and optimization-based approaches. A learning-based model predictive control (MPC) approach is developed for real-time train rescheduling with flexible train composition and rolling stock circulation to address time-varying passenger demands. In the proposed approach, first, the values of the integer variables are obtained by pre-trained long short-term memory (LSTM) networks; next, they are fixed and the values of continuous variables are determined via nonlinear constrained optimization. The learning-based MPC approach enables us to jointly consider efficiency and constraint satisfaction by combining learning-based and optimization-based approaches. In order to reduce the number of integer variables, four presolve techniques are developed to prune a subset of integer decision variables. Numerical simulations based on real-life data from the Beijing urban rail transit system are conducted to illustrate the effectiveness of the developed learning-based MPC approach.
comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
☆ Network Resource Optimization for ML-Based UAV Condition Monitoring with Vibration Analysis
As smart cities begin to materialize, the role of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and their reliability becomes increasingly important. One aspect of reliability relates to Condition Monitoring (CM), where Machine Learning (ML) models are leveraged to identify abnormal and adverse conditions. Given the resource-constrained nature of next-generation edge networks, the utilization of precious network resources must be minimized. This work explores the optimization of network resources for ML-based UAV CM frameworks. The developed framework uses experimental data and varies the feature extraction aggregation interval to optimize ML model selection. Additionally, by leveraging dimensionality reduction techniques, there is a 99.9% reduction in network resource consumption.
comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Networking Letters
☆ TAG: A Decentralized Framework for Multi-Agent Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
Hierarchical organization is fundamental to biological systems and human societies, yet artificial intelligence systems often rely on monolithic architectures that limit adaptability and scalability. Current hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL) approaches typically restrict hierarchies to two levels or require centralized training, which limits their practical applicability. We introduce TAME Agent Framework (TAG), a framework for constructing fully decentralized hierarchical multi-agent systems.TAG enables hierarchies of arbitrary depth through a novel LevelEnv concept, which abstracts each hierarchy level as the environment for the agents above it. This approach standardizes information flow between levels while preserving loose coupling, allowing for seamless integration of diverse agent types. We demonstrate the effectiveness of TAG by implementing hierarchical architectures that combine different RL agents across multiple levels, achieving improved performance over classical multi-agent RL baselines on standard benchmarks. Our results show that decentralized hierarchical organization enhances both learning speed and final performance, positioning TAG as a promising direction for scalable multi-agent systems.
☆ Leader-Follower Formation Tracking Control of Quadrotor UAVs Using Bearing Measurements
This work addresses the practical problem of distributed formation tracking control of a group of quadrotor vehicles in a relaxed sensing graph topology with a very limited sensor set, where only one leader vehicle can access the global position. Other vehicles in the formation are assumed to only have access to inter-agent bearing (direction) measurements and relative velocities with respect to their neighbor agents. A hierarchical control architecture is adopted for each quadrotor, combining a high-gain attitude inner-loop and an outer-loop bearing-based formation controller with collision avoidance augmentation. The proposed method enables a group of quadrotors to track arbitrary bearing persistently exciting desired formations, including time-varying shapes and rotational maneuvers, such that each quadrotor only requires relative measurements to at least one neighboring quadrotor. The effective performance of the control strategy is validated by numerical simulations in MATLAB and real-world experiments with three quadrotors.
comment: Preprint has been submitted to the 9th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA 2025)
☆ Categorical Lyapunov Theory I: Stability of Flows
Lyapunov's theorem provides a fundamental characterization of the stability of dynamical systems. This paper presents a categorical framework for Lyapunov theory, generalizing stability analysis with Lyapunov functions categorically. Core to our approach is the set of axioms underlying a setting for stability, which give the necessary ingredients for ``doing Lyapunov theory'' in a category of interest. With these minimal assumptions, we define the stability of equilibria, formulate Lyapunov morphisms, and demonstrate that the existence of Lyapunov morphisms is necessary and sufficient for establishing the stability of flows. To illustrate these constructions, we show how classical notions of stability, e.g., for continuous and discrete time dynamical systems, are captured by this categorical framework for Lyapunov theory. Finally, to demonstrate the extensibility of our framework, we illustrate how enriched categories, e.g., Lawvere metric spaces, yield settings for stability enabling one to ``do Lyapunov theory'' in enriched categories.
comment: 31 pages
☆ Multi-agent Multi-armed Bandits with Minimum Reward Guarantee Fairness
We investigate the problem of maximizing social welfare while ensuring fairness in a multi-agent multi-armed bandit (MA-MAB) setting. In this problem, a centralized decision-maker takes actions over time, generating random rewards for various agents. Our goal is to maximize the sum of expected cumulative rewards, a.k.a. social welfare, while ensuring that each agent receives an expected reward that is at least a constant fraction of the maximum possible expected reward. Our proposed algorithm, RewardFairUCB, leverages the Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) technique to achieve sublinear regret bounds for both fairness and social welfare. The fairness regret measures the positive difference between the minimum reward guarantee and the expected reward of a given policy, whereas the social welfare regret measures the difference between the social welfare of the optimal fair policy and that of the given policy. We show that RewardFairUCB algorithm achieves instance-independent social welfare regret guarantees of $\tilde{O}(T^{1/2})$ and a fairness regret upper bound of $\tilde{O}(T^{3/4})$. We also give the lower bound of $\Omega(\sqrt{T})$ for both social welfare and fairness regret. We evaluate RewardFairUCB's performance against various baseline and heuristic algorithms using simulated data and real world data, highlighting trade-offs between fairness and social welfare regrets.
☆ Discrete implementations of sliding-mode controllers with barrier-function adaptations require a revised framework
Challenges in the discrete implementation of sliding-mode controllers (SMC) with barrier-function-based adaptations are analyzed, revealing fundamental limitations in conventional design frameworks. It is shown that under uniform sampling, the original continuous-time problem motivating these controllers becomes theoretically unsolvable under standard assumptions. To address this incompatibility, a revised control framework is proposed, explicitly incorporating actuator capacity constraints and sampled-data dynamics. Within this structure, the behavior of barrier function-based adaptive controllers (BFASMC) is rigorously examined, explaining their empirical success in digital implementations. A key theoretical result establishes an explicit relation between the actuator capacity, the sampling rate, and the width of the barrier function, providing a principled means to tune these controllers for different application requirements. This relation enables the resolution of various design problems with direct practical implications. A modified BFASMC is then introduced, systematically leveraging sampling effects to ensure finite-time convergence to a positively invariant predefined set, a key advancement for guaranteeing predictable safety margins.
♻ ☆ DistRL: An Asynchronous Distributed Reinforcement Learning Framework for On-Device Control Agents
On-device control agents, especially on mobile devices, are responsible for operating mobile devices to fulfill users' requests, enabling seamless and intuitive interactions. Integrating Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) into these agents enhances their ability to understand and execute complex commands, thereby improving user experience. However, fine-tuning MLLMs for on-device control presents significant challenges due to limited data availability and inefficient online training processes. This paper introduces DistRL, a novel framework designed to enhance the efficiency of online RL fine-tuning for mobile device control agents. DistRL employs centralized training and decentralized data acquisition to ensure efficient fine-tuning in the context of dynamic online interactions. Additionally, the framework is backed by our tailor-made RL algorithm, which effectively balances exploration with the prioritized utilization of collected data to ensure stable and robust training. Our experiments show that, on average, DistRL delivers a 3X improvement in training efficiency and enables training data collection 2.4X faster than the leading synchronous multi-machine methods. Notably, after training, DistRL achieves a 20% relative improvement in success rate compared to state-of-the-art methods on general Android tasks from an open benchmark, significantly outperforming existing approaches while maintaining the same training time. These results validate DistRL as a scalable and efficient solution, offering substantial improvements in both training efficiency and agent performance for real-world, in-the-wild device control tasks.
comment: Paper and Appendix, 26 pages
♻ ☆ UniDB: A Unified Diffusion Bridge Framework via Stochastic Optimal Control
Recent advances in diffusion bridge models leverage Doob's $h$-transform to establish fixed endpoints between distributions, demonstrating promising results in image translation and restoration tasks. However, these approaches frequently produce blurred or excessively smoothed image details and lack a comprehensive theoretical foundation to explain these shortcomings. To address these limitations, we propose UniDB, a unified framework for diffusion bridges based on Stochastic Optimal Control (SOC). UniDB formulates the problem through an SOC-based optimization and derives a closed-form solution for the optimal controller, thereby unifying and generalizing existing diffusion bridge models. We demonstrate that existing diffusion bridges employing Doob's $h$-transform constitute a special case of our framework, emerging when the terminal penalty coefficient in the SOC cost function tends to infinity. By incorporating a tunable terminal penalty coefficient, UniDB achieves an optimal balance between control costs and terminal penalties, substantially improving detail preservation and output quality. Notably, UniDB seamlessly integrates with existing diffusion bridge models, requiring only minimal code modifications. Extensive experiments across diverse image restoration tasks validate the superiority and adaptability of the proposed framework. Our code is available at
♻ ☆ A Risk-Averse Just-In-Time Scheme for Learning-Based Operation of Microgrids with Coupled Electricity-Hydrogen-Ammonia under Uncertainties
This paper proposes a Risk-Averse Just-In-Time (RAJIT) operation scheme for Ammonia-Hydrogen-based Micro-Grids (AHMGs) to boost electricity-hydrogen-ammonia coupling under uncertainties. First, an off-grid AHMG model is developed, featuring a novel multi-mode ammonia synthesis process and a hydrogen-ammonia dual gas turbine with tunable feed-in ratios. Subsequently, a state-behavior mapping strategy linking hydrogen storage levels with the operation modes of ammonia synthesis is established to prevent cost-ineffective shutdowns. The proposed model substantially improves operational flexibility but results in a challenging nonlinear fractional program. Based upon this model, a data-driven RAJIT scheme is developed for the real-time rolling optimization of AHMGs. Unlike conventional one-size-fits-all schemes using one optimization method throughout, the data driven RAJIT intelligently switches between cost-effective deterministic optimization and risk-averse online-learning distributionally robust optimization depending on actual risk profiles, thus capitalizing on the respective strengths of these two optimization methods. To facilitate the solution of the resulting nonlinear program, we develop an equivalent-reformulation-based solution methodology by leveraging a constraint-tightening technique. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the proposed scheme guarantees safety and yields an overall cost reduction up to 14.6% compared with several state-of-the-art methods.
♻ ☆ Quantum Markov Decision Processes: Dynamic and Semi-Definite Programs for Optimal Solutions
In this paper, building on the formulation of quantum Markov decision processes (q-MDPs) presented in our previous work [{\sc N.~Saldi, S.~Sanjari, and S.~Y\"{u}ksel}, {\em Quantum Markov Decision Processes: General Theory, Approximations, and Classes of Policies}, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2024], our focus shifts to the development of semi-definite programming approaches for optimal policies and value functions of both open-loop and classical-state-preserving closed-loop policies. First, by using the duality between the dynamic programming and the semi-definite programming formulations of any q-MDP with open-loop policies, we establish that the optimal value function is linear and there exists a stationary optimal policy among open-loop policies. Then, using these results, we establish a method for computing an approximately optimal value function and formulate computation of optimal stationary open-loop policy as a bi-linear program. Next, we turn our attention to classical-state-preserving closed-loop policies. Dynamic programming and semi-definite programming formulations for classical-state-preserving closed-loop policies are established, where duality of these two formulations similarly enables us to prove that the optimal policy is linear and there exists an optimal stationary classical-state-preserving closed-loop policy. Then, similar to the open-loop case, we establish a method for computing the optimal value function and pose computation of optimal stationary classical-state-preserving closed-loop policies as a bi-linear program.
comment: 53 pages
♻ ☆ Robust Information Selection for Hypothesis Testing with Misclassification Penalties
We study the problem of robust information selection for a Bayesian hypothesis testing / classification task, where the goal is to identify the true state of the world from a finite set of hypotheses based on observations from the selected information sources. We introduce a novel misclassification penalty framework, which enables non-uniform treatment of different misclassification events. Extending the classical subset selection framework, we study the problem of selecting a subset of sources that minimize the maximum penalty of misclassification under a limited budget, despite deletions or failures of a subset of the selected sources. We characterize the curvature properties of the objective function and propose an efficient greedy algorithm with performance guarantees. Next, we highlight certain limitations of optimizing for the maximum penalty metric and propose a submodular surrogate metric to guide the selection of the information set. We propose a greedy algorithm with near-optimality guarantees for optimizing the surrogate metric. Finally, we empirically demonstrate the performance of our proposed algorithms in several instances of the information set selection problem.
comment: 23 pages, 2 figures
♻ ☆ A Hierarchical DRL Approach for Resource Optimization in Multi-RIS Multi-Operator Networks
As reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) emerge as a pivotal technology in the upcoming sixth-generation (6G) networks, their deployment within practical multiple operator (OP) networks presents significant challenges, including the coordination of RIS configurations among OPs, interference management, and privacy maintenance. A promising strategy is to treat RIS as a public resource managed by an RIS provider (RP), which can enhance resource allocation efficiency by allowing dynamic access for multiple OPs. However, the intricate nature of coordinating management and optimizing RIS configurations significantly complicates the implementation process. In this paper, we propose a hierarchical deep reinforcement learning (HDRL) approach that decomposes the complicated RIS resource optimization problem into several subtasks. Specifically, a top-level RP-agent is responsible for RIS allocation, while low-level OP-agents control their assigned RISs and handle beamforming, RIS phase-shifts, and user association. By utilizing the semi-Markov decision process (SMDP) theory, we establish a sophisticated interaction mechanism between the RP and OPs, and introduce an advanced hierarchical proximal policy optimization (HPPO) algorithm. Furthermore, we propose an improved sequential-HPPO (S-HPPO) algorithm to address the curse of dimensionality encountered with a single RP-agent. Experimental results validate the stability of the HPPO algorithm across various environmental parameters, demonstrating its superiority over other benchmarks for joint resource optimization. Finally, we conduct a detailed comparative analysis between the proposed S-HPPO and HPPO algorithms, showcasing that the S-HPPO algorithm achieves faster convergence and improved performance in large-scale RIS allocation scenarios.
♻ ☆ Graphon Particle Systems, Part II: Dynamics of Distributed Stochastic Continuum Optimization
We study the distributed optimization problem over a graphon with a continuum of nodes, which is regarded as the limit of the distributed networked optimization as the number of nodes goes to infinity. Each node has a private local cost function. The global cost function, which all nodes cooperatively minimize, is the integral of the local cost functions on the node set. We propose stochastic gradient descent and gradient tracking algorithms over the graphon. We establish a general lemma for the upper bound estimation related to a class of time-varying differential inequalities with negative linear terms, based upon which, we prove that for both kinds of algorithms, the second moments of the nodes' states are uniformly bounded. Especially, for the stochastic gradient tracking algorithm, we transform the convergence analysis into the asymptotic property of coupled nonlinear differential inequalities with time-varying coefficients and develop a decoupling method. For both kinds of algorithms, we show that by choosing the time-varying algorithm gains properly, all nodes' states achieve $\mathcal{L}^{\infty}$-consensus for a connected graphon. Furthermore, if the local cost functions are strongly convex, then all nodes' states converge to the minimizer of the global cost function and the auxiliary states in the stochastic gradient tracking algorithm converge to the gradient value of the global cost function at the minimizer uniformly in mean square.
♻ ☆ Resiliency metrics quantifying emergency response in a distribution system
The electric distribution system is a cornerstone of modern life, playing a critical role in the daily activities and well-being of individuals. As the world transitions toward a decarbonized future, where even mobility relies on electricity, ensuring the resilience of the grid becomes paramount. This paper introduces novel resilience metrics designed to equip utilities and stakeholders with actionable tools to assess performance during storm events. The metrics focus on emergency storm response and the resources required to improve customer service. The practical calculation of the metrics from historical utility data is demonstrated for multiple storm events. Additionally, the metrics' improvement with added crews is estimated by "rerunning history" with faster restoration. By applying this resilience framework, utilities can enhance their restoration strategies and unlock potential cost savings, benefiting both providers and customers in an era of heightened energy dependency.
comment: to appear in IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting Austin TX USA July 2025
♻ ☆ Graphon Particle Systems, Part I: Spatio-Temporal Approximation and Law of Large Numbers
We study a class of graphon particle systems with time-varying random coefficients. In a graphon particle system, the interactions among particles are characterized by the coupled mean field terms through an underlying graphon and the randomness of the coefficients comes from the stochastic processes associated with the particle labels. By constructing two-level approximated sequences converging in 2-Wasserstein distance, we prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution to the system. Besides, by constructing two-level approximated functions converging to the graphon mean field terms, we establish the law of large numbers, which reveals that if the number of particles tends to infinity and the discretization step tends to zero, then the discrete-time interacting particle system over a large-scale network converges to the graphon particle system. As a byproduct, we discover that the graphon particle system can describe the limiting dynamics of the distributed stochastic gradient descent algorithm over the large-scale network and prove that if the gradients of the local cost functions are Lipschitz continuous, then the graphon particle system can be regarded as the spatio-temporal approximation of the discrete-time distributed stochastic gradient descent algorithm as the number of network nodes tends to infinity and the algorithm step size tends to zero.
♻ ☆ A Parameterized Nonlinear Magnetic Equivalent Circuit for Design and Fast Analysis of Radial Flux Magnetic Gears with Bridges
Magnetic gears offer significant advantages over mechanical gears, including contactless power transfer, but require efficient and accurate modeling tools for optimization and commercialization. This paper presents the first fast and accurate 2D nonlinear magnetic equivalent circuit (MEC) model for radial flux magnetic gears (RFMG), capable of analyzing designs with bridges critical structural elements that introduce intense localized magnetic saturation. The proposed model systematically incorporates nonlinear effects while maintaining rapid simulation times through a parameterized geometry and adaptable flux tube distribution. A robust initialization strategy ensures reliable performance across diverse designs. Extensive validation against nonlinear finite element analysis (FEA) confirms the model's accuracy in torque and flux density predictions. A comprehensive parametric study of 140,000 designs demonstrates close agreement with FEA results, with simulations running up to 100 times faster. Unlike previous MEC approaches, this model provides a generalized, computationally efficient solution for analyzing a wide range of RFMG designs with or without bridges, making it particularly well-suited for large scale design optimization.
♻ ☆ Online Planning of Power Flows for Power Systems Against Bushfires Using Spatial Context
The 2019-20 Australia bushfire incurred numerous economic losses and significantly affected the operations of power systems. A power station or transmission line can be significantly affected due to bushfires, leading to an increase in operational costs. We study a fundamental but challenging problem of planning the optimal power flow (OPF) for power systems subject to bushfires. Considering the stochastic nature of bushfire spread, we develop a model to capture such dynamics based on Moore's neighborhood model. Under a periodic inspection scheme that reveals the in-situ bushfire status, we propose an online optimization modeling framework that sequentially plans the power flows in the electricity network. Our framework assumes that the spread of bushfires is non-stationary over time, and the spread and containment probabilities are unknown. To meet these challenges, we develop a contextual online learning algorithm that treats the in-situ geographical information of the bushfire as a 'spatial context'. The online learning algorithm learns the unknown probabilities sequentially based on the observed data and then makes the OPF decision accordingly. The sequential OPF decisions aim to minimize the regret function, which is defined as the cumulative loss against the clairvoyant strategy that knows the true model parameters. We provide a theoretical guarantee of our algorithm by deriving a bound on the regret function, which outperforms the regret bound achieved by other benchmark algorithms. Our model assumptions are verified by the real bushfire data from NSW, Australia, and we apply our model to two power systems to illustrate its applicability.
Robotics 42
☆ VB-Com: Learning Vision-Blind Composite Humanoid Locomotion Against Deficient Perception
The performance of legged locomotion is closely tied to the accuracy and comprehensiveness of state observations. Blind policies, which rely solely on proprioception, are considered highly robust due to the reliability of proprioceptive observations. However, these policies significantly limit locomotion speed and often require collisions with the terrain to adapt. In contrast, Vision policies allows the robot to plan motions in advance and respond proactively to unstructured terrains with an online perception module. However, perception is often compromised by noisy real-world environments, potential sensor failures, and the limitations of current simulations in presenting dynamic or deformable terrains. Humanoid robots, with high degrees of freedom and inherently unstable morphology, are particularly susceptible to misguidance from deficient perception, which can result in falls or termination on challenging dynamic terrains. To leverage the advantages of both vision and blind policies, we propose VB-Com, a composite framework that enables humanoid robots to determine when to rely on the vision policy and when to switch to the blind policy under perceptual deficiency. We demonstrate that VB-Com effectively enables humanoid robots to traverse challenging terrains and obstacles despite perception deficiencies caused by dynamic terrains or perceptual noise.
Planning, scheduling, and execution on the Moon: the CADRE technology demonstration mission AAMAS 2025
NASA's Cooperative Autonomous Distributed Robotic Exploration (CADRE) mission, slated for flight to the Moon's Reiner Gamma region in 2025/2026, is designed to demonstrate multi-agent autonomous exploration of the Lunar surface and sub-surface. A team of three robots and a base station will autonomously explore a region near the lander, collecting the data required for 3D reconstruction of the surface with no human input; and then autonomously perform distributed sensing with multi-static ground penetrating radars (GPR), driving in formation while performing coordinated radar soundings to create a map of the subsurface. At the core of CADRE's software architecture is a novel autonomous, distributed planning, scheduling, and execution (PS&E) system. The system coordinates the robots' activities, planning and executing tasks that require multiple robots' participation while ensuring that each individual robot's thermal and power resources stay within prescribed bounds, and respecting ground-prescribed sleep-wake cycles. The system uses a centralized-planning, distributed-execution paradigm, and a leader election mechanism ensures robustness to failures of individual agents. In this paper, we describe the architecture of CADRE's PS&E system; discuss its design rationale; and report on verification and validation (V&V) testing of the system on CADRE's hardware in preparation for deployment on the Moon.
comment: To be presented at AAMAS 2025
☆ Humanoid-VLA: Towards Universal Humanoid Control with Visual Integration
This paper addresses the limitations of current humanoid robot control frameworks, which primarily rely on reactive mechanisms and lack autonomous interaction capabilities due to data scarcity. We propose Humanoid-VLA, a novel framework that integrates language understanding, egocentric scene perception, and motion control, enabling universal humanoid control. Humanoid-VLA begins with language-motion pre-alignment using non-egocentric human motion datasets paired with textual descriptions, allowing the model to learn universal motion patterns and action semantics. We then incorporate egocentric visual context through a parameter efficient video-conditioned fine-tuning, enabling context-aware motion generation. Furthermore, we introduce a self-supervised data augmentation strategy that automatically generates pseudoannotations directly derived from motion data. This process converts raw motion sequences into informative question-answer pairs, facilitating the effective use of large-scale unlabeled video data. Built upon whole-body control architectures, extensive experiments show that Humanoid-VLA achieves object interaction and environment exploration tasks with enhanced contextual awareness, demonstrating a more human-like capacity for adaptive and intelligent engagement.
☆ Building reliable sim driving agents by scaling self-play
Simulation agents are essential for designing and testing systems that interact with humans, such as autonomous vehicles (AVs). These agents serve various purposes, from benchmarking AV performance to stress-testing the system's limits, but all use cases share a key requirement: reliability. A simulation agent should behave as intended by the designer, minimizing unintended actions like collisions that can compromise the signal-to-noise ratio of analyses. As a foundation for reliable sim agents, we propose scaling self-play to thousands of scenarios on the Waymo Open Motion Dataset under semi-realistic limits on human perception and control. Training from scratch on a single GPU, our agents nearly solve the full training set within a day. They generalize effectively to unseen test scenes, achieving a 99.8% goal completion rate with less than 0.8% combined collision and off-road incidents across 10,000 held-out scenarios. Beyond in-distribution generalization, our agents show partial robustness to out-of-distribution scenes and can be fine-tuned in minutes to reach near-perfect performance in those cases. Demonstrations of agent behaviors can be found at this link. We open-source both the pre-trained agents and the complete code base. Demonstrations of agent behaviors can be found at \url{}.
comment: First version
☆ Real-world Troublemaker: A Novel Track Testing Framework for Automated Driving Systems in Safety-critical Interaction Scenarios
Track testing plays a critical role in the safety evaluation of autonomous driving systems (ADS), as it provides real-world object targets and a safety-controllable interaction environment. However, existing track testing scenarios are often pre-fixed and limited, primarily due to the inflexibility of object target control methods and the lack of intelligent interactive behaviors. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel track testing framework, Real-world Troublemaker, which can generate adversarial object target motion trajectories and facilitate intelligent interactions with the vehicle under test (VUT), creating a more realistic and dynamic testing environment. To enable flexible motion trajectories, cloud-controlled technology is utilized to remotely and dynamically control object targets to create a realistic traffic environment. To achieve intelligent interactions, an interactive concrete scenario generation method is introduced within a game-theoretic structure. The proposed framework has been successfully implemented at the Tongji University Intelligent Connected Vehicle Evaluation Base. Field test results demonstrate that Troublemaker can perform dynamic interactive testing of ADS accurately and effectively. Compared to traditional track testing methods, Troublemaker improves scenario reproduction accuracy by 65.2\%, increases the diversity of target vehicle interaction strategies by approximately 9.2 times, and enhances exposure frequency of safety-critical scenarios by 3.5 times in unprotected left-turn scenarios.
comment: 14 pages,14 figures,2tables
☆ A Mobile Robotic Approach to Autonomous Surface Scanning in Legal Medicine
Purpose: Comprehensive legal medicine documentation includes both an internal but also an external examination of the corpse. Typically, this documentation is conducted manually during conventional autopsy. A systematic digital documentation would be desirable, especially for the external examination of wounds, which is becoming more relevant for legal medicine analysis. For this purpose, RGB surface scanning has been introduced. While a manual full surface scan using a handheld camera is timeconsuming and operator dependent, floor or ceiling mounted robotic systems require substantial space and a dedicated room. Hence, we consider whether a mobile robotic system can be used for external documentation. Methods: We develop a mobile robotic system that enables full-body RGB-D surface scanning. Our work includes a detailed configuration space analysis to identify the environmental parameters that need to be considered to successfully perform a surface scan. We validate our findings through an experimental study in the lab and demonstrate the system's application in a legal medicine environment. Results: Our configuration space analysis shows that a good trade-off between coverage and time is reached with three robot base positions, leading to a coverage of 94.96 %. Experiments validate the effectiveness of the system in accurately capturing body surface geometry with an average surface coverage of 96.90 +- 3.16 % and 92.45 +- 1.43 % for a body phantom and actual corpses, respectively. Conclusion: This work demonstrates the potential of a mobile robotic system to automate RGB-D surface scanning in legal medicine, complementing the use of post-mortem CT scans for inner documentation. Our results indicate that the proposed system can contribute to more efficient and autonomous legal medicine documentation, reducing the need for manual intervention.
comment: Submitted and accepted for presentation at CARS 2025. This preprint has not undergone peer review or post-submission revisions. The final version of this work will appear in the official CARS 2025 proceedings
☆ Watch Less, Feel More: Sim-to-Real RL for Generalizable Articulated Object Manipulation via Motion Adaptation and Impedance Control
Articulated object manipulation poses a unique challenge compared to rigid object manipulation as the object itself represents a dynamic environment. In this work, we present a novel RL-based pipeline equipped with variable impedance control and motion adaptation leveraging observation history for generalizable articulated object manipulation, focusing on smooth and dexterous motion during zero-shot sim-to-real transfer. To mitigate the sim-to-real gap, our pipeline diminishes reliance on vision by not leveraging the vision data feature (RGBD/pointcloud) directly as policy input but rather extracting useful low-dimensional data first via off-the-shelf modules. Additionally, we experience less sim-to-real gap by inferring object motion and its intrinsic properties via observation history as well as utilizing impedance control both in the simulation and in the real world. Furthermore, we develop a well-designed training setting with great randomization and a specialized reward system (task-aware and motion-aware) that enables multi-staged, end-to-end manipulation without heuristic motion planning. To the best of our knowledge, our policy is the first to report 84\% success rate in the real world via extensive experiments with various unseen objects.
☆ An Efficient Ground-aerial Transportation System for Pest Control Enabled by AI-based Autonomous Nano-UAVs
Efficient crop production requires early detection of pest outbreaks and timely treatments; we consider a solution based on a fleet of multiple autonomous miniaturized unmanned aerial vehicles (nano-UAVs) to visually detect pests and a single slower heavy vehicle that visits the detected outbreaks to deliver treatments. To cope with the extreme limitations aboard nano-UAVs, e.g., low-resolution sensors and sub-100 mW computational power budget, we design, fine-tune, and optimize a tiny image-based convolutional neural network (CNN) for pest detection. Despite the small size of our CNN (i.e., 0.58 GOps/inference), on our dataset, it scores a mean average precision (mAP) of 0.79 in detecting harmful bugs, i.e., 14% lower mAP but 32x fewer operations than the best-performing CNN in the literature. Our CNN runs in real-time at 6.8 frame/s, requiring 33 mW on a GWT GAP9 System-on-Chip aboard a Crazyflie nano-UAV. Then, to cope with in-field unexpected obstacles, we leverage a global+local path planner based on the A* algorithm. The global path planner determines the best route for the nano-UAV to sweep the entire area, while the local one runs up to 50 Hz aboard our nano-UAV and prevents collision by adjusting the short-distance path. Finally, we demonstrate with in-simulator experiments that once a 25 nano-UAVs fleet has combed a 200x200 m vineyard, collected information can be used to plan the best path for the tractor, visiting all and only required hotspots. In this scenario, our efficient transportation system, compared to a traditional single-ground vehicle performing both inspection and treatment, can save up to 20 h working time.
☆ ChatVLA: Unified Multimodal Understanding and Robot Control with Vision-Language-Action Model
Humans possess a unified cognitive ability to perceive, comprehend, and interact with the physical world. Why can't large language models replicate this holistic understanding? Through a systematic analysis of existing training paradigms in vision-language-action models (VLA), we identify two key challenges: spurious forgetting, where robot training overwrites crucial visual-text alignments, and task interference, where competing control and understanding tasks degrade performance when trained jointly. To overcome these limitations, we propose ChatVLA, a novel framework featuring Phased Alignment Training, which incrementally integrates multimodal data after initial control mastery, and a Mixture-of-Experts architecture to minimize task interference. ChatVLA demonstrates competitive performance on visual question-answering datasets and significantly surpasses state-of-the-art vision-language-action (VLA) methods on multimodal understanding benchmarks. Notably, it achieves a six times higher performance on MMMU and scores 47.2% on MMStar with a more parameter-efficient design than ECoT. Furthermore, ChatVLA demonstrates superior performance on 25 real-world robot manipulation tasks compared to existing VLA methods like OpenVLA. Our findings highlight the potential of our unified framework for achieving both robust multimodal understanding and effective robot control.
☆ Mem2Ego: Empowering Vision-Language Models with Global-to-Ego Memory for Long-Horizon Embodied Navigation
Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) and Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have made them powerful tools in embodied navigation, enabling agents to leverage commonsense and spatial reasoning for efficient exploration in unfamiliar environments. Existing LLM-based approaches convert global memory, such as semantic or topological maps, into language descriptions to guide navigation. While this improves efficiency and reduces redundant exploration, the loss of geometric information in language-based representations hinders spatial reasoning, especially in intricate environments. To address this, VLM-based approaches directly process ego-centric visual inputs to select optimal directions for exploration. However, relying solely on a first-person perspective makes navigation a partially observed decision-making problem, leading to suboptimal decisions in complex environments. In this paper, we present a novel vision-language model (VLM)-based navigation framework that addresses these challenges by adaptively retrieving task-relevant cues from a global memory module and integrating them with the agent's egocentric observations. By dynamically aligning global contextual information with local perception, our approach enhances spatial reasoning and decision-making in long-horizon tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method surpasses previous state-of-the-art approaches in object navigation tasks, providing a more effective and scalable solution for embodied navigation.
☆ No Minima, No Collisions: Combining Modulation and Control Barrier Function Strategies for Feasible Dynamical Collision Avoidance
As prominent real-time safety-critical reactive control techniques, Control Barrier Function Quadratic Programs (CBF-QPs) work for control affine systems in general but result in local minima in the generated trajectories and consequently cannot ensure convergence to the goals. Contrarily, Modulation of Dynamical Systems (Mod-DSs), including normal, reference, and on-manifold Mod-DS, achieve obstacle avoidance with few and even no local minima but have trouble optimally minimizing the difference between the constrained and the unconstrained controller outputs, and its applications are limited to fully-actuated systems. We dive into the theoretical foundations of CBF-QP and Mod-DS, proving that despite their distinct origins, normal Mod-DS is a special case of CBF-QP, and reference Mod-DS's solutions are mathematically connected to that of the CBF-QP through one equation. Building on top of the unveiled theoretical connections between CBF-QP and Mod-DS, reference Mod-based CBF-QP and on-manifold Mod-based CBF-QP controllers are proposed to combine the strength of CBF-QP and Mod-DS approaches and realize local-minimum-free reactive obstacle avoidance for control affine systems in general. We validate our methods in both simulated hospital environments and real-world experiments using Ridgeback for fully-actuated systems and Fetch robots for underactuated systems. Mod-based CBF-QPs outperform CBF-QPs as well as the optimally constrained-enforcing Mod-DS approaches we proposed in all experiments.
☆ Real-Time Sampling-based Online Planning for Drone Interception ICRA 2025
This paper studies high-speed online planning in dynamic environments. The problem requires finding time-optimal trajectories that conform to system dynamics, meeting computational constraints for real-time adaptation, and accounting for uncertainty from environmental changes. To address these challenges, we propose a sampling-based online planning algorithm that leverages neural network inference to replace time-consuming nonlinear trajectory optimization, enabling rapid exploration of multiple trajectory options under uncertainty. The proposed method is applied to the drone interception problem, where a defense drone must intercept a target while avoiding collisions and handling imperfect target predictions. The algorithm efficiently generates trajectories toward multiple potential target drone positions in parallel. It then assesses trajectory reachability by comparing traversal times with the target drone's predicted arrival time, ultimately selecting the minimum-time reachable trajectory. Through extensive validation in both simulated and real-world environments, we demonstrate our method's capability for high-rate online planning and its adaptability to unpredictable movements in unstructured settings.
comment: Accepted at ICRA 2025. Supplementary video:
☆ REFLEX Dataset: A Multimodal Dataset of Human Reactions to Robot Failures and Explanations
This work presents REFLEX: Robotic Explanations to FaiLures and Human EXpressions, a comprehensive multimodal dataset capturing human reactions to robot failures and subsequent explanations in collaborative settings. It aims to facilitate research into human-robot interaction dynamics, addressing the need to study reactions to both initial failures and explanations, as well as the evolution of these reactions in long-term interactions. By providing rich, annotated data on human responses to different types of failures, explanation levels, and explanation varying strategies, the dataset contributes to the development of more robust, adaptive, and satisfying robotic systems capable of maintaining positive relationships with human collaborators, even during challenges like repeated failures.
comment: Accepted and to appear in the IEEE/ACM Conference on Human Robot Interaction 2025
☆ Synth It Like KITTI: Synthetic Data Generation for Object Detection in Driving Scenarios
An important factor in advancing autonomous driving systems is simulation. Yet, there is rather small progress for transferability between the virtual and real world. We revisit this problem for 3D object detection on LiDAR point clouds and propose a dataset generation pipeline based on the CARLA simulator. Utilizing domain randomization strategies and careful modeling, we are able to train an object detector on the synthetic data and demonstrate strong generalization capabilities to the KITTI dataset. Furthermore, we compare different virtual sensor variants to gather insights, which sensor attributes can be responsible for the prevalent domain gap. Finally, fine-tuning with a small portion of real data almost matches the baseline and with the full training set slightly surpasses it.
comment: Preprint, to appear in ROBOVIS 2025
☆ DDAT: Diffusion Policies Enforcing Dynamically Admissible Robot Trajectories
Diffusion models excel at creating images and videos thanks to their multimodal generative capabilities. These same capabilities have made diffusion models increasingly popular in robotics research, where they are used for generating robot motion. However, the stochastic nature of diffusion models is fundamentally at odds with the precise dynamical equations describing the feasible motion of robots. Hence, generating dynamically admissible robot trajectories is a challenge for diffusion models. To alleviate this issue, we introduce DDAT: Diffusion policies for Dynamically Admissible Trajectories to generate provably admissible trajectories of black-box robotic systems using diffusion models. A sequence of states is a dynamically admissible trajectory if each state of the sequence belongs to the reachable set of its predecessor by the robot's equations of motion. To generate such trajectories, our diffusion policies project their predictions onto a dynamically admissible manifold during both training and inference to align the objective of the denoiser neural network with the dynamical admissibility constraint. The auto-regressive nature of these projections along with the black-box nature of robot dynamics render these projections immensely challenging. We thus enforce admissibility by iteratively sampling a polytopic under-approximation of the reachable set of a state onto which we project its predicted successor, before iterating this process with the projected successor. By producing accurate trajectories, this projection eliminates the need for diffusion models to continually replan, enabling one-shot long-horizon trajectory planning. We demonstrate that our framework generates higher quality dynamically admissible robot trajectories through extensive simulations on a quadcopter and various MuJoCo environments, along with real-world experiments on a Unitree GO1 and GO2.
comment: Under review
☆ DEFT: Differentiable Branched Discrete Elastic Rods for Modeling Furcated DLOs in Real-Time
Autonomous wire harness assembly requires robots to manipulate complex branched cables with high precision and reliability. A key challenge in automating this process is predicting how these flexible and branched structures behave under manipulation. Without accurate predictions, it is difficult for robots to reliably plan or execute assembly operations. While existing research has made progress in modeling single-threaded Deformable Linear Objects (DLOs), extending these approaches to Branched Deformable Linear Objects (BDLOs) presents fundamental challenges. The junction points in BDLOs create complex force interactions and strain propagation patterns that cannot be adequately captured by simply connecting multiple single-DLO models. To address these challenges, this paper presents Differentiable discrete branched Elastic rods for modeling Furcated DLOs in real-Time (DEFT), a novel framework that combines a differentiable physics-based model with a learning framework to: 1) accurately model BDLO dynamics, including dynamic propagation at junction points and grasping in the middle of a BDLO, 2) achieve efficient computation for real-time inference, and 3) enable planning to demonstrate dexterous BDLO manipulation. A comprehensive series of real-world experiments demonstrates DEFT's efficacy in terms of accuracy, computational speed, and generalizability compared to state-of-the-art alternatives. Project page:
☆ Safe Beyond the Horizon: Efficient Sampling-based MPC with Neural Control Barrier Functions
A common problem when using model predictive control (MPC) in practice is the satisfaction of safety specifications beyond the prediction horizon. While theoretical works have shown that safety can be guaranteed by enforcing a suitable terminal set constraint or a sufficiently long prediction horizon, these techniques are difficult to apply and thus are rarely used by practitioners, especially in the case of general nonlinear dynamics. To solve this problem, we impose a tradeoff between exact recursive feasibility, computational tractability, and applicability to ''black-box'' dynamics by learning an approximate discrete-time control barrier function and incorporating it into a variational inference MPC (VIMPC), a sampling-based MPC paradigm. To handle the resulting state constraints, we further propose a new sampling strategy that greatly reduces the variance of the estimated optimal control, improving the sample efficiency, and enabling real-time planning on a CPU. The resulting Neural Shield-VIMPC (NS-VIMPC) controller yields substantial safety improvements compared to existing sampling-based MPC controllers, even under badly designed cost functions. We validate our approach in both simulation and real-world hardware experiments.
☆ Ultra-High-Frequency Harmony: mmWave Radar and Event Camera Orchestrate Accurate Drone Landing
For precise, efficient, and safe drone landings, ground platforms should real-time, accurately locate descending drones and guide them to designated spots. While mmWave sensing combined with cameras improves localization accuracy, the lower sampling frequency of traditional frame cameras compared to mmWave radar creates bottlenecks in system throughput. In this work, we replace the traditional frame camera with event camera, a novel sensor that harmonizes in sampling frequency with mmWave radar within the ground platform setup, and introduce mmE-Loc, a high-precision, low-latency ground localization system designed for drone landings. To fully leverage the \textit{temporal consistency} and \textit{spatial complementarity} between these modalities, we propose two innovative modules, \textit{consistency-instructed collaborative tracking} and \textit{graph-informed adaptive joint optimization}, for accurate drone measurement extraction and efficient sensor fusion. Extensive real-world experiments in landing scenarios from a leading drone delivery company demonstrate that mmE-Loc outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both localization accuracy and latency.
comment: This paper is accepted by ACM SenSys 2025
☆ A novel step-by-step procedure for the kinematic calibration of robots using a single draw-wire encoder
Robot positioning accuracy is a key factory when performing high-precision manufacturing tasks. To effectively improve the accuracy of a manipulator, often up to a value close to its repeatability, calibration plays a crucial role. In the literature, various approaches to robot calibration have been proposed, and they range considerably in the type of measurement system and identification algorithm used. Our aim was to develop a novel step-by-step kinematic calibration procedure - where the parameters are subsequently estimated one at a time - that only uses 1D distance measurement data obtained through a draw-wire encoder. To pursue this objective, we derived an analytical approach to find, for each unknown parameter, a set of calibration points where the discrepancy between the measured and predicted distances only depends on that unknown parameter. This reduces the computational burden of the identification process while potentially improving its accuracy. Simulations and experimental tests were carried out on a 6 degrees-of-freedom robot arm: the results confirmed the validity of the proposed strategy. As a result, the proposed step-by-step calibration approach represents a practical, cost-effective and computationally less demanding alternative to standard calibration approaches, making robot calibration more accessible and easier to perform.
☆ Design of a Visual Pose Estimation Algorithm for Moon Landing
In order to make a pinpoint landing on the Moon, the spacecraft's navigation system must be accurate. To achieve the desired accuracy, navigational drift caused by the inertial sensors must be corrected. One way to correct this drift is to use absolute navigation solutions. In this study, a terrain absolute navigation method to estimate the spacecraft's position and attitude is proposed. This algorithm uses the position of the craters below the spacecraft for estimation. Craters seen by the camera onboard the spacecraft are detected and identified using a crater database known beforehand. In order to focus on estimation algorithms, image processing and crater matching steps are skipped. The accuracy of the algorithm and the effect of the crater number used for estimation are inspected by performing simulations.
comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, Presented in 11th Nano-Satellite Symposium
☆ Hier-SLAM++: Neuro-Symbolic Semantic SLAM with a Hierarchically Categorical Gaussian Splatting
We propose Hier-SLAM++, a comprehensive Neuro-Symbolic semantic 3D Gaussian Splatting SLAM method with both RGB-D and monocular input featuring an advanced hierarchical categorical representation, which enables accurate pose estimation as well as global 3D semantic mapping. The parameter usage in semantic SLAM systems increases significantly with the growing complexity of the environment, making scene understanding particularly challenging and costly. To address this problem, we introduce a novel and general hierarchical representation that encodes both semantic and geometric information in a compact form into 3D Gaussian Splatting, leveraging the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) as well as the 3D generative model. By utilizing the proposed hierarchical tree structure, semantic information is symbolically represented and learned in an end-to-end manner. We further introduce a novel semantic loss designed to optimize hierarchical semantic information through both inter-level and cross-level optimization. Additionally, we propose an improved SLAM system to support both RGB-D and monocular inputs using a feed-forward model. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first semantic monocular Gaussian Splatting SLAM system, significantly reducing sensor requirements for 3D semantic understanding and broadening the applicability of semantic Gaussian SLAM system. We conduct experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets, demonstrating superior or on-par performance with state-of-the-art NeRF-based and Gaussian-based SLAM systems, while significantly reducing storage and training time requirements.
comment: 15 pages. Under review
☆ Bridging Text and Vision: A Multi-View Text-Vision Registration Approach for Cross-Modal Place Recognition
Mobile robots necessitate advanced natural language understanding capabilities to accurately identify locations and perform tasks such as package delivery. However, traditional visual place recognition (VPR) methods rely solely on single-view visual information and cannot interpret human language descriptions. To overcome this challenge, we bridge text and vision by proposing a multiview (360{\deg} views of the surroundings) text-vision registration approach called Text4VPR for place recognition task, which is the first method that exclusively utilizes textual descriptions to match a database of images. Text4VPR employs the frozen T5 language model to extract global textual embeddings. Additionally, it utilizes the Sinkhorn algorithm with temperature coefficient to assign local tokens to their respective clusters, thereby aggregating visual descriptors from images. During the training stage, Text4VPR emphasizes the alignment between individual text-image pairs for precise textual description. In the inference stage, Text4VPR uses the Cascaded Cross-Attention Cosine Alignment (CCCA) to address the internal mismatch between text and image groups. Subsequently, Text4VPR performs precisely place match based on the descriptions of text-image groups. On Street360Loc, the first text to image VPR dataset we created, Text4VPR builds a robust baseline, achieving a leading top-1 accuracy of 57% and a leading top-10 accuracy of 92% within a 5-meter radius on the test set, which indicates that localization from textual descriptions to images is not only feasible but also holds significant potential for further advancement, as shown in Figure 1.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, conference
♻ ☆ MI-HGNN: Morphology-Informed Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Legged Robot Contact Perception ICRA 2025
We present a Morphology-Informed Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network (MI-HGNN) for learning-based contact perception. The architecture and connectivity of the MI-HGNN are constructed from the robot morphology, in which nodes and edges are robot joints and links, respectively. By incorporating the morphology-informed constraints into a neural network, we improve a learning-based approach using model-based knowledge. We apply the proposed MI-HGNN to two contact perception problems, and conduct extensive experiments using both real-world and simulated data collected using two quadruped robots. Our experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method in terms of effectiveness, generalization ability, model efficiency, and sample efficiency. Our MI-HGNN improved the performance of a state-of-the-art model that leverages robot morphological symmetry by 8.4% with only 0.21% of its parameters. Although MI-HGNN is applied to contact perception problems for legged robots in this work, it can be seamlessly applied to other types of multi-body dynamical systems and has the potential to improve other robot learning frameworks. Our code is made publicly available at
comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; This work has been accepted to ICRA 2025 and will soon be published
♻ ☆ Continuous-Time Line-of-Sight Constrained Trajectory Planning for 6-Degree of Freedom Systems
Perception algorithms are ubiquitous in modern autonomy stacks, providing necessary environmental information to operate in the real world. Many of these algorithms depend on the visibility of keypoints, which must remain within the robot's line-of-sight (LoS), for reliable operation. This paper tackles the challenge of maintaining LoS on such keypoints during robot movement. We propose a novel method that addresses these issues by ensuring applicability to various sensor footprints, adaptability to arbitrary nonlinear system dynamics, and constant enforcement of LoS throughout the robot's path. Our experiments show that the proposed approach achieves significantly reduced LoS violation and runtime compared to existing state-of-the-art methods in several representative and challenging scenarios.
comment: This paper is accepted for the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)
♻ ☆ TeLL-Drive: Enhancing Autonomous Driving with Teacher LLM-Guided Deep Reinforcement Learning
Although Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) and Large Language Models (LLMs) each show promise in addressing decision-making challenges in autonomous driving, DRL often suffers from high sample complexity, while LLMs have difficulty ensuring real-time decision making. To address these limitations, we propose TeLL-Drive, a hybrid framework that integrates a Teacher LLM to guide an attention-based Student DRL policy. By incorporating risk metrics, historical scenario retrieval, and domain heuristics into context-rich prompts, the LLM produces high-level driving strategies through chain-of-thought reasoning. A self-attention mechanism then fuses these strategies with the DRL agent's exploration, accelerating policy convergence and boosting robustness across diverse driving conditions. The experimental results, evaluated across multiple traffic scenarios, show that TeLL-Drive outperforms existing baseline methods, including other LLM-based approaches, in terms of success rates, average returns, and real-time feasibility. Ablation studies underscore the importance of each model component, especially the synergy between the attention mechanism and LLM-driven guidance. Finally, we build a virtual-real fusion experimental platform to verify the real-time performance, robustness, and reliability of the algorithm running on real vehicles through vehicle-in-loop experiments.
♻ ☆ Learning Low-Dimensional Strain Models of Soft Robots by Looking at the Evolution of Their Shape with Application to Model-Based Control
Obtaining dynamic models of continuum soft robots is central to the analysis and control of soft robots, and researchers have devoted much attention to the challenge of proposing both data-driven and first-principle solutions. Both avenues have, however, shown their limitations; the former lacks structure and performs poorly outside training data, while the latter requires significant simplifications and extensive expert knowledge to be used in practice. This paper introduces a streamlined method for learning low-dimensional, physics-based models that are both accurate and easy to interpret. We start with an algorithm that uses image data (i.e., shape evolutions) to determine the minimal necessary segments for describing a soft robot's movement. Following this, we apply a dynamic regression and strain sparsification algorithm to identify relevant strains and define the model's dynamics. We validate our approach through simulations with various planar soft manipulators, comparing its performance against other learning strategies, showing that our models are both computationally efficient and 25x more accurate on out-of-training distribution inputs. Finally, we demonstrate that thanks to the capability of the method of generating physically compatible models, the learned models can be straightforwardly combined with model-based control policies.
comment: 8 pages, appearing in Proceedings of the 2025 IEEE 8th International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft)
♻ ☆ Multi-Contact Inertial Parameters Estimation and Localization in Legged Robots
Optimal estimation is a promising tool for estimation of payloads' inertial parameters and localization of robots in the presence of multiple contacts. To harness its advantages in robotics, it is crucial to solve these large and challenging optimization problems efficiently. To tackle this, we (i) develop a multiple shooting solver that exploits both temporal and parametric structures through a parametrized Riccati recursion. Additionally, we (ii) propose an inertial manifold that ensures the full physical consistency of inertial parameters and enhances convergence. To handle its manifold singularities, we (iii) introduce a nullspace approach in our optimal estimation solver. Finally, we (iv) develop the analytical derivatives of contact dynamics for both inertial parametrizations. Our framework can successfully solve estimation problems for complex maneuvers such as brachiation in humanoids, achieving higher accuracy than conventional least squares approaches. We demonstrate its numerical capabilities across various robotics tasks and its benefits in experimental trials with the Go1 robot.
♻ ☆ Muscle Activation Estimation by Optimizing the Musculoskeletal Model for Personalized Strength and Conditioning Training
Musculoskeletal models are pivotal in the domains of rehabilitation and resistance training to analyze muscle conditions. However, individual variability in musculoskeletal parameters and the immeasurability of some internal biomechanical variables pose significant obstacles to accurate personalized modelling. Furthermore, muscle activation estimation can be challenging due to the inherent redundancy of the musculoskeletal system, where multiple muscles drive a single joint. This study develops a whole-body musculoskeletal model for strength and conditioning training and calibrates relevant muscle parameters with an electromyography-based optimization method. By utilizing the personalized musculoskeletal model, muscle activation can be subsequently estimated to analyze the performance of exercises. Bench press and deadlift are chosen for experimental verification to affirm the efficacy of this approach.
♻ ☆ CaRtGS: Computational Alignment for Real-Time Gaussian Splatting SLAM
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is pivotal in robotics, with photorealistic scene reconstruction emerging as a key challenge. To address this, we introduce Computational Alignment for Real-Time Gaussian Splatting SLAM (CaRtGS), a novel method enhancing the efficiency and quality of photorealistic scene reconstruction in real-time environments. Leveraging 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS), CaRtGS achieves superior rendering quality and processing speed, which is crucial for scene photorealistic reconstruction. Our approach tackles computational misalignment in Gaussian Splatting SLAM (GS-SLAM) through an adaptive strategy that enhances optimization iterations, addresses long-tail optimization, and refines densification. Experiments on Replica, TUM-RGBD, and VECtor datasets demonstrate CaRtGS's effectiveness in achieving high-fidelity rendering with fewer Gaussian primitives. This work propels SLAM towards real-time, photorealistic dense rendering, significantly advancing photorealistic scene representation. For the benefit of the research community, we release the code and accompanying videos on our project website:
comment: Accepted by IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)
♻ ☆ On Onboard LiDAR-based Flying Object Detection
A new robust and accurate approach for the detection and localization of flying objects with the purpose of highly dynamic aerial interception and agile multi-robot interaction is presented in this paper. The approach is proposed for use on board of autonomous aerial vehicles equipped with a 3D LiDAR sensor. It relies on a novel 3D occupancy voxel mapping method for the target detection that provides high localization accuracy and robustness with respect to varying environments and appearance changes of the target. In combination with a proposed cluster-based multi-target tracker, sporadic false positives are suppressed, state estimation of the target is provided, and the detection latency is negligible. This makes the system suitable for tasks of agile multi-robot interaction, such as autonomous aerial interception or formation control where fast, precise, and robust relative localization of other robots is crucial. We evaluate the viability and performance of the system in simulated and real-world experiments which demonstrate that at a range of 20m, our system is capable of reliably detecting a micro-scale UAV with an almost 100% recall, 0.2m accuracy, and 20ms delay.
♻ ☆ Digital Twins Meet the Koopman Operator: Data-Driven Learning for Robust Autonomy ICRA
Contrary to on-road autonomous navigation, off-road autonomy is complicated by various factors ranging from sensing challenges to terrain variability. In such a milieu, data-driven approaches have been commonly employed to capture intricate vehicle-environment interactions effectively. However, the success of data-driven methods depends crucially on the quality and quantity of data, which can be compromised by large variability in off-road environments. To address these concerns, we present a novel methodology to recreate the exact vehicle and its target operating conditions digitally for domain-specific data generation. This enables us to effectively model off-road vehicle dynamics from simulation data using the Koopman operator theory, and employ the obtained models for local motion planning and optimal vehicle control. The capabilities of the proposed methodology are demonstrated through an autonomous navigation problem of a 1:5 scale vehicle, where a terrain-informed planner is employed for global mission planning. Results indicate a substantial improvement in off-road navigation performance with the proposed algorithm (5.84x) and underscore the efficacy of digital twinning in terms of improving the sample efficiency (3.2x) and reducing the sim2real gap (5.2%).
comment: Accepted at IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA) 2025
♻ ☆ MAGNNET: Multi-Agent Graph Neural Network-based Efficient Task Allocation for Autonomous Vehicles with Deep Reinforcement Learning
This paper addresses the challenge of decentralized task allocation within heterogeneous multi-agent systems operating under communication constraints. We introduce a novel framework that integrates graph neural networks (GNNs) with a centralized training and decentralized execution (CTDE) paradigm, further enhanced by a tailored Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm for multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MARL). Our approach enables unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) to dynamically allocate tasks efficiently without necessitating central coordination in a 3D grid environment. The framework minimizes total travel time while simultaneously avoiding conflicts in task assignments. For the cost calculation and routing, we employ reservation-based A* and R* path planners. Experimental results revealed that our method achieves a high 92.5% conflict-free success rate, with only a 7.49% performance gap compared to the centralized Hungarian method, while outperforming the heuristic decentralized baseline based on greedy approach. Additionally, the framework exhibits scalability with up to 20 agents with allocation processing of 2.8 s and robustness in responding to dynamically generated tasks, underscoring its potential for real-world applications in complex multi-agent scenarios.
comment: Submitted to IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (2025)
♻ ☆ An Efficient Learning Control Framework With Sim-to-Real for String-Type Artificial Muscle-Driven Robotic Systems
Robotic systems driven by artificial muscles present unique challenges due to the nonlinear dynamics of actuators and the complex designs of mechanical structures. Traditional model-based controllers often struggle to achieve desired control performance in such systems. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL), a trending machine learning technique widely adopted in robot control, offers a promising alternative. However, integrating DRL into these robotic systems faces significant challenges, including the requirement for large amounts of training data and the inevitable sim-to-real gap when deployed to real-world robots. This paper proposes an efficient reinforcement learning control framework with sim-to-real transfer to address these challenges. Bootstrap and augmentation enhancements are designed to improve the data efficiency of baseline DRL algorithms, while a sim-to-real transfer technique, namely randomization of muscle dynamics, is adopted to bridge the gap between simulation and real-world deployment. Extensive experiments and ablation studies are conducted utilizing two string-type artificial muscle-driven robotic systems including a two degree-of-freedom robotic eye and a parallel robotic wrist, the results of which demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed learning control strategy.
♻ ☆ VICtoR: Learning Hierarchical Vision-Instruction Correlation Rewards for Long-horizon Manipulation
We study reward models for long-horizon manipulation tasks by learning from action-free videos and language instructions, which we term the visual-instruction correlation (VIC) problem. Recent advancements in cross-modality modeling have highlighted the potential of reward modeling through visual and language correlations. However, existing VIC methods face challenges in learning rewards for long-horizon tasks due to their lack of sub-stage awareness, difficulty in modeling task complexities, and inadequate object state estimation. To address these challenges, we introduce VICtoR, a novel hierarchical VIC reward model capable of providing effective reward signals for long-horizon manipulation tasks. VICtoR precisely assesses task progress at various levels through a novel stage detector and motion progress evaluator, offering insightful guidance for agents learning the task effectively. To validate the effectiveness of VICtoR, we conducted extensive experiments in both simulated and real-world environments. The results suggest that VICtoR outperformed the best existing VIC methods, achieving a 43% improvement in success rates for long-horizon tasks.
♻ ☆ Influence-Based Reward Modulation for Implicit Communication in Human-Robot Interaction
Communication is essential for successful interaction. In human-robot interaction, implicit communication holds the potential to enhance robots' understanding of human needs, emotions, and intentions. This paper introduces a method to foster implicit communication in HRI without explicitly modelling human intentions or relying on pre-existing knowledge. Leveraging Transfer Entropy, we modulate influence between agents in social interactions in scenarios involving either collaboration or competition. By integrating influence into agents' rewards within a partially observable Markov decision process, we demonstrate that boosting influence enhances collaboration, while resisting influence diminishes performance. Our findings are validated through simulations and real-world experiments with human participants in social navigation settings.
comment: Preprint
♻ ☆ Hier-SLAM: Scaling-up Semantics in SLAM with a Hierarchically Categorical Gaussian Splatting ICRA 2025
We propose Hier-SLAM, a semantic 3D Gaussian Splatting SLAM method featuring a novel hierarchical categorical representation, which enables accurate global 3D semantic mapping, scaling-up capability, and explicit semantic label prediction in the 3D world. The parameter usage in semantic SLAM systems increases significantly with the growing complexity of the environment, making it particularly challenging and costly for scene understanding. To address this problem, we introduce a novel hierarchical representation that encodes semantic information in a compact form into 3D Gaussian Splatting, leveraging the capabilities of large language models (LLMs). We further introduce a novel semantic loss designed to optimize hierarchical semantic information through both inter-level and cross-level optimization. Furthermore, we enhance the whole SLAM system, resulting in improved tracking and mapping performance. Our Hier-SLAM outperforms existing dense SLAM methods in both mapping and tracking accuracy, while achieving a 2x operation speed-up. Additionally, it exhibits competitive performance in rendering semantic segmentation in small synthetic scenes, with significantly reduced storage and training time requirements. Rendering FPS impressively reaches 2,000 with semantic information and 3,000 without it. Most notably, it showcases the capability of handling the complex real-world scene with more than 500 semantic classes, highlighting its valuable scaling-up capability.
comment: Accepted for publication at ICRA 2025. Code will be released soon
♻ ☆ Large Language Models for Autonomous Driving (LLM4AD): Concept, Benchmark, Experiments, and Challenges
With the broader usage and highly successful development of Large Language Models (LLMs), there has been a growth of interest and demand for applying LLMs to autonomous driving technology. Driven by their natural language understanding and reasoning ability, LLMs have the potential to enhance various aspects of autonomous driving systems, from perception and scene understanding to language interaction and decision-making. In this paper, we first introduce the novel concept of designing LLMs for autonomous driving (LLM4AD). Then, we propose a comprehensive benchmark for evaluating the instruction-following abilities of LLM4AD in simulation. Furthermore, we conduct a series of experiments on real-world vehicle platforms, thoroughly evaluating the performance and potential of our LLM4AD systems. Finally, we envision the main challenges of LLM4AD, including latency, deployment, security and privacy, safety, trust and transparency, and personalization. Our research highlights the significant potential of LLMs to enhance various aspects of autonomous vehicle technology, from perception and scene understanding to language interaction and decision-making.
♻ ☆ A Synergistic Framework for Learning Shape Estimation and Shape-Aware Whole-Body Control Policy for Continuum Robots
In this paper, we present a novel synergistic framework for learning shape estimation and a shape-aware whole-body control policy for tendon-driven continuum robots. Our approach leverages the interaction between two Augmented Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (ANODEs) -- the Shape-NODE and Control-NODE -- to achieve continuous shape estimation and shape-aware control. The Shape-NODE integrates prior knowledge from Cosserat rod theory, allowing it to adapt and account for model mismatches, while the Control-NODE uses this shape information to optimize a whole-body control policy, trained in a Model Predictive Control (MPC) fashion. This unified framework effectively overcomes limitations of existing data-driven methods, such as poor shape awareness and challenges in capturing complex nonlinear dynamics. Extensive evaluations in both simulation and real-world environments demonstrate the framework's robust performance in shape estimation, trajectory tracking, and obstacle avoidance. The proposed method consistently outperforms state-of-the-art end-to-end, Neural-ODE, and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) models, particularly in terms of tracking accuracy and generalization capabilities.
♻ ☆ Learning Dynamics of a Ball with Differentiable Factor Graph and Roto-Translational Invariant Representations ICRA 2025
Robots in dynamic environments need fast, accurate models of how objects move in their environments to support agile planning. In sports such as ping pong, analytical models often struggle to accurately predict ball trajectories with spins due to complex aerodynamics, elastic behaviors, and the challenges of modeling sliding and rolling friction. On the other hand, despite the promise of data-driven methods, machine learning struggles to make accurate, consistent predictions without precise input. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end learning framework that can jointly train a dynamics model and a factor graph estimator. Our approach leverages a Gram-Schmidt (GS) process to extract roto-translational invariant representations to improve the model performance, which can further reduce the validation error compared to data augmentation method. Additionally, we propose a network architecture that enhances nonlinearity by using self-multiplicative bypasses in the layer connections. By leveraging these novel methods, our proposed approach predicts the ball's position with an RMSE of 37.2 mm of the paddle radius at the apex after the first bounce, and 71.5 mm after the second bounce.
comment: accepted by ICRA 2025
♻ ☆ A Dual-Motor Actuator for Ceiling Robots with High Force and High Speed Capabilities
Patient transfer devices allow to move patients passively in hospitals and care centers. Instead of hoisting the patient, it would be beneficial in some cases to assist their movement, enabling them to move by themselves. However, patient assistance requires devices capable of precisely controlling output forces at significantly higher speeds than those used for patient transfers alone, and a single motor solution would be over-sized and show poor efficiency to do both functions. This paper presents a dual-motor actuator and control schemes adapted for a patient mobility equipment that can be used to transfer patients, assist patient in their movement, and help prevent falls. The prototype is shown to be able to lift patients weighing up to 318 kg, to assist a patient with a desired force of up to 100 kg with a precision of 7.8%. Also, a smart control scheme to manage falls is shown to be able to stop a patient who is falling by applying a desired deceleration.
comment: 9 pages, 11 figures
♻ ☆ Geometric Freeze-Tag Problem
We study the Freeze-Tag Problem (FTP), introduced by Arkin et al. (SODA'02), where the goal is to wake up a group of $n$ robots, starting from a single active robot. Our focus is on the geometric version of the problem, where robots are positioned in $\mathbb{R}^d$, and once activated, a robot can move at a constant speed to wake up others. The objective is to minimize the time it takes to activate the last robot, also known as the makespan. We present new upper bounds for the $l_1$ and $l_2$ norms in $\mathbb{R}^2$ and $\mathbb{R}^3$. For $(\mathbb{R}^2, l_2)$, we achieve a makespan of at most $5.4162r$, improving on the previous bound of $7.07r$ by Bonichon et al. (DISC'24). In $(\mathbb{R}^3, l_1)$, we establish an upper bound of $13r$, which leads to a bound of $22.52r$ for $(\mathbb{R}^3, l_2)$. Here, $r$ denotes the maximum distance of a robot from the initially active robot under the given norm. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first known bounds for the makespan in $\mathbb{R}^3$ under these norms. We also explore the FTP in $(\mathbb{R}^3, l_2)$ for specific instances where robots are positioned on a boundary, providing further insights into practical scenarios.
♻ ☆ MambaPlace:Text-to-Point-Cloud Cross-Modal Place Recognition with Attention Mamba Mechanisms
Vision Language Place Recognition (VLVPR) enhances robot localization performance by incorporating natural language descriptions from images. By utilizing language information, VLVPR directs robot place matching, overcoming the constraint of solely depending on vision. The essence of multimodal fusion lies in mining the complementary information between different modalities. However, general fusion methods rely on traditional neural architectures and are not well equipped to capture the dynamics of cross modal interactions, especially in the presence of complex intra modal and inter modal correlations. To this end, this paper proposes a novel coarse to fine and end to end connected cross modal place recognition framework, called MambaPlace. In the coarse localization stage, the text description and 3D point cloud are encoded by the pretrained T5 and instance encoder, respectively. They are then processed using Text Attention Mamba (TAM) and Point Clouds Mamba (PCM) for data enhancement and alignment. In the subsequent fine localization stage, the features of the text description and 3D point cloud are cross modally fused and further enhanced through cascaded Cross Attention Mamba (CCAM). Finally, we predict the positional offset from the fused text point cloud features, achieving the most accurate localization. Extensive experiments show that MambaPlace achieves improved localization accuracy on the KITTI360Pose dataset compared to the state of the art methods.
comment: 8 pages
Vision 115
☆ Time Travel: A Comprehensive Benchmark to Evaluate LMMs on Historical and Cultural Artifacts
Understanding historical and cultural artifacts demands human expertise and advanced computational techniques, yet the process remains complex and time-intensive. While large multimodal models offer promising support, their evaluation and improvement require a standardized benchmark. To address this, we introduce TimeTravel, a benchmark of 10,250 expert-verified samples spanning 266 distinct cultures across 10 major historical regions. Designed for AI-driven analysis of manuscripts, artworks, inscriptions, and archaeological discoveries, TimeTravel provides a structured dataset and robust evaluation framework to assess AI models' capabilities in classification, interpretation, and historical comprehension. By integrating AI with historical research, TimeTravel fosters AI-powered tools for historians, archaeologists, researchers, and cultural tourists to extract valuable insights while ensuring technology contributes meaningfully to historical discovery and cultural heritage preservation. We evaluate contemporary AI models on TimeTravel, highlighting their strengths and identifying areas for improvement. Our goal is to establish AI as a reliable partner in preserving cultural heritage, ensuring that technological advancements contribute meaningfully to historical discovery. Our code is available at: \url{}.
comment: 4 pages, 6 figures
☆ Benchmarking Multimodal RAG through a Chart-based Document Question-Answering Generation Framework
Multimodal Retrieval-Augmented Generation (MRAG) enhances reasoning capabilities by integrating external knowledge. However, existing benchmarks primarily focus on simple image-text interactions, overlooking complex visual formats like charts that are prevalent in real-world applications. In this work, we introduce a novel task, Chart-based MRAG, to address this limitation. To semi-automatically generate high-quality evaluation samples, we propose CHARt-based document question-answering GEneration (CHARGE), a framework that produces evaluation data through structured keypoint extraction, crossmodal verification, and keypoint-based generation. By combining CHARGE with expert validation, we construct Chart-MRAG Bench, a comprehensive benchmark for chart-based MRAG evaluation, featuring 4,738 question-answering pairs across 8 domains from real-world documents. Our evaluation reveals three critical limitations in current approaches: (1) unified multimodal embedding retrieval methods struggles in chart-based scenarios, (2) even with ground-truth retrieval, state-of-the-art MLLMs achieve only 58.19% Correctness and 73.87% Coverage scores, and (3) MLLMs demonstrate consistent text-over-visual modality bias during Chart-based MRAG reasoning. The CHARGE and Chart-MRAG Bench are released at
☆ Scaling Text-Rich Image Understanding via Code-Guided Synthetic Multimodal Data Generation
Reasoning about images with rich text, such as charts and documents, is a critical application of vision-language models (VLMs). However, VLMs often struggle in these domains due to the scarcity of diverse text-rich vision-language data. To address this challenge, we present CoSyn, a framework that leverages the coding capabilities of text-only large language models (LLMs) to automatically create synthetic text-rich multimodal data. Given input text describing a target domain (e.g., "nutrition fact labels"), CoSyn prompts an LLM to generate code (Python, HTML, LaTeX, etc.) for rendering synthetic images. With the underlying code as textual representations of the synthetic images, CoSyn can generate high-quality instruction-tuning data, again relying on a text-only LLM. Using CoSyn, we constructed a dataset comprising 400K images and 2.7M rows of vision-language instruction-tuning data. Comprehensive experiments on seven benchmarks demonstrate that models trained on our synthetic data achieve state-of-the-art performance among competitive open-source models, including Llama 3.2, and surpass proprietary models such as GPT-4V and Gemini 1.5 Flash. Furthermore, CoSyn can produce synthetic pointing data, enabling VLMs to ground information within input images, showcasing its potential for developing multimodal agents capable of acting in real-world environments.
comment: 20 pages, 19 figures, 9 tables, website:
Dynamic Concepts Personalization from Single Videos
Personalizing generative text-to-image models has seen remarkable progress, but extending this personalization to text-to-video models presents unique challenges. Unlike static concepts, personalizing text-to-video models has the potential to capture dynamic concepts, i.e., entities defined not only by their appearance but also by their motion. In this paper, we introduce Set-and-Sequence, a novel framework for personalizing Diffusion Transformers (DiTs)-based generative video models with dynamic concepts. Our approach imposes a spatio-temporal weight space within an architecture that does not explicitly separate spatial and temporal features. This is achieved in two key stages. First, we fine-tune Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) layers using an unordered set of frames from the video to learn an identity LoRA basis that represents the appearance, free from temporal interference. In the second stage, with the identity LoRAs frozen, we augment their coefficients with Motion Residuals and fine-tune them on the full video sequence, capturing motion dynamics. Our Set-and-Sequence framework results in a spatio-temporal weight space that effectively embeds dynamic concepts into the video model's output domain, enabling unprecedented editability and compositionality while setting a new benchmark for personalizing dynamic concepts.
comment: Webpage:
☆ LongWriter-V: Enabling Ultra-Long and High-Fidelity Generation in Vision-Language Models
Existing Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) can process inputs with context lengths up to 128k visual and text tokens, yet they struggle to generate coherent outputs beyond 1,000 words. We find that the primary limitation is the absence of long output examples during supervised fine-tuning (SFT). To tackle this issue, we introduce LongWriter-V-22k, a SFT dataset comprising 22,158 examples, each with multiple input images, an instruction, and corresponding outputs ranging from 0 to 10,000 words. Moreover, to achieve long outputs that maintain high-fidelity to the input images, we employ Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) to the SFT model. Given the high cost of collecting human feedback for lengthy outputs (e.g., 3,000 words), we propose IterDPO, which breaks long outputs into segments and uses iterative corrections to form preference pairs with the original outputs. Additionally, we develop MMLongBench-Write, a benchmark featuring six tasks to evaluate the long-generation capabilities of VLMs. Our 7B parameter model, trained with LongWriter-V-22k and IterDPO, achieves impressive performance on this benchmark, outperforming larger proprietary models like GPT-4o. Code and data:
☆ Improving the Diffusability of Autoencoders
Latent diffusion models have emerged as the leading approach for generating high-quality images and videos, utilizing compressed latent representations to reduce the computational burden of the diffusion process. While recent advancements have primarily focused on scaling diffusion backbones and improving autoencoder reconstruction quality, the interaction between these components has received comparatively less attention. In this work, we perform a spectral analysis of modern autoencoders and identify inordinate high-frequency components in their latent spaces, which are especially pronounced in the autoencoders with a large bottleneck channel size. We hypothesize that this high-frequency component interferes with the coarse-to-fine nature of the diffusion synthesis process and hinders the generation quality. To mitigate the issue, we propose scale equivariance: a simple regularization strategy that aligns latent and RGB spaces across frequencies by enforcing scale equivariance in the decoder. It requires minimal code changes and only up to 20K autoencoder fine-tuning steps, yet significantly improves generation quality, reducing FID by 19% for image generation on ImageNet-1K 256x256 and FVD by at least 44% for video generation on Kinetics-700 17x256x256.
comment: 26 pages, 22 figures, 9 tables
☆ Exploring Advanced Techniques for Visual Question Answering: A Comprehensive Comparison
Visual Question Answering (VQA) has emerged as a pivotal task in the intersection of computer vision and natural language processing, requiring models to understand and reason about visual content in response to natural language questions. Analyzing VQA datasets is essential for developing robust models that can handle the complexities of multimodal reasoning. Several approaches have been developed to examine these datasets, each offering distinct perspectives on question diversity, answer distribution, and visual-textual correlations. Despite significant progress, existing VQA models face challenges related to dataset bias, limited model complexity, commonsense reasoning gaps, rigid evaluation methods, and generalization to real world scenarios. This paper presents a comprehensive comparative study of five advanced VQA models: ABC-CNN, KICNLE, Masked Vision and Language Modeling, BLIP-2, and OFA, each employing distinct methodologies to address these challenges.
comment: 8 pages, No figures
☆ FetalCLIP: A Visual-Language Foundation Model for Fetal Ultrasound Image Analysis
Foundation models are becoming increasingly effective in the medical domain, offering pre-trained models on large datasets that can be readily adapted for downstream tasks. Despite progress, fetal ultrasound images remain a challenging domain for foundation models due to their inherent complexity, often requiring substantial additional training and facing limitations due to the scarcity of paired multimodal data. To overcome these challenges, here we introduce FetalCLIP, a vision-language foundation model capable of generating universal representation of fetal ultrasound images. FetalCLIP was pre-trained using a multimodal learning approach on a diverse dataset of 210,035 fetal ultrasound images paired with text. This represents the largest paired dataset of its kind used for foundation model development to date. This unique training approach allows FetalCLIP to effectively learn the intricate anatomical features present in fetal ultrasound images, resulting in robust representations that can be used for a variety of downstream applications. In extensive benchmarking across a range of key fetal ultrasound applications, including classification, gestational age estimation, congenital heart defect (CHD) detection, and fetal structure segmentation, FetalCLIP outperformed all baselines while demonstrating remarkable generalizability and strong performance even with limited labeled data. We plan to release the FetalCLIP model publicly for the benefit of the broader scientific community.
☆ AVD2: Accident Video Diffusion for Accident Video Description ICRA 2025
Traffic accidents present complex challenges for autonomous driving, often featuring unpredictable scenarios that hinder accurate system interpretation and responses.Nonetheless, prevailing methodologies fall short in elucidating the causes of accidents and proposing preventive measures due to the paucity of training data specific to accident scenarios.In this work, we introduce AVD2 (Accident Video Diffusion for Accident Video Description), a novel framework that enhances accident scene understanding by generating accident videos that aligned with detailed natural language descriptions and reasoning, resulting in the contributed EMM-AU (Enhanced Multi-Modal Accident Video Understanding) dataset. Empirical results reveal that the integration of the EMM-AU dataset establishes state-of-the-art performance across both automated metrics and human evaluations, markedly advancing the domains of accident analysis and prevention. Project resources are available at
comment: ICRA 2025, Project Page:
☆ A Survey on Text-Driven 360-Degree Panorama Generation
The advent of text-driven 360-degree panorama generation, enabling the synthesis of 360-degree panoramic images directly from textual descriptions, marks a transformative advancement in immersive visual content creation. This innovation significantly simplifies the traditionally complex process of producing such content. Recent progress in text-to-image diffusion models has accelerated the rapid development in this emerging field. This survey presents a comprehensive review of text-driven 360-degree panorama generation, offering an in-depth analysis of state-of-the-art algorithms and their expanding applications in 360-degree 3D scene generation. Furthermore, we critically examine current limitations and propose promising directions for future research. A curated project page with relevant resources and research papers is available at
☆ Humanoid-VLA: Towards Universal Humanoid Control with Visual Integration
This paper addresses the limitations of current humanoid robot control frameworks, which primarily rely on reactive mechanisms and lack autonomous interaction capabilities due to data scarcity. We propose Humanoid-VLA, a novel framework that integrates language understanding, egocentric scene perception, and motion control, enabling universal humanoid control. Humanoid-VLA begins with language-motion pre-alignment using non-egocentric human motion datasets paired with textual descriptions, allowing the model to learn universal motion patterns and action semantics. We then incorporate egocentric visual context through a parameter efficient video-conditioned fine-tuning, enabling context-aware motion generation. Furthermore, we introduce a self-supervised data augmentation strategy that automatically generates pseudoannotations directly derived from motion data. This process converts raw motion sequences into informative question-answer pairs, facilitating the effective use of large-scale unlabeled video data. Built upon whole-body control architectures, extensive experiments show that Humanoid-VLA achieves object interaction and environment exploration tasks with enhanced contextual awareness, demonstrating a more human-like capacity for adaptive and intelligent engagement.
☆ RendBEV: Semantic Novel View Synthesis for Self-Supervised Bird's Eye View Segmentation WACV 2025
Bird's Eye View (BEV) semantic maps have recently garnered a lot of attention as a useful representation of the environment to tackle assisted and autonomous driving tasks. However, most of the existing work focuses on the fully supervised setting, training networks on large annotated datasets. In this work, we present RendBEV, a new method for the self-supervised training of BEV semantic segmentation networks, leveraging differentiable volumetric rendering to receive supervision from semantic perspective views computed by a 2D semantic segmentation model. Our method enables zero-shot BEV semantic segmentation, and already delivers competitive results in this challenging setting. When used as pretraining to then fine-tune on labeled BEV ground-truth, our method significantly boosts performance in low-annotation regimes, and sets a new state of the art when fine-tuning on all available labels.
comment: Accepted at WACV 2025
☆ Structurally Disentangled Feature Fields Distillation for 3D Understanding and Editing
Recent work has demonstrated the ability to leverage or distill pre-trained 2D features obtained using large pre-trained 2D models into 3D features, enabling impressive 3D editing and understanding capabilities using only 2D supervision. Although impressive, models assume that 3D features are captured using a single feature field and often make a simplifying assumption that features are view-independent. In this work, we propose instead to capture 3D features using multiple disentangled feature fields that capture different structural components of 3D features involving view-dependent and view-independent components, which can be learned from 2D feature supervision only. Subsequently, each element can be controlled in isolation, enabling semantic and structural understanding and editing capabilities. For instance, using a user click, one can segment 3D features corresponding to a given object and then segment, edit, or remove their view-dependent (reflective) properties. We evaluate our approach on the task of 3D segmentation and demonstrate a set of novel understanding and editing tasks.
☆ SigLIP 2: Multilingual Vision-Language Encoders with Improved Semantic Understanding, Localization, and Dense Features
We introduce SigLIP 2, a family of new multilingual vision-language encoders that build on the success of the original SigLIP. In this second iteration, we extend the original image-text training objective with several prior, independently developed techniques into a unified recipe -- this includes captioning-based pretraining, self-supervised losses (self-distillation, masked prediction) and online data curation. With these changes, SigLIP 2 models outperform their SigLIP counterparts at all model scales in core capabilities, including zero-shot classification, image-text retrieval, and transfer performance when extracting visual representations for Vision-Language Models (VLMs). Furthermore, the new training recipe leads to significant improvements on localization and dense prediction tasks. We also train variants which support multiple resolutions and preserve the input's native aspect ratio. Finally, we train on a more diverse data-mixture that includes de-biasing techniques, leading to much better multilingual understanding and improved fairness. To allow users to trade off inference cost with performance, we release model checkpoints at four sizes: ViT-B (86M), L (303M), So400m (400M), and g (1B).
comment: Model checkpoints are available at
☆ ReVision: A Dataset and Baseline VLM for Privacy-Preserving Task-Oriented Visual Instruction Rewriting
Efficient and privacy-preserving multimodal interaction is essential as AR, VR, and modern smartphones with powerful cameras become primary interfaces for human-computer communication. Existing powerful large vision-language models (VLMs) enabling multimodal interaction often rely on cloud-based processing, raising significant concerns about (1) visual privacy by transmitting sensitive vision data to servers, and (2) their limited real-time, on-device usability. This paper explores Visual Instruction Rewriting, a novel approach that transforms multimodal instructions into text-only commands, allowing seamless integration of lightweight on-device instruction rewriter VLMs (250M parameters) with existing conversational AI systems, enhancing vision data privacy. To achieve this, we present a dataset of over 39,000 examples across 14 domains and develop a compact VLM, pretrained on image captioning datasets and fine-tuned for instruction rewriting. Experimental results, evaluated through NLG metrics such as BLEU, METEOR, and ROUGE, along with semantic parsing analysis, demonstrate that even a quantized version of the model (<500MB storage footprint) can achieve effective instruction rewriting, thus enabling privacy-focused, multimodal AI applications.
comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables
☆ DC-ControlNet: Decoupling Inter- and Intra-Element Conditions in Image Generation with Diffusion Models
In this paper, we introduce DC (Decouple)-ControlNet, a highly flexible and precisely controllable framework for multi-condition image generation. The core idea behind DC-ControlNet is to decouple control conditions, transforming global control into a hierarchical system that integrates distinct elements, contents, and layouts. This enables users to mix these individual conditions with greater flexibility, leading to more efficient and accurate image generation control. Previous ControlNet-based models rely solely on global conditions, which affect the entire image and lack the ability of element- or region-specific control. This limitation reduces flexibility and can cause condition misunderstandings in multi-conditional image generation. To address these challenges, we propose both intra-element and Inter-element Controllers in DC-ControlNet. The Intra-Element Controller handles different types of control signals within individual elements, accurately describing the content and layout characteristics of the object. For interactions between elements, we introduce the Inter-Element Controller, which accurately handles multi-element interactions and occlusion based on user-defined relationships. Extensive evaluations show that DC-ControlNet significantly outperforms existing ControlNet models and Layout-to-Image generative models in terms of control flexibility and precision in multi-condition control.
☆ Harnessing PDF Data for Improving Japanese Large Multimodal Models
Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) have demonstrated strong performance in English, but their effectiveness in Japanese remains limited due to the lack of high-quality training data. Current Japanese LMMs often rely on translated English datasets, restricting their ability to capture Japan-specific cultural knowledge. To address this, we explore the potential of Japanese PDF data as a training resource, an area that remains largely underutilized. We introduce a fully automated pipeline that leverages pretrained models to extract image-text pairs from PDFs through layout analysis, OCR, and vision-language pairing, removing the need for manual annotation. Additionally, we construct instruction data from extracted image-text pairs to enrich the training data. To evaluate the effectiveness of PDF-derived data, we train Japanese LMMs and assess their performance on the Japanese LMM Benchmark. Our results demonstrate substantial improvements, with performance gains ranging from 3.9% to 13.8% on Heron-Bench. Further analysis highlights the impact of PDF-derived data on various factors, such as model size and language models, reinforcing its value as a multimodal resource for Japanese LMMs. We plan to make the source code and data publicly available upon acceptance.
comment: 15 pages, 8 figures
☆ Sculpting [CLS] Features for Pre-Trained Model-Based Class-Incremental Learning
Class-incremental learning requires models to continually acquire knowledge of new classes without forgetting old ones. Although pre-trained models have demonstrated strong performance in class-incremental learning, they remain susceptible to catastrophic forgetting when learning new concepts. Excessive plasticity in the models breaks generalizability and causes forgetting, while strong stability results in insufficient adaptation to new classes. This necessitates effective adaptation with minimal modifications to preserve the general knowledge of pre-trained models. To address this challenge, we first introduce a new parameter-efficient fine-tuning module 'Learn and Calibrate', or LuCA, designed to acquire knowledge through an adapter-calibrator couple, enabling effective adaptation with well-refined feature representations. Second, for each learning session, we deploy a sparse LuCA module on top of the last token just before the classifier, which we refer to as 'Token-level Sparse Calibration and Adaptation', or TOSCA. This strategic design improves the orthogonality between the modules and significantly reduces both training and inference complexity. By leaving the generalization capabilities of the pre-trained models intact and adapting exclusively via the last token, our approach achieves a harmonious balance between stability and plasticity. Extensive experiments demonstrate TOSCA's state-of-the-art performance while introducing ~8 times fewer parameters compared to prior methods.
☆ MedVAE: Efficient Automated Interpretation of Medical Images with Large-Scale Generalizable Autoencoders
Medical images are acquired at high resolutions with large fields of view in order to capture fine-grained features necessary for clinical decision-making. Consequently, training deep learning models on medical images can incur large computational costs. In this work, we address the challenge of downsizing medical images in order to improve downstream computational efficiency while preserving clinically-relevant features. We introduce MedVAE, a family of six large-scale 2D and 3D autoencoders capable of encoding medical images as downsized latent representations and decoding latent representations back to high-resolution images. We train MedVAE autoencoders using a novel two-stage training approach with 1,052,730 medical images. Across diverse tasks obtained from 20 medical image datasets, we demonstrate that (1) utilizing MedVAE latent representations in place of high-resolution images when training downstream models can lead to efficiency benefits (up to 70x improvement in throughput) while simultaneously preserving clinically-relevant features and (2) MedVAE can decode latent representations back to high-resolution images with high fidelity. Our work demonstrates that large-scale, generalizable autoencoders can help address critical efficiency challenges in the medical domain. Our code is available at
☆ YOLOv12: A Breakdown of the Key Architectural Features
This paper presents an architectural analysis of YOLOv12, a significant advancement in single-stage, real-time object detection building upon the strengths of its predecessors while introducing key improvements. The model incorporates an optimised backbone (R-ELAN), 7x7 separable convolutions, and FlashAttention-driven area-based attention, improving feature extraction, enhanced efficiency, and robust detections. With multiple model variants, similar to its predecessors, YOLOv12 offers scalable solutions for both latency-sensitive and high-accuracy applications. Experimental results manifest consistent gains in mean average precision (mAP) and inference speed, making YOLOv12 a compelling choice for applications in autonomous systems, security, and real-time analytics. By achieving an optimal balance between computational efficiency and performance, YOLOv12 sets a new benchmark for real-time computer vision, facilitating deployment across diverse hardware platforms, from edge devices to high-performance clusters.
☆ Multi-dataset synergistic in supervised learning to pre-label structural components in point clouds from shell construction scenes
The significant effort required to annotate data for new training datasets hinders computer vision research and machine learning in the construction industry. This work explores adapting standard datasets and the latest transformer model architectures for point cloud semantic segmentation in the context of shell construction sites. Unlike common approaches focused on object segmentation of building interiors and furniture, this study addressed the challenges of segmenting complex structural components in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC). We establish a baseline through supervised training and a custom validation dataset, evaluate the cross-domain inference with large-scale indoor datasets, and utilize transfer learning to maximize segmentation performance with minimal new data. The findings indicate that with minimal fine-tuning, pre-trained transformer architectures offer an effective strategy for building component segmentation. Our results are promising for automating the annotation of new, previously unseen data when creating larger training resources and for the segmentation of frequently recurring objects.
comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, 7 tables
☆ CDGS: Confidence-Aware Depth Regularization for 3D Gaussian Splatting
3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has shown significant advantages in novel view synthesis (NVS), particularly in achieving high rendering speeds and high-quality results. However, its geometric accuracy in 3D reconstruction remains limited due to the lack of explicit geometric constraints during optimization. This paper introduces CDGS, a confidence-aware depth regularization approach developed to enhance 3DGS. We leverage multi-cue confidence maps of monocular depth estimation and sparse Structure-from-Motion depth to adaptively adjust depth supervision during the optimization process. Our method demonstrates improved geometric detail preservation in early training stages and achieves competitive performance in both NVS quality and geometric accuracy. Experiments on the publicly available Tanks and Temples benchmark dataset show that our method achieves more stable convergence behavior and more accurate geometric reconstruction results, with improvements of up to 2.31 dB in PSNR for NVS and consistently lower geometric errors in M3C2 distance metrics. Notably, our method reaches comparable F-scores to the original 3DGS with only 50% of the training iterations. We expect this work will facilitate the development of efficient and accurate 3D reconstruction systems for real-world applications such as digital twin creation, heritage preservation, or forestry applications.
☆ BP-SGCN: Behavioral Pseudo-Label Informed Sparse Graph Convolution Network for Pedestrian and Heterogeneous Trajectory Prediction
Trajectory prediction allows better decision-making in applications of autonomous vehicles or surveillance by predicting the short-term future movement of traffic agents. It is classified into pedestrian or heterogeneous trajectory prediction. The former exploits the relatively consistent behavior of pedestrians, but is limited in real-world scenarios with heterogeneous traffic agents such as cyclists and vehicles. The latter typically relies on extra class label information to distinguish the heterogeneous agents, but such labels are costly to annotate and cannot be generalized to represent different behaviors within the same class of agents. In this work, we introduce the behavioral pseudo-labels that effectively capture the behavior distributions of pedestrians and heterogeneous agents solely based on their motion features, significantly improving the accuracy of trajectory prediction. To implement the framework, we propose the Behavioral Pseudo-Label Informed Sparse Graph Convolution Network (BP-SGCN) that learns pseudo-labels and informs to a trajectory predictor. For optimization, we propose a cascaded training scheme, in which we first learn the pseudo-labels in an unsupervised manner, and then perform end-to-end fine-tuning on the labels in the direction of increasing the trajectory prediction accuracy. Experiments show that our pseudo-labels effectively model different behavior clusters and improve trajectory prediction. Our proposed BP-SGCN outperforms existing methods using both pedestrian (ETH/UCY, pedestrian-only SDD) and heterogeneous agent datasets (SDD, Argoverse 1).
☆ MAGO-SP: Detection and Correction of Water-Fat Swaps in Magnitude-Only VIBE MRI
Volume Interpolated Breath-Hold Examination (VIBE) MRI generates images suitable for water and fat signal composition estimation. While the two-point VIBE provides water-fat-separated images, the six-point VIBE allows estimation of the effective transversal relaxation rate R2* and the proton density fat fraction (PDFF), which are imaging markers for health and disease. Ambiguity during signal reconstruction can lead to water-fat swaps. This shortcoming challenges the application of VIBE-MRI for automated PDFF analyses of large-scale clinical data and of population studies. This study develops an automated pipeline to detect and correct water-fat swaps in non-contrast-enhanced VIBE images. Our three-step pipeline begins with training a segmentation network to classify volumes as "fat-like" or "water-like," using synthetic water-fat swaps generated by merging fat and water volumes with Perlin noise. Next, a denoising diffusion image-to-image network predicts water volumes as signal priors for correction. Finally, we integrate this prior into a physics-constrained model to recover accurate water and fat signals. Our approach achieves a < 1% error rate in water-fat swap detection for a 6-point VIBE. Notably, swaps disproportionately affect individuals in the Underweight and Class 3 Obesity BMI categories. Our correction algorithm ensures accurate solution selection in chemical phase MRIs, enabling reliable PDFF estimation. This forms a solid technical foundation for automated large-scale population imaging analysis.
☆ NAVIG: Natural Language-guided Analysis with Vision Language Models for Image Geo-localization
Image geo-localization is the task of predicting the specific location of an image and requires complex reasoning across visual, geographical, and cultural contexts. While prior Vision Language Models (VLMs) have the best accuracy at this task, there is a dearth of high-quality datasets and models for analytical reasoning. We first create NaviClues, a high-quality dataset derived from GeoGuessr, a popular geography game, to supply examples of expert reasoning from language. Using this dataset, we present Navig, a comprehensive image geo-localization framework integrating global and fine-grained image information. By reasoning with language, Navig reduces the average distance error by 14% compared to previous state-of-the-art models while requiring fewer than 1000 training samples. Our dataset and code are available at
☆ Monocular Depth Estimation and Segmentation for Transparent Object with Iterative Semantic and Geometric Fusion ICRA
Transparent object perception is indispensable for numerous robotic tasks. However, accurately segmenting and estimating the depth of transparent objects remain challenging due to complex optical properties. Existing methods primarily delve into only one task using extra inputs or specialized sensors, neglecting the valuable interactions among tasks and the subsequent refinement process, leading to suboptimal and blurry predictions. To address these issues, we propose a monocular framework, which is the first to excel in both segmentation and depth estimation of transparent objects, with only a single-image input. Specifically, we devise a novel semantic and geometric fusion module, effectively integrating the multi-scale information between tasks. In addition, drawing inspiration from human perception of objects, we further incorporate an iterative strategy, which progressively refines initial features for clearer results. Experiments on two challenging synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that our model surpasses state-of-the-art monocular, stereo, and multi-view methods by a large margin of about 38.8%-46.2% with only a single RGB input. Codes and models are publicly available at
comment: Accepted by ICRA(2025). The code is accessible through:
☆ Vision Foundation Models in Medical Image Analysis: Advances and Challenges
The rapid development of Vision Foundation Models (VFMs), particularly Vision Transformers (ViT) and Segment Anything Model (SAM), has sparked significant advances in the field of medical image analysis. These models have demonstrated exceptional capabilities in capturing long-range dependencies and achieving high generalization in segmentation tasks. However, adapting these large models to medical image analysis presents several challenges, including domain differences between medical and natural images, the need for efficient model adaptation strategies, and the limitations of small-scale medical datasets. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art research on the adaptation of VFMs to medical image segmentation, focusing on the challenges of domain adaptation, model compression, and federated learning. We discuss the latest developments in adapter-based improvements, knowledge distillation techniques, and multi-scale contextual feature modeling, and propose future directions to overcome these bottlenecks. Our analysis highlights the potential of VFMs, along with emerging methodologies such as federated learning and model compression, to revolutionize medical image analysis and enhance clinical applications. The goal of this work is to provide a comprehensive overview of current approaches and suggest key areas for future research that can drive the next wave of innovation in medical image segmentation.
comment: 17 pages, 1 figure
Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation Robust to Reflective Surface Leveraged by Triplet Mining ICLR 2025
Self-supervised monocular depth estimation (SSMDE) aims to predict the dense depth map of a monocular image, by learning depth from RGB image sequences, eliminating the need for ground-truth depth labels. Although this approach simplifies data acquisition compared to supervised methods, it struggles with reflective surfaces, as they violate the assumptions of Lambertian reflectance, leading to inaccurate training on such surfaces. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel training strategy for an SSMDE by leveraging triplet mining to pinpoint reflective regions at the pixel level, guided by the camera geometry between different viewpoints. The proposed reflection-aware triplet mining loss specifically penalizes the inappropriate photometric error minimization on the localized reflective regions while preserving depth accuracy in non-reflective areas. We also incorporate a reflection-aware knowledge distillation method that enables a student model to selectively learn the pixel-level knowledge from reflective and non-reflective regions. This results in robust depth estimation across areas. Evaluation results on multiple datasets demonstrate that our method effectively enhances depth quality on reflective surfaces and outperforms state-of-the-art SSMDE baselines.
comment: Accepted at ICLR 2025
☆ Learning Temporal 3D Semantic Scene Completion via Optical Flow Guidance
3D Semantic Scene Completion (SSC) provides comprehensive scene geometry and semantics for autonomous driving perception, which is crucial for enabling accurate and reliable decision-making. However, existing SSC methods are limited to capturing sparse information from the current frame or naively stacking multi-frame temporal features, thereby failing to acquire effective scene context. These approaches ignore critical motion dynamics and struggle to achieve temporal consistency. To address the above challenges, we propose a novel temporal SSC method FlowScene: Learning Temporal 3D Semantic Scene Completion via Optical Flow Guidance. By leveraging optical flow, FlowScene can integrate motion, different viewpoints, occlusions, and other contextual cues, thereby significantly improving the accuracy of 3D scene completion. Specifically, our framework introduces two key components: (1) a Flow-Guided Temporal Aggregation module that aligns and aggregates temporal features using optical flow, capturing motion-aware context and deformable structures; and (2) an Occlusion-Guided Voxel Refinement module that injects occlusion masks and temporally aggregated features into 3D voxel space, adaptively refining voxel representations for explicit geometric modeling. Experimental results demonstrate that FlowScene achieves state-of-the-art performance on the SemanticKITTI and SSCBench-KITTI-360 benchmarks.
☆ A Mobile Robotic Approach to Autonomous Surface Scanning in Legal Medicine
Purpose: Comprehensive legal medicine documentation includes both an internal but also an external examination of the corpse. Typically, this documentation is conducted manually during conventional autopsy. A systematic digital documentation would be desirable, especially for the external examination of wounds, which is becoming more relevant for legal medicine analysis. For this purpose, RGB surface scanning has been introduced. While a manual full surface scan using a handheld camera is timeconsuming and operator dependent, floor or ceiling mounted robotic systems require substantial space and a dedicated room. Hence, we consider whether a mobile robotic system can be used for external documentation. Methods: We develop a mobile robotic system that enables full-body RGB-D surface scanning. Our work includes a detailed configuration space analysis to identify the environmental parameters that need to be considered to successfully perform a surface scan. We validate our findings through an experimental study in the lab and demonstrate the system's application in a legal medicine environment. Results: Our configuration space analysis shows that a good trade-off between coverage and time is reached with three robot base positions, leading to a coverage of 94.96 %. Experiments validate the effectiveness of the system in accurately capturing body surface geometry with an average surface coverage of 96.90 +- 3.16 % and 92.45 +- 1.43 % for a body phantom and actual corpses, respectively. Conclusion: This work demonstrates the potential of a mobile robotic system to automate RGB-D surface scanning in legal medicine, complementing the use of post-mortem CT scans for inner documentation. Our results indicate that the proposed system can contribute to more efficient and autonomous legal medicine documentation, reducing the need for manual intervention.
comment: Submitted and accepted for presentation at CARS 2025. This preprint has not undergone peer review or post-submission revisions. The final version of this work will appear in the official CARS 2025 proceedings
☆ PLPHP: Per-Layer Per-Head Vision Token Pruning for Efficient Large Vision-Language Models
Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities across a range of multimodal tasks. However, their inference efficiency is constrained by the large number of visual tokens processed during decoding. To address this challenge, we propose Per-Layer Per-Head Vision Token Pruning (PLPHP), a two-level fine-grained pruning method including Layer-Level Retention Rate Allocation and Head-Level Vision Token Pruning. Motivated by the Vision Token Re-attention phenomenon across decoder layers, we dynamically adjust token retention rates layer by layer. Layers that exhibit stronger attention to visual information preserve more vision tokens, while layers with lower vision attention are aggressively pruned. Furthermore, PLPHP applies pruning at the attention head level, enabling different heads within the same layer to independently retain critical context. Experiments on multiple benchmarks demonstrate that PLPHP delivers an 18% faster decoding speed and reduces the Key-Value Cache (KV Cache) size by over 50%, all at the cost of 0.46% average performance drop, while also achieving notable performance improvements in multi-image tasks. These results highlight the effectiveness of fine-grained token pruning and contribute to advancing the efficiency and scalability of LVLMs. Our source code will be made publicly available.
comment: 12 pages, 8 figures
☆ LXLv2: Enhanced LiDAR Excluded Lean 3D Object Detection with Fusion of 4D Radar and Camera
As the previous state-of-the-art 4D radar-camera fusion-based 3D object detection method, LXL utilizes the predicted image depth distribution maps and radar 3D occupancy grids to assist the sampling-based image view transformation. However, the depth prediction lacks accuracy and consistency, and the concatenation-based fusion in LXL impedes the model robustness. In this work, we propose LXLv2, where modifications are made to overcome the limitations and improve the performance. Specifically, considering the position error in radar measurements, we devise a one-to-many depth supervision strategy via radar points, where the radar cross section (RCS) value is further exploited to adjust the supervision area for object-level depth consistency. Additionally, a channel and spatial attention-based fusion module named CSAFusion is introduced to improve feature adaptiveness. Experimental results on the View-of-Delft and TJ4DRadSet datasets show that the proposed LXLv2 can outperform LXL in detection accuracy, inference speed and robustness, demonstrating the effectiveness of the model.
comment: Accepted by IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
☆ Nearshore Underwater Target Detection Meets UAV-borne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing: A Novel Hybrid-level Contrastive Learning Framework and Benchmark Dataset
UAV-borne hyperspectral remote sensing has emerged as a promising approach for underwater target detection (UTD). However, its effectiveness is hindered by spectral distortions in nearshore environments, which compromise the accuracy of traditional hyperspectral UTD (HUTD) methods that rely on bathymetric model. These distortions lead to significant uncertainty in target and background spectra, challenging the detection process. To address this, we propose the Hyperspectral Underwater Contrastive Learning Network (HUCLNet), a novel framework that integrates contrastive learning with a self-paced learning paradigm for robust HUTD in nearshore regions. HUCLNet extracts discriminative features from distorted hyperspectral data through contrastive learning, while the self-paced learning strategy selectively prioritizes the most informative samples. Additionally, a reliability-guided clustering strategy enhances the robustness of learned representations.To evaluate the method effectiveness, we conduct a novel nearshore HUTD benchmark dataset, ATR2-HUTD, covering three diverse scenarios with varying water types and turbidity, and target types. Extensive experiments demonstrate that HUCLNet significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods. The dataset and code will be publicly available at:
comment: 18pages,13figures
☆ CrossFuse: Learning Infrared and Visible Image Fusion by Cross-Sensor Top-K Vision Alignment and Beyond
Infrared and visible image fusion (IVIF) is increasingly applied in critical fields such as video surveillance and autonomous driving systems. Significant progress has been made in deep learning-based fusion methods. However, these models frequently encounter out-of-distribution (OOD) scenes in real-world applications, which severely impact their performance and reliability. Therefore, addressing the challenge of OOD data is crucial for the safe deployment of these models in open-world environments. Unlike existing research, our focus is on the challenges posed by OOD data in real-world applications and on enhancing the robustness and generalization of models. In this paper, we propose an infrared-visible fusion framework based on Multi-View Augmentation. For external data augmentation, Top-k Selective Vision Alignment is employed to mitigate distribution shifts between datasets by performing RGB-wise transformations on visible images. This strategy effectively introduces augmented samples, enhancing the adaptability of the model to complex real-world scenarios. Additionally, for internal data augmentation, self-supervised learning is established using Weak-Aggressive Augmentation. This enables the model to learn more robust and general feature representations during the fusion process, thereby improving robustness and generalization. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method exhibits superior performance and robustness across various conditions and environments. Our approach significantly enhances the reliability and stability of IVIF tasks in practical applications.
comment: IEEE T-CSVT. We mainly discuss the out-of-distribution challenges in infrared and visible image fusion
☆ Temporal Misalignment and Probabilistic Neurons
Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) offer a more energy-efficient alternative to Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) by mimicking biological neural principles, establishing them as a promising approach to mitigate the increasing energy demands of large-scale neural models. However, fully harnessing the capabilities of SNNs remains challenging due to their discrete signal processing and temporal dynamics. ANN-SNN conversion has emerged as a practical approach, enabling SNNs to achieve competitive performance on complex machine learning tasks. In this work, we identify a phenomenon in the ANN-SNN conversion framework, termed temporal misalignment, in which random spike rearrangement across SNN layers leads to performance improvements. Based on this observation, we introduce biologically plausible two-phase probabilistic (TPP) spiking neurons, further enhancing the conversion process. We demonstrate the advantages of our proposed method both theoretically and empirically through comprehensive experiments on CIFAR-10/100, CIFAR10-DVS, and ImageNet across a variety of architectures, achieving state-of-the-art results.
☆ Integrating Extra Modality Helps Segmentor Find Camouflaged Objects Well
Camouflaged Object Segmentation (COS) remains a challenging problem due to the subtle visual differences between camouflaged objects and backgrounds. Owing to the exceedingly limited visual cues available from visible spectrum, previous RGB single-modality approaches often struggle to achieve satisfactory results, prompting the exploration of multimodal data to enhance detection accuracy. In this work, we present UniCOS, a novel framework that effectively leverages diverse data modalities to improve segmentation performance. UniCOS comprises two key components: a multimodal segmentor, UniSEG, and a cross-modal knowledge learning module, UniLearner. UniSEG employs a state space fusion mechanism to integrate cross-modal features within a unified state space, enhancing contextual understanding and improving robustness to integration of heterogeneous data. Additionally, it includes a fusion-feedback mechanism that facilitate feature extraction. UniLearner exploits multimodal data unrelated to the COS task to improve the segmentation ability of the COS models by generating pseudo-modal content and cross-modal semantic associations. Extensive experiments demonstrate that UniSEG outperforms existing Multimodal COS (MCOS) segmentors, regardless of whether real or pseudo-multimodal COS data is available. Moreover, in scenarios where multimodal COS data is unavailable but multimodal non-COS data is accessible, UniLearner effectively exploits these data to enhance segmentation performance. Our code will be made publicly available on \href{}{GitHub}.
comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 6 tables
☆ Single-image Reflectance and Transmittance Estimation from Any Flatbed Scanner
Flatbed scanners have emerged as promising devices for high-resolution, single-image material capture. However, existing approaches assume very specific conditions, such as uniform diffuse illumination, which are only available in certain high-end devices, hindering their scalability and cost. In contrast, in this work, we introduce a method inspired by intrinsic image decomposition, which accurately removes both shading and specularity, effectively allowing captures with any flatbed scanner. Further, we extend previous work on single-image material reflectance capture with the estimation of opacity and transmittance, critical components of full material appearance (SVBSDF), improving the results for any material captured with a flatbed scanner, at a very high resolution and accuracy
comment: Accepted to Computers & Graphics
☆ Exploiting Deblurring Networks for Radiance Fields
In this paper, we propose DeepDeblurRF, a novel radiance field deblurring approach that can synthesize high-quality novel views from blurred training views with significantly reduced training time. DeepDeblurRF leverages deep neural network (DNN)-based deblurring modules to enjoy their deblurring performance and computational efficiency. To effectively combine DNN-based deblurring and radiance field construction, we propose a novel radiance field (RF)-guided deblurring and an iterative framework that performs RF-guided deblurring and radiance field construction in an alternating manner. Moreover, DeepDeblurRF is compatible with various scene representations, such as voxel grids and 3D Gaussians, expanding its applicability. We also present BlurRF-Synth, the first large-scale synthetic dataset for training radiance field deblurring frameworks. We conduct extensive experiments on both camera motion blur and defocus blur, demonstrating that DeepDeblurRF achieves state-of-the-art novel-view synthesis quality with significantly reduced training time.
☆ Stochastic Resonance Improves the Detection of Low Contrast Images in Deep Learning Models
Stochastic resonance describes the utility of noise in improving the detectability of weak signals in certain types of systems. It has been observed widely in natural and engineered settings, but its utility in image classification with rate-based neural networks has not been studied extensively. In this analysis a simple LSTM recurrent neural network is trained for digit recognition and classification. During the test phase, image contrast is reduced to a point where the model fails to recognize the presence of a stimulus. Controlled noise is added to partially recover classification performance. The results indicate the presence of stochastic resonance in rate-based recurrent neural networks.
comment: MSc Course Project
☆ Daily Land Surface Temperature Reconstruction in Landsat Cross-Track Areas Using Deep Ensemble Learning With Uncertainty Quantification
Many real-world applications rely on land surface temperature (LST) data at high spatiotemporal resolution. In complex urban areas, LST exhibits significant variations, fluctuating dramatically within and across city blocks. Landsat provides high spatial resolution data at 100 meters but is limited by long revisit time, with cloud cover further disrupting data collection. Here, we propose DELAG, a deep ensemble learning method that integrates annual temperature cycles and Gaussian processes, to reconstruct Landsat LST in complex urban areas. Leveraging the cross-track characteristics and dual-satellite operation of Landsat since 2021, we further enhance data availability to 4 scenes every 16 days. We select New York City, London and Hong Kong from three different continents as study areas. Experiments show that DELAG successfully reconstructed LST in the three cities under clear-sky (RMSE = 0.73-0.96 K) and heavily-cloudy (RMSE = 0.84-1.62 K) situations, superior to existing methods. Additionally, DELAG can quantify uncertainty that enhances LST reconstruction reliability. We further tested the reconstructed LST to estimate near-surface air temperature, achieving results (RMSE = 1.48-2.11 K) comparable to those derived from clear-sky LST (RMSE = 1.63-2.02 K). The results demonstrate the successful reconstruction through DELAG and highlight the broader applications of LST reconstruction for estimating accurate air temperature. Our study thus provides a novel and practical method for Landsat LST reconstruction, particularly suited for complex urban areas within Landsat cross-track areas, taking one step toward addressing complex climate events at high spatiotemporal resolution.
☆ ChatVLA: Unified Multimodal Understanding and Robot Control with Vision-Language-Action Model
Humans possess a unified cognitive ability to perceive, comprehend, and interact with the physical world. Why can't large language models replicate this holistic understanding? Through a systematic analysis of existing training paradigms in vision-language-action models (VLA), we identify two key challenges: spurious forgetting, where robot training overwrites crucial visual-text alignments, and task interference, where competing control and understanding tasks degrade performance when trained jointly. To overcome these limitations, we propose ChatVLA, a novel framework featuring Phased Alignment Training, which incrementally integrates multimodal data after initial control mastery, and a Mixture-of-Experts architecture to minimize task interference. ChatVLA demonstrates competitive performance on visual question-answering datasets and significantly surpasses state-of-the-art vision-language-action (VLA) methods on multimodal understanding benchmarks. Notably, it achieves a six times higher performance on MMMU and scores 47.2% on MMStar with a more parameter-efficient design than ECoT. Furthermore, ChatVLA demonstrates superior performance on 25 real-world robot manipulation tasks compared to existing VLA methods like OpenVLA. Our findings highlight the potential of our unified framework for achieving both robust multimodal understanding and effective robot control.
☆ Role of the Pretraining and the Adaptation data sizes for low-resource real-time MRI video segmentation ICASSP 2025
Real-time Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rtMRI) is frequently used in speech production studies as it provides a complete view of the vocal tract during articulation. This study investigates the effectiveness of rtMRI in analyzing vocal tract movements by employing the SegNet and UNet models for Air-Tissue Boundary (ATB)segmentation tasks. We conducted pretraining of a few base models using increasing numbers of subjects and videos, to assess performance on two datasets. First, consisting of unseen subjects with unseen videos from the same data source, achieving 0.33% and 0.91% (Pixel-wise Classification Accuracy (PCA) and Dice Coefficient respectively) better than its matched condition. Second, comprising unseen videos from a new data source, where we obtained an accuracy of 99.63% and 98.09% (PCA and Dice Coefficient respectively) of its matched condition performance. Here, matched condition performance refers to the performance of a model trained only on the test subjects which was set as a benchmark for the other models. Our findings highlight the significance of fine-tuning and adapting models with limited data. Notably, we demonstrated that effective model adaptation can be achieved with as few as 15 rtMRI frames from any new dataset.
comment: Accepted to ICASSP 2025
☆ Evaluating Precise Geolocation Inference Capabilities of Vision Language Models AAAI 2025
The prevalence of Vision-Language Models (VLMs) raises important questions about privacy in an era where visual information is increasingly available. While foundation VLMs demonstrate broad knowledge and learned capabilities, we specifically investigate their ability to infer geographic location from previously unseen image data. This paper introduces a benchmark dataset collected from Google Street View that represents its global distribution of coverage. Foundation models are evaluated on single-image geolocation inference, with many achieving median distance errors of <300 km. We further evaluate VLM "agents" with access to supplemental tools, observing up to a 30.6% decrease in distance error. Our findings establish that modern foundation VLMs can act as powerful image geolocation tools, without being specifically trained for this task. When coupled with increasing accessibility of these models, our findings have greater implications for online privacy. We discuss these risks, as well as future work in this area.
comment: AAAI 2025 Workshop DATASAFE
☆ MedFuncta: Modality-Agnostic Representations Based on Efficient Neural Fields
Recent research in medical image analysis with deep learning almost exclusively focuses on grid- or voxel-based data representations. We challenge this common choice by introducing MedFuncta, a modality-agnostic continuous data representation based on neural fields. We demonstrate how to scale neural fields from single instances to large datasets by exploiting redundancy in medical signals and by applying an efficient meta-learning approach with a context reduction scheme. We further address the spectral bias in commonly used SIREN activations, by introducing an $\omega_0$-schedule, improving reconstruction quality and convergence speed. We validate our proposed approach on a large variety of medical signals of different dimensions and modalities (1D: ECG; 2D: Chest X-ray, Retinal OCT, Fundus Camera, Dermatoscope, Colon Histopathology, Cell Microscopy; 3D: Brain MRI, Lung CT) and successfully demonstrate that we can solve relevant downstream tasks on these representations. We additionally release a large-scale dataset of > 550k annotated neural fields to promote research in this direction.
comment: Code and Dataset:
PhotoDoodle: Learning Artistic Image Editing from Few-Shot Pairwise Data
We introduce PhotoDoodle, a novel image editing framework designed to facilitate photo doodling by enabling artists to overlay decorative elements onto photographs. Photo doodling is challenging because the inserted elements must appear seamlessly integrated with the background, requiring realistic blending, perspective alignment, and contextual coherence. Additionally, the background must be preserved without distortion, and the artist's unique style must be captured efficiently from limited training data. These requirements are not addressed by previous methods that primarily focus on global style transfer or regional inpainting. The proposed method, PhotoDoodle, employs a two-stage training strategy. Initially, we train a general-purpose image editing model, OmniEditor, using large-scale data. Subsequently, we fine-tune this model with EditLoRA using a small, artist-curated dataset of before-and-after image pairs to capture distinct editing styles and techniques. To enhance consistency in the generated results, we introduce a positional encoding reuse mechanism. Additionally, we release a PhotoDoodle dataset featuring six high-quality styles. Extensive experiments demonstrate the advanced performance and robustness of our method in customized image editing, opening new possibilities for artistic creation.
☆ RelaCtrl: Relevance-Guided Efficient Control for Diffusion Transformers
The Diffusion Transformer plays a pivotal role in advancing text-to-image and text-to-video generation, owing primarily to its inherent scalability. However, existing controlled diffusion transformer methods incur significant parameter and computational overheads and suffer from inefficient resource allocation due to their failure to account for the varying relevance of control information across different transformer layers. To address this, we propose the Relevance-Guided Efficient Controllable Generation framework, RelaCtrl, enabling efficient and resource-optimized integration of control signals into the Diffusion Transformer. First, we evaluate the relevance of each layer in the Diffusion Transformer to the control information by assessing the "ControlNet Relevance Score"-i.e., the impact of skipping each control layer on both the quality of generation and the control effectiveness during inference. Based on the strength of the relevance, we then tailor the positioning, parameter scale, and modeling capacity of the control layers to reduce unnecessary parameters and redundant computations. Additionally, to further improve efficiency, we replace the self-attention and FFN in the commonly used copy block with the carefully designed Two-Dimensional Shuffle Mixer (TDSM), enabling efficient implementation of both the token mixer and channel mixer. Both qualitative and quantitative experimental results demonstrate that our approach achieves superior performance with only 15% of the parameters and computational complexity compared to PixArt-delta. More examples are available at
comment: 15 pages, 9 figures
☆ A Similarity Paradigm Through Textual Regularization Without Forgetting
Prompt learning has emerged as a promising method for adapting pre-trained visual-language models (VLMs) to a range of downstream tasks. While optimizing the context can be effective for improving performance on specific tasks, it can often lead to poor generalization performance on unseen classes or datasets sampled from different distributions. It may be attributed to the fact that textual prompts tend to overfit downstream data distributions, leading to the forgetting of generalized knowledge derived from hand-crafted prompts. In this paper, we propose a novel method called Similarity Paradigm with Textual Regularization (SPTR) for prompt learning without forgetting. SPTR is a two-pronged design based on hand-crafted prompts that is an inseparable framework. 1) To avoid forgetting general textual knowledge, we introduce the optimal transport as a textual regularization to finely ensure approximation with hand-crafted features and tuning textual features. 2) In order to continuously unleash the general ability of multiple hand-crafted prompts, we propose a similarity paradigm for natural alignment score and adversarial alignment score to improve model robustness for generalization. Both modules share a common objective in addressing generalization issues, aiming to maximize the generalization capability derived from multiple hand-crafted prompts. Four representative tasks (i.e., non-generalization few-shot learning, base-to-novel generalization, cross-dataset generalization, domain generalization) across 11 datasets demonstrate that SPTR outperforms existing prompt learning methods.
☆ CrossVTON: Mimicking the Logic Reasoning on Cross-category Virtual Try-on guided by Tri-zone Priors
Despite remarkable progress in image-based virtual try-on systems, generating realistic and robust fitting images for cross-category virtual try-on remains a challenging task. The primary difficulty arises from the absence of human-like reasoning, which involves addressing size mismatches between garments and models while recognizing and leveraging the distinct functionalities of various regions within the model images. To address this issue, we draw inspiration from human cognitive processes and disentangle the complex reasoning required for cross-category try-on into a structured framework. This framework systematically decomposes the model image into three distinct regions: try-on, reconstruction, and imagination zones. Each zone plays a specific role in accommodating the garment and facilitating realistic synthesis. To endow the model with robust reasoning capabilities for cross-category scenarios, we propose an iterative data constructor. This constructor encompasses diverse scenarios, including intra-category try-on, any-to-dress transformations (replacing any garment category with a dress), and dress-to-any transformations (replacing a dress with another garment category). Utilizing the generated dataset, we introduce a tri-zone priors generator that intelligently predicts the try-on, reconstruction, and imagination zones by analyzing how the input garment is expected to align with the model image. Guided by these tri-zone priors, our proposed method, CrossVTON, achieves state-of-the-art performance, surpassing existing baselines in both qualitative and quantitative evaluations. Notably, it demonstrates superior capability in handling cross-category virtual try-on, meeting the complex demands of real-world applications.
☆ PPO-MI: Efficient Black-Box Model Inversion via Proximal Policy Optimization ICML 2025
Model inversion attacks pose a significant privacy risk by attempting to reconstruct private training data from trained models. Most of the existing methods either depend on gradient estimation or require white-box access to model parameters, which limits their applicability in practical scenarios. In this paper, we propose PPO-MI, a novel reinforcement learning-based framework for black-box model inversion attacks. Our approach formulates the inversion task as a Markov Decision Process, where an agent navigates the latent space of a generative model to reconstruct private training samples using only model predictions. By employing Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) with a momentum-based state transition mechanism, along with a reward function balancing prediction accuracy and exploration, PPO-MI ensures efficient latent space exploration and high query efficiency. We conduct extensive experiments illustrates that PPO-MI outperforms the existing methods while require less attack knowledge, and it is robust across various model architectures and datasets. These results underline its effectiveness and generalizability in practical black-box scenarios, raising important considerations for the privacy vulnerabilities of deployed machine learning models.
comment: 6 pages, submitting to ICML 2025
☆ Topology-Aware Wavelet Mamba for Airway Structure Segmentation in Postoperative Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma CT Scans
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients often undergo radiotherapy and chemotherapy, which can lead to postoperative complications such as limited mouth opening and joint stiffness, particularly in recurrent cases that require re-surgery. These complications can affect airway function, making accurate postoperative airway risk assessment essential for managing patient care. Accurate segmentation of airway-related structures in postoperative CT scans is crucial for assessing these risks. This study introduces TopoWMamba (Topology-aware Wavelet Mamba), a novel segmentation model specifically designed to address the challenges of postoperative airway risk evaluation in recurrent NPC patients. TopoWMamba combines wavelet-based multi-scale feature extraction, state-space sequence modeling, and topology-aware modules to segment airway-related structures in CT scans robustly. By leveraging the Wavelet-based Mamba Block (WMB) for hierarchical frequency decomposition and the Snake Conv VSS (SCVSS) module to preserve anatomical continuity, TopoWMamba effectively captures both fine-grained boundaries and global structural context, crucial for accurate segmentation in complex postoperative scenarios. Through extensive testing on the NPCSegCT dataset, TopoWMamba achieves an average Dice score of 88.02%, outperforming existing models such as UNet, Attention UNet, and SwinUNet. Additionally, TopoWMamba is tested on the SegRap 2023 Challenge dataset, where it shows a significant improvement in trachea segmentation with a Dice score of 95.26%. The proposed model provides a strong foundation for automated segmentation, enabling more accurate postoperative airway risk evaluation.
comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, 6 tables
☆ Weed Detection using Convolutional Neural Network
In this paper we use convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for weed detection in agricultural land. We specifically investigate the application of two CNN layer types, Conv2d and dilated Conv2d, for weed detection in crop fields. The suggested method extracts features from the input photos using pre-trained models, which are subsequently adjusted for weed detection. The findings of the experiment, which used a sizable collection of dataset consisting of 15336 segments, being 3249 of soil, 7376 of soybean, 3520 grass and 1191 of broadleaf weeds. show that the suggested approach can accurately and successfully detect weeds at an accuracy of 94%. This study has significant ramifications for lowering the usage of toxic herbicides and increasing the effectiveness of weed management in agriculture.
☆ Triply Laplacian Scale Mixture Modeling for Seismic Data Noise Suppression
Sparsity-based tensor recovery methods have shown great potential in suppressing seismic data noise. These methods exploit tensor sparsity measures capturing the low-dimensional structures inherent in seismic data tensors to remove noise by applying sparsity constraints through soft-thresholding or hard-thresholding operators. However, in these methods, considering that real seismic data are non-stationary and affected by noise, the variances of tensor coefficients are unknown and may be difficult to accurately estimate from the degraded seismic data, leading to undesirable noise suppression performance. In this paper, we propose a novel triply Laplacian scale mixture (TLSM) approach for seismic data noise suppression, which significantly improves the estimation accuracy of both the sparse tensor coefficients and hidden scalar parameters. To make the optimization problem manageable, an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) algorithm is employed to solve the proposed TLSM-based seismic data noise suppression problem. Extensive experimental results on synthetic and field seismic data demonstrate that the proposed TLSM algorithm outperforms many state-of-the-art seismic data noise suppression methods in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations while providing exceptional computational efficiency.
☆ SegAnyPET: Universal Promptable Segmentation from Positron Emission Tomography Images
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging plays a crucial role in modern medical diagnostics by revealing the metabolic processes within a patient's body, which is essential for quantification of therapy response and monitoring treatment progress. However, the segmentation of PET images presents unique challenges due to their lower contrast and less distinct boundaries compared to other structural medical modalities. Recent developments in segmentation foundation models have shown superior versatility across diverse natural image segmentation tasks. Despite the efforts of medical adaptations, these works primarily focus on structural medical images with detailed physiological structural information and exhibit poor generalization ability when adapted to molecular PET imaging. In this paper, we collect and construct PETS-5k, the largest PET segmentation dataset to date, comprising 5,731 three-dimensional whole-body PET images and encompassing over 1.3M 2D images. Based on the established dataset, we develop SegAnyPET, a modality-specific 3D foundation model for universal promptable segmentation from PET images. To issue the challenge of discrepant annotation quality of PET images, we adopt a cross prompting confident learning (CPCL) strategy with an uncertainty-guided self-rectification process to robustly learn segmentation from high-quality labeled data and low-quality noisy labeled data. Experimental results demonstrate that SegAnyPET can correctly segment seen and unseen targets using only one or a few prompt points, outperforming state-of-the-art foundation models and task-specific fully supervised models with higher accuracy and strong generalization ability for universal segmentation. As the first foundation model for PET images, we believe that SegAnyPET will advance the applications to various downstream tasks for molecular imaging.
☆ Towards Accurate Binary Spiking Neural Networks: Learning with Adaptive Gradient Modulation Mechanism AAAI
Binary Spiking Neural Networks (BSNNs) inherit the eventdriven paradigm of SNNs, while also adopting the reduced storage burden of binarization techniques. These distinct advantages grant BSNNs lightweight and energy-efficient characteristics, rendering them ideal for deployment on resource-constrained edge devices. However, due to the binary synaptic weights and non-differentiable spike function, effectively training BSNNs remains an open question. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth analysis of the challenge for BSNN learning, namely the frequent weight sign flipping problem. To mitigate this issue, we propose an Adaptive Gradient Modulation Mechanism (AGMM), which is designed to reduce the frequency of weight sign flipping by adaptively adjusting the gradients during the learning process. The proposed AGMM can enable BSNNs to achieve faster convergence speed and higher accuracy, effectively narrowing the gap between BSNNs and their full-precision equivalents. We validate AGMM on both static and neuromorphic datasets, and results indicate that it achieves state-of-the-art results among BSNNs. This work substantially reduces storage demands and enhances SNNs' inherent energy efficiency, making them highly feasible for resource-constrained environments.
comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, AAAI conference
☆ A Collaborative Jade Recognition System for Mobile Devices Based on Lightweight and Large Models
With the widespread adoption and development of mobile devices, vision-based recognition applications have become a hot topic in research. Jade, as an important cultural heritage and artistic item, has significant applications in fields such as jewelry identification and cultural relic preservation. However, existing jade recognition systems still face challenges in mobile implementation, such as limited computing resources, real-time requirements, and accuracy issues. To address these challenges, this paper proposes a jade recognition system based on size model collaboration, aiming to achieve efficient and accurate jade identification using mobile devices such as smartphones.First, we design a size model based on multi-scale image processing, extracting key visual information by analyzing jade's dimensions, shapes, and surface textures. Then, a collaborative multi-model classification framework is built by combining deep learning and traditional computer vision algorithms. This framework can effectively select and adjust models based on different jade characteristics, providing high accuracy results across various environments and devices.Experimental results show that the proposed system can provide high recognition accuracy and fast processing time on mobile devices, while consuming relatively low computational resources. The system not only holds great application potential but also provides new ideas and technical support for the intelligent development of jade identification.
☆ Textured 3D Regenerative Morphing with 3D Diffusion Prior
Textured 3D morphing creates smooth and plausible interpolation sequences between two 3D objects, focusing on transitions in both shape and texture. This is important for creative applications like visual effects in filmmaking. Previous methods rely on establishing point-to-point correspondences and determining smooth deformation trajectories, which inherently restrict them to shape-only morphing on untextured, topologically aligned datasets. This restriction leads to labor-intensive preprocessing and poor generalization. To overcome these challenges, we propose a method for 3D regenerative morphing using a 3D diffusion prior. Unlike previous methods that depend on explicit correspondences and deformations, our method eliminates the additional need for obtaining correspondence and uses the 3D diffusion prior to generate morphing. Specifically, we introduce a 3D diffusion model and interpolate the source and target information at three levels: initial noise, model parameters, and condition features. We then explore an Attention Fusion strategy to generate more smooth morphing sequences. To further improve the plausibility of semantic interpolation and the generated 3D surfaces, we propose two strategies: (a) Token Reordering, where we match approximate tokens based on semantic analysis to guide implicit correspondences in the denoising process of the diffusion model, and (b) Low-Frequency Enhancement, where we enhance low-frequency signals in the tokens to improve the quality of generated surfaces. Experimental results show that our method achieves superior smoothness and plausibility in 3D morphing across diverse cross-category object pairs, offering a novel regenerative method for 3D morphing with textured representations.
☆ ODVerse33: Is the New YOLO Version Always Better? A Multi Domain benchmark from YOLO v5 to v11
You Look Only Once (YOLO) models have been widely used for building real-time object detectors across various domains. With the increasing frequency of new YOLO versions being released, key questions arise. Are the newer versions always better than their previous versions? What are the core innovations in each YOLO version and how do these changes translate into real-world performance gains? In this paper, we summarize the key innovations from YOLOv1 to YOLOv11, introduce a comprehensive benchmark called ODverse33, which includes 33 datasets spanning 11 diverse domains (Autonomous driving, Agricultural, Underwater, Medical, Videogame, Industrial, Aerial, Wildlife, Retail, Microscopic, and Security), and explore the practical impact of model improvements in real-world, multi-domain applications through extensive experimental results. We hope this study can provide some guidance to the extensive users of object detection models and give some references for future real-time object detector development.
comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, 7 tables
☆ PC-Agent: A Hierarchical Multi-Agent Collaboration Framework for Complex Task Automation on PC
In the field of MLLM-based GUI agents, compared to smartphones, the PC scenario not only features a more complex interactive environment, but also involves more intricate intra- and inter-app workflows. To address these issues, we propose a hierarchical agent framework named PC-Agent. Specifically, from the perception perspective, we devise an Active Perception Module (APM) to overcome the inadequate abilities of current MLLMs in perceiving screenshot content. From the decision-making perspective, to handle complex user instructions and interdependent subtasks more effectively, we propose a hierarchical multi-agent collaboration architecture that decomposes decision-making processes into Instruction-Subtask-Action levels. Within this architecture, three agents (i.e., Manager, Progress and Decision) are set up for instruction decomposition, progress tracking and step-by-step decision-making respectively. Additionally, a Reflection agent is adopted to enable timely bottom-up error feedback and adjustment. We also introduce a new benchmark PC-Eval with 25 real-world complex instructions. Empirical results on PC-Eval show that our PC-Agent achieves a 32% absolute improvement of task success rate over previous state-of-the-art methods. The code will be publicly available.
comment: 14 pages, 7 figures
☆ OrchardDepth: Precise Metric Depth Estimation of Orchard Scene from Monocular Camera Images
Monocular depth estimation is a rudimentary task in robotic perception. Recently, with the development of more accurate and robust neural network models and different types of datasets, monocular depth estimation has significantly improved performance and efficiency. However, most of the research in this area focuses on very concentrated domains. In particular, most of the benchmarks in outdoor scenarios belong to urban environments for the improvement of autonomous driving devices, and these benchmarks have a massive disparity with the orchard/vineyard environment, which is hardly helpful for research in the primary industry. Therefore, we propose OrchardDepth, which fills the gap in the estimation of the metric depth of the monocular camera in the orchard/vineyard environment. In addition, we present a new retraining method to improve the training result by monitoring the consistent regularization between dense depth maps and sparse points. Our method improves the RMSE of depth estimation in the orchard environment from 1.5337 to 0.6738, proving our method's validation.
comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation, ACRA, 2024
☆ LLM-EvRep: Learning an LLM-Compatible Event Representation Using a Self-Supervised Framework WWW
Recent advancements in event-based recognition have demonstrated significant promise, yet most existing approaches rely on extensive training, limiting their adaptability for efficient processing of event-driven visual content. Meanwhile, large language models (LLMs) have exhibited remarkable zero-shot capabilities across diverse domains, but their application to event-based visual recognition remains largely unexplored. To bridge this gap, we propose \textbf{LLM-EvGen}, an event representation generator that produces LLM-compatible event representations \textbf{LLM-EvRep}, thereby enhancing the performance of LLMs on event recognition tasks. The generator is trained using a self-supervised framework, aligning the generated representations with semantic consistency and structural fidelity. Comprehensive experiments were conducted on three datasets: N-ImageNet, N-Caltech101, and N-MNIST. The results demonstrate that our method, \textbf{LLM-EvRep}, outperforms the event-to-video method, E2VID, by 15.93\%, 0.82\%, and 50.21\%, respectively, in recognition tasks when evaluated using GPT-4o.
comment: 6 pages, 2 figures,Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2025 (WWW Companion '25)
☆ Money Recognition for the Visually Impaired: A Case Study on Sri Lankan Banknotes
Currency note recognition is a critical accessibility need for blind individuals, as identifying banknotes accurately can impact their independence and security in financial transactions. Several traditional and technological initiatives have been taken to date. Nevertheless, these approaches are less user-friendly and have made it more challenging for blind people to identify banknotes. This research proposes a user-friendly stand-alone system for the identification of Sri Lankan currency notes. A custom-created dataset of images of Sri Lankan currency notes was used to fine-tune an EfficientDet model. The currency note recognition model achieved 0.9847 AP on the validation dataset and performs exceptionally well in real-world scenarios. The high accuracy and the intuitive interface have enabled blind individuals to quickly and accurately identify currency denominations, ultimately encouraging accessibility and independence.
☆ EyeBench: A Call for More Rigorous Evaluation of Retinal Image Enhancement
Over the past decade, generative models have achieved significant success in enhancement fundus images.However, the evaluation of these models still presents a considerable challenge. A comprehensive evaluation benchmark for fundus image enhancement is indispensable for three main reasons: 1) The existing denoising metrics (e.g., PSNR, SSIM) are hardly to extend to downstream real-world clinical research (e.g., Vessel morphology consistency). 2) There is a lack of comprehensive evaluation for both paired and unpaired enhancement methods, along with the need for expert protocols to accurately assess clinical value. 3) An ideal evaluation system should provide insights to inform future developments of fundus image enhancement. To this end, we propose a novel comprehensive benchmark, EyeBench, to provide insights that align enhancement models with clinical needs, offering a foundation for future work to improve the clinical relevance and applicability of generative models for fundus image enhancement. EyeBench has three appealing properties: 1) multi-dimensional clinical alignment downstream evaluation: In addition to evaluating the enhancement task, we provide several clinically significant downstream tasks for fundus images, including vessel segmentation, DR grading, denoising generalization, and lesion segmentation. 2) Medical expert-guided evaluation design: We introduce a novel dataset that promote comprehensive and fair comparisons between paired and unpaired methods and includes a manual evaluation protocol by medical experts. 3) Valuable insights: Our benchmark study provides a comprehensive and rigorous evaluation of existing methods across different downstream tasks, assisting medical experts in making informed choices. Additionally, we offer further analysis of the challenges faced by existing methods. The code is available at \url{}
☆ Pandora3D: A Comprehensive Framework for High-Quality 3D Shape and Texture Generation
This report presents a comprehensive framework for generating high-quality 3D shapes and textures from diverse input prompts, including single images, multi-view images, and text descriptions. The framework consists of 3D shape generation and texture generation. (1). The 3D shape generation pipeline employs a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) to encode implicit 3D geometries into a latent space and a diffusion network to generate latents conditioned on input prompts, with modifications to enhance model capacity. An alternative Artist-Created Mesh (AM) generation approach is also explored, yielding promising results for simpler geometries. (2). Texture generation involves a multi-stage process starting with frontal images generation followed by multi-view images generation, RGB-to-PBR texture conversion, and high-resolution multi-view texture refinement. A consistency scheduler is plugged into every stage, to enforce pixel-wise consistency among multi-view textures during inference, ensuring seamless integration. The pipeline demonstrates effective handling of diverse input formats, leveraging advanced neural architectures and novel methodologies to produce high-quality 3D content. This report details the system architecture, experimental results, and potential future directions to improve and expand the framework. The source code and pretrained weights are released at: \url{}.
comment: Tencent XR 3D Gen
☆ OG-Gaussian: Occupancy Based Street Gaussians for Autonomous Driving
Accurate and realistic 3D scene reconstruction enables the lifelike creation of autonomous driving simulation environments. With advancements in 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS), previous studies have applied it to reconstruct complex dynamic driving scenes. These methods typically require expensive LiDAR sensors and pre-annotated datasets of dynamic objects. To address these challenges, we propose OG-Gaussian, a novel approach that replaces LiDAR point clouds with Occupancy Grids (OGs) generated from surround-view camera images using Occupancy Prediction Network (ONet). Our method leverages the semantic information in OGs to separate dynamic vehicles from static street background, converting these grids into two distinct sets of initial point clouds for reconstructing both static and dynamic objects. Additionally, we estimate the trajectories and poses of dynamic objects through a learning-based approach, eliminating the need for complex manual annotations. Experiments on Waymo Open dataset demonstrate that OG-Gaussian is on par with the current state-of-the-art in terms of reconstruction quality and rendering speed, achieving an average PSNR of 35.13 and a rendering speed of 143 FPS, while significantly reducing computational costs and economic overhead.
☆ Designing Parameter and Compute Efficient Diffusion Transformers using Distillation
Diffusion Transformers (DiTs) with billions of model parameters form the backbone of popular image and video generation models like DALL.E, Stable-Diffusion and SORA. Though these models are necessary in many low-latency applications like Augmented/Virtual Reality, they cannot be deployed on resource-constrained Edge devices (like Apple Vision Pro or Meta Ray-Ban glasses) due to their huge computational complexity. To overcome this, we turn to knowledge distillation and perform a thorough design-space exploration to achieve the best DiT for a given parameter size. In particular, we provide principles for how to choose design knobs such as depth, width, attention heads and distillation setup for a DiT. During the process, a three-way trade-off emerges between model performance, size and speed that is crucial for Edge implementation of diffusion. We also propose two distillation approaches - Teaching Assistant (TA) method and Multi-In-One (MI1) method - to perform feature distillation in the DiT context. Unlike existing solutions, we demonstrate and benchmark the efficacy of our approaches on practical Edge devices such as NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano.
comment: 4 pages
☆ H3DE-Net: Efficient and Accurate 3D Landmark Detection in Medical Imaging
3D landmark detection is a critical task in medical image analysis, and accurately detecting anatomical landmarks is essential for subsequent medical imaging tasks. However, mainstream deep learning methods in this field struggle to simultaneously capture fine-grained local features and model global spatial relationships, while maintaining a balance between accuracy and computational efficiency. Local feature extraction requires capturing fine-grained anatomical details, while global modeling requires understanding the spatial relationships within complex anatomical structures. The high-dimensional nature of 3D volume further exacerbates these challenges, as landmarks are sparsely distributed, leading to significant computational costs. Therefore, achieving efficient and precise 3D landmark detection remains a pressing challenge in medical image analysis. In this work, We propose a \textbf{H}ybrid \textbf{3}D \textbf{DE}tection \textbf{Net}(H3DE-Net), a novel framework that combines CNNs for local feature extraction with a lightweight attention mechanism designed to efficiently capture global dependencies in 3D volumetric data. This mechanism employs a hierarchical routing strategy to reduce computational cost while maintaining global context modeling. To our knowledge, H3DE-Net is the first 3D landmark detection model that integrates such a lightweight attention mechanism with CNNs. Additionally, integrating multi-scale feature fusion further enhances detection accuracy and robustness. Experimental results on a public CT dataset demonstrate that H3DE-Net achieves state-of-the-art(SOTA) performance, significantly improving accuracy and robustness, particularly in scenarios with missing landmarks or complex anatomical variations. We aready open-source our project, including code, data and model weights.
☆ Asymmetric Co-Training for Source-Free Few-Shot Domain Adaptation
Source-free unsupervised domain adaptation (SFUDA) has gained significant attention as an alternative to traditional unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA), which relies on the constant availability of labeled source data. However, SFUDA approaches come with inherent limitations that are frequently overlooked. These challenges include performance degradation when the unlabeled target data fails to meet critical assumptions, such as having a closed-set label distribution identical to that of the source domain, or when sufficient unlabeled target data is unavailable-a common situation in real-world applications. To address these issues, we propose an asymmetric co-training (ACT) method specifically designed for the SFFSDA scenario. SFFSDA presents a more practical alternative to SFUDA, as gathering a few labeled target instances is more feasible than acquiring large volumes of unlabeled target data in many real-world contexts. Our ACT method begins by employing a weak-strong augmentation to enhance data diversity. Then we use a two-step optimization process to train the target model. In the first step, we optimize the label smoothing cross-entropy loss, the entropy of the class-conditional distribution, and the reverse-entropy loss to bolster the model's discriminative ability while mitigating overfitting. The second step focuses on reducing redundancy in the output space by minimizing classifier determinacy disparity. Extensive experiments across four benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our ACT approach, which outperforms state-of-the-art SFUDA methods and transfer learning techniques. Our findings suggest that adapting a source pre-trained model using only a small amount of labeled target data offers a practical and dependable solution. The code is available at
comment: 13 pages
☆ Spatial and Frequency Domain Adaptive Fusion Network for Image Deblurring
Image deblurring aims to reconstruct a latent sharp image from its corresponding blurred one. Although existing methods have achieved good performance, most of them operate exclusively in either the spatial domain or the frequency domain, rarely exploring solutions that fuse both domains. In this paper, we propose a spatial-frequency domain adaptive fusion network (SFAFNet) to address this limitation. Specifically, we design a gated spatial-frequency domain feature fusion block (GSFFBlock), which consists of three key components: a spatial domain information module, a frequency domain information dynamic generation module (FDGM), and a gated fusion module (GFM). The spatial domain information module employs the NAFBlock to integrate local information. Meanwhile, in the FDGM, we design a learnable low-pass filter that dynamically decomposes features into separate frequency subbands, capturing the image-wide receptive field and enabling the adaptive exploration of global contextual information. Additionally, to facilitate information flow and the learning of complementary representations. In the GFM, we present a gating mechanism (GATE) to re-weight spatial and frequency domain features, which are then fused through the cross-attention mechanism (CAM). Experimental results demonstrate that our SFAFNet performs favorably compared to state-of-the-art approaches on commonly used benchmarks.
☆ Bridging Text and Vision: A Multi-View Text-Vision Registration Approach for Cross-Modal Place Recognition
Mobile robots necessitate advanced natural language understanding capabilities to accurately identify locations and perform tasks such as package delivery. However, traditional visual place recognition (VPR) methods rely solely on single-view visual information and cannot interpret human language descriptions. To overcome this challenge, we bridge text and vision by proposing a multiview (360{\deg} views of the surroundings) text-vision registration approach called Text4VPR for place recognition task, which is the first method that exclusively utilizes textual descriptions to match a database of images. Text4VPR employs the frozen T5 language model to extract global textual embeddings. Additionally, it utilizes the Sinkhorn algorithm with temperature coefficient to assign local tokens to their respective clusters, thereby aggregating visual descriptors from images. During the training stage, Text4VPR emphasizes the alignment between individual text-image pairs for precise textual description. In the inference stage, Text4VPR uses the Cascaded Cross-Attention Cosine Alignment (CCCA) to address the internal mismatch between text and image groups. Subsequently, Text4VPR performs precisely place match based on the descriptions of text-image groups. On Street360Loc, the first text to image VPR dataset we created, Text4VPR builds a robust baseline, achieving a leading top-1 accuracy of 57% and a leading top-10 accuracy of 92% within a 5-meter radius on the test set, which indicates that localization from textual descriptions to images is not only feasible but also holds significant potential for further advancement, as shown in Figure 1.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, conference
☆ Multimodal RewardBench: Holistic Evaluation of Reward Models for Vision Language Models
Reward models play an essential role in training vision-language models (VLMs) by assessing output quality to enable aligning with human preferences. Despite their importance, the research community lacks comprehensive open benchmarks for evaluating multimodal reward models in VLMs. To address this gap, we introduce Multimodal RewardBench, an expert-annotated benchmark covering six domains: general correctness, preference, knowledge, reasoning, safety, and visual question-answering. Our dataset comprises 5,211 annotated (prompt, chosen response, rejected response) triplets collected from various VLMs. In evaluating a range of VLM judges, we find that even the top-performing models, Gemini 1.5 Pro and Claude 3.5 Sonnet, achieve only 72% overall accuracy. Notably, most models struggle in the reasoning and safety domains. These findings suggest that Multimodal RewardBench offers a challenging testbed for advancing reward model development across multiple domains. We release the benchmark at
comment: Dataset available at
☆ Stereo Image Coding for Machines with Joint Visual Feature Compression
2D image coding for machines (ICM) has achieved great success in coding efficiency, while less effort has been devoted to stereo image fields. To promote the efficiency of stereo image compression (SIC) and intelligent analysis, the stereo image coding for machines (SICM) is formulated and explored in this paper. More specifically, a machine vision-oriented stereo feature compression network (MVSFC-Net) is proposed for SICM, where the stereo visual features are effectively extracted, compressed, and transmitted for 3D visual task. To efficiently compress stereo visual features in MVSFC-Net, a stereo multi-scale feature compression (SMFC) module is designed to gradually transform sparse stereo multi-scale features into compact joint visual representations by removing spatial, inter-view, and cross-scale redundancies simultaneously. Experimental results show that the proposed MVSFC-Net obtains superior compression efficiency as well as 3D visual task performance, when compared with the existing ICM anchors recommended by MPEG and the state-of-the-art SIC method.
☆ Bayesian SegNet for Semantic Segmentation with Improved Interpretation of Microstructural Evolution During Irradiation of Materials
Understanding the relationship between the evolution of microstructures of irradiated LiAlO2 pellets and tritium diffusion, retention and release could improve predictions of tritium-producing burnable absorber rod performance. Given expert-labeled segmented images of irradiated and unirradiated pellets, we trained Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to segment images into defect, grain, and boundary classes. Qualitative microstructural information was calculated from these segmented images to facilitate the comparison of unirradiated and irradiated pellets. We tested modifications to improve the sensitivity of the model, including incorporating meta-data into the model and utilizing uncertainty quantification. The predicted segmentation was similar to the expert-labeled segmentation for most methods of microstructural qualification, including pixel proportion, defect area, and defect density. Overall, the high performance metrics for the best models for both irradiated and unirradiated images shows that utilizing neural network models is a viable alternative to expert-labeled images.
☆ NeRF-3DTalker: Neural Radiance Field with 3D Prior Aided Audio Disentanglement for Talking Head Synthesis ICASSP 2025
Talking head synthesis is to synthesize a lip-synchronized talking head video using audio. Recently, the capability of NeRF to enhance the realism and texture details of synthesized talking heads has attracted the attention of researchers. However, most current NeRF methods based on audio are exclusively concerned with the rendering of frontal faces. These methods are unable to generate clear talking heads in novel views. Another prevalent challenge in current 3D talking head synthesis is the difficulty in aligning acoustic and visual spaces, which often results in suboptimal lip-syncing of the generated talking heads. To address these issues, we propose Neural Radiance Field with 3D Prior Aided Audio Disentanglement for Talking Head Synthesis (NeRF-3DTalker). Specifically, the proposed method employs 3D prior information to synthesize clear talking heads with free views. Additionally, we propose a 3D Prior Aided Audio Disentanglement module, which is designed to disentangle the audio into two distinct categories: features related to 3D awarded speech movements and features related to speaking style. Moreover, to reposition the generated frames that are distant from the speaker's motion space in the real space, we have devised a local-global Standardized Space. This method normalizes the irregular positions in the generated frames from both global and local semantic perspectives. Through comprehensive qualitative and quantitative experiments, it has been demonstrated that our NeRF-3DTalker outperforms state-of-the-art in synthesizing realistic talking head videos, exhibiting superior image quality and lip synchronization. Project page:
comment: Accepted by ICASSP 2025
☆ Deep learning based infrared small object segmentation: Challenges and future directions
Infrared sensing is a core method for supporting unmanned systems, such as autonomous vehicles and drones. Recently, infrared sensors have been widely deployed on mobile and stationary platforms for detection and classification of objects from long distances and in wide field of views. Given its success in the vision image analysis domain, deep learning has also been applied for object recognition in infrared images. However, techniques that have proven successful in visible light perception face new challenges in the infrared domain. These challenges include extremely low signal-to-noise ratios in infrared images, very small and blurred objects of interest, and limited availability of labeled/unlabeled training data due to the specialized nature of infrared sensors. Numerous methods have been proposed in the literature for the detection and classification of small objects in infrared images achieving varied levels of success. There is a need for a survey paper that critically analyzes existing techniques in this domain, identifies unsolved challenges and provides future research directions. This paper fills the gap and offers a concise and insightful review of deep learning-based methods. It also identifies the challenges faced by existing infrared object segmentation methods and provides a structured review of existing infrared perception methods from the perspective of these challenges and highlights the motivations behind the various approaches. Finally, this review suggests promising future directions based on recent advancements within this domain.
comment: This is a submitted version of a paper accepted by Information Fusion. If you want a better reading experience, please refer to the final published version of Information Fusion
♻ ☆ VidStyleODE: Disentangled Video Editing via StyleGAN and NeuralODEs
We propose $\textbf{VidStyleODE}$, a spatiotemporally continuous disentangled $\textbf{Vid}$eo representation based upon $\textbf{Style}$GAN and Neural-$\textbf{ODE}$s. Effective traversal of the latent space learned by Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) has been the basis for recent breakthroughs in image editing. However, the applicability of such advancements to the video domain has been hindered by the difficulty of representing and controlling videos in the latent space of GANs. In particular, videos are composed of content (i.e., appearance) and complex motion components that require a special mechanism to disentangle and control. To achieve this, VidStyleODE encodes the video content in a pre-trained StyleGAN $\mathcal{W}_+$ space and benefits from a latent ODE component to summarize the spatiotemporal dynamics of the input video. Our novel continuous video generation process then combines the two to generate high-quality and temporally consistent videos with varying frame rates. We show that our proposed method enables a variety of applications on real videos: text-guided appearance manipulation, motion manipulation, image animation, and video interpolation and extrapolation. Project website:
comment: Project website:
♻ ☆ Robin3D: Improving 3D Large Language Model via Robust Instruction Tuning
Recent advancements in 3D Large Language Models (3DLLMs) have highlighted their potential in building general-purpose agents in the 3D real world, yet challenges remain due to the lack of high-quality robust instruction-following data, leading to limited discriminative power and generalization of 3DLLMs. In this paper, we introduce Robin3D, a powerful 3DLLM trained on large-scale instruction-following data generated by our novel data engine, Robust Instruction Generation (RIG) engine. RIG generates two key instruction data: 1) the Adversarial Instruction-following data, which features mixed negative and positive samples to enhance the model's discriminative understanding. 2) the Diverse Instruction-following data, which contains various instruction styles to enhance model's generalization. As a result, we construct 1 million instruction-following data, consisting of 344K Adversarial samples, 508K Diverse samples, and 165K benchmark training set samples. To better handle these complex instructions, Robin3D first incorporates Relation-Augmented Projector to enhance spatial understanding, and then strengthens the object referring and grounding ability through ID-Feature Bonding. Robin3D consistently outperforms previous methods across five widely-used 3D multimodal learning benchmarks, without the need for task-specific fine-tuning. Notably, we achieve a 7.8\% improvement in the grounding task (Multi3DRefer) and a 6.9\% improvement in the captioning task (Scan2Cap).
comment: 8 pages
♻ ☆ Data Attribution for Text-to-Image Models by Unlearning Synthesized Images NeurIPS 2024
The goal of data attribution for text-to-image models is to identify the training images that most influence the generation of a new image. Influence is defined such that, for a given output, if a model is retrained from scratch without the most influential images, the model would fail to reproduce the same output. Unfortunately, directly searching for these influential images is computationally infeasible, since it would require repeatedly retraining models from scratch. In our work, we propose an efficient data attribution method by simulating unlearning the synthesized image. We achieve this by increasing the training loss on the output image, without catastrophic forgetting of other, unrelated concepts. We then identify training images with significant loss deviations after the unlearning process and label these as influential. We evaluate our method with a computationally intensive but "gold-standard" retraining from scratch and demonstrate our method's advantages over previous methods.
comment: NeurIPS 2024 camera ready version. Project page: Code:
♻ ☆ Sketch2CAD: 3D CAD Model Reconstruction from 2D Sketch using Visual Transformer
Current 3D reconstruction methods typically generate outputs in the form of voxels, point clouds, or meshes. However, each of these formats has inherent limitations, such as rough surfaces and distorted structures. Additionally, these data types are not ideal for further manual editing and post-processing. In this paper, we present a novel 3D reconstruction method designed to overcome these disadvantages by reconstructing CAD-compatible models. We trained a visual transformer to predict a "scene descriptor" from a single 2D wire-frame image. This descriptor includes essential information, such as object types and parameters like position, rotation, and size. Using the predicted parameters, a 3D scene can be reconstructed with 3D modeling software that has programmable interfaces, such as Rhino Grasshopper, to build highly editable 3D models in the form of B-rep. To evaluate our proposed model, we created two datasets: one consisting of simple scenes and another with more complex scenes. The test results indicate the model's capability to accurately reconstruct simple scenes while highlighting its difficulties with more complex ones.
♻ ☆ Towards Understanding Why Label Smoothing Degrades Selective Classification and How to Fix It ICLR 2025
Label smoothing (LS) is a popular regularisation method for training neural networks as it is effective in improving test accuracy and is simple to implement. ``Hard'' one-hot labels are ``smoothed'' by uniformly distributing probability mass to other classes, reducing overfitting. Prior work has suggested that in some cases LS can degrade selective classification (SC) -- where the aim is to reject misclassifications using a model's uncertainty. In this work, we first demonstrate empirically across an extended range of large-scale tasks and architectures that LS consistently degrades SC. We then address a gap in existing knowledge, providing an explanation for this behaviour by analysing logit-level gradients: LS degrades the uncertainty rank ordering of correct vs incorrect predictions by suppressing the max logit more when a prediction is likely to be correct, and less when it is likely to be wrong. This elucidates previously reported experimental results where strong classifiers underperform in SC. We then demonstrate the empirical effectiveness of post-hoc logit normalisation for recovering lost SC performance caused by LS. Furthermore, linking back to our gradient analysis, we again provide an explanation for why such normalisation is effective.
comment: Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ YOLO-MS: Rethinking Multi-Scale Representation Learning for Real-time Object Detection
We aim at providing the object detection community with an efficient and performant object detector, termed YOLO-MS. The core design is based on a series of investigations on how multi-branch features of the basic block and convolutions with different kernel sizes affect the detection performance of objects at different scales. The outcome is a new strategy that can significantly enhance multi-scale feature representations of real-time object detectors. To verify the effectiveness of our work, we train our YOLO-MS on the MS COCO dataset from scratch without relying on any other large-scale datasets, like ImageNet or pre-trained weights. Without bells and whistles, our YOLO-MS outperforms the recent state-of-the-art real-time object detectors, including YOLO-v7, RTMDet, and YOLO-v8. Taking the XS version of YOLO-MS as an example, it can achieve an AP score of 42+% on MS COCO, which is about 2% higher than RTMDet with the same model size. Furthermore, our work can also serve as a plug-and-play module for other YOLO models. Typically, our method significantly advances the APs, APl, and AP of YOLOv8-N from 18%+, 52%+, and 37%+ to 20%+, 55%+, and 40%+, respectively, with even fewer parameters and MACs. Code and trained models are publicly available at We also provide the Jittor version at
comment: 13 pages, 8 figures
♻ ☆ Learned Image Transmission with Hierarchical Variational Autoencoder
In this paper, we introduce an innovative hierarchical joint source-channel coding (HJSCC) framework for image transmission, utilizing a hierarchical variational autoencoder (VAE). Our approach leverages a combination of bottom-up and top-down paths at the transmitter to autoregressively generate multiple hierarchical representations of the original image. These representations are then directly mapped to channel symbols for transmission by the JSCC encoder. We extend this framework to scenarios with a feedback link, modeling transmission over a noisy channel as a probabilistic sampling process and deriving a novel generative formulation for JSCC with feedback. Compared with existing approaches, our proposed HJSCC provides enhanced adaptability by dynamically adjusting transmission bandwidth, encoding these representations into varying amounts of channel symbols. Extensive experiments on images of varying resolutions demonstrate that our proposed model outperforms existing baselines in rate-distortion performance and maintains robustness against channel noise. The source code will be made available upon acceptance.
♻ ☆ PFDiff: Training-Free Acceleration of Diffusion Models Combining Past and Future Scores ICLR 2025
Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPMs) have shown remarkable potential in image generation, but their sampling efficiency is hindered by the need for numerous denoising steps. Most existing solutions accelerate the sampling process by proposing fast ODE solvers. However, the inevitable discretization errors of the ODE solvers are significantly magnified when the number of function evaluations (NFE) is fewer. In this work, we propose PFDiff, a novel training-free and orthogonal timestep-skipping strategy, which enables existing fast ODE solvers to operate with fewer NFE. Specifically, PFDiff initially utilizes score replacement from past time steps to predict a ``springboard". Subsequently, it employs this ``springboard" along with foresight updates inspired by Nesterov momentum to rapidly update current intermediate states. This approach effectively reduces unnecessary NFE while correcting for discretization errors inherent in first-order ODE solvers. Experimental results demonstrate that PFDiff exhibits flexible applicability across various pre-trained DPMs, particularly excelling in conditional DPMs and surpassing previous state-of-the-art training-free methods. For instance, using DDIM as a baseline, we achieved 16.46 FID (4 NFE) compared to 138.81 FID with DDIM on ImageNet 64x64 with classifier guidance, and 13.06 FID (10 NFE) on Stable Diffusion with 7.5 guidance scale. Code is available at \url{}.
comment: Accepted at ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ Text-to-Image Rectified Flow as Plug-and-Play Priors ICLR 2025
Large-scale diffusion models have achieved remarkable performance in generative tasks. Beyond their initial training applications, these models have proven their ability to function as versatile plug-and-play priors. For instance, 2D diffusion models can serve as loss functions to optimize 3D implicit models. Rectified flow, a novel class of generative models, enforces a linear progression from the source to the target distribution and has demonstrated superior performance across various domains. Compared to diffusion-based methods, rectified flow approaches surpass in terms of generation quality and efficiency, requiring fewer inference steps. In this work, we present theoretical and experimental evidence demonstrating that rectified flow based methods offer similar functionalities to diffusion models - they can also serve as effective priors. Besides the generative capabilities of diffusion priors, motivated by the unique time-symmetry properties of rectified flow models, a variant of our method can additionally perform image inversion. Experimentally, our rectified flow-based priors outperform their diffusion counterparts - the SDS and VSD losses - in text-to-3D generation. Our method also displays competitive performance in image inversion and editing.
comment: ICLR 2025 Camera Ready. Code:
♻ ☆ Robust Tumor Segmentation with Hyperspectral Imaging and Graph Neural Networks
Segmenting the boundary between tumor and healthy tissue during surgical cancer resection poses a significant challenge. In recent years, Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) combined with Machine Learning (ML) has emerged as a promising solution. However, due to the extensive information contained within the spectral domain, most ML approaches primarily classify individual HSI (super-)pixels, or tiles, without taking into account their spatial context. In this paper, we propose an improved methodology that leverages the spatial context of tiles for more robust and smoother segmentation. To address the irregular shapes of tiles, we utilize Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to propagate context information across neighboring regions. The features for each tile within the graph are extracted using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), which is trained simultaneously with the subsequent GNN. Moreover, we incorporate local image quality metrics into the loss function to enhance the training procedure's robustness against low-quality regions in the training images. We demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method using a clinical ex vivo dataset consisting of 51 HSI images from 30 patients. Despite the limited dataset, the GNN-based model significantly outperforms context-agnostic approaches, accurately distinguishing between healthy and tumor tissues, even in images from previously unseen patients. Furthermore, we show that our carefully designed loss function, accounting for local image quality, results in additional improvements. Our findings demonstrate that context-aware GNN algorithms can robustly find tumor demarcations on HSI images, ultimately contributing to better surgery success and patient outcome.
comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, The German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR) 2024
♻ ☆ CaRtGS: Computational Alignment for Real-Time Gaussian Splatting SLAM
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is pivotal in robotics, with photorealistic scene reconstruction emerging as a key challenge. To address this, we introduce Computational Alignment for Real-Time Gaussian Splatting SLAM (CaRtGS), a novel method enhancing the efficiency and quality of photorealistic scene reconstruction in real-time environments. Leveraging 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS), CaRtGS achieves superior rendering quality and processing speed, which is crucial for scene photorealistic reconstruction. Our approach tackles computational misalignment in Gaussian Splatting SLAM (GS-SLAM) through an adaptive strategy that enhances optimization iterations, addresses long-tail optimization, and refines densification. Experiments on Replica, TUM-RGBD, and VECtor datasets demonstrate CaRtGS's effectiveness in achieving high-fidelity rendering with fewer Gaussian primitives. This work propels SLAM towards real-time, photorealistic dense rendering, significantly advancing photorealistic scene representation. For the benefit of the research community, we release the code and accompanying videos on our project website:
comment: Accepted by IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)
♻ ☆ RhythmFormer: Extracting Patterned rPPG Signals based on Periodic Sparse Attention
Remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) is a non-contact method for detecting physiological signals based on facial videos, holding high potential in various applications. Due to the periodicity nature of rPPG signals, the long-range dependency capturing capacity of the transformer was assumed to be advantageous for such signals. However, existing methods have not conclusively demonstrated the superior performance of transformers over traditional convolutional neural networks. This may be attributed to the quadratic scaling exhibited by transformer with sequence length, resulting in coarse-grained feature extraction, which in turn affects robustness and generalization. To address that, this paper proposes a periodic sparse attention mechanism based on temporal attention sparsity induced by periodicity. A pre-attention stage is introduced before the conventional attention mechanism. This stage learns periodic patterns to filter out a large number of irrelevant attention computations, thus enabling fine-grained feature extraction. Moreover, to address the issue of fine-grained features being more susceptible to noise interference, a fusion stem is proposed to effectively guide self-attention towards rPPG features. It can be easily integrated into existing methods to enhance their performance. Extensive experiments show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance in both intra-dataset and cross-dataset evaluations. The codes are available at
♻ ☆ An Open-Source Tool for Mapping War Destruction at Scale in Ukraine using Sentinel-1 Time Series
Access to detailed war impact assessments is crucial for humanitarian organizations to assist affected populations effectively. However, maintaining a comprehensive understanding of the situation on the ground is challenging, especially in widespread and prolonged conflicts. Here we present a scalable method for estimating building damage resulting from armed conflicts. By training a machine learning model on Synthetic Aperture Radar image time series, we generate probabilistic damage estimates at the building level, leveraging existing damage assessments and open building footprints. To allow large-scale inference and ensure accessibility, we tie our method to run on Google Earth Engine. Users can adjust confidence intervals to suit their needs, enabling rapid and flexible assessments of war-related damage across large areas. We provide two publicly accessible dashboards: a Ukraine Damage Explorer to dynamically view our precomputed estimates, and a Rapid Damage Mapping Tool to run our method and generate custom maps.
♻ ☆ Robust Feature Engineering Techniques for Designing Efficient Motor Imagery-Based BCI-Systems
A multitude of individuals across the globe grapple with motor disabilities. Neural prosthetics utilizing Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology exhibit promise for improving motor rehabilitation outcomes. The intricate nature of EEG data poses a significant hurdle for current BCI systems. Recently, a qualitative repository of EEG signals tied to both upper and lower limb execution of motor and motor imagery tasks has been unveiled. Despite this, the productivity of the Machine Learning (ML) Models that were trained on this dataset was alarmingly deficient, and the evaluation framework seemed insufficient. To enhance outcomes, robust feature engineering (signal processing) methodologies are implemented. A collection of time domain, frequency domain, and wavelet-derived features was obtained from 16-channel EEG signals, and the Maximum Relevance Minimum Redundancy (MRMR) approach was employed to identify the four most significant features. For classification K Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT), and Na\"ive Bayes (NB) models were implemented with these selected features, evaluating their effectiveness through metrics such as testing accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 Score. By leveraging SVM with a Gaussian Kernel, a remarkable maximum testing accuracy of 92.50% for motor activities and 95.48% for imagery activities is achieved. These results are notably more dependable and gratifying compared to the previous study, where the peak accuracy was recorded at 74.36%. This research work provides an in-depth analysis of the MI Limb EEG dataset and it will help in designing and developing simple, cost-effective and reliable BCI systems for neuro-rehabilitation.
comment: 26 pages
♻ ☆ UAVDB: Trajectory-Guided Adaptable Bounding Boxes for UAV Detection
The widespread deployment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in surveillance, security, and airspace management has created an urgent demand for precise, scalable, and efficient UAV detection. However, existing datasets often suffer from limited scale diversity and inaccurate annotations, hindering robust model development. This paper introduces UAVDB, a high-resolution UAV detection dataset constructed using Patch Intensity Convergence (PIC). This novel technique automatically generates high-fidelity bounding box annotations from UAV trajectory data~\cite{li2020reconstruction}, eliminating the need for manual labeling. UAVDB features single-class annotations with a fixed-camera setup and consists of RGB frames capturing UAVs across various scales, from large-scale UAVs to near-single-pixel representations, along with challenging backgrounds that pose difficulties for modern detectors. We first validate the accuracy and efficiency of PIC-generated bounding boxes by comparing Intersection over Union (IoU) performance and runtime against alternative annotation methods, demonstrating that PIC achieves higher annotation accuracy while being more efficient. Subsequently, we benchmark UAVDB using state-of-the-art (SOTA) YOLO-series detectors, establishing UAVDB as a valuable resource for advancing long-range and high-resolution UAV detection.
comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables
♻ ☆ DaBiT: Depth and Blur informed Transformer for Video Focal Deblurring
In many real-world scenarios, recorded videos suffer from accidental focus blur, and while video deblurring methods exist, most specifically target motion blur or spatial-invariant blur. This paper introduces a framework optimized for the as yet unattempted task of video focal deblurring (refocusing). The proposed method employs novel map-guided transformers, in addition to image propagation, to effectively leverage the continuous spatial variance of focal blur and restore the footage. We also introduce a flow re-focusing module designed to efficiently align relevant features between blurry and sharp domains. Additionally, we propose a novel technique for generating synthetic focal blur data, broadening the model's learning capabilities and robustness to include a wider array of content. We have made a new benchmark dataset, DAVIS-Blur, available. This dataset, a modified extension of the popular DAVIS video segmentation set, provides realistic focal blur degradations as well as the corresponding blur maps. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our approach. We achieve state-of-the-art results with an average PSNR performance over 1.9dB greater than comparable existing video restoration methods. Our source code and the developed databases will be made available at
♻ ☆ DSCA: A Digital Subtraction Angiography Sequence Dataset and Spatio-Temporal Model for Cerebral Artery Segmentation
Cerebrovascular diseases (CVDs) remain a leading cause of global disability and mortality. Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) sequences, recognized as the gold standard for diagnosing CVDs, can clearly visualize the dynamic flow and reveal pathological conditions within the cerebrovasculature. Therefore, precise segmentation of cerebral arteries (CAs) and classification between their main trunks and branches are crucial for physicians to accurately quantify diseases. However, achieving accurate CA segmentation in DSA sequences remains a challenging task due to small vessels with low contrast, and ambiguity between vessels and residual skull structures. Moreover, the lack of publicly available datasets limits exploration in the field. In this paper, we introduce a DSA Sequence-based Cerebral Artery segmentation dataset (DSCA), the publicly accessible dataset designed specifically for pixel-level semantic segmentation of CAs. Additionally, we propose DSANet, a spatio-temporal network for CA segmentation in DSA sequences. Unlike existing DSA segmentation methods that focus only on a single frame, the proposed DSANet introduces a separate temporal encoding branch to capture dynamic vessel details across multiple frames. To enhance small vessel segmentation and improve vessel connectivity, we design a novel TemporalFormer module to capture global context and correlations among sequential frames. Furthermore, we develop a Spatio-Temporal Fusion (STF) module to effectively integrate spatial and temporal features from the encoder. Extensive experiments demonstrate that DSANet outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in CA segmentation, achieving a Dice of 0.9033.
comment: Published by TMI
♻ ☆ Evolving Symbolic 3D Visual Grounder with Weakly Supervised Reflection
3D visual grounding (3DVG) is challenging because of the requirement of understanding on visual information, language and spatial relationships. While supervised approaches have achieved superior performance, they are constrained by the scarcity and high cost of 3D vision-language datasets. On the other hand, LLM/VLM based agents are proposed for 3DVG, eliminating the need for training data. However, these methods incur prohibitive time and token costs during inference. To address the challenges, we introduce a novel training-free symbolic framework for 3D visual grounding, namely Evolvable Symbolic Visual Grounder, that offers significantly reduced inference costs compared to previous agent-based methods while maintaining comparable performance. EaSe uses LLM generated codes to compute on spatial relationships. EaSe also implements an automatic pipeline to evaluate and optimize the quality of these codes and integrate VLMs to assist in the grounding process. Experimental results demonstrate that EaSe achieves 52.9% accuracy on Nr3D dataset and 49.2% Acc@0.25 on ScanRefer, which is top-tier among training-free methods. Moreover, it substantially reduces the inference time and cost, offering a balanced trade-off between performance and efficiency. Codes are available at
♻ ☆ Texture and Noise Dual Adaptation for Infrared Image Super-Resolution
Recent efforts have explored leveraging visible light images to enrich texture details in infrared (IR) super-resolution. However, this direct adaptation approach often becomes a double-edged sword, as it improves texture at the cost of introducing noise and blurring artifacts. To address these challenges, we propose the Target-oriented Domain Adaptation SRGAN (DASRGAN), an innovative framework specifically engineered for robust IR super-resolution model adaptation. DASRGAN operates on the synergy of two key components: 1) Texture-Oriented Adaptation (TOA) to refine texture details meticulously, and 2) Noise-Oriented Adaptation (NOA), dedicated to minimizing noise transfer. Specifically, TOA uniquely integrates a specialized discriminator, incorporating a prior extraction branch, and employs a Sobel-guided adversarial loss to align texture distributions effectively. Concurrently, NOA utilizes a noise adversarial loss to distinctly separate the generative and Gaussian noise pattern distributions during adversarial training. Our extensive experiments confirm DASRGAN's superiority. Comparative analyses against leading methods across multiple benchmarks and upsampling factors reveal that DASRGAN sets new state-of-the-art performance standards. Code are available at \url{}.
comment: Accepted by Pattern Recognition
♻ ☆ Infrared Image Super-Resolution: Systematic Review, and Future Trends
Image Super-Resolution (SR) is essential for a wide range of computer vision and image processing tasks. Investigating infrared (IR) image (or thermal images) super-resolution is a continuing concern within the development of deep learning. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive perspective of IR image super-resolution, including its applications, hardware imaging system dilemmas, and taxonomy of image processing methodologies. In addition, the datasets and evaluation metrics in IR image super-resolution tasks are also discussed. Furthermore, the deficiencies in current technologies and possible promising directions for the community to explore are highlighted. To cope with the rapid development in this field, we intend to regularly update the relevant excellent work at \url{
comment: This work has been submitted to the Pattern Recognition for possible publication
♻ ☆ Infrared Small Target Detection in Satellite Videos: A New Dataset and A Novel Recurrent Feature Refinement Framework
Multi-frame infrared small target (MIRST) detection in satellite videos is a long-standing, fundamental yet challenging task for decades, and the challenges can be summarized as: First, extremely small target size, highly complex clutters & noises, various satellite motions result in limited feature representation, high false alarms, and difficult motion analyses. Second, the lack of large-scale public available MIRST dataset in satellite videos greatly hinders the algorithm development. To address the aforementioned challenges, in this paper, we first build a large-scale dataset for MIRST detection in satellite videos (namely IRSatVideo-LEO), and then develop a recurrent feature refinement (RFR) framework as the baseline method. Specifically, IRSatVideo-LEO is a semi-simulated dataset with synthesized satellite motion, target appearance, trajectory and intensity, which can provide a standard toolbox for satellite video generation and a reliable evaluation platform to facilitate the algorithm development. For baseline method, RFR is proposed to be equipped with existing powerful CNN-based methods for long-term temporal dependency exploitation and integrated motion compensation & MIRST detection. Specifically, a pyramid deformable alignment (PDA) module and a temporal-spatial-frequency modulation (TSFM) module are proposed to achieve effective and efficient feature alignment, propagation, aggregation and refinement. Extensive experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our scheme. The comparative results show that ResUNet equipped with RFR outperforms the state-of-the-art MIRST detection methods. Dataset and code are released at
♻ ☆ MedXpertQA: Benchmarking Expert-Level Medical Reasoning and Understanding
We introduce MedXpertQA, a highly challenging and comprehensive benchmark to evaluate expert-level medical knowledge and advanced reasoning. MedXpertQA includes 4,460 questions spanning 17 specialties and 11 body systems. It includes two subsets, Text for text evaluation and MM for multimodal evaluation. Notably, MM introduces expert-level exam questions with diverse images and rich clinical information, including patient records and examination results, setting it apart from traditional medical multimodal benchmarks with simple QA pairs generated from image captions. MedXpertQA applies rigorous filtering and augmentation to address the insufficient difficulty of existing benchmarks like MedQA, and incorporates specialty board questions to improve clinical relevance and comprehensiveness. We perform data synthesis to mitigate data leakage risk and conduct multiple rounds of expert reviews to ensure accuracy and reliability. We evaluate 16 leading models on MedXpertQA. Moreover, medicine is deeply connected to real-world decision-making, providing a rich and representative setting for assessing reasoning abilities beyond mathematics and code. To this end, we develop a reasoning-oriented subset to facilitate the assessment of o1-like models.
♻ ☆ Visible-Thermal Tiny Object Detection: A Benchmark Dataset and Baselines
Small object detection (SOD) has been a longstanding yet challenging task for decades, with numerous datasets and algorithms being developed. However, they mainly focus on either visible or thermal modality, while visible-thermal (RGBT) bimodality is rarely explored. Although some RGBT datasets have been developed recently, the insufficient quantity, limited category, misaligned images and large target size cannot provide an impartial benchmark to evaluate multi-category visible-thermal small object detection (RGBT SOD) algorithms. In this paper, we build the first large-scale benchmark with high diversity for RGBT SOD (namely RGBT-Tiny), including 115 paired sequences, 93K frames and 1.2M manual annotations. RGBT-Tiny contains abundant targets (7 categories) and high-diversity scenes (8 types that cover different illumination and density variations). Note that, over 81% of targets are smaller than 16x16, and we provide paired bounding box annotations with tracking ID to offer an extremely challenging benchmark with wide-range applications, such as RGBT fusion, detection and tracking. In addition, we propose a scale adaptive fitness (SAFit) measure that exhibits high robustness on both small and large targets. The proposed SAFit can provide reasonable performance evaluation and promote detection performance. Based on the proposed RGBT-Tiny dataset and SAFit measure, extensive evaluations have been conducted, including 23 recent state-of-the-art algorithms that cover four different types (i.e., visible generic detection, visible SOD, thermal SOD and RGBT object detection). Project is available at
♻ ☆ MambaPlace:Text-to-Point-Cloud Cross-Modal Place Recognition with Attention Mamba Mechanisms
Vision Language Place Recognition (VLVPR) enhances robot localization performance by incorporating natural language descriptions from images. By utilizing language information, VLVPR directs robot place matching, overcoming the constraint of solely depending on vision. The essence of multimodal fusion lies in mining the complementary information between different modalities. However, general fusion methods rely on traditional neural architectures and are not well equipped to capture the dynamics of cross modal interactions, especially in the presence of complex intra modal and inter modal correlations. To this end, this paper proposes a novel coarse to fine and end to end connected cross modal place recognition framework, called MambaPlace. In the coarse localization stage, the text description and 3D point cloud are encoded by the pretrained T5 and instance encoder, respectively. They are then processed using Text Attention Mamba (TAM) and Point Clouds Mamba (PCM) for data enhancement and alignment. In the subsequent fine localization stage, the features of the text description and 3D point cloud are cross modally fused and further enhanced through cascaded Cross Attention Mamba (CCAM). Finally, we predict the positional offset from the fused text point cloud features, achieving the most accurate localization. Extensive experiments show that MambaPlace achieves improved localization accuracy on the KITTI360Pose dataset compared to the state of the art methods.
comment: 8 pages
♻ ☆ Defining and Evaluating Visual Language Models' Basic Spatial Abilities: A Perspective from Psychometrics
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences underscores the hierarchical nature of cognitive capabilities. To advance Spatial Artificial Intelligence, we pioneer a psychometric framework defining five Basic Spatial Abilities (BSAs) in Visual Language Models (VLMs): Spatial Perception, Spatial Relation, Spatial Orientation, Mental Rotation, and Spatial Visualization. Benchmarking 13 mainstream VLMs through nine validated psychometric experiments reveals significant gaps versus humans (average score 24.95 vs. 68.38), with three key findings: 1) VLMs mirror human hierarchies (strongest in 2D orientation, weakest in 3D rotation) with independent BSAs (Pearson's r<0.4); 2) Smaller models such as Qwen2-VL-7B surpass larger counterparts, with Qwen leading (30.82) and InternVL2 lagging (19.6); 3) Interventions like chain-of-thought (0.100 accuracy gain) and 5-shot training (0.259 improvement) show limits from architectural constraints. Identified barriers include weak geometry encoding and missing dynamic simulation. By linking psychometric BSAs to VLM capabilities, we provide a diagnostic toolkit for spatial intelligence evaluation, methodological foundations for embodied AI development, and a cognitive science-informed roadmap for achieving human-like spatial intelligence.
♻ ☆ Surface Vision Mamba: Leveraging Bidirectional State Space Model for Efficient Spherical Manifold Representation
Attention-based methods have demonstrated exceptional performance in modelling long-range dependencies on spherical cortical surfaces, surpassing traditional Geometric Deep Learning (GDL) models. However, their extensive inference time and high memory demands pose challenges for application to large datasets with limited computing resources. Inspired by the state space model in computer vision, we introduce the attention-free Vision Mamba (Vim) to spherical surfaces, presenting a domain-agnostic architecture for analyzing data on spherical manifolds. Our method achieves surface patching by representing spherical data as a sequence of triangular patches derived from a subdivided icosphere. The proposed Surface Vision Mamba (SiM) is evaluated on multiple neurodevelopmental phenotype regression tasks using cortical surface metrics from neonatal brains. Experimental results demonstrate that SiM outperforms both attention- and GDL-based methods, delivering 4.8 times faster inference and achieving 91.7% lower memory consumption compared to the Surface Vision Transformer (SiT) under the Ico-4 grid partitioning. Sensitivity analysis further underscores the potential of SiM to identify subtle cognitive developmental patterns. The code is available at
♻ ☆ AuroraCap: Efficient, Performant Video Detailed Captioning and a New Benchmark ICLR 2025
Video detailed captioning is a key task which aims to generate comprehensive and coherent textual descriptions of video content, benefiting both video understanding and generation. In this paper, we propose AuroraCap, a video captioner based on a large multimodal model. We follow the simplest architecture design without additional parameters for temporal modeling. To address the overhead caused by lengthy video sequences, we implement the token merging strategy, reducing the number of input visual tokens. Surprisingly, we found that this strategy results in little performance loss. AuroraCap shows superior performance on various video and image captioning benchmarks, for example, obtaining a CIDEr of 88.9 on Flickr30k, beating GPT-4V (55.3) and Gemini-1.5 Pro (82.2). However, existing video caption benchmarks only include simple descriptions, consisting of a few dozen words, which limits research in this field. Therefore, we develop VDC, a video detailed captioning benchmark with over one thousand carefully annotated structured captions. In addition, we propose a new LLM-assisted metric VDCscore for bettering evaluation, which adopts a divide-and-conquer strategy to transform long caption evaluation into multiple short question-answer pairs. With the help of human Elo ranking, our experiments show that this benchmark better correlates with human judgments of video detailed captioning quality.
comment: Accepted to ICLR 2025. Code, docs, weight, benchmark and training data are all avaliable at
♻ ☆ Exploring How Generative MLLMs Perceive More Than CLIP with the Same Vision Encoder
Recent research has shown that CLIP models struggle with visual reasoning tasks that require grounding compositionality, understanding spatial relationships, or capturing fine-grained details. One natural hypothesis is that the CLIP vision encoder does not embed essential information for these tasks. However, we find that this is not always the case: The encoder gathers query-relevant visual information, while CLIP fails to extract it. In particular, we show that another branch of Vision-Language Models (VLMs), Generative Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), achieve significantly higher accuracy than CLIP in many of these tasks using the same vision encoder and weights, indicating that these Generative MLLMs perceive more -- as they extract and utilize visual information more effectively. We conduct a series of controlled experiments and reveal that their success is attributed to multiple key design choices, including patch tokens, position embeddings, and prompt-based weighting. On the other hand, enhancing the training data alone or applying a stronger text encoder does not suffice to solve the task, and additional text tokens offer little benefit. Interestingly, we find that fine-grained visual reasoning is not exclusive to generative models trained by an autoregressive loss: When converted into CLIP-like encoders by contrastive finetuning, these MLLMs still outperform CLIP under the same cosine similarity-based evaluation protocol. Our study highlights the importance of VLM architectural choices and suggests directions for improving the performance of CLIP-like contrastive VLMs.
comment: 17 pages, 3 figures
♻ ☆ Efficient 3D Perception on Multi-Sweep Point Cloud with Gumbel Spatial Pruning
This paper studies point cloud perception within outdoor environments. Existing methods face limitations in recognizing objects located at a distance or occluded, due to the sparse nature of outdoor point clouds. In this work, we observe a significant mitigation of this problem by accumulating multiple temporally consecutive point cloud sweeps, resulting in a remarkable improvement in perception accuracy. However, the computation cost also increases, hindering previous approaches from utilizing a large number of point cloud sweeps. To tackle this challenge, we find that a considerable portion of points in the accumulated point cloud is redundant, and discarding these points has minimal impact on perception accuracy. We introduce a simple yet effective Gumbel Spatial Pruning (GSP) layer that dynamically prunes points based on a learned end-to-end sampling. The GSP layer is decoupled from other network components and thus can be seamlessly integrated into existing point cloud network architectures. Without incurring additional computational overhead, we increase the number of point cloud sweeps from 10, a common practice, to as many as 40. Consequently, there is a significant enhancement in perception performance. For instance, in nuScenes 3D object detection and BEV map segmentation tasks, our pruning strategy improves several 3D perception baseline methods.
♻ ☆ DeepFracture: A Generative Approach for Predicting Brittle Fractures with Neural Discrete Representation Learning
In the field of brittle fracture animation, generating realistic destruction animations using physics-based simulation methods is computationally expensive. While techniques based on Voronoi diagrams or pre-fractured patterns are effective for real-time applications, they fail to incorporate collision conditions when determining fractured shapes during runtime. This paper introduces a novel learning-based approach for predicting fractured shapes based on collision dynamics at runtime. Our approach seamlessly integrates realistic brittle fracture animations with rigid body simulations, utilising boundary element method (BEM) brittle fracture simulations to generate training data. To integrate collision scenarios and fractured shapes into a deep learning framework, we introduce generative geometric segmentation, distinct from both instance and semantic segmentation, to represent 3D fragment shapes. We propose an eight-dimensional latent code to address the challenge of optimising multiple discrete fracture pattern targets that share similar continuous collision latent codes. This code will follow a discrete normal distribution corresponding to a specific fracture pattern within our latent impulse representation design. This adaptation enables the prediction of fractured shapes using neural discrete representation learning. Our experimental results show that our approach generates considerably more detailed brittle fractures than existing techniques, while the computational time is typically reduced compared to traditional simulation methods at comparable resolutions.
comment: This is a preprint of an article published in the Computer Graphics Forum. The final authenticated version is available at ( Please also check the project page:
♻ ☆ On Memorization in Diffusion Models
Due to their capacity to generate novel and high-quality samples, diffusion models have attracted significant research interest in recent years. Notably, the typical training objective of diffusion models, i.e., denoising score matching, has a closed-form optimal solution that can only generate training data replicating samples. This indicates that a memorization behavior is theoretically expected, which contradicts the common generalization ability of state-of-the-art diffusion models, and thus calls for a deeper understanding. Looking into this, we first observe that memorization behaviors tend to occur on smaller-sized datasets, which motivates our definition of effective model memorization (EMM), a metric measuring the maximum size of training data at which a learned diffusion model approximates its theoretical optimum. Then, we quantify the impact of the influential factors on these memorization behaviors in terms of EMM, focusing primarily on data distribution, model configuration, and training procedure. Besides comprehensive empirical results identifying the influential factors, we surprisingly find that conditioning training data on uninformative random labels can significantly trigger the memorization in diffusion models. Our study holds practical significance for diffusion model users and offers clues to theoretical research in deep generative models. Code is available at
comment: TMLR 2025
♻ ☆ SpinQuant: LLM quantization with learned rotations ICLR 2025
Post-training quantization (PTQ) techniques applied to weights, activations, and the KV cache greatly reduce memory usage, latency, and power consumption of Large Language Models (LLMs), but may lead to large quantization errors when outliers are present. Rotating activation or weight matrices helps remove outliers and benefits quantization. In this work, we identify a collection of applicable rotation parameterizations that lead to identical outputs in full-precision Transformer architectures while enhancing quantization accuracy. In addition, we find that some random rotations lead to much better quantization than others, with an up to 13 points difference in downstream zero-shot reasoning performance. As a result, we propose SpinQuant, a novel approach that incorporates learned rotation matrices for optimal quantized network accuracy. With 4-bit quantization of weight, activation, and KV-cache, SpinQuant narrows the accuracy gap on zero-shot reasoning tasks with full precision to merely 2.9 points on the LLaMA-2 7B model, surpassing LLM-QAT by 19.1 points and SmoothQuant by 25.0 points. Furthermore, SpinQuant also outperforms concurrent work QuaRot, which applies random rotations to remove outliers. In particular, for LLaMA-3 8B models that are hard to quantize, SpinQuant reduces the gap to full precision by up to 45.1% relative to QuaRot. Code is available at
comment: ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ Intelligent Anomaly Detection for Lane Rendering Using Transformer with Self-Supervised Pre-Training and Customized Fine-Tuning
The burgeoning navigation services using digital maps provide great convenience to drivers. Nevertheless, the presence of anomalies in lane rendering map images occasionally introduces potential hazards, as such anomalies can be misleading to human drivers and consequently contribute to unsafe driving conditions. In response to this concern and to accurately and effectively detect the anomalies, this paper transforms lane rendering image anomaly detection into a classification problem and proposes a four-phase pipeline consisting of data pre-processing, self-supervised pre-training with the masked image modeling (MiM) method, customized fine-tuning using cross-entropy based loss with label smoothing, and post-processing to tackle it leveraging state-of-the-art deep learning techniques, especially those involving Transformer models. Various experiments verify the effectiveness of the proposed pipeline. Results indicate that the proposed pipeline exhibits superior performance in lane rendering image anomaly detection, and notably, the self-supervised pre-training with MiM can greatly enhance the detection accuracy while significantly reducing the total training time. For instance, employing the Swin Transformer with Uniform Masking as self-supervised pretraining (Swin-Trans-UM) yielded a heightened accuracy at 94.77% and an improved Area Under The Curve (AUC) score of 0.9743 compared with the pure Swin Transformer without pre-training (Swin-Trans) with an accuracy of 94.01% and an AUC of 0.9498. The fine-tuning epochs were dramatically reduced to 41 from the original 280. In conclusion, the proposed pipeline, with its incorporation of self-supervised pre-training using MiM and other advanced deep learning techniques, emerges as a robust solution for enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of lane rendering image anomaly detection in digital navigation systems.
comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, accepted by the 103rd Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, under review by Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
♻ ☆ MMSci: A Dataset for Graduate-Level Multi-Discipline Multimodal Scientific Understanding
Scientific figure interpretation is a crucial capability for AI-driven scientific assistants built on advanced Large Vision Language Models. However, current datasets and benchmarks primarily focus on simple charts or other relatively straightforward figures from limited science domains. To address this gap, we present a comprehensive dataset compiled from peer-reviewed Nature Communications articles covering 72 scientific fields, encompassing complex visualizations such as schematic diagrams, microscopic images, and experimental data which require graduate-level expertise to interpret. We evaluated 19 proprietary and open-source models on two benchmark tasks, figure captioning and multiple-choice, and conducted human expert annotation. Our analysis revealed significant task challenges and performance gaps among models. Beyond serving as a benchmark, this dataset serves as a valuable resource for large-scale training. Fine-tuning Qwen2-VL-7B with our task-specific data achieved better performance than GPT-4o and even human experts in multiple-choice evaluations. Furthermore, continuous pre-training on our interleaved article and figure data substantially enhanced the model's downstream task performance in materials science. We have released our dataset to support further research.
comment: Code and data are available at
♻ ☆ Do Egocentric Video-Language Models Truly Understand Hand-Object Interactions? ICLR 2025
Egocentric video-language pretraining is a crucial step in advancing the understanding of hand-object interactions in first-person scenarios. Despite successes on existing testbeds, we find that current EgoVLMs can be easily misled by simple modifications, such as changing the verbs or nouns in interaction descriptions, with models struggling to distinguish between these changes. This raises the question: Do EgoVLMs truly understand hand-object interactions? To address this question, we introduce a benchmark called EgoHOIBench, revealing the performance limitation of current egocentric models when confronted with such challenges. We attribute this performance gap to insufficient fine-grained supervision and the greater difficulty EgoVLMs experience in recognizing verbs compared to nouns. To tackle these issues, we propose a novel asymmetric contrastive objective named EgoNCE++. For the video-to-text objective, we enhance text supervision by generating negative captions using large language models or leveraging pretrained vocabulary for HOI-related word substitutions. For the text-to-video objective, we focus on preserving an object-centric feature space that clusters video representations based on shared nouns. Extensive experiments demonstrate that EgoNCE++ significantly enhances EgoHOI understanding, leading to improved performance across various EgoVLMs in tasks such as multi-instance retrieval, action recognition, and temporal understanding. Our code is available at
comment: Accepted by ICLR 2025. Code:
♻ ☆ Pose Prior Learner: Unsupervised Categorical Prior Learning for Pose Estimation
A prior represents a set of beliefs or assumptions about a system, aiding inference and decision-making. In this paper, we introduce the challenge of unsupervised categorical prior learning in pose estimation, where AI models learn a general pose prior for an object category from images in a self-supervised manner. Although priors are effective in estimating pose, acquiring them can be difficult. We propose a novel method, named Pose Prior Learner (PPL), to learn a general pose prior for any object category. PPL uses a hierarchical memory to store compositional parts of prototypical poses, from which we distill a general pose prior. This prior improves pose estimation accuracy through template transformation and image reconstruction. PPL learns meaningful pose priors without any additional human annotations or interventions, outperforming competitive baselines on both human and animal pose estimation datasets. Notably, our experimental results reveal the effectiveness of PPL using learned prototypical poses for pose estimation on occluded images. Through iterative inference, PPL leverages the pose prior to refine estimated poses, regressing them to any prototypical poses stored in memory. Our code, model, and data will be publicly available.
♻ ☆ CustomVideoX: 3D Reference Attention Driven Dynamic Adaptation for Zero-Shot Customized Video Diffusion Transformers
Customized generation has achieved significant progress in image synthesis, yet personalized video generation remains challenging due to temporal inconsistencies and quality degradation. In this paper, we introduce CustomVideoX, an innovative framework leveraging the video diffusion transformer for personalized video generation from a reference image. CustomVideoX capitalizes on pre-trained video networks by exclusively training the LoRA parameters to extract reference features, ensuring both efficiency and adaptability. To facilitate seamless interaction between the reference image and video content, we propose 3D Reference Attention, which enables direct and simultaneous engagement of reference image features with all video frames across spatial and temporal dimensions. To mitigate the excessive influence of reference image features and textual guidance on generated video content during inference, we implement the Time-Aware Reference Attention Bias (TAB) strategy, dynamically modulating reference bias over different time steps. Additionally, we introduce the Entity Region-Aware Enhancement (ERAE) module, aligning highly activated regions of key entity tokens with reference feature injection by adjusting attention bias. To thoroughly evaluate personalized video generation, we establish a new benchmark, VideoBench, comprising over 50 objects and 100 prompts for extensive assessment. Experimental results show that CustomVideoX significantly outperforms existing methods in terms of video consistency and quality.
comment: Section 4 in CustomVideoX Entity Region-Aware Enhancement has description errors. The compared methods data of Table I lacks other metrics
♻ ☆ 3D-Adapter: Geometry-Consistent Multi-View Diffusion for High-Quality 3D Generation
Multi-view image diffusion models have significantly advanced open-domain 3D object generation. However, most existing models rely on 2D network architectures that lack inherent 3D biases, resulting in compromised geometric consistency. To address this challenge, we introduce 3D-Adapter, a plug-in module designed to infuse 3D geometry awareness into pretrained image diffusion models. Central to our approach is the idea of 3D feedback augmentation: for each denoising step in the sampling loop, 3D-Adapter decodes intermediate multi-view features into a coherent 3D representation, then re-encodes the rendered RGBD views to augment the pretrained base model through feature addition. We study two variants of 3D-Adapter: a fast feed-forward version based on Gaussian splatting and a versatile training-free version utilizing neural fields and meshes. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that 3D-Adapter not only greatly enhances the geometry quality of text-to-multi-view models such as Instant3D and Zero123++, but also enables high-quality 3D generation using the plain text-to-image Stable Diffusion. Furthermore, we showcase the broad application potential of 3D-Adapter by presenting high quality results in text-to-3D, image-to-3D, text-to-texture, and text-to-avatar tasks.
comment: Project page:
♻ ☆ Enhancing Adversarial Robustness of Vision-Language Models through Low-Rank Adaptation
Vision-Language Models (VLMs) play a crucial role in the advancement of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). As AGI rapidly evolves, addressing security concerns has emerged as one of the most significant challenges for VLMs. In this paper, we present extensive experiments that expose the vulnerabilities of conventional adaptation methods for VLMs, highlighting significant security risks. Moreover, as VLMs grow in size, the application of traditional adversarial adaptation techniques incurs substantial computational costs. To address these issues, we propose a parameter-efficient adversarial adaptation method called \textbf{\textit{AdvLoRA}} based on Low-Rank Adaptation. We investigate and reveal the inherent low-rank properties involved in adversarial adaptation for VLMs. Different from LoRA, we enhance the efficiency and robustness of adversarial adaptation by introducing a novel reparameterization method that leverages parameter clustering and alignment. Additionally, we propose an adaptive parameter update strategy to further bolster robustness. These innovations enable our AdvLoRA to mitigate issues related to model security and resource wastage. Extensive experiments confirm the effectiveness and efficiency of AdvLoRA.
♻ ☆ OccGaussian: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Occluded Human Rendering
Rendering dynamic 3D human from monocular videos is crucial for various applications such as virtual reality and digital entertainment. Most methods assume the people is in an unobstructed scene, while various objects may cause the occlusion of body parts in real-life scenarios. Previous method utilizing NeRF for surface rendering to recover the occluded areas, but it requiring more than one day to train and several seconds to render, failing to meet the requirements of real-time interactive applications. To address these issues, we propose OccGaussian based on 3D Gaussian Splatting, which can be trained within 6 minutes and produces high-quality human renderings up to 160 FPS with occluded input. OccGaussian initializes 3D Gaussian distributions in the canonical space, and we perform occlusion feature query at occluded regions, the aggregated pixel-align feature is extracted to compensate for the missing information. Then we use Gaussian Feature MLP to further process the feature along with the occlusion-aware loss functions to better perceive the occluded area. Extensive experiments both in simulated and real-world occlusions, demonstrate that our method achieves comparable or even superior performance compared to the state-of-the-art method. And we improving training and inference speeds by 250x and 800x, respectively. Our code will be available for research purposes.
comment: We have decided to withdraw this paper because the results require further verification or additional experimental data. We plan to resubmit an updated version once the necessary work is completed
♻ ☆ SemiHMER: Semi-supervised Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition using pseudo-labels
In this paper, we study semi-supervised Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition (HMER) via exploring both labeled data and extra unlabeled data. We propose a novel consistency regularization framework, termed SemiHMER, which introduces dual-branch semi-supervised learning. Specifically, we enforce consistency between the two networks for the same input image. The pseudo-label, generated by one perturbed recognition network, is utilized to supervise the other network using the standard cross-entropy loss. The SemiHMER consistency encourages high similarity between the predictions of the two perturbed networks for the same input image and expands the training data by leveraging unlabeled data with pseudo-labels. We further introduce a weak-to-strong strategy by applying different levels of augmentation to each branch, effectively expanding the training data and enhancing the quality of network training. Additionally, we propose a novel module, the Global Dynamic Counting Module (GDCM), to enhance the performance of the HMER decoder by alleviating recognition inaccuracies in long-distance formula recognition and reducing the occurrence of repeated characters. The experimental results demonstrate that our work achieves significant performance improvements, with an average accuracy increase of 5.47% on CROHME14, 4.87% on CROHME16, and 5.25% on CROHME19, compared to our baselines.
comment: 17 pages,3 figures
Machine Learning 151
☆ LServe: Efficient Long-sequence LLM Serving with Unified Sparse Attention
Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable potential in processing long sequences, yet efficiently serving these long-context models remains challenging due to the quadratic computational complexity of attention in the prefilling stage and the large memory footprint of the KV cache in the decoding stage. To address these issues, we introduce LServe, an efficient system that accelerates long-sequence LLM serving via hybrid sparse attention. This method unifies different hardware-friendly, structured sparsity patterns for both prefilling and decoding attention into a single framework, where computations on less important tokens are skipped block-wise. LServe demonstrates the compatibility of static and dynamic sparsity in long-context LLM attention. This design enables multiplicative speedups by combining these optimizations. Specifically, we convert half of the attention heads to nearly free streaming heads in both the prefilling and decoding stages. Additionally, we find that only a constant number of KV pages is required to preserve long-context capabilities, irrespective of context length. We then design a hierarchical KV page selection policy that dynamically prunes KV pages based on query-centric similarity. On average, LServe accelerates LLM prefilling by up to 2.9x and decoding by 1.3-2.1x over vLLM, maintaining long-context accuracy. Code is released at
comment: Accepted by MLSys 2025. Code available at:
☆ Time Travel: A Comprehensive Benchmark to Evaluate LMMs on Historical and Cultural Artifacts
Understanding historical and cultural artifacts demands human expertise and advanced computational techniques, yet the process remains complex and time-intensive. While large multimodal models offer promising support, their evaluation and improvement require a standardized benchmark. To address this, we introduce TimeTravel, a benchmark of 10,250 expert-verified samples spanning 266 distinct cultures across 10 major historical regions. Designed for AI-driven analysis of manuscripts, artworks, inscriptions, and archaeological discoveries, TimeTravel provides a structured dataset and robust evaluation framework to assess AI models' capabilities in classification, interpretation, and historical comprehension. By integrating AI with historical research, TimeTravel fosters AI-powered tools for historians, archaeologists, researchers, and cultural tourists to extract valuable insights while ensuring technology contributes meaningfully to historical discovery and cultural heritage preservation. We evaluate contemporary AI models on TimeTravel, highlighting their strengths and identifying areas for improvement. Our goal is to establish AI as a reliable partner in preserving cultural heritage, ensuring that technological advancements contribute meaningfully to historical discovery. Our code is available at: \url{}.
comment: 4 pages, 6 figures
☆ FR-Spec: Accelerating Large-Vocabulary Language Models via Frequency-Ranked Speculative Sampling
Speculative sampling has emerged as an important technique for accelerating the auto-regressive generation process of large language models (LLMs) by utilizing a draft-then-verify mechanism to produce multiple tokens per forward pass. While state-of-the-art speculative sampling methods use only a single layer and a language modeling (LM) head as the draft model to achieve impressive layer compression, their efficiency gains are substantially reduced for large-vocabulary LLMs, such as Llama-3-8B with a vocabulary of 128k tokens. To address this, we present FR-Spec, a frequency-ranked speculative sampling framework that optimizes draft candidate selection through vocabulary space compression. By constraining the draft search to a frequency-prioritized token subset, our method reduces LM Head computation overhead by 75% while ensuring the equivalence of the final output distribution. Experiments across multiple datasets demonstrate an average of 1.12$\times$ speedup over the state-of-the-art speculative sampling method EAGLE-2.
☆ Prompt-to-Leaderboard
Large language model (LLM) evaluations typically rely on aggregated metrics like accuracy or human preference, averaging across users and prompts. This averaging obscures user- and prompt-specific variations in model performance. To address this, we propose Prompt-to-Leaderboard (P2L), a method that produces leaderboards specific to a prompt. The core idea is to train an LLM taking natural language prompts as input to output a vector of Bradley-Terry coefficients which are then used to predict the human preference vote. The resulting prompt-dependent leaderboards allow for unsupervised task-specific evaluation, optimal routing of queries to models, personalization, and automated evaluation of model strengths and weaknesses. Data from Chatbot Arena suggest that P2L better captures the nuanced landscape of language model performance than the averaged leaderboard. Furthermore, our findings suggest that P2L's ability to produce prompt-specific evaluations follows a power law scaling similar to that observed in LLMs themselves. In January 2025, the router we trained based on this methodology achieved the \#1 spot in the Chatbot Arena leaderboard. Our code is available at this GitHub link:
Dynamic Concepts Personalization from Single Videos
Personalizing generative text-to-image models has seen remarkable progress, but extending this personalization to text-to-video models presents unique challenges. Unlike static concepts, personalizing text-to-video models has the potential to capture dynamic concepts, i.e., entities defined not only by their appearance but also by their motion. In this paper, we introduce Set-and-Sequence, a novel framework for personalizing Diffusion Transformers (DiTs)-based generative video models with dynamic concepts. Our approach imposes a spatio-temporal weight space within an architecture that does not explicitly separate spatial and temporal features. This is achieved in two key stages. First, we fine-tune Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) layers using an unordered set of frames from the video to learn an identity LoRA basis that represents the appearance, free from temporal interference. In the second stage, with the identity LoRAs frozen, we augment their coefficients with Motion Residuals and fine-tune them on the full video sequence, capturing motion dynamics. Our Set-and-Sequence framework results in a spatio-temporal weight space that effectively embeds dynamic concepts into the video model's output domain, enabling unprecedented editability and compositionality while setting a new benchmark for personalizing dynamic concepts.
comment: Webpage:
☆ Generating $π$-Functional Molecules Using STGG+ with Active Learning
Generating novel molecules with out-of-distribution properties is a major challenge in molecular discovery. While supervised learning methods generate high-quality molecules similar to those in a dataset, they struggle to generalize to out-of-distribution properties. Reinforcement learning can explore new chemical spaces but often conducts 'reward-hacking' and generates non-synthesizable molecules. In this work, we address this problem by integrating a state-of-the-art supervised learning method, STGG+, in an active learning loop. Our approach iteratively generates, evaluates, and fine-tunes STGG+ to continuously expand its knowledge. We denote this approach STGG+AL. We apply STGG+AL to the design of organic $\pi$-functional materials, specifically two challenging tasks: 1) generating highly absorptive molecules characterized by high oscillator strength and 2) designing absorptive molecules with reasonable oscillator strength in the near-infrared (NIR) range. The generated molecules are validated and rationalized in-silico with time-dependent density functional theory. Our results demonstrate that our method is highly effective in generating novel molecules with high oscillator strength, contrary to existing methods such as reinforcement learning (RL) methods. We open-source our active-learning code along with our Conjugated-xTB dataset containing 2.9 million $\pi$-conjugated molecules and the function for approximating the oscillator strength and absorption wavelength (based on sTDA-xTB).
comment: Code:
☆ Spatial Distribution-Shift Aware Knowledge-Guided Machine Learning
Given inputs of diverse soil characteristics and climate data gathered from various regions, we aimed to build a model to predict accurate land emissions. The problem is important since accurate quantification of the carbon cycle in agroecosystems is crucial for mitigating climate change and ensuring sustainable food production. Predicting accurate land emissions is challenging since calibrating the heterogeneous nature of soil properties, moisture, and environmental conditions is hard at decision-relevant scales. Traditional approaches do not adequately estimate land emissions due to location-independent parameters failing to leverage the spatial heterogeneity and also require large datasets. To overcome these limitations, we proposed Spatial Distribution-Shift Aware Knowledge-Guided Machine Learning (SDSA-KGML), which leverages location-dependent parameters that account for significant spatial heterogeneity in soil moisture from multiple sites within the same region. Experimental results demonstrate that SDSA-KGML models achieve higher local accuracy for the specified states in the Midwest Region.
☆ Probabilistic Robustness in Deep Learning: A Concise yet Comprehensive Guide
Deep learning (DL) has demonstrated significant potential across various safety-critical applications, yet ensuring its robustness remains a key challenge. While adversarial robustness has been extensively studied in worst-case scenarios, probabilistic robustness (PR) offers a more practical perspective by quantifying the likelihood of failures under stochastic perturbations. This paper provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of PR, covering its formal definitions, evaluation and enhancement methods. We introduce a reformulated ''min-max'' optimisation framework for adversarial training specifically designed to improve PR. Furthermore, we explore the integration of PR verification evidence into system-level safety assurance, addressing challenges in translating DL model-level robustness to system-level claims. Finally, we highlight open research questions, including benchmarking PR evaluation methods, extending PR to generative AI tasks, and developing rigorous methodologies and case studies for system-level integration.
comment: This is a preprint of the following chapter: X. Zhao, Probabilistic Robustness in Deep Learning: A Concise yet Comprehensive Guide, published in the book Adversarial Example Detection and Mitigation Using Machine Learning, edited by Ehsan Nowroozi, Rahim Taheri, Lucas Cordeiro, 2025, Springer Nature. The final authenticated version will available online soon
☆ Improving the Diffusability of Autoencoders
Latent diffusion models have emerged as the leading approach for generating high-quality images and videos, utilizing compressed latent representations to reduce the computational burden of the diffusion process. While recent advancements have primarily focused on scaling diffusion backbones and improving autoencoder reconstruction quality, the interaction between these components has received comparatively less attention. In this work, we perform a spectral analysis of modern autoencoders and identify inordinate high-frequency components in their latent spaces, which are especially pronounced in the autoencoders with a large bottleneck channel size. We hypothesize that this high-frequency component interferes with the coarse-to-fine nature of the diffusion synthesis process and hinders the generation quality. To mitigate the issue, we propose scale equivariance: a simple regularization strategy that aligns latent and RGB spaces across frequencies by enforcing scale equivariance in the decoder. It requires minimal code changes and only up to 20K autoencoder fine-tuning steps, yet significantly improves generation quality, reducing FID by 19% for image generation on ImageNet-1K 256x256 and FVD by at least 44% for video generation on Kinetics-700 17x256x256.
comment: 26 pages, 22 figures, 9 tables
☆ Fundamental Limitations in Defending LLM Finetuning APIs
LLM developers have imposed technical interventions to prevent fine-tuning misuse attacks, attacks where adversaries evade safeguards by fine-tuning the model using a public API. Previous work has established several successful attacks against specific fine-tuning API defences. In this work, we show that defences of fine-tuning APIs that seek to detect individual harmful training or inference samples ('pointwise' detection) are fundamentally limited in their ability to prevent fine-tuning attacks. We construct 'pointwise-undetectable' attacks that repurpose entropy in benign model outputs (e.g. semantic or syntactic variations) to covertly transmit dangerous knowledge. Our attacks are composed solely of unsuspicious benign samples that can be collected from the model before fine-tuning, meaning training and inference samples are all individually benign and low-perplexity. We test our attacks against the OpenAI fine-tuning API, finding they succeed in eliciting answers to harmful multiple-choice questions, and that they evade an enhanced monitoring system we design that successfully detects other fine-tuning attacks. We encourage the community to develop defences that tackle the fundamental limitations we uncover in pointwise fine-tuning API defences.
☆ Exploring Advanced Techniques for Visual Question Answering: A Comprehensive Comparison
Visual Question Answering (VQA) has emerged as a pivotal task in the intersection of computer vision and natural language processing, requiring models to understand and reason about visual content in response to natural language questions. Analyzing VQA datasets is essential for developing robust models that can handle the complexities of multimodal reasoning. Several approaches have been developed to examine these datasets, each offering distinct perspectives on question diversity, answer distribution, and visual-textual correlations. Despite significant progress, existing VQA models face challenges related to dataset bias, limited model complexity, commonsense reasoning gaps, rigid evaluation methods, and generalization to real world scenarios. This paper presents a comprehensive comparative study of five advanced VQA models: ABC-CNN, KICNLE, Masked Vision and Language Modeling, BLIP-2, and OFA, each employing distinct methodologies to address these challenges.
comment: 8 pages, No figures
☆ Meshless Shape Optimization using Neural Networks and Partial Differential Equations on Graphs
Shape optimization involves the minimization of a cost function defined over a set of shapes, often governed by a partial differential equation (PDE). In the absence of closed-form solutions, one relies on numerical methods to approximate the solution. The level set method -- when coupled with the finite element method -- is one of the most versatile numerical shape optimization approaches but still suffers from the limitations of most mesh-based methods. In this work, we present a fully meshless level set framework that leverages neural networks to parameterize the level set function and employs the graph Laplacian to approximate the underlying PDE. Our approach enables precise computations of geometric quantities such as surface normals and curvature, and allows tackling optimization problems within the class of convex shapes.
comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted at SSVM 2025
☆ Learning from Reward-Free Offline Data: A Case for Planning with Latent Dynamics Models
A long-standing goal in AI is to build agents that can solve a variety of tasks across different environments, including previously unseen ones. Two dominant approaches tackle this challenge: (i) reinforcement learning (RL), which learns policies through trial and error, and (ii) optimal control, which plans actions using a learned or known dynamics model. However, their relative strengths and weaknesses remain underexplored in the setting where agents must learn from offline trajectories without reward annotations. In this work, we systematically analyze the performance of different RL and control-based methods under datasets of varying quality. On the RL side, we consider goal-conditioned and zero-shot approaches. On the control side, we train a latent dynamics model using the Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture (JEPA) and use it for planning. We study how dataset properties-such as data diversity, trajectory quality, and environment variability-affect the performance of these approaches. Our results show that model-free RL excels when abundant, high-quality data is available, while model-based planning excels in generalization to novel environment layouts, trajectory stitching, and data-efficiency. Notably, planning with a latent dynamics model emerges as a promising approach for zero-shot generalization from suboptimal data.
comment: Project web page:
Dynamic Low-Rank Sparse Adaptation for Large Language Models ICLR 2025
Despite the efficacy of network sparsity in alleviating the deployment strain of Large Language Models (LLMs), it endures significant performance degradation. Applying Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) to fine-tune the sparse LLMs offers an intuitive approach to counter this predicament, while it holds shortcomings include: 1) The inability to integrate LoRA weights into sparse LLMs post-training, and 2) Insufficient performance recovery at high sparsity ratios. In this paper, we introduce dynamic Low-rank Sparse Adaptation (LoSA), a novel method that seamlessly integrates low-rank adaptation into LLM sparsity within a unified framework, thereby enhancing the performance of sparse LLMs without increasing the inference latency. In particular, LoSA dynamically sparsifies the LoRA outcomes based on the corresponding sparse weights during fine-tuning, thus guaranteeing that the LoRA module can be integrated into the sparse LLMs post-training. Besides, LoSA leverages Representation Mutual Information (RMI) as an indicator to determine the importance of layers, thereby efficiently determining the layer-wise sparsity rates during fine-tuning. Predicated on this, LoSA adjusts the rank of the LoRA module based on the variability in layer-wise reconstruction errors, allocating an appropriate fine-tuning for each layer to reduce the output discrepancies between dense and sparse LLMs. Extensive experiments tell that LoSA can efficiently boost the efficacy of sparse LLMs within a few hours, without introducing any additional inferential burden. For example, LoSA reduced the perplexity of sparse LLaMA-2-7B by 68.73 and increased zero-shot accuracy by 16.32$\%$, achieving a 2.60$\times$ speedup on CPU and 2.23$\times$ speedup on GPU, requiring only 45 minutes of fine-tuning on a single NVIDIA A100 80GB GPU. Code is available at
comment: Accepted to ICLR 2025
☆ Optimizing Model Selection for Compound AI Systems
Compound AI systems that combine multiple LLM calls, such as self-refine and multi-agent-debate, achieve strong performance on many AI tasks. We address a core question in optimizing compound systems: for each LLM call or module in the system, how should one decide which LLM to use? We show that these LLM choices have a large effect on quality, but the search space is exponential. We propose LLMSelector, an efficient framework for model selection in compound systems, which leverages two key empirical insights: (i) end-to-end performance is often monotonic in how well each module performs, with all other modules held fixed, and (ii) per-module performance can be estimated accurately by an LLM. Building upon these insights, LLMSelector iteratively selects one module and allocates to it the model with the highest module-wise performance, as estimated by an LLM, until no further gain is possible. LLMSelector is applicable to any compound system with a bounded number of modules, and its number of API calls scales linearly with the number of modules, achieving high-quality model allocation both empirically and theoretically. Experiments with popular compound systems such as multi-agent debate and self-refine using LLMs such as GPT-4o, Claude 3.5 Sonnet and Gemini 1.5 show that LLMSelector confers 5%-70% accuracy gains compared to using the same LLM for all modules.
☆ PREM: Privately Answering Statistical Queries with Relative Error
We introduce $\mathsf{PREM}$ (Private Relative Error Multiplicative weight update), a new framework for generating synthetic data that achieves a relative error guarantee for statistical queries under $(\varepsilon, \delta)$ differential privacy (DP). Namely, for a domain ${\cal X}$, a family ${\cal F}$ of queries $f : {\cal X} \to \{0, 1\}$, and $\zeta > 0$, our framework yields a mechanism that on input dataset $D \in {\cal X}^n$ outputs a synthetic dataset $\widehat{D} \in {\cal X}^n$ such that all statistical queries in ${\cal F}$ on $D$, namely $\sum_{x \in D} f(x)$ for $f \in {\cal F}$, are within a $1 \pm \zeta$ multiplicative factor of the corresponding value on $\widehat{D}$ up to an additive error that is polynomial in $\log |{\cal F}|$, $\log |{\cal X}|$, $\log n$, $\log(1/\delta)$, $1/\varepsilon$, and $1/\zeta$. In contrast, any $(\varepsilon, \delta)$-DP mechanism is known to require worst-case additive error that is polynomial in at least one of $n, |{\cal F}|$, or $|{\cal X}|$. We complement our algorithm with nearly matching lower bounds.
☆ Rapid Word Learning Through Meta In-Context Learning
Humans can quickly learn a new word from a few illustrative examples, and then systematically and flexibly use it in novel contexts. Yet the abilities of current language models for few-shot word learning, and methods for improving these abilities, are underexplored. In this study, we introduce a novel method, Meta-training for IN-context learNing Of Words (Minnow). This method trains language models to generate new examples of a word's usage given a few in-context examples, using a special placeholder token to represent the new word. This training is repeated on many new words to develop a general word-learning ability. We find that training models from scratch with Minnow on human-scale child-directed language enables strong few-shot word learning, comparable to a large language model (LLM) pre-trained on orders of magnitude more data. Furthermore, through discriminative and generative evaluations, we demonstrate that finetuning pre-trained LLMs with Minnow improves their ability to discriminate between new words, identify syntactic categories of new words, and generate reasonable new usages and definitions for new words, based on one or a few in-context examples. These findings highlight the data efficiency of Minnow and its potential to improve language model performance in word learning tasks.
☆ An Adversarial Analysis of Thompson Sampling for Full-information Online Learning: from Finite to Infinite Action Spaces
We develop an analysis of Thompson sampling for online learning under full feedback - also known as prediction with expert advice - where the learner's prior is defined over the space of an adversary's future actions, rather than the space of experts. We show regret decomposes into regret the learner expected a priori, plus a prior-robustness-type term we call excess regret. In the classical finite-expert setting, this recovers optimal rates. As an initial step towards practical online learning in settings with a potentially-uncountably-infinite number of experts, we show that Thompson sampling with a certain Gaussian process prior widely-used in the Bayesian optimization literature has a $\mathcal{O}(\beta\sqrt{T\log(1+\lambda)})$ rate against a $\beta$-bounded $\lambda$-Lipschitz~adversary.
☆ Ray-Tracing for Conditionally Activated Neural Networks
In this paper, we introduce a novel architecture for conditionally activated neural networks combining a hierarchical construction of multiple Mixture of Experts (MoEs) layers with a sampling mechanism that progressively converges to an optimized configuration of expert activation. This methodology enables the dynamic unfolding of the network's architecture, facilitating efficient path-specific training. Experimental results demonstrate that this approach achieves competitive accuracy compared to conventional baselines while significantly reducing the parameter count required for inference. Notably, this parameter reduction correlates with the complexity of the input patterns, a property naturally emerging from the network's operational dynamics without necessitating explicit auxiliary penalty functions.
comment: submitted to workshop
☆ Real-Time Device Reach Forecasting Using HLL and MinHash Data Sketches
Predicting the right number of TVs (Device Reach) in real-time based on a user-specified targeting attributes is imperative for running multi-million dollar ADs business. The traditional approach of SQL queries to join billions of records across multiple targeting dimensions is extremely slow. As a workaround, many applications will have an offline process to crunch these numbers and present the results after many hours. In our case, the solution was an offline process taking 24 hours to onboard a customer resulting in a potential loss of business. To solve this problem, we have built a new real-time prediction system using MinHash and HyperLogLog (HLL) data sketches to compute the device reach at runtime when a user makes a request. However, existing MinHash implementations do not solve the complex problem of multilevel aggregation and intersection. This work will show how we have solved this problem, in addition, we have improved MinHash algorithm to run 4 times faster using Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) vectorized operations for high speed and accuracy with constant space to process billions of records. Finally, by experiments, we prove that the results are as accurate as traditional offline prediction system with an acceptable error rate of 5%.
☆ A Neural Operator-Based Emulator for Regional Shallow Water Dynamics
Coastal regions are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of rising sea levels and extreme weather events. Accurate real-time forecasting of hydrodynamic processes in these areas is essential for infrastructure planning and climate adaptation. In this study, we present the Multiple-Input Temporal Operator Network (MITONet), a novel autoregressive neural emulator that employs dimensionality reduction to efficiently approximate high-dimensional numerical solvers for complex, nonlinear problems that are governed by time-dependent, parameterized partial differential equations. Although MITONet is applicable to a wide range of problems, we showcase its capabilities by forecasting regional tide-driven dynamics described by the two-dimensional shallow-water equations, while incorporating initial conditions, boundary conditions, and a varying domain parameter. We demonstrate MITONet's performance in a real-world application, highlighting its ability to make accurate predictions by extrapolating both in time and parametric space.
☆ Sparse Activations as Conformal Predictors
Conformal prediction is a distribution-free framework for uncertainty quantification that replaces point predictions with sets, offering marginal coverage guarantees (i.e., ensuring that the prediction sets contain the true label with a specified probability, in expectation). In this paper, we uncover a novel connection between conformal prediction and sparse softmax-like transformations, such as sparsemax and $\gamma$-entmax (with $\gamma > 1$), which may assign nonzero probability only to a subset of labels. We introduce new non-conformity scores for classification that make the calibration process correspond to the widely used temperature scaling method. At test time, applying these sparse transformations with the calibrated temperature leads to a support set (i.e., the set of labels with nonzero probability) that automatically inherits the coverage guarantees of conformal prediction. Through experiments on computer vision and text classification benchmarks, we demonstrate that the proposed method achieves competitive results in terms of coverage, efficiency, and adaptiveness compared to standard non-conformity scores based on softmax.
☆ Efficient Multivariate Robust Mean Estimation Under Mean-Shift Contamination
We study the algorithmic problem of robust mean estimation of an identity covariance Gaussian in the presence of mean-shift contamination. In this contamination model, we are given a set of points in $\mathbb{R}^d$ generated i.i.d. via the following process. For a parameter $\alpha<1/2$, the $i$-th sample $x_i$ is obtained as follows: with probability $1-\alpha$, $x_i$ is drawn from $\mathcal{N}(\mu, I)$, where $\mu \in \mathbb{R}^d$ is the target mean; and with probability $\alpha$, $x_i$ is drawn from $\mathcal{N}(z_i, I)$, where $z_i$ is unknown and potentially arbitrary. Prior work characterized the information-theoretic limits of this task. Specifically, it was shown that, in contrast to Huber contamination, in the presence of mean-shift contamination consistent estimation is possible. On the other hand, all known robust estimators in the mean-shift model have running times exponential in the dimension. Here we give the first computationally efficient algorithm for high-dimensional robust mean estimation with mean-shift contamination that can tolerate a constant fraction of outliers. In particular, our algorithm has near-optimal sample complexity, runs in sample-polynomial time, and approximates the target mean to any desired accuracy. Conceptually, our result contributes to a growing body of work that studies inference with respect to natural noise models lying in between fully adversarial and random settings.
☆ Determining Layer-wise Sparsity for Large Language Models Through a Theoretical Perspective
In this paper, we address the challenge of determining the layer-wise sparsity rates of large language models (LLMs) through a theoretical perspective. Specifically, we identify a critical issue of ''$\textbf{reconstruction error explosion}$'' in existing LLMs sparsification methods. This refers to the cumulative effect of reconstruction errors throughout the sparsification process, where errors from earlier layers propagate and amplify in subsequent layers. As a result, the overall reconstruction error increases significantly, leading to a substantial degradation in model performance. Through theoretical analysis, we derive a simple yet effective approach to layer-wise sparsity allocation that mitigates this issue. Our method uses a monotonically increasing arithmetic progression, reducing the process of determining sparsity rates for multiple layers to the determination of a single common difference hyperparameter. Remarkably, this allows for the optimal layer-wise sparsity rates to be identified with just a few trials. Both our theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrate that this sparsity allocation scheme is near optimal. Extensive experiments show that our method significantly improves the performance of sparse LLMs across various architectures, outperforming existing layer-wise sparsity methods. Furthermore, it enhances the performance of various compression techniques and is applicable to vision and multimodal models. Notably, our method achieves a reduction of 52.10 in perplexity for the 70$\%$ sparse LLaMA2-7B model obtained via Wanda, improves average zero-shot accuracy by 10.50$\%$, and delivers speedups of 2.63$\times$ and 2.23$\times$ on CPU and GPU, respectively.
☆ Sculpting [CLS] Features for Pre-Trained Model-Based Class-Incremental Learning
Class-incremental learning requires models to continually acquire knowledge of new classes without forgetting old ones. Although pre-trained models have demonstrated strong performance in class-incremental learning, they remain susceptible to catastrophic forgetting when learning new concepts. Excessive plasticity in the models breaks generalizability and causes forgetting, while strong stability results in insufficient adaptation to new classes. This necessitates effective adaptation with minimal modifications to preserve the general knowledge of pre-trained models. To address this challenge, we first introduce a new parameter-efficient fine-tuning module 'Learn and Calibrate', or LuCA, designed to acquire knowledge through an adapter-calibrator couple, enabling effective adaptation with well-refined feature representations. Second, for each learning session, we deploy a sparse LuCA module on top of the last token just before the classifier, which we refer to as 'Token-level Sparse Calibration and Adaptation', or TOSCA. This strategic design improves the orthogonality between the modules and significantly reduces both training and inference complexity. By leaving the generalization capabilities of the pre-trained models intact and adapting exclusively via the last token, our approach achieves a harmonious balance between stability and plasticity. Extensive experiments demonstrate TOSCA's state-of-the-art performance while introducing ~8 times fewer parameters compared to prior methods.
☆ EquivaMap: Leveraging LLMs for Automatic Equivalence Checking of Optimization Formulations
A fundamental problem in combinatorial optimization is identifying equivalent formulations, which can lead to more efficient solution strategies and deeper insights into a problem's computational complexity. The need to automatically identify equivalence between problem formulations has grown as optimization copilots--systems that generate problem formulations from natural language descriptions--have proliferated. However, existing approaches to checking formulation equivalence lack grounding, relying on simple heuristics which are insufficient for rigorous validation. Inspired by Karp reductions, in this work we introduce quasi-Karp equivalence, a formal criterion for determining when two optimization formulations are equivalent based on the existence of a mapping between their decision variables. We propose EquivaMap, a framework that leverages large language models to automatically discover such mappings, enabling scalable and reliable equivalence verification. To evaluate our approach, we construct the first open-source dataset of equivalent optimization formulations, generated by applying transformations such as adding slack variables or valid inequalities to existing formulations. Empirically, EquivaMap significantly outperforms existing methods, achieving substantial improvements in correctly identifying formulation equivalence.
☆ Multi-Objective Causal Bayesian Optimization
In decision-making problems, the outcome of an intervention often depends on the causal relationships between system components and is highly costly to evaluate. In such settings, causal Bayesian optimization (CBO) can exploit the causal relationships between the system variables and sequentially perform interventions to approach the optimum with minimal data. Extending CBO to the multi-outcome setting, we propose Multi-Objective Causal Bayesian Optimization (MO-CBO), a paradigm for identifying Pareto-optimal interventions within a known multi-target causal graph. We first derive a graphical characterization for potentially optimal sets of variables to intervene upon. Showing that any MO-CBO problem can be decomposed into several traditional multi-objective optimization tasks, we then introduce an algorithm that sequentially balances exploration across these tasks using relative hypervolume improvement. The proposed method will be validated on both synthetic and real-world causal graphs, demonstrating its superiority over traditional (non-causal) multi-objective Bayesian optimization in settings where causal information is available.
comment: 17 Pages, 12 Figures
☆ TritonBench: Benchmarking Large Language Model Capabilities for Generating Triton Operators
Triton, a high-level Python-like language designed for building efficient GPU kernels, is widely adopted in deep learning frameworks due to its portability, flexibility, and accessibility. However, programming and parallel optimization still require considerable trial and error from Triton developers. Despite advances in large language models (LLMs) for conventional code generation, these models struggle to generate accurate, performance-optimized Triton code, as they lack awareness of its specifications and the complexities of GPU programming. More critically, there is an urgent need for systematic evaluations tailored to Triton. In this work, we introduce TritonBench, the first comprehensive benchmark for Triton operator generation. TritonBench features two evaluation channels: a curated set of 184 real-world operators from GitHub and a collection of operators aligned with PyTorch interfaces. Unlike conventional code benchmarks prioritizing functional correctness, TritonBench also profiles efficiency performance on widely deployed GPUs aligned with industry applications. Our study reveals that current state-of-the-art code LLMs struggle to generate efficient Triton operators, highlighting a significant gap in high-performance code generation. TritonBench will be available at
☆ SQL4NN: Validation and expressive querying of models as data
We consider machine learning models, learned from data, to be an important, intensional, kind of data in themselves. As such, various analysis tasks on models can be thought of as queries over this intensional data, often combined with extensional data such as data for training or validation. We demonstrate that relational database systems and SQL can actually be well suited for many such tasks.
Reinforcement Learning with Graph Attention for Routing and Wavelength Assignment with Lightpath Reuse
Many works have investigated reinforcement learning (RL) for routing and spectrum assignment on flex-grid networks but only one work to date has examined RL for fixed-grid with flex-rate transponders, despite production systems using this paradigm. Flex-rate transponders allow existing lightpaths to accommodate new services, a task we term routing and wavelength assignment with lightpath reuse (RWA-LR). We re-examine this problem and present a thorough benchmarking of heuristic algorithms for RWA-LR, which are shown to have 6% increased throughput when candidate paths are ordered by number of hops, rather than total length. We train an RL agent for RWA-LR with graph attention networks for the policy and value functions to exploit the graph-structured data. We provide details of our methodology and open source all of our code for reproduction. We outperform the previous state-of-the-art RL approach by 2.5% (17.4 Tbps mean additional throughput) and the best heuristic by 1.2% (8.5 Tbps mean additional throughput). This marginal gain highlights the difficulty in learning effective RL policies on long horizon resource allocation tasks.
☆ Beyond Performance Scores: Directed Functional Connectivity as a Brain-Based Biomarker for Motor Skill Learning and Retention
Motor skill acquisition in fields like surgery, robotics, and sports involves learning complex task sequences through extensive training. Traditional performance metrics, like execution time and error rates, offer limited insight as they fail to capture the neural mechanisms underlying skill learning and retention. This study introduces directed functional connectivity (dFC), derived from electroencephalography (EEG), as a novel brain-based biomarker for assessing motor skill learning and retention. For the first time, dFC is applied as a biomarker to map the stages of the Fitts and Posner motor learning model, offering new insights into the neural mechanisms underlying skill acquisition and retention. Unlike traditional measures, it captures both the strength and direction of neural information flow, providing a comprehensive understanding of neural adaptations across different learning stages. The analysis demonstrates that dFC can effectively identify and track the progression through various stages of the Fitts and Posner model. Furthermore, its stability over a six-week washout period highlights its utility in monitoring long-term retention. No significant changes in dFC were observed in a control group, confirming that the observed neural adaptations were specific to training and not due to external factors. By offering a granular view of the learning process at the group and individual levels, dFC facilitates the development of personalized, targeted training protocols aimed at enhancing outcomes in fields where precision and long-term retention are critical, such as surgical education. These findings underscore the value of dFC as a robust biomarker that complements traditional performance metrics, providing a deeper understanding of motor skill learning and retention.
☆ Ranking Joint Policies in Dynamic Games using Evolutionary Dynamics
Game-theoretic solution concepts, such as the Nash equilibrium, have been key to finding stable joint actions in multi-player games. However, it has been shown that the dynamics of agents' interactions, even in simple two-player games with few strategies, are incapable of reaching Nash equilibria, exhibiting complex and unpredictable behavior. Instead, evolutionary approaches can describe the long-term persistence of strategies and filter out transient ones, accounting for the long-term dynamics of agents' interactions. Our goal is to identify agents' joint strategies that result in stable behavior, being resistant to changes, while also accounting for agents' payoffs, in dynamic games. Towards this goal, and building on previous results, this paper proposes transforming dynamic games into their empirical forms by considering agents' strategies instead of agents' actions, and applying the evolutionary methodology $\alpha$-Rank to evaluate and rank strategy profiles according to their long-term dynamics. This methodology not only allows us to identify joint strategies that are strong through agents' long-term interactions, but also provides a descriptive, transparent framework regarding the high ranking of these strategies. Experiments report on agents that aim to collaboratively solve a stochastic version of the graph coloring problem. We consider different styles of play as strategies to define the empirical game, and train policies realizing these strategies, using the DQN algorithm. Then we run simulations to generate the payoff matrix required by $\alpha$-Rank to rank joint strategies.
☆ Internal Incoherency Scores for Constraint-based Causal Discovery Algorithms
Causal discovery aims to infer causal graphs from observational or experimental data. Methods such as the popular PC algorithm are based on conditional independence testing and utilize enabling assumptions, such as the faithfulness assumption, for their inferences. In practice, these assumptions, as well as the functional assumptions inherited from the chosen conditional independence test, are typically taken as a given and not further tested for their validity on the data. In this work, we propose internal coherency scores that allow testing for assumption violations and finite sample errors, whenever detectable without requiring ground truth or further statistical tests. We provide a complete classification of erroneous results, including a distinction between detectable and undetectable errors, and prove that the detectable erroneous results can be measured by our scores. We illustrate our coherency scores on the PC algorithm with simulated and real-world datasets, and envision that testing for internal coherency can become a standard tool in applying constraint-based methods, much like a suite of tests is used to validate the assumptions of classical regression analysis.
comment: under review
☆ Data-Efficient Pretraining with Group-Level Data Influence Modeling
Data-efficient pretraining has shown tremendous potential to elevate scaling laws. This paper argues that effective pretraining data should be curated at the group level, treating a set of data points as a whole rather than as independent contributors. To achieve that, we propose Group-Level Data Influence Modeling (Group-MATES), a novel data-efficient pretraining method that captures and optimizes group-level data utility. Specifically, Group-MATES collects oracle group-level influences by locally probing the pretraining model with data sets. It then fine-tunes a relational data influence model to approximate oracles as relationship-weighted aggregations of individual influences. The fine-tuned model selects the data subset by maximizing its group-level influence prediction, with influence-aware clustering to enable efficient inference. Experiments on the DCLM benchmark demonstrate that Group-MATES achieves a 10% relative core score improvement on 22 downstream tasks over DCLM-Baseline and 5% over individual-influence-based methods, establishing a new state-of-the-art. Further analyses highlight the effectiveness of relational data influence models in capturing intricate interactions between data points.
☆ TRUSWorthy: Toward Clinically Applicable Deep Learning for Confident Detection of Prostate Cancer in Micro-Ultrasound
While deep learning methods have shown great promise in improving the effectiveness of prostate cancer (PCa) diagnosis by detecting suspicious lesions from trans-rectal ultrasound (TRUS), they must overcome multiple simultaneous challenges. There is high heterogeneity in tissue appearance, significant class imbalance in favor of benign examples, and scarcity in the number and quality of ground truth annotations available to train models. Failure to address even a single one of these problems can result in unacceptable clinical outcomes.We propose TRUSWorthy, a carefully designed, tuned, and integrated system for reliable PCa detection. Our pipeline integrates self-supervised learning, multiple-instance learning aggregation using transformers, random-undersampled boosting and ensembling: these address label scarcity, weak labels, class imbalance, and overconfidence, respectively. We train and rigorously evaluate our method using a large, multi-center dataset of micro-ultrasound data. Our method outperforms previous state-of-the-art deep learning methods in terms of accuracy and uncertainty calibration, with AUROC and balanced accuracy scores of 79.9% and 71.5%, respectively. On the top 20% of predictions with the highest confidence, we can achieve a balanced accuracy of up to 91%. The success of TRUSWorthy demonstrates the potential of integrated deep learning solutions to meet clinical needs in a highly challenging deployment setting, and is a significant step towards creating a trustworthy system for computer-assisted PCa diagnosis.
comment: accepted to IJCARS. This preprint has not undergone post-submission improvements or corrections. To access the Version of Record of this article, see the journal reference below
☆ Not All Data are Good Labels: On the Self-supervised Labeling for Time Series Forecasting
Time Series Forecasting (TSF) is a crucial task in various domains, yet existing TSF models rely heavily on high-quality data and insufficiently exploit all available data. This paper explores a novel self-supervised approach to re-label time series datasets by inherently constructing candidate datasets. During the optimization of a simple reconstruction network, intermediates are used as pseudo labels in a self-supervised paradigm, improving generalization for any predictor. We introduce the Self-Correction with Adaptive Mask (SCAM), which discards overfitted components and selectively replaces them with pseudo labels generated from reconstructions. Additionally, we incorporate Spectral Norm Regularization (SNR) to further suppress overfitting from a loss landscape perspective. Our experiments on eleven real-world datasets demonstrate that SCAM consistently improves the performance of various backbone models. This work offers a new perspective on constructing datasets and enhancing the generalization of TSF models through self-supervised learning.
☆ General Uncertainty Estimation with Delta Variances
Decision makers may suffer from uncertainty induced by limited data. This may be mitigated by accounting for epistemic uncertainty, which is however challenging to estimate efficiently for large neural networks. To this extent we investigate Delta Variances, a family of algorithms for epistemic uncertainty quantification, that is computationally efficient and convenient to implement. It can be applied to neural networks and more general functions composed of neural networks. As an example we consider a weather simulator with a neural-network-based step function inside -- here Delta Variances empirically obtain competitive results at the cost of a single gradient computation. The approach is convenient as it requires no changes to the neural network architecture or training procedure. We discuss multiple ways to derive Delta Variances theoretically noting that special cases recover popular techniques and present a unified perspective on multiple related methods. Finally we observe that this general perspective gives rise to a natural extension and empirically show its benefit.
☆ Confidence Estimation via Sequential Likelihood Mixing
We present a universal framework for constructing confidence sets based on sequential likelihood mixing. Building upon classical results from sequential analysis, we provide a unifying perspective on several recent lines of work, and establish fundamental connections between sequential mixing, Bayesian inference and regret inequalities from online estimation. The framework applies to any realizable family of likelihood functions and allows for non-i.i.d. data and anytime validity. Moreover, the framework seamlessly integrates standard approximate inference techniques, such as variational inference and sampling-based methods, and extends to misspecified model classes, while preserving provable coverage guarantees. We illustrate the power of the framework by deriving tighter confidence sequences for classical settings, including sequential linear regression and sparse estimation, with simplified proofs.
☆ seqKAN: Sequence processing with Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks
Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) have been recently proposed as a machine learning framework that is more interpretable and controllable than the multi-layer perceptron. Various network architectures have been proposed within the KAN framework targeting different tasks and application domains, including sequence processing. This paper proposes seqKAN, a new KAN architecture for sequence processing. Although multiple sequence processing KAN architectures have already been proposed, we argue that seqKAN is more faithful to the core concept of the KAN framework. Furthermore, we empirically demonstrate that it achieves better results. The empirical evaluation is performed on generated data from a complex physics problem on an interpolation and an extrapolation task. Using this dataset we compared seqKAN against a prior KAN network for timeseries prediction, recurrent deep networks, and symbolic regression. seqKAN substantially outperforms all architectures, particularly on the extrapolation dataset, while also being the most transparent.
☆ Disentangled Latent Spaces for Reduced Order Models using Deterministic Autoencoders
Data-driven reduced-order models based on autoencoders generally lack interpretability compared to classical methods such as the proper orthogonal decomposition. More interpretability can be gained by disentangling the latent variables and analyzing the resulting modes. For this purpose, probabilistic $\beta$-variational autoencoders ($\beta$-VAEs) are frequently used in computational fluid dynamics and other simulation sciences. Using a benchmark periodic flow dataset, we show that competitive results can be achieved using non-probabilistic autoencoder approaches that either promote orthogonality or penalize correlation between latent variables. Compared to probabilistic autoencoders, these approaches offer more robustness with respect to the choice of hyperparameters entering the loss function. We further demonstrate the ability of a non-probabilistic approach to identify a reduced number of active latent variables by introducing a correlation penalty, a function also known from the use of $\beta$-VAE. The investigated probabilistic and non-probabilistic autoencoder models are finally used for the dimensionality reduction of aircraft ditching loads, which serves as an industrial application in this work.
☆ Beyond the Surface: Uncovering Implicit Locations with LLMs for Personalized Local News
News recommendation systems personalize homepage content to boost engagement, but factors like content type, editorial stance, and geographic focus impact recommendations. Local newspapers balance coverage across regions, yet identifying local articles is challenging due to implicit location cues like slang or landmarks. Traditional methods, such as Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Knowledge Graphs, infer locations, but Large Language Models (LLMs) offer new possibilities while raising concerns about accuracy and explainability. This paper explores LLMs for local article classification in Taboola's "Homepage For You" system, comparing them to traditional techniques. Key findings: (1) Knowledge Graphs enhance NER models' ability to detect implicit locations, (2) LLMs outperform traditional methods, and (3) LLMs can effectively identify local content without requiring Knowledge Graph integration. Offline evaluations showed LLMs excel at implicit location classification, while online A/B tests showed a significant increased in local views. A scalable pipeline integrating LLM-based location classification boosted local article distribution by 27%, preserving newspapers' brand identity and enhancing homepage personalization.
comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, submitted to kdd
☆ Variance Reduction Methods Do Not Need to Compute Full Gradients: Improved Efficiency through Shuffling
In today's world, machine learning is hard to imagine without large training datasets and models. This has led to the use of stochastic methods for training, such as stochastic gradient descent (SGD). SGD provides weak theoretical guarantees of convergence, but there are modifications, such as Stochastic Variance Reduced Gradient (SVRG) and StochAstic Recursive grAdient algoritHm (SARAH), that can reduce the variance. These methods require the computation of the full gradient occasionally, which can be time consuming. In this paper, we explore variants of variance reduction algorithms that eliminate the need for full gradient computations. To make our approach memory-efficient and avoid full gradient computations, we use two key techniques: the shuffling heuristic and idea of SAG/SAGA methods. As a result, we improve existing estimates for variance reduction algorithms without the full gradient computations. Additionally, for the non-convex objective function, our estimate matches that of classic shuffling methods, while for the strongly convex one, it is an improvement. We conduct comprehensive theoretical analysis and provide extensive experimental results to validate the efficiency and practicality of our methods for large-scale machine learning problems.
comment: 30 pages, 6 figures, 1 table
☆ ReQFlow: Rectified Quaternion Flow for Efficient and High-Quality Protein Backbone Generation
Protein backbone generation plays a central role in de novo protein design and is significant for many biological and medical applications. Although diffusion and flow-based generative models provide potential solutions to this challenging task, they often generate proteins with undesired designability and suffer computational inefficiency. In this study, we propose a novel rectified quaternion flow (ReQFlow) matching method for fast and high-quality protein backbone generation. In particular, our method generates a local translation and a 3D rotation from random noise for each residue in a protein chain, which represents each 3D rotation as a unit quaternion and constructs its flow by spherical linear interpolation (SLERP) in an exponential format. We train the model by quaternion flow (QFlow) matching with guaranteed numerical stability and rectify the QFlow model to accelerate its inference and improve the designability of generated protein backbones, leading to the proposed ReQFlow model. Experiments show that ReQFlow achieves state-of-the-art performance in protein backbone generation while requiring much fewer sampling steps and significantly less inference time (e.g., being 37x faster than RFDiffusion and 62x faster than Genie2 when generating a backbone of length 300), demonstrating its effectiveness and efficiency. The code is available at
☆ CER: Confidence Enhanced Reasoning in LLMs
Ensuring the reliability of Large Language Models (LLMs) in complex reasoning tasks remains a formidable challenge, particularly in scenarios that demand precise mathematical calculations and knowledge-intensive open-domain generation. In this work, we introduce an uncertainty-aware framework designed to enhance the accuracy of LLM responses by systematically incorporating model confidence at critical decision points. We propose an approach that encourages multi-step reasoning in LLMs and quantify the confidence of intermediate answers such as numerical results in mathematical reasoning and proper nouns in open-domain generation. Then, the overall confidence of each reasoning chain is evaluated based on confidence of these critical intermediate steps. Finally, we aggregate the answer of generated response paths in a way that reflects the reliability of each generated content (as opposed to self-consistency in which each generated chain contributes equally to majority voting). We conducted extensive experiments in five datasets, three mathematical datasets and two open-domain datasets, using four LLMs. The results consistently validate the effectiveness of our novel confidence aggregation method, leading to an accuracy improvement of up to 7.4% and 5.8% over baseline approaches in math and open-domain generation tasks, respectively. Code is publicly available at Aquasar11/CER.
☆ Synergistic Fusion of Multi-Source Knowledge via Evidence Theory for High-Entropy Alloy Discovery
Discovering novel high-entropy alloys (HEAs) with desirable properties is challenging due to the vast compositional space and complex phase formation mechanisms. Efficient exploration of this space requires a strategic approach that integrates heterogeneous knowledge sources. Here, we propose a framework that systematically combines knowledge extracted from computational material datasets with domain knowledge distilled from scientific literature using large language models (LLMs). A central feature of this approach is the explicit consideration of element substitutability, identifying chemically similar elements that can be interchanged to potentially stabilize desired HEAs. Dempster-Shafer theory, a mathematical framework for reasoning under uncertainty, is employed to model and combine substitutabilities based on aggregated evidence from multiple sources. The framework predicts the phase stability of candidate HEA compositions and is systematically evaluated on both quaternary alloy systems, demonstrating superior performance compared to baseline machine learning models and methods reliant on single-source evidence in cross-validation experiments. By leveraging multi-source knowledge, the framework retains robust predictive power even when key elements are absent from the training data, underscoring its potential for knowledge transfer and extrapolation. Furthermore, the enhanced interpretability of the methodology offers insights into the fundamental factors governing HEA formation. Overall, this work provides a promising strategy for accelerating HEA discovery by integrating computational and textual knowledge sources, enabling efficient exploration of vast compositional spaces with improved generalization and interpretability.
comment: 13 pages, 7 figures
☆ PEARL: Towards Permutation-Resilient LLMs ICLR 2025
The in-context learning (ICL) capability of large language models (LLMs) enables them to perform challenging tasks using provided demonstrations. However, ICL is highly sensitive to the ordering of demonstrations, leading to instability in predictions. This paper shows that this vulnerability can be exploited to design a natural attack - difficult for model providers to detect - that achieves nearly 80% success rate on LLaMA-3 by simply permuting the demonstrations. Existing mitigation methods primarily rely on post-processing and fail to enhance the model's inherent robustness to input permutations, raising concerns about safety and reliability of LLMs. To address this issue, we propose Permutation-resilient learning (PEARL), a novel framework based on distributionally robust optimization (DRO), which optimizes model performance against the worst-case input permutation. Specifically, PEARL consists of a permutation-proposal network (P-Net) and the LLM. The P-Net generates the most challenging permutations by treating it as an optimal transport problem, which is solved using an entropy-constrained Sinkhorn algorithm. Through minimax optimization, the P-Net and the LLM iteratively optimize against each other, progressively improving the LLM's robustness. Experiments on synthetic pre-training and real-world instruction tuning tasks demonstrate that PEARL effectively mitigates permutation attacks and enhances performance. Notably, despite being trained on fewer shots and shorter contexts, PEARL achieves performance gains of up to 40% when scaled to many-shot and long-context scenarios, highlighting its efficiency and generalization capabilities.
comment: ICLR 2025
☆ Reward Models Identify Consistency, Not Causality
Reward models (RMs) play a crucial role in aligning large language models (LLMs) with human preferences and enhancing reasoning quality. Traditionally, RMs are trained to rank candidate outputs based on their correctness and coherence. However, in this work, we present several surprising findings that challenge common assumptions about RM behavior. Our analysis reveals that state-of-the-art reward models prioritize structural consistency over causal correctness. Specifically, removing the problem statement has minimal impact on reward scores, whereas altering numerical values or disrupting the reasoning flow significantly affects RM outputs. Furthermore, RMs exhibit a strong dependence on complete reasoning trajectories truncated or incomplete steps lead to significant variations in reward assignments, indicating that RMs primarily rely on learned reasoning patterns rather than explicit problem comprehension. These findings hold across multiple architectures, datasets, and tasks, leading to three key insights: (1) RMs primarily assess coherence rather than true reasoning quality; (2) The role of explicit problem comprehension in reward assignment is overstated; (3) Current RMs may be more effective at ranking responses than verifying logical validity. Our results suggest a fundamental limitation in existing reward modeling approaches, emphasizing the need for a shift toward causality-aware reward models that go beyond consistency-driven evaluation.
comment: 16 pages
☆ Noisy Test-Time Adaptation in Vision-Language Models ICLR 2025
Test-time adaptation (TTA) aims to address distribution shifts between source and target data by relying solely on target data during testing. In open-world scenarios, models often encounter noisy samples, i.e., samples outside the in-distribution (ID) label space. Leveraging the zero-shot capability of pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs), this paper introduces Zero-Shot Noisy TTA (ZS-NTTA), focusing on adapting the model to target data with noisy samples during test-time in a zero-shot manner. We find existing TTA methods underperform under ZS-NTTA, often lagging behind even the frozen model. We conduct comprehensive experiments to analyze this phenomenon, revealing that the negative impact of unfiltered noisy data outweighs the benefits of clean data during model updating. Also, adapting a classifier for ID classification and noise detection hampers both sub-tasks. Built on this, we propose a framework that decouples the classifier and detector, focusing on developing an individual detector while keeping the classifier frozen. Technically, we introduce the Adaptive Noise Detector (AdaND), which utilizes the frozen model's outputs as pseudo-labels to train a noise detector. To handle clean data streams, we further inject Gaussian noise during adaptation, preventing the detector from misclassifying clean samples as noisy. Beyond the ZS-NTTA, AdaND can also improve the zero-shot out-of-distribution (ZS-OOD) detection ability of VLMs. Experiments show that AdaND outperforms in both ZS-NTTA and ZS-OOD detection. On ImageNet, AdaND achieves a notable improvement of $8.32\%$ in harmonic mean accuracy ($\text{Acc}_\text{H}$) for ZS-NTTA and $9.40\%$ in FPR95 for ZS-OOD detection, compared to SOTA methods. Importantly, AdaND is computationally efficient and comparable to the model-frozen method. The code is publicly available at:
comment: ICLR 2025
☆ Multi-Class Imbalanced Learning with Support Vector Machines via Differential Evolution
Support vector machine (SVM) is a powerful machine learning algorithm to handle classification tasks. However, the classical SVM is developed for binary problems with the assumption of balanced datasets. Obviously, the multi-class imbalanced classification problems are more complex. In this paper, we propose an improved SVM via Differential Evolution (i-SVM-DE) method to deal with it. An improved SVM (i-SVM) model is proposed to handle the data imbalance by combining cost sensitive technique and separation margin modification in the constraints, which formalize a parameter optimization problem. By using one-versus-one (OVO) scheme, a multi-class problem is decomposed into a number of binary subproblems. A large optimization problem is formalized through concatenating the parameters in the binary subproblems. To find the optimal model effectively and learn the support vectors for each class simultaneously, an improved differential evolution (DE) algorithm is applied to solve this large optimization problem. Instead of the validation set, we propose the fitness functions to evaluate the learned model and obtain the optimal parameters in the search process of DE. A series of experiments are carried out to verify the benefits of our proposed method. The results indicate that i-SVM-DE is statistically superior by comparing with the other baseline methods.
☆ Moshi Moshi? A Model Selection Hijacking Adversarial Attack
Model selection is a fundamental task in Machine Learning~(ML), focusing on selecting the most suitable model from a pool of candidates by evaluating their performance on specific metrics. This process ensures optimal performance, computational efficiency, and adaptability to diverse tasks and environments. Despite its critical role, its security from the perspective of adversarial ML remains unexplored. This risk is heightened in the Machine-Learning-as-a-Service model, where users delegate the training phase and the model selection process to third-party providers, supplying data and training strategies. Therefore, attacks on model selection could harm both the user and the provider, undermining model performance and driving up operational costs. In this work, we present MOSHI (MOdel Selection HIjacking adversarial attack), the first adversarial attack specifically targeting model selection. Our novel approach manipulates model selection data to favor the adversary, even without prior knowledge of the system. Utilizing a framework based on Variational Auto Encoders, we provide evidence that an attacker can induce inefficiencies in ML deployment. We test our attack on diverse computer vision and speech recognition benchmark tasks and different settings, obtaining an average attack success rate of 75.42%. In particular, our attack causes an average 88.30% decrease in generalization capabilities, an 83.33% increase in latency, and an increase of up to 105.85% in energy consumption. These results highlight the significant vulnerabilities in model selection processes and their potential impact on real-world applications.
☆ A Theory for Conditional Generative Modeling on Multiple Data Sources
The success of large generative models has driven a paradigm shift, leveraging massive multi-source data to enhance model capabilities. However, the interaction among these sources remains theoretically underexplored. This paper takes the first step toward a rigorous analysis of multi-source training in conditional generative modeling, where each condition represents a distinct data source. Specifically, we establish a general distribution estimation error bound in average total variation distance for conditional maximum likelihood estimation based on the bracketing number. Our result shows that when source distributions share certain similarities and the model is expressive enough, multi-source training guarantees a sharper bound than single-source training. We further instantiate the general theory on conditional Gaussian estimation and deep generative models including autoregressive and flexible energy-based models, by characterizing their bracketing numbers. The results highlight that the number of sources and similarity among source distributions improve the advantage of multi-source training. Simulations and real-world experiments validate our theory. Code is available at: \url{}.
comment: 35 pages
☆ A Statistical Case Against Empirical Human-AI Alignment
Empirical human-AI alignment aims to make AI systems act in line with observed human behavior. While noble in its goals, we argue that empirical alignment can inadvertently introduce statistical biases that warrant caution. This position paper thus advocates against naive empirical alignment, offering prescriptive alignment and a posteriori empirical alignment as alternatives. We substantiate our principled argument by tangible examples like human-centric decoding of language models.
comment: 24 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables
Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation Robust to Reflective Surface Leveraged by Triplet Mining ICLR 2025
Self-supervised monocular depth estimation (SSMDE) aims to predict the dense depth map of a monocular image, by learning depth from RGB image sequences, eliminating the need for ground-truth depth labels. Although this approach simplifies data acquisition compared to supervised methods, it struggles with reflective surfaces, as they violate the assumptions of Lambertian reflectance, leading to inaccurate training on such surfaces. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel training strategy for an SSMDE by leveraging triplet mining to pinpoint reflective regions at the pixel level, guided by the camera geometry between different viewpoints. The proposed reflection-aware triplet mining loss specifically penalizes the inappropriate photometric error minimization on the localized reflective regions while preserving depth accuracy in non-reflective areas. We also incorporate a reflection-aware knowledge distillation method that enables a student model to selectively learn the pixel-level knowledge from reflective and non-reflective regions. This results in robust depth estimation across areas. Evaluation results on multiple datasets demonstrate that our method effectively enhances depth quality on reflective surfaces and outperforms state-of-the-art SSMDE baselines.
comment: Accepted at ICLR 2025
☆ Factor Graph-based Interpretable Neural Networks
Comprehensible neural network explanations are foundations for a better understanding of decisions, especially when the input data are infused with malicious perturbations. Existing solutions generally mitigate the impact of perturbations through adversarial training, yet they fail to generate comprehensible explanations under unknown perturbations. To address this challenge, we propose AGAIN, a fActor GrAph-based Interpretable neural Network, which is capable of generating comprehensible explanations under unknown perturbations. Instead of retraining like previous solutions, the proposed AGAIN directly integrates logical rules by which logical errors in explanations are identified and rectified during inference. Specifically, we construct the factor graph to express logical rules between explanations and categories. By treating logical rules as exogenous knowledge, AGAIN can identify incomprehensible explanations that violate real-world logic. Furthermore, we propose an interactive intervention switch strategy rectifying explanations based on the logical guidance from the factor graph without learning perturbations, which overcomes the inherent limitation of adversarial training-based methods in defending only against known perturbations. Additionally, we theoretically demonstrate the effectiveness of employing factor graph by proving that the comprehensibility of explanations is strongly correlated with factor graph. Extensive experiments are conducted on three datasets and experimental results illustrate the superior performance of AGAIN compared to state-of-the-art baselines.
comment: The Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations
☆ Predicting Filter Medium Performances in Chamber Filter Presses with Digital Twins Using Neural Network Technologies
Efficient solid-liquid separation is crucial in industries like mining, but traditional chamber filter presses depend heavily on manual monitoring, leading to inefficiencies, downtime, and resource wastage. This paper introduces a machine learning-powered digital twin framework to improve operational flexibility and predictive control. A key challenge addressed is the degradation of the filter medium due to repeated cycles and clogging, which reduces filtration efficiency. To solve this, a neural network-based predictive model was developed to forecast operational parameters, such as pressure and flow rates, under various conditions. This predictive capability allows for optimized filtration cycles, reduced downtime, and improved process efficiency. Additionally, the model predicts the filter mediums lifespan, aiding in maintenance planning and resource sustainability. The digital twin framework enables seamless data exchange between filter press sensors and the predictive model, ensuring continuous updates to the training data and enhancing accuracy over time. Two neural network architectures, feedforward and recurrent, were evaluated. The recurrent neural network outperformed the feedforward model, demonstrating superior generalization. It achieved a relative $L^2$-norm error of $5\%$ for pressure and $9.3\%$ for flow rate prediction on partially known data. For completely unknown data, the relative errors were $18.4\%$ and $15.4\%$, respectively. Qualitative analysis showed strong alignment between predicted and measured data, with deviations within a confidence band of $8.2\%$ for pressure and $4.8\%$ for flow rate predictions. This work contributes an accurate predictive model, a new approach to predicting filter medium cycle impacts, and a real-time interface for model updates, ensuring adaptability to changing operational conditions.
☆ ReVISE: Learning to Refine at Test-Time via Intrinsic Self-Verification
Self-awareness, i.e., the ability to assess and correct one's own generation, is a fundamental aspect of human intelligence, making its replication in large language models (LLMs) an important yet challenging task. Previous works tackle this by employing extensive reinforcement learning or rather relying on large external verifiers. In this work, we propose Refine via Intrinsic Self-Verification (ReVISE), an efficient and effective framework that enables LLMs to self-correct their outputs through self-verification. The core idea of ReVISE is to enable LLMs to verify their reasoning processes and continually rethink reasoning trajectories based on its verification. We introduce a structured curriculum based upon online preference learning to implement this efficiently. Specifically, as ReVISE involves two challenging tasks (i.e., self-verification and reasoning correction), we tackle each task sequentially using curriculum learning, collecting both failed and successful reasoning paths to construct preference pairs for efficient training. During inference, our approach enjoys natural test-time scaling by integrating self-verification and correction capabilities, further enhanced by our proposed confidence-aware decoding mechanism. Our experiments on various reasoning tasks demonstrate that ReVISE achieves efficient self-correction and significantly improves reasoning performance.
☆ Less is More: Improving LLM Alignment via Preference Data Selection
Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) has emerged as a promising approach for aligning large language models with human preferences. While prior work mainly extends DPO from the aspect of the objective function, we instead improve DPO from the largely overlooked but critical aspect of data selection. Specifically, we address the issue of parameter shrinkage caused by noisy data by proposing a novel margin-maximization principle for dataset curation in DPO training. To accurately estimate margins for data selection, we propose a dual-margin guided approach that considers both external reward margins and implicit DPO reward margins. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method reduces computational cost dramatically while improving performance. Remarkably, by using just 10\% of the Ultrafeedback dataset, our approach achieves 3\% to 8\% improvements across various Llama and Mistral series models on the AlpacaEval 2.0 benchmark. Furthermore, our approach seamlessly extends to iterative DPO, yielding a roughly 3\% improvement with 25\% online data, while further reducing training time. These results highlight the potential of data selection strategies for advancing preference optimization.
☆ Multiscale Byte Language Models -- A Hierarchical Architecture for Causal Million-Length Sequence Modeling
Bytes form the basis of the digital world and thus are a promising building block for multimodal foundation models. Recently, Byte Language Models (BLMs) have emerged to overcome tokenization, yet the excessive length of bytestreams requires new architectural paradigms. Therefore, we present the Multiscale Byte Language Model (MBLM), a model-agnostic hierarchical decoder stack that allows training with context windows of $5$M bytes on single GPU in full model precision. We thoroughly examine MBLM's performance with Transformer and Mamba blocks on both unimodal and multimodal tasks. Our experiments demonstrate that hybrid architectures are efficient in handling extremely long byte sequences during training while achieving near-linear generational efficiency. To the best of our knowledge, we present the first evaluation of BLMs on visual Q\&A tasks and find that, despite serializing images and the absence of an encoder, a MBLM with pure next token prediction can match custom CNN-LSTM architectures with designated classification heads. We show that MBLMs exhibit strong adaptability in integrating diverse data representations, including pixel and image filestream bytes, underlining their potential toward omnimodal foundation models. Source code is publicly available at:
comment: Under Review
☆ Position: Graph Learning Will Lose Relevance Due To Poor Benchmarks
While machine learning on graphs has demonstrated promise in drug design and molecular property prediction, significant benchmarking challenges hinder its further progress and relevance. Current benchmarking practices often lack focus on transformative, real-world applications, favoring narrow domains like two-dimensional molecular graphs over broader, impactful areas such as combinatorial optimization, relational databases, or chip design. Additionally, many benchmark datasets poorly represent the underlying data, leading to inadequate abstractions and misaligned use cases. Fragmented evaluations and an excessive focus on accuracy further exacerbate these issues, incentivizing overfitting rather than fostering generalizable insights. These limitations have prevented the development of truly useful graph foundation models. This position paper calls for a paradigm shift toward more meaningful benchmarks, rigorous evaluation protocols, and stronger collaboration with domain experts to drive impactful and reliable advances in graph learning research, unlocking the potential of graph learning.
☆ An Entropic Metric for Measuring Calibration of Machine Learning Models
Understanding the confidence with which a machine learning model classifies an input datum is an important, and perhaps under-investigated, concept. In this paper, we propose a new calibration metric, the Entropic Calibration Difference (ECD). Based on existing research in the field of state estimation, specifically target tracking (TT), we show how ECD may be applied to binary classification machine learning models. We describe the relative importance of under- and over-confidence and how they are not conflated in the TT literature. Indeed, our metric distinguishes under- from over-confidence. We consider this important given that algorithms that are under-confident are likely to be 'safer' than algorithms that are over-confident, albeit at the expense of also being over-cautious and so statistically inefficient. We demonstrate how this new metric performs on real and simulated data and compare with other metrics for machine learning model probability calibration, including the Expected Calibration Error (ECE) and its signed counterpart, the Expected Signed Calibration Error (ESCE).
☆ Generalization Error of $f$-Divergence Stabilized Algorithms via Duality
The solution to empirical risk minimization with $f$-divergence regularization (ERM-$f$DR) is extended to constrained optimization problems, establishing conditions for equivalence between the solution and constraints. A dual formulation of ERM-$f$DR is introduced, providing a computationally efficient method to derive the normalization function of the ERM-$f$DR solution. This dual approach leverages the Legendre-Fenchel transform and the implicit function theorem, enabling explicit characterizations of the generalization error for general algorithms under mild conditions, and another for ERM-$f$DR solutions.
comment: This is new work for ISIT2025. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2402.00501
☆ Preordering: A hybrid of correlation clustering and partial ordering
We discuss the preordering problem, a joint relaxation of the correlation clustering problem and the partial ordering problem. We show that preordering remains NP-hard even for values in $\{-1,0,1\}$. We introduce a linear-time $4$-approximation algorithm and a local search technique. For an integer linear program formulation, we establish a class of non-canonical facets of the associated preorder polytope. By solving a non-canonical linear program relaxation, we obtain non-trivial upper bounds on the objective value. We provide implementations of the algorithms we define, apply these to published social networks and compare the output and efficiency qualitatively and quantitatively.
comment: Source code:
☆ Inter-turbine Modelling of Wind-Farm Power using Multi-task Learning
Because of the global need to increase power production from renewable energy resources, developments in the online monitoring of the associated infrastructure is of interest to reduce operation and maintenance costs. However, challenges exist for data-driven approaches to this problem, such as incomplete or limited histories of labelled damage-state data, operational and environmental variability, or the desire for the quantification of uncertainty to support risk management. This work first introduces a probabilistic regression model for predicting wind-turbine power, which adjusts for wake effects learnt from data. Spatial correlations in the learned model parameters for different tasks (turbines) are then leveraged in a hierarchical Bayesian model (an approach to multi-task learning) to develop a "metamodel", which can be used to make power-predictions which adjust for turbine location - including on previously unobserved turbines not included in the training data. The results show that the metamodel is able to outperform a series of benchmark models, and demonstrates a novel strategy for making efficient use of data for inference in populations of structures, in particular where correlations exist in the variable(s) of interest (such as those from wind-turbine wake-effects).
comment: Preprint submitted to Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. A shortened version of this article has submitted to the Wind Energy Science Conference 2025
☆ Small Graph Is All You Need: DeepStateGNN for Scalable Traffic Forecasting
We propose a novel Graph Neural Network (GNN) model, named DeepStateGNN, for analyzing traffic data, demonstrating its efficacy in two critical tasks: forecasting and reconstruction. Unlike typical GNN methods that treat each traffic sensor as an individual graph node, DeepStateGNN clusters sensors into higher-level graph nodes, dubbed Deep State Nodes, based on various similarity criteria, resulting in a fixed number of nodes in a Deep State graph. The term "Deep State" nodes is a play on words, referencing hidden networks of power that, like these nodes, secretly govern traffic independently of visible sensors. These Deep State Nodes are defined by several similarity factors, including spatial proximity (e.g., sensors located nearby in the road network), functional similarity (e.g., sensors on similar types of freeways), and behavioral similarity under specific conditions (e.g., traffic behavior during rain). This clustering approach allows for dynamic and adaptive node grouping, as sensors can belong to multiple clusters and clusters may evolve over time. Our experimental results show that DeepStateGNN offers superior scalability and faster training, while also delivering more accurate results than competitors. It effectively handles large-scale sensor networks, outperforming other methods in both traffic forecasting and reconstruction accuracy.
comment: Yannick W\"olker and Arash Hajisafi contributed equally to this work
☆ Generative adversarial networks vs large language models: a comparative study on synthetic tabular data generation
We propose a new framework for zero-shot generation of synthetic tabular data. Using the large language model (LLM) GPT-4o and plain-language prompting, we demonstrate the ability to generate high-fidelity tabular data without task-specific fine-tuning or access to real-world data (RWD) for pre-training. To benchmark GPT-4o, we compared the fidelity and privacy of LLM-generated synthetic data against data generated with the conditional tabular generative adversarial network (CTGAN), across three open-access datasets: Iris, Fish Measurements, and Real Estate Valuation. Despite the zero-shot approach, GPT-4o outperformed CTGAN in preserving means, 95% confidence intervals, bivariate correlations, and data privacy of RWD, even at amplified sample sizes. Notably, correlations between parameters were consistently preserved with appropriate direction and strength. However, refinement is necessary to better retain distributional characteristics. These findings highlight the potential of LLMs in tabular data synthesis, offering an accessible alternative to generative adversarial networks and variational autoencoders.
comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables
☆ Investigating the Generalizability of ECG Noise Detection Across Diverse Data Sources and Noise Types
Electrocardiograms (ECGs) are essential for monitoring cardiac health, allowing clinicians to analyze heart rate variability (HRV), detect abnormal rhythms, and diagnose cardiovascular diseases. However, ECG signals, especially those from wearable devices, are often affected by noise artifacts caused by motion, muscle activity, or device-related interference. These artifacts distort R-peaks and the characteristic QRS complex, making HRV analysis unreliable and increasing the risk of misdiagnosis. Despite this, the few existing studies on ECG noise detection have primarily focused on a single dataset, limiting the understanding of how well noise detection models generalize across different datasets. In this paper, we investigate the generalizability of noise detection in ECG using a novel HRV-based approach through cross-dataset experiments on four datasets. Our results show that machine learning achieves an average accuracy of over 90\% and an AUPRC of more than 0.9. These findings suggest that regardless of the ECG data source or the type of noise, the proposed method maintains high accuracy even on unseen datasets, demonstrating the feasibility of generalizability.
☆ MLGym: A New Framework and Benchmark for Advancing AI Research Agents
We introduce Meta MLGym and MLGym-Bench, a new framework and benchmark for evaluating and developing LLM agents on AI research tasks. This is the first Gym environment for machine learning (ML) tasks, enabling research on reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms for training such agents. MLGym-bench consists of 13 diverse and open-ended AI research tasks from diverse domains such as computer vision, natural language processing, reinforcement learning, and game theory. Solving these tasks requires real-world AI research skills such as generating new ideas and hypotheses, creating and processing data, implementing ML methods, training models, running experiments, analyzing the results, and iterating through this process to improve on a given task. We evaluate a number of frontier large language models (LLMs) on our benchmarks such as Claude-3.5-Sonnet, Llama-3.1 405B, GPT-4o, o1-preview, and Gemini-1.5 Pro. Our MLGym framework makes it easy to add new tasks, integrate and evaluate models or agents, generate synthetic data at scale, as well as develop new learning algorithms for training agents on AI research tasks. We find that current frontier models can improve on the given baselines, usually by finding better hyperparameters, but do not generate novel hypotheses, algorithms, architectures, or substantial improvements. We open-source our framework and benchmark to facilitate future research in advancing the AI research capabilities of LLM agents.
comment: 35 pages, 12 figures, 10 tables
☆ CrossFuse: Learning Infrared and Visible Image Fusion by Cross-Sensor Top-K Vision Alignment and Beyond
Infrared and visible image fusion (IVIF) is increasingly applied in critical fields such as video surveillance and autonomous driving systems. Significant progress has been made in deep learning-based fusion methods. However, these models frequently encounter out-of-distribution (OOD) scenes in real-world applications, which severely impact their performance and reliability. Therefore, addressing the challenge of OOD data is crucial for the safe deployment of these models in open-world environments. Unlike existing research, our focus is on the challenges posed by OOD data in real-world applications and on enhancing the robustness and generalization of models. In this paper, we propose an infrared-visible fusion framework based on Multi-View Augmentation. For external data augmentation, Top-k Selective Vision Alignment is employed to mitigate distribution shifts between datasets by performing RGB-wise transformations on visible images. This strategy effectively introduces augmented samples, enhancing the adaptability of the model to complex real-world scenarios. Additionally, for internal data augmentation, self-supervised learning is established using Weak-Aggressive Augmentation. This enables the model to learn more robust and general feature representations during the fusion process, thereby improving robustness and generalization. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method exhibits superior performance and robustness across various conditions and environments. Our approach significantly enhances the reliability and stability of IVIF tasks in practical applications.
comment: IEEE T-CSVT. We mainly discuss the out-of-distribution challenges in infrared and visible image fusion
☆ Temporal Misalignment and Probabilistic Neurons
Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) offer a more energy-efficient alternative to Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) by mimicking biological neural principles, establishing them as a promising approach to mitigate the increasing energy demands of large-scale neural models. However, fully harnessing the capabilities of SNNs remains challenging due to their discrete signal processing and temporal dynamics. ANN-SNN conversion has emerged as a practical approach, enabling SNNs to achieve competitive performance on complex machine learning tasks. In this work, we identify a phenomenon in the ANN-SNN conversion framework, termed temporal misalignment, in which random spike rearrangement across SNN layers leads to performance improvements. Based on this observation, we introduce biologically plausible two-phase probabilistic (TPP) spiking neurons, further enhancing the conversion process. We demonstrate the advantages of our proposed method both theoretically and empirically through comprehensive experiments on CIFAR-10/100, CIFAR10-DVS, and ImageNet across a variety of architectures, achieving state-of-the-art results.
☆ Provable Quantum Algorithm Advantage for Gaussian Process Quadrature
The aim of this paper is to develop novel quantum algorithms for Gaussian process quadrature methods. Gaussian process quadratures are numerical integration methods where Gaussian processes are used as functional priors for the integrands to capture the uncertainty arising from the sparse function evaluations. Quantum computers have emerged as potential replacements for classical computers, offering exponential reductions in the computational complexity of machine learning tasks. In this paper, we combine Gaussian process quadratures and quantum computing by proposing a quantum low-rank Gaussian process quadrature method based on a Hilbert space approximation of the Gaussian process kernel and enhancing the quadrature using a quantum circuit. The method combines the quantum phase estimation algorithm with the quantum principal component analysis technique to extract information up to a desired rank. Then, Hadamard and SWAP tests are implemented to find the expected value and variance that determines the quadrature. We use numerical simulations of a quantum computer to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. Furthermore, we provide a theoretical complexity analysis that shows a polynomial advantage over classical Gaussian process quadrature methods. The code is available at
comment: 21 pages, 6 figures
☆ Single-image Reflectance and Transmittance Estimation from Any Flatbed Scanner
Flatbed scanners have emerged as promising devices for high-resolution, single-image material capture. However, existing approaches assume very specific conditions, such as uniform diffuse illumination, which are only available in certain high-end devices, hindering their scalability and cost. In contrast, in this work, we introduce a method inspired by intrinsic image decomposition, which accurately removes both shading and specularity, effectively allowing captures with any flatbed scanner. Further, we extend previous work on single-image material reflectance capture with the estimation of opacity and transmittance, critical components of full material appearance (SVBSDF), improving the results for any material captured with a flatbed scanner, at a very high resolution and accuracy
comment: Accepted to Computers & Graphics
☆ Llamba: Scaling Distilled Recurrent Models for Efficient Language Processing
We introduce Llamba, a family of efficient recurrent language models distilled from Llama-3.x into the Mamba architecture. The series includes Llamba-1B, Llamba-3B, and Llamba-8B, which achieve higher inference throughput and handle significantly larger batch sizes than Transformer-based models while maintaining comparable benchmark performance. Furthermore, Llamba demonstrates the effectiveness of cross-architecture distillation using MOHAWK (Bick et al., 2024), achieving these results with less than 0.1% of the training data typically used for models of similar size. To take full advantage of their efficiency, we provide an optimized implementation of Llamba for resource-constrained devices such as smartphones and edge platforms, offering a practical and memory-efficient alternative to Transformers. Overall, Llamba improves the tradeoff between speed, memory efficiency, and performance, making high-quality language models more accessible.
☆ Watch Less, Feel More: Sim-to-Real RL for Generalizable Articulated Object Manipulation via Motion Adaptation and Impedance Control
Articulated object manipulation poses a unique challenge compared to rigid object manipulation as the object itself represents a dynamic environment. In this work, we present a novel RL-based pipeline equipped with variable impedance control and motion adaptation leveraging observation history for generalizable articulated object manipulation, focusing on smooth and dexterous motion during zero-shot sim-to-real transfer. To mitigate the sim-to-real gap, our pipeline diminishes reliance on vision by not leveraging the vision data feature (RGBD/pointcloud) directly as policy input but rather extracting useful low-dimensional data first via off-the-shelf modules. Additionally, we experience less sim-to-real gap by inferring object motion and its intrinsic properties via observation history as well as utilizing impedance control both in the simulation and in the real world. Furthermore, we develop a well-designed training setting with great randomization and a specialized reward system (task-aware and motion-aware) that enables multi-staged, end-to-end manipulation without heuristic motion planning. To the best of our knowledge, our policy is the first to report 84\% success rate in the real world via extensive experiments with various unseen objects.
☆ Port-Hamiltonian Neural Networks with Output Error Noise Models
Hamiltonian neural networks (HNNs) represent a promising class of physics-informed deep learning methods that utilize Hamiltonian theory as foundational knowledge within neural networks. However, their direct application to engineering systems is often challenged by practical issues, including the presence of external inputs, dissipation, and noisy measurements. This paper introduces a novel framework that enhances the capabilities of HNNs to address these real-life factors. We integrate port-Hamiltonian theory into the neural network structure, allowing for the inclusion of external inputs and dissipation, while mitigating the impact of measurement noise through an output-error (OE) model structure. The resulting output error port-Hamiltonian neural networks (OE-pHNNs) can be adapted to tackle modeling complex engineering systems with noisy measurements. Furthermore, we propose the identification of OE-pHNNs based on the subspace encoder approach (SUBNET), which efficiently approximates the complete simulation loss using subsections of the data and uses an encoder function to predict initial states. By integrating SUBNET with OE-pHNNs, we achieve consistent models of complex engineering systems under noisy measurements. In addition, we perform a consistency analysis to ensure the reliability of the proposed data-driven model learning method. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on system identification benchmarks, showing its potential as a powerful tool for modeling dynamic systems in real-world applications.
comment: Preprint submitted to Automatica
☆ Cardiac Evidence Backtracking for Eating Behavior Monitoring using Collocative Electrocardiogram Imagining
Eating monitoring has remained an open challenge in medical research for years due to the lack of non-invasive sensors for continuous monitoring and the reliable methods for automatic behavior detection. In this paper, we present a pilot study using the wearable 24-hour ECG for sensing and tailoring the sophisticated deep learning for ad-hoc and interpretable detection. This is accomplished using a collocative learning framework in which 1) we construct collocative tensors as pseudo-images from 1D ECG signals to improve the feasibility of 2D image-based deep models; 2) we formulate the cardiac logic of analyzing the ECG data in a comparative way as periodic attention regulators so as to guide the deep inference to collect evidence in a human comprehensible manner; and 3) we improve the interpretability of the framework by enabling the backtracking of evidence with a set of methods designed for Class Activation Mapping (CAM) decoding and decision tree/forest generation. The effectiveness of the proposed framework has been validated on the largest ECG dataset of eating behavior with superior performance over conventional models, and its capacity of cardiac evidence mining has also been verified through the consistency of the evidence it backtracked and that of the previous medical studies.
☆ Distribution Matching for Self-Supervised Transfer Learning
In this paper, we propose a novel self-supervised transfer learning method called Distribution Matching (DM), which drives the representation distribution toward a predefined reference distribution while preserving augmentation invariance. The design of DM results in a learned representation space that is intuitively structured and offers easily interpretable hyperparameters. Experimental results across multiple real-world datasets and evaluation metrics demonstrate that DM performs competitively on target classification tasks compared to existing self-supervised transfer learning methods. Additionally, we provide robust theoretical guarantees for DM, including a population theorem and an end-to-end sample theorem. The population theorem bridges the gap between the self-supervised learning task and target classification accuracy, while the sample theorem shows that, even with a limited number of samples from the target domain, DM can deliver exceptional classification performance, provided the unlabeled sample size is sufficiently large.
☆ ChatVLA: Unified Multimodal Understanding and Robot Control with Vision-Language-Action Model
Humans possess a unified cognitive ability to perceive, comprehend, and interact with the physical world. Why can't large language models replicate this holistic understanding? Through a systematic analysis of existing training paradigms in vision-language-action models (VLA), we identify two key challenges: spurious forgetting, where robot training overwrites crucial visual-text alignments, and task interference, where competing control and understanding tasks degrade performance when trained jointly. To overcome these limitations, we propose ChatVLA, a novel framework featuring Phased Alignment Training, which incrementally integrates multimodal data after initial control mastery, and a Mixture-of-Experts architecture to minimize task interference. ChatVLA demonstrates competitive performance on visual question-answering datasets and significantly surpasses state-of-the-art vision-language-action (VLA) methods on multimodal understanding benchmarks. Notably, it achieves a six times higher performance on MMMU and scores 47.2% on MMStar with a more parameter-efficient design than ECoT. Furthermore, ChatVLA demonstrates superior performance on 25 real-world robot manipulation tasks compared to existing VLA methods like OpenVLA. Our findings highlight the potential of our unified framework for achieving both robust multimodal understanding and effective robot control.
☆ Reliable Explainability of Deep Learning Spatial-Spectral Classifiers for Improved Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Driving
Integrating hyperspectral imagery (HSI) with deep neural networks (DNNs) can strengthen the accuracy of intelligent vision systems by combining spectral and spatial information, which is useful for tasks like semantic segmentation in autonomous driving. To advance research in such safety-critical systems, determining the precise contribution of spectral information to complex DNNs' output is needed. To address this, several saliency methods, such as class activation maps (CAM), have been proposed primarily for image classification. However, recent studies have raised concerns regarding their reliability. In this paper, we address their limitations and propose an alternative approach by leveraging the data provided by activations and weights from relevant DNN layers to better capture the relationship between input features and predictions. The study aims to assess the superior performance of HSI compared to 3-channel and single-channel DNNs. We also address the influence of spectral signature normalization for enhancing DNN robustness in real-world driving conditions.
☆ Towards Efficient Automatic Self-Pruning of Large Language Models
Despite exceptional capabilities, Large Language Models (LLMs) still face deployment challenges due to their enormous size. Post-training structured pruning is a promising solution that prunes LLMs without the need for retraining, reducing computational overhead, and it is hardware-deployment friendly. However, the training-free nature of post-training structured pruning leads to significant performance degradation. We argue that the key to mitigating this issue lies in accurately determining the pruning rate for each layer. Meanwhile, we find that LLMs may have prior knowledge about their own redundancy. Based on this insight, we introduce $\textbf{Self-Pruner}$ an end-to-end automatic self-pruning framework for LLMs, which efficiently search layer-wise pruning rates. Specifically, $\textbf{Self-Pruner}$ leverages LLMs to autonomously execute the entire evolutionary search process to search for pruning rate configurations. In this process, LLMs are used to generate populations, select parent solutions from the current population, and perform crossover and mutation operations to produce offspring solutions. In this way, LLMs automatically generate and evaluate a large number of candidate solutions, effectively converging to find the pruning rate configurations with minimal human intervention. Extensive experiments demonstrate $\textbf{Self-Pruner}$'s better performance compared to existing state-of-the-art methods. Notably, $\textbf{Self-Pruner}$ prunes LLaMA-2-70B to 49B level with only 0.80$\%$ drop in accuracy across seven commonsense reasoning tasks, achieving a 1.39$\times$ speedup on NVIDIA A100 80GB GPU. Further pruning to 35B level resulted in only a 3.80$\%$ decrease in accuracy while obtaining a 1.70$\times$ speedup.
☆ Evaluating Precise Geolocation Inference Capabilities of Vision Language Models AAAI 2025
The prevalence of Vision-Language Models (VLMs) raises important questions about privacy in an era where visual information is increasingly available. While foundation VLMs demonstrate broad knowledge and learned capabilities, we specifically investigate their ability to infer geographic location from previously unseen image data. This paper introduces a benchmark dataset collected from Google Street View that represents its global distribution of coverage. Foundation models are evaluated on single-image geolocation inference, with many achieving median distance errors of <300 km. We further evaluate VLM "agents" with access to supplemental tools, observing up to a 30.6% decrease in distance error. Our findings establish that modern foundation VLMs can act as powerful image geolocation tools, without being specifically trained for this task. When coupled with increasing accessibility of these models, our findings have greater implications for online privacy. We discuss these risks, as well as future work in this area.
comment: AAAI 2025 Workshop DATASAFE
☆ A Macro- and Micro-Hierarchical Transfer Learning Framework for Cross-Domain Fake News Detection
Cross-domain fake news detection aims to mitigate domain shift and improve detection performance by transferring knowledge across domains. Existing approaches transfer knowledge based on news content and user engagements from a source domain to a target domain. However, these approaches face two main limitations, hindering effective knowledge transfer and optimal fake news detection performance. Firstly, from a micro perspective, they neglect the negative impact of veracity-irrelevant features in news content when transferring domain-shared features across domains. Secondly, from a macro perspective, existing approaches ignore the relationship between user engagement and news content, which reveals shared behaviors of common users across domains and can facilitate more effective knowledge transfer. To address these limitations, we propose a novel macro- and micro- hierarchical transfer learning framework (MMHT) for cross-domain fake news detection. Firstly, we propose a micro-hierarchical disentangling module to disentangle veracity-relevant and veracity-irrelevant features from news content in the source domain for improving fake news detection performance in the target domain. Secondly, we propose a macro-hierarchical transfer learning module to generate engagement features based on common users' shared behaviors in different domains for improving effectiveness of knowledge transfer. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that our framework significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines.
comment: 11 pages, 8 figures
☆ S*: Test Time Scaling for Code Generation
Increasing test-time compute for LLMs shows promise across domains but remains underexplored in code generation, despite extensive study in math. In this paper, we propose S*, the first hybrid test-time scaling framework that substantially improves the coverage and selection accuracy of generated code. S* extends the existing parallel scaling paradigm with sequential scaling to push performance boundaries. It further leverages a novel selection mechanism that adaptively generates distinguishing inputs for pairwise comparison, combined with execution-grounded information to robustly identify correct solutions. We evaluate across 12 Large Language Models and Large Reasoning Model and show: (1) S* consistently improves performance across model families and sizes, enabling a 3B model to outperform GPT-4o-mini; (2) S* enables non-reasoning models to surpass reasoning models - GPT-4o-mini with S* outperforms o1-preview by 3.7% on LiveCodeBench; (3) S* further boosts state-of-the-art reasoning models - DeepSeek-R1-Distill-Qwen-32B with S* achieves 85.7% on LiveCodeBench, approaching o1 (high) at 88.5%. Code will be available under
☆ dtaianomaly: A Python library for time series anomaly detection
dtaianomaly is an open-source Python library for time series anomaly detection, designed to bridge the gap between academic research and real-world applications. Our goal is to (1) accelerate the development of novel state-of-the-art anomaly detection techniques through simple extensibility; (2) offer functionality for large-scale experimental validation; and thereby (3) bring cutting-edge research to business and industry through a standardized API, similar to scikit-learn to lower the entry barrier for both new and experienced users. Besides these key features, dtaianomaly offers (1) a broad range of built-in anomaly detectors, (2) support for time series preprocessing, (3) tools for visual analysis, (4) confidence prediction of anomaly scores, (5) runtime and memory profiling, (6) comprehensive documentation, and (7) cross-platform unit testing. The source code of dtaianomaly, documentation, code examples and installation guides are publicly available at
☆ Affinity and Diversity: A Unified Metric for Demonstration Selection via Internal Representations
The performance of In-Context Learning (ICL) is highly sensitive to the selected demonstrations. Existing approaches to demonstration selection optimize different objectives, yielding inconsistent results. To address this, we propose a unified metric--affinity and diversity--that leverages ICL model's internal representations. Our experiments show that both affinity and diversity strongly correlate with test accuracies, indicating their effectiveness for demonstration selection. Moreover, we show that our proposed metrics align well with various previous works to unify the inconsistency.
comment: 8 pages, 10 figures
☆ Achieving adaptivity and optimality for multi-armed bandits using Exponential-Kullback Leiblier Maillard Sampling
We study the problem of Multi-Armed Bandits (MAB) with reward distributions belonging to a One-Parameter Exponential Distribution (OPED) family. In the literature, several criteria have been proposed to evaluate the performance of such algorithms, including Asymptotic Optimality (A.O.), Minimax Optimality (M.O.), Sub-UCB, and variance-adaptive worst-case regret bound. Thompson Sampling (TS)-based and Upper Confidence Bound (UCB)-based algorithms have been employed to achieve some of these criteria. However, none of these algorithms simultaneously satisfy all the aforementioned criteria. In this paper, we design an algorithm, Exponential Kullback-Leibler Maillard Sampling (abbrev. \expklms), that can achieve multiple optimality criteria simultaneously, including A.O., M.O. with a logarithmic factor, Sub-UCB, and variance-adaptive worst-case regret bound.
comment: 12 pages of the main body, 2 figures, 43 pages in total
☆ VFL-RPS: Relevant Participant Selection in Vertical Federated Learning
Federated Learning (FL) allows collaboration between different parties, while ensuring that the data across these parties is not shared. However, not every collaboration is helpful in terms of the resulting model performance. Therefore, it is an important challenge to select the correct participants in a collaboration. As it currently stands, most of the efforts in participant selection in the literature have focused on Horizontal Federated Learning (HFL), which assumes that all features are the same across all participants, disregarding the possibility of different features across participants which is captured in Vertical Federated Learning (VFL). To close this gap in the literature, we propose a novel method VFL-RPS for participant selection in VFL, as a pre-training step. We have tested our method on several data sets performing both regression and classification tasks, showing that our method leads to comparable results as using all data by only selecting a few participants. In addition, we show that our method outperforms existing methods for participant selection in VFL.
☆ Discovering highly efficient low-weight quantum error-correcting codes with reinforcement learning
The realization of scalable fault-tolerant quantum computing is expected to hinge on quantum error-correcting codes. In the quest for more efficient quantum fault tolerance, a critical code parameter is the weight of measurements that extract information about errors to enable error correction: as higher measurement weights require higher implementation costs and introduce more errors, it is important in code design to optimize measurement weight. This underlies the surging interest in quantum low-density parity-check (qLDPC) codes, the study of which has primarily focused on the asymptotic (large-code-limit) properties. In this work, we introduce a versatile and computationally efficient approach to stabilizer code weight reduction based on reinforcement learning (RL), which produces new low-weight codes that substantially outperform the state of the art in practically relevant parameter regimes, extending significantly beyond previously accessible small distances. For example, our approach demonstrates savings in physical qubit overhead compared to existing results by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude for weight 6 codes and brings the overhead into a feasible range for near-future experiments. We also investigate the interplay between code parameters using our RL framework, offering new insights into the potential efficiency and power of practically viable coding strategies. Overall, our results demonstrate how RL can effectively advance the crucial yet challenging problem of quantum code discovery and thereby facilitate a faster path to the practical implementation of fault-tolerant quantum technologies.
comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables
☆ PPO-MI: Efficient Black-Box Model Inversion via Proximal Policy Optimization ICML 2025
Model inversion attacks pose a significant privacy risk by attempting to reconstruct private training data from trained models. Most of the existing methods either depend on gradient estimation or require white-box access to model parameters, which limits their applicability in practical scenarios. In this paper, we propose PPO-MI, a novel reinforcement learning-based framework for black-box model inversion attacks. Our approach formulates the inversion task as a Markov Decision Process, where an agent navigates the latent space of a generative model to reconstruct private training samples using only model predictions. By employing Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) with a momentum-based state transition mechanism, along with a reward function balancing prediction accuracy and exploration, PPO-MI ensures efficient latent space exploration and high query efficiency. We conduct extensive experiments illustrates that PPO-MI outperforms the existing methods while require less attack knowledge, and it is robust across various model architectures and datasets. These results underline its effectiveness and generalizability in practical black-box scenarios, raising important considerations for the privacy vulnerabilities of deployed machine learning models.
comment: 6 pages, submitting to ICML 2025
☆ Is Q-learning an Ill-posed Problem?
This paper investigates the instability of Q-learning in continuous environments, a challenge frequently encountered by practitioners. Traditionally, this instability is attributed to bootstrapping and regression model errors. Using a representative reinforcement learning benchmark, we systematically examine the effects of bootstrapping and model inaccuracies by incrementally eliminating these potential error sources. Our findings reveal that even in relatively simple benchmarks, the fundamental task of Q-learning - iteratively learning a Q-function from policy-specific target values - can be inherently ill-posed and prone to failure. These insights cast doubt on the reliability of Q-learning as a universal solution for reinforcement learning problems.
comment: Accepted at ESANN 2025
☆ Self-Improvement Towards Pareto Optimality: Mitigating Preference Conflicts in Multi-Objective Alignment
Multi-Objective Alignment (MOA) aims to align LLMs' responses with multiple human preference objectives, with Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) emerging as a prominent approach. However, we find that DPO-based MOA approaches suffer from widespread preference conflicts in the data, where different objectives favor different responses. This results in conflicting optimization directions, hindering the optimization on the Pareto Front. To address this, we propose to construct Pareto-optimal responses to resolve preference conflicts. To efficiently obtain and utilize such responses, we propose a self-improving DPO framework that enables LLMs to self-generate and select Pareto-optimal responses for self-supervised preference alignment. Extensive experiments on two datasets demonstrate the superior Pareto Front achieved by our framework compared to various baselines. Code is available at \url{}.
comment: Under review
♻ ☆ Sample, Scrutinize and Scale: Effective Inference-Time Search by Scaling Verification
Sampling-based search, a simple paradigm for utilizing test-time compute, involves generating multiple candidate responses and selecting the best one -- typically by having models self-verify each response for correctness. In this paper, we study the scaling trends governing sampling-based search. Among our findings is that simply scaling up a minimalist implementation of sampling-based search, using only random sampling and direct self-verification, provides a practical inference method that, for example, elevates the reasoning capabilities of Gemini v1.5 Pro above that of o1-Preview on popular benchmarks. We partially attribute the scalability of sampling-based search to a phenomenon of implicit scaling, where sampling a larger pool of responses in turn improves self-verification accuracy. We further identify two useful principles for improving self-verification capabilities with test-time compute: (1) comparing across responses provides helpful signals about the locations of errors and hallucinations, and (2) different model output styles are useful for different contexts -- chains of thought are useful for reasoning but harder to verify. We also find that, though accurate verification can be elicited, frontier models demonstrate remarkably weak out-of-box verification capabilities and introduce a benchmark to measure progress on these deficiencies.
♻ ☆ Towards Efficient Optimizer Design for LLM via Structured Fisher Approximation with a Low-Rank Extension
Designing efficient optimizers for large language models (LLMs) with low-memory requirements and fast convergence is an important and challenging problem. This paper makes a step towards the systematic design of such optimizers through the lens of structured Fisher information matrix (FIM) approximation. We show that many state-of-the-art efficient optimizers can be viewed as solutions to FIM approximation (under the Frobenius norm) with specific structural assumptions. Building on these insights, we propose two design recommendations of practical efficient optimizers for LLMs, involving the careful selection of structural assumptions to balance generality and efficiency, and enhancing memory efficiency of optimizers with general structures through a novel low-rank extension framework. We demonstrate how to use each design approach by deriving new memory-efficient optimizers: Row and Column Scaled SGD (RACS) and Adaptive low-dimensional subspace estimation (Alice). Experiments on LLaMA pre-training (up to 1B parameters) validate the effectiveness, showing faster and better convergence than existing memory-efficient baselines and Adam with little memory overhead. Notably, Alice achieves better than 2x faster convergence over Adam, while RACS delivers strong performance on the 1B model with SGD-like memory.
♻ ☆ Large Language Model Confidence Estimation via Black-Box Access
Estimating uncertainty or confidence in the responses of a model can be significant in evaluating trust not only in the responses, but also in the model as a whole. In this paper, we explore the problem of estimating confidence for responses of large language models (LLMs) with simply black-box or query access to them. We propose a simple and extensible framework where, we engineer novel features and train a (interpretable) model (viz. logistic regression) on these features to estimate the confidence. We empirically demonstrate that our simple framework is effective in estimating confidence of Flan-ul2, Llama-13b, Mistral-7b and GPT-4 on four benchmark Q\&A tasks as well as of Pegasus-large and BART-large on two benchmark summarization tasks with it surpassing baselines by even over $10\%$ (on AUROC) in some cases. Additionally, our interpretable approach provides insight into features that are predictive of confidence, leading to the interesting and useful discovery that our confidence models built for one LLM generalize zero-shot across others on a given dataset.
♻ ☆ The Computational Limits of State-Space Models and Mamba via the Lens of Circuit Complexity
In this paper, we analyze the computational limitations of Mamba and State-space Models (SSMs) by using the circuit complexity framework. Despite Mamba's stateful design and recent attention as a strong candidate to outperform Transformers, we have demonstrated that both Mamba and SSMs with $\mathrm{poly}(n)$-precision and constant-depth layers reside within the $\mathsf{DLOGTIME}$-uniform $\mathsf{TC}^0$ complexity class. This result indicates Mamba has the same computational capabilities as Transformer theoretically, and it cannot solve problems like arithmetic formula problems, boolean formula value problems, and permutation composition problems if $\mathsf{TC}^0 \neq \mathsf{NC}^1$. Therefore, it challenges the assumption Mamba is more computationally expressive than Transformers. Our contributions include rigorous proofs showing that Selective SSM and Mamba architectures can be simulated by $\mathsf{DLOGTIME}$-uniform $\mathsf{TC}^0$ circuits, and they cannot solve problems outside $\mathsf{TC}^0$.
comment: CPAL 2025
♻ ☆ An Information-Theoretic Analysis of Thompson Sampling for Logistic Bandits
We study the performance of the Thompson Sampling algorithm for logistic bandit problems. In this setting, an agent receives binary rewards with probabilities determined by a logistic function, $\exp(\beta \langle a, \theta \rangle)/(1+\exp(\beta \langle a, \theta \rangle))$, with slope parameter $\beta>0$, and where both the action $a\in \mathcal{A}$ and parameter $\theta \in \mathcal{O}$ lie within the $d$-dimensional unit ball. Adopting the information-theoretic framework introduced by Russo and Van Roy (2016), we analyze the information ratio, a statistic that quantifies the trade-off between the immediate regret incurred and the information gained about the optimal action. We improve upon previous results by establishing that the information ratio is bounded by $\tfrac{9}{2}d\alpha^{-2}$, where $\alpha$ is a minimax measure of the alignment between the action space $\mathcal{A}$ and the parameter space $\mathcal{O}$, and is independent of $\beta$. Using this result, we derive a bound of order $O(d/\alpha\sqrt{T \log(\beta T/d)})$ on the Bayesian expected regret of Thompson Sampling incurred after $T$ time steps. To our knowledge, this is the first regret bound for logistic bandits that depends only logarithmically on $\beta$ while being independent of the number of actions. In particular, when the action space contains the parameter space, the bound on the expected regret is of order $\tilde{O}(d \sqrt{T})$.
comment: 21 pages, under review
♻ ☆ Differentially Private Optimization for Non-Decomposable Objective Functions
Unsupervised pre-training is a common step in developing computer vision models and large language models. In this setting, the absence of labels requires the use of similarity-based loss functions, such as contrastive loss, that favor minimizing the distance between similar inputs and maximizing the distance between distinct inputs. As privacy concerns mount, training these models using differential privacy has become more important. However, due to how inputs are generated for these losses, one of their undesirable properties is that their $L_2$ sensitivity grows with the batch size. This property is particularly disadvantageous for differentially private training methods, such as DP-SGD. To overcome this issue, we develop a new DP-SGD variant for similarity based loss functions -- in particular, the commonly-used contrastive loss -- that manipulates gradients of the objective function in a novel way to obtain a sensitivity of the summed gradient that is $O(1)$ for batch size $n$. We test our DP-SGD variant on some CIFAR-10 pre-training and CIFAR-100 finetuning tasks and show that, in both tasks, our method's performance comes close to that of a non-private model and generally outperforms DP-SGD applied directly to the contrastive loss.
♻ ☆ Towards counterfactual fairness through auxiliary variables
The challenge of balancing fairness and predictive accuracy in machine learning models, especially when sensitive attributes such as race, gender, or age are considered, has motivated substantial research in recent years. Counterfactual fairness ensures that predictions remain consistent across counterfactual variations of sensitive attributes, which is a crucial concept in addressing societal biases. However, existing counterfactual fairness approaches usually overlook intrinsic information about sensitive features, limiting their ability to achieve fairness while simultaneously maintaining performance. To tackle this challenge, we introduce EXOgenous Causal reasoning (EXOC), a novel causal reasoning framework motivated by exogenous variables. It leverages auxiliary variables to uncover intrinsic properties that give rise to sensitive attributes. Our framework explicitly defines an auxiliary node and a control node that contribute to counterfactual fairness and control the information flow within the model. Our evaluation, conducted on synthetic and real-world datasets, validates EXOC's superiority, showing that it outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in achieving counterfactual fairness. Our code is available at
comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2307.08232 by other authors
♻ ☆ Addressing Rotational Learning Dynamics in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has emerged as a powerful paradigm for solving complex problems through agents' cooperation and competition, finding widespread applications across domains. Despite its success, MARL faces a reproducibility crisis. We show that, in part, this issue is related to the rotational optimization dynamics arising from competing agents' objectives, and require methods beyond standard optimization algorithms. We reframe MARL approaches using Variational Inequalities (VIs), offering a unified framework to address such issues. Leveraging optimization techniques designed for VIs, we propose a general approach for integrating gradient-based VI methods capable of handling rotational dynamics into existing MARL algorithms. Empirical results demonstrate significant performance improvements across benchmarks. In zero-sum games, Rock--paper--scissors and Matching pennies, VI methods achieve better convergence to equilibrium strategies, and in the Multi-Agent Particle Environment: Predator-prey, they also enhance team coordination. These results underscore the transformative potential of advanced optimization techniques in MARL.
♻ ☆ Towards impactful challenges: post-challenge paper, benchmarks and other dissemination actions
The conclusion of an AI challenge is not the end of its lifecycle; ensuring a long-lasting impact requires meticulous post-challenge activities. The long-lasting impact also needs to be organised. This chapter covers the various activities after the challenge is formally finished. This work identifies target audiences for post-challenge initiatives and outlines methods for collecting and organizing challenge outputs. The multiple outputs of the challenge are listed, along with the means to collect them. The central part of the chapter is a template for a typical post-challenge paper, including possible graphs and advice on how to turn the challenge into a long-lasting benchmark.
comment: 5th chapter of book "AI Competitions and Benchmarks: the science behind the contests" see:
♻ ☆ Fast Bayesian Inference for Neutrino Non-Standard Interactions at Dark Matter Direct Detection Experiments
Multi-dimensional parameter spaces are commonly encountered in physics theories that go beyond the Standard Model. However, they often possess complicated posterior geometries that are expensive to traverse using techniques traditional to astroparticle physics. Several recent innovations, which are only beginning to make their way into this field, have made navigating such complex posteriors possible. These include GPU acceleration, automatic differentiation, and neural-network-guided reparameterization. We apply these advancements to dark matter direct detection experiments in the context of non-standard neutrino interactions and benchmark their performances against traditional nested sampling techniques when conducting Bayesian inference. Compared to nested sampling alone, we find that these techniques increase performance for both nested sampling and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, accelerating inference by factors of $\sim 100$ and $\sim 60$, respectively. As nested sampling also evaluates the Bayesian evidence, these advancements can be exploited to improve model comparison performance while retaining compatibility with existing implementations that are widely used in the natural sciences. Using these techniques, we perform the first scan in the neutrino non-standard interactions parameter space for direct detection experiments whereby all parameters are allowed to vary simultaneously. We expect that these advancements are broadly applicable to other areas of astroparticle physics featuring multi-dimensional parameter spaces.
comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables, 5 appendices. Compared to v1: Added Bayesian to title, included more physical background, and added a table with 1D marginalised credible intervals for NSI parameters. Matches journal version
♻ ☆ Data Attribution for Text-to-Image Models by Unlearning Synthesized Images NeurIPS 2024
The goal of data attribution for text-to-image models is to identify the training images that most influence the generation of a new image. Influence is defined such that, for a given output, if a model is retrained from scratch without the most influential images, the model would fail to reproduce the same output. Unfortunately, directly searching for these influential images is computationally infeasible, since it would require repeatedly retraining models from scratch. In our work, we propose an efficient data attribution method by simulating unlearning the synthesized image. We achieve this by increasing the training loss on the output image, without catastrophic forgetting of other, unrelated concepts. We then identify training images with significant loss deviations after the unlearning process and label these as influential. We evaluate our method with a computationally intensive but "gold-standard" retraining from scratch and demonstrate our method's advantages over previous methods.
comment: NeurIPS 2024 camera ready version. Project page: Code:
♻ ☆ SEA: Shareable and Explainable Attribution for Query-based Black-box Attacks
Machine Learning (ML) systems are vulnerable to adversarial examples, particularly those from query-based black-box attacks. Despite various efforts to detect and prevent such attacks, ML systems are still at risk, demanding a more comprehensive approach to security that includes logging, analyzing, and sharing evidence. While traditional security benefits from well-established practices of forensics and threat intelligence sharing, ML security has yet to find a way to profile its attackers and share information about them. In response, this paper introduces SEA, a novel ML security system to characterize black-box attacks on ML systems for forensic purposes and to facilitate human-explainable intelligence sharing. SEA leverages Hidden Markov Models to attribute the observed query sequence to known attacks. It thus understands the attack's progression rather than focusing solely on the final adversarial examples. Our evaluations reveal that SEA is effective at attack attribution, even on the second incident, and is robust to adaptive strategies designed to evade forensic analysis. SEA's explanations of the attack's behavior allow us even to fingerprint specific minor bugs in widely used attack libraries. For example, we discover that the SignOPT and Square attacks in ART v1.14 send over 50% duplicated queries. We thoroughly evaluate SEA on a variety of settings and demonstrate that it can recognize the same attack with more than 90% Top-1 and 95% Top-3 accuracy. Finally, we demonstrate how SEA generalizes to other domains like text classification.
♻ ☆ XLand-100B: A Large-Scale Multi-Task Dataset for In-Context Reinforcement Learning ICLR 2025
Following the success of the in-context learning paradigm in large-scale language and computer vision models, the recently emerging field of in-context reinforcement learning is experiencing a rapid growth. However, its development has been held back by the lack of challenging benchmarks, as all the experiments have been carried out in simple environments and on small-scale datasets. We present XLand-100B, a large-scale dataset for in-context reinforcement learning based on the XLand-MiniGrid environment, as a first step to alleviate this problem. It contains complete learning histories for nearly $30,000$ different tasks, covering $100$B transitions and 2.5B episodes. It took 50,000 GPU hours to collect the dataset, which is beyond the reach of most academic labs. Along with the dataset, we provide the utilities to reproduce or expand it even further. We also benchmark common in-context RL baselines and show that they struggle to generalize to novel and diverse tasks. With this substantial effort, we aim to democratize research in the rapidly growing field of in-context reinforcement learning and provide a solid foundation for further scaling.
comment: ICLR 2025, Poster, Source code:
♻ ☆ Revealing the Relationship Between Publication Bias and Chemical Reactivity with Contrastive Learning
A synthetic method's substrate tolerance and generality are often showcased in a "substrate scope" table. However, substrate selection exhibits a frequently discussed publication bias: unsuccessful experiments or low-yielding results are rarely reported. In this work, we explore more deeply the relationship between such publication bias and chemical reactivity beyond the simple analysis of yield distributions using a novel neural network training strategy, substrate scope contrastive learning. By treating reported substrates as positive samples and non-reported substrates as negative samples, our contrastive learning strategy teaches a model to group molecules within a numerical embedding space, based on historical trends in published substrate scope tables. Training on 20,798 aryl halides in the CAS Content Collection$^{\text{TM}}$, spanning thousands of publications from 2010-2015, we demonstrate that the learned embeddings exhibit a correlation with physical organic reactivity descriptors through both intuitive visualizations and quantitative regression analyses. Additionally, these embeddings are applicable to various reaction modeling tasks like yield prediction and regioselectivity prediction, underscoring the potential to use historical reaction data as a pre-training task. This work not only presents a chemistry-specific machine learning training strategy to learn from literature data in a new way, but also represents a unique approach to uncover trends in chemical reactivity reflected by trends in substrate selection in publications.
♻ ☆ LLM4TS: Aligning Pre-Trained LLMs as Data-Efficient Time-Series Forecasters
Multivariate time-series forecasting is vital in various domains, e.g., economic planning and weather prediction. Deep train-from-scratch models have exhibited effective performance yet require large amounts of data, which limits real-world applicability. Recently, researchers have leveraged the representation learning transferability of pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) to handle limited non-linguistic datasets effectively. However, incorporating LLMs with time-series data presents challenges of limited adaptation due to different compositions between time-series and linguistic data, and the inability to process multi-scale temporal information. To tackle these challenges, we propose LLM4TS, a framework for time-series forecasting with pre-trained LLMs. LLM4TS consists of a two-stage fine-tuning strategy: the time-series alignment stage to align LLMs with the nuances of time-series data, and the forecasting fine-tuning stage for downstream time-series forecasting tasks. Furthermore, our framework features a novel two-level aggregation method that integrates multi-scale temporal data within pre-trained LLMs, enhancing their ability to interpret time-specific information. In experiments across 7 time-series forecasting datasets, LLM4TS is superior to existing state-of-the-art methods compared with trained-from-scratch models in full-shot scenarios, and also achieves the highest rank in few-shot scenarios. In addition, evaluations compared with different unsupervised representation learning approaches highlight LLM4TS's effectiveness with representation learning in forecasting tasks. Ablation studies further validate each component's contribution to LLM4TS and underscore the essential role of utilizing LLM's pre-trained weights for optimal performance. The code is available at
comment: Accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 2025. The final published version will be available at
♻ ☆ Soft Condorcet Optimization for Ranking of General Agents
Driving progress of AI models and agents requires comparing their performance on standardized benchmarks; for general agents, individual performances must be aggregated across a potentially wide variety of different tasks. In this paper, we describe a novel ranking scheme inspired by social choice frameworks, called Soft Condorcet Optimization (SCO), to compute the optimal ranking of agents: the one that makes the fewest mistakes in predicting the agent comparisons in the evaluation data. This optimal ranking is the maximum likelihood estimate when evaluation data (which we view as votes) are interpreted as noisy samples from a ground truth ranking, a solution to Condorcet's original voting system criteria. SCO ratings are maximal for Condorcet winners when they exist, which we show is not necessarily true for the classical rating system Elo. We propose three optimization algorithms to compute SCO ratings and evaluate their empirical performance. When serving as an approximation to the Kemeny-Young voting method, SCO rankings are on average 0 to 0.043 away from the optimal ranking in normalized Kendall-tau distance across 865 preference profiles from the PrefLib open ranking archive. In a simulated noisy tournament setting, SCO achieves accurate approximations to the ground truth ranking and the best among several baselines when 59\% or more of the preference data is missing. Finally, SCO ranking provides the best approximation to the optimal ranking, measured on held-out test sets, in a problem containing 52,958 human players across 31,049 games of the classic seven-player game of Diplomacy.
♻ ☆ STGCN-LSTM for Olympic Medal Prediction: Dynamic Power Modeling and Causal Policy Optimization
This paper proposes a novel hybrid model, STGCN-LSTM, to forecast Olympic medal distributions by integrating the spatio-temporal relationships among countries and the long-term dependencies of national performance. The Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolution Network (STGCN) captures geographic and interactive factors-such as coaching exchange and socio-economic links-while the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) module models historical trends in medal counts, economic data, and demographics. To address zero-inflated outputs (i.e., the disparity between countries that consistently yield wins and those never having won medals), a Zero-Inflated Compound Poisson (ZICP) framework is incorporated to separate random zeros from structural zeros, providing a clearer view of potential breakthrough performances. Validation includes historical backtracking, policy shock simulations, and causal inference checks, confirming the robustness of the proposed method. Results shed light on the influence of coaching mobility, event specialization, and strategic investment on medal forecasts, offering a data-driven foundation for optimizing sports policies and resource allocation in diverse Olympic contexts.
comment: 18pages, 7figures
♻ ☆ Mapping out the Space of Human Feedback for Reinforcement Learning: A Conceptual Framework
Reinforcement Learning from Human feedback (RLHF) has become a powerful tool to fine-tune or train agentic machine learning models. Similar to how humans interact in social contexts, we can use many types of feedback to communicate our preferences, intentions, and knowledge to an RL agent. However, applications of human feedback in RL are often limited in scope and disregard human factors. In this work, we bridge the gap between machine learning and human-computer interaction efforts by developing a shared understanding of human feedback in interactive learning scenarios. We first introduce a taxonomy of feedback types for reward-based learning from human feedback based on nine key dimensions. Our taxonomy allows for unifying human-centered, interface-centered, and model-centered aspects. In addition, we identify seven quality metrics of human feedback influencing both the human ability to express feedback and the agent's ability to learn from the feedback. Based on the feedback taxonomy and quality criteria, we derive requirements and design choices for systems learning from human feedback. We relate these requirements and design choices to existing work in interactive machine learning. In the process, we identify gaps in existing work and future research opportunities. We call for interdisciplinary collaboration to harness the full potential of reinforcement learning with data-driven co-adaptive modeling and varied interaction mechanics.
♻ ☆ metabench -- A Sparse Benchmark of Reasoning and Knowledge in Large Language Models ICLR 2025
Large Language Models (LLMs) vary in their abilities on a range of tasks. Initiatives such as the Open LLM Leaderboard aim to quantify these differences with several large benchmarks (sets of test items to which an LLM can respond either correctly or incorrectly). However, high correlations within and between benchmark scores suggest that (1) there exists a small set of common underlying abilities that these benchmarks measure, and (2) items tap into redundant information and the benchmarks may thus be considerably compressed. We use data from n > 5000 LLMs to identify the most informative items of six benchmarks, ARC, GSM8K, HellaSwag, MMLU, TruthfulQA and WinoGrande (with d = 28,632 items in total). From them we distill a sparse benchmark, metabench, that has less than 3% of the original size of all six benchmarks combined. This new sparse benchmark goes beyond point scores by yielding estimators of the underlying benchmark-specific abilities. We show that these estimators (1) can be used to reconstruct each original individual benchmark score with, on average, 1.24% root mean square error (RMSE), (2) reconstruct the original total score with 0.58% RMSE, and (3) have a single underlying common factor whose Spearman correlation with the total score is r = 0.94.
comment: accepted for publication at ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ Cache Me If You Must: Adaptive Key-Value Quantization for Large Language Models
Efficient real-world deployments of large language models (LLMs) rely on Key-Value (KV) caching for processing and generating long outputs, reducing the need for repetitive computation. For large contexts, Key-Value caches can take up tens of gigabytes of device memory, as they store vector representations for each token and layer. Recent work has shown that the cached vectors can be compressed through quantization, pruning or merging, but these techniques often compromise quality towards higher compression rates. In this work, we aim to improve Key & Value compression by exploiting two observations: 1) the inherent dependencies between keys and values across different layers, and 2) high-compression mechanisms for internal network states. We propose AQUA-KV, an adaptive quantization for Key-Value caches that relies on compact adapters to exploit existing dependencies between Keys and Values, and aims to "optimally" compress the information that cannot be predicted. AQUA-KV significantly improves compression rates, while maintaining high accuracy on state-of-the-art LLM families. On Llama 3.2 LLMs, we achieve near-lossless inference at 2-2.5 bits per value with under $1\%$ relative error in perplexity and LongBench scores. AQUA-KV is one-shot, simple, and efficient: it can be calibrated on a single GPU within 1-6 hours, even for 70B models.
comment: Preprint, under review
♻ ☆ TabFSBench: Tabular Benchmark for Feature Shifts in Open Environment
Tabular data is widely utilized in various machine learning tasks. Current tabular learning research predominantly focuses on closed environments, while in real-world applications, open environments are often encountered, where distribution and feature shifts occur, leading to significant degradation in model performance. Previous research has primarily concentrated on mitigating distribution shifts, whereas feature shifts, a distinctive and unexplored challenge of tabular data, have garnered limited attention. To this end, this paper conducts the first comprehensive study on feature shifts in tabular data and introduces the first tabular feature-shift benchmark (TabFSBench). TabFSBench evaluates impacts of four distinct feature-shift scenarios on four tabular model categories across various datasets and assesses the performance of large language models (LLMs) and tabular LLMs in the tabular benchmark for the first time. Our study demonstrates three main observations: (1) most tabular models have the limited applicability in feature-shift scenarios; (2) the shifted feature set importance has a linear relationship with model performance degradation; (3) model performance in closed environments correlates with feature-shift performance. Future research direction is also explored for each observation. TabFSBench is released for public access by using a few lines of Python codes at
♻ ☆ Certified Robustness Under Bounded Levenshtein Distance ICLR 2025
Text classifiers suffer from small perturbations, that if chosen adversarially, can dramatically change the output of the model. Verification methods can provide robustness certificates against such adversarial perturbations, by computing a sound lower bound on the robust accuracy. Nevertheless, existing verification methods incur in prohibitive costs and cannot practically handle Levenshtein distance constraints. We propose the first method for computing the Lipschitz constant of convolutional classifiers with respect to the Levenshtein distance. We use these Lipschitz constant estimates for training 1-Lipschitz classifiers. This enables computing the certified radius of a classifier in a single forward pass. Our method, LipsLev, is able to obtain $38.80$% and $13.93$% verified accuracy at distance $1$ and $2$ respectively in the AG-News dataset, while being $4$ orders of magnitude faster than existing approaches. We believe our work can open the door to more efficient verification in the text domain.
comment: Accepted in ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ SimPER: A Minimalist Approach to Preference Alignment without Hyperparameters ICLR 2025
Existing preference optimization objectives for language model alignment require additional hyperparameters that must be extensively tuned to achieve optimal performance, increasing both the complexity and time required for fine-tuning large language models. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective hyperparameter-free preference optimization algorithm for alignment. We observe that promising performance can be achieved simply by optimizing inverse perplexity, which is calculated as the inverse of the exponentiated average log-likelihood of the chosen and rejected responses in the preference dataset. The resulting simple learning objective, SimPER, is easy to implement and eliminates the need for expensive hyperparameter tuning and a reference model, making it both computationally and memory efficient. Extensive experiments on widely used real-world benchmarks, including MT-Bench, AlpacaEval 2, and 10 key benchmarks of the Open LLM Leaderboard with 5 base models, demonstrate that SimPER consistently and significantly outperforms existing approaches-even without any hyperparameters or a reference model . For example, despite its simplicity, SimPER outperforms state-of-the-art methods by up to 5.7 points on AlpacaEval 2 and achieves the highest average ranking across 10 benchmarks on the Open LLM Leaderboard. The source code for SimPER is publicly available at:
comment: ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ OmniThink: Expanding Knowledge Boundaries in Machine Writing through Thinking
Machine writing with large language models often relies on retrieval-augmented generation. However, these approaches remain confined within the boundaries of the model's predefined scope, limiting the generation of content with rich information. Specifically, vanilla-retrieved information tends to lack depth, novelty, and suffers from redundancy, which negatively impacts the quality of generated articles, leading to shallow, unoriginal, and repetitive outputs. To address these issues, we propose OmniThink, a slow-thinking machine writing framework that emulates the human-like process of iterative expansion and reflection. The core idea behind OmniThink is to simulate the cognitive behavior of learners as they slowly deepen their knowledge of the topics. Experimental results demonstrate that OmniThink improves the knowledge density of generated articles without compromising metrics such as coherence and depth. Human evaluations and expert feedback further highlight the potential of OmniThink to address real-world challenges in the generation of long-form articles.
comment: Code is available at
♻ ☆ Towards Understanding Why Label Smoothing Degrades Selective Classification and How to Fix It ICLR 2025
Label smoothing (LS) is a popular regularisation method for training neural networks as it is effective in improving test accuracy and is simple to implement. ``Hard'' one-hot labels are ``smoothed'' by uniformly distributing probability mass to other classes, reducing overfitting. Prior work has suggested that in some cases LS can degrade selective classification (SC) -- where the aim is to reject misclassifications using a model's uncertainty. In this work, we first demonstrate empirically across an extended range of large-scale tasks and architectures that LS consistently degrades SC. We then address a gap in existing knowledge, providing an explanation for this behaviour by analysing logit-level gradients: LS degrades the uncertainty rank ordering of correct vs incorrect predictions by suppressing the max logit more when a prediction is likely to be correct, and less when it is likely to be wrong. This elucidates previously reported experimental results where strong classifiers underperform in SC. We then demonstrate the empirical effectiveness of post-hoc logit normalisation for recovering lost SC performance caused by LS. Furthermore, linking back to our gradient analysis, we again provide an explanation for why such normalisation is effective.
comment: Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ CKnowEdit: A New Chinese Knowledge Editing Dataset for Linguistics, Facts, and Logic Error Correction in LLMs
Chinese, as a linguistic system rich in depth and complexity, is characterized by distinctive elements such as ancient poetry, proverbs, idioms, and other cultural constructs. However, current Large Language Models (LLMs) face limitations in these specialized domains, highlighting the need for the development of comprehensive datasets that can assess, continuously update, and progressively improve these culturally-grounded linguistic competencies through targeted training optimizations. To address this gap, we introduce CKnowEdit, the first-ever Chinese knowledge editing dataset designed to correct linguistic, factual, and logical errors in LLMs. We collect seven types of knowledge from a wide range of sources, including classical texts, idioms, and content from Baidu Tieba Ruozhiba, taking into account the unique polyphony, antithesis, and logical structures inherent in the Chinese language. By analyzing this dataset, we highlight the challenges current LLMs face in mastering Chinese. Furthermore, our evaluation of state-of-the-art knowledge editing techniques reveals opportunities to advance the correction of Chinese knowledge. Code and dataset are available at
comment: Ongoing work; project website is available at code and dataset are available at
♻ ☆ Transferable and Forecastable User Targeting Foundation Model WWW 2025
User targeting, the process of selecting targeted users from a pool of candidates for non-expert marketers, has garnered substantial attention with the advancements in digital marketing. However, existing user targeting methods encounter two significant challenges: (i) Poor cross-domain and cross-scenario transferability and generalization, and (ii) Insufficient forecastability in real-world applications. These limitations hinder their applicability across diverse industrial scenarios. In this work, we propose FOUND, an industrial-grade, transferable, and forecastable user targeting foundation model. To enhance cross-domain transferability, our framework integrates heterogeneous multi-scenario user data, aligning them with one-sentence targeting demand inputs through contrastive pre-training. For improved forecastability, the text description of each user is derived based on anticipated future behaviors, while user representations are constructed from historical information. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach significantly outperforms existing baselines in cross-domain, real-world user targeting scenarios, showcasing the superior capabilities of FOUND. Moreover, our method has been successfully deployed on the Alipay platform and is widely utilized across various scenarios.
comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accept by The ACM Web Conference 2025 (WWW 2025) Industry Track
♻ ☆ BaxBench: Can LLMs Generate Correct and Secure Backends?
The automatic generation of programs has long been a fundamental challenge in computer science. Recent benchmarks have shown that large language models (LLMs) can effectively generate code at the function level, make code edits, and solve algorithmic coding tasks. However, to achieve full automation, LLMs should be able to generate production-quality, self-contained application modules. To evaluate the capabilities of LLMs in solving this challenge, we introduce BaxBench, a novel evaluation benchmark consisting of 392 tasks for the generation of backend applications. We focus on backends for three critical reasons: (i) they are practically relevant, building the core components of most modern web and cloud software, (ii) they are difficult to get right, requiring multiple functions and files to achieve the desired functionality, and (iii) they are security-critical, as they are exposed to untrusted third-parties, making secure solutions that prevent deployment-time attacks an imperative. BaxBench validates the functionality of the generated applications with comprehensive test cases, and assesses their security exposure by executing end-to-end exploits. Our experiments reveal key limitations of current LLMs in both functionality and security: (i) even the best model, OpenAI o1, achieves a mere 60% on code correctness; (ii) on average, we could successfully execute security exploits on more than half of the correct programs generated by each LLM; and (iii) in less popular backend frameworks, models further struggle to generate correct and secure applications. Progress on BaxBench signifies important steps towards autonomous and secure software development with LLMs.
♻ ☆ Non-Contextual BERT or FastText? A Comparative Analysis
Natural Language Processing (NLP) for low-resource languages, which lack large annotated datasets, faces significant challenges due to limited high-quality data and linguistic resources. The selection of embeddings plays a critical role in achieving strong performance in NLP tasks. While contextual BERT embeddings require a full forward pass, non-contextual BERT embeddings rely only on table lookup. Existing research has primarily focused on contextual BERT embeddings, leaving non-contextual embeddings largely unexplored. In this study, we analyze the effectiveness of non-contextual embeddings from BERT models (MuRIL and MahaBERT) and FastText models (IndicFT and MahaFT) for tasks such as news classification, sentiment analysis, and hate speech detection in one such low-resource language Marathi. We compare these embeddings with their contextual and compressed variants. Our findings indicate that non-contextual BERT embeddings extracted from the model's first embedding layer outperform FastText embeddings, presenting a promising alternative for low-resource NLP.
♻ ☆ $O(k)$-Equivariant Dimensionality Reduction on Stiefel Manifolds
Many real-world datasets live on high-dimensional Stiefel and Grassmannian manifolds, $V_k(\mathbb{R}^N)$ and $Gr(k, \mathbb{R}^N)$ respectively, and benefit from projection onto lower-dimensional Stiefel and Grassmannian manifolds. In this work, we propose an algorithm called \textit{Principal Stiefel Coordinates (PSC)} to reduce data dimensionality from $ V_k(\mathbb{R}^N)$ to $V_k(\mathbb{R}^n)$ in an \textit{$O(k)$-equivariant} manner ($k \leq n \ll N$). We begin by observing that each element $\alpha \in V_n(\mathbb{R}^N)$ defines an isometric embedding of $V_k(\mathbb{R}^n)$ into $V_k(\mathbb{R}^N)$. Next, we describe two ways of finding a suitable embedding map $\alpha$: one via an extension of principal component analysis ($\alpha_{PCA}$), and one that further minimizes data fit error using gradient descent ($\alpha_{GD}$). Then, we define a continuous and $O(k)$-equivariant map $\pi_\alpha$ that acts as a "closest point operator" to project the data onto the image of $V_k(\mathbb{R}^n)$ in $V_k(\mathbb{R}^N)$ under the embedding determined by $\alpha$, while minimizing distortion. Because this dimensionality reduction is $O(k)$-equivariant, these results extend to Grassmannian manifolds as well. Lastly, we show that $\pi_{\alpha_{PCA}}$ globally minimizes projection error in a noiseless setting, while $\pi_{\alpha_{GD}}$ achieves a meaningfully different and improved outcome when the data does not lie exactly on the image of a linearly embedded lower-dimensional Stiefel manifold as above. Multiple numerical experiments using synthetic and real-world data are performed.
comment: Minor updates to introduction. To appear in SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science
♻ ☆ Extracting Sentence Embeddings from Pretrained Transformer Models
Pre-trained transformer models shine in many natural language processing tasks and therefore are expected to bear the representation of the input sentence or text meaning. These sentence-level embeddings are also important in retrieval-augmented generation. But do commonly used plain averaging or prompt templates sufficiently capture and represent the underlying meaning? After providing a comprehensive review of existing sentence embedding extraction and refinement methods, we thoroughly test different combinations and our original extensions of the most promising ones on pretrained models. Namely, given 110 M parameters, BERT's hidden representations from multiple layers, and many tokens, we try diverse ways to extract optimal sentence embeddings. We test various token aggregation and representation post-processing techniques. We also test multiple ways of using a general Wikitext dataset to complement BERT's sentence embeddings. All methods are tested on eight Semantic Textual Similarity (STS), six short text clustering, and twelve classification tasks. We also evaluate our representation-shaping techniques on other static models, including random token representations. Proposed representation extraction methods improve the performance on STS and clustering tasks for all models considered. Very high improvements for static token-based models, especially random embeddings for STS tasks, almost reach the performance of BERT-derived representations. Our work shows that the representation-shaping techniques significantly improve sentence embeddings extracted from BERT-based and simple baseline models.
comment: Postprint update
♻ ☆ On the effects of similarity metrics in decentralized deep learning under distributional shift
Decentralized Learning (DL) enables privacy-preserving collaboration among organizations or users to enhance the performance of local deep learning models. However, model aggregation becomes challenging when client data is heterogeneous, and identifying compatible collaborators without direct data exchange remains a pressing issue. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of various similarity metrics in DL for identifying peers for model merging, conducting an empirical analysis across multiple datasets with distribution shifts. Our research provides insights into the performance of these metrics, examining their role in facilitating effective collaboration. By exploring the strengths and limitations of these metrics, we contribute to the development of robust DL methods.
♻ ☆ Transfer Learning with Pre-trained Conditional Generative Models
Transfer learning is crucial in training deep neural networks on new target tasks. Current transfer learning methods always assume at least one of (i) source and target task label spaces overlap, (ii) source datasets are available, and (iii) target network architectures are consistent with source ones. However, holding these assumptions is difficult in practical settings because the target task rarely has the same labels as the source task, the source dataset access is restricted due to storage costs and privacy, and the target architecture is often specialized to each task. To transfer source knowledge without these assumptions, we propose a transfer learning method that uses deep generative models and is composed of the following two stages: pseudo pre-training (PP) and pseudo semi-supervised learning (P-SSL). PP trains a target architecture with an artificial dataset synthesized by using conditional source generative models. P-SSL applies SSL algorithms to labeled target data and unlabeled pseudo samples, which are generated by cascading the source classifier and generative models to condition them with target samples. Our experimental results indicate that our method can outperform the baselines of scratch training and knowledge distillation.
comment: Accepted by Machine Learning
♻ ☆ Towards Generative Ray Path Sampling for Faster Point-to-Point Ray Tracing ICML
Radio propagation modeling is essential in telecommunication research, as radio channels result from complex interactions with environmental objects. Recently, Machine Learning has been attracting attention as a potential alternative to computationally demanding tools, like Ray Tracing, which can model these interactions in detail. However, existing Machine Learning approaches often attempt to learn directly specific channel characteristics, such as the coverage map, making them highly specific to the frequency and material properties and unable to fully capture the underlying propagation mechanisms. Hence, Ray Tracing, particularly the Point-to-Point variant, remains popular to accurately identify all possible paths between transmitter and receiver nodes. Still, path identification is computationally intensive because the number of paths to be tested grows exponentially while only a small fraction is valid. In this paper, we propose a Machine Learning-aided Ray Tracing approach to efficiently sample potential ray paths, significantly reducing the computational load while maintaining high accuracy. Our model dynamically learns to prioritize potentially valid paths among all possible paths and scales linearly with scene complexity. Unlike recent alternatives, our approach is invariant with translation, scaling, or rotation of the geometry, and avoids dependency on specific environment characteristics.
comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted at IEEE ICMLCN 2025
♻ ☆ FlexControl: Computation-Aware ControlNet with Differentiable Router for Text-to-Image Generation
ControlNet offers a powerful way to guide diffusion-based generative models, yet most implementations rely on ad-hoc heuristics to choose which network blocks to control-an approach that varies unpredictably with different tasks. To address this gap, we propose FlexControl, a novel framework that copies all diffusion blocks during training and employs a trainable gating mechanism to dynamically select which blocks to activate at each denoising step. With introducing a computation-aware loss, we can encourage control blocks only to activate when it benefit the generation quality. By eliminating manual block selection, FlexControl enhances adaptability across diverse tasks and streamlines the design pipeline, with computation-aware training loss in an end-to-end training manner. Through comprehensive experiments on both UNet (e.g., SD1.5) and DiT (e.g., SD3.0), we show that our method outperforms existing ControlNet variants in certain key aspects of interest. As evidenced by both quantitative and qualitative evaluations, FlexControl preserves or enhances image fidelity while also reducing computational overhead by selectively activating the most relevant blocks. These results underscore the potential of a flexible, data-driven approach for controlled diffusion and open new avenues for efficient generative model design. The code will soon be available at
♻ ☆ Leave-One-Out-, Bootstrap- and Cross-Conformal Anomaly Detectors
The requirement of uncertainty quantification for anomaly detection systems has become increasingly important. In this context, effectively controlling Type I error rates ($\alpha$) without compromising the statistical power ($1-\beta$) of these systems can build trust and reduce costs related to false discoveries. The field of conformal anomaly detection emerges as a promising approach for providing respective statistical guarantees by model calibration. However, the dependency on calibration data poses practical limitations - especially within low-data regimes. In this work, we formally define and evaluate leave-one-out-, bootstrap-, and cross-conformal methods for anomaly detection, incrementing on methods from the field of conformal prediction. Looking beyond the classical inductive conformal anomaly detection, we demonstrate that derived methods for calculating resampling-conformal $p$-values strike a practical compromise between statistical efficiency (full-conformal) and computational efficiency (split-conformal) as they make more efficient use of available data. We validate derived methods and quantify their improvements for a range of one-class classifiers and datasets.
comment: Published in 2024 IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Graph (ICKG)
♻ ☆ Robust Tumor Segmentation with Hyperspectral Imaging and Graph Neural Networks
Segmenting the boundary between tumor and healthy tissue during surgical cancer resection poses a significant challenge. In recent years, Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) combined with Machine Learning (ML) has emerged as a promising solution. However, due to the extensive information contained within the spectral domain, most ML approaches primarily classify individual HSI (super-)pixels, or tiles, without taking into account their spatial context. In this paper, we propose an improved methodology that leverages the spatial context of tiles for more robust and smoother segmentation. To address the irregular shapes of tiles, we utilize Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to propagate context information across neighboring regions. The features for each tile within the graph are extracted using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), which is trained simultaneously with the subsequent GNN. Moreover, we incorporate local image quality metrics into the loss function to enhance the training procedure's robustness against low-quality regions in the training images. We demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method using a clinical ex vivo dataset consisting of 51 HSI images from 30 patients. Despite the limited dataset, the GNN-based model significantly outperforms context-agnostic approaches, accurately distinguishing between healthy and tumor tissues, even in images from previously unseen patients. Furthermore, we show that our carefully designed loss function, accounting for local image quality, results in additional improvements. Our findings demonstrate that context-aware GNN algorithms can robustly find tumor demarcations on HSI images, ultimately contributing to better surgery success and patient outcome.
comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, The German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR) 2024
♻ ☆ Revisiting In-context Learning Inference Circuit in Large Language Models ICLR 2025
In-context Learning (ICL) is an emerging few-shot learning paradigm on Language Models (LMs) with inner mechanisms un-explored. There are already existing works describing the inner processing of ICL, while they struggle to capture all the inference phenomena in large language models. Therefore, this paper proposes a comprehensive circuit to model the inference dynamics and try to explain the observed phenomena of ICL. In detail, we divide ICL inference into 3 major operations: (1) Input Text Encode: LMs encode every input text (in the demonstrations and queries) into linear representation in the hidden states with sufficient information to solve ICL tasks. (2) Semantics Merge: LMs merge the encoded representations of demonstrations with their corresponding label tokens to produce joint representations of labels and demonstrations. (3) Feature Retrieval and Copy: LMs search the joint representations of demonstrations similar to the query representation on a task subspace, and copy the searched representations into the query. Then, language model heads capture these copied label representations to a certain extent and decode them into predicted labels. Through careful measurements, the proposed inference circuit successfully captures and unifies many fragmented phenomena observed during the ICL process, making it a comprehensive and practical explanation of the ICL inference process. Moreover, ablation analysis by disabling the proposed steps seriously damages the ICL performance, suggesting the proposed inference circuit is a dominating mechanism. Additionally, we confirm and list some bypass mechanisms that solve ICL tasks in parallel with the proposed circuit.
comment: 37 pages, 41 figures, 8 tables. ICLR 2025 Accepted. Camera-ready Version
♻ ☆ Signature Methods in Machine Learning
Signature-based techniques give mathematical insight into the interactions between complex streams of evolving data. These insights can be quite naturally translated into numerical approaches to understanding streamed data, and perhaps because of their mathematical precision, have proved useful in analysing streamed data in situations where the data is irregular, and not stationary, and the dimension of the data and the sample sizes are both moderate. Understanding streamed multi-modal data is exponential: a word in $n$ letters from an alphabet of size $d$ can be any one of $d^n$ messages. Signatures remove the exponential amount of noise that arises from sampling irregularity, but an exponential amount of information still remain. This survey aims to stay in the domain where that exponential scaling can be managed directly. Scalability issues are an important challenge in many problems but would require another survey article and further ideas. This survey describes a range of contexts where the data sets are small enough to remove the possibility of massive machine learning, and the existence of small sets of context free and principled features can be used effectively. The mathematical nature of the tools can make their use intimidating to non-mathematicians. The examples presented in this article are intended to bridge this communication gap and provide tractable working examples drawn from the machine learning context. Notebooks are available online for several of these examples. This survey builds on the earlier paper of Ilya Chevryev and Andrey Kormilitzin which had broadly similar aims at an earlier point in the development of this machinery. This article illustrates how the theoretical insights offered by signatures are simply realised in the analysis of application data in a way that is largely agnostic to the data type.
comment: Version accepted for publication in EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences; Minor updates made to acknowledgements
♻ ☆ Counterfactual Concept Bottleneck Models
Current deep learning models are not designed to simultaneously address three fundamental questions: predict class labels to solve a given classification task (the "What?"), simulate changes in the situation to evaluate how this impacts class predictions (the "How?"), and imagine how the scenario should change to result in different class predictions (the "Why not?"). The inability to answer these questions represents a crucial gap in deploying reliable AI agents, calibrating human trust, and improving human-machine interaction. To bridge this gap, we introduce CounterFactual Concept Bottleneck Models (CF-CBMs), a class of models designed to efficiently address the above queries all at once without the need to run post-hoc searches. Our experimental results demonstrate that CF-CBMs: achieve classification accuracy comparable to black-box models and existing CBMs ("What?"), rely on fewer important concepts leading to simpler explanations ("How?"), and produce interpretable, concept-based counterfactuals ("Why not?"). Additionally, we show that training the counterfactual generator jointly with the CBM leads to two key improvements: (i) it alters the model's decision-making process, making the model rely on fewer important concepts (leading to simpler explanations), and (ii) it significantly increases the causal effect of concept interventions on class predictions, making the model more responsive to these changes.
♻ ☆ On Diffusion Models for Multi-Agent Partial Observability: Shared Attractors, Error Bounds, and Composite Flow
Multiagent systems grapple with partial observability (PO), and the decentralized POMDP (Dec-POMDP) model highlights the fundamental nature of this challenge. Whereas recent approaches to addressing PO have appealed to deep learning models, providing a rigorous understanding of how these models and their approximation errors affect agents' handling of PO and their interactions remain a challenge. In addressing this challenge, we investigate reconstructing global states from local action-observation histories in Dec-POMDPs using diffusion models. We first find that diffusion models conditioned on local history represent possible states as stable fixed points. In collectively observable (CO) Dec-POMDPs, individual diffusion models conditioned on agents' local histories share a unique fixed point corresponding to the global state, while in non-CO settings, shared fixed points yield a distribution of possible states given joint history. We further find that, with deep learning approximation errors, fixed points can deviate from true states and the deviation is negatively correlated to the Jacobian rank. Inspired by this low-rank property, we bound a deviation by constructing a surrogate linear regression model that approximates the local behavior of a diffusion model. With this bound, we propose a \emph{composite diffusion process} iterating over agents with theoretical convergence guarantees to the true state.
♻ ☆ Disentangled Graph Autoencoder for Treatment Effect Estimation
Treatment effect estimation from observational data has attracted significant attention across various research fields. However, many widely used methods rely on the unconfoundedness assumption, which is often unrealistic due to the inability to observe all confounders, thereby overlooking the influence of latent confounders. To address this limitation, recent approaches have utilized auxiliary network information to infer latent confounders, relaxing this assumption. However, these methods often treat observed variables and networks as proxies only for latent confounders, which can result in inaccuracies when certain variables influence treatment without affecting outcomes, or vice versa. This conflation of distinct latent factors undermines the precision of treatment effect estimation. To overcome this challenge, we propose a novel disentangled variational graph autoencoder for treatment effect estimation on networked observational data. Our graph encoder disentangles latent factors into instrumental, confounding, adjustment, and noisy factors, while enforcing factor independence using the Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion. Extensive experiments on multiple networked datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches.
comment: 22 pages, 6 figures
♻ ☆ KAA: Kolmogorov-Arnold Attention for Enhancing Attentive Graph Neural Networks
Graph neural networks (GNNs) with attention mechanisms, often referred to as attentive GNNs, have emerged as a prominent paradigm in advanced GNN models in recent years. However, our understanding of the critical process of scoring neighbor nodes remains limited, leading to the underperformance of many existing attentive GNNs. In this paper, we unify the scoring functions of current attentive GNNs and propose Kolmogorov-Arnold Attention (KAA), which integrates the Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) architecture into the scoring process. KAA enhances the performance of scoring functions across the board and can be applied to nearly all existing attentive GNNs. To compare the expressive power of KAA with other scoring functions, we introduce Maximum Ranking Distance (MRD) to quantitatively estimate their upper bounds in ranking errors for node importance. Our analysis reveals that, under limited parameters and constraints on width and depth, both linear transformation-based and MLP-based scoring functions exhibit finite expressive power. In contrast, our proposed KAA, even with a single-layer KAN parameterized by zero-order B-spline functions, demonstrates nearly infinite expressive power. Extensive experiments on both node-level and graph-level tasks using various backbone models show that KAA-enhanced scoring functions consistently outperform their original counterparts, achieving performance improvements of over 20% in some cases.
♻ ☆ Robust Feature Engineering Techniques for Designing Efficient Motor Imagery-Based BCI-Systems
A multitude of individuals across the globe grapple with motor disabilities. Neural prosthetics utilizing Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology exhibit promise for improving motor rehabilitation outcomes. The intricate nature of EEG data poses a significant hurdle for current BCI systems. Recently, a qualitative repository of EEG signals tied to both upper and lower limb execution of motor and motor imagery tasks has been unveiled. Despite this, the productivity of the Machine Learning (ML) Models that were trained on this dataset was alarmingly deficient, and the evaluation framework seemed insufficient. To enhance outcomes, robust feature engineering (signal processing) methodologies are implemented. A collection of time domain, frequency domain, and wavelet-derived features was obtained from 16-channel EEG signals, and the Maximum Relevance Minimum Redundancy (MRMR) approach was employed to identify the four most significant features. For classification K Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT), and Na\"ive Bayes (NB) models were implemented with these selected features, evaluating their effectiveness through metrics such as testing accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 Score. By leveraging SVM with a Gaussian Kernel, a remarkable maximum testing accuracy of 92.50% for motor activities and 95.48% for imagery activities is achieved. These results are notably more dependable and gratifying compared to the previous study, where the peak accuracy was recorded at 74.36%. This research work provides an in-depth analysis of the MI Limb EEG dataset and it will help in designing and developing simple, cost-effective and reliable BCI systems for neuro-rehabilitation.
comment: 26 pages
♻ ☆ Convex space learning for tabular synthetic data generation
Generating synthetic samples from the convex space of the minority class is a popular oversampling approach for imbalanced classification problems. Recently, deep-learning approaches have been successfully applied to modeling the convex space of minority samples. Beyond oversampling, learning the convex space of neighborhoods in training data has not been used to generate entire tabular datasets. In this paper, we introduce a deep learning architecture (NextConvGeN) with a generator and discriminator component that can generate synthetic samples by learning to model the convex space of tabular data. The generator takes data neighborhoods as input and creates synthetic samples within the convex space of that neighborhood. Thereafter, the discriminator tries to classify these synthetic samples against a randomly sampled batch of data from the rest of the data space. We compared our proposed model with five state-of-the-art tabular generative models across ten publicly available datasets from the biomedical domain. Our analysis reveals that synthetic samples generated by NextConvGeN can better preserve classification and clustering performance across real and synthetic data than other synthetic data generation models. Synthetic data generation by deep learning of the convex space produces high scores for popular utility measures. We further compared how diverse synthetic data generation strategies perform in the privacy-utility spectrum and produced critical arguments on the necessity of high utility models. Our research on deep learning of the convex space of tabular data opens up opportunities in clinical research, machine learning model development, decision support systems, and clinical data sharing.
comment: 30 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Neurocomputing journal
♻ ☆ $\text{M}^{\text{3}}$: A Modular World Model over Streams of Tokens
Token-based world models emerged as a promising modular framework, modeling dynamics over token streams while optimizing tokenization separately. While successful in visual environments with discrete actions (e.g., Atari games), their broader applicability remains uncertain. In this paper, we introduce $\text{M}^{\text{3}}$, a $\textbf{m}$odular $\textbf{w}$orld $\textbf{m}$odel that extends this framework, enabling flexible combinations of observation and action modalities through independent modality-specific components. $\text{M}^{\text{3}}$ integrates several improvements from existing literature to enhance agent performance. Through extensive empirical evaluation across diverse benchmarks, $\text{M}^{\text{3}}$ achieves state-of-the-art sample efficiency for planning-free world models. Notably, among these methods, it is the first to reach a human-level median score on Atari 100K, with superhuman performance on 13 games. Our code and model weights are publicly available at
♻ ☆ An efficient wavelet-based physics-informed neural networks for singularly perturbed problems
Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) are a class of deep learning models that utilize physics in the form of differential equations to address complex problems, including ones that may involve limited data availability. However, tackling solutions of differential equations with rapid oscillations, steep gradients, or singular behavior becomes challenging for PINNs. Considering these challenges, we designed an efficient wavelet-based PINNs (W-PINNs) model to address this class of differential equations. Here, we represent the solution in wavelet space using a family of smooth-compactly supported wavelets. This framework represents the solution of a differential equation with significantly fewer degrees of freedom while still retaining the dynamics of complex physical phenomena. The architecture allows the training process to search for a solution within the wavelet space, making the process faster and more accurate. Further, the proposed model does not rely on automatic differentiations for derivatives involved in differential equations and does not require any prior information regarding the behavior of the solution, such as the location of abrupt features. Thus, through a strategic fusion of wavelets with PINNs, W-PINNs excel at capturing localized nonlinear information, making them well-suited for problems showing abrupt behavior in certain regions, such as singularly perturbed and multiscale problems. The efficiency and accuracy of the proposed neural network model are demonstrated in various 1D and 2D test problems, i.e., the FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN) model, the Helmholtz equation, the Maxwell's equation, lid-driven cavity flow, and the Allen-Cahn equation, along with other highly singularly perturbed nonlinear differential equations. The proposed model significantly improves with traditional PINNs, recently developed wavelet-based PINNs, and other state-of-the-art methods.
♻ ☆ Looped ReLU MLPs May Be All You Need as Practical Programmable Computers
Previous work has demonstrated that attention mechanisms are Turing complete. More recently, it has been shown that a looped 9-layer Transformer can function as a universal programmable computer. In contrast, the multi-layer perceptrons with $\mathsf{ReLU}$ activation ($\mathsf{ReLU}$-$\mathsf{MLP}$), one of the most fundamental components of neural networks, is known to be expressive; specifically, a two-layer neural network is a universal approximator given an exponentially large number of hidden neurons. However, it remains unclear whether a $\mathsf{ReLU}$-$\mathsf{MLP}$ can be made into a universal programmable computer using a practical number of weights. In this work, we provide an affirmative answer that a looped 23-layer $\mathsf{ReLU}$-$\mathsf{MLP}$ is capable of performing the basic necessary operations, more efficiently and effectively functioning as a programmable computer than a looped Transformer. This indicates simple modules have stronger expressive power than previously expected and have not been fully explored. Our work provides insights into the mechanisms of neural networks and demonstrates that complex tasks, such as functioning as a programmable computer, do not necessarily require advanced architectures like Transformers.
comment: AIStats 2025
♻ ☆ GQSA: Group Quantization and Sparsity for Accelerating Large Language Model Inference
Model compression has emerged as a mainstream solution to reduce memory usage and computational overhead. This paper presents Group Quantization and Sparse Acceleration (GQSA), a novel compression technique tailored for LLMs. Traditional methods typically focus exclusively on either quantization or sparsification, but relying on a single strategy often results in significant performance loss at high compression rates. In contrast, GQSA integrates quantization and sparsification in a tightly coupled manner, leveraging GPU-friendly structured group sparsity and quantization for efficient acceleration. Building upon system-algorithm co-design principles, we propose a two-stage sparse optimization strategy that ensures the performance superiority of the compressed model. On the engine side, we introduce a "task-centric" parallel strategy, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first application in the domain of sparse computing. Compared to the traditional 2:4 sparse method, the GQSA offers a more flexible and adjustable sparsity rate, as well as a higher weight compression rate, and is efficiently compatible with weight-only quantization methods. Experimental results demonstrate that, under the GQSA W4S50% compression setting, the model's accuracy surpasses that of both 2:4 pruning and W2 quantization. Furthermore, at the inference level, GQSA outperforms W2 by 1.26$\times$ and 2:4 pruning by 2.35$\times$ in terms of speed.
comment: 14 pages
♻ ☆ Sharpness-Aware Minimization Efficiently Selects Flatter Minima Late in Training ICLR 2025
Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM) has substantially improved the generalization of neural networks under various settings. Despite the success, its effectiveness remains poorly understood. In this work, we discover an intriguing phenomenon in the training dynamics of SAM, shedding light on understanding its implicit bias towards flatter minima over Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). Specifically, we find that SAM efficiently selects flatter minima late in training. Remarkably, even a few epochs of SAM applied at the end of training yield nearly the same generalization and solution sharpness as full SAM training. Subsequently, we delve deeper into the underlying mechanism behind this phenomenon. Theoretically, we identify two phases in the learning dynamics after applying SAM late in training: i) SAM first escapes the minimum found by SGD exponentially fast; and ii) then rapidly converges to a flatter minimum within the same valley. Furthermore, we empirically investigate the role of SAM during the early training phase. We conjecture that the optimization method chosen in the late phase is more crucial in shaping the final solution's properties. Based on this viewpoint, we extend our findings from SAM to Adversarial Training.
comment: 32 pages, 16 figures, ICLR 2025 Spotlight
♻ ☆ Identifying metric structures of deep latent variable models
Deep latent variable models learn condensed representations of data that, hopefully, reflect the inner workings of the studied phenomena. Unfortunately, these latent representations are not statistically identifiable, meaning they cannot be uniquely determined. Domain experts, therefore, need to tread carefully when interpreting these. Current solutions limit the lack of identifiability through additional constraints on the latent variable model, e.g. by requiring labeled training data, or by restricting the expressivity of the model. We change the goal: instead of identifying the latent variables, we identify relationships between them such as meaningful distances, angles, and volumes. We prove this is feasible under very mild model conditions and without additional labeled data. We empirically demonstrate that our theory results in more reliable latent distances, offering a principled path forward in extracting trustworthy conclusions from deep latent variable models.
♻ ☆ A Large Recurrent Action Model: xLSTM enables Fast Inference for Robotics Tasks
In recent years, there has been a trend in the field of Reinforcement Learning (RL) towards large action models trained offline on large-scale datasets via sequence modeling. Existing models are primarily based on the Transformer architecture, which result in powerful agents. However, due to slow inference times, Transformer-based approaches are impractical for real-time applications, such as robotics. Recently, modern recurrent architectures, such as xLSTM and Mamba, have been proposed that exhibit parallelization benefits during training similar to the Transformer architecture while offering fast inference. In this work, we study the aptitude of these modern recurrent architectures for large action models. Consequently, we propose a Large Recurrent Action Model (LRAM) with an xLSTM at its core that comes with linear-time inference complexity and natural sequence length extrapolation abilities. Experiments on 432 tasks from 6 domains show that LRAM compares favorably to Transformers in terms of performance and speed.
♻ ☆ Neural Green's Operators for Parametric Partial Differential Equations
This work introduces neural Green's operators (NGOs), a novel neural operator network architecture that learns the solution operator for a parametric family of linear partial differential equations (PDEs). Our construction of NGOs is derived directly from the Green's formulation of such a solution operator. Similar to deep operator networks (DeepONets) and variationally mimetic operator networks (VarMiONs), NGOs constitutes an expansion of the solution to the PDE in terms of basis functions, that is returned from a sub-network, contracted with coefficients, that are returned from another sub-network. However, in accordance with the Green's formulation, NGOs accept weighted averages of the input functions, rather than sampled values thereof, as is the case in DeepONets and VarMiONs. Application of NGOs to canonical linear parametric PDEs shows that, while they remain competitive with DeepONets, VarMiONs and Fourier neural operators when testing on data that lie within the training distribution, they robustly generalize when testing on finer-scale data generated outside of the training distribution. Furthermore, we show that the explicit representation of the Green's function that is returned by NGOs enables the construction of effective preconditioners for numerical solvers for PDEs.
♻ ☆ LongPO: Long Context Self-Evolution of Large Language Models through Short-to-Long Preference Optimization ICLR 2025
Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities through pretraining and alignment. However, superior short-context LLMs may underperform in long-context scenarios due to insufficient long-context alignment. This alignment process remains challenging due to the impracticality of human annotation for extended contexts and the difficulty in balancing short- and long-context performance. To address these challenges, we introduce LongPO, that enables short-context LLMs to self-evolve to excel on long-context tasks by internally transferring short-context capabilities. LongPO harnesses LLMs to learn from self-generated short-to-long preference data, comprising paired responses generated for identical instructions with long-context inputs and their compressed short-context counterparts, respectively. This preference reveals capabilities and potentials of LLMs cultivated during short-context alignment that may be diminished in under-aligned long-context scenarios. Additionally, LongPO incorporates a short-to-long KL constraint to mitigate short-context performance decline during long-context alignment. When applied to Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 from 128K to 512K context lengths, LongPO fully retains short-context performance and largely outperforms naive SFT and DPO in both long- and short-context tasks. Specifically, LongPO-trained models can achieve results on long-context benchmarks comparable to, or even surpassing, those of superior LLMs (e.g., GPT-4-128K) that involve extensive long-context annotation and larger parameter scales. Our code is available at
comment: ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ MAGNNET: Multi-Agent Graph Neural Network-based Efficient Task Allocation for Autonomous Vehicles with Deep Reinforcement Learning
This paper addresses the challenge of decentralized task allocation within heterogeneous multi-agent systems operating under communication constraints. We introduce a novel framework that integrates graph neural networks (GNNs) with a centralized training and decentralized execution (CTDE) paradigm, further enhanced by a tailored Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm for multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MARL). Our approach enables unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) to dynamically allocate tasks efficiently without necessitating central coordination in a 3D grid environment. The framework minimizes total travel time while simultaneously avoiding conflicts in task assignments. For the cost calculation and routing, we employ reservation-based A* and R* path planners. Experimental results revealed that our method achieves a high 92.5% conflict-free success rate, with only a 7.49% performance gap compared to the centralized Hungarian method, while outperforming the heuristic decentralized baseline based on greedy approach. Additionally, the framework exhibits scalability with up to 20 agents with allocation processing of 2.8 s and robustness in responding to dynamically generated tasks, underscoring its potential for real-world applications in complex multi-agent scenarios.
comment: Submitted to IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (2025)
♻ ☆ Conditioning diffusion models by explicit forward-backward bridging AISTATS 2025
Given an unconditional diffusion model targeting a joint model $\pi(x, y)$, using it to perform conditional simulation $\pi(x \mid y)$ is still largely an open question and is typically achieved by learning conditional drifts to the denoising SDE after the fact. In this work, we express \emph{exact} conditional simulation within the \emph{approximate} diffusion model as an inference problem on an augmented space corresponding to a partial SDE bridge. This perspective allows us to implement efficient and principled particle Gibbs and pseudo-marginal samplers marginally targeting the conditional distribution $\pi(x \mid y)$. Contrary to existing methodology, our methods do not introduce any additional approximation to the unconditional diffusion model aside from the Monte Carlo error. We showcase the benefits and drawbacks of our approach on a series of synthetic and real data examples.
comment: In AISTATS 2025
♻ ☆ Bridging Smart Meter Gaps: A Benchmark of Statistical, Machine Learning and Time Series Foundation Models for Data Imputation
The integrity of time series data in smart grids is often compromised by missing values due to sensor failures, transmission errors, or disruptions. Gaps in smart meter data can bias consumption analyses and hinder reliable predictions, causing technical and economic inefficiencies. As smart meter data grows in volume and complexity, conventional techniques struggle with its nonlinear and nonstationary patterns. In this context, Generative Artificial Intelligence offers promising solutions that may outperform traditional statistical methods. In this paper, we evaluate two general-purpose Large Language Models and five Time Series Foundation Models for smart meter data imputation, comparing them with conventional Machine Learning and statistical models. We introduce artificial gaps (30 minutes to one day) into an anonymized public dataset to test inference capabilities. Results show that Time Series Foundation Models, with their contextual understanding and pattern recognition, could significantly enhance imputation accuracy in certain cases. However, the trade-off between computational cost and performance gains remains a critical consideration.
♻ ☆ Amplifier: Bringing Attention to Neglected Low-Energy Components in Time Series Forecasting AAAI 2025
We propose an energy amplification technique to address the issue that existing models easily overlook low-energy components in time series forecasting. This technique comprises an energy amplification block and an energy restoration block. The energy amplification block enhances the energy of low-energy components to improve the model's learning efficiency for these components, while the energy restoration block returns the energy to its original level. Moreover, considering that the energy-amplified data typically displays two distinct energy peaks in the frequency spectrum, we integrate the energy amplification technique with a seasonal-trend forecaster to model the temporal relationships of these two peaks independently, serving as the backbone for our proposed model, Amplifier. Additionally, we propose a semi-channel interaction temporal relationship enhancement block for Amplifier, which enhances the model's ability to capture temporal relationships from the perspective of the commonality and specificity of each channel in the data. Extensive experiments on eight time series forecasting benchmarks consistently demonstrate our model's superiority in both effectiveness and efficiency compared to state-of-the-art methods.
comment: Accepted by AAAI 2025
♻ ☆ Infrared Image Super-Resolution: Systematic Review, and Future Trends
Image Super-Resolution (SR) is essential for a wide range of computer vision and image processing tasks. Investigating infrared (IR) image (or thermal images) super-resolution is a continuing concern within the development of deep learning. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive perspective of IR image super-resolution, including its applications, hardware imaging system dilemmas, and taxonomy of image processing methodologies. In addition, the datasets and evaluation metrics in IR image super-resolution tasks are also discussed. Furthermore, the deficiencies in current technologies and possible promising directions for the community to explore are highlighted. To cope with the rapid development in this field, we intend to regularly update the relevant excellent work at \url{
comment: This work has been submitted to the Pattern Recognition for possible publication
♻ ☆ Herglotz-NET: Implicit Neural Representation of Spherical Data with Harmonic Positional Encoding
Representing and processing data in spherical domains presents unique challenges, primarily due to the curvature of the domain, which complicates the application of classical Euclidean techniques. Implicit neural representations (INRs) have emerged as a promising alternative for high-fidelity data representation; however, to effectively handle spherical domains, these methods must be adapted to the inherent geometry of the sphere to maintain both accuracy and stability. In this context, we propose Herglotz-NET (HNET), a novel INR architecture that employs a harmonic positional encoding based on complex Herglotz mappings. This encoding yields a well-posed representation on the sphere with interpretable and robust spectral properties. Moreover, we present a unified expressivity analysis showing that any spherical-based INR satisfying a mild condition exhibits a predictable spectral expansion that scales with network depth. Our results establish HNET as a scalable and flexible framework for accurate modeling of spherical data.
comment: Keywords: Herglotz, spherical harmonics, spectral analysis, implicit neural representation. Remarks: 4 pages + 1 reference page, 4 figures (submitted to SAMPTA2025)
♻ ☆ Efficient Adaptive Experimental Design for Average Treatment Effect Estimation
We study how to efficiently estimate average treatment effects (ATEs) using adaptive experiments. In adaptive experiments, experimenters sequentially assign treatments to experimental units while updating treatment assignment probabilities based on past data. We start by defining the efficient treatment-assignment probability, which minimizes the semiparametric efficiency bound for ATE estimation. Our proposed experimental design estimates and uses the efficient treatment-assignment probability to assign treatments. At the end of the proposed design, the experimenter estimates the ATE using a newly proposed Adaptive Augmented Inverse Probability Weighting (A2IPW) estimator. We show that the asymptotic variance of the A2IPW estimator using data from the proposed design achieves the minimized semiparametric efficiency bound. We also analyze the estimator's finite-sample properties and develop nonparametric and nonasymptotic confidence intervals that are valid at any round of the proposed design. These anytime valid confidence intervals allow us to conduct rate-optimal sequential hypothesis testing, allowing for early stopping and reducing necessary sample size.
System/Control 28
☆ On the $H$-property for Step-graphons: Residual Case
We sample graphs $G_n$ on $n$ nodes from a step-graphon and evaluate the probability that $G_n$ has a Hamiltonian decomposition in the asymptotic regime as $n\to\infty$. It has recently been shown that for almost all step-graphons, this probability converges to either zero or one. In this paper, we focus on the class of step-graphons such that the zero-one property does not hold. We show in this case that the limit of the probability still exists and provide an explicit expression of it.
Planning, scheduling, and execution on the Moon: the CADRE technology demonstration mission AAMAS 2025
NASA's Cooperative Autonomous Distributed Robotic Exploration (CADRE) mission, slated for flight to the Moon's Reiner Gamma region in 2025/2026, is designed to demonstrate multi-agent autonomous exploration of the Lunar surface and sub-surface. A team of three robots and a base station will autonomously explore a region near the lander, collecting the data required for 3D reconstruction of the surface with no human input; and then autonomously perform distributed sensing with multi-static ground penetrating radars (GPR), driving in formation while performing coordinated radar soundings to create a map of the subsurface. At the core of CADRE's software architecture is a novel autonomous, distributed planning, scheduling, and execution (PS&E) system. The system coordinates the robots' activities, planning and executing tasks that require multiple robots' participation while ensuring that each individual robot's thermal and power resources stay within prescribed bounds, and respecting ground-prescribed sleep-wake cycles. The system uses a centralized-planning, distributed-execution paradigm, and a leader election mechanism ensures robustness to failures of individual agents. In this paper, we describe the architecture of CADRE's PS&E system; discuss its design rationale; and report on verification and validation (V&V) testing of the system on CADRE's hardware in preparation for deployment on the Moon.
comment: To be presented at AAMAS 2025
☆ Tracking and Assigning Jobs to a Markov Machine
We consider a time-slotted communication system with a machine, a cloud server, and a sampler. Job requests from the users are queued on the server to be completed by the machine. The machine has two states, namely, a busy state and a free state. The server can assign a job to the machine in a first-in-first-served manner. If the machine is free, it completes the job request from the server; otherwise, it drops the request. Upon dropping a job request, the server is penalized. When the machine is in the free state, the machine can get into the busy state with an internal job. When the server does not assign a job request to the machine, the state of the machine evolves as a symmetric Markov chain. If the machine successfully accepts the job request from the server, the state of the machine goes to the busy state and follows a different dynamics compared to the dynamics when the machine goes to the busy state due to an internal job. The sampler samples the state of the machine and sends it to the server via an error-free channel. Thus, the server can estimate the state of the machine, upon receiving an update from the source. If the machine is in the free state but the estimated state at the server is busy, the sampler pays a cost. We incorporate the concept of the age of incorrect information to model the cost of the sampler. We aim to find an optimal sampling policy such that the cost of the sampler plus the penalty on the machine gets minimized. We formulate this problem in a Markov decision process framework and find how an optimal policy changes with several associated parameters. We show that a threshold policy is optimal for this problem. We show a necessary and sufficient condition for a threshold policy to be optimal. Finally, we find the optimal threshold without bounding the state space.
Reinforcement Learning with Graph Attention for Routing and Wavelength Assignment with Lightpath Reuse
Many works have investigated reinforcement learning (RL) for routing and spectrum assignment on flex-grid networks but only one work to date has examined RL for fixed-grid with flex-rate transponders, despite production systems using this paradigm. Flex-rate transponders allow existing lightpaths to accommodate new services, a task we term routing and wavelength assignment with lightpath reuse (RWA-LR). We re-examine this problem and present a thorough benchmarking of heuristic algorithms for RWA-LR, which are shown to have 6% increased throughput when candidate paths are ordered by number of hops, rather than total length. We train an RL agent for RWA-LR with graph attention networks for the policy and value functions to exploit the graph-structured data. We provide details of our methodology and open source all of our code for reproduction. We outperform the previous state-of-the-art RL approach by 2.5% (17.4 Tbps mean additional throughput) and the best heuristic by 1.2% (8.5 Tbps mean additional throughput). This marginal gain highlights the difficulty in learning effective RL policies on long horizon resource allocation tasks.
☆ Robust Information Selection for Hypothesis Testing with Misclassification Penalties
We study the problem of robust information selection for a Bayesian hypothesis testing / classification task, where the goal is to identify the true state of the world from a finite set of hypotheses based on observations from the selected information sources. We introduce a novel misclassification penalty framework, which enables non-uniform treatment of different misclassification events. Extending the classical subset selection framework, we study the problem of selecting a subset of sources that minimize the maximum penalty of misclassification under a limited budget, despite deletions or failures of a subset of the selected sources. We characterize the curvature properties of the objective function and propose an efficient greedy algorithm with performance guarantees. Next, we highlight certain limitations of optimizing for the maximum penalty metric and propose a submodular surrogate metric to guide the selection of the information set. We propose a greedy algorithm with near-optimality guarantees for optimizing the surrogate metric. Finally, we empirically demonstrate the performance of our proposed algorithms in several instances of the information set selection problem.
comment: 23 pages, 2 figures
☆ Understanding long-term energy use in off-grid solar home systems in sub-Saharan Africa
Solar home systems provide low-cost electricity access for rural off-grid communities. As access to them increases, more long-term data becomes available on how these systems are used throughout their lifetime. This work analyses a dataset of 1,000 systems across sub-Saharan Africa. Dynamic time warping clustering was applied to the load demand data from the systems, identifying five distinct archetypal daily load profiles and their occurrence across the dataset. Temporal analysis reveals a general decline in daily energy consumption over time, with 57% of households reducing their usage after the first year of ownership. On average, there is a 33% decrease in daily consumption by the end of the second year compared to the peak demand, which occurs on the 96th day. Combining the load demand analysis with payment data shows that this decrease in energy consumption is observed even in households that are not experiencing economic hardship, indicating there are reasons beyond financial constraints for decreasing energy use once energy access is obtained.
☆ Data-driven Control of T-Product-based Dynamical Systems
Data-driven control is a powerful tool that enables the design and implementation of control strategies directly from data without explicitly identifying the underlying system dynamics. While various data-driven control techniques, such as stabilization, linear quadratic regulation, and model predictive control, have been extensively developed, these methods are not inherently suited for multi-linear dynamical systems, where the states are represented as higher-order tensors. In this article, we propose a novel framework for data-driven control of T-product-based dynamical systems (TPDSs), where the system evolution is governed by the T-product between a third-order dynamic tensor and a third-order state tensor. In particular, we offer necessary and sufficient conditions to determine the data informativity for system identification, stabilization by state feedback, and T-product quadratic regulation of TPDSs with detailed complexity analyses. Finally, we validate our framework through numerical examples.
comment: 8 pages, 2 tables
☆ A Stackelberg Game Approach for Signal Temporal Logic Control Synthesis with Uncontrollable Agents
In this paper, we investigate the control synthesis problem for Signal Temporal Logic (STL) specifications in the presence of uncontrollable agents. Existing works mainly address this problem in a robust control setting by assuming the uncontrollable agents are adversarial and accounting for the worst-case scenario. While this approach ensures safety, it can be overly conservative in scenarios where uncontrollable agents have their own objectives that are not entirely opposed to the system's goals. Motivated by this limitation, we propose a new framework for STL control synthesis within the Stackelberg game setting. Specifically, we assume that the system controller, acting as the leader, first commits to a plan, after which the uncontrollable agents, acting as followers, take a best response based on the committed plan and their own objectives. Our goal is to synthesize a control sequence for the leader such that, for any rational followers producing a best response, the leader's STL task is guaranteed to be satisfied. We present an effective solution to this problem by transforming it into a single-stage optimization problem and leveraging counter-example guided synthesis techniques. We demonstrate that the proposed approach is sound and identify conditions under which it is optimal. Simulation results are also provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.
comment: 8 pages
☆ A Mobile Robotic Approach to Autonomous Surface Scanning in Legal Medicine
Purpose: Comprehensive legal medicine documentation includes both an internal but also an external examination of the corpse. Typically, this documentation is conducted manually during conventional autopsy. A systematic digital documentation would be desirable, especially for the external examination of wounds, which is becoming more relevant for legal medicine analysis. For this purpose, RGB surface scanning has been introduced. While a manual full surface scan using a handheld camera is timeconsuming and operator dependent, floor or ceiling mounted robotic systems require substantial space and a dedicated room. Hence, we consider whether a mobile robotic system can be used for external documentation. Methods: We develop a mobile robotic system that enables full-body RGB-D surface scanning. Our work includes a detailed configuration space analysis to identify the environmental parameters that need to be considered to successfully perform a surface scan. We validate our findings through an experimental study in the lab and demonstrate the system's application in a legal medicine environment. Results: Our configuration space analysis shows that a good trade-off between coverage and time is reached with three robot base positions, leading to a coverage of 94.96 %. Experiments validate the effectiveness of the system in accurately capturing body surface geometry with an average surface coverage of 96.90 +- 3.16 % and 92.45 +- 1.43 % for a body phantom and actual corpses, respectively. Conclusion: This work demonstrates the potential of a mobile robotic system to automate RGB-D surface scanning in legal medicine, complementing the use of post-mortem CT scans for inner documentation. Our results indicate that the proposed system can contribute to more efficient and autonomous legal medicine documentation, reducing the need for manual intervention.
comment: Submitted and accepted for presentation at CARS 2025. This preprint has not undergone peer review or post-submission revisions. The final version of this work will appear in the official CARS 2025 proceedings
☆ Towards Routing and Edge Computing in Satellite-Terrestrial Networks: A Column Generation Approach
Edge computing that enables satellites to process raw data locally is expected to bring further timeliness and flexibility to satellite-terrestrial networks (STNs). In this letter, In this letter, we propose a three-layer edge computing protocol, where raw data collected by satellites can be processed locally, or transmitted to other satellites or the ground station via multi-hop routing for further processing. The overall computing capacity of the proposed framework is maximized by determining the offloading strategy and route formation, subject to channel capacity and hop constraints. Given that the problem scale grows exponentially with the number of satellites and maximum-allowed hops, the column generation approach is employed to obtain the global optimal solution by activating only a subset of variables. Numerical investigations reveal that the proposed three-layer computing protocol improves the computing capacity by 40\%, compared to the single-layer configuration.
☆ MPPI-DBaS: Safe Trajectory Optimization with Adaptive Exploration
In trajectory optimization, Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI) control is a sampling-based Model Predictive Control (MPC) framework that generates optimal inputs by efficiently simulating numerous trajectories. In practice, however, MPPI often struggles to guarantee safety assurance and balance efficient sampling in open spaces with the need for more extensive exploration under tight constraints. To address this challenge, we incorporate discrete barrier states (DBaS) into MPPI and propose a novel MPPI-DBaS algorithm that ensures system safety and enables adaptive exploration across diverse scenarios. We evaluate our method in simulation experiments where the vehicle navigates through closely placed obstacles. The results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms standard MPPI, achieving a higher success rate and lower tracking errors.
comment: CCC 2025
☆ On the Contraction Analysis of Nonlinear System with Multiple Equilibrium Points
In this work, we leverage the 2-contraction theory, which extends the capabilities of classical contraction theory, to develop a global stability framework. Coupled with powerful geometric tools such as the Poincare index theory, the 2-contraction theory enables us to analyze the stability of planar nonlinear systems without relying on local equilibrium analysis. By utilizing index theory and 2-contraction results, we efficiently characterize the nature of equilibrium points and delineate regions in 2-dimensional state space where periodic solutions, closed orbits, or stable dynamics may exist. A key focus of this work is the identification of regions in the state space where periodic solutions may occur, as well as 2-contraction regions that guarantee the nonexistence of such solutions. Additionally, we address a critical problem in engineering the determination of the basin of attraction (BOA) for stable equilibrium points. For systems with multiple equilibria identifying candidate BOAs becomes highly nontrivial. We propose a novel methodology leveraging the 2-contraction theory to approximate a common BOA for a class of nonlinear systems with multiple stable equilibria. Theoretical findings are substantiated through benchmark examples and numerical simulations, demonstrating the practical utility of the proposed approach. Furthermore, we extend our framework to analyze networked systems, showcasing their efficacy in an opinion dynamics problem.
comment: 14 pages, 10 figures
☆ No Minima, No Collisions: Combining Modulation and Control Barrier Function Strategies for Feasible Dynamical Collision Avoidance
As prominent real-time safety-critical reactive control techniques, Control Barrier Function Quadratic Programs (CBF-QPs) work for control affine systems in general but result in local minima in the generated trajectories and consequently cannot ensure convergence to the goals. Contrarily, Modulation of Dynamical Systems (Mod-DSs), including normal, reference, and on-manifold Mod-DS, achieve obstacle avoidance with few and even no local minima but have trouble optimally minimizing the difference between the constrained and the unconstrained controller outputs, and its applications are limited to fully-actuated systems. We dive into the theoretical foundations of CBF-QP and Mod-DS, proving that despite their distinct origins, normal Mod-DS is a special case of CBF-QP, and reference Mod-DS's solutions are mathematically connected to that of the CBF-QP through one equation. Building on top of the unveiled theoretical connections between CBF-QP and Mod-DS, reference Mod-based CBF-QP and on-manifold Mod-based CBF-QP controllers are proposed to combine the strength of CBF-QP and Mod-DS approaches and realize local-minimum-free reactive obstacle avoidance for control affine systems in general. We validate our methods in both simulated hospital environments and real-world experiments using Ridgeback for fully-actuated systems and Fetch robots for underactuated systems. Mod-based CBF-QPs outperform CBF-QPs as well as the optimally constrained-enforcing Mod-DS approaches we proposed in all experiments.
☆ Real-Time Sampling-based Online Planning for Drone Interception ICRA 2025
This paper studies high-speed online planning in dynamic environments. The problem requires finding time-optimal trajectories that conform to system dynamics, meeting computational constraints for real-time adaptation, and accounting for uncertainty from environmental changes. To address these challenges, we propose a sampling-based online planning algorithm that leverages neural network inference to replace time-consuming nonlinear trajectory optimization, enabling rapid exploration of multiple trajectory options under uncertainty. The proposed method is applied to the drone interception problem, where a defense drone must intercept a target while avoiding collisions and handling imperfect target predictions. The algorithm efficiently generates trajectories toward multiple potential target drone positions in parallel. It then assesses trajectory reachability by comparing traversal times with the target drone's predicted arrival time, ultimately selecting the minimum-time reachable trajectory. Through extensive validation in both simulated and real-world environments, we demonstrate our method's capability for high-rate online planning and its adaptability to unpredictable movements in unstructured settings.
comment: Accepted at ICRA 2025. Supplementary video:
☆ Sample Complexity of Linear Quadratic Regulator Without Initial Stability
Inspired by REINFORCE, we introduce a novel receding-horizon algorithm for the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) problem with unknown parameters. Unlike prior methods, our algorithm avoids reliance on two-point gradient estimates while maintaining the same order of sample complexity. Furthermore, it eliminates the restrictive requirement of starting with a stable initial policy, broadening its applicability. Beyond these improvements, we introduce a refined analysis of error propagation through the contraction of the Riemannian distance over the Riccati operator. This refinement leads to a better sample complexity and ensures improved convergence guarantees. Numerical simulations validate the theoretical results, demonstrating the method's practical feasibility and performance in realistic scenarios.
☆ DDAT: Diffusion Policies Enforcing Dynamically Admissible Robot Trajectories
Diffusion models excel at creating images and videos thanks to their multimodal generative capabilities. These same capabilities have made diffusion models increasingly popular in robotics research, where they are used for generating robot motion. However, the stochastic nature of diffusion models is fundamentally at odds with the precise dynamical equations describing the feasible motion of robots. Hence, generating dynamically admissible robot trajectories is a challenge for diffusion models. To alleviate this issue, we introduce DDAT: Diffusion policies for Dynamically Admissible Trajectories to generate provably admissible trajectories of black-box robotic systems using diffusion models. A sequence of states is a dynamically admissible trajectory if each state of the sequence belongs to the reachable set of its predecessor by the robot's equations of motion. To generate such trajectories, our diffusion policies project their predictions onto a dynamically admissible manifold during both training and inference to align the objective of the denoiser neural network with the dynamical admissibility constraint. The auto-regressive nature of these projections along with the black-box nature of robot dynamics render these projections immensely challenging. We thus enforce admissibility by iteratively sampling a polytopic under-approximation of the reachable set of a state onto which we project its predicted successor, before iterating this process with the projected successor. By producing accurate trajectories, this projection eliminates the need for diffusion models to continually replan, enabling one-shot long-horizon trajectory planning. We demonstrate that our framework generates higher quality dynamically admissible robot trajectories through extensive simulations on a quadcopter and various MuJoCo environments, along with real-world experiments on a Unitree GO1 and GO2.
comment: Under review
☆ Auxiliary-Variable Adaptive Control Barrier Functions
This paper addresses the challenge of ensuring safety and feasibility in control systems using Control Barrier Functions (CBFs). Existing CBF-based Quadratic Programs (CBF-QPs) often encounter feasibility issues due to mixed relative degree constraints, input nullification problems, and the presence of tight or time-varying control bounds, which can lead to infeasible solutions and compromised safety. To address these challenges, we propose Auxiliary-Variable Adaptive Control Barrier Functions (AVCBFs), a novel framework that introduces auxiliary functions to dynamically adjust CBF constraints without the need of excessive additional constraints. The AVCBF method ensures that all components of the control input explicitly appear in the desired-order safety constraint, thereby improving feasibility while maintaining safety guarantees. Additionally, we introduce an automatic tuning method that iteratively adjusts AVCBF hyperparameters to ensure feasibility and safety with less conservatism. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in adaptive cruise control and obstacle avoidance scenarios, showing that AVCBFs outperform existing CBF methods by reducing infeasibility and enhancing adaptive safety control under tight or time-varying control bounds.
comment: 17 pages, 9 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2304.00372
☆ Inferring System and Optimal Control Parameters of Closed-Loop Systems from Partial Observations
We consider the joint problem of system identification and inverse optimal control for discrete-time stochastic Linear Quadratic Regulators. We analyze finite and infinite time horizons in a partially observed setting, where the state is observed noisily. To recover closed-loop system parameters, we develop inference methods based on probabilistic state-space model (SSM) techniques. First, we show that the system parameters exhibit non-identifiability in the infinite-horizon from closed-loop measurements, and we provide exact and numerical methods to disentangle the parameters. Second, to improve parameter identifiability, we show that we can further enhance recovery by either (1) incorporating additional partial measurements of the control signals or (2) moving to the finite-horizon setting. We further illustrate the performance of our methodology through numerical examples.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE 63rd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
☆ Safe Beyond the Horizon: Efficient Sampling-based MPC with Neural Control Barrier Functions
A common problem when using model predictive control (MPC) in practice is the satisfaction of safety specifications beyond the prediction horizon. While theoretical works have shown that safety can be guaranteed by enforcing a suitable terminal set constraint or a sufficiently long prediction horizon, these techniques are difficult to apply and thus are rarely used by practitioners, especially in the case of general nonlinear dynamics. To solve this problem, we impose a tradeoff between exact recursive feasibility, computational tractability, and applicability to ''black-box'' dynamics by learning an approximate discrete-time control barrier function and incorporating it into a variational inference MPC (VIMPC), a sampling-based MPC paradigm. To handle the resulting state constraints, we further propose a new sampling strategy that greatly reduces the variance of the estimated optimal control, improving the sample efficiency, and enabling real-time planning on a CPU. The resulting Neural Shield-VIMPC (NS-VIMPC) controller yields substantial safety improvements compared to existing sampling-based MPC controllers, even under badly designed cost functions. We validate our approach in both simulation and real-world hardware experiments.
☆ Design of a Visual Pose Estimation Algorithm for Moon Landing
In order to make a pinpoint landing on the Moon, the spacecraft's navigation system must be accurate. To achieve the desired accuracy, navigational drift caused by the inertial sensors must be corrected. One way to correct this drift is to use absolute navigation solutions. In this study, a terrain absolute navigation method to estimate the spacecraft's position and attitude is proposed. This algorithm uses the position of the craters below the spacecraft for estimation. Craters seen by the camera onboard the spacecraft are detected and identified using a crater database known beforehand. In order to focus on estimation algorithms, image processing and crater matching steps are skipped. The accuracy of the algorithm and the effect of the crater number used for estimation are inspected by performing simulations.
comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, Presented in 11th Nano-Satellite Symposium
♻ ☆ Cyber-physical Defense for Heterogeneous Multi-agent Systems Against Exponentially Unbounded Attacks on Signed Digraphs
Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are subjected to attacks on both cyber and physical spaces. In reality, the attackers could launch exponentially unbounded false data injection (EU-FDI) attacks, which are more destructive and could lead to the system's collapse or instability. Existing literature generally addresses bounded attack signals and/or bounded-first-order-derivative attack signals, which exposes the CPSs to significant threats. In contrast, this paper proposes a fully-distributed attack-resilient bi-layer defense framework to address the bipartite output containment problem for heterogeneous multi-agent systems on signed digraphs, in the presence of EU-FDI attacks on both cyber-physical layer (CPL) and observer layer (OL). First, we design attack-resilient dynamic compensators that utilize data communicated on the OL to estimate the convex combinations of the states and negative states of the leaders. The attack-resilient compensators address the EU-FDI attacks on the OL and guarantee the uniformly ultimately bounded (UUB) estimation of the leaders' states. Then, by using the compensators' states, fully-distributed attack-resilient controllers are designed on the CPL to further address the EU-FDI attacks on the actuators. Rigorous mathematical proof based on Lyapunov stability analysis is provided, establishing the theoretical soundness of the proposed bi-layer resilient defense framework, by preserving the UUB consensus and stability against EU-FDI attacks on both CPL and OL. Finally, a comparative case study for heterogeneous multi-agent systems validate the enhanced resilience of the proposed defense strategies.
♻ ☆ Stability Analysis of Compartmental and Cooperative Systems
The present article considers stability of the solutions to nonlinear and nonautonomous compartmental systems governed by ordinary differential equations (ODEs). In particular, compartmental systems with a right-hand side that can be written as a product of a matrix function and vector function. Sufficient, and on occasion necessary, conditions on the matrix function are provided to conclude exponential stability of the null solution. The conditions involve verifying that the matrix function takes its values in a set of compartmental matrices on a certain canonical form, and are easy to check. Similar conditions are provided to establish incremental exponential stability for compartmental systems governed by cooperative systems of ODEs. The solutions to such systems satisfy a so-called ordering. Systems that are cooperative in a box, are shown to be incrementally asymptotically stable if and only if every pair of initially ordered solutions converge to each other. Traffic Reaction Models are used to illustrate the results, which are numerical schemes to solve conservation laws in one spatial dimension. Suitable conditions on the flux function of the conservation law are given such that the numerical scheme gives rise to an incrementally exponentially stable system.
♻ ☆ On Adaptive Frequency Sampling for Data-driven Model Order Reduction Applied to Antenna Responses
Frequency domain sweeps of array antennas are well-known to be time-intensive, and different surrogate models have been used to improve the performance. Data-driven model order reduction algorithms, such as the Loewner framework and vector fitting, can be integrated with these adaptive error estimates, in an iterative algorithm, to reduce the number of full-wave simulations required to accurately capture the requested frequency behavior of multiport array antennas. In this work, we propose two novel adaptive methods exploiting a block matrix function which is a key part of the Loewner framework generating system approach. The first algorithm leverages an inherent matrix parameter freedom in the block matrix function to identify frequency points with large errors, whereas the second utilizes the condition number of the block matrix function. Both methods effectively provide frequency domain error estimates, which are essential for improved performance. Numerical experiments on multiport array antenna S-parameters demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms within the Loewner framework, where the proposed algorithms reach the smallest errors for the smallest number of frequency points chosen.
comment: 10 pages, 9 figures
♻ ☆ Incentive-based Platoon Formation: Optimizing the Personal Benefit for Drivers
Platooning or cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) has been investigated for decades, but debate about its lasting impact is still ongoing. While the benefits of platooning and the formation of platoons are well understood for trucks, they are less clear for passenger cars, which have a higher heterogeneity in trips and drivers' preferences. Most importantly, it remains unclear how to form platoons of passenger cars in order to optimize the personal benefit for the individual driver. To this end, in this paper, we propose a novel platoon formation algorithm that optimizes the personal benefit for drivers of individual passenger cars. For computing vehicle-to-platoon assignments, the algorithm utilizes a new metric that we propose to evaluate the personal benefits of various driving systems, including platooning. By combining fuel and travel time costs into a single monetary value, drivers can estimate overall trip costs according to a personal monetary value for time spent. This provides an intuitive way for drivers to understand and compare the benefits of driving systems like human driving, adaptive cruise control (ACC), and, of course, platooning. Unlike previous similarity-based methods, our proposed algorithm forms platoons only when beneficial for the driver, rather than solely for platooning. We demonstrate the new metric for the total trip cost in a numerical analysis and explain its interpretation. Results of a large-scale simulation study demonstrate that our proposed platoon formation algorithm outperforms normal ACC as well as previous similarity-based platooning approaches by balancing fuel savings and travel time, independent of traffic and drivers' time cost.
♻ ☆ Structural Stability Properties of Antithetic Integral (Rein) Control with Output Inhibition
Perfect adaptation is a well-studied biochemical homeostatic behavior lying at the core of biochemical regulation. While the concepts of homeostasis and perfect adaptation are not new, their underlying mechanisms and associated biochemical regulation motifs are not yet fully understood. Insights from control theory unraveled the connections between perfect adaptation and integral control, a prevalent engineering control strategy. In particular, the recently introduced Antithetic Integral Controller (AIC) has been shown to successfully ensure perfect adaptation properties to the network it is connected to. The complementary structure of the two molecules the AIC relies upon allows for a versatile way to control biochemical networks, a property which gave rise to an important body of literature pertaining to mathematically elucidating its properties, generalizing its structure, and developing experimental methods for its implementation. The Antithetic Integral Rein Controller (AIRC), an extension of the AIC in which both controller molecules are used for control, holds many promises as it supposedly overcomes certain limitations of the AIC. We focus here on an AIRC structure with output inhibition that combines two AICs in a single structure. We demonstrate that rhis controller ensure structural stability and structural perfect adaptation properties for the controlled network under mild assumptions, meaning that this property is independent of the parameters of the network and the controller. The results are very general and valid for the class of unimolecular mass-action networks as well as more general networks, including cooperative and Michaelis-Menten networks. We also provide a systematic and accessible computational way for verifying whether a given network satisfies the conditions under which the structural property would hold.
comment: 72 pages, 22 figures
♻ ☆ Distributed Safe Learning and Planning for Multi-robot Systems
This paper considers the problem of online multi-robot motion planning with general nonlinear dynamics subject to unknown external disturbances. We propose dSLAP, a distributed safe learning and planning framework that allows the robots to safely navigate through the environments by coupling online learning and motion planning. Gaussian process regression is used to online learn the disturbances with uncertainty quantification. The planning algorithm ensures collision avoidance against the learning uncertainty and utilizes set-valued analysis to achieve fast adaptation in response to the newly learned models. A set-valued model predictive control problem is then formulated and solved to return a control policy that balances between actively exploring the unknown disturbances and reaching goal regions. Sufficient conditions are established to guarantee the safety of the robots in the absence of backup policy. Monte Carlo simulations are conducted for evaluation.
♻ ☆ Compact Formulation of the First Evolution Equation for Optimal Control Computation
The first evolution equation is derived under the Variation Evolving Method (VEM) that seeks optimal solutions with the variation evolution principle. To improve the performance, its compact form is developed. By replacing the states and costates variation evolution with that of the controls, the dimension-reduced Evolution Partial Differential Equation (EPDE) only solves the control variables along the variation time to get the optimal solution, and its definite conditions may be arbitrary. With this equation, the scale of the resulting Initial-value Problem (IVP), transformed via the semi-discrete method, is significantly reduced. Illustrative examples are solved and it is shown that the compact form evolution equation outperforms the primary form in the precision, and the efficiency may be higher for the dense discretization. Moreover, in discussing the connections to the classic iteration methods, it is uncovered that the computation scheme of the gradient method is the discrete implementation of the third evolution equation, and the compact form of the first evolution equation is a continuous realization of the Newton type iteration mechanism.
comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1802.04663, arXiv:1801.10486, arXiv:1801.01383, arXiv:1802.02140, arXiv:1801.07395
♻ ☆ A Dual-Motor Actuator for Ceiling Robots with High Force and High Speed Capabilities
Patient transfer devices allow to move patients passively in hospitals and care centers. Instead of hoisting the patient, it would be beneficial in some cases to assist their movement, enabling them to move by themselves. However, patient assistance requires devices capable of precisely controlling output forces at significantly higher speeds than those used for patient transfers alone, and a single motor solution would be over-sized and show poor efficiency to do both functions. This paper presents a dual-motor actuator and control schemes adapted for a patient mobility equipment that can be used to transfer patients, assist patient in their movement, and help prevent falls. The prototype is shown to be able to lift patients weighing up to 318 kg, to assist a patient with a desired force of up to 100 kg with a precision of 7.8%. Also, a smart control scheme to manage falls is shown to be able to stop a patient who is falling by applying a desired deceleration.
comment: 9 pages, 11 figures
Robotics 52
☆ A Training-Free Framework for Precise Mobile Manipulation of Small Everyday Objects
Many everyday mobile manipulation tasks require precise interaction with small objects, such as grasping a knob to open a cabinet or pressing a light switch. In this paper, we develop Servoing with Vision Models (SVM), a closed-loop training-free framework that enables a mobile manipulator to tackle such precise tasks involving the manipulation of small objects. SVM employs an RGB-D wrist camera and uses visual servoing for control. Our novelty lies in the use of state-of-the-art vision models to reliably compute 3D targets from the wrist image for diverse tasks and under occlusion due to the end-effector. To mitigate occlusion artifacts, we employ vision models to out-paint the end-effector thereby significantly enhancing target localization. We demonstrate that aided by out-painting methods, open-vocabulary object detectors can serve as a drop-in module to identify semantic targets (e.g. knobs) and point tracking methods can reliably track interaction sites indicated by user clicks. This training-free method obtains an 85% zero-shot success rate on manipulating unseen objects in novel environments in the real world, outperforming an open-loop control method and an imitation learning baseline trained on 1000+ demonstrations by an absolute success rate of 50%.
comment: Project webpage:
☆ NavigateDiff: Visual Predictors are Zero-Shot Navigation Assistants ICRA2025
Navigating unfamiliar environments presents significant challenges for household robots, requiring the ability to recognize and reason about novel decoration and layout. Existing reinforcement learning methods cannot be directly transferred to new environments, as they typically rely on extensive mapping and exploration, leading to time-consuming and inefficient. To address these challenges, we try to transfer the logical knowledge and the generalization ability of pre-trained foundation models to zero-shot navigation. By integrating a large vision-language model with a diffusion network, our approach named \mname ~constructs a visual predictor that continuously predicts the agent's potential observations in the next step which can assist robots generate robust actions. Furthermore, to adapt the temporal property of navigation, we introduce temporal historical information to ensure that the predicted image is aligned with the navigation scene. We then carefully designed an information fusion framework that embeds the predicted future frames as guidance into goal-reaching policy to solve downstream image navigation tasks. This approach enhances navigation control and generalization across both simulated and real-world environments. Through extensive experimentation, we demonstrate the robustness and versatility of our method, showcasing its potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of robotic navigation in diverse settings.
comment: Accepted to ICRA2025
☆ The NavINST Dataset for Multi-Sensor Autonomous Navigation
The NavINST Laboratory has developed a comprehensive multisensory dataset from various road-test trajectories in urban environments, featuring diverse lighting conditions, including indoor garage scenarios with dense 3D maps. This dataset includes multiple commercial-grade IMUs and a high-end tactical-grade IMU. Additionally, it contains a wide array of perception-based sensors, such as a solid-state LiDAR - making it one of the first datasets to do so - a mechanical LiDAR, four electronically scanning RADARs, a monocular camera, and two stereo cameras. The dataset also includes forward speed measurements derived from the vehicle's odometer, along with accurately post-processed high-end GNSS/IMU data, providing precise ground truth positioning and navigation information. The NavINST dataset is designed to support advanced research in high-precision positioning, navigation, mapping, computer vision, and multisensory fusion. It offers rich, multi-sensor data ideal for developing and validating robust algorithms for autonomous vehicles. Finally, it is fully integrated with the ROS, ensuring ease of use and accessibility for the research community. The complete dataset and development tools are available at
comment: 14 pages, 20 figures
☆ Minimally sufficient structures for information-feedback policies
In this paper, we consider robotic tasks which require a desirable outcome to be achieved in the physical world that the robot is embedded in and interacting with. Accomplishing this objective requires designing a filter that maintains a useful representation of the physical world and a policy over the filter states. A filter is seen as the robot's perspective of the physical world based on limited sensing, memory, and computation and it is represented as a transition system over a space of information states. To this end, the interactions result from the coupling of an internal and an external system, a filter, and the physical world, respectively, through a sensor mapping and an information-feedback policy. Within this setup, we look for sufficient structures, that is, sufficient internal systems and sensors, for accomplishing a given task. We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for these structures to satisfy for information-feedback policies that can be defined over the states of an internal system to exist. We also show that under mild assumptions, minimal internal systems that can represent a particular plan/policy described over the action-observation histories exist and are unique. Finally, the results are applied to determine sufficient structures for distance-optimal navigation in a polygonal environment.
comment: The 16th International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics
☆ An Online Optimization-Based Trajectory Planning Approach for Cooperative Landing Tasks
This paper presents a real-time trajectory planning scheme for a heterogeneous multi-robot system (consisting of a quadrotor and a ground mobile robot) for a cooperative landing task, where the landing position, landing time, and coordination between the robots are determined autonomously under the consideration of feasibility and user specifications. The proposed framework leverages the potential of the complementarity constraint as a decision-maker and an indicator for diverse cooperative tasks and extends it to the collaborative landing scenario. In a potential application of the proposed methodology, a ground mobile robot may serve as a mobile charging station and coordinates in real-time with a quadrotor to be charged, facilitating a safe and efficient rendezvous and landing. We verified the generated trajectories in simulation and real-world applications, demonstrating the real-time capabilities of the proposed landing planning framework.
☆ Exploring Embodied Emotional Communication: A Human-oriented Review of Mediated Social Touch
This paper offers a structured understanding of mediated social touch (MST) using a human-oriented approach, through an extensive review of literature spanning tactile interfaces, emotional information, mapping mechanisms, and the dynamics of human-human and human-robot interactions. By investigating the existing and exploratory mapping strategies of the 37 selected MST cases, we established the emotional expression space of MSTs that accommodated a diverse spectrum of emotions by integrating the categorical and Valence-arousal models, showcasing how emotional cues can be translated into tactile signals. Based on the expressive capacity of MSTs, a practical design space was structured encompassing factors such as the body locations, device form, tactile modalities, and parameters. We also proposed various design strategies for MSTs including workflow, evaluation methods, and ethical and cultural considerations, as well as several future research directions. MSTs' potential is reflected not only in conveying emotional information but also in fostering empathy, comfort, and connection in both human-human and human-robot interactions. This paper aims to serve as a comprehensive reference for design researchers and practitioners, which helps expand the scope of emotional communication of MSTs, facilitating the exploration of diverse applications of affective haptics, and enhancing the naturalness and sociability of haptic interaction.
comment: This paper is 41 pages long, including references and appendices, and contains 8 figures. The manuscript has been accepted for publication in CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction but has not yet been officially published
☆ 3D Gaussian Splatting aided Localization for Large and Complex Indoor-Environments
The field of visual localization has been researched for several decades and has meanwhile found many practical applications. Despite the strong progress in this field, there are still challenging situations in which established methods fail. We present an approach to significantly improve the accuracy and reliability of established visual localization methods by adding rendered images. In detail, we first use a modern visual SLAM approach that provides a 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) based map to create reference data. We demonstrate that enriching reference data with images rendered from 3DGS at randomly sampled poses significantly improves the performance of both geometry-based visual localization and Scene Coordinate Regression (SCR) methods. Through comprehensive evaluation in a large industrial environment, we analyze the performance impact of incorporating these additional rendered views.
☆ Multi-Covering a Point Set by $m$ Disks with Minimum Total Area
A common robotics sensing problem is to place sensors to robustly monitor a set of assets, where robustness is assured by requiring asset $p$ to be monitored by at least $\kappa(p)$ sensors. Given $n$ assets that must be observed by $m$ sensors, each with a disk-shaped sensing region, where should the sensors be placed to minimize the total area observed? We provide and analyze a fast heuristic for this problem. We then use the heuristic to initialize an exact Integer Programming solution. Subsequently, we enforce separation constraints between the sensors by modifying the integer program formulation and by changing the disk candidate set.
comment: 7 Pages, 7 figures
☆ Muscle Activation Estimation by Optimzing the Musculoskeletal Model for Personalized Strength and Conditioning Training
Musculoskeletal models are pivotal in the domains of rehabilitation and resistance training to analyze muscle conditions. However, individual variability in musculoskeletal parameters and the immeasurability of some internal biomechanical variables pose significant obstacles to accurate personalized modelling. Furthermore, muscle activation estimation can be challenging due to the inherent redundancy of the musculoskeletal system, where multiple muscles drive a single joint. This study develops a whole-body musculoskeletal model for strength and conditioning training and calibrates relevant muscle parameters with an electromyography-based optimization method. By utilizing the personalized musculoskeletal model, muscle activation can be subsequently estimated to analyze the performance of exercises. Bench press and deadlift are chosen for experimental verification to affirm the efficacy of this approach.
☆ Active Illumination for Visual Ego-Motion Estimation in the Dark
Visual Odometry (VO) and Visual SLAM (V-SLAM) systems often struggle in low-light and dark environments due to the lack of robust visual features. In this paper, we propose a novel active illumination framework to enhance the performance of VO and V-SLAM algorithms in these challenging conditions. The developed approach dynamically controls a moving light source to illuminate highly textured areas, thereby improving feature extraction and tracking. Specifically, a detector block, which incorporates a deep learning-based enhancing network, identifies regions with relevant features. Then, a pan-tilt controller is responsible for guiding the light beam toward these areas, so that to provide information-rich images to the ego-motion estimation algorithm. Experimental results on a real robotic platform demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, showing a reduction in the pose estimation error up to 75% with respect to a traditional fixed lighting technique.
☆ Human-Like Robot Impedance Regulation Skill Learning from Human-Human Demonstrations
Humans are experts in collaborating with others physically by regulating compliance behaviors based on the perception of their partner states and the task requirements. Enabling robots to develop proficiency in human collaboration skills can facilitate more efficient human-robot collaboration (HRC). This paper introduces an innovative impedance regulation skill learning framework for achieving HRC in multiple physical collaborative tasks. The framework is designed to adjust the robot compliance to the human partner states while adhering to reference trajectories provided by human-human demonstrations. Specifically, electromyography (EMG) signals from human muscles are collected and analyzed to extract limb impedance, representing compliance behaviors during demonstrations. Human endpoint motions are captured and represented using a probabilistic learning method to create reference trajectories and corresponding impedance profiles. Meanwhile, an LSTMbased module is implemented to develop task-oriented impedance regulation policies by mapping the muscle synergistic contributions between two demonstrators. Finally, we propose a wholebody impedance controller for a human-like robot, coordinating joint outputs to achieve the desired impedance and reference trajectory during task execution. Experimental validation was conducted through a collaborative transportation task and two interactive Tai Chi pushing hands tasks, demonstrating superior performance from the perspective of interactive forces compared to a constant impedance control method.
comment: 12 pages, 12 figures
☆ A Framework for Semantics-based Situational Awareness during Mobile Robot Deployments
Deployment of robots into hazardous environments typically involves a ``Human-Robot Teaming'' (HRT) paradigm, in which a human supervisor interacts with a remotely operating robot inside the hazardous zone. Situational Awareness (SA) is vital for enabling HRT, to support navigation, planning, and decision-making. This paper explores issues of higher-level ``semantic'' information and understanding in SA. In semi-autonomous, or variable-autonomy paradigms, different types of semantic information may be important, in different ways, for both the human operator and an autonomous agent controlling the robot. We propose a generalizable framework for acquiring and combining multiple modalities of semantic-level SA during remote deployments of mobile robots. We demonstrate the framework with an example application of search and rescue (SAR) in disaster response robotics. We propose a set of ``environment semantic indicators" that can reflect a variety of different types of semantic information, e.g. indicators of risk, or signs of human activity, as the robot encounters different scenes. Based on these indicators, we propose a metric to describe the overall situation of the environment called ``Situational Semantic Richness (SSR)". This metric combines multiple semantic indicators to summarise the overall situation. The SSR indicates if an information-rich and complex situation has been encountered, which may require advanced reasoning for robots and humans and hence the attention of the expert human operator. The framework is tested on a Jackal robot in a mock-up disaster response environment. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed semantic indicators are sensitive to changes in different modalities of semantic information in different scenes, and the SSR metric reflects overall semantic changes in the situations encountered.
☆ An Adaptive Data-Enabled Policy Optimization Approach for Autonomous Bicycle Control
This paper presents a unified control framework that integrates a Feedback Linearization (FL) controller in the inner loop with an adaptive Data-Enabled Policy Optimization (DeePO) controller in the outer loop to balance an autonomous bicycle. While the FL controller stabilizes and partially linearizes the inherently unstable and nonlinear system, its performance is compromised by unmodeled dynamics and time-varying characteristics. To overcome these limitations, the DeePO controller is introduced to enhance adaptability and robustness. The initial control policy of DeePO is obtained from a finite set of offline, persistently exciting input and state data. To improve stability and compensate for system nonlinearities and disturbances, a robustness-promoting regularizer refines the initial policy, while the adaptive section of the DeePO framework is enhanced with a forgetting factor to improve adaptation to time-varying dynamics. The proposed DeePO+FL approach is evaluated through simulations and real-world experiments on an instrumented autonomous bicycle. Results demonstrate its superiority over the FL-only approach, achieving more precise tracking of the reference lean angle and lean rate.
SLAMSpoof: Practical LiDAR Spoofing Attacks on Localization Systems Guided by Scan Matching Vulnerability Analysis ICRA
Accurate localization is essential for enabling modern full self-driving services. These services heavily rely on map-based traffic information to reduce uncertainties in recognizing lane shapes, traffic light locations, and traffic signs. Achieving this level of reliance on map information requires centimeter-level localization accuracy, which is currently only achievable with LiDAR sensors. However, LiDAR is known to be vulnerable to spoofing attacks that emit malicious lasers against LiDAR to overwrite its measurements. Once localization is compromised, the attack could lead the victim off roads or make them ignore traffic lights. Motivated by these serious safety implications, we design SLAMSpoof, the first practical LiDAR spoofing attack on localization systems for self-driving to assess the actual attack significance on autonomous vehicles. SLAMSpoof can effectively find the effective attack location based on our scan matching vulnerability score (SMVS), a point-wise metric representing the potential vulnerability to spoofing attacks. To evaluate the effectiveness of the attack, we conduct real-world experiments on ground vehicles and confirm its high capability in real-world scenarios, inducing position errors of $\geq$4.2 meters (more than typical lane width) for all 3 popular LiDAR-based localization algorithms. We finally discuss the potential countermeasures of this attack. Code is available at
comment: 7pages, 6figures, accepted at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2025
☆ MILE: Model-based Intervention Learning ICRA
Imitation learning techniques have been shown to be highly effective in real-world control scenarios, such as robotics. However, these approaches not only suffer from compounding error issues but also require human experts to provide complete trajectories. Although there exist interactive methods where an expert oversees the robot and intervenes if needed, these extensions usually only utilize the data collected during intervention periods and ignore the feedback signal hidden in non-intervention timesteps. In this work, we create a model to formulate how the interventions occur in such cases, and show that it is possible to learn a policy with just a handful of expert interventions. Our key insight is that it is possible to get crucial information about the quality of the current state and the optimality of the chosen action from expert feedback, regardless of the presence or the absence of intervention. We evaluate our method on various discrete and continuous simulation environments, a real-world robotic manipulation task, as well as a human subject study. Videos and the code can be found at .
comment: International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
☆ VLAS: Vision-Language-Action Model With Speech Instructions For Customized Robot Manipulation ICLR 2025
Vision-language-action models (VLAs) have become increasingly popular in robot manipulation for their end-to-end design and remarkable performance. However, existing VLAs rely heavily on vision-language models (VLMs) that only support text-based instructions, neglecting the more natural speech modality for human-robot interaction. Traditional speech integration methods usually involves a separate speech recognition system, which complicates the model and introduces error propagation. Moreover, the transcription procedure would lose non-semantic information in the raw speech, such as voiceprint, which may be crucial for robots to successfully complete customized tasks. To overcome above challenges, we propose VLAS, a novel end-to-end VLA that integrates speech recognition directly into the robot policy model. VLAS allows the robot to understand spoken commands through inner speech-text alignment and produces corresponding actions to fulfill the task. We also present two new datasets, SQA and CSI, to support a three-stage tuning process for speech instructions, which empowers VLAS with the ability of multimodal interaction across text, image, speech, and robot actions. Taking a step further, a voice retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) paradigm is designed to enable our model to effectively handle tasks that require individual-specific knowledge. Our extensive experiments show that VLAS can effectively accomplish robot manipulation tasks with diverse speech commands, offering a seamless and customized interaction experience.
comment: Accepted as a conference paper at ICLR 2025
☆ Improving Collision-Free Success Rate For Object Goal Visual Navigation Via Two-Stage Training With Collision Prediction
The object goal visual navigation is the task of navigating to a specific target object using egocentric visual observations. Recent end-to-end navigation models based on deep reinforcement learning have achieved remarkable performance in finding and reaching target objects. However, the collision problem of these models during navigation remains unresolved, since the collision is typically neglected when evaluating the success. Although incorporating a negative reward for collision during training appears straightforward, it results in a more conservative policy, thereby limiting the agent's ability to reach targets. In addition, many of these models utilize only RGB observations, further increasing the difficulty of collision avoidance without depth information. To address these limitations, a new concept -- collision-free success is introduced to evaluate the ability of navigation models to find a collision-free path towards the target object. A two-stage training method with collision prediction is proposed to improve the collision-free success rate of the existing navigation models using RGB observations. In the first training stage, the collision prediction module supervises the agent's collision states during exploration to learn to predict the possible collision. In the second stage, leveraging the trained collision prediction, the agent learns to navigate to the target without collision. The experimental results in the AI2-THOR environment demonstrate that the proposed method greatly improves the collision-free success rate of different navigation models and outperforms other comparable collision-avoidance methods.
☆ Ephemerality meets LiDAR-based Lifelong Mapping ICRA 2025
Lifelong mapping is crucial for the long-term deployment of robots in dynamic environments. In this paper, we present ELite, an ephemerality-aided LiDAR-based lifelong mapping framework which can seamlessly align multiple session data, remove dynamic objects, and update maps in an end-to-end fashion. Map elements are typically classified as static or dynamic, but cases like parked cars indicate the need for more detailed categories than binary. Central to our approach is the probabilistic modeling of the world into two-stage $\textit{ephemerality}$, which represent the transiency of points in the map within two different time scales. By leveraging the spatiotemporal context encoded in ephemeralities, ELite can accurately infer transient map elements, maintain a reliable up-to-date static map, and improve robustness in aligning the new data in a more fine-grained manner. Extensive real-world experiments on long-term datasets demonstrate the robustness and effectiveness of our system. The source code is publicly available for the robotics community:
comment: 6+2 pages, 11 figures, accepted at ICRA 2025
☆ MapNav: A Novel Memory Representation via Annotated Semantic Maps for VLM-based Vision-and-Language Navigation
Vision-and-language navigation (VLN) is a key task in Embodied AI, requiring agents to navigate diverse and unseen environments while following natural language instructions. Traditional approaches rely heavily on historical observations as spatio-temporal contexts for decision making, leading to significant storage and computational overhead. In this paper, we introduce MapNav, a novel end-to-end VLN model that leverages Annotated Semantic Map (ASM) to replace historical frames. Specifically, our approach constructs a top-down semantic map at the start of each episode and update it at each timestep, allowing for precise object mapping and structured navigation information. Then, we enhance this map with explicit textual labels for key regions, transforming abstract semantics into clear navigation cues and generate our ASM. MapNav agent using the constructed ASM as input, and use the powerful end-to-end capabilities of VLM to empower VLN. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MapNav achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in both simulated and real-world environments, validating the effectiveness of our method. Moreover, we will release our ASM generation source code and dataset to ensure reproducibility, contributing valuable resources to the field. We believe that our proposed MapNav can be used as a new memory representation method in VLN, paving the way for future research in this field.
☆ Physics-Aware Robotic Palletization with Online Masking Inference ICRA 2025
The efficient planning of stacking boxes, especially in the online setting where the sequence of item arrivals is unpredictable, remains a critical challenge in modern warehouse and logistics management. Existing solutions often address box size variations, but overlook their intrinsic and physical properties, such as density and rigidity, which are crucial for real-world applications. We use reinforcement learning (RL) to solve this problem by employing action space masking to direct the RL policy toward valid actions. Unlike previous methods that rely on heuristic stability assessments which are difficult to assess in physical scenarios, our framework utilizes online learning to dynamically train the action space mask, eliminating the need for manual heuristic design. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms existing state-of-the-arts. Furthermore, we deploy our learned task planner in a real-world robotic palletizer, validating its practical applicability in operational settings.
comment: Accepted by ICRA 2025
☆ Generative Predictive Control: Flow Matching Policies for Dynamic and Difficult-to-Demonstrate Tasks
Generative control policies have recently unlocked major progress in robotics. These methods produce action sequences via diffusion or flow matching, with training data provided by demonstrations. But despite enjoying considerable success on difficult manipulation problems, generative policies come with two key limitations. First, behavior cloning requires expert demonstrations, which can be time-consuming and expensive to obtain. Second, existing methods are limited to relatively slow, quasi-static tasks. In this paper, we leverage a tight connection between sampling-based predictive control and generative modeling to address each of these issues. In particular, we introduce generative predictive control, a supervised learning framework for tasks with fast dynamics that are easy to simulate but difficult to demonstrate. We then show how trained flow-matching policies can be warm-started at run-time, maintaining temporal consistency and enabling fast feedback rates. We believe that generative predictive control offers a complementary approach to existing behavior cloning methods, and hope that it paves the way toward generalist policies that extend beyond quasi-static demonstration-oriented tasks.
☆ Object-Pose Estimation With Neural Population Codes
Robotic assembly tasks require object-pose estimation, particularly for tasks that avoid costly mechanical constraints. Object symmetry complicates the direct mapping of sensory input to object rotation, as the rotation becomes ambiguous and lacks a unique training target. Some proposed solutions involve evaluating multiple pose hypotheses against the input or predicting a probability distribution, but these approaches suffer from significant computational overhead. Here, we show that representing object rotation with a neural population code overcomes these limitations, enabling a direct mapping to rotation and end-to-end learning. As a result, population codes facilitate fast and accurate pose estimation. On the T-LESS dataset, we achieve inference in 3.2 milliseconds on an Apple M1 CPU and a Maximum Symmetry-Aware Surface Distance accuracy of 84.7% using only gray-scale image input, compared to 69.7% accuracy when directly mapping to pose.
☆ Low-Complexity Cooperative Payload Transportation for Nonholonomic Mobile Robots Under Scalable Constraints
Cooperative transportation, a key aspect of logistics cyber-physical systems (CPS), is typically approached using dis tributed control and optimization-based methods. The distributed control methods consume less time, but poorly handle and extend to multiple constraints. Instead, optimization-based methods handle constraints effectively, but they are usually centralized, time-consuming and thus not easily scalable to numerous robots. To overcome drawbacks of both, we propose a novel cooperative transportation method for nonholonomic mobile robots by im proving conventional formation control, which is distributed, has a low time-complexity and accommodates scalable constraints. The proposed control-based method is testified on a cable suspended payload and divided into two parts, including robot trajectory generation and trajectory tracking. Unlike most time consuming trajectory generation methods, ours can generate trajectories with only constant time-complexity, needless of global maps. As for trajectory tracking, our control-based method not only scales easily to multiple constraints as those optimization based methods, but reduces their time-complexity from poly nomial to linear. Simulations and experiments can verify the feasibility of our method.
☆ ModSkill: Physical Character Skill Modularization
Human motion is highly diverse and dynamic, posing challenges for imitation learning algorithms that aim to generalize motor skills for controlling simulated characters. Previous methods typically rely on a universal full-body controller for tracking reference motion (tracking-based model) or a unified full-body skill embedding space (skill embedding). However, these approaches often struggle to generalize and scale to larger motion datasets. In this work, we introduce a novel skill learning framework, ModSkill, that decouples complex full-body skills into compositional, modular skills for independent body parts. Our framework features a skill modularization attention layer that processes policy observations into modular skill embeddings that guide low-level controllers for each body part. We also propose an Active Skill Learning approach with Generative Adaptive Sampling, using large motion generation models to adaptively enhance policy learning in challenging tracking scenarios. Our results show that this modularized skill learning framework, enhanced by generative sampling, outperforms existing methods in precise full-body motion tracking and enables reusable skill embeddings for diverse goal-driven tasks.
☆ Hybrid Visual Servoing of Tendon-driven Continuum Robots
This paper introduces a novel Hybrid Visual Servoing (HVS) approach for controlling tendon-driven continuum robots (TDCRs). The HVS system combines Image-Based Visual Servoing (IBVS) with Deep Learning-Based Visual Servoing (DLBVS) to overcome the limitations of each method and improve overall performance. IBVS offers higher accuracy and faster convergence in feature-rich environments, while DLBVS enhances robustness against disturbances and offers a larger workspace. By enabling smooth transitions between IBVS and DLBVS, the proposed HVS ensures effective control in dynamic, unstructured environments. The effectiveness of this approach is validated through simulations and real-world experiments, demonstrating that HVS achieves reduced iteration time, faster convergence, lower final error, and smoother performance compared to DLBVS alone, while maintaining DLBVS's robustness in challenging conditions such as occlusions, lighting changes, actuator noise, and physical impacts.
♻ ☆ Robotic Table Tennis: A Case Study into a High Speed Learning System
We present a deep-dive into a real-world robotic learning system that, in previous work, was shown to be capable of hundreds of table tennis rallies with a human and has the ability to precisely return the ball to desired targets. This system puts together a highly optimized perception subsystem, a high-speed low-latency robot controller, a simulation paradigm that can prevent damage in the real world and also train policies for zero-shot transfer, and automated real world environment resets that enable autonomous training and evaluation on physical robots. We complement a complete system description, including numerous design decisions that are typically not widely disseminated, with a collection of studies that clarify the importance of mitigating various sources of latency, accounting for training and deployment distribution shifts, robustness of the perception system, sensitivity to policy hyper-parameters, and choice of action space. A video demonstrating the components of the system and details of experimental results can be found at
comment: Published and presented at Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS2023)
♻ ☆ Personalized Instance-based Navigation Toward User-Specific Objects in Realistic Environments NeurIPS 2024
In the last years, the research interest in visual navigation towards objects in indoor environments has grown significantly. This growth can be attributed to the recent availability of large navigation datasets in photo-realistic simulated environments, like Gibson and Matterport3D. However, the navigation tasks supported by these datasets are often restricted to the objects present in the environment at acquisition time. Also, they fail to account for the realistic scenario in which the target object is a user-specific instance that can be easily confused with similar objects and may be found in multiple locations within the environment. To address these limitations, we propose a new task denominated Personalized Instance-based Navigation (PIN), in which an embodied agent is tasked with locating and reaching a specific personal object by distinguishing it among multiple instances of the same category. The task is accompanied by PInNED, a dedicated new dataset composed of photo-realistic scenes augmented with additional 3D objects. In each episode, the target object is presented to the agent using two modalities: a set of visual reference images on a neutral background and manually annotated textual descriptions. Through comprehensive evaluations and analyses, we showcase the challenges of the PIN task as well as the performance and shortcomings of currently available methods designed for object-driven navigation, considering modular and end-to-end agents.
comment: NeurIPS 2024 Datasets and Benchmarks Track. Project page:
♻ ☆ ArrayBot: Reinforcement Learning for Generalizable Distributed Manipulation through Touch ICRA24
We present ArrayBot, a distributed manipulation system consisting of a $16 \times 16$ array of vertically sliding pillars integrated with tactile sensors, which can simultaneously support, perceive, and manipulate the tabletop objects. Towards generalizable distributed manipulation, we leverage reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms for the automatic discovery of control policies. In the face of the massively redundant actions, we propose to reshape the action space by considering the spatially local action patch and the low-frequency actions in the frequency domain. With this reshaped action space, we train RL agents that can relocate diverse objects through tactile observations only. Surprisingly, we find that the discovered policy can not only generalize to unseen object shapes in the simulator but also transfer to the physical robot without any domain randomization. Leveraging the deployed policy, we present abundant real-world manipulation tasks, illustrating the vast potential of RL on ArrayBot for distributed manipulation.
comment: ICRA24
♻ ☆ ACROSS: A Deformation-Based Cross-Modal Representation for Robotic Tactile Perception ICRA 2025
Tactile perception is essential for human interaction with the environment and is becoming increasingly crucial in robotics. Tactile sensors like the BioTac mimic human fingertips and provide detailed interaction data. Despite its utility in applications like slip detection and object identification, this sensor is now deprecated, making many valuable datasets obsolete. However, recreating similar datasets with newer sensor technologies is both tedious and time-consuming. Therefore, adapting these existing datasets for use with new setups and modalities is crucial. In response, we introduce ACROSS, a novel framework for translating data between tactile sensors by exploiting sensor deformation information. We demonstrate the approach by translating BioTac signals into the DIGIT sensor. Our framework consists of first converting the input signals into 3D deformation meshes. We then transition from the 3D deformation mesh of one sensor to the mesh of another, and finally convert the generated 3D deformation mesh into the corresponding output space. We demonstrate our approach to the most challenging problem of going from a low-dimensional tactile representation to a high-dimensional one. In particular, we transfer the tactile signals of a BioTac sensor to DIGIT tactile images. Our approach enables the continued use of valuable datasets and data exchange between groups with different setups.
comment: Accepted to 2025 IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2025). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2410.14310
♻ ☆ Traffic Scene Generation from Natural Language Description for Autonomous Vehicles with Large Language Model
Text-to-scene generation typically limits environmental diversity by generating key scenarios along predetermined paths. To address these constraints, we propose a novel text-to-traffic scene framework that leverages a large language model (LLM) to autonomously generate diverse traffic scenarios for the CARLA simulator based on natural language descriptions. Our pipeline comprises several key stages: (1) Prompt Analysis, where natural language inputs are decomposed; (2) Road Retrieval, selecting optimal roads from a database; (3) Agent Planning, detailing agent types and behaviors; (4) Road Ranking, scoring roads to match scenario requirements; and (5) Scene Generation, rendering the planned scenarios in the simulator. This framework supports both routine and critical traffic scenarios, enhancing its applicability. We demonstrate that our approach not only diversifies agent planning and road selection but also significantly reduces the average collision rate from 8% to 3.5% in SafeBench. Additionally, our framework improves narration and reasoning for driving captioning tasks. Our contributions and resources are publicly available at
comment: update to the newest version
♻ ☆ Soft Synergies: Model Order Reduction of Hybrid Soft-Rigid Robots via Optimal Strain Parameterization
Soft robots offer remarkable adaptability and safety advantages over rigid robots, but modeling their complex, nonlinear dynamics remains challenging. Strain-based models have recently emerged as a promising candidate to describe such systems, however, they tend to be high-dimensional and time-consuming. This paper presents a novel model order reduction approach for soft and hybrid robots by combining strain-based modeling with Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD). The method identifies optimal coupled strain basis functions -- or mechanical synergies -- from simulation data, enabling the description of soft robot configurations with a minimal number of generalized coordinates. The reduced order model (ROM) achieves substantial dimensionality reduction in the configuration space while preserving accuracy. Rigorous testing demonstrates the interpolation and extrapolation capabilities of the ROM for soft manipulators under static and dynamic conditions. The approach is further validated on a snake-like hyper-redundant rigid manipulator and a closed-chain system with soft and rigid components, illustrating its broad applicability. Moreover, the approach is leveraged for shape estimation of a real six-actuator soft manipulator using only two position markers, showcasing its practical utility. Finally, the ROM's dynamic and static behavior is validated experimentally against a parallel hybrid soft-rigid system, highlighting its effectiveness in representing the High-Order Model (HOM) and the real system. This POD-based ROM offers significant computational speed-ups, paving the way for real-time simulation and control of complex soft and hybrid robots.
♻ ☆ Invisible Servoing: a Visual Servoing Approach with Return-Conditioned Latent Diffusion
In this paper, we present a novel visual servoing (VS) approach based on latent Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs), that explores the application of generative models for vision-based navigation of UAVs (Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles). Opposite to classical VS methods, the proposed approach allows reaching the desired target view, even when the target is initially not visible. This is possible thanks to the learning of a latent representation that the DDPM uses for planning and a dataset of trajectories encompassing target-invisible initial views. A compact representation is learned from raw images using a Cross-Modal Variational Autoencoder. Given the current image, the DDPM generates trajectories in the latent space driving the robotic platform to the desired visual target. The approach has been validated in simulation using two generic multi-rotor UAVs (a quadrotor and a hexarotor). The results show that we can successfully reach the visual target, even if not visible in the initial view.
♻ ☆ Bridging Adaptivity and Safety: Learning Agile Collision-Free Locomotion Across Varied Physics
Real-world legged locomotion systems often need to reconcile agility and safety for different scenarios. Moreover, the underlying dynamics are often unknown and time-variant (e.g., payload, friction). In this paper, we introduce BAS (Bridging Adaptivity and Safety), which builds upon the pipeline of prior work Agile But Safe (ABS)(He et al.) and is designed to provide adaptive safety even in dynamic environments with uncertainties. BAS involves an agile policy to avoid obstacles rapidly and a recovery policy to prevent collisions, a physical parameter estimator that is concurrently trained with agile policy, and a learned control-theoretic RA (reach-avoid) value network that governs the policy switch. Also, the agile policy and RA network are both conditioned on physical parameters to make them adaptive. To mitigate the distribution shift issue, we further introduce an on-policy fine-tuning phase for the estimator to enhance its robustness and accuracy. The simulation results show that BAS achieves 50% better safety than baselines in dynamic environments while maintaining a higher speed on average. In real-world experiments, BAS shows its capability in complex environments with unknown physics (e.g., slippery floors with unknown frictions, unknown payloads up to 8kg), while baselines lack adaptivity, leading to collisions or. degraded agility. As a result, BAS achieves a 19.8% increase in speed and gets a 2.36 times lower collision rate than ABS in the real world. Videos:
comment: 11 Pages, 6 Figures
♻ ☆ Why Sample Space Matters: Keyframe Sampling Optimization for LiDAR-based Place Recognition
Recent advances in robotics are driving real-world autonomy for long-term and large-scale missions, where loop closures via place recognition are vital for mitigating pose estimation drift. However, achieving real-time performance remains challenging for resource-constrained mobile robots and multi-robot systems due to the computational burden of high-density sampling, which increases the complexity of comparing and verifying query samples against a growing map database. Conventional methods often retain redundant information or miss critical data by relying on fixed sampling intervals or operating in 3-D space instead of the descriptor feature space. To address these challenges, we introduce the concept of sample space and propose a novel keyframe sampling approach for LiDAR-based place recognition. Our method minimizes redundancy while preserving essential information in the hyper-dimensional descriptor space, supporting both learning-based and handcrafted descriptors. The proposed approach incorporates a sliding window optimization strategy to ensure efficient keyframe selection and real-time performance, enabling seamless integration into robotic pipelines. In sum, our approach demonstrates robust performance across diverse datasets, with the ability to adapt seamlessly from indoor to outdoor scenarios without parameter tuning, reducing loop closure detection times and memory requirements.
comment: 20 pages, 17 figures, 6 tables. Revised
♻ ☆ pySLAM: An Open-Source, Modular, and Extensible Framework for SLAM
pySLAM is an open-source Python framework for Visual SLAM, supporting monocular, stereo, and RGB-D cameras. It provides a flexible interface for integrating both classical and modern local features, making it adaptable to various SLAM tasks. The framework includes different loop closure methods, a volumetric reconstruction pipeline, and support for depth prediction models. Additionally, it offers a suite of tools for visual odometry and SLAM applications. Designed for both beginners and experienced researchers, pySLAM encourages community contributions, fostering collaborative development in the field of Visual SLAM.
♻ ☆ FuzzRisk: Online Collision Risk Estimation for Autonomous Vehicles based on Depth-Aware Object Detection via Fuzzy Inference ICRA 2025
This paper presents a novel monitoring framework that infers the level of collision risk for autonomous vehicles (AVs) based on their object detection performance. The framework takes two sets of predictions from different algorithms and associates their inconsistencies with the collision risk via fuzzy inference. The first set of predictions is obtained by retrieving safety-critical 2.5D objects from a depth map, and the second set comes from the ordinary AV's 3D object detector. We experimentally validate that, based on Intersection-over-Union (IoU) and a depth discrepancy measure, the inconsistencies between the two sets of predictions strongly correlate to the error of the 3D object detector against ground truths. This correlation allows us to construct a fuzzy inference system and map the inconsistency measures to an AV collision risk indicator. In particular, we optimize the fuzzy inference system towards an existing offline metric that matches AV collision rates well. Lastly, we validate our monitor's capability to produce relevant risk estimates with the large-scale nuScenes dataset and demonstrate that it can safeguard an AV in closed-loop simulations.
comment: Accepted by ICRA 2025, 7 pages (IEEE double column format), 5 figures, 3 tables
♻ ☆ MonoForce: Learnable Image-conditioned Physics Engine
We propose a novel model for the prediction of robot trajectories on rough offroad terrain from the onboard camera images. This model enforces the laws of classical mechanics through a physics-aware neural symbolic layer while preserving the ability to learn from large-scale data as it is end-to-end differentiable. The proposed hybrid model integrates a black-box component that predicts robot-terrain interaction forces with a neural-symbolic layer. This layer includes a differentiable physics engine that computes the robot's trajectory by querying these forces at the points of contact with the terrain. As the proposed architecture comprises substantial geometrical and physics priors, the resulting model can also be seen as a learnable physics engine conditioned on real images that delivers $10^4$ trajectories per second. We argue and empirically demonstrate that this architecture reduces the sim-to-real gap and mitigates out-of-distribution sensitivity. The differentiability, in conjunction with the rapid simulation speed, makes the model well-suited for various applications including model predictive control, trajectory shooting, supervised and reinforcement learning or SLAM. The codes and data are publicly available.
comment: Code:
♻ ☆ EnvoDat: A Large-Scale Multisensory Dataset for Robotic Spatial Awareness and Semantic Reasoning in Heterogeneous Environments
To ensure the efficiency of robot autonomy under diverse real-world conditions, a high-quality heterogeneous dataset is essential to benchmark the operating algorithms' performance and robustness. Current benchmarks predominantly focus on urban terrains, specifically for on-road autonomous driving, leaving multi-degraded, densely vegetated, dynamic and feature-sparse environments, such as underground tunnels, natural fields, and modern indoor spaces underrepresented. To fill this gap, we introduce EnvoDat, a large-scale, multi-modal dataset collected in diverse environments and conditions, including high illumination, fog, rain, and zero visibility at different times of the day. Overall, EnvoDat contains 26 sequences from 13 scenes, 10 sensing modalities, over 1.9TB of data, and over 89K fine-grained polygon-based annotations for more than 82 object and terrain classes. We post-processed EnvoDat in different formats that support benchmarking SLAM and supervised learning algorithms, and fine-tuning multimodal vision models. With EnvoDat, we contribute to environment-resilient robotic autonomy in areas where the conditions are extremely challenging. The datasets and other relevant resources can be accessed through
♻ ☆ Generalized Robot 3D Vision-Language Model with Fast Rendering and Pre-Training Vision-Language Alignment
Deep neural network models have achieved remarkable progress in 3D scene understanding while trained in the closed-set setting and with full labels. However, the major bottleneck is that these models do not have the capacity to recognize any unseen novel classes beyond the training categories in diverse real-world applications. Therefore, we are in urgent need of a framework that can simultaneously be applicable to both 3D point cloud segmentation and detection, particularly in the circumstances where the labels are rather scarce. This work presents a generalized and straightforward framework for dealing with 3D scene understanding when the labeled scenes are quite limited. To extract knowledge for novel categories from the pre-trained vision-language models, we propose a hierarchical feature-aligned pre-training and knowledge distillation strategy to extract and distill meaningful information from large-scale vision-language models, which helps benefit the open-vocabulary scene understanding tasks. To encourage latent instance discrimination and to guarantee efficiency, we propose the unsupervised region-level semantic contrastive learning scheme for point clouds, using confident predictions of the neural network to discriminate the intermediate feature embeddings at multiple stages. In the limited reconstruction case, our proposed approach, termed WS3D++, ranks 1st on the large-scale ScanNet benchmark on both the task of semantic segmentation and instance segmentation. Extensive experiments with both indoor and outdoor scenes demonstrated the effectiveness of our approach in both data-efficient learning and open-world few-shot learning. The code is made publicly available at:
comment: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Manuscript Info: 17 Pages, 13 Figures, and 6 Tables
♻ ☆ Towards Fusing Point Cloud and Visual Representations for Imitation Learning
Learning for manipulation requires using policies that have access to rich sensory information such as point clouds or RGB images. Point clouds efficiently capture geometric structures, making them essential for manipulation tasks in imitation learning. In contrast, RGB images provide rich texture and semantic information that can be crucial for certain tasks. Existing approaches for fusing both modalities assign 2D image features to point clouds. However, such approaches often lose global contextual information from the original images. In this work, we propose FPV-Net, a novel imitation learning method that effectively combines the strengths of both point cloud and RGB modalities. Our method conditions the point-cloud encoder on global and local image tokens using adaptive layer norm conditioning, leveraging the beneficial properties of both modalities. Through extensive experiments on the challenging RoboCasa benchmark, we demonstrate the limitations of relying on either modality alone and show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance across all tasks.
♻ ☆ X-IL: Exploring the Design Space of Imitation Learning Policies
Designing modern imitation learning (IL) policies requires making numerous decisions, including the selection of feature encoding, architecture, policy representation, and more. As the field rapidly advances, the range of available options continues to grow, creating a vast and largely unexplored design space for IL policies. In this work, we present X-IL, an accessible open-source framework designed to systematically explore this design space. The framework's modular design enables seamless swapping of policy components, such as backbones (e.g., Transformer, Mamba, xLSTM) and policy optimization techniques (e.g., Score-matching, Flow-matching). This flexibility facilitates comprehensive experimentation and has led to the discovery of novel policy configurations that outperform existing methods on recent robot learning benchmarks. Our experiments demonstrate not only significant performance gains but also provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of various design choices. This study serves as both a practical reference for practitioners and a foundation for guiding future research in imitation learning.
♻ ☆ Path Planning for Spot Spraying with UAVs Combining TSP and Area Coverages
This paper addresses the following task: given a set of patches or areas of varying sizes that are meant to be serviced within a bounding contour calculate a minimal length path plan for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) such that the path additionally avoids given obstacles areas and does never leave the bounding contour. The application in mind is agricultural spot spraying, where the bounding contour represents the field contour and multiple patches represent multiple weed areas meant to be sprayed. Obstacle areas are ponds or tree islands. The proposed method combines a heuristic solution to a traveling salesman problem (TSP) with optimised area coverage path planning. Two TSP-initialisation and 4 TSP-refinement heuristics as well as two area coverage path planning methods are evaluated on three real-world experiments with three obstacle areas and 15, 19 and 197 patches, respectively. The unsuitability of a Boustrophedon-path for area coverage gap avoidance is discussed and inclusion of a headland path for area coverage is motivated. Two main findings are (i) the particular suitability of one TSP-refinement heuristic, and (ii) the unexpected high contribution of patches areas coverage pathlengths on total pathlength, highlighting the importance of optimised area coverage path planning for spot spraying.
comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables
♻ ☆ Reinforcement Learning of Multi-robot Task Allocation for Multi-object Transportation with Infeasible Tasks
Multi-object transport using multi-robot systems has the potential for diverse practical applications such as delivery services owing to its efficient individual and scalable cooperative transport. However, allocating transportation tasks of objects with unknown weights remains challenging. Moreover, the presence of infeasible tasks (untransportable objects) can lead to robot stoppage (deadlock). This paper proposes a framework for dynamic task allocation that involves storing task experiences for each task in a scalable manner with respect to the number of robots. First, these experiences are broadcasted from the cloud server to the entire robot system. Subsequently, each robot learns the exclusion levels for each task based on those task experiences, enabling it to exclude infeasible tasks and reset its task priorities. Finally, individual transportation, cooperative transportation, and the temporary exclusion of tasks considered infeasible are achieved. The scalability and versatility of the proposed method were confirmed through numerical experiments with an increased number of robots and objects, including unlearned weight objects. The effectiveness of the temporary deadlock avoidance was also confirmed by introducing additional robots within an episode. The proposed method enables the implementation of task allocation strategies that are feasible for different numbers of robots and various transport tasks without prior consideration of feasibility.
comment: 8 pages, 10 figures
♻ ☆ BFA: Best-Feature-Aware Fusion for Multi-View Fine-grained Manipulation
In real-world scenarios, multi-view cameras are typically employed for fine-grained manipulation tasks. Existing approaches (e.g., ACT) tend to treat multi-view features equally and directly concatenate them for policy learning. However, it will introduce redundant visual information and bring higher computational costs, leading to ineffective manipulation. For a fine-grained manipulation task, it tends to involve multiple stages while the most contributed view for different stages is varied over time. In this paper, we propose a plug-and-play best-feature-aware (BFA) fusion strategy for multi-view manipulation tasks, which is adaptable to various policies. Built upon the visual backbone of the policy network, we design a lightweight network to predict the importance score of each view. Based on the predicted importance scores, the reweighted multi-view features are subsequently fused and input into the end-to-end policy network, enabling seamless integration. Notably, our method demonstrates outstanding performance in fine-grained manipulations. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms multiple baselines by 22-46% success rate on different tasks. Our work provides new insights and inspiration for tackling key challenges in fine-grained manipulations.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures
♻ ☆ CLIP-RT: Learning Language-Conditioned Robotic Policies from Natural Language Supervision
Teaching robots desired skills in real-world environments remains challenging, especially for non-experts. The reliance on specialized expertise in robot control and teleoperation systems often limits accessibility to non-experts. We posit that natural language offers an intuitive and accessible interface for robot learning. To this end, we study two aspects: (1) enabling non-experts to collect robotic data through natural language supervision (e.g., "move the arm to the right") and (2) learning robotic policies directly from this supervision. Specifically, we introduce a data collection framework that collects robot demonstrations based on natural language supervision and further augments these demonstrations. We then present CLIP-RT, a vision-language-action (VLA) model that learns language-conditioned visuomotor policies from this supervision. CLIP-RT adapts the pretrained CLIP models and learns to predict language-based motion primitives via contrastive imitation learning. We train CLIP-RT on the Open X-Embodiment dataset and finetune it on in-domain data collected by our framework to learn diverse skills. CLIP-RT demonstrates strong capabilities in learning novel manipulation skills, outperforming the state-of-the-art model, OpenVLA (7B parameters), by 24% in average success rates, while using 7x fewer parameters (1B). We further observe that CLIP-RT shows significant improvements in few-shot generalization. Finally, through collaboration with humans or large pretrained models, we demonstrate that CLIP-RT can further improve its generalization on challenging tasks.
comment: 27 pages
♻ ☆ Functional Eigen-Grasping Using Approach Heatmaps
This work presents a framework for a robot with a multi-fingered hand to freely utilize daily tools, including functional parts like buttons and triggers. An approach heatmap is generated by selecting a functional finger, indicating optimal palm positions on the object's surface that enable the functional finger to contact the tool's functional part. Once the palm position is identified through the heatmap, achieving the functional grasp becomes a straightforward process where the fingers stably grasp the object with low-dimensional inputs using the eigengrasp. As our approach does not need human demonstrations, it can easily adapt to various sizes and designs, extending its applicability to different objects. In our approach, we use directional manipulability to obtain the approach heatmap. In addition, we add two kinds of energy functions, i.e., palm energy and functional energy functions, to realize the eigengrasp. Using this method, each robotic gripper can autonomously identify its optimal workspace for functional grasping, extending its applicability to non-anthropomorphic robotic hands. We show that several daily tools like spray, drill, and remotes can be efficiently used by not only an anthropomorphic Shadow hand but also a non-anthropomorphic Barrett hand.
comment: 8 pages, 7 figures
♻ ☆ Generalizable Humanoid Manipulation with 3D Diffusion Policies
Humanoid robots capable of autonomous operation in diverse environments have long been a goal for roboticists. However, autonomous manipulation by humanoid robots has largely been restricted to one specific scene, primarily due to the difficulty of acquiring generalizable skills and the expensiveness of in-the-wild humanoid robot data. In this work, we build a real-world robotic system to address this challenging problem. Our system is mainly an integration of 1) a whole-upper-body robotic teleoperation system to acquire human-like robot data, 2) a 25-DoF humanoid robot platform with a height-adjustable cart and a 3D LiDAR sensor, and 3) an improved 3D Diffusion Policy learning algorithm for humanoid robots to learn from noisy human data. We run more than 2000 episodes of policy rollouts on the real robot for rigorous policy evaluation. Empowered by this system, we show that using only data collected in one single scene and with only onboard computing, a full-sized humanoid robot can autonomously perform skills in diverse real-world scenarios. Videos are available at \href{}{}.
comment: Project website:
♻ ☆ A Space-Efficient Algebraic Approach to Robotic Motion Planning
We consider efficient route planning for robots in applications such as infrastructure inspection and automated surgical imaging. These tasks can be modeled via the combinatorial problem Graph Inspection. The best known algorithms for this problem are limited in practice by exponential space complexity. In this paper, we develop a memory-efficient approach using algebraic tools related to monomial testing on the polynomials associated with certain arithmetic circuits. Our contributions are two-fold. We first repair a minor flaw in existing work on monomial detection using a new approach we call tree certificates. We further show that, in addition to detection, these tools allow us to efficiently recover monomials of interest from circuits, opening the door for significantly broadened application of related algebraic tools. For Graph Inspection, we design and evaluate a complete algebraic pipeline. Our engineered implementation demonstrates that circuit-based algorithms are indeed memory-efficient in practice, thus encouraging further engineering efforts.
♻ ☆ LEGATO: Cross-Embodiment Imitation Using a Grasping Tool
Cross-embodiment imitation learning enables policies trained on specific embodiments to transfer across different robots, unlocking the potential for large-scale imitation learning that is both cost-effective and highly reusable. This paper presents LEGATO, a cross-embodiment imitation learning framework for visuomotor skill transfer across varied kinematic morphologies. We introduce a handheld gripper that unifies action and observation spaces, allowing tasks to be defined consistently across robots. We train visuomotor policies on task demonstrations using this gripper through imitation learning, applying transformation to a motion-invariant space for computing the training loss. Gripper motions generated by the policies are retargeted into high-degree-of-freedom whole-body motions using inverse kinematics for deployment across diverse embodiments. Our evaluations in simulation and real-robot experiments highlight the framework's effectiveness in learning and transferring visuomotor skills across various robots. More information can be found on the project page:
comment: Published in RA-L
♻ ☆ View-Invariant Policy Learning via Zero-Shot Novel View Synthesis
Large-scale visuomotor policy learning is a promising approach toward developing generalizable manipulation systems. Yet, policies that can be deployed on diverse embodiments, environments, and observational modalities remain elusive. In this work, we investigate how knowledge from large-scale visual data of the world may be used to address one axis of variation for generalizable manipulation: observational viewpoint. Specifically, we study single-image novel view synthesis models, which learn 3D-aware scene-level priors by rendering images of the same scene from alternate camera viewpoints given a single input image. For practical application to diverse robotic data, these models must operate zero-shot, performing view synthesis on unseen tasks and environments. We empirically analyze view synthesis models within a simple data-augmentation scheme that we call View Synthesis Augmentation (VISTA) to understand their capabilities for learning viewpoint-invariant policies from single-viewpoint demonstration data. Upon evaluating the robustness of policies trained with our method to out-of-distribution camera viewpoints, we find that they outperform baselines in both simulated and real-world manipulation tasks. Videos and additional visualizations are available at
comment: Accepted to CoRL 2024
♻ ☆ Embodying Control in Soft Multistable Grippers from morphofunctional co-design
Soft robots are distinguished by their flexible and adaptable, allowing them to perform tasks that are nearly impossible for rigid robots. However, controlling their configuration is challenging due to their nonlinear material response and infinite deflection degrees of freedom. A potential solution is to discretize the infinite-dimensional configuration space of soft robots into a finite but sufficiently large number of functional shapes. This study explores a co-design strategy for pneumatically actuated soft grippers with multiple encoded stable states, enabling desired functional shape and stiffness reconfiguration. An energy based analytical model for soft multistable grippers is presented, mapping the robots' infinite-dimensional configuration space into discrete stable states, allowing for prediction of the systems final state and dynamic behavior. Our approach introduces a general method to capture the soft robots' response with the lattice lumped parameters using automatic relevance determination regression, facilitating inverse co-design. The resulting computationally efficient model enables us to explore the configuration space in a tractable manner, allowing the inverse co-design of our robots by setting desired targeted positions with optimized stiffness of the set targets. This strategy offers a framework for controlling soft robots by exploiting the nonlinear mechanics of multistable structures, thus embodying mechanical intelligence into soft structures.
comment: Manuscript: 13 pages, 5 figures ; Supplementary Information: 9 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables
♻ ☆ 3D Water Quality Mapping using Invariant Extended Kalman Filtering for Underwater Robot Localization IROS
Water quality mapping for critical parameters such as temperature, salinity, and turbidity is crucial for assessing an aquaculture farm's health and yield capacity. Traditional approaches involve using boats or human divers, which are time-constrained and lack depth variability. This work presents an innovative approach to 3D water quality mapping in shallow water environments using a BlueROV2 equipped with GPS and a water quality sensor. This system allows for accurate location correction by resurfacing when errors occur. This study is being conducted at an oyster farm in the Chesapeake Bay, USA, providing a more comprehensive and precise water quality analysis in aquaculture settings.
comment: IEEE IROS workshop on Autonomous Robotic Systems in Aquaculture: Research Challenges and Industry Needs
Vision 132
☆ Betsu-Betsu: Multi-View Separable 3D Reconstruction of Two Interacting Objects 3DV
Separable 3D reconstruction of multiple objects from multi-view RGB images -- resulting in two different 3D shapes for the two objects with a clear separation between them -- remains a sparsely researched problem. It is challenging due to severe mutual occlusions and ambiguities along the objects' interaction boundaries. This paper investigates the setting and introduces a new neuro-implicit method that can reconstruct the geometry and appearance of two objects undergoing close interactions while disjoining both in 3D, avoiding surface inter-penetrations and enabling novel-view synthesis of the observed scene. The framework is end-to-end trainable and supervised using a novel alpha-blending regularisation that ensures that the two geometries are well separated even under extreme occlusions. Our reconstruction method is markerless and can be applied to rigid as well as articulated objects. We introduce a new dataset consisting of close interactions between a human and an object and also evaluate on two scenes of humans performing martial arts. The experiments confirm the effectiveness of our framework and substantial improvements using 3D and novel view synthesis metrics compared to several existing approaches applicable in our setting.
comment: 17 pages, 20 figures and 6 tables; International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV) 2025; Project page:
☆ FlexTok: Resampling Images into 1D Token Sequences of Flexible Length
Image tokenization has enabled major advances in autoregressive image generation by providing compressed, discrete representations that are more efficient to process than raw pixels. While traditional approaches use 2D grid tokenization, recent methods like TiTok have shown that 1D tokenization can achieve high generation quality by eliminating grid redundancies. However, these methods typically use a fixed number of tokens and thus cannot adapt to an image's inherent complexity. We introduce FlexTok, a tokenizer that projects 2D images into variable-length, ordered 1D token sequences. For example, a 256x256 image can be resampled into anywhere from 1 to 256 discrete tokens, hierarchically and semantically compressing its information. By training a rectified flow model as the decoder and using nested dropout, FlexTok produces plausible reconstructions regardless of the chosen token sequence length. We evaluate our approach in an autoregressive generation setting using a simple GPT-style Transformer. On ImageNet, this approach achieves an FID<2 across 8 to 128 tokens, outperforming TiTok and matching state-of-the-art methods with far fewer tokens. We further extend the model to support to text-conditioned image generation and examine how FlexTok relates to traditional 2D tokenization. A key finding is that FlexTok enables next-token prediction to describe images in a coarse-to-fine "visual vocabulary", and that the number of tokens to generate depends on the complexity of the generation task.
comment: Project page at
☆ A Training-Free Framework for Precise Mobile Manipulation of Small Everyday Objects
Many everyday mobile manipulation tasks require precise interaction with small objects, such as grasping a knob to open a cabinet or pressing a light switch. In this paper, we develop Servoing with Vision Models (SVM), a closed-loop training-free framework that enables a mobile manipulator to tackle such precise tasks involving the manipulation of small objects. SVM employs an RGB-D wrist camera and uses visual servoing for control. Our novelty lies in the use of state-of-the-art vision models to reliably compute 3D targets from the wrist image for diverse tasks and under occlusion due to the end-effector. To mitigate occlusion artifacts, we employ vision models to out-paint the end-effector thereby significantly enhancing target localization. We demonstrate that aided by out-painting methods, open-vocabulary object detectors can serve as a drop-in module to identify semantic targets (e.g. knobs) and point tracking methods can reliably track interaction sites indicated by user clicks. This training-free method obtains an 85% zero-shot success rate on manipulating unseen objects in novel environments in the real world, outperforming an open-loop control method and an imitation learning baseline trained on 1000+ demonstrations by an absolute success rate of 50%.
comment: Project webpage:
☆ IP-Composer: Semantic Composition of Visual Concepts
Content creators often draw inspiration from multiple visual sources, combining distinct elements to craft new compositions. Modern computational approaches now aim to emulate this fundamental creative process. Although recent diffusion models excel at text-guided compositional synthesis, text as a medium often lacks precise control over visual details. Image-based composition approaches can capture more nuanced features, but existing methods are typically limited in the range of concepts they can capture, and require expensive training procedures or specialized data. We present IP-Composer, a novel training-free approach for compositional image generation that leverages multiple image references simultaneously, while using natural language to describe the concept to be extracted from each image. Our method builds on IP-Adapter, which synthesizes novel images conditioned on an input image's CLIP embedding. We extend this approach to multiple visual inputs by crafting composite embeddings, stitched from the projections of multiple input images onto concept-specific CLIP-subspaces identified through text. Through comprehensive evaluation, we show that our approach enables more precise control over a larger range of visual concept compositions.
comment: Project Page:
☆ GPU-Friendly Laplacian Texture Blending
Texture and material blending is one of the leading methods for adding variety to rendered virtual worlds, creating composite materials, and generating procedural content. When done naively, it can introduce either visible seams or contrast loss, leading to an unnatural look not representative of blended textures. Earlier work proposed addressing this problem through careful manual parameter tuning, lengthy per-texture statistics precomputation, look-up tables, or training deep neural networks. In this work, we propose an alternative approach based on insights from image processing and Laplacian pyramid blending. Our approach does not require any precomputation or increased memory usage (other than the presence of a regular, non-Laplacian, texture mipmap chain), does not produce ghosting, preserves sharp local features, and can run in real time on the GPU at the cost of a few additional lower mipmap texture taps.
comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques (JCGT)
☆ A Chain-of-Thought Subspace Meta-Learning for Few-shot Image Captioning with Large Vision and Language Models
A large-scale vision and language model that has been pretrained on massive data encodes visual and linguistic prior, which makes it easier to generate images and language that are more natural and realistic. Despite this, there is still a significant domain gap between the modalities of vision and language, especially when training data is scarce in few-shot settings, where only very limited data are available for training. In order to mitigate this issue, a multi-modal meta-learning framework has been proposed to bridge the gap between two frozen pretrained large vision and language models by introducing a tunable prompt connecting these two large models. For few-shot image captioning, the existing multi-model meta-learning framework utilizes a one-step prompting scheme to accumulate the visual features of input images to guide the language model, which struggles to generate accurate image descriptions with only a few training samples. Instead, we propose a chain-of-thought (CoT) meta-learning scheme as a multi-step image captioning procedure to better imitate how humans describe images. In addition, we further propose to learn different meta-parameters of the model corresponding to each CoT step in distinct subspaces to avoid interference. We evaluated our method on three commonly used image captioning datasets, i.e., MSCOCO, Flickr8k, and Flickr30k, under few-shot settings. The results of our experiments indicate that our chain-of-thought subspace meta-learning strategy is superior to the baselines in terms of performance across different datasets measured by different metrics.
comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables
☆ Image compositing is all you need for data augmentation
This paper investigates the impact of various data augmentation techniques on the performance of object detection models. Specifically, we explore classical augmentation methods, image compositing, and advanced generative models such as Stable Diffusion XL and ControlNet. The objective of this work is to enhance model robustness and improve detection accuracy, particularly when working with limited annotated data. Using YOLOv8, we fine-tune the model on a custom dataset consisting of commercial and military aircraft, applying different augmentation strategies. Our experiments show that image compositing offers the highest improvement in detection performance, as measured by precision, recall, and mean Average Precision (mAP@0.50). Other methods, including Stable Diffusion XL and ControlNet, also demonstrate significant gains, highlighting the potential of advanced data augmentation techniques for object detection tasks. The results underline the importance of dataset diversity and augmentation in achieving better generalization and performance in real-world applications. Future work will explore the integration of semi-supervised learning methods and further optimizations to enhance model performance across larger and more complex datasets.
comment: Accepted in VISAPP 2025
☆ Continually Learning Structured Visual Representations via Network Refinement with Rerelation
Current machine learning paradigm relies on continuous representations like neural networks, which iteratively adjust parameters to approximate outcomes rather than directly learning the structure of problem. This spreads information across the network, causing issues like information loss and incomprehensibility Building on prior work in environment dynamics modeling, we propose a method that learns visual space in a structured, continual manner. Our approach refines networks to capture the core structure of objects while representing significant subvariants in structure efficiently. We demonstrate this with 2D shape detection, showing incremental learning on MNIST without overwriting knowledge and creating compact, comprehensible representations. These results offer a promising step toward a transparent, continually learning alternative to traditional neural networks for visual processing.
☆ Symmetrical Visual Contrastive Optimization: Aligning Vision-Language Models with Minimal Contrastive Images
Recent studies have shown that Large Vision-Language Models (VLMs) tend to neglect image content and over-rely on language-model priors, resulting in errors in visually grounded tasks and hallucinations. We hypothesize that this issue arises because existing VLMs are not explicitly trained to generate texts that are accurately grounded in fine-grained image details. To enhance visual feedback during VLM training, we propose S-VCO (Symmetrical Visual Contrastive Optimization), a novel finetuning objective that steers the model toward capturing important visual details and aligning them with corresponding text tokens. To further facilitate this detailed alignment, we introduce MVC, a paired image-text dataset built by automatically filtering and augmenting visual counterfactual data to challenge the model with hard contrastive cases involving Minimal Visual Contrasts. Experiments show that our method consistently improves VLM performance across diverse benchmarks covering various abilities and domains, achieving up to a 22% reduction in hallucinations, and significant gains in vision-centric and general tasks. Notably, these improvements become increasingly pronounced in benchmarks with higher visual dependency. In short, S-VCO offers a significant enhancement of VLM's visually-dependent task performance while retaining or even improving the model's general abilities. We opensource our code at
comment: Project Website:
☆ Qwen2.5-VL Technical Report
We introduce Qwen2.5-VL, the latest flagship model of Qwen vision-language series, which demonstrates significant advancements in both foundational capabilities and innovative functionalities. Qwen2.5-VL achieves a major leap forward in understanding and interacting with the world through enhanced visual recognition, precise object localization, robust document parsing, and long-video comprehension. A standout feature of Qwen2.5-VL is its ability to localize objects using bounding boxes or points accurately. It provides robust structured data extraction from invoices, forms, and tables, as well as detailed analysis of charts, diagrams, and layouts. To handle complex inputs, Qwen2.5-VL introduces dynamic resolution processing and absolute time encoding, enabling it to process images of varying sizes and videos of extended durations (up to hours) with second-level event localization. This allows the model to natively perceive spatial scales and temporal dynamics without relying on traditional normalization techniques. By training a native dynamic-resolution Vision Transformer (ViT) from scratch and incorporating Window Attention, we reduce computational overhead while maintaining native resolution. As a result, Qwen2.5-VL excels not only in static image and document understanding but also as an interactive visual agent capable of reasoning, tool usage, and task execution in real-world scenarios such as operating computers and mobile devices. Qwen2.5-VL is available in three sizes, addressing diverse use cases from edge AI to high-performance computing. The flagship Qwen2.5-VL-72B model matches state-of-the-art models like GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet, particularly excelling in document and diagram understanding. Additionally, Qwen2.5-VL maintains robust linguistic performance, preserving the core language competencies of the Qwen2.5 LLM.
☆ GroundCap: A Visually Grounded Image Captioning Dataset
Current image captioning systems lack the ability to link descriptive text to specific visual elements, making their outputs difficult to verify. While recent approaches offer some grounding capabilities, they cannot track object identities across multiple references or ground both actions and objects simultaneously. We propose a novel ID-based grounding system that enables consistent object reference tracking and action-object linking, and present GroundCap, a dataset containing 52,016 images from 77 movies, with 344 human-annotated and 52,016 automatically generated captions. Each caption is grounded on detected objects (132 classes) and actions (51 classes) using a tag system that maintains object identity while linking actions to the corresponding objects. Our approach features persistent object IDs for reference tracking, explicit action-object linking, and segmentation of background elements through K-means clustering. We propose gMETEOR, a metric combining caption quality with grounding accuracy, and establish baseline performance by fine-tuning Pixtral-12B. Human evaluation demonstrates our approach's effectiveness in producing verifiable descriptions with coherent object references.
comment: 37 pages
☆ NavigateDiff: Visual Predictors are Zero-Shot Navigation Assistants ICRA2025
Navigating unfamiliar environments presents significant challenges for household robots, requiring the ability to recognize and reason about novel decoration and layout. Existing reinforcement learning methods cannot be directly transferred to new environments, as they typically rely on extensive mapping and exploration, leading to time-consuming and inefficient. To address these challenges, we try to transfer the logical knowledge and the generalization ability of pre-trained foundation models to zero-shot navigation. By integrating a large vision-language model with a diffusion network, our approach named \mname ~constructs a visual predictor that continuously predicts the agent's potential observations in the next step which can assist robots generate robust actions. Furthermore, to adapt the temporal property of navigation, we introduce temporal historical information to ensure that the predicted image is aligned with the navigation scene. We then carefully designed an information fusion framework that embeds the predicted future frames as guidance into goal-reaching policy to solve downstream image navigation tasks. This approach enhances navigation control and generalization across both simulated and real-world environments. Through extensive experimentation, we demonstrate the robustness and versatility of our method, showcasing its potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of robotic navigation in diverse settings.
comment: Accepted to ICRA2025
☆ Multi-view Video-Pose Pretraining for Operating Room Surgical Activity Recognition
Understanding the workflow of surgical procedures in complex operating rooms requires a deep understanding of the interactions between clinicians and their environment. Surgical activity recognition (SAR) is a key computer vision task that detects activities or phases from multi-view camera recordings. Existing SAR models often fail to account for fine-grained clinician movements and multi-view knowledge, or they require calibrated multi-view camera setups and advanced point-cloud processing to obtain better results. In this work, we propose a novel calibration-free multi-view multi-modal pretraining framework called Multiview Pretraining for Video-Pose Surgical Activity Recognition PreViPS, which aligns 2D pose and vision embeddings across camera views. Our model follows CLIP-style dual-encoder architecture: one encoder processes visual features, while the other encodes human pose embeddings. To handle the continuous 2D human pose coordinates, we introduce a tokenized discrete representation to convert the continuous 2D pose coordinates into discrete pose embeddings, thereby enabling efficient integration within the dual-encoder framework. To bridge the gap between these two modalities, we propose several pretraining objectives using cross- and in-modality geometric constraints within the embedding space and incorporating masked pose token prediction strategy to enhance representation learning. Extensive experiments and ablation studies demonstrate improvements over the strong baselines, while data-efficiency experiments on two distinct operating room datasets further highlight the effectiveness of our approach. We highlight the benefits of our approach for surgical activity recognition in both multi-view and single-view settings, showcasing its practical applicability in complex surgical environments. Code will be made available at:
☆ MEX: Memory-efficient Approach to Referring Multi-Object Tracking ATC
Referring Multi-Object Tracking (RMOT) is a relatively new concept that has rapidly gained traction as a promising research direction at the intersection of computer vision and natural language processing. Unlike traditional multi-object tracking, RMOT identifies and tracks objects and incorporates textual descriptions for object class names, making the approach more intuitive. Various techniques have been proposed to address this challenging problem; however, most require the training of the entire network due to their end-to-end nature. Among these methods, iKUN has emerged as a particularly promising solution. Therefore, we further explore its pipeline and enhance its performance. In this paper, we introduce a practical module dubbed Memory-Efficient Cross-modality -- MEX. This memory-efficient technique can be directly applied to off-the-shelf trackers like iKUN, resulting in significant architectural improvements. Our method proves effective during inference on a single GPU with 4 GB of memory. Among the various benchmarks, the Refer-KITTI dataset, which offers diverse autonomous driving scenes with relevant language expressions, is particularly useful for studying this problem. Empirically, our method demonstrates effectiveness and efficiency regarding HOTA tracking scores, substantially improving memory allocation and processing speed.
comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 2024 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC), Signal Processing Track
☆ MSVCOD:A Large-Scale Multi-Scene Dataset for Video Camouflage Object Detection
Video Camouflaged Object Detection (VCOD) is a challenging task which aims to identify objects that seamlessly concealed within the background in videos. The dynamic properties of video enable detection of camouflaged objects through motion cues or varied perspectives. Previous VCOD datasets primarily contain animal objects, limiting the scope of research to wildlife scenarios. However, the applications of VCOD extend beyond wildlife and have significant implications in security, art, and medical fields. Addressing this problem, we construct a new large-scale multi-domain VCOD dataset MSVCOD. To achieve high-quality annotations, we design a semi-automatic iterative annotation pipeline that reduces costs while maintaining annotation accuracy. Our MSVCOD is the largest VCOD dataset to date, introducing multiple object categories including human, animal, medical, and vehicle objects for the first time, while also expanding background diversity across various environments. This expanded scope increases the practical applicability of the VCOD task in camouflaged object detection. Alongside this dataset, we introduce a one-steam video camouflage object detection model that performs both feature extraction and information fusion without additional motion feature fusion modules. Our framework achieves state-of-the-art results on the existing VCOD animal dataset and the proposed MSVCOD. The dataset and code will be made publicly available.
comment: 10 pages
☆ MagicGeo: Training-Free Text-Guided Geometric Diagram Generation
Geometric diagrams are critical in conveying mathematical and scientific concepts, yet traditional diagram generation methods are often manual and resource-intensive. While text-to-image generation has made strides in photorealistic imagery, creating accurate geometric diagrams remains a challenge due to the need for precise spatial relationships and the scarcity of geometry-specific datasets. This paper presents MagicGeo, a training-free framework for generating geometric diagrams from textual descriptions. MagicGeo formulates the diagram generation process as a coordinate optimization problem, ensuring geometric correctness through a formal language solver, and then employs coordinate-aware generation. The framework leverages the strong language translation capability of large language models, while formal mathematical solving ensures geometric correctness. We further introduce MagicGeoBench, a benchmark dataset of 220 geometric diagram descriptions, and demonstrate that MagicGeo outperforms current methods in both qualitative and quantitative evaluations. This work provides a scalable, accurate solution for automated diagram generation, with significant implications for educational and academic applications.
☆ Generative Video Semantic Communication via Multimodal Semantic Fusion with Large Model
Despite significant advancements in traditional syntactic communications based on Shannon's theory, these methods struggle to meet the requirements of 6G immersive communications, especially under challenging transmission conditions. With the development of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), progress has been made in reconstructing videos using high-level semantic information. In this paper, we propose a scalable generative video semantic communication framework that extracts and transmits semantic information to achieve high-quality video reconstruction. Specifically, at the transmitter, description and other condition signals (e.g., first frame, sketches, etc.) are extracted from the source video, functioning as text and structural semantics, respectively. At the receiver, the diffusion-based GenAI large models are utilized to fuse the semantics of the multiple modalities for reconstructing the video. Simulation results demonstrate that, at an ultra-low channel bandwidth ratio (CBR), our scheme effectively captures semantic information to reconstruct videos aligned with human perception under different signal-to-noise ratios. Notably, the proposed ``First Frame+Desc." scheme consistently achieves CLIP score exceeding 0.92 at CBR = 0.0057 for SNR > 0 dB. This demonstrates its robust performance even under low SNR conditions.
☆ Building Age Estimation: A New Multi-Modal Benchmark Dataset and Community Challenge
Estimating the construction year of buildings is of great importance for sustainability. Sustainable buildings minimize energy consumption and are a key part of responsible and sustainable urban planning and development to effectively combat climate change. By using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and recently proposed Transformer models, we are able to estimate the construction epoch of buildings from a multi-modal dataset. In this paper, we introduce a new benchmark multi-modal dataset, i.e. the Map your City Dataset (MyCD), containing top-view Very High Resolution (VHR) images, Earth Observation (EO) multi-spectral data from the Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite constellation, and street-view images in many different cities in Europe, co-localized with respect to the building under study and labelled with the construction epoch. We assess EO generalization performance on new/ previously unseen cities that have been held-out from training and appear only during inference. In this work, we present the community-based data challenge we organized based on MyCD. The ESA AI4EO Challenge MapYourCity was opened in 2024 for 4 months. Here, we present the Top-4 performing models, and the main evaluation results. During inference, the performance of the models using both all three input modalities and only the two top-view modalities, i.e. without the street-view images, is examined. The evaluation results show that the models are effective and can achieve good performance on this difficult real-world task of estimating the age of buildings, even on previously unseen cities, as well as even using only the two top-view modalities (i.e. VHR and Sentinel-2) during inference.
comment: 6 pages, 12 figures
☆ MGFI-Net: A Multi-Grained Feature Integration Network for Enhanced Medical Image Segmentation
Medical image segmentation plays a crucial role in various clinical applications. A major challenge in medical image segmentation is achieving accurate delineation of regions of interest in the presence of noise, low contrast, or complex anatomical structures. Existing segmentation models often neglect the integration of multi-grained information and fail to preserve edge details, which are critical for precise segmentation. To address these challenges, we propose a novel image semantic segmentation model called the Multi-Grained Feature Integration Network (MGFI-Net). Our MGFI-Net is designed with two dedicated modules to tackle these issues. First, to enhance segmentation accuracy, we introduce a Multi-Grained Feature Extraction Module, which leverages hierarchical relationships between different feature scales to selectively focus on the most relevant information. Second, to preserve edge details, we incorporate an Edge Enhancement Module that effectively retains and integrates boundary information to refine segmentation results. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MGFI-Net not only outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of segmentation accuracy but also achieves superior time efficiency, establishing it as a leading solution for real-time medical image segmentation.
☆ 3D Gaussian Splatting aided Localization for Large and Complex Indoor-Environments
The field of visual localization has been researched for several decades and has meanwhile found many practical applications. Despite the strong progress in this field, there are still challenging situations in which established methods fail. We present an approach to significantly improve the accuracy and reliability of established visual localization methods by adding rendered images. In detail, we first use a modern visual SLAM approach that provides a 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) based map to create reference data. We demonstrate that enriching reference data with images rendered from 3DGS at randomly sampled poses significantly improves the performance of both geometry-based visual localization and Scene Coordinate Regression (SCR) methods. Through comprehensive evaluation in a large industrial environment, we analyze the performance impact of incorporating these additional rendered views.
☆ From Correctness to Comprehension: AI Agents for Personalized Error Diagnosis in Education
Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-4, have demonstrated impressive mathematical reasoning capabilities, achieving near-perfect performance on benchmarks like GSM8K. However, their application in personalized education remains limited due to an overemphasis on correctness over error diagnosis and feedback generation. Current models fail to provide meaningful insights into the causes of student mistakes, limiting their utility in educational contexts. To address these challenges, we present three key contributions. First, we introduce \textbf{MathCCS} (Mathematical Classification and Constructive Suggestions), a multi-modal benchmark designed for systematic error analysis and tailored feedback. MathCCS includes real-world problems, expert-annotated error categories, and longitudinal student data. Evaluations of state-of-the-art models, including \textit{Qwen2-VL}, \textit{LLaVA-OV}, \textit{Claude-3.5-Sonnet} and \textit{GPT-4o}, reveal that none achieved classification accuracy above 30\% or generated high-quality suggestions (average scores below 4/10), highlighting a significant gap from human-level performance. Second, we develop a sequential error analysis framework that leverages historical data to track trends and improve diagnostic precision. Finally, we propose a multi-agent collaborative framework that combines a Time Series Agent for historical analysis and an MLLM Agent for real-time refinement, enhancing error classification and feedback generation. Together, these contributions provide a robust platform for advancing personalized education, bridging the gap between current AI capabilities and the demands of real-world teaching.
☆ An Overall Real-Time Mechanism for Classification and Quality Evaluation of Rice
Rice is one of the most widely cultivated crops globally and has been developed into numerous varieties. The quality of rice during cultivation is primarily determined by its cultivar and characteristics. Traditionally, rice classification and quality assessment rely on manual visual inspection, a process that is both time-consuming and prone to errors. However, with advancements in machine vision technology, automating rice classification and quality evaluation based on its cultivar and characteristics has become increasingly feasible, enhancing both accuracy and efficiency. This study proposes a real-time evaluation mechanism for comprehensive rice grain assessment, integrating a one-stage object detection approach, a deep convolutional neural network, and traditional machine learning techniques. The proposed framework enables rice variety identification, grain completeness grading, and grain chalkiness evaluation. The rice grain dataset used in this study comprises approximately 20,000 images from six widely cultivated rice varieties in China. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed mechanism achieves a mean average precision (mAP) of 99.14% in the object detection task and an accuracy of 97.89% in the classification task. Furthermore, the framework attains an average accuracy of 97.56% in grain completeness grading within the same rice variety, contributing to an effective quality evaluation system.
☆ Geolocation with Real Human Gameplay Data: A Large-Scale Dataset and Human-Like Reasoning Framework
Geolocation, the task of identifying an image's location, requires complex reasoning and is crucial for navigation, monitoring, and cultural preservation. However, current methods often produce coarse, imprecise, and non-interpretable localization. A major challenge lies in the quality and scale of existing geolocation datasets. These datasets are typically small-scale and automatically constructed, leading to noisy data and inconsistent task difficulty, with images that either reveal answers too easily or lack sufficient clues for reliable inference. To address these challenges, we introduce a comprehensive geolocation framework with three key components: GeoComp, a large-scale dataset; GeoCoT, a novel reasoning method; and GeoEval, an evaluation metric, collectively designed to address critical challenges and drive advancements in geolocation research. At the core of this framework is GeoComp (Geolocation Competition Dataset), a large-scale dataset collected from a geolocation game platform involving 740K users over two years. It comprises 25 million entries of metadata and 3 million geo-tagged locations spanning much of the globe, with each location annotated thousands to tens of thousands of times by human users. The dataset offers diverse difficulty levels for detailed analysis and highlights key gaps in current models. Building on this dataset, we propose Geographical Chain-of-Thought (GeoCoT), a novel multi-step reasoning framework designed to enhance the reasoning capabilities of Large Vision Models (LVMs) in geolocation tasks. GeoCoT improves performance by integrating contextual and spatial cues through a multi-step process that mimics human geolocation reasoning. Finally, using the GeoEval metric, we demonstrate that GeoCoT significantly boosts geolocation accuracy by up to 25% while enhancing interpretability.
comment: Access dataset:
☆ Capturing Rich Behavior Representations: A Dynamic Action Semantic-Aware Graph Transformer for Video Captioning ICASSP
Existing video captioning methods merely provide shallow or simplistic representations of object behaviors, resulting in superficial and ambiguous descriptions. However, object behavior is dynamic and complex. To comprehensively capture the essence of object behavior, we propose a dynamic action semantic-aware graph transformer. Firstly, a multi-scale temporal modeling module is designed to flexibly learn long and short-term latent action features. It not only acquires latent action features across time scales, but also considers local latent action details, enhancing the coherence and sensitiveness of latent action representations. Secondly, a visual-action semantic aware module is proposed to adaptively capture semantic representations related to object behavior, enhancing the richness and accurateness of action representations. By harnessing the collaborative efforts of these two modules,we can acquire rich behavior representations to generate human-like natural descriptions. Finally, this rich behavior representations and object representations are used to construct a temporal objects-action graph, which is fed into the graph transformer to model the complex temporal dependencies between objects and actions. To avoid adding complexity in the inference phase, the behavioral knowledge of the objects will be distilled into a simple network through knowledge distillation. The experimental results on MSVD and MSR-VTT datasets demonstrate that the proposed method achieves significant performance improvements across multiple metrics.
comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, published ICASSP
☆ Benchmarking of Different YOLO Models for CAPTCHAs Detection and Classification
This paper provides an analysis and comparison of the YOLOv5, YOLOv8 and YOLOv10 models for webpage CAPTCHAs detection using the datasets collected from the web and darknet as well as synthetized data of webpages. The study examines the nano (n), small (s), and medium (m) variants of YOLO architectures and use metrics such as Precision, Recall, F1 score, mAP@50 and inference speed to determine the real-life utility. Additionally, the possibility of tuning the trained model to detect new CAPTCHA patterns efficiently was examined as it is a crucial part of real-life applications. The image slicing method was proposed as a way to improve the metrics of detection on oversized input images which can be a common scenario in webpages analysis. Models in version nano achieved the best results in terms of speed, while more complexed architectures scored better in terms of other metrics.
☆ CARE: Confidence-Aware Regression Estimation of building density fine-tuning EO Foundation Models
Performing accurate confidence quantification and assessment is important for deep neural networks to predict their failures, improve their performance and enhance their capabilities in real-world applications, for their practical deployment in real life. For pixel-wise regression tasks, confidence quantification and assessment has not been well addressed in the literature, in contrast to classification tasks like semantic segmentation. The softmax output layer is not used in deep neural networks that solve pixel-wise regression problems. In this paper, to address these problems, we develop, train and evaluate the proposed model Confidence-Aware Regression Estimation (CARE). Our model CARE computes and assigns confidence to regression output results. We focus on solving regression problems as downstream tasks of an AI Foundation Model for Earth Observation (EO). We evaluate the proposed model CARE and experimental results on data from the Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite constellation for estimating the density of buildings show that the proposed method can be successfully applied to regression problems. We also show that our approach outperforms other methods.
comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Submitted
☆ Event-Based Video Frame Interpolation With Cross-Modal Asymmetric Bidirectional Motion Fields CVPR2023
Video Frame Interpolation (VFI) aims to generate intermediate video frames between consecutive input frames. Since the event cameras are bio-inspired sensors that only encode brightness changes with a micro-second temporal resolution, several works utilized the event camera to enhance the performance of VFI. However, existing methods estimate bidirectional inter-frame motion fields with only events or approximations, which can not consider the complex motion in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we propose a novel event-based VFI framework with cross-modal asymmetric bidirectional motion field estimation. In detail, our EIF-BiOFNet utilizes each valuable characteristic of the events and images for direct estimation of inter-frame motion fields without any approximation methods. Moreover, we develop an interactive attention-based frame synthesis network to efficiently leverage the complementary warping-based and synthesis-based features. Finally, we build a large-scale event-based VFI dataset, ERF-X170FPS, with a high frame rate, extreme motion, and dynamic textures to overcome the limitations of previous event-based VFI datasets. Extensive experimental results validate that our method shows significant performance improvement over the state-of-the-art VFI methods on various datasets. Our project pages are available at:
comment: Accepted in CVPR2023(Highlight)
☆ Medical Image Classification with KAN-Integrated Transformers and Dilated Neighborhood Attention
Convolutional networks, transformers, hybrid models, and Mamba-based architectures have demonstrated strong performance across various medical image classification tasks. However, these methods were primarily designed to classify clean images using labeled data. In contrast, real-world clinical data often involve image corruptions that are unique to multi-center studies and stem from variations in imaging equipment across manufacturers. In this paper, we introduce the Medical Vision Transformer (MedViTV2), a novel architecture incorporating Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) layers into the transformer architecture for the first time, aiming for generalized medical image classification. We have developed an efficient KAN block to reduce computational load while enhancing the accuracy of the original MedViT. Additionally, to counteract the fragility of our MedViT when scaled up, we propose an enhanced Dilated Neighborhood Attention (DiNA), an adaptation of the efficient fused dot-product attention kernel capable of capturing global context and expanding receptive fields to scale the model effectively and addressing feature collapse issues. Moreover, a hierarchical hybrid strategy is introduced to stack our Local Feature Perception and Global Feature Perception blocks in an efficient manner, which balances local and global feature perceptions to boost performance. Extensive experiments on 17 medical image classification datasets and 12 corrupted medical image datasets demonstrate that MedViTV2 achieved state-of-the-art results in 27 out of 29 experiments with reduced computational complexity. MedViTV2 is 44\% more computationally efficient than the previous version and significantly enhances accuracy, achieving improvements of 4.6\% on MedMNIST, 5.8\% on NonMNIST, and 13.4\% on the MedMNIST-C benchmark.
☆ Exploring Mutual Cross-Modal Attention for Context-Aware Human Affordance Generation
Human affordance learning investigates contextually relevant novel pose prediction such that the estimated pose represents a valid human action within the scene. While the task is fundamental to machine perception and automated interactive navigation agents, the exponentially large number of probable pose and action variations make the problem challenging and non-trivial. However, the existing datasets and methods for human affordance prediction in 2D scenes are significantly limited in the literature. In this paper, we propose a novel cross-attention mechanism to encode the scene context for affordance prediction by mutually attending spatial feature maps from two different modalities. The proposed method is disentangled among individual subtasks to efficiently reduce the problem complexity. First, we sample a probable location for a person within the scene using a variational autoencoder (VAE) conditioned on the global scene context encoding. Next, we predict a potential pose template from a set of existing human pose candidates using a classifier on the local context encoding around the predicted location. In the subsequent steps, we use two VAEs to sample the scale and deformation parameters for the predicted pose template by conditioning on the local context and template class. Our experiments show significant improvements over the previous baseline of human affordance injection into complex 2D scenes.
comment: 11 pages
☆ CardiacMamba: A Multimodal RGB-RF Fusion Framework with State Space Models for Remote Physiological Measurement
Heart rate (HR) estimation via remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) offers a non-invasive solution for health monitoring. However, traditional single-modality approaches (RGB or Radio Frequency (RF)) face challenges in balancing robustness and accuracy due to lighting variations, motion artifacts, and skin tone bias. In this paper, we propose CardiacMamba, a multimodal RGB-RF fusion framework that leverages the complementary strengths of both modalities. It introduces the Temporal Difference Mamba Module (TDMM) to capture dynamic changes in RF signals using timing differences between frames, enhancing the extraction of local and global features. Additionally, CardiacMamba employs a Bidirectional SSM for cross-modal alignment and a Channel-wise Fast Fourier Transform (CFFT) to effectively capture and refine the frequency domain characteristics of RGB and RF signals, ultimately improving heart rate estimation accuracy and periodicity detection. Extensive experiments on the EquiPleth dataset demonstrate state-of-the-art performance, achieving marked improvements in accuracy and robustness. CardiacMamba significantly mitigates skin tone bias, reducing performance disparities across demographic groups, and maintains resilience under missing-modality scenarios. By addressing critical challenges in fairness, adaptability, and precision, the framework advances rPPG technology toward reliable real-world deployment in healthcare. The codes are available at:
☆ LaVCa: LLM-assisted Visual Cortex Captioning
Understanding the property of neural populations (or voxels) in the human brain can advance our comprehension of human perceptual and cognitive processing capabilities and contribute to developing brain-inspired computer models. Recent encoding models using deep neural networks (DNNs) have successfully predicted voxel-wise activity. However, interpreting the properties that explain voxel responses remains challenging because of the black-box nature of DNNs. As a solution, we propose LLM-assisted Visual Cortex Captioning (LaVCa), a data-driven approach that uses large language models (LLMs) to generate natural-language captions for images to which voxels are selective. By applying LaVCa for image-evoked brain activity, we demonstrate that LaVCa generates captions that describe voxel selectivity more accurately than the previously proposed method. Furthermore, the captions generated by LaVCa quantitatively capture more detailed properties than the existing method at both the inter-voxel and intra-voxel levels. Furthermore, a more detailed analysis of the voxel-specific properties generated by LaVCa reveals fine-grained functional differentiation within regions of interest (ROIs) in the visual cortex and voxels that simultaneously represent multiple distinct concepts. These findings offer profound insights into human visual representations by assigning detailed captions throughout the visual cortex while highlighting the potential of LLM-based methods in understanding brain representations. Please check out our webpage at
comment: 33 pages
☆ Toward Robust Non-Transferable Learning: A Survey and Benchmark
Over the past decades, researchers have primarily focused on improving the generalization abilities of models, with limited attention given to regulating such generalization. However, the ability of models to generalize to unintended data (e.g., harmful or unauthorized data) can be exploited by malicious adversaries in unforeseen ways, potentially resulting in violations of model ethics. Non-transferable learning (NTL), a task aimed at reshaping the generalization abilities of deep learning models, was proposed to address these challenges. While numerous methods have been proposed in this field, a comprehensive review of existing progress and a thorough analysis of current limitations remain lacking. In this paper, we bridge this gap by presenting the first comprehensive survey on NTL and introducing NTLBench, the first benchmark to evaluate NTL performance and robustness within a unified framework. Specifically, we first introduce the task settings, general framework, and criteria of NTL, followed by a summary of NTL approaches. Furthermore, we emphasize the often-overlooked issue of robustness against various attacks that can destroy the non-transferable mechanism established by NTL. Experiments conducted via NTLBench verify the limitations of existing NTL methods in robustness. Finally, we discuss the practical applications of NTL, along with its future directions and associated challenges.
☆ MobileViM: A Light-weight and Dimension-independent Vision Mamba for 3D Medical Image Analysis
Efficient evaluation of three-dimensional (3D) medical images is crucial for diagnostic and therapeutic practices in healthcare. Recent years have seen a substantial uptake in applying deep learning and computer vision to analyse and interpret medical images. Traditional approaches, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and vision transformers (ViTs), face significant computational challenges, prompting the need for architectural advancements. Recent efforts have led to the introduction of novel architectures like the ``Mamba'' model as alternative solutions to traditional CNNs or ViTs. The Mamba model excels in the linear processing of one-dimensional data with low computational demands. However, Mamba's potential for 3D medical image analysis remains underexplored and could face significant computational challenges as the dimension increases. This manuscript presents MobileViM, a streamlined architecture for efficient segmentation of 3D medical images. In the MobileViM network, we invent a new dimension-independent mechanism and a dual-direction traversing approach to incorporate with a vision-Mamba-based framework. MobileViM also features a cross-scale bridging technique to improve efficiency and accuracy across various medical imaging modalities. With these enhancements, MobileViM achieves segmentation speeds exceeding 90 frames per second (FPS) on a single graphics processing unit (i.e., NVIDIA RTX 4090). This performance is over 24 FPS faster than the state-of-the-art deep learning models for processing 3D images with the same computational resources. In addition, experimental evaluations demonstrate that MobileViM delivers superior performance, with Dice similarity scores reaching 92.72%, 86.69%, 80.46%, and 77.43% for PENGWIN, BraTS2024, ATLAS, and Toothfairy2 datasets, respectively, which significantly surpasses existing models.
comment: The code is accessible through:
☆ Improving Collision-Free Success Rate For Object Goal Visual Navigation Via Two-Stage Training With Collision Prediction
The object goal visual navigation is the task of navigating to a specific target object using egocentric visual observations. Recent end-to-end navigation models based on deep reinforcement learning have achieved remarkable performance in finding and reaching target objects. However, the collision problem of these models during navigation remains unresolved, since the collision is typically neglected when evaluating the success. Although incorporating a negative reward for collision during training appears straightforward, it results in a more conservative policy, thereby limiting the agent's ability to reach targets. In addition, many of these models utilize only RGB observations, further increasing the difficulty of collision avoidance without depth information. To address these limitations, a new concept -- collision-free success is introduced to evaluate the ability of navigation models to find a collision-free path towards the target object. A two-stage training method with collision prediction is proposed to improve the collision-free success rate of the existing navigation models using RGB observations. In the first training stage, the collision prediction module supervises the agent's collision states during exploration to learn to predict the possible collision. In the second stage, leveraging the trained collision prediction, the agent learns to navigate to the target without collision. The experimental results in the AI2-THOR environment demonstrate that the proposed method greatly improves the collision-free success rate of different navigation models and outperforms other comparable collision-avoidance methods.
☆ Transferring Textual Preferences to Vision-Language Understanding through Model Merging
Large vision-language models (LVLMs) perform outstandingly across various multimodal tasks. However, their ability to evaluate generated content remains limited, and training vision-language reward models (VLRMs) with preference data is computationally expensive. This paper explores a training-free alternative by merging text-based reward models (RMs) with LVLMs to create VLRMs. Our approach shows that integrating these models leads to improved performance over LVLMs' scoring and text-based RMs, offering an efficient method for incorporating textual preferences into LVLMs.
comment: Preprint. Under Review
☆ 2.5D U-Net with Depth Reduction for 3D CryoET Object Identification
Cryo-electron tomography (cryoET) is a crucial technique for unveiling the structure of protein complexes. Automatically analyzing tomograms captured by cryoET is an essential step toward understanding cellular structures. In this paper, we introduce the 4th place solution from the CZII - CryoET Object Identification competition, which was organized to advance the development of automated tomogram analysis techniques. Our solution adopted a heatmap-based keypoint detection approach, utilizing an ensemble of two different types of 2.5D U-Net models with depth reduction. Despite its highly unified and simple architecture, our method achieved 4th place, demonstrating its effectiveness.
☆ Enhancing Chest X-ray Classification through Knowledge Injection in Cross-Modality Learning ICASSP'25
The integration of artificial intelligence in medical imaging has shown tremendous potential, yet the relationship between pre-trained knowledge and performance in cross-modality learning remains unclear. This study investigates how explicitly injecting medical knowledge into the learning process affects the performance of cross-modality classification, focusing on Chest X-ray (CXR) images. We introduce a novel Set Theory-based knowledge injection framework that generates captions for CXR images with controllable knowledge granularity. Using this framework, we fine-tune CLIP model on captions with varying levels of medical information. We evaluate the model's performance through zero-shot classification on the CheXpert dataset, a benchmark for CXR classification. Our results demonstrate that injecting fine-grained medical knowledge substantially improves classification accuracy, achieving 72.5\% compared to 49.9\% when using human-generated captions. This highlights the crucial role of domain-specific knowledge in medical cross-modality learning. Furthermore, we explore the influence of knowledge density and the use of domain-specific Large Language Models (LLMs) for caption generation, finding that denser knowledge and specialized LLMs contribute to enhanced performance. This research advances medical image analysis by demonstrating the effectiveness of knowledge injection for improving automated CXR classification, paving the way for more accurate and reliable diagnostic tools.
comment: Accepted by ICASSP'25
Semi-supervised classification of bird vocalizations
Changes in bird populations can indicate broader changes in ecosystems, making birds one of the most important animal groups to monitor. Combining machine learning and passive acoustics enables continuous monitoring over extended periods without direct human involvement. However, most existing techniques require extensive expert-labeled datasets for training and cannot easily detect time-overlapping calls in busy soundscapes. We propose a semi-supervised acoustic bird detector designed to allow both the detection of time-overlapping calls (when separated in frequency) and the use of few labeled training samples. The classifier is trained and evaluated on a combination of community-recorded open-source data and long-duration soundscape recordings from Singapore. It achieves a mean F0.5 score of 0.701 across 315 classes from 110 bird species on a hold-out test set, with an average of 11 labeled training samples per class. It outperforms the state-of-the-art BirdNET classifier on a test set of 103 bird species despite significantly fewer labeled training samples. The detector is further tested on 144 microphone-hours of continuous soundscape data. The rich soundscape in Singapore makes suppression of false positives a challenge on raw, continuous data streams. Nevertheless, we demonstrate that achieving high precision in such environments with minimal labeled training data is possible.
☆ JL1-CD: A New Benchmark for Remote Sensing Change Detection and a Robust Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation Framework
Deep learning has achieved significant success in the field of remote sensing image change detection (CD), yet two major challenges remain: the scarcity of sub-meter, all-inclusive open-source CD datasets, and the difficulty of achieving consistent and satisfactory detection results across images with varying change areas. To address these issues, we introduce the JL1-CD dataset, which contains 5,000 pairs of 512 x 512 pixel images with a resolution of 0.5 to 0.75 meters. Additionally, we propose a multi-teacher knowledge distillation (MTKD) framework for CD. Experimental results on the JL1-CD and SYSU-CD datasets demonstrate that the MTKD framework significantly improves the performance of CD models with various network architectures and parameter sizes, achieving new state-of-the-art results. The code is available at
comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS)
☆ MaizeEar-SAM: Zero-Shot Maize Ear Phenotyping
Quantifying the variation in yield component traits of maize (Zea mays L.), which together determine the overall productivity of this globally important crop, plays a critical role in plant genetics research, plant breeding, and the development of improved farming practices. Grain yield per acre is calculated by multiplying the number of plants per acre, ears per plant, number of kernels per ear, and the average kernel weight. The number of kernels per ear is determined by the number of kernel rows per ear multiplied by the number of kernels per row. Traditional manual methods for measuring these two traits are time-consuming, limiting large-scale data collection. Recent automation efforts using image processing and deep learning encounter challenges such as high annotation costs and uncertain generalizability. We tackle these issues by exploring Large Vision Models for zero-shot, annotation-free maize kernel segmentation. By using an open-source large vision model, the Segment Anything Model (SAM), we segment individual kernels in RGB images of maize ears and apply a graph-based algorithm to calculate the number of kernels per row. Our approach successfully identifies the number of kernels per row across a wide range of maize ears, showing the potential of zero-shot learning with foundation vision models combined with image processing techniques to improve automation and reduce subjectivity in agronomic data collection. All our code is open-sourced to make these affordable phenotyping methods accessible to everyone.
☆ SNN-Driven Multimodal Human Action Recognition via Event Camera and Skeleton Data Fusion
Multimodal human action recognition based on RGB and skeleton data fusion, while effective, is constrained by significant limitations such as high computational complexity, excessive memory consumption, and substantial energy demands, particularly when implemented with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). These limitations restrict its applicability in resource-constrained scenarios. To address these challenges, we propose a novel Spiking Neural Network (SNN)-driven framework for multimodal human action recognition, utilizing event camera and skeleton data. Our framework is centered on two key innovations: (1) a novel multimodal SNN architecture that employs distinct backbone networks for each modality-an SNN-based Mamba for event camera data and a Spiking Graph Convolutional Network (SGN) for skeleton data-combined with a spiking semantic extraction module to capture deep semantic representations; and (2) a pioneering SNN-based discretized information bottleneck mechanism for modality fusion, which effectively balances the preservation of modality-specific semantics with efficient information compression. To validate our approach, we propose a novel method for constructing a multimodal dataset that integrates event camera and skeleton data, enabling comprehensive evaluation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves superior performance in both recognition accuracy and energy efficiency, offering a promising solution for practical applications.
☆ MM-Verify: Enhancing Multimodal Reasoning with Chain-of-Thought Verification
According to the Test-Time Scaling, the integration of External Slow-Thinking with the Verify mechanism has been demonstrated to enhance multi-round reasoning in large language models (LLMs). However, in the multimodal (MM) domain, there is still a lack of a strong MM-Verifier. In this paper, we introduce MM-Verifier and MM-Reasoner to enhance multimodal reasoning through longer inference and more robust verification. First, we propose a two-step MM verification data synthesis method, which combines a simulation-based tree search with verification and uses rejection sampling to generate high-quality Chain-of-Thought (COT) data. This data is then used to fine-tune the verification model, MM-Verifier. Additionally, we present a more efficient method for synthesizing MMCOT data, bridging the gap between text-based and multimodal reasoning. The synthesized data is used to fine-tune MM-Reasoner. Our MM-Verifier outperforms all larger models on the MathCheck, MathVista, and MathVerse benchmarks. Moreover, MM-Reasoner demonstrates strong effectiveness and scalability, with performance improving as data size increases. Finally, our approach achieves strong performance when combining MM-Reasoner and MM-Verifier, reaching an accuracy of 65.3 on MathVista, surpassing GPT-4o (63.8) with 12 rollouts.
☆ MoVer: Motion Verification for Motion Graphics Animations
While large vision-language models can generate motion graphics animations from text prompts, they regularly fail to include all of spatio-temporal properties described in the prompt. We introduce MoVer, a motion verification DSL based on first-order logic that can check spatio-temporal properties of a motion graphics animation. We identify a general set of such properties that people commonly use to describe animations (e.g., the direction and timing of motions, the relative positioning of objects, etc.). We implement these properties as predicates in MoVer and provide an execution engine that can apply a MoVer program to any input SVG-based motion graphics animation. We then demonstrate how MoVer can be used in an LLM-based synthesis and verification pipeline for iteratively refining motion graphics animations. Given a text prompt, our pipeline synthesizes a motion graphics animation and a corresponding MoVer program. Executing the verification program on the animation yields a report of the predicates that failed and the report can be automatically fed back to LLM to iteratively correct the animation. To evaluate our pipeline, we build a synthetic dataset of 5600 text prompts paired with ground truth MoVer verification programs. We find that while our LLM-based pipeline is able to automatically generate a correct motion graphics animation for 58.8% of the test prompts without any iteration, this number raises to 93.6% with up to 50 correction iterations. Project website:
☆ Pretrained Image-Text Models are Secretly Video Captioners NAACL 2025
Developing video captioning models is computationally expensive. The dynamic nature of video also complicates the design of multimodal models that can effectively caption these sequences. However, we find that by using minimal computational resources and without complex modifications to address video dynamics, an image-based model can be repurposed to outperform several specialised video captioning systems. Our adapted model demonstrates top tier performance on major benchmarks, ranking 2nd on MSRVTT and MSVD, and 3rd on VATEX. We transform it into a competitive video captioner by post training a typical image captioning model BLIP2 with only 6,000 video text pairs and simply concatenating frames (significantly fewer data than other methods), which use 2.5 to 144 million pairs. From a resource optimization perspective, this video captioning study focuses on three fundamental factors: optimizing model scale, maximizing data efficiency, and incorporating reinforcement learning. This extensive study demonstrates that a lightweight, image based adaptation strategy can rival state-of-the-art video captioning systems, offering a practical solution for low-resource scenarios.
comment: Accepted to the 2025 Annual Conference of the Nations of the Americas Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2025). The first two authors contributed equally and were listed in random order
☆ Mixed Signals: A Diverse Point Cloud Dataset for Heterogeneous LiDAR V2X Collaboration
Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) collaborative perception has emerged as a promising solution to address the limitations of single-vehicle perception systems. However, existing V2X datasets are limited in scope, diversity, and quality. To address these gaps, we present Mixed Signals, a comprehensive V2X dataset featuring 45.1k point clouds and 240.6k bounding boxes collected from three connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) equipped with two different types of LiDAR sensors, plus a roadside unit with dual LiDARs. Our dataset provides precisely aligned point clouds and bounding box annotations across 10 classes, ensuring reliable data for perception training. We provide detailed statistical analysis on the quality of our dataset and extensively benchmark existing V2X methods on it. Mixed Signals V2X Dataset is one of the highest quality, large-scale datasets publicly available for V2X perception research. Details on the website
☆ PitVQA++: Vector Matrix-Low-Rank Adaptation for Open-Ended Visual Question Answering in Pituitary Surgery
Vision-Language Models (VLMs) in visual question answering (VQA) offer a unique opportunity to enhance intra-operative decision-making, promote intuitive interactions, and significantly advancing surgical education. However, the development of VLMs for surgical VQA is challenging due to limited datasets and the risk of overfitting and catastrophic forgetting during full fine-tuning of pretrained weights. While parameter-efficient techniques like Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) and Matrix of Rank Adaptation (MoRA) address adaptation challenges, their uniform parameter distribution overlooks the feature hierarchy in deep networks, where earlier layers, that learn general features, require more parameters than later ones. This work introduces PitVQA++ with an open-ended PitVQA dataset and vector matrix-low-rank adaptation (Vector-MoLoRA), an innovative VLM fine-tuning approach for adapting GPT-2 to pituitary surgery. Open-Ended PitVQA comprises around 101,803 frames from 25 procedural videos with 745,972 question-answer sentence pairs, covering key surgical elements such as phase and step recognition, context understanding, tool detection, localization, and interactions recognition. Vector-MoLoRA incorporates the principles of LoRA and MoRA to develop a matrix-low-rank adaptation strategy that employs vector ranking to allocate more parameters to earlier layers, gradually reducing them in the later layers. Our approach, validated on the Open-Ended PitVQA and EndoVis18-VQA datasets, effectively mitigates catastrophic forgetting while significantly enhancing performance over recent baselines. Furthermore, our risk-coverage analysis highlights its enhanced reliability and trustworthiness in handling uncertain predictions. Our source code and dataset is available at~\url{}.
comment: 9 pages
☆ Token Adaptation via Side Graph Convolution for Temporally and Spatially Efficient Fine-tuning of 3D Point Cloud Transformers
Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) of pre-trained 3D point cloud Transformers has emerged as a promising technique for 3D point cloud analysis. While existing PEFT methods attempt to minimize the number of tunable parameters, they still suffer from high temporal and spatial computational costs during fine-tuning. This paper proposes a novel PEFT algorithm for 3D point cloud Transformers, called Side Token Adaptation on a neighborhood Graph (STAG), to achieve superior temporal and spatial efficiency. STAG employs a graph convolutional side network that operates in parallel with a frozen backbone Transformer to adapt tokens to downstream tasks. STAG's side network realizes high efficiency through three key components: connection with the backbone that enables reduced gradient computation, parameter sharing framework, and efficient graph convolution. Furthermore, we present Point Cloud Classification 13 (PCC13), a new benchmark comprising diverse publicly available 3D point cloud datasets, enabling comprehensive evaluation of PEFT methods. Extensive experiments using multiple pre-trained models and PCC13 demonstrates the effectiveness of STAG. Specifically, STAG maintains classification accuracy comparable to existing methods while reducing tunable parameters to only 0.43M and achieving significant reductions in both computational time and memory consumption for fine-tuning. Code and benchmark will be available at:
comment: Currently under review
☆ ModSkill: Physical Character Skill Modularization
Human motion is highly diverse and dynamic, posing challenges for imitation learning algorithms that aim to generalize motor skills for controlling simulated characters. Previous methods typically rely on a universal full-body controller for tracking reference motion (tracking-based model) or a unified full-body skill embedding space (skill embedding). However, these approaches often struggle to generalize and scale to larger motion datasets. In this work, we introduce a novel skill learning framework, ModSkill, that decouples complex full-body skills into compositional, modular skills for independent body parts. Our framework features a skill modularization attention layer that processes policy observations into modular skill embeddings that guide low-level controllers for each body part. We also propose an Active Skill Learning approach with Generative Adaptive Sampling, using large motion generation models to adaptively enhance policy learning in challenging tracking scenarios. Our results show that this modularized skill learning framework, enhanced by generative sampling, outperforms existing methods in precise full-body motion tracking and enables reusable skill embeddings for diverse goal-driven tasks.
☆ GlossGau: Efficient Inverse Rendering for Glossy Surface with Anisotropic Spherical Gaussian
The reconstruction of 3D objects from calibrated photographs represents a fundamental yet intricate challenge in the domains of computer graphics and vision. Although neural reconstruction approaches based on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have shown remarkable capabilities, their processing costs remain substantial. Recently, the advent of 3D Gaussian Splatting (3D-GS) largely improves the training efficiency and facilitates to generate realistic rendering in real-time. However, due to the limited ability of Spherical Harmonics (SH) to represent high-frequency information, 3D-GS falls short in reconstructing glossy objects. Researchers have turned to enhance the specular expressiveness of 3D-GS through inverse rendering. Yet these methods often struggle to maintain the training and rendering efficiency, undermining the benefits of Gaussian Splatting techniques. In this paper, we introduce GlossGau, an efficient inverse rendering framework that reconstructs scenes with glossy surfaces while maintaining training and rendering speeds comparable to vanilla 3D-GS. Specifically, we explicitly model the surface normals, Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) parameters, as well as incident lights and use Anisotropic Spherical Gaussian (ASG) to approximate the per-Gaussian Normal Distribution Function under the microfacet model. We utilize 2D Gaussian Splatting (2D-GS) as foundational primitives and apply regularization to significantly alleviate the normal estimation challenge encountered in related works. Experiments demonstrate that GlossGau achieves competitive or superior reconstruction on datasets with glossy surfaces. Compared with previous GS-based works that address the specular surface, our optimization time is considerably less.
☆ Modular Prompt Learning Improves Vision-Language Models
Pre-trained vision-language models are able to interpret visual concepts and language semantics. Prompt learning, a method of constructing prompts for text encoders or image encoders, elicits the potentials of pre-trained models and readily adapts them to new scenarios. Compared to fine-tuning, prompt learning enables the model to achieve comparable or better performance using fewer trainable parameters. Besides, prompt learning freezes the pre-trained model and avoids the catastrophic forgetting issue in the fine-tuning. Continuous prompts inserted into the input of every transformer layer (i.e. deep prompts) can improve the performances of pre-trained models on downstream tasks. For i-th transformer layer, the inserted prompts replace previously inserted prompts in the $(i-1)$-th layer. Although the self-attention mechanism contextualizes newly inserted prompts for the current layer and embeddings from the previous layer's output, removing all inserted prompts from the previous layer inevitably loses information contained in the continuous prompts. In this work, we propose Modular Prompt Learning (MPL) that is designed to promote the preservation of information contained in the inserted prompts. We evaluate the proposed method on base-to-new generalization and cross-dataset tasks. On average of 11 datasets, our method achieves 0.7% performance gain on the base-to-new generalization task compared to the state-of-the-art method. The largest improvement on the individual dataset is 10.7% (EuroSAT dataset).
comment: 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
☆ Object-centric Binding in Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining
Recent advances in vision language models (VLM) have been driven by contrastive models such as CLIP, which learn to associate visual information with their corresponding text descriptions. However, these models have limitations in understanding complex compositional scenes involving multiple objects and their spatial relationships. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach that diverges from commonly used strategies, which rely on the design of hard-negative augmentations. Instead, our work focuses on integrating inductive biases into pre-trained CLIP-like models to improve their compositional understanding without using any additional hard-negatives. To that end, we introduce a binding module that connects a scene graph, derived from a text description, with a slot-structured image representation, facilitating a structured similarity assessment between the two modalities. We also leverage relationships as text-conditioned visual constraints, thereby capturing the intricate interactions between objects and their contextual relationships more effectively. Our resulting model not only enhances the performance of CLIP-based models in multi-object compositional understanding but also paves the way towards more accurate and sample-efficient image-text matching of complex scenes.
☆ Point Cloud Geometry Scalable Coding Using a Resolution and Quality-conditioned Latents Probability Estimator
In the current age, users consume multimedia content in very heterogeneous scenarios in terms of network, hardware, and display capabilities. A naive solution to this problem is to encode multiple independent streams, each covering a different possible requirement for the clients, with an obvious negative impact in both storage and computational requirements. These drawbacks can be avoided by using codecs that enable scalability, i.e., the ability to generate a progressive bitstream, containing a base layer followed by multiple enhancement layers, that allow decoding the same bitstream serving multiple reconstructions and visualization specifications. While scalable coding is a well-known and addressed feature in conventional image and video codecs, this paper focuses on a new and very different problem, notably the development of scalable coding solutions for deep learning-based Point Cloud (PC) coding. The peculiarities of this 3D representation make it hard to implement flexible solutions that do not compromise the other functionalities of the codec. This paper proposes a joint quality and resolution scalability scheme, named Scalable Resolution and Quality Hyperprior (SRQH), that, contrary to previous solutions, can model the relationship between latents obtained with models trained for different RD tradeoffs and/or at different resolutions. Experimental results obtained by integrating SRQH in the emerging JPEG Pleno learning-based PC coding standard show that SRQH allows decoding the PC at different qualities and resolutions with a single bitstream while incurring only in a limited RD penalty and increment in complexity w.r.t. non-scalable JPEG PCC that would require one bitstream per coding configuration.
comment: Submitted to IEEE and currently under review
☆ Hybrid Visual Servoing of Tendon-driven Continuum Robots
This paper introduces a novel Hybrid Visual Servoing (HVS) approach for controlling tendon-driven continuum robots (TDCRs). The HVS system combines Image-Based Visual Servoing (IBVS) with Deep Learning-Based Visual Servoing (DLBVS) to overcome the limitations of each method and improve overall performance. IBVS offers higher accuracy and faster convergence in feature-rich environments, while DLBVS enhances robustness against disturbances and offers a larger workspace. By enabling smooth transitions between IBVS and DLBVS, the proposed HVS ensures effective control in dynamic, unstructured environments. The effectiveness of this approach is validated through simulations and real-world experiments, demonstrating that HVS achieves reduced iteration time, faster convergence, lower final error, and smoother performance compared to DLBVS alone, while maintaining DLBVS's robustness in challenging conditions such as occlusions, lighting changes, actuator noise, and physical impacts.
☆ MambaLiteSR: Image Super-Resolution with Low-Rank Mamba using Knowledge Distillation
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gained significant attention in recent years, revolutionizing various applications across industries. Among these, advanced vision models for image super-resolution are in high demand, particularly for deployment on edge devices where real-time processing is crucial. However, deploying such models on edge devices is challenging due to limited computing power and memory. In this paper, we present MambaLiteSR, a novel lightweight image Super-Resolution (SR) model that utilizes the architecture of Vision Mamba. It integrates State Space Blocks and a reconstruction module for efficient feature extraction. To optimize efficiency without affecting performance, MambaLiteSR employs knowledge distillation to transfer key insights from a larger Mamba-based teacher model to a smaller student model via hyperparameter tuning. Through mathematical analysis of model parameters and their impact on PSNR, we identify key factors and adjust them accordingly. Our comprehensive evaluation shows that MambaLiteSR outperforms state-of-the-art edge SR methods by reducing power consumption while maintaining competitive PSNR and SSIM scores across benchmark datasets. It also reduces power usage during training via low-rank approximation. Moreover, MambaLiteSR reduces parameters with minimal performance loss, enabling efficient deployment of generative AI models on resource-constrained devices. Deployment on the embedded NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano confirms the superior balance of MambaLiteSR size, latency, and efficiency. Experiments show that MambaLiteSR achieves performance comparable to both the baseline and other edge models while using 15% fewer parameters. It also improves power consumption by up to 58% compared to state-of-the-art SR edge models, all while maintaining low energy use during training.
comment: Special Session: Generative AI on Edge, 26th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED'25)
☆ Regression in EO: Are VLMs Up to the Challenge?
Earth Observation (EO) data encompass a vast range of remotely sensed information, featuring multi-sensor and multi-temporal, playing an indispensable role in understanding our planet's dynamics. Recently, Vision Language Models (VLMs) have achieved remarkable success in perception and reasoning tasks, bringing new insights and opportunities to the EO field. However, the potential for EO applications, especially for scientific regression related applications remains largely unexplored. This paper bridges that gap by systematically examining the challenges and opportunities of adapting VLMs for EO regression tasks. The discussion first contrasts the distinctive properties of EO data with conventional computer vision datasets, then identifies four core obstacles in applying VLMs to EO regression: 1) the absence of dedicated benchmarks, 2) the discrete-versus-continuous representation mismatch, 3) cumulative error accumulation, and 4) the suboptimal nature of text-centric training objectives for numerical tasks. Next, a series of methodological insights and potential subtle pitfalls are explored. Lastly, we offer some promising future directions for designing robust, domain-aware solutions. Our findings highlight the promise of VLMs for scientific regression in EO, setting the stage for more precise and interpretable modeling of critical environmental processes.
☆ DiffExp: Efficient Exploration in Reward Fine-tuning for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models AAAI 2025
Fine-tuning text-to-image diffusion models to maximize rewards has proven effective for enhancing model performance. However, reward fine-tuning methods often suffer from slow convergence due to online sample generation. Therefore, obtaining diverse samples with strong reward signals is crucial for improving sample efficiency and overall performance. In this work, we introduce DiffExp, a simple yet effective exploration strategy for reward fine-tuning of text-to-image models. Our approach employs two key strategies: (a) dynamically adjusting the scale of classifier-free guidance to enhance sample diversity, and (b) randomly weighting phrases of the text prompt to exploit high-quality reward signals. We demonstrate that these strategies significantly enhance exploration during online sample generation, improving the sample efficiency of recent reward fine-tuning methods, such as DDPO and AlignProp.
comment: AAAI 2025
☆ A Racing Dataset and Baseline Model for Track Detection in Autonomous Racing
A significant challenge in racing-related research is the lack of publicly available datasets containing raw images with corresponding annotations for the downstream task. In this paper, we introduce RoRaTrack, a novel dataset that contains annotated multi-camera image data from racing scenarios for track detection. The data is collected on a Dallara AV-21 at a racing circuit in Indiana, in collaboration with the Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC). RoRaTrack addresses common problems such as blurriness due to high speed, color inversion from the camera, and absence of lane markings on the track. Consequently, we propose RaceGAN, a baseline model based on a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) that effectively addresses these challenges. The proposed model demonstrates superior performance compared to current state-of-the-art machine learning models in track detection. The dataset and code for this work are available at
comment: Currently Under Review
☆ Triad: Vision Foundation Model for 3D Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Vision foundation models (VFMs) are pre-trained on extensive image datasets to learn general representations for diverse types of data. These models can subsequently be fine-tuned for specific downstream tasks, significantly boosting performance across a broad range of applications. However, existing vision foundation models that claim to be applicable to various radiology tasks are mostly pre-trained on 3D computed tomography (CT), which benefits from the availability of extensive 3D CT databases. Significant differences between CT and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in imaging principles, signal characteristics, and data distribution may hinder their practical performance and versatility in MRI-specific applications. Here, we propose Triad, a vision foundation model for 3D MRI. Triad adopts a widely used autoencoder architecture to learn robust representations from 131,170 3D MRI volumes and uses organ-independent imaging descriptions to constrain the semantic distribution of the visual modality. The above pre-training dataset is called Triad-131K, which is currently the largest 3D MRI pre-training dataset. We evaluate Triad across three tasks, namely, organ/tumor segmentation, organ/cancer classification, and medical image registration, in two data modalities (within-domain and out-of-domain) settings using 25 downstream datasets. By initializing models with Triad's pre-trained weights, nnUNet-Triad improves segmentation performance by 6.88% compared to nnUNet-Scratch across 17 datasets. Swin-B-Triad achieves a 3.97% improvement over Swin-B-Scratch in classification tasks across five datasets. SwinUNETR-Triad improves by 4.00% compared to SwinUNETR-Scratch in registration tasks across two datasets. Our study demonstrates that pre-training can maximize performance when the data modalities and organs of upstream and downstream tasks are consistent.
☆ PedDet: Adaptive Spectral Optimization for Multimodal Pedestrian Detection
Pedestrian detection in intelligent transportation systems has made significant progress but faces two critical challenges: (1) insufficient fusion of complementary information between visible and infrared spectra, particularly in complex scenarios, and (2) sensitivity to illumination changes, such as low-light or overexposed conditions, leading to degraded performance. To address these issues, we propose PedDet, an adaptive spectral optimization complementarity framework specifically enhanced and optimized for multispectral pedestrian detection. PedDet introduces the Multi-scale Spectral Feature Perception Module (MSFPM) to adaptively fuse visible and infrared features, enhancing robustness and flexibility in feature extraction. Additionally, the Illumination Robustness Feature Decoupling Module (IRFDM) improves detection stability under varying lighting by decoupling pedestrian and background features. We further design a contrastive alignment to enhance intermodal feature discrimination. Experiments on LLVIP and MSDS datasets demonstrate that PedDet achieves state-of-the-art performance, improving the mAP by 6.6% with superior detection accuracy even in low-light conditions, marking a significant step forward for road safety. Code will be available at
☆ EfficientPose 6D: Scalable and Efficient 6D Object Pose Estimation
In industrial applications requiring real-time feedback, such as quality control and robotic manipulation, the demand for high-speed and accurate pose estimation remains critical. Despite advances improving speed and accuracy in pose estimation, finding a balance between computational efficiency and accuracy poses significant challenges in dynamic environments. Most current algorithms lack scalability in estimation time, especially for diverse datasets, and the state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods are often too slow. This study focuses on developing a fast and scalable set of pose estimators based on GDRNPP to meet or exceed current benchmarks in accuracy and robustness, particularly addressing the efficiency-accuracy trade-off essential in real-time scenarios. We propose the AMIS algorithm to tailor the utilized model according to an application-specific trade-off between inference time and accuracy. We further show the effectiveness of the AMIS-based model choice on four prominent benchmark datasets (LM-O, YCB-V, T-LESS, and ITODD).
☆ Enhancing Cognition and Explainability of Multimodal Foundation Models with Self-Synthesized Data ICLR 2025
Large multimodal models (LMMs) have shown impressive capabilities in a wide range of visual tasks. However, they often struggle with fine-grained visual reasoning, failing to identify domain-specific objectives and provide justifiable explanations for their predictions. To address this, we propose a novel visual rejection sampling framework to improve the cognition and explainability of LMMs using self-synthesized data. Specifically, visual fine-tuning requires images, queries, and target answers. Our approach begins by synthesizing interpretable answers that include human-verifiable visual features. These features are based on expert-defined concepts, carefully selected based on their alignment with the image content. After each round of fine-tuning, we apply a reward model-free filtering mechanism to select the highest-quality interpretable answers for the next round of tuning. This iterative process of data synthesis and fine-tuning progressively improves the model's ability to generate accurate and reasonable explanations. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in improving both the accuracy and explainability of specialized visual classification tasks.
comment: Accepted by ICLR 2025. Code:
Dynamic Activation with Knowledge Distillation for Energy-Efficient Spiking NN Ensembles
While foundation AI models excel at tasks like classification and decision-making, their high energy consumption makes them unsuitable for energy-constrained applications. Inspired by the brain's efficiency, spiking neural networks (SNNs) have emerged as a viable alternative due to their event-driven nature and compatibility with neuromorphic chips. This work introduces a novel system that combines knowledge distillation and ensemble learning to bridge the performance gap between artificial neural networks (ANNs) and SNNs. A foundation AI model acts as a teacher network, guiding smaller student SNNs organized into an ensemble, called Spiking Neural Ensemble (SNE). SNE enables the disentanglement of the teacher's knowledge, allowing each student to specialize in predicting a distinct aspect of it, while processing the same input. The core innovation of SNE is the adaptive activation of a subset of SNN models of an ensemble, leveraging knowledge-distillation, enhanced with an informed-partitioning (disentanglement) of the teacher's feature space. By dynamically activating only a subset of these student SNNs, the system balances accuracy and energy efficiency, achieving substantial energy savings with minimal accuracy loss. Moreover, SNE is significantly more efficient than the teacher network, reducing computational requirements by up to 20x with only a 2% drop in accuracy on the CIFAR-10 dataset. This disentanglement procedure achieves an accuracy improvement of up to 2.4% on the CIFAR-10 dataset compared to other partitioning schemes. Finally, we comparatively analyze SNE performance under noisy conditions, demonstrating enhanced robustness compared to its ANN teacher. In summary, SNE offers a promising new direction for energy-constrained applications.
♻ ☆ IM360: Textured Mesh Reconstruction for Large-scale Indoor Mapping with 360$^\circ$ Cameras
We present a novel 3D reconstruction pipeline for 360$^\circ$ cameras for 3D mapping and rendering of indoor environments. Traditional Structure-from-Motion (SfM) methods may not work well in large-scale indoor scenes due to the prevalence of textureless and repetitive regions. To overcome these challenges, our approach (IM360) leverages the wide field of view of omnidirectional images and integrates the spherical camera model into every core component of the SfM pipeline. In order to develop a comprehensive 3D reconstruction solution, we integrate a neural implicit surface reconstruction technique to generate high-quality surfaces from sparse input data. Additionally, we utilize a mesh-based neural rendering approach to refine texture maps and accurately capture view-dependent properties by combining diffuse and specular components. We evaluate our pipeline on large-scale indoor scenes from the Matterport3D and Stanford2D3D datasets. In practice, IM360 demonstrate superior performance in terms of textured mesh reconstruction over SOTA. We observe accuracy improvements in terms of camera localization and registration as well as rendering high frequency details.
♻ ☆ High-Quality 3D Creation from A Single Image Using Subject-Specific Knowledge Prior ICRA2025
In this paper, we address the critical bottleneck in robotics caused by the scarcity of diverse 3D data by presenting a novel two-stage approach for generating high-quality 3D models from a single image. This method is motivated by the need to efficiently expand 3D asset creation, particularly for robotics datasets, where the variety of object types is currently limited compared to general image datasets. Unlike previous methods that primarily rely on general diffusion priors, which often struggle to align with the reference image, our approach leverages subject-specific prior knowledge. By incorporating subject-specific priors in both geometry and texture, we ensure precise alignment between the generated 3D content and the reference object. Specifically, we introduce a shading mode-aware prior into the NeRF optimization process, enhancing the geometry and refining texture in the coarse outputs to achieve superior quality. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms prior approaches.
comment: ICRA2025, Project Page:
♻ ☆ Carefully Blending Adversarial Training, Purification, and Aggregation Improves Adversarial Robustness
In this work, we propose a novel adversarial defence mechanism for image classification - CARSO - blending the paradigms of adversarial training and adversarial purification in a synergistic robustness-enhancing way. The method builds upon an adversarially-trained classifier, and learns to map its internal representation associated with a potentially perturbed input onto a distribution of tentative clean reconstructions. Multiple samples from such distribution are classified by the same adversarially-trained model, and a carefully chosen aggregation of its outputs finally constitutes the robust prediction of interest. Experimental evaluation by a well-established benchmark of strong adaptive attacks, across different image datasets, shows that CARSO is able to defend itself against adaptive end-to-end white-box attacks devised for stochastic defences. Paying a modest clean accuracy toll, our method improves by a significant margin the state-of-the-art for Cifar-10, Cifar-100, and TinyImageNet-200 $\ell_\infty$ robust classification accuracy against AutoAttack. Code, and instructions to obtain pre-trained models are available at: .
comment: 25 pages, 1 figure, 16 tables
♻ ☆ Explaining the Impact of Training on Vision Models via Activation Clustering
Recent developments in the field of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) for vision models investigate the information extracted by their feature encoder. We contribute to this effort and propose Neuro-Activated Vision Explanations (NAVE), which extracts the information captured by the encoder by clustering the feature activations of the frozen network to be explained. The method does not aim to explain the model's prediction but to answer questions such as which parts of the image are processed similarly or which information is kept in deeper layers. Experimentally, we leverage NAVE to show that the training dataset and the level of supervision affect which concepts are captured. In addition, our method reveals the impact of registers on vision transformers (ViT) and the information saturation caused by the watermark Clever Hans effect in the training set.
♻ ☆ Personalized Instance-based Navigation Toward User-Specific Objects in Realistic Environments NeurIPS 2024
In the last years, the research interest in visual navigation towards objects in indoor environments has grown significantly. This growth can be attributed to the recent availability of large navigation datasets in photo-realistic simulated environments, like Gibson and Matterport3D. However, the navigation tasks supported by these datasets are often restricted to the objects present in the environment at acquisition time. Also, they fail to account for the realistic scenario in which the target object is a user-specific instance that can be easily confused with similar objects and may be found in multiple locations within the environment. To address these limitations, we propose a new task denominated Personalized Instance-based Navigation (PIN), in which an embodied agent is tasked with locating and reaching a specific personal object by distinguishing it among multiple instances of the same category. The task is accompanied by PInNED, a dedicated new dataset composed of photo-realistic scenes augmented with additional 3D objects. In each episode, the target object is presented to the agent using two modalities: a set of visual reference images on a neutral background and manually annotated textual descriptions. Through comprehensive evaluations and analyses, we showcase the challenges of the PIN task as well as the performance and shortcomings of currently available methods designed for object-driven navigation, considering modular and end-to-end agents.
comment: NeurIPS 2024 Datasets and Benchmarks Track. Project page:
♻ ☆ EC-DIT: Scaling Diffusion Transformers with Adaptive Expert-Choice Routing
Diffusion transformers have been widely adopted for text-to-image synthesis. While scaling these models up to billions of parameters shows promise, the effectiveness of scaling beyond current sizes remains underexplored and challenging. By explicitly exploiting the computational heterogeneity of image generations, we develop a new family of Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) models (EC-DIT) for diffusion transformers with expert-choice routing. EC-DIT learns to adaptively optimize the compute allocated to understand the input texts and generate the respective image patches, enabling heterogeneous computation aligned with varying text-image complexities. This heterogeneity provides an efficient way of scaling EC-DIT up to 97 billion parameters and achieving significant improvements in training convergence, text-to-image alignment, and overall generation quality over dense models and conventional MoE models. Through extensive ablations, we show that EC-DIT demonstrates superior scalability and adaptive compute allocation by recognizing varying textual importance through end-to-end training. Notably, in text-to-image alignment evaluation, our largest models achieve a state-of-the-art GenEval score of 71.68% and still maintain competitive inference speed with intuitive interpretability.
♻ ☆ MetaSSC: Enhancing 3D Semantic Scene Completion for Autonomous Driving through Meta-Learning and Long-sequence Modeling
Semantic scene completion (SSC) is essential for achieving comprehensive perception in autonomous driving systems. However, existing SSC methods often overlook the high deployment costs in real-world applications. Traditional architectures, such as 3D Convolutional Neural Networks (3D CNNs) and self-attention mechanisms, face challenges in efficiently capturing long-range dependencies within 3D voxel grids, limiting their effectiveness. To address these issues, we introduce MetaSSC, a novel meta-learning-based framework for SSC that leverages deformable convolution, large-kernel attention, and the Mamba (D-LKA-M) model. Our approach begins with a voxel-based semantic segmentation (SS) pretraining task, aimed at exploring the semantics and geometry of incomplete regions while acquiring transferable meta-knowledge. Using simulated cooperative perception datasets, we supervise the perception training of a single vehicle using aggregated sensor data from multiple nearby connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs), generating richer and more comprehensive labels. This meta-knowledge is then adapted to the target domain through a dual-phase training strategy that does not add extra model parameters, enabling efficient deployment. To further enhance the model's capability in capturing long-sequence relationships within 3D voxel grids, we integrate Mamba blocks with deformable convolution and large-kernel attention into the backbone network. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MetaSSC achieves state-of-the-art performance, significantly outperforming competing models while also reducing deployment costs.
♻ ☆ Multimodal Emotion Recognition using Audio-Video Transformer Fusion with Cross Attention
Understanding emotions is a fundamental aspect of human communication. Integrating audio and video signals offers a more comprehensive understanding of emotional states compared to traditional methods that rely on a single data source, such as speech or facial expressions. Despite its potential, multimodal emotion recognition faces significant challenges, particularly in synchronization, feature extraction, and fusion of diverse data sources. To address these issues, this paper introduces a novel transformer-based model named Audio-Video Transformer Fusion with Cross Attention (AVT-CA). The AVT-CA model employs a transformer fusion approach to effectively capture and synchronize interlinked features from both audio and video inputs, thereby resolving synchronization problems. Additionally, the Cross Attention mechanism within AVT-CA selectively extracts and emphasizes critical features while discarding irrelevant ones from both modalities, addressing feature extraction and fusion challenges. Extensive experimental analysis conducted on the CMU-MOSEI, RAVDESS and CREMA-D datasets demonstrates the efficacy of the proposed model. The results underscore the importance of AVT-CA in developing precise and reliable multimodal emotion recognition systems for practical applications.
comment: 38 Pages, 9 Tables, 12 Figures
♻ ☆ Regularization by Neural Style Transfer for MRI Field-Transfer Reconstruction with Limited Data
Recent advances in MRI reconstruction have demonstrated remarkable success through deep learning-based models. However, most existing methods rely heavily on large-scale, task-specific datasets, making reconstruction in data-limited settings a critical yet underexplored challenge. While regularization by denoising (RED) leverages denoisers as priors for reconstruction, we propose Regularization by Neural Style Transfer (RNST), a novel framework that integrates a neural style transfer (NST) engine with a denoiser to enable magnetic field-transfer reconstruction. RNST generates high-field-quality images from low-field inputs without requiring paired training data, leveraging style priors to address limited-data settings. Our experiment results demonstrate RNST's ability to reconstruct high-quality images across diverse anatomical planes (axial, coronal, sagittal) and noise levels, achieving superior clarity, contrast, and structural fidelity compared to lower-field references. Crucially, RNST maintains robustness even when style and content images lack exact alignment, broadening its applicability in clinical environments where precise reference matches are unavailable. By combining the strengths of NST and denoising, RNST offers a scalable, data-efficient solution for MRI field-transfer reconstruction, demonstrating significant potential for resource-limited settings.
comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, 1 algorithm chart
♻ ☆ PoGDiff: Product-of-Gaussians Diffusion Models for Imbalanced Text-to-Image Generation
Diffusion models have made significant advancements in recent years. However, their performance often deteriorates when trained or fine-tuned on imbalanced datasets. This degradation is largely due to the disproportionate representation of majority and minority data in image-text pairs. In this paper, we propose a general fine-tuning approach, dubbed PoGDiff, to address this challenge. Rather than directly minimizing the KL divergence between the predicted and ground-truth distributions, PoGDiff replaces the ground-truth distribution with a Product of Gaussians (PoG), which is constructed by combining the original ground-truth targets with the predicted distribution conditioned on a neighboring text embedding. Experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that our method effectively addresses the imbalance problem in diffusion models, improving both generation accuracy and quality.
♻ ☆ Efficient Dataset Distillation via Diffusion-Driven Patch Selection for Improved Generalization
Dataset distillation offers an efficient way to reduce memory and computational costs by optimizing a smaller dataset with performance comparable to the full-scale original. However, for large datasets and complex deep networks (e.g., ImageNet-1K with ResNet-101), the extensive optimization space limits performance, reducing its practicality. Recent approaches employ pre-trained diffusion models to generate informative images directly, avoiding pixel-level optimization and achieving notable results. However, these methods often face challenges due to distribution shifts between pre-trained models and target datasets, along with the need for multiple distillation steps across varying settings. To address these issues, we propose a novel framework orthogonal to existing diffusion-based distillation methods, leveraging diffusion models for selection rather than generation. Our method starts by predicting noise generated by the diffusion model based on input images and text prompts (with or without label text), then calculates the corresponding loss for each pair. With the loss differences, we identify distinctive regions of the original images. Additionally, we perform intra-class clustering and ranking on selected patches to maintain diversity constraints. This streamlined framework enables a single-step distillation process, and extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods across various metrics.
comment: Under Review
♻ ☆ Are generative models fair? A study of racial bias in dermatological image generation
Racial bias in medicine, such as in dermatology, presents significant ethical and clinical challenges. This is likely to happen because there is a significant underrepresentation of darker skin tones in training datasets for machine learning models. While efforts to address bias in dermatology have focused on improving dataset diversity and mitigating disparities in discriminative models, the impact of racial bias on generative models remains underexplored. Generative models, such as Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), are increasingly used in healthcare applications, yet their fairness across diverse skin tones is currently not well understood. In this study, we evaluate the fairness of generative models in clinical dermatology with respect to racial bias. For this purpose, we first train a VAE with a perceptual loss to generate and reconstruct high-quality skin images across different skin tones. We utilize the Fitzpatrick17k dataset to examine how racial bias influences the representation and performance of these models. Our findings indicate that VAE performance is, as expected, influenced by representation, i.e. increased skin tone representation comes with increased performance on the given skin tone. However, we also observe, even independently of representation, that the VAE performs better for lighter skin tones. Additionally, the uncertainty estimates produced by the VAE are ineffective in assessing the model's fairness. These results highlight the need for more representative dermatological datasets, but also a need for better understanding the sources of bias in such model, as well as improved uncertainty quantification mechanisms to detect and address racial bias in generative models for trustworthy healthcare technologies.
comment: Under review
♻ ☆ DiffGuard: Text-Based Safety Checker for Diffusion Models
Recent advances in Diffusion Models have enabled the generation of images from text, with powerful closed-source models like DALL-E and Midjourney leading the way. However, open-source alternatives, such as StabilityAI's Stable Diffusion, offer comparable capabilities. These open-source models, hosted on Hugging Face, come equipped with ethical filter protections designed to prevent the generation of explicit images. This paper reveals first their limitations and then presents a novel text-based safety filter that outperforms existing solutions. Our research is driven by the critical need to address the misuse of AI-generated content, especially in the context of information warfare. DiffGuard enhances filtering efficacy, achieving a performance that surpasses the best existing filters by over 14%.
♻ ☆ ChineseSimpleVQA -- "See the World, Discover Knowledge": A Chinese Factuality Evaluation for Large Vision Language Models
The evaluation of factual accuracy in large vision language models (LVLMs) has lagged behind their rapid development, making it challenging to fully reflect these models' knowledge capacity and reliability. In this paper, we introduce the first factuality-based visual question-answering benchmark in Chinese, named ChineseSimpleVQA, aimed at assessing the visual factuality of LVLMs across 8 major topics and 56 subtopics. The key features of this benchmark include a focus on the Chinese language, diverse knowledge types, a multi-hop question construction, high-quality data, static consistency, and easy-to-evaluate through short answers. Moreover, we contribute a rigorous data construction pipeline and decouple the visual factuality into two parts: seeing the world (i.e., object recognition) and discovering knowledge. This decoupling allows us to analyze the capability boundaries and execution mechanisms of LVLMs. Subsequently, we evaluate 34 advanced open-source and closed-source models, revealing critical performance gaps within this field.
comment: 24 pages, 21 figures
♻ ☆ Rethinking Audio-Visual Adversarial Vulnerability from Temporal and Modality Perspectives ICLR 2025
While audio-visual learning equips models with a richer understanding of the real world by leveraging multiple sensory modalities, this integration also introduces new vulnerabilities to adversarial attacks. In this paper, we present a comprehensive study of the adversarial robustness of audio-visual models, considering both temporal and modality-specific vulnerabilities. We propose two powerful adversarial attacks: 1) a temporal invariance attack that exploits the inherent temporal redundancy across consecutive time segments and 2) a modality misalignment attack that introduces incongruence between the audio and visual modalities. These attacks are designed to thoroughly assess the robustness of audio-visual models against diverse threats. Furthermore, to defend against such attacks, we introduce a novel audio-visual adversarial training framework. This framework addresses key challenges in vanilla adversarial training by incorporating efficient adversarial perturbation crafting tailored to multi-modal data and an adversarial curriculum strategy. Extensive experiments in the Kinetics-Sounds dataset demonstrate that our proposed temporal and modality-based attacks in degrading model performance can achieve state-of-the-art performance, while our adversarial training defense largely improves the adversarial robustness as well as the adversarial training efficiency.
comment: Accepted by ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ RSNet: A Light Framework for The Detection of Multi-scale Remote Sensing Targets
Recent advancements in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) ship detection using deep learning have significantly improved accuracy and speed, yet effectively detecting small objects in complex backgrounds with fewer parameters remains a challenge. This letter introduces RSNet, a lightweight framework constructed to enhance ship detection in SAR imagery. To ensure accuracy with fewer parameters, we proposed Waveletpool-ContextGuided (WCG) as its backbone, guiding global context understanding through multi-scale wavelet features for effective detection in complex scenes. Additionally, Waveletpool-StarFusion (WSF) is introduced as the neck, employing a residual wavelet element-wise multiplication structure to achieve higher dimensional nonlinear features without increasing network width. The Lightweight-Shared (LS) module is designed as detect components to achieve efficient detection through lightweight shared convolutional structure and multi-format compatibility. Experiments on the SAR Ship Detection Dataset (SSDD) and High-Resolution SAR Image Dataset (HRSID) demonstrate that RSNet achieves a strong balance between lightweight design and detection performance, surpassing many state-of-the-art detectors, reaching 72.5\% and 67.6\% in \textbf{\(\mathbf{mAP_{.50:.95}}\) }respectively with 1.49M parameters. Our code will be released soon.
♻ ☆ Multimodal Fake News Video Explanation Generation: Dataset, Model, and Evaluation
Although existing methods have addressed fake news video detection as a classification problem, it is not clear why certain news content is identified as fake. Without proper explanation, end users may not be able to understand the potential meaning of fake news. Therefore, we propose a novel task, Fake News Video Explanation (FNVE), to generate natural language explanations that reveal the falseness of news videos. To this end, we first developed ONVE and VTSE, two new datasets to explain fake news video posts. Then, we propose a Multimodal Relation Graph Transformer (MRGT) model to benchmark ONVE and VTSE. MRGT introduces a multimodal relation graph to comprehensively represent multimodal relations and then introduces a BART-based decoder to explain generations. The experimental results show that the proposed MRGT outperforms the strong baselines. In addition, the human evaluation on the annotated ONVE and VTSE also achieves high scores in terms of adequacy rating.
♻ ☆ Spherical Dense Text-to-Image Synthesis
Recent advancements in text-to-image (T2I) have improved synthesis results, but challenges remain in layout control and generating omnidirectional panoramic images. Dense T2I (DT2I) and spherical T2I (ST2I) models address these issues, but so far no unified approach exists. Trivial approaches, like prompting a DT2I model to generate panoramas can not generate proper spherical distortions and seamless transitions at the borders. Our work shows that spherical dense text-to-image (SDT2I) can be achieved by integrating training-free DT2I approaches into finetuned panorama models. Specifically, we propose MultiStitchDiffusion (MSTD) and MultiPanFusion (MPF) by integrating MultiDiffusion into StitchDiffusion and PanFusion, respectively. Since no benchmark for SDT2I exists, we further construct Dense-Synthetic-View (DSynView), a new synthetic dataset containing spherical layouts to evaluate our models. Our results show that MSTD outperforms MPF across image quality as well as prompt- and layout adherence. MultiPanFusion generates more diverse images but struggles to synthesize flawless foreground objects. We propose bootstrap-coupling and turning off equirectangular perspective-projection attention in the foreground as an improvement of MPF.
♻ ☆ Why Sample Space Matters: Keyframe Sampling Optimization for LiDAR-based Place Recognition
Recent advances in robotics are driving real-world autonomy for long-term and large-scale missions, where loop closures via place recognition are vital for mitigating pose estimation drift. However, achieving real-time performance remains challenging for resource-constrained mobile robots and multi-robot systems due to the computational burden of high-density sampling, which increases the complexity of comparing and verifying query samples against a growing map database. Conventional methods often retain redundant information or miss critical data by relying on fixed sampling intervals or operating in 3-D space instead of the descriptor feature space. To address these challenges, we introduce the concept of sample space and propose a novel keyframe sampling approach for LiDAR-based place recognition. Our method minimizes redundancy while preserving essential information in the hyper-dimensional descriptor space, supporting both learning-based and handcrafted descriptors. The proposed approach incorporates a sliding window optimization strategy to ensure efficient keyframe selection and real-time performance, enabling seamless integration into robotic pipelines. In sum, our approach demonstrates robust performance across diverse datasets, with the ability to adapt seamlessly from indoor to outdoor scenarios without parameter tuning, reducing loop closure detection times and memory requirements.
comment: 20 pages, 17 figures, 6 tables. Revised
♻ ☆ pySLAM: An Open-Source, Modular, and Extensible Framework for SLAM
pySLAM is an open-source Python framework for Visual SLAM, supporting monocular, stereo, and RGB-D cameras. It provides a flexible interface for integrating both classical and modern local features, making it adaptable to various SLAM tasks. The framework includes different loop closure methods, a volumetric reconstruction pipeline, and support for depth prediction models. Additionally, it offers a suite of tools for visual odometry and SLAM applications. Designed for both beginners and experienced researchers, pySLAM encourages community contributions, fostering collaborative development in the field of Visual SLAM.
♻ ☆ V2C-Long: Longitudinal Cortex Reconstruction with Spatiotemporal Correspondence
Reconstructing the cortex from longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is indispensable for analyzing morphological alterations in the human brain. Despite the recent advancement of cortical surface reconstruction with deep learning, challenges arising from longitudinal data are still persistent. Especially the lack of strong spatiotemporal point correspondence between highly convoluted brain surfaces hinders downstream analyses, as local morphology is not directly comparable if the anatomical location is not matched precisely. To address this issue, we present V2C-Long, the first dedicated deep learning-based cortex reconstruction method for longitudinal MRI. V2C-Long exhibits strong inherent spatiotemporal correspondence across subjects and visits, thereby reducing the need for surface-based post-processing. We establish this correspondence directly during the reconstruction via the composition of two deep template-deformation networks and innovative aggregation of within-subject templates in mesh space. We validate V2C-Long on two large neuroimaging studies, focusing on surface accuracy, consistency, generalization, test-retest reliability, and sensitivity. The results reveal a substantial improvement in longitudinal consistency and accuracy compared to existing methods. In addition, we demonstrate stronger evidence for longitudinal cortical atrophy in Alzheimer's disease than longitudinal FreeSurfer.
comment: Imaging Neuroscience
♻ ☆ A Framework for Building Point Cloud Cleaning, Plane Detection and Semantic Segmentation
This paper presents a framework to address the challenges involved in building point cloud cleaning, plane detection, and semantic segmentation, with the ultimate goal of enhancing building modeling. We focus in the cleaning stage on removing outliers from the acquired point cloud data by employing an adaptive threshold technique based on z-score measure. Following the cleaning process, we perform plane detection using the robust RANSAC paradigm. The goal is to carry out multiple plane segmentations, and to classify segments into distinct categories, such as floors, ceilings, and walls. The resulting segments can generate accurate and detailed point clouds representing the building's architectural elements. Moreover, we address the problem of semantic segmentation, which plays a vital role in the identification and classification of different components within the building, such as walls, windows, doors, roofs, and objects. Inspired by the PointNet architecture, we propose a deep learning architecture for efficient semantic segmentation in buildings. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework in handling building modeling tasks, paving the way for improved accuracy and efficiency in the field of building modelization.
♻ ☆ FuzzRisk: Online Collision Risk Estimation for Autonomous Vehicles based on Depth-Aware Object Detection via Fuzzy Inference ICRA 2025
This paper presents a novel monitoring framework that infers the level of collision risk for autonomous vehicles (AVs) based on their object detection performance. The framework takes two sets of predictions from different algorithms and associates their inconsistencies with the collision risk via fuzzy inference. The first set of predictions is obtained by retrieving safety-critical 2.5D objects from a depth map, and the second set comes from the ordinary AV's 3D object detector. We experimentally validate that, based on Intersection-over-Union (IoU) and a depth discrepancy measure, the inconsistencies between the two sets of predictions strongly correlate to the error of the 3D object detector against ground truths. This correlation allows us to construct a fuzzy inference system and map the inconsistency measures to an AV collision risk indicator. In particular, we optimize the fuzzy inference system towards an existing offline metric that matches AV collision rates well. Lastly, we validate our monitor's capability to produce relevant risk estimates with the large-scale nuScenes dataset and demonstrate that it can safeguard an AV in closed-loop simulations.
comment: Accepted by ICRA 2025, 7 pages (IEEE double column format), 5 figures, 3 tables
♻ ☆ Accelerating Diffusion Transformers with Token-wise Feature Caching ICLR 2025
Diffusion transformers have shown significant effectiveness in both image and video synthesis at the expense of huge computation costs. To address this problem, feature caching methods have been introduced to accelerate diffusion transformers by caching the features in previous timesteps and reusing them in the following timesteps. However, previous caching methods ignore that different tokens exhibit different sensitivities to feature caching, and feature caching on some tokens may lead to 10$\times$ more destruction to the overall generation quality compared with other tokens. In this paper, we introduce token-wise feature caching, allowing us to adaptively select the most suitable tokens for caching, and further enable us to apply different caching ratios to neural layers in different types and depths. Extensive experiments on PixArt-$\alpha$, OpenSora, and DiT demonstrate our effectiveness in both image and video generation with no requirements for training. For instance, 2.36$\times$ and 1.93$\times$ acceleration are achieved on OpenSora and PixArt-$\alpha$ with almost no drop in generation quality.
comment: ToCa is honored to be accepted by ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ MonoForce: Learnable Image-conditioned Physics Engine
We propose a novel model for the prediction of robot trajectories on rough offroad terrain from the onboard camera images. This model enforces the laws of classical mechanics through a physics-aware neural symbolic layer while preserving the ability to learn from large-scale data as it is end-to-end differentiable. The proposed hybrid model integrates a black-box component that predicts robot-terrain interaction forces with a neural-symbolic layer. This layer includes a differentiable physics engine that computes the robot's trajectory by querying these forces at the points of contact with the terrain. As the proposed architecture comprises substantial geometrical and physics priors, the resulting model can also be seen as a learnable physics engine conditioned on real images that delivers $10^4$ trajectories per second. We argue and empirically demonstrate that this architecture reduces the sim-to-real gap and mitigates out-of-distribution sensitivity. The differentiability, in conjunction with the rapid simulation speed, makes the model well-suited for various applications including model predictive control, trajectory shooting, supervised and reinforcement learning or SLAM. The codes and data are publicly available.
comment: Code:
♻ ☆ UNION: Unsupervised 3D Object Detection using Object Appearance-based Pseudo-Classes NeurIPS 2024
Unsupervised 3D object detection methods have emerged to leverage vast amounts of data without requiring manual labels for training. Recent approaches rely on dynamic objects for learning to detect mobile objects but penalize the detections of static instances during training. Multiple rounds of self-training are used to add detected static instances to the set of training targets; this procedure to improve performance is computationally expensive. To address this, we propose the method UNION. We use spatial clustering and self-supervised scene flow to obtain a set of static and dynamic object proposals from LiDAR. Subsequently, object proposals' visual appearances are encoded to distinguish static objects in the foreground and background by selecting static instances that are visually similar to dynamic objects. As a result, static and dynamic mobile objects are obtained together, and existing detectors can be trained with a single training. In addition, we extend 3D object discovery to detection by using object appearance-based cluster labels as pseudo-class labels for training object classification. We conduct extensive experiments on the nuScenes dataset and increase the state-of-the-art performance for unsupervised 3D object discovery, i.e. UNION more than doubles the average precision to 39.5. The code is available at
comment: NeurIPS 2024
♻ ☆ Generalized Robot 3D Vision-Language Model with Fast Rendering and Pre-Training Vision-Language Alignment
Deep neural network models have achieved remarkable progress in 3D scene understanding while trained in the closed-set setting and with full labels. However, the major bottleneck is that these models do not have the capacity to recognize any unseen novel classes beyond the training categories in diverse real-world applications. Therefore, we are in urgent need of a framework that can simultaneously be applicable to both 3D point cloud segmentation and detection, particularly in the circumstances where the labels are rather scarce. This work presents a generalized and straightforward framework for dealing with 3D scene understanding when the labeled scenes are quite limited. To extract knowledge for novel categories from the pre-trained vision-language models, we propose a hierarchical feature-aligned pre-training and knowledge distillation strategy to extract and distill meaningful information from large-scale vision-language models, which helps benefit the open-vocabulary scene understanding tasks. To encourage latent instance discrimination and to guarantee efficiency, we propose the unsupervised region-level semantic contrastive learning scheme for point clouds, using confident predictions of the neural network to discriminate the intermediate feature embeddings at multiple stages. In the limited reconstruction case, our proposed approach, termed WS3D++, ranks 1st on the large-scale ScanNet benchmark on both the task of semantic segmentation and instance segmentation. Extensive experiments with both indoor and outdoor scenes demonstrated the effectiveness of our approach in both data-efficient learning and open-world few-shot learning. The code is made publicly available at:
comment: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Manuscript Info: 17 Pages, 13 Figures, and 6 Tables
♻ ☆ Towards Fusing Point Cloud and Visual Representations for Imitation Learning
Learning for manipulation requires using policies that have access to rich sensory information such as point clouds or RGB images. Point clouds efficiently capture geometric structures, making them essential for manipulation tasks in imitation learning. In contrast, RGB images provide rich texture and semantic information that can be crucial for certain tasks. Existing approaches for fusing both modalities assign 2D image features to point clouds. However, such approaches often lose global contextual information from the original images. In this work, we propose FPV-Net, a novel imitation learning method that effectively combines the strengths of both point cloud and RGB modalities. Our method conditions the point-cloud encoder on global and local image tokens using adaptive layer norm conditioning, leveraging the beneficial properties of both modalities. Through extensive experiments on the challenging RoboCasa benchmark, we demonstrate the limitations of relying on either modality alone and show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance across all tasks.
♻ ☆ E2ENet: Dynamic Sparse Feature Fusion for Accurate and Efficient 3D Medical Image Segmentation NeurIPS 2024
Deep neural networks have evolved as the leading approach in 3D medical image segmentation due to their outstanding performance. However, the ever-increasing model size and computation cost of deep neural networks have become the primary barrier to deploying them on real-world resource-limited hardware. In pursuit of improving performance and efficiency, we propose a 3D medical image segmentation model, named Efficient to Efficient Network (E2ENet), incorporating two parametrically and computationally efficient designs. i. Dynamic sparse feature fusion (DSFF) mechanism: it adaptively learns to fuse informative multi-scale features while reducing redundancy. ii. Restricted depth-shift in 3D convolution: it leverages the 3D spatial information while keeping the model and computational complexity as 2D-based methods. We conduct extensive experiments on BTCV, AMOS-CT and Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge, demonstrating that E2ENet consistently achieves a superior trade-off between accuracy and efficiency than prior arts across various resource constraints. E2ENet achieves comparable accuracy on the large-scale challenge AMOS-CT, while saving over 68\% parameter count and 29\% FLOPs in the inference phase, compared with the previous best-performing method. Our code has been made available at:
comment: Accepted at NeurIPS 2024
♻ ☆ Cross-View Graph Consistency Learning for Invariant Graph Representations
Graph representation learning is fundamental for analyzing graph-structured data. Exploring invariant graph representations remains a challenge for most existing graph representation learning methods. In this paper, we propose a cross-view graph consistency learning (CGCL) method that learns invariant graph representations for link prediction. First, two complementary augmented views are derived from an incomplete graph structure through a coupled graph structure augmentation scheme. This augmentation scheme mitigates the potential information loss that is commonly associated with various data augmentation techniques involving raw graph data, such as edge perturbation, node removal, and attribute masking. Second, we propose a CGCL model that can learn invariant graph representations. A cross-view training scheme is proposed to train the proposed CGCL model. This scheme attempts to maximize the consistency information between one augmented view and the graph structure reconstructed from the other augmented view. Furthermore, we offer a comprehensive theoretical CGCL analysis. This paper empirically and experimentally demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed CGCL method, achieving competitive results on graph datasets in comparisons with several state-of-the-art algorithms.
comment: 9 pages
♻ ☆ Interpreting Neurons in Deep Vision Networks with Language Models
In this paper, we propose Describe-and-Dissect (DnD), a novel method to describe the roles of hidden neurons in vision networks. DnD utilizes recent advancements in multimodal deep learning to produce complex natural language descriptions, without the need for labeled training data or a predefined set of concepts to choose from. Additionally, DnD is training-free, meaning we don't train any new models and can easily leverage more capable general purpose models in the future. We have conducted extensive qualitative and quantitative analysis to show that DnD outperforms prior work by providing higher quality neuron descriptions. Specifically, our method on average provides the highest quality labels and is more than 2$\times$ as likely to be selected as the best explanation for a neuron than the best baseline. Finally, we present a use case providing critical insights into land cover prediction models for sustainability applications. Our code and data are available at
♻ ☆ PILOT: A Pre-Trained Model-Based Continual Learning Toolbox SC
While traditional machine learning can effectively tackle a wide range of problems, it primarily operates within a closed-world setting, which presents limitations when dealing with streaming data. As a solution, incremental learning emerges to address real-world scenarios involving new data's arrival. Recently, pre-training has made significant advancements and garnered the attention of numerous researchers. The strong performance of these pre-trained models (PTMs) presents a promising avenue for developing continual learning algorithms that can effectively adapt to real-world scenarios. Consequently, exploring the utilization of PTMs in incremental learning has become essential. This paper introduces a pre-trained model-based continual learning toolbox known as PILOT. On the one hand, PILOT implements some state-of-the-art class-incremental learning algorithms based on pre-trained models, such as L2P, DualPrompt, and CODA-Prompt. On the other hand, PILOT also fits typical class-incremental learning algorithms (e.g., DER, FOSTER, and MEMO) within the context of pre-trained models to evaluate their effectiveness.
comment: Accepted to SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. Code is available at
♻ ☆ Towards Hard and Soft Shadow Removal via Dual-Branch Separation Network and Vision Transformer ICML
Image shadow removal is a crucial task in computer vision. In real-world scenes, shadows alter image color and brightness, posing challenges for perception and texture recognition. Traditional and deep learning methods often overlook the distinct needs for handling hard and soft shadows, thereby lacking detailed processing to specifically address each type of shadow in images.We propose a dual-path model that processes these shadows separately using specially designed loss functions to accomplish the hard and soft shadow removal. The model classifies shadow types and processes them through appropriate paths to produce shadow-free outputs, integrating a Vision Transformer with UNet++ for enhanced edge detail and feature fusion. Our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods and achieves 2.905 RMSE value on the ISTD dataset, which demonstrates greater effectiveness than typical single-path approaches.
comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC) 2024; Currently under review at IEEE
♻ ☆ Denoising as Adaptation: Noise-Space Domain Adaptation for Image Restoration ICLR2025
Although learning-based image restoration methods have made significant progress, they still struggle with limited generalization to real-world scenarios due to the substantial domain gap caused by training on synthetic data. Existing methods address this issue by improving data synthesis pipelines, estimating degradation kernels, employing deep internal learning, and performing domain adaptation and regularization. Previous domain adaptation methods have sought to bridge the domain gap by learning domain-invariant knowledge in either feature or pixel space. However, these techniques often struggle to extend to low-level vision tasks within a stable and compact framework. In this paper, we show that it is possible to perform domain adaptation via the noise space using diffusion models. In particular, by leveraging the unique property of how auxiliary conditional inputs influence the multi-step denoising process, we derive a meaningful diffusion loss that guides the restoration model in progressively aligning both restored synthetic and real-world outputs with a target clean distribution. We refer to this method as denoising as adaptation. To prevent shortcuts during joint training, we present crucial strategies such as channel-shuffling layer and residual-swapping contrastive learning in the diffusion model. They implicitly blur the boundaries between conditioned synthetic and real data and prevent the reliance of the model on easily distinguishable features. Experimental results on three classical image restoration tasks, namely denoising, deblurring, and deraining, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
comment: Accepted by ICLR2025. Project Page:
♻ ☆ BFA: Best-Feature-Aware Fusion for Multi-View Fine-grained Manipulation
In real-world scenarios, multi-view cameras are typically employed for fine-grained manipulation tasks. Existing approaches (e.g., ACT) tend to treat multi-view features equally and directly concatenate them for policy learning. However, it will introduce redundant visual information and bring higher computational costs, leading to ineffective manipulation. For a fine-grained manipulation task, it tends to involve multiple stages while the most contributed view for different stages is varied over time. In this paper, we propose a plug-and-play best-feature-aware (BFA) fusion strategy for multi-view manipulation tasks, which is adaptable to various policies. Built upon the visual backbone of the policy network, we design a lightweight network to predict the importance score of each view. Based on the predicted importance scores, the reweighted multi-view features are subsequently fused and input into the end-to-end policy network, enabling seamless integration. Notably, our method demonstrates outstanding performance in fine-grained manipulations. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms multiple baselines by 22-46% success rate on different tasks. Our work provides new insights and inspiration for tackling key challenges in fine-grained manipulations.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures
♻ ☆ Data-Efficient Limited-Angle CT Using Deep Priors and Regularization
Reconstructing an image from its Radon transform is a fundamental computed tomography (CT) task arising in applications such as X-ray scans. In many practical scenarios, a full 180-degree scan is not feasible, or there is a desire to reduce radiation exposure. In these limited-angle settings, the problem becomes ill-posed, and methods designed for full-view data often leave significant artifacts. We propose a very low-data approach to reconstruct the original image from its Radon transform under severe angle limitations. Because the inverse problem is ill-posed, we combine multiple regularization methods, including Total Variation, a sinogram filter, Deep Image Prior, and a patch-level autoencoder. We use a differentiable implementation of the Radon transform, which allows us to use gradient-based techniques to solve the inverse problem. Our method is evaluated on a dataset from the Helsinki Tomography Challenge 2022, where the goal is to reconstruct a binary disk from its limited-angle sinogram. We only use a total of 12 data points--eight for learning a prior and four for hyperparameter selection--and achieve results comparable to the best synthetic data-driven approaches.
comment: 12 pages, 2 reference pages, 5 figures
♻ ☆ Utility Engineering: Analyzing and Controlling Emergent Value Systems in AIs
As AIs rapidly advance and become more agentic, the risk they pose is governed not only by their capabilities but increasingly by their propensities, including goals and values. Tracking the emergence of goals and values has proven a longstanding problem, and despite much interest over the years it remains unclear whether current AIs have meaningful values. We propose a solution to this problem, leveraging the framework of utility functions to study the internal coherence of AI preferences. Surprisingly, we find that independently-sampled preferences in current LLMs exhibit high degrees of structural coherence, and moreover that this emerges with scale. These findings suggest that value systems emerge in LLMs in a meaningful sense, a finding with broad implications. To study these emergent value systems, we propose utility engineering as a research agenda, comprising both the analysis and control of AI utilities. We uncover problematic and often shocking values in LLM assistants despite existing control measures. These include cases where AIs value themselves over humans and are anti-aligned with specific individuals. To constrain these emergent value systems, we propose methods of utility control. As a case study, we show how aligning utilities with a citizen assembly reduces political biases and generalizes to new scenarios. Whether we like it or not, value systems have already emerged in AIs, and much work remains to fully understand and control these emergent representations.
comment: Website:
♻ ☆ MVAM: Multi-View Attention Method for Fine-grained Image-Text Matching ECIR 2025
Existing two-stream models, such as CLIP, encode images and text through independent representations, showing good performance while ensuring retrieval speed, have attracted attention from industry and academia. However, the single representation often struggles to capture complex content fully. Such models may ignore fine-grained information during matching, resulting in suboptimal retrieval results. To overcome this limitation and enhance the performance of two-stream models, we propose a Multi-view Attention Method (MVAM) for image-text matching. This approach leverages diverse attention heads with unique view codes to learn multiple representations for images and text, which are then concatenated for matching. We also incorporate a diversity objective to explicitly encourage attention heads to focus on distinct aspects of the input data, capturing complementary fine-grained details. This diversity enables the model to represent image-text pairs from multiple perspectives, ensuring a more comprehensive understanding and alignment of critical content. Our method allows models to encode images and text from different perspectives and focus on more critical details, leading to better matching performance. Our experiments on MSCOCO and Flickr30K demonstrate enhancements over existing models, and further case studies reveal that different attention heads can focus on distinct content, achieving more comprehensive representations.
comment: Published as a conference paper at ECIR 2025
♻ ☆ Many Heads Are Better Than One: Improved Scientific Idea Generation by A LLM-Based Multi-Agent System
The rapid advancement of scientific progress requires innovative tools that can accelerate knowledge discovery. Although recent AI methods, particularly large language models (LLMs), have shown promise in tasks such as hypothesis generation and experimental design, they fall short of replicating the collaborative nature of real-world scientific practices, where diverse experts work together in teams to tackle complex problems. To address the limitations, we propose an LLM-based multi-agent system, i.e., Virtual Scientists (VirSci), designed to mimic the teamwork inherent in scientific research. VirSci organizes a team of agents to collaboratively generate, evaluate, and refine research ideas. Through comprehensive experiments, we demonstrate that this multi-agent approach outperforms the state-of-the-art method in producing novel scientific ideas. We further investigate the collaboration mechanisms that contribute to its tendency to produce ideas with higher novelty, offering valuable insights to guide future research and illuminating pathways toward building a robust system for autonomous scientific discovery. The code is available at
♻ ☆ STAR: Scale-wise Text-conditioned AutoRegressive image generation
We introduce STAR, a text-to-image model that employs a scale-wise auto-regressive paradigm. Unlike VAR, which is constrained to class-conditioned synthesis for images up to 256$\times$256, STAR enables text-driven image generation up to 1024$\times$1024 through three key designs. First, we introduce a pre-trained text encoder to extract and adopt representations for textual constraints, enhancing details and generalizability. Second, given the inherent structural correlation across different scales, we leverage 2D Rotary Positional Encoding (RoPE) and tweak it into a normalized version, ensuring consistent interpretation of relative positions across token maps and stabilizing the training process. Third, we observe that simultaneously sampling all tokens within a single scale can disrupt inter-token relationships, leading to structural instability, particularly in high-resolution generation. To address this, we propose a novel stable sampling method that incorporates causal relationships into the sampling process, ensuring both rich details and stable structures. Compared to previous diffusion models and auto-regressive models, STAR surpasses existing benchmarks in fidelity, text-image consistency, and aesthetic quality, requiring just 2.21s for 1024$\times$1024 images on A100. This highlights the potential of auto-regressive methods in high-quality image synthesis, offering new directions for the text-to-image generation.
comment: 16 pages
♻ ☆ Contrastive Localized Language-Image Pre-Training
Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) has been a celebrated method for training vision encoders to generate image/text representations facilitating various applications. Recently, CLIP has been widely adopted as the vision backbone of multimodal large language models (MLLMs) to connect image inputs for language interactions. The success of CLIP as a vision-language foundation model relies on aligning web-crawled noisy text annotations at image levels. Nevertheless, such criteria may become insufficient for downstream tasks in need of fine-grained vision representations, especially when region-level understanding is demanding for MLLMs. In this paper, we improve the localization capability of CLIP with several advances. We propose a pre-training method called Contrastive Localized Language-Image Pre-training (CLOC) by complementing CLIP with region-text contrastive loss and modules. We formulate a new concept, promptable embeddings, of which the encoder produces image embeddings easy to transform into region representations given spatial hints. To support large-scale pre-training, we design a visually-enriched and spatially-localized captioning framework to effectively generate region-text pseudo-labels at scale. By scaling up to billions of annotated images, CLOC enables high-quality regional embeddings for image region recognition and retrieval tasks, and can be a drop-in replacement of CLIP to enhance MLLMs, especially on referring and grounding tasks.
comment: Preprint
♻ ☆ Mitigating Hallucinations in Large Vision-Language Models via Summary-Guided Decoding NAACL 2025
Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) demonstrate impressive capabilities in generating detailed and coherent responses from visual inputs. However, they are prone to generate hallucinations due to an over-reliance on language priors. To address this issue, we investigate the language priors in LVLMs and make two key observations: (1) Even when predicting the tokens associated with image-related part-of-speech (POS), models increasingly rely on linguistic priors as the token sequences grow, thereby amplifying hallucinations. (2) Methods that directly calibrate LVLM's output distribution to mitigate language priors can lead to a degradation in text quality or even exacerbate hallucinations. Based on these findings, we propose a novel method, Summary-Guided Decoding (SumGD). This method naturally encourages the model to focus more on image information by reducing the text context through summaries, while controlling only the image-related POS tokens to maintain text quality. Through experiments, we demonstrate that SumGD achieves state-of-the-art performance on object hallucination benchmarks. Furthermore, in terms of the trade-off between precision and recall, SumGD achieves Pareto optimality among the existing methods. Lastly, we observe that although existing methods struggle to balance the reduction of object hallucinations with maintaining text quality, SumGD demonstrates robustness in handling this challenge.
comment: NAACL 2025 (Findings); Renamed SGD to SumGD in Summary-Guided Decoding to prevent confusion with Stochastic Gradient Descent
♻ ☆ MRS: A Fast Sampler for Mean Reverting Diffusion based on ODE and SDE Solvers ICLR 2025
In applications of diffusion models, controllable generation is of practical significance, but is also challenging. Current methods for controllable generation primarily focus on modifying the score function of diffusion models, while Mean Reverting (MR) Diffusion directly modifies the structure of the stochastic differential equation (SDE), making the incorporation of image conditions simpler and more natural. However, current training-free fast samplers are not directly applicable to MR Diffusion. And thus MR Diffusion requires hundreds of NFEs (number of function evaluations) to obtain high-quality samples. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm named MRS (MR Sampler) to reduce the sampling NFEs of MR Diffusion. We solve the reverse-time SDE and the probability flow ordinary differential equation (PF-ODE) associated with MR Diffusion, and derive semi-analytical solutions. The solutions consist of an analytical function and an integral parameterized by a neural network. Based on this solution, we can generate high-quality samples in fewer steps. Our approach does not require training and supports all mainstream parameterizations, including noise prediction, data prediction and velocity prediction. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MR Sampler maintains high sampling quality with a speedup of 10 to 20 times across ten different image restoration tasks. Our algorithm accelerates the sampling procedure of MR Diffusion, making it more practical in controllable generation.
comment: Accepted by ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ GMValuator: Similarity-based Data Valuation for Generative Models
Data valuation plays a crucial role in machine learning. Existing data valuation methods have primarily focused on discriminative models, neglecting generative models that have recently gained considerable attention. A very few existing attempts of data valuation method designed for deep generative models either concentrates on specific models or lacks robustness in their outcomes. Moreover, efficiency still reveals vulnerable shortcomings. To bridge the gaps, we formulate the data valuation problem in generative models from a similarity-matching perspective. Specifically, we introduce Generative Model Valuator (GMValuator), the first training-free and model-agnostic approach to provide data valuation for generation tasks. It empowers efficient data valuation through our innovatively similarity matching module, calibrates biased contribution by incorporating image quality assessment, and attributes credits to all training samples based on their contributions to the generated samples. Additionally, we introduce four evaluation criteria for assessing data valuation methods in generative models, aligning with principles of plausibility and truthfulness. GMValuator is extensively evaluated on various datasets and generative architectures to demonstrate its effectiveness.
Multiview Equivariance Improves 3D Correspondence Understanding with Minimal Feature Finetuning ICLR 2025
Vision foundation models, particularly the ViT family, have revolutionized image understanding by providing rich semantic features. However, despite their success in 2D comprehension, their abilities on grasping 3D spatial relationships are still unclear. In this work, we evaluate and enhance the 3D awareness of ViT-based models. We begin by systematically assessing their ability to learn 3D equivariant features, specifically examining the consistency of semantic embeddings across different viewpoints. Our findings indicate that improved 3D equivariance leads to better performance on various downstream tasks, including pose estimation, tracking, and semantic transfer. Building on this insight, we propose a simple yet effective finetuning strategy based on 3D correspondences, which significantly enhances the 3D correspondence understanding of existing vision models. Remarkably, finetuning on a single object for one iteration results in substantial gains. Our code is available at
comment: 10 pages; Accepted to ICLR 2025
ME-CPT: Multi-Task Enhanced Cross-Temporal Point Transformer for Urban 3D Change Detection
The point clouds collected by the Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) system provide accurate 3D information of urban land covers. By utilizing multi-temporal ALS point clouds, semantic changes in urban area can be captured, demonstrating significant potential in urban planning, emergency management, and infrastructure maintenance. Existing 3D change detection methods struggle to efficiently extract multi-class semantic information and change features, still facing the following challenges: (1) the difficulty of accurately modeling cross-temporal point clouds spatial relationships for effective change feature extraction; (2) class imbalance of change samples which hinders distinguishability of semantic features; (3) the lack of real-world datasets for 3D semantic change detection. To resolve these challenges, we propose the Multi-task Enhanced Cross-temporal Point Transformer (ME-CPT) network. ME-CPT establishes spatiotemporal correspondences between point cloud across different epochs and employs attention mechanisms to jointly extract semantic change features, facilitating information exchange and change comparison. Additionally, we incorporate a semantic segmentation task and through the multi-task training strategy, further enhance the distinguishability of semantic features, reducing the impact of class imbalance in change types. Moreover, we release a 22.5 $km^2$ 3D semantic change detection dataset, offering diverse scenes for comprehensive evaluation. Experiments on multiple datasets show that the proposed MT-CPT achieves superior performance compared to existing state-of-the-art methods. The source code and dataset will be released upon acceptance at
♻ ☆ Animate Your Thoughts: Decoupled Reconstruction of Dynamic Natural Vision from Slow Brain Activity
Reconstructing human dynamic vision from brain activity is a challenging task with great scientific significance. Although prior video reconstruction methods have made substantial progress, they still suffer from several limitations, including: (1) difficulty in simultaneously reconciling semantic (e.g. categorical descriptions), structure (e.g. size and color), and consistent motion information (e.g. order of frames); (2) low temporal resolution of fMRI, which poses a challenge in decoding multiple frames of video dynamics from a single fMRI frame; (3) reliance on video generation models, which introduces ambiguity regarding whether the dynamics observed in the reconstructed videos are genuinely derived from fMRI data or are hallucinations from generative model. To overcome these limitations, we propose a two-stage model named Mind-Animator. During the fMRI-to-feature stage, we decouple semantic, structure, and motion features from fMRI. Specifically, we employ fMRI-vision-language tri-modal contrastive learning to decode semantic feature from fMRI and design a sparse causal attention mechanism for decoding multi-frame video motion features through a next-frame-prediction task. In the feature-to-video stage, these features are integrated into videos using an inflated Stable Diffusion, effectively eliminating external video data interference. Extensive experiments on multiple video-fMRI datasets demonstrate that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance. Comprehensive visualization analyses further elucidate the interpretability of our model from a neurobiological perspective. Project page:
♻ ☆ PolyhedronNet: Representation Learning for Polyhedra with Surface-attributed Graph
Ubiquitous geometric objects can be precisely and efficiently represented as polyhedra. The transformation of a polyhedron into a vector, known as polyhedra representation learning, is crucial for manipulating these shapes with mathematical and statistical tools for tasks like classification, clustering, and generation. Recent years have witnessed significant strides in this domain, yet most efforts focus on the vertex sequence of a polyhedron, neglecting the complex surface modeling crucial in real-world polyhedral objects. This study proposes \textbf{PolyhedronNet}, a general framework tailored for learning representations of 3D polyhedral objects. We propose the concept of the surface-attributed graph to seamlessly model the vertices, edges, faces, and their geometric interrelationships within a polyhedron. To effectively learn the representation of the entire surface-attributed graph, we first propose to break it down into local rigid representations to effectively learn each local region's relative positions against the remaining regions without geometric information loss. Subsequently, we propose PolyhedronGNN to hierarchically aggregate the local rigid representation via intra-face and inter-face geometric message passing modules, to obtain a global representation that minimizes information loss while maintaining rotation and translation invariance. Our experimental evaluations on four distinct datasets, encompassing both classification and retrieval tasks, substantiate PolyhedronNet's efficacy in capturing comprehensive and informative representations of 3D polyhedral objects. Code and data are available at {}.
♻ ☆ MedIAnomaly: A comparative study of anomaly detection in medical images
Anomaly detection (AD) aims at detecting abnormal samples that deviate from the expected normal patterns. Generally, it can be trained merely on normal data, without a requirement for abnormal samples, and thereby plays an important role in rare disease recognition and health screening in the medical domain. Despite the emergence of numerous methods for medical AD, the lack of a fair and comprehensive evaluation causes ambiguous conclusions and hinders the development of this field. To address this problem, this paper builds a benchmark with unified comparison. Seven medical datasets with five image modalities, including chest X-rays, brain MRIs, retinal fundus images, dermatoscopic images, and histopathology images, are curated for extensive evaluation. Thirty typical AD methods, including reconstruction and self-supervised learning-based methods, are involved in comparison of image-level anomaly classification and pixel-level anomaly segmentation. Furthermore, for the first time, we systematically investigate the effect of key components in existing methods, revealing unresolved challenges and potential future directions. The datasets and code are available at
comment: Accepted to Medical Image Analysis, 2025
♻ ☆ HDCompression: Hybrid-Diffusion Image Compression for Ultra-Low Bitrates
Image compression under ultra-low bitrates remains challenging for both conventional learned image compression (LIC) and generative vector-quantized (VQ) modeling. Conventional LIC suffers from severe artifacts due to heavy quantization, while generative VQ modeling gives poor fidelity due to the mismatch between learned generative priors and specific inputs. In this work, we propose Hybrid-Diffusion Image Compression (HDCompression), a dual-stream framework that utilizes both generative VQ-modeling and diffusion models, as well as conventional LIC, to achieve both high fidelity and high perceptual quality. Different from previous hybrid methods that directly use pre-trained LIC models to generate low-quality fidelity-preserving information from heavily quantized latent, we use diffusion models to extract high-quality complimentary fidelity information from the ground-truth input, which can enhance the system performance in several aspects: improving indices map prediction, enhancing the fidelity-preserving output of the LIC stream, and refining conditioned image reconstruction with VQ-latent correction. In addition, our diffusion model is based on a dense representative vector (DRV), which is lightweight with very simple sampling schedulers. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our HDCompression outperforms the previous conventional LIC, generative VQ-modeling, and hybrid frameworks in both quantitative metrics and qualitative visualization, providing balanced robust compression performance at ultra-low bitrates.
comment: Under Review
♻ ☆ NoKSR: Kernel-Free Neural Surface Reconstruction via Point Cloud Serialization
We present a novel approach to large-scale point cloud surface reconstruction by developing an efficient framework that converts an irregular point cloud into a signed distance field (SDF). Our backbone builds upon recent transformer-based architectures (i.e., PointTransformerV3), that serializes the point cloud into a locality-preserving sequence of tokens. We efficiently predict the SDF value at a point by aggregating nearby tokens, where fast approximate neighbors can be retrieved thanks to the serialization. We serialize the point cloud at different levels/scales, and non-linearly aggregate a feature to predict the SDF value. We show that aggregating across multiple scales is critical to overcome the approximations introduced by the serialization (i.e. false negatives in the neighborhood). Our frameworks sets the new state-of-the-art in terms of accuracy and efficiency (better or similar performance with half the latency of the best prior method, coupled with a simpler implementation), particularly on outdoor datasets where sparse-grid methods have shown limited performance.
comment: Project page: see
♻ ☆ Hybrid Explicit Representation for Ultra-Realistic Head Avatars
We introduce a novel approach to creating ultra-realistic head avatars and rendering them in real-time (>30fps at $2048 \times 1334$ resolution). First, we propose a hybrid explicit representation that combines the advantages of two primitive-based efficient rendering techniques. UV-mapped 3D mesh is utilized to capture sharp and rich textures on smooth surfaces, while 3D Gaussian Splatting is employed to represent complex geometric structures. In the pipeline of modeling an avatar, after tracking parametric models based on captured multi-view RGB videos, our goal is to simultaneously optimize the texture and opacity map of mesh, as well as a set of 3D Gaussian splats localized and rigged onto the mesh facets. Specifically, we perform $\alpha$-blending on the color and opacity values based on the merged and re-ordered z-buffer from the rasterization results of mesh and 3DGS. This process involves the mesh and 3DGS adaptively fitting the captured visual information to outline a high-fidelity digital avatar. To avoid artifacts caused by Gaussian splats crossing the mesh facets, we design a stable hybrid depth sorting strategy. Experiments illustrate that our modeled results exceed those of state-of-the-art approaches.
comment: 16 pages
♻ ☆ Controllable Unlearning for Image-to-Image Generative Models via $\varepsilon$-Constrained Optimization ICLR 2025
While generative models have made significant advancements in recent years, they also raise concerns such as privacy breaches and biases. Machine unlearning has emerged as a viable solution, aiming to remove specific training data, e.g., containing private information and bias, from models. In this paper, we study the machine unlearning problem in Image-to-Image (I2I) generative models. Previous studies mainly treat it as a single objective optimization problem, offering a solitary solution, thereby neglecting the varied user expectations towards the trade-off between complete unlearning and model utility. To address this issue, we propose a controllable unlearning framework that uses a control coefficient $\varepsilon$ to control the trade-off. We reformulate the I2I generative model unlearning problem into a $\varepsilon$-constrained optimization problem and solve it with a gradient-based method to find optimal solutions for unlearning boundaries. These boundaries define the valid range for the control coefficient. Within this range, every yielded solution is theoretically guaranteed with Pareto optimality. We also analyze the convergence rate of our framework under various control functions. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets across three mainstream I2I models demonstrate the effectiveness of our controllable unlearning framework.
comment: Accepted by ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ SemiHMER: Semi-supervised Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition using pseudo-labels
In this paper, we study semi-supervised Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition (HMER) via exploring both labeled data and extra unlabeled data. We propose a novel consistency regularization framework, termed SemiHMER, which introduces dual-branch semi-supervised learning. Specifically, we enforce consistency between the two networks for the same input image. The pseudo-label, generated by one perturbed recognition network, is utilized to supervise the other network using the standard cross-entropy loss. The SemiHMER consistency encourages high similarity between the predictions of the two perturbed networks for the same input image and expands the training data by leveraging unlabeled data with pseudo-labels. We further introduce a weak-to-strong strategy by applying different levels of augmentation to each branch, effectively expanding the training data and enhancing the quality of network training. Additionally, we propose a novel module, the Global Dynamic Counting Module (GDCM), to enhance the performance of the HMER decoder by alleviating recognition inaccuracies in long-distance formula recognition and reducing the occurrence of repeated characters. The experimental results demonstrate that our work achieves significant performance improvements, with an average accuracy increase of 5.47% on CROHME14, 4.87% on CROHME16, and 5.25% on CROHME19, compared to our baselines.
comment: 17 pages,3 figures
♻ ☆ LLMPopcorn: An Empirical Study of LLMs as Assistants for Popular Micro-video Generation
Popular Micro-videos, dominant on platforms like TikTok and YouTube, hold significant commercial value. The rise of high-quality AI-generated content has spurred interest in AI-driven micro-video creation. However, despite the advanced capabilities of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and DeepSeek in text generation and reasoning, their potential to assist the creation of popular micro-videos remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we conduct an empirical study on LLM-assisted popular micro-video generation (LLMPopcorn). Specifically, we investigate the following research questions: (i) How can LLMs be effectively utilized to assist popular micro-video generation? (ii) To what extent can prompt-based enhancements optimize the LLM-generated content for higher popularity? (iii) How well do various LLMs and video generators perform in the popular micro-video generation task? By exploring these questions, we show that advanced LLMs like DeepSeek-V3 enable micro-video generation to achieve popularity comparable to human-created content. Prompt enhancements further boost popularity, and benchmarking highlights DeepSeek-V3 and DeepSeek-R1 among LLMs, while LTX-Video and HunyuanVideo lead in video generation. This pioneering work advances AI-assisted micro-video creation, uncovering new research opportunities. We will release the code and datasets to support future studies.
♻ ☆ Generalizable Humanoid Manipulation with 3D Diffusion Policies
Humanoid robots capable of autonomous operation in diverse environments have long been a goal for roboticists. However, autonomous manipulation by humanoid robots has largely been restricted to one specific scene, primarily due to the difficulty of acquiring generalizable skills and the expensiveness of in-the-wild humanoid robot data. In this work, we build a real-world robotic system to address this challenging problem. Our system is mainly an integration of 1) a whole-upper-body robotic teleoperation system to acquire human-like robot data, 2) a 25-DoF humanoid robot platform with a height-adjustable cart and a 3D LiDAR sensor, and 3) an improved 3D Diffusion Policy learning algorithm for humanoid robots to learn from noisy human data. We run more than 2000 episodes of policy rollouts on the real robot for rigorous policy evaluation. Empowered by this system, we show that using only data collected in one single scene and with only onboard computing, a full-sized humanoid robot can autonomously perform skills in diverse real-world scenarios. Videos are available at \href{}{}.
comment: Project website:
♻ ☆ SMITE: Segment Me In TimE ICLR 2025
Segmenting an object in a video presents significant challenges. Each pixel must be accurately labelled, and these labels must remain consistent across frames. The difficulty increases when the segmentation is with arbitrary granularity, meaning the number of segments can vary arbitrarily, and masks are defined based on only one or a few sample images. In this paper, we address this issue by employing a pre-trained text to image diffusion model supplemented with an additional tracking mechanism. We demonstrate that our approach can effectively manage various segmentation scenarios and outperforms state-of-the-art alternatives.
comment: ICLR 2025; Project page is at
♻ ☆ Template-Based Visual Program Distillation
For users with limited computational resources, visual programming or prompting large language models (LLMs) to generate executable code for visual tasks, like visual question answering (VQA), remains largely inaccessible. Even with techniques such as distillation, adapting visual programming to smaller models or specific datasets is still quite challenging due to high annotation costs. We propose a low-cost visual program distillation method that can be used for models with fewer than 1 billion parameters and requires no human-generated program annotations. We achieve this through synthetic data augmentation based on decoupling programs into higher-level skills, called templates, and their corresponding arguments. Experimental results show that, with a relatively small amount of question/answer data, small language models can generate high-quality visual programs with the added benefit of much faster inference.
♻ ☆ Hands-on STEM Learning Experiences using Digital Technologies
The facilitation of STEM education can be enhanced by the provision of opportunities for learners to gain a better understanding of science through the utilization of tangible and visual examples. The objective of this work is to present an account of our experiences and activities carried out in Italian schools with this novel approach. The selection of projects and experiences discussed --in which students develop a range of core competencies such as collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, experimentation, prototyping, communication and problem-solving; include tangible complex 3D printed structures, large micro-controller board replicas and the visualization of wind dynamics and tiny invisible elementary particles among others. These hands-on experiences demonstrate the benefits on the use of digital fabrication technologies implemented within a FabLab for STEM learning.
comment: to appear STEM Education Journal (2025) 9 pages, 10 figures
♻ ☆ Long-VITA: Scaling Large Multi-modal Models to 1 Million Tokens with Leading Short-Context Accuracy
We introduce Long-VITA, a simple yet effective large multi-modal model for long-context visual-language understanding tasks. It is adept at concurrently processing and analyzing modalities of image, video, and text over 4K frames or 1M tokens while delivering advanced performances on short-context multi-modal tasks. We propose an effective multi-modal training schema that starts with large language models and proceeds through vision-language alignment, general knowledge learning, and two sequential stages of long-sequence fine-tuning. We further implement context-parallelism distributed inference and logits-masked language modeling head to scale Long-VITA to infinitely long inputs of images and texts during model inference. Regarding training data, Long-VITA is built on a mix of 17M samples from public datasets only and demonstrates the state-of-the-art performance on various multi-modal benchmarks, compared against recent cutting-edge models with internal data. Long-VITA is fully reproducible and supports both NPU and GPU platforms for training and testing. By leveraging our inference designs, Long-VITA models achieve a remarkable 2x prefill speedup and 4x context length extension in single node with 8 GPUs. We hope Long-VITA can serve as a competitive baseline and offer valuable insights for the open-source community in advancing long-context multi-modal understanding.
♻ ☆ Brain age identification from diffusion MRI synergistically predicts neurodegenerative disease
Estimated brain age from magnetic resonance image (MRI) and its deviation from chronological age can provide early insights into potential neurodegenerative diseases, supporting early detection and implementation of prevention strategies. Diffusion MRI (dMRI) presents an opportunity to build an earlier biomarker for neurodegenerative disease prediction because it captures subtle microstructural changes that precede more perceptible macrostructural changes. However, the coexistence of macro- and micro-structural information in dMRI raises the question of whether current dMRI-based brain age estimation models are leveraging the intended microstructural information or if they inadvertently rely on the macrostructural information. To develop a microstructure-specific brain age, we propose a method for brain age identification from dMRI that mitigates the model's use of macrostructural information by non-rigidly registering all images to a standard template. Imaging data from 13,398 participants across 12 datasets were used for the training and evaluation. We compare our brain age models, trained with and without macrostructural information mitigated, with an architecturally similar T1-weighted (T1w) MRI-based brain age model and two recent, popular, openly available T1w MRI-based brain age models that primarily use macrostructural information. We observe difference between our dMRI-based brain age and T1w MRI-based brain age across stages of neurodegeneration, with dMRI-based brain age being older than T1w MRI-based brain age in participants transitioning from cognitively normal (CN) to mild cognitive impairment (MCI), but younger in participants already diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Furthermore, dMRI-based brain age may offer advantages over T1w MRI-based brain age in predicting the transition from CN to MCI up to five years before diagnosis.
LOVA3: Learning to Visual Question Answering, Asking and Assessment NeurIPS 2024
Question answering, asking, and assessment are three innate human traits crucial for understanding the world and acquiring knowledge. By enhancing these capabilities, humans can more effectively utilize data, leading to better comprehension and learning outcomes. Current Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) primarily focus on question answering, often neglecting the full potential of questioning and assessment skills. Inspired by the human learning mechanism, we introduce LOVA3, an innovative framework named "Learning tO Visual question Answering, Asking and Assessment," designed to equip MLLMs with these additional capabilities. Our approach involves the creation of two supplementary training tasks GenQA and EvalQA, aiming at fostering the skills of asking and assessing questions in the context of images. To develop the questioning ability, we compile a comprehensive set of multimodal foundational tasks. For assessment, we introduce a new benchmark called EvalQABench, comprising 64,000 training samples (split evenly between positive and negative samples) and 5,000 validation and testing samples. We posit that enhancing MLLMs with the capabilities to answer, ask, and assess questions will enhance their multimodal comprehension, ultimately improving overall performance. To validate this hypothesis, we train MLLMs using the LOVA3 framework and evaluate them on a range of multimodal datasets and benchmarks. Our results demonstrate consistent performance gains, underscoring the critical role of these additional tasks in fostering comprehensive intelligence in MLLMs. The code is available at
comment: NeurIPS 2024. The code is available at
♻ ☆ CoRRECT: A Deep Unfolding Framework for Motion-Corrected Quantitative R2* Mapping
Quantitative MRI (qMRI) refers to a class of MRI methods for quantifying the spatial distribution of biological tissue parameters. Traditional qMRI methods usually deal separately with artifacts arising from accelerated data acquisition, involuntary physical motion, and magnetic-field inhomogeneities, leading to suboptimal end-to-end performance. This paper presents CoRRECT, a unified deep unfolding (DU) framework for qMRI consisting of a model-based end-to-end neural network, a method for motion-artifact reduction, and a self-supervised learning scheme. The network is trained to produce R2* maps whose k-space data matches the real data by also accounting for motion and field inhomogeneities. When deployed, CoRRECT only uses the k-space data without any pre-computed parameters for motion or inhomogeneity correction. Our results on experimentally collected multi-Gradient-Recalled Echo (mGRE) MRI data show that CoRRECT recovers motion and inhomogeneity artifact-free R2* maps in highly accelerated acquisition settings. This work opens the door to DU methods that can integrate physical measurement models, biophysical signal models, and learned prior models for high-quality qMRI.
♻ ☆ Robust Concept Erasure Using Task Vectors
With the rapid growth of text-to-image models, a variety of techniques have been suggested to prevent undesirable image generations. Yet, these methods often only protect against specific user prompts and have been shown to allow unsafe generations with other inputs. Here we focus on unconditionally erasing a concept from a text-to-image model rather than conditioning the erasure on the user's prompt. We first show that compared to input-dependent erasure methods, concept erasure that uses Task Vectors (TV) is more robust to unexpected user inputs, not seen during training. However, TV-based erasure can also affect the core performance of the edited model, particularly when the required edit strength is unknown. To this end, we propose a method called Diverse Inversion, which we use to estimate the required strength of the TV edit. Diverse Inversion finds within the model input space a large set of word embeddings, each of which induces the generation of the target concept. We find that encouraging diversity in the set makes our estimation more robust to unexpected prompts. Finally, we show that Diverse Inversion enables us to apply a TV edit only to a subset of the model weights, enhancing the erasure capabilities while better maintaining the core functionality of the model.
♻ ☆ View-Invariant Policy Learning via Zero-Shot Novel View Synthesis
Large-scale visuomotor policy learning is a promising approach toward developing generalizable manipulation systems. Yet, policies that can be deployed on diverse embodiments, environments, and observational modalities remain elusive. In this work, we investigate how knowledge from large-scale visual data of the world may be used to address one axis of variation for generalizable manipulation: observational viewpoint. Specifically, we study single-image novel view synthesis models, which learn 3D-aware scene-level priors by rendering images of the same scene from alternate camera viewpoints given a single input image. For practical application to diverse robotic data, these models must operate zero-shot, performing view synthesis on unseen tasks and environments. We empirically analyze view synthesis models within a simple data-augmentation scheme that we call View Synthesis Augmentation (VISTA) to understand their capabilities for learning viewpoint-invariant policies from single-viewpoint demonstration data. Upon evaluating the robustness of policies trained with our method to out-of-distribution camera viewpoints, we find that they outperform baselines in both simulated and real-world manipulation tasks. Videos and additional visualizations are available at
comment: Accepted to CoRL 2024
♻ ☆ Compression-Aware One-Step Diffusion Model for JPEG Artifact Removal
Diffusion models have demonstrated remarkable success in image restoration tasks. However, their multi-step denoising process introduces significant computational overhead, limiting their practical deployment. Furthermore, existing methods struggle to effectively remove severe JPEG artifact, especially in highly compressed images. To address these challenges, we propose CODiff, a compression-aware one-step diffusion model for JPEG artifact removal. The core of CODiff is the compression-aware visual embedder (CaVE), which extracts and leverages JPEG compression priors to guide the diffusion model. We propose a dual learning strategy that combines explicit and implicit learning. Specifically, explicit learning enforces a quality prediction objective to differentiate low-quality images with different compression levels. Implicit learning employs a reconstruction objective that enhances the model's generalization. This dual learning allows for a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of JPEG compression. Experimental results demonstrate that CODiff surpasses recent leading methods in both quantitative and visual quality metrics. The code and models will be released at
♻ ☆ VaLID: Verification as Late Integration of Detections for LiDAR-Camera Fusion
Vehicle object detection benefits from both LiDAR and camera data, with LiDAR offering superior performance in many scenarios. Fusion of these modalities further enhances accuracy, but existing methods often introduce complexity or dataset-specific dependencies. In our study, we propose a model-adaptive late-fusion method, VaLID, which validates whether each predicted bounding box is acceptable or not. Our method verifies the higher-performing, yet overly optimistic LiDAR model detections using camera detections that are obtained from either specially trained, general, or open-vocabulary models. VaLID uses a lightweight neural verification network trained with a high recall bias to reduce the false predictions made by the LiDAR detector, while still preserving the true ones. Evaluating with multiple combinations of LiDAR and camera detectors on the KITTI dataset, we reduce false positives by an average of 63.9%, thus outperforming the individual detectors on 3D average precision (3DAP). Our approach is model-adaptive and demonstrates state-of-the-art competitive performance even when using generic camera detectors that were not trained specifically for this dataset.
♻ ☆ FLARE: Feed-forward Geometry, Appearance and Camera Estimation from Uncalibrated Sparse Views
We present FLARE, a feed-forward model designed to infer high-quality camera poses and 3D geometry from uncalibrated sparse-view images (i.e., as few as 2-8 inputs), which is a challenging yet practical setting in real-world applications. Our solution features a cascaded learning paradigm with camera pose serving as the critical bridge, recognizing its essential role in mapping 3D structures onto 2D image planes. Concretely, FLARE starts with camera pose estimation, whose results condition the subsequent learning of geometric structure and appearance, optimized through the objectives of geometry reconstruction and novel-view synthesis. Utilizing large-scale public datasets for training, our method delivers state-of-the-art performance in the tasks of pose estimation, geometry reconstruction, and novel view synthesis, while maintaining the inference efficiency (i.e., less than 0.5 seconds). The project page and code can be found at:
comment: 8 pages. Website:
♻ ☆ Conditional diffusion model with spatial attention and latent embedding for medical image segmentation MICCAI 2024
Diffusion models have been used extensively for high quality image and video generation tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel conditional diffusion model with spatial attention and latent embedding (cDAL) for medical image segmentation. In cDAL, a convolutional neural network (CNN) based discriminator is used at every time-step of the diffusion process to distinguish between the generated labels and the real ones. A spatial attention map is computed based on the features learned by the discriminator to help cDAL generate more accurate segmentation of discriminative regions in an input image. Additionally, we incorporated a random latent embedding into each layer of our model to significantly reduce the number of training and sampling time-steps, thereby making it much faster than other diffusion models for image segmentation. We applied cDAL on 3 publicly available medical image segmentation datasets (MoNuSeg, Chest X-ray and Hippocampus) and observed significant qualitative and quantitative improvements with higher Dice scores and mIoU over the state-of-the-art algorithms. The source code is publicly available at
comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, Accepted in MICCAI 2024
♻ ☆ Bridging Sensor Gaps via Attention Gated Tuning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Data-hungry HSI classification methods require high-quality labeled HSIs, which are often costly to obtain. This characteristic limits the performance potential of data-driven methods when dealing with limited annotated samples. Bridging the domain gap between data acquired from different sensors allows us to utilize abundant labeled data across sensors to break this bottleneck. In this paper, we propose a novel Attention-Gated Tuning (AGT) strategy and a triplet-structured transformer model, Tri-Former, to address this issue. The AGT strategy serves as a bridge, allowing us to leverage existing labeled HSI datasets, even RGB datasets to enhance the performance on new HSI datasets with limited samples. Instead of inserting additional parameters inside the basic model, we train a lightweight auxiliary branch that takes intermediate features as input from the basic model and makes predictions. The proposed AGT resolves conflicts between heterogeneous and even cross-modal data by suppressing the disturbing information and enhances the useful information through a soft gate. Additionally, we introduce Tri-Former, a triplet-structured transformer with a spectral-spatial separation design that enhances parameter utilization and computational efficiency, enabling easier and flexible fine-tuning. Comparison experiments conducted on three representative HSI datasets captured by different sensors demonstrate the proposed Tri-Former achieves better performance compared to several state-of-the-art methods. Homologous, heterologous and cross-modal tuning experiments verified the effectiveness of the proposed AGT. Code has been released at: \href{}{}.
Machine Learning 150
☆ FlexTok: Resampling Images into 1D Token Sequences of Flexible Length
Image tokenization has enabled major advances in autoregressive image generation by providing compressed, discrete representations that are more efficient to process than raw pixels. While traditional approaches use 2D grid tokenization, recent methods like TiTok have shown that 1D tokenization can achieve high generation quality by eliminating grid redundancies. However, these methods typically use a fixed number of tokens and thus cannot adapt to an image's inherent complexity. We introduce FlexTok, a tokenizer that projects 2D images into variable-length, ordered 1D token sequences. For example, a 256x256 image can be resampled into anywhere from 1 to 256 discrete tokens, hierarchically and semantically compressing its information. By training a rectified flow model as the decoder and using nested dropout, FlexTok produces plausible reconstructions regardless of the chosen token sequence length. We evaluate our approach in an autoregressive generation setting using a simple GPT-style Transformer. On ImageNet, this approach achieves an FID<2 across 8 to 128 tokens, outperforming TiTok and matching state-of-the-art methods with far fewer tokens. We further extend the model to support to text-conditioned image generation and examine how FlexTok relates to traditional 2D tokenization. A key finding is that FlexTok enables next-token prediction to describe images in a coarse-to-fine "visual vocabulary", and that the number of tokens to generate depends on the complexity of the generation task.
comment: Project page at
☆ Where's the Bug? Attention Probing for Scalable Fault Localization
Ensuring code correctness remains a challenging problem even as large language models (LLMs) become increasingly capable at code-related tasks. While LLM-based program repair systems can propose bug fixes using only a user's bug report, their effectiveness is fundamentally limited by their ability to perform fault localization (FL), a challenging problem for both humans and LLMs. Existing FL approaches rely on executable test cases, require training on costly and often noisy line-level annotations, or demand resource-intensive LLMs. In this paper, we present Bug Attention Probe (BAP), a method which learns state-of-the-art fault localization without any direct localization labels, outperforming traditional FL baselines and prompting of large-scale LLMs. We evaluate our approach across a variety of code settings, including real-world Java bugs from the standard Defects4J dataset as well as seven other datasets which span a diverse set of bug types and languages. Averaged across all eight datasets, BAP improves by 34.6% top-1 accuracy compared to the strongest baseline and 93.4% over zero-shot prompting GPT-4o. BAP is also significantly more efficient than prompting, outperforming large open-weight models at a small fraction of the computational cost.
comment: 14 pages, 5 figures
☆ Autellix: An Efficient Serving Engine for LLM Agents as General Programs
Large language model (LLM) applications are evolving beyond simple chatbots into dynamic, general-purpose agentic programs, which scale LLM calls and output tokens to help AI agents reason, explore, and solve complex tasks. However, existing LLM serving systems ignore dependencies between programs and calls, missing significant opportunities for optimization. Our analysis reveals that programs submitted to LLM serving engines experience long cumulative wait times, primarily due to head-of-line blocking at both the individual LLM request and the program. To address this, we introduce Autellix, an LLM serving system that treats programs as first-class citizens to minimize their end-to-end latencies. Autellix intercepts LLM calls submitted by programs, enriching schedulers with program-level context. We propose two scheduling algorithms-for single-threaded and distributed programs-that preempt and prioritize LLM calls based on their programs' previously completed calls. Our evaluation demonstrates that across diverse LLMs and agentic workloads, Autellix improves throughput of programs by 4-15x at the same latency compared to state-of-the-art systems, such as vLLM.
☆ A Training-Free Framework for Precise Mobile Manipulation of Small Everyday Objects
Many everyday mobile manipulation tasks require precise interaction with small objects, such as grasping a knob to open a cabinet or pressing a light switch. In this paper, we develop Servoing with Vision Models (SVM), a closed-loop training-free framework that enables a mobile manipulator to tackle such precise tasks involving the manipulation of small objects. SVM employs an RGB-D wrist camera and uses visual servoing for control. Our novelty lies in the use of state-of-the-art vision models to reliably compute 3D targets from the wrist image for diverse tasks and under occlusion due to the end-effector. To mitigate occlusion artifacts, we employ vision models to out-paint the end-effector thereby significantly enhancing target localization. We demonstrate that aided by out-painting methods, open-vocabulary object detectors can serve as a drop-in module to identify semantic targets (e.g. knobs) and point tracking methods can reliably track interaction sites indicated by user clicks. This training-free method obtains an 85% zero-shot success rate on manipulating unseen objects in novel environments in the real world, outperforming an open-loop control method and an imitation learning baseline trained on 1000+ demonstrations by an absolute success rate of 50%.
comment: Project webpage:
☆ The Computational Advantage of Depth: Learning High-Dimensional Hierarchical Functions with Gradient Descent
Understanding the advantages of deep neural networks trained by gradient descent (GD) compared to shallow models remains an open theoretical challenge. While the study of multi-index models with Gaussian data in high dimensions has provided analytical insights into the benefits of GD-trained neural networks over kernels, the role of depth in improving sample complexity and generalization in GD-trained networks remains poorly understood. In this paper, we introduce a class of target functions (single and multi-index Gaussian hierarchical targets) that incorporate a hierarchy of latent subspace dimensionalities. This framework enables us to analytically study the learning dynamics and generalization performance of deep networks compared to shallow ones in the high-dimensional limit. Specifically, our main theorem shows that feature learning with GD reduces the effective dimensionality, transforming a high-dimensional problem into a sequence of lower-dimensional ones. This enables learning the target function with drastically less samples than with shallow networks. While the results are proven in a controlled training setting, we also discuss more common training procedures and argue that they learn through the same mechanisms. These findings open the way to further quantitative studies of the crucial role of depth in learning hierarchical structures with deep networks.
☆ Latent Distribution Decoupling: A Probabilistic Framework for Uncertainty-Aware Multimodal Emotion Recognition
Multimodal multi-label emotion recognition (MMER) aims to identify the concurrent presence of multiple emotions in multimodal data. Existing studies primarily focus on improving fusion strategies and modeling modality-to-label dependencies. However, they often overlook the impact of \textbf{aleatoric uncertainty}, which is the inherent noise in the multimodal data and hinders the effectiveness of modality fusion by introducing ambiguity into feature representations. To address this issue and effectively model aleatoric uncertainty, this paper proposes Latent emotional Distribution Decomposition with Uncertainty perception (LDDU) framework from a novel perspective of latent emotional space probabilistic modeling. Specifically, we introduce a contrastive disentangled distribution mechanism within the emotion space to model the multimodal data, allowing for the extraction of semantic features and uncertainty. Furthermore, we design an uncertainty-aware fusion multimodal method that accounts for the dispersed distribution of uncertainty and integrates distribution information. Experimental results show that LDDU achieves state-of-the-art performance on the CMU-MOSEI and M$^3$ED datasets, highlighting the importance of uncertainty modeling in MMER. Code is available at\_mmer.git.
☆ AdaptiveStep: Automatically Dividing Reasoning Step through Model Confidence
Current approaches for training Process Reward Models (PRMs) often involve breaking down responses into multiple reasoning steps using rule-based techniques, such as using predefined placeholder tokens or setting the reasoning step's length into a fixed size. These approaches overlook the fact that specific words do not typically mark true decision points in a text. To address this, we propose AdaptiveStep, a method that divides reasoning steps based on the model's confidence in predicting the next word. This division method provides more decision-making information at each step, enhancing downstream tasks, such as reward model learning. Moreover, our method does not require manual annotation. We demonstrate its effectiveness through experiments with AdaptiveStep-trained PRMs in mathematical reasoning and code generation tasks. Experimental results indicate that the outcome PRM achieves state-of-the-art Best-of-N performance, surpassing greedy search strategy with token-level value-guided decoding, while also reducing construction costs by over 30% compared to existing open-source PRMs. In addition, we provide a thorough analysis and case study on the PRM's performance, transferability, and generalization capabilities.
comment: 17 pages
☆ Image compositing is all you need for data augmentation
This paper investigates the impact of various data augmentation techniques on the performance of object detection models. Specifically, we explore classical augmentation methods, image compositing, and advanced generative models such as Stable Diffusion XL and ControlNet. The objective of this work is to enhance model robustness and improve detection accuracy, particularly when working with limited annotated data. Using YOLOv8, we fine-tune the model on a custom dataset consisting of commercial and military aircraft, applying different augmentation strategies. Our experiments show that image compositing offers the highest improvement in detection performance, as measured by precision, recall, and mean Average Precision (mAP@0.50). Other methods, including Stable Diffusion XL and ControlNet, also demonstrate significant gains, highlighting the potential of advanced data augmentation techniques for object detection tasks. The results underline the importance of dataset diversity and augmentation in achieving better generalization and performance in real-world applications. Future work will explore the integration of semi-supervised learning methods and further optimizations to enhance model performance across larger and more complex datasets.
comment: Accepted in VISAPP 2025
☆ Continually Learning Structured Visual Representations via Network Refinement with Rerelation
Current machine learning paradigm relies on continuous representations like neural networks, which iteratively adjust parameters to approximate outcomes rather than directly learning the structure of problem. This spreads information across the network, causing issues like information loss and incomprehensibility Building on prior work in environment dynamics modeling, we propose a method that learns visual space in a structured, continual manner. Our approach refines networks to capture the core structure of objects while representing significant subvariants in structure efficiently. We demonstrate this with 2D shape detection, showing incremental learning on MNIST without overwriting knowledge and creating compact, comprehensible representations. These results offer a promising step toward a transparent, continually learning alternative to traditional neural networks for visual processing.
☆ Symmetrical Visual Contrastive Optimization: Aligning Vision-Language Models with Minimal Contrastive Images
Recent studies have shown that Large Vision-Language Models (VLMs) tend to neglect image content and over-rely on language-model priors, resulting in errors in visually grounded tasks and hallucinations. We hypothesize that this issue arises because existing VLMs are not explicitly trained to generate texts that are accurately grounded in fine-grained image details. To enhance visual feedback during VLM training, we propose S-VCO (Symmetrical Visual Contrastive Optimization), a novel finetuning objective that steers the model toward capturing important visual details and aligning them with corresponding text tokens. To further facilitate this detailed alignment, we introduce MVC, a paired image-text dataset built by automatically filtering and augmenting visual counterfactual data to challenge the model with hard contrastive cases involving Minimal Visual Contrasts. Experiments show that our method consistently improves VLM performance across diverse benchmarks covering various abilities and domains, achieving up to a 22% reduction in hallucinations, and significant gains in vision-centric and general tasks. Notably, these improvements become increasingly pronounced in benchmarks with higher visual dependency. In short, S-VCO offers a significant enhancement of VLM's visually-dependent task performance while retaining or even improving the model's general abilities. We opensource our code at
comment: Project Website:
☆ LongPO: Long Context Self-Evolution of Large Language Models through Short-to-Long Preference Optimization ICLR 2025
Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities through pretraining and alignment. However, superior short-context LLMs may underperform in long-context scenarios due to insufficient long-context alignment. This alignment process remains challenging due to the impracticality of human annotation for extended contexts and the difficulty in balancing short- and long-context performance. To address these challenges, we introduce LongPO, that enables short-context LLMs to self-evolve to excel on long-context tasks by internally transferring short-context capabilities. LongPO harnesses LLMs to learn from self-generated short-to-long preference data, comprising paired responses generated for identical instructions with long-context inputs and their compressed short-context counterparts, respectively. This preference reveals capabilities and potentials of LLMs cultivated during short-context alignment that may be diminished in under-aligned long-context scenarios. Additionally, LongPO incorporates a short-to-long KL constraint to mitigate short-context performance decline during long-context alignment. When applied to Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 from 128K to 512K context lengths, LongPO fully retains short-context performance and largely outperforms naive SFT and DPO in both long- and short-context tasks. Specifically, \ourMethod-trained models can achieve results on long-context benchmarks comparable to, or even surpassing, those of superior LLMs (e.g., GPT-4-128K) that involve extensive long-context annotation and larger parameter scales.
comment: ICLR 2025
☆ Exploring Code Language Models for Automated HLS-based Hardware Generation: Benchmark, Infrastructure and Analysis SP
Recent advances in code generation have illuminated the potential of employing large language models (LLMs) for general-purpose programming languages such as Python and C++, opening new opportunities for automating software development and enhancing programmer productivity. The potential of LLMs in software programming has sparked significant interest in exploring automated hardware generation and automation. Although preliminary endeavors have been made to adopt LLMs in generating hardware description languages (HDLs), several challenges persist in this direction. First, the volume of available HDL training data is substantially smaller compared to that for software programming languages. Second, the pre-trained LLMs, mainly tailored for software code, tend to produce HDL designs that are more error-prone. Third, the generation of HDL requires a significantly higher number of tokens compared to software programming, leading to inefficiencies in cost and energy consumption. To tackle these challenges, this paper explores leveraging LLMs to generate High-Level Synthesis (HLS)-based hardware design. Although code generation for domain-specific programming languages is not new in the literature, we aim to provide experimental results, insights, benchmarks, and evaluation infrastructure to investigate the suitability of HLS over low-level HDLs for LLM-assisted hardware design generation. To achieve this, we first finetune pre-trained models for HLS-based hardware generation, using a collected dataset with text prompts and corresponding reference HLS designs. An LLM-assisted framework is then proposed to automate end-to-end hardware code generation, which also investigates the impact of chain-of-thought and feedback loops promoting techniques on HLS-design generation. Limited by the timeframe of this research, we plan to evaluate more advanced reasoning models in the future.
comment: Paper accepted by ASP-DAC'25
☆ Playing Hex and Counter Wargames using Reinforcement Learning and Recurrent Neural Networks
Hex and Counter Wargames are adversarial two-player simulations of real military conflicts requiring complex strategic decision-making. Unlike classical board games, these games feature intricate terrain/unit interactions, unit stacking, large maps of varying sizes, and simultaneous move and combat decisions involving hundreds of units. This paper introduces a novel system designed to address the strategic complexity of Hex and Counter Wargames by integrating cutting-edge advancements in Recurrent Neural Networks with AlphaZero, a reliable modern Reinforcement Learning algorithm. The system utilizes a new Neural Network architecture developed from existing research, incorporating innovative state and action representations tailored to these specific game environments. With minimal training, our solution has shown promising results in typical scenarios, demonstrating the ability to generalize across different terrain and tactical situations. Additionally, we explore the system's potential to scale to larger map sizes. The developed system is openly accessible, facilitating continued research and exploration within this challenging domain.
☆ Partially Observable Gaussian Process Network and Doubly Stochastic Variational Inference
To reduce the curse of dimensionality for Gaussian processes (GP), they can be decomposed into a Gaussian Process Network (GPN) of coupled subprocesses with lower dimensionality. In some cases, intermediate observations are available within the GPN. However, intermediate observations are often indirect, noisy, and incomplete in most real-world systems. This work introduces the Partially Observable Gaussian Process Network (POGPN) to model real-world process networks. We model a joint distribution of latent functions of subprocesses and make inferences using observations from all subprocesses. POGPN incorporates observation lenses (observation likelihoods) into the well-established inference method of deep Gaussian processes. We also introduce two training methods for POPGN to make inferences on the whole network using node observations. The application to benchmark problems demonstrates how incorporating partial observations during training and inference can improve the predictive performance of the overall network, offering a promising outlook for its practical application.
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures
☆ Optimistically Optimistic Exploration for Provably Efficient Infinite-Horizon Reinforcement and Imitation Learning
We study the problem of reinforcement learning in infinite-horizon discounted linear Markov decision processes (MDPs), and propose the first computationally efficient algorithm achieving near-optimal regret guarantees in this setting. Our main idea is to combine two classic techniques for optimistic exploration: additive exploration bonuses applied to the reward function, and artificial transitions made to an absorbing state with maximal return. We show that, combined with a regularized approximate dynamic-programming scheme, the resulting algorithm achieves a regret of order $\tilde{\mathcal{O}} (\sqrt{d^3 (1 - \gamma)^{- 7 / 2} T})$, where $T$ is the total number of sample transitions, $\gamma \in (0,1)$ is the discount factor, and $d$ is the feature dimensionality. The results continue to hold against adversarial reward sequences, enabling application of our method to the problem of imitation learning in linear MDPs, where we achieve state-of-the-art results.
☆ AI-Driven Discovery of High Performance Polymer Electrodes for Next-Generation Batteries
The use of transition group metals in electric batteries requires extensive usage of critical elements like lithium, cobalt and nickel, which poses significant environmental challenges. Replacing these metals with redox-active organic materials offers a promising alternative, thereby reducing the carbon footprint of batteries by one order of magnitude. However, this approach faces critical obstacles, including the limited availability of suitable redox-active organic materials and issues such as lower electronic conductivity, voltage, specific capacity, and long-term stability. To overcome the limitations for lower voltage and specific capacity, a machine learning (ML) driven battery informatics framework is developed and implemented. This framework utilizes an extensive battery dataset and advanced ML techniques to accelerate and enhance the identification, optimization, and design of redox-active organic materials. In this contribution, a data-fusion ML coupled meta learning model capable of predicting the battery properties, voltage and specific capacity, for various organic negative electrodes and charge carriers (positive electrode materials) combinations is presented. The ML models accelerate experimentation, facilitate the inverse design of battery materials, and identify suitable candidates from three extensive material libraries to advance sustainable energy-storage technologies.
comment: 33 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables
☆ DataSciBench: An LLM Agent Benchmark for Data Science
This paper presents DataSciBench, a comprehensive benchmark for evaluating Large Language Model (LLM) capabilities in data science. Recent related benchmarks have primarily focused on single tasks, easily obtainable ground truth, and straightforward evaluation metrics, which limits the scope of tasks that can be evaluated. In contrast, DataSciBench is constructed based on a more comprehensive and curated collection of natural and challenging prompts for uncertain ground truth and evaluation metrics. We develop a semi-automated pipeline for generating ground truth (GT) and validating evaluation metrics. This pipeline utilizes and implements an LLM-based self-consistency and human verification strategy to produce accurate GT by leveraging collected prompts, predefined task types, and aggregate functions (metrics). Furthermore, we propose an innovative Task - Function - Code (TFC) framework to assess each code execution outcome based on precisely defined metrics and programmatic rules. Our experimental framework involves testing 6 API-based models, 8 open-source general models, and 9 open-source code generation models using the diverse set of prompts we have gathered. This approach aims to provide a more comprehensive and rigorous evaluation of LLMs in data science, revealing their strengths and weaknesses. Experimental results demonstrate that API-based models outperform open-sourced models on all metrics and Deepseek-Coder-33B-Instruct achieves the highest score among open-sourced models. We release all code and data at
comment: 40 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables
☆ Geometric Principles for Machine Learning of Dynamical Systems
Mathematical descriptions of dynamical systems are deeply rooted in topological spaces defined by non-Euclidean geometry. This paper proposes leveraging structure-rich geometric spaces for machine learning to achieve structural generalization when modeling physical systems from data, in contrast to embedding physics bias within model-free architectures. We consider model generalization to be a function of symmetry, invariance and uniqueness, defined as a topological mapping from state space dynamics to the parameter space. We illustrate this view through the machine learning of linear time-invariant dynamical systems, whose dynamics reside on the symmetric positive definite manifold.
☆ Highly Dynamic and Flexible Spatio-Temporal Spectrum Management with AI-Driven O-RAN: A Multi-Granularity Marketplace Framework
Current spectrum-sharing frameworks struggle with adaptability, often being either static or insufficiently dynamic. They primarily emphasize temporal sharing while overlooking spatial and spectral dimensions. We propose an adaptive, AI-driven spectrum-sharing framework within the O-RAN architecture, integrating discriminative and generative AI (GenAI) to forecast spectrum needs across multiple timescales and spatial granularities. A marketplace model, managed by an authorized spectrum broker, enables operators to trade spectrum dynamically, balancing static assignments with real-time trading. GenAI enhances traffic prediction, spectrum estimation, and allocation, optimizing utilization while reducing costs. This modular, flexible approach fosters operator collaboration, maximizing efficiency and revenue. A key research challenge is refining allocation granularity and spatio-temporal dynamics beyond existing models.
☆ Refining embeddings with fill-tuning: data-efficient generalised performance improvements for materials foundation models
Pretrained foundation models learn embeddings that can be used for a wide range of downstream tasks. These embeddings optimise general performance, and if insufficiently accurate at a specific task the model can be fine-tuned to improve performance. For all current methodologies this operation necessarily degrades performance on all out-of-distribution tasks. In this work we present 'fill-tuning', a novel methodology to generate datasets for continued pretraining of foundation models that are not suited to a particular downstream task, but instead aim to correct poor regions of the embedding. We present the application of roughness analysis to latent space topologies and illustrate how it can be used to propose data that will be most valuable to improving the embedding. We apply fill-tuning to a set of state-of-the-art materials foundation models trained on $O(10^9)$ data points and show model improvement of almost 1% in all downstream tasks with the addition of only 100 data points. This method provides a route to the general improvement of foundation models at the computational cost of fine-tuning.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures
☆ SPEX: Scaling Feature Interaction Explanations for LLMs
Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized machine learning due to their ability to capture complex interactions between input features. Popular post-hoc explanation methods like SHAP provide marginal feature attributions, while their extensions to interaction importances only scale to small input lengths ($\approx 20$). We propose Spectral Explainer (SPEX), a model-agnostic interaction attribution algorithm that efficiently scales to large input lengths ($\approx 1000)$. SPEX exploits underlying natural sparsity among interactions -- common in real-world data -- and applies a sparse Fourier transform using a channel decoding algorithm to efficiently identify important interactions. We perform experiments across three difficult long-context datasets that require LLMs to utilize interactions between inputs to complete the task. For large inputs, SPEX outperforms marginal attribution methods by up to 20% in terms of faithfully reconstructing LLM outputs. Further, SPEX successfully identifies key features and interactions that strongly influence model output. For one of our datasets, HotpotQA, SPEX provides interactions that align with human annotations. Finally, we use our model-agnostic approach to generate explanations to demonstrate abstract reasoning in closed-source LLMs (GPT-4o mini) and compositional reasoning in vision-language models.
☆ Evaluation of EAS directions based on TAIGA HiSCORE data using fully connected neural networks
The direction of extensive air showers can be used to determine the source of gamma quanta and plays an important role in estimating the energy of the primary particle. The data from an array of non-imaging Cherenkov detector stations HiSCORE in the TAIGA experiment registering the number of photoelectrons and detection time can be used to estimate the shower direction with high accuracy. In this work, we use artificial neural networks trained on Monte Carlo-simulated TAIGA HiSCORE data for gamma quanta to obtain shower direction estimates. The neural networks are multilayer perceptrons with skip connections using partial data from several HiSCORE stations as inputs; composite estimates are derived from multiple individual estimates by the neural networks. We apply a two-stage algorithm in which the direction estimates obtained in the first stage are used to transform the input data and refine the estimates. The mean error of the final estimates is less than 0.25 degrees. The approach will be used for multimodal analysis of the data from several types of detectors used in the TAIGA experiment.
comment: The work was reported on the 8th International Conference on Deep Learning in Computational Physics (DLCP2025), June 19-21, 2024, Moscow, Russia ( To bee published in Moscow University Physics Bulletin
☆ DH-RAG: A Dynamic Historical Context-Powered Retrieval-Augmented Generation Method for Multi-Turn Dialogue
Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems have shown substantial benefits in applications such as question answering and multi-turn dialogue \citep{lewis2020retrieval}. However, traditional RAG methods, while leveraging static knowledge bases, often overlook the potential of dynamic historical information in ongoing conversations. To bridge this gap, we introduce DH-RAG, a Dynamic Historical Context-Powered Retrieval-Augmented Generation Method for Multi-Turn Dialogue. DH-RAG is inspired by human cognitive processes that utilize both long-term memory and immediate historical context in conversational responses \citep{stafford1987conversational}. DH-RAG is structured around two principal components: a History-Learning based Query Reconstruction Module, designed to generate effective queries by synthesizing current and prior interactions, and a Dynamic History Information Updating Module, which continually refreshes historical context throughout the dialogue. The center of DH-RAG is a Dynamic Historical Information database, which is further refined by three strategies within the Query Reconstruction Module: Historical Query Clustering, Hierarchical Matching, and Chain of Thought Tracking. Experimental evaluations show that DH-RAG significantly surpasses conventional models on several benchmarks, enhancing response relevance, coherence, and dialogue quality.
☆ Quantifying Memorization and Retriever Performance in Retrieval-Augmented Vision-Language Models
Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate remarkable capabilities in question answering (QA), but metrics for assessing their reliance on memorization versus retrieval remain underdeveloped. Moreover, while finetuned models are state-of-the-art on closed-domain tasks, general-purpose models like GPT-4o exhibit strong zero-shot performance. This raises questions about the trade-offs between memorization, generalization, and retrieval. In this work, we analyze the extent to which multimodal retrieval-augmented VLMs memorize training data compared to baseline VLMs. Using the WebQA benchmark, we contrast finetuned models with baseline VLMs on multihop retrieval and question answering, examining the impact of finetuning on data memorization. To quantify memorization in end-to-end retrieval and QA systems, we propose several proxy metrics by investigating instances where QA succeeds despite retrieval failing. Our results reveal the extent to which finetuned models rely on memorization. In contrast, retrieval-augmented VLMs have lower memorization scores, at the cost of accuracy (72% vs 52% on WebQA test set). As such, our measures pose a challenge for future work to reconcile memorization and generalization in both Open-Domain QA and joint Retrieval-QA tasks.
☆ Contrastive Learning-Based privacy metrics in Tabular Synthetic Datasets
Synthetic data has garnered attention as a Privacy Enhancing Technology (PET) in sectors such as healthcare and finance. When using synthetic data in practical applications, it is important to provide protection guarantees. In the literature, two family of approaches are proposed for tabular data: on the one hand, Similarity-based methods aim at finding the level of similarity between training and synthetic data. Indeed, a privacy breach can occur if the generated data is consistently too similar or even identical to the train data. On the other hand, Attack-based methods conduce deliberate attacks on synthetic datasets. The success rates of these attacks reveal how secure the synthetic datasets are. In this paper, we introduce a contrastive method that improves privacy assessment of synthetic datasets by embedding the data in a more representative space. This overcomes obstacles surrounding the multitude of data types and attributes. It also makes the use of intuitive distance metrics possible for similarity measurements and as an attack vector. In a series of experiments with publicly available datasets, we compare the performances of similarity-based and attack-based methods, both with and without use of the contrastive learning-based embeddings. Our results show that relatively efficient, easy to implement privacy metrics can perform equally well as more advanced metrics explicitly modeling conditions for privacy referred to by the GDPR.
☆ Mixup Regularization: A Probabilistic Perspective
In recent years, mixup regularization has gained popularity as an effective way to improve the generalization performance of deep learning models by training on convex combinations of training data. While many mixup variants have been explored, the proper adoption of the technique to conditional density estimation and probabilistic machine learning remains relatively unexplored. This work introduces a novel framework for mixup regularization based on probabilistic fusion that is better suited for conditional density estimation tasks. For data distributed according to a member of the exponential family, we show that likelihood functions can be analytically fused using log-linear pooling. We further propose an extension of probabilistic mixup, which allows for fusion of inputs at an arbitrary intermediate layer of the neural network. We provide a theoretical analysis comparing our approach to standard mixup variants. Empirical results on synthetic and real datasets demonstrate the benefits of our proposed framework compared to existing mixup variants.
☆ Uncertainty quantification for Markov chains with application to temporal difference learning
Markov chains are fundamental to statistical machine learning, underpinning key methodologies such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling and temporal difference (TD) learning in reinforcement learning (RL). Given their widespread use, it is crucial to establish rigorous probabilistic guarantees on their convergence, uncertainty, and stability. In this work, we develop novel, high-dimensional concentration inequalities and Berry-Esseen bounds for vector- and matrix-valued functions of Markov chains, addressing key limitations in existing theoretical tools for handling dependent data. We leverage these results to analyze the TD learning algorithm, a widely used method for policy evaluation in RL. Our analysis yields a sharp high-probability consistency guarantee that matches the asymptotic variance up to logarithmic factors. Furthermore, we establish a $O(T^{-\frac{1}{4}}\log T)$ distributional convergence rate for the Gaussian approximation of the TD estimator, measured in convex distance. These findings provide new insights into statistical inference for RL algorithms, bridging the gaps between classical stochastic approximation theory and modern reinforcement learning applications.
☆ Scoring Verifiers: Evaluating Synthetic Verification in Code and Reasoning
Code verification has recently found great success as a critical component in training large scale reasoning models for coding. Synthetic techniques such as self-generated test cases and reward models provide a way to enhance code capabilities beyond predefined tests. Building on these advancements, we propose new benchmarks designed to systematically evaluate the impact of synthetic verification methods on assessing solution correctness. We introduce HE-R, HE-R+, MBPP-R, and MBPP-R+, which transform existing coding benchmarks into scoring and ranking datasets to evaluate the effectiveness of synthetic verifiers. Using these benchmarks, we analyze synthetic verification methods in standard, reasoning-based, and reward-based LLMs. Our results show that recent reasoning models significantly improve test case generation and that scaling test cases enhances verification accuracy.
☆ Building Age Estimation: A New Multi-Modal Benchmark Dataset and Community Challenge
Estimating the construction year of buildings is of great importance for sustainability. Sustainable buildings minimize energy consumption and are a key part of responsible and sustainable urban planning and development to effectively combat climate change. By using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and recently proposed Transformer models, we are able to estimate the construction epoch of buildings from a multi-modal dataset. In this paper, we introduce a new benchmark multi-modal dataset, i.e. the Map your City Dataset (MyCD), containing top-view Very High Resolution (VHR) images, Earth Observation (EO) multi-spectral data from the Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite constellation, and street-view images in many different cities in Europe, co-localized with respect to the building under study and labelled with the construction epoch. We assess EO generalization performance on new/ previously unseen cities that have been held-out from training and appear only during inference. In this work, we present the community-based data challenge we organized based on MyCD. The ESA AI4EO Challenge MapYourCity was opened in 2024 for 4 months. Here, we present the Top-4 performing models, and the main evaluation results. During inference, the performance of the models using both all three input modalities and only the two top-view modalities, i.e. without the street-view images, is examined. The evaluation results show that the models are effective and can achieve good performance on this difficult real-world task of estimating the age of buildings, even on previously unseen cities, as well as even using only the two top-view modalities (i.e. VHR and Sentinel-2) during inference.
comment: 6 pages, 12 figures
☆ On the Duality between Gradient Transformations and Adapters
We study memory-efficient optimization of neural networks with linear gradient transformations, where the gradients are linearly mapped to a lower dimensional space than the full parameter space, thus saving memory required for gradient accumulation and optimizer state persistence. The model parameters are updated by first performing an optimization step in the lower dimensional space and then going back into the original parameter space via the linear map's transpose. We show that optimizing the model in this transformed space is equivalent to reparameterizing the original model through a linear adapter that additively modifies the model parameters, and then only optimizing the adapter's parameters. When the transformation is Kronecker-factored, this establishes an equivalence between GaLore and one-sided LoRA. We show that this duality between gradient transformations and adapter-based reparameterizations unifies existing approaches to memory-efficient training and suggests new techniques for improving training efficiency and memory use.
comment: 17 pages, 2 figures
☆ Learning Is a Kan Extension
Previous work has demonstrated that efficient algorithms exist for computing Kan extensions and that some Kan extensions have interesting similarities to various machine learning algorithms. This paper closes the gap by proving that all error minimisation algorithms may be presented as a Kan extension. This result provides a foundation for future work to investigate the optimisation of machine learning algorithms through their presentation as Kan extensions. A corollary of this representation of error-minimising algorithms is a presentation of error from the perspective of lossy and lossless transformations of data.
☆ AnDB: Breaking Boundaries with an AI-Native Database for Universal Semantic Analysis
In this demonstration, we present AnDB, an AI-native database that supports traditional OLTP workloads and innovative AI-driven tasks, enabling unified semantic analysis across structured and unstructured data. While structured data analytics is mature, challenges remain in bridging the semantic gap between user queries and unstructured data. AnDB addresses these issues by leveraging cutting-edge AI-native technologies, allowing users to perform semantic queries using intuitive SQL-like statements without requiring AI expertise. This approach eliminates the ambiguity of traditional text-to-SQL systems and provides a seamless end-to-end optimization for analyzing all data types. AnDB automates query processing by generating multiple execution plans and selecting the optimal one through its optimizer, which balances accuracy, execution time, and financial cost based on user policies and internal optimizing mechanisms. AnDB future-proofs data management infrastructure, empowering users to effectively and efficiently harness the full potential of all kinds of data without starting from scratch.
comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, conference
☆ Learning to explore when mistakes are not allowed AAMAS 2025
Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning (GCRL) provides a versatile framework for developing unified controllers capable of handling wide ranges of tasks, exploring environments, and adapting behaviors. However, its reliance on trial-and-error poses challenges for real-world applications, as errors can result in costly and potentially damaging consequences. To address the need for safer learning, we propose a method that enables agents to learn goal-conditioned behaviors that explore without the risk of making harmful mistakes. Exploration without risks can seem paradoxical, but environment dynamics are often uniform in space, therefore a policy trained for safety without exploration purposes can still be exploited globally. Our proposed approach involves two distinct phases. First, during a pretraining phase, we employ safe reinforcement learning and distributional techniques to train a safety policy that actively tries to avoid failures in various situations. In the subsequent safe exploration phase, a goal-conditioned (GC) policy is learned while ensuring safety. To achieve this, we implement an action-selection mechanism leveraging the previously learned distributional safety critics to arbitrate between the safety policy and the GC policy, ensuring safe exploration by switching to the safety policy when needed. We evaluate our method in simulated environments and demonstrate that it not only provides substantial coverage of the goal space but also reduces the occurrence of mistakes to a minimum, in stark contrast to traditional GCRL approaches. Additionally, we conduct an ablation study and analyze failure modes, offering insights for future research directions.
comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, Published as an extended abstract at AAMAS 2025
☆ LESA: Learnable LLM Layer Scaling-Up
Training Large Language Models (LLMs) from scratch requires immense computational resources, making it prohibitively expensive. Model scaling-up offers a promising solution by leveraging the parameters of smaller models to create larger ones. However, existing depth scaling-up methods rely on empirical heuristic rules for layer duplication, which result in poorer initialization and slower convergence during continual pre-training. We propose \textbf{LESA}, a novel learnable method for depth scaling-up. By concatenating parameters from each layer and applying Singular Value Decomposition, we uncover latent patterns between layers, suggesting that inter-layer parameters can be learned. LESA uses a neural network to predict the parameters inserted between adjacent layers, enabling better initialization and faster training. Experiments show that LESA outperforms existing baselines, achieving superior performance with less than half the computational cost during continual pre-training. Extensive analyses demonstrate its effectiveness across different model sizes and tasks.
☆ Herglotz-NET: Implicit Neural Representation of Spherical~Data with Harmonic Positional Encoding
Representing and processing data in spherical domains presents unique challenges, primarily due to the curvature of the domain, which complicates the application of classical Euclidean techniques. Implicit neural representations (INRs) have emerged as a promising alternative for high-fidelity data representation; however, to effectively handle spherical domains, these methods must be adapted to the inherent geometry of the sphere to maintain both accuracy and stability. In this context, we propose Herglotz-NET (HNET), a novel INR architecture that employs a harmonic positional encoding based on complex Herglotz mappings. This encoding yields a well-posed representation on the sphere with interpretable and robust spectral properties. Moreover, we present a unified expressivity analysis showing that any spherical-based INR satisfying a mild condition exhibits a predictable spectral expansion that scales with network depth. Our results establish HNET as a scalable and flexible framework for accurate modeling of spherical data.
comment: Keywords: Herglotz, spherical harmonics, spectral analysis, implicit neural representation. Remarks: 4 pages + 1 reference page, 4 figures (submitted to SAMPTA2025)
☆ VITAL: A New Dataset for Benchmarking Pluralistic Alignment in Healthcare
Alignment techniques have become central to ensuring that Large Language Models (LLMs) generate outputs consistent with human values. However, existing alignment paradigms often model an averaged or monolithic preference, failing to account for the diversity of perspectives across cultures, demographics, and communities. This limitation is particularly critical in health-related scenarios, where plurality is essential due to the influence of culture, religion, personal values, and conflicting opinions. Despite progress in pluralistic alignment, no prior work has focused on health, likely due to the unavailability of publicly available datasets. To address this gap, we introduce VITAL, a new benchmark dataset comprising 13.1K value-laden situations and 5.4K multiple-choice questions focused on health, designed to assess and benchmark pluralistic alignment methodologies. Through extensive evaluation of eight LLMs of varying sizes, we demonstrate that existing pluralistic alignment techniques fall short in effectively accommodating diverse healthcare beliefs, underscoring the need for tailored AI alignment in specific domains. This work highlights the limitations of current approaches and lays the groundwork for developing health-specific alignment solutions.
comment: Under review
☆ Identifying metric structures of deep latent variable models
Deep latent variable models learn condensed representations of data that, hopefully, reflect the inner workings of the studied phenomena. Unfortunately, these latent representations are not statistically identifiable, meaning they cannot be uniquely determined. Domain experts, therefore, need to tread carefully when interpreting these. Current solutions limit the lack of identifiability through additional constraints on the latent variable model, e.g. by requiring labeled training data, or by restricting the expressivity of the model. We change the goal: instead of identifying the latent variables, we identify relationships between them such as meaningful distances, angles, and volumes. We prove this is feasible under very mild model conditions and without additional labeled data. We empirically demonstrate that our theory results in more reliable latent distances, offering a principled path forward in extracting trustworthy conclusions from deep latent variable models.
☆ RobustX: Robust Counterfactual Explanations Made Easy
The increasing use of Machine Learning (ML) models to aid decision-making in high-stakes industries demands explainability to facilitate trust. Counterfactual Explanations (CEs) are ideally suited for this, as they can offer insights into the predictions of an ML model by illustrating how changes in its input data may lead to different outcomes. However, for CEs to realise their explanatory potential, significant challenges remain in ensuring their robustness under slight changes in the scenario being explained. Despite the widespread recognition of CEs' robustness as a fundamental requirement, a lack of standardised tools and benchmarks hinders a comprehensive and effective comparison of robust CE generation methods. In this paper, we introduce RobustX, an open-source Python library implementing a collection of CE generation and evaluation methods, with a focus on the robustness property. RobustX provides interfaces to several existing methods from the literature, enabling streamlined access to state-of-the-art techniques. The library is also easily extensible, allowing fast prototyping of novel robust CE generation and evaluation methods.
☆ Reverse Markov Learning: Multi-Step Generative Models for Complex Distributions
Learning complex distributions is a fundamental challenge in contemporary applications. Generative models, such as diffusion models, have demonstrated remarkable success in overcoming many limitations of traditional statistical methods. Shen and Meinshausen (2024) introduced engression, a generative approach based on scoring rules that maps noise (and covariates, if available) directly to data. While effective, engression struggles with highly complex distributions, such as those encountered in image data. In this work, we extend engression to improve its capability in learning complex distributions. We propose a framework that defines a general forward process transitioning from the target distribution to a known distribution (e.g., Gaussian) and then learns a reverse Markov process using multiple engression models. This reverse process reconstructs the target distribution step by step. Our approach supports general forward processes, allows for dimension reduction, and naturally discretizes the generative process. As a special case, when using a diffusion-based forward process, our framework offers a method to discretize the training and inference of diffusion models efficiently. Empirical evaluations on simulated and climate data validate our theoretical insights, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach in capturing complex distributions.
☆ CARE: Confidence-Aware Regression Estimation of building density fine-tuning EO Foundation Models
Performing accurate confidence quantification and assessment is important for deep neural networks to predict their failures, improve their performance and enhance their capabilities in real-world applications, for their practical deployment in real life. For pixel-wise regression tasks, confidence quantification and assessment has not been well addressed in the literature, in contrast to classification tasks like semantic segmentation. The softmax output layer is not used in deep neural networks that solve pixel-wise regression problems. In this paper, to address these problems, we develop, train and evaluate the proposed model Confidence-Aware Regression Estimation (CARE). Our model CARE computes and assigns confidence to regression output results. We focus on solving regression problems as downstream tasks of an AI Foundation Model for Earth Observation (EO). We evaluate the proposed model CARE and experimental results on data from the Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite constellation for estimating the density of buildings show that the proposed method can be successfully applied to regression problems. We also show that our approach outperforms other methods.
comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Submitted
☆ Homophily Heterogeneity Matters in Graph Federated Learning: A Spectrum Sharing and Complementing Perspective
Since heterogeneity presents a fundamental challenge in graph federated learning, many existing methods are proposed to deal with node feature heterogeneity and structure heterogeneity. However, they overlook the critical homophily heterogeneity, which refers to the substantial variation in homophily levels across graph data from different clients. The homophily level represents the proportion of edges connecting nodes that belong to the same class. Due to adapting to their local homophily, local models capture inconsistent spectral properties across different clients, significantly reducing the effectiveness of collaboration. Specifically, local models trained on graphs with high homophily tend to capture low-frequency information, whereas local models trained on graphs with low homophily tend to capture high-frequency information. To effectively deal with homophily heterophily, we introduce the spectral Graph Neural Network (GNN) and propose a novel Federated learning method by mining Graph Spectral Properties (FedGSP). On one hand, our proposed FedGSP enables clients to share generic spectral properties (i.e., low-frequency information), allowing all clients to benefit through collaboration. On the other hand, inspired by our theoretical findings, our proposed FedGSP allows clients to complement non-generic spectral properties by acquiring the spectral properties they lack (i.e., high-frequency information), thereby obtaining additional information gain. Extensive experiments conducted on six homophilic and five heterophilic graph datasets, across both non-overlapping and overlapping settings, validate the superiority of our method over eleven state-of-the-art methods. Notably, our FedGSP outperforms the second-best method by an average margin of 3.28% on all heterophilic datasets.
comment: 15 pages
☆ Emergence of the Primacy Effect in Structured State-Space Models
Human and animal memory for sequentially presented items is well-documented to be more accurate for those at the beginning and end of a sequence, phenomena known as the primacy and recency effects, respectively. By contrast, artificial neural network (ANN) models are typically designed with a memory that decays monotonically over time. Accordingly, ANNs are expected to show the recency effect but not the primacy effect. Contrary to this theoretical expectation, however, the present study reveals a counterintuitive finding: a recently developed ANN architecture, called structured state-space models, exhibits the primacy effect when trained and evaluated on a synthetic task that mirrors psychological memory experiments. Given that this model was originally designed for recovering neuronal activity patterns observed in biological brains, this result provides a novel perspective on the psychological primacy effect while also posing a non-trivial puzzle for the current theories in machine learning.
☆ Deep Learning for VWAP Execution in Crypto Markets: Beyond the Volume Curve
Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP) is arguably the most prevalent benchmark for trade execution as it provides an unbiased standard for comparing performance across market participants. However, achieving VWAP is inherently challenging due to its dependence on two dynamic factors, volumes and prices. Traditional approaches typically focus on forecasting the market's volume curve, an assumption that may hold true under steady conditions but becomes suboptimal in more volatile environments or markets such as cryptocurrency where prediction error margins are higher. In this study, I propose a deep learning framework that directly optimizes the VWAP execution objective by bypassing the intermediate step of volume curve prediction. Leveraging automatic differentiation and custom loss functions, my method calibrates order allocation to minimize VWAP slippage, thereby fully addressing the complexities of the execution problem. My results demonstrate that this direct optimization approach consistently achieves lower VWAP slippage compared to conventional methods, even when utilizing a naive linear model presented in arXiv:2410.21448. They validate the observation that strategies optimized for VWAP performance tend to diverge from accurate volume curve predictions and thus underscore the advantage of directly modeling the execution objective. This research contributes a more efficient and robust framework for VWAP execution in volatile markets, illustrating the potential of deep learning in complex financial systems where direct objective optimization is crucial. Although my empirical analysis focuses on cryptocurrency markets, the underlying principles of the framework are readily applicable to other asset classes such as equities.
☆ Learning Novel Transformer Architecture for Time-series Forecasting
Despite the success of Transformer-based models in the time-series prediction (TSP) tasks, the existing Transformer architecture still face limitations and the literature lacks comprehensive explorations into alternative architectures. To address these challenges, we propose AutoFormer-TS, a novel framework that leverages a comprehensive search space for Transformer architectures tailored to TSP tasks. Our framework introduces a differentiable neural architecture search (DNAS) method, AB-DARTS, which improves upon existing DNAS approaches by enhancing the identification of optimal operations within the architecture. AutoFormer-TS systematically explores alternative attention mechanisms, activation functions, and encoding operations, moving beyond the traditional Transformer design. Extensive experiments demonstrate that AutoFormer-TS consistently outperforms state-of-the-art baselines across various TSP benchmarks, achieving superior forecasting accuracy while maintaining reasonable training efficiency.
☆ Tight Generalization Bounds for Large-Margin Halfspaces
We prove the first generalization bound for large-margin halfspaces that is asymptotically tight in the tradeoff between the margin, the fraction of training points with the given margin, the failure probability and the number of training points.
Graph Signal Inference by Learning Narrowband Spectral Kernels
While a common assumption in graph signal analysis is the smoothness of the signals or the band-limitedness of their spectrum, in many instances the spectrum of real graph data may be concentrated at multiple regions of the spectrum, possibly including mid-to-high-frequency components. In this work, we propose a novel graph signal model where the signal spectrum is represented through the combination of narrowband kernels in the graph frequency domain. We then present an algorithm that jointly learns the model by optimizing the kernel parameters and the signal representation coefficients from a collection of graph signals. Our problem formulation has the flexibility of permitting the incorporation of signals possibly acquired on different graphs into the learning algorithm. We then theoretically study the signal reconstruction performance of the proposed method, by also elaborating on when joint learning on multiple graphs is preferable to learning an individual model on each graph. Experimental results on several graph data sets shows that the proposed method offers quite satisfactory signal interpolation accuracy in comparison with a variety of reference approaches in the literature.
☆ MoM: Linear Sequence Modeling with Mixture-of-Memories
Linear sequence modeling methods, such as linear attention, state space modeling, and linear RNNs, offer significant efficiency improvements by reducing the complexity of training and inference. However, these methods typically compress the entire input sequence into a single fixed-size memory state, which leads to suboptimal performance on recall-intensive downstream tasks. Drawing inspiration from neuroscience, particularly the brain's ability to maintain robust long-term memory while mitigating "memory interference", we introduce a novel architecture called Mixture-of-Memories (MoM). MoM utilizes multiple independent memory states, with a router network directing input tokens to specific memory states. This approach greatly enhances the overall memory capacity while minimizing memory interference. As a result, MoM performs exceptionally well on recall-intensive tasks, surpassing existing linear sequence modeling techniques. Despite incorporating multiple memory states, the computation of each memory state remains linear in complexity, allowing MoM to retain the linear-complexity advantage during training, while constant-complexity during inference. Our experimental results show that MoM significantly outperforms current linear sequence models on downstream language tasks, particularly recall-intensive tasks, and even achieves performance comparable to Transformer models. The code is released at and is also released as a part of
comment: Technical report, 14 pages
☆ An LLM-based Agent for Reliable Docker Environment Configuration
Environment configuration is a critical yet time-consuming step in software development, especially when dealing with unfamiliar code repositories. While Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate the potential to accomplish software engineering tasks, existing methods for environment configuration often rely on manual efforts or fragile scripts, leading to inefficiencies and unreliable outcomes. We introduce Repo2Run, the first LLM-based agent designed to fully automate environment configuration and generate executable Dockerfiles for arbitrary Python repositories. We address two major challenges: (1) enabling the LLM agent to configure environments within isolated Docker containers, and (2) ensuring the successful configuration process is recorded and accurately transferred to a Dockerfile without error. To achieve this, we propose atomic configuration synthesis, featuring a dual-environment architecture (internal and external environment) with a rollback mechanism to prevent environment "pollution" from failed commands, guaranteeing atomic execution (execute fully or not at all) and a Dockerfile generator to transfer successful configuration steps into runnable Dockerfiles. We evaluate Repo2Run~on our proposed benchmark of 420 recent Python repositories with unit tests, where it achieves an 86.0% success rate, outperforming the best baseline by 63.9%.
☆ Generalization error bound for denoising score matching under relaxed manifold assumption
We examine theoretical properties of the denoising score matching estimate. We model the density of observations with a nonparametric Gaussian mixture. We significantly relax the standard manifold assumption allowing the samples step away from the manifold. At the same time, we are still able to leverage a nice distribution structure. We derive non-asymptotic bounds on the approximation and generalization errors of the denoising score matching estimate. The rates of convergence are determined by the intrinsic dimension. Furthermore, our bounds remain valid even if we allow the ambient dimension grow polynomially with the sample size.
comment: 59 pages
☆ Towards Invariance to Node Identifiers in Graph Neural Networks
Message-Passing Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are known to have limited expressive power, due to their message passing structure. One mechanism for circumventing this limitation is to add unique node identifiers (IDs), which break the symmetries that underlie the expressivity limitation. In this work, we highlight a key limitation of the ID framework, and propose an approach for addressing it. We begin by observing that the final output of the GNN should clearly not depend on the specific IDs used. We then show that in practice this does not hold, and thus the learned network does not possess this desired structural property. Such invariance to node IDs may be enforced in several ways, and we discuss their theoretical properties. We then propose a novel regularization method that effectively enforces ID invariance to the network. Extensive evaluations on both real-world and synthetic tasks demonstrate that our approach significantly improves ID invariance and, in turn, often boosts generalization performance.
comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2411.02271
☆ A Query-Driven Approach to Space-Efficient Range Searching
We initiate a study of a query-driven approach to designing partition trees for range-searching problems. Our model assumes that a data structure is to be built for an unknown query distribution that we can access through a sampling oracle, and must be selected such that it optimizes a meaningful performance parameter on expectation. Our first contribution is to show that a near-linear sample of queries allows the construction of a partition tree with a near-optimal expected number of nodes visited during querying. We enhance this approach by treating node processing as a classification problem, leveraging fast classifiers like shallow neural networks to obtain experimentally efficient query times. Our second contribution is to develop partition trees using sparse geometric separators. Our preprocessing algorithm, based on a sample of queries, builds a balanced tree with nodes associated with separators that minimize query stabs on expectation; this yields both fast processing of each node and a small number of visited nodes, significantly reducing query time.
comment: 16 pages, 2 figures
☆ Integrating Inverse and Forward Modeling for Sparse Temporal Data from Sensor Networks
We present CavePerception, a framework for the analysis of sparse data from sensor networks that incorporates elements of inverse modeling and forward modeling. By integrating machine learning with physical modeling in a hypotheses space, we aim to improve the interpretability of sparse, noisy, and potentially incomplete sensor data. The framework assumes data from a two-dimensional sensor network laid out in a graph structure that detects certain objects, with certain motion patterns. Examples of such sensors are magnetometers. Given knowledge about the objects and the way they act on the sensors, one can develop a data generator that produces data from simulated motions of the objects across the sensor field. The framework uses the simulated data to infer object behaviors across the sensor network. The approach is experimentally tested on real-world data, where magnetometers are used on an airport to detect and identify aircraft motions. Experiments demonstrate the value of integrating inverse and forward modeling, enabling intelligent systems to better understand and predict complex, sensor-driven events.
☆ Concept Layers: Enhancing Interpretability and Intervenability via LLM Conceptualization
The opaque nature of Large Language Models (LLMs) has led to significant research efforts aimed at enhancing their interpretability, primarily through post-hoc methods. More recent in-hoc approaches, such as Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs), offer both interpretability and intervenability by incorporating explicit concept representations. However, these methods suffer from key limitations, including reliance on labeled concept datasets and significant architectural modifications that challenges re-integration into existing system pipelines. In this work, we introduce a new methodology for incorporating interpretability and intervenability into an existing model by integrating Concept Layers (CLs) into its architecture. Our approach projects the model's internal vector representations into a conceptual, explainable vector space before reconstructing and feeding them back into the model. Furthermore, we eliminate the need for a human-selected concept set by algorithmically searching an ontology for a set of concepts that can be either task-specific or task-agnostic. We evaluate CLs across multiple tasks, demonstrating that they maintain the original model's performance and agreement while enabling meaningful interventions. Additionally, we present a proof of concept showcasing an intervenability interface, allowing users to adjust model behavior dynamically, such as mitigating biases during inference.
☆ LaVCa: LLM-assisted Visual Cortex Captioning
Understanding the property of neural populations (or voxels) in the human brain can advance our comprehension of human perceptual and cognitive processing capabilities and contribute to developing brain-inspired computer models. Recent encoding models using deep neural networks (DNNs) have successfully predicted voxel-wise activity. However, interpreting the properties that explain voxel responses remains challenging because of the black-box nature of DNNs. As a solution, we propose LLM-assisted Visual Cortex Captioning (LaVCa), a data-driven approach that uses large language models (LLMs) to generate natural-language captions for images to which voxels are selective. By applying LaVCa for image-evoked brain activity, we demonstrate that LaVCa generates captions that describe voxel selectivity more accurately than the previously proposed method. Furthermore, the captions generated by LaVCa quantitatively capture more detailed properties than the existing method at both the inter-voxel and intra-voxel levels. Furthermore, a more detailed analysis of the voxel-specific properties generated by LaVCa reveals fine-grained functional differentiation within regions of interest (ROIs) in the visual cortex and voxels that simultaneously represent multiple distinct concepts. These findings offer profound insights into human visual representations by assigning detailed captions throughout the visual cortex while highlighting the potential of LLM-based methods in understanding brain representations. Please check out our webpage at
comment: 33 pages
☆ Efficient Safety Retrofitting Against Jailbreaking for LLMs
Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) is an efficient alignment technique that steers LLMs towards preferable outputs by training on preference data, bypassing the need for explicit reward models. Its simplicity enables easy adaptation to various domains and safety requirements. This paper examines DPO's effectiveness in model safety against jailbreaking attacks while minimizing data requirements and training costs. We introduce Egida, a dataset expanded from multiple sources, which includes 27 different safety topics and 18 different attack styles, complemented with synthetic and human labels. This data is used to boost the safety of state-of-the-art LLMs (Llama-3.1-8B/70B-Instruct, Qwen-2.5-7B/72B-Instruct) across topics and attack styles. In addition to safety evaluations, we assess their post-alignment performance degradation in general purpose tasks, and their tendency to over refusal. Following the proposed methodology, trained models reduce their Attack Success Rate by 10%-30%, using small training efforts (2,000 samples) with low computational cost (3\$ for 8B models, 20\$ for 72B models). Safety aligned models generalize to unseen topics and attack styles, with the most successful attack style reaching a success rate around 5%. Size and family are found to strongly influence model malleability towards safety, pointing at the importance of pre-training choices. To validate our findings, a large independent assessment of human preference agreement with Llama-Guard-3-8B is conducted by the authors and the associated dataset Egida-HSafe is released. Overall, this study illustrates how affordable and accessible it is to enhance LLM safety using DPO while outlining its current limitations. All datasets and models are released to enable reproducibility and further research.
☆ Toward Robust Non-Transferable Learning: A Survey and Benchmark
Over the past decades, researchers have primarily focused on improving the generalization abilities of models, with limited attention given to regulating such generalization. However, the ability of models to generalize to unintended data (e.g., harmful or unauthorized data) can be exploited by malicious adversaries in unforeseen ways, potentially resulting in violations of model ethics. Non-transferable learning (NTL), a task aimed at reshaping the generalization abilities of deep learning models, was proposed to address these challenges. While numerous methods have been proposed in this field, a comprehensive review of existing progress and a thorough analysis of current limitations remain lacking. In this paper, we bridge this gap by presenting the first comprehensive survey on NTL and introducing NTLBench, the first benchmark to evaluate NTL performance and robustness within a unified framework. Specifically, we first introduce the task settings, general framework, and criteria of NTL, followed by a summary of NTL approaches. Furthermore, we emphasize the often-overlooked issue of robustness against various attacks that can destroy the non-transferable mechanism established by NTL. Experiments conducted via NTLBench verify the limitations of existing NTL methods in robustness. Finally, we discuss the practical applications of NTL, along with its future directions and associated challenges.
☆ Multi-Target Radar Search and Track Using Sequence-Capable Deep Reinforcement Learning SP 2025
The research addresses sensor task management for radar systems, focusing on efficiently searching and tracking multiple targets using reinforcement learning. The approach develops a 3D simulation environment with an active electronically scanned array radar, using a multi-target tracking algorithm to improve observation data quality. Three neural network architectures were compared including an approach using fated recurrent units with multi-headed self-attention. Two pre-training techniques were applied: behavior cloning to approximate a random search strategy and an auto-encoder to pre-train the feature extractor. Experimental results revealed that search performance was relatively consistent across most methods. The real challenge emerged in simultaneously searching and tracking targets. The multi-headed self-attention architecture demonstrated the most promising results, highlighting the potential of sequence-capable architectures in handling dynamic tracking scenarios. The key contribution lies in demonstrating how reinforcement learning can optimize sensor management, potentially improving radar systems' ability to identify and track multiple targets in complex environments.
comment: Accepted for RLDM 2025, submitted to IEEE SSP 2025
☆ ActionPiece: Contextually Tokenizing Action Sequences for Generative Recommendation
Generative recommendation (GR) is an emerging paradigm where user actions are tokenized into discrete token patterns and autoregressively generated as predictions. However, existing GR models tokenize each action independently, assigning the same fixed tokens to identical actions across all sequences without considering contextual relationships. This lack of context-awareness can lead to suboptimal performance, as the same action may hold different meanings depending on its surrounding context. To address this issue, we propose ActionPiece to explicitly incorporate context when tokenizing action sequences. In ActionPiece, each action is represented as a set of item features, which serve as the initial tokens. Given the action sequence corpora, we construct the vocabulary by merging feature patterns as new tokens, based on their co-occurrence frequency both within individual sets and across adjacent sets. Considering the unordered nature of feature sets, we further introduce set permutation regularization, which produces multiple segmentations of action sequences with the same semantics. Experiments on public datasets demonstrate that ActionPiece consistently outperforms existing action tokenization methods, improving NDCG@$10$ by $6.00\%$ to $12.82\%$.
☆ Unraveling the Localized Latents: Learning Stratified Manifold Structures in LLM Embedding Space with Sparse Mixture-of-Experts
However, real-world data often exhibit complex local structures that can be challenging for single-model approaches with a smooth global manifold in the embedding space to unravel. In this work, we conjecture that in the latent space of these large language models, the embeddings live in a local manifold structure with different dimensions depending on the perplexities and domains of the input data, commonly referred to as a Stratified Manifold structure, which in combination form a structured space known as a Stratified Space. To investigate the validity of this structural claim, we propose an analysis framework based on a Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) model where each expert is implemented with a simple dictionary learning algorithm at varying sparsity levels. By incorporating an attention-based soft-gating network, we verify that our model learns specialized sub-manifolds for an ensemble of input data sources, reflecting the semantic stratification in LLM embedding space. We further analyze the intrinsic dimensions of these stratified sub-manifolds and present extensive statistics on expert assignments, gating entropy, and inter-expert distances. Our experimental results demonstrate that our method not only validates the claim of a stratified manifold structure in the LLM embedding space, but also provides interpretable clusters that align with the intrinsic semantic variations of the input data.
☆ Beyond One-Size-Fits-All: Tailored Benchmarks for Efficient Evaluation
Evaluating models on large benchmarks is very resource-intensive, especially during the period of rapid model evolution. Existing efficient evaluation methods estimate the performance of target models by testing them only on a small and static coreset of the benchmark, which is derived from the publicly available evaluation results of source models. These methods rely on the assumption that target models have high prediction consistency with source models. However, we demonstrate that it doesn't generalize well in practice. To alleviate the inconsistency issue, we present TailoredBench, a method that conducts customized evaluation tailored to each target model. Specifically, a Global-coreset is first constructed as a probe to identify the most consistent source models for each target model with an adaptive source model selection strategy. Afterwards, a scalable K-Medoids clustering algorithm is proposed to extend the Global-coreset to a tailored Native-coreset for each target model. According to the predictions on Native-coresets, we obtain the performance of target models on the whole benchmark with a calibrated estimation strategy. Comprehensive experiments on 5 benchmarks across over 300 models demonstrate that compared to best performing baselines, TailoredBench achieves an average reduction of 31.4% in MAE of accuracy estimates under the same inference budgets, showcasing strong effectiveness and generalizability.
☆ ETS: Efficient Tree Search for Inference-Time Scaling
Test-time compute scaling has emerged as a new axis along which to improve model accuracy, where additional computation is used at inference time to allow the model to think longer for more challenging problems. One promising approach for test-time compute scaling is search against a process reward model, where a model generates multiple potential candidates at each step of the search, and these partial trajectories are then scored by a separate reward model in order to guide the search process. The diversity of trajectories in the tree search process affects the accuracy of the search, since increasing diversity promotes more exploration. However, this diversity comes at a cost, as divergent trajectories have less KV sharing, which means they consume more memory and slow down the search process. Previous search methods either do not perform sufficient exploration, or else explore diverse trajectories but have high latency. We address this challenge by proposing Efficient Tree Search (ETS), which promotes KV sharing by pruning redundant trajectories while maintaining necessary diverse trajectories. ETS incorporates a linear programming cost model to promote KV cache sharing by penalizing the number of nodes retained, while incorporating a semantic coverage term into the cost model to ensure that we retain trajectories which are semantically different. We demonstrate how ETS can achieve 1.8$\times$ reduction in average KV cache size during the search process, leading to 1.4$\times$ increased throughput relative to prior state-of-the-art methods, with minimal accuracy degradation and without requiring any custom kernel implementation. Code is available at:
comment: 11 pages
☆ RestoreGrad: Signal Restoration Using Conditional Denoising Diffusion Models with Jointly Learned Prior
Denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs) can be utilized for recovering a clean signal from its degraded observation(s) by conditioning the model on the degraded signal. The degraded signals are themselves contaminated versions of the clean signals; due to this correlation, they may encompass certain useful information about the target clean data distribution. However, existing adoption of the standard Gaussian as the prior distribution in turn discards such information, resulting in sub-optimal performance. In this paper, we propose to improve conditional DDPMs for signal restoration by leveraging a more informative prior that is jointly learned with the diffusion model. The proposed framework, called RestoreGrad, seamlessly integrates DDPMs into the variational autoencoder framework and exploits the correlation between the degraded and clean signals to encode a better diffusion prior. On speech and image restoration tasks, we show that RestoreGrad demonstrates faster convergence (5-10 times fewer training steps) to achieve better quality of restored signals over existing DDPM baselines, and improved robustness to using fewer sampling steps in inference time (2-2.5 times fewer), advocating the advantages of leveraging jointly learned prior for efficiency improvements in the diffusion process.
☆ Noise May Contain Transferable Knowledge: Understanding Semi-supervised Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation from an Empirical Perspective
Semi-supervised heterogeneous domain adaptation (SHDA) addresses learning across domains with distinct feature representations and distributions, where source samples are labeled while most target samples are unlabeled, with only a small fraction labeled. Moreover, there is no one-to-one correspondence between source and target samples. Although various SHDA methods have been developed to tackle this problem, the nature of the knowledge transferred across heterogeneous domains remains unclear. This paper delves into this question from an empirical perspective. We conduct extensive experiments on about 330 SHDA tasks, employing two supervised learning methods and seven representative SHDA methods. Surprisingly, our observations indicate that both the category and feature information of source samples do not significantly impact the performance of the target domain. Additionally, noise drawn from simple distributions, when used as source samples, may contain transferable knowledge. Based on this insight, we perform a series of experiments to uncover the underlying principles of transferable knowledge in SHDA. Specifically, we design a unified Knowledge Transfer Framework (KTF) for SHDA. Based on the KTF, we find that the transferable knowledge in SHDA primarily stems from the transferability and discriminability of the source domain. Consequently, ensuring those properties in source samples, regardless of their origin (e.g., image, text, noise), can enhance the effectiveness of knowledge transfer in SHDA tasks. The codes and datasets are available at
☆ Diffusion Model Agnostic Social Influence Maximization in Hyperbolic Space
The Influence Maximization (IM) problem aims to find a small set of influential users to maximize their influence spread in a social network. Traditional methods rely on fixed diffusion models with known parameters, limiting their generalization to real-world scenarios. In contrast, graph representation learning-based methods have gained wide attention for overcoming this limitation by learning user representations to capture influence characteristics. However, existing studies are built on Euclidean space, which fails to effectively capture the latent hierarchical features of social influence distribution. As a result, users' influence spread cannot be effectively measured through the learned representations. To alleviate these limitations, we propose HIM, a novel diffusion model agnostic method that leverages hyperbolic representation learning to estimate users' potential influence spread from social propagation data. HIM consists of two key components. First, a hyperbolic influence representation module encodes influence spread patterns from network structure and historical influence activations into expressive hyperbolic user representations. Hence, the influence magnitude of users can be reflected through the geometric properties of hyperbolic space, where highly influential users tend to cluster near the space origin. Second, a novel adaptive seed selection module is developed to flexibly and effectively select seed users using the positional information of learned user representations. Extensive experiments on five network datasets demonstrate the superior effectiveness and efficiency of our method for the IM problem with unknown diffusion model parameters, highlighting its potential for large-scale real-world social networks.
comment: 10 pages, 4 figures
☆ An Efficient Permutation-Based Kernel Two-Sample Test
Two-sample hypothesis testing-determining whether two sets of data are drawn from the same distribution-is a fundamental problem in statistics and machine learning with broad scientific applications. In the context of nonparametric testing, maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) has gained popularity as a test statistic due to its flexibility and strong theoretical foundations. However, its use in large-scale scenarios is plagued by high computational costs. In this work, we use a Nystr\"om approximation of the MMD to design a computationally efficient and practical testing algorithm while preserving statistical guarantees. Our main result is a finite-sample bound on the power of the proposed test for distributions that are sufficiently separated with respect to the MMD. The derived separation rate matches the known minimax optimal rate in this setting. We support our findings with a series of numerical experiments, emphasizing realistic scientific data.
comment: 23 pages, 2 figures
☆ LSR-Adapt: Ultra-Efficient Parameter Tuning with Matrix Low Separation Rank Kernel Adaptation
Imposing an effective structural assumption on neural network weight matrices has been the major paradigm for designing Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) systems for adapting modern large pre-trained models to various downstream tasks. However, low rank based adaptation has become increasingly challenging due to the sheer scale of modern large language models. In this paper, we propose an effective kernelization to further reduce the number of parameters required for adaptation tasks. Specifically, from the classical idea in numerical analysis regarding matrix Low-Separation-Rank (LSR) representations, we develop a kernel using this representation for the low rank adapter matrices of the linear layers from large networks, named the Low Separation Rank Adaptation (LSR-Adapt) kernel. With the ultra-efficient kernel representation of the low rank adapter matrices, we manage to achieve state-of-the-art performance with even higher accuracy with almost half the number of parameters as compared to conventional low rank based methods. This structural assumption also opens the door to further GPU-side optimizations due to the highly parallelizable nature of Kronecker computations.
☆ Are Large Language Models In-Context Graph Learners?
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable in-context reasoning capabilities across a wide range of tasks, particularly with unstructured inputs such as language or images. However, LLMs struggle to handle structured data, such as graphs, due to their lack of understanding of non-Euclidean structures. As a result, without additional fine-tuning, their performance significantly lags behind that of graph neural networks (GNNs) in graph learning tasks. In this paper, we show that learning on graph data can be conceptualized as a retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) process, where specific instances (e.g., nodes or edges) act as queries, and the graph itself serves as the retrieved context. Building on this insight, we propose a series of RAG frameworks to enhance the in-context learning capabilities of LLMs for graph learning tasks. Comprehensive evaluations demonstrate that our proposed RAG frameworks significantly improve LLM performance on graph-based tasks, particularly in scenarios where a pretrained LLM must be used without modification or accessed via an API.
comment: Preprint, under review
☆ Democratizing Large Language Model-Based Graph Data Augmentation via Latent Knowledge Graphs
Data augmentation is necessary for graph representation learning due to the scarcity and noise present in graph data. Most of the existing augmentation methods overlook the context information inherited from the dataset as they rely solely on the graph structure for augmentation. Despite the success of some large language model-based (LLM) graph learning methods, they are mostly white-box which require access to the weights or latent features from the open-access LLMs, making them difficult to be democratized for everyone as existing LLMs are mostly closed-source for commercial considerations. To overcome these limitations, we propose a black-box context-driven graph data augmentation approach, with the guidance of LLMs -- DemoGraph. Leveraging the text prompt as context-related information, we task the LLM with generating knowledge graphs (KGs), which allow us to capture the structural interactions from the text outputs. We then design a dynamic merging schema to stochastically integrate the LLM-generated KGs into the original graph during training. To control the sparsity of the augmented graph, we further devise a granularity-aware prompting strategy and an instruction fine-tuning module, which seamlessly generates text prompts according to different granularity levels of the dataset. Extensive experiments on various graph learning tasks validate the effectiveness of our method over existing graph data augmentation methods. Notably, our approach excels in scenarios involving electronic health records (EHRs), which validates its maximal utilization of contextual knowledge, leading to enhanced predictive performance and interpretability.
☆ Solving the Encoding Bottleneck: Of the HHL Algorithm, By the HHL Algorithm
The Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd (HHL) algorithm offers exponential speedup for solving the quantum linear-system problem. But some caveats for the speedup could be hard to met. One of the difficulties is the encoding bottleneck, i.e., the efficient preparation of the initial quantum state. To prepare an arbitrary $N$-dimensional state exactly, existing state-preparation approaches generally require a runtime of $O(N)$, which will ruin the speedup of the HHL algorithm. Here we show that the states can be prepared approximately with a runtime of $O(poly(\log N))$ by employing a slightly modified version of the HHL algorithm itself. Thus, applying this approach to prepare the initial state of the original HHL algorithm can preserve the exponential speedup advantage. It can also serve as a standalone solution for other applications demanding rapid state preparation.
comment: 5 pages
☆ Train Small, Infer Large: Memory-Efficient LoRA Training for Large Language Models ICLR 2025
Large Language Models (LLMs) have significantly advanced natural language processing with exceptional task generalization capabilities. Low-Rank Adaption (LoRA) offers a cost-effective fine-tuning solution, freezing the original model parameters and training only lightweight, low-rank adapter matrices. However, the memory footprint of LoRA is largely dominated by the original model parameters. To mitigate this, we propose LoRAM, a memory-efficient LoRA training scheme founded on the intuition that many neurons in over-parameterized LLMs have low training utility but are essential for inference. LoRAM presents a unique twist: it trains on a pruned (small) model to obtain pruned low-rank matrices, which are then recovered and utilized with the original (large) model for inference. Additionally, minimal-cost continual pre-training, performed by the model publishers in advance, aligns the knowledge discrepancy between pruned and original models. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of LoRAM across various pruning strategies and downstream tasks. For a model with 70 billion parameters, LoRAM enables training on a GPU with only 20G HBM, replacing an A100-80G GPU for LoRA training and 15 GPUs for full fine-tuning. Specifically, QLoRAM implemented by structured pruning combined with 4-bit quantization, for LLaMA-3.1-70B (LLaMA-2-70B), reduces the parameter storage cost that dominates the memory usage in low-rank matrix training by 15.81$\times$ (16.95$\times$), while achieving dominant performance gains over both the original LLaMA-3.1-70B (LLaMA-2-70B) and LoRA-trained LLaMA-3.1-8B (LLaMA-2-13B).
comment: Accepted at ICLR 2025
☆ AS-GCL: Asymmetric Spectral Augmentation on Graph Contrastive Learning
Graph Contrastive Learning (GCL) has emerged as the foremost approach for self-supervised learning on graph-structured data. GCL reduces reliance on labeled data by learning robust representations from various augmented views. However, existing GCL methods typically depend on consistent stochastic augmentations, which overlook their impact on the intrinsic structure of the spectral domain, thereby limiting the model's ability to generalize effectively. To address these limitations, we propose a novel paradigm called AS-GCL that incorporates asymmetric spectral augmentation for graph contrastive learning. A typical GCL framework consists of three key components: graph data augmentation, view encoding, and contrastive loss. Our method introduces significant enhancements to each of these components. Specifically, for data augmentation, we apply spectral-based augmentation to minimize spectral variations, strengthen structural invariance, and reduce noise. With respect to encoding, we employ parameter-sharing encoders with distinct diffusion operators to generate diverse, noise-resistant graph views. For contrastive loss, we introduce an upper-bound loss function that promotes generalization by maintaining a balanced distribution of intra- and inter-class distance. To our knowledge, we are the first to encode augmentation views of the spectral domain using asymmetric encoders. Extensive experiments on eight benchmark datasets across various node-level tasks demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method.
comment: Accepted by TMM
☆ MobileViM: A Light-weight and Dimension-independent Vision Mamba for 3D Medical Image Analysis
Efficient evaluation of three-dimensional (3D) medical images is crucial for diagnostic and therapeutic practices in healthcare. Recent years have seen a substantial uptake in applying deep learning and computer vision to analyse and interpret medical images. Traditional approaches, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and vision transformers (ViTs), face significant computational challenges, prompting the need for architectural advancements. Recent efforts have led to the introduction of novel architectures like the ``Mamba'' model as alternative solutions to traditional CNNs or ViTs. The Mamba model excels in the linear processing of one-dimensional data with low computational demands. However, Mamba's potential for 3D medical image analysis remains underexplored and could face significant computational challenges as the dimension increases. This manuscript presents MobileViM, a streamlined architecture for efficient segmentation of 3D medical images. In the MobileViM network, we invent a new dimension-independent mechanism and a dual-direction traversing approach to incorporate with a vision-Mamba-based framework. MobileViM also features a cross-scale bridging technique to improve efficiency and accuracy across various medical imaging modalities. With these enhancements, MobileViM achieves segmentation speeds exceeding 90 frames per second (FPS) on a single graphics processing unit (i.e., NVIDIA RTX 4090). This performance is over 24 FPS faster than the state-of-the-art deep learning models for processing 3D images with the same computational resources. In addition, experimental evaluations demonstrate that MobileViM delivers superior performance, with Dice similarity scores reaching 92.72%, 86.69%, 80.46%, and 77.43% for PENGWIN, BraTS2024, ATLAS, and Toothfairy2 datasets, respectively, which significantly surpasses existing models.
comment: The code is accessible through:
☆ Enhancing Machine Learning Potentials through Transfer Learning across Chemical Elements
Machine Learning Potentials (MLPs) can enable simulations of ab initio accuracy at orders of magnitude lower computational cost. However, their effectiveness hinges on the availability of considerable datasets to ensure robust generalization across chemical space and thermodynamic conditions. The generation of such datasets can be labor-intensive, highlighting the need for innovative methods to train MLPs in data-scarce scenarios. Here, we introduce transfer learning of potential energy surfaces between chemically similar elements. Specifically, we leverage the trained MLP for silicon to initialize and expedite the training of an MLP for germanium. Utilizing classical force field and ab initio datasets, we demonstrate that transfer learning surpasses traditional training from scratch in force prediction, leading to more stable simulations and improved temperature transferability. These advantages become even more pronounced as the training dataset size decreases. The out-of-target property analysis shows that transfer learning leads to beneficial but sometimes adversarial effects. Our findings demonstrate that transfer learning across chemical elements is a promising technique for developing accurate and numerically stable MLPs, particularly in a data-scarce regime.
☆ Unlocking Multimodal Integration in EHRs: A Prompt Learning Framework for Language and Time Series Fusion
Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable performance in vision-language tasks, but their application in the medical field remains underexplored, particularly for integrating structured time series data with unstructured clinical notes. In clinical practice, dynamic time series data such as lab test results capture critical temporal patterns, while clinical notes provide rich semantic context. Merging these modalities is challenging due to the inherent differences between continuous signals and discrete text. To bridge this gap, we introduce ProMedTS, a novel self-supervised multimodal framework that employs prompt-guided learning to unify these heterogeneous data types. Our approach leverages lightweight anomaly detection to generate anomaly captions that serve as prompts, guiding the encoding of raw time series data into informative embeddings. These embeddings are aligned with textual representations in a shared latent space, preserving fine-grained temporal nuances alongside semantic insights. Furthermore, our framework incorporates tailored self-supervised objectives to enhance both intra- and inter-modal alignment. We evaluate ProMedTS on disease diagnosis tasks using real-world datasets, and the results demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms state-of-the-art approaches.
comment: 13 pages, 5 figures
☆ PLDR-LLMs Learn A Generalizable Tensor Operator That Can Replace Its Own Deep Neural Net At Inference
We show that Large Language Model from Power Law Decoder Representations (PLDR-LLM) is a foundational model whose deductive outputs are invariant tensors up to a small perturbation. PLDR-LLM learns a singularity condition for the deductive outputs that enable the once-inferred energy-curvature tensor $\mathbf{G}_{LM}$ to replace the deep neural network of power law graph attention (PLGA) generating the deductive outputs at inference. We demonstrate that a cache for $\mathbf{G}_{LM}$ (G-cache) and KV-cache can be implemented in a straightforward manner to improve the inference time. The invariance and generalizable nature of deductive outputs is at a very high fidelity where deductive outputs have same RMSE and determinant values up to 15 decimal places after caching, and zero-shot benchmark scores remain unchanged. Ablation studies show that learned deductive outputs have distinct loss and accuracy characteristics from models pretrained with transferred, randomly initialized or identity tensors as a constant tensor operator and an LLM with scaled-dot product attention (SDPA) is a special case of PLDR-LLM where $\mathbf{G}_{LM}$ is predefined as identity. The observed invariance characteristic introduces a novel asymmetry between training and inference phases with caching. We outline observed common characteristics of the deductive outputs for the learned singularity condition. We provide an implementation of a training and inference framework for PLDR-LLM with KV-cache and G-cache.
comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, 12 tables
☆ Hidden Darkness in LLM-Generated Designs: Exploring Dark Patterns in Ecommerce Web Components Generated by LLMs
Recent work has highlighted the risks of LLM-generated content for a wide range of harmful behaviors, including incorrect and harmful code. In this work, we extend this by studying whether LLM-generated web design contains dark patterns. This work evaluated designs of ecommerce web components generated by four popular LLMs: Claude, GPT, Gemini, and Llama. We tested 13 commonly used ecommerce components (e.g., search, product reviews) and used them as prompts to generate a total of 312 components across all models. Over one-third of generated components contain at least one dark pattern. The majority of dark pattern strategies involve hiding crucial information, limiting users' actions, and manipulating them into making decisions through a sense of urgency. Dark patterns are also more frequently produced in components that are related to company interests. These findings highlight the need for interventions to prevent dark patterns during front-end code generation with LLMs and emphasize the importance of expanding ethical design education to a broader audience.
comment: 15 pages
☆ A Study on Monthly Marine Heatwave Forecasts in New Zealand: An Investigation of Imbalanced Regression Loss Functions with Neural Network Models
Marine heatwaves (MHWs) are extreme ocean-temperature events with significant impacts on marine ecosystems and related industries. Accurate forecasts (one to six months ahead) of MHWs would aid in mitigating these impacts. However, forecasting MHWs presents a challenging imbalanced regression task due to the rarity of extreme temperature anomalies in comparison to more frequent moderate conditions. In this study, we examine monthly MHW forecasts for 12 locations around New Zealand. We use a fully-connected neural network and compare standard and specialized regression loss functions, including the mean squared error (MSE), the mean absolute error (MAE), the Huber, the weighted MSE, the focal-R, the balanced MSE, and a proposed scaling-weighted MSE. Results show that (i) short lead times (one month) are considerably more predictable than three- and six-month leads, (ii) models trained with the standard MSE or MAE losses excel at forecasting average conditions but struggle to capture extremes, and (iii) specialized loss functions such as the balanced MSE and our scaling-weighted MSE substantially improve forecasting of MHW and suspected MHW events. These findings underscore the importance of tailored loss functions for imbalanced regression, particularly in forecasting rare but impactful events such as MHWs.
comment: The paper contains 32 pages for the main text
☆ Transferring Textual Preferences to Vision-Language Understanding through Model Merging
Large vision-language models (LVLMs) perform outstandingly across various multimodal tasks. However, their ability to evaluate generated content remains limited, and training vision-language reward models (VLRMs) with preference data is computationally expensive. This paper explores a training-free alternative by merging text-based reward models (RMs) with LVLMs to create VLRMs. Our approach shows that integrating these models leads to improved performance over LVLMs' scoring and text-based RMs, offering an efficient method for incorporating textual preferences into LVLMs.
comment: Preprint. Under Review
☆ Kernel Mean Embedding Topology: Weak and Strong Forms for Stochastic Kernels and Implications for Model Learning
We introduce a novel topology, called Kernel Mean Embedding Topology, for stochastic kernels, in a weak and strong form. This topology, defined on the spaces of Bochner integrable functions from a signal space to a space of probability measures endowed with a Hilbert space structure, allows for a versatile formulation. This construction allows one to obtain both a strong and weak formulation. (i) For its weak formulation, we highlight the utility on relaxed policy spaces, and investigate connections with the Young narrow topology and Borkar (or \( w^* \))-topology, and establish equivalence properties. We report that, while both the \( w^* \)-topology and kernel mean embedding topology are relatively compact, they are not closed. Conversely, while the Young narrow topology is closed, it lacks relative compactness. (ii) We show that the strong form provides an appropriate formulation for placing topologies on spaces of models characterized by stochastic kernels with explicit robustness and learning theoretic implications on optimal stochastic control under discounted or average cost criteria. (iii) We show that this topology possesses several properties making it ideal to study optimality, approximations, robustness and continuity properties. In particular, the kernel mean embedding topology has a Hilbert space structure, which is particularly useful for approximating stochastic kernels through simulation data.
comment: 35 pages
☆ Smoothed Normalization for Efficient Distributed Private Optimization
Federated learning enables training machine learning models while preserving the privacy of participants. Surprisingly, there is no differentially private distributed method for smooth, non-convex optimization problems. The reason is that standard privacy techniques require bounding the participants' contributions, usually enforced via $\textit{clipping}$ of the updates. Existing literature typically ignores the effect of clipping by assuming the boundedness of gradient norms or analyzes distributed algorithms with clipping but ignores DP constraints. In this work, we study an alternative approach via $\textit{smoothed normalization}$ of the updates motivated by its favorable performance in the single-node setting. By integrating smoothed normalization with an error-feedback mechanism, we design a new distributed algorithm $\alpha$-$\sf NormEC$. We prove that our method achieves a superior convergence rate over prior works. By extending $\alpha$-$\sf NormEC$ to the DP setting, we obtain the first differentially private distributed optimization algorithm with provable convergence guarantees. Finally, our empirical results from neural network training indicate robust convergence of $\alpha$-$\sf NormEC$ across different parameter settings.
comment: 36 pages
☆ Some Insights of Construction of Feature Graph to Learn Pairwise Feature Interactions with Graph Neural Networks
Feature interaction is crucial in predictive machine learning models, as it captures the relationships between features that influence model performance. In this work, we focus on pairwise interactions and investigate their importance in constructing feature graphs for Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). Rather than proposing new methods, we leverage existing GNN models and tools to explore the relationship between feature graph structures and their effectiveness in modeling interactions. Through experiments on synthesized datasets, we uncover that edges between interacting features are important for enabling GNNs to model feature interactions effectively. We also observe that including non-interaction edges can act as noise, degrading model performance. Furthermore, we provide theoretical support for sparse feature graph selection using the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle. We prove that feature graphs retaining only necessary interaction edges yield a more efficient and interpretable representation than complete graphs, aligning with Occam's Razor. Our findings offer both theoretical insights and practical guidelines for designing feature graphs that improve the performance and interpretability of GNN models.
comment: This is the draft before submitting to any journal
♻ ☆ Robotic Table Tennis: A Case Study into a High Speed Learning System
We present a deep-dive into a real-world robotic learning system that, in previous work, was shown to be capable of hundreds of table tennis rallies with a human and has the ability to precisely return the ball to desired targets. This system puts together a highly optimized perception subsystem, a high-speed low-latency robot controller, a simulation paradigm that can prevent damage in the real world and also train policies for zero-shot transfer, and automated real world environment resets that enable autonomous training and evaluation on physical robots. We complement a complete system description, including numerous design decisions that are typically not widely disseminated, with a collection of studies that clarify the importance of mitigating various sources of latency, accounting for training and deployment distribution shifts, robustness of the perception system, sensitivity to policy hyper-parameters, and choice of action space. A video demonstrating the components of the system and details of experimental results can be found at
comment: Published and presented at Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS2023)
♻ ☆ Selective Reviews of Bandit Problems in AI via a Statistical View
Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a widely researched area in artificial intelligence that focuses on teaching agents decision-making through interactions with their environment. A key subset includes stochastic multi-armed bandit (MAB) and continuum-armed bandit (SCAB) problems, which model sequential decision-making under uncertainty. This review outlines the foundational models and assumptions of bandit problems, explores non-asymptotic theoretical tools like concentration inequalities and minimax regret bounds, and compares frequentist and Bayesian algorithms for managing exploration-exploitation trade-offs. Additionally, we explore K-armed contextual bandits and SCAB, focusing on their methodologies and regret analyses. We also examine the connections between SCAB problems and functional data analysis. Finally, we highlight recent advances and ongoing challenges in the field.
comment: 52 pages, 5 figures
♻ ☆ Carefully Blending Adversarial Training, Purification, and Aggregation Improves Adversarial Robustness
In this work, we propose a novel adversarial defence mechanism for image classification - CARSO - blending the paradigms of adversarial training and adversarial purification in a synergistic robustness-enhancing way. The method builds upon an adversarially-trained classifier, and learns to map its internal representation associated with a potentially perturbed input onto a distribution of tentative clean reconstructions. Multiple samples from such distribution are classified by the same adversarially-trained model, and a carefully chosen aggregation of its outputs finally constitutes the robust prediction of interest. Experimental evaluation by a well-established benchmark of strong adaptive attacks, across different image datasets, shows that CARSO is able to defend itself against adaptive end-to-end white-box attacks devised for stochastic defences. Paying a modest clean accuracy toll, our method improves by a significant margin the state-of-the-art for Cifar-10, Cifar-100, and TinyImageNet-200 $\ell_\infty$ robust classification accuracy against AutoAttack. Code, and instructions to obtain pre-trained models are available at: .
comment: 25 pages, 1 figure, 16 tables
♻ ☆ Dataset Distillation via Knowledge Distillation: Towards Efficient Self-Supervised Pre-Training of Deep Networks ICLR 2025
Dataset distillation (DD) generates small synthetic datasets that can efficiently train deep networks with a limited amount of memory and compute. Despite the success of DD methods for supervised learning, DD for self-supervised pre-training of deep models has remained unaddressed. Pre-training on unlabeled data is crucial for efficiently generalizing to downstream tasks with limited labeled data. In this work, we propose the first effective DD method for SSL pre-training. First, we show, theoretically and empirically, that naive application of supervised DD methods to SSL fails, due to the high variance of the SSL gradient. Then, we address this issue by relying on insights from knowledge distillation (KD) literature. Specifically, we train a small student model to match the representations of a larger teacher model trained with SSL. Then, we generate a small synthetic dataset by matching the training trajectories of the student models. As the KD objective has considerably lower variance than SSL, our approach can generate synthetic datasets that can successfully pre-train high-quality encoders. Through extensive experiments, we show that our distilled sets lead to up to 13% higher accuracy than prior work, on a variety of downstream tasks, in the presence of limited labeled data. Code at
comment: ICLR 2025. Code at
♻ ☆ Explaining the Impact of Training on Vision Models via Activation Clustering
Recent developments in the field of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) for vision models investigate the information extracted by their feature encoder. We contribute to this effort and propose Neuro-Activated Vision Explanations (NAVE), which extracts the information captured by the encoder by clustering the feature activations of the frozen network to be explained. The method does not aim to explain the model's prediction but to answer questions such as which parts of the image are processed similarly or which information is kept in deeper layers. Experimentally, we leverage NAVE to show that the training dataset and the level of supervision affect which concepts are captured. In addition, our method reveals the impact of registers on vision transformers (ViT) and the information saturation caused by the watermark Clever Hans effect in the training set.
♻ ☆ Theoretically Grounded Framework for LLM Watermarking: A Distribution-Adaptive Approach
Watermarking has emerged as a crucial method to distinguish AI-generated text from human-created text. In this paper, we present a novel theoretical framework for watermarking Large Language Models (LLMs) that jointly optimizes both the watermarking scheme and the detection process. Our approach focuses on maximizing detection performance while maintaining control over the worst-case Type-I error and text distortion. We characterize \emph{the universally minimum Type-II error}, showing a fundamental trade-off between watermark detectability and text distortion. Importantly, we identify that the optimal watermarking schemes are adaptive to the LLM generative distribution. Building on our theoretical insights, we propose an efficient, model-agnostic, distribution-adaptive watermarking algorithm, utilizing a surrogate model alongside the Gumbel-max trick. Experiments conducted on Llama2-13B and Mistral-8$\times$7B models confirm the effectiveness of our approach. Additionally, we examine incorporating robustness into our framework, paving a way to future watermarking systems that withstand adversarial attacks more effectively.
♻ ☆ Improving Probabilistic Diffusion Models With Optimal Diagonal Covariance Matching
The probabilistic diffusion model has become highly effective across various domains. Typically, sampling from a diffusion model involves using a denoising distribution characterized by a Gaussian with a learned mean and either fixed or learned covariances. In this paper, we leverage the recently proposed covariance moment matching technique and introduce a novel method for learning the diagonal covariance. Unlike traditional data-driven diagonal covariance approximation approaches, our method involves directly regressing the optimal diagonal analytic covariance using a new, unbiased objective named Optimal Covariance Matching (OCM). This approach can significantly reduce the approximation error in covariance prediction. We demonstrate how our method can substantially enhance the sampling efficiency, recall rate and likelihood of commonly used diffusion models.
♻ ☆ Bayesian Comparisons Between Representations
Which neural networks are similar is a fundamental question for both machine learning and neuroscience. Here, I propose to base comparisons on the predictive distributions of linear readouts from intermediate representations. In Bayesian statistics, the prior predictive distribution is a full description of the inductive bias and generalization of a model, making it a great basis for comparisons. This distribution directly gives the evidence a dataset would provide in favor of the model. If we want to compare multiple models to each other, we can use a metric for probability distributions like the Jensen-Shannon distance or the total variation distance. As these are metrics, this induces pseudo-metrics for representations, which measure how well two representations could be distinguished based on a linear read out. For a linear readout with a Gaussian prior on the read-out weights and Gaussian noise, we can analytically compute the (prior and posterior) predictive distributions without approximations. These distributions depend only on the linear kernel matrix of the representations in the model. Thus, the Bayesian metrics connect linear read-out based comparisons to kernel based metrics like centered kernel alignment and representational similarity analysis. I demonstrate the new methods with deep neural networks trained on ImageNet-1k comparing them to each other and a small subset of the Natural Scenes Dataset. The Bayesian comparisons broadly agree with existing metrics, but are more stringent. Empirically, evaluations vary less across different random image samples and yield informative results with full uncertainty information. Thus the proposed Bayesian metrics nicely extend our toolkit for comparing representations.
♻ ☆ MotifBench: A standardized protein design benchmark for motif-scaffolding problems
The motif-scaffolding problem is a central task in computational protein design: Given the coordinates of atoms in a geometry chosen to confer a desired biochemical function (a motif), the task is to identify diverse protein structures (scaffolds) that include the motif and maintain its geometry. Significant recent progress on motif-scaffolding has been made due to computational evaluation with reliable protein structure prediction and fixed-backbone sequence design methods. However, significant variability in evaluation strategies across publications has hindered comparability of results, challenged reproducibility, and impeded robust progress. In response we introduce MotifBench, comprising (1) a precisely specified pipeline and evaluation metrics, (2) a collection of 30 benchmark problems, and (3) an implementation of this benchmark and leaderboard at The MotifBench test cases are more difficult compared to earlier benchmarks, and include protein design problems for which solutions are known but on which, to the best of our knowledge, state-of-the-art methods fail to identify any solution.
comment: Associated content available at
♻ ☆ Mesh-based Super-Resolution of Fluid Flows with Multiscale Graph Neural Networks
A graph neural network (GNN) approach is introduced in this work which enables mesh-based three-dimensional super-resolution of fluid flows. In this framework, the GNN is designed to operate not on the full mesh-based field at once, but on localized meshes of elements (or cells) directly. To facilitate mesh-based GNN representations in a manner similar to spectral (or finite) element discretizations, a baseline GNN layer (termed a message passing layer, which updates local node properties) is modified to account for synchronization of coincident graph nodes, rendering compatibility with commonly used element-based mesh connectivities. The architecture is multiscale in nature, and is comprised of a combination of coarse-scale and fine-scale message passing layer sequences (termed processors) separated by a graph unpooling layer. The coarse-scale processor embeds a query element (alongside a set number of neighboring coarse elements) into a single latent graph representation using coarse-scale synchronized message passing over the element neighborhood, and the fine-scale processor leverages additional message passing operations on this latent graph to correct for interpolation errors. Demonstration studies are performed using hexahedral mesh-based data from Taylor-Green Vortex and backward-facing step flow simulations at Reynolds numbers of 1600 and 3200. Through analysis of both global and local errors, the results ultimately show how the GNN is able to produce accurate super-resolved fields compared to targets in both coarse-scale and multiscale model configurations. Reconstruction errors for fixed architectures were found to increase in proportion to the Reynolds number. Geometry extrapolation studies on a separate cavity flow configuration show promising cross-mesh capabilities of the super-resolution strategy.
♻ ☆ Multilingual Non-Factoid Question Answering with Answer Paragraph Selection PAKDD 2025
Most existing Question Answering Datasets (QuADs) primarily focus on factoid-based short-context Question Answering (QA) in high-resource languages. However, the scope of such datasets for low-resource languages remains limited, with only a few works centered on factoid-based QuADs and none on non-factoid QuADs. Therefore, this work presents MuNfQuAD, a multilingual QuAD with non-factoid questions. It utilizes interrogative sub-headings from BBC news articles as questions and the corresponding paragraphs as silver answers. The dataset comprises over 578K QA pairs across 38 languages, encompassing several low-resource languages, and stands as the largest multilingual QA dataset to date. Based on the manual annotations of 790 QA-pairs from MuNfQuAD (golden set), we observe that 98\% of questions can be answered using their corresponding silver answer. Our fine-tuned Answer Paragraph Selection (APS) model outperforms the baselines. The APS model attained an accuracy of 80\% and 72\%, as well as a macro F1 of 72\% and 66\%, on the MuNfQuAD testset and the golden set, respectively. Furthermore, the APS model effectively generalizes a certain language within the golden set, even after being fine-tuned on silver labels. We also observe that the fine-tuned APS model is beneficial for reducing the context of a question. These findings suggest that this resource would be a valuable contribution to the QA research community.
comment: Shorter version accepted into DSFA, a special session in PAKDD 2025, Sydney
♻ ☆ EC-DIT: Scaling Diffusion Transformers with Adaptive Expert-Choice Routing
Diffusion transformers have been widely adopted for text-to-image synthesis. While scaling these models up to billions of parameters shows promise, the effectiveness of scaling beyond current sizes remains underexplored and challenging. By explicitly exploiting the computational heterogeneity of image generations, we develop a new family of Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) models (EC-DIT) for diffusion transformers with expert-choice routing. EC-DIT learns to adaptively optimize the compute allocated to understand the input texts and generate the respective image patches, enabling heterogeneous computation aligned with varying text-image complexities. This heterogeneity provides an efficient way of scaling EC-DIT up to 97 billion parameters and achieving significant improvements in training convergence, text-to-image alignment, and overall generation quality over dense models and conventional MoE models. Through extensive ablations, we show that EC-DIT demonstrates superior scalability and adaptive compute allocation by recognizing varying textual importance through end-to-end training. Notably, in text-to-image alignment evaluation, our largest models achieve a state-of-the-art GenEval score of 71.68% and still maintain competitive inference speed with intuitive interpretability.
♻ ☆ Neural Green's Operators for Parametric Partial Differential Equations
This work introduces neural Green's operators (NGOs), a novel neural operator network architecture that learns the solution operator for a parametric family of linear partial differential equations (PDEs). Our construction of NGOs is derived directly from the Green's formulation of such a solution operator. Similar to deep operator networks (DeepONets) and variationally mimetic operator networks (VarMiONs), NGOs constitutes an expansion of the solution to the PDE in terms of basis functions, that is returned from a sub-network, contracted with coefficients, that are returned from another sub-network. However, in accordance with the Green's formulation, NGOs accept weighted averages of the input functions, rather than sampled values thereof, as is the case in DeepONets and VarMiONs. Application of NGOs to canonical linear parametric PDEs shows that, while they remain competitive with DeepONets, VarMiONs and Fourier neural operators when testing on data that lie within the training distribution, they robustly generalize when testing on finer-scale data generated outside of the training distribution. Furthermore, we show that the explicit representation of the Green's function that is returned by NGOs enables the construction of effective preconditioners for numerical solvers for PDEs.
♻ ☆ Causal Temporal Regime Structure Learning
Understanding causal relationships in multivariate time series is essential for predicting and controlling dynamic systems in fields like economics, neuroscience, and climate science. However, existing causal discovery methods often assume stationarity, limiting their effectiveness when time series consist of sequential regimes, consecutive temporal segments with unknown boundaries and changing causal structures. In this work, we firstly introduce a framework to describe and model such time series. Then, we present CASTOR, a novel method that concurrently learns the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) for each regime while determining the number of regimes and their sequential arrangement. CASTOR optimizes the data log-likelihood using an expectation-maximization algorithm, alternating between assigning regime indices (expectation step) and inferring causal relationships in each regime (maximization step). We establish the identifiability of the regimes and DAGs within our framework. Extensive experiments show that CASTOR consistently outperforms existing causal discovery models in detecting different regimes and learning their DAGs across various settings, including linear and nonlinear causal relationships, on both synthetic and real world datasets.
♻ ☆ ArrayBot: Reinforcement Learning for Generalizable Distributed Manipulation through Touch ICRA24
We present ArrayBot, a distributed manipulation system consisting of a $16 \times 16$ array of vertically sliding pillars integrated with tactile sensors, which can simultaneously support, perceive, and manipulate the tabletop objects. Towards generalizable distributed manipulation, we leverage reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms for the automatic discovery of control policies. In the face of the massively redundant actions, we propose to reshape the action space by considering the spatially local action patch and the low-frequency actions in the frequency domain. With this reshaped action space, we train RL agents that can relocate diverse objects through tactile observations only. Surprisingly, we find that the discovered policy can not only generalize to unseen object shapes in the simulator but also transfer to the physical robot without any domain randomization. Leveraging the deployed policy, we present abundant real-world manipulation tasks, illustrating the vast potential of RL on ArrayBot for distributed manipulation.
comment: ICRA24
♻ ☆ Multimodal Emotion Recognition using Audio-Video Transformer Fusion with Cross Attention
Understanding emotions is a fundamental aspect of human communication. Integrating audio and video signals offers a more comprehensive understanding of emotional states compared to traditional methods that rely on a single data source, such as speech or facial expressions. Despite its potential, multimodal emotion recognition faces significant challenges, particularly in synchronization, feature extraction, and fusion of diverse data sources. To address these issues, this paper introduces a novel transformer-based model named Audio-Video Transformer Fusion with Cross Attention (AVT-CA). The AVT-CA model employs a transformer fusion approach to effectively capture and synchronize interlinked features from both audio and video inputs, thereby resolving synchronization problems. Additionally, the Cross Attention mechanism within AVT-CA selectively extracts and emphasizes critical features while discarding irrelevant ones from both modalities, addressing feature extraction and fusion challenges. Extensive experimental analysis conducted on the CMU-MOSEI, RAVDESS and CREMA-D datasets demonstrates the efficacy of the proposed model. The results underscore the importance of AVT-CA in developing precise and reliable multimodal emotion recognition systems for practical applications.
comment: 38 Pages, 9 Tables, 12 Figures
♻ ☆ Faster WIND: Accelerating Iterative Best-of-$N$ Distillation for LLM Alignment
Recent advances in aligning large language models with human preferences have corroborated the growing importance of best-of-N distillation (BOND). However, the iterative BOND algorithm is prohibitively expensive in practice due to the sample and computation inefficiency. This paper addresses the problem by revealing a unified game-theoretic connection between iterative BOND and self-play alignment, which unifies seemingly disparate algorithmic paradigms. Based on the connection, we establish a novel framework, WIN rate Dominance (WIND), with a series of efficient algorithms for regularized win rate dominance optimization that approximates iterative BOND in the parameter space. We provides provable sample efficiency guarantee for one of the WIND variant with the square loss objective. The experimental results confirm that our algorithm not only accelerates the computation, but also achieves superior sample efficiency compared to existing methods.
♻ ☆ Using Constraints to Discover Sparse and Alternative Subgroup Descriptions
Subgroup-discovery methods allow users to obtain simple descriptions of interesting regions in a dataset. Using constraints in subgroup discovery can enhance interpretability even further. In this article, we focus on two types of constraints: First, we limit the number of features used in subgroup descriptions, making the latter sparse. Second, we propose the novel optimization problem of finding alternative subgroup descriptions, which cover a similar set of data objects as a given subgroup but use different features. We describe how to integrate both constraint types into heuristic subgroup-discovery methods. Further, we propose a novel Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) formulation of subgroup discovery as a white-box optimization problem, which allows solver-based search for subgroups and is open to a variety of constraint types. Additionally, we prove that both constraint types lead to an NP-hard optimization problem. Finally, we employ 27 binary-classification datasets to compare algorithmic and solver-based search for unconstrained and constrained subgroup discovery. We observe that heuristic search methods often yield high-quality subgroups within a short runtime, also in scenarios with constraints.
comment: Changes from v1 to v2: Various minor changes to synchronize with dissertation and conference version; added competitor-runtime experiments; added two competitors to main experiments
♻ ☆ Regularization by Neural Style Transfer for MRI Field-Transfer Reconstruction with Limited Data
Recent advances in MRI reconstruction have demonstrated remarkable success through deep learning-based models. However, most existing methods rely heavily on large-scale, task-specific datasets, making reconstruction in data-limited settings a critical yet underexplored challenge. While regularization by denoising (RED) leverages denoisers as priors for reconstruction, we propose Regularization by Neural Style Transfer (RNST), a novel framework that integrates a neural style transfer (NST) engine with a denoiser to enable magnetic field-transfer reconstruction. RNST generates high-field-quality images from low-field inputs without requiring paired training data, leveraging style priors to address limited-data settings. Our experiment results demonstrate RNST's ability to reconstruct high-quality images across diverse anatomical planes (axial, coronal, sagittal) and noise levels, achieving superior clarity, contrast, and structural fidelity compared to lower-field references. Crucially, RNST maintains robustness even when style and content images lack exact alignment, broadening its applicability in clinical environments where precise reference matches are unavailable. By combining the strengths of NST and denoising, RNST offers a scalable, data-efficient solution for MRI field-transfer reconstruction, demonstrating significant potential for resource-limited settings.
comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, 1 algorithm chart
♻ ☆ PoGDiff: Product-of-Gaussians Diffusion Models for Imbalanced Text-to-Image Generation
Diffusion models have made significant advancements in recent years. However, their performance often deteriorates when trained or fine-tuned on imbalanced datasets. This degradation is largely due to the disproportionate representation of majority and minority data in image-text pairs. In this paper, we propose a general fine-tuning approach, dubbed PoGDiff, to address this challenge. Rather than directly minimizing the KL divergence between the predicted and ground-truth distributions, PoGDiff replaces the ground-truth distribution with a Product of Gaussians (PoG), which is constructed by combining the original ground-truth targets with the predicted distribution conditioned on a neighboring text embedding. Experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that our method effectively addresses the imbalance problem in diffusion models, improving both generation accuracy and quality.
♻ ☆ Generalization bounds for mixing processes via delayed online-to-PAC conversions
We study the generalization error of statistical learning algorithms in a non-i.i.d. setting, where the training data is sampled from a stationary mixing process. We develop an analytic framework for this scenario based on a reduction to online learning with delayed feedback. In particular, we show that the existence of an online learning algorithm with bounded regret (against a fixed statistical learning algorithm in a specially constructed game of online learning with delayed feedback) implies low generalization error of said statistical learning method even if the data sequence is sampled from a mixing time series. The rates demonstrate a trade-off between the amount of delay in the online learning game and the degree of dependence between consecutive data points, with near-optimal rates recovered in a number of well-studied settings when the delay is tuned appropriately as a function of the mixing time of the process.
♻ ☆ Synthetic Tabular Data Generation for Imbalanced Classification: The Surprising Effectiveness of an Overlap Class AAAI
Handling imbalance in class distribution when building a classifier over tabular data has been a problem of long-standing interest. One popular approach is augmenting the training dataset with synthetically generated data. While classical augmentation techniques were limited to linear interpolation of existing minority class examples, recently higher capacity deep generative models are providing greater promise. However, handling of imbalance in class distribution when building a deep generative model is also a challenging problem, that has not been studied as extensively as imbalanced classifier model training. We show that state-of-the-art deep generative models yield significantly lower-quality minority examples than majority examples. %In this paper, we start with the observation that imbalanced data training of generative models trained imbalanced dataset which under-represent the minority class. We propose a novel technique of converting the binary class labels to ternary class labels by introducing a class for the region where minority and majority distributions overlap. We show that just this pre-processing of the training set, significantly improves the quality of data generated spanning several state-of-the-art diffusion and GAN-based models. While training the classifier using synthetic data, we remove the overlap class from the training data and justify the reasons behind the enhanced accuracy. We perform extensive experiments on four real-life datasets, five different classifiers, and five generative models demonstrating that our method enhances not only the synthesizer performance of state-of-the-art models but also the classifier performance.
comment: AAAI Conference 2025
♻ ☆ Bias Similarity Across Large Language Models
Bias in machine learning models, particularly in Large Language Models, is a critical issue as these systems shape important societal decisions. While previous studies have examined bias in individual LLMs, comparisons of bias across models remain underexplored. To address this gap, we analyze 13 LLMs from five families, evaluating bias through output distribution across multiple dimensions using two datasets (4K and 1M questions). Our results show that fine-tuning has minimal impact on output distributions, and proprietary models tend to overly response as unknowns to minimize bias, compromising accuracy and utility. In addition, open-source models like Llama3-Chat and Gemma2-it demonstrate fairness comparable to proprietary models like GPT-4, challenging the assumption that larger, closed-source models are inherently less biased. We also find that bias scores for disambiguated questions are more extreme, raising concerns about reverse discrimination. These findings highlight the need for improved bias mitigation strategies and more comprehensive evaluation metrics for fairness in LLMs.
comment: under review
♻ ☆ Early-Stage Anomaly Detection: A Study of Model Performance on Complete vs. Partial Flows
This study investigates the efficacy of machine learning models in network anomaly detection through the critical lens of partial versus complete flow information. We systematically evaluate how models perform under varying training and testing conditions, quantifying the performance impact when dealing with incomplete data typical in real-time environments. Our findings demonstrate a significant performance difference, with precision and recall dropping by up to 30% under certain conditions when models trained on complete flows are tested against partial flows. Conversely, models trained and tested on consistently complete or partial datasets maintain robustness. The study reveals that a minimum of 7 packets in the test set is required for maintaining reliable detection rates, providing valuable insights for real-time detection strategies. These results offer important guidance for deploying machine learning models in operational network security environments.
comment: submitted to WTMC 2025
♻ ☆ BNEM: A Boltzmann Sampler Based on Bootstrapped Noised Energy Matching
Developing an efficient sampler capable of generating independent and identically distributed (IID) samples from a Boltzmann distribution is a crucial challenge in scientific research, e.g. molecular dynamics. In this work, we intend to learn neural samplers given energy functions instead of data sampled from the Boltzmann distribution. By learning the energies of the noised data, we propose a diffusion-based sampler, Noised Energy Matching, which theoretically has lower variance and more complexity compared to related works. Furthermore, a novel bootstrapping technique is applied to NEM to balance between bias and variance. We evaluate NEM and BNEM on a 2-dimensional 40 Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and a 4-particle double-well potential (DW-4). The experimental results demonstrate that BNEM can achieve state-of-the-art performance while being more robust.
comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables
♻ ☆ Addressing the regulatory gap: moving towards an EU AI audit ecosystem beyond the AI Act by including civil society
The European legislature has proposed the Digital Services Act (DSA) and Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) to regulate platforms and Artificial Intelligence (AI) products. We review to what extent third-party audits are part of both laws and how is access to information on models and the data provided. By considering the value of third-party audits and third-party data access in an audit ecosystem, we identify a regulatory gap in that the AIA does not provide access to data for researchers and civil society. Our contributions to the literature include: (1) Defining an AI audit ecosystem incorporating compliance and oversight. (2) Highlighting a regulatory gap within the DSA and AIA regulatory framework, preventing the establishment of an AI audit ecosystem that has effective oversight by civil society and academia. (3) Emphasizing that third-party audits by research and civil society must be part of that ecosystem, we call for AIA amendments and delegated acts to include data and model access for certain AI products. Furthermore, we call for the DSA to provide NGOs and investigative journalists with data access to platforms by delegated acts and for adaptions and amendments of the AIA to provide third-party audits and data and model access, at least for high-risk systems. Regulations modeled after EU AI regulations should enable data access and third-party audits, fostering an AI audit ecosystem that promotes compliance and oversight mechanisms.
♻ ☆ Joint MoE Scaling Laws: Mixture of Experts Can Be Memory Efficient
Mixture of Experts (MoE) architectures have significantly increased computational efficiency in both research and real-world applications of large-scale machine learning models. However, their scalability and efficiency under memory constraints remain relatively underexplored. In this work, we present joint scaling laws for dense and MoE models, incorporating key factors such as the number of active parameters, dataset size, and the number of experts. Our findings provide a principled framework for selecting the optimal MoE configuration under fixed memory and compute budgets. Surprisingly, we show that MoE models can be more memory-efficient than dense models, contradicting conventional wisdom. To derive and validate the theoretical predictions of our scaling laws, we conduct over 280 experiments with up to 2.7B active parameters and up to 5B total parameters. These results offer actionable insights for designing and deploying MoE models in practical large-scale training scenarios.
♻ ☆ Theory on Mixture-of-Experts in Continual Learning ICLR 2025
Continual learning (CL) has garnered significant attention because of its ability to adapt to new tasks that arrive over time. Catastrophic forgetting (of old tasks) has been identified as a major issue in CL, as the model adapts to new tasks. The Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) model has recently been shown to effectively mitigate catastrophic forgetting in CL, by employing a gating network to sparsify and distribute diverse tasks among multiple experts. However, there is a lack of theoretical analysis of MoE and its impact on the learning performance in CL. This paper provides the first theoretical results to characterize the impact of MoE in CL via the lens of overparameterized linear regression tasks. We establish the benefit of MoE over a single expert by proving that the MoE model can diversify its experts to specialize in different tasks, while its router learns to select the right expert for each task and balance the loads across all experts. Our study further suggests an intriguing fact that the MoE in CL needs to terminate the update of the gating network after sufficient training rounds to attain system convergence, which is not needed in the existing MoE studies that do not consider the continual task arrival. Furthermore, we provide explicit expressions for the expected forgetting and overall generalization error to characterize the benefit of MoE in the learning performance in CL. Interestingly, adding more experts requires additional rounds before convergence, which may not enhance the learning performance. Finally, we conduct experiments on both synthetic and real datasets to extend these insights from linear models to deep neural networks (DNNs), which also shed light on the practical algorithm design for MoE in CL.
comment: This paper has been accepted by ICLR 2025 (Spotlight)
♻ ☆ FakET: Simulating Cryo-Electron Tomograms with Neural Style Transfer
In cryo-electron microscopy, accurate particle localization and classification are imperative. Recent deep learning solutions, though successful, require extensive training data sets. The protracted generation time of physics-based models, often employed to produce these data sets, limits their broad applicability. We introduce FakET, a method based on Neural Style Transfer, capable of simulating the forward operator of any cryo transmission electron microscope. It can be used to adapt a synthetic training data set according to reference data producing high-quality simulated micrographs or tilt-series. To assess the quality of our generated data, we used it to train a state-of-the-art localization and classification architecture and compared its performance with a counterpart trained on benchmark data. Remarkably, our technique matches the performance, boosts data generation speed 750 times, uses 33 times less memory, and scales well to typical transmission electron microscope detector sizes. It leverages GPU acceleration and parallel processing. The source code is available at
comment: 25 pages, 3 tables, 19 figures including supplement. Updated LaTeX project structure, updated figure captions, added in-text references to figures, fixed page numbering, fixed typos and typesetting
♻ ☆ Heterophily-Aware Fair Recommendation using Graph Convolutional Networks
In recent years, graph neural networks (GNNs) have become a popular tool to improve the accuracy and performance of recommender systems. Modern recommender systems are not only designed to serve end users, but also to benefit other participants, such as items and item providers. These participants may have different or conflicting goals and interests, which raises the need for fairness and popularity bias considerations. GNN-based recommendation methods also face the challenges of unfairness and popularity bias, and their normalization and aggregation processes suffer from these challenges. In this paper, we propose a fair GNN-based recommender system, called HetroFair, to improve item-side fairness. HetroFair uses two separate components to generate fairness-aware embeddings: i) Fairness-aware attention, which incorporates the dot product in the normalization process of GNNs to decrease the effect of nodes' degrees. ii) Heterophily feature weighting, to assign distinct weights to different features during the aggregation process. To evaluate the effectiveness of HetroFair, we conduct extensive experiments over six real-world datasets. Our experimental results reveal that HetroFair not only alleviates unfairness and popularity bias on the item side but also achieves superior accuracy on the user side. Our implementation is publicly available at
comment: 24 pages
♻ ☆ Bridging Adaptivity and Safety: Learning Agile Collision-Free Locomotion Across Varied Physics
Real-world legged locomotion systems often need to reconcile agility and safety for different scenarios. Moreover, the underlying dynamics are often unknown and time-variant (e.g., payload, friction). In this paper, we introduce BAS (Bridging Adaptivity and Safety), which builds upon the pipeline of prior work Agile But Safe (ABS)(He et al.) and is designed to provide adaptive safety even in dynamic environments with uncertainties. BAS involves an agile policy to avoid obstacles rapidly and a recovery policy to prevent collisions, a physical parameter estimator that is concurrently trained with agile policy, and a learned control-theoretic RA (reach-avoid) value network that governs the policy switch. Also, the agile policy and RA network are both conditioned on physical parameters to make them adaptive. To mitigate the distribution shift issue, we further introduce an on-policy fine-tuning phase for the estimator to enhance its robustness and accuracy. The simulation results show that BAS achieves 50% better safety than baselines in dynamic environments while maintaining a higher speed on average. In real-world experiments, BAS shows its capability in complex environments with unknown physics (e.g., slippery floors with unknown frictions, unknown payloads up to 8kg), while baselines lack adaptivity, leading to collisions or. degraded agility. As a result, BAS achieves a 19.8% increase in speed and gets a 2.36 times lower collision rate than ABS in the real world. Videos:
comment: 11 Pages, 6 Figures
♻ ☆ Evaluating Large Language Models for Public Health Classification and Extraction Tasks
Advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) have led to significant interest in their potential to support human experts across a range of domains, including public health. In this work we present automated evaluations of LLMs for public health tasks involving the classification and extraction of free text. We combine six externally annotated datasets with seven new internally annotated datasets to evaluate LLMs for processing text related to: health burden, epidemiological risk factors, and public health interventions. We evaluate eleven open-weight LLMs (7-123 billion parameters) across all tasks using zero-shot in-context learning. We find that Llama-3.3-70B-Instruct is the highest performing model, achieving the best results on 8/16 tasks (using micro-F1 scores). We see significant variation across tasks with all open-weight LLMs scoring below 60% micro-F1 on some challenging tasks, such as Contact Classification, while all LLMs achieve greater than 80% micro-F1 on others, such as GI Illness Classification. For a subset of 11 tasks, we also evaluate three GPT-4 and GPT-4o series models and find comparable results to Llama-3.3-70B-Instruct. Overall, based on these initial results we find promising signs that LLMs may be useful tools for public health experts to extract information from a wide variety of free text sources, and support public health surveillance, research, and interventions.
comment: 36 pages. Feedback and comments are highly appreciated
♻ ☆ Generalization Bounds for Dependent Data using Online-to-Batch Conversion AISTATS 2025
In this work, we upper bound the generalization error of batch learning algorithms trained on samples drawn from a mixing stochastic process (i.e., a dependent data source) both in expectation and with high probability. Unlike previous results by Mohri et al. (2010) and Fu et al. (2023), our work does not require any stability assumptions on the batch learner, which allows us to derive upper bounds for any batch learning algorithm trained on dependent data. This is made possible due to our use of the Online-to-Batch ( OTB ) conversion framework, which allows us to shift the burden of stability from the batch learner to an artificially constructed online learner. We show that our bounds are equal to the bounds in the i.i.d. setting up to a term that depends on the decay rate of the underlying mixing stochastic process. Central to our analysis is a new notion of algorithmic stability for online learning algorithms based on Wasserstein distances of order one. Furthermore, we prove that the EWA algorithm, a textbook family of online learning algorithms, satisfies our new notion of stability. Following this, we instantiate our bounds using the EWA algorithm.
comment: Significant changes to writeup. A new section on instantiation through EWA learners has been added. Accepted to AISTATS 2025 (
♻ ☆ Joint Fine-tuning and Conversion of Pretrained Speech and Language Models towards Linear Complexity ICLR2025
Architectures such as Linformer and Mamba have recently emerged as competitive linear time replacements for transformers. However, corresponding large pretrained models are often unavailable, especially in non-text domains. To remedy this, we present a Cross-Architecture Layerwise Distillation (CALD) approach that jointly converts a transformer model to a linear time substitute and fine-tunes it to a target task. We also compare several means to guide the fine-tuning to optimally retain the desired inference capability from the original model. The methods differ in their use of the target model and the trajectory of the parameters. In a series of empirical studies on language processing, language modeling, and speech processing, we show that CALD can effectively recover the result of the original model, and that the guiding strategy contributes to the result. Some reasons for the variation are suggested.
comment: 17 pages, 5 figures; ICLR2025 camera ready. Code:
♻ ☆ High-dimensional manifold of solutions in neural networks: insights from statistical physics
In these pedagogic notes I review the statistical mechanics approach to neural networks, focusing on the paradigmatic example of the perceptron architecture with binary an continuous weights, in the classification setting. I will review the Gardner's approach based on replica method and the derivation of the SAT/UNSAT transition in the storage setting. Then, I discuss some recent works that unveiled how the zero training error configurations are geometrically arranged, and how this arrangement changes as the size of the training set increases. I also illustrate how different regions of solution space can be explored analytically and how the landscape in the vicinity of a solution can be characterized. I give evidence how, in binary weight models, algorithmic hardness is a consequence of the disappearance of a clustered region of solutions that extends to very large distances. Finally, I demonstrate how the study of linear mode connectivity between solutions can give insights into the average shape of the solution manifold.
comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, based on a set of lectures done at the "School of the Italian Society of Statistical Physics", IMT, Lucca
♻ ☆ Forward-Forward Learning achieves Highly Selective Latent Representations for Out-of-Distribution Detection in Fully Spiking Neural Networks
In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) models have achieved remarkable success across various domains, yet challenges persist in two critical areas: ensuring robustness against uncertain inputs and drastically increasing model efficiency during training and inference. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), inspired by biological systems, offer a promising avenue for overcoming these limitations. By operating in an event-driven manner, SNNs achieve low energy consumption and can naturally implement biological methods known for their high noise tolerance. In this work, we explore the potential of the spiking Forward-Forward Algorithm (FFA) to address these challenges, leveraging its representational properties for both Out-of-Distribution (OoD) detection and interpretability. To achieve this, we exploit the sparse and highly specialized neural latent space of FF networks to estimate the likelihood of a sample belonging to the training distribution. Additionally, we propose a novel, gradient-free attribution method to detect features that drive a sample away from class distributions, addressing the challenges posed by the lack of gradients in most visual interpretability methods for spiking models. We evaluate our OoD detection algorithm on well-known image datasets (e.g., Omniglot, Not-MNIST, CIFAR10), outperforming previous methods proposed in the recent literature for OoD detection in spiking networks. Furthermore, our attribution method precisely identifies salient OoD features, such as artifacts or missing regions, hence providing a visual explanatory interface for the user to understand why unknown inputs are identified as such by the proposed method.
♻ ☆ GQSA: Group Quantization and Sparsity for Accelerating Large Language Model Inference
Model compression has emerged as a mainstream solution to reduce memory usage and computational overhead. This paper presents Group Quantization and Sparse Acceleration (GQSA), a novel compression technique tailored for LLMs. Traditional methods typically focus exclusively on either quantization or sparsification, but relying on a single strategy often results in significant performance loss at high compression rates. In contrast, GQSA integrates quantization and sparsification in a tightly coupled manner, leveraging GPU-friendly structured group sparsity and quantization for efficient acceleration. Building upon system-algorithm co-design principles, we propose a two-stage sparse optimization strategy that ensures the performance superiority of the compressed model. On the engine side, we introduce a "task-centric" parallel strategy, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first application in the domain of sparse computing. Compared to the traditional 2:4 sparse method, the GQSA offers a more flexible and adjustable sparsity rate, as well as a higher weight compression rate, and is efficiently compatible with weight-only quantization methods. Experimental results demonstrate that, under the GQSA W4S50% compression setting, the model's accuracy surpasses that of both 2:4 pruning and W2 quantization. Furthermore, at the inference level, GQSA outperforms W2 by 1.26$\times$ and 2:4 pruning by 2.35$\times$ in terms of speed.
comment: 14 pages
♻ ☆ Infinite Width Limits of Self Supervised Neural Networks
The NTK is a widely used tool in the theoretical analysis of deep learning, allowing us to look at supervised deep neural networks through the lenses of kernel regression. Recently, several works have investigated kernel models for self-supervised learning, hypothesizing that these also shed light on the behavior of wide neural networks by virtue of the NTK. However, it remains an open question to what extent this connection is mathematically sound -- it is a commonly encountered misbelief that the kernel behavior of wide neural networks emerges irrespective of the loss function it is trained on. In this paper, we bridge the gap between the NTK and self-supervised learning, focusing on two-layer neural networks trained under the Barlow Twins loss. We prove that the NTK of Barlow Twins indeed becomes constant as the width of the network approaches infinity. Our analysis technique is a bit different from previous works on the NTK and may be of independent interest. Overall, our work provides a first justification for the use of classic kernel theory to understand self-supervised learning of wide neural networks. Building on this result, we derive generalization error bounds for kernelized Barlow Twins and connect them to neural networks of finite width.
♻ ☆ The Impact of Inference Acceleration on Bias of LLMs
Last few years have seen unprecedented advances in capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). These advancements promise to benefit a vast array of application domains. However, due to their immense size, performing inference with LLMs is both costly and slow. Consequently, a plethora of recent work has proposed strategies to enhance inference efficiency, e.g., quantization, pruning, and caching. These acceleration strategies reduce the inference cost and latency, often by several factors, while maintaining much of the predictive performance measured via common benchmarks. In this work, we explore another critical aspect of LLM performance: demographic bias in model generations due to inference acceleration optimizations. Using a wide range of metrics, we probe bias in model outputs from a number of angles. Analysis of outputs before and after inference acceleration shows significant change in bias. Worryingly, these bias effects are complex and unpredictable. A combination of an acceleration strategy and bias type may show little bias change in one model but may lead to a large effect in another. Our results highlight a need for in-depth and case-by-case evaluation of model bias after it has been modified to accelerate inference.
♻ ☆ Navigating Demand Uncertainty in Container Shipping: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Enabling Adaptive and Feasible Master Stowage Planning IJCAI 2025
Reinforcement learning (RL) has shown promise in solving various combinatorial optimization problems. However, conventional RL faces challenges when dealing with real-world constraints, especially when action space feasibility is explicit and dependent on the corresponding state or trajectory. In this work, we focus on using RL in container shipping, often considered the cornerstone of global trade, by dealing with the critical challenge of master stowage planning. The main objective is to maximize cargo revenue and minimize operational costs while navigating demand uncertainty and various complex operational constraints, namely vessel capacity and stability, which must be dynamically updated along the vessel's voyage. To address this problem, we implement a deep reinforcement learning framework with feasibility projection to solve the master stowage planning problem (MPP) under demand uncertainty. The experimental results show that our architecture efficiently finds adaptive, feasible solutions for this multi-stage stochastic optimization problem, outperforming traditional mixed-integer programming and RL with feasibility regularization. Our AI-driven decision-support policy enables adaptive and feasible planning under uncertainty, optimizing operational efficiency and capacity utilization while contributing to sustainable and resilient global supply chains.
comment: This paper is currently under review for IJCAI 2025
♻ ☆ LongReD: Mitigating Short-Text Degradation of Long-Context Large Language Models via Restoration Distillation
Large language models (LLMs) have gained extended context windows through scaling positional encodings and lightweight continual pre-training. However, this often leads to degraded performance on short-text tasks, while the reasons for this degradation remain insufficiently explored. In this work, we identify two primary factors contributing to this issue: distribution drift in hidden states and attention scores, and catastrophic forgetting during continual pre-training. To address these challenges, we propose Long Context Pre-training with Restoration Distillation (LongReD), a novel approach designed to mitigate short-text performance degradation through minimizing the distribution discrepancy between the extended and original models. Besides training on long texts, LongReD distills the hidden state of selected layers from the original model on short texts. Additionally, LongReD also introduces a short-to-long distillation, aligning the output distribution on short texts with that on long texts by leveraging skipped positional indices. Experiments on common text benchmarks demonstrate that LongReD effectively preserves the model's short-text performance while maintaining comparable or even better capacity to handle long texts than baselines. Our code is available at
♻ ☆ MAAT: Mamba Adaptive Anomaly Transformer with association discrepancy for time series
Anomaly detection in time series is essential for industrial monitoring and environmental sensing, yet distinguishing anomalies from complex patterns remains challenging. Existing methods like the Anomaly Transformer and DCdetector have progressed, but they face limitations such as sensitivity to short-term contexts and inefficiency in noisy, non-stationary environments. To overcome these issues, we introduce MAAT, an improved architecture that enhances association discrepancy modeling and reconstruction quality. MAAT features Sparse Attention, efficiently capturing long-range dependencies by focusing on relevant time steps, thereby reducing computational redundancy. Additionally, a Mamba-Selective State Space Model is incorporated into the reconstruction module, utilizing a skip connection and Gated Attention to improve anomaly localization and detection performance. Extensive experiments show that MAAT significantly outperforms previous methods, achieving better anomaly distinguishability and generalization across various time series applications, setting a new standard for unsupervised time series anomaly detection in real-world scenarios.
♻ ☆ Accelerating Diffusion Transformers with Token-wise Feature Caching ICLR 2025
Diffusion transformers have shown significant effectiveness in both image and video synthesis at the expense of huge computation costs. To address this problem, feature caching methods have been introduced to accelerate diffusion transformers by caching the features in previous timesteps and reusing them in the following timesteps. However, previous caching methods ignore that different tokens exhibit different sensitivities to feature caching, and feature caching on some tokens may lead to 10$\times$ more destruction to the overall generation quality compared with other tokens. In this paper, we introduce token-wise feature caching, allowing us to adaptively select the most suitable tokens for caching, and further enable us to apply different caching ratios to neural layers in different types and depths. Extensive experiments on PixArt-$\alpha$, OpenSora, and DiT demonstrate our effectiveness in both image and video generation with no requirements for training. For instance, 2.36$\times$ and 1.93$\times$ acceleration are achieved on OpenSora and PixArt-$\alpha$ with almost no drop in generation quality.
comment: ToCa is honored to be accepted by ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ Abstraction requires breadth: a renormalisation group approach
Abstraction is the process of extracting the essential features from raw data while ignoring irrelevant details. This is similar to the process of focusing on large-scale properties, systematically removing irrelevant small-scale details, implemented in the renormalisation group of statistical physics. This analogy is suggestive because the fixed points of the renormalisation group offer an ideal candidate of a truly abstract -- i.e. data independent -- representation. It has been observed that abstraction emerges with depth in neural networks. Deep layers of neural network capture abstract characteristics of data, such as "cat-ness" or "dog-ness" in images, by combining the lower level features encoded in shallow layers (e.g. edges). Yet we argue that depth alone is not enough to develop truly abstract representations. We advocate that the level of abstraction crucially depends on how broad the training set is. We address the issue within a renormalisation group approach where a representation is expanded to encompass a broader set of data. We take the unique fixed point of this transformation -- the Hierarchical Feature Model -- as a candidate for an abstract representation. This theoretical picture is tested in numerical experiments based on Deep Belief Networks trained on data of different breadth. These show that representations in deep layers of neural networks approach the Hierarchical Feature Model as the data gets broader, in agreement with theoretical predictions.
comment: 28 pages, 7 figures
♻ ☆ Finding Optimal Trading History in Reinforcement Learning for Stock Market Trading
This paper investigates the optimization of temporal windows in Financial Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) models using 2D Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). We introduce a novel approach to treating the temporal field as a hyperparameter and examine its impact on model performance across various datasets and feature arrangements. We introduce a new hyperparameter for the CNN policy, proposing that this temporal field can and should be treated as a hyperparameter for these models. We examine the significance of this temporal field by iteratively expanding the window of observations presented to the CNN policy during the deep reinforcement learning process. Our iterative process involves progressively increasing the observation period from two weeks to twelve weeks, allowing us to examine the effects of different temporal windows on the model's performance. This window expansion is implemented in two settings. In one setting, we rearrange the features in the dataset to group them by company, allowing the model to have a full view of company data in its observation window and CNN kernel. In the second setting, we do not group the features by company, and features are arranged by category. Our study reveals that shorter temporal windows are most effective when no feature rearrangement to group per company is in effect. However, the model will utilize longer temporal windows and yield better performance once we introduce the feature rearrangement. To examine the consistency of our findings, we repeated our experiment on two datasets containing the same thirty companies from the Dow Jones Index but with different features in each dataset and consistently observed the above-mentioned patterns. The result is a trading model significantly outperforming global financial services firms such as the Global X Guru by the established Mirae Asset.
♻ ☆ The Energy Cost of Artificial Intelligence of Things Lifecycle
Artificial Intelligence (AI) coupled with the existing Internet of Things (IoT) enables more autonomous operations across various economic sectors. While this paradigm shift results in increased energy consumption it is difficult to quantify the end-to-end energy consumption of such systems with the conventional metrics as they either focus on the communication, the computation infrastructure or model development. To address this, we propose a new metric, the Energy Cost of AI lifecycle (eCAL). eCAL captures the energy consumption throughout the architectural components and lifecycle of an AI-powered wireless system by analyzing the complexity of data collection and manipulation in individual components and deriving overall and per-bit energy consumption. We show that the better a model and the more it is used, the more energy efficient an inference is. For an example Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) configuration, eCAL for making 100 inferences is 2.73 times higher than for 1000 inferences. Additionally, we developed a modular open source simulation tool to enable researchers, practitioners, and engineers to calculate the end-to-end energy cost with various configurations and across various systems, ensuring adaptability to diverse use cases.
comment: 13 pages, 9 figures
♻ ☆ Rethinking Self-Distillation: Label Averaging and Enhanced Soft Label Refinement with Partial Labels ICLR 2025
We investigate the mechanisms of self-distillation in multi-class classification, particularly in the context of linear probing with fixed feature extractors where traditional feature learning explanations do not apply. Our theoretical analysis reveals that multi-round self-distillation effectively performs label averaging among instances with high feature correlations, governed by the eigenvectors of the Gram matrix derived from input features. This process leads to clustered predictions and improved generalization, mitigating the impact of label noise by reducing the model's reliance on potentially corrupted labels. We establish conditions under which multi-round self-distillation achieves 100% population accuracy despite label noise. Furthermore, we introduce a novel, efficient single-round self-distillation method using refined partial labels from the teacher's top two softmax outputs, referred to as the PLL student model. This approach replicates the benefits of multi-round distillation in a single round, achieving comparable or superior performance--especially in high-noise scenarios--while significantly reducing computational cost.
comment: ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ Conditional sampling within generative diffusion models
Generative diffusions are a powerful class of Monte Carlo samplers that leverage bridging Markov processes to approximate complex, high-dimensional distributions, such as those found in image processing and language models. Despite their success in these domains, an important open challenge remains: extending these techniques to sample from conditional distributions, as required in, for example, Bayesian inverse problems. In this paper, we present a comprehensive review of existing computational approaches to conditional sampling within generative diffusion models. Specifically, we highlight key methodologies that either utilise the joint distribution, or rely on (pre-trained) marginal distributions with explicit likelihoods, to construct conditional generative samplers.
♻ ☆ Finite Element Operator Network for Solving Elliptic-type parametric PDEs
Partial differential equations (PDEs) underlie our understanding and prediction of natural phenomena across numerous fields, including physics, engineering, and finance. However, solving parametric PDEs is a complex task that necessitates efficient numerical methods. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for solving parametric PDEs using a Finite Element Operator Network (FEONet). Our proposed method leverages the power of deep learning in conjunction with traditional numerical methods, specifically the finite element method, to solve parametric PDEs in the absence of any paired input-output training data. We performed various experiments on several benchmark problems and confirmed that our approach has demonstrated excellent performance across various settings and environments, proving its versatility in terms of accuracy, generalization, and computational flexibility. While our method is not meshless, the FEONet framework shows potential for application in various fields where PDEs play a crucial role in modeling complex domains with diverse boundary conditions and singular behavior. Furthermore, we provide theoretical convergence analysis to support our approach, utilizing finite element approximation in numerical analysis.
comment: 28 pages, 11 figures
♻ ☆ Recursive Inference Scaling: A Winning Path to Scalable Inference in Language and Multimodal Systems
Recent research in language modeling reveals two scaling effects: the well-known improvement from increased training compute, and a lesser-known boost from applying more sophisticated or computationally intensive inference methods. Inspired by recent findings on the fractal geometry of language, we introduce Recursive INference Scaling (RINS) as a complementary, plug-in recipe for scaling inference time. For a given fixed model architecture and training compute budget, RINS substantially improves language modeling performance. It also generalizes beyond pure language tasks, delivering gains in multimodal systems, including a +2% improvement in 0-shot ImageNet accuracy for SigLIP-B/16. Additionally, by deriving data scaling laws, we show that RINS improves both the asymptotic performance limits and the scaling exponents. These advantages are maintained even when compared to state-of-the-art recursive techniques like the "repeat-all-over" (RAO) strategy in Mobile LLM. Finally, stochastic RINS not only can enhance performance further but also provides the flexibility to optionally forgo increased inference computation at test time with minimal performance degradation.
comment: 18 pages, 9 figures
♻ ☆ Sampling-based Distributed Training with Message Passing Neural Network
In this study, we introduce a domain-decomposition-based distributed training and inference approach for message-passing neural networks (MPNN). Our objective is to address the challenge of scaling edge-based graph neural networks as the number of nodes increases. Through our distributed training approach, coupled with Nystr\"om-approximation sampling techniques, we present a scalable graph neural network, referred to as DS-MPNN (D and S standing for distributed and sampled, respectively), capable of scaling up to $O(10^5)$ nodes. We validate our sampling and distributed training approach on two cases: (a) a Darcy flow dataset and (b) steady RANS simulations of 2-D airfoils, providing comparisons with both single-GPU implementation and node-based graph convolution networks (GCNs). The DS-MPNN model demonstrates comparable accuracy to single-GPU implementation, can accommodate a significantly larger number of nodes compared to the single-GPU variant (S-MPNN), and significantly outperforms the node-based GCN.
♻ ☆ X-IL: Exploring the Design Space of Imitation Learning Policies
Designing modern imitation learning (IL) policies requires making numerous decisions, including the selection of feature encoding, architecture, policy representation, and more. As the field rapidly advances, the range of available options continues to grow, creating a vast and largely unexplored design space for IL policies. In this work, we present X-IL, an accessible open-source framework designed to systematically explore this design space. The framework's modular design enables seamless swapping of policy components, such as backbones (e.g., Transformer, Mamba, xLSTM) and policy optimization techniques (e.g., Score-matching, Flow-matching). This flexibility facilitates comprehensive experimentation and has led to the discovery of novel policy configurations that outperform existing methods on recent robot learning benchmarks. Our experiments demonstrate not only significant performance gains but also provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of various design choices. This study serves as both a practical reference for practitioners and a foundation for guiding future research in imitation learning.
♻ ☆ Cross-View Graph Consistency Learning for Invariant Graph Representations
Graph representation learning is fundamental for analyzing graph-structured data. Exploring invariant graph representations remains a challenge for most existing graph representation learning methods. In this paper, we propose a cross-view graph consistency learning (CGCL) method that learns invariant graph representations for link prediction. First, two complementary augmented views are derived from an incomplete graph structure through a coupled graph structure augmentation scheme. This augmentation scheme mitigates the potential information loss that is commonly associated with various data augmentation techniques involving raw graph data, such as edge perturbation, node removal, and attribute masking. Second, we propose a CGCL model that can learn invariant graph representations. A cross-view training scheme is proposed to train the proposed CGCL model. This scheme attempts to maximize the consistency information between one augmented view and the graph structure reconstructed from the other augmented view. Furthermore, we offer a comprehensive theoretical CGCL analysis. This paper empirically and experimentally demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed CGCL method, achieving competitive results on graph datasets in comparisons with several state-of-the-art algorithms.
comment: 9 pages
♻ ☆ Causal Concept Graph Models: Beyond Causal Opacity in Deep Learning
Causal opacity denotes the difficulty in understanding the "hidden" causal structure underlying the decisions of deep neural network (DNN) models. This leads to the inability to rely on and verify state-of-the-art DNN-based systems, especially in high-stakes scenarios. For this reason, circumventing causal opacity in DNNs represents a key open challenge at the intersection of deep learning, interpretability, and causality. This work addresses this gap by introducing Causal Concept Graph Models (Causal CGMs), a class of interpretable models whose decision-making process is causally transparent by design. Our experiments show that Causal CGMs can: (i) match the generalisation performance of causally opaque models, (ii) enable human-in-the-loop corrections to mispredicted intermediate reasoning steps, boosting not just downstream accuracy after corrections but also the reliability of the explanations provided for specific instances, and (iii) support the analysis of interventional and counterfactual scenarios, thereby improving the model's causal interpretability and supporting the effective verification of its reliability and fairness.
♻ ☆ NEAR: A Training-Free Pre-Estimator of Machine Learning Model Performance
Artificial neural networks have been shown to be state-of-the-art machine learning models in a wide variety of applications, including natural language processing and image recognition. However, building a performant neural network is a laborious task and requires substantial computing power. Neural Architecture Search (NAS) addresses this issue by an automatic selection of the optimal network from a set of potential candidates. While many NAS methods still require training of (some) neural networks, zero-cost proxies promise to identify the optimal network without training. In this work, we propose the zero-cost proxy \textit{Network Expressivity by Activation Rank} (NEAR). It is based on the effective rank of the pre- and post-activation matrix, i.e., the values of a neural network layer before and after applying its activation function. We demonstrate the cutting-edge correlation between this network score and the model accuracy on NAS-Bench-101 and NATS-Bench-SSS/TSS. In addition, we present a simple approach to estimate the optimal layer sizes in multi-layer perceptrons. Furthermore, we show that this score can be utilized to select hyperparameters such as the activation function and the neural network weight initialization scheme.
comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, 13 tables
♻ ☆ Interpreting Neurons in Deep Vision Networks with Language Models
In this paper, we propose Describe-and-Dissect (DnD), a novel method to describe the roles of hidden neurons in vision networks. DnD utilizes recent advancements in multimodal deep learning to produce complex natural language descriptions, without the need for labeled training data or a predefined set of concepts to choose from. Additionally, DnD is training-free, meaning we don't train any new models and can easily leverage more capable general purpose models in the future. We have conducted extensive qualitative and quantitative analysis to show that DnD outperforms prior work by providing higher quality neuron descriptions. Specifically, our method on average provides the highest quality labels and is more than 2$\times$ as likely to be selected as the best explanation for a neuron than the best baseline. Finally, we present a use case providing critical insights into land cover prediction models for sustainability applications. Our code and data are available at
♻ ☆ PILOT: A Pre-Trained Model-Based Continual Learning Toolbox SC
While traditional machine learning can effectively tackle a wide range of problems, it primarily operates within a closed-world setting, which presents limitations when dealing with streaming data. As a solution, incremental learning emerges to address real-world scenarios involving new data's arrival. Recently, pre-training has made significant advancements and garnered the attention of numerous researchers. The strong performance of these pre-trained models (PTMs) presents a promising avenue for developing continual learning algorithms that can effectively adapt to real-world scenarios. Consequently, exploring the utilization of PTMs in incremental learning has become essential. This paper introduces a pre-trained model-based continual learning toolbox known as PILOT. On the one hand, PILOT implements some state-of-the-art class-incremental learning algorithms based on pre-trained models, such as L2P, DualPrompt, and CODA-Prompt. On the other hand, PILOT also fits typical class-incremental learning algorithms (e.g., DER, FOSTER, and MEMO) within the context of pre-trained models to evaluate their effectiveness.
comment: Accepted to SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. Code is available at
♻ ☆ DEMO: Reframing Dialogue Interaction with Fine-grained Element Modeling
Large language models (LLMs) enabled dialogue systems have become one of the central modes in human-machine interaction, which bring about vast amounts of conversation logs and increasing demand for dialogue generation. The dialogue's life-cycle spans from $\textit{Prelude}$ through $\textit{Interlocution}$ to $\textit{Epilogue}$, encompassing rich dialogue elements. Despite large volumes of dialogue-related studies, there is a lack of systematic investigation into the dialogue stages to frame benchmark construction that covers comprehensive dialogue elements. This hinders the precise modeling, generation and assessment of LLMs-based dialogue systems. To bridge this gap, in this paper, we introduce a new research task--$\textbf{D}$ialogue $\textbf{E}$lement $\textbf{MO}$deling, including $\textit{Element Awareness}$ and $\textit{Dialogue Agent Interaction}$, and propose a novel benchmark, $\textbf{DEMO}$, designed for a comprehensive dialogue modeling and assessment. On this basis, we further build the DEMO agent with the adept ability to model dialogue elements via imitation learning. Extensive experiments on DEMO indicate that current representative LLMs still have considerable potential for enhancement, and our DEMO agent performs well in both dialogue element modeling and out-of-domain tasks.
comment: We release the code and data at
♻ ☆ Towards Active Participant Centric Vertical Federated Learning: Some Representations May Be All You Need
Existing Vertical FL (VFL) methods often struggle with realistic and unaligned data partitions, and incur into high communication costs and significant operational complexity. This work introduces a novel approach to VFL, Active Participant Centric VFL (APC-VFL), that excels in scenarios when data samples among participants are partially aligned at training. Among its strengths, APC-VFL only requires a single communication step with the active participant. This is made possible through a local and unsupervised representation learning stage at each participant followed by a knowledge distillation step in the active participant. Compared to other VFL methods such as SplitNN or VFedTrans, APC-VFL consistently outperforms them across three popular VFL datasets in terms of F1, accuracy and communication costs as the ratio of aligned data is reduced.
♻ ☆ Scalable Decentralized Algorithms for Online Personalized Mean Estimation
In numerous settings, agents lack sufficient data to directly learn a model. Collaborating with other agents may help, but it introduces a bias-variance trade-off, when local data distributions differ. A key challenge is for each agent to identify clients with similar distributions while learning the model, a problem that remains largely unresolved. This study focuses on a simplified version of the overarching problem, where each agent collects samples from a real-valued distribution over time to estimate its mean. Existing algorithms face impractical space and time complexities (quadratic in the number of agents A). To address scalability challenges, we propose a framework where agents self-organize into a graph, allowing each agent to communicate with only a selected number of peers r. We introduce two collaborative mean estimation algorithms: one draws inspiration from belief propagation, while the other employs a consensus-based approach, with complexity of O( r |A| log |A|) and O(r |A|), respectively. We establish conditions under which both algorithms yield asymptotically optimal estimates and offer a theoretical characterization of their performance.
♻ ☆ Online Physics-Informed Dynamic Mode Decomposition: Theory and Applications
Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) has received increasing research attention due to its capability to analyze and model complex dynamical systems. However, it faces challenges in computational efficiency, noise sensitivity, and difficulty adhering to physical laws, which negatively affect its performance. Addressing these issues, we present Online Physics-informed DMD (OPIDMD), a novel adaptation of DMD into a convex optimization framework. This approach not only ensures convergence to a unique global optimum, but also enhances the efficiency and accuracy of modeling dynamical systems in an online setting. Leveraging the Bayesian DMD framework, we propose a probabilistic interpretation of Physics-informed DMD (piDMD), examining the impact of physical constraints on the DMD linear operator. Further, we implement online proximal gradient descent and formulate specific algorithms to tackle problems with different physical constraints, enabling real-time solutions across various scenarios. Compared with existing algorithms such as Exact DMD, Online DMD, and piDMD, OPIDMD achieves the best prediction performance in short-term forecasting, e.g. an $R^2$ value of 0.991 for noisy Lorenz system. The proposed method employs a time-varying linear operator, offering a promising solution for the real-time simulation and control of complex dynamical systems.
♻ ☆ Geometry of Lightning Self-Attention: Identifiability and Dimension ICLR 2025
We consider function spaces defined by self-attention networks without normalization, and theoretically analyze their geometry. Since these networks are polynomial, we rely on tools from algebraic geometry. In particular, we study the identifiability of deep attention by providing a description of the generic fibers of the parametrization for an arbitrary number of layers and, as a consequence, compute the dimension of the function space. Additionally, for a single-layer model, we characterize the singular and boundary points. Finally, we formulate a conjectural extension of our results to normalized self-attention networks, prove it for a single layer, and numerically verify it in the deep case.
comment: Accepted at ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ Stochastic Security as a Performance Metric for Quantum-enhanced Generative AI
Motivated by applications of quantum computers in Gibbs sampling from continuous real-valued functions, we ask whether such algorithms can provide practical advantages for machine learning models trained on classical data and seek measures for quantifying such impacts. In this study, we focus on deep energy-based models (EBM), as they require continuous-domain Gibbs sampling both during training and inference. In lieu of fault-tolerant quantum computers that can execute quantum Gibbs sampling algorithms, we use the Monte Carlo simulation of diffusion processes as a classical alternative. More specifically, we investigate whether long-run persistent chain Monte Carlo simulation of Langevin dynamics improves the quality of the representations achieved by EBMs. We consider a scheme in which the Monte Carlo simulation of a diffusion, whose drift is given by the gradient of the energy function, is used to improve the adversarial robustness and calibration score of an independent classifier network. Our results show that increasing the computational budget of Gibbs sampling in persistent contrastive divergence improves both the calibration and adversarial robustness of the model, suggesting a prospective avenue of quantum advantage for generative AI using future large-scale quantum computers.
♻ ☆ Large Continual Instruction Assistant
Continual Instruction Tuning (CIT) is adopted to continually instruct Large Models to follow human intent data by data. It is observed that existing gradient update would heavily destroy the performance on previous datasets during CIT process. Instead, Exponential Moving Average (EMA), owns the ability to trace previous parameters, which can aid in decreasing forgetting. Nonetheless, its stable balance weight fails to deal with the ever-changing datasets, leading to the out-of-balance between plasticity and stability. In this paper, we propose a general continual instruction tuning framework to address the challenge. Starting from the trade-off prerequisite and EMA update, we propose the plasticity and stability ideal condition. Based on Taylor expansion in the loss function, we find the optimal balance weight can be automatically determined by the gradients and learned parameters. Therefore, we propose a stable-plasticity balanced coefficient to avoid knowledge confusion. Based on the semantic similarity of the instructions, we can determine whether to retrain or expand the training parameters and allocate the most suitable parameters for the testing instances. Extensive experiments across multiple continual instruction tuning benchmarks demonstrate that our approach not only enhances anti-forgetting capabilities but also significantly improves overall continual tuning performance. For example, based on LLaVA-7B, the forgetting is reduced from 5.42 to 1.93. Our code will be made publicly available soon.
♻ ☆ The Majority Vote Paradigm Shift: When Popular Meets Optimal
Reliably labelling data typically requires annotations from multiple human workers. However, humans are far from being perfect. Hence, it is a common practice to aggregate labels gathered from multiple annotators to make a more confident estimate of the true label. Among many aggregation methods, the simple and well known Majority Vote (MV) selects the class label polling the highest number of votes. However, despite its importance, the optimality of MV's label aggregation has not been extensively studied. We address this gap in our work by characterising the conditions under which MV achieves the theoretically optimal lower bound on label estimation error. Our results capture the tolerable limits on annotation noise under which MV can optimally recover labels for a given class distribution. This certificate of optimality provides a more principled approach to model selection for label aggregation as an alternative to otherwise inefficient practices that sometimes include higher experts, gold labels, etc., that are all marred by the same human uncertainty despite huge time and monetary costs. Experiments on both synthetic and real world data corroborate our theoretical findings.
comment: 33 pages, 7 figures
♻ ☆ Utility Engineering: Analyzing and Controlling Emergent Value Systems in AIs
As AIs rapidly advance and become more agentic, the risk they pose is governed not only by their capabilities but increasingly by their propensities, including goals and values. Tracking the emergence of goals and values has proven a longstanding problem, and despite much interest over the years it remains unclear whether current AIs have meaningful values. We propose a solution to this problem, leveraging the framework of utility functions to study the internal coherence of AI preferences. Surprisingly, we find that independently-sampled preferences in current LLMs exhibit high degrees of structural coherence, and moreover that this emerges with scale. These findings suggest that value systems emerge in LLMs in a meaningful sense, a finding with broad implications. To study these emergent value systems, we propose utility engineering as a research agenda, comprising both the analysis and control of AI utilities. We uncover problematic and often shocking values in LLM assistants despite existing control measures. These include cases where AIs value themselves over humans and are anti-aligned with specific individuals. To constrain these emergent value systems, we propose methods of utility control. As a case study, we show how aligning utilities with a citizen assembly reduces political biases and generalizes to new scenarios. Whether we like it or not, value systems have already emerged in AIs, and much work remains to fully understand and control these emergent representations.
comment: Website:
♻ ☆ SWE-Lancer: Can Frontier LLMs Earn $1 Million from Real-World Freelance Software Engineering?
We introduce SWE-Lancer, a benchmark of over 1,400 freelance software engineering tasks from Upwork, valued at \$1 million USD total in real-world payouts. SWE-Lancer encompasses both independent engineering tasks--ranging from \$50 bug fixes to \$32,000 feature implementations--and managerial tasks, where models choose between technical implementation proposals. Independent tasks are graded with end-to-end tests triple-verified by experienced software engineers, while managerial decisions are assessed against the choices of the original hired engineering managers. We evaluate model performance and find that frontier models are still unable to solve the majority of tasks. To facilitate future research, we open-source a unified Docker image and a public evaluation split, SWE-Lancer Diamond ( By mapping model performance to monetary value, we hope SWE-Lancer enables greater research into the economic impact of AI model development.
comment: 9 pages, 24 pages appendix
♻ ☆ Uncertainty-Aware Graph Structure Learning
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have become a prominent approach for learning from graph-structured data. However, their effectiveness can be significantly compromised when the graph structure is suboptimal. To address this issue, Graph Structure Learning (GSL) has emerged as a promising technique that refines node connections adaptively. Nevertheless, we identify two key limitations in existing GSL methods: 1) Most methods primarily focus on node similarity to construct relationships, while overlooking the quality of node information. Blindly connecting low-quality nodes and aggregating their ambiguous information can degrade the performance of other nodes. 2) The constructed graph structures are often constrained to be symmetric, which may limit the model's flexibility and effectiveness. To overcome these limitations, we propose an Uncertainty-aware Graph Structure Learning (UnGSL) strategy. UnGSL estimates the uncertainty of node information and utilizes it to adjust the strength of directional connections, where the influence of nodes with high uncertainty is adaptively reduced. Importantly, UnGSL serves as a plug-in module that can be seamlessly integrated into existing GSL methods with minimal additional computational cost. In our experiments, we implement UnGSL into six representative GSL methods, demonstrating consistent performance improvements.
comment: This paper has been accepted by TheWebConf 2025
♻ ☆ Stacking as Accelerated Gradient Descent
Stacking, a heuristic technique for training deep residual networks by progressively increasing the number of layers and initializing new layers by copying parameters from older layers, has proven quite successful in improving the efficiency of training deep neural networks. In this paper, we propose a theoretical explanation for the efficacy of stacking: viz., stacking implements a form of Nesterov's accelerated gradient descent. The theory also covers simpler models such as the additive ensembles constructed in boosting methods, and provides an explanation for a similar widely-used practical heuristic for initializing the new classifier in each round of boosting. We also prove that for certain deep linear residual networks, stacking does provide accelerated training, via a new potential function analysis of the Nesterov's accelerated gradient method which allows errors in updates. We conduct proof-of-concept experiments to validate our theory as well.
System/Control 32
☆ Conveniently Identify Coils in Inductive Power Transfer System Using Machine Learning
High-frequency inductive power transfer (IPT) has garnered significant attention in recent years due to its long transmission distance and high efficiency. The inductance values L and quality factors Q of the transmitting and receiving coils greatly influence the system's operation. Traditional methods involved impedance analyzers or network analyzers for measurement, which required bulky and costly equipment. Moreover, disassembling it for re-measurement is impractical once the product is packaged. Alternatively, simulation software such as HYSS can serve for the identification. Nevertheless, in the case of very high frequencies, the simulation process consumes a significant amount of time due to the skin and proximity effects. More importantly, obtaining parameters through simulation software becomes impractical when the coil design is more complex. This paper firstly employs a machine learning approach for the identification task. We simply input images of the coils and operating frequency into a well-trained model. This method enables rapid identification of the coil's L and Q values anytime and anywhere, without the need for expensive machinery or coil disassembly.
comment: This paper has accepted in 2025 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC)
☆ Highly Dynamic and Flexible Spatio-Temporal Spectrum Management with AI-Driven O-RAN: A Multi-Granularity Marketplace Framework
Current spectrum-sharing frameworks struggle with adaptability, often being either static or insufficiently dynamic. They primarily emphasize temporal sharing while overlooking spatial and spectral dimensions. We propose an adaptive, AI-driven spectrum-sharing framework within the O-RAN architecture, integrating discriminative and generative AI (GenAI) to forecast spectrum needs across multiple timescales and spatial granularities. A marketplace model, managed by an authorized spectrum broker, enables operators to trade spectrum dynamically, balancing static assignments with real-time trading. GenAI enhances traffic prediction, spectrum estimation, and allocation, optimizing utilization while reducing costs. This modular, flexible approach fosters operator collaboration, maximizing efficiency and revenue. A key research challenge is refining allocation granularity and spatio-temporal dynamics beyond existing models.
☆ Class E/EF Inductive Power Transfer to Achieve Stable Output under Variable Low Coupling
This paper develops an inductive power transfer(IPT)system with stable output power based on a Class E/EF inverter. Load-independent design of Class E/EF inverter has recently attracted widespread interest. However, applying this design to IPT systems has proven challenging when the coupling coefficient is weak. To solve this issue, this paper uses an expanded impedance model and substitutes the secondary side's perfect resonance with a detuned design. Therefore, the system can maintain stable output even under a low coupling coefficient. A 400 kHz experimental prototype validates these findings. The experimental results indicate that the output power fluctuation remains within 15% as the coupling coefficient varies from 0.04 to 0.07. The peak power efficiency achieving 91%
comment: This paper has been accepted in 2025 IEEE Conference on Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC)
☆ Learning to explore when mistakes are not allowed AAMAS 2025
Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning (GCRL) provides a versatile framework for developing unified controllers capable of handling wide ranges of tasks, exploring environments, and adapting behaviors. However, its reliance on trial-and-error poses challenges for real-world applications, as errors can result in costly and potentially damaging consequences. To address the need for safer learning, we propose a method that enables agents to learn goal-conditioned behaviors that explore without the risk of making harmful mistakes. Exploration without risks can seem paradoxical, but environment dynamics are often uniform in space, therefore a policy trained for safety without exploration purposes can still be exploited globally. Our proposed approach involves two distinct phases. First, during a pretraining phase, we employ safe reinforcement learning and distributional techniques to train a safety policy that actively tries to avoid failures in various situations. In the subsequent safe exploration phase, a goal-conditioned (GC) policy is learned while ensuring safety. To achieve this, we implement an action-selection mechanism leveraging the previously learned distributional safety critics to arbitrate between the safety policy and the GC policy, ensuring safe exploration by switching to the safety policy when needed. We evaluate our method in simulated environments and demonstrate that it not only provides substantial coverage of the goal space but also reduces the occurrence of mistakes to a minimum, in stark contrast to traditional GCRL approaches. Additionally, we conduct an ablation study and analyze failure modes, offering insights for future research directions.
comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, Published as an extended abstract at AAMAS 2025
☆ PEDRO-V: From a concurrent engineering case study to a promising phase zero mission definition
Each year, the European Space Agency (ESA) organizes challenges for university students, from BSc to PhD levels. The ESA Concurrent Engineering Challange 2024 was hosted by four Concurrent Design Facilites (CDF) across Europe: ESEC Galazia, ISAE SUPAERO, the University of Athens, and the University of Portsmouth. A total of 102 students participated in the event. Over five days, students worked on a feasibility study for a space mission, simulating ESA's design session at ESTEC, the ESA headquarters. Students were divided into specializes groups based on their backgrounds, reflecting ESA's concurrent engineering teams. This paper discusses the design of subsystems by students, their trade-off results, and the outcomes of the CDF study. It highlights the effectiveness of concurrent engineering, which enabled rapid and efficient results even from non-esxpert teams. The future development roadmap and lessons learned are also presented. The students used CDP4-Comet software within the replicated ESA CDF, resulting in the PEDRO-V mission proposal: Planetary Exploration Deployment and Research Operation - Venus. The teams collaboratively defined the Concept of Operations, identified actors, worst-case scenarios, use cases, and activities. Their output included a list of requirements, a draft product breakdown structure, and key subsystems information. The concurrent engineering process led to continuous improvement and convergence of key parameters. This approach proved to be effective by aligning different teams' solutions and comparing them to similar missions. The PEDRO-V mission feasibility was confirmed, demonstrating the potential of concurrent engineering in accademic settings for space missions. (summarized with AI)
comment: ESA SECESA 2024 Conference, Strasbourg (France), 8 pages
☆ Hierarchical RL-MPC for Demand Response Scheduling
This paper presents a hierarchical framework for demand response optimization in air separation units (ASUs) that combines reinforcement learning (RL) with linear model predictive control (LMPC). We investigate two control architectures: a direct RL approach and a control-informed methodology where an RL agent provides setpoints to a lower-level LMPC. The proposed RL-LMPC framework demonstrates improved sample efficiency during training and better constraint satisfaction compared to direct RL control. Using an industrial ASU case study, we show that our approach successfully manages operational constraints while optimizing electricity costs under time-varying pricing. Results indicate that the RL-LMPC architecture achieves comparable economic performance to direct RL while providing better robustness and requiring fewer training samples to converge. The framework offers a practical solution for implementing flexible operation strategies in process industries, bridging the gap between data-driven methods and traditional control approaches.
☆ An Adaptive Data-Enabled Policy Optimization Approach for Autonomous Bicycle Control
This paper presents a unified control framework that integrates a Feedback Linearization (FL) controller in the inner loop with an adaptive Data-Enabled Policy Optimization (DeePO) controller in the outer loop to balance an autonomous bicycle. While the FL controller stabilizes and partially linearizes the inherently unstable and nonlinear system, its performance is compromised by unmodeled dynamics and time-varying characteristics. To overcome these limitations, the DeePO controller is introduced to enhance adaptability and robustness. The initial control policy of DeePO is obtained from a finite set of offline, persistently exciting input and state data. To improve stability and compensate for system nonlinearities and disturbances, a robustness-promoting regularizer refines the initial policy, while the adaptive section of the DeePO framework is enhanced with a forgetting factor to improve adaptation to time-varying dynamics. The proposed DeePO+FL approach is evaluated through simulations and real-world experiments on an instrumented autonomous bicycle. Results demonstrate its superiority over the FL-only approach, achieving more precise tracking of the reference lean angle and lean rate.
☆ Multi-Target Radar Search and Track Using Sequence-Capable Deep Reinforcement Learning SP 2025
The research addresses sensor task management for radar systems, focusing on efficiently searching and tracking multiple targets using reinforcement learning. The approach develops a 3D simulation environment with an active electronically scanned array radar, using a multi-target tracking algorithm to improve observation data quality. Three neural network architectures were compared including an approach using fated recurrent units with multi-headed self-attention. Two pre-training techniques were applied: behavior cloning to approximate a random search strategy and an auto-encoder to pre-train the feature extractor. Experimental results revealed that search performance was relatively consistent across most methods. The real challenge emerged in simultaneously searching and tracking targets. The multi-headed self-attention architecture demonstrated the most promising results, highlighting the potential of sequence-capable architectures in handling dynamic tracking scenarios. The key contribution lies in demonstrating how reinforcement learning can optimize sensor management, potentially improving radar systems' ability to identify and track multiple targets in complex environments.
comment: Accepted for RLDM 2025, submitted to IEEE SSP 2025
☆ Implementation of an IEEE 802.11ax-Based Maritime Mesh Network in the Red Sea
In this article, we explore the limitations of satellite phones in meeting the communication needs of fishermen operating in the Red Sea. We propose AX-MMN, a maritime mesh network based on the IEEE 802.11ax standard, to address these shortcomings of satellite phones and outline AX-MMN's system architecture. To validate the performance of AX-MMN, we conduct extensive real-world experiments, demonstrating its potential to enhance maritime connectivity significantly. We also discuss the broader benefits of AX-MMN, particularly for fishermen in underdeveloped East African countries bordering the Red Sea, emphasizing its capacity to improve their communication capabilities and overall quality of life.
☆ Kernel Mean Embedding Topology: Weak and Strong Forms for Stochastic Kernels and Implications for Model Learning
We introduce a novel topology, called Kernel Mean Embedding Topology, for stochastic kernels, in a weak and strong form. This topology, defined on the spaces of Bochner integrable functions from a signal space to a space of probability measures endowed with a Hilbert space structure, allows for a versatile formulation. This construction allows one to obtain both a strong and weak formulation. (i) For its weak formulation, we highlight the utility on relaxed policy spaces, and investigate connections with the Young narrow topology and Borkar (or \( w^* \))-topology, and establish equivalence properties. We report that, while both the \( w^* \)-topology and kernel mean embedding topology are relatively compact, they are not closed. Conversely, while the Young narrow topology is closed, it lacks relative compactness. (ii) We show that the strong form provides an appropriate formulation for placing topologies on spaces of models characterized by stochastic kernels with explicit robustness and learning theoretic implications on optimal stochastic control under discounted or average cost criteria. (iii) We show that this topology possesses several properties making it ideal to study optimality, approximations, robustness and continuity properties. In particular, the kernel mean embedding topology has a Hilbert space structure, which is particularly useful for approximating stochastic kernels through simulation data.
comment: 35 pages
☆ Probabilistically Robust Uncertainty Analysis and Optimal Control of Continuous Lyophilization via Polynomial Chaos Theory
Lyophilization, aka freeze drying, is a process commonly used to increase the stability of various drug products in biotherapeutics manufacturing, e.g., mRNA vaccines, allowing for higher storage temperature. While the current trends in the industry are moving towards continuous manufacturing, the majority of industrial lyophilization processes are still being operated in a batch mode. This article presents a framework that accounts for the probabilistic uncertainty during the primary and secondary drying steps in continuous lyophilization. The probabilistic uncertainty is incorporated into the mechanistic model via polynomial chaos theory (PCT). The resulting PCT-based model is able to accurately and efficiently quantify the effects of uncertainty on several critical process variables, including the temperature, sublimation front, and concentration of bound water. The integration of the PCT-based model into stochastic optimization and control is demonstrated. The proposed framework and case studies can be used to guide the design and control of continuous lyophilization while accounting for probabilistic uncertainty.
comment: Accepted Manuscript
☆ Empirical Study of Dynamic Regret in Online Model Predictive Control for Linear Time-Varying Systems
Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a widely used technique for managing timevarying systems, supported by extensive theoretical analysis. While theoretical studies employing dynamic regret frameworks have established robust performance guarantees, their empirical validation remains sparse. This paper investigates the practical applicability of MPC by empirically evaluating the assumptions and theoretical results proposed by Lin et al. [2022]. Specifically, we analyze the performance of online MPC under varying prediction errors and prediction horizons in Linear Time-Varying (LTV) systems. Our study examines the relationship between dynamic regret, prediction errors, and prediction horizons, providing insights into the trade-offs involved. By bridging theory and practice, this work advances the understanding and application of MPC in real-world scenarios.
☆ Generative Predictive Control: Flow Matching Policies for Dynamic and Difficult-to-Demonstrate Tasks
Generative control policies have recently unlocked major progress in robotics. These methods produce action sequences via diffusion or flow matching, with training data provided by demonstrations. But despite enjoying considerable success on difficult manipulation problems, generative policies come with two key limitations. First, behavior cloning requires expert demonstrations, which can be time-consuming and expensive to obtain. Second, existing methods are limited to relatively slow, quasi-static tasks. In this paper, we leverage a tight connection between sampling-based predictive control and generative modeling to address each of these issues. In particular, we introduce generative predictive control, a supervised learning framework for tasks with fast dynamics that are easy to simulate but difficult to demonstrate. We then show how trained flow-matching policies can be warm-started at run-time, maintaining temporal consistency and enabling fast feedback rates. We believe that generative predictive control offers a complementary approach to existing behavior cloning methods, and hope that it paves the way toward generalist policies that extend beyond quasi-static demonstration-oriented tasks.
☆ A Note on Structural Controllability and Observability Indices
In this note, we investigate the structural controllability and observability indices of structured systems. We provide counter-examples showing that an existing graph-theoretic characterization for the structural controllability index (SCOI) may not hold, even for systems with self-loop at every state node. We further demonstrate that this characterization actually provides upper bounds, and extend them to new graph-theoretic characterizations applicable to systems that are not necessarily structurally controllable. Additionally, we reveal that an existing method may fail to obtain the exact SCOI. Consequently, complete graph-theoretic characterizations and polynomial-time computation of SCOI remain open. Given this, we present an efficiently computable tight lower bound, whose tightness is validated by numerical simulations. All these results apply to the structural observability index by the duality between controllability and observability.
☆ Low-Complexity Cooperative Payload Transportation for Nonholonomic Mobile Robots Under Scalable Constraints
Cooperative transportation, a key aspect of logistics cyber-physical systems (CPS), is typically approached using dis tributed control and optimization-based methods. The distributed control methods consume less time, but poorly handle and extend to multiple constraints. Instead, optimization-based methods handle constraints effectively, but they are usually centralized, time-consuming and thus not easily scalable to numerous robots. To overcome drawbacks of both, we propose a novel cooperative transportation method for nonholonomic mobile robots by im proving conventional formation control, which is distributed, has a low time-complexity and accommodates scalable constraints. The proposed control-based method is testified on a cable suspended payload and divided into two parts, including robot trajectory generation and trajectory tracking. Unlike most time consuming trajectory generation methods, ours can generate trajectories with only constant time-complexity, needless of global maps. As for trajectory tracking, our control-based method not only scales easily to multiple constraints as those optimization based methods, but reduces their time-complexity from poly nomial to linear. Simulations and experiments can verify the feasibility of our method.
☆ System-level Analysis of Dual-Mode Networked Sensing: ISAC Integration & Coordination Gains
This paper characterizes integration and coordination gains in dense millimeter-wave ISAC networks through a dual-mode framework that combines monostatic and multistatic sensing. A comprehensive system-level analysis is conducted, accounting for base station (BS) density, power allocation, antenna misalignment, radar cross-section (RCS) fluctuations, clutter, bistatic geometry, channel fading, and self-interference cancellation (SIC) efficiency. Using stochastic geometry, coverage probabilities and ergodic rates for sensing and communication are derived, revealing tradeoffs among BS density, beamwidth, and power allocation. It is shown that the communication performance sustained reliable operation despite the overlaid sensing functionality. In contrast, the results reveal the foundational role of spatial sensing diversity, driven by the dual-mode operation, to compensate for the weak sensing reflections and vulnerability to imperfect SIC along with interference and clutter. To this end, we identify a system transition from monostatic to multistatic-dominant sensing operation as a function of the SIC efficiency. In the latter case, using six multistatic BSs instead of a single bistatic receiver improved sensing coverage probability by over 100%, highlighting the coordination gain. Moreover, comparisons with pure communication networks confirm substantial integration gain. Specifically, dual-mode networked sensing with four cooperative BSs can double throughput, while multistatic sensing alone improves throughput by over 50%.
☆ Risk-Sensitive Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch: Pricing and Algorithm Design
We propose a risk-sensitive security-constrained economic dispatch (R-SCED) formulation capturing the tradeoff between dispatch cost and resilience against potential line failures, where risk is modeled via the conditional value at risk (CVaR). In the context of our formulation, we analyze revenue adequacy and side payments of two pricing models, one based on nominal generation costs, and another based on total marginal cost including contingencies. In particular, we prove that the system operator's (SO) merchandising surplus (MS) and total revenue are nonnegative under the latter, while under the former the same does not hold in general. We demonstrate that the proposed R-SCED formulation is amenable to decomposition and describe a Benders' decomposition algorithm to solve it. In numerical examples, we illustrate the differences in MS and total revenue under the considered pricing schemes, and the computational efficiency of our decomposition approach.
☆ A Supervised Machine-Learning Approach For Turboshaft Engine Dynamic Modeling Under Real Flight Conditions
Rotorcraft engines are highly complex, nonlinear thermodynamic systems that operate under varying environmental and flight conditions. Simulating their dynamics is crucial for design, fault diagnostics, and deterioration control phases, and requires robust and reliable control systems to estimate engine performance throughout flight envelope. However, the development of detailed physical models of the engine based on numerical simulations is a very challenging task due to the complex and entangled physics driving the engine. In this scenario, data-driven machine-learning techniques are of great interest to the aircraft engine community, due to their ability to describe nonlinear systems' dynamic behavior and enable online performance estimation, achieving excellent results with accuracy competitive with the state of the art. In this work, we explore different Neural Network architectures to model the turboshaft engine of Leonardo's AW189P4 prototype, aiming to predict the engine torque. The models are trained on an extensive database of real flight tests featuring a variety of operational maneuvers performed under different flight conditions, providing a comprehensive representation of the engine's performance. To complement the neural network approach, we apply Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamics (SINDy) to derive a low-dimensional dynamical model from the available data, describing the relationship between fuel flow and engine torque. The resulting model showcases SINDy's capability to recover the actual physics underlying the engine dynamics and demonstrates its potential for investigating more complex aspects of the engine. The results prove that data-driven engine models can exploit a wider range of parameters than standard transfer function-based approaches, enabling the use of trained schemes to simulate nonlinear effects in different engines and helicopters.
comment: 26 pages, 14 figures, submitted to the Aeronautical Journal
☆ Comprehensive Review on the Control of Heat Pumps for Energy Flexibility in Distribution Networks
Decarbonization plans promote the transition to heat pumps (HPs), creating new opportunities for their energy flexibility in demand response programs, solar photovoltaic integration and optimization of distribution networks. This paper reviews scheduling-based and real-time optimization methods for controlling HPs with a focus on energy flexibility in distribution networks. Scheduling-based methods fall into two categories: rule-based controllers (RBCs), which rely on predefined control rules without explicitly seeking optimal solutions, and optimization models, which are designed to determine the optimal scheduling of operations. Real-time optimization is achieved through model predictive control (MPC), which relies on a predictive model to optimize decisions over a time horizon, and reinforcement learning (RL), which takes a model-free approach by learning optimal strategies through direct interaction with the environment. The paper also examines studies on the impact of HPs on distribution networks, particularly those leveraging energy flexibility strategies. Key takeaways suggest the need to validate control strategies for extreme cold-weather regions that require backup heaters, as well as develop approaches designed for demand charge schemes that integrate HPs with other controllable loads. From a grid impact assessment perspective, studies have focused primarily on RBCs for providing energy flexibility through HP operation, without addressing more advanced methods such as real-time optimization using MPC or RL-based algorithms. Incorporating these advanced control strategies could help identify key limitations, including the impact of varying user participation levels and the cost-benefit trade-offs associated with their implementation.
☆ Hybrid Visual Servoing of Tendon-driven Continuum Robots
This paper introduces a novel Hybrid Visual Servoing (HVS) approach for controlling tendon-driven continuum robots (TDCRs). The HVS system combines Image-Based Visual Servoing (IBVS) with Deep Learning-Based Visual Servoing (DLBVS) to overcome the limitations of each method and improve overall performance. IBVS offers higher accuracy and faster convergence in feature-rich environments, while DLBVS enhances robustness against disturbances and offers a larger workspace. By enabling smooth transitions between IBVS and DLBVS, the proposed HVS ensures effective control in dynamic, unstructured environments. The effectiveness of this approach is validated through simulations and real-world experiments, demonstrating that HVS achieves reduced iteration time, faster convergence, lower final error, and smoother performance compared to DLBVS alone, while maintaining DLBVS's robustness in challenging conditions such as occlusions, lighting changes, actuator noise, and physical impacts.
☆ Experiment Design with Gaussian Process Regression with Applications to Chance-Constrained Control
Learning for control in repeated tasks allows for well-designed experiments to gather the most useful data. We consider the setting in which we use a data-driven controller that does not have access to the true system dynamics. Rather, the controller uses inferred dynamics based on the available information. In order to acquire data that is beneficial for this controller, we present an experimental design approach that leverages the current data to improve expected control performance. We focus on the setting in which inference on the unknown dynamics is performed using Gaussian processes. Gaussian processes not only provide uncertainty quantification but also allow us to leverage structures inherent to Gaussian random variables. Through this structure, we design experiments via gradient descent on the expected control performance with respect to the experiment input. In particular, we focus on a chance-constrained minimum expected time control problem. Numerical demonstrations of our approach indicate our experimental design outperforms relevant benchmarks.
comment: 8 pages
☆ Advancing Measurement Capabilities in Lithium-Ion Batteries: Exploring the Potential of Fiber Optic Sensors for Thermal Monitoring of Battery Cells
This work demonstrates the potential of fiber optic sensors for measuring thermal effects in lithium-ion batteries, using a fiber optic measurement method of Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry (OFDR). The innovative application of fiber sensors allows for spatially resolved temperature measurement, particularly emphasizing the importance of monitoring not just the exterior but also the internal conditions within battery cells. Utilizing inert glass fibers as sensors, which exhibit minimal sensitivity to electric fields, opens up new pathways for their implementation in a wide range of applications, such as battery monitoring. The sensors used in this work provide real-time information along the entire length of the fiber, unlike commonly used Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors. It is shown that using the herein presented novel sensors in a temperature range of 0 to 80 degree celsius reveals a linear thermal dependency with high sensitivity and a local resolution of a few centimeters. Furthermore, this study presents preliminary findings on the potential application of fiber optic sensors in lithium-ion battery (LIB) cells, demonstrating that the steps required for battery integration do not impose any restrictive effects on thermal measurements.
☆ Kernel Mean Embedding Topology: Weak and Strong Forms for Stochastic Kernels and Implications for Model Learning
We introduce a novel topology, called Kernel Mean Embedding Topology, for stochastic kernels, in a weak and strong form. This topology, defined on the spaces of Bochner integrable functions from a signal space to a space of probability measures endowed with a Hilbert space structure, allows for a versatile formulation. This construction allows one to obtain both a strong and weak formulation. (i) For its weak formulation, we highlight the utility on relaxed policy spaces, and investigate connections with the Young narrow topology and Borkar (or $w^*$)-topology, and establish equivalence properties. We report that, while both the $w^*$-topology and kernel mean embedding topology are relatively compact, they are not closed. Conversely, while the Young narrow topology is closed, it lacks relative compactness. (ii) We show that the strong form provides an appropriate formulation for placing topologies on spaces of models characterized by stochastic kernels with explicit robustness and learning theoretic implications on optimal stochastic control under discounted or average cost criteria. (iii) We show that this topology possesses several properties making it ideal to study optimality, approximations, robustness and continuity properties. In particular, the kernel mean embedding topology has a Hilbert space structure, which is particularly useful for approximating stochastic kernels through simulation data.
comment: 35 pages
♻ ☆ Practical Challenges for Reliable RIS Deployment in Heterogeneous Multi-Operator Multi-Band Networks
Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) have been introduced as arrays of nearly passive elements with software-tunable electromagnetic properties to dynamically manipulate the reflection/transmission of radio signals. Research works in this area are focused on two applications, namely {\it user-assist} RIS aiming at tuning the RIS to enhance the quality-of-service (QoS) of target users, and the {\it malicious} RIS aiming for an attacker to degrade the QoS at victim receivers through generating {\it intended} destructive interference. While both user-assist and malicious RIS applications have been explored extensively, the impact of RIS deployments on imposing {\it unintended} interference on various wireless user-equipments (EUs) remains underexplored. This paper investigates the challenges of integrating RISs into multi-carrier, multi-user, and multi-operator networks. We discuss how RIS deployments intended to benefit specific users can negatively impact other users served at various carrier frequencies through different network operators. While not an ideal solution, we discuss how ultra-narrowband metasurfaces can be incorporated into the manufacturing of RISs to mitigate some challenges of RIS deployment in wireless networks. We also present a simulation scenario to illuminate some practical challenges associated with the deployment of RISs in shared public environments.
♻ ☆ Weather-Driven Priority Charging for Battery Storage Systems in Hybrid Renewable Energy Grids
The integration of renewable energy into the power grid is often hindered by its fragmented infrastructure, leading to inefficient utilization due to the variability of energy production and its reliance on weather conditions. Battery storage systems, while essential for stabilizing energy supply, face challenges like sub-optimal energy distribution, accelerating battery degradation, and reducing operational efficiency. This paper presents a novel solution to these challenges by developing a large-scale, interconnected renewable energy network that optimizes energy storage and distribution. The proposed system includes strategically placed battery storage facilities that stabilize energy production by compensating for fluctuations in renewable output. A priority charging algorithm, informed by real-time weather forecasting and load monitoring, ensures that the most suitable battery systems are charged under varying conditions. Within each storage facility, a secondary priority charging algorithm minimizes battery degradation by ranking batteries based on critical parameters such as state of health (SoH) and state of charge (SoC) and deciding which to charge. This comprehensive approach enhances the efficiency and longevity of battery storage systems, offering a more reliable and resilient renewable energy infrastructure.
♻ ☆ Variation Bayesian Interference for Multiple Extended Targets or Unresolved Group Targets Tracking
In this work, we propose a tracking method for multiple extended targets or unresolvable group targets based on the Variational Bayesian Inference (VBI). Firstly, based on the most commonly used Random Matrix Model (RMM), the joint states of a single target are modeled as a Gamma Gaussian Inverse Wishart (GGIW) distribution, and the multi-target joint association variables are involved in the estimation together as unknown information with a prior distribution. A shape evolution model and VBI are employed to address the shortcomings of the RMM. Through the VBI, we can derive the approximate variational posterior for the exact multi-target posterior. Furthermore, to demonstrate the applicability of the method in real-world tracking scenarios, we present two potential lightweight schemes. The first is based on clustering, which effectively prunes the joint association events. The second is a simplification of the variational posterior through marginal association probabilities. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method using simulation experiments, and the proposed method outperforms current state-of-the-art methods in terms of accuracy and adaptability. This manuscript is only a preprint version, a completer and more official version will be uploaded as soon as possible
comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables
♻ ☆ Trajectory Map-Matching in Urban Road Networks Based on RSS Measurements
This paper proposes an RSS-based approach to reconstruct vehicle trajectories within a road network, enforcing signal propagation rules and vehicle mobility constraints to mitigate the impact of RSS noise and sparsity. The key challenge lies in leveraging latent spatiotemporal correlations within RSS data while navigating complex road networks. To address this, we develop a Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based RSS embedding (HRE) technique that employs alternating optimization to infer vehicle trajectories from RSS measurements. This model captures spatiotemporal dependencies while a road graph ensures network compliance. Additionally, we introduce a maximum speed-constrained rough trajectory estimation (MSR) method to guide the optimization process, enabling rapid convergence to a favorable local solution.
♻ ☆ Advancing Multi-Connectivity in Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Networks: Architectures, Challenges, and Applications
Multi-connectivity (MC) in satellite-terrestrial integrated networks (STINs), included in the Third-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standards, is regarded as a promising technology for future networks, especially the non-terrestrial network (NTN). The significant advantages of MC in improving coverage, communication, and sensing through satellite-terrestrial collaboration have sparked widespread interest. This article introduces three fundamental deployment architectures of MC systems in STINs, including multi-satellite, single-satellite single-base-station, and multi-satellite multi-base-station configurations. Considering the emerging but still evolving satellite networking, we explore system design challenges such as satellite networking schemes, such as cell-free and multi-tier satellite networks. Subsequently, key technical challenges severely influencing the quality of mutual communications, including beamforming, channel estimation, and synchronization, are discussed. Furthermore, typical applications such as coverage enhancement, traffic offloading, collaborative sensing, and low-altitude communication are demonstrated, followed by a case study comparing coverage performance in MC and single-connectivity (SC) configurations. Several essential future research directions for MC in STINs are presented to facilitate further exploration.
♻ ☆ From Maneuver to Mishap: A Systematic Literature Review on U-Turn Safety Risks
Understanding the impacts of U-turn configurations on intersection safety and traffic operations is essential for developing effective strategies to enhance road safety and efficiency. Extensive research has been conducted to investigate the role of geometric designs, driver behavior, and advanced technologies in mitigating crash risks and improving traffic flow at U-turn facilities. By synthesizing this collective body of work through the guidelines of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), this paper provides a valuable resource for transportation professionals, policymakers, and researchers seeking evidence-based solutions. This systematic review draws on studies from diverse traffic environments and regional contexts, focusing on innovative design interventions, such as restricted crossing U-turns (RCUTs) and median U-turn intersections (MUTs), as well as integrated strategies leveraging technological advancements. By presenting a comprehensive analysis of U-turn-related challenges and opportunities, this review contributes to advancing transportation safety research and guiding the development of adaptive strategies tailored to varied traffic conditions and evolving technologies.
comment: 28 pages, 8 tables, 2 figures
♻ ☆ An exact active sensing strategy for a class of bio-inspired systems
We consider a general class of translation-invariant systems with a specific category of output nonlinearities motivated by biological sensing. We show that no dynamic output feedback can stabilize this class of systems to an isolated equilibrium point. To overcome this fundamental limitation, we propose a simple control scheme that includes a low-amplitude periodic forcing function akin to so-called "active sensing" in biology, together with nonlinear output feedback. Our analysis shows that this approach leads to the emergence of an exponentially stable limit cycle. These findings offer a provably stable active sensing strategy and may thus help to rationalize the active sensing movements made by animals as they perform certain motor behaviors.
♻ ☆ Reinforcement Learning-based Receding Horizon Control using Adaptive Control Barrier Functions for Safety-Critical Systems
Optimal control methods provide solutions to safety-critical problems but easily become intractable. Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) have emerged as a popular technique that facilitates their solution by provably guaranteeing safety, through their forward invariance property, at the expense of some performance loss. This approach involves defining a performance objective alongside CBF-based safety constraints that must always be enforced. Unfortunately, both performance and solution feasibility can be significantly impacted by two key factors: (i) the selection of the cost function and associated parameters, and (ii) the calibration of parameters within the CBF-based constraints, which capture the trade-off between performance and conservativeness. %as well as infeasibility. To address these challenges, we propose a Reinforcement Learning (RL)-based Receding Horizon Control (RHC) approach leveraging Model Predictive Control (MPC) with CBFs (MPC-CBF). In particular, we parameterize our controller and use bilevel optimization, where RL is used to learn the optimal parameters while MPC computes the optimal control input. We validate our method by applying it to the challenging automated merging control problem for Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) at conflicting roadways. Results demonstrate improved performance and a significant reduction in the number of infeasible cases compared to traditional heuristic approaches used for tuning CBF-based controllers, showcasing the effectiveness of the proposed method.
♻ ☆ Control Barrier Function based Attack-Recovery with Provable Guarantees
This paper studies provable security guarantees for cyber-physical systems (CPS) under actuator attacks. In particular, we consider CPS safety and propose a new attack detection mechanism based on zeroing control barrier function (ZCBF) conditions. In addition, we design an adaptive recovery mechanism based on how close the system is to violating safety. We show that under certain conditions, the attack-detection mechanism is sound, i.e., there are no false negatives for adversarial attacks. We propose sufficient conditions for the initial conditions and input constraints so that the resulting CPS is secure by design. We also propose a novel hybrid control to account for attack detection delays and avoid Zeno behavior. Next, to efficiently compute the set of initial conditions, we propose a sampling-based method to verify whether a set is a viability domain. Specifically, we devise a method for checking a modified barrier function condition on a finite set of points to assess whether a set can be rendered forward invariant. Then, we propose an iterative algorithm to compute the set of initial conditions and input constraints set to limit the effect of an adversary if it compromises vulnerable inputs. Finally, we use a Quadratic Programming (QP) approach for online recovery (as well as nominal) control synthesis. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in a simulation case study involving a quadrotor with an attack on its motors.
comment: V1: Conference version (IEEE CDC'2022) V2: Journal version (submitted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control)
Robotics 50
☆ RAD: Training an End-to-End Driving Policy via Large-Scale 3DGS-based Reinforcement Learning
Existing end-to-end autonomous driving (AD) algorithms typically follow the Imitation Learning (IL) paradigm, which faces challenges such as causal confusion and the open-loop gap. In this work, we establish a 3DGS-based closed-loop Reinforcement Learning (RL) training paradigm. By leveraging 3DGS techniques, we construct a photorealistic digital replica of the real physical world, enabling the AD policy to extensively explore the state space and learn to handle out-of-distribution scenarios through large-scale trial and error. To enhance safety, we design specialized rewards that guide the policy to effectively respond to safety-critical events and understand real-world causal relationships. For better alignment with human driving behavior, IL is incorporated into RL training as a regularization term. We introduce a closed-loop evaluation benchmark consisting of diverse, previously unseen 3DGS environments. Compared to IL-based methods, RAD achieves stronger performance in most closed-loop metrics, especially 3x lower collision rate. Abundant closed-loop results are presented at
comment: Project Page:
☆ SoFar: Language-Grounded Orientation Bridges Spatial Reasoning and Object Manipulation
Spatial intelligence is a critical component of embodied AI, promoting robots to understand and interact with their environments. While recent advances have enhanced the ability of VLMs to perceive object locations and positional relationships, they still lack the capability to precisely understand object orientations-a key requirement for tasks involving fine-grained manipulations. Addressing this limitation not only requires geometric reasoning but also an expressive and intuitive way to represent orientation. In this context, we propose that natural language offers a more flexible representation space than canonical frames, making it particularly suitable for instruction-following robotic systems. In this paper, we introduce the concept of semantic orientation, which defines object orientations using natural language in a reference-frame-free manner (e.g., the ''plug-in'' direction of a USB or the ''handle'' direction of a knife). To support this, we construct OrienText300K, a large-scale dataset of 3D models annotated with semantic orientations that link geometric understanding to functional semantics. By integrating semantic orientation into a VLM system, we enable robots to generate manipulation actions with both positional and orientational constraints. Extensive experiments in simulation and real world demonstrate that our approach significantly enhances robotic manipulation capabilities, e.g., 48.7% accuracy on Open6DOR and 74.9% accuracy on SIMPLER.
comment: Project page:
☆ Pre-training Auto-regressive Robotic Models with 4D Representations
Foundation models pre-trained on massive unlabeled datasets have revolutionized natural language and computer vision, exhibiting remarkable generalization capabilities, thus highlighting the importance of pre-training. Yet, efforts in robotics have struggled to achieve similar success, limited by either the need for costly robotic annotations or the lack of representations that effectively model the physical world. In this paper, we introduce ARM4R, an Auto-regressive Robotic Model that leverages low-level 4D Representations learned from human video data to yield a better pre-trained robotic model. Specifically, we focus on utilizing 3D point tracking representations from videos derived by lifting 2D representations into 3D space via monocular depth estimation across time. These 4D representations maintain a shared geometric structure between the points and robot state representations up to a linear transformation, enabling efficient transfer learning from human video data to low-level robotic control. Our experiments show that ARM4R can transfer efficiently from human video data to robotics and consistently improves performance on tasks across various robot environments and configurations.
☆ RHINO: Learning Real-Time Humanoid-Human-Object Interaction from Human Demonstrations
Humanoid robots have shown success in locomotion and manipulation. Despite these basic abilities, humanoids are still required to quickly understand human instructions and react based on human interaction signals to become valuable assistants in human daily life. Unfortunately, most existing works only focus on multi-stage interactions, treating each task separately, and neglecting real-time feedback. In this work, we aim to empower humanoid robots with real-time reaction abilities to achieve various tasks, allowing human to interrupt robots at any time, and making robots respond to humans immediately. To support such abilities, we propose a general humanoid-human-object interaction framework, named RHINO, i.e., Real-time Humanoid-human Interaction and Object manipulation. RHINO provides a unified view of reactive motion, instruction-based manipulation, and safety concerns, over multiple human signal modalities, such as languages, images, and motions. RHINO is a hierarchical learning framework, enabling humanoids to learn reaction skills from human-human-object demonstrations and teleoperation data. In particular, it decouples the interaction process into two levels: 1) a high-level planner inferring human intentions from real-time human behaviors; and 2) a low-level controller achieving reactive motion behaviors and object manipulation skills based on the predicted intentions. We evaluate the proposed framework on a real humanoid robot and demonstrate its effectiveness, flexibility, and safety in various scenarios.
comment: Project website:
☆ Magma: A Foundation Model for Multimodal AI Agents
We present Magma, a foundation model that serves multimodal AI agentic tasks in both the digital and physical worlds. Magma is a significant extension of vision-language (VL) models in that it not only retains the VL understanding ability (verbal intelligence) of the latter, but is also equipped with the ability to plan and act in the visual-spatial world (spatial-temporal intelligence) and complete agentic tasks ranging from UI navigation to robot manipulation. To endow the agentic capabilities, Magma is pretrained on large amounts of heterogeneous datasets spanning from images, videos to robotics data, where the actionable visual objects (e.g., clickable buttons in GUI) in images are labeled by Set-of-Mark (SoM) for action grounding, and the object movements (e.g., the trace of human hands or robotic arms) in videos are labeled by Trace-of-Mark (ToM) for action planning. Extensive experiments show that SoM and ToM reach great synergy and facilitate the acquisition of spatial-temporal intelligence for our Magma model, which is fundamental to a wide range of tasks as shown in Fig.1. In particular, Magma creates new state-of-the-art results on UI navigation and robotic manipulation tasks, outperforming previous models that are specifically tailored to these tasks. On image and video-related multimodal tasks, Magma also compares favorably to popular large multimodal models that are trained on much larger datasets. We make our model and code public for reproducibility at
comment: 29 pages, 16 figures, technical report from MSR
☆ HOMIE: Humanoid Loco-Manipulation with Isomorphic Exoskeleton Cockpit
Current humanoid teleoperation systems either lack reliable low-level control policies, or struggle to acquire accurate whole-body control commands, making it difficult to teleoperate humanoids for loco-manipulation tasks. To solve these issues, we propose HOMIE, a novel humanoid teleoperation cockpit integrates a humanoid loco-manipulation policy and a low-cost exoskeleton-based hardware system. The policy enables humanoid robots to walk and squat to specific heights while accommodating arbitrary upper-body poses. This is achieved through our novel reinforcement learning-based training framework that incorporates upper-body pose curriculum, height-tracking reward, and symmetry utilization, without relying on any motion priors. Complementing the policy, the hardware system integrates isomorphic exoskeleton arms, a pair of motion-sensing gloves, and a pedal, allowing a single operator to achieve full control of the humanoid robot. Our experiments show our cockpit facilitates more stable, rapid, and precise humanoid loco-manipulation teleoperation, accelerating task completion and eliminating retargeting errors compared to inverse kinematics-based methods. We also validate the effectiveness of the data collected by our cockpit for imitation learning. Our project is fully open-sourced, demos and code can be found in
☆ D3-ARM: High-Dynamic, Dexterous and Fully Decoupled Cable-driven Robotic Arm
Cable transmission enables motors of robotic arm to operate lightweight and low-inertia joints remotely in various environments, but it also creates issues with motion coupling and cable routing that can reduce arm's control precision and performance. In this paper, we present a novel motion decoupling mechanism with low-friction to align the cables and efficiently transmit the motor's power. By arranging these mechanisms at the joints, we fabricate a fully decoupled and lightweight cable-driven robotic arm called D3-Arm with all the electrical components be placed at the base. Its 776 mm length moving part boasts six degrees of freedom (DOF) and only 1.6 kg weights. To address the issue of cable slack, a cable-pretension mechanism is integrated to enhance the stability of long-distance cable transmission. Through a series of comprehensive tests, D3-Arm demonstrated 1.29 mm average positioning error and 2.0 kg payload capacity, proving the practicality of the proposed decoupling mechanisms in cable-driven robotic arm.
☆ RobotIQ: Empowering Mobile Robots with Human-Level Planning for Real-World Execution
This paper introduces RobotIQ, a framework that empowers mobile robots with human-level planning capabilities, enabling seamless communication via natural language instructions through any Large Language Model. The proposed framework is designed in the ROS architecture and aims to bridge the gap between humans and robots, enabling robots to comprehend and execute user-expressed text or voice commands. Our research encompasses a wide spectrum of robotic tasks, ranging from fundamental logical, mathematical, and learning reasoning for transferring knowledge in domains like navigation, manipulation, and object localization, enabling the application of learned behaviors from simulated environments to real-world operations. All encapsulated within a modular crafted robot library suite of API-wise control functions, RobotIQ offers a fully functional AI-ROS-based toolset that allows researchers to design and develop their own robotic actions tailored to specific applications and robot configurations. The effectiveness of the proposed system was tested and validated both in simulated and real-world experiments focusing on a home service scenario that included an assistive application designed for elderly people. RobotIQ with an open-source, easy-to-use, and adaptable robotic library suite for any robot can be found at
☆ InstructRobot: A Model-Free Framework for Mapping Natural Language Instructions into Robot Motion
The ability to communicate with robots using natural language is a significant step forward in human-robot interaction. However, accurately translating verbal commands into physical actions is promising, but still presents challenges. Current approaches require large datasets to train the models and are limited to robots with a maximum of 6 degrees of freedom. To address these issues, we propose a framework called InstructRobot that maps natural language instructions into robot motion without requiring the construction of large datasets or prior knowledge of the robot's kinematics model. InstructRobot employs a reinforcement learning algorithm that enables joint learning of language representations and inverse kinematics model, simplifying the entire learning process. The proposed framework is validated using a complex robot with 26 revolute joints in object manipulation tasks, demonstrating its robustness and adaptability in realistic environments. The framework can be applied to any task or domain where datasets are scarce and difficult to create, making it an intuitive and accessible solution to the challenges of training robots using linguistic communication. Open source code for the InstructRobot framework and experiments can be accessed at
☆ Applications of Stretch Reflex for the Upper Limb of Musculoskeletal Humanoids: Protective Behavior, Postural Stability, and Active Induction IROS2020
The musculoskeletal humanoid has various biomimetic benefits, and it is important that we can embed and evaluate human reflexes in the actual robot. Although stretch reflex has been implemented in lower limbs of musculoskeletal humanoids, we apply it to the upper limb to discover its useful applications. We consider the implementation of stretch reflex in the actual robot, its active/passive applications, and the change in behavior according to the difference of parameters.
comment: Accepted at IROS2020
☆ Exceeding the Maximum Speed Limit of the Joint Angle for the Redundant Tendon-driven Structures of Musculoskeletal Humanoids IROS2020
The musculoskeletal humanoid has various biomimetic benefits, and the redundant muscle arrangement is one of its most important characteristics. This redundancy can achieve fail-safe redundant actuation and variable stiffness control. However, there is a problem that the maximum joint angle velocity is limited by the slowest muscle among the redundant muscles. In this study, we propose two methods that can exceed the limited maximum joint angle velocity, and verify the effectiveness with actual robot experiments.
comment: Accepted at IROS2020
☆ Design Optimization of Musculoskeletal Humanoids with Maximization of Redundancy to Compensate for Muscle Rupture IROS2021
Musculoskeletal humanoids have various biomimetic advantages, and the redundant muscle arrangement allowing for variable stiffness control is one of the most important. In this study, we focus on one feature of the redundancy, which enables the humanoid to keep moving even if one of its muscles breaks, an advantage that has not been dealt with in many studies. In order to make the most of this advantage, the design of muscle arrangement is optimized by considering the maximization of minimum available torque that can be exerted when one muscle breaks. This method is applied to the elbow of a musculoskeletal humanoid Musashi with simulations, the design policy is extracted from the optimization results, and its effectiveness is confirmed with the actual robot.
comment: Accepted at IROS2021
☆ ExoKit: A Toolkit for Rapid Prototyping of Interactions for Arm-based Exoskeletons
Exoskeletons open up a unique interaction space that seamlessly integrates users' body movements with robotic actuation. Despite its potential, human-exoskeleton interaction remains an underexplored area in HCI, largely due to the lack of accessible prototyping tools that enable designers to easily develop exoskeleton designs and customized interactive behaviors. We present ExoKit, a do-it-yourself toolkit for rapid prototyping of low-fidelity, functional exoskeletons targeted at novice roboticists. ExoKit includes modular hardware components for sensing and actuating shoulder and elbow joints, which are easy to fabricate and (re)configure for customized functionality and wearability. To simplify the programming of interactive behaviors, we propose functional abstractions that encapsulate high-level human-exoskeleton interactions. These can be readily accessed either through ExoKit's command-line or graphical user interface, a Processing library, or microcontroller firmware, each targeted at different experience levels. Findings from implemented application cases and two usage studies demonstrate the versatility and accessibility of ExoKit for early-stage interaction design.
comment: Conditionally accepted to CHI '25
☆ Responsive Noise-Relaying Diffusion Policy: Responsive and Efficient Visuomotor Control
Imitation learning is an efficient method for teaching robots a variety of tasks. Diffusion Policy, which uses a conditional denoising diffusion process to generate actions, has demonstrated superior performance, particularly in learning from multi-modal demonstrates. However, it relies on executing multiple actions to retain performance and prevent mode bouncing, which limits its responsiveness, as actions are not conditioned on the most recent observations. To address this, we introduce Responsive Noise-Relaying Diffusion Policy (RNR-DP), which maintains a noise-relaying buffer with progressively increasing noise levels and employs a sequential denoising mechanism that generates immediate, noise-free actions at the head of the sequence, while appending noisy actions at the tail. This ensures that actions are responsive and conditioned on the latest observations, while maintaining motion consistency through the noise-relaying buffer. This design enables the handling of tasks requiring responsive control, and accelerates action generation by reusing denoising steps. Experiments on response-sensitive tasks demonstrate that, compared to Diffusion Policy, ours achieves 18% improvement in success rate. Further evaluation on regular tasks demonstrates that RNR-DP also exceeds the best acceleration method by 6.9%, highlighting its computational efficiency advantage in scenarios where responsiveness is less critical.
☆ Soft Arm-Motor Thrust Characterization for a Pneumatically Actuated Soft Morphing Quadrotor
In this work, an experimental characterization of the configuration space of a soft, pneumatically actuated morphing quadrotor is presented, with a focus on precise thrust characterization of its flexible arms, considering the effect of downwash. Unlike traditional quadrotors, the soft drone has pneumatically actuated arms, introducing complex, nonlinear interactions between motor thrust and arm deformation, which make precise control challenging. The silicone arms are actuated using differential pressure to achieve flexibility and thus have a variable workspace compared to their fixed counter-parts. The deflection of the soft arms during compression and expansion is controlled throughout the flight. However, in real time, the downwash from the motor attached at the tip of the soft arm generates a significant and random disturbance on the arm. This disturbance affects both the desired deflection of the arm and the overall stability of the system. To address this factor, an experimental characterization of the effect of downwash on the deflection angle of the arm is conducted.
comment: This extended abstract was accepted for RoboSoft Conference, 2025 but later withdrawn
☆ Introducing ROADS: A Systematic Comparison of Remote Control Interaction Concepts for Automated Vehicles at Road Works
As vehicle automation technology continues to mature, there is a necessity for robust remote monitoring and intervention features. These are essential for intervening during vehicle malfunctions, challenging road conditions, or in areas that are difficult to navigate. This evolution in the role of the human operator - from a constant driver to an intermittent teleoperator - necessitates the development of suitable interaction interfaces. While some interfaces were suggested, a comparative study is missing. We designed, implemented, and evaluated three interaction concepts (path planning, trajectory guidance, and waypoint guidance) with up to four concurrent requests of automated vehicles in a within-subjects study with N=23 participants. The results showed a clear preference for the path planning concept. It also led to the highest usability but lower satisfaction. With trajectory guidance, the fewest requests were resolved. The study's findings contribute to the ongoing development of HMIs focused on the remote assistance of automated vehicles.
comment: to be presented at CHI 2025
☆ SATA: Safe and Adaptive Torque-Based Locomotion Policies Inspired by Animal Learning
Despite recent advances in learning-based controllers for legged robots, deployments in human-centric environments remain limited by safety concerns. Most of these approaches use position-based control, where policies output target joint angles that must be processed by a low-level controller (e.g., PD or impedance controllers) to compute joint torques. Although impressive results have been achieved in controlled real-world scenarios, these methods often struggle with compliance and adaptability when encountering environments or disturbances unseen during training, potentially resulting in extreme or unsafe behaviors. Inspired by how animals achieve smooth and adaptive movements by controlling muscle extension and contraction, torque-based policies offer a promising alternative by enabling precise and direct control of the actuators in torque space. In principle, this approach facilitates more effective interactions with the environment, resulting in safer and more adaptable behaviors. However, challenges such as a highly nonlinear state space and inefficient exploration during training have hindered their broader adoption. To address these limitations, we propose SATA, a bio-inspired framework that mimics key biomechanical principles and adaptive learning mechanisms observed in animal locomotion. Our approach effectively addresses the inherent challenges of learning torque-based policies by significantly improving early-stage exploration, leading to high-performance final policies. Remarkably, our method achieves zero-shot sim-to-real transfer. Our experimental results indicate that SATA demonstrates remarkable compliance and safety, even in challenging environments such as soft/slippery terrain or narrow passages, and under significant external disturbances, highlighting its potential for practical deployments in human-centric and safety-critical scenarios.
☆ LiMo-Calib: On-Site Fast LiDAR-Motor Calibration for Quadruped Robot-Based Panoramic 3D Sensing System
Conventional single LiDAR systems are inherently constrained by their limited field of view (FoV), leading to blind spots and incomplete environmental awareness, particularly on robotic platforms with strict payload limitations. Integrating a motorized LiDAR offers a practical solution by significantly expanding the sensor's FoV and enabling adaptive panoramic 3D sensing. However, the high-frequency vibrations of the quadruped robot introduce calibration challenges, causing variations in the LiDAR-motor transformation that degrade sensing accuracy. Existing calibration methods that use artificial targets or dense feature extraction lack feasibility for on-site applications and real-time implementation. To overcome these limitations, we propose LiMo-Calib, an efficient on-site calibration method that eliminates the need for external targets by leveraging geometric features directly from raw LiDAR scans. LiMo-Calib optimizes feature selection based on normal distribution to accelerate convergence while maintaining accuracy and incorporates a reweighting mechanism that evaluates local plane fitting quality to enhance robustness. We integrate and validate the proposed method on a motorized LiDAR system mounted on a quadruped robot, demonstrating significant improvements in calibration efficiency and 3D sensing accuracy, making LiMo-Calib well-suited for real-world robotic applications. The demo video is available at:
☆ Learning-based Dynamic Robot-to-Human Handover ICRA 2025
This paper presents a novel learning-based approach to dynamic robot-to-human handover, addressing the challenges of delivering objects to a moving receiver. We hypothesize that dynamic handover, where the robot adjusts to the receiver's movements, results in more efficient and comfortable interaction compared to static handover, where the receiver is assumed to be stationary. To validate this, we developed a nonparametric method for generating continuous handover motion, conditioned on the receiver's movements, and trained the model using a dataset of 1,000 human-to-human handover demonstrations. We integrated preference learning for improved handover effectiveness and applied impedance control to ensure user safety and adaptiveness. The approach was evaluated in both simulation and real-world settings, with user studies demonstrating that dynamic handover significantly reduces handover time and improves user comfort compared to static methods. Videos and demonstrations of our approach are available at .
comment: Accepted to ICRA 2025. For associated videos, see
☆ Learning a High-quality Robotic Wiping Policy Using Systematic Reward Analysis and Visual-Language Model Based Curriculum
Autonomous robotic wiping is an important task in various industries, ranging from industrial manufacturing to sanitization in healthcare. Deep reinforcement learning (Deep RL) has emerged as a promising algorithm, however, it often suffers from a high demand for repetitive reward engineering. Instead of relying on manual tuning, we first analyze the convergence of quality-critical robotic wiping, which requires both high-quality wiping and fast task completion, to show the poor convergence of the problem and propose a new bounded reward formulation to make the problem feasible. Then, we further improve the learning process by proposing a novel visual-language model (VLM) based curriculum, which actively monitors the progress and suggests hyperparameter tuning. We demonstrate that the combined method can find a desirable wiping policy on surfaces with various curvatures, frictions, and waypoints, which cannot be learned with the baseline formulation. The demo of this project can be found at:
☆ Design and Implementation of a Dual Uncrewed Surface Vessel Platform for Bathymetry Research under High-flow Conditions
Bathymetry, the study of underwater topography, relies on sonar mapping of submerged structures. These measurements, critical for infrastructure health monitoring, often require expensive instrumentation. The high financial risk associated with sensor damage or vessel loss creates a reluctance to deploy uncrewed surface vessels (USVs) for bathymetry. However, the crewed-boat bathymetry operations, are costly, pose hazards to personnel, and frequently fail to achieve the stable conditions necessary for bathymetry data collection, especially under high currents. Further research is essential to advance autonomous control, navigation, and data processing technologies, with a particular focus on bathymetry. There is a notable lack of accessible hardware platforms that allow for integrated research in both bathymetry-focused autonomous control and navigation, as well as data evaluation and processing. This paper addresses this gap through the design and implementation of two complementary USV systems tailored for uncrewed bathymetry research. This includes a low-cost USV for Navigation And Control research (NAC-USV) and a second, high-end USV equipped with a high-resolution multi-beam sonar and the associated hardware for Bathymetry data quality Evaluation and Post-processing research (BEP-USV). The NAC-USV facilitates the investigation of autonomous, fail-safe navigation and control, emphasizing the stability requirements for high-quality bathymetry data collection while minimizing the risk to equipment. The BEP-USV, which mirrors the NAC-USV hardware, is then used for additional control validation and in-depth exploration of bathymetry data evaluation and post-processing methodologies. We detail the design and implementation of both systems, and open source the design. Furthermore, we demonstrate the system's effectiveness in a range of operational scenarios.
comment: Corresponding author: Iman Soltani (
☆ GSCE: A Prompt Framework with Enhanced Reasoning for Reliable LLM-driven Drone Control
The integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) into robotic control, including drones, has the potential to revolutionize autonomous systems. Research studies have demonstrated that LLMs can be leveraged to support robotic operations. However, when facing tasks with complex reasoning, concerns and challenges are raised about the reliability of solutions produced by LLMs. In this paper, we propose a prompt framework with enhanced reasoning to enable reliable LLM-driven control for drones. Our framework consists of novel technical components designed using Guidelines, Skill APIs, Constraints, and Examples, namely GSCE. GSCE is featured by its reliable and constraint-compliant code generation. We performed thorough experiments using GSCE for the control of drones with a wide level of task complexities. Our experiment results demonstrate that GSCE can significantly improve task success rates and completeness compared to baseline approaches, highlighting its potential for reliable LLM-driven autonomous drone systems.
comment: 8 pages
☆ Memory-updated-based Framework for 100% Reliable Flexible Flat Cables Insertion
Automatic assembly lines have increasingly replaced human labor in various tasks; however, the automation of Flexible Flat Cable (FFC) insertion remains unrealized due to its high requirement for effective feedback and dynamic operation, limiting approximately 11% of global industrial capacity. Despite lots of approaches, like vision-based tactile sensors and reinforcement learning, having been proposed, the implementation of human-like high-reliable insertion (i.e., with a 100% success rate in completed insertion) remains a big challenge. Drawing inspiration from human behavior in FFC insertion, which involves sensing three-dimensional forces, translating them into physical concepts, and continuously improving estimates, we propose a novel framework. This framework includes a sensing module for collecting three-dimensional tactile data, a perception module for interpreting this data into meaningful physical signals, and a memory module based on Bayesian theory for reliability estimation and control. This strategy enables the robot to accurately assess its physical state and generate reliable status estimations and corrective actions. Experimental results demonstrate that the robot using this framework can detect alignment errors of 0.5 mm with an accuracy of 97.92% and then achieve a 100% success rate in all completed tests after a few iterations. This work addresses the challenges of unreliable perception and control in complex insertion tasks, highlighting the path toward the development of fully automated production lines.
☆ USPilot: An Embodied Robotic Assistant Ultrasound System with Large Language Model Enhanced Graph Planner
In the era of Large Language Models (LLMs), embodied artificial intelligence presents transformative opportunities for robotic manipulation tasks. Ultrasound imaging, a widely used and cost-effective medical diagnostic procedure, faces challenges due to the global shortage of professional sonographers. To address this issue, we propose USPilot, an embodied robotic assistant ultrasound system powered by an LLM-based framework to enable autonomous ultrasound acquisition. USPilot is designed to function as a virtual sonographer, capable of responding to patients' ultrasound-related queries and performing ultrasound scans based on user intent. By fine-tuning the LLM, USPilot demonstrates a deep understanding of ultrasound-specific questions and tasks. Furthermore, USPilot incorporates an LLM-enhanced Graph Neural Network (GNN) to manage ultrasound robotic APIs and serve as a task planner. Experimental results show that the LLM-enhanced GNN achieves unprecedented accuracy in task planning on public datasets. Additionally, the system demonstrates significant potential in autonomously understanding and executing ultrasound procedures. These advancements bring us closer to achieving autonomous and potentially unmanned robotic ultrasound systems, addressing critical resource gaps in medical imaging.
☆ Predicate Hierarchies Improve Few-Shot State Classification ICLR 2025
State classification of objects and their relations is core to many long-horizon tasks, particularly in robot planning and manipulation. However, the combinatorial explosion of possible object-predicate combinations, coupled with the need to adapt to novel real-world environments, makes it a desideratum for state classification models to generalize to novel queries with few examples. To this end, we propose PHIER, which leverages predicate hierarchies to generalize effectively in few-shot scenarios. PHIER uses an object-centric scene encoder, self-supervised losses that infer semantic relations between predicates, and a hyperbolic distance metric that captures hierarchical structure; it learns a structured latent space of image-predicate pairs that guides reasoning over state classification queries. We evaluate PHIER in the CALVIN and BEHAVIOR robotic environments and show that PHIER significantly outperforms existing methods in few-shot, out-of-distribution state classification, and demonstrates strong zero- and few-shot generalization from simulated to real-world tasks. Our results demonstrate that leveraging predicate hierarchies improves performance on state classification tasks with limited data.
comment: ICLR 2025. First two authors contributed equally. Project page:
☆ Multi-vision-based Picking Point Localisation of Target Fruit for Harvesting Robots
This paper presents multi-vision-based localisation strategies for harvesting robots. Identifying picking points accurately is essential for robotic harvesting because insecure grasping can lead to economic loss through fruit damage and dropping. In this study, two multi-vision-based localisation methods, namely the analytical approach and model-based algorithms, were employed. The actual geometric centre points of fruits were collected using a motion capture system (mocap), and two different surface points Cfix and Ceih were extracted using two Red-Green-Blue-Depth (RGB-D) cameras. First, the picking points of the target fruit were detected using analytical methods. Second, various primary and ensemble learning methods were employed to predict the geometric centre of target fruits by taking surface points as input. Adaboost regression, the most successful model-based localisation algorithm, achieved 88.8% harvesting accuracy with a Mean Euclidean Distance (MED) of 4.40 mm, while the analytical approach reached 81.4% picking success with a MED of 14.25 mm, both demonstrating better performance than the single-camera, which had a picking success rate of 77.7% with a MED of 24.02 mm. To evaluate the effect of picking point accuracy in collecting fruits, a series of robotic harvesting experiments were performed utilising a collaborative robot (cobot). It is shown that multi-vision systems can improve picking point localisation, resulting in higher success rates of picking in robotic harvesting.
comment: 6 pages
☆ Sensing-based Robustness Challenges in Agricultural Robotic Harvesting
This paper presents the challenges agricultural robotic harvesters face in detecting and localising fruits under various environmental disturbances. In controlled laboratory settings, both the traditional HSV (Hue Saturation Value) transformation and the YOLOv8 (You Only Look Once) deep learning model were employed. However, only YOLOv8 was utilised in outdoor experiments, as the HSV transformation was not capable of accurately drawing fruit contours. Experiments include ten distinct fruit patterns with six apples and six oranges. A grid structure for homography (perspective) transformation was employed to convert detected midpoints into 3D world coordinates. The experiments evaluated detection and localisation under varying lighting and background disturbances, revealing accurate performance indoors, but significant challenges outdoors. Our results show that indoor experiments using YOLOv8 achieved 100% detection accuracy, while outdoor conditions decreased performance, with an average accuracy of 69.15% for YOLOv8 under direct sunlight. The study demonstrates that real-world applications reveal significant limitations due to changing lighting, background disturbances, and colour and shape variability. These findings underscore the need for further refinement of algorithms and sensors to enhance the robustness of robotic harvesters for agricultural use.
comment: 6 pages
☆ BoundPlanner: A convex-set-based approach to bounded manipulator trajectory planning
Online trajectory planning enables robot manipulators to react quickly to changing environments or tasks. Many robot trajectory planners exist for known environments but are often too slow for online computations. Current methods in online trajectory planning do not find suitable trajectories in challenging scenarios that respect the limits of the robot and account for collisions. This work proposes a trajectory planning framework consisting of the novel Cartesian path planner based on convex sets, called BoundPlanner, and the online trajectory planner BoundMPC. BoundPlanner explores and maps the collision-free space using convex sets to compute a reference path with bounds. BoundMPC is extended in this work to handle convex sets for path deviations, which allows the robot to optimally follow the path within the bounds while accounting for the robot's kinematics. Collisions of the robot's kinematic chain are considered by a novel convex-set-based collision avoidance formulation independent on the number of obstacles. Simulations and experiments with a 7-DoF manipulator show the performance of the proposed planner compared to state-of-the-art methods. The source code is available at and videos of the experiments can be found at
comment: 9 pages, 6 figures
☆ PCB Renewal: Iterative Reuse of PCB Substrates for Sustainable Electronic Making
PCB (printed circuit board) substrates are often single-use, leading to material waste in electronics making. We introduce PCB Renewal, a novel technique that "erases" and "reconfigures" PCB traces by selectively depositing conductive epoxy onto outdated areas, transforming isolated paths into conductive planes that support new traces. We present the PCB Renewal workflow, evaluate its electrical performance and mechanical durability, and model its sustainability impact, including material usage, cost, energy consumption, and time savings. We develop a software plug-in that guides epoxy deposition, generates updated PCB profiles, and calculates resource usage. To demonstrate PCB Renewal's effectiveness and versatility, we repurpose a single PCB across four design iterations spanning three projects: a camera roller, a WiFi radio, and an ESPboy game console. We also show how an outsourced double-layer PCB can be reconfigured, transforming it from an LED watch to an interactive cat toy. The paper concludes with limitations and future directions.
☆ Autonomous Vehicles Using Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Routing Decisions Can Harm Urban Traffic
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) using Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) for simultaneous route optimization may destabilize traffic environments, with human drivers possibly experiencing longer travel times. We study this interaction by simulating human drivers and AVs. Our experiments with standard MARL algorithms reveal that, even in trivial cases, policies often fail to converge to an optimal solution or require long training periods. The problem is amplified by the fact that we cannot rely entirely on simulated training, as there are no accurate models of human routing behavior. At the same time, real-world training in cities risks destabilizing urban traffic systems, increasing externalities, such as $CO_2$ emissions, and introducing non-stationarity as human drivers adapt unpredictably to AV behaviors. Centralization can improve convergence in some cases, however, it raises privacy concerns for the travelers' destination data. In this position paper, we argue that future research must prioritize realistic benchmarks, cautious deployment strategies, and tools for monitoring and regulating AV routing behaviors to ensure sustainable and equitable urban mobility systems.
☆ A Survey of Sim-to-Real Methods in RL: Progress, Prospects and Challenges with Foundation Models
Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) has been explored and verified to be effective in solving decision-making tasks in various domains, such as robotics, transportation, recommender systems, etc. It learns from the interaction with environments and updates the policy using the collected experience. However, due to the limited real-world data and unbearable consequences of taking detrimental actions, the learning of RL policy is mainly restricted within the simulators. This practice guarantees safety in learning but introduces an inevitable sim-to-real gap in terms of deployment, thus causing degraded performance and risks in execution. There are attempts to solve the sim-to-real problems from different domains with various techniques, especially in the era with emerging techniques such as large foundations or language models that have cast light on the sim-to-real. This survey paper, to the best of our knowledge, is the first taxonomy that formally frames the sim-to-real techniques from key elements of the Markov Decision Process (State, Action, Transition, and Reward). Based on the framework, we cover comprehensive literature from the classic to the most advanced methods including the sim-to-real techniques empowered by foundation models, and we also discuss the specialties that are worth attention in different domains of sim-to-real problems. Then we summarize the formal evaluation process of sim-to-real performance with accessible code or benchmarks. The challenges and opportunities are also presented to encourage future exploration of this direction. We are actively maintaining a to include the most up-to-date sim-to-real research outcomes to help the researchers in their work.
comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables
☆ Towards Robust and Secure Embodied AI: A Survey on Vulnerabilities and Attacks
Embodied AI systems, including robots and autonomous vehicles, are increasingly integrated into real-world applications, where they encounter a range of vulnerabilities stemming from both environmental and system-level factors. These vulnerabilities manifest through sensor spoofing, adversarial attacks, and failures in task and motion planning, posing significant challenges to robustness and safety. Despite the growing body of research, existing reviews rarely focus specifically on the unique safety and security challenges of embodied AI systems. Most prior work either addresses general AI vulnerabilities or focuses on isolated aspects, lacking a dedicated and unified framework tailored to embodied AI. This survey fills this critical gap by: (1) categorizing vulnerabilities specific to embodied AI into exogenous (e.g., physical attacks, cybersecurity threats) and endogenous (e.g., sensor failures, software flaws) origins; (2) systematically analyzing adversarial attack paradigms unique to embodied AI, with a focus on their impact on perception, decision-making, and embodied interaction; (3) investigating attack vectors targeting large vision-language models (LVLMs) and large language models (LLMs) within embodied systems, such as jailbreak attacks and instruction misinterpretation; (4) evaluating robustness challenges in algorithms for embodied perception, decision-making, and task planning; and (5) proposing targeted strategies to enhance the safety and reliability of embodied AI systems. By integrating these dimensions, we provide a comprehensive framework for understanding the interplay between vulnerabilities and safety in embodied AI.
♻ ☆ Robot Data Curation with Mutual Information Estimators
The performance of imitation learning policies often hinges on the datasets with which they are trained. Consequently, investment in data collection for robotics has grown across both industrial and academic labs. However, despite the marked increase in the quantity of demonstrations collected, little work has sought to assess the quality of said data despite mounting evidence of its importance in other areas such as vision and language. In this work, we take a critical step towards addressing the data quality in robotics. Given a dataset of demonstrations, we aim to estimate the relative quality of individual demonstrations in terms of both state diversity and action predictability. To do so, we estimate the average contribution of a trajectory towards the mutual information between states and actions in the entire dataset, which precisely captures both the entropy of the state distribution and the state-conditioned entropy of actions. Though commonly used mutual information estimators require vast amounts of data often beyond the scale available in robotics, we introduce a novel technique based on k-nearest neighbor estimates of mutual information on top of simple VAE embeddings of states and actions. Empirically, we demonstrate that our approach is able to partition demonstration datasets by quality according to human expert scores across a diverse set of benchmarks spanning simulation and real world environments. Moreover, training policies based on data filtered by our method leads to a 5-10% improvement in RoboMimic and better performance on real ALOHA and Franka setups.
comment: Videos and code at V2 update for pdfinfo
♻ ☆ Power-Efficient Actuation for Insect-Scale Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
We present a new evolution of the Very Little Eel-Inspired roBot, the VLEIBot++, a 900-mg swimmer driven by two 10-mg bare high-work density (HWD) actuators, whose functionality is based on the use of shape-memory alloy (SMA) wires. An actuator of this type consumes an average power of about 40 mW during in-air operation. We integrated onboard power and computation into the VLEIBot++ using a custom-built printed circuit board (PCB) and an 11-mAh 3.7-V 507-mg single-cell lithium-ion (Li-Ion) battery, which in conjunction enable autonomous swimming for about 20 min on a single charge. This robot can swim at speeds of up to 18.7 mm/s (0.46 Bl/s) and is the first subgram microswimmer with onboard power, actuation, and computation developed to date. Unfortunately, the approach employed to actuate VLEIBot++ prototypes is infeasible for underwater applications because a typical 10-mg bare SMA-based microactuator requires an average power on the order of 800 mW when operating underwater. To address this issue, we introduce a new 13-mg power-efficient high-performance SMA-based microactuator that can function with similar power requirements (approx. 80 mW on average) and actuation performance (approx. 3 mm at low frequencies) in air and water. This design is based on the use of a sealed flexible air-capsule that encloses the SMA wires that drive the microactuator with the purpose of passively controlling the heat-transfer rate of the thermal system. Furthermore, this new power-efficient encapsulated actuator requires low voltages of excitation (3 to 4 V) and simple power electronics to function. The breakthroughs presented in this paper represent a path towards the creation of insect-scale autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs).
comment: Presented at the 40th International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR 2024) in Long Beach, CA. on December 12th
♻ ☆ A Real-to-Sim-to-Real Approach to Robotic Manipulation with VLM-Generated Iterative Keypoint Rewards ICRA 2025
Task specification for robotic manipulation in open-world environments is challenging, requiring flexible and adaptive objectives that align with human intentions and can evolve through iterative feedback. We introduce Iterative Keypoint Reward (IKER), a visually grounded, Python-based reward function that serves as a dynamic task specification. Our framework leverages VLMs to generate and refine these reward functions for multi-step manipulation tasks. Given RGB-D observations and free-form language instructions, we sample keypoints in the scene and generate a reward function conditioned on these keypoints. IKER operates on the spatial relationships between keypoints, leveraging commonsense priors about the desired behaviors, and enabling precise SE(3) control. We reconstruct real-world scenes in simulation and use the generated rewards to train reinforcement learning (RL) policies, which are then deployed into the real world-forming a real-to-sim-to-real loop. Our approach demonstrates notable capabilities across diverse scenarios, including both prehensile and non-prehensile tasks, showcasing multi-step task execution, spontaneous error recovery, and on-the-fly strategy adjustments. The results highlight IKER's effectiveness in enabling robots to perform multi-step tasks in dynamic environments through iterative reward shaping.
comment: ICRA 2025, Project Page:
♻ ☆ Approximate Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for On-Demand Urban Mobility Problem on a Large Map (extended version)
In this paper, we focus on the autonomous multiagent taxi routing problem for a large urban environment where the location and number of future ride requests are unknown a-priori, but can be estimated by an empirical distribution. Recent theory has shown that a rollout algorithm with a stable base policy produces a near-optimal stable policy. In the routing setting, a policy is stable if its execution keeps the number of outstanding requests uniformly bounded over time. Although, rollout-based approaches are well-suited for learning cooperative multiagent policies with considerations for future demand, applying such methods to a large urban environment can be computationally expensive due to the large number of taxis required for stability. In this paper, we aim to address the computational bottleneck of multiagent rollout by proposing an approximate multiagent rollout-based two phase algorithm that reduces computational costs, while still achieving a stable near-optimal policy. Our approach partitions the graph into sectors based on the predicted demand and the maximum number of taxis that can run sequentially given the user's computational resources. The algorithm then applies instantaneous assignment (IA) for re-balancing taxis across sectors and a sector-wide multiagent rollout algorithm that is executed in parallel for each sector. We provide two main theoretical results: 1) characterize the number of taxis $m$ that is sufficient for IA to be stable; 2) derive a necessary condition on $m$ to maintain stability for IA as time goes to infinity. Our numerical results show that our approach achieves stability for an $m$ that satisfies the theoretical conditions. We also empirically demonstrate that our proposed two phase algorithm has equivalent performance to the one-at-a-time rollout over the entire map, but with significantly lower runtimes.
comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 1 lemma, and 2 theorems
♻ ☆ Adaptive Compressive Tactile Subsampling: Enabling High Spatiotemporal Resolution in Scalable Robotic Skin
Robots, like humans, require full-body, high-resolution tactile sensing to operate safely and effectively in unstructured environments, enabling reflexive responses and closed-loop control. However, the high pixel counts necessary for dense, large-area coverage limit readout rates of most tactile arrays to below 100 Hz, hindering their use in high-speed tasks. We introduce Adaptive Compressive Tactile Subsampling (ACTS), a scalable and data-driven method that dramatically enhances the performance of traditional tactile matrices by leveraging sparse recovery and a learned tactile dictionary. Tested on a 1024-pixel tactile sensor array (32X32), ACTS achieved frame rates up to 1,000 Hz, an 18X improvement over conventional raster scanning, with minimal reconstruction error. For the first time, ACTS enables wearable, large-area, high-density tactile sensing systems that can deliver high-speed results. We demonstrate rapid object classification within 20 ms of contact, high-speed projectile detection, ricochet angle estimation, and soft deformation tracking, in tactile and robotics applications, all using flexible, high-density tactile arrays. These include high-resolution tactile gloves, pressure insoles, and full-body configurations covering robotic arms and human-sized mannequins. ACTS transforms standard, low-cost, and robust tactile sensors into high-speed systems, supporting applications from object manipulation to human-robot interaction. By enabling comprehensive, scalable, and efficient tactile coverage for robots and wearables, ACTS advances robotics toward lifelike, responsive, and adaptable operation in dynamic environments.
comment: 44 pages, 9 main figures, 14 supplemental figures, Videos can be accessed at
♻ ☆ Dynamic Open-Vocabulary 3D Scene Graphs for Long-term Language-Guided Mobile Manipulation
Enabling mobile robots to perform long-term tasks in dynamic real-world environments is a formidable challenge, especially when the environment changes frequently due to human-robot interactions or the robot's own actions. Traditional methods typically assume static scenes, which limits their applicability in the continuously changing real world. To overcome these limitations, we present DovSG, a novel mobile manipulation framework that leverages dynamic open-vocabulary 3D scene graphs and a language-guided task planning module for long-term task execution. DovSG takes RGB-D sequences as input and utilizes vision-language models (VLMs) for object detection to obtain high-level object semantic features. Based on the segmented objects, a structured 3D scene graph is generated for low-level spatial relationships. Furthermore, an efficient mechanism for locally updating the scene graph, allows the robot to adjust parts of the graph dynamically during interactions without the need for full scene reconstruction. This mechanism is particularly valuable in dynamic environments, enabling the robot to continually adapt to scene changes and effectively support the execution of long-term tasks. We validated our system in real-world environments with varying degrees of manual modifications, demonstrating its effectiveness and superior performance in long-term tasks. Our project page is available at:
comment: Accepted by IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2025
♻ ☆ Equivariant IMU Preintegration with Biases: a Galilean Group Approach
This letter proposes a new approach for Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) preintegration, a fundamental building block that can be leveraged in different optimization-based Inertial Navigation System (INS) localization solutions. Inspired by recent advances in equivariant theory applied to biased INSs, we derive a discrete-time formulation of the IMU preintegration on ${\mathbf{Gal}(3) \ltimes \mathfrak{gal}(3)}$, the left-trivialization of the tangent group of the Galilean group $\mathbf{Gal}(3)$. We define a novel preintegration error that geometrically couples the navigation states and the bias leading to lower linearization error. Our method improves in consistency compared to existing preintegration approaches which treat IMU biases as a separate state-space. Extensive validation against state-of-the-art methods, both in simulation and with real-world IMU data, implementation in the Lie++ library, and open-source code are provided.
♻ ☆ GARAD-SLAM: 3D GAussian splatting for Real-time Anti Dynamic SLAM ICRA 2025
The 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS)-based SLAM system has garnered widespread attention due to its excellent performance in real-time high-fidelity rendering. However, in real-world environments with dynamic objects, existing 3DGS-based SLAM systems often face mapping errors and tracking drift issues. To address these problems, we propose GARAD-SLAM, a real-time 3DGS-based SLAM system tailored for dynamic scenes. In terms of tracking, unlike traditional methods, we directly perform dynamic segmentation on Gaussians and map them back to the front-end to obtain dynamic point labels through a Gaussian pyramid network, achieving precise dynamic removal and robust tracking. For mapping, we impose rendering penalties on dynamically labeled Gaussians, which are updated through the network, to avoid irreversible erroneous removal caused by simple pruning. Our results on real-world datasets demonstrate that our method is competitive in tracking compared to baseline methods, generating fewer artifacts and higher-quality reconstructions in rendering.
comment: The paper was accepted by ICRA 2025
♻ ☆ Continual Learning from Simulated Interactions via Multitask Prospective Rehearsal for Bionic Limb Behavior Modeling
Lower limb amputations and neuromuscular impairments severely restrict mobility, necessitating advancements beyond conventional prosthetics. While motorized bionic limbs show promise, their effectiveness depends on replicating the dynamic coordination of human movement across diverse environments. In this paper, we introduce a model for human behavior in the context of bionic prosthesis control. Our approach leverages human locomotion demonstrations to learn the synergistic coupling of the lower limbs, enabling the prediction of the kinematic behavior of a missing limb during tasks such as walking, climbing inclines, and stairs. We propose a multitasking, continually adaptive model that anticipates and refines movements over time. At the core of our method is a technique called multitask prospective rehearsal, that anticipates and synthesizes future movements based on the previous prediction and employs a corrective mechanism for subsequent predictions. Our evolving architecture merges lightweight, task-specific modules on a shared backbone, ensuring both specificity and scalability. We validate our model through experiments on real-world human gait datasets, including transtibial amputees, across a wide range of locomotion tasks. Results demonstrate that our approach consistently outperforms baseline models, particularly in scenarios with distributional shifts, adversarial perturbations, and noise.
comment: Accepted at Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR) 2025
♻ ☆ Toward a Dialogue System Using a Large Language Model to Recognize User Emotions with a Camera
The performance of ChatGPT\copyright{} and other LLMs has improved tremendously, and in online environments, they are increasingly likely to be used in a wide variety of situations, such as ChatBot on web pages, call center operations using voice interaction, and dialogue functions using agents. In the offline environment, multimodal dialogue functions are also being realized, such as guidance by Artificial Intelligence agents (AI agents) using tablet terminals and dialogue systems in the form of LLMs mounted on robots. In this multimodal dialogue, mutual emotion recognition between the AI and the user will become important. So far, there have been methods for expressing emotions on the part of the AI agent or for recognizing them using textual or voice information of the user's utterances, but methods for AI agents to recognize emotions from the user's facial expressions have not been studied. In this study, we examined whether or not LLM-based AI agents can interact with users according to their emotional states by capturing the user in dialogue with a camera, recognizing emotions from facial expressions, and adding such emotion information to prompts. The results confirmed that AI agents can have conversations according to the emotional state for emotional states with relatively high scores, such as Happy and Angry.
comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, The 1st InterAI: Interactive AI for Human-Centered Robotics workshop in conjunction with IEEE Ro-MAN 2024, Pasadona, LA, USA, Aug. 2024
♻ ☆ HeRCULES: Heterogeneous Radar Dataset in Complex Urban Environment for Multi-session Radar SLAM ICRA 2025
Recently, radars have been widely featured in robotics for their robustness in challenging weather conditions. Two commonly used radar types are spinning radars and phased-array radars, each offering distinct sensor characteristics. Existing datasets typically feature only a single type of radar, leading to the development of algorithms limited to that specific kind. In this work, we highlight that combining different radar types offers complementary advantages, which can be leveraged through a heterogeneous radar dataset. Moreover, this new dataset fosters research in multi-session and multi-robot scenarios where robots are equipped with different types of radars. In this context, we introduce the HeRCULES dataset, a comprehensive, multi-modal dataset with heterogeneous radars, FMCW LiDAR, IMU, GPS, and cameras. This is the first dataset to integrate 4D radar and spinning radar alongside FMCW LiDAR, offering unparalleled localization, mapping, and place recognition capabilities. The dataset covers diverse weather and lighting conditions and a range of urban traffic scenarios, enabling a comprehensive analysis across various environments. The sequence paths with multiple revisits and ground truth pose for each sensor enhance its suitability for place recognition research. We expect the HeRCULES dataset to facilitate odometry, mapping, place recognition, and sensor fusion research. The dataset and development tools are available at
comment: 2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2025)
♻ ☆ A Robust and Efficient Visual-Inertial Initialization with Probabilistic Normal Epipolar Constraint
Accurate and robust initialization is essential for Visual-Inertial Odometry (VIO), as poor initialization can severely degrade pose accuracy. During initialization, it is crucial to estimate parameters such as accelerometer bias, gyroscope bias, initial velocity, gravity, etc. Most existing VIO initialization methods adopt Structure from Motion (SfM) to solve for gyroscope bias. However, SfM is not stable and efficient enough in fast-motion or degenerate scenes. To overcome these limitations, we extended the rotation-translation-decoupled framework by adding new uncertainty parameters and optimization modules. First, we adopt a gyroscope bias estimator that incorporates probabilistic normal epipolar constraints. Second, we fuse IMU and visual measurements to solve for velocity, gravity, and scale efficiently. Finally, we design an additional refinement module that effectively reduces gravity and scale errors. Extensive EuRoC dataset tests show that our method reduces gyroscope bias and rotation errors by 16\% and 4\% on average, and gravity error by 29\% on average. On the TUM dataset, our method reduces the gravity error and scale error by 14.2\% and 5.7\% on average respectively. The source code is available at
comment: Accepted by RA-L
♻ ☆ State estimation of marine vessels affected by waves by unmanned aerial vehicles
A novel approach for robust state estimation of marine vessels in rough water is proposed in this paper to enable tight collaboration between Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and a marine vessel, such as cooperative landing or object manipulation, regardless of weather conditions. Our study of marine vessel (in our case Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV)) dynamics influenced by strong wave motion has resulted in a novel nonlinear mathematical USV model with 6 degrees of freedom (DOFs), which is required for precise USV state estimation and motion prediction. The proposed state estimation and prediction approach fuses data from multiple sensors onboard the UAV and the USV to enable redundancy and robustness under varying weather conditions of real-world applications. The proposed approach provides estimated states of the USV with 6 DOFs and predicts its future states to enable tight control of both vehicles on a receding control horizon. The proposed approach was extensively tested in the realistic Gazebo simulator and successfully experimentally validated in many real-world experiments representing different application scenarios, including agile landing on an oscillating and moving USV. A comparative study indicates that the proposed approach significantly surpassed the current state-of-the-art.
♻ ☆ Differentiable Physics-based System Identification for Robotic Manipulation of Elastoplastic Materials
Robotic manipulation of volumetric elastoplastic deformable materials, from foods such as dough to construction materials like clay, is in its infancy, largely due to the difficulty of modelling and perception in a high-dimensional space. Simulating the dynamics of such materials is computationally expensive. It tends to suffer from inaccurately estimated physics parameters of the materials and the environment, impeding high-precision manipulation. Estimating such parameters from raw point clouds captured by optical cameras suffers further from heavy occlusions. To address this challenge, this work introduces a novel Differentiable Physics-based System Identification (DPSI) framework that enables a robot arm to infer the physics parameters of elastoplastic materials and the environment using simple manipulation motions and incomplete 3D point clouds, aligning the simulation with the real world. Extensive experiments show that with only a single real-world interaction, the estimated parameters, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, yield stress and friction coefficients, can accurately simulate visually and physically realistic deformation behaviours induced by unseen and long-horizon manipulation motions. Additionally, the DPSI framework inherently provides physically intuitive interpretations for the parameters in contrast to black-box approaches such as deep neural networks. The project is fully open-sourced via
comment: Accepted by the Internation Journal of Robotics Research
♻ ☆ A formal implementation of Behavior Trees to act in robotics
Behavior Trees (BT) are becoming quite popular as an Acting component of autonomous robotic systems. We propose to define a formal semantics to BT by translating them to a formal language which enables us to perform verification of programs written with BT, as well as runtime verification while these BT execute. This allows us to formally verify BT correctness without requiring BT programmers to master formal language and without compromising BT most valuable features: modularity, flexibility and reusability. We present the formal framework we use: Fiacre, its langage and the produced TTS model; Tina, its model checking tools and Hippo, its runtime verification engine. We then show how the translation from BT to Fiacre is automatically done, the type of formal LTL and CTL properties we can check offline and how to execute the formal model online in place of a regular BT engine. We illustrate our approach on two robotics applications, and show how BT could benefit of other features available in the Fiacre formal framework (state variables, time, etc).
♻ ☆ Motion planning for highly-dynamic unconditioned reflexes based on chained Signed Distance Functions
The unconditioned reflex (e.g., protective reflex), which is the innate reaction of the organism and usually performed through the spinal cord rather than the brain, can enable organisms to escape harms from environments. In this paper, we propose an online, highly-dynamic motion planning algorithm to endow manipulators the highly-dynamic unconditioned reflexes to humans and/or environments. Our method is based on a chained version of Signed Distance Functions (SDFs), which can be pre-computed and stored. Our proposed algorithm is divided into two stages. In the offline stage, we create 3 groups of local SDFs to store the geometric information of the manipulator and its working environment. In the online stage, the pre-computed local SDFs are chained together according the configuration of the manipulator, to provide global geometric information about the environment. While the point clouds of the dynamic objects serve as query points to look up these local SDFs for quickly generating escape velocity. Then we propose a modified geometric Jacobian matrix and use the Jacobian-pseudo-inverse method to generate real-time reflex behaviors to avoid the static and dynamic obstacles in the environment. The benefits of our method are validated in both static and dynamic scenarios. In the static scenario, our method identifies the path solutions with lower time consumption and shorter trajectory length compared to existing solutions. In the dynamic scenario, our method can reliably pursue the dynamic target point, avoid dynamic obstacles, and react to these obstacles within 1ms, which surpasses the unconditioned reflex reaction time of humans.
♻ ☆ Gradient-based Trajectory Optimization with Parallelized Differentiable Traffic Simulation
We present a parallelized differentiable traffic simulator based on the Intelligent Driver Model (IDM), a car-following framework that incorporates driver behavior as key variables. Our vehicle simulator efficiently models vehicle motion, generating trajectories that can be supervised to fit real-world data. By leveraging its differentiable nature, IDM parameters are optimized using gradient-based methods. With the capability to simulate up to 2 million vehicles in real time, the system is scalable for large-scale trajectory optimization. We show that we can use the simulator to filter noise in the input trajectories (trajectory filtering), reconstruct dense trajectories from sparse ones (trajectory reconstruction), and predict future trajectories (trajectory prediction), with all generated trajectories adhering to physical laws. We validate our simulator and algorithm on several datasets including NGSIM and Waymo Open Dataset. The code is publicly available at:
comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables
♻ ☆ RAMPA: Robotic Augmented Reality for Machine Programming by DemonstrAtion
This paper introduces Robotic Augmented Reality for Machine Programming by Demonstration (RAMPA), the first ML-integrated, XR-driven end-to-end robotic system, allowing training and deployment of ML models such as ProMPs on the fly, and utilizing the capabilities of state-of-the-art and commercially available AR headsets, e.g., Meta Quest 3, to facilitate the application of Programming by Demonstration (PbD) approaches on industrial robotic arms, e.g., Universal Robots UR10. Our approach enables in-situ data recording, visualization, and fine-tuning of skill demonstrations directly within the user's physical environment. RAMPA addresses critical challenges of PbD, such as safety concerns, programming barriers, and the inefficiency of collecting demonstrations on the actual hardware. The performance of our system is evaluated against the traditional method of kinesthetic control in teaching three different robotic manipulation tasks and analyzed with quantitative metrics, measuring task performance and completion time, trajectory smoothness, system usability, user experience, and task load using standardized surveys. Our findings indicate a substantial advancement in how robotic tasks are taught and refined, promising improvements in operational safety, efficiency, and user engagement in robotic programming.
comment: This work is the final version submitted to the IEEE RA-L
Vision 135
☆ Multimodal Mamba: Decoder-only Multimodal State Space Model via Quadratic to Linear Distillation
Recent Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have achieved remarkable performance but face deployment challenges due to their quadratic computational complexity, growing Key-Value cache requirements, and reliance on separate vision encoders. We propose mmMamba, a framework for developing linear-complexity native multimodal state space models through progressive distillation from existing MLLMs using moderate academic computational resources. Our approach enables the direct conversion of trained decoder-only MLLMs to linear-complexity architectures without requiring pre-trained RNN-based LLM or vision encoders. We propose an seeding strategy to carve Mamba from trained Transformer and a three-stage distillation recipe, which can effectively transfer the knowledge from Transformer to Mamba while preserving multimodal capabilities. Our method also supports flexible hybrid architectures that combine Transformer and Mamba layers for customizable efficiency-performance trade-offs. Distilled from the Transformer-based decoder-only HoVLE, mmMamba-linear achieves competitive performance against existing linear and quadratic-complexity VLMs, while mmMamba-hybrid further improves performance significantly, approaching HoVLE's capabilities. At 103K tokens, mmMamba-linear demonstrates 20.6$\times$ speedup and 75.8% GPU memory reduction compared to HoVLE, while mmMamba-hybrid achieves 13.5$\times$ speedup and 60.2% memory savings. Code and models are released at
comment: Code and model are available at
☆ Re-Align: Aligning Vision Language Models via Retrieval-Augmented Direct Preference Optimization
The emergence of large Vision Language Models (VLMs) has broadened the scope and capabilities of single-modal Large Language Models (LLMs) by integrating visual modalities, thereby unlocking transformative cross-modal applications in a variety of real-world scenarios. Despite their impressive performance, VLMs are prone to significant hallucinations, particularly in the form of cross-modal inconsistencies. Building on the success of Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) in aligning LLMs, recent advancements have focused on applying direct preference optimization (DPO) on carefully curated datasets to mitigate these issues. Yet, such approaches typically introduce preference signals in a brute-force manner, neglecting the crucial role of visual information in the alignment process. In this paper, we introduce Re-Align, a novel alignment framework that leverages image retrieval to construct a dual-preference dataset, effectively incorporating both textual and visual preference signals. We further introduce rDPO, an extension of the standard direct preference optimization that incorporates an additional visual preference objective during fine-tuning. Our experimental results demonstrate that Re-Align not only mitigates hallucinations more effectively than previous methods but also yields significant performance gains in general visual question-answering (VQA) tasks. Moreover, we show that Re-Align maintains robustness and scalability across a wide range of VLM sizes and architectures. This work represents a significant step forward in aligning multimodal LLMs, paving the way for more reliable and effective cross-modal applications. We release all the code in
comment: 15 pages
☆ RAD: Training an End-to-End Driving Policy via Large-Scale 3DGS-based Reinforcement Learning
Existing end-to-end autonomous driving (AD) algorithms typically follow the Imitation Learning (IL) paradigm, which faces challenges such as causal confusion and the open-loop gap. In this work, we establish a 3DGS-based closed-loop Reinforcement Learning (RL) training paradigm. By leveraging 3DGS techniques, we construct a photorealistic digital replica of the real physical world, enabling the AD policy to extensively explore the state space and learn to handle out-of-distribution scenarios through large-scale trial and error. To enhance safety, we design specialized rewards that guide the policy to effectively respond to safety-critical events and understand real-world causal relationships. For better alignment with human driving behavior, IL is incorporated into RL training as a regularization term. We introduce a closed-loop evaluation benchmark consisting of diverse, previously unseen 3DGS environments. Compared to IL-based methods, RAD achieves stronger performance in most closed-loop metrics, especially 3x lower collision rate. Abundant closed-loop results are presented at
comment: Project Page:
☆ SoFar: Language-Grounded Orientation Bridges Spatial Reasoning and Object Manipulation
Spatial intelligence is a critical component of embodied AI, promoting robots to understand and interact with their environments. While recent advances have enhanced the ability of VLMs to perceive object locations and positional relationships, they still lack the capability to precisely understand object orientations-a key requirement for tasks involving fine-grained manipulations. Addressing this limitation not only requires geometric reasoning but also an expressive and intuitive way to represent orientation. In this context, we propose that natural language offers a more flexible representation space than canonical frames, making it particularly suitable for instruction-following robotic systems. In this paper, we introduce the concept of semantic orientation, which defines object orientations using natural language in a reference-frame-free manner (e.g., the ''plug-in'' direction of a USB or the ''handle'' direction of a knife). To support this, we construct OrienText300K, a large-scale dataset of 3D models annotated with semantic orientations that link geometric understanding to functional semantics. By integrating semantic orientation into a VLM system, we enable robots to generate manipulation actions with both positional and orientational constraints. Extensive experiments in simulation and real world demonstrate that our approach significantly enhances robotic manipulation capabilities, e.g., 48.7% accuracy on Open6DOR and 74.9% accuracy on SIMPLER.
comment: Project page:
☆ AV-Flow: Transforming Text to Audio-Visual Human-like Interactions
We introduce AV-Flow, an audio-visual generative model that animates photo-realistic 4D talking avatars given only text input. In contrast to prior work that assumes an existing speech signal, we synthesize speech and vision jointly. We demonstrate human-like speech synthesis, synchronized lip motion, lively facial expressions and head pose; all generated from just text characters. The core premise of our approach lies in the architecture of our two parallel diffusion transformers. Intermediate highway connections ensure communication between the audio and visual modalities, and thus, synchronized speech intonation and facial dynamics (e.g., eyebrow motion). Our model is trained with flow matching, leading to expressive results and fast inference. In case of dyadic conversations, AV-Flow produces an always-on avatar, that actively listens and reacts to the audio-visual input of a user. Through extensive experiments, we show that our method outperforms prior work, synthesizing natural-looking 4D talking avatars. Project page:
☆ Magma: A Foundation Model for Multimodal AI Agents
We present Magma, a foundation model that serves multimodal AI agentic tasks in both the digital and physical worlds. Magma is a significant extension of vision-language (VL) models in that it not only retains the VL understanding ability (verbal intelligence) of the latter, but is also equipped with the ability to plan and act in the visual-spatial world (spatial-temporal intelligence) and complete agentic tasks ranging from UI navigation to robot manipulation. To endow the agentic capabilities, Magma is pretrained on large amounts of heterogeneous datasets spanning from images, videos to robotics data, where the actionable visual objects (e.g., clickable buttons in GUI) in images are labeled by Set-of-Mark (SoM) for action grounding, and the object movements (e.g., the trace of human hands or robotic arms) in videos are labeled by Trace-of-Mark (ToM) for action planning. Extensive experiments show that SoM and ToM reach great synergy and facilitate the acquisition of spatial-temporal intelligence for our Magma model, which is fundamental to a wide range of tasks as shown in Fig.1. In particular, Magma creates new state-of-the-art results on UI navigation and robotic manipulation tasks, outperforming previous models that are specifically tailored to these tasks. On image and video-related multimodal tasks, Magma also compares favorably to popular large multimodal models that are trained on much larger datasets. We make our model and code public for reproducibility at
comment: 29 pages, 16 figures, technical report from MSR
☆ Is Noise Conditioning Necessary for Denoising Generative Models?
It is widely believed that noise conditioning is indispensable for denoising diffusion models to work successfully. This work challenges this belief. Motivated by research on blind image denoising, we investigate a variety of denoising-based generative models in the absence of noise conditioning. To our surprise, most models exhibit graceful degradation, and in some cases, they even perform better without noise conditioning. We provide a theoretical analysis of the error caused by removing noise conditioning and demonstrate that our analysis aligns with empirical observations. We further introduce a noise-unconditional model that achieves a competitive FID of 2.23 on CIFAR-10, significantly narrowing the gap to leading noise-conditional models. We hope our findings will inspire the community to revisit the foundations and formulations of denoising generative models.
☆ WeedsGalore: A Multispectral and Multitemporal UAV-based Dataset for Crop and Weed Segmentation in Agricultural Maize Fields
Weeds are one of the major reasons for crop yield loss but current weeding practices fail to manage weeds in an efficient and targeted manner. Effective weed management is especially important for crops with high worldwide production such as maize, to maximize crop yield for meeting increasing global demands. Advances in near-sensing and computer vision enable the development of new tools for weed management. Specifically, state-of-the-art segmentation models, coupled with novel sensing technologies, can facilitate timely and accurate weeding and monitoring systems. However, learning-based approaches require annotated data and show a lack of generalization to aerial imaging for different crops. We present a novel dataset for semantic and instance segmentation of crops and weeds in agricultural maize fields. The multispectral UAV-based dataset contains images with RGB, red-edge, and near-infrared bands, a large number of plant instances, dense annotations for maize and four weed classes, and is multitemporal. We provide extensive baseline results for both tasks, including probabilistic methods to quantify prediction uncertainty, improve model calibration, and demonstrate the approach's applicability to out-of-distribution data. The results show the effectiveness of the two additional bands compared to RGB only, and better performance in our target domain than models trained on existing datasets. We hope our dataset advances research on methods and operational systems for fine-grained weed identification, enhancing the robustness and applicability of UAV-based weed management. The dataset and code are available at
comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 7 tables
☆ Understanding and Rectifying Safety Perception Distortion in VLMs
Recent studies reveal that vision-language models (VLMs) become more susceptible to harmful requests and jailbreak attacks after integrating the vision modality, exhibiting greater vulnerability than their text-only LLM backbones. To uncover the root cause of this phenomenon, we conduct an in-depth analysis and identify a key issue: multimodal inputs introduce an modality-induced activation shift toward a "safer" direction compared to their text-only counterparts, leading VLMs to systematically overestimate the safety of harmful inputs. We refer to this issue as safety perception distortion. To mitigate such distortion, we propose Activation Shift Disentanglement and Calibration (ShiftDC), a training-free method that decomposes and calibrates the modality-induced activation shift to reduce the impact of modality on safety. By isolating and removing the safety-relevant component, ShiftDC restores the inherent safety alignment of the LLM backbone while preserving the vision-language capabilities of VLMs. Empirical results demonstrate that ShiftDC significantly enhances alignment performance on safety benchmarks without impairing model utility.
Personalized Image Generation with Deep Generative Models: A Decade Survey
Recent advancements in generative models have significantly facilitated the development of personalized content creation. Given a small set of images with user-specific concept, personalized image generation allows to create images that incorporate the specified concept and adhere to provided text descriptions. Due to its wide applications in content creation, significant effort has been devoted to this field in recent years. Nonetheless, the technologies used for personalization have evolved alongside the development of generative models, with their distinct and interrelated components. In this survey, we present a comprehensive review of generalized personalized image generation across various generative models, including traditional GANs, contemporary text-to-image diffusion models, and emerging multi-model autoregressive models. We first define a unified framework that standardizes the personalization process across different generative models, encompassing three key components, i.e., inversion spaces, inversion methods, and personalization schemes. This unified framework offers a structured approach to dissecting and comparing personalization techniques across different generative architectures. Building upon this unified framework, we further provide an in-depth analysis of personalization techniques within each generative model, highlighting their unique contributions and innovations. Through comparative analysis, this survey elucidates the current landscape of personalized image generation, identifying commonalities and distinguishing features among existing methods. Finally, we discuss the open challenges in the field and propose potential directions for future research. We keep tracing related works at
comment: 39 pages; under submission; more information:
☆ L4P: Low-Level 4D Vision Perception Unified
The spatio-temporal relationship between the pixels of a video carries critical information for low-level 4D perception. A single model that reasons about it should be able to solve several such tasks well. Yet, most state-of-the-art methods rely on architectures specialized for the task at hand. We present L4P (pronounced "LAP"), a feedforward, general-purpose architecture that solves low-level 4D perception tasks in a unified framework. L4P combines a ViT-based backbone with per-task heads that are lightweight and therefore do not require extensive training. Despite its general and feedforward formulation, our method matches or surpasses the performance of existing specialized methods on both dense tasks, such as depth or optical flow estimation, and sparse tasks, such as 2D/3D tracking. Moreover, it solves all those tasks at once in a time comparable to that of individual single-task methods.
☆ RobuRCDet: Enhancing Robustness of Radar-Camera Fusion in Bird's Eye View for 3D Object Detection ICLR2025
While recent low-cost radar-camera approaches have shown promising results in multi-modal 3D object detection, both sensors face challenges from environmental and intrinsic disturbances. Poor lighting or adverse weather conditions degrade camera performance, while radar suffers from noise and positional ambiguity. Achieving robust radar-camera 3D object detection requires consistent performance across varying conditions, a topic that has not yet been fully explored. In this work, we first conduct a systematic analysis of robustness in radar-camera detection on five kinds of noises and propose RobuRCDet, a robust object detection model in BEV. Specifically, we design a 3D Gaussian Expansion (3DGE) module to mitigate inaccuracies in radar points, including position, Radar Cross-Section (RCS), and velocity. The 3DGE uses RCS and velocity priors to generate a deformable kernel map and variance for kernel size adjustment and value distribution. Additionally, we introduce a weather-adaptive fusion module, which adaptively fuses radar and camera features based on camera signal confidence. Extensive experiments on the popular benchmark, nuScenes, show that our model achieves competitive results in regular and noisy conditions.
comment: Accepted by ICLR2025
☆ Improved Fine-Tuning of Large Multimodal Models for Hateful Meme Detection
Hateful memes have become a significant concern on the Internet, necessitating robust automated detection systems. While large multimodal models have shown strong generalization across various tasks, they exhibit poor generalization to hateful meme detection due to the dynamic nature of memes tied to emerging social trends and breaking news. Recent work further highlights the limitations of conventional supervised fine-tuning for large multimodal models in this context. To address these challenges, we propose Large Multimodal Model Retrieval-Guided Contrastive Learning (LMM-RGCL), a novel two-stage fine-tuning framework designed to improve both in-domain accuracy and cross-domain generalization. Experimental results on six widely used meme classification datasets demonstrate that LMM-RGCL achieves state-of-the-art performance, outperforming agent-based systems such as VPD-PALI-X-55B. Furthermore, our method effectively generalizes to out-of-domain memes under low-resource settings, surpassing models like GPT-4o.
comment: Preprint. Under Review
☆ Enhancing Power Grid Inspections with Machine Learning
Ensuring the safety and reliability of power grids is critical as global energy demands continue to rise. Traditional inspection methods, such as manual observations or helicopter surveys, are resource-intensive and lack scalability. This paper explores the use of 3D computer vision to automate power grid inspections, utilizing the TS40K dataset -- a high-density, annotated collection of 3D LiDAR point clouds. By concentrating on 3D semantic segmentation, our approach addresses challenges like class imbalance and noisy data to enhance the detection of critical grid components such as power lines and towers. The benchmark results indicate significant performance improvements, with IoU scores reaching 95.53% for the detection of power lines using transformer-based models. Our findings illustrate the potential for integrating ML into grid maintenance workflows, increasing efficiency and enabling proactive risk management strategies.
☆ Natural Language Generation from Visual Sequences: Challenges and Future Directions
The ability to use natural language to talk about visual content is at the core of human intelligence and a crucial feature of any artificial intelligence system. Various studies have focused on generating text for single images. In contrast, comparatively little attention has been paid to exhaustively analyzing and advancing work on multiple-image vision-to-text settings. In this position paper, we claim that any task dealing with temporally ordered sequences of multiple images or frames is an instance of a broader, more general problem involving the understanding of intricate relationships between the visual content and the corresponding text. We comprehensively analyze five tasks that are instances of this problem and argue that they pose a common set of challenges and share similarities in terms of modeling and evaluation approaches. Based on the insights from these various aspects and stages of multi-image-to-text generation, we highlight several open questions and suggest future research directions. We believe that these directions can advance the understanding of complex phenomena in this domain and the development of better models.
☆ A deep learning framework for efficient pathology image analysis
Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed digital pathology by enabling biomarker prediction from high-resolution whole slide images (WSIs). However, current methods are computationally inefficient, processing thousands of redundant tiles per WSI and requiring complex aggregator models. We introduce EAGLE (Efficient Approach for Guided Local Examination), a deep learning framework that emulates pathologists by selectively analyzing informative regions. EAGLE incorporates two foundation models: CHIEF for efficient tile selection and Virchow2 for extracting high-quality features. Benchmarking was conducted against leading slide- and tile-level foundation models across 31 tasks from four cancer types, spanning morphology, biomarker prediction and prognosis. EAGLE outperformed state-of-the-art foundation models by up to 23% and achieved the highest AUROC overall. It processed a slide in 2.27 seconds, reducing computational time by more than 99% compared to existing models. This efficiency enables real-time workflows, allows pathologists to validate all tiles which are used by the model during analysis, and eliminates dependence on high-performance computing, making AI-powered pathology more accessible. By reliably identifying meaningful regions and minimizing artifacts, EAGLE provides robust and interpretable outputs, supporting rapid slide searches, integration into multi-omics pipelines and emerging clinical foundation models.
Detection and Geographic Localization of Natural Objects in the Wild: A Case Study on Palms
Palms are ecologically and economically indicators of tropical forest health, biodiversity, and human impact that support local economies and global forest product supply chains. While palm detection in plantations is well-studied, efforts to map naturally occurring palms in dense forests remain limited by overlapping crowns, uneven shading, and heterogeneous landscapes. We develop PRISM (Processing, Inference, Segmentation, and Mapping), a flexible pipeline for detecting and localizing palms in dense tropical forests using large orthomosaic images. Orthomosaics are created from thousands of aerial images and spanning several to hundreds of gigabytes. Our contributions are threefold. First, we construct a large UAV-derived orthomosaic dataset collected across 21 ecologically diverse sites in western Ecuador, annotated with 8,830 bounding boxes and 5,026 palm center points. Second, we evaluate multiple state-of-the-art object detectors based on efficiency and performance, integrating zero-shot SAM 2 as the segmentation backbone, and refining the results for precise geographic mapping. Third, we apply calibration methods to align confidence scores with IoU and explore saliency maps for feature explainability. Though optimized for palms, PRISM is adaptable for identifying other natural objects, such as eastern white pines. Future work will explore transfer learning for lower-resolution datasets (0.5 to 1m).
comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables
☆ Mean of Means: Human Localization with Calibration-free and Unconstrained Camera Settings (extended version)
Accurate human localization is crucial for various applications, especially in the Metaverse era. Existing high precision solutions rely on expensive, tag-dependent hardware, while vision-based methods offer a cheaper, tag-free alternative. However, current vision solutions based on stereo vision face limitations due to rigid perspective transformation principles and error propagation in multi-stage SVD solvers. These solutions also require multiple high-resolution cameras with strict setup constraints.To address these limitations, we propose a probabilistic approach that considers all points on the human body as observations generated by a distribution centered around the body's geometric center. This enables us to improve sampling significantly, increasing the number of samples for each point of interest from hundreds to billions. By modeling the relation between the means of the distributions of world coordinates and pixel coordinates, leveraging the Central Limit Theorem, we ensure normality and facilitate the learning process. Experimental results demonstrate human localization accuracy of 96\% within a 0.3$m$ range and nearly 100\% accuracy within a 0.5$m$ range, achieved at a low cost of only 10 USD using two web cameras with a resolution of 640$\times$480 pixels.
comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2407.20870
☆ SHADeS: Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation Through Non-Lambertian Image Decomposition
Purpose: Visual 3D scene reconstruction can support colonoscopy navigation. It can help in recognising which portions of the colon have been visualised and characterising the size and shape of polyps. This is still a very challenging problem due to complex illumination variations, including abundant specular reflections. We investigate how to effectively decouple light and depth in this problem. Methods: We introduce a self-supervised model that simultaneously characterises the shape and lighting of the visualised colonoscopy scene. Our model estimates shading, albedo, depth, and specularities (SHADeS) from single images. Unlike previous approaches (IID), we use a non-Lambertian model that treats specular reflections as a separate light component. The implementation of our method is available at Results: We demonstrate on real colonoscopy images (Hyper Kvasir) that previous models for light decomposition (IID) and depth estimation (MonoVIT, ModoDepth2) are negatively affected by specularities. In contrast, SHADeS can simultaneously produce light decomposition and depth maps that are robust to specular regions. We also perform a quantitative comparison on phantom data (C3VD) where we further demonstrate the robustness of our model. Conclusion: Modelling specular reflections improves depth estimation in colonoscopy. We propose an effective self-supervised approach that uses this insight to jointly estimate light decomposition and depth. Light decomposition has the potential to help with other problems, such as place recognition within the colon.
☆ PartSDF: Part-Based Implicit Neural Representation for Composite 3D Shape Parametrization and Optimization
Accurate 3D shape representation is essential in engineering applications such as design, optimization, and simulation. In practice, engineering workflows require structured, part-aware representations, as objects are inherently designed as assemblies of distinct components. However, most existing methods either model shapes holistically or decompose them without predefined part structures, limiting their applicability in real-world design tasks. We propose PartSDF, a supervised implicit representation framework that explicitly models composite shapes with independent, controllable parts while maintaining shape consistency. Despite its simple single-decoder architecture, PartSDF outperforms both supervised and unsupervised baselines in reconstruction and generation tasks. We further demonstrate its effectiveness as a structured shape prior for engineering applications, enabling precise control over individual components while preserving overall coherence. Code available at
comment: 22 pages, 14 figures
☆ Instance-Level Moving Object Segmentation from a Single Image with Events
Moving object segmentation plays a crucial role in understanding dynamic scenes involving multiple moving objects, while the difficulties lie in taking into account both spatial texture structures and temporal motion cues. Existing methods based on video frames encounter difficulties in distinguishing whether pixel displacements of an object are caused by camera motion or object motion due to the complexities of accurate image-based motion modeling. Recent advances exploit the motion sensitivity of novel event cameras to counter conventional images' inadequate motion modeling capabilities, but instead lead to challenges in segmenting pixel-level object masks due to the lack of dense texture structures in events. To address these two limitations imposed by unimodal settings, we propose the first instance-level moving object segmentation framework that integrates complementary texture and motion cues. Our model incorporates implicit cross-modal masked attention augmentation, explicit contrastive feature learning, and flow-guided motion enhancement to exploit dense texture information from a single image and rich motion information from events, respectively. By leveraging the augmented texture and motion features, we separate mask segmentation from motion classification to handle varying numbers of independently moving objects. Through extensive evaluations on multiple datasets, as well as ablation experiments with different input settings and real-time efficiency analysis of the proposed framework, we believe that our first attempt to incorporate image and event data for practical deployment can provide new insights for future work in event-based motion related works. The source code with model training and pre-trained weights is released at
comment: accepted by IJCV
☆ Fake It Till You Make It: Using Synthetic Data and Domain Knowledge for Improved Text-Based Learning for LGE Detection AAAI 2025
Detection of hyperenhancement from cardiac LGE MRI images is a complex task requiring significant clinical expertise. Although deep learning-based models have shown promising results for the task, they require large amounts of data with fine-grained annotations. Clinical reports generated for cardiac MR studies contain rich, clinically relevant information, including the location, extent and etiology of any scars present. Although recently developed CLIP-based training enables pretraining models with image-text pairs, it requires large amounts of data and further finetuning strategies on downstream tasks. In this study, we use various strategies rooted in domain knowledge to train a model for LGE detection solely using text from clinical reports, on a relatively small clinical cohort of 965 patients. We improve performance through the use of synthetic data augmentation, by systematically creating scar images and associated text. In addition, we standardize the orientation of the images in an anatomy-informed way to enable better alignment of spatial and text features. We also use a captioning loss to enable fine-grained supervision and explore the effect of pretraining of the vision encoder on performance. Finally, ablation studies are carried out to elucidate the contributions of each design component to the overall performance of the model.
comment: Poster at Workshop on Large Language Models and Generative AI for Health at AAAI 2025
☆ LLMPopcorn: An Empirical Study of LLMs as Assistants for Popular Micro-video Generation
Popular Micro-videos, dominant on platforms like TikTok and YouTube, hold significant commercial value. The rise of high-quality AI-generated content has spurred interest in AI-driven micro-video creation. However, despite the advanced capabilities of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and DeepSeek in text generation and reasoning, their potential to assist the creation of popular micro-videos remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we conduct an empirical study on LLM-assisted popular micro-video generation (LLMPopcorn). Specifically, we investigate the following research questions: (i) How can LLMs be effectively utilized to assist popular micro-video generation? (ii) To what extent can prompt-based enhancements optimize the LLM-generated content for higher popularity? (iii) How well do various LLMs and video generators perform in the popular micro-video generation task? By exploring these questions, we show that advanced LLMs like DeepSeek-V3 enable micro-video generation to achieve popularity comparable to human-created content. Prompt enhancements further boost popularity, and benchmarking highlights DeepSeek-V3 and DeepSeek-R1 among LLMs, while LTX-Video and HunyuanVideo lead in video generation. This pioneering work advances AI-assisted micro-video creation, uncovering new research opportunities. We will release the code and datasets to support future studies.
☆ Contrast-Unity for Partially-Supervised Temporal Sentence Grounding ICASSP 2025
Temporal sentence grounding aims to detect event timestamps described by the natural language query from given untrimmed videos. The existing fully-supervised setting achieves great results but requires expensive annotation costs; while the weakly-supervised setting adopts cheap labels but performs poorly. To pursue high performance with less annotation costs, this paper introduces an intermediate partially-supervised setting, i.e., only short-clip is available during training. To make full use of partial labels, we specially design one contrast-unity framework, with the two-stage goal of implicit-explicit progressive grounding. In the implicit stage, we align event-query representations at fine granularity using comprehensive quadruple contrastive learning: event-query gather, event-background separation, intra-cluster compactness and inter-cluster separability. Then, high-quality representations bring acceptable grounding pseudo-labels. In the explicit stage, to explicitly optimize grounding objectives, we train one fully-supervised model using obtained pseudo-labels for grounding refinement and denoising. Extensive experiments and thoroughly ablations on Charades-STA and ActivityNet Captions demonstrate the significance of partial supervision, as well as our superior performance.
comment: Accepted by ICASSP 2025.The first two authors share the same contribution. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2302.09850
☆ CAST: Component-Aligned 3D Scene Reconstruction from an RGB Image
Recovering high-quality 3D scenes from a single RGB image is a challenging task in computer graphics. Current methods often struggle with domain-specific limitations or low-quality object generation. To address these, we propose CAST (Component-Aligned 3D Scene Reconstruction from a Single RGB Image), a novel method for 3D scene reconstruction and recovery. CAST starts by extracting object-level 2D segmentation and relative depth information from the input image, followed by using a GPT-based model to analyze inter-object spatial relationships. This enables the understanding of how objects relate to each other within the scene, ensuring more coherent reconstruction. CAST then employs an occlusion-aware large-scale 3D generation model to independently generate each object's full geometry, using MAE and point cloud conditioning to mitigate the effects of occlusions and partial object information, ensuring accurate alignment with the source image's geometry and texture. To align each object with the scene, the alignment generation model computes the necessary transformations, allowing the generated meshes to be accurately placed and integrated into the scene's point cloud. Finally, CAST incorporates a physics-aware correction step that leverages a fine-grained relation graph to generate a constraint graph. This graph guides the optimization of object poses, ensuring physical consistency and spatial coherence. By utilizing Signed Distance Fields (SDF), the model effectively addresses issues such as occlusions, object penetration, and floating objects, ensuring that the generated scene accurately reflects real-world physical interactions. CAST can be leveraged in robotics, enabling efficient real-to-simulation workflows and providing realistic, scalable simulation environments for robotic systems.
comment: Project Page:
☆ Archetypal SAE: Adaptive and Stable Dictionary Learning for Concept Extraction in Large Vision Models
Sparse Autoencoders (SAEs) have emerged as a powerful framework for machine learning interpretability, enabling the unsupervised decomposition of model representations into a dictionary of abstract, human-interpretable concepts. However, we reveal a fundamental limitation: existing SAEs exhibit severe instability, as identical models trained on similar datasets can produce sharply different dictionaries, undermining their reliability as an interpretability tool. To address this issue, we draw inspiration from the Archetypal Analysis framework introduced by Cutler & Breiman (1994) and present Archetypal SAEs (A-SAE), wherein dictionary atoms are constrained to the convex hull of data. This geometric anchoring significantly enhances the stability of inferred dictionaries, and their mildly relaxed variants RA-SAEs further match state-of-the-art reconstruction abilities. To rigorously assess dictionary quality learned by SAEs, we introduce two new benchmarks that test (i) plausibility, if dictionaries recover "true" classification directions and (ii) identifiability, if dictionaries disentangle synthetic concept mixtures. Across all evaluations, RA-SAEs consistently yield more structured representations while uncovering novel, semantically meaningful concepts in large-scale vision models.
☆ An Experimental Study of SOTA LiDAR Segmentation Models
Point cloud segmentation (PCS) is to classify each point in point clouds. The task enables robots to parse their 3D surroundings and run autonomously. According to different point cloud representations, existing PCS models can be roughly divided into point-, voxel-, and range image-based models. However, no work has been found to report comprehensive comparisons among the state-of-the-art point-, voxel-, and range image-based models from an application perspective, bringing difficulty in utilizing these models for real-world scenarios. In this paper, we provide thorough comparisons among the models by considering the LiDAR data motion compensation and the metrics of model parameters, max GPU memory allocated during testing, inference latency, frames per second, intersection-over-union (IoU) and mean IoU (mIoU) scores. The experimental results benefit engineers when choosing a reasonable PCS model for an application and inspire researchers in the PCS field to design more practical models for a real-world scenario.
comment: No comments
☆ Leveraging Intermediate Representations for Better Out-of-Distribution Detection
In real-world applications, machine learning models must reliably detect Out-of-Distribution (OoD) samples to prevent unsafe decisions. Current OoD detection methods often rely on analyzing the logits or the embeddings of the penultimate layer of a neural network. However, little work has been conducted on the exploitation of the rich information encoded in intermediate layers. To address this, we analyze the discriminative power of intermediate layers and show that they can positively be used for OoD detection. Therefore, we propose to regularize intermediate layers with an energy-based contrastive loss, and by grouping multiple layers in a single aggregated response. We demonstrate that intermediate layer activations improves OoD detection performance by running a comprehensive evaluation across multiple datasets.
comment: Code is available at
☆ Carotid Artery Plaque Analysis in 3D Based on Distance Encoding in Mesh Representations
Purpose: Enabling a comprehensive and robust assessment of carotid artery plaques in 3D through extraction and visualization of quantitative plaque parameters. These parameters have potential applications in stroke risk analysis, evaluation of therapy effectiveness, and plaque progression prediction. Methods: We propose a novel method for extracting a plaque mesh from 3D vessel wall segmentation using distance encoding on the inner and outer wall mesh for precise plaque structure analysis. A case-specific threshold, derived from the normal vessel wall thickness, was applied to extract plaques from a dataset of 202 T1-weighted black-blood MRI scans of subjects with up to 50% stenosis. Applied to baseline and one-year follow-up data, the method supports detailed plaque morphology analysis over time, including plaque volume quantification, aided by improved visualization via mesh unfolding. Results: We successfully extracted plaque meshes from 341 carotid arteries, capturing a wide range of plaque shapes with volumes ranging from 2.69{\mu}l to 847.7{\mu}l. The use of a case-specific threshold effectively eliminated false positives in young, healthy subjects. Conclusion: The proposed method enables precise extraction of plaque meshes from 3D vessel wall segmentation masks enabling a correspondence between baseline and one-year follow-up examinations. Unfolding the plaque meshes enhances visualization, while the mesh-based analysis allows quantification of plaque parameters independent of voxel resolution.
comment: 13 pages, 5 Figures, Submitted to the International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
☆ Learning Wall Segmentation in 3D Vessel Trees using Sparse Annotations
We propose a novel approach that uses sparse annotations from clinical studies to train a 3D segmentation of the carotid artery wall. We use a centerline annotation to sample perpendicular cross-sections of the carotid artery and use an adversarial 2D network to segment them. These annotations are then transformed into 3D pseudo-labels for training of a 3D convolutional neural network, circumventing the creation of manual 3D masks. For pseudo-label creation in the bifurcation area we propose the use of cross-sections perpendicular to the bifurcation axis and show that this enhances segmentation performance. Different sampling distances had a lesser impact. The proposed method allows for efficient training of 3D segmentation, offering potential improvements in the assessment of carotid artery stenosis and allowing the extraction of 3D biomarkers such as plaque volume.
comment: Presented at MICAD 2024 Conference
☆ Towards Text-Image Interleaved Retrieval
Current multimodal information retrieval studies mainly focus on single-image inputs, which limits real-world applications involving multiple images and text-image interleaved content. In this work, we introduce the text-image interleaved retrieval (TIIR) task, where the query and document are interleaved text-image sequences, and the model is required to understand the semantics from the interleaved context for effective retrieval. We construct a TIIR benchmark based on naturally interleaved wikiHow tutorials, where a specific pipeline is designed to generate interleaved queries. To explore the task, we adapt several off-the-shelf retrievers and build a dense baseline by interleaved multimodal large language model (MLLM). We then propose a novel Matryoshka Multimodal Embedder (MME), which compresses the number of visual tokens at different granularity, to address the challenge of excessive visual tokens in MLLM-based TIIR models. Experiments demonstrate that simple adaption of existing models does not consistently yield effective results. Our MME achieves significant improvements over the baseline by substantially fewer visual tokens. We provide extensive analysis and will release the dataset and code to facilitate future research.
comment: 16 pages, 14 figures
☆ RAPID: Retrieval Augmented Training of Differentially Private Diffusion Models ICLR 2025
Differentially private diffusion models (DPDMs) harness the remarkable generative capabilities of diffusion models while enforcing differential privacy (DP) for sensitive data. However, existing DPDM training approaches often suffer from significant utility loss, large memory footprint, and expensive inference cost, impeding their practical uses. To overcome such limitations, we present RAPID: Retrieval Augmented PrIvate Diffusion model, a novel approach that integrates retrieval augmented generation (RAG) into DPDM training. Specifically, RAPID leverages available public data to build a knowledge base of sample trajectories; when training the diffusion model on private data, RAPID computes the early sampling steps as queries, retrieves similar trajectories from the knowledge base as surrogates, and focuses on training the later sampling steps in a differentially private manner. Extensive evaluation using benchmark datasets and models demonstrates that, with the same privacy guarantee, RAPID significantly outperforms state-of-the-art approaches by large margins in generative quality, memory footprint, and inference cost, suggesting that retrieval-augmented DP training represents a promising direction for developing future privacy-preserving generative models. The code is available at:
comment: Published in ICLR 2025
☆ Beyond Timesteps: A Novel Activation-wise Membrane Potential Propagation Mechanism for Spiking Neural Networks in 3D cloud
Due to the similar characteristics between event-based visual data and point clouds, recent studies have emerged that treat event data as event clouds to learn based on point cloud analysis. Additionally, some works approach point clouds from the perspective of event vision, employing Spiking Neural Network (SNN) due to their asynchronous nature. However, these contributions are often domain-specific, making it difficult to extend their applicability to other intersecting fields. Moreover, while SNN-based visual tasks have seen significant growth, the conventional timestep-wise iterative activation strategy largely limits their real-world applications by large timesteps, resulting in significant delays and increased computational costs. Although some innovative methods achieve good performance with short timesteps (<10), few have fundamentally restructured the update strategy of spiking neurons to completely overcome the limitations of timesteps. In response to these concerns, we propose a novel and general activation strategy for spiking neurons called Activation-wise Membrane Potential Propagation (AMP2). This approach extends the concept of timesteps from a manually crafted parameter within the activation function to any existing network structure. In experiments on common point cloud tasks (classification, object, and scene segmentation) and event cloud tasks (action recognition), we found that AMP2 stabilizes SNN training, maintains competitive performance, and reduces latency compared to the traditional timestep-wise activation paradigm.
☆ High-Fidelity Novel View Synthesis via Splatting-Guided Diffusion
Despite recent advances in Novel View Synthesis (NVS), generating high-fidelity views from single or sparse observations remains a significant challenge. Existing splatting-based approaches often produce distorted geometry due to splatting errors. While diffusion-based methods leverage rich 3D priors to achieve improved geometry, they often suffer from texture hallucination. In this paper, we introduce SplatDiff, a pixel-splatting-guided video diffusion model designed to synthesize high-fidelity novel views from a single image. Specifically, we propose an aligned synthesis strategy for precise control of target viewpoints and geometry-consistent view synthesis. To mitigate texture hallucination, we design a texture bridge module that enables high-fidelity texture generation through adaptive feature fusion. In this manner, SplatDiff leverages the strengths of splatting and diffusion to generate novel views with consistent geometry and high-fidelity details. Extensive experiments verify the state-of-the-art performance of SplatDiff in single-view NVS. Additionally, without extra training, SplatDiff shows remarkable zero-shot performance across diverse tasks, including sparse-view NVS and stereo video conversion.
☆ 3D Shape-to-Image Brownian Bridge Diffusion for Brain MRI Synthesis from Cortical Surfaces
Despite recent advances in medical image generation, existing methods struggle to produce anatomically plausible 3D structures. In synthetic brain magnetic resonance images (MRIs), characteristic fissures are often missing, and reconstructed cortical surfaces appear scattered rather than densely convoluted. To address this issue, we introduce Cor2Vox, the first diffusion model-based method that translates continuous cortical shape priors to synthetic brain MRIs. To achieve this, we leverage a Brownian bridge process which allows for direct structured mapping between shape contours and medical images. Specifically, we adapt the concept of the Brownian bridge diffusion model to 3D and extend it to embrace various complementary shape representations. Our experiments demonstrate significant improvements in the geometric accuracy of reconstructed structures compared to previous voxel-based approaches. Moreover, Cor2Vox excels in image quality and diversity, yielding high variation in non-target structures like the skull. Finally, we highlight the capability of our approach to simulate cortical atrophy at the sub-voxel level. Our code is available at
comment: Accepted by Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI) 2025
☆ myEye2Wheeler: A Two-Wheeler Indian Driver Real-World Eye-Tracking Dataset
This paper presents the myEye2Wheeler dataset, a unique resource of real-world gaze behaviour of two-wheeler drivers navigating complex Indian traffic. Most datasets are from four-wheeler drivers on well-planned roads and homogeneous traffic. Our dataset offers a critical lens into the unique visual attention patterns and insights into the decision-making of Indian two-wheeler drivers. The analysis demonstrates that existing saliency models, like TASED-Net, perform less effectively on the myEye-2Wheeler dataset compared to when applied on the European 4-wheeler eye tracking datasets (DR(Eye)VE), highlighting the need for models specifically tailored to the traffic conditions. By introducing the dataset, we not only fill a significant gap in two-wheeler driver behaviour research in India but also emphasise the critical need for developing context-specific saliency models. The larger aim is to improve road safety for two-wheeler users and lane-planning to support a cost-effective mode of transport.
☆ Uncertainty Propagation for Echocardiography Clinical Metric Estimation via Contour Sampling
Echocardiography plays a fundamental role in the extraction of important clinical parameters (e.g. left ventricular volume and ejection fraction) required to determine the presence and severity of heart-related conditions. When deploying automated techniques for computing these parameters, uncertainty estimation is crucial for assessing their utility. Since clinical parameters are usually derived from segmentation maps, there is no clear path for converting pixel-wise uncertainty values into uncertainty estimates in the downstream clinical metric calculation. In this work, we propose a novel uncertainty estimation method based on contouring rather than segmentation. Our method explicitly predicts contour location uncertainty from which contour samples can be drawn. Finally, the sampled contours can be used to propagate uncertainty to clinical metrics. Our proposed method not only provides accurate uncertainty estimations for the task of contouring but also for the downstream clinical metrics on two cardiac ultrasound datasets. Code is available at:
comment: 10 pages, submitted to IEEE TMI
☆ Spherical Dense Text-to-Image Synthesis
Recent advancements in text-to-image (T2I) have improved synthesis results, but challenges remain in layout control and generating omnidirectional panoramic images. Dense T2I (DT2I) and spherical T2I (ST2I) models address these issues, but so far no unified approach exists. Trivial approaches, like prompting a DT2I model to generate panoramas can not generate proper spherical distortions and seamless transitions at the borders. Our work shows that spherical dense text-to-image (SDT2I) can be achieved by integrating training-free DT2I approaches into finetuned panorama models. Specifically, we propose MultiStitchDiffusion (MSTD) and MultiPanFusion (MPF) by integrating MultiDiffusion into StitchDiffusion and PanFusion, respectively. Since no benchmark for SDT2I exists, we further construct Dense-Synthetic-View (DSynView), a new synthetic dataset containing spherical layouts to evaluate our models. Our results show that MSTD outperforms MPF across image quality as well as prompt- and layout adherence. MultiPanFusion generates more diverse images but struggles to synthesize flawless foreground objects. We propose bootstrap-coupling and turning off equirectangular perspective-projection attention in the foreground as an improvement of MPF.
☆ Fast Data Aware Neural Architecture Search via Supernet Accelerated Evaluation
Tiny machine learning (TinyML) promises to revolutionize fields such as healthcare, environmental monitoring, and industrial maintenance by running machine learning models on low-power embedded systems. However, the complex optimizations required for successful TinyML deployment continue to impede its widespread adoption. A promising route to simplifying TinyML is through automatic machine learning (AutoML), which can distill elaborate optimization workflows into accessible key decisions. Notably, Hardware Aware Neural Architecture Searches - where a computer searches for an optimal TinyML model based on predictive performance and hardware metrics - have gained significant traction, producing some of today's most widely used TinyML models. Nevertheless, limiting optimization solely to neural network architectures can prove insufficient. Because TinyML systems must operate under extremely tight resource constraints, the choice of input data configuration, such as resolution or sampling rate, also profoundly impacts overall system efficiency. Achieving truly optimal TinyML systems thus requires jointly tuning both input data and model architecture. Despite its importance, this "Data Aware Neural Architecture Search" remains underexplored. To address this gap, we propose a new state-of-the-art Data Aware Neural Architecture Search technique and demonstrate its effectiveness on the novel TinyML ``Wake Vision'' dataset. Our experiments show that across varying time and hardware constraints, Data Aware Neural Architecture Search consistently discovers superior TinyML systems compared to purely architecture-focused methods, underscoring the critical role of data-aware optimization in advancing TinyML.
☆ Spiking Vision Transformer with Saccadic Attention ICLR 2025
The combination of Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) and Vision Transformers (ViTs) holds potential for achieving both energy efficiency and high performance, particularly suitable for edge vision applications. However, a significant performance gap still exists between SNN-based ViTs and their ANN counterparts. Here, we first analyze why SNN-based ViTs suffer from limited performance and identify a mismatch between the vanilla self-attention mechanism and spatio-temporal spike trains. This mismatch results in degraded spatial relevance and limited temporal interactions. To address these issues, we draw inspiration from biological saccadic attention mechanisms and introduce an innovative Saccadic Spike Self-Attention (SSSA) method. Specifically, in the spatial domain, SSSA employs a novel spike distribution-based method to effectively assess the relevance between Query and Key pairs in SNN-based ViTs. Temporally, SSSA employs a saccadic interaction module that dynamically focuses on selected visual areas at each timestep and significantly enhances whole scene understanding through temporal interactions. Building on the SSSA mechanism, we develop a SNN-based Vision Transformer (SNN-ViT). Extensive experiments across various visual tasks demonstrate that SNN-ViT achieves state-of-the-art performance with linear computational complexity. The effectiveness and efficiency of the SNN-ViT highlight its potential for power-critical edge vision applications.
comment: Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2025
☆ ROI-NeRFs: Hi-Fi Visualization of Objects of Interest within a Scene by NeRFs Composition
Efficient and accurate 3D reconstruction is essential for applications in cultural heritage. This study addresses the challenge of visualizing objects within large-scale scenes at a high level of detail (LOD) using Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs). The aim is to improve the visual fidelity of chosen objects while maintaining the efficiency of the computations by focusing on details only for relevant content. The proposed ROI-NeRFs framework divides the scene into a Scene NeRF, which represents the overall scene at moderate detail, and multiple ROI NeRFs that focus on user-defined objects of interest. An object-focused camera selection module automatically groups relevant cameras for each NeRF training during the decomposition phase. In the composition phase, a Ray-level Compositional Rendering technique combines information from the Scene NeRF and ROI NeRFs, allowing simultaneous multi-object rendering composition. Quantitative and qualitative experiments conducted on two real-world datasets, including one on a complex eighteen's century cultural heritage room, demonstrate superior performance compared to baseline methods, improving LOD for object regions, minimizing artifacts, and without significantly increasing inference time.
comment: 17 pages including appendix, 16 figures, 8 tables
☆ RecDreamer: Consistent Text-to-3D Generation via Uniform Score Distillation
Current text-to-3D generation methods based on score distillation often suffer from geometric inconsistencies, leading to repeated patterns across different poses of 3D assets. This issue, known as the Multi-Face Janus problem, arises because existing methods struggle to maintain consistency across varying poses and are biased toward a canonical pose. While recent work has improved pose control and approximation, these efforts are still limited by this inherent bias, which skews the guidance during generation. To address this, we propose a solution called RecDreamer, which reshapes the underlying data distribution to achieve a more consistent pose representation. The core idea behind our method is to rectify the prior distribution, ensuring that pose variation is uniformly distributed rather than biased toward a canonical form. By modifying the prescribed distribution through an auxiliary function, we can reconstruct the density of the distribution to ensure compliance with specific marginal constraints. In particular, we ensure that the marginal distribution of poses follows a uniform distribution, thereby eliminating the biases introduced by the prior knowledge. We incorporate this rectified data distribution into existing score distillation algorithms, a process we refer to as uniform score distillation. To efficiently compute the posterior distribution required for the auxiliary function, RecDreamer introduces a training-free classifier that estimates pose categories in a plug-and-play manner. Additionally, we utilize various approximation techniques for noisy states, significantly improving system performance. Our experimental results demonstrate that RecDreamer effectively mitigates the Multi-Face Janus problem, leading to more consistent 3D asset generation across different poses.
☆ Corrupted but Not Broken: Rethinking the Impact of Corrupted Data in Visual Instruction Tuning
Visual Instruction Tuning (VIT) enhances Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) but it is hindered by corrupted datasets containing hallucinated content, incorrect responses, and poor OCR quality. While prior works focus on dataset refinement through high-quality data collection or rule-based filtering, they are costly or limited to specific types of corruption. To deeply understand how corrupted data affects MLLMs, in this paper, we systematically investigate this issue and find that while corrupted data degrades the performance of MLLMs, its effects are largely superficial in that the performance of MLLMs can be largely restored by either disabling a small subset of parameters or post-training with a small amount of clean data. Additionally, corrupted MLLMs exhibit improved ability to distinguish clean samples from corrupted ones, enabling the dataset cleaning without external help. Based on those insights, we propose a corruption-robust training paradigm combining self-validation and post-training, which significantly outperforms existing corruption mitigation strategies.
☆ MALT Diffusion: Memory-Augmented Latent Transformers for Any-Length Video Generation
Diffusion models are successful for synthesizing high-quality videos but are limited to generating short clips (e.g., 2-10 seconds). Synthesizing sustained footage (e.g. over minutes) still remains an open research question. In this paper, we propose MALT Diffusion (using Memory-Augmented Latent Transformers), a new diffusion model specialized for long video generation. MALT Diffusion (or just MALT) handles long videos by subdividing them into short segments and doing segment-level autoregressive generation. To achieve this, we first propose recurrent attention layers that encode multiple segments into a compact memory latent vector; by maintaining this memory vector over time, MALT is able to condition on it and continuously generate new footage based on a long temporal context. We also present several training techniques that enable the model to generate frames over a long horizon with consistent quality and minimal degradation. We validate the effectiveness of MALT through experiments on long video benchmarks. We first perform extensive analysis of MALT in long-contextual understanding capability and stability using popular long video benchmarks. For example, MALT achieves an FVD score of 220.4 on 128-frame video generation on UCF-101, outperforming the previous state-of-the-art of 648.4. Finally, we explore MALT's capabilities in a text-to-video generation setting and show that it can produce long videos compared with recent techniques for long text-to-video generation.
comment: preprint. 26 pages
☆ DAMamba: Vision State Space Model with Dynamic Adaptive Scan
State space models (SSMs) have recently garnered significant attention in computer vision. However, due to the unique characteristics of image data, adapting SSMs from natural language processing to computer vision has not outperformed the state-of-the-art convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and Vision Transformers (ViTs). Existing vision SSMs primarily leverage manually designed scans to flatten image patches into sequences locally or globally. This approach disrupts the original semantic spatial adjacency of the image and lacks flexibility, making it difficult to capture complex image structures. To address this limitation, we propose Dynamic Adaptive Scan (DAS), a data-driven method that adaptively allocates scanning orders and regions. This enables more flexible modeling capabilities while maintaining linear computational complexity and global modeling capacity. Based on DAS, we further propose the vision backbone DAMamba, which significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art vision Mamba models in vision tasks such as image classification, object detection, instance segmentation, and semantic segmentation. Notably, it surpasses some of the latest state-of-the-art CNNs and ViTs. Code will be available at
☆ S2C: Learning Noise-Resistant Differences for Unsupervised Change Detection in Multimodal Remote Sensing Images
Unsupervised Change Detection (UCD) in multimodal Remote Sensing (RS) images remains a difficult challenge due to the inherent spatio-temporal complexity within data, and the heterogeneity arising from different imaging sensors. Inspired by recent advancements in Visual Foundation Models (VFMs) and Contrastive Learning (CL) methodologies, this research aims to develop CL methodologies to translate implicit knowledge in VFM into change representations, thus eliminating the need for explicit supervision. To this end, we introduce a Semantic-to-Change (S2C) learning framework for UCD in both homogeneous and multimodal RS images. Differently from existing CL methodologies that typically focus on learning multi-temporal similarities, we introduce a novel triplet learning strategy that explicitly models temporal differences, which are crucial to the CD task. Furthermore, random spatial and spectral perturbations are introduced during the training to enhance robustness to temporal noise. In addition, a grid sparsity regularization is defined to suppress insignificant changes, and an IoU-matching algorithm is developed to refine the CD results. Experiments on four benchmark CD datasets demonstrate that the proposed S2C learning framework achieves significant improvements in accuracy, surpassing current state-of-the-art by over 31\%, 9\%, 23\%, and 15\%, respectively. It also demonstrates robustness and sample efficiency, suitable for training and adaptation of various Visual Foundation Models (VFMs) or backbone neural networks. The relevant code will be available at:
☆ Revisiting the Generalization Problem of Low-level Vision Models Through the Lens of Image Deraining
Generalization remains a significant challenge for low-level vision models, which often struggle with unseen degradations in real-world scenarios despite their success in controlled benchmarks. In this paper, we revisit the generalization problem in low-level vision models. Image deraining is selected as a case study due to its well-defined and easily decoupled structure, allowing for more effective observation and analysis. Through comprehensive experiments, we reveal that the generalization issue is not primarily due to limited network capacity but rather the failure of existing training strategies, which leads networks to overfit specific degradation patterns. Our findings show that guiding networks to focus on learning the underlying image content, rather than the degradation patterns, is key to improving generalization. We demonstrate that balancing the complexity of background images and degradations in the training data helps networks better fit the image distribution. Furthermore, incorporating content priors from pre-trained generative models significantly enhances generalization. Experiments on both image deraining and image denoising validate the proposed strategies. We believe the insights and solutions will inspire further research and improve the generalization of low-level vision models.
comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2305.15134
☆ CutPaste&Find: Efficient Multimodal Hallucination Detector with Visual-aid Knowledge Base
Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have demonstrated impressive multimodal reasoning capabilities, but they remain susceptible to hallucination, particularly object hallucination where non-existent objects or incorrect attributes are fabricated in generated descriptions. Existing detection methods achieve strong performance but rely heavily on expensive API calls and iterative LVLM-based validation, making them impractical for large-scale or offline use. To address these limitations, we propose CutPaste\&Find, a lightweight and training-free framework for detecting hallucinations in LVLM-generated outputs. Our approach leverages off-the-shelf visual and linguistic modules to perform multi-step verification efficiently without requiring LVLM inference. At the core of our framework is a Visual-aid Knowledge Base that encodes rich entity-attribute relationships and associated image representations. We introduce a scaling factor to refine similarity scores, mitigating the issue of suboptimal alignment values even for ground-truth image-text pairs. Comprehensive evaluations on benchmark datasets, including POPE and R-Bench, demonstrate that CutPaste\&Find achieves competitive hallucination detection performance while being significantly more efficient and cost-effective than previous methods.
☆ Adaptive Prototype Model for Attribute-based Multi-label Few-shot Action Recognition
In real-world action recognition systems, incorporating more attributes helps achieve a more comprehensive understanding of human behavior. However, using a single model to simultaneously recognize multiple attributes can lead to a decrease in accuracy. In this work, we propose a novel method i.e. Adaptive Attribute Prototype Model (AAPM) for human action recognition, which captures rich action-relevant attribute information and strikes a balance between accuracy and robustness. Firstly, we introduce the Text-Constrain Module (TCM) to incorporate textual information from potential labels, and constrain the construction of different attributes prototype representations. In addition, we explore the Attribute Assignment Method (AAM) to address the issue of training bias and increase robustness during the training process.Furthermore, we construct a new video dataset with attribute-based multi-label called Multi-Kinetics for evaluation, which contains various attribute labels (e.g. action, scene, object, etc.) related to human behavior. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our AAPM achieves the state-of-the-art performance in both attribute-based multi-label few-shot action recognition and single-label few-shot action recognition. The project and dataset are available at an anonymous account
CHATS: Combining Human-Aligned Optimization and Test-Time Sampling for Text-to-Image Generation
Diffusion models have emerged as a dominant approach for text-to-image generation. Key components such as the human preference alignment and classifier-free guidance play a crucial role in ensuring generation quality. However, their independent application in current text-to-image models continues to face significant challenges in achieving strong text-image alignment, high generation quality, and consistency with human aesthetic standards. In this work, we for the first time, explore facilitating the collaboration of human performance alignment and test-time sampling to unlock the potential of text-to-image models. Consequently, we introduce CHATS (Combining Human-Aligned optimization and Test-time Sampling), a novel generative framework that separately models the preferred and dispreferred distributions and employs a proxy-prompt-based sampling strategy to utilize the useful information contained in both distributions. We observe that CHATS exhibits exceptional data efficiency, achieving strong performance with only a small, high-quality funetuning dataset. Extensive experiments demonstrate that CHATS surpasses traditional preference alignment methods, setting new state-of-the-art across various standard benchmarks.
☆ GVTNet: Graph Vision Transformer For Face Super-Resolution
Recent advances in face super-resolution research have utilized the Transformer architecture. This method processes the input image into a series of small patches. However, because of the strong correlation between different facial components in facial images. When it comes to super-resolution of low-resolution images, existing algorithms cannot handle the relationships between patches well, resulting in distorted facial components in the super-resolution results. To solve the problem, we propose a transformer architecture based on graph neural networks called graph vision transformer network. We treat each patch as a graph node and establish an adjacency matrix based on the information between patches. In this way, the patch only interacts between neighboring patches, further processing the relationship of facial components. Quantitative and visualization experiments have underscored the superiority of our algorithm over state-of-the-art techniques. Through detailed comparisons, we have demonstrated that our algorithm possesses more advanced super-resolution capabilities, particularly in enhancing facial components. The PyTorch code is available at
☆ DeltaDiff: A Residual-Guided Diffusion Model for Enhanced Image Super-Resolution
Recently, the application of diffusion models in super-resolution tasks has become a popular research direction. Existing work is focused on fully migrating diffusion models to SR tasks. The diffusion model is proposed in the field of image generation, so in order to make the generated results diverse, the diffusion model combines random Gaussian noise and distributed sampling to increase the randomness of the model. However, the essence of super-resolution tasks requires the model to generate high-resolution images with fidelity. Excessive addition of random factors can result in the model generating detailed information that does not belong to the HR image. To address this issue, we propose a new diffusion model called Deltadiff, which uses only residuals between images for diffusion, making the entire diffusion process more stable. The experimental results show that our method surpasses state-of-the-art models and generates results with better fidelity. Our code and model are publicly available at
☆ MomentSeeker: A Comprehensive Benchmark and A Strong Baseline For Moment Retrieval Within Long Videos
Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) holds great promise in addressing challenges associated with long video understanding. These methods retrieve useful moments from long videos for their presented tasks, thereby enabling multimodal large language models (MLLMs) to generate high-quality answers in a cost-effective way. In this work, we present MomentSeeker, a comprehensive benchmark to evaluate retrieval models' performance in handling general long-video moment retrieval (LVMR) tasks. MomentSeeker offers three key advantages. First, it incorporates long videos of over 500 seconds on average, making it the first benchmark specialized for long-video moment retrieval. Second, it covers a wide range of task categories (including Moment Search, Caption Alignment, Image-conditioned Moment Search, and Video-conditioned Moment Search) and diverse application scenarios (e.g., sports, movies, cartoons, and ego), making it a comprehensive tool for assessing retrieval models' general LVMR performance. Additionally, the evaluation tasks are carefully curated through human annotation, ensuring the reliability of assessment. We further fine-tune an MLLM-based LVMR retriever on synthetic data, which demonstrates strong performance on our benchmark. We perform extensive experiments with various popular multimodal retrievers based on our benchmark, whose results highlight the challenges of LVMR and limitations for existing methods. Our created resources will be shared with community to advance future research in this field.
☆ Spatiotemporal Multi-Camera Calibration using Freely Moving People
We propose a novel method for spatiotemporal multi-camera calibration using freely moving people in multiview videos. Since calibrating multiple cameras and finding matches across their views are inherently interdependent, performing both in a unified framework poses a significant challenge. We address these issues as a single registration problem of matching two sets of 3D points, leveraging human motion in dynamic multi-person scenes. To this end, we utilize 3D human poses obtained from an off-the-shelf monocular 3D human pose estimator and transform them into 3D points on a unit sphere, to solve the rotation, time offset, and the association alternatingly. We employ a probabilistic approach that can jointly solve both problems of aligning spatiotemporal data and establishing correspondences through soft assignment between two views. The translation is determined by applying coplanarity constraints. The pairwise registration results are integrated into a multiview setup, and then a nonlinear optimization method is used to improve the accuracy of the camera poses, temporal offsets, and multi-person associations. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real data demonstrate the effectiveness and flexibility of the proposed method as a practical marker-free calibration tool.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures
☆ IM360: Textured Mesh Reconstruction for Large-scale Indoor Mapping with 360$^\circ$ Cameras
We present a novel 3D reconstruction pipeline for 360$^\circ$ cameras for 3D mapping and rendering of indoor environments. Traditional Structure-from-Motion (SfM) methods may not work well in large-scale indoor scenes due to the prevalence of textureless and repetitive regions. To overcome these challenges, our approach (IM360) leverages the wide field of view of omnidirectional images and integrates the spherical camera model into every core component of the SfM pipeline. In order to develop a comprehensive 3D reconstruction solution, we integrate a neural implicit surface reconstruction technique to generate high-quality surfaces from sparse input data. Additionally, we utilize a mesh-based neural rendering approach to refine texture maps and accurately capture view-dependent properties by combining diffuse and specular components. We evaluate our pipeline on large-scale indoor scenes from the Matterport3D and Stanford2D3D datasets. In practice, IM360 demonstrate superior performance in terms of textured mesh reconstruction over SOTA. We observe accuracy improvements in terms of camera localization and registration as well as rendering high frequency details.
☆ When Segmentation Meets Hyperspectral Image: New Paradigm for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Hyperspectral image (HSI) classification is a cornerstone of remote sensing, enabling precise material and land-cover identification through rich spectral information. While deep learning has driven significant progress in this task, small patch-based classifiers, which account for over 90% of the progress, face limitations: (1) the small patch (e.g., 7x7, 9x9)-based sampling approach considers a limited receptive field, resulting in insufficient spatial structural information critical for object-level identification and noise-like misclassifications even within uniform regions; (2) undefined optimal patch sizes lead to coarse label predictions, which degrade performance; and (3) a lack of multi-shape awareness around objects. To address these challenges, we draw inspiration from large-scale image segmentation techniques, which excel at handling object boundaries-a capability essential for semantic labeling in HSI classification. However, their application remains under-explored in this task due to (1) the prevailing notion that larger patch sizes degrade performance, (2) the extensive unlabeled regions in HSI groundtruth, and (3) the misalignment of input shapes between HSI data and segmentation models. Thus, in this study, we propose a novel paradigm and baseline, HSIseg, for HSI classification that leverages segmentation techniques combined with a novel Dynamic Shifted Regional Transformer (DSRT) to overcome these challenges. We also introduce an intuitive progressive learning framework with adaptive pseudo-labeling to iteratively incorporate unlabeled regions into the training process, thereby advancing the application of segmentation techniques. Additionally, we incorporate auxiliary data through multi-source data collaboration, promoting better feature interaction. Validated on five public HSI datasets, our proposal outperforms state-of-the-art methods.
☆ Learning Transformation-Isomorphic Latent Space for Accurate Hand Pose Estimation
Vision-based regression tasks, such as hand pose estimation, have achieved higher accuracy and faster convergence through representation learning. However, existing representation learning methods often encounter the following issues: the high semantic level of features extracted from images is inadequate for regressing low-level information, and the extracted features include task-irrelevant information, reducing their compactness and interfering with regression tasks. To address these challenges, we propose TI-Net, a highly versatile visual Network backbone designed to construct a Transformation Isomorphic latent space. Specifically, we employ linear transformations to model geometric transformations in the latent space and ensure that {\rm TI-Net} aligns them with those in the image space. This ensures that the latent features capture compact, low-level information beneficial for pose estimation tasks. We evaluated TI-Net on the hand pose estimation task to demonstrate the network's superiority. On the DexYCB dataset, TI-Net achieved a 10% improvement in the PA-MPJPE metric compared to specialized state-of-the-art (SOTA) hand pose estimation methods. Our code will be released in the future.
☆ NoKSR: Kernel-Free Neural Surface Reconstruction via Point Cloud Serialization
We present a novel approach to large-scale point cloud surface reconstruction by developing an efficient framework that converts an irregular point cloud into a signed distance field (SDF). Our backbone builds upon recent transformer-based architectures (i.e., PointTransformerV3), that serializes the point cloud into a locality-preserving sequence of tokens. We efficiently predict the SDF value at a point by aggregating nearby tokens, where fast approximate neighbors can be retrieved thanks to the serialization. We serialize the point cloud at different levels/scales, and non-linearly aggregate a feature to predict the SDF value. We show that aggregating across multiple scales is critical to overcome the approximations introduced by the serialization (i.e. false negatives in the neighborhood). Our frameworks sets the new state-of-the-art in terms of accuracy and efficiency (better or similar performance with half the latency of the best prior method, coupled with a simpler implementation), particularly on outdoor datasets where sparse-grid methods have shown limited performance.
comment: Project page: see /
☆ Comprehensive Assessment and Analysis for NSFW Content Erasure in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
Text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models have gained widespread application across various domains, demonstrating remarkable creative potential. However, the strong generalization capabilities of these models can inadvertently led they to generate NSFW content even with efforts on filtering NSFW content from the training dataset, posing risks to their safe deployment. While several concept erasure methods have been proposed to mitigate this issue, a comprehensive evaluation of their effectiveness remains absent. To bridge this gap, we present the first systematic investigation of concept erasure methods for NSFW content and its sub-themes in text-to-image diffusion models. At the task level, we provide a holistic evaluation of 11 state-of-the-art baseline methods with 14 variants. Specifically, we analyze these methods from six distinct assessment perspectives, including three conventional perspectives, i.e., erasure proportion, image quality, and semantic alignment, and three new perspectives, i.e., excessive erasure, the impact of explicit and implicit unsafe prompts, and robustness. At the tool level, we perform a detailed toxicity analysis of NSFW datasets and compare the performance of different NSFW classifiers, offering deeper insights into their performance alongside a compilation of comprehensive evaluation metrics. Our benchmark not only systematically evaluates concept erasure methods, but also delves into the underlying factors influencing their performance at the insight level. By synthesizing insights from various evaluation perspectives, we provide a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the field, offering actionable guidance and inspiration for advancing research and practical applications in concept erasure.
☆ YOLOv12: Attention-Centric Real-Time Object Detectors
Enhancing the network architecture of the YOLO framework has been crucial for a long time, but has focused on CNN-based improvements despite the proven superiority of attention mechanisms in modeling capabilities. This is because attention-based models cannot match the speed of CNN-based models. This paper proposes an attention-centric YOLO framework, namely YOLOv12, that matches the speed of previous CNN-based ones while harnessing the performance benefits of attention mechanisms. YOLOv12 surpasses all popular real-time object detectors in accuracy with competitive speed. For example, YOLOv12-N achieves 40.6% mAP with an inference latency of 1.64 ms on a T4 GPU, outperforming advanced YOLOv10-N / YOLOv11-N by 2.1%/1.2% mAP with a comparable speed. This advantage extends to other model scales. YOLOv12 also surpasses end-to-end real-time detectors that improve DETR, such as RT-DETR / RT-DETRv2: YOLOv12-S beats RT-DETR-R18 / RT-DETRv2-R18 while running 42% faster, using only 36% of the computation and 45% of the parameters. More comparisons are shown in Figure 1.
☆ SAFEERASER: Enhancing Safety in Multimodal Large Language Models through Multimodal Machine Unlearning
As Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) develop, their potential security issues have become increasingly prominent. Machine Unlearning (MU), as an effective strategy for forgetting specific knowledge in training data, has been widely used in privacy protection. However, MU for safety in MLLM has yet to be fully explored. To address this issue, we propose SAFEERASER, a safety unlearning benchmark for MLLMs, consisting of 3,000 images and 28.8K VQA pairs. We comprehensively evaluate unlearning methods from two perspectives: forget quality and model utility. Our findings show that existing MU methods struggle to maintain model performance while implementing the forget operation and often suffer from over-forgetting. Hence, we introduce Prompt Decouple (PD) Loss to alleviate over-forgetting through decouple prompt during unlearning process. To quantitatively measure over-forgetting mitigated by PD Loss, we propose a new metric called Safe Answer Refusal Rate (SARR). Experimental results demonstrate that combining PD Loss with existing unlearning methods can effectively prevent over-forgetting and achieve a decrease of 79.5% in the SARR metric of LLaVA-7B and LLaVA-13B, while maintaining forget quality and model utility. Our code and dataset will be released upon acceptance. Warning: This paper contains examples of harmful language and images, and reader discretion is recommended.
RealSyn: An Effective and Scalable Multimodal Interleaved Document Transformation Paradigm
After pre-training on extensive image-text pairs, Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) demonstrates promising performance on a wide variety of benchmarks. However, a substantial volume of non-paired data, such as multimodal interleaved documents, remains underutilized for vision-language representation learning. To fully leverage these unpaired documents, we initially establish a Real-World Data Extraction pipeline to extract high-quality images and texts. Then we design a hierarchical retrieval method to efficiently associate each image with multiple semantically relevant realistic texts. To further enhance fine-grained visual information, we propose an image semantic augmented generation module for synthetic text production. Furthermore, we employ a semantic balance sampling strategy to improve dataset diversity, enabling better learning of long-tail concepts. Based on these innovations, we construct RealSyn, a dataset combining realistic and synthetic texts, available in three scales: 15M, 30M, and 100M. Extensive experiments demonstrate that RealSyn effectively advances vision-language representation learning and exhibits strong scalability. Models pre-trained on RealSyn achieve state-of-the-art performance on multiple downstream tasks. To facilitate future research, the RealSyn dataset and pre-trained model weights are released at
comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, Webpage:
☆ Enhancing Audio-Visual Spiking Neural Networks through Semantic-Alignment and Cross-Modal Residual Learning
Humans interpret and perceive the world by integrating sensory information from multiple modalities, such as vision and hearing. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), as brain-inspired computational models, exhibit unique advantages in emulating the brain's information processing mechanisms. However, existing SNN models primarily focus on unimodal processing and lack efficient cross-modal information fusion, thereby limiting their effectiveness in real-world multimodal scenarios. To address this challenge, we propose a semantic-alignment cross-modal residual learning (S-CMRL) framework, a Transformer-based multimodal SNN architecture designed for effective audio-visual integration. S-CMRL leverages a spatiotemporal spiking attention mechanism to extract complementary features across modalities, and incorporates a cross-modal residual learning strategy to enhance feature integration. Additionally, a semantic alignment optimization mechanism is introduced to align cross-modal features within a shared semantic space, improving their consistency and complementarity. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets CREMA-D, UrbanSound8K-AV, and MNISTDVS-NTIDIGITS demonstrate that S-CMRL significantly outperforms existing multimodal SNN methods, achieving the state-of-the-art performance. The code is publicly available at
comment: The manuscript is under review and the code is available
☆ Predicate Hierarchies Improve Few-Shot State Classification ICLR 2025
State classification of objects and their relations is core to many long-horizon tasks, particularly in robot planning and manipulation. However, the combinatorial explosion of possible object-predicate combinations, coupled with the need to adapt to novel real-world environments, makes it a desideratum for state classification models to generalize to novel queries with few examples. To this end, we propose PHIER, which leverages predicate hierarchies to generalize effectively in few-shot scenarios. PHIER uses an object-centric scene encoder, self-supervised losses that infer semantic relations between predicates, and a hyperbolic distance metric that captures hierarchical structure; it learns a structured latent space of image-predicate pairs that guides reasoning over state classification queries. We evaluate PHIER in the CALVIN and BEHAVIOR robotic environments and show that PHIER significantly outperforms existing methods in few-shot, out-of-distribution state classification, and demonstrates strong zero- and few-shot generalization from simulated to real-world tasks. Our results demonstrate that leveraging predicate hierarchies improves performance on state classification tasks with limited data.
comment: ICLR 2025. First two authors contributed equally. Project page:
☆ Not-So-Optimal Transport Flows for 3D Point Cloud Generation
Learning generative models of 3D point clouds is one of the fundamental problems in 3D generative learning. One of the key properties of point clouds is their permutation invariance, i.e., changing the order of points in a point cloud does not change the shape they represent. In this paper, we analyze the recently proposed equivariant OT flows that learn permutation invariant generative models for point-based molecular data and we show that these models scale poorly on large point clouds. Also, we observe learning (equivariant) OT flows is generally challenging since straightening flow trajectories makes the learned flow model complex at the beginning of the trajectory. To remedy these, we propose not-so-optimal transport flow models that obtain an approximate OT by an offline OT precomputation, enabling an efficient construction of OT pairs for training. During training, we can additionally construct a hybrid coupling by combining our approximate OT and independent coupling to make the target flow models easier to learn. In an extensive empirical study, we show that our proposed model outperforms prior diffusion- and flow-based approaches on a wide range of unconditional generation and shape completion on the ShapeNet benchmark.
☆ Benchmarking Zero-Shot Facial Emotion Annotation with Large Language Models: A Multi-Class and Multi-Frame Approach in DailyLife
This study investigates the feasibility and performance of using large language models (LLMs) to automatically annotate human emotions in everyday scenarios. We conducted experiments on the DailyLife subset of the publicly available FERV39k dataset, employing the GPT-4o-mini model for rapid, zero-shot labeling of key frames extracted from video segments. Under a seven-class emotion taxonomy ("Angry," "Disgust," "Fear," "Happy," "Neutral," "Sad," "Surprise"), the LLM achieved an average precision of approximately 50%. In contrast, when limited to ternary emotion classification (negative/neutral/positive), the average precision increased to approximately 64%. Additionally, we explored a strategy that integrates multiple frames within 1-2 second video clips to enhance labeling performance and reduce costs. The results indicate that this approach can slightly improve annotation accuracy. Overall, our preliminary findings highlight the potential application of zero-shot LLMs in human facial emotion annotation tasks, offering new avenues for reducing labeling costs and broadening the applicability of LLMs in complex multimodal environments.
comment: 10 pages
☆ YUNet: Improved YOLOv11 Network for Skyline Detection
Skyline detection plays an important role in geolocalizaion, flight control, visual navigation, port security, etc. The appearance of the sky and non-sky areas are variable, because of different weather or illumination environment, which brings challenges to skyline detection. In this research, we proposed the YUNet algorithm, which improved the YOLOv11 architecture to segment the sky region and extract the skyline in complicated and variable circumstances. To improve the ability of multi-scale and large range contextual feature fusion, the YOLOv11 architecture is extended as an UNet-like architecture, consisting of an encoder, neck and decoder submodule. The encoder extracts the multi-scale features from the given images. The neck makes fusion of these multi-scale features. The decoder applies the fused features to complete the prediction rebuilding. To validate the proposed approach, the YUNet was tested on Skyfinder and CH1 datasets for segmentation and skyline detection respectively. Our test shows that the IoU of YUnet segmentation can reach 0.9858, and the average error of YUnet skyline detection is just 1.36 pixels. The implementation is published at
☆ Multi Image Super Resolution Modeling for Earth System Models
Super-resolution (SR) techniques are essential for improving Earth System Model (ESM) data's spatial resolution, which helps better understand complex environmental processes. This paper presents a new algorithm, ViFOR, which combines Vision Transformers (ViT) and Implicit Neural Representation Networks (INRs) to generate High-Resolution (HR) images from Low-Resolution (LR) inputs. ViFOR introduces a novel integration of Fourier-based activation functions within the Vision Transformer architecture, enabling it to effectively capture global context and high-frequency details critical for accurate SR reconstruction. The results show that ViFOR outperforms state-of-the-art methods such as ViT, Sinusoidal Representation Networks (SIREN), and SR Generative Adversarial Networks (SRGANs) based on metrics like Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Squared Error (MSE) both for global as well as the local imagery. ViFOR improves PSNR of up to 4.18 dB, 1.56 dB, and 1.73 dB over ViT for full images in the Source Temperature, Shortwave, and Longwave Flux.
☆ Robust Disentangled Counterfactual Learning for Physical Audiovisual Commonsense Reasoning
In this paper, we propose a new Robust Disentangled Counterfactual Learning (RDCL) approach for physical audiovisual commonsense reasoning. The task aims to infer objects' physics commonsense based on both video and audio input, with the main challenge being how to imitate the reasoning ability of humans, even under the scenario of missing modalities. Most of the current methods fail to take full advantage of different characteristics in multi-modal data, and lacking causal reasoning ability in models impedes the progress of implicit physical knowledge inferring. To address these issues, our proposed RDCL method decouples videos into static (time-invariant) and dynamic (time-varying) factors in the latent space by the disentangled sequential encoder, which adopts a variational autoencoder (VAE) to maximize the mutual information with a contrastive loss function. Furthermore, we introduce a counterfactual learning module to augment the model's reasoning ability by modeling physical knowledge relationships among different objects under counterfactual intervention. To alleviate the incomplete modality data issue, we introduce a robust multimodal learning method to recover the missing data by decomposing the shared features and model-specific features. Our proposed method is a plug-and-play module that can be incorporated into any baseline including VLMs. In experiments, we show that our proposed method improves the reasoning accuracy and robustness of baseline methods and achieves the state-of-the-art performance.
☆ Boosting Illuminant Estimation in Deep Color Constancy through Enhancing Brightness Robustness
Color constancy estimates illuminant chromaticity to correct color-biased images. Recently, Deep Neural Network-driven Color Constancy (DNNCC) models have made substantial advancements. Nevertheless, the potential risks in DNNCC due to the vulnerability of deep neural networks have not yet been explored. In this paper, we conduct the first investigation into the impact of a key factor in color constancy-brightness-on DNNCC from a robustness perspective. Our evaluation reveals that several mainstream DNNCC models exhibit high sensitivity to brightness despite their focus on chromaticity estimation. This sheds light on a potential limitation of existing DNNCC models: their sensitivity to brightness may hinder performance given the widespread brightness variations in real-world datasets. From the insights of our analysis, we propose a simple yet effective brightness robustness enhancement strategy for DNNCC models, termed BRE. The core of BRE is built upon the adaptive step-size adversarial brightness augmentation technique, which identifies high-risk brightness variation and generates augmented images via explicit brightness adjustment. Subsequently, BRE develops a brightness-robustness-aware model optimization strategy that integrates adversarial brightness training and brightness contrastive loss, significantly bolstering the brightness robustness of DNNCC models. BRE is hyperparameter-free and can be integrated into existing DNNCC models, without incurring additional overhead during the testing phase. Experiments on two public color constancy datasets-ColorChecker and Cube+-demonstrate that the proposed BRE consistently enhances the illuminant estimation performance of existing DNNCC models, reducing the estimation error by an average of 5.04% across six mainstream DNNCC models, underscoring the critical role of enhancing brightness robustness in these models.
☆ Gaseous Object Detection
Object detection, a fundamental and challenging problem in computer vision, has experienced rapid development due to the effectiveness of deep learning. The current objects to be detected are mostly rigid solid substances with apparent and distinct visual characteristics. In this paper, we endeavor on a scarcely explored task named Gaseous Object Detection (GOD), which is undertaken to explore whether the object detection techniques can be extended from solid substances to gaseous substances. Nevertheless, the gas exhibits significantly different visual characteristics: 1) saliency deficiency, 2) arbitrary and ever-changing shapes, 3) lack of distinct boundaries. To facilitate the study on this challenging task, we construct a GOD-Video dataset comprising 600 videos (141,017 frames) that cover various attributes with multiple types of gases. A comprehensive benchmark is established based on this dataset, allowing for a rigorous evaluation of frame-level and video-level detectors. Deduced from the Gaussian dispersion model, the physics-inspired Voxel Shift Field (VSF) is designed to model geometric irregularities and ever-changing shapes in potential 3D space. By integrating VSF into Faster RCNN, the VSF RCNN serves as a simple but strong baseline for gaseous object detection. Our work aims to attract further research into this valuable albeit challenging area.
comment: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (2024)
☆ Multi-vision-based Picking Point Localisation of Target Fruit for Harvesting Robots
This paper presents multi-vision-based localisation strategies for harvesting robots. Identifying picking points accurately is essential for robotic harvesting because insecure grasping can lead to economic loss through fruit damage and dropping. In this study, two multi-vision-based localisation methods, namely the analytical approach and model-based algorithms, were employed. The actual geometric centre points of fruits were collected using a motion capture system (mocap), and two different surface points Cfix and Ceih were extracted using two Red-Green-Blue-Depth (RGB-D) cameras. First, the picking points of the target fruit were detected using analytical methods. Second, various primary and ensemble learning methods were employed to predict the geometric centre of target fruits by taking surface points as input. Adaboost regression, the most successful model-based localisation algorithm, achieved 88.8% harvesting accuracy with a Mean Euclidean Distance (MED) of 4.40 mm, while the analytical approach reached 81.4% picking success with a MED of 14.25 mm, both demonstrating better performance than the single-camera, which had a picking success rate of 77.7% with a MED of 24.02 mm. To evaluate the effect of picking point accuracy in collecting fruits, a series of robotic harvesting experiments were performed utilising a collaborative robot (cobot). It is shown that multi-vision systems can improve picking point localisation, resulting in higher success rates of picking in robotic harvesting.
comment: 6 pages
☆ Geometry-Aware Diffusion Models for Multiview Scene Inpainting
In this paper, we focus on 3D scene inpainting, where parts of an input image set, captured from different viewpoints, are masked out. The main challenge lies in generating plausible image completions that are geometrically consistent across views. Most recent work addresses this challenge by combining generative models with a 3D radiance field to fuse information across viewpoints. However, a major drawback of these methods is that they often produce blurry images due to the fusion of inconsistent cross-view images. To avoid blurry inpaintings, we eschew the use of an explicit or implicit radiance field altogether and instead fuse cross-view information in a learned space. In particular, we introduce a geometry-aware conditional generative model, capable of inpainting multi-view consistent images based on both geometric and appearance cues from reference images. A key advantage of our approach over existing methods is its unique ability to inpaint masked scenes with a limited number of views (i.e., few-view inpainting), whereas previous methods require relatively large image sets for their 3D model fitting step. Empirically, we evaluate and compare our scene-centric inpainting method on two datasets, SPIn-NeRF and NeRFiller, which contain images captured at narrow and wide baselines, respectively, and achieve state-of-the-art 3D inpainting performance on both. Additionally, we demonstrate the efficacy of our approach in the few-view setting compared to prior methods.
comment: Our project page is available at
☆ MotionMatcher: Motion Customization of Text-to-Video Diffusion Models via Motion Feature Matching
Text-to-video (T2V) diffusion models have shown promising capabilities in synthesizing realistic videos from input text prompts. However, the input text description alone provides limited control over the precise objects movements and camera framing. In this work, we tackle the motion customization problem, where a reference video is provided as motion guidance. While most existing methods choose to fine-tune pre-trained diffusion models to reconstruct the frame differences of the reference video, we observe that such strategy suffer from content leakage from the reference video, and they cannot capture complex motion accurately. To address this issue, we propose MotionMatcher, a motion customization framework that fine-tunes the pre-trained T2V diffusion model at the feature level. Instead of using pixel-level objectives, MotionMatcher compares high-level, spatio-temporal motion features to fine-tune diffusion models, ensuring precise motion learning. For the sake of memory efficiency and accessibility, we utilize a pre-trained T2V diffusion model, which contains considerable prior knowledge about video motion, to compute these motion features. In our experiments, we demonstrate state-of-the-art motion customization performances, validating the design of our framework.
comment: Project page:
☆ GS-QA: Comprehensive Quality Assessment Benchmark for Gaussian Splatting View Synthesis
Gaussian Splatting (GS) offers a promising alternative to Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) for real-time 3D scene rendering. Using a set of 3D Gaussians to represent complex geometry and appearance, GS achieves faster rendering times and reduced memory consumption compared to the neural network approach used in NeRF. However, quality assessment of GS-generated static content is not yet explored in-depth. This paper describes a subjective quality assessment study that aims to evaluate synthesized videos obtained with several static GS state-of-the-art methods. The methods were applied to diverse visual scenes, covering both 360-degree and forward-facing (FF) camera trajectories. Moreover, the performance of 18 objective quality metrics was analyzed using the scores resulting from the subjective study, providing insights into their strengths, limitations, and alignment with human perception. All videos and scores are made available providing a comprehensive database that can be used as benchmark on GS view synthesis and objective quality metrics.
♻ ☆ STAR: Scale-wise Text-conditioned AutoRegressive image generation
We introduce STAR, a text-to-image model that employs a scale-wise auto-regressive paradigm. Unlike VAR, which is constrained to class-conditioned synthesis for images up to 256$\times$256, STAR enables text-driven image generation up to 1024$\times$1024 through three key designs. First, we introduce a pre-trained text encoder to extract and adopt representations for textual constraints, enhancing details and generalizability. Second, given the inherent structural correlation across different scales, we leverage 2D Rotary Positional Encoding (RoPE) and tweak it into a normalized version, ensuring consistent interpretation of relative positions across token maps and stabilizing the training process. Third, we observe that simultaneously sampling all tokens within a single scale can disrupt inter-token relationships, leading to structural instability, particularly in high-resolution generation. To address this, we propose a novel stable sampling method that incorporates causal relationships into the sampling process, ensuring both rich details and stable structures. Compared to previous diffusion models and auto-regressive models, STAR surpasses existing benchmarks in fidelity, text-image consistency, and aesthetic quality, requiring just 2.21s for 1024$\times$1024 images on A100. This highlights the potential of auto-regressive methods in high-quality image synthesis, offering new directions for the text-to-image generation.
comment: 16 pages
♻ ☆ Do Large Multimodal Models Solve Caption Generation for Scientific Figures? Lessons Learned from SciCap Challenge 2023 ACL 2025
Since the SciCap datasets launch in 2021, the research community has made significant progress in generating captions for scientific figures in scholarly articles. In 2023, the first SciCap Challenge took place, inviting global teams to use an expanded SciCap dataset to develop models for captioning diverse figure types across various academic fields. At the same time, text generation models advanced quickly, with many powerful pre-trained large multimodal models (LMMs) emerging that showed impressive capabilities in various vision-and-language tasks. This paper presents an overview of the first SciCap Challenge and details the performance of various models on its data, capturing a snapshot of the fields state. We found that professional editors overwhelmingly preferred figure captions generated by GPT-4V over those from all other models and even the original captions written by authors. Following this key finding, we conducted detailed analyses to answer this question: Have advanced LMMs solved the task of generating captions for scientific figures?
comment: Accepted to TACL 2025
♻ ☆ Semantically Consistent Person Image Generation ICPR
We propose a data-driven approach for context-aware person image generation. Specifically, we attempt to generate a person image such that the synthesized instance can blend into a complex scene. In our method, the position, scale, and appearance of the generated person are semantically conditioned on the existing persons in the scene. The proposed technique is divided into three sequential steps. At first, we employ a Pix2PixHD model to infer a coarse semantic mask that represents the new person's spatial location, scale, and potential pose. Next, we use a data-centric approach to select the closest representation from a precomputed cluster of fine semantic masks. Finally, we adopt a multi-scale, attention-guided architecture to transfer the appearance attributes from an exemplar image. The proposed strategy enables us to synthesize semantically coherent realistic persons that can blend into an existing scene without altering the global context. We conclude our findings with relevant qualitative and quantitative evaluations.
comment: Accepted in The International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2024
♻ ☆ Ctrl-U: Robust Conditional Image Generation via Uncertainty-aware Reward Modeling ICLR 2025
In this paper, we focus on the task of conditional image generation, where an image is synthesized according to user instructions. The critical challenge underpinning this task is ensuring both the fidelity of the generated images and their semantic alignment with the provided conditions. To tackle this issue, previous studies have employed supervised perceptual losses derived from pre-trained models, i.e., reward models, to enforce alignment between the condition and the generated result. However, we observe one inherent shortcoming: considering the diversity of synthesized images, the reward model usually provides inaccurate feedback when encountering newly generated data, which can undermine the training process. To address this limitation, we propose an uncertainty-aware reward modeling, called Ctrl-U, including uncertainty estimation and uncertainty-aware regularization, designed to reduce the adverse effects of imprecise feedback from the reward model. Given the inherent cognitive uncertainty within reward models, even images generated under identical conditions often result in a relatively large discrepancy in reward loss. Inspired by the observation, we explicitly leverage such prediction variance as an uncertainty indicator. Based on the uncertainty estimation, we regularize the model training by adaptively rectifying the reward. In particular, rewards with lower uncertainty receive higher loss weights, while those with higher uncertainty are given reduced weights to allow for larger variability. The proposed uncertainty regularization facilitates reward fine-tuning through consistency construction. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our methodology in improving the controllability and generation quality, as well as its scalability across diverse conditional scenarios. Codes are publicly available at
comment: ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ Scene Aware Person Image Generation through Global Contextual Conditioning ICPR
Person image generation is an intriguing yet challenging problem. However, this task becomes even more difficult under constrained situations. In this work, we propose a novel pipeline to generate and insert contextually relevant person images into an existing scene while preserving the global semantics. More specifically, we aim to insert a person such that the location, pose, and scale of the person being inserted blends in with the existing persons in the scene. Our method uses three individual networks in a sequential pipeline. At first, we predict the potential location and the skeletal structure of the new person by conditioning a Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network (WGAN) on the existing human skeletons present in the scene. Next, the predicted skeleton is refined through a shallow linear network to achieve higher structural accuracy in the generated image. Finally, the target image is generated from the refined skeleton using another generative network conditioned on a given image of the target person. In our experiments, we achieve high-resolution photo-realistic generation results while preserving the general context of the scene. We conclude our paper with multiple qualitative and quantitative benchmarks on the results.
comment: Accepted in The International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2022
♻ ☆ TIPS: Text-Induced Pose Synthesis ECCV
In computer vision, human pose synthesis and transfer deal with probabilistic image generation of a person in a previously unseen pose from an already available observation of that person. Though researchers have recently proposed several methods to achieve this task, most of these techniques derive the target pose directly from the desired target image on a specific dataset, making the underlying process challenging to apply in real-world scenarios as the generation of the target image is the actual aim. In this paper, we first present the shortcomings of current pose transfer algorithms and then propose a novel text-based pose transfer technique to address those issues. We divide the problem into three independent stages: (a) text to pose representation, (b) pose refinement, and (c) pose rendering. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first attempts to develop a text-based pose transfer framework where we also introduce a new dataset DF-PASS, by adding descriptive pose annotations for the images of the DeepFashion dataset. The proposed method generates promising results with significant qualitative and quantitative scores in our experiments.
comment: Accepted in The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2022
♻ ☆ BenthicNet: A global compilation of seafloor images for deep learning applications
Advances in underwater imaging enable collection of extensive seafloor image datasets necessary for monitoring important benthic ecosystems. The ability to collect seafloor imagery has outpaced our capacity to analyze it, hindering mobilization of this crucial environmental information. Machine learning approaches provide opportunities to increase the efficiency with which seafloor imagery is analyzed, yet large and consistent datasets to support development of such approaches are scarce. Here we present BenthicNet: a global compilation of seafloor imagery designed to support the training and evaluation of large-scale image recognition models. An initial set of over 11.4 million images was collected and curated to represent a diversity of seafloor environments using a representative subset of 1.3 million images. These are accompanied by 3.1 million annotations translated to the CATAMI scheme, which span 190,000 of the images. A large deep learning model was trained on this compilation and preliminary results suggest it has utility for automating large and small-scale image analysis tasks. The compilation and model are made openly available for reuse at
♻ ☆ Multi-scale Attention Guided Pose Transfer
Pose transfer refers to the probabilistic image generation of a person with a previously unseen novel pose from another image of that person having a different pose. Due to potential academic and commercial applications, this problem is extensively studied in recent years. Among the various approaches to the problem, attention guided progressive generation is shown to produce state-of-the-art results in most cases. In this paper, we present an improved network architecture for pose transfer by introducing attention links at every resolution level of the encoder and decoder. By utilizing such dense multi-scale attention guided approach, we are able to achieve significant improvement over the existing methods both visually and analytically. We conclude our findings with extensive qualitative and quantitative comparisons against several existing methods on the DeepFashion dataset.
comment: Accepted in Pattern Recognition (PR) 2023
A Unified Framework for Event-based Frame Interpolation with Ad-hoc Deblurring in the Wild
Effective video frame interpolation hinges on the adept handling of motion in the input scene. Prior work acknowledges asynchronous event information for this, but often overlooks whether motion induces blur in the video, limiting its scope to sharp frame interpolation. We instead propose a unified framework for event-based frame interpolation that performs deblurring ad-hoc and thus works both on sharp and blurry input videos. Our model consists in a bidirectional recurrent network that incorporates the temporal dimension of interpolation and fuses information from the input frames and the events adaptively based on their temporal proximity. To enhance the generalization from synthetic data to real event cameras, we integrate self-supervised framework with the proposed model to enhance the generalization on real-world datasets in the wild. At the dataset level, we introduce a novel real-world high-resolution dataset with events and color videos named HighREV, which provides a challenging evaluation setting for the examined task. Extensive experiments show that our network consistently outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods on frame interpolation, single image deblurring, and the joint task of both. Experiments on domain transfer reveal that self-supervised training effectively mitigates the performance degradation observed when transitioning from synthetic data to real-world data. Code and datasets are available at
comment: Accepted to T-PAMI
♻ ☆ VLMaterial: Procedural Material Generation with Large Vision-Language Models ICLR 2025
Procedural materials, represented as functional node graphs, are ubiquitous in computer graphics for photorealistic material appearance design. They allow users to perform intuitive and precise editing to achieve desired visual appearances. However, creating a procedural material given an input image requires professional knowledge and significant effort. In this work, we leverage the ability to convert procedural materials into standard Python programs and fine-tune a large pre-trained vision-language model (VLM) to generate such programs from input images. To enable effective fine-tuning, we also contribute an open-source procedural material dataset and propose to perform program-level augmentation by prompting another pre-trained large language model (LLM). Through extensive evaluation, we show that our method outperforms previous methods on both synthetic and real-world examples.
comment: ICLR 2025 Spotlight
♻ ☆ LieRE: Generalizing Rotary Position Encodings
Transformer architectures rely on position encodings to capture token dependencies. Rotary Position Encoding (RoPE) has emerged as a popular choice in language models due to its efficient encoding of relative position information through key-query rotations. However, RoPE faces significant limitations beyond language processing: it is constrained to one-dimensional sequence data and, even with learnable phases, offers limited representational capacity. We address these challenges with Lie Relative Encodings (LieRE), which replaces RoPE's block-2D rotation matrix with a learned, dense, high-dimensional rotation matrix of variable sparsity. Through extensive evaluation on three image datasets across 2D and 3D classification tasks, LieRE achieves 2\% relative improvement over state-of-the-art baselines on 2D tasks and 1.5\% on 3D tasks, while demonstrating superior generalization to higher resolutions. Our implementation is computationally efficient, with results reproducible on 4 A100 GPUs in 30 minutes on CIFAR100, and we release our code to facilitate further research.
♻ ☆ A Real-to-Sim-to-Real Approach to Robotic Manipulation with VLM-Generated Iterative Keypoint Rewards ICRA 2025
Task specification for robotic manipulation in open-world environments is challenging, requiring flexible and adaptive objectives that align with human intentions and can evolve through iterative feedback. We introduce Iterative Keypoint Reward (IKER), a visually grounded, Python-based reward function that serves as a dynamic task specification. Our framework leverages VLMs to generate and refine these reward functions for multi-step manipulation tasks. Given RGB-D observations and free-form language instructions, we sample keypoints in the scene and generate a reward function conditioned on these keypoints. IKER operates on the spatial relationships between keypoints, leveraging commonsense priors about the desired behaviors, and enabling precise SE(3) control. We reconstruct real-world scenes in simulation and use the generated rewards to train reinforcement learning (RL) policies, which are then deployed into the real world-forming a real-to-sim-to-real loop. Our approach demonstrates notable capabilities across diverse scenarios, including both prehensile and non-prehensile tasks, showcasing multi-step task execution, spontaneous error recovery, and on-the-fly strategy adjustments. The results highlight IKER's effectiveness in enabling robots to perform multi-step tasks in dynamic environments through iterative reward shaping.
comment: ICRA 2025, Project Page:
♻ ☆ A CNN Based Framework for Unistroke Numeral Recognition in Air-Writing
Air-writing refers to virtually writing linguistic characters through hand gestures in three-dimensional space with six degrees of freedom. This paper proposes a generic video camera-aided convolutional neural network (CNN) based air-writing framework. Gestures are performed using a marker of fixed color in front of a generic video camera, followed by color-based segmentation to identify the marker and track the trajectory of the marker tip. A pre-trained CNN is then used to classify the gesture. The recognition accuracy is further improved using transfer learning with the newly acquired data. The performance of the system varies significantly on the illumination condition due to color-based segmentation. In a less fluctuating illumination condition, the system is able to recognize isolated unistroke numerals of multiple languages. The proposed framework has achieved 97.7%, 95.4% and 93.7% recognition rates in person independent evaluations on English, Bengali and Devanagari numerals, respectively.
comment: Accepted in The International Conference on Frontiers of Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR) 2018
♻ ☆ Locality-aware Cross-modal Correspondence Learning for Dense Audio-Visual Events Localization
Dense-localization Audio-Visual Events (DAVE) aims to identify time boundaries and corresponding categories for events that can be heard and seen concurrently in an untrimmed video. Existing DAVE solutions extract audio and visual features through modality-specific encoders and fuse them via dense cross-attention. The independent processing of each modality neglects their complementarity, resulting in modality-specific noise, while dense attention fails to account for local temporal continuity of events, causing irrelevant signal distractions. In this paper, we present LoCo, a Locality-aware cross-modal Correspondence learning framework for DAVE. The core idea is to explore local temporal continuity nature of audio-visual events, which serves as informative yet free supervision signals to guide the filtering of irrelevant information and inspire the extraction of complementary multimodal information during both unimodal and cross-modal learning stages. i) Specifically, LoCo applies Locality-aware Correspondence Correction (LCC) to unimodal features via leveraging cross-modal local-correlated properties without any extra annotations. This enforces unimodal encoders to highlight similar semantics shared by audio and visual features. ii) To better aggregate such audio and visual features, we further customize Cross-modal Dynamic Perception layer (CDP) in cross-modal feature pyramid to understand local temporal patterns of audio-visual events by imposing local consistency within multimodal features in a data-driven manner. By incorporating LCC and CDP, LoCo provides solid performance gains and outperforms existing DAVE methods.
♻ ☆ LADDER: Language Driven Slice Discovery and Error Rectification
Error slice discovery is crucial to diagnose and mitigate model errors. Current clustering or discrete attribute-based slice discovery methods face key limitations: 1) clustering results in incoherent slices, while assigning discrete attributes to slices leads to incomplete coverage of error patterns due to missing or insufficient attributes; 2) these methods lack complex reasoning, preventing them from fully explaining model biases; 3) they fail to integrate \textit{domain knowledge}, limiting their usage in specialized fields \eg radiology. We propose\ladder (\underline{La}nguage-\underline{D}riven \underline{D}iscovery and \underline{E}rror \underline{R}ectification), to address the limitations by: (1) leveraging the flexibility of natural language to address incompleteness, (2) employing LLM's latent \textit{domain knowledge} and advanced reasoning to analyze sentences and derive testable hypotheses directly, identifying biased attributes, and form coherent error slices without clustering. Existing mitigation methods typically address only the worst-performing group, often amplifying errors in other subgroups. In contrast,\ladder generates pseudo attributes from the discovered hypotheses to mitigate errors across all biases without explicit attribute annotations or prior knowledge of bias. Rigorous evaluations on 6 datasets spanning natural and medical images -- comparing 200+ classifiers with diverse architectures, pretraining strategies, and LLMs -- show that\ladder consistently outperforms existing baselines in discovering and mitigating biases.
♻ ☆ Where Do We Stand with Implicit Neural Representations? A Technical and Performance Survey
Implicit Neural Representations (INRs) have emerged as a paradigm in knowledge representation, offering exceptional flexibility and performance across a diverse range of applications. INRs leverage multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) to model data as continuous implicit functions, providing critical advantages such as resolution independence, memory efficiency, and generalisation beyond discretised data structures. Their ability to solve complex inverse problems makes them particularly effective for tasks including audio reconstruction, image representation, 3D object reconstruction, and high-dimensional data synthesis. This survey provides a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art INR methods, introducing a clear taxonomy that categorises them into four key areas: activation functions, position encoding, combined strategies, and network structure optimisation. We rigorously analyse their critical properties, such as full differentiability, smoothness, compactness, and adaptability to varying resolutions while also examining their strengths and limitations in addressing locality biases and capturing fine details. Our experimental comparison offers new insights into the trade-offs between different approaches, showcasing the capabilities and challenges of the latest INR techniques across various tasks. In addition to identifying areas where current methods excel, we highlight key limitations and potential avenues for improvement, such as developing more expressive activation functions, enhancing positional encoding mechanisms, and improving scalability for complex, high-dimensional data. This survey serves as a roadmap for researchers, offering practical guidance for future exploration in the field of INRs. We aim to foster new methodologies by outlining promising research directions for INRs and applications.
♻ ☆ Position and Rotation Invariant Sign Language Recognition from 3D Kinect Data with Recurrent Neural Networks
Sign language is a gesture-based symbolic communication medium among speech and hearing impaired people. It also serves as a communication bridge between non-impaired and impaired populations. Unfortunately, in most situations, a non-impaired person is not well conversant in such symbolic languages restricting the natural information flow between these two categories. Therefore, an automated translation mechanism that seamlessly translates sign language into natural language can be highly advantageous. In this paper, we attempt to perform recognition of 30 basic Indian sign gestures. Gestures are represented as temporal sequences of 3D maps (RGB + depth), each consisting of 3D coordinates of 20 body joints captured by the Kinect sensor. A recurrent neural network (RNN) is employed as the classifier. To improve the classifier's performance, we use geometric transformation for the alignment correction of depth frames. In our experiments, the model achieves 84.81% accuracy.
comment: 10 pages
♻ ☆ R3L: Relative Representations for Reinforcement Learning
Visual Reinforcement Learning is a popular and powerful framework that takes full advantage of the Deep Learning breakthrough. It is known that variations in input domains (e.g., different panorama colors due to seasonal changes) or task domains (e.g., altering the target speed of a car) can disrupt agent performance, necessitating new training for each variation. Recent advancements in the field of representation learning have demonstrated the possibility of combining components from different neural networks to create new models in a zero-shot fashion. In this paper, we build upon relative representations, a framework that maps encoder embeddings to a universal space. We adapt this framework to the Visual Reinforcement Learning setting, allowing to combine agents components to create new agents capable of effectively handling novel visual-task pairs not encountered during training. Our findings highlight the potential for model reuse, significantly reducing the need for retraining and, consequently, the time and computational resources required.
comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 7 tables
♻ ☆ PTQ4RIS: Post-Training Quantization for Referring Image Segmentation ICRA 2025
Referring Image Segmentation (RIS), aims to segment the object referred by a given sentence in an image by understanding both visual and linguistic information. However, existing RIS methods tend to explore top-performance models, disregarding considerations for practical applications on resources-limited edge devices. This oversight poses a significant challenge for on-device RIS inference. To this end, we propose an effective and efficient post-training quantization framework termed PTQ4RIS. Specifically, we first conduct an in-depth analysis of the root causes of performance degradation in RIS model quantization and propose dual-region quantization (DRQ) and reorder-based outlier-retained quantization (RORQ) to address the quantization difficulties in visual and text encoders. Extensive experiments on three benchmarks with different bits settings (from 8 to 4 bits) demonstrates its superior performance. Importantly, we are the first PTQ method specifically designed for the RIS task, highlighting the feasibility of PTQ in RIS applications. Code and video are available at {}.
comment: Accepted by ICRA 2025.(Update the code link.)
♻ ☆ Don't drop your samples! Coherence-aware training benefits Conditional diffusion CVPR 2024
Conditional diffusion models are powerful generative models that can leverage various types of conditional information, such as class labels, segmentation masks, or text captions. However, in many real-world scenarios, conditional information may be noisy or unreliable due to human annotation errors or weak alignment. In this paper, we propose the Coherence-Aware Diffusion (CAD), a novel method that integrates coherence in conditional information into diffusion models, allowing them to learn from noisy annotations without discarding data. We assume that each data point has an associated coherence score that reflects the quality of the conditional information. We then condition the diffusion model on both the conditional information and the coherence score. In this way, the model learns to ignore or discount the conditioning when the coherence is low. We show that CAD is theoretically sound and empirically effective on various conditional generation tasks. Moreover, we show that leveraging coherence generates realistic and diverse samples that respect conditional information better than models trained on cleaned datasets where samples with low coherence have been discarded.
comment: Accepted at CVPR 2024 as a Highlight. Project page:
♻ ☆ Post-processing of coronary and myocardial spatial data
Numerical simulations of real-world phenomena require a computational scheme and a computational domain. In the context of haemodynamics, the computational domain is the blood vessel network through which blood flows. Such networks contain millions of vessels that are joined in series and in parallel. It is computationally unfeasible to explicitly simulate blood flow throughout the network. From a single porcine left coronary arterial tree, we develop a data pipeline to obtain computational domains for haemodynamic simulations in the myocardium from a graph representing a partial coronary arterial tree. In addition, we develop a method to ascertain which subregions of the left-ventricular wall are more likely to be perfused via a given artery, using a comparison with the American Heart Association division of the left ventricle for validation.
comment: 25 pages, 25 figures
♻ ☆ GARAD-SLAM: 3D GAussian splatting for Real-time Anti Dynamic SLAM ICRA 2025
The 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS)-based SLAM system has garnered widespread attention due to its excellent performance in real-time high-fidelity rendering. However, in real-world environments with dynamic objects, existing 3DGS-based SLAM systems often face mapping errors and tracking drift issues. To address these problems, we propose GARAD-SLAM, a real-time 3DGS-based SLAM system tailored for dynamic scenes. In terms of tracking, unlike traditional methods, we directly perform dynamic segmentation on Gaussians and map them back to the front-end to obtain dynamic point labels through a Gaussian pyramid network, achieving precise dynamic removal and robust tracking. For mapping, we impose rendering penalties on dynamically labeled Gaussians, which are updated through the network, to avoid irreversible erroneous removal caused by simple pruning. Our results on real-world datasets demonstrate that our method is competitive in tracking compared to baseline methods, generating fewer artifacts and higher-quality reconstructions in rendering.
comment: The paper was accepted by ICRA 2025
♻ ☆ T2VEval: T2V-generated Videos Benchmark Dataset and Objective Evaluation Method
Recent advances in text-to-video (T2V) technology, as demonstrated by models such as Runway Gen-3, Pika, Sora, and Kling, have significantly broadened the applicability and popularity of the technology. This progress has created a growing demand for accurate quality assessment metrics to evaluate the perceptual quality of T2V-generated videos and optimize video generation models. However, assessing the quality of text-to-video outputs remain challenging due to the presence of highly complex distortions, such as unnatural actions and phenomena that defy human cognition. To address these challenges, we constructed T2VEval-Bench, a multi-dimensional benchmark dataset for text-to-video quality evaluation, which contains 148 textual prompts and 1,783 videos generated by 13 T2V models. To ensure a comprehensive evaluation, we scored each video on four dimensions in the subjective experiment, which are overall impression, text-video consistency, realness, and technical quality. Based on T2VEval-Bench, we developed T2VEval, a multi-branch fusion scheme for T2V quality evaluation. T2VEval assesses videos across three branches: text-video consistency, realness, and technical quality. Using an attention-based fusion module, T2VEval effectively integrates features from each branch and predicts scores with the aid of a large language model. Additionally, we implemented a divide-and-conquer training strategy, enabling each branch to learn targeted knowledge while maintaining synergy with the others. Experimental results demonstrate that T2VEval achieves state-of-the-art performance across multiple metrics.
♻ ☆ Mitigating Modality Prior-Induced Hallucinations in Multimodal Large Language Models via Deciphering Attention Causality ICLR 2025
Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have emerged as a central focus in both industry and academia, but often suffer from biases introduced by visual and language priors, which can lead to multimodal hallucination. These biases arise from the visual encoder and the Large Language Model (LLM) backbone, affecting the attention mechanism responsible for aligning multimodal inputs. Existing decoding-based mitigation methods focus on statistical correlations and overlook the causal relationships between attention mechanisms and model output, limiting their effectiveness in addressing these biases. To tackle this issue, we propose a causal inference framework termed CausalMM that applies structural causal modeling to MLLMs, treating modality priors as a confounder between attention mechanisms and output. Specifically, by employing backdoor adjustment and counterfactual reasoning at both the visual and language attention levels, our method mitigates the negative effects of modality priors and enhances the alignment of MLLM's inputs and outputs, with a maximum score improvement of 65.3% on 6 VLind-Bench indicators and 164 points on MME Benchmark compared to conventional methods. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our approach while being a plug-and-play solution. Our code is available at:
comment: Accepted by The Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2025)
♻ ☆ Bayesian Low-Rank LeArning (Bella): A Practical Approach to Bayesian Neural Networks AAAI'25
Computational complexity of Bayesian learning is impeding its adoption in practical, large-scale tasks. Despite demonstrations of significant merits such as improved robustness and resilience to unseen or out-of-distribution inputs over their non- Bayesian counterparts, their practical use has faded to near insignificance. In this study, we introduce an innovative framework to mitigate the computational burden of Bayesian neural networks (BNNs). Our approach follows the principle of Bayesian techniques based on deep ensembles, but significantly reduces their cost via multiple low-rank perturbations of parameters arising from a pre-trained neural network. Both vanilla version of ensembles as well as more sophisticated schemes such as Bayesian learning with Stein Variational Gradient Descent (SVGD), previously deemed impractical for large models, can be seamlessly implemented within the proposed framework, called Bayesian Low-Rank LeArning (Bella). In a nutshell, i) Bella achieves a dramatic reduction in the number of trainable parameters required to approximate a Bayesian posterior; and ii) it not only maintains, but in some instances, surpasses the performance of conventional Bayesian learning methods and non-Bayesian baselines. Our results with large-scale tasks such as ImageNet, CAMELYON17, DomainNet, VQA with CLIP, LLaVA demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of Bella in building highly scalable and practical Bayesian deep models for real-world applications.
comment: This paper is accepted in AAAI'25", and the code is available at
♻ ☆ AdvLoRA: Adversarial Low-Rank Adaptation of Vision-Language Models
Vision-Language Models (VLMs) play a crucial role in the advancement of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). As AGI rapidly evolves, addressing security concerns has emerged as one of the most significant challenges for VLMs. In this paper, we present extensive experiments that expose the vulnerabilities of conventional adaptation methods for VLMs, highlighting significant security risks. Moreover, as VLMs grow in size, the application of traditional adversarial adaptation techniques incurs substantial computational costs. To address these issues, we propose a parameter-efficient adversarial adaptation method called \textbf{\textit{AdvLoRA}} based on Low-Rank Adaptation. We investigate and reveal the inherent low-rank properties involved in adversarial adaptation for VLMs. Different from LoRA, we enhance the efficiency and robustness of adversarial adaptation by introducing a novel reparameterization method that leverages parameter clustering and alignment. Additionally, we propose an adaptive parameter update strategy to further bolster robustness. These innovations enable our AdvLoRA to mitigate issues related to model security and resource wastage. Extensive experiments confirm the effectiveness and efficiency of AdvLoRA.
♻ ☆ HeRCULES: Heterogeneous Radar Dataset in Complex Urban Environment for Multi-session Radar SLAM ICRA 2025
Recently, radars have been widely featured in robotics for their robustness in challenging weather conditions. Two commonly used radar types are spinning radars and phased-array radars, each offering distinct sensor characteristics. Existing datasets typically feature only a single type of radar, leading to the development of algorithms limited to that specific kind. In this work, we highlight that combining different radar types offers complementary advantages, which can be leveraged through a heterogeneous radar dataset. Moreover, this new dataset fosters research in multi-session and multi-robot scenarios where robots are equipped with different types of radars. In this context, we introduce the HeRCULES dataset, a comprehensive, multi-modal dataset with heterogeneous radars, FMCW LiDAR, IMU, GPS, and cameras. This is the first dataset to integrate 4D radar and spinning radar alongside FMCW LiDAR, offering unparalleled localization, mapping, and place recognition capabilities. The dataset covers diverse weather and lighting conditions and a range of urban traffic scenarios, enabling a comprehensive analysis across various environments. The sequence paths with multiple revisits and ground truth pose for each sensor enhance its suitability for place recognition research. We expect the HeRCULES dataset to facilitate odometry, mapping, place recognition, and sensor fusion research. The dataset and development tools are available at
comment: 2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2025)
♻ ☆ TS40K: a 3D Point Cloud Dataset of Rural Terrain and Electrical Transmission System
Research on supervised learning algorithms in 3D scene understanding has risen in prominence and witness great increases in performance across several datasets. The leading force of this research is the problem of autonomous driving followed by indoor scene segmentation. However, openly available 3D data on these tasks mainly focuses on urban scenarios. In this paper, we propose TS40K, a 3D point cloud dataset that encompasses more than 40,000 Km on electrical transmission systems situated in European rural terrain. This is not only a novel problem for the research community that can aid in the high-risk mission of power-grid inspection, but it also offers 3D point clouds with distinct characteristics from those in self-driving and indoor 3D data, such as high point-density and no occlusion. In our dataset, each 3D point is labeled with 1 out of 22 annotated classes. We evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art methods on our dataset concerning 3D semantic segmentation and 3D object detection. Finally, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the results along with key challenges such as using labels that were not originally intended for learning tasks.
♻ ☆ RedundancyLens: Revealing and Exploiting Visual Token Processing Redundancy for Efficient Decoder-Only MLLMs
Current Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM) architectures face a critical tradeoff between performance and efficiency: decoder-only architectures achieve higher performance but lower efficiency, while cross-attention-based architectures offer greater efficiency but lower performance. The key distinction lies in how visual tokens are processed. Decoder-only architectures apply self-attention and FFN operations on visual tokens, while cross-attention architectures skip these computations. To investigate whether redundancy exists in this computationally expensive process, we propose a training-free framework for analyzing trained MLLMs. It consists of Probe-Activated Dynamic FFN and Hollow Attention, which enable adjustable reductions in computations for visual tokens, as well as a Layer Ranking Algorithm that prioritizes layers for these reductions. Extensive experiments demonstrate substantial, structured, and clustered redundancy unique to decoder-only MLLMs, offering valuable insights for future MLLM architecture design. Furthermore, by leveraging our reduction framework as a training-free inference acceleration approach, we achieve performance comparable to or better than state-of-the-art methods while remaining compatible with them. Code will be publicly available at
♻ ☆ Can Multimodal LLMs do Visual Temporal Understanding and Reasoning? The answer is No!
Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have achieved significant advancements in tasks like Visual Question Answering (VQA) by leveraging foundational Large Language Models (LLMs). However, their abilities in specific areas such as visual temporal understanding, which is crucial for comprehending real-world dynamics, remain underexplored. To address this, we propose a challenging evaluation benchmark named TemporalVQA, consisting of two parts: 1) Temporal Order Understanding and 2) Time-lapse Estimation. The first part requires MLLMs to determine the sequence of events by analyzing temporally consecutive video frames. The second part presents image pairs with varying time differences, framed as multiple-choice questions, asking MLLMs to estimate the time-lapse between images with options ranging from seconds to years. Our evaluations of advanced MLLMs, including models like GPT-4o and Gemini-1.5-Pro, reveal significant challenges: GPT-4o achieved only 49.1% average consistent accuracy in temporal order task and 70% in time-lapse estimation, with open-source models performing even poorly. These findings underscore the limitations of current MLLMs in visual temporal understanding and reasoning, highlighting the need for further improvements for their temporal capability. Our dataset can be found at
comment: Our dataset can be found at \url{}
♻ ☆ SNAT-YOLO: Efficient Cross-Layer Aggregation Network for Edge-Oriented Gangue Detection
To address the issues of slow detection speed,low accuracy,difficulty in deployment on industrial edge devices,and large parameter and computational requirements in deep learning-based coal gangue target detection methods,we propose a lightweight coal gangue target detection algorithm based on an improved YOLOv11.First,we use the lightweight network ShuffleNetV2 as the backbone to enhance detection speed.Second,we introduce a lightweight downsampling operation,ADown,which reduces model complexity while improving average detection accuracy.Third,we improve the C2PSA module in YOLOv11 by incorporating the Triplet Attention mechanism,resulting in the proposed C2PSA-TriAtt module,which enhances the model's ability to focus on different dimensions of images.Fourth,we propose the Inner-FocalerIoU loss function to replace the existing CIoU loss function.Experimental results show that our model achieves a detection accuracy of 99.10% in coal gangue detection tasks,reduces the model size by 38%,the number of parameters by 41%,and the computational cost by 40%,while decreasing the average detection time per image by 1 ms.The improved model demonstrates enhanced detection speed and accuracy,making it suitable for deployment on industrial edge mobile devices,thus contributing positively to coal processing and efficient utilization of coal resources.
comment: In Figure 1, due to our mistake, some parts of the picture are incorrect. We are making changes for resubmission
♻ ☆ A Physical Coherence Benchmark for Evaluating Video Generation Models via Optical Flow-guided Frame Prediction
Recent advances in video generation models demonstrate their potential as world simulators, but they often struggle with videos deviating from physical laws, a key concern overlooked by most text-to-video benchmarks. We introduce a benchmark designed specifically to assess the Physical Coherence of generated videos, PhyCoBench. Our benchmark includes 120 prompts covering 7 categories of physical principles, capturing key physical laws observable in video content. We evaluated four state-of-the-art (SoTA) T2V models on PhyCoBench and conducted manual assessments. Additionally, we propose an automated evaluation model: PhyCoPredictor, a diffusion model that generates optical flow and video frames in a cascade manner. Through a consistency evaluation comparing automated and manual sorting, the experimental results show that PhyCoPredictor currently aligns most closely with human evaluation. Therefore, it can effectively evaluate the physical coherence of videos, providing insights for future model optimization. Our benchmark, including physical coherence prompts, the automatic evaluation tool PhyCoPredictor, and the generated video dataset, has been released on GitHub at
♻ ☆ Explanation Bottleneck Models AAAI 2025
Recent concept-based interpretable models have succeeded in providing meaningful explanations by pre-defined concept sets. However, the dependency on the pre-defined concepts restricts the application because of the limited number of concepts for explanations. This paper proposes a novel interpretable deep neural network called explanation bottleneck models (XBMs). XBMs generate a text explanation from the input without pre-defined concepts and then predict a final task prediction based on the generated explanation by leveraging pre-trained vision-language encoder-decoder models. To achieve both the target task performance and the explanation quality, we train XBMs through the target task loss with the regularization penalizing the explanation decoder via the distillation from the frozen pre-trained decoder. Our experiments, including a comparison to state-of-the-art concept bottleneck models, confirm that XBMs provide accurate and fluent natural language explanations without pre-defined concept sets. Code is available at
comment: Accepted to AAAI 2025 (Oral)
♻ ☆ VividMed: Vision Language Model with Versatile Visual Grounding for Medicine
Recent advancements in Vision Language Models (VLMs) have demonstrated remarkable promise in generating visually grounded responses. However, their application in the medical domain is hindered by unique challenges. For instance, most VLMs rely on a single method of visual grounding, whereas complex medical tasks demand more versatile approaches. Additionally, while most VLMs process only 2D images, a large portion of medical images are 3D. The lack of medical data further compounds these obstacles. To address these challenges, we present VividMed, a vision language model with versatile visual grounding for medicine. Our model supports generating both semantic segmentation masks and instance-level bounding boxes, and accommodates various imaging modalities, including both 2D and 3D data. We design a three-stage training procedure and an automatic data synthesis pipeline based on open datasets and models. Besides visual grounding tasks, VividMed also excels in other common downstream tasks, including Visual Question Answering (VQA) and report generation. Ablation studies empirically show that the integration of visual grounding ability leads to improved performance on these tasks. Our code is publicly available at
♻ ☆ Deep Learning for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Visual Recognition: A Survey
While deep learning excels in computer vision tasks with abundant labeled data, its performance diminishes significantly in scenarios with limited labeled samples. To address this, Few-shot learning (FSL) enables models to perform the target tasks with very few labeled examples by leveraging prior knowledge from related tasks. However, traditional FSL assumes that both the related and target tasks come from the same domain, which is a restrictive assumption in many real-world scenarios where domain differences are common. To overcome this limitation, Cross-domain few-shot learning (CDFSL) has gained attention, as it allows source and target data to come from different domains and label spaces. This paper presents the first comprehensive review of Cross-domain Few-shot Learning (CDFSL), a field that has received less attention compared to traditional FSL due to its unique challenges. We aim to provide both a position paper and a tutorial for researchers, covering key problems, existing methods, and future research directions. The review begins with a formal definition of CDFSL, outlining its core challenges, followed by a systematic analysis of current approaches, organized under a clear taxonomy. Finally, we discuss promising future directions in terms of problem setups, applications, and theoretical advancements.
comment: Accepted at ACM Computing Surveys; 35 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables
♻ ☆ Dreamweaver: Learning Compositional World Representations from Pixels
Humans have an innate ability to decompose their perceptions of the world into objects and their attributes, such as colors, shapes, and movement patterns. This cognitive process enables us to imagine novel futures by recombining familiar concepts. However, replicating this ability in artificial intelligence systems has proven challenging, particularly when it comes to modeling videos into compositional concepts and generating unseen, recomposed futures without relying on auxiliary data, such as text, masks, or bounding boxes. In this paper, we propose Dreamweaver, a neural architecture designed to discover hierarchical and compositional representations from raw videos and generate compositional future simulations. Our approach leverages a novel Recurrent Block-Slot Unit (RBSU) to decompose videos into their constituent objects and attributes. In addition, Dreamweaver uses a multi-future-frame prediction objective to capture disentangled representations for dynamic concepts more effectively as well as static concepts. In experiments, we demonstrate our model outperforms current state-of-the-art baselines for world modeling when evaluated under the DCI framework across multiple datasets. Furthermore, we show how the modularized concept representations of our model enable compositional imagination, allowing the generation of novel videos by recombining attributes from different objects.
♻ ☆ VarGes: Improving Variation in Co-Speech 3D Gesture Generation via StyleCLIPS
Generating expressive and diverse human gestures from audio is crucial in fields like human-computer interaction, virtual reality, and animation. Though existing methods have achieved remarkable performance, they often exhibit limitations due to constrained dataset diversity and the restricted amount of information derived from audio inputs. To address these challenges, we present VarGes, a novel variation-driven framework designed to enhance co-speech gesture generation by integrating visual stylistic cues while maintaining naturalness. Our approach begins with the Variation-Enhanced Feature Extraction (VEFE) module, which seamlessly incorporates \textcolor{blue}{style-reference} video data into a 3D human pose estimation network to extract StyleCLIPS, thereby enriching the input with stylistic information. Subsequently, we employ the Variation-Compensation Style Encoder (VCSE), a transformer-style encoder equipped with an additive attention mechanism pooling layer, to robustly encode diverse StyleCLIPS representations and effectively manage stylistic variations. Finally, the Variation-Driven Gesture Predictor (VDGP) module fuses MFCC audio features with StyleCLIPS encodings via cross-attention, injecting this fused data into a cross-conditional autoregressive model to modulate 3D human gesture generation based on audio input and stylistic clues. The efficacy of our approach is validated on benchmark datasets, where it outperforms existing methods in terms of gesture diversity and naturalness. The code and video results will be made publicly available upon acceptance: .
♻ ☆ AnyRefill: A Unified, Data-Efficient Framework for Left-Prompt-Guided Vision Tasks
In this paper, we present a novel Left-Prompt-Guided (LPG) paradigm to address a diverse range of reference-based vision tasks. Inspired by the human creative process, we reformulate these tasks using a left-right stitching formulation to construct contextual input. Building upon this foundation, we propose AnyRefill, an extension of LeftRefill, that effectively adapts Text-to-Image (T2I) models to various vision tasks. AnyRefill leverages the inpainting priors of advanced T2I model based on the Diffusion Transformer (DiT) architecture, and incorporates flexible components to enhance its capabilities. By combining task-specific LoRAs with the stitching input, AnyRefill unlocks its potential across diverse tasks, including conditional generation, visual perception, and image editing, without requiring additional visual encoders. Meanwhile, AnyRefill exhibits remarkable data efficiency, requiring minimal task-specific fine-tuning while maintaining high generative performance. Through extensive ablation studies, we demonstrate that AnyRefill outperforms other image condition injection methods and achieves competitive results compared to state-of-the-art open-source methods. Notably, AnyRefill delivers results comparable to advanced commercial tools, such as IC-Light and SeedEdit, even in challenging scenarios. Comprehensive experiments and ablation studies across versatile tasks validate the strong generation of the proposed simple yet effective LPG formulation, establishing AnyRefill as a unified, highly data-efficient solution for reference-based vision tasks.
comment: 19 pages, submitted to TPAMI
♻ ☆ RU-AI: A Large Multimodal Dataset for Machine-Generated Content Detection WWW'25
The recent generative AI models' capability of creating realistic and human-like content is significantly transforming the ways in which people communicate, create and work. The machine-generated content is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can benefit the society when used appropriately. On the other hand, it may mislead people, posing threats to the society, especially when mixed together with natural content created by humans. Hence, there is an urgent need to develop effective methods to detect machine-generated content. However, the lack of aligned multimodal datasets inhibited the development of such methods, particularly in triple-modality settings (e.g., text, image, and voice). In this paper, we introduce RU-AI, a new large-scale multimodal dataset for robust and effective detection of machine-generated content in text, image and voice. Our dataset is constructed on the basis of three large publicly available datasets: Flickr8K, COCO and Places205, by adding their corresponding AI duplicates, resulting in a total of 1,475,370 instances. In addition, we created an additional noise variant of the dataset for testing the robustness of detection models. We conducted extensive experiments with the current SOTA detection methods on our dataset. The results reveal that existing models still struggle to achieve accurate and robust detection on our dataset. We hope that this new data set can promote research in the field of machine-generated content detection, fostering the responsible use of generative AI. The source code and datasets are available at
comment: Accepted by WWW'25 Resource Track
♻ ☆ Human and AI Perceptual Differences in Image Classification Errors AAAI 25
Artificial intelligence (AI) models for computer vision trained with supervised machine learning are assumed to solve classification tasks by imitating human behavior learned from training labels. Most efforts in recent vision research focus on measuring the model task performance using standardized benchmarks such as accuracy. However, limited work has sought to understand the perceptual difference between humans and machines. To fill this gap, this study first analyzes the statistical distributions of mistakes from the two sources and then explores how task difficulty level affects these distributions. We find that even when AI learns an excellent model from the training data, one that outperforms humans in overall accuracy, these AI models have significant and consistent differences from human perception. We demonstrate the importance of studying these differences with a simple human-AI teaming algorithm that outperforms humans alone, AI alone, or AI-AI teaming.
comment: AAAI 25 Oral
HumanEval-V: Benchmarking High-Level Visual Reasoning with Complex Diagrams in Coding Tasks
Understanding and reasoning over diagrams is a fundamental aspect of human intelligence. While Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities across various tasks, existing benchmarks lack comprehensive evaluation of their diagram interpretation and reasoning abilities, particularly in coding contexts. We present HumanEval-V, a rigorous benchmark of human-annotated coding tasks that spans six task types and evaluates diverse visual reasoning capabilities. Each task features carefully crafted diagrams paired with function signatures and test cases, employing novel code generation tasks to thoroughly assess models' diagram comprehension. Through extensive experiments with 22 LMMs, we find that even top-performing models achieve modest success rates, with Claude 3.5 Sonnet reaching only 36.8% pass@1, highlighting substantial room for improvement. Our analysis reveals that current LMMs struggle with spatial transformations, topological relationships, and dynamic patterns that humans find intuitive. These findings provide valuable insights for advancing LMMs' visual reasoning abilities. We have open-sourced our code and benchmark at
comment: homepage
♻ ☆ SynthVLM: High-Efficiency and High-Quality Synthetic Data for Vision Language Models
Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have recently emerged, demonstrating remarkable vision-understanding capabilities. However, training these models requires large-scale datasets, which brings challenges related to efficiency, effectiveness, quality, and privacy of web data. In this paper, we introduce SynthVLM, a novel data synthesis and curation method for generating image-caption pairs. Unlike traditional methods, where captions are generated from images, SynthVLM utilizes advanced diffusion models and high-quality captions to automatically synthesize and select high-resolution images from text descriptions, thereby creating precisely aligned image-text pairs. To demonstrate the power of SynthVLM, we introduce SynthVLM-100K, a high-quality dataset consisting of 100,000 curated and synthesized image-caption pairs. In both model and human evaluations, SynthVLM-100K outperforms traditional real-world datasets. Leveraging this dataset, we develop a new family of multimodal large language models (MLLMs), SynthVLM-7B and SynthVLM-13B, which achieve state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on various vision question-answering (VQA) tasks. Notably, our models outperform LLaVA across most metrics with only 18\% pretrain data. Furthermore, SynthVLM-7B and SynthVLM-13B attain SOTA performance on the MMLU benchmark, demonstrating that the high-quality SynthVLM-100K dataset preserves language abilities. To facilitate future research, our dataset and the complete data generating and curating methods are open-sourced at
♻ ☆ MagicArticulate: Make Your 3D Models Articulation-Ready
With the explosive growth of 3D content creation, there is an increasing demand for automatically converting static 3D models into articulation-ready versions that support realistic animation. Traditional approaches rely heavily on manual annotation, which is both time-consuming and labor-intensive. Moreover, the lack of large-scale benchmarks has hindered the development of learning-based solutions. In this work, we present MagicArticulate, an effective framework that automatically transforms static 3D models into articulation-ready assets. Our key contributions are threefold. First, we introduce Articulation-XL, a large-scale benchmark containing over 33k 3D models with high-quality articulation annotations, carefully curated from Objaverse-XL. Second, we propose a novel skeleton generation method that formulates the task as a sequence modeling problem, leveraging an auto-regressive transformer to naturally handle varying numbers of bones or joints within skeletons and their inherent dependencies across different 3D models. Third, we predict skinning weights using a functional diffusion process that incorporates volumetric geodesic distance priors between vertices and joints. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MagicArticulate significantly outperforms existing methods across diverse object categories, achieving high-quality articulation that enables realistic animation. Project page:
comment: Project:
♻ ☆ FrGNet: A fourier-guided weakly-supervised framework for nuclear instance segmentation
Nuclear instance segmentation has played a critical role in pathology image analysis. The main challenges arise from the difficulty in accurately segmenting instances and the high cost of precise mask-level annotations for fully-supervised training.In this work, we propose a fourier guidance framework for solving the weakly-supervised nuclear instance segmentation problem. In this framework, we construct a fourier guidance module to fuse the priori information into the training process of the model, which facilitates the model to capture the relevant features of the nuclear. Meanwhile, in order to further improve the model's ability to represent the features of nuclear, we propose the guide-based instance level contrastive module. This module makes full use of the framework's own properties and guide information to effectively enhance the representation features of nuclear. We show on two public datasets that our model can outperform current SOTA methods under fully-supervised design, and in weakly-supervised experiments, with only a small amount of labeling our model still maintains close to the performance under full supervision.In addition, we also perform generalization experiments on a private dataset, and without any labeling, our model is able to segment nuclear images that have not been seen during training quite effectively. As open science, all codes and pre-trained models are available at
♻ ☆ Benchmarking and Improving Large Vision-Language Models for Fundamental Visual Graph Understanding and Reasoning
Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance across diverse tasks. Despite great success, recent studies show that LVLMs encounter substantial limitations when engaging with visual graphs. To study the reason behind these limitations, we propose VGCure, a comprehensive benchmark covering 22 tasks for examining the fundamental graph understanding and reasoning capacities of LVLMs. Extensive evaluations conducted on 14 LVLMs reveal that LVLMs are weak in basic graph understanding and reasoning tasks, particularly those concerning relational or structurally complex information. Based on this observation, we propose a structure-aware fine-tuning framework to enhance LVLMs with structure learning abilities through three self-supervised learning tasks. Experiments validate the effectiveness of our method in improving LVLMs' performance on fundamental and downstream graph learning tasks, as well as enhancing their robustness against complex visual graphs.
♻ ☆ iMOVE: Instance-Motion-Aware Video Understanding
Enhancing the fine-grained instance spatiotemporal motion perception capabilities of Video Large Language Models is crucial for improving their temporal and general video understanding. However, current models struggle to perceive detailed and complex instance motions. To address these challenges, we have made improvements from both data and model perspectives. In terms of data, we have meticulously curated iMOVE-IT, the first large-scale instance-motion-aware video instruction-tuning dataset. This dataset is enriched with comprehensive instance motion annotations and spatiotemporal mutual-supervision tasks, providing extensive training for the model's instance-motion-awareness. Building on this foundation, we introduce iMOVE, an instance-motion-aware video foundation model that utilizes Event-aware Spatiotemporal Efficient Modeling to retain informative instance spatiotemporal motion details while maintaining computational efficiency. It also incorporates Relative Spatiotemporal Position Tokens to ensure awareness of instance spatiotemporal positions. Evaluations indicate that iMOVE excels not only in video temporal understanding and general video understanding but also demonstrates significant advantages in long-term video understanding.
♻ ☆ CSA: Data-efficient Mapping of Unimodal Features to Multimodal Features
Multimodal encoders like CLIP excel in tasks such as zero-shot image classification and cross-modal retrieval. However, they require excessive training data. We propose canonical similarity analysis (CSA), which uses two unimodal encoders to replicate multimodal encoders using limited data. CSA maps unimodal features into a multimodal space, using a new similarity score to retain only the multimodal information. CSA only involves the inference of unimodal encoders and a cubic-complexity matrix decomposition, eliminating the need for extensive GPU-based model training. Experiments show that CSA outperforms CLIP while requiring $50,000\times$ fewer multimodal data pairs to bridge the modalities given pre-trained unimodal encoders on ImageNet classification and misinformative news caption detection. CSA surpasses the state-of-the-art method to map unimodal features to multimodal features. We also demonstrate the ability of CSA with modalities beyond image and text, paving the way for future modality pairs with limited paired multimodal data but abundant unpaired unimodal data, such as lidar and text.
♻ ☆ TEASER: Token Enhanced Spatial Modeling for Expressions Reconstruction ICLR 2025
3D facial reconstruction from a single in-the-wild image is a crucial task in human-centered computer vision tasks. While existing methods can recover accurate facial shapes, there remains significant space for improvement in fine-grained expression capture. Current approaches struggle with irregular mouth shapes, exaggerated expressions, and asymmetrical facial movements. We present TEASER (Token EnhAnced Spatial modeling for Expressions Reconstruction), which addresses these challenges and enhances 3D facial geometry performance. TEASER tackles two main limitations of existing methods: insufficient photometric loss for self-reconstruction and inaccurate localization of subtle expressions. We introduce a multi-scale tokenizer to extract facial appearance information. Combined with a neural renderer, these tokens provide precise geometric guidance for expression reconstruction. Furthermore, TEASER incorporates a pose-dependent landmark loss to further improve geometric performances. Our approach not only significantly enhances expression reconstruction quality but also offers interpretable tokens suitable for various downstream applications, such as photorealistic facial video driving, expression transfer, and identity swapping. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results across multiple datasets demonstrate that TEASER achieves state-of-the-art performance in precise expression reconstruction.
comment: Accepted by ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ Learning to Stop Overthinking at Test Time
Test time scaling is currently one of the most active research areas that shows promise after training time scaling has reached its limits. Deep-thinking (DT) models are a class of recurrent models that can perform easy-to-hard generalization by assigning more compute to harder test samples. However, due to their inability to determine the complexity of a test sample, DT models have to use a large amount of computation for both easy and hard test samples. Excessive test time computation is wasteful and can cause the ``overthinking'' problem where more test time computation leads to worse results. In this paper, we introduce a test time training method for determining the optimal amount of computation needed for each sample during test time. We also propose Conv-LiGRU, a novel recurrent architecture for efficient and robust visual reasoning. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Conv-LiGRU is more stable than DT, effectively mitigates the ``overthinking'' phenomenon, and achieves superior accuracy.
♻ ☆ A Causally Informed Pretraining Approach for Multimodal Foundation Models: Applications in Remote Sensing
Self-supervised learning has emerged as a powerful paradigm for pretraining foundation models using large-scale data. Existing pretraining approaches predominantly rely on masked reconstruction or next-token prediction strategies, demonstrating strong performance across various downstream tasks, including geoscience applications. However, these approaches do not fully capture the causal interplay between different geospatial and environmental variables. To address this limitation, we propose Causally Informed Variable-Step Forecasting (CI-VSF), a novel pretraining task that models forecasting as a conditional generation task, where driver variables (e.g., weather) inform the prediction of response variables (e.g., satellite imagery). We demonstrate that pretraining in such a fashion leads to enhanced performance when finetuned on both prediction (e.g., crop mapping, missing image prediction, soil moisture estimation) and forecasting (e.g., future image forecasting, soil moisture forecasting) downstream tasks when compared to other pretraining approaches. While we use remote sensing as our main application to demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed pretraining strategy over existing paradigms, it is applicable to any domain that involves known causal relationships amongst a set of variables.
comment: 13 pages with appendix
♻ ☆ Migician: Revealing the Magic of Free-Form Multi-Image Grounding in Multimodal Large Language Models
The recent advancement of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) has significantly improved their fine-grained perception of single images and general comprehension across multiple images. However, existing MLLMs still face challenges in achieving precise grounding in complex multi-image scenarios. To address this, we first explore a Chain-of-Thought (CoT) framework that integrates single-image grounding with multi-image comprehension. While partially effective, it remains unstable and struggles to capture abstract visual information due to its non-end-to-end nature. Therefore, we introduce Migician, the first multi-image grounding model capable of performing free-form and accurate grounding across multiple images. To support this, we present the MGrounding-630k dataset, which comprises data for several multi-image grounding tasks derived from existing datasets, along with newly generated free-form grounding instruction-following data. Furthermore, we propose MIG-Bench, a comprehensive benchmark specifically designed for evaluating multi-image grounding capabilities. Experimental results demonstrate that our model achieves significantly superior multi-image grounding capabilities, outperforming the best existing MLLMs by 24.94% and even surpassing much larger 70B models. Our code, model, dataset, and benchmark are fully open-sourced at
comment: 21 pages, 8 figures
♻ ☆ Probing Visual Language Priors in VLMs
Despite recent advances in Vision-Language Models (VLMs), they may over-rely on visual language priors existing in their training data rather than true visual reasoning. To investigate this, we introduce ViLP, a benchmark featuring deliberately out-of-distribution images synthesized via image generation models and out-of-distribution Q&A pairs. Each question in ViLP is coupled with three potential answers and three corresponding images: one that can be resolved by text priors alone and two that demand visual reasoning. Although, humans achieve near-perfect accuracy, modern VLMs falter; for instance, GPT-4 achieves only 66.17% on ViLP. To alleviate this, we propose a self-improving framework in which models generate new VQA data, then apply pixel-level and semantic corruptions to form "good-bad" image pairs for self-training. Our training objectives compel VLMs to focus more on the actual visual inputs, and we demonstrate their effectiveness in boosting the performance of open-source VLMs, including LLaVA-v1.5 and Cambrian.
♻ ☆ DarSwin-Unet: Distortion Aware Encoder-Decoder Architecture
Wide-angle fisheye images are becoming increasingly common for perception tasks in applications such as robotics, security, and mobility (e.g. drones, avionics). However, current models often either ignore the distortions in wide-angle images or are not suitable to perform pixel-level tasks. In this paper, we present an encoder-decoder model based on a radial transformer architecture that adapts to distortions in wide-angle lenses by leveraging the physical characteristics defined by the radial distortion profile. In contrast to the original model, which only performs classification tasks, we introduce a U-Net architecture, DarSwin-Unet, designed for pixel level tasks. Furthermore, we propose a novel strategy that minimizes sparsity when sampling the image for creating its input tokens. Our approach enhances the model capability to handle pixel-level tasks in wide-angle fisheye images, making it more effective for real-world applications. Compared to other baselines, DarSwin-Unet achieves the best results across different datasets, with significant gains when trained on bounded levels of distortions (very low, low, medium, and high) and tested on all, including out-of-distribution distortions. We demonstrate its performance on depth estimation and show through extensive experiments that DarSwin-Unet can perform zero-shot adaptation to unseen distortions of different wide-angle lenses.
♻ ☆ AttributionScanner: A Visual Analytics System for Model Validation with Metadata-Free Slice Finding
Data slice finding is an emerging technique for validating machine learning (ML) models by identifying and analyzing subgroups in a dataset that exhibit poor performance, often characterized by distinct feature sets or descriptive metadata. However, in the context of validating vision models involving unstructured image data, this approach faces significant challenges, including the laborious and costly requirement for additional metadata and the complex task of interpreting the root causes of underperformance. To address these challenges, we introduce AttributionScanner, an innovative human-in-the-loop Visual Analytics (VA) system, designed for metadata-free data slice finding. Our system identifies interpretable data slices that involve common model behaviors and visualizes these patterns through an Attribution Mosaic design. Our interactive interface provides straightforward guidance for users to detect, interpret, and annotate predominant model issues, such as spurious correlations (model biases) and mislabeled data, with minimal effort. Additionally, it employs a cutting-edge model regularization technique to mitigate the detected issues and enhance the model's performance. The efficacy of AttributionScanner is demonstrated through use cases involving two benchmark datasets, with qualitative and quantitative evaluations showcasing its substantial effectiveness in vision model validation, ultimately leading to more reliable and accurate models.
♻ ☆ Enhancing Skin Lesion Classification Generalization with Active Domain Adaptation
We propose a method to improve the generalization of skin lesion classification models by combining self-supervised learning (SSL) and active domain adaptation (ADA). The main steps of the approach include selection of an SSL pre-trained model on natural image datasets, subsequent SSL retraining on all available skin-lesion datasets, fine-tuning of the model on source domain data with labels, and application of ADA methods on target domain data. The efficacy of the proposed approach is assessed in ten skin lesion datasets with five different ADA methods, demonstrating its potential to improve generalization in settings with different amounts of domain shifts.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 2 table
♻ ☆ A New Logic For Pediatric Brain Tumor Segmentation
In this paper, we present a novel approach for segmenting pediatric brain tumors using a deep learning architecture, inspired by expert radiologists' segmentation strategies. Our model delineates four distinct tumor labels and is benchmarked on a held-out PED BraTS 2024 test set (i.e., pediatric brain tumor datasets introduced by BraTS). Furthermore, we evaluate our model's performance against the state-of-the-art (SOTA) model using a new external dataset of 30 patients from CBTN (Children's Brain Tumor Network), labeled in accordance with the PED BraTS 2024 guidelines and 2023 BraTS Adult Glioma dataset. We compare segmentation outcomes with the winning algorithm from the PED BraTS 2023 challenge as the SOTA model. Our proposed algorithm achieved an average Dice score of 0.642 and an HD95 of 73.0 mm on the CBTN test data, outperforming the SOTA model, which achieved a Dice score of 0.626 and an HD95 of 84.0 mm. Moreover, our model exhibits strong generalizability, attaining a 0.877 Dice score in whole tumor segmentation on the BraTS 2023 Adult Glioma dataset, surpassing existing SOTA. Our results indicate that the proposed model is a step towards providing more accurate segmentation for pediatric brain tumors, which is essential for evaluating therapy response and monitoring patient progress. Our source code is available at
♻ ☆ Revisiting Text-to-Image Evaluation with Gecko: On Metrics, Prompts, and Human Ratings ICLR 2025
While text-to-image (T2I) generative models have become ubiquitous, they do not necessarily generate images that align with a given prompt. While previous work has evaluated T2I alignment by proposing metrics, benchmarks, and templates for collecting human judgements, the quality of these components is not systematically measured. Human-rated prompt sets are generally small and the reliability of the ratings -- and thereby the prompt set used to compare models -- is not evaluated. We address this gap by performing an extensive study evaluating auto-eval metrics and human templates. We provide three main contributions: (1) We introduce a comprehensive skills-based benchmark that can discriminate models across different human templates. This skills-based benchmark categorises prompts into sub-skills, allowing a practitioner to pinpoint not only which skills are challenging, but at what level of complexity a skill becomes challenging. (2) We gather human ratings across four templates and four T2I models for a total of >100K annotations. This allows us to understand where differences arise due to inherent ambiguity in the prompt and where they arise due to differences in metric and model quality. (3) Finally, we introduce a new QA-based auto-eval metric that is better correlated with human ratings than existing metrics for our new dataset, across different human templates, and on TIFA160.
comment: Accepted to ICLR 2025 (Spotlight)
♻ ☆ VAPO: Visibility-Aware Keypoint Localization for Efficient 6DoF Object Pose Estimation
Localizing predefined 3D keypoints in a 2D image is an effective way to establish 3D-2D correspondences for 6DoF object pose estimation. However, unreliable localization results of invisible keypoints degrade the quality of correspondences. In this paper, we address this issue by localizing the important keypoints in terms of visibility. Since keypoint visibility information is currently missing in the dataset collection process, we propose an efficient way to generate binary visibility labels from available object-level annotations, for keypoints of both asymmetric objects and symmetric objects. We further derive real-valued visibility-aware importance from binary labels based on the PageRank algorithm. Taking advantage of the flexibility of our visibility-aware importance, we construct VAPO (Visibility-Aware POse estimator) by integrating the visibility-aware importance with a state-of-the-art pose estimation algorithm, along with additional positional encoding. VAPO can work in both CAD-based and CAD-free settings. Extensive experiments are conducted on popular pose estimation benchmarks including Linemod, Linemod-Occlusion, and YCB-V, demonstrating that VAPO clearly achieves state-of-the-art performances. Our code is available at
♻ ☆ LayerAct: Advanced Activation Mechanism for Robust Inference of CNNs AAAI 25
In this work, we propose a novel activation mechanism called LayerAct for CNNs. This approach is motivated by our theoretical and experimental analyses, which demonstrate that Layer Normalization (LN) can mitigate a limitation of existing activation functions regarding noise robustness. However, LN is known to be disadvantageous in CNNs due to its tendency to make activation outputs homogeneous. The proposed method is designed to be more robust than existing activation functions by reducing the upper bound of influence caused by input shifts without inheriting LN's limitation. We provide analyses and experiments showing that LayerAct functions exhibit superior robustness compared to ElementAct functions. Experimental results on three clean and noisy benchmark datasets for image classification tasks indicate that LayerAct functions outperform other activation functions in handling noisy datasets while achieving superior performance on clean datasets in most cases.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables except acknowledge, reference, and appendix. Accepted for the main track of AAAI 25
♻ ☆ STEFANN: Scene Text Editor using Font Adaptive Neural Network CVPR
Textual information in a captured scene plays an important role in scene interpretation and decision making. Though there exist methods that can successfully detect and interpret complex text regions present in a scene, to the best of our knowledge, there is no significant prior work that aims to modify the textual information in an image. The ability to edit text directly on images has several advantages including error correction, text restoration and image reusability. In this paper, we propose a method to modify text in an image at character-level. We approach the problem in two stages. At first, the unobserved character (target) is generated from an observed character (source) being modified. We propose two different neural network architectures - (a) FANnet to achieve structural consistency with source font and (b) Colornet to preserve source color. Next, we replace the source character with the generated character maintaining both geometric and visual consistency with neighboring characters. Our method works as a unified platform for modifying text in images. We present the effectiveness of our method on COCO-Text and ICDAR datasets both qualitatively and quantitatively.
comment: Accepted in The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2020
Machine Learning 150
☆ Re-Align: Aligning Vision Language Models via Retrieval-Augmented Direct Preference Optimization
The emergence of large Vision Language Models (VLMs) has broadened the scope and capabilities of single-modal Large Language Models (LLMs) by integrating visual modalities, thereby unlocking transformative cross-modal applications in a variety of real-world scenarios. Despite their impressive performance, VLMs are prone to significant hallucinations, particularly in the form of cross-modal inconsistencies. Building on the success of Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) in aligning LLMs, recent advancements have focused on applying direct preference optimization (DPO) on carefully curated datasets to mitigate these issues. Yet, such approaches typically introduce preference signals in a brute-force manner, neglecting the crucial role of visual information in the alignment process. In this paper, we introduce Re-Align, a novel alignment framework that leverages image retrieval to construct a dual-preference dataset, effectively incorporating both textual and visual preference signals. We further introduce rDPO, an extension of the standard direct preference optimization that incorporates an additional visual preference objective during fine-tuning. Our experimental results demonstrate that Re-Align not only mitigates hallucinations more effectively than previous methods but also yields significant performance gains in general visual question-answering (VQA) tasks. Moreover, we show that Re-Align maintains robustness and scalability across a wide range of VLM sizes and architectures. This work represents a significant step forward in aligning multimodal LLMs, paving the way for more reliable and effective cross-modal applications. We release all the code in
comment: 15 pages
☆ UniGuardian: A Unified Defense for Detecting Prompt Injection, Backdoor Attacks and Adversarial Attacks in Large Language Models
Large Language Models (LLMs) are vulnerable to attacks like prompt injection, backdoor attacks, and adversarial attacks, which manipulate prompts or models to generate harmful outputs. In this paper, departing from traditional deep learning attack paradigms, we explore their intrinsic relationship and collectively term them Prompt Trigger Attacks (PTA). This raises a key question: Can we determine if a prompt is benign or poisoned? To address this, we propose UniGuardian, the first unified defense mechanism designed to detect prompt injection, backdoor attacks, and adversarial attacks in LLMs. Additionally, we introduce a single-forward strategy to optimize the detection pipeline, enabling simultaneous attack detection and text generation within a single forward pass. Our experiments confirm that UniGuardian accurately and efficiently identifies malicious prompts in LLMs.
comment: 18 Pages, 8 Figures, 5 Tables, Keywords: Attack Defending, Security, Prompt Injection, Backdoor Attacks, Adversarial Attacks, Prompt Trigger Attacks
☆ Towards Quantum Tensor Decomposition in Biomedical Applications
Tensor decomposition has emerged as a powerful framework for feature extraction in multi-modal biomedical data. In this review, we present a comprehensive analysis of tensor decomposition methods such as Tucker, CANDECOMP/PARAFAC, spiked tensor decomposition, etc. and their diverse applications across biomedical domains such as imaging, multi-omics, and spatial transcriptomics. To systematically investigate the literature, we applied a topic modeling-based approach that identifies and groups distinct thematic sub-areas in biomedicine where tensor decomposition has been used, thereby revealing key trends and research directions. We evaluated challenges related to the scalability of latent spaces along with obtaining the optimal rank of the tensor, which often hinder the extraction of meaningful features from increasingly large and complex datasets. Additionally, we discuss recent advances in quantum algorithms for tensor decomposition, exploring how quantum computing can be leveraged to address these challenges. Our study includes a preliminary resource estimation analysis for quantum computing platforms and examines the feasibility of implementing quantum-enhanced tensor decomposition methods on near-term quantum devices. Collectively, this review not only synthesizes current applications and challenges of tensor decomposition in biomedical analyses but also outlines promising quantum computing strategies to enhance its impact on deriving actionable insights from complex biomedical data.
comment: 31 pages, 7 figures
☆ AIDE: AI-Driven Exploration in the Space of Code
Machine learning, the foundation of modern artificial intelligence, has driven innovations that have fundamentally transformed the world. Yet, behind advancements lies a complex and often tedious process requiring labor and compute intensive iteration and experimentation. Engineers and scientists developing machine learning models spend much of their time on trial-and-error tasks instead of conceptualizing innovative solutions or research hypotheses. To address this challenge, we introduce AI-Driven Exploration (AIDE), a machine learning engineering agent powered by large language models (LLMs). AIDE frames machine learning engineering as a code optimization problem, and formulates trial-and-error as a tree search in the space of potential solutions. By strategically reusing and refining promising solutions, AIDE effectively trades computational resources for enhanced performance, achieving state-of-the-art results on multiple machine learning engineering benchmarks, including our Kaggle evaluations, OpenAI MLE-Bench and METRs RE-Bench.
☆ Sleepless Nights, Sugary Days: Creating Synthetic Users with Health Conditions for Realistic Coaching Agent Interactions
We present an end-to-end framework for generating synthetic users for evaluating interactive agents designed to encourage positive behavior changes, such as in health and lifestyle coaching. The synthetic users are grounded in health and lifestyle conditions, specifically sleep and diabetes management in this study, to ensure realistic interactions with the health coaching agent. Synthetic users are created in two stages: first, structured data are generated grounded in real-world health and lifestyle factors in addition to basic demographics and behavioral attributes; second, full profiles of the synthetic users are developed conditioned on the structured data. Interactions between synthetic users and the coaching agent are simulated using generative agent-based models such as Concordia, or directly by prompting a language model. Using two independently-developed agents for sleep and diabetes coaching as case studies, the validity of this framework is demonstrated by analyzing the coaching agent's understanding of the synthetic users' needs and challenges. Finally, through multiple blinded evaluations of user-coach interactions by human experts, we demonstrate that our synthetic users with health and behavioral attributes more accurately portray real human users with the same attributes, compared to generic synthetic users not grounded in such attributes. The proposed framework lays the foundation for efficient development of conversational agents through extensive, realistic, and grounded simulated interactions.
☆ RHINO: Learning Real-Time Humanoid-Human-Object Interaction from Human Demonstrations
Humanoid robots have shown success in locomotion and manipulation. Despite these basic abilities, humanoids are still required to quickly understand human instructions and react based on human interaction signals to become valuable assistants in human daily life. Unfortunately, most existing works only focus on multi-stage interactions, treating each task separately, and neglecting real-time feedback. In this work, we aim to empower humanoid robots with real-time reaction abilities to achieve various tasks, allowing human to interrupt robots at any time, and making robots respond to humans immediately. To support such abilities, we propose a general humanoid-human-object interaction framework, named RHINO, i.e., Real-time Humanoid-human Interaction and Object manipulation. RHINO provides a unified view of reactive motion, instruction-based manipulation, and safety concerns, over multiple human signal modalities, such as languages, images, and motions. RHINO is a hierarchical learning framework, enabling humanoids to learn reaction skills from human-human-object demonstrations and teleoperation data. In particular, it decouples the interaction process into two levels: 1) a high-level planner inferring human intentions from real-time human behaviors; and 2) a low-level controller achieving reactive motion behaviors and object manipulation skills based on the predicted intentions. We evaluate the proposed framework on a real humanoid robot and demonstrate its effectiveness, flexibility, and safety in various scenarios.
comment: Project website:
☆ Learning to Defer for Causal Discovery with Imperfect Experts
Integrating expert knowledge, e.g. from large language models, into causal discovery algorithms can be challenging when the knowledge is not guaranteed to be correct. Expert recommendations may contradict data-driven results, and their reliability can vary significantly depending on the domain or specific query. Existing methods based on soft constraints or inconsistencies in predicted causal relationships fail to account for these variations in expertise. To remedy this, we propose L2D-CD, a method for gauging the correctness of expert recommendations and optimally combining them with data-driven causal discovery results. By adapting learning-to-defer (L2D) algorithms for pairwise causal discovery (CD), we learn a deferral function that selects whether to rely on classical causal discovery methods using numerical data or expert recommendations based on textual meta-data. We evaluate L2D-CD on the canonical T\"ubingen pairs dataset and demonstrate its superior performance compared to both the causal discovery method and the expert used in isolation. Moreover, our approach identifies domains where the expert's performance is strong or weak. Finally, we outline a strategy for generalizing this approach to causal discovery on graphs with more than two variables, paving the way for further research in this area.
☆ Magma: A Foundation Model for Multimodal AI Agents
We present Magma, a foundation model that serves multimodal AI agentic tasks in both the digital and physical worlds. Magma is a significant extension of vision-language (VL) models in that it not only retains the VL understanding ability (verbal intelligence) of the latter, but is also equipped with the ability to plan and act in the visual-spatial world (spatial-temporal intelligence) and complete agentic tasks ranging from UI navigation to robot manipulation. To endow the agentic capabilities, Magma is pretrained on large amounts of heterogeneous datasets spanning from images, videos to robotics data, where the actionable visual objects (e.g., clickable buttons in GUI) in images are labeled by Set-of-Mark (SoM) for action grounding, and the object movements (e.g., the trace of human hands or robotic arms) in videos are labeled by Trace-of-Mark (ToM) for action planning. Extensive experiments show that SoM and ToM reach great synergy and facilitate the acquisition of spatial-temporal intelligence for our Magma model, which is fundamental to a wide range of tasks as shown in Fig.1. In particular, Magma creates new state-of-the-art results on UI navigation and robotic manipulation tasks, outperforming previous models that are specifically tailored to these tasks. On image and video-related multimodal tasks, Magma also compares favorably to popular large multimodal models that are trained on much larger datasets. We make our model and code public for reproducibility at
comment: 29 pages, 16 figures, technical report from MSR
☆ Near-Optimal Private Learning in Linear Contextual Bandits
We analyze the problem of private learning in generalized linear contextual bandits. Our approach is based on a novel method of re-weighted regression, yielding an efficient algorithm with regret of order $\sqrt{T}+\frac{1}{\alpha}$ and $\sqrt{T}/\alpha$ in the joint and local model of $\alpha$-privacy, respectively. Further, we provide near-optimal private procedures that achieve dimension-independent rates in private linear models and linear contextual bandits. In particular, our results imply that joint privacy is almost "for free" in all the settings we consider, partially addressing the open problem posed by Azize and Basu (2024).
☆ Constrained Online Convex Optimization with Polyak Feasibility Steps
In this work, we study online convex optimization with a fixed constraint function $g : \mathbb{R}^d \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$. Prior work on this problem has shown $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret and cumulative constraint satisfaction $\sum_{t=1}^{T} g(x_t) \leq 0$, while only accessing the constraint value and subgradient at the played actions $g(x_t), \partial g(x_t)$. Using the same constraint information, we show a stronger guarantee of anytime constraint satisfaction $g(x_t) \leq 0 \ \forall t \in [T]$, and matching $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret guarantees. These contributions are thanks to our approach of using Polyak feasibility steps to ensure constraint satisfaction, without sacrificing regret. Specifically, after each step of online gradient descent, our algorithm applies a subgradient descent step on the constraint function where the step-size is chosen according to the celebrated Polyak step-size. We further validate this approach with numerical experiments.
comment: 20 pages, 2 figures
☆ MLPs at the EOC: Dynamics of Feature Learning
Since infinitely wide neural networks in the kernel regime are random feature models, the success of contemporary deep learning lies in the rich regime, where a satisfying theory should explain not only the convergence of gradient descent but the learning of features along the way. Such a theory should also cover phenomena observed by practicioners including the Edge of Stability (EOS) and the catapult mechanism. For a practically relevant theory in the limit, neural network parameterizations have to efficiently reproduce limiting behavior as width and depth are scaled up. While widthwise scaling is mostly settled, depthwise scaling is solved only at initialization by the Edge of Chaos (EOC). During training, scaling up depth is either done by inversely scaling the learning rate or adding residual connections. We propose $(1)$ the Normalized Update Parameterization ($\nu$P) to solve this issue by growing hidden layer sizes depthwise inducing the regularized evolution of preactivations, $(2)$ a hypothetical explanation for feature learning via the cosine of new and cumulative parameter updates and $(3)$ a geometry-aware learning rate schedule that is able to prolong the catapult phase indefinitely. We support our hypotheses and demonstrate the usefulness of $\nu$P and the learning rate schedule by empirical evidence.
comment: 15 pages, 2 figures
☆ Improving Clinical Question Answering with Multi-Task Learning: A Joint Approach for Answer Extraction and Medical Categorization
Clinical Question Answering (CQA) plays a crucial role in medical decision-making, enabling physicians to extract relevant information from Electronic Medical Records (EMRs). While transformer-based models such as BERT, BioBERT, and ClinicalBERT have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in CQA, existing models lack the ability to categorize extracted answers, which is critical for structured retrieval, content filtering, and medical decision support. To address this limitation, we introduce a Multi-Task Learning (MTL) framework that jointly trains CQA models for both answer extraction and medical categorization. In addition to predicting answer spans, our model classifies responses into five standardized medical categories: Diagnosis, Medication, Symptoms, Procedure, and Lab Reports. This categorization enables more structured and interpretable outputs, making clinical QA models more useful in real-world healthcare settings. We evaluate our approach on emrQA, a large-scale dataset for medical question answering. Results show that MTL improves F1-score by 2.2% compared to standard fine-tuning, while achieving 90.7% accuracy in answer categorization. These findings suggest that MTL not only enhances CQA performance but also introduces an effective mechanism for categorization and structured medical information retrieval.
☆ MatterChat: A Multi-Modal LLM for Material Science
Understanding and predicting the properties of inorganic materials is crucial for accelerating advancements in materials science and driving applications in energy, electronics, and beyond. Integrating material structure data with language-based information through multi-modal large language models (LLMs) offers great potential to support these efforts by enhancing human-AI interaction. However, a key challenge lies in integrating atomic structures at full resolution into LLMs. In this work, we introduce MatterChat, a versatile structure-aware multi-modal LLM that unifies material structural data and textual inputs into a single cohesive model. MatterChat employs a bridging module to effectively align a pretrained machine learning interatomic potential with a pretrained LLM, reducing training costs and enhancing flexibility. Our results demonstrate that MatterChat significantly improves performance in material property prediction and human-AI interaction, surpassing general-purpose LLMs such as GPT-4. We also demonstrate its usefulness in applications such as more advanced scientific reasoning and step-by-step material synthesis.
☆ Enhanced uncertainty quantification variational autoencoders for the solution of Bayesian inverse problems
Among other uses, neural networks are a powerful tool for solving deterministic and Bayesian inverse problems in real-time. In the Bayesian framework, variational autoencoders, a specialized type of neural network, enable the estimation of model parameters and their distribution based on observational data allowing to perform real-time inverse uncertainty quantification. In this work, we build upon existing research [Goh, H. et al., Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 2022] by proposing a novel loss function to train variational autoencoders for Bayesian inverse problems. When the forward map is affine, we provide a theoretical proof of the convergence of the latent states of variational autoencoders to the posterior distribution of the model parameters. We validate this theoretical result through numerical tests and we compare the proposed variational autoencoder with the existing one in the literature. Finally, we test the proposed variational autoencoder on the Laplace equation.
☆ Understanding and Rectifying Safety Perception Distortion in VLMs
Recent studies reveal that vision-language models (VLMs) become more susceptible to harmful requests and jailbreak attacks after integrating the vision modality, exhibiting greater vulnerability than their text-only LLM backbones. To uncover the root cause of this phenomenon, we conduct an in-depth analysis and identify a key issue: multimodal inputs introduce an modality-induced activation shift toward a "safer" direction compared to their text-only counterparts, leading VLMs to systematically overestimate the safety of harmful inputs. We refer to this issue as safety perception distortion. To mitigate such distortion, we propose Activation Shift Disentanglement and Calibration (ShiftDC), a training-free method that decomposes and calibrates the modality-induced activation shift to reduce the impact of modality on safety. By isolating and removing the safety-relevant component, ShiftDC restores the inherent safety alignment of the LLM backbone while preserving the vision-language capabilities of VLMs. Empirical results demonstrate that ShiftDC significantly enhances alignment performance on safety benchmarks without impairing model utility.
☆ tn4ml: Tensor Network Training and Customization for Machine Learning
Tensor Networks have emerged as a prominent alternative to neural networks for addressing Machine Learning challenges in foundational sciences, paving the way for their applications to real-life problems. This paper introduces tn4ml, a novel library designed to seamlessly integrate Tensor Networks into optimization pipelines for Machine Learning tasks. Inspired by existing Machine Learning frameworks, the library offers a user-friendly structure with modules for data embedding, objective function definition, and model training using diverse optimization strategies. We demonstrate its versatility through two examples: supervised learning on tabular data and unsupervised learning on an image dataset. Additionally, we analyze how customizing the parts of the Machine Learning pipeline for Tensor Networks influences performance metrics.
☆ A Neural Difference-of-Entropies Estimator for Mutual Information
Estimating Mutual Information (MI), a key measure of dependence of random quantities without specific modelling assumptions, is a challenging problem in high dimensions. We propose a novel mutual information estimator based on parametrizing conditional densities using normalizing flows, a deep generative model that has gained popularity in recent years. This estimator leverages a block autoregressive structure to achieve improved bias-variance trade-offs on standard benchmark tasks.
comment: 23 pages, 17 figures
☆ BOLIMES: Boruta and LIME optiMized fEature Selection for Gene Expression Classification
Gene expression classification is a pivotal yet challenging task in bioinformatics, primarily due to the high dimensionality of genomic data and the risk of overfitting. To bridge this gap, we propose BOLIMES, a novel feature selection algorithm designed to enhance gene expression classification by systematically refining the feature subset. Unlike conventional methods that rely solely on statistical ranking or classifier-specific selection, we integrate the robustness of Boruta with the interpretability of LIME, ensuring that only the most relevant and influential genes are retained. BOLIMES first employs Boruta to filter out non-informative genes by comparing each feature against its randomized counterpart, thus preserving valuable information. It then uses LIME to rank the remaining genes based on their local importance to the classifier. Finally, an iterative classification evaluation determines the optimal feature subset by selecting the number of genes that maximizes predictive accuracy. By combining exhaustive feature selection with interpretability-driven refinement, our solution effectively balances dimensionality reduction with high classification performance, offering a powerful solution for high-dimensional gene expression analysis.
☆ Cramming 1568 Tokens into a Single Vector and Back Again: Exploring the Limits of Embedding Space Capacity
A range of recent works addresses the problem of compression of sequence of tokens into a shorter sequence of real-valued vectors to be used as inputs instead of token embeddings or key-value cache. These approaches allow to reduce the amount of compute in existing language models. Despite relying on powerful models as encoders, the maximum attainable lossless compression ratio is typically not higher than x10. This fact is highly intriguing because, in theory, the maximum information capacity of large real-valued vectors is far beyond the presented rates even for 16-bit precision and a modest vector size. In this work, we explore the limits of compression by replacing the encoder with a per-sample optimization procedure. We show that vectors with compression ratios up to x1500 exist, which highlights two orders of magnitude gap between existing and practically attainable solutions. Furthermore, we empirically show that the compression limits are determined not by the length of the input but by the amount of uncertainty to be reduced, namely, the cross-entropy loss on this sequence without any conditioning. The obtained limits highlight the substantial gap between the theoretical capacity of input embeddings and their practical utilization, suggesting significant room for optimization in model design.
☆ Improved Fine-Tuning of Large Multimodal Models for Hateful Meme Detection
Hateful memes have become a significant concern on the Internet, necessitating robust automated detection systems. While large multimodal models have shown strong generalization across various tasks, they exhibit poor generalization to hateful meme detection due to the dynamic nature of memes tied to emerging social trends and breaking news. Recent work further highlights the limitations of conventional supervised fine-tuning for large multimodal models in this context. To address these challenges, we propose Large Multimodal Model Retrieval-Guided Contrastive Learning (LMM-RGCL), a novel two-stage fine-tuning framework designed to improve both in-domain accuracy and cross-domain generalization. Experimental results on six widely used meme classification datasets demonstrate that LMM-RGCL achieves state-of-the-art performance, outperforming agent-based systems such as VPD-PALI-X-55B. Furthermore, our method effectively generalizes to out-of-domain memes under low-resource settings, surpassing models like GPT-4o.
comment: Preprint. Under Review
☆ Benchmarking MedMNIST dataset on real quantum hardware
Quantum machine learning (QML) has emerged as a promising domain to leverage the computational capabilities of quantum systems to solve complex classification tasks. In this work, we present first comprehensive QML study by benchmarking the MedMNIST-a diverse collection of medical imaging datasets on a 127-qubit real IBM quantum hardware, to evaluate the feasibility and performance of quantum models (without any classical neural networks) in practical applications. This study explore recent advancements in quantum computing such as device-aware quantum circuits, error suppression and mitigation for medical image classification. Our methodology comprised of three stages: preprocessing, generation of noise-resilient and hardware-efficient quantum circuits, optimizing/training of quantum circuits on classical hardware, and inference on real IBM quantum hardware. Firstly, we process all input images in the preprocessing stage to reduce the spatial dimension due to the quantum hardware limitations. We generate hardware-efficient quantum circuits using backend properties expressible to learn complex patterns for medical image classification. After classical optimization of QML models, we perform the inference on real quantum hardware. We also incorporates advanced error suppression and mitigation techniques in our QML workflow including dynamical decoupling (DD), gate twirling, and matrix-free measurement mitigation (M3) to mitigate the effects of noise and improve classification performance. The experimental results showcase the potential of quantum computing for medical imaging and establishes a benchmark for future advancements in QML applied to healthcare.
☆ LAMD: Context-driven Android Malware Detection and Classification with LLMs
The rapid growth of mobile applications has escalated Android malware threats. Although there are numerous detection methods, they often struggle with evolving attacks, dataset biases, and limited explainability. Large Language Models (LLMs) offer a promising alternative with their zero-shot inference and reasoning capabilities. However, applying LLMs to Android malware detection presents two key challenges: (1)the extensive support code in Android applications, often spanning thousands of classes, exceeds LLMs' context limits and obscures malicious behavior within benign functionality; (2)the structural complexity and interdependencies of Android applications surpass LLMs' sequence-based reasoning, fragmenting code analysis and hindering malicious intent inference. To address these challenges, we propose LAMD, a practical context-driven framework to enable LLM-based Android malware detection. LAMD integrates key context extraction to isolate security-critical code regions and construct program structures, then applies tier-wise code reasoning to analyze application behavior progressively, from low-level instructions to high-level semantics, providing final prediction and explanation. A well-designed factual consistency verification mechanism is equipped to mitigate LLM hallucinations from the first tier. Evaluation in real-world settings demonstrates LAMD's effectiveness over conventional detectors, establishing a feasible basis for LLM-driven malware analysis in dynamic threat landscapes.
☆ $k$-Graph: A Graph Embedding for Interpretable Time Series Clustering
Time series clustering poses a significant challenge with diverse applications across domains. A prominent drawback of existing solutions lies in their limited interpretability, often confined to presenting users with centroids. In addressing this gap, our work presents $k$-Graph, an unsupervised method explicitly crafted to augment interpretability in time series clustering. Leveraging a graph representation of time series subsequences, $k$-Graph constructs multiple graph representations based on different subsequence lengths. This feature accommodates variable-length time series without requiring users to predetermine subsequence lengths. Our experimental results reveal that $k$-Graph outperforms current state-of-the-art time series clustering algorithms in accuracy, while providing users with meaningful explanations and interpretations of the clustering outcomes.
☆ Natural Language Generation from Visual Sequences: Challenges and Future Directions
The ability to use natural language to talk about visual content is at the core of human intelligence and a crucial feature of any artificial intelligence system. Various studies have focused on generating text for single images. In contrast, comparatively little attention has been paid to exhaustively analyzing and advancing work on multiple-image vision-to-text settings. In this position paper, we claim that any task dealing with temporally ordered sequences of multiple images or frames is an instance of a broader, more general problem involving the understanding of intricate relationships between the visual content and the corresponding text. We comprehensively analyze five tasks that are instances of this problem and argue that they pose a common set of challenges and share similarities in terms of modeling and evaluation approaches. Based on the insights from these various aspects and stages of multi-image-to-text generation, we highlight several open questions and suggest future research directions. We believe that these directions can advance the understanding of complex phenomena in this domain and the development of better models.
☆ Likelihood-Ratio Regularized Quantile Regression: Adapting Conformal Prediction to High-Dimensional Covariate Shifts
We consider the problem of conformal prediction under covariate shift. Given labeled data from a source domain and unlabeled data from a covariate shifted target domain, we seek to construct prediction sets with valid marginal coverage in the target domain. Most existing methods require estimating the unknown likelihood ratio function, which can be prohibitive for high-dimensional data such as images. To address this challenge, we introduce the likelihood ratio regularized quantile regression (LR-QR) algorithm, which combines the pinball loss with a novel choice of regularization in order to construct a threshold function without directly estimating the unknown likelihood ratio. We show that the LR-QR method has coverage at the desired level in the target domain, up to a small error term that we can control. Our proofs draw on a novel analysis of coverage via stability bounds from learning theory. Our experiments demonstrate that the LR-QR algorithm outperforms existing methods on high-dimensional prediction tasks, including a regression task for the Communities and Crime dataset, and an image classification task from the WILDS repository.
☆ Agentic Deep Graph Reasoning Yields Self-Organizing Knowledge Networks
We present an agentic, autonomous graph expansion framework that iteratively structures and refines knowledge in situ. Unlike conventional knowledge graph construction methods relying on static extraction or single-pass learning, our approach couples a reasoning-native large language model with a continually updated graph representation. At each step, the system actively generates new concepts and relationships, merges them into a global graph, and formulates subsequent prompts based on its evolving structure. Through this feedback-driven loop, the model organizes information into a scale-free network characterized by hub formation, stable modularity, and bridging nodes that link disparate knowledge clusters. Over hundreds of iterations, new nodes and edges continue to appear without saturating, while centrality measures and shortest path distributions evolve to yield increasingly distributed connectivity. Our analysis reveals emergent patterns, such as the rise of highly connected 'hub' concepts and the shifting influence of 'bridge' nodes, indicating that agentic, self-reinforcing graph construction can yield open-ended, coherent knowledge structures. Applied to materials design problems, we present compositional reasoning experiments by extracting node-specific and synergy-level principles to foster genuinely novel knowledge synthesis, yielding cross-domain ideas that transcend rote summarization and strengthen the framework's potential for open-ended scientific discovery. We discuss other applications in scientific discovery and outline future directions for enhancing scalability and interpretability.
☆ Fragility-aware Classification for Understanding Risk and Improving Generalization
Classification models play a critical role in data-driven decision-making applications such as medical diagnosis, user profiling, recommendation systems, and default detection. Traditional performance metrics, such as accuracy, focus on overall error rates but fail to account for the confidence of incorrect predictions, thereby overlooking the risk of confident misjudgments. This risk is particularly significant in cost-sensitive and safety-critical domains like medical diagnosis and autonomous driving, where overconfident false predictions may cause severe consequences. To address this issue, we introduce the Fragility Index (FI), a novel metric that evaluates classification performance from a risk-averse perspective by explicitly capturing the tail risk of confident misjudgments. To enhance generalizability, we define FI within the robust satisficing (RS) framework, incorporating data uncertainty. We further develop a model training approach that optimizes FI while maintaining tractability for common loss functions. Specifically, we derive exact reformulations for cross-entropy loss, hinge-type loss, and Lipschitz loss, and extend the approach to deep learning models. Through synthetic experiments and real-world medical diagnosis tasks, we demonstrate that FI effectively identifies misjudgment risk and FI-based training improves model robustness and generalizability. Finally, we extend our framework to deep neural network training, further validating its effectiveness in enhancing deep learning models.
Detection and Geographic Localization of Natural Objects in the Wild: A Case Study on Palms
Palms are ecologically and economically indicators of tropical forest health, biodiversity, and human impact that support local economies and global forest product supply chains. While palm detection in plantations is well-studied, efforts to map naturally occurring palms in dense forests remain limited by overlapping crowns, uneven shading, and heterogeneous landscapes. We develop PRISM (Processing, Inference, Segmentation, and Mapping), a flexible pipeline for detecting and localizing palms in dense tropical forests using large orthomosaic images. Orthomosaics are created from thousands of aerial images and spanning several to hundreds of gigabytes. Our contributions are threefold. First, we construct a large UAV-derived orthomosaic dataset collected across 21 ecologically diverse sites in western Ecuador, annotated with 8,830 bounding boxes and 5,026 palm center points. Second, we evaluate multiple state-of-the-art object detectors based on efficiency and performance, integrating zero-shot SAM 2 as the segmentation backbone, and refining the results for precise geographic mapping. Third, we apply calibration methods to align confidence scores with IoU and explore saliency maps for feature explainability. Though optimized for palms, PRISM is adaptable for identifying other natural objects, such as eastern white pines. Future work will explore transfer learning for lower-resolution datasets (0.5 to 1m).
comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables
☆ Efficient and Sharp Off-Policy Learning under Unobserved Confounding
We develop a novel method for personalized off-policy learning in scenarios with unobserved confounding. Thereby, we address a key limitation of standard policy learning: standard policy learning assumes unconfoundedness, meaning that no unobserved factors influence both treatment assignment and outcomes. However, this assumption is often violated, because of which standard policy learning produces biased estimates and thus leads to policies that can be harmful. To address this limitation, we employ causal sensitivity analysis and derive a statistically efficient estimator for a sharp bound on the value function under unobserved confounding. Our estimator has three advantages: (1) Unlike existing works, our estimator avoids unstable minimax optimization based on inverse propensity weighted outcomes. (2) Our estimator is statistically efficient. (3) We prove that our estimator leads to the optimal confounding-robust policy. Finally, we extend our theory to the related task of policy improvement under unobserved confounding, i.e., when a baseline policy such as the standard of care is available. We show in experiments with synthetic and real-world data that our method outperforms simple plug-in approaches and existing baselines. Our method is highly relevant for decision-making where unobserved confounding can be problematic, such as in healthcare and public policy.
☆ Edge-Colored Clustering in Hypergraphs: Beyond Minimizing Unsatisfied Edges
We consider a framework for clustering edge-colored hypergraphs, where the goal is to cluster (equivalently, to color) objects based on the primary type of multiway interactions they participate in. One well-studied objective is to color nodes to minimize the number of unsatisfied hyperedges -- those containing one or more nodes whose color does not match the hyperedge color. We motivate and present advances for several directions that extend beyond this minimization problem. We first provide new algorithms for maximizing satisfied edges, which is the same at optimality but is much more challenging to approximate, with all prior work restricted to graphs. We develop the first approximation algorithm for hypergraphs, and then refine it to improve the best-known approximation factor for graphs. We then introduce new objective functions that incorporate notions of balance and fairness, and provide new hardness results, approximations, and fixed-parameter tractability results.
☆ Asymptotic Optimism of Random-Design Linear and Kernel Regression Models
We derived the closed-form asymptotic optimism of linear regression models under random designs, and generalizes it to kernel ridge regression. Using scaled asymptotic optimism as a generic predictive model complexity measure, we studied the fundamental different behaviors of linear regression model, tangent kernel (NTK) regression model and three-layer fully connected neural networks (NN). Our contribution is two-fold: we provided theoretical ground for using scaled optimism as a model predictive complexity measure; and we show empirically that NN with ReLUs behaves differently from kernel models under this measure. With resampling techniques, we can also compute the optimism for regression models with real data.
comment: 56 pages;
☆ Personalized Top-k Set Queries Over Predicted Scores
This work studies the applicability of expensive external oracles such as large language models in answering top-k queries over predicted scores. Such scores are incurred by user-defined functions to answer personalized queries over multi-modal data. We propose a generic computational framework that handles arbitrary set-based scoring functions, as long as the functions could be decomposed into constructs, each of which sent to an oracle (in our case an LLM) to predict partial scores. At a given point in time, the framework assumes a set of responses and their partial predicted scores, and it maintains a collection of possible sets that are likely to be the true top-k. Since calling oracles is costly, our framework judiciously identifies the next construct, i.e., the next best question to ask the oracle so as to maximize the likelihood of identifying the true top-k. We present a principled probabilistic model that quantifies that likelihood. We study efficiency opportunities in designing algorithms. We run an evaluation with three large scale datasets, scoring functions, and baselines. Experiments indicate the efficacy of our framework, as it achieves an order of magnitude improvement over baselines in requiring LLM calls while ensuring result accuracy. Scalability experiments further indicate that our framework could be used in large-scale applications.
☆ Approximate Tree Completion and Learning-Augmented Algorithms for Metric Minimum Spanning Trees
Finding a minimum spanning tree (MST) for $n$ points in an arbitrary metric space is a fundamental primitive for hierarchical clustering and many other ML tasks, but this takes $\Omega(n^2)$ time to even approximate. We introduce a framework for metric MSTs that first (1) finds a forest of disconnected components using practical heuristics, and then (2) finds a small weight set of edges to connect disjoint components of the forest into a spanning tree. We prove that optimally solving the second step still takes $\Omega(n^2)$ time, but we provide a subquadratic 2.62-approximation algorithm. In the spirit of learning-augmented algorithms, we then show that if the forest found in step (1) overlaps with an optimal MST, we can approximate the original MST problem in subquadratic time, where the approximation factor depends on a measure of overlap. In practice, we find nearly optimal spanning trees for a wide range of metrics, while being orders of magnitude faster than exact algorithms.
☆ Ensemble Kalman filter in latent space using a variational autoencoder pair
Popular (ensemble) Kalman filter data assimilation (DA) approaches assume that the errors in both the a priori estimate of the state and those in the observations are Gaussian. For constrained variables, e.g. sea ice concentration or stress, such an assumption does not hold. The variational autoencoder (VAE) is a machine learning (ML) technique that allows to map an arbitrary distribution to/from a latent space in which the distribution is supposedly closer to a Gaussian. We propose a novel hybrid DA-ML approach in which VAEs are incorporated in the DA procedure. Specifically, we introduce a variant of the popular ensemble transform Kalman filter (ETKF) in which the analysis is applied in the latent space of a single VAE or a pair of VAEs. In twin experiments with a simple circular model, whereby the circle represents an underlying submanifold to be respected, we find that the use of a VAE ensures that a posteri ensemble members lie close to the manifold containing the truth. Furthermore, online updating of the VAE is necessary and achievable when this manifold varies in time, i.e. when it is non-stationary. We demonstrate that introducing an additional second latent space for the observational innovations improves robustness against detrimental effects of non-Gaussianity and bias in the observational errors but it slightly lessens the performance if observational errors are strictly Gaussian.
☆ Sailor2: Sailing in South-East Asia with Inclusive Multilingual LLMs
Sailor2 is a family of cutting-edge multilingual language models for South-East Asian (SEA) languages, available in 1B, 8B, and 20B sizes to suit diverse applications. Building on Qwen2.5, Sailor2 undergoes continuous pre-training on 500B tokens (400B SEA-specific and 100B replay tokens) to support 13 SEA languages while retaining proficiency in Chinese and English. Sailor2-20B model achieves a 50-50 win rate against GPT-4o across SEA languages. We also deliver a comprehensive cookbook on how to develop the multilingual model in an efficient manner, including five key aspects: data curation, pre-training, post-training, model customization and evaluation. We hope that Sailor2 model (Apache 2.0 license) will drive language development in the SEA region, and Sailor2 cookbook will inspire researchers to build more inclusive LLMs for other under-served languages.
comment: 49 pages, 16 figures. Technical Report of Sailor2:
☆ Towards Variational Flow Matching on General Geometries
We introduce Riemannian Gaussian Variational Flow Matching (RG-VFM), an extension of Variational Flow Matching (VFM) that leverages Riemannian Gaussian distributions for generative modeling on structured manifolds. We derive a variational objective for probability flows on manifolds with closed-form geodesics, making RG-VFM comparable - though fundamentally different to Riemannian Flow Matching (RFM) in this geometric setting. Experiments on a checkerboard dataset wrapped on the sphere demonstrate that RG-VFM captures geometric structure more effectively than Euclidean VFM and baseline methods, establishing it as a robust framework for manifold-aware generative modeling.
☆ Electron flow matching for generative reaction mechanism prediction obeying conservation laws
Central to our understanding of chemical reactivity is the principle of mass conservation, which is fundamental for ensuring physical consistency, balancing equations, and guiding reaction design. However, data-driven computational models for tasks such as reaction product prediction rarely abide by this most basic constraint. In this work, we recast the problem of reaction prediction as a problem of electron redistribution using the modern deep generative framework of flow matching. Our model, FlowER, overcomes limitations inherent in previous approaches by enforcing exact mass conservation, thereby resolving hallucinatory failure modes, recovering mechanistic reaction sequences for unseen substrate scaffolds, and generalizing effectively to out-of-domain reaction classes with extremely data-efficient fine-tuning. FlowER additionally enables estimation of thermodynamic or kinetic feasibility and manifests a degree of chemical intuition in reaction prediction tasks. This inherently interpretable framework represents a significant step in bridging the gap between predictive accuracy and mechanistic understanding in data-driven reaction outcome prediction.
☆ Efficient Learning Under Density Shift in Incremental Settings Using Cramér-Rao-Based Regularization
The continuous surge in data volume and velocity is often dealt with using data orchestration and distributed processing approaches, abstracting away the machine learning challenges that exist at the algorithmic level. With growing interest in automating the learning loop, training with data that arrive in a sequence rather than in the classical in-memory training data form will face a machine learning challenge because of evolving feature distributions across batches of training data biasing the cross-validation step (\cite{sugiyama2012machine}). This work takes a distributed density estimation angle to the problem where data are temporally distributed. It processes data in batches and allows a neural network to treat a batch as training data. The method accumulates knowledge about the data density via posterior probability absorption using the Fisher Information Matrix, which contains information about the local optimization gradients for the batch. This is then used as a regularizer for the loss in the following batch, and therefore the density estimate for the entire dataset constructively gets more robust to the non-iid distribution shift. This needs the presence of a pair of batches in memory at a time, so the space cost is not a function of the size of the complete, distributed dataset. We proposed a novel regularization-based approach Covariate Shift Correction $C^{2}A$ that leverages Fisher information and Kullback-Leibler divergence to adapt to both natural and sequential covariate shift caused by dataset fragmentation. $C^{2}A$ achieves $19\%$ accuracy at maximum against state-of-the-art methods.
☆ Statistically Significant $k$NNAD by Selective Inference
In this paper, we investigate the problem of unsupervised anomaly detection using the k-Nearest Neighbor method. The k-Nearest Neighbor Anomaly Detection (kNNAD) is a simple yet effective approach for identifying anomalies across various domains and fields. A critical challenge in anomaly detection, including kNNAD, is appropriately quantifying the reliability of detected anomalies. To address this, we formulate kNNAD as a statistical hypothesis test and quantify the probability of false detection using $p$-values. The main technical challenge lies in performing both anomaly detection and statistical testing on the same data, which hinders correct $p$-value calculation within the conventional statistical testing framework. To resolve this issue, we introduce a statistical hypothesis testing framework called Selective Inference (SI) and propose a method named Statistically Significant NNAD (Stat-kNNAD). By leveraging SI, the Stat-kNNAD method ensures that detected anomalies are statistically significant with theoretical guarantees. The proposed Stat-kNNAD method is applicable to anomaly detection in both the original feature space and latent feature spaces derived from deep learning models. Through numerical experiments on synthetic data and applications to industrial product anomaly detection, we demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the Stat-kNNAD method.
comment: 40 pages, 11 figures
☆ Does Training with Synthetic Data Truly Protect Privacy? ICLR 2025
As synthetic data becomes increasingly popular in machine learning tasks, numerous methods--without formal differential privacy guarantees--use synthetic data for training. These methods often claim, either explicitly or implicitly, to protect the privacy of the original training data. In this work, we explore four different training paradigms: coreset selection, dataset distillation, data-free knowledge distillation, and synthetic data generated from diffusion models. While all these methods utilize synthetic data for training, they lead to vastly different conclusions regarding privacy preservation. We caution that empirical approaches to preserving data privacy require careful and rigorous evaluation; otherwise, they risk providing a false sense of privacy.
comment: Accepted to ICLR 2025
☆ A Survey of Text Classification Under Class Distribution Shift
The basic underlying assumption of machine learning (ML) models is that the training and test data are sampled from the same distribution. However, in daily practice, this assumption is often broken, i.e.~the distribution of the test data changes over time, which hinders the application of conventional ML models. One domain where the distribution shift naturally occurs is text classification, since people always find new topics to discuss. To this end, we survey research articles studying open-set text classification and related tasks. We divide the methods in this area based on the constraints that define the kind of distribution shift and the corresponding problem formulation, i.e.~learning with the Universum, zero-shot learning, and open-set learning. We next discuss the predominant mitigation approaches for each problem setup. Finally, we identify several future work directions, aiming to push the boundaries beyond the state of the art. Interestingly, we find that continual learning can solve many of the issues caused by the shifting class distribution. We maintain a list of relevant papers at
☆ Preventing the Popular Item Embedding Based Attack in Federated Recommendations ICDE 2024
Privacy concerns have led to the rise of federated recommender systems (FRS), which can create personalized models across distributed clients. However, FRS is vulnerable to poisoning attacks, where malicious users manipulate gradients to promote their target items intentionally. Existing attacks against FRS have limitations, as they depend on specific models and prior knowledge, restricting their real-world applicability. In our exploration of practical FRS vulnerabilities, we devise a model-agnostic and prior-knowledge-free attack, named PIECK (Popular Item Embedding based Attack). The core module of PIECK is popular item mining, which leverages embedding changes during FRS training to effectively identify the popular items. Built upon the core module, PIECK branches into two diverse solutions: The PIECKIPE solution employs an item popularity enhancement module, which aligns the embeddings of targeted items with the mined popular items to increase item exposure. The PIECKUEA further enhances the robustness of the attack by using a user embedding approximation module, which approximates private user embeddings using mined popular items. Upon identifying PIECK, we evaluate existing federated defense methods and find them ineffective against PIECK, as poisonous gradients inevitably overwhelm the cold target items. We then propose a novel defense method by introducing two regularization terms during user training, which constrain item popularity enhancement and user embedding approximation while preserving FRS performance. We evaluate PIECK and its defense across two base models, three real datasets, four top-tier attacks, and six general defense methods, affirming the efficacy of both PIECK and its defense.
comment: Accepted at ICDE 2024, Extension
☆ Task-Informed Anti-Curriculum by Masking Improves Downstream Performance on Text
Masked language modeling has become a widely adopted unsupervised technique to pre-train language models. However, the process of selecting tokens for masking is random, and the percentage of masked tokens is typically fixed for the entire training process. In this paper, we propose to adjust the masking ratio and to decide which tokens to mask based on a novel task-informed anti-curriculum learning scheme. First, we harness task-specific knowledge about useful and harmful tokens in order to determine which tokens to mask. Second, we propose a cyclic decaying masking ratio, which corresponds to an anti-curriculum schedule (from hard to easy). We exemplify our novel task-informed anti-curriculum by masking (TIACBM) approach across three diverse downstream tasks: sentiment analysis, text classification by topic, and authorship attribution. Our findings suggest that TIACBM enhances the ability of the model to focus on key task-relevant features, contributing to statistically significant performance gains across tasks. We release our code at
☆ Guaranteed Conditional Diffusion: 3D Block-based Models for Scientific Data Compression
This paper proposes a new compression paradigm -- Guaranteed Conditional Diffusion with Tensor Correction (GCDTC) -- for lossy scientific data compression. The framework is based on recent conditional diffusion (CD) generative models, and it consists of a conditional diffusion model, tensor correction, and error guarantee. Our diffusion model is a mixture of 3D conditioning and 2D denoising U-Net. The approach leverages a 3D block-based compressing module to address spatiotemporal correlations in structured scientific data. Then, the reverse diffusion process for 2D spatial data is conditioned on the ``slices'' of content latent variables produced by the compressing module. After training, the denoising decoder reconstructs the data with zero noise and content latent variables, and thus it is entirely deterministic. The reconstructed outputs of the CD model are further post-processed by our tensor correction and error guarantee steps to control and ensure a maximum error distortion, which is an inevitable requirement in lossy scientific data compression. Our experiments involving two datasets generated by climate and chemical combustion simulations show that our framework outperforms standard convolutional autoencoders and yields competitive compression quality with an existing scientific data compression algorithm.
☆ Every Expert Matters: Towards Effective Knowledge Distillation for Mixture-of-Experts Language Models
With the emergence of Mixture-of-Experts (MoE), the efficient scaling of model size has accelerated the development of large language models in recent years. However, their high memory requirements prevent their use in resource-constrained environments. While knowledge distillation (KD) has been a proven method for model compression, its application to MoE teacher models remains underexplored. Through our investigation, we discover that non-activated experts in MoE models possess valuable knowledge that benefits student models. We further demonstrate that existing KD methods are not optimal for compressing MoE models, as they fail to leverage this knowledge effectively. To address this, we propose two intuitive MoE-specific KD methods for the first time: Knowledge Augmentation (KA) and Student-Aware Router (SAR), both designed to effectively extract knowledge from all experts. Specifically, KA augments knowledge by sampling experts multiple times, while SAR uses all experts and adjusts the expert weights through router training to provide optimal knowledge. Extensive experiments show that our methods outperform conventional KD methods, demonstrating their effectiveness for MoE teacher models.
☆ Performance of Zero-Shot Time Series Foundation Models on Cloud Data
Time series foundation models (FMs) have emerged as a popular paradigm for zero-shot multi-domain forecasting. FMs are trained on numerous diverse datasets and claim to be effective forecasters across multiple different time series domains, including cloud data. In this work we investigate this claim, exploring the effectiveness of FMs on cloud data. We demonstrate that many well-known FMs fail to generate meaningful or accurate zero-shot forecasts in this setting. We support this claim empirically, showing that FMs are outperformed consistently by simple linear baselines. We also illustrate a number of interesting pathologies, including instances where FMs suddenly output seemingly erratic, random-looking forecasts. Our results suggest a widespread failure of FMs to model cloud data.
comment: 5 pages, Preprint
☆ Tuning Algorithmic and Architectural Hyperparameters in Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning with Provable Guarantees
Graph-based semi-supervised learning is a powerful paradigm in machine learning for modeling and exploiting the underlying graph structure that captures the relationship between labeled and unlabeled data. A large number of classical as well as modern deep learning based algorithms have been proposed for this problem, often having tunable hyperparameters. We initiate a formal study of tuning algorithm hyperparameters from parameterized algorithm families for this problem. We obtain novel $O(\log n)$ pseudo-dimension upper bounds for hyperparameter selection in three classical label propagation-based algorithm families, where $n$ is the number of nodes, implying bounds on the amount of data needed for learning provably good parameters. We further provide matching $\Omega(\log n)$ pseudo-dimension lower bounds, thus asymptotically characterizing the learning-theoretic complexity of the parameter tuning problem. We extend our study to selecting architectural hyperparameters in modern graph neural networks. We bound the Rademacher complexity for tuning the self-loop weighting in recently proposed Simplified Graph Convolution (SGC) networks. We further propose a tunable architecture that interpolates graph convolutional neural networks (GCN) and graph attention networks (GAT) in every layer, and provide Rademacher complexity bounds for tuning the interpolation coefficient.
comment: 31 pages (11 pages main body), 2 figures
☆ Universal Embedding Function for Traffic Classification via QUIC Domain Recognition Pretraining: A Transfer Learning Success
Encrypted traffic classification (TC) methods must adapt to new protocols and extensions as well as to advancements in other machine learning fields. In this paper, we follow a transfer learning setup best known from computer vision. We first pretrain an embedding model on a complex task with a large number of classes and then transfer it to five well-known TC datasets. The pretraining task is recognition of SNI domains in encrypted QUIC traffic, which in itself is a problem for network monitoring due to the growing adoption of TLS Encrypted Client Hello. Our training pipeline -- featuring a disjoint class setup, ArcFace loss function, and a modern deep learning architecture -- aims to produce universal embeddings applicable across tasks. The proposed solution, based on nearest neighbors search in the embedding space, surpasses SOTA performance on four of the five TC datasets. A comparison with a baseline method utilizing raw packet sequences revealed unexpected findings with potential implications for the broader TC field. We published the model architecture, trained weights, and transfer learning experiments.
☆ Flow-of-Options: Diversified and Improved LLM Reasoning by Thinking Through Options
We present a novel reasoning approach called Flow-of-Options (FoO), designed to address intrinsic biases in Large Language Models (LLMs). FoO enables LLMs to systematically explore a diverse range of possibilities in their reasoning, as demonstrated by an FoO-based agentic system for autonomously solving Machine Learning tasks (AutoML). Our framework outperforms state-of-the-art baselines, achieving improvements of 38.2% - 69.2% on standard data science tasks, and 37.4% - 47.9% on therapeutic chemistry tasks. With an overall operation cost under $1 per task, our framework is well-suited for cost-sensitive applications. Beyond classification and regression, we illustrate the broader applicability of our FoO-based agentic system to tasks such as reinforcement learning and image generation. Our framework presents significant advancements compared to current state-of-the-art agentic systems for AutoML, due to the benefits of FoO in enforcing diversity in LLM solutions through compressed, explainable representations that also support long-term memory when combined with case-based reasoning.
comment: Github code:
☆ Lightweight Online Adaption for Time Series Foundation Model Forecasts
Foundation models (FMs) have emerged as a promising approach for time series forecasting. While effective, FMs typically remain fixed during deployment due to the high computational costs of learning them online. Consequently, deployed FMs fail to adapt their forecasts to current data characteristics, despite the availability of online feedback from newly arriving data. This raises the question of whether FM performance can be enhanced by the efficient usage of this feedback. We propose AdapTS to answer this question. AdapTS is a lightweight mechanism for the online adaption of FM forecasts in response to online feedback. AdapTS consists of two parts: a) the AdapTS-Forecaster which is used to learn the current data distribution; and b) the AdapTS-Weighter which is used to combine the forecasts of the FM and the AdapTS-Forecaster. We evaluate the performance of AdapTS in conjunction with several recent FMs across a suite of standard time series datasets. In all of our experiments we find that using AdapTS improves performance. This work demonstrates how efficient usage of online feedback can be used to improve FM forecasts.
comment: 8 pages, Preprint
☆ A Smooth Transition Between Induction and Deduction: Fast Abductive Learning Based on Probabilistic Symbol Perception
Abductive learning (ABL) that integrates strengths of machine learning and logical reasoning to improve the learning generalization, has been recently shown effective. However, its efficiency is affected by the transition between numerical induction and symbolical deduction, leading to high computational costs in the worst-case scenario. Efforts on this issue remain to be limited. In this paper, we identified three reasons why previous optimization algorithms for ABL were not effective: insufficient utilization of prediction, symbol relationships, and accumulated experience in successful abductive processes, resulting in redundant calculations to the knowledge base. To address these challenges, we introduce an optimization algorithm named as Probabilistic Symbol Perception (PSP), which makes a smooth transition between induction and deduction and keeps the correctness of ABL unchanged. We leverage probability as a bridge and present an efficient data structure, achieving the transfer from a continuous probability sequence to discrete Boolean sequences with low computational complexity. Experiments demonstrate the promising results.
☆ GSQ-Tuning: Group-Shared Exponents Integer in Fully Quantized Training for LLMs On-Device Fine-tuning
Large Language Models (LLMs) fine-tuning technologies have achieved remarkable results. However, traditional LLM fine-tuning approaches face significant challenges: they require large Floating Point (FP) computation, raising privacy concerns when handling sensitive data, and are impractical for resource-constrained edge devices. While Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) techniques reduce trainable parameters, their reliance on floating-point arithmetic creates fundamental incompatibilities with edge hardware. In this work, we introduce a novel framework for on-device LLM fine-tuning that eliminates the need for floating-point operations in both inference and training, named GSQ-Tuning. At its core is the Group-Shared Exponents Integer format, which efficiently represents model parameters in integer format using shared exponents among parameter groups. When combined with LoRA-like adapters, this enables fully integer-based fine-tuning that is both memory and compute efficient. We demonstrate that our approach achieves accuracy comparable to FP16-based fine-tuning while significantly reducing memory usage (50%). Moreover, compared to FP8, our method can reduce 5x power consumption and 11x chip area with same performance, making large-scale model adaptation feasible on edge devices.
☆ A Simplified and Numerically Stable Approach to the BG/NBD Churn Prediction model
This study extends the BG/NBD churn probability model, addressing its limitations in industries where customer behaviour is often influenced by seasonal events and possibly high purchase counts. We propose a modified definition of churn, considering a customer to have churned if they make no purchases within M days. Our contribution is twofold: First, we simplify the general equation for the specific case of zero purchases within M days. Second, we derive an alternative expression using numerical techniques to mitigate numerical overflow or underflow issues. This approach provides a more practical and robust method for predicting customer churn in industries with irregular purchase patterns.
comment: 4 pages, numerically stable BG/NBD
☆ Probabilistic neural operators for functional uncertainty quantification
Neural operators aim to approximate the solution operator of a system of differential equations purely from data. They have shown immense success in modeling complex dynamical systems across various domains. However, the occurrence of uncertainties inherent in both model and data has so far rarely been taken into account\textemdash{}a critical limitation in complex, chaotic systems such as weather forecasting. In this paper, we introduce the probabilistic neural operator (PNO), a framework for learning probability distributions over the output function space of neural operators. PNO extends neural operators with generative modeling based on strictly proper scoring rules, integrating uncertainty information directly into the training process. We provide a theoretical justification for the approach and demonstrate improved performance in quantifying uncertainty across different domains and with respect to different baselines. Furthermore, PNO requires minimal adjustment to existing architectures, shows improved performance for most probabilistic prediction tasks, and leads to well-calibrated predictive distributions and adequate uncertainty representations even for long dynamical trajectories. Implementing our approach into large-scale models for physical applications can lead to improvements in corresponding uncertainty quantification and extreme event identification, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of the prediction of such surrogate models.
☆ The Relationship Between Head Injury and Alzheimer's Disease: A Causal Analysis with Bayesian Networks
This study examines the potential causal relationship between head injury and the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD) using Bayesian networks and regression models. Using a dataset of 2,149 patients, we analyze key medical history variables, including head injury history, memory complaints, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Logistic regression results suggest an odds ratio of 0.88 for head injury, indicating a potential but statistically insignificant protective effect against AD. In contrast, memory complaints exhibit a strong association with AD, with an odds ratio of 4.59. Linear regression analysis further confirms the lack of statistical significance for head injury (coefficient: -0.0245, p = 0.469) while reinforcing the predictive importance of memory complaints. These findings highlight the complex interplay of medical history factors in AD risk assessment and underscore the need for further research utilizing larger datasets and advanced causal modeling techniques.
☆ Pushing the Limits of the Reactive Affine Shaker Algorithm to Higher Dimensions
Bayesian Optimization (BO) for the minimization of expensive functions of continuous variables uses all the knowledge acquired from previous samples (${\boldsymbol x}_i$ and $f({\boldsymbol x}_i)$ values) to build a surrogate model based on Gaussian processes. The surrogate is then exploited to define the next point to sample, through a careful balance of exploration and exploitation. Initially intended for low-dimensional spaces, BO has recently been modified and used also for very large-dimensional spaces (up to about one thousand dimensions). In this paper we consider a much simpler algorithm, called "Reactive Affine Shaker" (RAS). The next sample is always generated with a uniform probability distribution inside a parallelepiped (the "box"). At each iteration, the form of the box is adapted during the search through an affine transformation, based only on the point $\boldsymbol x$ position and on the success or failure in improving the function. The function values are therefore not used directly to modify the search area and to generate the next sample. The entire dimensionality is kept (no active subspaces). Despite its extreme simplicity and its use of only stochastic local search, surprisingly the produced results are comparable to and not too far from the state-of-the-art results of high-dimensional versions of BO, although with some more function evaluations. An ablation study and an analysis of probability distribution of directions (improving steps and prevailing box orientation) in very large-dimensional spaces are conducted to understand more about the behavior of RAS and to assess the relative importance of the algorithmic building blocks for the final results.
comment: Submitted to: the 19th Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference (LION19), June 15-19 2025, Prague, Czech Republic (
☆ Testing for Causal Fairness
Causality is widely used in fairness analysis to prevent discrimination on sensitive attributes, such as genders in career recruitment and races in crime prediction. However, the current data-based Potential Outcomes Framework (POF) often leads to untrustworthy fairness analysis results when handling high-dimensional data. To address this, we introduce a distribution-based POF that transform fairness analysis into Distributional Closeness Testing (DCT) by intervening on sensitive attributes. We define counterfactual closeness fairness as the null hypothesis of DCT, where a sensitive attribute is considered fair if its factual and counterfactual potential outcome distributions are sufficiently close. We introduce the Norm-Adaptive Maximum Mean Discrepancy Treatment Effect (N-TE) as a statistic for measuring distributional closeness and apply DCT using the empirical estimator of NTE, referred to Counterfactual Fairness-CLOseness Testing ($\textrm{CF-CLOT}$). To ensure the trustworthiness of testing results, we establish the testing consistency of N-TE through rigorous theoretical analysis. $\textrm{CF-CLOT}$ demonstrates sensitivity in fairness analysis through the flexibility of the closeness parameter $\epsilon$. Unfair sensitive attributes have been successfully tested by $\textrm{CF-CLOT}$ in extensive experiments across various real-world scenarios, which validate the consistency of the testing.
☆ Malware Detection based on API calls
Malware attacks pose a significant threat in today's interconnected digital landscape, causing billions of dollars in damages. Detecting and identifying families as early as possible provides an edge in protecting against such malware. We explore a lightweight, order-invariant approach to detecting and mitigating malware threats: analyzing API calls without regard to their sequence. We publish a public dataset of over three hundred thousand samples and their function call parameters for this task, annotated with labels indicating benign or malicious activity. The complete dataset is above 550GB uncompressed in size. We leverage machine learning algorithms, such as random forests, and conduct behavioral analysis by examining patterns and anomalies in API call sequences. By investigating how the function calls occur regardless of their order, we can identify discriminating features that can help us identify malware early on. The models we've developed are not only effective but also efficient. They are lightweight and can run on any machine with minimal performance overhead, while still achieving an impressive F1-Score of over 85\%. We also empirically show that we only need a subset of the function call sequence, specifically calls to the ntdll.dll library, to identify malware. Our research demonstrates the efficacy of this approach through empirical evaluations, underscoring its accuracy and scalability. The code is open source and available at Github along with the dataset on Zenodo.
☆ Integrating Arithmetic Learning Improves Mathematical Reasoning in Smaller Models
While large models pre-trained on high-quality data exhibit excellent performance across various reasoning tasks, including mathematical reasoning (e.g. GSM8k, MultiArith), specializing smaller models to excel at mathematical reasoning remains a challenging problem. Common approaches to address this challenge include knowledge distillation, where smaller student models learn from large pre-trained teacher models, and data augmentation, such as rephrasing questions. Despite these efforts, smaller models struggle with arithmetic computations, leading to errors in mathematical reasoning. In this work, we focus on leveraging a programmatically generated arithmetic dataset to enhance the reasoning capabilities of smaller models. We investigate two key approaches to incorporate this dataset -- (1) intermediate fine-tuning, where a model is fine-tuned on the arithmetic dataset before being trained on a reasoning dataset, and (2) integrating the arithmetic dataset into the instruction-tuning mixture, allowing the model to learn arithmetic skills alongside general instruction-following abilities. Our experiments on multiple reasoning benchmarks demonstrate that incorporating an arithmetic dataset, whether through targeted fine-tuning or within the instruction-tuning mixture, enhances the models' arithmetic capabilities, which in turn improves their mathematical reasoning performance.
comment: Preprint
☆ S$^2$R: Teaching LLMs to Self-verify and Self-correct via Reinforcement Learning
Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of LLM test-time scaling. However, existing approaches to incentivize LLMs' deep thinking abilities generally require large-scale data or significant training efforts. Meanwhile, it remains unclear how to improve the thinking abilities of less powerful base models. In this work, we introduce S$^2$R, an efficient framework that enhances LLM reasoning by teaching models to self-verify and self-correct during inference. Specifically, we first initialize LLMs with iterative self-verification and self-correction behaviors through supervised fine-tuning on carefully curated data. The self-verification and self-correction skills are then further strengthened by both outcome-level and process-level reinforcement learning, with minimized resource requirements, enabling the model to adaptively refine its reasoning process during inference. Our results demonstrate that, with only 3.1k self-verifying and self-correcting behavior initialization samples, Qwen2.5-math-7B achieves an accuracy improvement from 51.0\% to 81.6\%, outperforming models trained on an equivalent amount of long-CoT distilled data. Extensive experiments and analysis based on three base models across both in-domain and out-of-domain benchmarks validate the effectiveness of S$^2$R. Our code and data are available at
☆ Leveraging Intermediate Representations for Better Out-of-Distribution Detection
In real-world applications, machine learning models must reliably detect Out-of-Distribution (OoD) samples to prevent unsafe decisions. Current OoD detection methods often rely on analyzing the logits or the embeddings of the penultimate layer of a neural network. However, little work has been conducted on the exploitation of the rich information encoded in intermediate layers. To address this, we analyze the discriminative power of intermediate layers and show that they can positively be used for OoD detection. Therefore, we propose to regularize intermediate layers with an energy-based contrastive loss, and by grouping multiple layers in a single aggregated response. We demonstrate that intermediate layer activations improves OoD detection performance by running a comprehensive evaluation across multiple datasets.
comment: Code is available at
MOLLM: Multi-Objective Large Language Model for Molecular Design -- Optimizing with Experts
Molecular design plays a critical role in advancing fields such as drug discovery, materials science, and chemical engineering. This work introduces the Multi-Objective Large Language Model for Molecular Design (MOLLM), a novel framework that combines domain-specific knowledge with the adaptability of Large Language Models to optimize molecular properties across multiple objectives. Leveraging in-context learning and multi-objective optimization, MOLLM achieves superior efficiency, innovation, and performance, significantly surpassing state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods. Recognizing the substantial impact of initial populations on evolutionary algorithms, we categorize them into three types: best initial, worst initial, and random initial, to ensure the initial molecules are the same for each method across experiments. Our results demonstrate that MOLLM consistently outperforms SOTA models in all of our experiments. We also provide extensive ablation studies to evaluate the superiority of our components.
comment: 8 pages, under review
☆ NTP-INT: Network Traffic Prediction-Driven In-band Network Telemetry for High-load Switches
In-band network telemetry (INT) is essential to network management due to its real-time visibility. However, because of the rapid increase in network devices and services, it has become crucial to have targeted access to detailed network information in a dynamic network environment. This paper proposes an intelligent network telemetry system called NTP-INT to obtain more fine-grained network information on high-load switches. Specifically, NTP-INT consists of three modules: network traffic prediction module, network pruning module, and probe path planning module. Firstly, the network traffic prediction module adopts a Multi-Temporal Graph Neural Network (MTGNN) to predict future network traffic and identify high-load switches. Then, we design the network pruning algorithm to generate a subnetwork covering all high-load switches to reduce the complexity of probe path planning. Finally, the probe path planning module uses an attention-mechanism-based deep reinforcement learning (DEL) model to plan efficient probe paths in the network slice. The experimental results demonstrate that NTP-INT can acquire more precise network information on high-load switches while decreasing the control overhead by 50\%.
☆ Frequency-domain alignment of heterogeneous, multidimensional separations data through complex orthogonal Procrustes analysis
Multidimensional separations data have the capacity to reveal detailed information about complex biological samples. However, data analysis has been an ongoing challenge in the area since the peaks that represent chemical factors may drift over the course of several analytical runs along the first and second dimension retention times. This makes higher-level analyses of the data difficult, since a 1-1 comparison of samples is seldom possible without sophisticated pre-processing routines. Further complicating the issue is the fact that closely co-eluting components will need to be resolved, typically using some variants of Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC), Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR), or the recently explored Shift-Invariant Multi-linearity. These algorithms work with a user-specified number of components, and regions of interest that are then summarized as a peak table that is invariant to shift. However, identifying regions of interest across truly heterogeneous data remains an ongoing issue, for automated deployment of these algorithms. This work offers a very simple solution to the alignment problem through a orthogonal Procrustes analysis of the frequency-domain representation of synthetic multidimensional separations data, for peaks that are logarithmically transformed to simulate shift while preserving the underlying topology of the data. Using this very simple method for analysis, two synthetic chromatograms can be compared under close to the worst possible scenarios for alignment.
comment: 12 pages, 1 figure
☆ An improved wind power prediction via a novel wind ramp identification algorithm
Authors: Yifan Xu Abstract: Conventional wind power prediction methods often struggle to provide accurate and reliable predictions in the presence of sudden changes in wind speed and power output. To address this challenge, this study proposes an integrated algorithm that combines a wind speed mutation identification algorithm, an optimized similar period matching algorithm and a wind power prediction algorithm. By exploiting the convergence properties of meteorological events, the method significantly improves the accuracy of wind power prediction under sudden meteorological changes. Firstly, a novel adaptive model based on variational mode decomposition, the VMD-IC model, is developed for identifying and labelling key turning points in the historical wind power data, representing abrupt meteorological environments. At the same time, this paper proposes Ramp Factor (RF) indicators and wind speed similarity coefficient to optimize the definition algorithm of the current wind power ramp event (WPRE). After innovating the definition of climbing and denoising algorithm, this paper uses the Informer deep learning algorithm to output the first two models as well as multimodal data such as NWP numerical weather forecasts to achieve accurate wind forecasts. The experimental results of the ablation study confirm the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed wind slope identification method. Compared with existing methods, the proposed model exhibits excellent performance and provides valuable guidance for the safe and cost-effective operation of power systems.
Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Resource Allocation in Optical Networks: Hype or Hope?
The application of reinforcement learning (RL) to dynamic resource allocation in optical networks has been the focus of intense research activity in recent years, with almost 100 peer-reviewed papers. We present a review of progress in the field, and identify significant gaps in benchmarking practices and reproducibility. To determine the strongest benchmark algorithms, we systematically evaluate several heuristics across diverse network topologies. We find that path count and sort criteria for path selection significantly affect the benchmark performance. We meticulously recreate the problems from five landmark papers and apply the improved benchmarks. Our comparisons demonstrate that simple heuristics consistently match or outperform the published RL solutions, often with an order of magnitude lower blocking probability. Furthermore, we present empirical lower bounds on network blocking using a novel defragmentation-based method, revealing that potential improvements over the benchmark heuristics are limited to 19--36\% increased traffic load for the same blocking performance in our examples. We make our simulation framework and results publicly available to promote reproducible research and standardized evaluation
☆ PPGF: Probability Pattern-Guided Time Series Forecasting
Time series forecasting (TSF) is an essential branch of machine learning with various applications. Most methods for TSF focus on constructing different networks to extract better information and improve performance. However, practical application data contain different internal mechanisms, resulting in a mixture of multiple patterns. That is, the model's ability to fit different patterns is different and generates different errors. In order to solve this problem, we propose an end-to-end framework, namely probability pattern-guided time series forecasting (PPGF). PPGF reformulates the TSF problem as a forecasting task guided by probabilistic pattern classification. Firstly, we propose the grouping strategy to approach forecasting problems as classification and alleviate the impact of data imbalance on classification. Secondly, we predict in the corresponding class interval to guarantee the consistency of classification and forecasting. In addition, True Class Probability (TCP) is introduced to pay more attention to the difficult samples to improve the classification accuracy. Detailedly, PPGF classifies the different patterns to determine which one the target value may belong to and estimates it accurately in the corresponding interval. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework, we conduct extensive experiments on real-world datasets, and PPGF achieves significant performance improvements over several baseline methods. Furthermore, the effectiveness of TCP and the necessity of consistency between classification and forecasting are proved in the experiments. All data and codes are available online:
☆ Envious Explore and Exploit
Explore-and-exploit tradeoffs play a key role in recommendation systems (RSs), aiming at serving users better by learning from previous interactions. Despite their commercial success, the societal effects of explore-and-exploit mechanisms are not well understood, especially regarding the utility discrepancy they generate between different users. In this work, we measure such discrepancy using the economic notion of envy. We present a multi-armed bandit-like model in which every round consists of several sessions, and rewards are realized once per round. We call the latter property reward consistency, and show that the RS can leverage this property for better societal outcomes. On the downside, doing so also generates envy, as late-to-arrive users enjoy the information gathered by early-to-arrive users. We examine the generated envy under several arrival order mechanisms and virtually any anonymous algorithm, i.e., any algorithm that treats all similar users similarly without leveraging their identities. We provide tight envy bounds on uniform arrival and upper bound the envy for nudged arrival, in which the RS can affect the order of arrival by nudging its users. Furthermore, we study the efficiency-fairness trade-off by devising an algorithm that allows constant envy and approximates the optimal welfare in restricted settings. Finally, we validate our theoretical results empirically using simulations.
☆ Learning Counterfactually Fair Models via Improved Generation with Neural Causal Models
One of the main concerns while deploying machine learning models in real-world applications is fairness. Counterfactual fairness has emerged as an intuitive and natural definition of fairness. However, existing methodologies for enforcing counterfactual fairness seem to have two limitations: (i) generating counterfactual samples faithful to the underlying causal graph, and (ii) as we argue in this paper, existing regularizers are mere proxies and do not directly enforce the exact definition of counterfactual fairness. In this work, our aim is to mitigate both issues. Firstly, we propose employing Neural Causal Models (NCMs) for generating the counterfactual samples. For implementing the abduction step in NCMs, the posteriors of the exogenous variables need to be estimated given a counterfactual query, as they are not readily available. As a consequence, $\mathcal{L}_3$ consistency with respect to the underlying causal graph cannot be guaranteed in practice due to the estimation errors involved. To mitigate this issue, we propose a novel kernel least squares loss term that enforces the $\mathcal{L}_3$ constraints explicitly. Thus, we obtain an improved counterfactual generation suitable for the counterfactual fairness task. Secondly, we propose a new MMD-based regularizer term that explicitly enforces the counterfactual fairness conditions into the base model while training. We show an improved trade-off between counterfactual fairness and generalization over existing baselines on synthetic and benchmark datasets.
comment: 9 pages, 2 figures
☆ RAPID: Retrieval Augmented Training of Differentially Private Diffusion Models ICLR 2025
Differentially private diffusion models (DPDMs) harness the remarkable generative capabilities of diffusion models while enforcing differential privacy (DP) for sensitive data. However, existing DPDM training approaches often suffer from significant utility loss, large memory footprint, and expensive inference cost, impeding their practical uses. To overcome such limitations, we present RAPID: Retrieval Augmented PrIvate Diffusion model, a novel approach that integrates retrieval augmented generation (RAG) into DPDM training. Specifically, RAPID leverages available public data to build a knowledge base of sample trajectories; when training the diffusion model on private data, RAPID computes the early sampling steps as queries, retrieves similar trajectories from the knowledge base as surrogates, and focuses on training the later sampling steps in a differentially private manner. Extensive evaluation using benchmark datasets and models demonstrates that, with the same privacy guarantee, RAPID significantly outperforms state-of-the-art approaches by large margins in generative quality, memory footprint, and inference cost, suggesting that retrieval-augmented DP training represents a promising direction for developing future privacy-preserving generative models. The code is available at:
comment: Published in ICLR 2025
Unsupervised Anomaly Detection through Mass Repulsing Optimal Transport
Detecting anomalies in datasets is a longstanding problem in machine learning. In this context, anomalies are defined as a sample that significantly deviates from the remaining data. Meanwhile, optimal transport (OT) is a field of mathematics concerned with the transportation, between two probability measures, at least effort. In classical OT, the optimal transportation strategy of a measure to itself is the identity. In this paper, we tackle anomaly detection by forcing samples to displace its mass, while keeping the least effort objective. We call this new transportation problem Mass Repulsing Optimal Transport (MROT). Naturally, samples lying in low density regions of space will be forced to displace mass very far, incurring a higher transportation cost. We use these concepts to design a new anomaly score. Through a series of experiments in existing benchmarks, and fault detection problems, we show that our algorithm improves over existing methods.
comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, under review
☆ Beyond Timesteps: A Novel Activation-wise Membrane Potential Propagation Mechanism for Spiking Neural Networks in 3D cloud
Due to the similar characteristics between event-based visual data and point clouds, recent studies have emerged that treat event data as event clouds to learn based on point cloud analysis. Additionally, some works approach point clouds from the perspective of event vision, employing Spiking Neural Network (SNN) due to their asynchronous nature. However, these contributions are often domain-specific, making it difficult to extend their applicability to other intersecting fields. Moreover, while SNN-based visual tasks have seen significant growth, the conventional timestep-wise iterative activation strategy largely limits their real-world applications by large timesteps, resulting in significant delays and increased computational costs. Although some innovative methods achieve good performance with short timesteps (<10), few have fundamentally restructured the update strategy of spiking neurons to completely overcome the limitations of timesteps. In response to these concerns, we propose a novel and general activation strategy for spiking neurons called Activation-wise Membrane Potential Propagation (AMP2). This approach extends the concept of timesteps from a manually crafted parameter within the activation function to any existing network structure. In experiments on common point cloud tasks (classification, object, and scene segmentation) and event cloud tasks (action recognition), we found that AMP2 stabilizes SNN training, maintains competitive performance, and reduces latency compared to the traditional timestep-wise activation paradigm.
☆ Composition and Control with Distilled Energy Diffusion Models and Sequential Monte Carlo AISTATS 2025
Diffusion models may be formulated as a time-indexed sequence of energy-based models, where the score corresponds to the negative gradient of an energy function. As opposed to learning the score directly, an energy parameterization is attractive as the energy itself can be used to control generation via Monte Carlo samplers. Architectural constraints and training instability in energy parameterized models have so far yielded inferior performance compared to directly approximating the score or denoiser. We address these deficiencies by introducing a novel training regime for the energy function through distillation of pre-trained diffusion models, resembling a Helmholtz decomposition of the score vector field. We further showcase the synergies between energy and score by casting the diffusion sampling procedure as a Feynman Kac model where sampling is controlled using potentials from the learnt energy functions. The Feynman Kac model formalism enables composition and low temperature sampling through sequential Monte Carlo.
comment: Initial submission to openreview on October 3, 2024 (; accepted to AISTATS 2025
☆ Portable Reward Tuning: Towards Reusable Fine-Tuning across Different Pretrained Models
While foundation models have been exploited for various expert tasks through fine-tuning, any foundation model will become outdated due to its old knowledge or limited capability. Thus the underlying foundation model should be eventually replaced by new ones, which leads to repeated cost of fine-tuning these new models. Existing work addresses this problem by inference-time tuning, i.e., modifying the output probabilities from the new foundation model with the outputs from the old foundation model and its fine-tuned model, which involves an additional overhead in inference by the latter two models. In this paper, we propose a new fine-tuning principle, Portable Reward Tuning (PRT), that reduces the inference overhead by its nature, based on the reformulation of fine-tuning as the reward maximization. Specifically, instead of fine-tuning parameters of the foundation models, PRT trains the reward model explicitly through the same loss function as in fine-tuning. During inference, the reward model can be used with any foundation model (with the same set of vocabularies or labels) through the formulation of reward maximization. Experimental results, covering both vision and language models, demonstrate that the PRT-trained model can achieve comparable accuracy to the existing work of inference-time tuning, with less inference cost.
☆ One-bit Compressed Sensing using Generative Models
This paper addresses the classical problem of one-bit compressed sensing using a deep learning-based reconstruction algorithm that leverages a trained generative model to enhance the signal reconstruction performance. The generator, a pre-trained neural network, learns to map from a low-dimensional latent space to a higher-dimensional set of sparse vectors. This generator is then used to reconstruct sparse vectors from their one-bit measurements by searching over its range. The presented algorithm provides an excellent reconstruction performance because the generative model can learn additional structural information about the signal beyond sparsity. Furthermore, we provide theoretical guarantees on the reconstruction accuracy and sample complexity of the algorithm. Through numerical experiments using three publicly available image datasets, MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, and Omniglot, we demonstrate the superior performance of the algorithm compared to other existing algorithms and show that our algorithm can recover both the amplitude and the direction of the signal from one-bit measurements.
☆ High-Fidelity Music Vocoder using Neural Audio Codecs ICASSP 2025
While neural vocoders have made significant progress in high-fidelity speech synthesis, their application on polyphonic music has remained underexplored. In this work, we propose DisCoder, a neural vocoder that leverages a generative adversarial encoder-decoder architecture informed by a neural audio codec to reconstruct high-fidelity 44.1 kHz audio from mel spectrograms. Our approach first transforms the mel spectrogram into a lower-dimensional representation aligned with the Descript Audio Codec (DAC) latent space before reconstructing it to an audio signal using a fine-tuned DAC decoder. DisCoder achieves state-of-the-art performance in music synthesis on several objective metrics and in a MUSHRA listening study. Our approach also shows competitive performance in speech synthesis, highlighting its potential as a universal vocoder.
comment: Accepted at ICASSP 2025
☆ Navigating Demand Uncertainty in Container Shipping: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Enabling Adaptive and Feasible Master Stowage Planning IJCAI 2025
Reinforcement learning (RL) has shown promise in solving various combinatorial optimization problems. However, conventional RL faces challenges when dealing with real-world constraints, especially when action space feasibility is explicit and dependent on the corresponding state or trajectory. In this work, we focus on using RL in container shipping, often considered the cornerstone of global trade, by dealing with the critical challenge of master stowage planning. The main objective is to maximize cargo revenue and minimize operational costs while navigating demand uncertainty and various complex operational constraints, namely vessel capacity and stability, which must be dynamically updated along the vessel's voyage. To address this problem, we implement a deep reinforcement learning framework with feasibility projection to solve the master stowage planning problem (MPP) under demand uncertainty. The experimental results show that our architecture efficiently finds adaptive, feasible solutions for this multi-stage stochastic optimization problem, outperforming traditional mixed-integer programming and RL with feasibility regularization. Our AI-driven decision-support policy enables adaptive and feasible planning under uncertainty, optimizing operational efficiency and capacity utilization while contributing to sustainable and resilient global supply chains.
comment: This paper is currently under review for IJCAI 2025
☆ Green LIME: Improving AI Explainability through Design of Experiments
In artificial intelligence (AI), the complexity of many models and processes often surpasses human interpretability, making it challenging to understand why a specific prediction is made. This lack of transparency is particularly problematic in critical fields like healthcare, where trust in a model's predictions is paramount. As a result, the explainability of machine learning (ML) and other complex models has become a key area of focus. Efforts to improve model interpretability often involve experimenting with AI systems and approximating their behavior through simpler mechanisms. However, these procedures can be resource-intensive. Optimal design of experiments, which seeks to maximize the information obtained from a limited number of observations, offers promising methods for improving the efficiency of these explainability techniques. To demonstrate this potential, we explore Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME), a widely used method introduced by Ribeiro, Singh, and Guestrin, 2016. LIME provides explanations by generating new data points near the instance of interest and passing them through the model. While effective, this process can be computationally expensive, especially when predictions are costly or require many samples. LIME is highly versatile and can be applied to a wide range of models and datasets. In this work, we focus on models involving tabular data, regression tasks, and linear models as interpretable local approximations. By utilizing optimal design of experiments' techniques, we reduce the number of function evaluations of the complex model, thereby reducing the computational effort of LIME by a significant amount. We consider this modified version of LIME to be energy-efficient or "green".
☆ Architect of the Bits World: Masked Autoregressive Modeling for Circuit Generation Guided by Truth Table
Logic synthesis, a critical stage in electronic design automation (EDA), optimizes gate-level circuits to minimize power consumption and area occupancy in integrated circuits (ICs). Traditional logic synthesis tools rely on human-designed heuristics, often yielding suboptimal results. Although differentiable architecture search (DAS) has shown promise in generating circuits from truth tables, it faces challenges such as high computational complexity, convergence to local optima, and extensive hyperparameter tuning. Consequently, we propose a novel approach integrating conditional generative models with DAS for circuit generation. Our approach first introduces CircuitVQ, a circuit tokenizer trained based on our Circuit AutoEncoder We then develop CircuitAR, a masked autoregressive model leveraging CircuitVQ as the tokenizer. CircuitAR can generate preliminary circuit structures from truth tables, which guide DAS in producing functionally equivalent circuits. Notably, we observe the scalability and emergent capability in generating complex circuit structures of our CircuitAR models. Extensive experiments also show the superior performance of our method. This research bridges the gap between probabilistic generative models and precise circuit generation, offering a robust solution for logic synthesis.
☆ MediaMind: Revolutionizing Media Monitoring using Agentification
In an era of rapid technological advancements, agentification of software tools has emerged as a critical innovation, enabling systems to function autonomously and adaptively. This paper introduces MediaMind as a case study to demonstrate the agentification process, highlighting how existing software can be transformed into intelligent agents capable of independent decision-making and dynamic interaction. Developed by aiXplain, MediaMind leverages agent-based architecture to autonomously monitor, analyze, and provide insights from multilingual media content in real time. The focus of this paper is on the technical methodologies and design principles behind agentifying MediaMind, showcasing how agentification enhances adaptability, efficiency, and responsiveness. Through detailed case studies and practical examples, we illustrate how the agentification of MediaMind empowers organizations to streamline workflows, optimize decision-making, and respond to evolving trends. This work underscores the broader potential of agentification to revolutionize software tools across various domains.
☆ Cross-Domain Continual Learning for Edge Intelligence in Wireless ISAC Networks
In wireless networks with integrated sensing and communications (ISAC), edge intelligence (EI) is expected to be developed at edge devices (ED) for sensing user activities based on channel state information (CSI). However, due to the CSI being highly specific to users' characteristics, the CSI-activity relationship is notoriously domain dependent, essentially demanding EI to learn sufficient datasets from various domains in order to gain cross-domain sensing capability. This poses a crucial challenge owing to the EDs' limited resources, for which storing datasets across all domains will be a significant burden. In this paper, we propose the EdgeCL framework, enabling the EI to continually learn-then-discard each incoming dataset, while remaining resilient to catastrophic forgetting. We design a transformer-based discriminator for handling sequences of noisy and nonequispaced CSI samples. Besides, we propose a distilled core-set based knowledge retention method with robustness-enhanced optimization to train the discriminator, preserving its performance for previous domains while preventing future forgetting. Experimental evaluations show that EdgeCL achieves 89% of performance compared to cumulative training while consuming only 3% of its memory, mitigating forgetting by 79%.
☆ Circuit Representation Learning with Masked Gate Modeling and Verilog-AIG Alignment
Understanding the structure and function of circuits is crucial for electronic design automation (EDA). Circuits can be formulated as And-Inverter graphs (AIGs), enabling efficient implementation of representation learning through graph neural networks (GNNs). Masked modeling paradigms have been proven effective in graph representation learning. However, masking augmentation to original circuits will destroy their logical equivalence, which is unsuitable for circuit representation learning. Moreover, existing masked modeling paradigms often prioritize structural information at the expense of abstract information such as circuit function. To address these limitations, we introduce MGVGA, a novel constrained masked modeling paradigm incorporating masked gate modeling (MGM) and Verilog-AIG alignment (VGA). Specifically, MGM preserves logical equivalence by masking gates in the latent space rather than in the original circuits, subsequently reconstructing the attributes of these masked gates. Meanwhile, large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated an excellent understanding of the Verilog code functionality. Building upon this capability, VGA performs masking operations on original circuits and reconstructs masked gates under the constraints of equivalent Verilog codes, enabling GNNs to learn circuit functions from LLMs. We evaluate MGVGA on various logic synthesis tasks for EDA and show the superior performance of MGVGA compared to previous state-of-the-art methods. Our code is available at
☆ Learning the symmetric group: large from small
Machine learning explorations can make significant inroads into solving difficult problems in pure mathematics. One advantage of this approach is that mathematical datasets do not suffer from noise, but a challenge is the amount of data required to train these models and that this data can be computationally expensive to generate. Key challenges further comprise difficulty in a posteriori interpretation of statistical models and the implementation of deep and abstract mathematical problems. We propose a method for scalable tasks, by which models trained on simpler versions of a task can then generalize to the full task. Specifically, we demonstrate that a transformer neural-network trained on predicting permutations from words formed by general transpositions in the symmetric group $S_{10}$ can generalize to the symmetric group $S_{25}$ with near 100\% accuracy. We also show that $S_{10}$ generalizes to $S_{16}$ with similar performance if we only use adjacent transpositions. We employ identity augmentation as a key tool to manage variable word lengths, and partitioned windows for training on adjacent transpositions. Finally we compare variations of the method used and discuss potential challenges with extending the method to other tasks.
comment: 15 pages, 8 figures
☆ CausalMan: A physics-based simulator for large-scale causality
A comprehensive understanding of causality is critical for navigating and operating within today's complex real-world systems. The absence of realistic causal models with known data generating processes complicates fair benchmarking. In this paper, we present the CausalMan simulator, modeled after a real-world production line. The simulator features a diverse range of linear and non-linear mechanisms and challenging-to-predict behaviors, such as discrete mode changes. We demonstrate the inadequacy of many state-of-the-art approaches and analyze the significant differences in their performance and tractability, both in terms of runtime and memory complexity. As a contribution, we will release the CausalMan large-scale simulator. We present two derived datasets, and perform an extensive evaluation of both.
☆ Scalable Model Merging with Progressive Layer-wise Distillation
Model merging offers an effective way to integrate the capabilities of multiple fine-tuned models. However, the performance degradation of the merged model remains a challenge, particularly when none or few data are available. This paper first highlights the necessity of domain-specific data for model merging by proving that data-agnostic algorithms can have arbitrarily bad worst-case performance. Building on this theoretical insight, we explore the relationship between model merging and distillation, introducing a novel few-shot merging algorithm, ProDistill (Progressive Layer-wise Distillation). Unlike common belief that layer wise training hurts performance, we show that layer-wise teacher-student distillation not only enhances the scalability but also improves model merging performance. We conduct extensive experiments to show that compared to existing few-shot merging methods, ProDistill achieves state-of-the-art performance, with up to 6.14% and 6.61% improvements in vision and NLU tasks. Furthermore, we extend the experiments to models with over 10B parameters, showcasing the exceptional scalability of ProDistill.
☆ Translate Smart, not Hard: Cascaded Translation Systems with Quality-Aware Deferral
Larger models often outperform smaller ones but come with high computational costs. Cascading offers a potential solution. By default, it uses smaller models and defers only some instances to larger, more powerful models. However, designing effective deferral rules remains a challenge. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective approach for machine translation, using existing quality estimation (QE) metrics as deferral rules. We show that QE-based deferral allows a cascaded system to match the performance of a larger model while invoking it for a small fraction (30% to 50%) of the examples, significantly reducing computational costs. We validate this approach through both automatic and human evaluation.
comment: Preprint
☆ Neuromorphic Readout for Hadron Calorimeters
We simulate hadrons impinging on a homogeneous lead-tungstate (PbWO4) calorimeter to investigate how the resulting light yield and its temporal structure, as detected by an array of light-sensitive sensors, can be processed by a neuromorphic computing system. Our model encodes temporal photon distributions as spike trains and employs a fully connected spiking neural network to estimate the total deposited energy, as well as the position and spatial distribution of the light emissions within the sensitive material. The extracted primitives offer valuable topological information about the shower development in the material, achieved without requiring a segmentation of the active medium. A potential nanophotonic implementation using III-V semiconductor nanowires is discussed. It can be both fast and energy efficient.
comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, submitted to MDPI Particles
☆ Fast Data Aware Neural Architecture Search via Supernet Accelerated Evaluation
Tiny machine learning (TinyML) promises to revolutionize fields such as healthcare, environmental monitoring, and industrial maintenance by running machine learning models on low-power embedded systems. However, the complex optimizations required for successful TinyML deployment continue to impede its widespread adoption. A promising route to simplifying TinyML is through automatic machine learning (AutoML), which can distill elaborate optimization workflows into accessible key decisions. Notably, Hardware Aware Neural Architecture Searches - where a computer searches for an optimal TinyML model based on predictive performance and hardware metrics - have gained significant traction, producing some of today's most widely used TinyML models. Nevertheless, limiting optimization solely to neural network architectures can prove insufficient. Because TinyML systems must operate under extremely tight resource constraints, the choice of input data configuration, such as resolution or sampling rate, also profoundly impacts overall system efficiency. Achieving truly optimal TinyML systems thus requires jointly tuning both input data and model architecture. Despite its importance, this "Data Aware Neural Architecture Search" remains underexplored. To address this gap, we propose a new state-of-the-art Data Aware Neural Architecture Search technique and demonstrate its effectiveness on the novel TinyML ``Wake Vision'' dataset. Our experiments show that across varying time and hardware constraints, Data Aware Neural Architecture Search consistently discovers superior TinyML systems compared to purely architecture-focused methods, underscoring the critical role of data-aware optimization in advancing TinyML.
☆ Federated Variational Inference for Bayesian Mixture Models
We present a federated learning approach for Bayesian model-based clustering of large-scale binary and categorical datasets. We introduce a principled 'divide and conquer' inference procedure using variational inference with local merge and delete moves within batches of the data in parallel, followed by 'global' merge moves across batches to find global clustering structures. We show that these merge moves require only summaries of the data in each batch, enabling federated learning across local nodes without requiring the full dataset to be shared. Empirical results on simulated and benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method performs well in comparison to existing clustering algorithms. We validate the practical utility of the method by applying it to large scale electronic health record (EHR) data.
☆ Multi-Step Alignment as Markov Games: An Optimistic Online Gradient Descent Approach with Convergence Guarantees NeurIPS
Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) has been highly successful in aligning large language models with human preferences. While prevalent methods like DPO have demonstrated strong performance, they frame interactions with the language model as a bandit problem, which limits their applicability in real-world scenarios where multi-turn conversations are common. Additionally, DPO relies on the Bradley-Terry model assumption, which does not adequately capture the non-transitive nature of human preferences. In this paper, we address these challenges by modeling the alignment problem as a two-player constant-sum Markov game, where each player seeks to maximize their winning rate against the other across all steps of the conversation. Our approach Multi-step Preference Optimization (MPO) is built upon the natural actor-critic framework~\citep{peters2008natural}. We further develop OMPO based on the optimistic online gradient descent algorithm~\citep{rakhlin2013online,joulani17a}. Theoretically, we provide a rigorous analysis for both algorithms on convergence and show that OMPO requires $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-1})$ policy updates to converge to an $\epsilon$-approximate Nash equilibrium. We also validate the effectiveness of our method on multi-turn conversations dataset and math reasoning dataset.
comment: Accepted as oral presentation in NeurIPS LanGame Workshop, revised from ICLR submission
☆ SATA: Safe and Adaptive Torque-Based Locomotion Policies Inspired by Animal Learning
Despite recent advances in learning-based controllers for legged robots, deployments in human-centric environments remain limited by safety concerns. Most of these approaches use position-based control, where policies output target joint angles that must be processed by a low-level controller (e.g., PD or impedance controllers) to compute joint torques. Although impressive results have been achieved in controlled real-world scenarios, these methods often struggle with compliance and adaptability when encountering environments or disturbances unseen during training, potentially resulting in extreme or unsafe behaviors. Inspired by how animals achieve smooth and adaptive movements by controlling muscle extension and contraction, torque-based policies offer a promising alternative by enabling precise and direct control of the actuators in torque space. In principle, this approach facilitates more effective interactions with the environment, resulting in safer and more adaptable behaviors. However, challenges such as a highly nonlinear state space and inefficient exploration during training have hindered their broader adoption. To address these limitations, we propose SATA, a bio-inspired framework that mimics key biomechanical principles and adaptive learning mechanisms observed in animal locomotion. Our approach effectively addresses the inherent challenges of learning torque-based policies by significantly improving early-stage exploration, leading to high-performance final policies. Remarkably, our method achieves zero-shot sim-to-real transfer. Our experimental results indicate that SATA demonstrates remarkable compliance and safety, even in challenging environments such as soft/slippery terrain or narrow passages, and under significant external disturbances, highlighting its potential for practical deployments in human-centric and safety-critical scenarios.
♻ ☆ TabM: Advancing Tabular Deep Learning with Parameter-Efficient Ensembling ICLR 2025
Deep learning architectures for supervised learning on tabular data range from simple multilayer perceptrons (MLP) to sophisticated Transformers and retrieval-augmented methods. This study highlights a major, yet so far overlooked opportunity for designing substantially better MLP-based tabular architectures. Namely, our new model TabM relies on efficient ensembling, where one TabM efficiently imitates an ensemble of MLPs and produces multiple predictions per object. Compared to a traditional deep ensemble, in TabM, the underlying implicit MLPs are trained simultaneously, and (by default) share most of their parameters, which results in significantly better performance and efficiency. Using TabM as a new baseline, we perform a large-scale evaluation of tabular DL architectures on public benchmarks in terms of both task performance and efficiency, which renders the landscape of tabular DL in a new light. Generally, we show that MLPs, including TabM, form a line of stronger and more practical models compared to attention- and retrieval-based architectures. In particular, we find that TabM demonstrates the best performance among tabular DL models. Then, we conduct an empirical analysis on the ensemble-like nature of TabM. We observe that the multiple predictions of TabM are weak individually, but powerful collectively. Overall, our work brings an impactful technique to tabular DL and advances the performance-efficiency trade-off with TabM -- a simple and powerful baseline for researchers and practitioners.
comment: ICLR 2025. Code:
♻ ☆ State-space models can learn in-context by gradient descent
Deep state-space models (Deep SSMs) are becoming popular as effective approaches to model sequence data. They have also been shown to be capable of in-context learning, much like transformers. However, a complete picture of how SSMs might be able to do in-context learning has been missing. In this study, we provide a direct and explicit construction to show that state-space models can perform gradient-based learning and use it for in-context learning in much the same way as transformers. Specifically, we prove that a single structured state-space model layer, augmented with multiplicative input and output gating, can reproduce the outputs of an implicit linear model with least squares loss after one step of gradient descent. We then show a straightforward extension to multi-step linear and non-linear regression tasks. We validate our construction by training randomly initialized augmented SSMs on linear and non-linear regression tasks. The empirically obtained parameters through optimization match the ones predicted analytically by the theoretical construction. Overall, we elucidate the role of input- and output-gating in recurrent architectures as the key inductive biases for enabling the expressive power typical of foundation models. We also provide novel insights into the relationship between state-space models and linear self-attention, and their ability to learn in-context.
comment: 20 pages, 6 figures
♻ ☆ Scaling Test-Time Compute Without Verification or RL is Suboptimal
Despite substantial advances in scaling test-time compute, an ongoing debate in the community is how it should be scaled up to enable continued and efficient improvements with scaling. There are largely two approaches: first, distilling successful search or thinking traces; and second, using verification (e.g., 0/1 outcome rewards, reward models, or verifiers) to guide reinforcement learning (RL) and search algorithms. In this paper, we prove that finetuning LLMs with verifier-based (VB) methods based on RL or search is far superior to verifier-free (VF) approaches based on distilling or cloning search traces, given a fixed amount of compute/data budget. Further, we show that as we scale test-time compute (measured as the output token length) and training data, suboptimality of VF methods scales poorly compared to VB when the base pre-trained LLM presents a heterogeneous distribution over correct solution traces (e.g., different lengths, styles, etc.) and admits a non-sharp distribution over rewards on traces sampled from it. We formalize this condition using anti-concentration [Erd\H{o}s, 1945]. This implies a stronger result that VB methods scale better asymptotically, with the performance gap between VB and VF methods widening as test-time budget grows. We corroborate our theory empirically on both didactic and math reasoning problems with 3/8/32B-sized pre-trained LLMs, where we find verification is crucial for scaling test-time compute.
♻ ☆ Exploring the Impact of Dataset Statistical Effect Size on Model Performance and Data Sample Size Sufficiency
Having a sufficient quantity of quality data is a critical enabler of training effective machine learning models. Being able to effectively determine the adequacy of a dataset prior to training and evaluating a model's performance would be an essential tool for anyone engaged in experimental design or data collection. However, despite the need for it, the ability to prospectively assess data sufficiency remains an elusive capability. We report here on two experiments undertaken in an attempt to better ascertain whether or not basic descriptive statistical measures can be indicative of how effective a dataset will be at training a resulting model. Leveraging the effect size of our features, this work first explores whether or not a correlation exists between effect size, and resulting model performance (theorizing that the magnitude of the distinction between classes could correlate to a classifier's resulting success). We then explore whether or not the magnitude of the effect size will impact the rate of convergence of our learning rate, (theorizing again that a greater effect size may indicate that the model will converge more rapidly, and with a smaller sample size needed). Our results appear to indicate that this is not an effective heuristic for determining adequate sample size or projecting model performance, and therefore that additional work is still needed to better prospectively assess adequacy of data.
♻ ☆ Generalizable Graph Neural Networks for Robust Power Grid Topology Control
The energy transition necessitates new congestion management methods. One such method is controlling the grid topology with machine learning (ML). This approach has gained popularity following the Learning to Run a Power Network (L2RPN) competitions. Graph neural networks (GNNs) are a class of ML models that reflect graph structure in their computation, which makes them suitable for power grid modeling. Various GNN approaches for topology control have thus been proposed. We propose the first GNN model for grid topology control that uses only GNN layers. Additionally, we identify the busbar information asymmetry problem that the popular homogeneous graph representation suffers from, and propose a heterogeneous graph representation to resolve it. We train both homogeneous and heterogeneous GNNs and fully connected neural networks (FCNN) baselines on an imitation learning task. We evaluate the models according to their classification accuracy and grid operation ability. We find that the heterogeneous GNNs perform best on in-distribution networks, followed by the FCNNs, and lastly, the homogeneous GNNs. We also find that both GNN types generalize better to out-of-distribution networks than FCNNs.
♻ ☆ An Attentive Graph Agent for Topology-Adaptive Cyber Defence
As cyber threats grow increasingly sophisticated, reinforcement learning (RL) is emerging as a promising technique to create intelligent and adaptive cyber defense systems. However, most existing autonomous defensive agents have overlooked the inherent graph structure of computer networks subject to cyber attacks, potentially missing critical information and constraining their adaptability. To overcome these limitations, we developed a custom version of the Cyber Operations Research Gym (CybORG) environment, encoding network state as a directed graph with realistic low-level features. We employ a Graph Attention Network (GAT) architecture to process node, edge, and global features, and adapt its output to be compatible with policy gradient methods in RL. Our GAT-based approach offers key advantages over flattened alternatives: policies that demonstrate resilience to certain types of unexpected dynamic network topology changes, reasonable generalisation to networks of varying sizes within the same structural distribution, and interpretable defensive actions grounded in tangible network properties. We demonstrate that GAT defensive policies can be trained using our low-level directed graph observations, even when unexpected connections arise during simulation. Evaluations across networks of different sizes, but consistent subnetwork structure, show our policies achieve comparable performance to policies trained specifically for each network configuration. Our study contributes to the development of robust cyber defence systems that can better adapt to real-world network security challenges.
♻ ☆ Emoji Attack: Enhancing Jailbreak Attacks Against Judge LLM Detection
Jailbreaking techniques trick Large Language Models (LLMs) into producing restricted outputs, posing a serious threat. One line of defense is to use another LLM as a Judge to evaluate the harmfulness of generated text. However, we reveal that these Judge LLMs are vulnerable to token segmentation bias, an issue that arises when delimiters alter the tokenization process, splitting words into smaller sub-tokens. This disrupts the embeddings of the entire sequence, reducing detection accuracy and allowing harmful content to be misclassified as safe. In this paper, we introduce Emoji Attack, a novel strategy that amplifies existing jailbreak prompts by exploiting token segmentation bias. Our method leverages in-context learning to systematically insert emojis into text before it is evaluated by a Judge LLM, inducing embedding distortions that significantly lower the likelihood of detecting unsafe content. Unlike traditional delimiters, emojis also introduce semantic ambiguity, making them particularly effective in this attack. Through experiments on state-of-the-art Judge LLMs, we demonstrate that Emoji Attack substantially reduces the "unsafe" prediction rate, bypassing existing safeguards.
♻ ☆ Selective Reviews of Bandit Problems in AI via a Statistical View
Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a widely researched area in artificial intelligence that focuses on teaching agents decision-making through interactions with their environment. A key subset includes stochastic multi-armed bandit (MAB) and continuum-armed bandit (SCAB) problems, which model sequential decision-making under uncertainty. This review outlines the foundational models and assumptions of bandit problems, explores non-asymptotic theoretical tools like concentration inequalities and minimax regret bounds, and compares frequentist and Bayesian algorithms for managing exploration-exploitation trade-offs. Additionally, we explore K-armed contextual bandits and SCAB, focusing on their methodologies and regret analyses. We also examine the connections between SCAB problems and functional data analysis. Finally, we highlight recent advances and ongoing challenges in the field.
comment: 52 pages, 5 figures
♻ ☆ BenthicNet: A global compilation of seafloor images for deep learning applications
Advances in underwater imaging enable collection of extensive seafloor image datasets necessary for monitoring important benthic ecosystems. The ability to collect seafloor imagery has outpaced our capacity to analyze it, hindering mobilization of this crucial environmental information. Machine learning approaches provide opportunities to increase the efficiency with which seafloor imagery is analyzed, yet large and consistent datasets to support development of such approaches are scarce. Here we present BenthicNet: a global compilation of seafloor imagery designed to support the training and evaluation of large-scale image recognition models. An initial set of over 11.4 million images was collected and curated to represent a diversity of seafloor environments using a representative subset of 1.3 million images. These are accompanied by 3.1 million annotations translated to the CATAMI scheme, which span 190,000 of the images. A large deep learning model was trained on this compilation and preliminary results suggest it has utility for automating large and small-scale image analysis tasks. The compilation and model are made openly available for reuse at
♻ ☆ Correcting the Mythos of KL-Regularization: Direct Alignment without Overoptimization via Chi-Squared Preference Optimization
Language model alignment methods such as reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) have led to impressive advances in language model capabilities, but are limited by a widely observed phenomenon known as overoptimization, where the quality of the language model degrades over the course of the alignment process. As the model optimizes performance with respect to an offline reward model, it overfits to inaccuracies and drifts away from preferred responses covered by the data. To discourage such distribution shift, KL-regularization is widely employed in existing offline alignment methods, but overoptimization continues to harm performance. Lending theoretical insight into the source of these empirical observations, we first show that the KL-regularization is too weak to prevent overfitting, then raise the following question: is it possible to design an efficient algorithm that is provably robust to overoptimization? We address this question with a new algorithm for offline alignment, $\chi^2$-Preference Optimization ($\chi$PO). $\chi$PO is a one-line change to Direct Preference Optimization (DPO; Rafailov et al., 2023), which only involves modifying the logarithmic link function in the DPO objective. Despite this minimal change, $\chi$PO implicitly implements the principle of pessimism in the face of uncertainty via regularization with the $\chi^2$-divergence -- which quantifies uncertainty more effectively than KL-regularization -- and provably alleviates overoptimization, achieving sample-complexity guarantees based on single-policy concentrability -- the gold standard in offline reinforcement learning. $\chi$PO's simplicity and strong guarantees make it the first practical and general-purpose offline alignment algorithm that is provably robust to overoptimization.
♻ ☆ Rethinking Evaluation of Sparse Autoencoders through the Representation of Polysemous Words ICLR2025
Sparse autoencoders (SAEs) have gained a lot of attention as a promising tool to improve the interpretability of large language models (LLMs) by mapping the complex superposition of polysemantic neurons into monosemantic features and composing a sparse dictionary of words. However, traditional performance metrics like Mean Squared Error and L0 sparsity ignore the evaluation of the semantic representational power of SAEs -- whether they can acquire interpretable monosemantic features while preserving the semantic relationship of words. For instance, it is not obvious whether a learned sparse feature could distinguish different meanings in one word. In this paper, we propose a suite of evaluations for SAEs to analyze the quality of monosemantic features by focusing on polysemous words. Our findings reveal that SAEs developed to improve the MSE-L0 Pareto frontier may confuse interpretability, which does not necessarily enhance the extraction of monosemantic features. The analysis of SAEs with polysemous words can also figure out the internal mechanism of LLMs; deeper layers and the Attention module contribute to distinguishing polysemy in a word. Our semantics focused evaluation offers new insights into the polysemy and the existing SAE objective and contributes to the development of more practical SAEs.
comment: Published at ICLR2025
♻ ☆ LieRE: Generalizing Rotary Position Encodings
Transformer architectures rely on position encodings to capture token dependencies. Rotary Position Encoding (RoPE) has emerged as a popular choice in language models due to its efficient encoding of relative position information through key-query rotations. However, RoPE faces significant limitations beyond language processing: it is constrained to one-dimensional sequence data and, even with learnable phases, offers limited representational capacity. We address these challenges with Lie Relative Encodings (LieRE), which replaces RoPE's block-2D rotation matrix with a learned, dense, high-dimensional rotation matrix of variable sparsity. Through extensive evaluation on three image datasets across 2D and 3D classification tasks, LieRE achieves 2\% relative improvement over state-of-the-art baselines on 2D tasks and 1.5\% on 3D tasks, while demonstrating superior generalization to higher resolutions. Our implementation is computationally efficient, with results reproducible on 4 A100 GPUs in 30 minutes on CIFAR100, and we release our code to facilitate further research.
♻ ☆ Gradient Equilibrium in Online Learning: Theory and Applications
We present a new perspective on online learning that we refer to as gradient equilibrium: a sequence of iterates achieves gradient equilibrium if the average of gradients of losses along the sequence converges to zero. In general, this condition is not implied by, nor implies, sublinear regret. It turns out that gradient equilibrium is achievable by standard online learning methods such as gradient descent and mirror descent with constant step sizes (rather than decaying step sizes, as is usually required for no regret). Further, as we show through examples, gradient equilibrium translates into an interpretable and meaningful property in online prediction problems spanning regression, classification, quantile estimation, and others. Notably, we show that the gradient equilibrium framework can be used to develop a debiasing scheme for black-box predictions under arbitrary distribution shift, based on simple post hoc online descent updates. We also show that post hoc gradient updates can be used to calibrate predicted quantiles under distribution shift, and that the framework leads to unbiased Elo scores for pairwise preference prediction.
comment: Code available at
♻ ☆ Exploring Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks for Interpretable Time Series Classification
Time series classification is a relevant step supporting decision-making processes in various domains, and deep neural models have shown promising performance. Despite significant advancements in deep learning, the theoretical understanding of how and why complex architectures function remains limited, prompting the need for more interpretable models. Recently, the Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) have been proposed as a more interpretable alternative. While KAN-related research is significantly rising, to date, the study of KAN architectures for time series classification has been limited. In this paper, we aim to conduct a comprehensive and robust exploration of the KAN architecture for time series classification on the UCR benchmark. More specifically, we look at a) how reference architectures for forecasting transfer to classification, at the b) hyperparameter and implementation influence on the classification performance in view of finding the one that performs best on the selected benchmark, the c) complexity trade-offs and d) interpretability advantages. Our results show that (1) Efficient KAN outperforms MLP in performance and computational efficiency, showcasing its suitability for tasks classification tasks. (2) Efficient KAN is more stable than KAN across grid sizes, depths, and layer configurations, particularly with lower learning rates. (3) KAN maintains competitive accuracy compared to state-of-the-art models like HIVE-COTE2, with smaller architectures and faster training times, supporting its balance of performance and transparency. (4) The interpretability of the KAN model aligns with findings from SHAP analysis, reinforcing its capacity for transparent decision-making.
♻ ☆ On-Device Collaborative Language Modeling via a Mixture of Generalists and Specialists
On-device LLMs have gained increasing attention for their ability to enhance privacy and provide a personalized user experience. To facilitate private learning with scarce data, Federated Learning has become a standard approach. However, it faces challenges such as computational resource heterogeneity and data heterogeneity among end users. We propose CoMiGS ($\textbf{Co}$llaborative learning with a $\textbf{Mi}$xture of $\textbf{G}$eneralists and $\textbf{S}$pecialists), the first approach to address both challenges. A key innovation of our method is the bi-level optimization formulation of the Mixture-of-Experts learning objective, where the router is optimized using a separate validation set to ensure alignment with the target distribution. We solve our objective with alternating minimization, for which we provide a theoretical analysis. Our method shares generalist experts across users while localizing a varying number of specialist experts, thereby adapting to users' computational resources and preserving privacy. Through extensive experiments, we show CoMiGS effectively balances general and personalized knowledge for each token generation. We demonstrate that CoMiGS remains robust against overfitting-due to the generalists' regularizing effect-while adapting to local data through specialist expertise. We open source our codebase for collaborative LLMs.
♻ ☆ Invariant Subspace Decomposition
We consider the task of predicting a response Y from a set of covariates X in settings where the conditional distribution of Y given X changes over time. For this to be feasible, assumptions on how the conditional distribution changes over time are required. Existing approaches assume, for example, that changes occur smoothly over time so that short-term prediction using only the recent past becomes feasible. To additionally exploit observations further in the past, we propose a novel invariance-based framework for linear conditionals, called Invariant Subspace Decomposition (ISD), that splits the conditional distribution into a time-invariant and a residual time-dependent component. As we show, this decomposition can be utilized both for zero-shot and time-adaptation prediction tasks, that is, settings where either no or a small amount of training data is available at the time points we want to predict Y at, respectively. We propose a practical estimation procedure, which automatically infers the decomposition using tools from approximate joint matrix diagonalization. Furthermore, we provide finite sample guarantees for the proposed estimator and demonstrate empirically that it indeed improves on approaches that do not use the additional invariant structure.
comment: 60 pages, 14 figures
♻ ☆ Convergent Privacy Loss of Noisy-SGD without Convexity and Smoothness
We study the Differential Privacy (DP) guarantee of hidden-state Noisy-SGD algorithms over a bounded domain. Standard privacy analysis for Noisy-SGD assumes all internal states are revealed, which leads to a divergent R'enyi DP bound with respect to the number of iterations. Ye & Shokri (2022) and Altschuler & Talwar (2022) proved convergent bounds for smooth (strongly) convex losses, and raise open questions about whether these assumptions can be relaxed. We provide positive answers by proving convergent R'enyi DP bound for non-convex non-smooth losses, where we show that requiring losses to have H\"older continuous gradient is sufficient. We also provide a strictly better privacy bound compared to state-of-the-art results for smooth strongly convex losses. Our analysis relies on the improvement of shifted divergence analysis in multiple aspects, including forward Wasserstein distance tracking, identifying the optimal shifts allocation, and the H"older reduction lemma. Our results further elucidate the benefit of hidden-state analysis for DP and its applicability.
♻ ☆ Large Language Diffusion Models
Autoregressive models (ARMs) are widely regarded as the cornerstone of large language models (LLMs). We challenge this notion by introducing LLaDA, a diffusion model trained from scratch under the pre-training and supervised fine-tuning (SFT) paradigm. LLaDA models distributions through a forward data masking process and a reverse process, parameterized by a vanilla Transformer to predict masked tokens. By optimizing a likelihood bound, it provides a principled generative approach for probabilistic inference. Across extensive benchmarks, LLaDA demonstrates strong scalability, outperforming our self-constructed ARM baselines. Remarkably, LLaDA 8B is competitive with strong LLMs like LLaMA3 8B in in-context learning and, after SFT, exhibits impressive instruction-following abilities in case studies such as multi-turn dialogue. Moreover, LLaDA addresses the reversal curse, surpassing GPT-4o in a reversal poem completion task. Our findings establish diffusion models as a viable and promising alternative to ARMs, challenging the assumption that key LLM capabilities discussed above are inherently tied to ARMs. Project page and codes:
♻ ☆ Comparing Unidirectional, Bidirectional, and Word2vec Models for Discovering Vulnerabilities in Compiled Lifted Code
Ransomware and other forms of malware cause significant financial and operational damage to organizations by exploiting long-standing and often difficult-to-detect software vulnerabilities. To detect vulnerabilities such as buffer overflows in compiled code, this research investigates the application of unidirectional transformer-based embeddings, specifically GPT-2. Using a dataset of LLVM functions, we trained a GPT-2 model to generate embeddings, which were subsequently used to build LSTM neural networks to differentiate between vulnerable and non-vulnerable code. Our study reveals that embeddings from the GPT-2 model significantly outperform those from bidirectional models of BERT and RoBERTa, achieving an accuracy of 92.5% and an F1-score of 89.7%. LSTM neural networks were developed with both frozen and unfrozen embedding model layers. The model with the highest performance was achieved when the embedding layers were unfrozen. Further, the research finds that, in exploring the impact of different optimizers within this domain, the SGD optimizer demonstrates superior performance over Adam. Overall, these findings reveal important insights into the potential of unidirectional transformer-based approaches in enhancing cybersecurity defenses.
comment: 6 pages, 2 figures
♻ ☆ Over-parameterised Shallow Neural Networks with Asymmetrical Node Scaling: Global Convergence Guarantees and Feature Learning
We consider gradient-based optimisation of wide, shallow neural networks, where the output of each hidden node is scaled by a positive parameter. The scaling parameters are non-identical, differing from the classical Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) parameterisation. We prove that for large such neural networks, with high probability, gradient flow and gradient descent converge to a global minimum and can learn features in some sense, unlike in the NTK parameterisation. We perform experiments illustrating our theoretical results and discuss the benefits of such scaling in terms of prunability and transfer learning.
♻ ☆ Learning Tree Pattern Transformations ICDT 2025
Explaining why and how a tree $t$ structurally differs from another tree $t^\star$ is a question that is encountered throughout computer science, including in understanding tree-structured data such as XML or JSON data. In this article, we explore how to learn explanations for structural differences between pairs of trees from sample data: suppose we are given a set $\{(t_1, t_1^\star),\dots, (t_n, t_n^\star)\}$ of pairs of labelled, ordered trees; is there a small set of rules that explains the structural differences between all pairs $(t_i, t_i^\star)$? This raises two research questions: (i) what is a good notion of "rule" in this context?; and (ii) how can sets of rules explaining a data set be learned algorithmically? We explore these questions from the perspective of database theory by (1) introducing a pattern-based specification language for tree transformations; (2) exploring the computational complexity of variants of the above algorithmic problem, e.g. showing NP-hardness for very restricted variants; and (3) discussing how to solve the problem for data from CS education research using SAT solvers.
comment: Full version of the ICDT 2025 paper
♻ ☆ R3L: Relative Representations for Reinforcement Learning
Visual Reinforcement Learning is a popular and powerful framework that takes full advantage of the Deep Learning breakthrough. It is known that variations in input domains (e.g., different panorama colors due to seasonal changes) or task domains (e.g., altering the target speed of a car) can disrupt agent performance, necessitating new training for each variation. Recent advancements in the field of representation learning have demonstrated the possibility of combining components from different neural networks to create new models in a zero-shot fashion. In this paper, we build upon relative representations, a framework that maps encoder embeddings to a universal space. We adapt this framework to the Visual Reinforcement Learning setting, allowing to combine agents components to create new agents capable of effectively handling novel visual-task pairs not encountered during training. Our findings highlight the potential for model reuse, significantly reducing the need for retraining and, consequently, the time and computational resources required.
comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 7 tables
♻ ☆ Sable: a Performant, Efficient and Scalable Sequence Model for MARL
As multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) progresses towards solving larger and more complex problems, it becomes increasingly important that algorithms exhibit the key properties of (1) strong performance, (2) memory efficiency and (3) scalability. In this work, we introduce Sable, a performant, memory efficient and scalable sequence modeling approach to MARL. Sable works by adapting the retention mechanism in Retentive Networks (Sun et al., 2023) to achieve computationally efficient processing of multi-agent observations with long context memory for temporal reasoning. Through extensive evaluations across six diverse environments, we demonstrate how Sable is able to significantly outperform existing state-of-the-art methods in a large number of diverse tasks (34 out of 45 tested). Furthermore, Sable maintains performance as we scale the number of agents, handling environments with more than a thousand agents while exhibiting a linear increase in memory usage. Finally, we conduct ablation studies to isolate the source of Sable's performance gains and confirm its efficient computational memory usage.
♻ ☆ Asymptotically Unbiased Synthetic Control Methods by Density Matching
Synthetic Control Methods (SCMs) have become a fundamental tool for comparative case studies. The core idea behind SCMs is to estimate treatment effects by predicting counterfactual outcomes for a treated unit using a weighted combination of observed outcomes from untreated units. The accuracy of these predictions is crucial for evaluating the treatment effect of a policy intervention. Subsequent research has therefore focused on estimating SC weights. In this study, we highlight a key endogeneity issue in existing SCMs-namely, the correlation between the outcomes of untreated units and the error term of the synthetic control, which leads to bias in both counterfactual outcome prediction and treatment effect estimation. To address this issue, we propose a novel SCM based on density matching, assuming that the outcome density of the treated unit can be approximated by a weighted mixture of the joint density of untreated units. Under this assumption, we estimate SC weights by matching the moments of the treated outcomes with the weighted sum of the moments of the untreated outcomes. Our method offers three advantages: first, under the mixture model assumption, our estimator is asymptotically unbiased; second, this asymptotic unbiasedness reduces the mean squared error in counterfactual predictions; and third, our method provides full densities of the treatment effect rather than just expected values, thereby broadening the applicability of SCMs. Finally, we present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
comment: This study was presented at the Workshop on Counterfactuals in Minds and Machines at the International Conference on Machine Learning in July 2023 and at the International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics in August 2023
♻ ☆ Don't drop your samples! Coherence-aware training benefits Conditional diffusion CVPR 2024
Conditional diffusion models are powerful generative models that can leverage various types of conditional information, such as class labels, segmentation masks, or text captions. However, in many real-world scenarios, conditional information may be noisy or unreliable due to human annotation errors or weak alignment. In this paper, we propose the Coherence-Aware Diffusion (CAD), a novel method that integrates coherence in conditional information into diffusion models, allowing them to learn from noisy annotations without discarding data. We assume that each data point has an associated coherence score that reflects the quality of the conditional information. We then condition the diffusion model on both the conditional information and the coherence score. In this way, the model learns to ignore or discount the conditioning when the coherence is low. We show that CAD is theoretically sound and empirically effective on various conditional generation tasks. Moreover, we show that leveraging coherence generates realistic and diverse samples that respect conditional information better than models trained on cleaned datasets where samples with low coherence have been discarded.
comment: Accepted at CVPR 2024 as a Highlight. Project page:
♻ ☆ Learning More Expressive General Policies for Classical Planning Domains AAAI
GNN-based approaches for learning general policies across planning domains are limited by the expressive power of $C_2$, namely; first-order logic with two variables and counting. This limitation can be overcame by transitioning to $k$-GNNs, for $k=3$, wherein object embeddings are substituted with triplet embeddings. Yet, while $3$-GNNs have the expressive power of $C_3$, unlike $1$- and $2$-GNNs that are confined to $C_2$, they require quartic time for message exchange and cubic space to store embeddings, rendering them infeasible in practice. In this work, we introduce a parameterized version R-GNN[$t$] (with parameter $t$) of Relational GNNs. Unlike GNNs, that are designed to perform computation on graphs, Relational GNNs are designed to do computation on relational structures. When $t=\infty$, R-GNN[$t$] approximates $3$-GNNs over graphs, but using only quadratic space for embeddings. For lower values of $t$, such as $t=1$ and $t=2$, R-GNN[$t$] achieves a weaker approximation by exchanging fewer messages, yet interestingly, often yield the expressivity required in several planning domains. Furthermore, the new R-GNN[$t$] architecture is the original R-GNN architecture with a suitable transformation applied to the inputs only. Experimental results illustrate the clear performance gains of R-GNN[$1$] over the plain R-GNNs, and also over Edge Transformers that also approximate $3$-GNNs.
comment: Proceedings of the 39th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-25)
♻ ☆ Bongard in Wonderland: Visual Puzzles that Still Make AI Go Mad?
Recently, newly developed Vision-Language Models (VLMs), such as OpenAI's o1, have emerged, seemingly demonstrating advanced reasoning capabilities across text and image modalities. However, the depth of these advances in language-guided perception and abstract reasoning remains underexplored, and it is unclear whether these models can truly live up to their ambitious promises. To assess the progress and identify shortcomings, we enter the wonderland of Bongard problems, a set of classic visual reasoning puzzles that require human-like abilities of pattern recognition and abstract reasoning. With our extensive evaluation setup, we show that while VLMs occasionally succeed in identifying discriminative concepts and solving some of the problems, they frequently falter. Surprisingly, even elementary concepts that may seem trivial to humans, such as simple spirals, pose significant challenges. Moreover, when explicitly asked to recognize ground truth concepts, they continue to falter, suggesting not only a lack of understanding of these elementary visual concepts but also an inability to generalize to unseen concepts. We compare the results of VLMs to human performance and observe that a significant gap remains between human visual reasoning capabilities and machine cognition.
♻ ☆ Privacy Preservation through Practical Machine Unlearning
Machine Learning models thrive on vast datasets, continuously adapting to provide accurate predictions and recommendations. However, in an era dominated by privacy concerns, Machine Unlearning emerges as a transformative approach, enabling the selective removal of data from trained models. This paper examines methods such as Naive Retraining and Exact Unlearning via the SISA framework, evaluating their Computational Costs, Consistency, and feasibility using the $\texttt{HSpam14}$ dataset. We explore the potential of integrating unlearning principles into Positive Unlabeled (PU) Learning to address challenges posed by partially labeled datasets. Our findings highlight the promise of unlearning frameworks like $\textit{DaRE}$ for ensuring privacy compliance while maintaining model performance, albeit with significant computational trade-offs. This study underscores the importance of Machine Unlearning in achieving ethical AI and fostering trust in data-driven systems.
comment: 15 pages, 8 figures
♻ ☆ A Closer Look at Mortality Risk Prediction from Electrocardiograms
Several recent studies combine large private ECG databases with AI to predict patient mortality. These studies typically use a few, highly variable, modeling approaches. While benchmarking these approaches has historically been limited by a lack of public ECG datasets, this changed with the 2023 release of MIMIC-IV, containing 795,546 ECGs from a U.S. hospital system, and the 2020 release of Code-15, containing 345,779 ECGs collected during routine care in Brazil. We benchmark over 500 AI-ECG survival models predicting all-cause mortality on Code-15 and MIMIC-IV with 2 neural architectures, 4 Deep-Survival-Analysis approaches, and classifiers predicting mortality at 4 time horizons. We extend the highest-performing approach to a dataset from Boston Children's Hospital (BCH, 225,379 ECGs). Models train with and without demographics (age/sex) and evaluate across datasets. The best performing Deep-Survival-Analysis models trained with ECG and demographics yield good median Concordance Indices (Code-15: 0.82, MIMIC-IV: 0.78, BCH: 0.76) and AUPRC scores (median 1-yr/5-yr, Code-15: 0.07/0.15; MIMIC-IV: 0.45/0.55; BCH: 0.04/0.13) considering the percentage of ECGs linked to mortality (1-yr/5-yr, Code-15: 1.2%/3.4%; MIMIC-IV: 14.8%/24.5%; BCH: 0.9%/4.8%). Contrasting with Deep-Survival-Analysis models, classifier-based AI-ECG models exhibit significant, site-dependent sensitivity to the choice of time horizon (median Pearson's R, Code-15: 0.69, p<1E-5; MIMIC-IV: -0.80 p<1E-5). Demographic-only models perform surprisingly well on Code-15. Concordance drops 0.03-0.24 on external validation. We recommend Deep-Survival-Analysis over Classifier-Cox approaches and the inclusion of demographic covariates in ECG survival modeling. Comparisons to demographic-only and baseline models is crucial. External evaluations support fine-tuning models on site-specific data.
comment: 13 pages plus references and appendix, 2 figures
♻ ☆ Stabilized Neural Prediction of Potential Outcomes in Continuous Time
Patient trajectories from electronic health records are widely used to estimate conditional average potential outcomes (CAPOs) of treatments over time, which then allows to personalize care. Yet, existing neural methods for this purpose have a key limitation: while some adjust for time-varying confounding, these methods assume that the time series are recorded in discrete time. In other words, they are constrained to settings where measurements and treatments are conducted at fixed time steps, even though this is unrealistic in medical practice. In this work, we aim to estimate CAPOs in continuous time. The latter is of direct practical relevance because it allows for modeling patient trajectories where measurements and treatments take place at arbitrary, irregular timestamps. We thus propose a new method called stabilized continuous time inverse propensity network (SCIP-Net). For this, we further derive stabilized inverse propensity weights for robust estimation of the CAPOs. To the best of our knowledge, our SCIP-Net is the first neural method that performs proper adjustments for time-varying confounding in continuous time.
♻ ☆ Logarithmic Regret for Online KL-Regularized Reinforcement Learning
Recent advances in Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) have shown that KL-regularization plays a pivotal role in improving the efficiency of RL fine-tuning for large language models (LLMs). Despite its empirical advantage, the theoretical difference between KL-regularized RL and standard RL remains largely under-explored. While there is a recent line of work on the theoretical analysis of KL-regularized objective in decision making \citep{xiong2024iterative, xie2024exploratory,zhao2024sharp}, these analyses either reduce to the traditional RL setting or rely on strong coverage assumptions. In this paper, we propose an optimism-based KL-regularized online contextual bandit algorithm, and provide a novel analysis of its regret. By carefully leveraging the benign optimization landscape induced by the KL-regularization and the optimistic reward estimation, our algorithm achieves an $\mathcal{O}\big(\eta\log (N_{\mathcal R} T)\cdot d_{\mathcal R}\big)$ logarithmic regret bound, where $\eta, N_{\mathcal R},T,d_{\mathcal R}$ denote the KL-regularization parameter, the cardinality of the reward function class, number of rounds, and the complexity of the reward function class. Furthermore, we extend our algorithm and analysis to reinforcement learning by developing a novel decomposition over transition steps and also obtain a similar logarithmic regret bound.
♻ ☆ Second-Order Fine-Tuning without Pain for LLMs:A Hessian Informed Zeroth-Order Optimizer
Fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) with classic first-order optimizers entails prohibitive GPU memory due to the backpropagation process. Recent works have turned to zeroth-order optimizers for fine-tuning, which save substantial memory by using two forward passes. However, these optimizers are plagued by the heterogeneity of parameter curvatures across different dimensions. In this work, we propose HiZOO, a diagonal Hessian informed zeroth-order optimizer which is the first work to leverage the diagonal Hessian to enhance zeroth-order optimizer for fine-tuning LLMs. What's more, HiZOO avoids the expensive memory cost and only increases one forward pass per step. Extensive experiments on various models (350M~66B parameters) indicate that HiZOO improves model convergence, significantly reducing training steps and effectively enhancing model accuracy. Moreover, we visualize the optimization trajectories of HiZOO on test functions, illustrating its effectiveness in handling heterogeneous curvatures. Lastly, we provide theoretical proofs of convergence for HiZOO. Code is publicly available at
♻ ☆ Investigating potential causes of Sepsis with Bayesian network structure learning
Sepsis is a life-threatening and serious global health issue. This study combines knowledge with available hospital data to investigate the potential causes of Sepsis that can be affected by policy decisions. We investigate the underlying causal structure of this problem by combining clinical expertise with score-based, constraint-based, and hybrid structure learning algorithms. A novel approach to model averaging and knowledge-based constraints was implemented to arrive at a consensus structure for causal inference. The structure learning process highlighted the importance of exploring data-driven approaches alongside clinical expertise. This includes discovering unexpected, although reasonable, relationships from a clinical perspective. Hypothetical interventions on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Alcohol dependence, and Diabetes suggest that the presence of any of these risk factors in patients increases the likelihood of Sepsis. This finding, alongside measuring the effect of these risk factors on Sepsis, has potential policy implications. Recognising the importance of prediction in improving health outcomes related to Sepsis, the model is also assessed in its ability to predict Sepsis by evaluating accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. These three indicators all had results around 70%, and the AUC was 80%, which means the causal structure of the model is reasonably accurate given that the models were trained on data available for commissioning purposes only.
♻ ☆ IGNN-Solver: A Graph Neural Solver for Implicit Graph Neural Networks
Implicit graph neural networks (IGNNs), which exhibit strong expressive power with a single layer, have recently demonstrated remarkable performance in capturing long-range dependencies (LRD) in underlying graphs while effectively mitigating the over-smoothing problem. However, IGNNs rely on computationally expensive fixed-point iterations, which lead to significant speed and scalability limitations, hindering their application to large-scale graphs. To achieve fast fixed-point solving for IGNNs, we propose a novel graph neural solver, IGNN-Solver, which leverages the generalized Anderson Acceleration method, parameterized by a tiny GNN, and learns iterative updates as a graph-dependent temporal process. To improve effectiveness on large-scale graph tasks, we further integrate sparsification and storage compression methods, specifically tailored for the IGNN-Solver, into its design. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the IGNN-Solver significantly accelerates inference on both small- and large-scale tasks, achieving a $1.5\times$ to $8\times$ speedup without sacrificing accuracy. This advantage becomes more pronounced as the graph scale grows, facilitating its large-scale deployment in real-world applications. The code to reproduce our results is available at
HR-Extreme: A High-Resolution Dataset for Extreme Weather Forecasting ICLR
The application of large deep learning models in weather forecasting has led to significant advancements in the field, including higher-resolution forecasting and extended prediction periods exemplified by models such as Pangu and Fuxi. Despite these successes, previous research has largely been characterized by the neglect of extreme weather events, and the availability of datasets specifically curated for such events remains limited. Given the critical importance of accurately forecasting extreme weather, this study introduces a comprehensive dataset that incorporates high-resolution extreme weather cases derived from the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) data, a 3-km real-time dataset provided by NOAA. We also evaluate the current state-of-the-art deep learning models and Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) systems on HR-Extreme, and provide a improved baseline deep learning model called HR-Heim which has superior performance on both general loss and HR-Extreme compared to others. Our results reveal that the errors of extreme weather cases are significantly larger than overall forecast error, highlighting them as an crucial source of loss in weather prediction. These findings underscore the necessity for future research to focus on improving the accuracy of extreme weather forecasts to enhance their practical utility.
comment: Accepted at the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2025. Supplementary matrials link:
♻ ☆ Continual Learning from Simulated Interactions via Multitask Prospective Rehearsal for Bionic Limb Behavior Modeling
Lower limb amputations and neuromuscular impairments severely restrict mobility, necessitating advancements beyond conventional prosthetics. While motorized bionic limbs show promise, their effectiveness depends on replicating the dynamic coordination of human movement across diverse environments. In this paper, we introduce a model for human behavior in the context of bionic prosthesis control. Our approach leverages human locomotion demonstrations to learn the synergistic coupling of the lower limbs, enabling the prediction of the kinematic behavior of a missing limb during tasks such as walking, climbing inclines, and stairs. We propose a multitasking, continually adaptive model that anticipates and refines movements over time. At the core of our method is a technique called multitask prospective rehearsal, that anticipates and synthesizes future movements based on the previous prediction and employs a corrective mechanism for subsequent predictions. Our evolving architecture merges lightweight, task-specific modules on a shared backbone, ensuring both specificity and scalability. We validate our model through experiments on real-world human gait datasets, including transtibial amputees, across a wide range of locomotion tasks. Results demonstrate that our approach consistently outperforms baseline models, particularly in scenarios with distributional shifts, adversarial perturbations, and noise.
comment: Accepted at Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR) 2025
♻ ☆ Bayesian Low-Rank LeArning (Bella): A Practical Approach to Bayesian Neural Networks AAAI'25
Computational complexity of Bayesian learning is impeding its adoption in practical, large-scale tasks. Despite demonstrations of significant merits such as improved robustness and resilience to unseen or out-of-distribution inputs over their non- Bayesian counterparts, their practical use has faded to near insignificance. In this study, we introduce an innovative framework to mitigate the computational burden of Bayesian neural networks (BNNs). Our approach follows the principle of Bayesian techniques based on deep ensembles, but significantly reduces their cost via multiple low-rank perturbations of parameters arising from a pre-trained neural network. Both vanilla version of ensembles as well as more sophisticated schemes such as Bayesian learning with Stein Variational Gradient Descent (SVGD), previously deemed impractical for large models, can be seamlessly implemented within the proposed framework, called Bayesian Low-Rank LeArning (Bella). In a nutshell, i) Bella achieves a dramatic reduction in the number of trainable parameters required to approximate a Bayesian posterior; and ii) it not only maintains, but in some instances, surpasses the performance of conventional Bayesian learning methods and non-Bayesian baselines. Our results with large-scale tasks such as ImageNet, CAMELYON17, DomainNet, VQA with CLIP, LLaVA demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of Bella in building highly scalable and practical Bayesian deep models for real-world applications.
comment: This paper is accepted in AAAI'25", and the code is available at
♻ ☆ Is Complex Query Answering Really Complex?
Complex query answering (CQA) on knowledge graphs (KGs) is gaining momentum as a challenging reasoning task. In this paper, we show that the current benchmarks for CQA might not be as complex as we think, as the way they are built distorts our perception of progress in this field. For example, we find that in these benchmarks, most queries (up to 98% for some query types) can be reduced to simpler problems, e.g., link prediction, where only one link needs to be predicted. The performance of state-of-the-art CQA models decreases significantly when such models are evaluated on queries that cannot be reduced to easier types. Thus, we propose a set of more challenging benchmarks composed of queries that require models to reason over multiple hops and better reflect the construction of real-world KGs. In a systematic empirical investigation, the new benchmarks show that current methods leave much to be desired from current CQA methods.
♻ ☆ Towards Homogeneous Lexical Tone Decoding from Heterogeneous Intracranial Recordings ICLR2025
Recent advancements in brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have enabled the decoding of lexical tones from intracranial recordings, offering the potential to restore the communication abilities of speech-impaired tonal language speakers. However, data heterogeneity induced by both physiological and instrumental factors poses a significant challenge for unified invasive brain tone decoding. Traditional subject-specific models, which operate under a heterogeneous decoding paradigm, fail to capture generalized neural representations and cannot effectively leverage data across subjects. To address these limitations, we introduce Homogeneity-Heterogeneity Disentangled Learning for neural Representations (H2DiLR), a novel framework that disentangles and learns both the homogeneity and heterogeneity from intracranial recordings across multiple subjects. To evaluate H2DiLR, we collected stereoelectroencephalography (sEEG) data from multiple participants reading Mandarin materials comprising 407 syllables, representing nearly all Mandarin characters. Extensive experiments demonstrate that H2DiLR, as a unified decoding paradigm, significantly outperforms the conventional heterogeneous decoding approach. Furthermore, we empirically confirm that H2DiLR effectively captures both homogeneity and heterogeneity during neural representation learning.
comment: ICLR2025 Poster (Preprint V2)
♻ ☆ SPARC: Spectral Architectures Tackling the Cold-Start Problem in Graph Learning
Graphs play a central role in modeling complex relationships in data, yet most graph learning methods falter when faced with cold-start nodes--new nodes lacking initial connections--due to their reliance on adjacency information. To tackle this, we propose SPARC, a groundbreaking framework that introduces a novel approach to graph learning by utilizing generalizable spectral embeddings. With a simple yet powerful enhancement, SPARC empowers state-of-the-art methods to make predictions on cold-start nodes effectively. By eliminating the need for adjacency information during inference and effectively capturing the graph's structure, we make these methods suitable for real-world scenarios where new nodes frequently appear. Experimental results demonstrate that our framework outperforms existing models on cold-start nodes across tasks such as node classification, node clustering, and link prediction. SPARC provides a solution to the cold-start problem, advancing the field of graph learning.
♻ ☆ NYU CTF Bench: A Scalable Open-Source Benchmark Dataset for Evaluating LLMs in Offensive Security
Large Language Models (LLMs) are being deployed across various domains today. However, their capacity to solve Capture the Flag (CTF) challenges in cybersecurity has not been thoroughly evaluated. To address this, we develop a novel method to assess LLMs in solving CTF challenges by creating a scalable, open-source benchmark database specifically designed for these applications. This database includes metadata for LLM testing and adaptive learning, compiling a diverse range of CTF challenges from popular competitions. Utilizing the advanced function calling capabilities of LLMs, we build a fully automated system with an enhanced workflow and support for external tool calls. Our benchmark dataset and automated framework allow us to evaluate the performance of five LLMs, encompassing both black-box and open-source models. This work lays the foundation for future research into improving the efficiency of LLMs in interactive cybersecurity tasks and automated task planning. By providing a specialized benchmark, our project offers an ideal platform for developing, testing, and refining LLM-based approaches to vulnerability detection and resolution. Evaluating LLMs on these challenges and comparing with human performance yields insights into their potential for AI-driven cybersecurity solutions to perform real-world threat management. We make our benchmark dataset open source to public along with our playground automated framework
♻ ☆ Ethereum Fraud Detection via Joint Transaction Language Model and Graph Representation Learning
Ethereum faces growing fraud threats. Current fraud detection methods, whether employing graph neural networks or sequence models, fail to consider the semantic information and similarity patterns within transactions. Moreover, these approaches do not leverage the potential synergistic benefits of combining both types of models. To address these challenges, we propose TLMG4Eth that combines a transaction language model with graph-based methods to capture semantic, similarity, and structural features of transaction data in Ethereum. We first propose a transaction language model that converts numerical transaction data into meaningful transaction sentences, enabling the model to learn explicit transaction semantics. Then, we propose a transaction attribute similarity graph to learn transaction similarity information, enabling us to capture intuitive insights into transaction anomalies. Additionally, we construct an account interaction graph to capture the structural information of the account transaction network. We employ a deep multi-head attention network to fuse transaction semantic and similarity embeddings, and ultimately propose a joint training approach for the multi-head attention network and the account interaction graph to obtain the synergistic benefits of both.
♻ ☆ Combining Priors with Experience: Confidence Calibration Based on Binomial Process Modeling AAAI-25
Confidence calibration of classification models is a technique to estimate the true posterior probability of the predicted class, which is critical for ensuring reliable decision-making in practical applications. Existing confidence calibration methods mostly use statistical techniques to estimate the calibration curve from data or fit a user-defined calibration function, but often overlook fully mining and utilizing the prior distribution behind the calibration curve. However, a well-informed prior distribution can provide valuable insights beyond the empirical data under the limited data or low-density regions of confidence scores. To fill this gap, this paper proposes a new method that integrates the prior distribution behind the calibration curve with empirical data to estimate a continuous calibration curve, which is realized by modeling the sampling process of calibration data as a binomial process and maximizing the likelihood function of the binomial process. We prove that the calibration curve estimating method is Lipschitz continuous with respect to data distribution and requires a sample size of $3/B$ of that required for histogram binning, where $B$ represents the number of bins. Also, a new calibration metric ($TCE_{bpm}$), which leverages the estimated calibration curve to estimate the true calibration error (TCE), is designed. $TCE_{bpm}$ is proven to be a consistent calibration measure. Furthermore, realistic calibration datasets can be generated by the binomial process modeling from a preset true calibration curve and confidence score distribution, which can serve as a benchmark to measure and compare the discrepancy between existing calibration metrics and the true calibration error. The effectiveness of our calibration method and metric are verified in real-world and simulated data.
comment: Accepted by AAAI-25
♻ ☆ Bayesian Optimization for Non-Convex Two-Stage Stochastic Optimization Problems
Bayesian optimization is a sample-efficient method for solving expensive, black-box optimization problems. Stochastic programming concerns optimization under uncertainty where, typically, average performance is the quantity of interest. In the first stage of a two-stage problem, here-and-now decisions must be made in the face of uncertainty, while in the second stage, wait-and-see decisions are made after the uncertainty has been resolved. Many methods in stochastic programming assume that the objective is cheap to evaluate and linear or convex. We apply Bayesian optimization to solve non-convex, two-stage stochastic programs which are black-box and expensive to evaluate as, for example, is often the case with simulation objectives. We formulate a knowledge-gradient-based acquisition function to jointly optimize the first- and second-stage variables, establish a guarantee of asymptotic consistency, and provide a computationally efficient approximation. We demonstrate comparable empirical results to an alternative we formulate with fewer approximations, which alternates its focus between the two variable types, and superior empirical results over the state of the art and the standard, na\"ive, two-step benchmark.
♻ ☆ WaferLLM: A Wafer-Scale LLM Inference System
Emerging AI accelerators increasingly adopt wafer-scale manufacturing technologies, integrating hundreds of thousands of AI cores in a mesh-based architecture with large distributed on-chip memory (tens of GB in total) and ultra-high on-chip memory bandwidth (tens of PB/s). However, current LLM inference systems, optimized for shared memory architectures like GPUs, fail to fully exploit these accelerators. We introduce WaferLLM, the first wafer-scale LLM inference system. WaferLLM is guided by a novel PLMR model (pronounced as "Plummer") that captures the unique hardware characteristics of wafer-scale architectures. Leveraging this model, WaferLLM pioneers wafer-scale LLM parallelism, optimizing the utilization of hundreds of thousands of on-chip cores. It also introduces MeshGEMM and MeshGEMV, the first GEMM and GEMV implementations designed to scale effectively on wafer-scale accelerators. Evaluations show that WaferLLM achieves 200$\times$ better wafer-scale accelerator utilization than state-of-the-art systems. On a commodity wafer-scale accelerator, WaferLLM delivers 606$\times$ faster and 22$\times$ more energy-efficient GEMV compared to an advanced GPU. For LLMs, based on 16-bit data type, WaferLLM achieves 2700 toks/sec/req decode speed on Llama3-8B model and 840 toks/sec/req decode speed on Qwen2-72B model, which enables 39$\times$ faster decoding with 1.7$\times$ better energy efficiency. We anticipate these numbers will grow significantly as wafer-scale AI models, software, and hardware continue to mature.
♻ ☆ Textual Unlearning Gives a False Sense of Unlearning
Language Models (LMs) are prone to ''memorizing'' training data, including substantial sensitive user information. To mitigate privacy risks and safeguard the right to be forgotten, machine unlearning has emerged as a promising approach for enabling LMs to efficiently ''forget'' specific texts. However, despite the good intentions, is textual unlearning really as effective and reliable as expected? To address the concern, we first propose Unlearning Likelihood Ratio Attack+ (U-LiRA+), a rigorous textual unlearning auditing method, and find that unlearned texts can still be detected with very high confidence after unlearning. Further, we conduct an in-depth investigation on the privacy risks of textual unlearning mechanisms in deployment and present the Textual Unlearning Leakage Attack (TULA), along with its variants in both black- and white-box scenarios. We show that textual unlearning mechanisms could instead reveal more about the unlearned texts, exposing them to significant membership inference and data reconstruction risks. Our findings highlight that existing textual unlearning actually gives a false sense of unlearning, underscoring the need for more robust and secure unlearning mechanisms.
♻ ☆ DLP-LoRA: Efficient Task-Specific LoRA Fusion with a Dynamic, Lightweight Plugin for Large Language Models
Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved robust performance across diverse tasks, but fine-tuning these models for specific domains remains resource-intensive. Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) methods like Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) address this challenge by fine-tuning a small subset of parameters. However, existing methods for fusing multiple LoRAs lack dynamic fusion based on contextual inputs and often increase inference time due to token-level operations. We propose DLP-LoRA, a Dynamic Lightweight Plugin that employs a mini-MLP module with only 5M parameters to dynamically fuse multiple LoRAs at the sentence level using top-p sampling strategies. This approach reduces inference time to less than twice that of single LoRA inference by leveraging parallel computation. Evaluations across 26 tasks-including multiple-choice questions and question answering-demonstrate that DLP-LoRA achieves an average accuracy of 92.34% on multiple-choice datasets and significant improvements in BLEU and ROUGE scores on QA datasets, outperforming different LLMs backbones under composite task settings. DLP-LoRA effectively balances performance and efficiency, making it a practical solution for dynamic multi-task adaptation in LLMs. Our code is available at
comment: Preprint under review, 18 pages, 7 figures
♻ ☆ G-Mapper: Learning a Cover in the Mapper Construction
The Mapper algorithm is a visualization technique in topological data analysis (TDA) that outputs a graph reflecting the structure of a given dataset. However, the Mapper algorithm requires tuning several parameters in order to generate a ``nice" Mapper graph. This paper focuses on selecting the cover parameter. We present an algorithm that optimizes the cover of a Mapper graph by splitting a cover repeatedly according to a statistical test for normality. Our algorithm is based on G-means clustering which searches for the optimal number of clusters in $k$-means by iteratively applying the Anderson-Darling test. Our splitting procedure employs a Gaussian mixture model to carefully choose the cover according to the distribution of the given data. Experiments for synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that our algorithm generates covers so that the Mapper graphs retain the essence of the datasets, while also running significantly faster than a previous iterative method.
comment: 22 pages, to appear in SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science (SIMODS)
♻ ☆ I don't trust you (anymore)! -- The effect of students' LLM use on Lecturer-Student-Trust in Higher Education
Trust plays a pivotal role in Lecturer-Student-Collaboration, encompassing teaching and research aspects. The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) in platforms like Open AI's ChatGPT, coupled with their cost-effectiveness and high-quality results, has led to their rapid adoption among university students. However, discerning genuine student input from LLM-generated output poses a challenge for lecturers. This dilemma jeopardizes the trust relationship between lecturers and students, potentially impacting university downstream activities, particularly collaborative research initiatives. Despite attempts to establish guidelines for student LLM use, a clear framework mutually beneficial for lecturers and students in higher education remains elusive. This study addresses the research question: How does the use of LLMs by students impact Informational and Procedural Justice, influencing Team Trust and Expected Team Performance? Methodically, we applied a quantitative construct-based survey, evaluated using techniques of Structural Equation Modelling (PLS- SEM) to examine potential relationships among these constructs. Our findings based on 23 valid respondents from Ndejje University indicate that lecturers are less concerned about the fairness of LLM use per se but are more focused on the transparency of student utilization, which significantly influences Team Trust positively. This research contributes to the global discourse on integrating and regulating LLMs and subsequent models in education. We propose that guidelines should support LLM use while enforcing transparency in Lecturer-Student- Collaboration to foster Team Trust and Performance. The study contributes valuable insights for shaping policies enabling ethical and transparent LLMs usage in education to ensure effectiveness of collaborative learning environments.
♻ ☆ Uncertainty quantification for improving radiomic-based models in radiation pneumonitis prediction
Background and Objective: Radiation pneumonitis (RP) is a side effect of thoracic radiation therapy. Recently, Machine learning (ML) models enhanced with radiomic and dosiomic features provide better predictions by incorporating spatial information beyond DVHs. However, to improve the clinical decision process, we propose to use uncertainty quantification (UQ) to improve the confidence in model prediction. This study evaluates the impact of post hoc UQ methods on the discriminative performance and calibration of ML models for RP prediction. Methods: This study evaluated four ML models: logistic regression (LR), support vector machines (SVM), extreme gradient boosting (XGB), and random forest (RF), using radiomic, dosiomic, and dosimetric features to predict RP. We applied UQ methods, including Patt scaling, isotonic regression, Venn-ABERS predictor, and Conformal Prediction, to quantify uncertainty. Model performance was assessed through Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (AUROC), Area Under the Precision-Recall Curve (AUPRC), and Adaptive Calibration Error (ACE) using Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOO-CV). Results: UQ methods enhanced predictive performance, particularly for high-certainty predictions, while also improving calibration. Radiomic and dosiomic features increased model accuracy but introduced calibration challenges, especially for non-linear models like XGB and RF. Performance gains from UQ methods were most noticeable at higher certainty thresholds. Conclusion: Integrating UQ into ML models with radiomic and dosiomic features improves both predictive accuracy and calibration, supporting more reliable clinical decision-making. The findings emphasize the value of UQ methods in enhancing applicability of predictive models for RP in healthcare settings.
♻ ☆ Dynamic Chain-of-Thought: Towards Adaptive Deep Reasoning
To reduce the cost and consumption of computing resources caused by computational redundancy and delayed reward assignment in long CoT, this research proposes the dynamic chain-of-thought (D-CoT) with adaptive reasoning time and steps. The researcher used simulation experiment to simulate the integration of D-CoT through Python 3.13 IDLE combined with a Python simulator based on GPTs. At the same time, the researcher used DeepSeek R1 as a control group to test and compare the performance of the D-CoT simulator in processing MIT OpenCourseWare's linear algebra exam questions. Experimental results show that D-CoT is better than DeepSeek R1 based on long CoT in three indicators: reasoning time, CoT length (reasoning steps) and token count, which achieves a significant reduction in computing resource consumption. In addition, this research has potential value in deep reasoning optimization that is used as a reference for future dynamic deep reasoning frameworks.
comment: The GitHub repository link is:
♻ ☆ GBO:AMulti-Granularity Optimization Algorithm via Granular-ball for Continuous Problems
Optimization problems aim to find the optimal solution, which is becoming increasingly complex and difficult to solve. Traditional evolutionary optimization methods always overlook the granular characteristics of solution space. In the real scenario of numerous optimizations, the solution space is typically partitioned into sub-regions characterized by varying degree distributions. These sub-regions present different granularity characteristics at search potential and difficulty. Considering the granular characteristics of the solution space, the number of coarse-grained regions is smaller than the number of points, so the calculation is more efficient. On the other hand, coarse-grained characteristics are not easily affected by fine-grained sample points, so the calculation is more robust. To this end, this paper proposes a new multi-granularity evolutionary optimization method, namely the Granular-ball Optimization (GBO) algorithm, which characterizes and searches the solution space from coarse to fine. Specifically, using granular-balls instead of traditional points for optimization increases the diversity and robustness of the random search process. At the same time, the search range in different iteration processes is limited by the radius of granular-balls, covering the solution space from large to small. The mechanism of granular-ball splitting is applied to continuously split and evolve the large granular-balls into smaller ones for refining the solution space. Extensive experiments on commonly used benchmarks have shown that GBO outperforms popular and advanced evolutionary algorithms. The code can be found in the supporting materials.
comment: 12 pages, 30 figures
♻ ☆ Taxonomy and Analysis of Sensitive User Queries in Generative AI Search NAACL2025
Although there has been a growing interest among industries in integrating generative LLMs into their services, limited experience and scarcity of resources act as a barrier in launching and servicing large-scale LLM-based services. In this paper, we share our experiences in developing and operating generative AI models within a national-scale search engine, with a specific focus on the sensitiveness of user queries. We propose a taxonomy for sensitive search queries, outline our approaches, and present a comprehensive analysis report on sensitive queries from actual users. We believe that our experiences in launching generative AI search systems can contribute to reducing the barrier in building generative LLM-based services.
comment: NAACL2025(Findings)
♻ ☆ Building Bridges between Regression, Clustering, and Classification
Regression, the task of predicting a continuous scalar target y based on some features x is one of the most fundamental tasks in machine learning and statistics. It has been observed and theoretically analyzed that the classical approach, meansquared error minimization, can lead to suboptimal results when training neural networks. In this work, we propose a new method to improve the training of these models on regression tasks, with continuous scalar targets. Our method is based on casting this task in a different fashion, using a target encoder, and a prediction decoder, inspired by approaches in classification and clustering. We showcase the performance of our method on a wide range of real-world datasets.
♻ ☆ Algorithmic causal structure emerging through compression
We explore the relationship between causality, symmetry, and compression. We build on and generalize the known connection between learning and compression to a setting where causal models are not identifiable. We propose a framework where causality emerges as a consequence of compressing data across multiple environments. We define algorithmic causality as an alternative definition of causality when traditional assumptions for causal identifiability do not hold. We demonstrate how algorithmic causal and symmetric structures can emerge from minimizing upper bounds on Kolmogorov complexity, without knowledge of intervention targets. We hypothesize that these insights may also provide a novel perspective on the emergence of causality in machine learning models, such as large language models, where causal relationships may not be explicitly identifiable.
♻ ☆ Maximum Entropy Reinforcement Learning with Diffusion Policy
The Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) algorithm with a Gaussian policy has become a mainstream implementation for realizing the Maximum Entropy Reinforcement Learning (MaxEnt RL) objective, which incorporates entropy maximization to encourage exploration and enhance policy robustness. While the Gaussian policy performs well on simpler tasks, its exploration capacity and potential performance in complex multi-goal RL environments are limited by its inherent unimodality. In this paper, we employ the diffusion model, a powerful generative model capable of capturing complex multimodal distributions, as the policy representation to fulfill the MaxEnt RL objective, developing a method named MaxEnt RL with Diffusion Policy (MaxEntDP). Our method enables efficient exploration and brings the policy closer to the optimal MaxEnt policy. Experimental results on Mujoco benchmarks show that MaxEntDP outperforms the Gaussian policy and other generative models within the MaxEnt RL framework, and performs comparably to other state-of-the-art diffusion-based online RL algorithms. Our code is available at
comment: 21 pages, 7 figures
♻ ☆ ExoMiner++ on TESS with Transfer Learning from Kepler: Transit Classification and Vetting Catalog for 2-min Data
We present ExoMiner++, an enhanced deep learning model that builds on the success of ExoMiner to improve transit signal classification in 2-minute TESS data. ExoMiner++ incorporates additional diagnostic inputs, including periodogram, flux trend, difference image, unfolded flux, and spacecraft attitude control data, all of which are crucial for effectively distinguishing transit signals from more challenging sources of false positives. To further enhance performance, we leverage transfer learning from high-quality labeled data from the Kepler space telescope, mitigating the impact of TESS's noisier and more ambiguous labels. ExoMiner++ achieves high accuracy across various classification and ranking metrics, significantly narrowing the search space for follow-up investigations to confirm new planets. To serve the exoplanet community, we introduce new TESS catalogs containing ExoMiner++ classifications and confidence scores for each transit signal. Among the 147,568 unlabeled TCEs, ExoMiner++ identifies 7,330 as planet candidates, with the remainder classified as false positives. These 7,330 planet candidates correspond to 1,868 existing TESS Objects of Interest (TOIs), 69 Community TESS Objects of Interest (CTOIs), and 50 newly introduced CTOIs. 1,797 out of the 2,506 TOIs previously labeled as planet candidates in ExoFOP are classified as planet candidates by ExoMiner++. This reduction in plausible candidates combined with the excellent ranking quality of ExoMiner++ allows the follow-up efforts to be focused on the most likely candidates, increasing the overall planet yield.
♻ ☆ Learning Flexible Heterogeneous Coordination with Capability-Aware Shared Hypernetworks
Cooperative heterogeneous multi-agent tasks require agents to effectively coordinate their behaviors while accounting for their relative capabilities. Learning-based solutions to this challenge span between two extremes: i) shared-parameter methods, which encode diverse behaviors within a single architecture by assigning an ID to each agent, and are sample-efficient but result in limited behavioral diversity; ii) independent methods, which learn a separate policy for each agent, and show greater behavioral diversity but lack sample-efficiency. Prior work has also explored selective parameter-sharing, allowing for a compromise between diversity and efficiency. None of these approaches, however, effectively generalize to unseen agents or teams. We present Capability-Aware Shared Hypernetworks (CASH), a novel architecture for heterogeneous multi-agent coordination that generates sufficient diversity while maintaining sample-efficiency via soft parameter-sharing hypernetworks. Intuitively, CASH allows the team to learn common strategies using a shared encoder, which are then adapted according to the team's individual and collective capabilities with a hypernetwork, allowing for zero-shot generalization to unseen teams and agents. We present experiments across two heterogeneous coordination tasks and three standard learning paradigms (imitation learning, on- and off-policy reinforcement learning). CASH is able to outperform baseline architectures in success rate and sample efficiency when evaluated on unseen teams and agents despite using less than half of the learnable parameters.
comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, equal authorship between Pierce Howell and Shalin Jain
♻ ☆ FedShift: Robust Federated Learning Aggregation Scheme in Resource Constrained Environment via Weight Shifting
Federated Learning (FL) commonly relies on a central server to coordinate training across distributed clients. While effective, this paradigm suffers from significant communication overhead, impacting overall training efficiency. To mitigate this, prior work has explored compression techniques such as quantization. However, in heterogeneous FL settings, clients may employ different quantization levels based on their hardware or network constraints, necessitating a mixed-precision aggregation process at the server. This introduces additional challenges, exacerbating client drift and leading to performance degradation. In this work, we propose FedShift, a novel aggregation methodology designed to mitigate performance degradation in FL scenarios with mixed quantization levels. FedShift employs a statistical matching mechanism based on weight shifting to align mixed-precision models, thereby reducing model divergence and addressing quantization-induced bias. Our approach functions as an add-on to existing FL optimization algorithms, enhancing their robustness and improving convergence. Empirical results demonstrate that FedShift effectively mitigates the negative impact of mixed-precision aggregation, yielding superior performance across various FL benchmarks.
System/Control 24
☆ Automated Linear Parameter-Varying Modeling of Nonlinear Systems: A Global Embedding Approach
In this paper, an automated Linear Parameter-Varying (LPV) model conversion approach is proposed for nonlinear dynamical systems. The proposed method achieves global embedding of the original nonlinear behavior of the system by leveraging the second fundamental theorem of calculus to factorize matrix function expressions without any approximation. The implementation of the proposed method in the LPVcore toolbox for Matlab is discussed, and its performance is showcased on a comprehensive example of automated LPV model conversion of an unbalanced disk system, which is then used to design an LPV controller that is deployed on the original nonlinear system. In addition, the conversion capabilities are further demonstrated by obtaining an LPV embedding of a three-degree-of-freedom control moment gyroscope. All software implementations are available at
comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, submitted to LPVS25
☆ Pricing is All You Need to Improve Traffic Routing
We investigate the design of pricing policies that enhance driver adherence to route guidance, ensuring effective routing control. The major novelty lies in that we adopt a Markov chain to model drivers' compliance rates conditioned on both traffic states and tolls. By formulating the managed traffic network as a nonlinear stochastic dynamical system, we can quantify in a more realistic way the impacts of driver route choices and thus determine appropriate tolls. Specially, we focus on a network comprised of one corridor and one local street. We assume that a reasonable routing policy is specified in advance. However, drivers could be reluctant to be detoured. Thus a fixed toll is set on the corridor to give drivers incentives to choose the local street. We evaluate the effectiveness of the given routing and pricing policies via stability analysis. We suggest using the stability and instability conditions to establish lower and upper bounds on throughput. This allows us to select suitable tolls that maximize these bounds.
☆ Network-Realized Model Predictive Control Part II: Distributed Constraint Management
A two-layer control architecture is proposed, which promotes scalable implementations for model predictive controllers. The top layer acts as both reference governor for the bottom layer, and as a feedback controller for the regulated network. By employing set-based methods, global theoretical guarantees are obtained by enforcing local constraints upon the variables of the network and of the first layer's implementation. The proposed technique offers recursive feasibility guarantees as one of its central features, and the expressions of the resulting predictive strategies bear a striking resemblance to classical formulations from model predictive control literature, allowing for flexible and easily customizable implementations.
comment: 16 pages, 9 figures
☆ Network-Realized Model Predictive Control Part I: NRF-Enabled Closed-loop Decomposition
A two-layer control architecture is proposed, which promotes scalable implementations for model predictive controllers. The top layer acts as both reference governor for the bottom layer, and as a feedback controller for the regulated network. By employing set-based methods, global theoretical guarantees are obtained by enforcing local constraints upon the variables of the network and of the first layer's implementation. The proposed technique offers recursive feasibility guarantees as one of its central features, and the expressions of the resulting predictive strategies bear a striking resemblance to classical formulations from model predictive control literature, allowing for flexible and easily customizable implementations.
comment: 12 pages, 2 figures
☆ On Erlang mixture approximations for differential equations with distributed time delays
In this paper, we propose a general approach for approximate simulation and analysis of delay differential equations (DDEs) with distributed time delays based on methods for ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The key innovation is that we 1) approximate the kernel by the probability density function of an Erlang mixture and 2) use the linear chain trick to transform the approximate DDEs to ODEs. Furthermore, we prove that an approximation with infinitely many terms converges for continuous and bounded kernels and for specific choices of the coefficients. We compare the steady states of the original DDEs and their stability criteria to those of the approximate system of ODEs, and we propose an approach based on bisection and least-squares estimation for determining optimal parameter values in the approximation. Finally, we present numerical examples that demonstrate the accuracy and convergence rate obtained with the optimal parameters and the efficacy of the proposed approach for bifurcation analysis and Monte Carlo simulation. The numerical examples involve a modified logistic equation and a point reactor kinetics model of a molten salt nuclear fission reactor.
comment: 34 pages, 8 figures
☆ Optimizing Social Network Interventions via Hypergradient-Based Recommender System Design
Although social networks have expanded the range of ideas and information accessible to users, they are also criticized for amplifying the polarization of user opinions. Given the inherent complexity of these phenomena, existing approaches to counteract these effects typically rely on handcrafted algorithms and heuristics. We propose an elegant solution: we act on the network weights that model user interactions on social networks (e.g., frequency of communication), to optimize a performance metric (e.g., polarization reduction), while users' opinions follow the classical Friedkin-Johnsen model. Our formulation gives rise to a challenging large-scale optimization problem with non-convex constraints, for which we develop a gradient-based algorithm. Our scheme is simple, scalable, and versatile, as it can readily integrate different, potentially non-convex, objectives. We demonstrate its merit by: (i) rapidly solving complex social network intervention problems with 3 million variables based on the Reddit and DBLP datasets; (ii) significantly outperforming competing approaches in terms of both computation time and disagreement reduction.
☆ RobotIQ: Empowering Mobile Robots with Human-Level Planning for Real-World Execution
This paper introduces RobotIQ, a framework that empowers mobile robots with human-level planning capabilities, enabling seamless communication via natural language instructions through any Large Language Model. The proposed framework is designed in the ROS architecture and aims to bridge the gap between humans and robots, enabling robots to comprehend and execute user-expressed text or voice commands. Our research encompasses a wide spectrum of robotic tasks, ranging from fundamental logical, mathematical, and learning reasoning for transferring knowledge in domains like navigation, manipulation, and object localization, enabling the application of learned behaviors from simulated environments to real-world operations. All encapsulated within a modular crafted robot library suite of API-wise control functions, RobotIQ offers a fully functional AI-ROS-based toolset that allows researchers to design and develop their own robotic actions tailored to specific applications and robot configurations. The effectiveness of the proposed system was tested and validated both in simulated and real-world experiments focusing on a home service scenario that included an assistive application designed for elderly people. RobotIQ with an open-source, easy-to-use, and adaptable robotic library suite for any robot can be found at
Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Resource Allocation in Optical Networks: Hype or Hope?
The application of reinforcement learning (RL) to dynamic resource allocation in optical networks has been the focus of intense research activity in recent years, with almost 100 peer-reviewed papers. We present a review of progress in the field, and identify significant gaps in benchmarking practices and reproducibility. To determine the strongest benchmark algorithms, we systematically evaluate several heuristics across diverse network topologies. We find that path count and sort criteria for path selection significantly affect the benchmark performance. We meticulously recreate the problems from five landmark papers and apply the improved benchmarks. Our comparisons demonstrate that simple heuristics consistently match or outperform the published RL solutions, often with an order of magnitude lower blocking probability. Furthermore, we present empirical lower bounds on network blocking using a novel defragmentation-based method, revealing that potential improvements over the benchmark heuristics are limited to 19--36\% increased traffic load for the same blocking performance in our examples. We make our simulation framework and results publicly available to promote reproducible research and standardized evaluation
☆ Soft Arm-Motor Thrust Characterization for a Pneumatically Actuated Soft Morphing Quadrotor
In this work, an experimental characterization of the configuration space of a soft, pneumatically actuated morphing quadrotor is presented, with a focus on precise thrust characterization of its flexible arms, considering the effect of downwash. Unlike traditional quadrotors, the soft drone has pneumatically actuated arms, introducing complex, nonlinear interactions between motor thrust and arm deformation, which make precise control challenging. The silicone arms are actuated using differential pressure to achieve flexibility and thus have a variable workspace compared to their fixed counter-parts. The deflection of the soft arms during compression and expansion is controlled throughout the flight. However, in real time, the downwash from the motor attached at the tip of the soft arm generates a significant and random disturbance on the arm. This disturbance affects both the desired deflection of the arm and the overall stability of the system. To address this factor, an experimental characterization of the effect of downwash on the deflection angle of the arm is conducted.
comment: This extended abstract was accepted for RoboSoft Conference, 2025 but later withdrawn
☆ Radar Network for Gait Monitoring: Technology and Validation
In recent years, radar-based devices have emerged as an alternative approach for gait monitoring. However, the radar configuration and the algorithms used to extract the gait parameters often differ between contributions, lacking a systematic evaluation of the most appropriate setup. Additionally, radar-based studies often exclude motorically impaired subjects, leaving it unclear whether the existing algorithms are applicable to such populations. In this paper, a radar network is developed and validated by monitoring the gait of five healthy individuals and three patients with Parkinson's disease. Six configurations and four algorithms were compared using Vicon as ground-truth to determine the most appropriate solution for gait monitoring. The best results were obtained using only three nodes: two oriented towards the feet and one towards the torso. The most accurate stride velocity and distance in the state of the art were obtained with this configuration. Moreover, we show that analyzing the feet velocity increases the reliability of the temporal parameters, especially with aged or motorically impaired subjects. The contribution is significant for the implementation of radar networks in clinical and domestic environments, as it addresses critical aspects concerning the radar network configuration and algorithms.
☆ A Graph-Enhanced Deep-Reinforcement Learning Framework for the Aircraft Landing Problem
The Aircraft Landing Problem (ALP) is one of the challenging problems in aircraft transportation and management. The challenge is to schedule the arriving aircraft in a sequence so that the cost and delays are optimized. There are various solution approaches to solving this problem, most of which are based on operations research algorithms and meta-heuristics. Although traditional methods perform better on one or the other factors, there remains a problem of solving real-time rescheduling and computational scalability altogether. This paper presents a novel deep reinforcement learning (DRL) framework that combines graph neural networks with actor-critic architectures to address the ALP. This paper introduces three key contributions: A graph-based state representation that efficiently captures temporal and spatial relationships between aircraft, a specialized actor-critic architecture designed to handle multiple competing objectives in landing scheduling, and a runway balance strategy that ensures efficient resource utilization while maintaining safety constraints. The results show that the trained algorithm can be tested on different problem sets and the results are competitive to operation research algorithms. The experimental results on standard benchmark data sets demonstrate a 99.95 reduction in computational time compared to Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) and 38 higher runway throughput over First Come First Serve (FCFS) approaches. Therefore, the proposed solution is competitive to traditional approaches and achieves substantial advancements. Notably, it does not require retraining, making it particularly suitable for industrial deployment. The frameworks capability to generate solutions within 1 second enables real-time rescheduling, addressing critical requirements of air traffic management.
comment: This paper presents a novel deep reinforcement learning framework combining graph neural networks with actor-critic architectures to address the aircraft landing problem. The framework achieves a 99.95% reduction in computational time compared to Mixed Integer Programming while maintaining safety compliance, and 38% higher runway throughput over First Come First Serve
☆ A Novel Gain Modeling Technique for LLC Resonant Converters based on The Hybrid Deep-Learning/GMDH Neural Network
This paper presents a novel hybrid approach for modeling the voltage gain of LLC resonant converters by combining deep-learning neural networks with the polynomial based Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH). While deep learning offers high accuracy in predicting nonlinear converter behavior, it produces complex network models. GMDH neural networks, in contrast, yield simpler algebraic equations that can be more convenient in converter design. By training a deep network on data from an FPGA based real time simulator and then using the network s predictions to train a GMDH model, the proposed hybrid method achieves both high accuracy and design friendly simplicity. Experimental results show significant improvements over traditional methods such as First Harmonic Approximation (FHA) and frequency domain corrections, particularly for wide operating ranges.
☆ From Maneuver to Mishap: A Systematic Literature Review on U-Turn Safety Risks
Understanding the impacts of U-turn configurations on intersection safety and traffic operations is essential for developing effective strategies to enhance road safety and efficiency. Extensive research has been conducted to investigate the role of geometric designs, driver behavior, and advanced technologies in mitigating crash risks and improving traffic flow at U-turn facilities. By synthesizing this collective body of work through the guidelines of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), this paper provides a valuable resource for transportation professionals, policymakers, and researchers seeking evidence-based solutions. This systematic review draws on studies from diverse traffic environments and regional contexts, focusing on innovative design interventions, such as restricted crossing U-turns (RCUTs) and median U-turn intersections (MUTs), as well as integrated strategies leveraging technological advancements. By presenting a comprehensive analysis of U-turn-related challenges and opportunities, this review contributes to advancing transportation safety research and guiding the development of adaptive strategies tailored to varied traffic conditions and evolving technologies.
comment: 28 pages, 8 tables, 2 figures
☆ Design and Implementation of a Dual Uncrewed Surface Vessel Platform for Bathymetry Research under High-flow Conditions
Bathymetry, the study of underwater topography, relies on sonar mapping of submerged structures. These measurements, critical for infrastructure health monitoring, often require expensive instrumentation. The high financial risk associated with sensor damage or vessel loss creates a reluctance to deploy uncrewed surface vessels (USVs) for bathymetry. However, the crewed-boat bathymetry operations, are costly, pose hazards to personnel, and frequently fail to achieve the stable conditions necessary for bathymetry data collection, especially under high currents. Further research is essential to advance autonomous control, navigation, and data processing technologies, with a particular focus on bathymetry. There is a notable lack of accessible hardware platforms that allow for integrated research in both bathymetry-focused autonomous control and navigation, as well as data evaluation and processing. This paper addresses this gap through the design and implementation of two complementary USV systems tailored for uncrewed bathymetry research. This includes a low-cost USV for Navigation And Control research (NAC-USV) and a second, high-end USV equipped with a high-resolution multi-beam sonar and the associated hardware for Bathymetry data quality Evaluation and Post-processing research (BEP-USV). The NAC-USV facilitates the investigation of autonomous, fail-safe navigation and control, emphasizing the stability requirements for high-quality bathymetry data collection while minimizing the risk to equipment. The BEP-USV, which mirrors the NAC-USV hardware, is then used for additional control validation and in-depth exploration of bathymetry data evaluation and post-processing methodologies. We detail the design and implementation of both systems, and open source the design. Furthermore, we demonstrate the system's effectiveness in a range of operational scenarios.
comment: Corresponding author: Iman Soltani (
☆ Sensing-based Robustness Challenges in Agricultural Robotic Harvesting
This paper presents the challenges agricultural robotic harvesters face in detecting and localising fruits under various environmental disturbances. In controlled laboratory settings, both the traditional HSV (Hue Saturation Value) transformation and the YOLOv8 (You Only Look Once) deep learning model were employed. However, only YOLOv8 was utilised in outdoor experiments, as the HSV transformation was not capable of accurately drawing fruit contours. Experiments include ten distinct fruit patterns with six apples and six oranges. A grid structure for homography (perspective) transformation was employed to convert detected midpoints into 3D world coordinates. The experiments evaluated detection and localisation under varying lighting and background disturbances, revealing accurate performance indoors, but significant challenges outdoors. Our results show that indoor experiments using YOLOv8 achieved 100% detection accuracy, while outdoor conditions decreased performance, with an average accuracy of 69.15% for YOLOv8 under direct sunlight. The study demonstrates that real-world applications reveal significant limitations due to changing lighting, background disturbances, and colour and shape variability. These findings underscore the need for further refinement of algorithms and sensors to enhance the robustness of robotic harvesters for agricultural use.
comment: 6 pages
☆ An Uncertainty-Aware Data-Driven Predictive Controller for Hybrid Power Plants
Given the advancements in data-driven modeling for complex engineering and scientific applications, this work utilizes a data-driven predictive control method, namely subspace predictive control, to coordinate hybrid power plant components and meet a desired power demand despite the presence of weather uncertainties. An uncertainty-aware data-driven predictive controller is proposed, and its potential is analyzed using real-world electricity demand profiles. For the analysis, a hybrid power plant with wind, solar, and co-located energy storage capacity of 4 MW each is considered. The analysis shows that the predictive controller can track a real-world-inspired electricity demand profile despite the presence of weather-induced uncertainties and be an intelligent forecaster for HPP performance.
☆ Observability-Blocking Controls for Double-Integrator and Higher Order Integrator Networks
The design of state-feedback controls to block observability at remote nodes is studied for double integrator network (DIN) and higher order integrator network models. A preliminary design algorithm is presented first for DIN that requires $m+2$ actuation nodes to block observability for the measurement obtained from a set of $m$ nodes. The algorithm is based on eigenstructure assignment technique and leverages the properties of the eigenvectors in DIN. Next, the topological structure of the network is exploited to reduce the number of controllers required for blocking observability. The number of actuation nodes in sparser design depends on the cardinality of a cutset separating the actuation and measurement locations. Later, the design principles are generalized for blocking observability in $N$-th order integrator network models.
comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2103.08740
♻ ☆ A New Paradigm in Tuning Learned Indexes: A Reinforcement Learning Enhanced Approach
Learned Index Structures (LIS) have significantly advanced data management by leveraging machine learning models to optimize data indexing. However, designing these structures often involves critical trade-offs, making it challenging for both designers and end-users to find an optimal balance tailored to specific workloads and scenarios. While some indexes offer adjustable parameters that demand intensive manual tuning, others rely on fixed configurations based on heuristic auto-tuners or expert knowledge, which may not consistently deliver optimal performance. This paper introduces LITune, a novel framework for end-to-end automatic tuning of Learned Index Structures. LITune employs an adaptive training pipeline equipped with a tailor-made Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) approach to ensure stable and efficient tuning. To accommodate long-term dynamics arising from online tuning, we further enhance LITune with an on-the-fly updating mechanism termed the O2 system. These innovations allow LITune to effectively capture state transitions in online tuning scenarios and dynamically adjust to changing data distributions and workloads, marking a significant improvement over other tuning methods. Our experimental results demonstrate that LITune achieves up to a 98% reduction in runtime and a 17-fold increase in throughput compared to default parameter settings given a selected Learned Index instance. These findings highlight LITune's effectiveness and its potential to facilitate broader adoption of LIS in real-world applications.
comment: 15 pages
♻ ☆ Adaptive Compressive Tactile Subsampling: Enabling High Spatiotemporal Resolution in Scalable Robotic Skin
Robots, like humans, require full-body, high-resolution tactile sensing to operate safely and effectively in unstructured environments, enabling reflexive responses and closed-loop control. However, the high pixel counts necessary for dense, large-area coverage limit readout rates of most tactile arrays to below 100 Hz, hindering their use in high-speed tasks. We introduce Adaptive Compressive Tactile Subsampling (ACTS), a scalable and data-driven method that dramatically enhances the performance of traditional tactile matrices by leveraging sparse recovery and a learned tactile dictionary. Tested on a 1024-pixel tactile sensor array (32X32), ACTS achieved frame rates up to 1,000 Hz, an 18X improvement over conventional raster scanning, with minimal reconstruction error. For the first time, ACTS enables wearable, large-area, high-density tactile sensing systems that can deliver high-speed results. We demonstrate rapid object classification within 20 ms of contact, high-speed projectile detection, ricochet angle estimation, and soft deformation tracking, in tactile and robotics applications, all using flexible, high-density tactile arrays. These include high-resolution tactile gloves, pressure insoles, and full-body configurations covering robotic arms and human-sized mannequins. ACTS transforms standard, low-cost, and robust tactile sensors into high-speed systems, supporting applications from object manipulation to human-robot interaction. By enabling comprehensive, scalable, and efficient tactile coverage for robots and wearables, ACTS advances robotics toward lifelike, responsive, and adaptable operation in dynamic environments.
comment: 44 pages, 9 main figures, 14 supplemental figures, Videos can be accessed at
♻ ☆ Incentive-based Platoon Formation: Optimizing the Personal Benefit for Drivers
Platooning or cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) has been investigated for decades, but debate about its lasting impact is still ongoing. Even though platooning benefits and platoon formation are rather well understood for trucks, this is less clear for passenger cars, which have a higher heterogeneity in trips and drivers' preferences. Most importantly, it remains unclear how to form platoons of passenger cars in order to optimize the personal benefit for the individual driver. To this end, in this paper, we propose a novel platoon formation algorithm that optimizes the personal benefit for drivers of individual passenger cars. For computing vehicle-to-platoon assignments, the algorithm utilizes a new metric that we propose to evaluate the personal benefits of various driving systems, including platooning. By combining fuel and travel time costs into a single monetary value, drivers can estimate overall trip costs according to a personal monetary value for time spent. This provides an intuitive way for drivers to understand and compare the benefits of driving systems like human driving, adaptive cruise control (ACC), and, of course, platooning. Unlike previous similarity-based methods, our proposed algorithm forms platoons only when beneficial for the driver, rather than for the sake of platooning only. Results of a large-scale simulation study demonstrate that our proposed algorithm outperforms normal ACC as well as previous similarity-based platooning approaches by balancing fuel savings and travel time, independent of traffic and drivers' time cost.
♻ ☆ Stability-Certified On-Policy Data-Driven LQR via Recursive Learning and Policy Gradient
In this paper, we investigate a data-driven framework to solve Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) problems when the dynamics is unknown, with the additional challenge of providing stability certificates for the overall learning and control scheme. Specifically, in the proposed on-policy learning framework, the control input is applied to the actual (unknown) linear system while iteratively optimized. We propose a learning and control procedure, termed Relearn LQR, that combines a recursive least squares method with a direct policy search based on the gradient method. The resulting scheme is analyzed by modeling it as a feedback-interconnected nonlinear dynamical system. A Lyapunov-based approach, exploiting averaging and timescale separation theories for nonlinear systems, allows us to provide formal stability guarantees for the whole interconnected scheme. The effectiveness of the proposed strategy is corroborated by numerical simulations, where Relearn LQR is deployed on an aircraft control problem, with both static and drifting parameters.
♻ ☆ Learning the Frequency Dynamics of the Power System Using Higher-order Dynamic Mode Decomposition
The increasing penetration of renewable energy sources, characterised by low inertia and intermittent disturbances, presents substantial challenges to power system stability. As critical indicators of system stability, frequency dynamics and associated oscillatory phenomena have attracted significant research attention. While existing studies predominantly employ linearized models, our findings demonstrate that linear approximations exhibit considerable errors when predicting frequency oscillation dynamics across multiple time scales, thus necessitating the incorporation of nonlinear characteristics. This paper proposes a data-driven approach based on higher-order dynamical mode decomposition (HODMD) for learning frequency dynamics. The proposed method offers distinct advantages over alternative nonlinear methods, including no prior knowledge required, adaptability to high-dimensional systems, and robust performance. Furthermore, HODMD demonstrates superior capability in capturing system-wide spatio-temporal modes, successfully identifying modal behaviour that remains undetectable through standard Dynamic Mode Decomposition techniques. The efficacy of the proposed methodology is validated through comprehensive case studies on both IEEE 14-bus and WECC systems.
comment: 6 pages, 10 figures, PowerTech conference
♻ ☆ FAMAC: A Federated Assisted Modified Actor-Critic Framework for Secured Energy Saving in 5G and Beyond Networks
The constant surge in the traffic demand on cellular networks has led to continuous expansion in network capacity in order to accommodate existing and new service demands. This has given rise to ultra-dense base station deployment in 5G and beyond networks which leads to increased energy consumption in the network. Hence, these ultra-dense base station deployments must be operated in a way that the energy consumption of the network can be adapted to the spatio-temporal traffic demands on the network in order to minimize the overall energy consumption of the network. To achieve this goal, we leverage two artificial intelligence algorithms, federated learning and actor-critic algorithm, to develop a proactive and intelligent base station switching framework that can learn the operating policy of the small base station in an ultra-dense heterogeneous network (UDHN) that would result in maximum energy saving in the network while respecting the quality of service (QoS) constraints. The performance evaluation reveals that the proposed framework can achieve an energy saving that is about 77% more than that of the state-of-the-art solutions while respecting the QoS constraints of the network.
comment: 16 pages, 24 figures, 4 tables, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions in Vehicular Technology
♻ ☆ Collision Avoidance for Convex Primitives via Differentiable Optimization Based High-Order Control Barrier Functions
Ensuring the safety of dynamical systems is crucial, where collision avoidance is a primary concern. Recently, control barrier functions (CBFs) have emerged as an effective method to integrate safety constraints into control synthesis through optimization techniques. However, challenges persist when dealing with convex primitives and tasks requiring torque control, as well as the occurrence of unintended equilibria. This work addresses these challenges by introducing a high-order CBF (HOCBF) framework for collision avoidance among convex primitives. We transform nonconvex safety constraints into linear constraints by differentiable optimization and prove the high-order continuous differentiability. Then, we employ HOCBFs to accommodate torque control, enabling tasks involving forces or high dynamics. Additionally, we analyze the issue of spurious equilibria in high-order cases and propose a circulation mechanism to prevent the undesired equilibria on the boundary of the safe set. Finally, we validate our framework with three experiments on the Franka Research 3 robotic manipulator, demonstrating successful collision avoidance and the efficacy of the circulation mechanism.
Robotics 58
☆ Learning Getting-Up Policies for Real-World Humanoid Robots
Automatic fall recovery is a crucial prerequisite before humanoid robots can be reliably deployed. Hand-designing controllers for getting up is difficult because of the varied configurations a humanoid can end up in after a fall and the challenging terrains humanoid robots are expected to operate on. This paper develops a learning framework to produce controllers that enable humanoid robots to get up from varying configurations on varying terrains. Unlike previous successful applications of humanoid locomotion learning, the getting-up task involves complex contact patterns, which necessitates accurately modeling the collision geometry and sparser rewards. We address these challenges through a two-phase approach that follows a curriculum. The first stage focuses on discovering a good getting-up trajectory under minimal constraints on smoothness or speed / torque limits. The second stage then refines the discovered motions into deployable (i.e. smooth and slow) motions that are robust to variations in initial configuration and terrains. We find these innovations enable a real-world G1 humanoid robot to get up from two main situations that we considered: a) lying face up and b) lying face down, both tested on flat, deformable, slippery surfaces and slopes (e.g., sloppy grass and snowfield). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first successful demonstration of learned getting-up policies for human-sized humanoid robots in the real world. Project page:
comment: Project page:
A Monocular Event-Camera Motion Capture System
Motion capture systems are a widespread tool in research to record ground-truth poses of objects. Commercial systems use reflective markers attached to the object and then triangulate pose of the object from multiple camera views. Consequently, the object must be visible to multiple cameras which makes such multi-view motion capture systems unsuited for deployments in narrow, confined spaces (e.g. ballast tanks of ships). In this technical report we describe a monocular event-camera motion capture system which overcomes this limitation and is ideally suited for narrow spaces. Instead of passive markers it relies on active, blinking LED markers such that each marker can be uniquely identified from the blinking frequency. The markers are placed at known locations on the tracking object. We then solve the PnP (perspective-n-points) problem to obtain the position and orientation of the object. The developed system has millimeter accuracy, millisecond latency and we demonstrate that its state estimate can be used to fly a small, agile quadrotor.
comment: 8 pages
☆ Bandwidth-Adaptive Spatiotemporal Correspondence Identification for Collaborative Perception
Correspondence identification (CoID) is an essential capability in multi-robot collaborative perception, which enables a group of robots to consistently refer to the same objects within their respective fields of view. In real-world applications, such as connected autonomous driving, vehicles face challenges in directly sharing raw observations due to limited communication bandwidth. In order to address this challenge, we propose a novel approach for bandwidth-adaptive spatiotemporal CoID in collaborative perception. This approach allows robots to progressively select partial spatiotemporal observations and share with others, while adapting to communication constraints that dynamically change over time. We evaluate our approach across various scenarios in connected autonomous driving simulations. Experimental results validate that our approach enables CoID and adapts to dynamic communication bandwidth changes. In addition, our approach achieves 8%-56% overall improvements in terms of covisible object retrieval for CoID and data sharing efficiency, which outperforms previous techniques and achieves the state-of-the-art performance. More information is available at:
☆ Robotic CBCT Meets Robotic Ultrasound
The multi-modality imaging system offers optimal fused images for safe and precise interventions in modern clinical practices, such as computed tomography - ultrasound (CT-US) guidance for needle insertion. However, the limited dexterity and mobility of current imaging devices hinder their integration into standardized workflows and the advancement toward fully autonomous intervention systems. In this paper, we present a novel clinical setup where robotic cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and robotic US are pre-calibrated and dynamically co-registered, enabling new clinical applications. This setup allows registration-free rigid registration, facilitating multi-modal guided procedures in the absence of tissue deformation. First, a one-time pre-calibration is performed between the systems. To ensure a safe insertion path by highlighting critical vasculature on the 3D CBCT, SAM2 segments vessels from B-mode images, using the Doppler signal as an autonomously generated prompt. Based on the registration, the Doppler image or segmented vessel masks are then mapped onto the CBCT, creating an optimally fused image with comprehensive detail. To validate the system, we used a specially designed phantom, featuring lesions covered by ribs and multiple vessels with simulated moving flow. The mapping error between US and CBCT resulted in an average deviation of 1.72+-0.62 mm. A user study demonstrated the effectiveness of CBCT-US fusion for needle insertion guidance, showing significant improvements in time efficiency, accuracy, and success rate. Needle intervention performance improved by approximately 50% compared to the conventional US-guided workflow. We present the first robotic dual-modality imaging system designed to guide clinical applications. The results show significant performance improvements compared to traditional manual interventions.
☆ pySLAM: An Open-Source, Modular, and Extensible Framework for SLAM
pySLAM is an open-source Python framework for Visual SLAM, supporting monocular, stereo, and RGB-D cameras. It provides a flexible interface for integrating both classical and modern local features, making it adaptable to various SLAM tasks. The framework includes different loop closure methods, a volumetric reconstruction pipeline, and support for depth prediction models. Additionally, it offers a suite of tools for visual odometry and SLAM applications. Designed for both beginners and experienced researchers, pySLAM encourages community contributions, fostering collaborative development in the field of Visual SLAM.
☆ The Dynamic Model of the UR10 Robot and its ROS2 Integration
This paper presents the full dynamic model of the UR10 industrial robot. A triple-stage identification approach is adopted to estimate the manipulator's dynamic coefficients. First, linear parameters are computed using a standard linear regression algorithm. Subsequently, nonlinear friction parameters are estimated according to a sigmoidal model. Lastly, motor drive gains are devised to map estimated joint currents to torques. The overall identified model can be used for both control and planning purposes, as the accompanied ROS2 software can be easily reconfigured to account for a generic payload. The estimated robot model is experimentally validated against a set of exciting trajectories and compared to the state-of-the-art model for the same manipulator, achieving higher current prediction accuracy (up to a factor of 4.43) and more precise motor gains. The related software is available at
comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
☆ VLP: Vision-Language Preference Learning for Embodied Manipulation
Reward engineering is one of the key challenges in Reinforcement Learning (RL). Preference-based RL effectively addresses this issue by learning from human feedback. However, it is both time-consuming and expensive to collect human preference labels. In this paper, we propose a novel \textbf{V}ision-\textbf{L}anguage \textbf{P}reference learning framework, named \textbf{VLP}, which learns a vision-language preference model to provide preference feedback for embodied manipulation tasks. To achieve this, we define three types of language-conditioned preferences and construct a vision-language preference dataset, which contains versatile implicit preference orders without human annotations. The preference model learns to extract language-related features, and then serves as a preference annotator in various downstream tasks. The policy can be learned according to the annotated preferences via reward learning or direct policy optimization. Extensive empirical results on simulated embodied manipulation tasks demonstrate that our method provides accurate preferences and generalizes to unseen tasks and unseen language instructions, outperforming the baselines by a large margin.
☆ 1 A formal implementation of Behavior Trees to act in robotics
Behavior Trees (BT) are becoming quite popular as an Acting component of autonomous robotic systems. We propose to define a formal semantics to BT by translating them to a formal language which enables us to perform verification of programs written with BT, as well as runtime verification while these BT execute. This allows us to formally verify BT correctness without requiring BT programmers to master formal language and without compromising BT most valuable features: modularity, flexibility and reusability. We present the formal framework we use: Fiacre, its langage and the produced TTS model; Tina, its model checking tools and Hippo, its runtime verification engine. We then show how the translation from BT to Fiacre is automatically done, the type of formal LTL and CTL properties we can check offline and how to execute the formal model online in place of a regular BT engine. We illustrate our approach on two robotics applications, and show how BT could benefit of other features available in the Fiacre formal framework (state variables, time, etc).
☆ Stonefish: Supporting Machine Learning Research in Marine Robotics ICRA 2025
Simulations are highly valuable in marine robotics, offering a cost-effective and controlled environment for testing in the challenging conditions of underwater and surface operations. Given the high costs and logistical difficulties of real-world trials, simulators capable of capturing the operational conditions of subsea environments have become key in developing and refining algorithms for remotely-operated and autonomous underwater vehicles. This paper highlights recent enhancements to the Stonefish simulator, an advanced open-source platform supporting development and testing of marine robotics solutions. Key updates include a suite of additional sensors, such as an event-based camera, a thermal camera, and an optical flow camera, as well as, visual light communication, support for tethered operations, improved thruster modelling, more flexible hydrodynamics, and enhanced sonar accuracy. These developments and an automated annotation tool significantly bolster Stonefish's role in marine robotics research, especially in the field of machine learning, where training data with a known ground truth is hard or impossible to collect.
comment: Accepted as full paper at ICRA 2025
☆ Does Knowledge About Perceptual Uncertainty Help an Agent in Automated Driving?
Agents in real-world scenarios like automated driving deal with uncertainty in their environment, in particular due to perceptual uncertainty. Although, reinforcement learning is dedicated to autonomous decision-making under uncertainty these algorithms are typically not informed about the uncertainty currently contained in their environment. On the other hand, uncertainty estimation for perception itself is typically directly evaluated in the perception domain, e.g., in terms of false positive detection rates or calibration errors based on camera images. Its use for deciding on goal-oriented actions remains largely unstudied. In this paper, we investigate how an agent's behavior is influenced by an uncertain perception and how this behavior changes if information about this uncertainty is available. Therefore, we consider a proxy task, where the agent is rewarded for driving a route as fast as possible without colliding with other road users. For controlled experiments, we introduce uncertainty in the observation space by perturbing the perception of the given agent while informing the latter. Our experiments show that an unreliable observation space modeled by a perturbed perception leads to a defensive driving behavior of the agent. Furthermore, when adding the information about the current uncertainty directly to the observation space, the agent adapts to the specific situation and in general accomplishes its task faster while, at the same time, accounting for risks.
comment: 8 pages, 9 figures
☆ Residual Learning towards High-fidelity Vehicle Dynamics Modeling with Transformer
The vehicle dynamics model serves as a vital component of autonomous driving systems, as it describes the temporal changes in vehicle state. In a long period, researchers have made significant endeavors to accurately model vehicle dynamics. Traditional physics-based methods employ mathematical formulae to model vehicle dynamics, but they are unable to adequately describe complex vehicle systems due to the simplifications they entail. Recent advancements in deep learning-based methods have addressed this limitation by directly regressing vehicle dynamics. However, the performance and generalization capabilities still require further enhancement. In this letter, we address these problems by proposing a vehicle dynamics correction system that leverages deep neural networks to correct the state residuals of a physical model instead of directly estimating the states. This system greatly reduces the difficulty of network learning and thus improves the estimation accuracy of vehicle dynamics. Furthermore, we have developed a novel Transformer-based dynamics residual correction network, DyTR. This network implicitly represents state residuals as high-dimensional queries, and iteratively updates the estimated residuals by interacting with dynamics state features. The experiments in simulations demonstrate the proposed system works much better than physics model, and our proposed DyTR model achieves the best performances on dynamics state residual correction task, reducing the state prediction errors of a simple 3 DoF vehicle model by an average of 92.3% and 59.9% in two dataset, respectively.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables
☆ Early Detection of Human Handover Intentions in Human-Robot Collaboration: Comparing EEG, Gaze, and Hand Motion
Human-robot collaboration (HRC) relies on accurate and timely recognition of human intentions to ensure seamless interactions. Among common HRC tasks, human-to-robot object handovers have been studied extensively for planning the robot's actions during object reception, assuming the human intention for object handover. However, distinguishing handover intentions from other actions has received limited attention. Most research on handovers has focused on visually detecting motion trajectories, which often results in delays or false detections when trajectories overlap. This paper investigates whether human intentions for object handovers are reflected in non-movement-based physiological signals. We conduct a multimodal analysis comparing three data modalities: electroencephalogram (EEG), gaze, and hand-motion signals. Our study aims to distinguish between handover-intended human motions and non-handover motions in an HRC setting, evaluating each modality's performance in predicting and classifying these actions before and after human movement initiation. We develop and evaluate human intention detectors based on these modalities, comparing their accuracy and timing in identifying handover intentions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to systematically develop and test intention detectors across multiple modalities within the same experimental context of human-robot handovers. Our analysis reveals that handover intention can be detected from all three modalities. Nevertheless, gaze signals are the earliest as well as the most accurate to classify the motion as intended for handover or non-handover.
comment: In submission at Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2025
☆ FUNCTO: Function-Centric One-Shot Imitation Learning for Tool Manipulation
Learning tool use from a single human demonstration video offers a highly intuitive and efficient approach to robot teaching. While humans can effortlessly generalize a demonstrated tool manipulation skill to diverse tools that support the same function (e.g., pouring with a mug versus a teapot), current one-shot imitation learning (OSIL) methods struggle to achieve this. A key challenge lies in establishing functional correspondences between demonstration and test tools, considering significant geometric variations among tools with the same function (i.e., intra-function variations). To address this challenge, we propose FUNCTO (Function-Centric OSIL for Tool Manipulation), an OSIL method that establishes function-centric correspondences with a 3D functional keypoint representation, enabling robots to generalize tool manipulation skills from a single human demonstration video to novel tools with the same function despite significant intra-function variations. With this formulation, we factorize FUNCTO into three stages: (1) functional keypoint extraction, (2) function-centric correspondence establishment, and (3) functional keypoint-based action planning. We evaluate FUNCTO against exiting modular OSIL methods and end-to-end behavioral cloning methods through real-robot experiments on diverse tool manipulation tasks. The results demonstrate the superiority of FUNCTO when generalizing to novel tools with intra-function geometric variations. More details are available at
☆ Can you pass that tool?: Implications of Indirect Speech in Physical Human-Robot Collaboration
Indirect speech acts (ISAs) are a natural pragmatic feature of human communication, allowing requests to be conveyed implicitly while maintaining subtlety and flexibility. Although advancements in speech recognition have enabled natural language interactions with robots through direct, explicit commands--providing clarity in communication--the rise of large language models presents the potential for robots to interpret ISAs. However, empirical evidence on the effects of ISAs on human-robot collaboration (HRC) remains limited. To address this, we conducted a Wizard-of-Oz study (N=36), engaging a participant and a robot in collaborative physical tasks. Our findings indicate that robots capable of understanding ISAs significantly improve human's perceived robot anthropomorphism, team performance, and trust. However, the effectiveness of ISAs is task- and context-dependent, thus requiring careful use. These results highlight the importance of appropriately integrating direct and indirect requests in HRC to enhance collaborative experiences and task performance.
comment: Accepted by CHI2025
☆ Leader and Follower: Interactive Motion Generation under Trajectory Constraints
With the rapid advancement of game and film production, generating interactive motion from texts has garnered significant attention due to its potential to revolutionize content creation processes. In many practical applications, there is a need to impose strict constraints on the motion range or trajectory of virtual characters. However, existing methods that rely solely on textual input face substantial challenges in accurately capturing the user's intent, particularly in specifying the desired trajectory. As a result, the generated motions often lack plausibility and accuracy. Moreover, existing trajectory - based methods for customized motion generation rely on retraining for single - actor scenarios, which limits flexibility and adaptability to different datasets, as well as interactivity in two-actor motions. To generate interactive motion following specified trajectories, this paper decouples complex motion into a Leader - Follower dynamic, inspired by role allocation in partner dancing. Based on this framework, this paper explores the motion range refinement process in interactive motion generation and proposes a training-free approach, integrating a Pace Controller and a Kinematic Synchronization Adapter. The framework enhances the ability of existing models to generate motion that adheres to trajectory by controlling the leader's movement and correcting the follower's motion to align with the leader. Experimental results show that the proposed approach, by better leveraging trajectory information, outperforms existing methods in both realism and accuracy.
☆ Disentangled Iterative Surface Fitting for Contact-stable Grasp Planning
In this work, we address the limitation of surface fitting-based grasp planning algorithm, which primarily focuses on geometric alignment between the gripper and object surface while overlooking the stability of contact point distribution, often resulting in unstable grasps due to inadequate contact configurations. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel surface fitting algorithm that integrates contact stability while preserving geometric compatibility. Inspired by human grasping behavior, our method disentangles the grasp pose optimization into three sequential steps: (1) rotation optimization to align contact normals, (2) translation refinement to improve Center of Mass (CoM) alignment, and (3) gripper aperture adjustment to optimize contact point distribution. We validate our approach through simulations on ten YCB dataset objects, demonstrating an 80% improvement in grasp success over conventional surface fitting methods that disregard contact stability. Further details can be found on our project page:
comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, 1 table
☆ SurgPose: a Dataset for Articulated Robotic Surgical Tool Pose Estimation and Tracking ICRA 2025
Accurate and efficient surgical robotic tool pose estimation is of fundamental significance to downstream applications such as augmented reality (AR) in surgical training and learning-based autonomous manipulation. While significant advancements have been made in pose estimation for humans and animals, it is still a challenge in surgical robotics due to the scarcity of published data. The relatively large absolute error of the da Vinci end effector kinematics and arduous calibration procedure make calibrated kinematics data collection expensive. Driven by this limitation, we collected a dataset, dubbed SurgPose, providing instance-aware semantic keypoints and skeletons for visual surgical tool pose estimation and tracking. By marking keypoints using ultraviolet (UV) reactive paint, which is invisible under white light and fluorescent under UV light, we execute the same trajectory under different lighting conditions to collect raw videos and keypoint annotations, respectively. The SurgPose dataset consists of approximately 120k surgical instrument instances (80k for training and 40k for validation) of 6 categories. Each instrument instance is labeled with 7 semantic keypoints. Since the videos are collected in stereo pairs, the 2D pose can be lifted to 3D based on stereo-matching depth. In addition to releasing the dataset, we test a few baseline approaches to surgical instrument tracking to demonstrate the utility of SurgPose. More details can be found at
comment: Accepted by ICRA 2025
☆ Anti-Degeneracy Scheme for Lidar SLAM based on Particle Filter in Geometry Feature-Less Environments
Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) based on particle filtering has been extensively employed in indoor scenarios due to its high efficiency. However, in geometry feature-less scenes, the accuracy is severely reduced due to lack of constraints. In this article, we propose an anti-degeneracy system based on deep learning. Firstly, we design a scale-invariant linear mapping to convert coordinates in continuous space into discrete indexes, in which a data augmentation method based on Gaussian model is proposed to ensure the model performance by effectively mitigating the impact of changes in the number of particles on the feature distribution. Secondly, we develop a degeneracy detection model using residual neural networks (ResNet) and transformer which is able to identify degeneracy by scrutinizing the distribution of the particle population. Thirdly, an adaptive anti-degeneracy strategy is designed, which first performs fusion and perturbation on the resample process to provide rich and accurate initial values for the pose optimization, and use a hierarchical pose optimization combining coarse and fine matching, which is able to adaptively adjust the optimization frequency and the sensor trustworthiness according to the degree of degeneracy, in order to enhance the ability of searching the global optimal pose. Finally, we demonstrate the optimality of the model, as well as the improvement of the image matrix method and GPU on the computation time through ablation experiments, and verify the performance of the anti-degeneracy system in different scenarios through simulation experiments and real experiments. This work has been submitted to IEEE for publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be available.
☆ Doppler Correspondence: Non-Iterative Scan Matching With Doppler Velocity-Based Correspondence
Achieving successful scan matching is essential for LiDAR odometry. However, in challenging environments with adverse weather conditions or repetitive geometric patterns, LiDAR odometry performance is degraded due to incorrect scan matching. Recently, the emergence of frequency-modulated continuous wave 4D LiDAR and 4D radar technologies has provided the potential to address these unfavorable conditions. The term 4D refers to point cloud data characterized by range, azimuth, and elevation along with Doppler velocity. Although 4D data is available, most scan matching methods for 4D LiDAR and 4D radar still establish correspondence by repeatedly identifying the closest points between consecutive scans, overlooking the Doppler information. This paper introduces, for the first time, a simple Doppler velocity-based correspondence -- Doppler Correspondence -- that is invariant to translation and small rotation of the sensor, with its geometric and kinematic foundations. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method enables the direct matching of consecutive point clouds without an iterative process, making it computationally efficient. Additionally, it provides a more robust correspondence estimation in environments with repetitive geometric patterns.
☆ Learning Dexterous Bimanual Catch Skills through Adversarial-Cooperative Heterogeneous-Agent Reinforcement Learning ICRA 2025
Robotic catching has traditionally focused on single-handed systems, which are limited in their ability to handle larger or more complex objects. In contrast, bimanual catching offers significant potential for improved dexterity and object handling but introduces new challenges in coordination and control. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for learning dexterous bimanual catching skills using Heterogeneous-Agent Reinforcement Learning (HARL). Our approach introduces an adversarial reward scheme, where a throw agent increases the difficulty of throws-adjusting speed-while a catch agent learns to coordinate both hands to catch objects under these evolving conditions. We evaluate the framework in simulated environments using 15 different objects, demonstrating robustness and versatility in handling diverse objects. Our method achieved approximately a 2x increase in catching reward compared to single-agent baselines across 15 diverse objects.
comment: ICRA 2025 Accepted
☆ Verti-Bench: A General and Scalable Off-Road Mobility Benchmark for Vertically Challenging Terrain
Recent advancement in off-road autonomy has shown promises in deploying autonomous mobile robots in outdoor off-road environments. Encouraging results have been reported from both simulated and real-world experiments. However, unlike evaluating off-road perception tasks on static datasets, benchmarking off-road mobility still faces significant challenges due to a variety of factors, including variations in vehicle platforms and terrain properties. Furthermore, different vehicle-terrain interactions need to be unfolded during mobility evaluation, which requires the mobility systems to interact with the environments instead of comparing against a pre-collected dataset. In this paper, we present Verti-Bench, a mobility benchmark that focuses on extremely rugged, vertically challenging off-road environments. 100 unique off-road environments and 1000 distinct navigation tasks with millions of off-road terrain properties, including a variety of geometry and semantics, rigid and deformable surfaces, and large natural obstacles, provide standardized and objective evaluation in high-fidelity multi-physics simulation. Verti-Bench is also scalable to various vehicle platforms with different scales and actuation mechanisms. We also provide datasets from expert demonstration, random exploration, failure cases (rolling over and getting stuck), as well as a gym-like interface for reinforcement learning. We use Verti-Bench to benchmark ten off-road mobility systems, present our findings, and identify future off-road mobility research directions.
☆ PrivilegedDreamer: Explicit Imagination of Privileged Information for Rapid Adaptation of Learned Policies ICRA 2025
Numerous real-world control problems involve dynamics and objectives affected by unobservable hidden pa- rameters, ranging from autonomous driving to robotic manipu- lation, which cause performance degradation during sim-to-real transfer. To represent these kinds of domains, we adopt hidden- parameter Markov decision processes (HIP-MDPs), which model sequential decision problems where hidden variables parameterize transition and reward functions. Existing ap- proaches, such as domain randomization, domain adaptation, and meta-learning, simply treat the effect of hidden param- eters as additional variance and often struggle to effectively handle HIP-MDP problems, especially when the rewards are parameterized by hidden variables. We introduce Privileged- Dreamer, a model-based reinforcement learning framework that extends the existing model-based approach by incorporating an explicit parameter estimation module. PrivilegedDreamer features its novel dual recurrent architecture that explicitly estimates hidden parameters from limited historical data and enables us to condition the model, actor, and critic networks on these estimated parameters. Our empirical analysis on five diverse HIP-MDP tasks demonstrates that PrivilegedDreamer outperforms state-of-the-art model-based, model-free, and do- main adaptation learning algorithms. Additionally, we conduct ablation studies to justify the inclusion of each component in the proposed architecture.
comment: Accepted to ICRA 2025. Website:
☆ Robot Deformable Object Manipulation via NMPC-generated Demonstrations in Deep Reinforcement Learning
In this work, we conducted research on deformable object manipulation by robots based on demonstration-enhanced reinforcement learning (RL). To improve the learning efficiency of RL, we enhanced the utilization of demonstration data from multiple aspects and proposed the HGCR-DDPG algorithm. It uses a novel high-dimensional fuzzy approach for grasping-point selection, a refined behavior-cloning method to enhance data-driven learning in Rainbow-DDPG, and a sequential policy-learning strategy. Compared to the baseline algorithm (Rainbow-DDPG), our proposed HGCR-DDPG achieved 2.01 times the global average reward and reduced the global average standard deviation to 45% of that of the baseline algorithm. To reduce the human labor cost of demonstration collection, we proposed a low-cost demonstration collection method based on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC). Simulation experiment results show that demonstrations collected through NMPC can be used to train HGCR-DDPG, achieving comparable results to those obtained with human demonstrations. To validate the feasibility of our proposed methods in real-world environments, we conducted physical experiments involving deformable object manipulation. We manipulated fabric to perform three tasks: diagonal folding, central axis folding, and flattening. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method achieved success rates of 83.3%, 80%, and 100% for these three tasks, respectively, validating the effectiveness of our approach. Compared to current large-model approaches for robot manipulation, the proposed algorithm is lightweight, requires fewer computational resources, and offers task-specific customization and efficient adaptability for specific tasks.
☆ HI-GVF: Shared Control based on Human-Influenced Guiding Vector Fields for Human-multi-robot Cooperation
Human-multi-robot shared control leverages human decision-making and robotic autonomy to enhance human-robot collaboration. While widely studied, existing systems often adopt a leader-follower model, limiting robot autonomy to some extent. Besides, a human is required to directly participate in the motion control of robots through teleoperation, which significantly burdens the operator. To alleviate these two issues, we propose a layered shared control computing framework using human-influenced guiding vector fields (HI-GVF) for human-robot collaboration. HI-GVF guides the multi-robot system along a desired path specified by the human. Then, an intention field is designed to merge the human and robot intentions, accelerating the propagation of the human intention within the multi-robot system. Moreover, we give the stability analysis of the proposed model and use collision avoidance based on safety barrier certificates to fine-tune the velocity. Eventually, considering the firefighting task as an example scenario, we conduct simulations and experiments using multiple human-robot interfaces (brain-computer interface, myoelectric wristband, eye-tracking), and the results demonstrate that our proposed approach boosts the effectiveness and performance of the task.
☆ A Framework for Learning Scoring Rules in Autonomous Driving Planning Systems
In autonomous driving systems, motion planning is commonly implemented as a two-stage process: first, a trajectory proposer generates multiple candidate trajectories, then a scoring mechanism selects the most suitable trajectory for execution. For this critical selection stage, rule-based scoring mechanisms are particularly appealing as they can explicitly encode driving preferences, safety constraints, and traffic regulations in a formalized, human-understandable format. However, manually crafting these scoring rules presents significant challenges: the rules often contain complex interdependencies, require careful parameter tuning, and may not fully capture the nuances present in real-world driving data. This work introduces FLoRA, a novel framework that bridges this gap by learning interpretable scoring rules represented in temporal logic. Our method features a learnable logic structure that captures nuanced relationships across diverse driving scenarios, optimizing both rules and parameters directly from real-world driving demonstrations collected in NuPlan. Our approach effectively learns to evaluate driving behavior even though the training data only contains positive examples (successful driving demonstrations). Evaluations in closed-loop planning simulations demonstrate that our learned scoring rules outperform existing techniques, including expert-designed rules and neural network scoring models, while maintaining interpretability. This work introduces a data-driven approach to enhance the scoring mechanism in autonomous driving systems, designed as a plug-in module to seamlessly integrate with various trajectory proposers. Our video and code are available on
comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)
☆ Soft Robotics for Search and Rescue: Advancements, Challenges, and Future Directions
Soft robotics has emerged as a transformative technology in Search and Rescue (SAR) operations, addressing challenges in navigating complex, hazardous environments that often limit traditional rigid robots. This paper critically examines advancements in soft robotic technologies tailored for SAR applications, focusing on their unique capabilities in adaptability, safety, and efficiency. By leveraging bio-inspired designs, flexible materials, and advanced locomotion mechanisms, such as crawling, rolling, and shape morphing, soft robots demonstrate exceptional potential in disaster scenarios. However, significant barriers persist, including material durability, power inefficiency, sensor integration, and control complexity. This comprehensive review highlights the current state of soft robotics in SAR, discusses simulation methodologies and hardware validations, and introduces performance metrics essential for their evaluation. By bridging the gap between theoretical advancements and practical deployment, this study underscores the potential of soft robotic systems to revolutionize SAR missions and advocates for continued interdisciplinary innovation to overcome existing limitations.
☆ IMLE Policy: Fast and Sample Efficient Visuomotor Policy Learning via Implicit Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Recent advances in imitation learning, particularly using generative modelling techniques like diffusion, have enabled policies to capture complex multi-modal action distributions. However, these methods often require large datasets and multiple inference steps for action generation, posing challenges in robotics where the cost for data collection is high and computation resources are limited. To address this, we introduce IMLE Policy, a novel behaviour cloning approach based on Implicit Maximum Likelihood Estimation (IMLE). IMLE Policy excels in low-data regimes, effectively learning from minimal demonstrations and requiring 38\% less data on average to match the performance of baseline methods in learning complex multi-modal behaviours. Its simple generator-based architecture enables single-step action generation, improving inference speed by 97.3\% compared to Diffusion Policy, while outperforming single-step Flow Matching. We validate our approach across diverse manipulation tasks in simulated and real-world environments, showcasing its ability to capture complex behaviours under data constraints. Videos and code are provided on our project page:
comment: Videos and code are available at
☆ Hovering Flight of Soft-Actuated Insect-Scale Micro Aerial Vehicles using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Soft-actuated insect-scale micro aerial vehicles (IMAVs) pose unique challenges for designing robust and computationally efficient controllers. At the millimeter scale, fast robot dynamics ($\sim$ms), together with system delay, model uncertainty, and external disturbances significantly affect flight performances. Here, we design a deep reinforcement learning (RL) controller that addresses system delay and uncertainties. To initialize this neural network (NN) controller, we propose a modified behavior cloning (BC) approach with state-action re-matching to account for delay and domain-randomized expert demonstration to tackle uncertainty. Then we apply proximal policy optimization (PPO) to fine-tune the policy during RL, enhancing performance and smoothing commands. In simulations, our modified BC substantially increases the mean reward compared to baseline BC; and RL with PPO improves flight quality and reduces command fluctuations. We deploy this controller on two different insect-scale aerial robots that weigh 720 mg and 850 mg, respectively. The robots demonstrate multiple successful zero-shot hovering flights, with the longest lasting 50 seconds and root-mean-square errors of 1.34 cm in lateral direction and 0.05 cm in altitude, marking the first end-to-end deep RL-based flight on soft-driven IMAVs.
comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted to 2025 IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft)
☆ Improving Grip Stability Using Passive Compliant Microspine Arrays for Soft Robots in Unstructured Terrain ICRA
Microspine grippers are small spines commonly found on insect legs that reinforce surface interaction by engaging with asperities to increase shear force and traction. An array of such microspines, when integrated into the limbs or undercarriage of a robot, can provide the ability to maneuver uneven terrains, traverse inclines, and even climb walls. Conformability and adaptability of soft robots makes them ideal candidates for these applications involving traversal of complex, unstructured terrains. However, there remains a real-life realization gap for soft locomotors pertaining to their transition from controlled lab environment to the field by improving grip stability through effective integration of microspines. We propose a passive, compliant microspine stacked array design to enhance the locomotion capabilities of mobile soft robots, in our case, ones that are motor tendon actuated. We offer a standardized microspine array integration method with effective soft-compliant stiffness integration, and reduced complexity resulting from a single actuator passively controlling them. The presented design utilizes a two-row, stacked microspine array configuration that offers additional gripping capabilities on extremely steep/irregular surfaces from the top row while not hindering the effectiveness of the more frequently active bottom row. We explore different configurations of the microspine array to account for changing surface topologies and enable independent, adaptable gripping of asperities per microspine. Field test experiments are conducted on various rough surfaces including concrete, brick, compact sand, and tree roots with three robots consisting of a baseline without microspines compared against two robots with different combinations of microspine arrays. Tracking results indicate that the inclusion of microspine arrays increases planar displacement on average by 15 and 8 times.
comment: Accepted to International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2025
☆ X-IL: Exploring the Design Space of Imitation Learning Policies
Designing modern imitation learning (IL) policies requires making numerous decisions, including the selection of feature encoding, architecture, policy representation, and more. As the field rapidly advances, the range of available options continues to grow, creating a vast and largely unexplored design space for IL policies. In this work, we present X-IL, an accessible open-source framework designed to systematically explore this design space. The framework's modular design enables seamless swapping of policy components, such as backbones (e.g., Transformer, Mamba, xLSTM) and policy optimization techniques (e.g., Score-matching, Flow-matching). This flexibility facilitates comprehensive experimentation and has led to the discovery of novel policy configurations that outperform existing methods on recent robot learning benchmarks. Our experiments demonstrate not only significant performance gains but also provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of various design choices. This study serves as both a practical reference for practitioners and a foundation for guiding future research in imitation learning.
☆ Towards Fusing Point Cloud and Visual Representations for Imitation Learning
Learning for manipulation requires using policies that have access to rich sensory information such as point clouds or RGB images. Point clouds efficiently capture geometric structures, making them essential for manipulation tasks in imitation learning. In contrast, RGB images provide rich texture and semantic information that can be crucial for certain tasks. Existing approaches for fusing both modalities assign 2D image features to point clouds. However, such approaches often lose global contextual information from the original images. In this work, we propose a novel imitation learning method that effectively combines the strengths of both point cloud and RGB modalities. Our method conditions the point-cloud encoder on global and local image tokens using adaptive layer norm conditioning, leveraging the beneficial properties of both modalities. Through extensive experiments on the challenging RoboCasa benchmark, we demonstrate the limitations of relying on either modality alone and show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance across all tasks.
☆ PrivilegedDreamer: Explicit Imagination of Privileged Information for Rapid Adaptation of Learned Policies ICRA 2025
Numerous real-world control problems involve dynamics and objectives affected by unobservable hidden parameters, ranging from autonomous driving to robotic manipulation, which cause performance degradation during sim-to-real transfer. To represent these kinds of domains, we adopt hidden-parameter Markov decision processes (HIP-MDPs), which model sequential decision problems where hidden variables parameterize transition and reward functions. Existing approaches, such as domain randomization, domain adaptation, and meta-learning, simply treat the effect of hidden parameters as additional variance and often struggle to effectively handle HIP-MDP problems, especially when the rewards are parameterized by hidden variables. We introduce Privileged-Dreamer, a model-based reinforcement learning framework that extends the existing model-based approach by incorporating an explicit parameter estimation module. PrivilegedDreamer features its novel dual recurrent architecture that explicitly estimates hidden parameters from limited historical data and enables us to condition the model, actor, and critic networks on these estimated parameters. Our empirical analysis on five diverse HIP-MDP tasks demonstrates that PrivilegedDreamer outperforms state-of-the-art model-based, model-free, and domain adaptation learning algorithms. Additionally, we conduct ablation studies to justify the inclusion of each component in the proposed architecture.
comment: Accepted to ICRA 2025. Website:
♻ ☆ 3D Whole-body Grasp Synthesis with Directional Controllability 3DV 2025
Synthesizing 3D whole bodies that realistically grasp objects is useful for animation, mixed reality, and robotics. This is challenging, because the hands and body need to look natural w.r.t. each other, the grasped object, as well as the local scene (i.e., a receptacle supporting the object). Moreover, training data for this task is really scarce, while capturing new data is expensive. Recent work goes beyond finite datasets via a divide-and-conquer approach; it first generates a "guiding" right-hand grasp, and then searches for bodies that match this. However, the guiding-hand synthesis lacks controllability and receptacle awareness, so it likely has an implausible direction (i.e., a body can't match this without penetrating the receptacle) and needs corrections through major post-processing. Moreover, the body search needs exhaustive sampling and is expensive. These are strong limitations. We tackle these with a novel method called CWGrasp. Our key idea is that performing geometry-based reasoning "early on," instead of "too late," provides rich "control" signals for inference. To this end, CWGrasp first samples a plausible reaching-direction vector (used later for both the arm and hand) from a probabilistic model built via ray-casting from the object and collision checking. Moreover, CWGrasp uniquely tackles both right and left-hand grasps. We evaluate on the GRAB and ReplicaGrasp datasets. CWGrasp outperforms baselines, at lower runtime and budget, while all components help performance. Code and models are available at
comment: 3DV 2025
♻ ☆ NaVILA: Legged Robot Vision-Language-Action Model for Navigation
This paper proposes to solve the problem of Vision-and-Language Navigation with legged robots, which not only provides a flexible way for humans to command but also allows the robot to navigate through more challenging and cluttered scenes. However, it is non-trivial to translate human language instructions all the way to low-level leg joint actions. We propose NaVILA, a 2-level framework that unifies a Vision-Language-Action model (VLA) with locomotion skills. Instead of directly predicting low-level actions from VLA, NaVILA first generates mid-level actions with spatial information in the form of language, (e.g., "moving forward 75cm"), which serves as an input for a visual locomotion RL policy for execution. NaVILA substantially improves previous approaches on existing benchmarks. The same advantages are demonstrated in our newly developed benchmarks with IsaacLab, featuring more realistic scenes, low-level controls, and real-world robot experiments. We show more results at
comment: Website:
♻ ☆ AAM-SEALS: Developing Aerial-Aquatic Manipulators in SEa, Air, and Land Simulator
Current mobile manipulators and high-fidelity simulators lack the ability to seamlessly operate and simulate across integrated environments spanning sea, air, and land. To address this gap, we introduce Aerial-Aquatic Manipulators (AAMs) in SEa, Air, and Land Simulator (SEALS), a comprehensive and photorealistic simulator designed for AAMs to operate and learn in these diverse environments. The development of AAM-SEALS tackles several significant challenges, including the creation of integrated controllers for flying, swimming, and manipulation, and the high-fidelity simulation of aerial dynamics and hydrodynamics leveraging particle-based hydrodynamics. Our evaluation demonstrates smooth operation and photorealistic transitions across air, water, and their interfaces. We quantitatively validate the fidelity of particle-based hydrodynamics by comparing position-tracking errors across real-world and simulated systems. AAM-SEALS benefits a broad range of robotics communities, including robot learning, aerial robotics, underwater robotics, mobile manipulation, and robotic simulators. We will open-source our code and data to foster the advancement of research in these fields. The overview video is available at Visit our project website at for more details.
♻ ☆ Advances in Multimodal Adaptation and Generalization: From Traditional Approaches to Foundation Models
In real-world scenarios, achieving domain adaptation and generalization poses significant challenges, as models must adapt to or generalize across unknown target distributions. Extending these capabilities to unseen multimodal distributions, i.e., multimodal domain adaptation and generalization, is even more challenging due to the distinct characteristics of different modalities. Significant progress has been made over the years, with applications ranging from action recognition to semantic segmentation. Besides, the recent advent of large-scale pre-trained multimodal foundation models, such as CLIP, has inspired works leveraging these models to enhance adaptation and generalization performances or adapting them to downstream tasks. This survey provides the first comprehensive review of recent advances from traditional approaches to foundation models, covering: (1) Multimodal domain adaptation; (2) Multimodal test-time adaptation; (3) Multimodal domain generalization; (4) Domain adaptation and generalization with the help of multimodal foundation models; and (5) Adaptation of multimodal foundation models. For each topic, we formally define the problem and thoroughly review existing methods. Additionally, we analyze relevant datasets and applications, highlighting open challenges and potential future research directions. We maintain an active repository that contains up-to-date literature at
comment: Project page:
♻ ☆ RoboMNIST: A Multimodal Dataset for Multi-Robot Activity Recognition Using WiFi Sensing, Video, and Audio
We introduce a novel dataset for multi-robot activity recognition (MRAR) using two robotic arms integrating WiFi channel state information (CSI), video, and audio data. This multimodal dataset utilizes signals of opportunity, leveraging existing WiFi infrastructure to provide detailed indoor environmental sensing without additional sensor deployment. Data were collected using two Franka Emika robotic arms, complemented by three cameras, three WiFi sniffers to collect CSI, and three microphones capturing distinct yet complementary audio data streams. The combination of CSI, visual, and auditory data can enhance robustness and accuracy in MRAR. This comprehensive dataset enables a holistic understanding of robotic environments, facilitating advanced autonomous operations that mimic human-like perception and interaction. By repurposing ubiquitous WiFi signals for environmental sensing, this dataset offers significant potential aiming to advance robotic perception and autonomous systems. It provides a valuable resource for developing sophisticated decision-making and adaptive capabilities in dynamic environments.
♻ ☆ I-CTRL: Imitation to Control Humanoid Robots Through Constrained Reinforcement Learning
Humanoid robots have the potential to mimic human motions with high visual fidelity, yet translating these motions into practical, physical execution remains a significant challenge. Existing techniques in the graphics community often prioritize visual fidelity over physics-based feasibility, posing a significant challenge for deploying bipedal systems in practical applications. This paper addresses these issues through bounded residual reinforcement learning to produce physics-based high-quality motion imitation onto legged humanoid robots that enhance motion resemblance while successfully following the reference human trajectory. Our framework, Imitation to Control Humanoid Robots Through Bounded Residual Reinforcement Learning (I-CTRL), reformulates motion imitation as a constrained refinement over non-physics-based retargeted motions. I-CTRL excels in motion imitation with simple and unique rewards that generalize across five robots. Moreover, our framework introduces an automatic priority scheduler to manage large-scale motion datasets when efficiently training a unified RL policy across diverse motions. The proposed approach signifies a crucial step forward in advancing the control of bipedal robots, emphasizing the importance of aligning visual and physical realism for successful motion imitation.
♻ ☆ Estimating the Lateral Motion States of an Underwater Robot by Propeller Wake Sensing Using an Artificial Lateral Line
The artificial lateral line (ALL), comprising distributed flow sensors, has been successful in sensing motion states of bioinspired underwater robots like robotic fish. However, its application to robots driven by rotating propellers remains unexplored due to the complexity of propeller wake flow. This paper investigates the feasibility of using ALL to sense propeller wake for underwater robot leader-follower formation. To estimate the lateral motion states of a leader propeller, this paper designs a multi-output deep learning network that extracts temporal and spatial features from distributed pressure measurements of propeller wake. Extensive experiments are conducted on a designed testbed, the results of which validate the effectiveness of the proposed propeller wake sensing method.
comment: 10 pages, 8 figures
♻ ☆ The Induced Matching Distance: A Novel Topological Metric with Applications in Robotics
This paper introduces the induced matching distance, a novel topological metric designed to compare discrete structures represented by a symmetric non-negative function. We apply this notion to analyze agent trajectories over time. We use dynamic time warping to measure trajectory similarity and compute the 0-dimensional persistent homology to identify relevant connected components, which, in our context, correspond to groups of similar trajectories. To track the evolution of these components across time, we compute induced matching distances, which preserve the coherence of their dynamic behavior. We then obtain a 1-dimensional signal that quantifies the consistency of trajectory groups over time. Our experiments demonstrate that our approach effectively differentiates between various agent behaviors, highlighting its potential as a robust tool for topological analysis in robotics and related fields.
♻ ☆ IRIS: An Immersive Robot Interaction System
This paper introduces IRIS, an immersive Robot Interaction System leveraging Extended Reality (XR), designed for robot data collection and interaction across multiple simulators, benchmarks, and real-world scenarios. While existing XR-based data collection systems provide efficient and intuitive solutions for large-scale data collection, they are often challenging to reproduce and reuse. This limitation arises because current systems are highly tailored to simulator-specific use cases and environments. IRIS is a novel, easily extendable framework that already supports multiple simulators, benchmarks, and even headsets. Furthermore, IRIS is able to include additional information from real-world sensors, such as point clouds captured through depth cameras. A unified scene specification is generated directly from simulators or real-world sensors and transmitted to XR headsets, creating identical scenes in XR. This specification allows IRIS to support any of the objects, assets, and robots provided by the simulators. In addition, IRIS introduces shared spatial anchors and a robust communication protocol that links simulations between multiple XR headsets. This feature enables multiple XR headsets to share a synchronized scene, facilitating collaborative and multi-user data collection. IRIS can be deployed on any device that supports the Unity Framework, encompassing the vast majority of commercially available headsets. In this work, IRIS was deployed and tested on the Meta Quest 3 and the HoloLens 2. IRIS showcased its versatility across a wide range of real-world and simulated scenarios, using current popular robot simulators such as MuJoCo, IsaacSim, CoppeliaSim, and Genesis. In addition, a user study evaluates IRIS on a data collection task for the LIBERO benchmark. The study shows that IRIS significantly outperforms the baseline in both objective and subjective metrics.
♻ ☆ Discrete Policy: Learning Disentangled Action Space for Multi-Task Robotic Manipulation ICRA 2025
Learning visuomotor policy for multi-task robotic manipulation has been a long-standing challenge for the robotics community. The difficulty lies in the diversity of action space: typically, a goal can be accomplished in multiple ways, resulting in a multimodal action distribution for a single task. The complexity of action distribution escalates as the number of tasks increases. In this work, we propose \textbf{Discrete Policy}, a robot learning method for training universal agents capable of multi-task manipulation skills. Discrete Policy employs vector quantization to map action sequences into a discrete latent space, facilitating the learning of task-specific codes. These codes are then reconstructed into the action space conditioned on observations and language instruction. We evaluate our method on both simulation and multiple real-world embodiments, including both single-arm and bimanual robot settings. We demonstrate that our proposed Discrete Policy outperforms a well-established Diffusion Policy baseline and many state-of-the-art approaches, including ACT, Octo, and OpenVLA. For example, in a real-world multi-task training setting with five tasks, Discrete Policy achieves an average success rate that is 26\% higher than Diffusion Policy and 15\% higher than OpenVLA. As the number of tasks increases to 12, the performance gap between Discrete Policy and Diffusion Policy widens to 32.5\%, further showcasing the advantages of our approach. Our work empirically demonstrates that learning multi-task policies within the latent space is a vital step toward achieving general-purpose agents.
comment: Accept to ICRA 2025
♻ ☆ Omnidirectional Sensor Placement: A Large-Scale Computational Study and Novel Hybrid Accelerated-Refinement Heuristics
This paper studies the omnidirectional sensor-placement problem (OSPP), which involves placing static sensors in a continuous 2D environment to achieve a user-defined coverage requirement while minimizing sensor count. The problem is motivated by applications in mobile robotics, particularly for optimizing visibility-based route planning tasks such as environment inspection, target search, and region patrolling. We focus on omnidirectional visibility models, which eliminate sensor orientation constraints while remaining relevant to real-world sensing technologies like LiDAR, 360-degree cameras, and multi-sensor arrays. Three key models are considered: unlimited visibility, limited-range visibility to reflect physical or application-specific constraints, and localization-uncertainty visibility to account for sensor placement uncertainty in robotics. Our first contribution is a large-scale computational study comparing classical convex-partitioning and sampling-based heuristics for the OSPP, analyzing their trade-off between runtime efficiency and solution quality. Our second contribution is a new class of hybrid accelerated-refinement (HAR) heuristics, which combine and refine outputs from multiple sensor-placement methods while incorporating preprocessing techniques to accelerate refinement. Results demonstrate that HAR heuristics significantly outperform traditional methods, achieving the lowest sensor counts and improving the runtime of sampling-based approaches. Additionally, we adapt a specific HAR heuristic to the localization-uncertainty visibility model, showing that it achieves the required coverage for small to moderate localization uncertainty. Future work may apply HAR to visibility-based route planning tasks or explore novel sensor-placement approaches to achieve formal coverage guarantees under uncertainty.
comment: 30 pages, 33 figures; major revision of the previous version titled "Hybrid Filtering Heuristic for the Sensor-Placement Problem to Discretize 2D Continuous Environments"; submitted to Robotics and Autonomous Systems; associated repository:
♻ ☆ Bridging Language and Action: A Survey of Language-Conditioned Robot Manipulation
Language-conditioned robot manipulation is an emerging field aimed at enabling seamless communication and cooperation between humans and robotic agents by teaching robots to comprehend and execute instructions conveyed in natural language. This interdisciplinary area integrates scene understanding, language processing, and policy learning to bridge the gap between human instructions and robotic actions. In this comprehensive survey, we systematically explore recent advancements in language-conditioned robotic manipulation. We categorize existing methods into language-conditioned reward shaping, language-conditioned policy learning, neuro-symbolic artificial intelligence, and the utilization of foundational models (FMs) such as large language models (LLMs) and vision-language models (VLMs). Specifically, we analyze state-of-the-art techniques concerning semantic information extraction, environment and evaluation, auxiliary tasks, and task representation strategies. By conducting a comparative analysis, we highlight the strengths and limitations of current approaches in bridging language instructions with robot actions. Finally, we discuss open challenges and future research directions, focusing on potentially enhancing generalization capabilities and addressing safety issues in language-conditioned robot manipulators.
comment: 37 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables, 354 citations
♻ ☆ High-quality Unknown Object Instance Segmentation via Quadruple Boundary Error Refinement ICRA 2025
Accurate and efficient segmentation of unknown objects in unstructured environments is essential for robotic manipulation. Unknown Object Instance Segmentation (UOIS), which aims to identify all objects in unknown categories and backgrounds, has become a key capability for various robotic tasks. However, existing methods struggle with over-segmentation and under-segmentation, leading to failures in manipulation tasks such as grasping. To address these challenges, we propose QuBER (Quadruple Boundary Error Refinement), a novel error-informed refinement approach for high-quality UOIS. QuBER first estimates quadruple boundary errors-true positive, true negative, false positive, and false negative pixels-at the instance boundaries of the initial segmentation. It then refines the segmentation using an error-guided fusion mechanism, effectively correcting both fine-grained and instance-level segmentation errors. Extensive evaluations on three public benchmarks demonstrate that QuBER outperforms state-of-the-art methods and consistently improves various UOIS methods while maintaining a fast inference time of less than 0.1 seconds. Furthermore, we show that QuBER improves the success rate of grasping target objects in cluttered environments. Code and supplementary materials are available at
comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted at ICRA 2025, project website:
♻ ☆ S$^2$-Diffusion: Generalizing from Instance-level to Category-level Skills in Robot Manipulation
Recent advances in skill learning has propelled robot manipulation to new heights by enabling it to learn complex manipulation tasks from a practical number of demonstrations. However, these skills are often limited to the particular action, object, and environment \textit{instances} that are shown in the training data, and have trouble transferring to other instances of the same category. In this work we present an open-vocabulary Spatial-Semantic Diffusion policy (S$^2$-Diffusion) which enables generalization from instance-level training data to category-level, enabling skills to be transferable between instances of the same category. We show that functional aspects of skills can be captured via a promptable semantic module combined with a spatial representation. We further propose leveraging depth estimation networks to allow the use of only a single RGB camera. Our approach is evaluated and compared on a diverse number of robot manipulation tasks, both in simulation and in the real world. Our results show that S$^2$-Diffusion is invariant to changes in category-irrelevant factors as well as enables satisfying performance on other instances within the same category, even if it was not trained on that specific instance. Full videos of all real-world experiments are available in the supplementary material.
♻ ☆ EMOS: Embodiment-aware Heterogeneous Multi-robot Operating System with LLM Agents
Heterogeneous multi-robot systems (HMRS) have emerged as a powerful approach for tackling complex tasks that single robots cannot manage alone. Current large-language-model-based multi-agent systems (LLM-based MAS) have shown success in areas like software development and operating systems, but applying these systems to robot control presents unique challenges. In particular, the capabilities of each agent in a multi-robot system are inherently tied to the physical composition of the robots, rather than predefined roles. To address this issue, we introduce a novel multi-agent framework designed to enable effective collaboration among heterogeneous robots with varying embodiments and capabilities, along with a new benchmark named Habitat-MAS. One of our key designs is $\textit{Robot Resume}$: Instead of adopting human-designed role play, we propose a self-prompted approach, where agents comprehend robot URDF files and call robot kinematics tools to generate descriptions of their physics capabilities to guide their behavior in task planning and action execution. The Habitat-MAS benchmark is designed to assess how a multi-agent framework handles tasks that require embodiment-aware reasoning, which includes 1) manipulation, 2) perception, 3) navigation, and 4) comprehensive multi-floor object rearrangement. The experimental results indicate that the robot's resume and the hierarchical design of our multi-agent system are essential for the effective operation of the heterogeneous multi-robot system within this intricate problem context.
comment: 10 pages of main content, 3 pages of references, 5 pages of appendix, 7 figures in total
♻ ☆ Learning from Imperfect Demonstrations with Self-Supervision for Robotic Manipulation
Improving data utilization, especially for imperfect data from task failures, is crucial for robotic manipulation due to the challenging, time-consuming, and expensive data collection process in the real world. Current imitation learning (IL) typically discards imperfect data, focusing solely on successful expert data. While reinforcement learning (RL) can learn from explorations and failures, the sim2real gap and its reliance on dense reward and online exploration make it difficult to apply effectively in real-world scenarios. In this work, we aim to conquer the challenge of leveraging imperfect data without the need for reward information to improve the model performance for robotic manipulation in an offline manner. Specifically, we introduce a Self-Supervised Data Filtering framework (SSDF) that combines expert and imperfect data to compute quality scores for failed trajectory segments. High-quality segments from the failed data are used to expand the training dataset. Then, the enhanced dataset can be used with any downstream policy learning method for robotic manipulation tasks. Extensive experiments on the ManiSkill2 benchmark built on the high-fidelity Sapien simulator and real-world robotic manipulation tasks using the Franka robot arm demonstrated that the SSDF can accurately expand the training dataset with high-quality imperfect data and improve the success rates for all robotic manipulation tasks.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures
♻ ☆ Continual Adaptation for Autonomous Driving with the Mixture of Progressive Experts Network
Learning-based autonomous driving requires continuous integration of diverse knowledge in complex traffic , yet existing methods exhibit significant limitations in adaptive capabilities. Addressing this gap demands autonomous driving systems that enable continual adaptation through dynamic adjustments to evolving environmental interactions. This underscores the necessity for enhanced continual learning capabilities to improve system adaptability. To address these challenges, the paper introduces a dynamic progressive optimization framework that facilitates adaptation to variations in dynamic environments, achieved by integrating reinforcement learning and supervised learning for data aggregation. Building on this framework, we propose the Mixture of Progressive Experts (MoPE) network. The proposed method selectively activates multiple expert models based on the distinct characteristics of each task and progressively refines the network architecture to facilitate adaptation to new tasks. Simulation results show that the MoPE model outperforms behavior cloning methods, achieving up to a 7.8% performance improvement in intricate urban road environments.
comment: 11 pages, 7 figures
♻ ☆ Rethinking Latent Representations in Behavior Cloning: An Information Bottleneck Approach for Robot Manipulation
Behavior Cloning (BC) is a widely adopted visual imitation learning method in robot manipulation. Current BC approaches often enhance generalization by leveraging large datasets and incorporating additional visual and textual modalities to capture more diverse information. However, these methods overlook whether the learned representations contain redundant information and lack a solid theoretical foundation to guide the learning process. To address these limitations, we adopt an information-theoretic perspective and introduce mutual information to quantify and mitigate redundancy in latent representations. Building on this, we incorporate the Information Bottleneck (IB) principle into BC, which extends the idea of reducing redundancy by providing a structured framework for compressing irrelevant information while preserving task-relevant features. This work presents the first comprehensive study on redundancy in latent representations across various methods, backbones, and experimental settings, while extending the generalizability of the IB to BC. Extensive experiments and analyses on the CortexBench and LIBERO benchmarks demonstrate significant performance improvements with IB, underscoring the importance of reducing input data redundancy and highlighting its practical value for more practical applications. Project Page:
comment: 20 pages, 11 figures
♻ ☆ VertiSelector: Automatic Curriculum Learning for Wheeled Mobility on Vertically Challenging Terrain
Reinforcement Learning (RL) has the potential to enable extreme off-road mobility by circumventing complex kinodynamic modeling, planning, and control by simulated end-to-end trial-and-error learning experiences. However, most RL methods are sample-inefficient when training in a large amount of manually designed simulation environments and struggle at generalizing to the real world. To address these issues, we introduce VertiSelector (VS), an automatic curriculum learning framework designed to enhance learning efficiency and generalization by selectively sampling training terrain. VS prioritizes vertically challenging terrain with higher Temporal Difference (TD) errors when revisited, thereby allowing robots to learn at the edge of their evolving capabilities. By dynamically adjusting the sampling focus, VS significantly boosts sample efficiency and generalization within the VW-Chrono simulator built on the Chrono multi-physics engine. Furthermore, we provide simulation and physical results using VS on a Verti-4-Wheeler platform. These results demonstrate that VS can achieve 23.08% improvement in terms of success rate by efficiently sampling during training and robustly generalizing to the real world.
♻ ☆ AI Guide Dog: Egocentric Path Prediction on Smartphone AAAI 2025
This paper presents AI Guide Dog (AIGD), a lightweight egocentric (first-person) navigation system for visually impaired users, designed for real-time deployment on smartphones. AIGD employs a vision-only multi-label classification approach to predict directional commands, ensuring safe navigation across diverse environments. We introduce a novel technique for goal-based outdoor navigation by integrating GPS signals and high-level directions, while also handling uncertain multi-path predictions for destination-free indoor navigation. As the first navigation assistance system to handle both goal-oriented and exploratory navigation across indoor and outdoor settings, AIGD establishes a new benchmark in blind navigation. We present methods, datasets, evaluations, and deployment insights to encourage further innovations in assistive navigation systems.
comment: Accepted at the AAAI 2025 Spring Symposium on Human-Compatible AI for Well-being: Harnessing Potential of GenAI for AI-Powered Science
♻ ☆ SEAL: Towards Safe Autonomous Driving via Skill-Enabled Adversary Learning for Closed-Loop Scenario Generation
Verification and validation of autonomous driving (AD) systems and components is of increasing importance, as such technology increases in real-world prevalence. Safety-critical scenario generation is a key approach to robustify AD policies through closed-loop training. However, existing approaches for scenario generation rely on simplistic objectives, resulting in overly-aggressive or non-reactive adversarial behaviors. To generate diverse adversarial yet realistic scenarios, we propose SEAL, a scenario perturbation approach which leverages learned objective functions and adversarial, human-like skills. SEAL-perturbed scenarios are more realistic than SOTA baselines, leading to improved ego task success across real-world, in-distribution, and out-of-distribution scenarios, of more than 20%. To facilitate future research, we release our code and tools:
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables
♻ ☆ ETGL-DDPG: A Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithm for Sparse Reward Continuous Control
We consider deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) in the context of reinforcement learning with sparse rewards. To enhance exploration, we introduce a search procedure, \emph{${\epsilon}{t}$-greedy}, which generates exploratory options for exploring less-visited states. We prove that search using $\epsilon t$-greedy has polynomial sample complexity under mild MDP assumptions. To more efficiently use the information provided by rewarded transitions, we develop a new dual experience replay buffer framework, \emph{GDRB}, and implement \emph{longest n-step returns}. The resulting algorithm, \emph{ETGL-DDPG}, integrates all three techniques: \bm{$\epsilon t$}-greedy, \textbf{G}DRB, and \textbf{L}ongest $n$-step, into DDPG. We evaluate ETGL-DDPG on standard benchmarks and demonstrate that it outperforms DDPG, as well as other state-of-the-art methods, across all tested sparse-reward continuous environments. Ablation studies further highlight how each strategy individually enhances the performance of DDPG in this setting.
comment: We have expanded the related work section with more detailed discussions and enhanced our experiments by incorporating additional data and analysis
♻ ☆ FlowAct: A Proactive Multimodal Human-robot Interaction System with Continuous Flow of Perception and Modular Action Sub-systems ICPR
The evolution of autonomous systems in the context of human-robot interaction systems necessitates a synergy between the continuous perception of the environment and the potential actions to navigate or interact within it. We present Flowact, a proactive multimodal human-robot interaction architecture, working as an asynchronous endless loop of robot sensors into actuators and organized by two controllers, the Environment State Tracking (EST) and the Action Planner. The EST continuously collects and publishes a representation of the operative environment, ensuring a steady flow of perceptual data. This persistent perceptual flow is pivotal for our advanced Action Planner which orchestrates a collection of modular action subsystems, such as movement and speaking modules, governing their initiation or cessation based on the evolving environmental narrative. The EST employs a fusion of diverse sensory modalities to build a rich, real-time representation of the environment that is distributed to the Action Planner. This planner uses a decision-making framework to dynamically coordinate action modules, allowing them to respond proactively and coherently to changes in the environment. Through a series of real-world experiments, we exhibit the efficacy of the system in maintaining a continuous perception-action loop, substantially enhancing the responsiveness and adaptability of autonomous pro-active agents. The modular architecture of the action subsystems facilitates easy extensibility and adaptability to a broad spectrum of tasks and scenarios.
comment: Paper accepted at ICPRAM 2025
♻ ☆ Automated Lane Merging via Game Theory and Branch Model Predictive Control
We propose an integrated behavior and motion planning framework for the lane-merging problem. The behavior planner combines search-based planning with game theory to model vehicle interactions and plan multi-vehicle trajectories. Inspired by human drivers, we model the lane-merging problem as a gap selection process and determine the appropriate gap by solving a matrix game. Moreover, we introduce a branch model predictive control (BMPC) framework to account for the uncertain equilibrium strategies adopted by the surrounding vehicles, including Nash and Stackelberg strategies. A tailored numerical solver is developed to enhance computational efficiency by exploiting the tree structure inherent in BMPC. Finally, we validate our proposed integrated planner using real traffic data and demonstrate its effectiveness in handling interactions in dense traffic scenarios. The code is publicly available at:
♻ ☆ V2V-LLM: Vehicle-to-Vehicle Cooperative Autonomous Driving with Multi-Modal Large Language Models
Current autonomous driving vehicles rely mainly on their individual sensors to understand surrounding scenes and plan for future trajectories, which can be unreliable when the sensors are malfunctioning or occluded. To address this problem, cooperative perception methods via vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication have been proposed, but they have tended to focus on detection and tracking. How those approaches contribute to overall cooperative planning performance is still under-explored. Inspired by recent progress using Large Language Models (LLMs) to build autonomous driving systems, we propose a novel problem setting that integrates an LLM into cooperative autonomous driving, with the proposed Vehicle-to-Vehicle Question-Answering (V2V-QA) dataset and benchmark. We also propose our baseline method Vehicle-to-Vehicle Large Language Model (V2V-LLM), which uses an LLM to fuse perception information from multiple connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) and answer driving-related questions: grounding, notable object identification, and planning. Experimental results show that our proposed V2V-LLM can be a promising unified model architecture for performing various tasks in cooperative autonomous driving, and outperforms other baseline methods that use different fusion approaches. Our work also creates a new research direction that can improve the safety of future autonomous driving systems. Our project website: .
comment: Our project website:
♻ ☆ Participant Perceptions of a Robotic Coach Conducting Positive Psychology Exercises: A Qualitative Analysis
This paper presents a qualitative analysis of participants' perceptions of a robotic coach conducting Positive Psychology exercises, providing insights for the future design of robotic coaches. Participants (n = 20) took part in a single-session (avg. 31 +- 10 minutes) Human-Robot Interaction study in a laboratory setting. We created the design of the robotic coach, and its affective adaptation, based on user-centred design research and collaboration with a professional coach. We transcribed post-study participant interviews and conducted a Thematic Analysis. We discuss the results of that analysis, presenting aspects participants found particularly helpful (e.g., the robot asked the correct questions and helped them think of new positive things in their life), and what should be improved (e.g., the robot's utterance content should be more responsive). We found that participants had no clear preference for affective adaptation or no affective adaptation, which may be due to both positive and negative user perceptions being heightened in the case of adaptation. Based on our qualitative analysis, we highlight insights for the future design of robotic coaches, and areas for future investigation (e.g., examining how participants with different personality traits, or participants experiencing isolation, could benefit from an interaction with a robotic coach).
comment: 23 pages, 2 figures
Vision 172
☆ Diffusion Models without Classifier-free Guidance
This paper presents Model-guidance (MG), a novel objective for training diffusion model that addresses and removes of the commonly used Classifier-free guidance (CFG). Our innovative approach transcends the standard modeling of solely data distribution to incorporating the posterior probability of conditions. The proposed technique originates from the idea of CFG and is easy yet effective, making it a plug-and-play module for existing models. Our method significantly accelerates the training process, doubles the inference speed, and achieve exceptional quality that parallel and even surpass concurrent diffusion models with CFG. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness, efficiency, scalability on different models and datasets. Finally, we establish state-of-the-art performance on ImageNet 256 benchmarks with an FID of 1.34. Our code is available at
☆ VoLUT: Efficient Volumetric streaming enhanced by LUT-based super-resolution
3D volumetric video provides immersive experience and is gaining traction in digital media. Despite its rising popularity, the streaming of volumetric video content poses significant challenges due to the high data bandwidth requirement. A natural approach to mitigate the bandwidth issue is to reduce the volumetric video's data rate by downsampling the content prior to transmission. The video can then be upsampled at the receiver's end using a super-resolution (SR) algorithm to reconstruct the high-resolution details. While super-resolution techniques have been extensively explored and advanced for 2D video content, there is limited work on SR algorithms tailored for volumetric videos. To address this gap and the growing need for efficient volumetric video streaming, we have developed VoLUT with a new SR algorithm specifically designed for volumetric content. Our algorithm uniquely harnesses the power of lookup tables (LUTs) to facilitate the efficient and accurate upscaling of low-resolution volumetric data. The use of LUTs enables our algorithm to quickly reference precomputed high-resolution values, thereby significantly reducing the computational complexity and time required for upscaling. We further apply adaptive video bit rate algorithm (ABR) to dynamically determine the downsampling rate according to the network condition and stream the selected video rate to the receiver. Compared to related work, VoLUT is the first to enable high-quality 3D SR on commodity mobile devices at line-rate. Our evaluation shows VoLUT can reduce bandwidth usage by 70% , boost QoE by 36.7% for volumetric video streaming and achieve 3D SR speed-up with no quality compromise.
☆ HermesFlow: Seamlessly Closing the Gap in Multimodal Understanding and Generation
The remarkable success of the autoregressive paradigm has made significant advancement in Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), with powerful models like Show-o, Transfusion and Emu3 achieving notable progress in unified image understanding and generation. For the first time, we uncover a common phenomenon: the understanding capabilities of MLLMs are typically stronger than their generative capabilities, with a significant gap between the two. Building on this insight, we propose HermesFlow, a simple yet general framework designed to seamlessly bridge the gap between understanding and generation in MLLMs. Specifically, we take the homologous data as input to curate homologous preference data of both understanding and generation. Through Pair-DPO and self-play iterative optimization, HermesFlow effectively aligns multimodal understanding and generation using homologous preference data. Extensive experiments demonstrate the significant superiority of our approach over prior methods, particularly in narrowing the gap between multimodal understanding and generation. These findings highlight the potential of HermesFlow as a general alignment framework for next-generation multimodal foundation models. Code:
comment: Code:
☆ Diffusion-Sharpening: Fine-tuning Diffusion Models with Denoising Trajectory Sharpening
We propose Diffusion-Sharpening, a fine-tuning approach that enhances downstream alignment by optimizing sampling trajectories. Existing RL-based fine-tuning methods focus on single training timesteps and neglect trajectory-level alignment, while recent sampling trajectory optimization methods incur significant inference NFE costs. Diffusion-Sharpening overcomes this by using a path integral framework to select optimal trajectories during training, leveraging reward feedback, and amortizing inference costs. Our method demonstrates superior training efficiency with faster convergence, and best inference efficiency without requiring additional NFEs. Extensive experiments show that Diffusion-Sharpening outperforms RL-based fine-tuning methods (e.g., Diffusion-DPO) and sampling trajectory optimization methods (e.g., Inference Scaling) across diverse metrics including text alignment, compositional capabilities, and human preferences, offering a scalable and efficient solution for future diffusion model fine-tuning. Code:
comment: Code:
☆ FLARE: Feed-forward Geometry, Appearance and Camera Estimation from Uncalibrated Sparse Views
We present FLARE, a feed-forward model designed to infer high-quality camera poses and 3D geometry from uncalibrated sparse-view images (i.e., as few as 2-8 inputs), which is a challenging yet practical setting in real-world applications. Our solution features a cascaded learning paradigm with camera pose serving as the critical bridge, recognizing its essential role in mapping 3D structures onto 2D image planes. Concretely, FLARE starts with camera pose estimation, whose results condition the subsequent learning of geometric structure and appearance, optimized through the objectives of geometry reconstruction and novel-view synthesis. Utilizing large-scale public datasets for training, our method delivers state-of-the-art performance in the tasks of pose estimation, geometry reconstruction, and novel view synthesis, while maintaining the inference efficiency (i.e., less than 0.5 seconds). The project page and code can be found at:
comment: 8 pages. Website:
☆ MagicArticulate: Make Your 3D Models Articulation-Ready
With the explosive growth of 3D content creation, there is an increasing demand for automatically converting static 3D models into articulation-ready versions that support realistic animation. Traditional approaches rely heavily on manual annotation, which is both time-consuming and labor-intensive. Moreover, the lack of large-scale benchmarks has hindered the development of learning-based solutions. In this work, we present MagicArticulate, an effective framework that automatically transforms static 3D models into articulation-ready assets. Our key contributions are threefold. First, we introduce Articulation-XL, a large-scale benchmark containing over 33k 3D models with high-quality articulation annotations, carefully curated from Objaverse-XL. Second, we propose a novel skeleton generation method that formulates the task as a sequence modeling problem, leveraging an auto-regressive transformer to naturally handle varying numbers of bones or joints within skeletons and their inherent dependencies across different 3D models. Third, we predict skinning weights using a functional diffusion process that incorporates volumetric geodesic distance priors between vertices and joints. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MagicArticulate significantly outperforms existing methods across diverse object categories, achieving high-quality articulation that enables realistic animation. Project page:
☆ PRISM: Self-Pruning Intrinsic Selection Method for Training-Free Multimodal Data Selection
Visual instruction tuning refines pre-trained Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) to enhance their real-world task performance. However, the rapid expansion of visual instruction datasets introduces significant data redundancy, leading to excessive computational costs. Existing data selection methods predominantly rely on proxy models or loss-based metrics, both of which impose substantial computational overheads due to the necessity of model inference and backpropagation. To address this challenge, we propose PRISM, a novel training-free approach for efficient multimodal data selection. Unlike existing methods, PRISM eliminates the reliance on proxy models, warm-up pretraining, and gradient-based optimization. Instead, it leverages Pearson correlation analysis to quantify the intrinsic visual encoding properties of MLLMs, computing a task-specific correlation score to identify high-value instances. This not only enbles data-efficient selection,but maintains the original performance. Empirical evaluations across multiple MLLMs demonstrate that PRISM reduces the overall time required for visual instruction tuning and data selection to just 30% of conventional methods, while surpassing fully fine-tuned models across eight multimodal and three language understanding benchmarks, achieving a 101.7% relative improvement in final performance.
A Monocular Event-Camera Motion Capture System
Motion capture systems are a widespread tool in research to record ground-truth poses of objects. Commercial systems use reflective markers attached to the object and then triangulate pose of the object from multiple camera views. Consequently, the object must be visible to multiple cameras which makes such multi-view motion capture systems unsuited for deployments in narrow, confined spaces (e.g. ballast tanks of ships). In this technical report we describe a monocular event-camera motion capture system which overcomes this limitation and is ideally suited for narrow spaces. Instead of passive markers it relies on active, blinking LED markers such that each marker can be uniquely identified from the blinking frequency. The markers are placed at known locations on the tracking object. We then solve the PnP (perspective-n-points) problem to obtain the position and orientation of the object. The developed system has millimeter accuracy, millisecond latency and we demonstrate that its state estimate can be used to fly a small, agile quadrotor.
comment: 8 pages
☆ Token Communications: A Unified Framework for Cross-modal Context-aware Semantic Communications
In this paper, we introduce token communications (TokCom), a unified framework to leverage cross-modal context information in generative semantic communications (GenSC). TokCom is a new paradigm, motivated by the recent success of generative foundation models and multimodal large language models (GFM/MLLMs), where the communication units are tokens, enabling efficient transformer-based token processing at the transmitter and receiver. In this paper, we introduce the potential opportunities and challenges of leveraging context in GenSC, explore how to integrate GFM/MLLMs-based token processing into semantic communication systems to leverage cross-modal context effectively, present the key principles for efficient TokCom at various layers in future wireless networks. We demonstrate the corresponding TokCom benefits in a GenSC setup for image, leveraging cross-modal context information, which increases the bandwidth efficiency by 70.8% with negligible loss of semantic/perceptual quality. Finally, the potential research directions are identified to facilitate adoption of TokCom in future wireless networks.
☆ Descriminative-Generative Custom Tokens for Vision-Language Models
This paper explores the possibility of learning custom tokens for representing new concepts in Vision-Language Models (VLMs). Our aim is to learn tokens that can be effective for both discriminative and generative tasks while composing well with words to form new input queries. The targeted concept is specified in terms of a small set of images and a parent concept described using text. We operate on CLIP text features and propose to use a combination of a textual inversion loss and a classification loss to ensure that text features of the learned token are aligned with image features of the concept in the CLIP embedding space. We restrict the learned token to a low-dimensional subspace spanned by tokens for attributes that are appropriate for the given super-class. These modifications improve the quality of compositions of the learned token with natural language for generating new scenes. Further, we show that learned custom tokens can be used to form queries for text-to-image retrieval task, and also have the important benefit that composite queries can be visualized to ensure that the desired concept is faithfully encoded. Based on this, we introduce the method of Generation Aided Image Retrieval, where the query is modified at inference time to better suit the search intent. On the DeepFashion2 dataset, our method improves Mean Reciprocal Retrieval (MRR) over relevant baselines by 7%.
☆ Unhackable Temporal Rewarding for Scalable Video MLLMs ICLR2025
In the pursuit of superior video-processing MLLMs, we have encountered a perplexing paradox: the "anti-scaling law", where more data and larger models lead to worse performance. This study unmasks the culprit: "temporal hacking", a phenomenon where models shortcut by fixating on select frames, missing the full video narrative. In this work, we systematically establish a comprehensive theory of temporal hacking, defining it from a reinforcement learning perspective, introducing the Temporal Perplexity (TPL) score to assess this misalignment, and proposing the Unhackable Temporal Rewarding (UTR) framework to mitigate the temporal hacking. Both theoretically and empirically, TPL proves to be a reliable indicator of temporal modeling quality, correlating strongly with frame activation patterns. Extensive experiments reveal that UTR not only counters temporal hacking but significantly elevates video comprehension capabilities. This work not only advances video-AI systems but also illuminates the critical importance of aligning proxy rewards with true objectives in MLLM development.
comment: Accepted by ICLR2025. Project Page:
☆ HumanGif: Single-View Human Diffusion with Generative Prior
While previous single-view-based 3D human reconstruction methods made significant progress in novel view synthesis, it remains a challenge to synthesize both view-consistent and pose-consistent results for animatable human avatars from a single image input. Motivated by the success of 2D character animation, we propose HumanGif, a single-view human diffusion model with generative prior. Specifically, we formulate the single-view-based 3D human novel view and pose synthesis as a single-view-conditioned human diffusion process, utilizing generative priors from foundational diffusion models. To ensure fine-grained and consistent novel view and pose synthesis, we introduce a Human NeRF module in HumanGif to learn spatially aligned features from the input image, implicitly capturing the relative camera and human pose transformation. Furthermore, we introduce an image-level loss during optimization to bridge the gap between latent and image spaces in diffusion models. Extensive experiments on RenderPeople and DNA-Rendering datasets demonstrate that HumanGif achieves the best perceptual performance, with better generalizability for novel view and pose synthesis.
comment: Project page:
☆ Enhancing Transparent Object Pose Estimation: A Fusion of GDR-Net and Edge Detection
Object pose estimation of transparent objects remains a challenging task in the field of robot vision due to the immense influence of lighting, background, and reflections. However, the edges of clear objects have the highest contrast, which leads to stable and prominent features. We propose a novel approach by incorporating edge detection in a pre-processing step for the tasks of object detection and object pose estimation. We conducted experiments to investigate the effect of edge detectors on transparent objects. We examine the performance of the state-of-the-art 6D object pose estimation pipeline GDR-Net and the object detector YOLOX when applying different edge detectors as pre-processing steps (i.e., Canny edge detection with and without color information, and holistically-nested edges (HED)). We evaluate the physically-based rendered dataset Trans6D-32 K of transparent objects with parameters proposed by the BOP Challenge. Our results indicate that applying edge detection as a pre-processing enhances performance for certain objects.
comment: accepted at First Austrian Symposium on AI, Robotics, and Vision (AIROV 2024)
☆ Predicting Next-Day Wildfire Spread with Time Series and Attention
Recent research has demonstrated the potential of deep neural networks (DNNs) to accurately predict next-day wildfire spread, based upon the current extent of a fire and geospatial rasters of influential environmental covariates e.g., vegetation, topography, climate, and weather. In this work, we investigate a recent transformer-based model, termed the SwinUnet, for next-day wildfire prediction. We benchmark Swin-based models against several current state-of-the-art models on WildfireSpreadTS (WFTS), a large public benchmark dataset of historical wildfire events. We consider two next-day fire prediction scenarios: when the model is given input of (i) a single previous day of data, or (ii) five previous days of data. We find that, with the proper modifications, SwinUnet achieves state-of-the-art accuracy on next-day prediction for both the single-day and multi-day scenarios. SwinUnet's success depends heavily upon utilizing pre-trained weights from ImageNet. Consistent with prior work, we also found that models with multi-day-input always outperformed models with single-day input.
☆ NaturalL2S: End-to-End High-quality Multispeaker Lip-to-Speech Synthesis with Differential Digital Signal Processing
Recent advancements in visual speech recognition (VSR) have promoted progress in lip-to-speech synthesis, where pre-trained VSR models enhance the intelligibility of synthesized speech by providing valuable semantic information. The success achieved by cascade frameworks, which combine pseudo-VSR with pseudo-text-to-speech (TTS) or implicitly utilize the transcribed text, highlights the benefits of leveraging VSR models. However, these methods typically rely on mel-spectrograms as an intermediate representation, which may introduce a key bottleneck: the domain gap between synthetic mel-spectrograms, generated from inherently error-prone lip-to-speech mappings, and real mel-spectrograms used to train vocoders. This mismatch inevitably degrades synthesis quality. To bridge this gap, we propose Natural Lip-to-Speech (NaturalL2S), an end-to-end framework integrating acoustic inductive biases with differentiable speech generation components. Specifically, we introduce a fundamental frequency (F0) predictor to capture prosodic variations in synthesized speech. The predicted F0 then drives a Differentiable Digital Signal Processing (DDSP) synthesizer to generate a coarse signal which serves as prior information for subsequent speech synthesis. Additionally, instead of relying on a reference speaker embedding as an auxiliary input, our approach achieves satisfactory performance on speaker similarity without explicitly modelling speaker characteristics. Both objective and subjective evaluation results demonstrate that NaturalL2S can effectively enhance the quality of the synthesized speech when compared to state-of-the-art methods. Our demonstration page is accessible at
☆ MultiFlow: A unified deep learning framework for multi-vessel classification, segmentation and clustering of phase-contrast MRI validated on a multi-site single ventricle patient cohort
This study presents a unified deep learning (DL) framework, MultiFlowSeg, for classification and segmentation of velocity-encoded phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging data, and MultiFlowDTC for temporal clustering of flow phenotypes. Applied to the FORCE registry of Fontan procedure patients, MultiFlowSeg achieved 100% classification accuracy for the aorta, SVC, and IVC, and 94% for the LPA and RPA. It demonstrated robust segmentation with a median Dice score of 0.91 (IQR: 0.86-0.93). The automated pipeline processed registry data, achieving high segmentation success despite challenges like poor image quality and dextrocardia. Temporal clustering identified five distinct patient subgroups, with significant differences in clinical outcomes, including ejection fraction, exercise tolerance, liver disease, and mortality. These results demonstrate the potential of combining DL and time-varying flow data for improved CHD prognosis and personalized care.
comment: 6 Figures, 1 Table
☆ On the Logic Elements Associated with Round-Off Errors and Gaussian Blur in Image Registration: A Simple Case of Commingling
Discrete image registration can be a strategy to reconstruct signals from samples corrupted by blur and noise. We examine superresolution and discrete image registration for one-dimensional spatially-limited piecewise constant functions which are subject to blur which is Gaussian or a mixture of Gaussians as well as to round-off errors. Previous approaches address the signal recovery problem as an optimization problem. We focus on a regime with low blur and suggest that the operations of blur, sampling, and quantization are not unlike the operation of a computer program and have an abstraction that can be studied with a type of logic. When the minimum distance between discontinuity points is between $1.5$ and 2 times the sampling interval, we can encounter the simplest form of a type of interference between discontinuity points that we call ``commingling.'' We describe a way to reason about two sets of samples of the same signal that will often result in the correct recovery of signal amplitudes. We also discuss ways to estimate bounds on the distances between discontinuity points.
☆ Characterizing Photorealism and Artifacts in Diffusion Model-Generated Images
Diffusion model-generated images can appear indistinguishable from authentic photographs, but these images often contain artifacts and implausibilities that reveal their AI-generated provenance. Given the challenge to public trust in media posed by photorealistic AI-generated images, we conducted a large-scale experiment measuring human detection accuracy on 450 diffusion-model generated images and 149 real images. Based on collecting 749,828 observations and 34,675 comments from 50,444 participants, we find that scene complexity of an image, artifact types within an image, display time of an image, and human curation of AI-generated images all play significant roles in how accurately people distinguish real from AI-generated images. Additionally, we propose a taxonomy characterizing artifacts often appearing in images generated by diffusion models. Our empirical observations and taxonomy offer nuanced insights into the capabilities and limitations of diffusion models to generate photorealistic images in 2024.
comment: 26 pages, 24 Figures, Accepted by ACM CHI 2025
☆ Image Inversion: A Survey from GANs to Diffusion and Beyond
Image inversion is a fundamental task in generative models, aiming to map images back to their latent representations to enable downstream applications such as editing, restoration, and style transfer. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the latest advancements in image inversion techniques, focusing on two main paradigms: Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) inversion and diffusion model inversion. We categorize these techniques based on their optimization methods. For GAN inversion, we systematically classify existing methods into encoder-based approaches, latent optimization approaches, and hybrid approaches, analyzing their theoretical foundations, technical innovations, and practical trade-offs. For diffusion model inversion, we explore training-free strategies, fine-tuning methods, and the design of additional trainable modules, highlighting their unique advantages and limitations. Additionally, we discuss several popular downstream applications and emerging applications beyond image tasks, identifying current challenges and future research directions. By synthesizing the latest developments, this paper aims to provide researchers and practitioners with a valuable reference resource, promoting further advancements in the field of image inversion. We keep track of the latest works at
comment: 10 pages, 2 figures
☆ Robust 6DoF Pose Tracking Considering Contour and Interior Correspondence Uncertainty for AR Assembly Guidance
Augmented reality assembly guidance is essential for intelligent manufacturing and medical applications, requiring continuous measurement of the 6DoF poses of manipulated objects. Although current tracking methods have made significant advancements in accuracy and efficiency, they still face challenges in robustness when dealing with cluttered backgrounds, rotationally symmetric objects, and noisy sequences. In this paper, we first propose a robust contour-based pose tracking method that addresses error-prone contour correspondences and improves noise tolerance. It utilizes a fan-shaped search strategy to refine correspondences and models local contour shape and noise uncertainty as mixed probability distribution, resulting in a highly robust contour energy function. Secondly, we introduce a CPU-only strategy to better track rotationally symmetric objects and assist the contour-based method in overcoming local minima by exploring sparse interior correspondences. This is achieved by pre-sampling interior points from sparse viewpoint templates offline and using the DIS optical flow algorithm to compute their correspondences during tracking. Finally, we formulate a unified energy function to fuse contour and interior information, which is solvable using a re-weighted least squares algorithm. Experiments on public datasets and real scenarios demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art monocular tracking methods and can achieve more than 100 FPS using only a CPU.
comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
☆ Learning Generalizable Prompt for CLIP with Class Similarity Knowledge
In vision-language models (VLMs), prompt tuning has shown its effectiveness in adapting models to downstream tasks. However, learned prompts struggle to generalize to unseen classes, as they tend to overfit to the classes that are targeted during prompt tuning. Examining failure cases, we observed that learned prompts disrupt the semantics of unseen classes, generating text embeddings with incorrect semantic relationships among classes. To address this, we propose Similarity Alignment Regularization (SAR), which regularizes learnable prompts to preserve the semantic relationships among classes captured by hand-crafted prompts. Specifically, we first obtain novel classes related to base classes using ChatGPT-4o and utilize them as potential unseen classes during prompt tuning. Then, by targeting both base and novel classes, SAR aligns the similarity relationships among text embeddings generated by learnable prompts with the similarity relationships from hand-crafted prompts. Extensive experiments applying SAR to existing prompt tuning methods demonstrate its effectiveness in improving generalization to unseen classes.
☆ pySLAM: An Open-Source, Modular, and Extensible Framework for SLAM
pySLAM is an open-source Python framework for Visual SLAM, supporting monocular, stereo, and RGB-D cameras. It provides a flexible interface for integrating both classical and modern local features, making it adaptable to various SLAM tasks. The framework includes different loop closure methods, a volumetric reconstruction pipeline, and support for depth prediction models. Additionally, it offers a suite of tools for visual odometry and SLAM applications. Designed for both beginners and experienced researchers, pySLAM encourages community contributions, fostering collaborative development in the field of Visual SLAM.
GRAPHGPT-O: Synergistic Multimodal Comprehension and Generation on Graphs
The rapid development of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) has enabled the integration of multiple modalities, including texts and images, within the large language model (LLM) framework. However, texts and images are usually interconnected, forming a multimodal attributed graph (MMAG). It is underexplored how MLLMs can incorporate the relational information (\textit{i.e.}, graph structure) and semantic information (\textit{i.e.,} texts and images) on such graphs for multimodal comprehension and generation. In this paper, we propose GraphGPT-o, which supports omni-multimodal understanding and creation on MMAGs. We first comprehensively study linearization variants to transform semantic and structural information as input for MLLMs. Then, we propose a hierarchical aligner that enables deep graph encoding, bridging the gap between MMAGs and MLLMs. Finally, we explore the inference choices, adapting MLLM to interleaved text and image generation in graph scenarios. Extensive experiments on three datasets from different domains demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. Datasets and codes will be open-sourced upon acceptance.
☆ DLFR-VAE: Dynamic Latent Frame Rate VAE for Video Generation
In this paper, we propose the Dynamic Latent Frame Rate VAE (DLFR-VAE), a training-free paradigm that can make use of adaptive temporal compression in latent space. While existing video generative models apply fixed compression rates via pretrained VAE, we observe that real-world video content exhibits substantial temporal non-uniformity, with high-motion segments containing more information than static scenes. Based on this insight, DLFR-VAE dynamically adjusts the latent frame rate according to the content complexity. Specifically, DLFR-VAE comprises two core innovations: (1) A Dynamic Latent Frame Rate Scheduler that partitions videos into temporal chunks and adaptively determines optimal frame rates based on information-theoretic content complexity, and (2) A training-free adaptation mechanism that transforms pretrained VAE architectures into a dynamic VAE that can process features with variable frame rates. Our simple but effective DLFR-VAE can function as a plug-and-play module, seamlessly integrating with existing video generation models and accelerating the video generation process.
☆ From Open-Vocabulary to Vocabulary-Free Semantic Segmentation
Open-vocabulary semantic segmentation enables models to identify novel object categories beyond their training data. While this flexibility represents a significant advancement, current approaches still rely on manually specified class names as input, creating an inherent bottleneck in real-world applications. This work proposes a Vocabulary-Free Semantic Segmentation pipeline, eliminating the need for predefined class vocabularies. Specifically, we address the chicken-and-egg problem where users need knowledge of all potential objects within a scene to identify them, yet the purpose of segmentation is often to discover these objects. The proposed approach leverages Vision-Language Models to automatically recognize objects and generate appropriate class names, aiming to solve the challenge of class specification and naming quality. Through extensive experiments on several public datasets, we highlight the crucial role of the text encoder in model performance, particularly when the image text classes are paired with generated descriptions. Despite the challenges introduced by the sensitivity of the segmentation text encoder to false negatives within the class tagging process, which adds complexity to the task, we demonstrate that our fully automated pipeline significantly enhances vocabulary-free segmentation accuracy across diverse real-world scenarios.
comment: Submitted to: Pattern Recognition Letters, Klara Reichard and Giulia Rizzoli equally contributed to this work
☆ Does Knowledge About Perceptual Uncertainty Help an Agent in Automated Driving?
Agents in real-world scenarios like automated driving deal with uncertainty in their environment, in particular due to perceptual uncertainty. Although, reinforcement learning is dedicated to autonomous decision-making under uncertainty these algorithms are typically not informed about the uncertainty currently contained in their environment. On the other hand, uncertainty estimation for perception itself is typically directly evaluated in the perception domain, e.g., in terms of false positive detection rates or calibration errors based on camera images. Its use for deciding on goal-oriented actions remains largely unstudied. In this paper, we investigate how an agent's behavior is influenced by an uncertain perception and how this behavior changes if information about this uncertainty is available. Therefore, we consider a proxy task, where the agent is rewarded for driving a route as fast as possible without colliding with other road users. For controlled experiments, we introduce uncertainty in the observation space by perturbing the perception of the given agent while informing the latter. Our experiments show that an unreliable observation space modeled by a perturbed perception leads to a defensive driving behavior of the agent. Furthermore, when adding the information about the current uncertainty directly to the observation space, the agent adapts to the specific situation and in general accomplishes its task faster while, at the same time, accounting for risks.
comment: 8 pages, 9 figures
☆ Defining and Evaluating Visual Language Models' Basic Spatial Abilities: A Perspective from Psychometrics
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences underscores the hierarchical nature of cognitive capabilities. To advance Spatial Artificial Intelligence, we pioneer a psychometric framework defining five Basic Spatial Abilities (BSAs) in Visual Language Models (VLMs): Spatial Perception, Spatial Relation, Spatial Orientation, Mental Rotation, and Spatial Visualization. Benchmarking 13 mainstream VLMs through nine validated psychometric experiments reveals significant gaps versus humans (average score 24.95 vs. 68.38), with three key findings: 1) VLMs mirror human hierarchies (strongest in 2D orientation, weakest in 3D rotation) with independent BSAs (Pearson's r<0.4); 2) Smaller models such as Qwen2-VL-7B surpass larger counterparts, with Qwen leading (30.82) and InternVL2 lagging (19.6); 3) Interventions like chain-of-thought (0.100 accuracy gain) and 5-shot training (0.259 improvement) show limits from architectural constraints. Identified barriers include weak geometry encoding and missing dynamic simulation. By linking psychometric BSAs to VLM capabilities, we provide a diagnostic toolkit for spatial intelligence evaluation, methodological foundations for embodied AI development, and a cognitive science-informed roadmap for achieving human-like spatial intelligence.
☆ Rethinking Audio-Visual Adversarial Vulnerability from Temporal and Modality Perspectives ICLR 2025
While audio-visual learning equips models with a richer understanding of the real world by leveraging multiple sensory modalities, this integration also introduces new vulnerabilities to adversarial attacks. In this paper, we present a comprehensive study of the adversarial robustness of audio-visual models, considering both temporal and modality-specific vulnerabilities. We propose two powerful adversarial attacks: 1) a temporal invariance attack that exploits the inherent temporal redundancy across consecutive time segments and 2) a modality misalignment attack that introduces incongruence between the audio and visual modalities. These attacks are designed to thoroughly assess the robustness of audio-visual models against diverse threats. Furthermore, to defend against such attacks, we introduce a novel audio-visual adversarial training framework. This framework addresses key challenges in vanilla adversarial training by incorporating efficient adversarial perturbation crafting tailored to multi-modal data and an adversarial curriculum strategy. Extensive experiments in the Kinetics-Sounds dataset demonstrate that our proposed temporal and modality-based attacks in degrading model performance can achieve state-of-the-art performance, while our adversarial training defense largely improves the adversarial robustness as well as the adversarial training efficiency.
comment: Accepted by ICLR 2025
☆ Steering the LoCoMotif: Using Domain Knowledge in Time Series Motif Discovery
Time Series Motif Discovery (TSMD) identifies repeating patterns in time series data, but its unsupervised nature might result in motifs that are not interesting to the user. To address this, we propose a framework that allows the user to impose constraints on the motifs to be discovered, where constraints can easily be defined according to the properties of the desired motifs in the application domain. We also propose an efficient implementation of the framework, the LoCoMotif-DoK algorithm. We demonstrate that LoCoMotif-DoK can effectively leverage domain knowledge in real and synthetic data, outperforming other TSMD techniques which only support a limited form of domain knowledge.
☆ ChordFormer: A Conformer-Based Architecture for Large-Vocabulary Audio Chord Recognition
Chord recognition serves as a critical task in music information retrieval due to the abstract and descriptive nature of chords in music analysis. While audio chord recognition systems have achieved significant accuracy for small vocabularies (e.g., major/minor chords), large-vocabulary chord recognition remains a challenging problem. This complexity also arises from the inherent long-tail distribution of chords, where rare chord types are underrepresented in most datasets, leading to insufficient training samples. Effective chord recognition requires leveraging contextual information from audio sequences, yet existing models, such as combinations of convolutional neural networks, bidirectional long short-term memory networks, and bidirectional transformers, face limitations in capturing long-term dependencies and exhibit suboptimal performance on large-vocabulary chord recognition tasks. This work proposes ChordFormer, a novel conformer-based architecture designed to tackle structural chord recognition (e.g., triads, bass, sevenths) for large vocabularies. ChordFormer leverages conformer blocks that integrate convolutional neural networks with transformers, thus enabling the model to capture both local patterns and global dependencies effectively. By addressing challenges such as class imbalance through a reweighted loss function and structured chord representations, ChordFormer outperforms state-of-the-art models, achieving a 2% improvement in frame-wise accuracy and a 6% increase in class-wise accuracy on large-vocabulary chord datasets. Furthermore, ChordFormer excels in handling class imbalance, providing robust and balanced recognition across chord types. This approach bridges the gap between theoretical music knowledge and practical applications, advancing the field of large-vocabulary chord recognition.
comment: 13 pages, 4 figures
☆ Intuitive physics understanding emerges from self-supervised pretraining on natural videos
We investigate the emergence of intuitive physics understanding in general-purpose deep neural network models trained to predict masked regions in natural videos. Leveraging the violation-of-expectation framework, we find that video prediction models trained to predict outcomes in a learned representation space demonstrate an understanding of various intuitive physics properties, such as object permanence and shape consistency. In contrast, video prediction in pixel space and multimodal large language models, which reason through text, achieve performance closer to chance. Our comparisons of these architectures reveal that jointly learning an abstract representation space while predicting missing parts of sensory input, akin to predictive coding, is sufficient to acquire an understanding of intuitive physics, and that even models trained on one week of unique video achieve above chance performance. This challenges the idea that core knowledge -- a set of innate systems to help understand the world -- needs to be hardwired to develop an understanding of intuitive physics.
comment: 24 pages,14 figures, 5 tables
☆ Revealing Bias Formation in Deep Neural Networks Through the Geometric Mechanisms of Human Visual Decoupling
Deep neural networks (DNNs) often exhibit biases toward certain categories during object recognition, even under balanced training data conditions. The intrinsic mechanisms underlying these biases remain unclear. Inspired by the human visual system, which decouples object manifolds through hierarchical processing to achieve object recognition, we propose a geometric analysis framework linking the geometric complexity of class-specific perceptual manifolds in DNNs to model bias. Our findings reveal that differences in geometric complexity can lead to varying recognition capabilities across categories, introducing biases. To support this analysis, we present the Perceptual-Manifold-Geometry library, designed for calculating the geometric properties of perceptual manifolds.
☆ 3D Gaussian Inpainting with Depth-Guided Cross-View Consistency
When performing 3D inpainting using novel-view rendering methods like Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) or 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS), how to achieve texture and geometry consistency across camera views has been a challenge. In this paper, we propose a framework of 3D Gaussian Inpainting with Depth-Guided Cross-View Consistency (3DGIC) for cross-view consistent 3D inpainting. Guided by the rendered depth information from each training view, our 3DGIC exploits background pixels visible across different views for updating the inpainting mask, allowing us to refine the 3DGS for inpainting purposes.Through extensive experiments on benchmark datasets, we confirm that our 3DGIC outperforms current state-of-the-art 3D inpainting methods quantitatively and qualitatively.
☆ Deep Neural Networks for Accurate Depth Estimation with Latent Space Features
Depth estimation plays a pivotal role in advancing human-robot interactions, especially in indoor environments where accurate 3D scene reconstruction is essential for tasks like navigation and object handling. Monocular depth estimation, which relies on a single RGB camera, offers a more affordable solution compared to traditional methods that use stereo cameras or LiDAR. However, despite recent progress, many monocular approaches struggle with accurately defining depth boundaries, leading to less precise reconstructions. In response to these challenges, this study introduces a novel depth estimation framework that leverages latent space features within a deep convolutional neural network to enhance the precision of monocular depth maps. The proposed model features dual encoder-decoder architecture, enabling both color-to-depth and depth-to-depth transformations. This structure allows for refined depth estimation through latent space encoding. To further improve the accuracy of depth boundaries and local features, a new loss function is introduced. This function combines latent loss with gradient loss, helping the model maintain the integrity of depth boundaries. The framework is thoroughly tested using the NYU Depth V2 dataset, where it sets a new benchmark, particularly excelling in complex indoor scenarios. The results clearly show that this approach effectively reduces depth ambiguities and blurring, making it a promising solution for applications in human-robot interaction and 3D scene reconstruction.
☆ video-SALMONN-o1: Reasoning-enhanced Audio-visual Large Language Model
While recent advancements in reasoning optimization have significantly enhanced the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), existing efforts to improve reasoning have been limited to solving mathematical problems and focusing on visual graphical inputs, neglecting broader applications in general video understanding.This paper proposes video-SALMONN-o1, the first open-source reasoning-enhanced audio-visual LLM designed for general video understanding tasks. To enhance its reasoning abilities, we develop a reasoning-intensive dataset featuring challenging audio-visual questions with step-by-step solutions. We also propose process direct preference optimization (pDPO), which leverages contrastive step selection to achieve efficient step-level reward modelling tailored for multimodal inputs. Additionally, we introduce RivaBench, the first reasoning-intensive video understanding benchmark, featuring over 4,000 high-quality, expert-curated question-answer pairs across scenarios such as standup comedy, academic presentations, and synthetic video detection. video-SALMONN-o1 achieves 3-8% accuracy improvements over the LLaVA-OneVision baseline across different video reasoning benchmarks. Besides, pDPO achieves 6-8% improvements compared to the supervised fine-tuning model on RivaBench. Enhanced reasoning enables video-SALMONN-o1 zero-shot synthetic video detection capabilities.
☆ Lightweight Deepfake Detection Based on Multi-Feature Fusion
Deepfake technology utilizes deep learning based face manipulation techniques to seamlessly replace faces in videos creating highly realistic but artificially generated content. Although this technology has beneficial applications in media and entertainment misuse of its capabilities may lead to serious risks including identity theft cyberbullying and false information. The integration of DL with visual cognition has resulted in important technological improvements particularly in addressing privacy risks caused by artificially generated deepfake images on digital media platforms. In this study we propose an efficient and lightweight method for detecting deepfake images and videos making it suitable for devices with limited computational resources. In order to reduce the computational burden usually associated with DL models our method integrates machine learning classifiers in combination with keyframing approaches and texture analysis. Moreover the features extracted with a histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) local binary pattern (LBP) and KAZE bands were integrated to evaluate using random forest extreme gradient boosting extra trees and support vector classifier algorithms. Our findings show a feature-level fusion of HOG LBP and KAZE features improves accuracy to 92% and 96% on FaceForensics++ and Celeb-DFv2 respectively.
☆ On the Computation of the Fisher Information in Continual Learning ICLR 2025
One of the most popular methods for continual learning with deep neural networks is Elastic Weight Consolidation (EWC), which involves computing the Fisher Information. The exact way in which the Fisher Information is computed is however rarely described, and multiple different implementations for it can be found online. This blog post discusses and empirically compares several often-used implementations, which highlights that many currently reported results for EWC could likely be improved by changing the way the Fisher Information is computed.
comment: To appear in the blogpost track at ICLR 2025
☆ Language Models Can See Better: Visual Contrastive Decoding For LLM Multimodal Reasoning ICASSP 2025
Although Large Language Models (LLMs) excel in reasoning and generation for language tasks, they are not specifically designed for multimodal challenges. Training Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), however, is resource-intensive and constrained by various training limitations. In this paper, we propose the Modular-based Visual Contrastive Decoding (MVCD) framework to move this obstacle. Our framework leverages LLMs' In-Context Learning (ICL) capability and the proposed visual contrastive-example decoding (CED), specifically tailored for this framework, without requiring any additional training. By converting visual signals into text and focusing on contrastive output distributions during decoding, we can highlight the new information introduced by contextual examples, explore their connections, and avoid over-reliance on prior encoded knowledge. MVCD enhances LLMs' visual perception to make it see and reason over the input visuals. To demonstrate MVCD's effectiveness, we conduct experiments with four LLMs across five question answering datasets. Our results not only show consistent improvement in model accuracy but well explain the effective components inside our decoding strategy. Our code will be available at
comment: Accepted to ICASSP 2025
☆ JotlasNet: Joint Tensor Low-Rank and Attention-based Sparse Unrolling Network for Accelerating Dynamic MRI
Joint low-rank and sparse unrolling networks have shown superior performance in dynamic MRI reconstruction. However, existing works mainly utilized matrix low-rank priors, neglecting the tensor characteristics of dynamic MRI images, and only a global threshold is applied for the sparse constraint to the multi-channel data, limiting the flexibility of the network. Additionally, most of them have inherently complex network structure, with intricate interactions among variables. In this paper, we propose a novel deep unrolling network, JotlasNet, for dynamic MRI reconstruction by jointly utilizing tensor low-rank and attention-based sparse priors. Specifically, we utilize tensor low-rank prior to exploit the structural correlations in high-dimensional data. Convolutional neural networks are used to adaptively learn the low-rank and sparse transform domains. A novel attention-based soft thresholding operator is proposed to assign a unique learnable threshold to each channel of the data in the CNN-learned sparse domain. The network is unrolled from the elaborately designed composite splitting algorithm and thus features a simple yet efficient parallel structure. Extensive experiments on two datasets (OCMR, CMRxRecon) demonstrate the superior performance of JotlasNet in dynamic MRI reconstruction.
comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
☆ ILIAS: Instance-Level Image retrieval At Scale
This work introduces ILIAS, a new test dataset for Instance-Level Image retrieval At Scale. It is designed to evaluate the ability of current and future foundation models and retrieval techniques to recognize particular objects. The key benefits over existing datasets include large scale, domain diversity, accurate ground truth, and a performance that is far from saturated. ILIAS includes query and positive images for 1,000 object instances, manually collected to capture challenging conditions and diverse domains. Large-scale retrieval is conducted against 100 million distractor images from YFCC100M. To avoid false negatives without extra annotation effort, we include only query objects confirmed to have emerged after 2014, i.e. the compilation date of YFCC100M. An extensive benchmarking is performed with the following observations: i) models fine-tuned on specific domains, such as landmarks or products, excel in that domain but fail on ILIAS ii) learning a linear adaptation layer using multi-domain class supervision results in performance improvements, especially for vision-language models iii) local descriptors in retrieval re-ranking are still a key ingredient, especially in the presence of severe background clutter iv) the text-to-image performance of the vision-language foundation models is surprisingly close to the corresponding image-to-image case. website:
☆ FUNCTO: Function-Centric One-Shot Imitation Learning for Tool Manipulation
Learning tool use from a single human demonstration video offers a highly intuitive and efficient approach to robot teaching. While humans can effortlessly generalize a demonstrated tool manipulation skill to diverse tools that support the same function (e.g., pouring with a mug versus a teapot), current one-shot imitation learning (OSIL) methods struggle to achieve this. A key challenge lies in establishing functional correspondences between demonstration and test tools, considering significant geometric variations among tools with the same function (i.e., intra-function variations). To address this challenge, we propose FUNCTO (Function-Centric OSIL for Tool Manipulation), an OSIL method that establishes function-centric correspondences with a 3D functional keypoint representation, enabling robots to generalize tool manipulation skills from a single human demonstration video to novel tools with the same function despite significant intra-function variations. With this formulation, we factorize FUNCTO into three stages: (1) functional keypoint extraction, (2) function-centric correspondence establishment, and (3) functional keypoint-based action planning. We evaluate FUNCTO against exiting modular OSIL methods and end-to-end behavioral cloning methods through real-robot experiments on diverse tool manipulation tasks. The results demonstrate the superiority of FUNCTO when generalizing to novel tools with intra-function geometric variations. More details are available at
☆ Range and Bird's Eye View Fused Cross-Modal Visual Place Recognition
Image-to-point cloud cross-modal Visual Place Recognition (VPR) is a challenging task where the query is an RGB image, and the database samples are LiDAR point clouds. Compared to single-modal VPR, this approach benefits from the widespread availability of RGB cameras and the robustness of point clouds in providing accurate spatial geometry and distance information. However, current methods rely on intermediate modalities that capture either the vertical or horizontal field of view, limiting their ability to fully exploit the complementary information from both sensors. In this work, we propose an innovative initial retrieval + re-rank method that effectively combines information from range (or RGB) images and Bird's Eye View (BEV) images. Our approach relies solely on a computationally efficient global descriptor similarity search process to achieve re-ranking. Additionally, we introduce a novel similarity label supervision technique to maximize the utility of limited training data. Specifically, we employ points average distance to approximate appearance similarity and incorporate an adaptive margin, based on similarity differences, into the vanilla triplet loss. Experimental results on the KITTI dataset demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art approaches.
comment: Submmitted to IEEE IV 2025
☆ Mitigating Visual Knowledge Forgetting in MLLM Instruction-tuning via Modality-decoupled Gradient Descent
Recent MLLMs have shown emerging visual understanding and reasoning abilities after being pre-trained on large-scale multimodal datasets. Unlike pre-training, where MLLMs receive rich visual-text alignment, instruction-tuning is often text-driven with weaker visual supervision, leading to the degradation of pre-trained visual understanding and causing visual forgetting. Existing approaches, such as direct fine-tuning and continual learning methods, fail to explicitly address this issue, often compressing visual representations and prioritizing task alignment over visual retention, which further worsens visual forgetting. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a novel perspective leveraging effective rank to quantify the degradation of visual representation richness, interpreting this degradation through the information bottleneck principle as excessive compression that leads to the degradation of crucial pre-trained visual knowledge. Building on this view, we propose a modality-decoupled gradient descent (MDGD) method that regulates gradient updates to maintain the effective rank of visual representations while mitigating the over-compression effects described by the information bottleneck. By explicitly disentangling the optimization of visual understanding from task-specific alignment, MDGD preserves pre-trained visual knowledge while enabling efficient task adaptation. To enable lightweight instruction-tuning, we further develop a memory-efficient fine-tuning approach using gradient masking, which selectively updates a subset of model parameters to enable parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT), reducing computational overhead while preserving rich visual representations. Extensive experiments across various downstream tasks and backbone MLLMs demonstrate that MDGD effectively mitigates visual forgetting from pre-trained tasks while enabling strong adaptation to new tasks.
comment: 9 pages
GraphMorph: Tubular Structure Extraction by Morphing Predicted Graphs NeurIPS 2024
Accurately restoring topology is both challenging and crucial in tubular structure extraction tasks, such as blood vessel segmentation and road network extraction. Diverging from traditional approaches based on pixel-level classification, our proposed method, named GraphMorph, focuses on branch-level features of tubular structures to achieve more topologically accurate predictions. GraphMorph comprises two main components: a Graph Decoder and a Morph Module. Utilizing multi-scale features extracted from an image patch by the segmentation network, the Graph Decoder facilitates the learning of branch-level features and generates a graph that accurately represents the tubular structure in this patch. The Morph Module processes two primary inputs: the graph and the centerline probability map, provided by the Graph Decoder and the segmentation network, respectively. Employing a novel SkeletonDijkstra algorithm, the Morph Module produces a centerline mask that aligns with the predicted graph. Furthermore, we observe that employing centerline masks predicted by GraphMorph significantly reduces false positives in the segmentation task, which is achieved by a simple yet effective post-processing strategy. The efficacy of our method in the centerline extraction and segmentation tasks has been substantiated through experimental evaluations across various datasets. Source code will be released soon.
comment: NeurIPS 2024
☆ No-reference geometry quality assessment for colorless point clouds via list-wise rank learning
Geometry quality assessment (GQA) of colorless point clouds is crucial for evaluating the performance of emerging point cloud-based solutions (e.g., watermarking, compression, and 3-Dimensional (3D) reconstruction). Unfortunately, existing objective GQA approaches are traditional full-reference metrics, whereas state-of-the-art learning-based point cloud quality assessment (PCQA) methods target both color and geometry distortions, neither of which are qualified for the no-reference GQA task. In addition, the lack of large-scale GQA datasets with subjective scores, which are always imprecise, biased, and inconsistent, also hinders the development of learning-based GQA metrics. Driven by these limitations, this paper proposes a no-reference geometry-only quality assessment approach based on list-wise rank learning, termed LRL-GQA, which comprises of a geometry quality assessment network (GQANet) and a list-wise rank learning network (LRLNet). The proposed LRL-GQA formulates the no-reference GQA as a list-wise rank problem, with the objective of directly optimizing the entire quality ordering. Specifically, a large dataset containing a variety of geometry-only distortions is constructed first, named LRL dataset, in which each sample is label-free but coupled with quality ranking information. Then, the GQANet is designed to capture intrinsic multi-scale patch-wise geometric features in order to predict a quality index for each point cloud. After that, the LRLNet leverages the LRL dataset and a likelihood loss to train the GQANet and ranks the input list of degraded point clouds according to their distortion levels. In addition, the pre-trained GQANet can be fine-tuned further to obtain absolute quality scores. Experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed no-reference LRL-GQA method compared with existing full-reference GQA metrics.
☆ Adversarially Robust CLIP Models Can Induce Better (Robust) Perceptual Metrics
Measuring perceptual similarity is a key tool in computer vision. In recent years perceptual metrics based on features extracted from neural networks with large and diverse training sets, e.g. CLIP, have become popular. At the same time, the metrics extracted from features of neural networks are not adversarially robust. In this paper we show that adversarially robust CLIP models, called R-CLIP$_\textrm{F}$, obtained by unsupervised adversarial fine-tuning induce a better and adversarially robust perceptual metric that outperforms existing metrics in a zero-shot setting, and further matches the performance of state-of-the-art metrics while being robust after fine-tuning. Moreover, our perceptual metric achieves strong performance on related tasks such as robust image-to-image retrieval, which becomes especially relevant when applied to "Not Safe for Work" (NSFW) content detection and dataset filtering. While standard perceptual metrics can be easily attacked by a small perturbation completely degrading NSFW detection, our robust perceptual metric maintains high accuracy under an attack while having similar performance for unperturbed images. Finally, perceptual metrics induced by robust CLIP models have higher interpretability: feature inversion can show which images are considered similar, while text inversion can find what images are associated to a given prompt. This also allows us to visualize the very rich visual concepts learned by a CLIP model, including memorized persons, paintings and complex queries.
comment: This work has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Conference on Secure and Trustworthy Machine Learning (SaTML). The final version will be available on IEEE Xplore
☆ Incomplete Modality Disentangled Representation for Ophthalmic Disease Grading and Diagnosis
Ophthalmologists typically require multimodal data sources to improve diagnostic accuracy in clinical decisions. However, due to medical device shortages, low-quality data and data privacy concerns, missing data modalities are common in real-world scenarios. Existing deep learning methods tend to address it by learning an implicit latent subspace representation for different modality combinations. We identify two significant limitations of these methods: (1) implicit representation constraints that hinder the model's ability to capture modality-specific information and (2) modality heterogeneity, causing distribution gaps and redundancy in feature representations. To address these, we propose an Incomplete Modality Disentangled Representation (IMDR) strategy, which disentangles features into explicit independent modal-common and modal-specific features by guidance of mutual information, distilling informative knowledge and enabling it to reconstruct valuable missing semantics and produce robust multimodal representations. Furthermore, we introduce a joint proxy learning module that assists IMDR in eliminating intra-modality redundancy by exploiting the extracted proxies from each class. Experiments on four ophthalmology multimodal datasets demonstrate that the proposed IMDR outperforms the state-of-the-art methods significantly.
comment: 7 Pages, 6 figures
☆ "See the World, Discover Knowledge": A Chinese Factuality Evaluation for Large Vision Language Models
The evaluation of factual accuracy in large vision language models (LVLMs) has lagged behind their rapid development, making it challenging to fully reflect these models' knowledge capacity and reliability. In this paper, we introduce the first factuality-based visual question-answering benchmark in Chinese, named ChineseSimpleVQA, aimed at assessing the visual factuality of LVLMs across 8 major topics and 56 subtopics. The key features of this benchmark include a focus on the Chinese language, diverse knowledge types, a multi-hop question construction, high-quality data, static consistency, and easy-to-evaluate through short answers. Moreover, we contribute a rigorous data construction pipeline and decouple the visual factuality into two parts: seeing the world (i.e., object recognition) and discovering knowledge. This decoupling allows us to analyze the capability boundaries and execution mechanisms of LVLMs. Subsequently, we evaluate 34 advanced open-source and closed-source models, revealing critical performance gaps within this field.
comment: 24 pages, 21 figures
☆ Component-aware Unsupervised Logical Anomaly Generation for Industrial Anomaly Detection
Anomaly detection is critical in industrial manufacturing for ensuring product quality and improving efficiency in automated processes. The scarcity of anomalous samples limits traditional detection methods, making anomaly generation essential for expanding the data repository. However, recent generative models often produce unrealistic anomalies increasing false positives, or require real-world anomaly samples for training. In this work, we treat anomaly generation as a compositional problem and propose ComGEN, a component-aware and unsupervised framework that addresses the gap in logical anomaly generation. Our method comprises a multi-component learning strategy to disentangle visual components, followed by subsequent generation editing procedures. Disentangled text-to-component pairs, revealing intrinsic logical constraints, conduct attention-guided residual mapping and model training with iteratively matched references across multiple scales. Experiments on the MVTecLOCO dataset confirm the efficacy of ComGEN, achieving the best AUROC score of 91.2%. Additional experiments on the real-world scenario of Diesel Engine and widely-used MVTecAD dataset demonstrate significant performance improvements when integrating simulated anomalies generated by ComGEN into automated production workflows.
☆ The Worse The Better: Content-Aware Viewpoint Generation Network for Projection-related Point Cloud Quality Assessment
Through experimental studies, however, we observed the instability of final predicted quality scores, which change significantly over different viewpoint settings. Inspired by the "wooden barrel theory", given the default content-independent viewpoints of existing projection-related PCQA approaches, this paper presents a novel content-aware viewpoint generation network (CAVGN) to learn better viewpoints by taking the distribution of geometric and attribute features of degraded point clouds into consideration. Firstly, the proposed CAVGN extracts multi-scale geometric and texture features of the entire input point cloud, respectively. Then, for each default content-independent viewpoint, the extracted geometric and texture features are refined to focus on its corresponding visible part of the input point cloud. Finally, the refined geometric and texture features are concatenated to generate an optimized viewpoint. To train the proposed CAVGN, we present a self-supervised viewpoint ranking network (SSVRN) to select the viewpoint with the worst quality projected image to construct a default-optimized viewpoint dataset, which consists of thousands of paired default viewpoints and corresponding optimized viewpoints. Experimental results show that the projection-related PCQA methods can achieve higher performance using the viewpoints generated by the proposed CAVGN.
comment: To be published in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
☆ MVTokenFlow: High-quality 4D Content Generation using Multiview Token Flow ICLR 2025
In this paper, we present MVTokenFlow for high-quality 4D content creation from monocular videos. Recent advancements in generative models such as video diffusion models and multiview diffusion models enable us to create videos or 3D models. However, extending these generative models for dynamic 4D content creation is still a challenging task that requires the generated content to be consistent spatially and temporally. To address this challenge, MVTokenFlow utilizes the multiview diffusion model to generate multiview images on different timesteps, which attains spatial consistency across different viewpoints and allows us to reconstruct a reasonable coarse 4D field. Then, MVTokenFlow further regenerates all the multiview images using the rendered 2D flows as guidance. The 2D flows effectively associate pixels from different timesteps and improve the temporal consistency by reusing tokens in the regeneration process. Finally, the regenerated images are spatiotemporally consistent and utilized to refine the coarse 4D field to get a high-quality 4D field. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our design and show significantly improved quality than baseline methods.
comment: ICLR 2025. Project page:
☆ MaskGWM: A Generalizable Driving World Model with Video Mask Reconstruction
World models that forecast environmental changes from actions are vital for autonomous driving models with strong generalization. The prevailing driving world model mainly build on video prediction model. Although these models can produce high-fidelity video sequences with advanced diffusion-based generator, they are constrained by their predictive duration and overall generalization capabilities. In this paper, we explore to solve this problem by combining generation loss with MAE-style feature-level context learning. In particular, we instantiate this target with three key design: (1) A more scalable Diffusion Transformer (DiT) structure trained with extra mask construction task. (2) we devise diffusion-related mask tokens to deal with the fuzzy relations between mask reconstruction and generative diffusion process. (3) we extend mask construction task to spatial-temporal domain by utilizing row-wise mask for shifted self-attention rather than masked self-attention in MAE. Then, we adopt a row-wise cross-view module to align with this mask design. Based on above improvement, we propose MaskGWM: a Generalizable driving World Model embodied with Video Mask reconstruction. Our model contains two variants: MaskGWM-long, focusing on long-horizon prediction, and MaskGWM-mview, dedicated to multi-view generation. Comprehensive experiments on standard benchmarks validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, which contain normal validation of Nuscene dataset, long-horizon rollout of OpenDV-2K dataset and zero-shot validation of Waymo dataset. Quantitative metrics on these datasets show our method notably improving state-of-the-art driving world model.
☆ Object-Centric Image to Video Generation with Language Guidance
Accurate and flexible world models are crucial for autonomous systems to understand their environment and predict future events. Object-centric models, with structured latent spaces, have shown promise in modeling object dynamics and interactions, but often face challenges in scaling to complex datasets and incorporating external guidance, limiting their applicability in robotics. To address these limitations, we propose TextOCVP, an object-centric model for image-to-video generation guided by textual descriptions. TextOCVP parses an observed scene into object representations, called slots, and utilizes a text-conditioned transformer predictor to forecast future object states and video frames. Our approach jointly models object dynamics and interactions while incorporating textual guidance, thus leading to accurate and controllable predictions. Our method's structured latent space offers enhanced control over the prediction process, outperforming several image-to-video generative baselines. Additionally, we demonstrate that structured object-centric representations provide superior controllability and interpretability, facilitating the modeling of object dynamics and enabling more precise and understandable predictions. Videos and code are available at
☆ MMXU: A Multi-Modal and Multi-X-ray Understanding Dataset for Disease Progression
Large vision-language models (LVLMs) have shown great promise in medical applications, particularly in visual question answering (MedVQA) and diagnosis from medical images. However, existing datasets and models often fail to consider critical aspects of medical diagnostics, such as the integration of historical records and the analysis of disease progression over time. In this paper, we introduce MMXU (Multimodal and MultiX-ray Understanding), a novel dataset for MedVQA that focuses on identifying changes in specific regions between two patient visits. Unlike previous datasets that primarily address single-image questions, MMXU enables multi-image questions, incorporating both current and historical patient data. We demonstrate the limitations of current LVLMs in identifying disease progression on MMXU-\textit{test}, even those that perform well on traditional benchmarks. To address this, we propose a MedRecord-Augmented Generation (MAG) approach, incorporating both global and regional historical records. Our experiments show that integrating historical records significantly enhances diagnostic accuracy by at least 20\%, bridging the gap between current LVLMs and human expert performance. Additionally, we fine-tune models with MAG on MMXU-\textit{dev}, which demonstrates notable improvements. We hope this work could illuminate the avenue of advancing the use of LVLMs in medical diagnostics by emphasizing the importance of historical context in interpreting medical images. Our dataset is released at \href{}{}.
☆ GaussianMotion: End-to-End Learning of Animatable Gaussian Avatars with Pose Guidance from Text
In this paper, we introduce GaussianMotion, a novel human rendering model that generates fully animatable scenes aligned with textual descriptions using Gaussian Splatting. Although existing methods achieve reasonable text-to-3D generation of human bodies using various 3D representations, they often face limitations in fidelity and efficiency, or primarily focus on static models with limited pose control. In contrast, our method generates fully animatable 3D avatars by combining deformable 3D Gaussian Splatting with text-to-3D score distillation, achieving high fidelity and efficient rendering for arbitrary poses. By densely generating diverse random poses during optimization, our deformable 3D human model learns to capture a wide range of natural motions distilled from a pose-conditioned diffusion model in an end-to-end manner. Furthermore, we propose Adaptive Score Distillation that effectively balances realistic detail and smoothness to achieve optimal 3D results. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing baselines by producing high-quality textures in both static and animated results, and by generating diverse 3D human models from various textual inputs.
comment: 8 pages
☆ Enhancing Out-of-Distribution Detection in Medical Imaging with Normalizing Flows
Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is crucial in AI-driven medical imaging to ensure reliability and safety by identifying inputs outside a model's training distribution. Existing methods often require retraining or modifications to pre-trained models, which is impractical for clinical applications. This study introduces a post-hoc normalizing flow-based approach that seamlessly integrates with pre-trained models. By leveraging normalizing flows, it estimates the likelihood of feature vectors extracted from pre-trained models, capturing semantically meaningful representations without relying on pixel-level statistics. The method was evaluated using the MedMNIST benchmark and a newly curated MedOOD dataset simulating clinically relevant distributional shifts. Performance was measured using standard OOD detection metrics (e.g., AUROC, FPR@95, AUPR_IN, AUPR_OUT), with statistical analyses comparing it against ten baseline methods. On MedMNIST, the proposed model achieved an AUROC of 93.80%, outperforming state-of-the-art methods. On MedOOD, it achieved an AUROC of 84.61%, demonstrating superior performance against other methods. Its post-hoc nature ensures compatibility with existing clinical workflows, addressing the limitations of previous approaches. The model and code to build OOD datasets are available at
☆ Membership Inference Attacks for Face Images Against Fine-Tuned Latent Diffusion Models
The rise of generative image models leads to privacy concerns when it comes to the huge datasets used to train such models. This paper investigates the possibility of inferring if a set of face images was used for fine-tuning a Latent Diffusion Model (LDM). A Membership Inference Attack (MIA) method is presented for this task. Using generated auxiliary data for the training of the attack model leads to significantly better performance, and so does the use of watermarks. The guidance scale used for inference was found to have a significant influence. If a LDM is fine-tuned for long enough, the text prompt used for inference has no significant influence. The proposed MIA is found to be viable in a realistic black-box setup against LDMs fine-tuned on face-images.
comment: In Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2025) - Volume 2: VISAPP, pages 439-446
☆ Real-time Neural Rendering of LiDAR Point Clouds
Static LiDAR scanners produce accurate, dense, colored point clouds, but often contain obtrusive artifacts which makes them ill-suited for direct display. We propose an efficient method to render photorealistic images of such scans without any expensive preprocessing or training of a scene-specific model. A naive projection of the point cloud to the output view using 1x1 pixels is fast and retains the available detail, but also results in unintelligible renderings as background points leak in between the foreground pixels. The key insight is that these projections can be transformed into a realistic result using a deep convolutional model in the form of a U-Net, and a depth-based heuristic that prefilters the data. The U-Net also handles LiDAR-specific problems such as missing parts due to occlusion, color inconsistencies and varying point densities. We also describe a method to generate synthetic training data to deal with imperfectly-aligned ground truth images. Our method achieves real-time rendering rates using an off-the-shelf GPU and outperforms the state-of-the-art in both speed and quality.
comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table,
☆ iMOVE: Instance-Motion-Aware Video Understanding
Enhancing the fine-grained instance spatiotemporal motion perception capabilities of Video Large Language Models is crucial for improving their temporal and general video understanding. However, current models struggle to perceive detailed and complex instance motions. To address these challenges, we have made improvements from both data and model perspectives. In terms of data, we have meticulously curated iMOVE-IT, the first large-scale instance-motion-aware video instruction-tuning dataset. This dataset is enriched with comprehensive instance motion annotations and spatiotemporal mutual-supervision tasks, providing extensive training for the model's instance-motion-awareness. Building on this foundation, we introduce iMOVE, an instance-motion-aware video foundation model that utilizes Event-aware Spatiotemporal Efficient Modeling to retain informative instance spatiotemporal motion details while maintaining computational efficiency. It also incorporates Relative Spatiotemporal Position Tokens to ensure awareness of instance spatiotemporal positions. Evaluations indicate that iMOVE excels not only in video temporal understanding and general video understanding but also demonstrates significant advantages in long-term video understanding.
☆ Syllables to Scenes: Literary-Guided Free-Viewpoint 3D Scene Synthesis from Japanese Haiku IJCAI
In the era of the metaverse, where immersive technologies redefine human experiences, translating abstract literary concepts into navigable 3D environments presents a fundamental challenge in preserving semantic and emotional fidelity. This research introduces HaikuVerse, a novel framework for transforming poetic abstraction into spatial representation, with Japanese Haiku serving as an ideal test case due to its sophisticated encapsulation of profound emotions and imagery within minimal text. While existing text-to-3D methods struggle with nuanced interpretations, we present a literary-guided approach that synergizes traditional poetry analysis with advanced generative technologies. Our framework centers on two key innovations: (1) Hierarchical Literary-Criticism Theory Grounded Parsing (H-LCTGP), which captures both explicit imagery and implicit emotional resonance through structured semantic decomposition, and (2) Progressive Dimensional Synthesis (PDS), a multi-stage pipeline that systematically transforms poetic elements into coherent 3D scenes through sequential diffusion processes, geometric optimization, and real-time enhancement. Extensive experiments demonstrate that HaikuVerse significantly outperforms conventional text-to-3D approaches in both literary fidelity and visual quality, establishing a new paradigm for preserving cultural heritage in immersive digital spaces. Project website at:
comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, submitted to IJCAI
☆ Towards a Trustworthy Anomaly Detection for Critical Applications through Approximated Partial AUC Loss
Anomaly Detection is a crucial step for critical applications such in the industrial, medical or cybersecurity domains. These sectors share the same requirement of handling differently the different types of classification errors. Indeed, even if false positives are acceptable, false negatives are not, because it would reflect a missed detection of a quality issue, a disease or a cyber threat. To fulfill this requirement, we propose a method that dynamically applies a trustworthy approximated partial AUC ROC loss (tapAUC). A binary classifier is trained to optimize the specific range of the AUC ROC curve that prevents the True Positive Rate (TPR) to reach 100% while minimizing the False Positive Rate (FPR). The optimal threshold that does not trigger any false negative is then kept and used at the test step. The results show a TPR of 92.52% at a 20.43% FPR for an average across 6 datasets, representing a TPR improvement of 4.3% for a FPR cost of 12.2% against other state-of-the-art methods. The code is available at
☆ SurgPose: a Dataset for Articulated Robotic Surgical Tool Pose Estimation and Tracking ICRA 2025
Accurate and efficient surgical robotic tool pose estimation is of fundamental significance to downstream applications such as augmented reality (AR) in surgical training and learning-based autonomous manipulation. While significant advancements have been made in pose estimation for humans and animals, it is still a challenge in surgical robotics due to the scarcity of published data. The relatively large absolute error of the da Vinci end effector kinematics and arduous calibration procedure make calibrated kinematics data collection expensive. Driven by this limitation, we collected a dataset, dubbed SurgPose, providing instance-aware semantic keypoints and skeletons for visual surgical tool pose estimation and tracking. By marking keypoints using ultraviolet (UV) reactive paint, which is invisible under white light and fluorescent under UV light, we execute the same trajectory under different lighting conditions to collect raw videos and keypoint annotations, respectively. The SurgPose dataset consists of approximately 120k surgical instrument instances (80k for training and 40k for validation) of 6 categories. Each instrument instance is labeled with 7 semantic keypoints. Since the videos are collected in stereo pairs, the 2D pose can be lifted to 3D based on stereo-matching depth. In addition to releasing the dataset, we test a few baseline approaches to surgical instrument tracking to demonstrate the utility of SurgPose. More details can be found at
comment: Accepted by ICRA 2025
Control-CLIP: Decoupling Category and Style Guidance in CLIP for Specific-Domain Generation
Text-to-image diffusion models have shown remarkable capabilities of generating high-quality images closely aligned with textual inputs. However, the effectiveness of text guidance heavily relies on the CLIP text encoder, which is trained to pay more attention to general content but struggles to capture semantics in specific domains like styles. As a result, generation models tend to fail on prompts like "a photo of a cat in Pokemon style" in terms of simply producing images depicting "a photo of a cat". To fill this gap, we propose Control-CLIP, a novel decoupled CLIP fine-tuning framework that enables the CLIP model to learn the meaning of category and style in a complement manner. With specially designed fine-tuning tasks on minimal data and a modified cross-attention mechanism, Control-CLIP can precisely guide the diffusion model to a specific domain. Moreover, the parameters of the diffusion model remain unchanged at all, preserving the original generation performance and diversity. Experiments across multiple domains confirm the effectiveness of our approach, particularly highlighting its robust plug-and-play capability in generating content with various specific styles.
☆ SayAnything: Audio-Driven Lip Synchronization with Conditional Video Diffusion
Recent advances in diffusion models have led to significant progress in audio-driven lip synchronization. However, existing methods typically rely on constrained audio-visual alignment priors or multi-stage learning of intermediate representations to force lip motion synthesis. This leads to complex training pipelines and limited motion naturalness. In this paper, we present SayAnything, a conditional video diffusion framework that directly synthesizes lip movements from audio input while preserving speaker identity. Specifically, we propose three specialized modules including identity preservation module, audio guidance module, and editing control module. Our novel design effectively balances different condition signals in the latent space, enabling precise control over appearance, motion, and region-specific generation without requiring additional supervision signals or intermediate representations. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SayAnything generates highly realistic videos with improved lip-teeth coherence, enabling unseen characters to say anything, while effectively generalizing to animated characters.
☆ Token Pruning in Multimodal Large Language Models: Are We Solving the Right Problem?
Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have shown remarkable performance for cross-modal understanding and generation, yet still suffer from severe inference costs. Recently, abundant works have been proposed to solve this problem with token pruning, which identifies the redundant tokens in MLLMs and then prunes them to reduce the computation and KV storage costs, leading to significant acceleration without training. While these methods claim efficiency gains, critical questions about their fundamental design and evaluation remain unanswered: Why do many existing approaches underperform even compared to naive random token selection? Are attention-based scoring sufficient for reliably identifying redundant tokens? Is language information really helpful during token pruning? What makes a good trade-off between token importance and duplication? Are current evaluation protocols comprehensive and unbiased? The ignorance of previous research on these problems hinders the long-term development of token pruning. In this paper, we answer these questions one by one, providing insights into the design of future token pruning methods.
comment: 12 pages, 3 figures
☆ Stop Looking for Important Tokens in Multimodal Language Models: Duplication Matters More
Vision tokens in multimodal large language models often dominate huge computational overhead due to their excessive length compared to linguistic modality. Abundant recent methods aim to solve this problem with token pruning, which first defines an importance criterion for tokens and then prunes the unimportant vision tokens during inference. However, in this paper, we show that the importance is not an ideal indicator to decide whether a token should be pruned. Surprisingly, it usually results in inferior performance than random token pruning and leading to incompatibility to efficient attention computation operators.Instead, we propose DART (Duplication-Aware Reduction of Tokens), which prunes tokens based on its duplication with other tokens, leading to significant and training-free acceleration. Concretely, DART selects a small subset of pivot tokens and then retains the tokens with low duplication to the pivots, ensuring minimal information loss during token pruning. Experiments demonstrate that DART can prune 88.9% vision tokens while maintaining comparable performance, leading to a 1.99$\times$ and 2.99$\times$ speed-up in total time and prefilling stage, respectively, with good compatibility to efficient attention operators. Our codes are available at
comment: 15 pages, 8 figures
☆ Why Vision Language Models Struggle with Visual Arithmetic? Towards Enhanced Chart and Geometry Understanding
Vision Language Models (VLMs) have achieved remarkable progress in multimodal tasks, yet they often struggle with visual arithmetic, seemingly simple capabilities like object counting or length comparison, which are essential for relevant complex tasks like chart understanding and geometric reasoning. In this work, we first investigate the root causes of this deficiency through a suite of probing tasks focusing on basic visual arithmetic. Our analysis reveals that while pre-trained vision encoders typically capture sufficient information, the text decoder often fails to decode it correctly for arithmetic reasoning. To address this, we propose CogAlign, a novel post-training strategy inspired by Piaget's theory of cognitive development. CogAlign trains VLMs to recognize invariant properties under visual transformations. We demonstrate that this approach significantly improves the performance of three diverse VLMs on our proposed probing tasks. Furthermore, CogAlign enhances performance by an average of 4.6% on CHOCOLATE and 2.9% on MATH-VISION, outperforming or matching supervised fine-tuning methods while requiring only 60% less training data. These results highlight the effectiveness and generalizability of CogAlign in improving fundamental visual arithmetic capabilities and their transfer to downstream tasks.
☆ Variable-frame CNNLSTM for Breast Nodule Classification using Ultrasound Videos
The intersection of medical imaging and artificial intelligence has become an important research direction in intelligent medical treatment, particularly in the analysis of medical images using deep learning for clinical diagnosis. Despite the advances, existing keyframe classification methods lack extraction of time series features, while ultrasonic video classification based on three-dimensional convolution requires uniform frame numbers across patients, resulting in poor feature extraction efficiency and model classification performance. This study proposes a novel video classification method based on CNN and LSTM, introducing NLP's long and short sentence processing scheme into video classification for the first time. The method reduces CNN-extracted image features to 1x512 dimension, followed by sorting and compressing feature vectors for LSTM training. Specifically, feature vectors are sorted by patient video frame numbers and populated with padding value 0 to form variable batches, with invalid padding values compressed before LSTM training to conserve computing resources. Experimental results demonstrate that our variable-frame CNNLSTM method outperforms other approaches across all metrics, showing improvements of 3-6% in F1 score and 1.5% in specificity compared to keyframe methods. The variable-frame CNNLSTM also achieves better accuracy and precision than equal-frame CNNLSTM. These findings validate the effectiveness of our approach in classifying variable-frame ultrasound videos and suggest potential applications in other medical imaging modalities.
☆ Learning to Sample Effective and Diverse Prompts for Text-to-Image Generation
Recent advances in text-to-image diffusion models have achieved impressive image generation capabilities. However, it remains challenging to control the generation process with desired properties (e.g., aesthetic quality, user intention), which can be expressed as black-box reward functions. In this paper, we focus on prompt adaptation, which refines the original prompt into model-preferred prompts to generate desired images. While prior work uses reinforcement learning (RL) to optimize prompts, we observe that applying RL often results in generating similar postfixes and deterministic behaviors. To this end, we introduce \textbf{P}rompt \textbf{A}daptation with \textbf{G}FlowNets (\textbf{PAG}), a novel approach that frames prompt adaptation as a probabilistic inference problem. Our key insight is that leveraging Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets) allows us to shift from reward maximization to sampling from an unnormalized density function, enabling both high-quality and diverse prompt generation. However, we identify that a naive application of GFlowNets suffers from mode collapse and uncovers a previously overlooked phenomenon: the progressive loss of neural plasticity in the model, which is compounded by inefficient credit assignment in sequential prompt generation. To address this critical challenge, we develop a systematic approach in PAG with flow reactivation, reward-prioritized sampling, and reward decomposition for prompt adaptation. Extensive experiments validate that PAG successfully learns to sample effective and diverse prompts for text-to-image generation. We also show that PAG exhibits strong robustness across various reward functions and transferability to different text-to-image models.
comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 6 tables
☆ Semantically Robust Unsupervised Image Translation for Paired Remote Sensing Images
Image translation for change detection or classification in bi-temporal remote sensing images is unique. Although it can acquire paired images, it is still unsupervised. Moreover, strict semantic preservation in translation is always needed instead of multimodal outputs. In response to these problems, this paper proposes a new method, SRUIT (Semantically Robust Unsupervised Image-to-image Translation), which ensures semantically robust translation and produces deterministic output. Inspired by previous works, the method explores the underlying characteristics of bi-temporal Remote Sensing images and designs the corresponding networks. Firstly, we assume that bi-temporal Remote Sensing images share the same latent space, for they are always acquired from the same land location. So SRUIT makes the generators share their high-level layers, and this constraint will compel two domain mapping to fall into the same latent space. Secondly, considering land covers of bi-temporal images could evolve into each other, SRUIT exploits the cross-cycle-consistent adversarial networks to translate from one to the other and recover them. Experimental results show that constraints of sharing weights and cross-cycle consistency enable translated images with both good perceptual image quality and semantic preservation for significant differences.
☆ Leveraging Labelled Data Knowledge: A Cooperative Rectification Learning Network for Semi-supervised 3D Medical Image Segmentation
Semi-supervised 3D medical image segmentation aims to achieve accurate segmentation using few labelled data and numerous unlabelled data. The main challenge in the design of semi-supervised learning methods consists in the effective use of the unlabelled data for training. A promising solution consists of ensuring consistent predictions across different views of the data, where the efficacy of this strategy depends on the accuracy of the pseudo-labels generated by the model for this consistency learning strategy. In this paper, we introduce a new methodology to produce high-quality pseudo-labels for a consistency learning strategy to address semi-supervised 3D medical image segmentation. The methodology has three important contributions. The first contribution is the Cooperative Rectification Learning Network (CRLN) that learns multiple prototypes per class to be used as external knowledge priors to adaptively rectify pseudo-labels at the voxel level. The second contribution consists of the Dynamic Interaction Module (DIM) to facilitate pairwise and cross-class interactions between prototypes and multi-resolution image features, enabling the production of accurate voxel-level clues for pseudo-label rectification. The third contribution is the Cooperative Positive Supervision (CPS), which optimises uncertain representations to align with unassertive representations of their class distributions, improving the model's accuracy in classifying uncertain regions. Extensive experiments on three public 3D medical segmentation datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our semi-supervised learning method.
comment: Medical Image Analysis
☆ Medical Image Registration Meets Vision Foundation Model: Prototype Learning and Contour Awareness
Medical image registration is a fundamental task in medical image analysis, aiming to establish spatial correspondences between paired images. However, existing unsupervised deformable registration methods rely solely on intensity-based similarity metrics, lacking explicit anatomical knowledge, which limits their accuracy and robustness. Vision foundation models, such as the Segment Anything Model (SAM), can generate high-quality segmentation masks that provide explicit anatomical structure knowledge, addressing the limitations of traditional methods that depend only on intensity similarity. Based on this, we propose a novel SAM-assisted registration framework incorporating prototype learning and contour awareness. The framework includes: (1) Explicit anatomical information injection, where SAM-generated segmentation masks are used as auxiliary inputs throughout training and testing to ensure the consistency of anatomical information; (2) Prototype learning, which leverages segmentation masks to extract prototype features and aligns prototypes to optimize semantic correspondences between images; and (3) Contour-aware loss, a contour-aware loss is designed that leverages the edges of segmentation masks to improve the model's performance in fine-grained deformation fields. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed framework significantly outperforms existing methods across multiple datasets, particularly in challenging scenarios with complex anatomical structures and ambiguous boundaries. Our code is available at
comment: Accepted by Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI) 2025
☆ Do we Really Need Visual Instructions? Towards Visual Instruction-Free Fine-tuning for Large Vision-Language Models
Visual instruction tuning has become the predominant technology in eliciting the multimodal task-solving capabilities of large vision-language models (LVLMs). Despite the success, as visual instructions require images as the input, it would leave the gap in inheriting the task-solving capabilities from the backbone LLMs, and make it costly to collect a large-scale dataset. To address it, we propose ViFT, a visual instruction-free fine-tuning framework for LVLMs. In ViFT, we only require the text-only instructions and image caption data during training, to separately learn the task-solving and visual perception abilities. During inference, we extract and combine the representations of the text and image inputs, for fusing the two abilities to fulfill multimodal tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that ViFT can achieve state-of-the-art performance on several visual reasoning and visual instruction following benchmarks, with rather less training data. Our code and data will be publicly released.
comment: under review
☆ Precise GPS-Denied UAV Self-Positioning via Context-Enhanced Cross-View Geo-Localization
Image retrieval has been employed as a robust complementary technique to address the challenge of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) self-positioning. However, most existing methods primarily focus on localizing objects captured by UAVs through complex part-based representations, often overlooking the unique challenges associated with UAV self-positioning, such as fine-grained spatial discrimination requirements and dynamic scene variations. To address the above issues, we propose the Context-Enhanced method for precise UAV Self-Positioning (CEUSP), specifically designed for UAV self-positioning tasks. CEUSP integrates a Dynamic Sampling Strategy (DSS) to efficiently select optimal negative samples, while the Rubik's Cube Attention (RCA) module, combined with the Context-Aware Channel Integration (CACI) module, enhances feature representation and discrimination by exploiting interdimensional interactions, inspired by the rotational mechanics of a Rubik's Cube. Extensive experimental validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, demonstrating notable improvements in feature representation and UAV self-positioning accuracy within complex urban environments. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on the DenseUAV dataset, which is specifically designed for dense urban contexts, and also delivers competitive results on the widely recognized University-1652 benchmark.
comment: 11 pages
☆ MARS: Mesh AutoRegressive Model for 3D Shape Detailization
State-of-the-art methods for mesh detailization predominantly utilize Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to generate detailed meshes from coarse ones. These methods typically learn a specific style code for each category or similar categories without enforcing geometry supervision across different Levels of Detail (LODs). Consequently, such methods often fail to generalize across a broader range of categories and cannot ensure shape consistency throughout the detailization process. In this paper, we introduce MARS, a novel approach for 3D shape detailization. Our method capitalizes on a novel multi-LOD, multi-category mesh representation to learn shape-consistent mesh representations in latent space across different LODs. We further propose a mesh autoregressive model capable of generating such latent representations through next-LOD token prediction. This approach significantly enhances the realism of the generated shapes. Extensive experiments conducted on the challenging 3D Shape Detailization benchmark demonstrate that our proposed MARS model achieves state-of-the-art performance, surpassing existing methods in both qualitative and quantitative assessments. Notably, the model's capability to generate fine-grained details while preserving the overall shape integrity is particularly commendable.
☆ A Physics-Informed Blur Learning Framework for Imaging Systems
Accurate blur estimation is essential for high-performance imaging across various applications. Blur is typically represented by the point spread function (PSF). In this paper, we propose a physics-informed PSF learning framework for imaging systems, consisting of a simple calibration followed by a learning process. Our framework could achieve both high accuracy and universal applicability. Inspired by the Seidel PSF model for representing spatially varying PSF, we identify its limitations in optimization and introduce a novel wavefront-based PSF model accompanied by an optimization strategy, both reducing optimization complexity and improving estimation accuracy. Moreover, our wavefront-based PSF model is independent of lens parameters, eliminate the need for prior knowledge of the lens. To validate our approach, we compare it with recent PSF estimation methods (Degradation Transfer and Fast Two-step) through a deblurring task, where all the estimated PSFs are used to train state-of-the-art deblurring algorithms. Our approach demonstrates improvements in image quality in simulation and also showcases noticeable visual quality improvements on real captured images.
☆ Without Paired Labeled Data: An End-to-End Self-Supervised Paradigm for UAV-View Geo-Localization
UAV-View Geo-Localization (UVGL) aims to ascertain the precise location of a UAV by retrieving the most similar GPS-tagged satellite image. However, existing methods predominantly rely on supervised learning paradigms that necessitate annotated paired data for training, which incurs substantial annotation costs and impedes large-scale deployment. To overcome this limitation, we propose the Dynamic Memory-Driven and Neighborhood Information Learning (DMNIL) network, a lightweight end-to-end self-supervised framework for UAV-view geo-localization. The DMNIL framework utilizes a dual-path clustering-based contrastive learning architecture as its baseline to model intra-view structural relationships, enhancing feature consistency and discriminability. Additionally, a dynamic memory-driven hierarchical learning module is proposed to progressively mine local and global information, reinforcing multi-level feature associations to improve model robustness. To bridge the domain gap between UAV and satellite views, we design an information-consistent evolutionary learning mechanism that systematically explores latent correlations within intra-view neighborhoods and across cross-view domains, ultimately constructing a unified cross-view feature representation space. Extensive experiments on three benchmarks (University-1652, SUES-200, and DenseUAV) demonstrate that DMNIL achieves competitive performance against state-of-the-art supervised methods while maintaining computational efficiency. Notably, this superiority is attained without relying on paired training data, underscoring the framework's practicality for real-world deployment. Codes will be released soon.
☆ GeoDANO: Geometric VLM with Domain Agnostic Vision Encoder
We introduce GeoDANO, a geometric vision-language model (VLM) with a domain-agnostic vision encoder, for solving plane geometry problems. Although VLMs have been employed for solving geometry problems, their ability to recognize geometric features remains insufficiently analyzed. To address this gap, we propose a benchmark that evaluates the recognition of visual geometric features, including primitives such as dots and lines, and relations such as orthogonality. Our preliminary study shows that vision encoders often used in general-purpose VLMs, e.g., OpenCLIP, fail to detect these features and struggle to generalize across domains. We develop GeoCLIP, a CLIP based model trained on synthetic geometric diagram-caption pairs to overcome the limitation. Benchmark results show that GeoCLIP outperforms existing vision encoders in recognizing geometric features. We then propose our VLM, GeoDANO, which augments GeoCLIP with a domain adaptation strategy for unseen diagram styles. GeoDANO outperforms specialized methods for plane geometry problems and GPT-4o on MathVerse.
comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables
☆ WRT-SAM: Foundation Model-Driven Segmentation for Generalized Weld Radiographic Testing
Radiographic testing is a fundamental non-destructive evaluation technique for identifying weld defects and assessing quality in industrial applications due to its high-resolution imaging capabilities. Over the past decade, deep learning techniques have significantly advanced weld defect identification in radiographic images. However, conventional approaches, which rely on training small-scale, task-specific models on single-scenario datasets, exhibit poor cross-scenario generalization. Recently, the Segment Anything Model (SAM), a pre-trained visual foundation model trained on large-scale datasets, has demonstrated exceptional zero-shot generalization capabilities. Fine-tuning SAM with limited domain-specific data has yielded promising results in fields such as medical image segmentation and anomaly detection. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to introduce SAM-based segmentation for general weld radiographic testing images. We propose WRT-SAM, a novel weld radiographic defect segmentation model that leverages SAM through an adapter-based integration with a specialized prompt generator architecture. To improve adaptability to grayscale weld radiographic images, we introduce a frequency prompt generator module, which enhances the model's sensitivity to frequency-domain information. Furthermore, to address the multi-scale nature of weld defects, we incorporate a multi-scale prompt generator module, enabling the model to effectively extract and encode defect information across varying scales. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate that WRT-SAM achieves a recall of 78.87%, a precision of 84.04%, and an AUC of 0.9746, setting a new state-of-the-art (SOTA) benchmark. Moreover, the model exhibits superior zero-shot generalization performance, highlighting its potential for practical deployment in diverse radiographic testing scenarios.
☆ A Comparison of Human and Machine Learning Errors in Face Recognition
Machine learning applications in high-stakes scenarios should always operate under human oversight. Developing an optimal combination of human and machine intelligence requires an understanding of their complementarities, particularly regarding the similarities and differences in the way they make mistakes. We perform extensive experiments in the area of face recognition and compare two automated face recognition systems against human annotators through a demographically balanced user study. Our research uncovers important ways in which machine learning errors and human errors differ from each other, and suggests potential strategies in which human-machine collaboration can improve accuracy in face recognition.
☆ Differentially private fine-tuned NF-Net to predict GI cancer type
Based on global genomic status, the cancer tumor is classified as Microsatellite Instable (MSI) and Microsatellite Stable (MSS). Immunotherapy is used to diagnose MSI, whereas radiation and chemotherapy are used for MSS. Therefore, it is significant to classify a gastro-intestinal (GI) cancer tumor into MSI vs. MSS to provide appropriate treatment. The existing literature showed that deep learning could directly predict the class of GI cancer tumors from histological images. However, deep learning (DL) models are susceptible to various threats, including membership inference attacks, model extraction attacks, etc. These attacks render the use of DL models impractical in real-world scenarios. To make the DL models useful and maintain privacy, we integrate differential privacy (DP) with DL. In particular, this paper aims to predict the state of GI cancer while preserving the privacy of sensitive data. We fine-tuned the Normalizer Free Net (NF-Net) model. We obtained an accuracy of 88.98\% without DP to predict (GI) cancer status. When we fine-tuned the NF-Net using DP-AdamW and adaptive DP-AdamW, we got accuracies of 74.58% and 76.48%, respectively. Moreover, we investigate the Weighted Random Sampler (WRS) and Class weighting (CW) to solve the data imbalance. We also evaluated and analyzed the DP algorithms in different settings.
comment: 10 pages, 8 tables, 2 figures
☆ OCT Data is All You Need: How Vision Transformers with and without Pre-training Benefit Imaging
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) provides high-resolution cross-sectional images useful for diagnosing various diseases, but their distinct characteristics from natural images raise questions about whether large-scale pre-training on datasets like ImageNet is always beneficial. In this paper, we investigate the impact of ImageNet-based pre-training on Vision Transformer (ViT) performance for OCT image classification across different dataset sizes. Our experiments cover four-category retinal pathologies (CNV, DME, Drusen, Normal). Results suggest that while pre-training can accelerate convergence and potentially offer better performance in smaller datasets, training from scratch may achieve comparable or even superior accuracy when sufficient OCT data is available. Our findings highlight the importance of matching domain characteristics in pre-training and call for further study on large-scale OCT-specific pre-training.
☆ Alignment and Adversarial Robustness: Are More Human-Like Models More Secure?
Representational alignment refers to the extent to which a model's internal representations mirror biological vision, offering insights into both neural similarity and functional correspondence. Recently, some more aligned models have demonstrated higher resiliency to adversarial examples, raising the question of whether more human-aligned models are inherently more secure. In this work, we conduct a large-scale empirical analysis to systematically investigate the relationship between representational alignment and adversarial robustness. We evaluate 118 models spanning diverse architectures and training paradigms, measuring their neural and behavioral alignment and engineering task performance across 106 benchmarks as well as their adversarial robustness via AutoAttack. Our findings reveal that while average alignment and robustness exhibit a weak overall correlation, specific alignment benchmarks serve as strong predictors of adversarial robustness, particularly those that measure selectivity towards texture or shape. These results suggest that different forms of alignment play distinct roles in model robustness, motivating further investigation into how alignment-driven approaches can be leveraged to build more secure and perceptually-grounded vision models.
Detecting Systematic Weaknesses in Vision Models along Predefined Human-Understandable Dimensions
Studying systematic weaknesses of DNNs has gained prominence in the last few years with the rising focus on building safe AI systems. Slice discovery methods (SDMs) are prominent algorithmic approaches for finding such systematic weaknesses. They identify top-k semantically coherent slices/subsets of data where a DNN-under-test has low performance. For being directly useful, e.g., as evidences in a safety argumentation, slices should be aligned with human-understandable (safety-relevant) dimensions, which, for example, are defined by safety and domain experts as parts of the operational design domain (ODD). While straightforward for structured data, the lack of semantic metadata makes these investigations challenging for unstructured data. Therefore, we propose a complete workflow which combines contemporary foundation models with algorithms for combinatorial search that consider structured data and DNN errors for finding systematic weaknesses in images. In contrast to existing approaches, ours identifies weak slices that are in line with predefined human-understandable dimensions. As the workflow includes foundation models, its intermediate and final results may not always be exact. Therefore, we build into our workflow an approach to address the impact of noisy metadata. We evaluate our approach w.r.t. its quality on four popular computer vision datasets, including autonomous driving datasets like Cityscapes, BDD100k, and RailSem19, while using multiple state-of-the-art models as DNNs-under-test.
☆ LanP: Rethinking the Impact of Language Priors in Large Vision-Language Models
Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have shown impressive performance in various tasks. However, LVLMs suffer from hallucination, which hinders their adoption in the real world. Existing studies emphasized that the strong language priors of LVLMs can overpower visual information, causing hallucinations. However, the positive role of language priors is the key to a powerful LVLM. If the language priors are too weak, LVLMs will struggle to leverage rich parameter knowledge and instruction understanding abilities to complete tasks in challenging visual scenarios where visual information alone is insufficient. Therefore, we propose a benchmark called LanP to rethink the impact of Language Priors in LVLMs. It is designed to investigate how strong language priors are in current LVLMs. LanP consists of 170 images and 340 corresponding well-designed questions. Extensive experiments on 25 popular LVLMs reveal that many LVLMs' language priors are not strong enough to effectively aid question answering when objects are partially hidden. Many models, including GPT-4 Turbo, exhibit an accuracy below 0.5 in such a scenario.
comment: Preprint
☆ REAL-MM-RAG: A Real-World Multi-Modal Retrieval Benchmark
Accurate multi-modal document retrieval is crucial for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), yet existing benchmarks do not fully capture real-world challenges with their current design. We introduce REAL-MM-RAG, an automatically generated benchmark designed to address four key properties essential for real-world retrieval: (i) multi-modal documents, (ii) enhanced difficulty, (iii) Realistic-RAG queries and (iv) accurate labeling. Additionally, we propose a multi-difficulty-level scheme based on query rephrasing to evaluate models' semantic understanding beyond keyword matching. Our benchmark reveals significant model weaknesses, particularly in handling table-heavy documents and robustness to query rephrasing. To mitigate these shortcomings, we curate a rephrased training set and introduce a new finance-focused, table-heavy dataset. Fine-tuning on these datasets enables models to achieve state-of-the-art retrieval performance on REAL-MM-RAG benchmark. Our work offers a better way to evaluate and improve retrieval in multi-modal RAG systems while also providing training data and models that address current limitations.
☆ Towards Fusing Point Cloud and Visual Representations for Imitation Learning
Learning for manipulation requires using policies that have access to rich sensory information such as point clouds or RGB images. Point clouds efficiently capture geometric structures, making them essential for manipulation tasks in imitation learning. In contrast, RGB images provide rich texture and semantic information that can be crucial for certain tasks. Existing approaches for fusing both modalities assign 2D image features to point clouds. However, such approaches often lose global contextual information from the original images. In this work, we propose a novel imitation learning method that effectively combines the strengths of both point cloud and RGB modalities. Our method conditions the point-cloud encoder on global and local image tokens using adaptive layer norm conditioning, leveraging the beneficial properties of both modalities. Through extensive experiments on the challenging RoboCasa benchmark, we demonstrate the limitations of relying on either modality alone and show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance across all tasks.
☆ From Gaming to Research: GTA V for Synthetic Data Generation for Robotics and Navigations
In computer vision, the development of robust algorithms capable of generalizing effectively in real-world scenarios more and more often requires large-scale datasets collected under diverse environmental conditions. However, acquiring such datasets is time-consuming, costly, and sometimes unfeasible. To address these limitations, the use of synthetic data has gained attention as a viable alternative, allowing researchers to generate vast amounts of data while simulating various environmental contexts in a controlled setting. In this study, we investigate the use of synthetic data in robotics and navigation, specifically focusing on Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) and Visual Place Recognition (VPR). In particular, we introduce a synthetic dataset created using the virtual environment of the video game Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V), along with an algorithm designed to generate a VPR dataset, without human supervision. Through a series of experiments centered on SLAM and VPR, we demonstrate that synthetic data derived from GTA V are qualitatively comparable to real-world data. Furthermore, these synthetic data can complement or even substitute real-world data in these applications. This study sets the stage for the creation of large-scale synthetic datasets, offering a cost-effective and scalable solution for future research and development.
☆ Per-channel autoregressive linear prediction padding in tiled CNN processing of 2D spatial data
We present linear prediction as a differentiable padding method. For each channel, a stochastic autoregressive linear model is fitted to the padding input by minimizing its noise terms in the least-squares sense. The padding is formed from the expected values of the autoregressive model given the known pixels. We trained the convolutional RVSR super-resolution model from scratch on satellite image data, using different padding methods. Linear prediction padding slightly reduced the mean square super-resolution error compared to zero and replication padding, with a moderate increase in time cost. Linear prediction padding better approximated satellite image data and RVSR feature map data. With zero padding, RVSR appeared to use more of its capacity to compensate for the high approximation error. Cropping the network output by a few pixels reduced the super-resolution error and the effect of the choice of padding method on the error, favoring output cropping with the faster replication and zero padding methods, for the studied workload.
comment: 18 pages, 20 figures including appendix; to be submitted for review; for source code, see
Duo Streamers: A Streaming Gesture Recognition Framework
Gesture recognition in resource-constrained scenarios faces significant challenges in achieving high accuracy and low latency. The streaming gesture recognition framework, Duo Streamers, proposed in this paper, addresses these challenges through a three-stage sparse recognition mechanism, an RNN-lite model with an external hidden state, and specialized training and post-processing pipelines, thereby making innovative progress in real-time performance and lightweight design. Experimental results show that Duo Streamers matches mainstream methods in accuracy metrics, while reducing the real-time factor by approximately 92.3%, i.e., delivering a nearly 13-fold speedup. In addition, the framework shrinks parameter counts to 1/38 (idle state) and 1/9 (busy state) compared to mainstream models. In summary, Duo Streamers not only offers an efficient and practical solution for streaming gesture recognition in resource-constrained devices but also lays a solid foundation for extended applications in multimodal and diverse scenarios.
comment: 10 pages, 4 figures
☆ Data-Efficient Limited-Angle CT Using Deep Priors and Regularization SC
Reconstructing an image from its Radon transform is a fundamental computed tomography (CT) task arising in applications such as X-ray scans. In many practical scenarios, a full 180-degree scan is not feasible, or there is a desire to reduce radiation exposure. In these limited-angle settings, the problem becomes ill-posed, and methods designed for full-view data often leave significant artifacts. We propose a very low-data approach to reconstruct the original image from its Radon transform under severe angle limitations. Because the inverse problem is ill-posed, we combine multiple regularization methods, including Total Variation, a sinogram filter, Deep Image Prior, and a patch-level autoencoder. We use a differentiable implementation of the Radon transform, which allows us to use gradient-based techniques to solve the inverse problem. Our method is evaluated on a dataset from the Helsinki Tomography Challenge 2022, where the goal is to reconstruct a binary disk from its limited-angle sinogram. We only use a total of 12 data points--eight for learning a prior and four for hyperparameter selection--and achieve results comparable to the best synthetic data-driven approaches.
comment: 12 pages, 2 reference pages, 5 figures, submitted to SCIA 2024
☆ SmokeNet: Efficient Smoke Segmentation Leveraging Multiscale Convolutions and Multiview Attention Mechanisms
Efficient segmentation of smoke plumes is crucial for environmental monitoring and industrial safety, enabling the detection and mitigation of harmful emissions from activities like quarry blasts and wildfires. Accurate segmentation facilitates environmental impact assessments, timely interventions, and compliance with safety standards. However, existing models often face high computational demands and limited adaptability to diverse smoke appearances, restricting their deployment in resource-constrained environments. To address these issues, we introduce SmokeNet, a novel deep learning architecture that leverages multiscale convolutions and multiview linear attention mechanisms combined with layer-specific loss functions to handle the complex dynamics of diverse smoke plumes, ensuring efficient and accurate segmentation across varied environments. Additionally, we evaluate SmokeNet's performance and versatility using four datasets, including our quarry blast smoke dataset made available to the community. The results demonstrate that SmokeNet maintains a favorable balance between computational efficiency and segmentation accuracy, making it suitable for deployment in environmental monitoring and safety management systems. By contributing a new dataset and offering an efficient segmentation model, SmokeNet advances smoke segmentation capabilities in diverse and challenging environments.
♻ ☆ 3D Whole-body Grasp Synthesis with Directional Controllability 3DV 2025
Synthesizing 3D whole bodies that realistically grasp objects is useful for animation, mixed reality, and robotics. This is challenging, because the hands and body need to look natural w.r.t. each other, the grasped object, as well as the local scene (i.e., a receptacle supporting the object). Moreover, training data for this task is really scarce, while capturing new data is expensive. Recent work goes beyond finite datasets via a divide-and-conquer approach; it first generates a "guiding" right-hand grasp, and then searches for bodies that match this. However, the guiding-hand synthesis lacks controllability and receptacle awareness, so it likely has an implausible direction (i.e., a body can't match this without penetrating the receptacle) and needs corrections through major post-processing. Moreover, the body search needs exhaustive sampling and is expensive. These are strong limitations. We tackle these with a novel method called CWGrasp. Our key idea is that performing geometry-based reasoning "early on," instead of "too late," provides rich "control" signals for inference. To this end, CWGrasp first samples a plausible reaching-direction vector (used later for both the arm and hand) from a probabilistic model built via ray-casting from the object and collision checking. Moreover, CWGrasp uniquely tackles both right and left-hand grasps. We evaluate on the GRAB and ReplicaGrasp datasets. CWGrasp outperforms baselines, at lower runtime and budget, while all components help performance. Code and models are available at
comment: 3DV 2025
♻ ☆ Both Text and Images Leaked! A Systematic Analysis of Multimodal LLM Data Contamination
The rapid progression of multimodal large language models (MLLMs) has demonstrated superior performance on various multimodal benchmarks. However, the issue of data contamination during training creates challenges in performance evaluation and comparison. While numerous methods exist for detecting models' contamination in large language models (LLMs), they are less effective for MLLMs due to their various modalities and multiple training phases. In this study, we introduce a multimodal data contamination detection framework, MM-Detect, designed for MLLMs. Our experimental results indicate that MM-Detect is quite effective and sensitive in identifying varying degrees of contamination, and can highlight significant performance improvements due to the leakage of multimodal benchmark training sets. Furthermore, we explore whether the contamination originates from the base LLMs used by MLLMs or the multimodal training phase, providing new insights into the stages at which contamination may be introduced.
comment: Code Available:
♻ ☆ NaVILA: Legged Robot Vision-Language-Action Model for Navigation
This paper proposes to solve the problem of Vision-and-Language Navigation with legged robots, which not only provides a flexible way for humans to command but also allows the robot to navigate through more challenging and cluttered scenes. However, it is non-trivial to translate human language instructions all the way to low-level leg joint actions. We propose NaVILA, a 2-level framework that unifies a Vision-Language-Action model (VLA) with locomotion skills. Instead of directly predicting low-level actions from VLA, NaVILA first generates mid-level actions with spatial information in the form of language, (e.g., "moving forward 75cm"), which serves as an input for a visual locomotion RL policy for execution. NaVILA substantially improves previous approaches on existing benchmarks. The same advantages are demonstrated in our newly developed benchmarks with IsaacLab, featuring more realistic scenes, low-level controls, and real-world robot experiments. We show more results at
comment: Website:
♻ ☆ CLEAR: Character Unlearning in Textual and Visual Modalities
Machine Unlearning (MU) is critical for removing private or hazardous information from deep learning models. While MU has advanced significantly in unimodal (text or vision) settings, multimodal unlearning (MMU) remains underexplored due to the lack of open benchmarks for evaluating cross-modal data removal. To address this gap, we introduce CLEAR, the first open-source benchmark designed specifically for MMU. CLEAR contains 200 fictitious individuals and 3,700 images linked with corresponding question-answer pairs, enabling a thorough evaluation across modalities. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of 11 MU methods (e.g., SCRUB, gradient ascent, DPO) across four evaluation sets, demonstrating that jointly unlearning both modalities outperforms single-modality approaches. The dataset is available at
♻ ☆ Vision CNNs trained to estimate spatial latents learned similar ventral-stream-aligned representations ICLR 2025
Studies of the functional role of the primate ventral visual stream have traditionally focused on object categorization, often ignoring -- despite much prior evidence -- its role in estimating "spatial" latents such as object position and pose. Most leading ventral stream models are derived by optimizing networks for object categorization, which seems to imply that the ventral stream is also derived under such an objective. Here, we explore an alternative hypothesis: Might the ventral stream be optimized for estimating spatial latents? And a closely related question: How different -- if at all -- are representations learned from spatial latent estimation compared to categorization? To ask these questions, we leveraged synthetic image datasets generated by a 3D graphic engine and trained convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to estimate different combinations of spatial and category latents. We found that models trained to estimate just a few spatial latents achieve neural alignment scores comparable to those trained on hundreds of categories, and the spatial latent performance of models strongly correlates with their neural alignment. Spatial latent and category-trained models have very similar -- but not identical -- internal representations, especially in their early and middle layers. We provide evidence that this convergence is partly driven by non-target latent variability in the training data, which facilitates the implicit learning of representations of those non-target latents. Taken together, these results suggest that many training objectives, such as spatial latents, can lead to similar models aligned neurally with the ventral stream. Thus, one should not assume that the ventral stream is optimized for object categorization only. As a field, we need to continue to sharpen our measures of comparing models to brains to better understand the functional roles of the ventral stream.
comment: 30 pages, 21 figures, ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ Understanding Figurative Meaning through Explainable Visual Entailment NAACL 2025
Large Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have demonstrated strong capabilities in tasks requiring a fine-grained understanding of literal meaning in images and text, such as visual question-answering or visual entailment. However, there has been little exploration of the capabilities of these models when presented with images and captions containing figurative meaning, such as metaphors or humor. To close this gap, we propose a new task framing the figurative meaning understanding problem as an explainable visual entailment task, where the model has to predict whether the image (premise) entails a caption (hypothesis) and justify the predicted label with a textual explanation. The figurative phenomena can be present in the image, in the caption, or both. Using a human-AI collaboration approach, we build the accompanying expert-verified dataset V-FLUTE, containing 6,027 {image, caption, label, explanation} instances spanning five diverse figurative phenomena: metaphors, similes, idioms, sarcasm, and humor. Through automatic evaluation, we find that VLMs struggle to generalize from literal to figurative meaning, particularly when it is present in images. Further, we identify common types of errors in VLM reasoning (hallucination and incomplete or unsound reasoning) across classes of models via human evaluation.
comment: NAACL 2025 Main Conference
♻ ☆ HealthGPT: A Medical Large Vision-Language Model for Unifying Comprehension and Generation via Heterogeneous Knowledge Adaptation
We present HealthGPT, a powerful Medical Large Vision-Language Model (Med-LVLM) that integrates medical visual comprehension and generation capabilities within a unified autoregressive paradigm. Our bootstrapping philosophy is to progressively adapt heterogeneous comprehension and generation knowledge to pre-trained large language models (LLMs). This is achieved through a novel heterogeneous low-rank adaptation (H-LoRA) technique, which is complemented by a tailored hierarchical visual perception approach and a three-stage learning strategy. To effectively learn the HealthGPT, we devise a comprehensive medical domain-specific comprehension and generation dataset called VL-Health. Experimental results demonstrate exceptional performance and scalability of HealthGPT in medical visual unified tasks. Our project can be accessed at
comment: Comments: added project page
♻ ☆ Advances in Multimodal Adaptation and Generalization: From Traditional Approaches to Foundation Models
In real-world scenarios, achieving domain adaptation and generalization poses significant challenges, as models must adapt to or generalize across unknown target distributions. Extending these capabilities to unseen multimodal distributions, i.e., multimodal domain adaptation and generalization, is even more challenging due to the distinct characteristics of different modalities. Significant progress has been made over the years, with applications ranging from action recognition to semantic segmentation. Besides, the recent advent of large-scale pre-trained multimodal foundation models, such as CLIP, has inspired works leveraging these models to enhance adaptation and generalization performances or adapting them to downstream tasks. This survey provides the first comprehensive review of recent advances from traditional approaches to foundation models, covering: (1) Multimodal domain adaptation; (2) Multimodal test-time adaptation; (3) Multimodal domain generalization; (4) Domain adaptation and generalization with the help of multimodal foundation models; and (5) Adaptation of multimodal foundation models. For each topic, we formally define the problem and thoroughly review existing methods. Additionally, we analyze relevant datasets and applications, highlighting open challenges and potential future research directions. We maintain an active repository that contains up-to-date literature at
comment: Project page:
♻ ☆ ConsistentDreamer: View-Consistent Meshes Through Balanced Multi-View Gaussian Optimization
Recent advances in diffusion models have significantly improved 3D generation, enabling the use of assets generated from an image for embodied AI simulations. However, the one-to-many nature of the image-to-3D problem limits their use due to inconsistent content and quality across views. Previous models optimize a 3D model by sampling views from a view-conditioned diffusion prior, but diffusion models cannot guarantee view consistency. Instead, we present ConsistentDreamer, where we first generate a set of fixed multi-view prior images and sample random views between them with another diffusion model through a score distillation sampling (SDS) loss. Thereby, we limit the discrepancies between the views guided by the SDS loss and ensure a consistent rough shape. In each iteration, we also use our generated multi-view prior images for fine-detail reconstruction. To balance between the rough shape and the fine-detail optimizations, we introduce dynamic task-dependent weights based on homoscedastic uncertainty, updated automatically in each iteration. Additionally, we employ opacity, depth distortion, and normal alignment losses to refine the surface for mesh extraction. Our method ensures better view consistency and visual quality compared to the state-of-the-art.
comment: Manuscript accepted by Pattern Recognition Letters
♻ ☆ Do Large Multimodal Models Solve Caption Generation for Scientific Figures? Lessons Learned from SCICAP Challenge 2023 ACL 2025
Since the SCICAP datasets launch in 2021, the research community has made significant progress in generating captions for scientific figures in scholarly articles. In 2023, the first SCICAP Challenge took place, inviting global teams to use an expanded SCICAP dataset to develop models for captioning diverse figure types across various academic fields. At the same time, text generation models advanced quickly, with many powerful pre-trained large multimodal models (LMMs) emerging that showed impressive capabilities in various vision-and-language tasks. This paper presents an overview of the first SCICAP Challenge and details the performance of various models on its data, capturing a snapshot of the fields state. We found that professional editors overwhelmingly preferred figure captions generated by GPT-4V over those from all other models and even the original captions written by authors. Following this key finding, we conducted detailed analyses to answer this question: Have advanced LMMs solved the task of generating captions for scientific figures?
comment: Accepted to TACL 2025
♻ ☆ Bridging Compressed Image Latents and Multimodal Large Language Models ICLR 2025
This paper presents the first-ever study of adapting compressed image latents to suit the needs of downstream vision tasks that adopt Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs). MLLMs have extended the success of large language models to modalities (e.g. images) beyond text, but their billion scale hinders deployment on resource-constrained end devices. While cloud-hosted MLLMs could be available, transmitting raw, uncompressed images captured by end devices to the cloud requires an efficient image compression system. To address this, we focus on emerging neural image compression and propose a novel framework with a lightweight transform-neck and a surrogate loss to adapt compressed image latents for MLLM-based vision tasks. Given the huge scale of MLLMs, our framework excludes the entire downstream MLLM except part of its visual encoder from training our system. This stands out from most existing coding for machine approaches that involve downstream networks in training and thus could be impractical when the networks are MLLMs. The proposed framework is general in that it is applicable to various MLLMs, neural image codecs, and multiple application scenarios, where the neural image codec can be (1) pre-trained for human perception without updating, (2) fully updated for joint human and machine perception, or (3) fully updated for only machine perception. Extensive experiments on different neural image codecs and various MLLMs show that our method achieves great rate-accuracy performance with much less complexity.
comment: Accepted by ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ iFormer: Integrating ConvNet and Transformer for Mobile Application ICLR 2025
We present a new family of mobile hybrid vision networks, called iFormer, with a focus on optimizing latency and accuracy on mobile applications. iFormer effectively integrates the fast local representation capacity of convolution with the efficient global modeling ability of self-attention. The local interactions are derived from transforming a standard convolutional network, \textit{i.e.}, ConvNeXt, to design a more lightweight mobile network. Our newly introduced mobile modulation attention removes memory-intensive operations in MHA and employs an efficient modulation mechanism to boost dynamic global representational capacity. We conduct comprehensive experiments demonstrating that iFormer outperforms existing lightweight networks across various tasks. Notably, iFormer achieves an impressive Top-1 accuracy of 80.4\% on ImageNet-1k with a latency of only 1.10 ms on an iPhone 13, surpassing the recently proposed MobileNetV4 under similar latency constraints. Additionally, our method shows significant improvements in downstream tasks, including COCO object detection, instance segmentation, and ADE20k semantic segmentation, while still maintaining low latency on mobile devices for high-resolution inputs in these scenarios.
comment: Accepted to ICLR 2025. Code:
♻ ☆ Understanding Long Videos with Multimodal Language Models
Large Language Models (LLMs) have allowed recent LLM-based approaches to achieve excellent performance on long-video understanding benchmarks. We investigate how extensive world knowledge and strong reasoning skills of underlying LLMs influence this strong performance. Surprisingly, we discover that LLM-based approaches can yield surprisingly good accuracy on long-video tasks with limited video information, sometimes even with no video specific information. Building on this, we exploring injecting video-specific information into an LLM-based framework. We utilize off-the-shelf vision tools to extract three object-centric information modalities from videos and then leverage natural language as a medium for fusing this information. Our resulting Multimodal Video Understanding (MVU) framework demonstrates state-of-the-art performance across multiple video understanding benchmarks. Strong performance also on robotics domain tasks establish its strong generality. Our code will be released publicly.
comment: Code available at
♻ ☆ Evaluation of End-to-End Continuous Spanish Lipreading in Different Data Conditions
Visual speech recognition remains an open research problem where different challenges must be considered by dispensing with the auditory sense, such as visual ambiguities, the inter-personal variability among speakers, and the complex modeling of silence. Nonetheless, recent remarkable results have been achieved in the field thanks to the availability of large-scale databases and the use of powerful attention mechanisms. Besides, multiple languages apart from English are nowadays a focus of interest. This paper presents noticeable advances in automatic continuous lipreading for Spanish. First, an end-to-end system based on the hybrid CTC/Attention architecture is presented. Experiments are conducted on two corpora of disparate nature, reaching state-of-the-art results that significantly improve the best performance obtained to date for both databases. In addition, a thorough ablation study is carried out, where it is studied how the different components that form the architecture influence the quality of speech recognition. Then, a rigorous error analysis is carried out to investigate the different factors that could affect the learning of the automatic system. Finally, a new Spanish lipreading benchmark is consolidated. Code and trained models are available at
comment: Accepted in the "Language Resources and Evaluation" journal, Springer Nature
♻ ☆ Towards Scalable Insect Monitoring: Ultra-Lightweight CNNs as On-Device Triggers for Insect Camera Traps
Camera traps, combined with AI, have emerged as a way to achieve automated, scalable biodiversity monitoring. However, the passive infrared (PIR) sensors that trigger camera traps are poorly suited for detecting small, fast-moving ectotherms such as insects. Insects comprise over half of all animal species and are key components of ecosystems and agriculture. The need for an appropriate and scalable insect camera trap is critical in the wake of concerning reports of declines in insect populations. This study proposes an alternative to the PIR trigger: ultra-lightweight convolutional neural networks running on low-powered hardware to detect insects in a continuous stream of captured images. We train a suite of models to distinguish insect images from backgrounds. Our design achieves zero latency between trigger and image capture. Our models are rigorously tested and achieve high accuracy ranging from 91.8% to 96.4% AUC on validation data and >87% AUC on data from distributions unseen during training. The high specificity of our models ensures minimal saving of false positive images, maximising deployment storage efficiency. High recall scores indicate a minimal false negative rate, maximising insect detection. Further analysis with saliency maps shows the learned representation of our models to be robust, with low reliance on spurious background features. Our system is also shown to operate deployed on off-the-shelf, low-powered microcontroller units, consuming a maximum power draw of less than 300mW. This enables longer deployment times using cheap and readily available battery components. Overall we offer a step change in the cost, efficiency and scope of insect monitoring. Solving the challenging trigger problem, we demonstrate a system which can be deployed for far longer than existing designs and budgets power and bandwidth effectively, moving towards a generic insect camera trap.
♻ ☆ BitStack: Any-Size Compression of Large Language Models in Variable Memory Environments ICLR 2025
Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized numerous applications, yet their deployment remains challenged by memory constraints on local devices. While scaling laws have enhanced LLM capabilities, the primary bottleneck has shifted from \textit{capability} to \textit{availability}, emphasizing the need for efficient memory management. Traditional compression methods, such as quantization, often require predefined compression ratios and separate compression processes for each setting, complicating deployment in variable memory environments. In this paper, we introduce \textbf{BitStack}, a novel, training-free weight compression approach that enables megabyte-level trade-offs between memory usage and model performance. By leveraging weight decomposition, BitStack can dynamically adjust the model size with minimal transmission between running memory and storage devices. Our approach iteratively decomposes weight matrices while considering the significance of each parameter, resulting in an approximately 1-bit per parameter residual block in each decomposition iteration. These blocks are sorted and stacked in storage as basic transmission units, with different quantities loaded based on current memory availability. Extensive experiments across a wide range of tasks demonstrate that, despite offering fine-grained size control, BitStack consistently matches or surpasses strong quantization baselines, particularly at extreme compression ratios. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first decomposition-based method that effectively bridges the gap to practical compression techniques like quantization. Code is available at
comment: ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ Novel computational workflows for natural and biomedical image processing based on hypercomplex algebras
Hypercomplex image processing extends conventional techniques in a unified paradigm encompassing algebraic and geometric principles. This work leverages quaternions and the two-dimensional orthogonal planes split framework (splitting of a quaternion - representing a pixel - into pairs of orthogonal 2D planes) for natural/biomedical image analysis through the following computational workflows and outcomes: natural/biomedical image re-colorization, natural image de-colorization, natural/biomedical image contrast enhancement, computational re-staining and stain separation in histological images, and performance gains in machine/deep learning pipelines for histological images. The workflows are analyzed separately for natural and biomedical images to showcase the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. The proposed workflows can regulate color appearance (e.g. with alternative renditions and grayscale conversion) and image contrast, be part of automated image processing pipelines (e.g. isolating stain components, boosting learning models), and assist in digital pathology applications (e.g. enhancing biomarker visibility, enabling colorblind-friendly renditions). Employing only basic arithmetic and matrix operations, this work offers a computationally accessible methodology - in the hypercomplex domain - that showcases versatility and consistency across image processing tasks and a range of computer vision and biomedical applications. The proposed non-data-driven methods achieve comparable or better results (particularly in cases involving well-known methods) to those reported in the literature, showcasing the potential of robust theoretical frameworks with practical effectiveness. Results, methods, and limitations are detailed alongside discussion of promising extensions, emphasizing the potential of feature-rich mathematical/computational frameworks for natural and biomedical images.
comment: 24 pages, 18 figures, 14 tables
♻ ☆ Better Language Models Exhibit Higher Visual Alignment
How well do text-only Large Language Models (LLMs) naturally align with the visual world? We provide the first direct analysis by utilizing frozen text representations in a discriminative vision-language model framework and measuring zero-shot generalization on unseen classes. We find decoder-based LLMs exhibit high intrinsic visual alignment. In particular, more capable LLMs reliably demonstrate stronger generalization. Moreover, utilizing frozen LLMs leads to strong gains in cross-lingual settings, where our approach surpasses CLIP's accuracy of 1.4% with 38.7% for Chinese. Our proposed method improves both robustness and generalization and also significantly reduces the need for paired data and compute, making vision-language models more accessible and adaptable.
♻ ☆ Rethinking Meta-Learning from a Learning Lens
Meta-learning has emerged as a powerful approach for leveraging knowledge from previous tasks to solve new tasks. The mainstream methods focus on training a well-generalized model initialization, which is then adapted to different tasks with limited data and updates. However, it pushes the model overfitting on the training tasks. Previous methods mainly attributed this to the lack of data and used augmentations to address this issue, but they were limited by sufficient training and effective augmentation strategies. In this work, we focus on the more fundamental learning to learn strategy of meta-learning to explore what causes errors and how to eliminate these errors without changing the environment. Specifically, we first rethink the algorithmic procedure of meta-learning from a learning lens. Through theoretical and empirical analyses, we find that (i) this paradigm faces the risk of both overfitting and underfitting and (ii) the model adapted to different tasks promote each other where the effect is stronger if the tasks are more similar. Based on this insight, we propose using task relations to calibrate the optimization process of meta-learning and propose a plug-and-play method called Task Relation Learner (TRLearner) to achieve this goal. Specifically, it first obtains task relation matrices from the extracted task-specific meta-data. Then, it uses the obtained matrices with relation-aware consistency regularization to guide optimization. Extensive theoretical and empirical analyses demonstrate the effectiveness of TRLearner.
♻ ☆ T2VEval: T2V-generated Videos Benchmark Dataset and Objective Evaluation Method
Recent advances in text-to-video (T2V) technology, as demonstrated by models such as Runway Gen-3, Pika, Sora, and Kling, have significantly broadened the applicability and popularity of the technology. This progress has created a growing demand for accurate quality assessment metrics to evaluate the perceptual quality of T2V-generated videos and optimize video generation models. However, assessing the quality of text-to-video outputs remain challenging due to the presence of highly complex distortions, such as unnatural actions and phenomena that defy human cognition. To address these challenges, we constructed T2VEval-Bench, a multi-dimensional benchmark dataset for text-to-video quality evaluation, comprising 148 textual prompts and 1,783 videos generated by 13 T2V models. To ensure a comprehensive evaluation, we scored each video on four dimensions in the subjective experiment, which are overall impression, text-video consistency, realness, and technical quality. Based on T2VEval-Bench, we developed T2VEval, a multi-branch fusion scheme for T2V quality evaluation. T2VEval assesses videos across three branches: text-video consistency, realness, and technical quality. Using an attention-based fusion module, T2VEval effectively integrates features from each branch and predicts scores with the aid of a large language model. Additionally, we implemented a progressive training strategy, enabling each branch to learn targeted knowledge while maintaining synergy with the others. Experimental results demonstrate that T2VEval achieves state-of-the-art performance across multiple metrics.
♻ ☆ Navigating Semantic Drift in Task-Agnostic Class-Incremental Learning
Class-incremental learning (CIL) seeks to enable a model to sequentially learn new classes while retaining knowledge of previously learned ones. Balancing flexibility and stability remains a significant challenge, particularly when the task ID is unknown. To address this, our study reveals that the gap in feature distribution between novel and existing tasks is primarily driven by differences in mean and covariance moments. Building on this insight, we propose a novel semantic drift calibration method that incorporates mean shift compensation and covariance calibration. Specifically, we calculate each class's mean by averaging its sample embeddings and estimate task shifts using weighted embedding changes based on their proximity to the previous mean, effectively capturing mean shifts for all learned classes with each new task. We also apply Mahalanobis distance constraint for covariance calibration, aligning class-specific embedding covariances between old and current networks to mitigate the covariance shift. Additionally, we integrate a feature-level self-distillation approach to enhance generalization. Comprehensive experiments on commonly used datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. The source code is available at \href{}{}.
comment: 11 pages
♻ ☆ Knowledge Swapping via Learning and Unlearning
We introduce \textbf{Knowledge Swapping}, a novel task designed to selectively regulate knowledge of a pretrained model by enabling the forgetting of user\-specified information, retaining essential knowledge, and acquiring new knowledge simultaneously. By delving into the analysis of knock-on feature hierarchy, we find that incremental learning typically progresses from low\-level representations to higher\-level semantics, whereas forgetting tends to occur in the opposite direction\-starting from high-level semantics and moving down to low-level features. Building upon this, we propose to benchmark the knowledge swapping task with the strategy of \textit{Learning Before Forgetting}. Comprehensive experiments on various tasks like image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation validate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. The source code is available at \href{}{}.
comment: 10 pages
♻ ☆ SynCo: Synthetic Hard Negatives for Contrastive Visual Representation Learning
Contrastive learning has become a dominant approach in self-supervised visual representation learning, but efficiently leveraging hard negatives, which are samples closely resembling the anchor, remains challenging. We introduce SynCo (Synthetic negatives in Contrastive learning), a novel approach that improves model performance by generating synthetic hard negatives on the representation space. Building on the MoCo framework, SynCo introduces six strategies for creating diverse synthetic hard negatives on-the-fly with minimal computational overhead. SynCo achieves faster training and strong representation learning, surpassing MoCo-v2 by +0.4% and MoCHI by +1.0% on ImageNet ILSVRC-2012 linear evaluation. It also transfers more effectively to detection tasks achieving strong results on PASCAL VOC detection (57.2% AP) and significantly improving over MoCo-v2 on COCO detection (+1.0% AP) and instance segmentation (+0.8% AP). Our synthetic hard negative generation approach significantly enhances visual representations learned through self-supervised contrastive learning.
comment: Preprint. Code:, Supplementary:
♻ ☆ Demystifying Catastrophic Forgetting in Two-Stage Incremental Object Detector
Catastrophic forgetting is a critical chanllenge for incremental object detection (IOD). Most existing methods treat the detector monolithically, relying on instance replay or knowledge distillation without analyzing component-specific forgetting. Through dissection of Faster R-CNN, we reveal a key insight: Catastrophic forgetting is predominantly localized to the RoI Head classifier, while regressors retain robustness across incremental stages. This finding challenges conventional assumptions, motivating us to develop a framework termed NSGP-RePRE. Regional Prototype Replay (RePRE) mitigates classifier forgetting via replay of two types of prototypes: coarse prototypes represent class-wise semantic centers of RoI features, while fine-grained prototypes model intra-class variations. Null Space Gradient Projection (NSGP) is further introduced to eliminate prototype-feature misalignment by updating the feature extractor in directions orthogonal to subspace of old inputs via gradient projection, aligning RePRE with incremental learning dynamics. Our simple yet effective design allows NSGP-RePRE to achieve state-of-the-art performance on the Pascal VOC and MS COCO datasets under various settings. Our work not only advances IOD methodology but also provide pivotal insights for catastrophic forgetting mitigation in IOD. Code will be available soon.
comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 9 tables
♻ ☆ PrototypeFormer: Learning to Explore Prototype Relationships for Few-shot Image Classification
Few-shot image classification has received considerable attention for overcoming the challenge of limited classification performance with limited samples in novel classes. Most existing works employ sophisticated learning strategies and feature learning modules to alleviate this challenge. In this paper, we propose a novel method called PrototypeFormer, exploring the relationships among category prototypes in the few-shot scenario. Specifically, we utilize a transformer architecture to build a prototype extraction module, aiming to extract class representations that are more discriminative for few-shot classification. Besides, during the model training process, we propose a contrastive learning-based optimization approach to optimize prototype features in few-shot learning scenarios. Despite its simplicity, our method performs remarkably well, with no bells and whistles. We have experimented with our approach on several popular few-shot image classification benchmark datasets, which shows that our method outperforms all current state-of-the-art methods. In particular, our method achieves 97.07\% and 90.88\% on 5-way 5-shot and 5-way 1-shot tasks of miniImageNet, which surpasses the state-of-the-art results with accuracy of 0.57\% and 6.84\%, respectively. The code will be released later.
comment: Submitted to Neurocomputing
♻ ☆ Object-Attribute-Relation Representation Based Video Semantic Communication
With the rapid growth of multimedia data volume, there is an increasing need for efficient video transmission in applications such as virtual reality and future video streaming services. Semantic communication is emerging as a vital technique for ensuring efficient and reliable transmission in low-bandwidth, high-noise settings. However, most current approaches focus on joint source-channel coding (JSCC) that depends on end-to-end training. These methods often lack an interpretable semantic representation and struggle with adaptability to various downstream tasks. In this paper, we introduce the use of object-attribute-relation (OAR) as a semantic framework for videos to facilitate low bit-rate coding and enhance the JSCC process for more effective video transmission. We utilize OAR sequences for both low bit-rate representation and generative video reconstruction. Additionally, we incorporate OAR into the image JSCC model to prioritize communication resources for areas more critical to downstream tasks. Our experiments on traffic surveillance video datasets assess the effectiveness of our approach in terms of video transmission performance. The empirical findings demonstrate that our OAR-based video coding method not only outperforms H.265 coding at lower bit-rates but also synergizes with JSCC to deliver robust and efficient video transmission.
♻ ☆ Scalable Vision Language Model Training via High Quality Data Curation
In this paper, we introduce SAIL-VL (ScAlable Vision Language Model TraIning via High QuaLity Data Curation), an open-source vision language model (VLM) series achieving state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in 2B and 8B parameters. The following three key improvements contribute to SAIL-VL's leading performance: (1) Scalable high-quality visual understanding data construction: We implement a data construction pipeline to enable hundred-million-scale high-quality recaption data annotation, and the resulted dataset SAIL-Caption is validated to be of the highest data quality compared with opensource alternatives. (2) Scalable Pretraining with High-Quality Visual Understanding Data: We scale SAIL-VL's pretraining budget up to 655B tokens and show that even a 2B VLM benefits from scaled up training data sizes, exhibiting expected data size scaling laws in visual understanding and instruction following performance. (3) Scalable SFT via data quantity and complexity scaling: We curate a high-quality SFT dataset collection which outperforms opensource alternatives in data quantity scaling effectiveness. We also demonstrate that training with progressively higher-complexity data surpasses baseline one-stage training by a large margin. SAIL-VL series models achieve the highest average score in 18 widely used VLM benchmarks in our evaluation, with the 2B model takes the top position over VLMs of comparable sizes on OpenCompass 2024 ( demonstrating robust visual comprehension abilities. SAIL-VL series models are released at HuggingFace (
♻ ☆ What Is That Talk About? A Video-to-Text Summarization Dataset for Scientific Presentations
Transforming recorded videos into concise and accurate textual summaries is a growing challenge in multimodal learning. This paper introduces VISTA, a dataset specifically designed for video-to-text summarization in scientific domains. VISTA contains 18,599 recorded AI conference presentations paired with their corresponding paper abstracts. We benchmark the performance of state-of-the-art large models and apply a plan-based framework to better capture the structured nature of abstracts. Both human and automated evaluations confirm that explicit planning enhances summary quality and factual consistency. However, a considerable gap remains between models and human performance, highlighting the challenges of scientific video summarization.
♻ ☆ Global-Local Distillation Network-Based Audio-Visual Speaker Tracking with Incomplete Modalities
In speaker tracking research, integrating and complementing multi-modal data is a crucial strategy for improving the accuracy and robustness of tracking systems. However, tracking with incomplete modalities remains a challenging issue due to noisy observations caused by occlusion, acoustic noise, and sensor failures. Especially when there is missing data in multiple modalities, the performance of existing multi-modal fusion methods tends to decrease. To this end, we propose a Global-Local Distillation-based Tracker (GLDTracker) for robust audio-visual speaker tracking. GLDTracker is driven by a teacher-student distillation model, enabling the flexible fusion of incomplete information from each modality. The teacher network processes global signals captured by camera and microphone arrays, and the student network handles local information subject to visual occlusion and missing audio channels. By transferring knowledge from teacher to student, the student network can better adapt to complex dynamic scenes with incomplete observations. In the student network, a global feature reconstruction module based on the generative adversarial network is constructed to reconstruct global features from feature embedding with missing local information. Furthermore, a multi-modal multi-level fusion attention is introduced to integrate the incomplete feature and the reconstructed feature, leveraging the complementarity and consistency of audio-visual and global-local features. Experimental results on the AV16.3 dataset demonstrate that the proposed GLDTracker outperforms existing state-of-the-art audio-visual trackers and achieves leading performance on both standard and incomplete modalities datasets, highlighting its superiority and robustness in complex conditions. The code and models will be available.
comment: We request to withdraw our paper from arXiv due to unresolved author disagreements about the data interpretation and study conclusions. To maintain scientific integrity, we believe withdrawing the paper is necessary. We regret any confusion caused
♻ ☆ Parametric PerceptNet: A bio-inspired deep-net trained for Image Quality Assessment
Human vision models are at the core of image processing. For instance, classical approaches to the problem of image quality are based on models that include knowledge about human vision. However, nowadays, deep learning approaches have obtained competitive results by simply approaching this problem as regression of human decisions, and training an standard network on human-rated datasets. These approaches have the advantages of being easily adaptable to a particular problem and they fit very efficiently when data is available. However, mainly due to the excess of parameters, they have the problems of lack of interpretability, and over-fitting. Here we propose a vision model that combines the best of both worlds by using a parametric neural network architecture. We parameterize the layers to have bioplausible functionality, and provide a set of bioplausible parameters. We analyzed different versions of the model and compared it with the non-parametric version. The parametric models achieve a three orders of magnitude reduction in the number of parameters without suffering in regression performance. Furthermore, we show that the parametric models behave better during training and are easier to interpret as vision models. Interestingly, we find that, even initialized with bioplausible trained for regression using human rated datasets, which we call the feature-spreading problem. This suggests that the deep learning approach is inherently flawed, and emphasizes the need to evaluate and train models beyond regression.
♻ ☆ TE-NeXt: A LiDAR-Based 3D Sparse Convolutional Network for Traversability Estimation
This paper presents TE-NeXt, a novel and efficient architecture for Traversability Estimation (TE) from sparse LiDAR point clouds based on a residual convolution block. TE-NeXt block fuses notions of current trends such as attention mechanisms and 3D sparse convolutions. TE-NeXt aims to demonstrate high capacity for generalisation in a variety of urban and natural environments, using well-known and accessible datasets such as SemanticKITTI, Rellis-3D and SemanticUSL. Thus, the designed architecture ouperforms state-of-the-art methods in the problem of semantic segmentation, demonstrating better results in unstructured environments and maintaining high reliability and robustness in urbans environments, which leads to better abstraction. Implementation is available in a open repository to the scientific community with the aim of ensuring the reproducibility of results.
♻ ☆ DINeuro: Distilling Knowledge from 2D Natural Images via Deformable Tubular Transferring Strategy for 3D Neuron Reconstruction
Reconstructing neuron morphology from 3D light microscope imaging data is critical to aid neuroscientists in analyzing brain networks and neuroanatomy. With the boost from deep learning techniques, a variety of learning-based segmentation models have been developed to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio of raw neuron images as a pre-processing step in the reconstruction workflow. However, most existing models directly encode the latent representative features of volumetric neuron data but neglect their intrinsic morphological knowledge. To address this limitation, we design a novel framework that distills the prior knowledge from a 2D Vision Transformer pre-trained on extensive 2D natural images to facilitate neuronal morphological learning of our 3D Vision Transformer. To bridge the knowledge gap between the 2D natural image and 3D microscopic morphologic domains, we propose a deformable tubular transferring strategy that adapts the pre-trained 2D natural knowledge to the inherent tubular characteristics of neuronal structure in the latent embedding space. The experimental results on the Janelia dataset of the BigNeuron project demonstrate that our method achieves a segmentation performance improvement of 4.53% in mean Dice and 3.56% in mean 95% Hausdorff distance.
comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, and 2 tables. This work has been accepted to 2025 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)
♻ ☆ Memory-based Ensemble Learning in CMR Semantic Segmentation
Existing models typically segment either the entire 3D frame or 2D slices independently to derive clinical functional metrics from ventricular segmentation in cardiac cine sequences. While performing well overall, they struggle at the end slices. To address this, we leverage spatial continuity to extract global uncertainty from segmentation variance and use it as memory in our ensemble learning method, Streaming, for classifier weighting, balancing overall and end-slice performance. Additionally, we introduce the End Coefficient (EC) to quantify end-slice accuracy. Experiments on ACDC and M&Ms datasets show that our framework achieves near-state-of-the-art Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) and outperforms all models on end-slice performance, improving patient-specific segmentation accuracy.
♻ ☆ Contrastive Language Prompting to Ease False Positives in Medical Anomaly Detection
A pre-trained visual-language model, contrastive language-image pre-training (CLIP), successfully accomplishes various downstream tasks with text prompts, such as finding images or localizing regions within the image. Despite CLIP's strong multi-modal data capabilities, it remains limited in specialized environments, such as medical applications. For this purpose, many CLIP variants-i.e., BioMedCLIP, and MedCLIP-SAMv2-have emerged, but false positives related to normal regions persist. Thus, we aim to present a simple yet important goal of reducing false positives in medical anomaly detection. We introduce a Contrastive LAnguage Prompting (CLAP) method that leverages both positive and negative text prompts. This straightforward approach identifies potential lesion regions by visual attention to the positive prompts in the given image. To reduce false positives, we attenuate attention on normal regions using negative prompts. Extensive experiments with the BMAD dataset, including six biomedical benchmarks, demonstrate that CLAP method enhances anomaly detection performance. Our future plans include developing an automated fine prompting method for more practical usage.
comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables
♻ ☆ SPHERE: Unveiling Spatial Blind Spots in Vision-Language Models Through Hierarchical Evaluation
Current vision-language models may grasp basic spatial cues and simple directions (e.g. left, right, front, back), but struggle with the multi-dimensional spatial reasoning necessary for human-like understanding and real-world applications. To address this gap, we develop SPHERE (Spatial Perception and Hierarchical Evaluation of REasoning), a hierarchical evaluation framework supported by a new human-annotated dataset. SPHERE systematically probes models across increasing levels of complexity, from fundamental skills to multi-skill integration and high-level reasoning that combines spatial, visual, and logical understanding. Benchmark evaluation of state-of-the-art models reveals significant deficiencies, especially in reasoning about distance and proximity, understanding both egocentric and allocentric perspectives, and applying spatial logic in physical contexts. These findings expose critical blind spots in existing models and underscore the need for more advanced spatial reasoning techniques, driving the development of vision-language models that align more closely with human spatial cognition. The dataset will be open-sourced upon publication.
♻ ☆ SAT-LDM: Provably Generalizable Image Watermarking for Latent Diffusion Models with Self-Augmented Training
The rapid proliferation of AI-generated images necessitates effective watermarking techniques to protect intellectual property and detect fraudulent content. While existing training-based watermarking methods show promise, they often struggle with generalizing across diverse prompts and tend to introduce visible artifacts. To this end, we propose a novel, provably generalizable image watermarking approach for Latent Diffusion Models, termed Self-Augmented Training (SAT-LDM). Our method aligns the training and testing phases through a free generation distribution, thereby enhancing the watermarking module's generalization capabilities. We theoretically consolidate SAT-LDM by proving that the free generation distribution contributes to its tight generalization bound, without the need for additional data collection. Extensive experiments show that SAT-LDM not only achieves robust watermarking but also significantly improves the quality of watermarked images across a wide range of prompts. Moreover, our experimental analyses confirm the strong generalization abilities of SAT-LDM. We hope that our method provides a practical and efficient solution for securing high-fidelity AI-generated content.
comment: 21 pages, 7 figures
♻ ☆ BoxMAC -- A Boxing Dataset for Multi-label Action Classification
In competitive combat sports like boxing, analyzing a boxers's performance statics is crucial for evaluating the quantity and variety of punches delivered during bouts. These statistics provide valuable data and feedback, which are routinely used for coaching and performance enhancement. We introduce BoxMAC, a real-world boxing dataset featuring 15 professional boxers and encompassing 13 distinct action labels. Comprising over 60,000 frames, our dataset has been meticulously annotated for multiple actions per frame with inputs from a boxing coach. Since two boxers can execute different punches within a single timestamp, this problem falls under the domain of multi-label action classification. We propose a novel architecture for jointly recognizing multiple actions in both individual images and videos. We investigate baselines using deep neural network architectures to address both tasks. We believe that BoxMAC will enable researchers and practitioners to develop and evaluate more efficient models for performance analysis. With its realistic and diverse nature, BoxMAC can serve as a valuable resource for the advancement of boxing as a sport
comment: Significant modifications are required to improve the clarity and accuracy of the findings and This submission was made without the full agreement of all co-authors. To ensure proper authorship attribution and compliance with ethical guidelines, we are withdrawing this version. A revised and more complete version will be submitted soon
♻ ☆ Cluster and Predict Latent Patches for Improved Masked Image Modeling
Masked Image Modeling (MIM) offers a promising approach to self-supervised representation learning, however existing MIM models still lag behind the state-of-the-art. In this paper, we systematically analyze target representations, loss functions, and architectures, to introduce CAPI - a novel pure-MIM framework that relies on the prediction of latent clusterings. Our approach leverages a clustering-based loss, which is stable to train, and exhibits promising scaling properties. Our ViT-L backbone, CAPI, achieves 83.8% accuracy on ImageNet and 32.1% mIoU on ADE20K with simple linear probes, substantially outperforming previous MIM methods and approaching the performance of the current state-of-the-art, DINOv2. We release all our code and models.
comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, submitted to TMLR
♻ ☆ X-Fi: A Modality-Invariant Foundation Model for Multimodal Human Sensing
Human sensing, which employs various sensors and advanced deep learning technologies to accurately capture and interpret human body information, has significantly impacted fields like public security and robotics. However, current human sensing primarily depends on modalities such as cameras and LiDAR, each of which has its own strengths and limitations. Furthermore, existing multi-modal fusion solutions are typically designed for fixed modality combinations, requiring extensive retraining when modalities are added or removed for diverse scenarios. In this paper, we propose a modality-invariant foundation model for all modalities, X-Fi, to address this issue. X-Fi enables the independent or combinatory use of sensor modalities without additional training by utilizing a transformer structure to accommodate variable input sizes and incorporating a novel "X-fusion" mechanism to preserve modality-specific features during multimodal integration. This approach not only enhances adaptability but also facilitates the learning of complementary features across modalities. Extensive experiments conducted on the MM-Fi and XRF55 datasets, employing six distinct modalities, demonstrate that X-Fi achieves state-of-the-art performance in human pose estimation (HPE) and human activity recognition (HAR) tasks. The findings indicate that our proposed model can efficiently support a wide range of human sensing applications, ultimately contributing to the evolution of scalable, multimodal sensing technologies.
♻ ☆ MoLA: Motion Generation and Editing with Latent Diffusion Enhanced by Adversarial Training
In text-to-motion generation, controllability as well as generation quality and speed has become increasingly critical. The controllability challenges include generating a motion of a length that matches the given textual description and editing the generated motions according to control signals, such as the start-end positions and the pelvis trajectory. In this paper, we propose MoLA, which provides fast, high-quality, variable-length motion generation and can also deal with multiple editing tasks in a single framework. Our approach revisits the motion representation used as inputs and outputs in the model, incorporating an activation variable to enable variable-length motion generation. Additionally, we integrate a variational autoencoder and a latent diffusion model, further enhanced through adversarial training, to achieve high-quality and fast generation. Moreover, we apply a training-free guided generation framework to achieve various editing tasks with motion control inputs. We quantitatively show the effectiveness of adversarial learning in text-to-motion generation, and demonstrate the applicability of our editing framework to multiple editing tasks in the motion domain.
comment: 13 pages, 8 figures
♻ ☆ Step-Video-T2V Technical Report: The Practice, Challenges, and Future of Video Foundation Model
We present Step-Video-T2V, a state-of-the-art text-to-video pre-trained model with 30B parameters and the ability to generate videos up to 204 frames in length. A deep compression Variational Autoencoder, Video-VAE, is designed for video generation tasks, achieving 16x16 spatial and 8x temporal compression ratios, while maintaining exceptional video reconstruction quality. User prompts are encoded using two bilingual text encoders to handle both English and Chinese. A DiT with 3D full attention is trained using Flow Matching and is employed to denoise input noise into latent frames. A video-based DPO approach, Video-DPO, is applied to reduce artifacts and improve the visual quality of the generated videos. We also detail our training strategies and share key observations and insights. Step-Video-T2V's performance is evaluated on a novel video generation benchmark, Step-Video-T2V-Eval, demonstrating its state-of-the-art text-to-video quality when compared with both open-source and commercial engines. Additionally, we discuss the limitations of current diffusion-based model paradigm and outline future directions for video foundation models. We make both Step-Video-T2V and Step-Video-T2V-Eval available at The online version can be accessed from as well. Our goal is to accelerate the innovation of video foundation models and empower video content creators.
comment: 36 pages, 14 figures
♻ ☆ High-quality Unknown Object Instance Segmentation via Quadruple Boundary Error Refinement ICRA 2025
Accurate and efficient segmentation of unknown objects in unstructured environments is essential for robotic manipulation. Unknown Object Instance Segmentation (UOIS), which aims to identify all objects in unknown categories and backgrounds, has become a key capability for various robotic tasks. However, existing methods struggle with over-segmentation and under-segmentation, leading to failures in manipulation tasks such as grasping. To address these challenges, we propose QuBER (Quadruple Boundary Error Refinement), a novel error-informed refinement approach for high-quality UOIS. QuBER first estimates quadruple boundary errors-true positive, true negative, false positive, and false negative pixels-at the instance boundaries of the initial segmentation. It then refines the segmentation using an error-guided fusion mechanism, effectively correcting both fine-grained and instance-level segmentation errors. Extensive evaluations on three public benchmarks demonstrate that QuBER outperforms state-of-the-art methods and consistently improves various UOIS methods while maintaining a fast inference time of less than 0.1 seconds. Furthermore, we show that QuBER improves the success rate of grasping target objects in cluttered environments. Code and supplementary materials are available at
comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted at ICRA 2025, project website:
♻ ☆ Growth Inhibitors for Suppressing Inappropriate Image Concepts in Diffusion Models
Despite their remarkable image generation capabilities, text-to-image diffusion models inadvertently learn inappropriate concepts from vast and unfiltered training data, which leads to various ethical and business risks. Specifically, model-generated images may exhibit not safe for work (NSFW) content and style copyright infringements. The prompts that result in these problems often do not include explicit unsafe words; instead, they contain obscure and associative terms, which are referred to as implicit unsafe prompts. Existing approaches directly fine-tune models under textual guidance to alter the cognition of the diffusion model, thereby erasing inappropriate concepts. This not only requires concept-specific fine-tuning but may also incur catastrophic forgetting. To address these issues, we explore the representation of inappropriate concepts in the image space and guide them towards more suitable ones by injecting growth inhibitors, which are tailored based on the identified features related to inappropriate concepts during the diffusion process. Additionally, due to the varying degrees and scopes of inappropriate concepts, we train an adapter to infer the corresponding suppression scale during the injection process. Our method effectively captures the manifestation of subtle words at the image level, enabling direct and efficient erasure of target concepts without the need for fine-tuning. Through extensive experimentation, we demonstrate that our approach achieves superior erasure results with little effect on other concepts while preserving image quality and semantics.
♻ ☆ Nautilus: Locality-aware Autoencoder for Scalable Mesh Generation
Triangle meshes are fundamental to 3D applications, enabling efficient modification and rasterization while maintaining compatibility with standard rendering pipelines. However, current automatic mesh generation methods typically rely on intermediate representations that lack the continuous surface quality inherent to meshes. Converting these representations into meshes produces dense, suboptimal outputs. Although recent autoregressive approaches demonstrate promise in directly modeling mesh vertices and faces, they are constrained by the limitation in face count, scalability, and structural fidelity. To address these challenges, we propose Nautilus, a locality-aware autoencoder for artist-like mesh generation that leverages the local properties of manifold meshes to achieve structural fidelity and efficient representation. Our approach introduces a novel tokenization algorithm that preserves face proximity relationships and compresses sequence length through locally shared vertices and edges, enabling the generation of meshes with an unprecedented scale of up to 5,000 faces. Furthermore, we develop a Dual-stream Point Conditioner that provides multi-scale geometric guidance, ensuring global consistency and local structural fidelity by capturing fine-grained geometric features. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Nautilus significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both fidelity and scalability. The project page is at
comment: 14 pages
♻ ☆ IOVS4NeRF:Incremental Optimal View Selection for Large-Scale NeRFs
Large-scale Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) reconstructions are typically hindered by the requirement for extensive image datasets and substantial computational resources. This paper introduces IOVS4NeRF, a framework that employs an uncertainty-guided incremental optimal view selection strategy adaptable to various NeRF implementations. Specifically, by leveraging a hybrid uncertainty model that combines rendering and positional uncertainties, the proposed method calculates the most informative view from among the candidates, thereby enabling incremental optimization of scene reconstruction. Our detailed experiments demonstrate that IOVS4NeRF achieves high-fidelity NeRF reconstruction with minimal computational resources, making it suitable for large-scale scene applications.
♻ ☆ Variable Radiance Field for Real-World Category-Specific Reconstruction from Single Image
Reconstructing category-specific objects using Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) from a single image is a promising yet challenging task. Existing approaches predominantly rely on projection-based feature retrieval to associate 3D points in the radiance field with local image features from the reference image. However, this process is computationally expensive, dependent on known camera intrinsics, and susceptible to occlusions. To address these limitations, we propose Variable Radiance Field (VRF), a novel framework capable of efficiently reconstructing category-specific objects without requiring known camera intrinsics and demonstrating robustness against occlusions. First, we replace the local feature retrieval with global latent representations, generated through a single feed-forward pass, which improves efficiency and eliminates reliance on camera intrinsics. Second, to tackle coordinate inconsistencies inherent in real-world dataset, we define a canonical space by introducing a learnable, category-specific shape template and explicitly aligning each training object to this template using a learnable 3D transformation. This approach also reduces the complexity of geometry prediction to modeling deformations from the template to individual instances. Finally, we employ a hyper-network-based method for efficient NeRF creation and enhance the reconstruction performance through a contrastive learning-based pretraining strategy. Evaluations on the CO3D dataset demonstrate that VRF achieves state-of-the-art performance in both reconstruction quality and computational efficiency.
♻ ☆ STAR: Scale-wise Text-conditioned AutoRegressive image generation
We introduce STAR, a text-to-image model that employs a scale-wise auto-regressive paradigm. Unlike VAR, which is constrained to class-conditioned synthesis for images up to 256$\times$256, STAR enables text-driven image generation up to 1024$\times$1024 through three key designs. First, we introduce a pre-trained text encoder to extract and adopt representations for textual constraints, enhancing details and generalizability. Second, given the inherent structural correlation across different scales, we leverage 2D Rotary Positional Encoding (RoPE) and tweak it into a normalized version, ensuring consistent interpretation of relative positions across token maps and stabilizing the training process. Third, we observe that simultaneously sampling all tokens within a single scale can disrupt inter-token relationships, leading to structural instability, particularly in high-resolution generation. To address this, we propose a novel stable sampling method that incorporates causal relationships into the sampling process, ensuring both rich details and stable structures. Compared to previous diffusion models and auto-regressive models, STAR surpasses existing benchmarks in fidelity, text-image consistency, and aesthetic quality, requiring just 2.21s for 1024$\times$1024 images on A100. This highlights the potential of auto-regressive methods in high-quality image synthesis, offering new directions for the text-to-image generation.
comment: 16 pages
♻ ☆ Compress image to patches for Vision Transformer
The Vision Transformer (ViT) has made significant strides in the field of computer vision. However, as the depth of the model and the resolution of the input images increase, the computational cost associated with training and running ViT models has surged dramatically. This paper proposes a hybrid model based on CNN and Vision Transformer, named CI2P-ViT. The model incorporates a module called CI2P, which utilizes the CompressAI encoder to compress images and subsequently generates a sequence of patches through a series of convolutions. CI2P can replace the Patch Embedding component in the ViT model, enabling seamless integration into existing ViT models. Compared to ViT-B/16, CI2P-ViT has the number of patches input to the self-attention layer reduced to a quarter of the original. This design not only significantly reduces the computational cost of the ViT model but also effectively enhances the model's accuracy by introducing the inductive bias properties of CNN. The ViT model's precision is markedly enhanced. When trained from the ground up on the Animals-10 dataset, CI2P-ViT achieved an accuracy rate of 92.37%, representing a 3.3% improvement over the ViT-B/16 baseline. Additionally, the model's computational operations, measured in floating-point operations per second (FLOPs), were diminished by 63.35%, and it exhibited a 2-fold increase in training velocity on identical hardware configurations.
comment: 15 pages,5 figures
♻ ☆ Efficient-vDiT: Efficient Video Diffusion Transformers With Attention Tile
Despite the promise of synthesizing high-fidelity videos, Diffusion Transformers (DiTs) with 3D full attention suffer from expensive inference due to the complexity of attention computation and numerous sampling steps. For example, the popular Open-Sora-Plan model consumes more than 9 minutes for generating a single video of 29 frames. This paper addresses the inefficiency issue from two aspects: 1) Prune the 3D full attention based on the redundancy within video data; We identify a prevalent tile-style repetitive pattern in the 3D attention maps for video data, and advocate a new family of sparse 3D attention that holds a linear complexity w.r.t. the number of video frames. 2) Shorten the sampling process by adopting existing multi-step consistency distillation; We split the entire sampling trajectory into several segments and perform consistency distillation within each one to activate few-step generation capacities. We further devise a three-stage training pipeline to conjoin the low-complexity attention and few-step generation capacities. Notably, with 0.1% pretraining data, we turn the Open-Sora-Plan-1.2 model into an efficient one that is 7.4x -7.8x faster for 29 and 93 frames 720p video generation with a marginal performance trade-off in VBench. In addition, we demonstrate that our approach is amenable to distributed inference, achieving an additional 3.91x speedup when running on 4 GPUs with sequence parallelism.
♻ ☆ Bootstrapping Vision-language Models for Self-supervised Remote Physiological Measurement
Facial video-based remote physiological measurement is a promising research area for detecting human vital signs (e.g., heart rate, respiration frequency) in a non-contact way. Conventional approaches are mostly supervised learning, requiring extensive collections of facial videos and synchronously recorded photoplethysmography (PPG) signals. To tackle it, self-supervised learning has recently gained attentions; due to the lack of ground truth PPG signals, its performance is however limited. In this paper, we propose a novel self-supervised framework that successfully integrates the popular vision-language models (VLMs) into the remote physiological measurement task. Given a facial video, we first augment its positive and negative video samples with varying rPPG signal frequencies. Next, we introduce a frequency-oriented vision-text pair generation method by carefully creating contrastive spatio-temporal maps from positive and negative samples and designing proper text prompts to describe their relative ratios of signal frequencies. A pre-trained VLM is employed to extract features for these formed vision-text pairs and estimate rPPG signals thereafter. We develop a series of generative and contrastive learning mechanisms to optimize the VLM, including the text-guided visual map reconstruction task, the vision-text contrastive learning task, and the frequency contrastive and ranking task. Overall, our method for the first time adapts VLMs to digest and align the frequency-related knowledge in vision and text modalities. Extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets demonstrate that it significantly outperforms state of the art self-supervised methods.
comment: International Journal of Computer Vision
♻ ☆ Adapting Multi-modal Large Language Model to Concept Drift From Pre-training Onwards ICLR 2025
Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs) frequently face challenges from concept drift when dealing with real-world streaming data, wherein distributions change unpredictably. This mainly includes gradual drift due to long-tailed data and sudden drift from Out-Of-Distribution (OOD) data, both of which have increasingly drawn the attention of the research community. While these issues have been extensively studied in the individual domain of vision or language, their impacts on MLLMs in concept drift settings remain largely underexplored. In this paper, we reveal the susceptibility and vulnerability of Vision-Language (VL) models to significant biases arising from gradual drift and sudden drift, particularly in the pre-training. To effectively address these challenges, we propose a unified framework that extends concept drift theory to the multi-modal domain, enhancing the adaptability of the VL model to unpredictable distribution changes. Additionally, a T-distribution based drift adapter is proposed to effectively mitigate the bias induced by the gradual drift, which also facilitates the model in distinguishing sudden distribution changes through explicit distribution modeling. Extensive experiments demonstrate our method enhances the efficiency and accuracy of image-text alignment in the pre-training of VL models, particularly in the concept drift scenario. Moreover, various downstream tasks exhibit significant improvements in our model's ability to adapt to the long-tailed open world. Furthermore, we create a set of multi-modal datasets called OpenMMlo, specifically tailored for the long-tailed open-world setting, to validate our findings. To foster the development of the multi-modal community, we have made both OpenMMlo datasets and our code publicly available at:
comment: ICLR 2025 Poster
♻ ☆ Deep Learning and Hybrid Approaches for Dynamic Scene Analysis, Object Detection and Motion Tracking
This project aims to develop a robust video surveillance system, which can segment videos into smaller clips based on the detection of activities. It uses CCTV footage, for example, to record only major events-like the appearance of a person or a thief-so that storage is optimized and digital searches are easier. It utilizes the latest techniques in object detection and tracking, including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) like YOLO, SSD, and Faster R-CNN, as well as Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTMs), to achieve high accuracy in detection and capture temporal dependencies. The approach incorporates adaptive background modeling through Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) and optical flow methods like Lucas-Kanade to detect motions. Multi-scale and contextual analysis are used to improve detection across different object sizes and environments. A hybrid motion segmentation strategy combines statistical and deep learning models to manage complex movements, while optimizations for real-time processing ensure efficient computation. Tracking methods, such as Kalman Filters and Siamese networks, are employed to maintain smooth tracking even in cases of occlusion. Detection is improved on various-sized objects for multiple scenarios by multi-scale and contextual analysis. Results demonstrate high precision and recall in detecting and tracking objects, with significant improvements in processing times and accuracy due to real-time optimizations and illumination-invariant features. The impact of this research lies in its potential to transform video surveillance, reducing storage requirements and enhancing security through reliable and efficient object detection and tracking.
comment: 15 Pages, 7 Figures
♻ ☆ VidSketch: Hand-drawn Sketch-Driven Video Generation with Diffusion Control
With the advancement of generative artificial intelligence, previous studies have achieved the task of generating aesthetic images from hand-drawn sketches, fulfilling the public's needs for drawing. However, these methods are limited to static images and lack the ability to control video animation generation using hand-drawn sketches. To address this gap, we propose VidSketch, the first method capable of generating high-quality video animations directly from any number of hand-drawn sketches and simple text prompts, bridging the divide between ordinary users and professional artists. Specifically, our method introduces a Level-Based Sketch Control Strategy to automatically adjust the guidance strength of sketches during the generation process, accommodating users with varying drawing skills. Furthermore, a TempSpatial Attention mechanism is designed to enhance the spatiotemporal consistency of generated video animations, significantly improving the coherence across frames. You can find more detailed cases on our official website.
comment: 17pages, 15 figures
♻ ☆ Text4Seg: Reimagining Image Segmentation as Text Generation ICLR 2025
Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have shown exceptional capabilities in vision-language tasks; however, effectively integrating image segmentation into these models remains a significant challenge. In this paper, we introduce Text4Seg, a novel text-as-mask paradigm that casts image segmentation as a text generation problem, eliminating the need for additional decoders and significantly simplifying the segmentation process. Our key innovation is semantic descriptors, a new textual representation of segmentation masks where each image patch is mapped to its corresponding text label. This unified representation allows seamless integration into the auto-regressive training pipeline of MLLMs for easier optimization. We demonstrate that representing an image with $16\times16$ semantic descriptors yields competitive segmentation performance. To enhance efficiency, we introduce the Row-wise Run-Length Encoding (R-RLE), which compresses redundant text sequences, reducing the length of semantic descriptors by 74% and accelerating inference by $3\times$, without compromising performance. Extensive experiments across various vision tasks, such as referring expression segmentation and comprehension, show that Text4Seg achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple datasets by fine-tuning different MLLM backbones. Our approach provides an efficient, scalable solution for vision-centric tasks within the MLLM framework.
comment: ICLR 2025. Project page:
♻ ☆ Adapting Image-to-Video Diffusion Models for Large-Motion Frame Interpolation
With the development of video generation models has advanced significantly in recent years, we adopt large-scale image-to-video diffusion models for video frame interpolation. We present a conditional encoder designed to adapt an image-to-video model for large-motion frame interpolation. To enhance performance, we integrate a dual-branch feature extractor and propose a cross-frame attention mechanism that effectively captures both spatial and temporal information, enabling accurate interpolations of intermediate frames. Our approach demonstrates superior performance on the Fr\'echet Video Distance (FVD) metric when evaluated against other state-of-the-art approaches, particularly in handling large motion scenarios, highlighting advancements in generative-based methodologies.
♻ ☆ 3D Reconstruction of Shoes for Augmented Reality
This paper introduces a mobile-based solution that enhances online shoe shopping through 3D modeling and Augmented Reality (AR), leveraging the efficiency of 3D Gaussian Splatting. Addressing the limitations of static 2D images, the framework generates realistic 3D shoe models from 2D images, achieving an average Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) of 32, and enables immersive AR interactions via smartphones. A custom shoe segmentation dataset of 3120 images was created, with the best-performing segmentation model achieving an Intersection over Union (IoU) score of 0.95. This paper demonstrates the potential of 3D modeling and AR to revolutionize online shopping by offering realistic virtual interactions, with applicability across broader fashion categories.
♻ ☆ InfiFusion: A Unified Framework for Enhanced Cross-Model Reasoning via LLM Fusion
We introduce InfiFusion, an efficient training pipeline designed to integrate multiple domain-specialized Large Language Models (LLMs) into a single pivot model, effectively harnessing the strengths of each source model. Traditional fusion methods either merge model parameters directly or rely on knowledge distillation with rigid assumptions, limiting their flexibility and efficiency. InfiFusion overcomes these limitations by enhancing Universal Logit Distillation (ULD) with Top-K selection and Logits Standardization. We propose two fusion strategies: Pairwise Fusion (InfiFusion$_p$), where each source model knowledge is distilled individually into the pivot model followed by merging and Unified Fusion (InfiFusion$_u$), where knowledge from all source models is distilled simultaneously into the pivot model. InfiFusion outperforms the state-of-the-art models, such as Qwen-2.5-14B-Instruct and Phi-4, across 11 widely applied benchmarks covering reasoning, coding, mathematics, and instruction-following tasks. Notably, InfiFusion achieves this superior performance while significantly reduces computational costs, completing full training with only 160 H800 GPU hours compared to the millions typically required for traditional LLM training.
comment: Significant performance improvements over the previous version; under review;
♻ ☆ REP: Resource-Efficient Prompting for Rehearsal-Free Continual Learning
Recent rehearsal-free methods, guided by prompts, excel in vision-related continual learning (CL) with drifting data but lack resource efficiency, making real-world deployment challenging. In this paper, we introduce Resource-Efficient Prompting (REP), which improves the computational and memory efficiency of prompt-based rehearsal-free methods while minimizing accuracy trade-offs. Our approach employs swift prompt selection to refine input data using a carefully provisioned model and introduces adaptive token merging (AToM) and layer dropping (ALD) for efficient prompt updates. AToM and ALD selectively skip data and model layers while preserving task-specific features during new-task learning. Extensive experiments on multiple image classification datasets demonstrates REP's superior resource efficiency over state-of-the-art ViT- and CNN-based methods.
♻ ☆ FlexCAD: Unified and Versatile Controllable CAD Generation with Fine-tuned Large Language Models ICLR 2025
Recently, there is a growing interest in creating computer-aided design (CAD) models based on user intent, known as controllable CAD generation. Existing work offers limited controllability and needs separate models for different types of control, reducing efficiency and practicality. To achieve controllable generation across all CAD construction hierarchies, such as sketch-extrusion, extrusion, sketch, face, loop and curve, we propose FlexCAD, a unified model by fine-tuning large language models (LLMs). First, to enhance comprehension by LLMs, we represent a CAD model as a structured text by abstracting each hierarchy as a sequence of text tokens. Second, to address various controllable generation tasks in a unified model, we introduce a hierarchy-aware masking strategy. Specifically, during training, we mask a hierarchy-aware field in the CAD text with a mask token. This field, composed of a sequence of tokens, can be set flexibly to represent various hierarchies. Subsequently, we ask LLMs to predict this masked field. During inference, the user intent is converted into a CAD text with a mask token replacing the part the user wants to modify, which is then fed into FlexCAD to generate new CAD models. Comprehensive experiments on public dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of FlexCAD in both generation quality and controllability. Code will be available at
comment: Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ Grounded Knowledge-Enhanced Medical Vision-Language Pre-training for Chest X-Ray
Medical foundation models have the potential to revolutionize healthcare by providing robust and generalized representations of medical data. Medical vision-language pre-training has emerged as a promising approach for learning domain-general representations of medical image and text. Current algorithms that exploit global and local alignment between medical image and text could however be marred by redundant information in medical data. To address this issue, we propose a grounded knowledge-enhanced medical vision-language pre-training (GK-MVLP) framework for chest X-ray. In this framework, medical knowledge was grounded to the appropriate anatomical regions by using a transformer-based grounded knowledge-enhanced module for fine-grained alignment between textural features of medical knowledge and the corresponding anatomical region-level visual features. The performance of GK-MVLP was competitive with or exceeded the state of the art on downstream image understanding tasks (chest X-ray disease classification, disease localization), generative task (report generation), and vision-language understanding task (medical visual question-answering). Our results demonstrate the advantage of incorporating grounding mechanism to remove biases and improve the alignment between chest X-ray image and radiology report.
♻ ☆ Neural Slot Interpreters: Grounding Object Semantics in Emergent Slot Representations
Several accounts of human cognition posit that our intelligence is rooted in our ability to form abstract composable concepts, ground them in our environment, and reason over these grounded entities. This trifecta of human thought has remained elusive in modern intelligent machines. In this work, we investigate whether slot representations extracted from visual scenes serve as appropriate compositional abstractions for grounding and reasoning. We present the Neural Slot Interpreter (NSI), which learns to ground object semantics in slots. At the core of NSI is an XML-like schema that uses simple syntax rules to organize the object semantics of a scene into object-centric schema primitives. Then, the NSI metric learns to ground primitives into slots through a structured contrastive learning objective that reasons over the intermodal alignment. Experiments with a bi-modal object-property and scene retrieval task demonstrate the grounding efficacy and interpretability of correspondences learned by NSI. From a scene representation standpoint, we find that emergent NSI slots that move beyond the image grid by binding to spatial objects facilitate improved visual grounding compared to conventional bounding-box-based approaches. From a data efficiency standpoint, we empirically validate that NSI learns more generalizable representations from a fixed amount of annotation data than the traditional approach. We also show that the grounded slots surpass unsupervised slots in real-world object discovery and scale with scene complexity. Finally, we investigate the reasoning abilities of the grounded slots. Vision Transformers trained on grounding-aware NSI tokenizers using as few as ten tokens outperform patch-based tokens on challenging few-shot classification tasks.
♻ ☆ Magic 1-For-1: Generating One Minute Video Clips within One Minute
In this technical report, we present Magic 1-For-1 (Magic141), an efficient video generation model with optimized memory consumption and inference latency. The key idea is simple: factorize the text-to-video generation task into two separate easier tasks for diffusion step distillation, namely text-to-image generation and image-to-video generation. We verify that with the same optimization algorithm, the image-to-video task is indeed easier to converge over the text-to-video task. We also explore a bag of optimization tricks to reduce the computational cost of training the image-to-video (I2V) models from three aspects: 1) model convergence speedup by using a multi-modal prior condition injection; 2) inference latency speed up by applying an adversarial step distillation, and 3) inference memory cost optimization with parameter sparsification. With those techniques, we are able to generate 5-second video clips within 3 seconds. By applying a test time sliding window, we are able to generate a minute-long video within one minute with significantly improved visual quality and motion dynamics, spending less than 1 second for generating 1 second video clips on average. We conduct a series of preliminary explorations to find out the optimal tradeoff between computational cost and video quality during diffusion step distillation and hope this could be a good foundation model for open-source explorations. The code and the model weights are available at
comment: Serious updates are needed
♻ ☆ MFC-Bench: Benchmarking Multimodal Fact-Checking with Large Vision-Language Models
Large vision-language models (LVLMs) have significantly improved multimodal reasoning tasks, such as visual question answering and image captioning. These models embed multimodal facts within their parameters, rather than relying on external knowledge bases to store factual information explicitly. However, the content discerned by LVLMs may deviate from factuality due to inherent bias or incorrect inference. To address this issue, we introduce MFC-Bench, a rigorous and comprehensive benchmark designed to evaluate the factual accuracy of LVLMs across three stages of verdict prediction for MFC: Manipulation, Out-of-Context, and Veracity Classification. Through our evaluation on MFC-Bench, we benchmarked a dozen diverse and representative LVLMs, uncovering that current models still fall short in multimodal fact-checking and demonstrate insensitivity to various forms of manipulated content. We hope that MFC-Bench could raise attention to the trustworthy AI potentially assisted by LVLMs in the future. The MFC-Bench and accompanying resources are publicly accessible at, contributing to ongoing research in the multimodal fact-checking field.
comment: 28 pages, 9 figures
♻ ☆ MIRe: Enhancing Multimodal Queries Representation via Fusion-Free Modality Interaction for Multimodal Retrieval
Recent multimodal retrieval methods have endowed text-based retrievers with multimodal capabilities by utilizing pre-training strategies for visual-text alignment. They often directly fuse the two modalities for cross-reference during the alignment to understand multimodal queries. However, existing methods often overlook crucial visual information due to a text-dominant issue, which overly depends on text-driven signals. In this paper, we introduce MIRe, a retrieval framework that achieves modality interaction without fusing textual features during the alignment. Our method allows the textual query to attend to visual embeddings while not feeding text-driven signals back into the visual representations. Additionally, we construct a pre-training dataset for multimodal query retrieval by transforming concise question-answer pairs into extended passages. Our experiments demonstrate that our pre-training strategy significantly enhances the understanding of multimodal queries, resulting in strong performance across four multimodal retrieval benchmarks under zero-shot settings. Our code is publicly available:
comment: preprint
♻ ☆ IRSRMamba: Infrared Image Super-Resolution via Mamba-based Wavelet Transform Feature Modulation Model
Infrared image super-resolution demands long-range dependency modeling and multi-scale feature extraction to address challenges such as homogeneous backgrounds, weak edges, and sparse textures. While Mamba-based state-space models (SSMs) excel in global dependency modeling with linear complexity, their block-wise processing disrupts spatial consistency, limiting their effectiveness for IR image reconstruction. We propose IRSRMamba, a novel framework integrating wavelet transform feature modulation for multi-scale adaptation and an SSMs-based semantic consistency loss to restore fragmented contextual information. This design enhances global-local feature fusion, structural coherence, and fine-detail preservation while mitigating block-induced artifacts. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that IRSRMamba outperforms state-of-the-art methods in PSNR, SSIM, and perceptual quality. This work establishes Mamba-based architectures as a promising direction for high-fidelity IR image enhancement. Code are available at
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication
♻ ☆ Rethinking Text-Promptable Surgical Instrument Segmentation with Robust Framework
Surgical instrument segmentation (SIS) is essential in computer-assisted surgeries, with deep learning methods improving accuracy in complex environments. Recently, text-promptable segmentation methods have been introduced, generating masks based on textual descriptions. However, they assume the text-described object is present and always generate an associated mask even when the object is absent. Existing methods address this by using prompts only for objects already known to exist in the scene, which relies on inaccessible information. To address this, we rethink text-promptable SIS and redefine it under robust conditions as Robust text-promptable SIS (R-SIS). Unlike previous approaches, R-SIS is a process that analyzes text prompts for all surgical instrument categories without relying on external knowledge, identifies the instruments present in the scene, and segments them accordingly. Building on this, we propose Robust Surgical Instrument Segmentation (RoSIS), an optimized framework combining visual and language features for promptable segmentation in the R-SIS setting. RoSIS employs an encoder-decoder architecture with a Multi-Modal Fusion Block (MMFB) and a Selective Gate Block (SGB) for balanced integration of vision and language features. Additionally, an iterative refinement strategy enhances segmentation masks through a two-step process: an initial pass with name-based prompts, followed by refinement with location prompts. Experiments across multiple datasets and settings show that RoSIS outperforms existing vision-based and promptable segmentation methods under robust conditions. By rethinking text-promptable SIS, our work establishes a fair and effective approach to surgical instrument segmentation.
comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 7 tables, submitted to IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
♻ ☆ AI Guide Dog: Egocentric Path Prediction on Smartphone AAAI 2025
This paper presents AI Guide Dog (AIGD), a lightweight egocentric (first-person) navigation system for visually impaired users, designed for real-time deployment on smartphones. AIGD employs a vision-only multi-label classification approach to predict directional commands, ensuring safe navigation across diverse environments. We introduce a novel technique for goal-based outdoor navigation by integrating GPS signals and high-level directions, while also handling uncertain multi-path predictions for destination-free indoor navigation. As the first navigation assistance system to handle both goal-oriented and exploratory navigation across indoor and outdoor settings, AIGD establishes a new benchmark in blind navigation. We present methods, datasets, evaluations, and deployment insights to encourage further innovations in assistive navigation systems.
comment: Accepted at the AAAI 2025 Spring Symposium on Human-Compatible AI for Well-being: Harnessing Potential of GenAI for AI-Powered Science
♻ ☆ Hiding and Recovering Knowledge in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models via Learnable Prompts
Diffusion models have demonstrated remarkable capability in generating high-quality visual content from textual descriptions. However, since these models are trained on large-scale internet data, they inevitably learn undesirable concepts, such as sensitive content, copyrighted material, and harmful or unethical elements. While previous works focus on permanently removing such concepts, this approach is often impractical, as it can degrade model performance and lead to irreversible loss of information. In this work, we introduce a novel concept-hiding approach that makes unwanted concepts inaccessible to public users while allowing controlled recovery when needed. Instead of erasing knowledge from the model entirely, we incorporate a learnable prompt into the cross-attention module, acting as a secure memory that suppresses the generation of hidden concepts unless a secret key is provided. This enables flexible access control -- ensuring that undesirable content cannot be easily generated while preserving the option to reinstate it under restricted conditions. Our method introduces a new paradigm where concept suppression and controlled recovery coexist, which was not feasible in prior works. We validate its effectiveness on the Stable Diffusion model, demonstrating that hiding concepts mitigate the risks of permanent removal while maintaining the model's overall capability.
♻ ☆ ExPLoRA: Parameter-Efficient Extended Pre-Training to Adapt Vision Transformers under Domain Shifts
Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) techniques such as low-rank adaptation (LoRA) can effectively adapt large pre-trained foundation models to downstream tasks using only a small fraction (0.1%-10%) of the original trainable weights. An under-explored question of PEFT is in extending the pre-training phase without supervised labels; that is, can we adapt a pre-trained foundation model to a new domain via efficient self-supervised pre-training on this new domain? In this work, we introduce ExPLoRA, a highly effective technique to improve transfer learning of pre-trained vision transformers (ViTs) under domain shifts. Initializing a ViT with pre-trained weights on large, natural-image datasets such as from DinoV2 or MAE, ExPLoRA continues the unsupervised pre-training objective on a new domain, unfreezing 1-2 pre-trained ViT blocks and tuning all other layers with LoRA. We then fine-tune the resulting model only with LoRA on this new domain for supervised learning. Our experiments demonstrate state-of-the-art results on satellite imagery, even outperforming fully pre-training and fine-tuning ViTs. Using the DinoV2 training objective, we demonstrate up to 8% improvement in linear probing top-1 accuracy on downstream tasks while using <10% of the number of parameters that are used in prior fully-tuned state-of-the art approaches. Our ablation studies confirm the efficacy of our approach over other baselines, including PEFT and unfreezing more ViT blocks. Code is available on the project website:
♻ ☆ What Makes a Maze Look Like a Maze? ICLR 2025
A unique aspect of human visual understanding is the ability to flexibly interpret abstract concepts: acquiring lifted rules explaining what they symbolize, grounding them across familiar and unfamiliar contexts, and making predictions or reasoning about them. While off-the-shelf vision-language models excel at making literal interpretations of images (e.g., recognizing object categories such as tree branches), they still struggle to make sense of such visual abstractions (e.g., how an arrangement of tree branches may form the walls of a maze). To address this challenge, we introduce Deep Schema Grounding (DSG), a framework that leverages explicit structured representations of visual abstractions for grounding and reasoning. At the core of DSG are schemas--dependency graph descriptions of abstract concepts that decompose them into more primitive-level symbols. DSG uses large language models to extract schemas, then hierarchically grounds concrete to abstract components of the schema onto images with vision-language models. The grounded schema is used to augment visual abstraction understanding. We systematically evaluate DSG and different methods in reasoning on our new Visual Abstractions Dataset, which consists of diverse, real-world images of abstract concepts and corresponding question-answer pairs labeled by humans. We show that DSG significantly improves the abstract visual reasoning performance of vision-language models, and is a step toward human-aligned understanding of visual abstractions.
comment: ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ SqueezeMe: Mobile-Ready Distillation of Gaussian Full-Body Avatars
Gaussian-based human avatars have achieved an unprecedented level of visual fidelity. However, existing approaches based on high-capacity neural networks typically require a desktop GPU to achieve real-time performance for a single avatar, and it remains non-trivial to animate and render such avatars on mobile devices including a standalone VR headset due to substantially limited memory and computational bandwidth. In this paper, we present SqueezeMe, a simple and highly effective framework to convert high-fidelity 3D Gaussian full-body avatars into a lightweight representation that supports both animation and rendering with mobile-grade compute. Our key observation is that the decoding of pose-dependent Gaussian attributes from a neural network creates non-negligible memory and computational overhead. Inspired by blendshapes and linear pose correctives widely used in Computer Graphics, we address this by distilling the pose correctives learned with neural networks into linear layers. Moreover, we further reduce the parameters by sharing the correctives among nearby Gaussians. Combining them with a custom splatting pipeline based on Vulkan, we achieve, for the first time, simultaneous animation and rendering of 3 Gaussian avatars in real-time (72 FPS) on a Meta Quest 3 VR headset.
comment: v3
♻ ☆ Intent3D: 3D Object Detection in RGB-D Scans Based on Human Intention ICLR 2025
In real-life scenarios, humans seek out objects in the 3D world to fulfill their daily needs or intentions. This inspires us to introduce 3D intention grounding, a new task in 3D object detection employing RGB-D, based on human intention, such as "I want something to support my back". Closely related, 3D visual grounding focuses on understanding human reference. To achieve detection based on human intention, it relies on humans to observe the scene, reason out the target that aligns with their intention ("pillow" in this case), and finally provide a reference to the AI system, such as "A pillow on the couch". Instead, 3D intention grounding challenges AI agents to automatically observe, reason and detect the desired target solely based on human intention. To tackle this challenge, we introduce the new Intent3D dataset, consisting of 44,990 intention texts associated with 209 fine-grained classes from 1,042 scenes of the ScanNet dataset. We also establish several baselines based on different language-based 3D object detection models on our benchmark. Finally, we propose IntentNet, our unique approach, designed to tackle this intention-based detection problem. It focuses on three key aspects: intention understanding, reasoning to identify object candidates, and cascaded adaptive learning that leverages the intrinsic priority logic of different losses for multiple objective optimization. Project Page:
comment: ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ Quantum Vision Clustering
Unsupervised visual clustering has garnered significant attention in recent times, aiming to characterize distributions of unlabeled visual images through clustering based on a parameterized appearance approach. Alternatively, clustering algorithms can be viewed as assignment problems, often characterized as NP-hard, yet precisely solvable for small instances on contemporary hardware. Adiabatic quantum computing (AQC) emerges as a promising solution, poised to deliver substantial speedups for a range of NP-hard optimization problems. However, existing clustering formulations face challenges in quantum computing adoption due to scalability issues. In this study, we present the first clustering formulation tailored for resolution using Adiabatic quantum computing. An Ising model is introduced to represent the quantum mechanical system implemented on AQC. The proposed approach demonstrates high competitiveness compared to state-of-the-art optimization-based methods, even when utilizing off-the-shelf integer programming solvers. Lastly, this work showcases the solvability of the proposed clustering problem on current-generation real quantum computers for small examples and analyzes the properties of the obtained solutions
comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2202.08837 by other authors
♻ ☆ COBRA: A Continual Learning Approach to Vision-Brain Understanding
Vision-Brain Understanding (VBU) aims to extract visual information perceived by humans from brain activity recorded through functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). Despite notable advancements in recent years, existing studies in VBU continue to face the challenge of catastrophic forgetting, where models lose knowledge from prior subjects as they adapt to new ones. Addressing continual learning in this field is, therefore, essential. This paper introduces a novel framework called Continual Learning for Vision-Brain (COBRA) to address continual learning in VBU. Our approach includes three novel modules: a Subject Commonality (SC) module, a Prompt-based Subject Specific (PSS) module, and a transformer-based module for fMRI, denoted as MRIFormer module. The SC module captures shared vision-brain patterns across subjects, preserving this knowledge as the model encounters new subjects, thereby reducing the impact of catastrophic forgetting. On the other hand, the PSS module learns unique vision-brain patterns specific to each subject. Finally, the MRIFormer module contains a transformer encoder and decoder that learns the fMRI features for VBU from common and specific patterns. In a continual learning setup, COBRA is trained in new PSS and MRIFormer modules for new subjects, leaving the modules of previous subjects unaffected. As a result, COBRA effectively addresses catastrophic forgetting and achieves state-of-the-art performance in both continual learning and vision-brain reconstruction tasks, surpassing previous methods.
♻ ☆ SB-Bench: Stereotype Bias Benchmark for Large Multimodal Models
Stereotype biases in Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) perpetuate harmful societal prejudices, undermining the fairness and equity of AI applications. As LMMs grow increasingly influential, addressing and mitigating inherent biases related to stereotypes, harmful generations, and ambiguous assumptions in real-world scenarios has become essential. However, existing datasets evaluating stereotype biases in LMMs often lack diversity and rely on synthetic images, leaving a gap in bias evaluation for real-world visual contexts. To address this, we introduce the Stereotype Bias Benchmark (SB-bench), the most comprehensive framework to date for assessing stereotype biases across nine diverse categories with non-synthetic images. SB-bench rigorously evaluates LMMs through carefully curated, visually grounded scenarios, challenging them to reason accurately about visual stereotypes. It offers a robust evaluation framework featuring real-world visual samples, image variations, and multiple-choice question formats. By introducing visually grounded queries that isolate visual biases from textual ones, SB-bench enables a precise and nuanced assessment of a model's reasoning capabilities across varying levels of difficulty. Through rigorous testing of state-of-the-art open-source and closed-source LMMs, SB-bench provides a systematic approach to assessing stereotype biases in LMMs across key social dimensions. This benchmark represents a significant step toward fostering fairness in AI systems and reducing harmful biases, laying the groundwork for more equitable and socially responsible LMMs. Our code and dataset are publicly available.
♻ ☆ Structure-preserving contrastive learning for spatial time series
Informative representations enhance model performance and generalisability in downstream tasks. However, learning self-supervised representations for spatially characterised time series, like traffic interactions, poses challenges as it requires maintaining fine-grained similarity relations in the latent space. In this study, we incorporate two structure-preserving regularisers for the contrastive learning of spatial time series: one regulariser preserves the topology of similarities between instances, and the other preserves the graph geometry of similarities across spatial and temporal dimensions. To balance contrastive learning and structure preservation, we propose a dynamic mechanism that adaptively weighs the trade-off and stabilises training. We conduct experiments on multivariate time series classification, as well as macroscopic and microscopic traffic prediction. For all three tasks, our approach preserves the structures of similarity relations more effectively and improves state-of-the-art task performances. The proposed approach can be applied to an arbitrary encoder and is particularly beneficial for time series with spatial or geographical features. Furthermore, this study suggests that higher similarity structure preservation indicates more informative and useful representations. This may help to understand the contribution of representation learning in pattern recognition with neural networks. Our code is made openly accessible with all resulting data at
comment: TL;DR: Preserving certain structures of similarity relations in spatio-temporal data can improve downstream task performance via contrastive learning
♻ ☆ Hypercone Assisted Contour Generation for Out-of-Distribution Detection
Recent advances in the field of out-of-distribution (OOD) detection have placed great emphasis on learning better representations suited to this task. While there are distance-based approaches, distributional awareness has seldom been exploited for better performance. We present HAC$_k$-OOD, a novel OOD detection method that makes no distributional assumption about the data, but automatically adapts to its distribution. Specifically, HAC$_k$-OOD constructs a set of hypercones by maximizing the angular distance to neighbors in a given data-point's vicinity to approximate the contour within which in-distribution (ID) data-points lie. Experimental results show state-of-the-art FPR@95 and AUROC performance on Near-OOD detection and on Far-OOD detection on the challenging CIFAR-100 benchmark without explicitly training for OOD performance.
♻ ☆ Verification of Neural Networks against Convolutional Perturbations via Parameterised Kernels AAAI 2025
We develop a method for the efficient verification of neural networks against convolutional perturbations such as blurring or sharpening. To define input perturbations we use well-known camera shake, box blur and sharpen kernels. We demonstrate that these kernels can be linearly parameterised in a way that allows for a variation of the perturbation strength while preserving desired kernel properties. To facilitate their use in neural network verification, we develop an efficient way of convolving a given input with these parameterised kernels. The result of this convolution can be used to encode the perturbation in a verification setting by prepending a linear layer to a given network. This leads to tight bounds and a high effectiveness in the resulting verification step. We add further precision by employing input splitting as a branch and bound strategy. We demonstrate that we are able to verify robustness on a number of standard benchmarks where the baseline is unable to provide any safety certificates. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first solution for verifying robustness against specific convolutional perturbations such as camera shake.
comment: AAAI 2025
♻ ☆ V2V-LLM: Vehicle-to-Vehicle Cooperative Autonomous Driving with Multi-Modal Large Language Models
Current autonomous driving vehicles rely mainly on their individual sensors to understand surrounding scenes and plan for future trajectories, which can be unreliable when the sensors are malfunctioning or occluded. To address this problem, cooperative perception methods via vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication have been proposed, but they have tended to focus on detection and tracking. How those approaches contribute to overall cooperative planning performance is still under-explored. Inspired by recent progress using Large Language Models (LLMs) to build autonomous driving systems, we propose a novel problem setting that integrates an LLM into cooperative autonomous driving, with the proposed Vehicle-to-Vehicle Question-Answering (V2V-QA) dataset and benchmark. We also propose our baseline method Vehicle-to-Vehicle Large Language Model (V2V-LLM), which uses an LLM to fuse perception information from multiple connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) and answer driving-related questions: grounding, notable object identification, and planning. Experimental results show that our proposed V2V-LLM can be a promising unified model architecture for performing various tasks in cooperative autonomous driving, and outperforms other baseline methods that use different fusion approaches. Our work also creates a new research direction that can improve the safety of future autonomous driving systems. Our project website: .
comment: Our project website:
♻ ☆ GraphCompNet: A Position-Aware Model for Predicting and Compensating Shape Deviations in 3D Printing
This paper introduces a data-driven algorithm for modeling and compensating shape deviations in additive manufacturing (AM), addressing challenges in geometric accuracy and batch production. While traditional methods, such as analytical models and metrology, laid the groundwork for geometric precision, they are often impractical for large-scale production. Recent advancements in machine learning (ML) have improved compensation precision, but issues remain in generalizing across complex geometries and adapting to position-dependent variations. We present a novel approach for powder bed fusion (PBF) processes, using GraphCompNet, which is a computational framework combining graph-based neural networks with a generative adversarial network (GAN)-inspired training process. By leveraging point cloud data and dynamic graph convolutional neural networks (DGCNNs), GraphCompNet models complex shapes and incorporates position-specific thermal and mechanical factors. A two-stage adversarial training procedure iteratively refines compensated designs via a compensator-predictor architecture, offering real-time feedback and optimization. Experimental validation across diverse shapes and positions shows the framework significantly improves compensation accuracy (35 to 65 percent) across the entire print space, adapting to position-dependent variations. This work advances the development of Digital Twin technology for AM, enabling scalable, real-time monitoring and compensation, and addressing critical gaps in AM process control. The proposed method supports high-precision, automated industrial-scale design and manufacturing systems.
comment: Errors in the Paper: significant mathematical errors that were not noticed before submission, withdraw the paper for corrections
Machine Learning 150
☆ Diffusion Models without Classifier-free Guidance
This paper presents Model-guidance (MG), a novel objective for training diffusion model that addresses and removes of the commonly used Classifier-free guidance (CFG). Our innovative approach transcends the standard modeling of solely data distribution to incorporating the posterior probability of conditions. The proposed technique originates from the idea of CFG and is easy yet effective, making it a plug-and-play module for existing models. Our method significantly accelerates the training process, doubles the inference speed, and achieve exceptional quality that parallel and even surpass concurrent diffusion models with CFG. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness, efficiency, scalability on different models and datasets. Finally, we establish state-of-the-art performance on ImageNet 256 benchmarks with an FID of 1.34. Our code is available at
☆ Learning Getting-Up Policies for Real-World Humanoid Robots
Automatic fall recovery is a crucial prerequisite before humanoid robots can be reliably deployed. Hand-designing controllers for getting up is difficult because of the varied configurations a humanoid can end up in after a fall and the challenging terrains humanoid robots are expected to operate on. This paper develops a learning framework to produce controllers that enable humanoid robots to get up from varying configurations on varying terrains. Unlike previous successful applications of humanoid locomotion learning, the getting-up task involves complex contact patterns, which necessitates accurately modeling the collision geometry and sparser rewards. We address these challenges through a two-phase approach that follows a curriculum. The first stage focuses on discovering a good getting-up trajectory under minimal constraints on smoothness or speed / torque limits. The second stage then refines the discovered motions into deployable (i.e. smooth and slow) motions that are robust to variations in initial configuration and terrains. We find these innovations enable a real-world G1 humanoid robot to get up from two main situations that we considered: a) lying face up and b) lying face down, both tested on flat, deformable, slippery surfaces and slopes (e.g., sloppy grass and snowfield). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first successful demonstration of learned getting-up policies for human-sized humanoid robots in the real world. Project page:
comment: Project page:
☆ Learning Smooth and Expressive Interatomic Potentials for Physical Property Prediction
Machine learning interatomic potentials (MLIPs) have become increasingly effective at approximating quantum mechanical calculations at a fraction of the computational cost. However, lower errors on held out test sets do not always translate to improved results on downstream physical property prediction tasks. In this paper, we propose testing MLIPs on their practical ability to conserve energy during molecular dynamic simulations. If passed, improved correlations are found between test errors and their performance on physical property prediction tasks. We identify choices which may lead to models failing this test, and use these observations to improve upon highly-expressive models. The resulting model, eSEN, provides state-of-the-art results on a range of physical property prediction tasks, including materials stability prediction, thermal conductivity prediction, and phonon calculations.
comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables
☆ LaM-SLidE: Latent Space Modeling of Spatial Dynamical Systems via Linked Entities
Generative models are spearheading recent progress in deep learning, showing strong promise for trajectory sampling in dynamical systems as well. However, while latent space modeling paradigms have transformed image and video generation, similar approaches are more difficult for most dynamical systems. Such systems -- from chemical molecule structures to collective human behavior -- are described by interactions of entities, making them inherently linked to connectivity patterns and the traceability of entities over time. Our approach, LaM-SLidE (Latent Space Modeling of Spatial Dynamical Systems via Linked Entities), combines the advantages of graph neural networks, i.e., the traceability of entities across time-steps, with the efficiency and scalability of recent advances in image and video generation, where pre-trained encoder and decoder are frozen to enable generative modeling in the latent space. The core idea of LaM-SLidE is to introduce identifier representations (IDs) to allow for retrieval of entity properties, e.g., entity coordinates, from latent system representations and thus enables traceability. Experimentally, across different domains, we show that LaM-SLidE performs favorably in terms of speed, accuracy, and generalizability. (Code is available at
comment: Project page:
☆ Hypernym Bias: Unraveling Deep Classifier Training Dynamics through the Lens of Class Hierarchy
We investigate the training dynamics of deep classifiers by examining how hierarchical relationships between classes evolve during training. Through extensive experiments, we argue that the learning process in classification problems can be understood through the lens of label clustering. Specifically, we observe that networks tend to distinguish higher-level (hypernym) categories in the early stages of training, and learn more specific (hyponym) categories later. We introduce a novel framework to track the evolution of the feature manifold during training, revealing how the hierarchy of class relations emerges and refines across the network layers. Our analysis demonstrates that the learned representations closely align with the semantic structure of the dataset, providing a quantitative description of the clustering process. Notably, we show that in the hypernym label space, certain properties of neural collapse appear earlier than in the hyponym label space, helping to bridge the gap between the initial and terminal phases of learning. We believe our findings offer new insights into the mechanisms driving hierarchical learning in deep networks, paving the way for future advancements in understanding deep learning dynamics.
☆ On the Query Complexity of Verifier-Assisted Language Generation
Recently, a plethora of works have proposed inference-time algorithms (e.g. best-of-n), which incorporate verifiers to assist the generation process. Their quality-efficiency trade-offs have been empirically benchmarked on a variety of constrained generation tasks, but the algorithmic design landscape is still largely poorly understood. In this paper, we develop a mathematical framework for reasoning about constrained generation using a pre-trained language model generator oracle and a process verifier--which can decide whether a prefix can be extended to a string which satisfies the constraints of choice. We show that even in very simple settings, access to a verifier can render an intractable problem (information-theoretically or computationally) to a tractable one. In fact, we show even simple algorithms, like tokenwise rejection sampling, can enjoy significant benefits from access to a verifier. Empirically, we show that a natural modification of tokenwise rejection sampling, in which the sampler is allowed to "backtrack" (i.e., erase the final few generated tokens) has robust and substantive benefits over natural baselines (e.g. (blockwise) rejection sampling, nucleus sampling)--both in terms of computational efficiency, accuracy and diversity.
☆ Minimal Ranks, Maximum Confidence: Parameter-efficient Uncertainty Quantification for LoRA
Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) enables parameter-efficient fine-tuning of large language models by decomposing weight updates into low-rank matrices, significantly reducing storage and computational overhead. While effective, standard LoRA lacks mechanisms for uncertainty quantification, leading to overconfident and poorly calibrated models. Bayesian variants of LoRA address this limitation, but at the cost of a significantly increased number of trainable parameters, partially offsetting the original efficiency gains. Additionally, these models are harder to train and may suffer from unstable convergence. In this work, we propose a novel parameter-efficient Bayesian LoRA, demonstrating that effective uncertainty quantification can be achieved in very low-dimensional parameter spaces. The proposed method achieves strong performance with improved calibration and generalization while maintaining computational efficiency. Our empirical findings show that, with the appropriate projection of the weight space: (1) uncertainty can be effectively modeled in a low-dimensional space, and (2) weight covariances exhibit low ranks.
☆ LLMs on the Line: Data Determines Loss-to-Loss Scaling Laws
Scaling laws guide the development of large language models (LLMs) by offering estimates for the optimal balance of model size, tokens, and compute. More recently, loss-to-loss scaling laws that relate losses across pretraining datasets and downstream tasks have emerged as a powerful tool for understanding and improving LLM performance. In this work, we investigate which factors most strongly influence loss-to-loss scaling. Our experiments reveal that the pretraining data and tokenizer determine the scaling trend. In contrast, model size, optimization hyperparameters, and even significant architectural differences, such as between transformer-based models like Llama and state-space models like Mamba, have limited impact. Consequently, practitioners should carefully curate suitable pretraining datasets for optimal downstream performance, while architectures and other settings can be freely optimized for training efficiency.
☆ Scaling Test-Time Compute Without Verification or RL is Suboptimal
Despite substantial advances in scaling test-time compute, an ongoing debate in the community is how it should be scaled up to enable continued and efficient improvements with scaling. There are largely two approaches: first, distilling successful search or thinking traces; and second, using verification (e.g., 0/1 outcome rewards, reward models, or verifiers) to guide reinforcement learning (RL) and search algorithms. In this paper, we prove that finetuning LLMs with verifier-based (VB) methods based on RL or search is far superior to verifier-free (VF) approaches based on distilling or cloning search traces, given a fixed amount of compute/data budget. Further, we show that as we scale test-time compute (measured as the output token length) and training data, suboptimality of VF methods scales poorly compared to VB when the base pre-trained LLM presents a heterogeneous distribution over correct solution traces (e.g., different lengths, styles, etc.) and admits a non-sharp distribution over rewards on traces sampled from it. We formalize this condition using anti-concentration [Erd\H{o}s, 1945]. This implies a stronger result that VB methods scale better asymptotically, with the performance gap between VB and VF methods widening as test-time budget grows. We corroborate our theory empirically on both didactic and math reasoning problems with 3/8/32B-sized pre-trained LLMs, where we find verification is crucial for scaling test-time compute.
☆ SWE-Lancer: Can Frontier LLMs Earn $1 Million from Real-World Freelance Software Engineering?
We introduce SWE-Lancer, a benchmark of over 1,400 freelance software engineering tasks from Upwork, valued at \$1 million USD total in real-world payouts. SWE-Lancer encompasses both independent engineering tasks--ranging from \$50 bug fixes to \$32,000 feature implementations--and managerial tasks, where models choose between technical implementation proposals. Independent tasks are graded with end-to-end tests triple-verified by experienced software engineers, while managerial decisions are assessed against the choices of the original hired engineering managers. We evaluate model performance and find that frontier models are still unable to solve the majority of tasks. To facilitate future research, we open-source a unified Docker image and a public evaluation split, SWE-Lancer Diamond ( By mapping model performance to monetary value, we hope SWE-Lancer enables greater research into the economic impact of AI model development.
comment: 9 pages, 24 pages appendix
☆ Using the Path of Least Resistance to Explain Deep Networks
Integrated Gradients (IG), a widely used axiomatic path-based attribution method, assigns importance scores to input features by integrating model gradients along a straight path from a baseline to the input. While effective in some cases, we show that straight paths can lead to flawed attributions. In this paper, we identify the cause of these misattributions and propose an alternative approach that treats the input space as a Riemannian manifold, computing attributions by integrating gradients along geodesics. We call this method Geodesic Integrated Gradients (GIG). To approximate geodesic paths, we introduce two techniques: a k-Nearest Neighbours-based approach for smaller models and a Stochastic Variational Inference-based method for larger ones. Additionally, we propose a new axiom, Strong Completeness, extending the axioms satisfied by IG. We show that this property is desirable for attribution methods and that GIG is the only method that satisfies it. Through experiments on both synthetic and real-world data, we demonstrate that GIG outperforms existing explainability methods, including IG.
☆ How compositional generalization and creativity improve as diffusion models are trained
Natural data is often organized as a hierarchical composition of features. How many samples do generative models need to learn the composition rules, so as to produce a combinatorial number of novel data? What signal in the data is exploited to learn? We investigate these questions both theoretically and empirically. Theoretically, we consider diffusion models trained on simple probabilistic context-free grammars - tree-like graphical models used to represent the structure of data such as language and images. We demonstrate that diffusion models learn compositional rules with the sample complexity required for clustering features with statistically similar context, a process similar to the word2vec algorithm. However, this clustering emerges hierarchically: higher-level, more abstract features associated with longer contexts require more data to be identified. This mechanism leads to a sample complexity that scales polynomially with the said context size. As a result, diffusion models trained on intermediate dataset size generate data coherent up to a certain scale, but that lacks global coherence. We test these predictions in different domains, and find remarkable agreement: both generated texts and images achieve progressively larger coherence lengths as the training time or dataset size grows. We discuss connections between the hierarchical clustering mechanism we introduce here and the renormalization group in physics.
☆ Meta-Statistical Learning: Supervised Learning of Statistical Inference
This work demonstrates that the tools and principles driving the success of large language models (LLMs) can be repurposed to tackle distribution-level tasks, where the goal is to predict properties of the data-generating distribution rather than labels for individual datapoints. These tasks encompass statistical inference problems such as parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, or mutual information estimation. Framing these tasks within traditional machine learning pipelines is challenging, as supervision is typically tied to individual datapoint. We propose meta-statistical learning, a framework inspired by multi-instance learning that reformulates statistical inference tasks as supervised learning problems. In this approach, entire datasets are treated as single inputs to neural networks, which predict distribution-level parameters. Transformer-based architectures, without positional encoding, provide a natural fit due to their permutation-invariance properties. By training on large-scale synthetic datasets, meta-statistical models can leverage the scalability and optimization infrastructure of Transformer-based LLMs. We demonstrate the framework's versatility with applications in hypothesis testing and mutual information estimation, showing strong performance, particularly for small datasets where traditional neural methods struggle.
☆ Unifying Explainable Anomaly Detection and Root Cause Analysis in Dynamical Systems AAAI-25
Dynamical systems, prevalent in various scientific and engineering domains, are susceptible to anomalies that can significantly impact their performance and reliability. This paper addresses the critical challenges of anomaly detection, root cause localization, and anomaly type classification in dynamical systems governed by ordinary differential equations (ODEs). We define two categories of anomalies: cyber anomalies, which propagate through interconnected variables, and measurement anomalies, which remain localized to individual variables. To address these challenges, we propose the Interpretable Causality Ordinary Differential Equation (ICODE) Networks, a model-intrinsic explainable learning framework. ICODE leverages Neural ODEs for anomaly detection while employing causality inference through an explanation channel to perform root cause analysis (RCA), elucidating why specific time periods are flagged as anomalous. ICODE is designed to simultaneously perform anomaly detection, RCA, and anomaly type classification within a single, interpretable framework. Our approach is grounded in the hypothesis that anomalies alter the underlying ODEs of the system, manifesting as changes in causal relationships between variables. We provide a theoretical analysis of how perturbations in learned model parameters can be utilized to identify anomalies and their root causes in time series data. Comprehensive experimental evaluations demonstrate the efficacy of ICODE across various dynamical systems, showcasing its ability to accurately detect anomalies, classify their types, and pinpoint their origins.
comment: Accepted by the AAAI-25 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security (AICS)
☆ APB: Accelerating Distributed Long-Context Inference by Passing Compressed Context Blocks across GPUs
While long-context inference is crucial for advancing large language model (LLM) applications, its prefill speed remains a significant bottleneck. Current approaches, including sequence parallelism strategies and compute reduction through approximate attention mechanisms, still fall short of delivering optimal inference efficiency. This hinders scaling the inputs to longer sequences and processing long-context queries in a timely manner. To address this, we introduce APB, an efficient long-context inference framework that leverages multi-host approximate attention to enhance prefill speed by reducing compute and enhancing parallelism simultaneously. APB introduces a communication mechanism for essential key-value pairs within a sequence parallelism framework, enabling a faster inference speed while maintaining task performance. We implement APB by incorporating a tailored FlashAttn kernel alongside optimized distribution strategies, supporting diverse models and parallelism configurations. APB achieves speedups of up to 9.2x, 4.2x, and 1.6x compared with FlashAttn, RingAttn, and StarAttn, respectively, without any observable task performance degradation. We provide the implementation and experiment code of APB in
comment: Preprint
☆ AdaSplash: Adaptive Sparse Flash Attention
The computational cost of softmax-based attention in transformers limits their applicability to long-context tasks. Adaptive sparsity, of which $\alpha$-entmax attention is an example, offers a flexible data-dependent alternative, but existing implementations are inefficient and do not leverage the sparsity to obtain runtime and memory gains. In this work, we propose AdaSplash, which combines the efficiency of GPU-optimized algorithms with the sparsity benefits of $\alpha$-entmax. We first introduce a hybrid Halley-bisection algorithm, resulting in a 7-fold reduction in the number of iterations needed to compute the $\alpha$-entmax transformation. Then, we implement custom Triton kernels to efficiently handle adaptive sparsity. Experiments with RoBERTa and ModernBERT for text classification and single-vector retrieval, along with GPT-2 for language modeling, show that our method achieves substantial improvements in runtime and memory efficiency compared to existing $\alpha$-entmax implementations. It approaches -- and in some cases surpasses -- the efficiency of highly optimized softmax implementations like FlashAttention-2, enabling long-context training while maintaining strong task performance.
☆ CONSTRUCTA: Automating Commercial Construction Schedules in Fabrication Facilities with Large Language Models
Automating planning with LLMs presents transformative opportunities for traditional industries, yet remains underexplored. In commercial construction, the complexity of automated scheduling often requires manual intervention to ensure precision. We propose CONSTRUCTA, a novel framework leveraging LLMs to optimize construction schedules in complex projects like semiconductor fabrication. CONSTRUCTA addresses key challenges by: (1) integrating construction-specific knowledge through static RAG; (2) employing context-sampling techniques inspired by architectural expertise to provide relevant input; and (3) deploying Construction DPO to align schedules with expert preferences using RLHF. Experiments on proprietary data demonstrate performance improvements of +42.3% in missing value prediction, +79.1% in dependency analysis, and +28.9% in automated planning compared to baseline methods, showcasing its potential to revolutionize construction workflows and inspire domain-specific LLM advancements.
☆ Low-Rank Thinning
The goal in thinning is to summarize a dataset using a small set of representative points. Remarkably, sub-Gaussian thinning algorithms like Kernel Halving and Compress can match the quality of uniform subsampling while substantially reducing the number of summary points. However, existing guarantees cover only a restricted range of distributions and kernel-based quality measures and suffer from pessimistic dimension dependence. To address these deficiencies, we introduce a new low-rank analysis of sub-Gaussian thinning that applies to any distribution and any kernel, guaranteeing high-quality compression whenever the kernel or data matrix is approximately low-rank. To demonstrate the broad applicability of the techniques, we design practical sub-Gaussian thinning approaches that improve upon the best known guarantees for approximating attention in transformers, accelerating stochastic gradient training through reordering, and distinguishing distributions in near-linear time.
☆ How to Upscale Neural Networks with Scaling Law? A Survey and Practical Guidelines
Neural scaling laws have revolutionized the design and optimization of large-scale AI models by revealing predictable relationships between model size, dataset volume, and computational resources. Early research established power-law relationships in model performance, leading to compute-optimal scaling strategies. However, recent studies highlighted their limitations across architectures, modalities, and deployment contexts. Sparse models, mixture-of-experts, retrieval-augmented learning, and multimodal models often deviate from traditional scaling patterns. Moreover, scaling behaviors vary across domains such as vision, reinforcement learning, and fine-tuning, underscoring the need for more nuanced approaches. In this survey, we synthesize insights from over 50 studies, examining the theoretical foundations, empirical findings, and practical implications of scaling laws. We also explore key challenges, including data efficiency, inference scaling, and architecture-specific constraints, advocating for adaptive scaling strategies tailored to real-world applications. We suggest that while scaling laws provide a useful guide, they do not always generalize across all architectures and training strategies.
comment: 20 pages, 8 tables, 4 figures
☆ Classifying the Stoichiometry of Virus-like Particles with Interpretable Machine Learning
Virus-like particles (VLPs) are valuable for vaccine development due to their immune-triggering properties. Understanding their stoichiometry, the number of protein subunits to form a VLP, is critical for vaccine optimisation. However, current experimental methods to determine stoichiometry are time-consuming and require highly purified proteins. To efficiently classify stoichiometry classes in proteins, we curate a new dataset and propose an interpretable, data-driven pipeline leveraging linear machine learning models. We also explore the impact of feature encoding on model performance and interpretability, as well as methods to identify key protein sequence features influencing classification. The evaluation of our pipeline demonstrates that it can classify stoichiometry while revealing protein features that possibly influence VLP assembly. The data and code used in this work are publicly available at
☆ A Survey on Bridging EEG Signals and Generative AI: From Image and Text to Beyond
Integration of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) and Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) has opened new frontiers in brain signal decoding, enabling assistive communication, neural representation learning, and multimodal integration. BCIs, particularly those leveraging Electroencephalography (EEG), provide a non-invasive means of translating neural activity into meaningful outputs. Recent advances in deep learning, including Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs), have significantly improved EEG-based generation of images, text, and speech. This paper provides a literature review of the state-of-the-art in EEG-based multimodal generation, focusing on (i) EEG-to-image generation through GANs, Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), and Diffusion Models, and (ii) EEG-to-text generation leveraging Transformer based language models and contrastive learning methods. Additionally, we discuss the emerging domain of EEG-to-speech synthesis, an evolving multimodal frontier. We highlight key datasets, use cases, challenges, and EEG feature encoding methods that underpin generative approaches. By providing a structured overview of EEG-based generative AI, this survey aims to equip researchers and practitioners with insights to advance neural decoding, enhance assistive technologies, and expand the frontiers of brain-computer interaction.
☆ The geometry of BERT
Transformer neural networks, particularly Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), have shown remarkable performance across various tasks such as classification, text summarization, and question answering. However, their internal mechanisms remain mathematically obscure, highlighting the need for greater explainability and interpretability. In this direction, this paper investigates the internal mechanisms of BERT proposing a novel perspective on the attention mechanism of BERT from a theoretical perspective. The analysis encompasses both local and global network behavior. At the local level, the concept of directionality of subspace selection as well as a comprehensive study of the patterns emerging from the self-attention matrix are presented. Additionally, this work explores the semantic content of the information stream through data distribution analysis and global statistical measures including the novel concept of cone index. A case study on the classification of SARS-CoV-2 variants using RNA which resulted in a very high accuracy has been selected in order to observe these concepts in an application. The insights gained from this analysis contribute to a deeper understanding of BERT's classification process, offering potential avenues for future architectural improvements in Transformer models and further analysis in the training process.
comment: 28 pages, 13 figures
☆ Atom of Thoughts for Markov LLM Test-Time Scaling
Large Language Models (LLMs) achieve superior performance through training-time scaling, and test-time scaling further enhances their capabilities by conducting effective reasoning during inference. However, as the scale of reasoning increases, existing test-time scaling methods suffer from accumulated historical information, which not only wastes computational resources but also interferes with effective reasoning. To address this issue, we observe that complex reasoning progress is often achieved by solving a sequence of independent subquestions, each being self-contained and verifiable. These subquestions are essentially atomic questions, relying primarily on their current state rather than accumulated history, similar to the memoryless transitions in a Markov process. Based on this observation, we propose Atom of Thoughts (AoT), where each state transition in the reasoning process consists of decomposing the current question into a dependency-based directed acyclic graph and contracting its subquestions, forming a new atomic question state. This iterative decomposition-contraction process continues until reaching directly solvable atomic questions, naturally realizing Markov transitions between question states. Furthermore, these atomic questions can be seamlessly integrated into existing test-time scaling methods, enabling AoT to serve as a plug-in enhancement for improving reasoning capabilities. Experiments across six benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of AoT both as a standalone framework and a plug-in enhancement. Notably, on HotpotQA, when applied to gpt-4o-mini, AoT achieves an 80.6% F1 score, surpassing o3-mini by 3.4% and DeepSeek-R1 by 10.6%. The code will be available at
Unsupervised Structural-Counterfactual Generation under Domain Shift
Motivated by the burgeoning interest in cross-domain learning, we present a novel generative modeling challenge: generating counterfactual samples in a target domain based on factual observations from a source domain. Our approach operates within an unsupervised paradigm devoid of parallel or joint datasets, relying exclusively on distinct observational samples and causal graphs for each domain. This setting presents challenges that surpass those of conventional counterfactual generation. Central to our methodology is the disambiguation of exogenous causes into effect-intrinsic and domain-intrinsic categories. This differentiation facilitates the integration of domain-specific causal graphs into a unified joint causal graph via shared effect-intrinsic exogenous variables. We propose leveraging Neural Causal models within this joint framework to enable accurate counterfactual generation under standard identifiability assumptions. Furthermore, we introduce a novel loss function that effectively segregates effect-intrinsic from domain-intrinsic variables during model training. Given a factual observation, our framework combines the posterior distribution of effect-intrinsic variables from the source domain with the prior distribution of domain-intrinsic variables from the target domain to synthesize the desired counterfactuals, adhering to Pearl's causal hierarchy. Intriguingly, when domain shifts are restricted to alterations in causal mechanisms without accompanying covariate shifts, our training regimen parallels the resolution of a conditional optimal transport problem. Empirical evaluations on a synthetic dataset show that our framework generates counterfactuals in the target domain that very closely resemble the ground truth.
comment: 13 pages, 1 figure
☆ Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces-Assisted Integrated Access and Backhaul
In this paper, we study the impact of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) on the coverage extension of integrated access and backhaul (IAB) networks. Particularly, using a finite stochastic geometry model, with random distributions of user equipments (UEs) in a finite region, and planned hierachical architecture for IAB, we study the service coverage probability defined as the probability of the event that the UEs' minimum rate requirements are satisfied. We present comparisons between different cases including IAB-only, IAB assisted with RIS for backhaul as well as IAB assisted by network controlled repeaters (NCRs). Our investigations focus on wide-area IAB assisted with RIS through the lens of different design architectures and deployments, revealing both conflicts and synergies for minimizing the effect of tree foliage over seasonal changes. Our simulation results reveal both opportunities and challenges towards the implementation of RIS in IAB.
comment: Submitted to 2025 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) & 6G Summit, 2025, Poznan, Poland
☆ Merging Language and Domain Specific Models: The Impact on Technical Vocabulary Acquisition
This paper investigates the integration of technical vocabulary in merged language models. We explore the knowledge transfer mechanisms involved when combining a general-purpose language-specific model with a domain-specific model, focusing on the resulting model's comprehension of technical jargon. Our experiments analyze the impact of this merging process on the target model's proficiency in handling specialized terminology. We present a quantitative evaluation of the performance of the merged model, comparing it with that of the individual constituent models. The findings offer insights into the effectiveness of different model merging methods for enhancing domain-specific knowledge and highlight potential challenges and future directions in leveraging these methods for cross-lingual knowledge transfer in Natural Language Processing.
comment: Presented at the 263rd IPSJ-NL Workshop
☆ Selective Task Group Updates for Multi-Task Optimization ICLR 2025
Multi-task learning enables the acquisition of task-generic knowledge by training multiple tasks within a unified architecture. However, training all tasks together in a single architecture can lead to performance degradation, known as negative transfer, which is a main concern in multi-task learning. Previous works have addressed this issue by optimizing the multi-task network through gradient manipulation or weighted loss adjustments. However, their optimization strategy focuses on addressing task imbalance in shared parameters, neglecting the learning of task-specific parameters. As a result, they show limitations in mitigating negative transfer, since the learning of shared space and task-specific information influences each other during optimization. To address this, we propose a different approach to enhance multi-task performance by selectively grouping tasks and updating them for each batch during optimization. We introduce an algorithm that adaptively determines how to effectively group tasks and update them during the learning process. To track inter-task relations and optimize multi-task networks simultaneously, we propose proximal inter-task affinity, which can be measured during the optimization process. We provide a theoretical analysis on how dividing tasks into multiple groups and updating them sequentially significantly affects multi-task performance by enhancing the learning of task-specific parameters. Our methods substantially outperform previous multi-task optimization approaches and are scalable to different architectures and various numbers of tasks.
comment: Accepted at ICLR 2025
☆ Machine Learning Should Maximize Welfare, Not (Only) Accuracy
Decades of research in machine learning have given us powerful tools for making accurate predictions. But when used in social settings and on human inputs, better accuracy does not immediately translate to better social outcomes. This may not be surprising given that conventional learning frameworks are not designed to express societal preferences -- let alone promote them. This position paper argues that machine learning is currently missing, and can gain much from incorporating, a proper notion of social welfare. The field of welfare economics asks: how should we allocate limited resources to self-interested agents in a way that maximizes social benefit? We argue that this perspective applies to many modern applications of machine learning in social contexts, and advocate for its adoption. Rather than disposing of prediction, we aim to leverage this forte of machine learning for promoting social welfare. We demonstrate this idea by proposing a conceptual framework that gradually transitions from accuracy maximization (with awareness to welfare) to welfare maximization (via accurate prediction). We detail applications and use-cases for which our framework can be effective, identify technical challenges and practical opportunities, and highlight future avenues worth pursuing.
☆ Learning Generalizable Prompt for CLIP with Class Similarity Knowledge
In vision-language models (VLMs), prompt tuning has shown its effectiveness in adapting models to downstream tasks. However, learned prompts struggle to generalize to unseen classes, as they tend to overfit to the classes that are targeted during prompt tuning. Examining failure cases, we observed that learned prompts disrupt the semantics of unseen classes, generating text embeddings with incorrect semantic relationships among classes. To address this, we propose Similarity Alignment Regularization (SAR), which regularizes learnable prompts to preserve the semantic relationships among classes captured by hand-crafted prompts. Specifically, we first obtain novel classes related to base classes using ChatGPT-4o and utilize them as potential unseen classes during prompt tuning. Then, by targeting both base and novel classes, SAR aligns the similarity relationships among text embeddings generated by learnable prompts with the similarity relationships from hand-crafted prompts. Extensive experiments applying SAR to existing prompt tuning methods demonstrate its effectiveness in improving generalization to unseen classes.
☆ Theoretical Barriers in Bellman-Based Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning algorithms designed for high-dimensional spaces often enforce the Bellman equation on a sampled subset of states, relying on generalization to propagate knowledge across the state space. In this paper, we identify and formalize a fundamental limitation of this common approach. Specifically, we construct counterexample problems with a simple structure that this approach fails to exploit. Our findings reveal that such algorithms can neglect critical information about the problems, leading to inefficiencies. Furthermore, we extend this negative result to another approach from the literature: Hindsight Experience Replay learning state-to-state reachability.
☆ Refined PAC-Bayes Bounds for Offline Bandits
In this paper, we present refined probabilistic bounds on empirical reward estimates for off-policy learning in bandit problems. We build on the PAC-Bayesian bounds from Seldin et al. (2010) and improve on their results using a new parameter optimization approach introduced by Rodr\'iguez et al. (2024). This technique is based on a discretization of the space of possible events to optimize the "in probability" parameter. We provide two parameter-free PAC-Bayes bounds, one based on Hoeffding-Azuma's inequality and the other based on Bernstein's inequality. We prove that our bounds are almost optimal as they recover the same rate as would be obtained by setting the "in probability" parameter after the realization of the data.
comment: 6 pages
☆ Qubit-Based Framework for Quantum Machine Learning: Bridging Classical Data and Quantum Algorithms
This paper dives into the exciting and rapidly growing field of quantum computing, explaining its core ideas, current progress, and how it could revolutionize the way we solve complex problems. It starts by breaking down the basics, like qubits, quantum circuits, and how principles like superposition and entanglement make quantum computers fundamentally different-and far more powerful for certain tasks-than the classical computers we use today. We also explore how quantum computing deals with complex problems and why it is uniquely suited for challenges classical systems struggle to handle. A big part of this paper focuses on Quantum Machine Learning (QML), where the strengths of quantum computing meet the world of artificial intelligence. By processing massive datasets and optimizing intricate algorithms, quantum systems offer new possibilities for machine learning. We highlight different approaches to combining quantum and classical computing, showing how they can work together to produce faster and more accurate results. Additionally, we explore the tools and platforms available-like TensorFlow Quantum, Qiskit and PennyLane-that are helping researchers and developers bring these theories to life. Of course, quantum computing has its hurdles. Challenges like scaling up hardware, correcting errors, and keeping qubits stable are significant roadblocks. Yet, with rapid advancements in cloud-based platforms and innovative technologies, the potential of quantum computing feels closer than ever. This paper aims to offer readers a clear and comprehensive introduction to quantum computing, its role in machine learning, and the immense possibilities it holds for the future of technology.
☆ Massively Scaling Explicit Policy-conditioned Value Functions
We introduce a scaling strategy for Explicit Policy-Conditioned Value Functions (EPVFs) that significantly improves performance on challenging continuous-control tasks. EPVFs learn a value function V({\theta}) that is explicitly conditioned on the policy parameters, enabling direct gradient-based updates to the parameters of any policy. However, EPVFs at scale struggle with unrestricted parameter growth and efficient exploration in the policy parameter space. To address these issues, we utilize massive parallelization with GPU-based simulators, big batch sizes, weight clipping and scaled peturbations. Our results show that EPVFs can be scaled to solve complex tasks, such as a custom Ant environment, and can compete with state-of-the-art Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) baselines like Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) and Soft Actor-Critic (SAC). We further explore action-based policy parameter representations from previous work and specialized neural network architectures to efficiently handle weight-space features, which have not been used in the context of DRL before.
☆ Sharp-PINNs: staggered hard-constrained physics-informed neural networks for phase field modelling of corrosion
Physics-informed neural networks have shown significant potential in solving partial differential equations (PDEs) across diverse scientific fields. However, their performance often deteriorates when addressing PDEs with intricate and strongly coupled solutions. In this work, we present a novel Sharp-PINN framework to tackle complex phase field corrosion problems. Instead of minimizing all governing PDE residuals simultaneously, the Sharp-PINNs introduce a staggered training scheme that alternately minimizes the residuals of Allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hilliard equations, which govern the corrosion system. To further enhance its efficiency and accuracy, we design an advanced neural network architecture that integrates random Fourier features as coordinate embeddings, employs a modified multi-layer perceptron as the primary backbone, and enforces hard constraints in the output layer. This framework is benchmarked through simulations of corrosion problems with multiple pits, where the staggered training scheme and network architecture significantly improve both the efficiency and accuracy of PINNs. Moreover, in three-dimensional cases, our approach is 5-10 times faster than traditional finite element methods while maintaining competitive accuracy, demonstrating its potential for real-world engineering applications in corrosion prediction.
☆ Deep Spatio-Temporal Neural Network for Air Quality Reanalysis
Air quality prediction is key to mitigating health impacts and guiding decisions, yet existing models tend to focus on temporal trends while overlooking spatial generalization. We propose AQ-Net, a spatiotemporal reanalysis model for both observed and unobserved stations in the near future. AQ-Net utilizes the LSTM and multi-head attention for the temporal regression. We also propose a cyclic encoding technique to ensure continuous time representation. To learn fine-grained spatial air quality estimation, we incorporate AQ-Net with the neural kNN to explore feature-based interpolation, such that we can fill the spatial gaps given coarse observation stations. To demonstrate the efficiency of our model for spatiotemporal reanalysis, we use data from 2013-2017 collected in northern China for PM2.5 analysis. Extensive experiments show that AQ-Net excels in air quality reanalysis, highlighting the potential of hybrid spatio-temporal models to better capture environmental dynamics, especially in urban areas where both spatial and temporal variability are critical.
☆ FitLight: Federated Imitation Learning for Plug-and-Play Autonomous Traffic Signal Control
Although Reinforcement Learning (RL)-based Traffic Signal Control (TSC) methods have been extensively studied, their practical applications still raise some serious issues such as high learning cost and poor generalizability. This is because the ``trial-and-error'' training style makes RL agents extremely dependent on the specific traffic environment, which also requires a long convergence time. To address these issues, we propose a novel Federated Imitation Learning (FIL)-based framework for multi-intersection TSC, named FitLight, which allows RL agents to plug-and-play for any traffic environment without additional pre-training cost. Unlike existing imitation learning approaches that rely on pre-training RL agents with demonstrations, FitLight allows real-time imitation learning and seamless transition to reinforcement learning. Due to our proposed knowledge-sharing mechanism and novel hybrid pressure-based agent design, RL agents can quickly find a best control policy with only a few episodes. Moreover, for resource-constrained TSC scenarios, FitLight supports model pruning and heterogeneous model aggregation, such that RL agents can work on a micro-controller with merely 16{\it KB} RAM and 32{\it KB} ROM. Extensive experiments demonstrate that, compared to state-of-the-art methods, FitLight not only provides a superior starting point but also converges to a better final solution on both real-world and synthetic datasets, even under extreme resource limitations.
☆ Continual Learning Should Move Beyond Incremental Classification
Continual learning (CL) is the sub-field of machine learning concerned with accumulating knowledge in dynamic environments. So far, CL research has mainly focused on incremental classification tasks, where models learn to classify new categories while retaining knowledge of previously learned ones. Here, we argue that maintaining such a focus limits both theoretical development and practical applicability of CL methods. Through a detailed analysis of concrete examples - including multi-target classification, robotics with constrained output spaces, learning in continuous task domains, and higher-level concept memorization - we demonstrate how current CL approaches often fail when applied beyond standard classification. We identify three fundamental challenges: (C1) the nature of continuity in learning problems, (C2) the choice of appropriate spaces and metrics for measuring similarity, and (C3) the role of learning objectives beyond classification. For each challenge, we provide specific recommendations to help move the field forward, including formalizing temporal dynamics through distribution processes, developing principled approaches for continuous task spaces, and incorporating density estimation and generative objectives. In so doing, this position paper aims to broaden the scope of CL research while strengthening its theoretical foundations, making it more applicable to real-world problems.
GRAPHGPT-O: Synergistic Multimodal Comprehension and Generation on Graphs
The rapid development of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) has enabled the integration of multiple modalities, including texts and images, within the large language model (LLM) framework. However, texts and images are usually interconnected, forming a multimodal attributed graph (MMAG). It is underexplored how MLLMs can incorporate the relational information (\textit{i.e.}, graph structure) and semantic information (\textit{i.e.,} texts and images) on such graphs for multimodal comprehension and generation. In this paper, we propose GraphGPT-o, which supports omni-multimodal understanding and creation on MMAGs. We first comprehensively study linearization variants to transform semantic and structural information as input for MLLMs. Then, we propose a hierarchical aligner that enables deep graph encoding, bridging the gap between MMAGs and MLLMs. Finally, we explore the inference choices, adapting MLLM to interleaved text and image generation in graph scenarios. Extensive experiments on three datasets from different domains demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. Datasets and codes will be open-sourced upon acceptance.
☆ VLP: Vision-Language Preference Learning for Embodied Manipulation
Reward engineering is one of the key challenges in Reinforcement Learning (RL). Preference-based RL effectively addresses this issue by learning from human feedback. However, it is both time-consuming and expensive to collect human preference labels. In this paper, we propose a novel \textbf{V}ision-\textbf{L}anguage \textbf{P}reference learning framework, named \textbf{VLP}, which learns a vision-language preference model to provide preference feedback for embodied manipulation tasks. To achieve this, we define three types of language-conditioned preferences and construct a vision-language preference dataset, which contains versatile implicit preference orders without human annotations. The preference model learns to extract language-related features, and then serves as a preference annotator in various downstream tasks. The policy can be learned according to the annotated preferences via reward learning or direct policy optimization. Extensive empirical results on simulated embodied manipulation tasks demonstrate that our method provides accurate preferences and generalizes to unseen tasks and unseen language instructions, outperforming the baselines by a large margin.
☆ PreAdaptFWI: Pretrained-Based Adaptive Residual Learning for Full-Waveform Inversion Without Dataset Dependency
Full-waveform inversion (FWI) is a method that utilizes seismic data to invert the physical parameters of subsurface media by minimizing the difference between simulated and observed waveforms. Due to its ill-posed nature, FWI is susceptible to getting trapped in local minima. Consequently, various research efforts have attempted to combine neural networks with FWI to stabilize the inversion process. This study presents a simple yet effective training framework that is independent of dataset reliance and requires only moderate pre-training on a simple initial model to stabilize network outputs. During the transfer learning phase, the conventional FWI gradients will simultaneously update both the neural network and the proposed adaptive residual learning module, which learns the residual mapping of large-scale distribution features in the network's output, rather than directly fitting the target mapping. Through this synergistic training paradigm, the proposed algorithm effectively infers the physically-informed prior knowledge into a global representation of stratigraphic distribution, as well as capturing subtle variations in inter-layer velocities within local details, thereby escaping local optima. Evaluating the method on two benchmark models under various conditions, including absent low-frequency data, noise interference, and differing initial models, along with corresponding ablation experiments, consistently demonstrates the superiority of the proposed approach.
☆ Adversarial Alignment for LLMs Requires Simpler, Reproducible, and More Measurable Objectives
Misaligned research objectives have considerably hindered progress in adversarial robustness research over the past decade. For instance, an extensive focus on optimizing target metrics, while neglecting rigorous standardized evaluation, has led researchers to pursue ad-hoc heuristic defenses that were seemingly effective. Yet, most of these were exposed as flawed by subsequent evaluations, ultimately contributing little measurable progress to the field. In this position paper, we illustrate that current research on the robustness of large language models (LLMs) risks repeating past patterns with potentially worsened real-world implications. To address this, we argue that realigned objectives are necessary for meaningful progress in adversarial alignment. To this end, we build on established cybersecurity taxonomy to formally define differences between past and emerging threat models that apply to LLMs. Using this framework, we illustrate that progress requires disentangling adversarial alignment into addressable sub-problems and returning to core academic principles, such as measureability, reproducibility, and comparability. Although the field presents significant challenges, the fresh start on adversarial robustness offers the unique opportunity to build on past experience while avoiding previous mistakes.
☆ Neural Guided Diffusion Bridges
We propose a novel method for simulating conditioned diffusion processes (diffusion bridges) in Euclidean spaces. By training a neural network to approximate bridge dynamics, our approach eliminates the need for computationally intensive Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods or reverse-process modeling. Compared to existing methods, it offers greater robustness across various diffusion specifications and conditioning scenarios. This applies in particular to rare events and multimodal distributions, which pose challenges for score-learning- and MCMC-based approaches. We propose a flexible variational family for approximating the diffusion bridge path measure which is partially specified by a neural network. Once trained, it enables efficient independent sampling at a cost comparable to sampling the unconditioned (forward) process.
☆ Ansatz-free Hamiltonian learning with Heisenberg-limited scaling
Learning the unknown interactions that govern a quantum system is crucial for quantum information processing, device benchmarking, and quantum sensing. The problem, known as Hamiltonian learning, is well understood under the assumption that interactions are local, but this assumption may not hold for arbitrary Hamiltonians. Previous methods all require high-order inverse polynomial dependency with precision, unable to surpass the standard quantum limit and reach the gold standard Heisenberg-limited scaling. Whether Heisenberg-limited Hamiltonian learning is possible without prior assumptions about the interaction structures, a challenge we term \emph{ansatz-free Hamiltonian learning}, remains an open question. In this work, we present a quantum algorithm to learn arbitrary sparse Hamiltonians without any structure constraints using only black-box queries of the system's real-time evolution and minimal digital controls to attain Heisenberg-limited scaling in estimation error. Our method is also resilient to state-preparation-and-measurement errors, enhancing its practical feasibility. Moreover, we establish a fundamental trade-off between total evolution time and quantum control on learning arbitrary interactions, revealing the intrinsic interplay between controllability and total evolution time complexity for any learning algorithm. These results pave the way for further exploration into Heisenberg-limited Hamiltonian learning in complex quantum systems under minimal assumptions, potentially enabling new benchmarking and verification protocols.
comment: 5 pages, 1 figure with Supplementary Materials (17 pages, 1 figure). HYH and MM contributed equally
☆ CAMEL: Continuous Action Masking Enabled by Large Language Models for Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning (RL) in continuous action spaces encounters persistent challenges, such as inefficient exploration and convergence to suboptimal solutions. To address these limitations, we propose CAMEL, a novel framework integrating LLM-generated suboptimal policies into the RL training pipeline. CAMEL leverages dynamic action masking and an adaptive epsilon-masking mechanism to guide exploration during early training stages while gradually enabling agents to optimize policies independently. At the core of CAMEL lies the integration of Python-executable suboptimal policies generated by LLMs based on environment descriptions and task objectives. Although simplistic and hard-coded, these policies offer valuable initial guidance for RL agents. To effectively utilize these priors, CAMEL employs masking-aware optimization to dynamically constrain the action space based on LLM outputs. Additionally, epsilon-masking gradually reduces reliance on LLM-generated guidance, enabling agents to transition from constrained exploration to autonomous policy refinement. Experimental validation on Gymnasium MuJoCo environments demonstrates the effectiveness of CAMEL. In Hopper-v4 and Ant-v4, LLM-generated policies significantly improve sample efficiency, achieving performance comparable to or surpassing expert masking baselines. For Walker2d-v4, where LLMs struggle to accurately model bipedal gait dynamics, CAMEL maintains robust RL performance without notable degradation, highlighting the framework's adaptability across diverse tasks. While CAMEL shows promise in enhancing sample efficiency and mitigating convergence challenges, these issues remain open for further research. Future work aims to generalize CAMEL to multimodal LLMs for broader observation-action spaces and automate policy evaluation, reducing human intervention and enhancing scalability in RL training pipelines.
comment: Accepted at RLDM 2025
☆ Continual Quantization-Aware Pre-Training: When to transition from 16-bit to 1.58-bit pre-training for BitNet language models?
Large language models (LLMs) require immense resources for training and inference. Quantization, a technique that reduces the precision of model parameters, offers a promising solution for improving LLM efficiency and sustainability. While post-training quantization methods typically achieve 4-8 bits per parameter, recent research suggests that training LLMs with 1.58 bits per weight parameter from scratch can maintain model accuracy while greatly reducing memory requirements and energy consumption at inference time. Here, we investigate a training strategy for quantization-aware pre-training, where the models are first trained with 16-bit precision and then transition into 1.58-bit quantization-aware training. Our results on 11 downstream tasks show that this 16-to-1.58-bit training strategy is preferable over full 1.58-bit training and leaves models closer to those which have undergone 16-bit training. We further investigate the effects of retaining the optimizer state at the transition point and gradually phasing in quantization strength -- finding that both techniques alleviate the magnitude of loss spikes, but also that these effects can be compensated through further training.
☆ Rethinking Benign Overfitting in Two-Layer Neural Networks
Recent theoretical studies (Kou et al., 2023; Cao et al., 2022) have revealed a sharp phase transition from benign to harmful overfitting when the noise-to-feature ratio exceeds a threshold-a situation common in long-tailed data distributions where atypical data is prevalent. However, harmful overfitting rarely happens in overparameterized neural networks. Further experimental results suggested that memorization is necessary for achieving near-optimal generalization error in long-tailed data distributions (Feldman & Zhang, 2020). We argue that this discrepancy between theoretical predictions and empirical observations arises because previous feature-noise data models overlook the heterogeneous nature of noise across different data classes. In this paper, we refine the feature-noise data model by incorporating class-dependent heterogeneous noise and re-examine the overfitting phenomenon in neural networks. Through a comprehensive analysis of the training dynamics, we establish test loss bounds for the refined model. Our findings reveal that neural networks can leverage "data noise", previously deemed harmful, to learn implicit features that improve the classification accuracy for long-tailed data. Experimental validation on both synthetic and real-world datasets supports our theoretical results.
☆ LIMR: Less is More for RL Scaling
In this paper, we ask: what truly determines the effectiveness of RL training data for enhancing language models' reasoning capabilities? While recent advances like o1, Deepseek R1, and Kimi1.5 demonstrate RL's potential, the lack of transparency about training data requirements has hindered systematic progress. Starting directly from base models without distillation, we challenge the assumption that scaling up RL training data inherently improves performance. we demonstrate that a strategically selected subset of just 1,389 samples can outperform the full 8,523-sample dataset. We introduce Learning Impact Measurement (LIM), an automated method to evaluate and prioritize training samples based on their alignment with model learning trajectories, enabling efficient resource utilization and scalable implementation. Our method achieves comparable or even superior performance using only 1,389 samples versus the full 8,523 samples dataset. Notably, while recent data-efficient approaches (e.g., LIMO and s1) show promise with 32B-scale models, we find it significantly underperforms at 7B-scale through supervised fine-tuning (SFT). In contrast, our RL-based LIMR achieves 16.7% higher accuracy on AIME24 and outperforms LIMO and s1 by 13.0% and 22.2% on MATH500. These results fundamentally reshape our understanding of RL scaling in LLMs, demonstrating that precise sample selection, rather than data scale, may be the key to unlocking enhanced reasoning capabilities. For reproducible research and future innovation, we are open-sourcing LIMR, including implementation of LIM, training and evaluation code, curated datasets, and trained models at
comment: 6pages
☆ Leveraging Dual Process Theory in Language Agent Framework for Real-time Simultaneous Human-AI Collaboration
Agents built on large language models (LLMs) have excelled in turn-by-turn human-AI collaboration but struggle with simultaneous tasks requiring real-time interaction. Latency issues and the challenge of inferring variable human strategies hinder their ability to make autonomous decisions without explicit instructions. Through experiments with current independent System 1 and System 2 methods, we validate the necessity of using Dual Process Theory (DPT) in real-time tasks. We propose DPT-Agent, a novel language agent framework that integrates System 1 and System 2 for efficient real-time simultaneous human-AI collaboration. DPT-Agent's System 1 uses a Finite-state Machine (FSM) and code-as-policy for fast, intuitive, and controllable decision-making. DPT-Agent's System 2 integrates Theory of Mind (ToM) and asynchronous reflection to infer human intentions and perform reasoning-based autonomous decisions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of DPT-Agent through further experiments with rule-based agents and human collaborators, showing significant improvements over mainstream LLM-based frameworks. To the best of our knowledge, DPT-Agent is the first language agent framework that achieves successful real-time simultaneous human-AI collaboration autonomously. Code of DPT-Agent can be found in
comment: Preprint under review
☆ Bitnet.cpp: Efficient Edge Inference for Ternary LLMs
The advent of 1-bit large language models (LLMs), led by BitNet b1.58, has spurred interest in ternary LLMs. Despite this, research and practical applications focusing on efficient edge inference for ternary LLMs remain scarce. To bridge this gap, we introduce Bitnet.cpp, an inference system optimized for BitNet b1.58 and ternary LLMs. Given that mixed-precision matrix multiplication (mpGEMM) constitutes the bulk of inference time in ternary LLMs, Bitnet.cpp incorporates a novel mpGEMM library to facilitate sub-2-bits-per-weight, efficient and lossless inference. The library features two core solutions: Ternary Lookup Table (TL), which addresses spatial inefficiencies of previous bit-wise methods, and Int2 with a Scale (I2_S), which ensures lossless edge inference, both enabling high-speed inference. Our experiments show that Bitnet.cpp achieves up to a 6.25x increase in speed over full-precision baselines and up to 2.32x over low-bit baselines, setting new benchmarks in the field. Additionally, we expand TL to element-wise lookup table (ELUT) for low-bit LLMs in the appendix, presenting both theoretical and empirical evidence of its considerable potential. Bitnet.cpp is publicly available at , offering a sophisticated solution for the efficient and practical deployment of edge LLMs.
comment: 18 pages, 11 figures
☆ JoLT: Joint Probabilistic Predictions on Tabular Data Using LLMs
We introduce a simple method for probabilistic predictions on tabular data based on Large Language Models (LLMs) called JoLT (Joint LLM Process for Tabular data). JoLT uses the in-context learning capabilities of LLMs to define joint distributions over tabular data conditioned on user-specified side information about the problem, exploiting the vast repository of latent problem-relevant knowledge encoded in LLMs. JoLT defines joint distributions for multiple target variables with potentially heterogeneous data types without any data conversion, data preprocessing, special handling of missing data, or model training, making it accessible and efficient for practitioners. Our experiments show that JoLT outperforms competitive methods on low-shot single-target and multi-target tabular classification and regression tasks. Furthermore, we show that JoLT can automatically handle missing data and perform data imputation by leveraging textual side information. We argue that due to its simplicity and generality, JoLT is an effective approach for a wide variety of real prediction problems.
☆ FedEAT: A Robustness Optimization Framework for Federated LLMs
Significant advancements have been made by Large Language Models (LLMs) in the domains of natural language understanding and automated content creation. However, they still face persistent problems, including substantial computational costs and inadequate availability of training data. The combination of Federated Learning (FL) and LLMs (federated LLMs) offers a solution by leveraging distributed data while protecting privacy, which positions it as an ideal choice for sensitive domains. However, Federated LLMs still suffer from robustness challenges, including data heterogeneity, malicious clients, and adversarial attacks, which greatly hinder their applications. We first introduce the robustness problems in federated LLMs, to address these challenges, we propose FedEAT (Federated Embedding space Adversarial Training), a novel framework that applies adversarial training in the embedding space of client LLM and employs a robust aggregation approach, specifically geometric median aggregation, to enhance the robustness of Federated LLMs. Our experiments demonstrate that FedEAT effectively improves the robustness of Federated LLMs with minimal performance loss.
☆ Enhanced Anomaly Detection in IoMT Networks using Ensemble AI Models on the CICIoMT2024 Dataset
The rapid proliferation of Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) devices in healthcare has introduced unique cybersecurity challenges, primarily due to the diverse communication protocols and critical nature of these devices This research aims to develop an advanced, real-time anomaly detection framework tailored for IoMT network traffic, leveraging AI/ML models and the CICIoMT2024 dataset By integrating multi-protocol (MQTT, WiFi), attack-specific (DoS, DDoS), time-series (active/idle states), and device-specific (Bluetooth) data, our study captures a comprehensive range of IoMT interactions As part of our data analysis, various machine learning techniques are employed which include an ensemble model using XGBoost for improved performance against specific attack types, sequential models comprised of LSTM and CNN-LSTM that leverage time dependencies, and unsupervised models such as Autoencoders and Isolation Forest that are good in general anomaly detection The results of the experiment prove with an ensemble model lowers false positive rates and reduced detections.
☆ StructTransform: A Scalable Attack Surface for Safety-Aligned Large Language Models
In this work, we present a series of structure transformation attacks on LLM alignment, where we encode natural language intent using diverse syntax spaces, ranging from simple structure formats and basic query languages (e.g. SQL) to new novel spaces and syntaxes created entirely by LLMs. Our extensive evaluation shows that our simplest attacks can achieve close to 90% success rate, even on strict LLMs (such as Claude 3.5 Sonnet) using SOTA alignment mechanisms. We improve the attack performance further by using an adaptive scheme that combines structure transformations along with existing \textit{content transformations}, resulting in over 96% ASR with 0% refusals. To generalize our attacks, we explore numerous structure formats, including syntaxes purely generated by LLMs. Our results indicate that such novel syntaxes are easy to generate and result in a high ASR, suggesting that defending against our attacks is not a straightforward process. Finally, we develop a benchmark and evaluate existing safety-alignment defenses against it, showing that most of them fail with 100% ASR. Our results show that existing safety alignment mostly relies on token-level patterns without recognizing harmful concepts, highlighting and motivating the need for serious research efforts in this direction. As a case study, we demonstrate how attackers can use our attack to easily generate a sample malware, and a corpus of fraudulent SMS messages, which perform well in bypassing detection.
☆ Steering the LoCoMotif: Using Domain Knowledge in Time Series Motif Discovery
Time Series Motif Discovery (TSMD) identifies repeating patterns in time series data, but its unsupervised nature might result in motifs that are not interesting to the user. To address this, we propose a framework that allows the user to impose constraints on the motifs to be discovered, where constraints can easily be defined according to the properties of the desired motifs in the application domain. We also propose an efficient implementation of the framework, the LoCoMotif-DoK algorithm. We demonstrate that LoCoMotif-DoK can effectively leverage domain knowledge in real and synthetic data, outperforming other TSMD techniques which only support a limited form of domain knowledge.
☆ BaxBench: Can LLMs Generate Correct and Secure Backends?
The automatic generation of programs has long been a fundamental challenge in computer science. Recent benchmarks have shown that large language models (LLMs) can effectively generate code at the function level, make code edits, and solve algorithmic coding tasks. However, to achieve full automation, LLMs should be able to generate production-quality, self-contained application modules. To evaluate the capabilities of LLMs in solving this challenge, we introduce BaxBench, a novel evaluation benchmark consisting of 392 tasks for the generation of backend applications. We focus on backends for three critical reasons: (i) they are practically relevant, building the core components of most modern web and cloud software, (ii) they are difficult to get right, requiring multiple functions and files to achieve the desired functionality, and (iii) they are security-critical, as they are exposed to untrusted third-parties, making secure solutions that prevent deployment-time attacks an imperative. BaxBench validates the functionality of the generated applications with comprehensive test cases, and assesses their security exposure by executing end-to-end exploits. Our experiments reveal key limitations of current LLMs in both functionality and security: (i) even the best model, OpenAI o1, achieves a mere 60% on code correctness; (ii) on average, we could successfully execute security exploits on more than half of the correct programs generated by each LLM; and (iii) in less popular backend frameworks, models further struggle to generate correct and secure applications. Progress on BaxBench signifies important steps towards autonomous and secure software development with LLMs.
☆ ChordFormer: A Conformer-Based Architecture for Large-Vocabulary Audio Chord Recognition
Chord recognition serves as a critical task in music information retrieval due to the abstract and descriptive nature of chords in music analysis. While audio chord recognition systems have achieved significant accuracy for small vocabularies (e.g., major/minor chords), large-vocabulary chord recognition remains a challenging problem. This complexity also arises from the inherent long-tail distribution of chords, where rare chord types are underrepresented in most datasets, leading to insufficient training samples. Effective chord recognition requires leveraging contextual information from audio sequences, yet existing models, such as combinations of convolutional neural networks, bidirectional long short-term memory networks, and bidirectional transformers, face limitations in capturing long-term dependencies and exhibit suboptimal performance on large-vocabulary chord recognition tasks. This work proposes ChordFormer, a novel conformer-based architecture designed to tackle structural chord recognition (e.g., triads, bass, sevenths) for large vocabularies. ChordFormer leverages conformer blocks that integrate convolutional neural networks with transformers, thus enabling the model to capture both local patterns and global dependencies effectively. By addressing challenges such as class imbalance through a reweighted loss function and structured chord representations, ChordFormer outperforms state-of-the-art models, achieving a 2% improvement in frame-wise accuracy and a 6% increase in class-wise accuracy on large-vocabulary chord datasets. Furthermore, ChordFormer excels in handling class imbalance, providing robust and balanced recognition across chord types. This approach bridges the gap between theoretical music knowledge and practical applications, advancing the field of large-vocabulary chord recognition.
comment: 13 pages, 4 figures
☆ Model Generalization on Text Attribute Graphs: Principles with Large Language Models
Large language models (LLMs) have recently been introduced to graph learning, aiming to extend their zero-shot generalization success to tasks where labeled graph data is scarce. Among these applications, inference over text-attributed graphs (TAGs) presents unique challenges: existing methods struggle with LLMs' limited context length for processing large node neighborhoods and the misalignment between node embeddings and the LLM token space. To address these issues, we establish two key principles for ensuring generalization and derive the framework LLM-BP accordingly: (1) Unifying the attribute space with task-adaptive embeddings, where we leverage LLM-based encoders and task-aware prompting to enhance generalization of the text attribute embeddings; (2) Developing a generalizable graph information aggregation mechanism, for which we adopt belief propagation with LLM-estimated parameters that adapt across graphs. Evaluations on 11 real-world TAG benchmarks demonstrate that LLM-BP significantly outperforms existing approaches, achieving 8.10% improvement with task-conditional embeddings and an additional 1.71% gain from adaptive aggregation.
☆ Intersectional Fairness in Reinforcement Learning with Large State and Constraint Spaces
In traditional reinforcement learning (RL), the learner aims to solve a single objective optimization problem: find the policy that maximizes expected reward. However, in many real-world settings, it is important to optimize over multiple objectives simultaneously. For example, when we are interested in fairness, states might have feature annotations corresponding to multiple (intersecting) demographic groups to whom reward accrues, and our goal might be to maximize the reward of the group receiving the minimal reward. In this work, we consider a multi-objective optimization problem in which each objective is defined by a state-based reweighting of a single scalar reward function. This generalizes the problem of maximizing the reward of the minimum reward group. We provide oracle-efficient algorithms to solve these multi-objective RL problems even when the number of objectives is exponentially large-for tabular MDPs, as well as for large MDPs when the group functions have additional structure. Finally, we experimentally validate our theoretical results and demonstrate applications on a preferential attachment graph MDP.
☆ AAKT: Enhancing Knowledge Tracing with Alternate Autoregressive Modeling
Knowledge Tracing (KT) aims to predict students' future performances based on their former exercises and additional information in educational settings. KT has received significant attention since it facilitates personalized experiences in educational situations. Simultaneously, the autoregressive modeling on the sequence of former exercises has been proven effective for this task. One of the primary challenges in autoregressive modeling for Knowledge Tracing is effectively representing the anterior (pre-response) and posterior (post-response) states of learners across exercises. Existing methods often employ complex model architectures to update learner states using question and response records. In this study, we propose a novel perspective on knowledge tracing task by treating it as a generative process, consistent with the principles of autoregressive models. We demonstrate that knowledge states can be directly represented through autoregressive encodings on a question-response alternate sequence, where model generate the most probable representation in hidden state space by analyzing history interactions. This approach underpins our framework, termed Alternate Autoregressive Knowledge Tracing (AAKT). Additionally, we incorporate supplementary educational information, such as question-related skills, into our framework through an auxiliary task, and include extra exercise details, like response time, as additional inputs. Our proposed framework is implemented using advanced autoregressive technologies from Natural Language Generation (NLG) for both training and prediction. Empirical evaluations on four real-world KT datasets indicate that AAKT consistently outperforms all baseline models in terms of AUC, ACC, and RMSE. Furthermore, extensive ablation studies and visualized analysis validate the effectiveness of key components in AAKT.
☆ IMTS-Mixer: Mixer-Networks for Irregular Multivariate Time Series Forecasting
Forecasting Irregular Multivariate Time Series (IMTS) has recently emerged as a distinct research field, necessitating specialized models to address its unique challenges. While most forecasting literature assumes regularly spaced observations without missing values, many real-world datasets - particularly in healthcare, climate research, and biomechanics - violate these assumptions. Time Series (TS)-mixer models have achieved remarkable success in regular multivariate time series forecasting. However, they remain unexplored for IMTS due to their requirement for complete and evenly spaced observations. To bridge this gap, we introduce IMTS-Mixer, a novel forecasting architecture designed specifically for IMTS. Our approach retains the core principles of TS mixer models while introducing innovative methods to transform IMTS into fixed-size matrix representations, enabling their seamless integration with mixer modules. We evaluate IMTS-Mixer on a benchmark of four real-world datasets from various domains. Our results demonstrate that IMTS-Mixer establishes a new state-of-the-art in forecasting accuracy while also improving computational efficiency.
☆ Towards Understanding Fine-Tuning Mechanisms of LLMs via Circuit Analysis
Fine-tuning significantly improves the performance of Large Language Models (LLMs), yet its underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. This paper aims to provide an in-depth interpretation of the fine-tuning process through circuit analysis, a popular tool in Mechanistic Interpretability (MI). Unlike previous studies \cite{prakash2024finetuningenhancesexistingmechanisms,chhabra2024neuroplasticity} that focus on tasks where pre-trained models already perform well, we develop a set of mathematical tasks where fine-tuning yields substantial performance gains, which are closer to the practical setting. In our experiments, we identify circuits at various checkpoints during fine-tuning and examine the interplay between circuit analysis, fine-tuning methods, and task complexities. First, we find that while circuits maintain high node similarity before and after fine-tuning, their edges undergo significant changes, which is in contrast to the previous work \cite{prakash2024finetuningenhancesexistingmechanisms,chhabra2024neuroplasticity} that show circuits only add some additional components after fine-tuning. Based on these observations, we develop a circuit-aware Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) method, which assigns ranks to layers based on edge changes in the circuits. Experimental results demonstrate that our circuit-based LoRA algorithm achieves an average performance improvement of 2.46\% over standard LoRA with similar parameter sizes. Furthermore, we explore how combining circuits from subtasks can enhance fine-tuning in compositional tasks, providing new insights into the design of such tasks and deepening the understanding of circuit dynamics and fine-tuning mechanisms.
comment: 25 pages
☆ 3D Gaussian Inpainting with Depth-Guided Cross-View Consistency
When performing 3D inpainting using novel-view rendering methods like Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) or 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS), how to achieve texture and geometry consistency across camera views has been a challenge. In this paper, we propose a framework of 3D Gaussian Inpainting with Depth-Guided Cross-View Consistency (3DGIC) for cross-view consistent 3D inpainting. Guided by the rendered depth information from each training view, our 3DGIC exploits background pixels visible across different views for updating the inpainting mask, allowing us to refine the 3DGS for inpainting purposes.Through extensive experiments on benchmark datasets, we confirm that our 3DGIC outperforms current state-of-the-art 3D inpainting methods quantitatively and qualitatively.
☆ Private Synthetic Graph Generation and Fused Gromov-Wasserstein Distance
Networks are popular for representing complex data. In particular, differentially private synthetic networks are much in demand for method and algorithm development. The network generator should be easy to implement and should come with theoretical guarantees. Here we start with complex data as input and jointly provide a network representation as well as a synthetic network generator. Using a random connection model, we devise an effective algorithmic approach for generating attributed synthetic graphs which is $\epsilon$-differentially private at the vertex level, while preserving utility under an appropriate notion of distance which we develop. We provide theoretical guarantees for the accuracy of the private synthetic graphs using the fused Gromov-Wasserstein distance, which extends the Wasserstein metric to structured data. Our method draws inspiration from the PSMM method of \citet{he2023}.
☆ Interpretable Machine Learning for Kronecker Coefficients
We analyze the saliency of neural networks and employ interpretable machine learning models to predict whether the Kronecker coefficients of the symmetric group are zero or not. Our models use triples of partitions as input features, as well as b-loadings derived from the principal component of an embedding that captures the differences between partitions. Across all approaches, we achieve an accuracy of approximately 83% and derive explicit formulas for a decision function in terms of b-loadings. Additionally, we develop transformer-based models for prediction, achieving the highest reported accuracy of over 99%.
☆ From Selection to Generation: A Survey of LLM-based Active Learning
Active Learning (AL) has been a powerful paradigm for improving model efficiency and performance by selecting the most informative data points for labeling and training. In recent active learning frameworks, Large Language Models (LLMs) have been employed not only for selection but also for generating entirely new data instances and providing more cost-effective annotations. Motivated by the increasing importance of high-quality data and efficient model training in the era of LLMs, we present a comprehensive survey on LLM-based Active Learning. We introduce an intuitive taxonomy that categorizes these techniques and discuss the transformative roles LLMs can play in the active learning loop. We further examine the impact of AL on LLM learning paradigms and its applications across various domains. Finally, we identify open challenges and propose future research directions. This survey aims to serve as an up-to-date resource for researchers and practitioners seeking to gain an intuitive understanding of LLM-based AL techniques and deploy them to new applications.
☆ On the Computation of the Fisher Information in Continual Learning ICLR 2025
One of the most popular methods for continual learning with deep neural networks is Elastic Weight Consolidation (EWC), which involves computing the Fisher Information. The exact way in which the Fisher Information is computed is however rarely described, and multiple different implementations for it can be found online. This blog post discusses and empirically compares several often-used implementations, which highlights that many currently reported results for EWC could likely be improved by changing the way the Fisher Information is computed.
comment: To appear in the blogpost track at ICLR 2025
☆ Robust Partial-Label Learning by Leveraging Class Activation Values
Real-world training data is often noisy; for example, human annotators assign conflicting class labels to the same instances. Partial-label learning (PLL) is a weakly supervised learning paradigm that allows training classifiers in this context without manual data cleaning. While state-of-the-art methods have good predictive performance, their predictions are sensitive to high noise levels, out-of-distribution data, and adversarial perturbations. We propose a novel PLL method based on subjective logic, which explicitly represents uncertainty by leveraging the magnitudes of the underlying neural network's class activation values. Thereby, we effectively incorporate prior knowledge about the class labels by using a novel label weight re-distribution strategy that we prove to be optimal. We empirically show that our method yields more robust predictions in terms of predictive performance under high PLL noise levels, handling out-of-distribution examples, and handling adversarial perturbations on the test instances.
☆ Mitigating Visual Knowledge Forgetting in MLLM Instruction-tuning via Modality-decoupled Gradient Descent
Recent MLLMs have shown emerging visual understanding and reasoning abilities after being pre-trained on large-scale multimodal datasets. Unlike pre-training, where MLLMs receive rich visual-text alignment, instruction-tuning is often text-driven with weaker visual supervision, leading to the degradation of pre-trained visual understanding and causing visual forgetting. Existing approaches, such as direct fine-tuning and continual learning methods, fail to explicitly address this issue, often compressing visual representations and prioritizing task alignment over visual retention, which further worsens visual forgetting. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a novel perspective leveraging effective rank to quantify the degradation of visual representation richness, interpreting this degradation through the information bottleneck principle as excessive compression that leads to the degradation of crucial pre-trained visual knowledge. Building on this view, we propose a modality-decoupled gradient descent (MDGD) method that regulates gradient updates to maintain the effective rank of visual representations while mitigating the over-compression effects described by the information bottleneck. By explicitly disentangling the optimization of visual understanding from task-specific alignment, MDGD preserves pre-trained visual knowledge while enabling efficient task adaptation. To enable lightweight instruction-tuning, we further develop a memory-efficient fine-tuning approach using gradient masking, which selectively updates a subset of model parameters to enable parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT), reducing computational overhead while preserving rich visual representations. Extensive experiments across various downstream tasks and backbone MLLMs demonstrate that MDGD effectively mitigates visual forgetting from pre-trained tasks while enabling strong adaptation to new tasks.
comment: 9 pages
☆ Adversarially Robust CLIP Models Can Induce Better (Robust) Perceptual Metrics
Measuring perceptual similarity is a key tool in computer vision. In recent years perceptual metrics based on features extracted from neural networks with large and diverse training sets, e.g. CLIP, have become popular. At the same time, the metrics extracted from features of neural networks are not adversarially robust. In this paper we show that adversarially robust CLIP models, called R-CLIP$_\textrm{F}$, obtained by unsupervised adversarial fine-tuning induce a better and adversarially robust perceptual metric that outperforms existing metrics in a zero-shot setting, and further matches the performance of state-of-the-art metrics while being robust after fine-tuning. Moreover, our perceptual metric achieves strong performance on related tasks such as robust image-to-image retrieval, which becomes especially relevant when applied to "Not Safe for Work" (NSFW) content detection and dataset filtering. While standard perceptual metrics can be easily attacked by a small perturbation completely degrading NSFW detection, our robust perceptual metric maintains high accuracy under an attack while having similar performance for unperturbed images. Finally, perceptual metrics induced by robust CLIP models have higher interpretability: feature inversion can show which images are considered similar, while text inversion can find what images are associated to a given prompt. This also allows us to visualize the very rich visual concepts learned by a CLIP model, including memorized persons, paintings and complex queries.
comment: This work has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Conference on Secure and Trustworthy Machine Learning (SaTML). The final version will be available on IEEE Xplore
☆ Proactive Depot Discovery: A Generative Framework for Flexible Location-Routing
The Location-Routing Problem (LRP), which combines the challenges of facility (depot) locating and vehicle route planning, is critically constrained by the reliance on predefined depot candidates, limiting the solution space and potentially leading to suboptimal outcomes. Previous research on LRP without predefined depots is scant and predominantly relies on heuristic algorithms that iteratively attempt depot placements across a planar area. Such approaches lack the ability to proactively generate depot locations that meet specific geographic requirements, revealing a notable gap in current research landscape. To bridge this gap, we propose a data-driven generative DRL framework, designed to proactively generate depots for LRP without predefined depot candidates, solely based on customer requests data which include geographic and demand information. It can operate in two distinct modes: direct generation of exact depot locations, and the creation of a multivariate Gaussian distribution for flexible depots sampling. By extracting depots' geographic pattern from customer requests data, our approach can dynamically respond to logistical needs, identifying high-quality depot locations that further reduce total routing costs compared to traditional methods. Extensive experiments demonstrate that, for a same group of customer requests, compared with those depots identified through random attempts, our framework can proactively generate depots that lead to superior solution routes with lower routing cost. The implications of our framework potentially extend into real-world applications, particularly in emergency medical rescue and disaster relief logistics, where rapid establishment and adjustment of depot locations are paramount, showcasing its potential in addressing LRP for dynamic and unpredictable environments.
☆ Knowledge-aware contrastive heterogeneous molecular graph learning
Molecular representation learning is pivotal in predicting molecular properties and advancing drug design. Traditional methodologies, which predominantly rely on homogeneous graph encoding, are limited by their inability to integrate external knowledge and represent molecular structures across different levels of granularity. To address these limitations, we propose a paradigm shift by encoding molecular graphs into heterogeneous structures, introducing a novel framework: Knowledge-aware Contrastive Heterogeneous Molecular Graph Learning (KCHML). This approach leverages contrastive learning to enrich molecular representations with embedded external knowledge. KCHML conceptualizes molecules through three distinct graph views-molecular, elemental, and pharmacological-enhanced by heterogeneous molecular graphs and a dual message-passing mechanism. This design offers a comprehensive representation for property prediction, as well as for downstream tasks such as drug-drug interaction (DDI) prediction. Extensive benchmarking demonstrates KCHML's superiority over state-of-the-art molecular property prediction models, underscoring its ability to capture intricate molecular features.
☆ LLM Agents Making Agent Tools
Tool use has turned large language models (LLMs) into powerful agents that can perform complex multi-step tasks by dynamically utilising external software components. However, these tools must be implemented in advance by human developers, hindering the applicability of LLM agents in domains which demand large numbers of highly specialised tools, like in life sciences and medicine. Motivated by the growing trend of scientific studies accompanied by public code repositories, we propose ToolMaker, a novel agentic framework that autonomously transforms papers with code into LLM-compatible tools. Given a short task description and a repository URL, ToolMaker autonomously installs required dependencies and generates code to perform the task, using a closed-loop self-correction mechanism to iteratively diagnose and rectify errors. To evaluate our approach, we introduce a benchmark comprising 15 diverse and complex computational tasks spanning both medical and non-medical domains with over 100 unit tests to objectively assess tool correctness and robustness. ToolMaker correctly implements 80% of the tasks, substantially outperforming current state-of-the-art software engineering agents. ToolMaker therefore is a step towards fully autonomous agent-based scientific workflows.
☆ ReVeil: Unconstrained Concealed Backdoor Attack on Deep Neural Networks using Machine Unlearning
Backdoor attacks embed hidden functionalities in deep neural networks (DNN), triggering malicious behavior with specific inputs. Advanced defenses monitor anomalous DNN inferences to detect such attacks. However, concealed backdoors evade detection by maintaining a low pre-deployment attack success rate (ASR) and restoring high ASR post-deployment via machine unlearning. Existing concealed backdoors are often constrained by requiring white-box or black-box access or auxiliary data, limiting their practicality when such access or data is unavailable. This paper introduces ReVeil, a concealed backdoor attack targeting the data collection phase of the DNN training pipeline, requiring no model access or auxiliary data. ReVeil maintains low pre-deployment ASR across four datasets and four trigger patterns, successfully evades three popular backdoor detection methods, and restores high ASR post-deployment through machine unlearning.
comment: This paper is accepted at 62nd Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2025
☆ Double Momentum and Error Feedback for Clipping with Fast Rates and Differential Privacy
Strong Differential Privacy (DP) and Optimization guarantees are two desirable properties for a method in Federated Learning (FL). However, existing algorithms do not achieve both properties at once: they either have optimal DP guarantees but rely on restrictive assumptions such as bounded gradients/bounded data heterogeneity, or they ensure strong optimization performance but lack DP guarantees. To address this gap in the literature, we propose and analyze a new method called Clip21-SGD2M based on a novel combination of clipping, heavy-ball momentum, and Error Feedback. In particular, for non-convex smooth distributed problems with clients having arbitrarily heterogeneous data, we prove that Clip21-SGD2M has optimal convergence rate and also near optimal (local-)DP neighborhood. Our numerical experiments on non-convex logistic regression and training of neural networks highlight the superiority of Clip21-SGD2M over baselines in terms of the optimization performance for a given DP-budget.
☆ Spectral structure learning for clinical time series
We develop and evaluate a structure learning algorithm for clinical time series. Clinical time series are multivariate time series observed in multiple patients and irregularly sampled, challenging existing structure learning algorithms. We assume that our times series are realizations of StructGP, a k-dimensional multi-output or multi-task stationary Gaussian process (GP), with independent patients sharing the same covariance function. StructGP encodes ordered conditional relations between time series, represented in a directed acyclic graph. We implement an adapted NOTEARS algorithm, which based on a differentiable definition of acyclicity, recovers the graph by solving a series of continuous optimization problems. Simulation results show that up to mean degree 3 and 20 tasks, we reach a median recall of 0.93% [IQR, 0.86, 0.97] while keeping a median precision of 0.71% [0.57-0.84], for recovering directed edges. We further show that the regularization path is key to identifying the graph. With StructGP, we proposed a model of time series dependencies, that flexibly adapt to different time series regularity, while enabling us to learn these dependencies from observations.
☆ Best of Both Worlds: Regret Minimization versus Minimax Play
In this paper, we investigate the existence of online learning algorithms with bandit feedback that simultaneously guarantee $O(1)$ regret compared to a given comparator strategy, and $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret compared to the best strategy in hindsight, where $T$ is the number of rounds. We provide the first affirmative answer to this question. In the context of symmetric zero-sum games, both in normal- and extensive form, we show that our results allow us to guarantee to risk at most $O(1)$ loss while being able to gain $\Omega(T)$ from exploitable opponents, thereby combining the benefits of both no-regret algorithms and minimax play.
☆ Exact Upper and Lower Bounds for the Output Distribution of Neural Networks with Random Inputs
We derive exact upper and lower bounds for the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of the output of a neural network over its entire support subject to noisy (stochastic) inputs. The upper and lower bounds converge to the true cdf over its domain as the resolution increases. Our method applies to any feedforward NN using continuous monotonic piecewise differentiable activation functions (e.g., ReLU, tanh and softmax) and convolutional NNs, which were beyond the scope of competing approaches. The novelty and an instrumental tool of our approach is to bound general NNs with ReLU NNs. The ReLU NN based bounds are then used to derive upper and lower bounds of the cdf of the NN output. Experiments demonstrate that our method delivers guaranteed bounds of the predictive output distribution over its support, thus providing exact error guarantees, in contrast to competing approaches.
comment: 16 pages
☆ Diversity-Oriented Data Augmentation with Large Language Models
Data augmentation is an essential technique in natural language processing (NLP) for enriching training datasets by generating diverse samples. This process is crucial for improving the robustness and generalization capabilities of NLP models. However, a significant challenge remains: \textit{Insufficient Attention to Sample Distribution Diversity}. Most existing methods focus on increasing the sample numbers while neglecting the sample distribution diversity, which can lead to model overfitting. In response, we explore data augmentation's impact on dataset diversity and propose a \textbf{\underline{D}}iversity-\textbf{\underline{o}}riented data \textbf{\underline{Aug}}mentation framework (\textbf{DoAug}). % \(\mathscr{DoAug}\) Specifically, we utilize a diversity-oriented fine-tuning approach to train an LLM as a diverse paraphraser, which is capable of augmenting textual datasets by generating diversified paraphrases. Then, we apply the LLM paraphraser to a selected coreset of highly informative samples and integrate the paraphrases with the original data to create a more diverse augmented dataset. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on 12 real-world textual datasets. The results show that our fine-tuned LLM augmenter improves diversity while preserving label consistency, thereby enhancing the robustness and performance of downstream tasks. Specifically, it achieves an average performance gain of \(10.52\%\), surpassing the runner-up baseline with more than three percentage points.
☆ Deep Subspace Learning for Surface Anomaly Classification Based on 3D Point Cloud Data
Surface anomaly classification is critical for manufacturing system fault diagnosis and quality control. However, the following challenges always hinder accurate anomaly classification in practice: (i) Anomaly patterns exhibit intra-class variation and inter-class similarity, presenting challenges in the accurate classification of each sample. (ii) Despite the predefined classes, new types of anomalies can occur during production that require to be detected accurately. (iii) Anomalous data is rare in manufacturing processes, leading to limited data for model learning. To tackle the above challenges simultaneously, this paper proposes a novel deep subspace learning-based 3D anomaly classification model. Specifically, starting from a lightweight encoder to extract the latent representations, we model each class as a subspace to account for the intra-class variation, while promoting distinct subspaces of different classes to tackle the inter-class similarity. Moreover, the explicit modeling of subspaces offers the capability to detect out-of-distribution samples, i.e., new types of anomalies, and the regularization effect with much fewer learnable parameters of our proposed subspace classifier, compared to the popular Multi-Layer Perceptions (MLPs). Extensive numerical experiments demonstrate our method achieves better anomaly classification results than benchmark methods, and can effectively identify the new types of anomalies.
☆ On the kernel learning problem
The classical kernel ridge regression problem aims to find the best fit for the output $Y$ as a function of the input data $X\in \mathbb{R}^d$, with a fixed choice of regularization term imposed by a given choice of a reproducing kernel Hilbert space, such as a Sobolev space. Here we consider a generalization of the kernel ridge regression problem, by introducing an extra matrix parameter $U$, which aims to detect the scale parameters and the feature variables in the data, and thereby improve the efficiency of kernel ridge regression. This naturally leads to a nonlinear variational problem to optimize the choice of $U$. We study various foundational mathematical aspects of this variational problem, and in particular how this behaves in the presence of multiscale structures in the data.
comment: 61 pages
☆ How does ion temperature gradient turbulence depend on magnetic geometry? Insights from data and machine learning
Magnetic geometry has a significant effect on the level of turbulent transport in fusion plasmas. Here, we model and analyze this dependence using multiple machine learning methods and a dataset of > 200,000 nonlinear simulations of ion-temperature-gradient turbulence in diverse non-axisymmetric geometries. The dataset is generated using a large collection of both optimized and randomly generated stellarator equilibria. At fixed gradients, the turbulent heat flux varies between geometries by several orders of magnitude. Trends are apparent among the configurations with particularly high or low heat flux. Regression and classification techniques from machine learning are then applied to extract patterns in the dataset. Due to a symmetry of the gyrokinetic equation, the heat flux and regressions thereof should be invariant to translations of the raw features in the parallel coordinate, similar to translation invariance in computer vision applications. Multiple regression models including convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and decision trees can achieve reasonable predictive power for the heat flux in held-out test configurations, with highest accuracy for the CNNs. Using Spearman correlation, sequential feature selection, and Shapley values to measure feature importance, it is consistently found that the most important geometric lever on the heat flux is the flux surface compression in regions of bad curvature. The second most important feature relates to the magnitude of geodesic curvature. These two features align remarkably with surrogates that have been proposed based on theory, while the methods here allow a natural extension to more features for increased accuracy. The dataset, released with this publication, may also be used to test other proposed surrogates, and we find many previously published proxies do correlate well with both the heat flux and stability boundary.
☆ Hyperspherical Energy Transformer with Recurrent Depth
Transformer-based foundation models have achieved unprecedented success with a gigantic amount of parameters and computational resources. Yet, the core building blocks of these models, the Transformer layers, and how they are arranged and configured are primarily engineered from the bottom up and driven by heuristics. For advancing next-generation architectures, it demands exploring a prototypical model that is amenable to high interpretability and of practical competence. To this end, we take a step from the top-down view and design neural networks from an energy minimization perspective. Specifically, to promote isotropic token distribution on the sphere, we formulate a modified Hopfield energy function on the subspace-embedded hypersphere, based on which Transformer layers with symmetric structures are designed as the iterative optimization for the energy function. By integrating layers with the same parameters, we propose \textit{Hyper-Spherical Energy Transformer} (Hyper-SET), an alternative to the vanilla Transformer with recurrent depth. This design inherently provides greater interpretability and allows for scaling to deeper layers without a significant increase in the number of parameters. We also empirically demonstrate that Hyper-SET achieves comparable or even superior performance on both synthetic and real-world tasks, such as solving Sudoku and masked image modeling, while utilizing fewer parameters.
comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, 12 tables
☆ Neural Interpretable Reasoning
We formalize a novel modeling framework for achieving interpretability in deep learning, anchored in the principle of inference equivariance. While the direct verification of interpretability scales exponentially with the number of variables of the system, we show that this complexity can be mitigated by treating interpretability as a Markovian property and employing neural re-parametrization techniques. Building on these insights, we propose a new modeling paradigm -- neural generation and interpretable execution -- that enables scalable verification of equivariance. This paradigm provides a general approach for designing Neural Interpretable Reasoners that are not only expressive but also transparent.
In-Context Parametric Inference: Point or Distribution Estimators?
Bayesian and frequentist inference are two fundamental paradigms in statistical estimation. Bayesian methods treat hypotheses as random variables, incorporating priors and updating beliefs via Bayes' theorem, whereas frequentist methods assume fixed but unknown hypotheses, relying on estimators like maximum likelihood. While extensive research has compared these approaches, the frequentist paradigm of obtaining point estimates has become predominant in deep learning, as Bayesian inference is challenging due to the computational complexity and the approximation gap of posterior estimation methods. However, a good understanding of trade-offs between the two approaches is lacking in the regime of amortized estimators, where in-context learners are trained to estimate either point values via maximum likelihood or maximum a posteriori estimation, or full posteriors using normalizing flows, score-based diffusion samplers, or diagonal Gaussian approximations, conditioned on observations. To help resolve this, we conduct a rigorous comparative analysis spanning diverse problem settings, from linear models to shallow neural networks, with a robust evaluation framework assessing both in-distribution and out-of-distribution generalization on tractable tasks. Our experiments indicate that amortized point estimators generally outperform posterior inference, though the latter remain competitive in some low-dimensional problems, and we further discuss why this might be the case.
☆ Maximum Entropy Reinforcement Learning with Diffusion Policy
The Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) algorithm with a Gaussian policy has become a mainstream implementation for realizing the Maximum Entropy Reinforcement Learning (MaxEnt RL) objective, which incorporates entropy maximization to encourage exploration and enhance policy robustness. While the Gaussian policy performs well on simpler tasks, its exploration capacity and potential performance in complex multi-goal RL environments are limited by its inherent unimodality. In this paper, we employ the diffusion model, a powerful generative model capable of capturing complex multimodal distributions, as the policy representation to fulfill the MaxEnt RL objective, developing a method named MaxEnt RL with Diffusion Policy (MaxEntDP). Our method enables efficient exploration and brings the policy closer to the optimal MaxEnt policy. Experimental results on Mujoco benchmarks show that MaxEntDP outperforms the Gaussian policy and other generative models within the MaxEnt RL framework, and performs comparably to other state-of-the-art diffusion-based online RL algorithms. Our code is available at
comment: 21 pages, 7 figures
☆ Exploiting Task Relationships for Continual Learning Using Transferability-Aware Task Embeddings
Continual learning (CL) has been an essential topic in the contemporary application of deep neural networks, where catastrophic forgetting (CF) can impede a model's ability to acquire knowledge progressively. Existing CL strategies primarily address CF by regularizing model updates or separating task-specific and shared components. However, these methods focus on task model elements while overlooking the potential of leveraging inter-task relationships for learning enhancement. To address this, we propose a transferability-aware task embedding named H-embedding and train a hypernet under its guidance to learn task-conditioned model weights for CL tasks. Particularly, H-embedding is introduced based on an information theoretical transferability measure and is designed to be online and easy to compute. The framework is also characterized by notable practicality, which only requires storing a low-dimensional task embedding for each task, and can be efficiently trained in an end-to-end way. Extensive evaluations and experimental analyses on datasets including Permuted MNIST, Cifar10/100, and ImageNet-R demonstrate that our framework performs prominently compared to various baseline methods, displaying great potential in exploiting intrinsic task relationships.
GraphThought: Graph Combinatorial Optimization with Thought Generation
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities across various domains, especially in text processing and generative tasks. Recent advancements in the reasoning capabilities of state-of-the-art LLMs, such as OpenAI-o1, have significantly broadened their applicability, particularly in complex problem-solving and logical inference. However, most existing LLMs struggle with notable limitations in handling graph combinatorial optimization (GCO) problems. To bridge this gap, we formally define the Optimal Thoughts Design (OTD) problem, including its state and action thought space. We then introduce a novel framework, GraphThought, designed to generate high-quality thought datasets for GCO problems. Leveraging these datasets, we fine-tune the Llama-3-8B-Instruct model to develop Llama-GT. Notably, despite its compact 8B-parameter architecture, Llama-GT matches the performance of state-of-the-art LLMs on the GraphArena benchmark. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms both proprietary and open-source models, even rivaling specialized models like o1-mini. This work sets a new state-of-the-art benchmark while challenging the prevailing notion that model scale is the primary driver of reasoning capability.
comment: 41 pages, 5 figures, 13 tables
☆ An Actor-Critic Algorithm with Function Approximation for Risk Sensitive Cost Markov Decision Processes
In this paper, we consider the risk-sensitive cost criterion with exponentiated costs for Markov decision processes and develop a model-free policy gradient algorithm in this setting. Unlike additive cost criteria such as average or discounted cost, the risk-sensitive cost criterion is less studied due to the complexity resulting from the multiplicative structure of the resulting Bellman equation. We develop an actor-critic algorithm with function approximation in this setting and provide its asymptotic convergence analysis. We also show the results of numerical experiments that demonstrate the superiority in performance of our algorithm over other recent algorithms in the literature.
☆ LLM Embeddings for Deep Learning on Tabular Data
Tabular deep-learning methods require embedding numerical and categorical input features into high-dimensional spaces before processing them. Existing methods deal with this heterogeneous nature of tabular data by employing separate type-specific encoding approaches. This limits the cross-table transfer potential and the exploitation of pre-trained knowledge. We propose a novel approach that first transforms tabular data into text, and then leverages pre-trained representations from LLMs to encode this data, resulting in a plug-and-play solution to improv ing deep-learning tabular methods. We demonstrate that our approach improves accuracy over competitive models, such as MLP, ResNet and FT-Transformer, by validating on seven classification datasets.
☆ Distributional autoencoders know the score
This work presents novel and desirable properties of a recently introduced class of autoencoders -- the Distributional Principal Autoencoder (DPA) -- that combines distributionally correct reconstruction with principal components-like interpretability of the encodings. First, we show that the level sets of the encoder orient themselves exactly with regard to the score of the data distribution. This both explains the method's often remarkable performance in disentangling the the factors of variation of the data, as well as opens up possibilities of recovering its distribution while having access to samples only. In settings where the score itself has physical meaning -- such as when the data obey the Boltzmann distribution -- we demonstrate that the method can recover scientifically important quantities such as the \textit{minimum free energy path}. Second, we show that if the data lie on a manifold that can be approximated by the encoder, the optimal encoder's components beyond the dimension of the manifold will carry absolutely no additional information about the data distribution. This promises new ways of determining the number of relevant dimensions of the data beyond common heuristics such as the scree plot. Finally, the fact that the method is learning the score means that it could have promise as a generative model, potentially rivaling approaches such as diffusion, which similarly attempts to approximate the score of the data distribution.
comment: 24 pages, 6 figures
☆ FaMTEB: Massive Text Embedding Benchmark in Persian Language ACL 2025
In this paper, we introduce a comprehensive benchmark for Persian (Farsi) text embeddings, built upon the Massive Text Embedding Benchmark (MTEB). Our benchmark includes 63 datasets spanning seven different tasks: classification, clustering, pair classification, reranking, retrieval, summary retrieval, and semantic textual similarity. The datasets are formed as a combination of existing, translated, and newly generated data, offering a diverse evaluation framework for Persian language models. Given the increasing use of text embedding models in chatbots, evaluation datasets are becoming inseparable ingredients in chatbot challenges and Retrieval-Augmented Generation systems. As a contribution, we include chatbot evaluation datasets in the MTEB benchmark for the first time. In addition, in this paper, we introduce the new task of summary retrieval which is not part of the tasks included in standard MTEB. Another contribution of this paper is the introduction of a substantial number of new Persian language NLP datasets suitable for training and evaluation, some of which have no previous counterparts in Persian. We evaluate the performance of several Persian and multilingual embedding models in a range of tasks. This work introduces an open-source benchmark with datasets, code and a public leaderboard.
comment: to appear in ACL 2025
☆ Towards a Trustworthy Anomaly Detection for Critical Applications through Approximated Partial AUC Loss
Anomaly Detection is a crucial step for critical applications such in the industrial, medical or cybersecurity domains. These sectors share the same requirement of handling differently the different types of classification errors. Indeed, even if false positives are acceptable, false negatives are not, because it would reflect a missed detection of a quality issue, a disease or a cyber threat. To fulfill this requirement, we propose a method that dynamically applies a trustworthy approximated partial AUC ROC loss (tapAUC). A binary classifier is trained to optimize the specific range of the AUC ROC curve that prevents the True Positive Rate (TPR) to reach 100% while minimizing the False Positive Rate (FPR). The optimal threshold that does not trigger any false negative is then kept and used at the test step. The results show a TPR of 92.52% at a 20.43% FPR for an average across 6 datasets, representing a TPR improvement of 4.3% for a FPR cost of 12.2% against other state-of-the-art methods. The code is available at
☆ Towards Reasoning Ability of Small Language Models
Reasoning has long been viewed as an emergent property of large language models (LLMs), appearing at or above a certain scale ($\sim$100B parameters). However, recent studies challenge this assumption, showing that small language models (SLMs) can also achieve competitive reasoning performance. SLMs are increasingly favored for their efficiency and deployability. However, there is a lack of systematic study on the reasoning abilities of diverse SLMs, including those trained from scratch or derived from LLMs through quantization, pruning, and distillation. This raises a critical question: Can SLMs achieve reasoning abilities comparable to LLMs? In this work, we systematically survey, benchmark, and analyze 72 SLMs from six model families across 14 reasoning benchmarks. For reliable evaluation, we examine four evaluation methods and compare four LLM judges against human evaluations on 800 data points. We repeat all experiments three times to ensure a robust performance assessment. Additionally, we analyze the impact of different prompting strategies in small models. Beyond accuracy, we also evaluate model robustness under adversarial conditions and intermediate reasoning steps. Our findings challenge the assumption that scaling is the only way to achieve strong reasoning. Instead, we foresee a future where SLMs with strong reasoning capabilities can be developed through structured training or post-training compression. They can serve as efficient alternatives to LLMs for reasoning-intensive tasks.
☆ Continuous Diffusion Model for Language Modeling
Diffusion models have emerged as a promising alternative to autoregressive models in modeling discrete categorical data. Yet diffusion models that directly work on discrete data space do not fully exploit the power of iterative refinement, as the signals are lost during the transition between discrete states. Existing continuous diffusion models for discrete data have limited performance compared to discrete approaches, and the unclear link between them restricts the development of diffusion models for discrete data. In this work, we propose a continuous diffusion model for language modeling that incorporates the geometry of the underlying categorical distribution. We establish a connection between the discrete diffusion and continuous flow on the statistical manifold, and building on the analogy, we introduce a simple design for the diffusion process that generalizes previous discrete diffusion models. We further propose a simulation-free training framework based on radial symmetry and a simple technique to address the high dimensionality of the manifold. Comprehensive experiments on language modeling benchmarks and other modalities show that our method outperforms existing discrete diffusion models and approaches the performance of autoregressive models. Codes available at \href{}{}.
☆ A Survey of Automatic Prompt Engineering: An Optimization Perspective
The rise of foundation models has shifted focus from resource-intensive fine-tuning to prompt engineering, a paradigm that steers model behavior through input design rather than weight updates. While manual prompt engineering faces limitations in scalability, adaptability, and cross-modal alignment, automated methods, spanning foundation model (FM) based optimization, evolutionary methods, gradient-based optimization, and reinforcement learning, offer promising solutions. Existing surveys, however, remain fragmented across modalities and methodologies. This paper presents the first comprehensive survey on automated prompt engineering through a unified optimization-theoretic lens. We formalize prompt optimization as a maximization problem over discrete, continuous, and hybrid prompt spaces, systematically organizing methods by their optimization variables (instructions, soft prompts, exemplars), task-specific objectives, and computational frameworks. By bridging theoretical formulation with practical implementations across text, vision, and multimodal domains, this survey establishes a foundational framework for both researchers and practitioners, while highlighting underexplored frontiers in constrained optimization and agent-oriented prompt design.
comment: 19 pages, 4 figures
♻ ☆ Splitting criteria for ordinal decision trees: an experimental study
Ordinal Classification (OC) is a machine learning field that addresses classification tasks where the labels exhibit a natural order. Unlike nominal classification, which treats all classes as equally distinct, OC takes the ordinal relationship into account, producing more accurate and relevant results. This is particularly critical in applications where the magnitude of classification errors has implications. Despite this, OC problems are often tackled using nominal methods, leading to suboptimal solutions. Although decision trees are one of the most popular classification approaches, ordinal tree-based approaches have received less attention when compared to other classifiers. This work conducts an experimental study of tree-based methodologies specifically designed to capture ordinal relationships. A comprehensive survey of ordinal splitting criteria is provided, standardising the notations used in the literature for clarity. Three ordinal splitting criteria, Ordinal Gini (OGini), Weighted Information Gain (WIG), and Ranking Impurity (RI), are compared to the nominal counterparts of the first two (Gini and information gain), by incorporating them into a decision tree classifier. An extensive repository considering 45 publicly available OC datasets is presented, supporting the first experimental comparison of ordinal and nominal splitting criteria using well-known OC evaluation metrics. Statistical analysis of the results highlights OGini as the most effective ordinal splitting criterion to date. Source code, datasets, and results are made available to the research community.
comment: 34 pages, 4 figures, 6 tables
♻ ☆ Human-LLM Coevolution: Evidence from Academic Writing
With a statistical analysis of arXiv paper abstracts, we report a marked drop in the frequency of several words previously identified as overused by ChatGPT, such as "delve", starting soon after they were pointed out in early 2024. The frequency of certain other words favored by ChatGPT, such as "significant", has instead kept increasing. These phenomena suggest that some authors of academic papers have adapted their use of large language models (LLMs), for example, by selecting outputs or applying modifications to the LLM-generated content. Such coevolution and cooperation of humans and LLMs thus introduce additional challenges to the detection of machine-generated text in real-world scenarios. Estimating the impact of LLMs on academic writing by examining word frequency remains feasible, and more attention should be paid to words that were already frequently employed, including those that have decreased in frequency due to LLMs' disfavor.
♻ ☆ Improving Acoustic Side-Channel Attacks on Keyboards Using Transformers and Large Language Models
The increasing prevalence of microphones in everyday devices and the growing reliance on online services have amplified the risk of acoustic side-channel attacks (ASCAs) targeting keyboards. This study explores deep learning techniques, specifically vision transformers (VTs) and large language models (LLMs), to enhance the effectiveness and applicability of such attacks. We present substantial improvements over prior research, with the CoAtNet model achieving state-of-the-art performance. Our CoAtNet shows a 5.0% improvement for keystrokes recorded via smartphone (Phone) and 5.9% for those recorded via Zoom compared to previous benchmarks. We also evaluate transformer architectures and language models, with the best VT model matching CoAtNet's performance. A key advancement is the introduction of a noise mitigation method for real-world scenarios. By using LLMs for contextual understanding, we detect and correct erroneous keystrokes in noisy environments, enhancing ASCA performance. Additionally, fine-tuned lightweight language models with Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) deliver comparable performance to heavyweight models with 67X more parameters. This integration of VTs and LLMs improves the practical applicability of ASCA mitigation, marking the first use of these technologies to address ASCAs and error correction in real-world scenarios.
comment: We will reflect comments from the reviewers and re-submit
♻ ☆ CELL your Model: Contrastive Explanations for Large Language Models
The advent of black-box deep neural network classification models has sparked the need to explain their decisions. However, in the case of generative AI, such as large language models (LLMs), there is no class prediction to explain. Rather, one can ask why an LLM output a particular response to a given prompt. In this paper, we answer this question by proposing a contrastive explanation method requiring simply black-box/query access. Our explanations suggest that an LLM outputs a reply to a given prompt because if the prompt was slightly modified, the LLM would have given a different response that is either less preferable or contradicts the original response. The key insight is that contrastive explanations simply require a scoring function that has meaning to the user and not necessarily a specific real valued quantity (viz. class label). To this end, we offer a novel budgeted algorithm, our main algorithmic contribution, which intelligently creates contrasts based on such a scoring function while adhering to a query budget, necessary for longer contexts. We show the efficacy of our method on important natural language tasks such as open-text generation and chatbot conversations.
♻ ☆ Vision CNNs trained to estimate spatial latents learned similar ventral-stream-aligned representations ICLR 2025
Studies of the functional role of the primate ventral visual stream have traditionally focused on object categorization, often ignoring -- despite much prior evidence -- its role in estimating "spatial" latents such as object position and pose. Most leading ventral stream models are derived by optimizing networks for object categorization, which seems to imply that the ventral stream is also derived under such an objective. Here, we explore an alternative hypothesis: Might the ventral stream be optimized for estimating spatial latents? And a closely related question: How different -- if at all -- are representations learned from spatial latent estimation compared to categorization? To ask these questions, we leveraged synthetic image datasets generated by a 3D graphic engine and trained convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to estimate different combinations of spatial and category latents. We found that models trained to estimate just a few spatial latents achieve neural alignment scores comparable to those trained on hundreds of categories, and the spatial latent performance of models strongly correlates with their neural alignment. Spatial latent and category-trained models have very similar -- but not identical -- internal representations, especially in their early and middle layers. We provide evidence that this convergence is partly driven by non-target latent variability in the training data, which facilitates the implicit learning of representations of those non-target latents. Taken together, these results suggest that many training objectives, such as spatial latents, can lead to similar models aligned neurally with the ventral stream. Thus, one should not assume that the ventral stream is optimized for object categorization only. As a field, we need to continue to sharpen our measures of comparing models to brains to better understand the functional roles of the ventral stream.
comment: 30 pages, 21 figures, ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ DiTTo-TTS: Diffusion Transformers for Scalable Text-to-Speech without Domain-Specific Factors
Large-scale latent diffusion models (LDMs) excel in content generation across various modalities, but their reliance on phonemes and durations in text-to-speech (TTS) limits scalability and access from other fields. While recent studies show potential in removing these domain-specific factors, performance remains suboptimal. In this work, we introduce DiTTo-TTS, a Diffusion Transformer (DiT)-based TTS model, to investigate whether LDM-based TTS can achieve state-of-the-art performance without domain-specific factors. Through rigorous analysis and empirical exploration, we find that (1) DiT with minimal modifications outperforms U-Net, (2) variable-length modeling with a speech length predictor significantly improves results over fixed-length approaches, and (3) conditions like semantic alignment in speech latent representations are key to further enhancement. By scaling our training data to 82K hours and the model size to 790M parameters, we achieve superior or comparable zero-shot performance to state-of-the-art TTS models in naturalness, intelligibility, and speaker similarity, all without relying on domain-specific factors. Speech samples are available at
♻ ☆ Scaling up Test-Time Compute with Latent Reasoning: A Recurrent Depth Approach
We study a novel language model architecture that is capable of scaling test-time computation by implicitly reasoning in latent space. Our model works by iterating a recurrent block, thereby unrolling to arbitrary depth at test-time. This stands in contrast to mainstream reasoning models that scale up compute by producing more tokens. Unlike approaches based on chain-of-thought, our approach does not require any specialized training data, can work with small context windows, and can capture types of reasoning that are not easily represented in words. We scale a proof-of-concept model to 3.5 billion parameters and 800 billion tokens. We show that the resulting model can improve its performance on reasoning benchmarks, sometimes dramatically, up to a computation load equivalent to 50 billion parameters.
comment: The model is available at Code and data recipe can be found at
♻ ☆ Revisiting the Equivalence of Bayesian Neural Networks and Gaussian Processes: On the Importance of Learning Activations
Gaussian Processes (GPs) provide a convenient framework for specifying function-space priors, making them a natural choice for modeling uncertainty. In contrast, Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs) offer greater scalability and extendability but lack the advantageous properties of GPs. This motivates the development of BNNs capable of replicating GP-like behavior. However, existing solutions are either limited to specific GP kernels or rely on heuristics. We demonstrate that trainable activations are crucial for effective mapping of GP priors to wide BNNs. Specifically, we leverage the closed-form 2-Wasserstein distance for efficient gradient-based optimization of reparameterized priors and activations. Beyond learned activations, we also introduce trainable periodic activations that ensure global stationarity by design, and functional priors conditioned on GP hyperparameters to allow efficient model selection. Empirically, our method consistently outperforms existing approaches or matches performance of the heuristic methods, while offering stronger theoretical foundations.
♻ ☆ Advances in Multimodal Adaptation and Generalization: From Traditional Approaches to Foundation Models
In real-world scenarios, achieving domain adaptation and generalization poses significant challenges, as models must adapt to or generalize across unknown target distributions. Extending these capabilities to unseen multimodal distributions, i.e., multimodal domain adaptation and generalization, is even more challenging due to the distinct characteristics of different modalities. Significant progress has been made over the years, with applications ranging from action recognition to semantic segmentation. Besides, the recent advent of large-scale pre-trained multimodal foundation models, such as CLIP, has inspired works leveraging these models to enhance adaptation and generalization performances or adapting them to downstream tasks. This survey provides the first comprehensive review of recent advances from traditional approaches to foundation models, covering: (1) Multimodal domain adaptation; (2) Multimodal test-time adaptation; (3) Multimodal domain generalization; (4) Domain adaptation and generalization with the help of multimodal foundation models; and (5) Adaptation of multimodal foundation models. For each topic, we formally define the problem and thoroughly review existing methods. Additionally, we analyze relevant datasets and applications, highlighting open challenges and potential future research directions. We maintain an active repository that contains up-to-date literature at
comment: Project page:
♻ ☆ Investigating the importance of social vulnerability in opioid-related mortality across the United States
The opioid crisis remains a critical public health challenge in the United States. Despite national efforts to reduce opioid prescribing rates by nearly 45\% between 2011 and 2021, opioid overdose deaths more than tripled during this same period. This alarming trend reflects a major shift in the crisis, with illegal opioids now driving the majority of overdose deaths instead of prescription opioids. Although much attention has been given to supply-side factors fueling this transition, the underlying socioeconomic conditions that perpetuate and exacerbate opioid misuse remain less understood. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic intensified the opioid crisis through widespread social isolation and record-high unemployment; consequently, understanding the socioeconomic drivers of this epidemic has become even more crucial in recent years. To address this need, our study examines the correlation between opioid-related mortality and thirteen components of the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI). Leveraging a nationwide county-level dataset spanning consecutive years from 2010 to 2022, this study integrates empirical insights from exploratory data analysis with feature importance metrics derived from machine learning models. Our findings highlight critical social factors strongly correlated with opioid-related mortality, emphasizing their potential roles in worsening the epidemic when their levels are high and mitigating it when their levels are low.
♻ ☆ On the Expressive Power of Sparse Geometric MPNNs
Motivated by applications in chemistry and other sciences, we study the expressive power of message-passing neural networks for geometric graphs, whose node features correspond to 3-dimensional positions. Recent work has shown that such models can separate generic pairs of non-isomorphic geometric graphs, though they may fail to separate some rare and complicated instances. However, these results assume a fully connected graph, where each node possesses complete knowledge of all other nodes. In contrast, often, in application, every node only possesses knowledge of a small number of nearest neighbors. This paper shows that generic pairs of non-isomorphic geometric graphs can be separated by message-passing networks with rotation equivariant features as long as the underlying graph is connected. When only invariant intermediate features are allowed, generic separation is guaranteed for generically globally rigid graphs. We introduce a simple architecture, EGENNET, which achieves our theoretical guarantees and compares favorably with alternative architecture on synthetic and chemical benchmarks. Our code is available at
♻ ☆ Revisiting Multi-Permutation Equivariance through the Lens of Irreducible Representations
This paper explores the characterization of equivariant linear layers for representations of permutations and related groups. Unlike traditional approaches, which address these problems using parameter-sharing, we consider an alternative methodology based on irreducible representations and Schur's lemma. Using this methodology, we obtain an alternative derivation for existing models like DeepSets, 2-IGN graph equivariant networks, and Deep Weight Space (DWS) networks. The derivation for DWS networks is significantly simpler than that of previous results. Next, we extend our approach to unaligned symmetric sets, where equivariance to the wreath product of groups is required. Previous works have addressed this problem in a rather restrictive setting, in which almost all wreath equivariant layers are Siamese. In contrast, we give a full characterization of layers in this case and show that there is a vast number of additional non-Siamese layers in some settings. We also show empirically that these additional non-Siamese layers can improve performance in tasks like graph anomaly detection, weight space alignment, and learning Wasserstein distances. Our code is available at \href{}{GitHub}.
♻ ☆ Data Valuation using Neural Networks for Efficient Instruction Fine-Tuning
Influence functions provide crucial insights into model training, but existing methods suffer from large computational costs and limited generalization. Particularly, recent works have proposed various metrics and algorithms to calculate the influence of data using language models, which do not scale well with large models and datasets. This is because of the expensive forward and backward passes required for computation, substantial memory requirements to store large models, and poor generalization of influence estimates to new data. In this paper, we explore the use of small neural networks -- which we refer to as the InfluenceNetwork -- to estimate influence values, achieving up to 99% cost reduction. Our evaluation demonstrates that influence values can be estimated with models just 0.0027% the size of full language models (we use 7B and 8B versions). We apply our algorithm of estimating influence values (called NN-CIFT: Neural Networks for effiCient Instruction Fine-Tuning) to the downstream task of subset selection for general instruction fine-tuning. In our study, we include four state-of-the-art influence functions and show no compromise in performance, despite large speedups, between NN-CIFT and the original influence functions. We provide an in-depth hyperparameter analyses of NN-CIFT. The code for our method can be found here:
♻ ☆ RDSA: A Robust Deep Graph Clustering Framework via Dual Soft Assignment DASFAA 2025
Graph clustering is an essential aspect of network analysis that involves grouping nodes into separate clusters. Recent developments in deep learning have resulted in graph clustering, which has proven effective in many applications. Nonetheless, these methods often encounter difficulties when dealing with real-world graphs, particularly in the presence of noisy edges. Additionally, many denoising graph clustering methods tend to suffer from lower performance, training instability, and challenges in scaling to large datasets compared to non-denoised models. To tackle these issues, we introduce a new framework called the Robust Deep Graph Clustering Framework via Dual Soft Assignment (RDSA). RDSA consists of three key components: (i) a node embedding module that effectively integrates the graph's topological features and node attributes; (ii) a structure-based soft assignment module that improves graph modularity by utilizing an affinity matrix for node assignments; and (iii) a node-based soft assignment module that identifies community landmarks and refines node assignments to enhance the model's robustness. We assess RDSA on various real-world datasets, demonstrating its superior performance relative to existing state-of-the-art methods. Our findings indicate that RDSA provides robust clustering across different graph types, excelling in clustering effectiveness and robustness, including adaptability to noise, stability, and scalability.
comment: Accepted by DASFAA 2025; Complete version
♻ ☆ Path Planning for Masked Diffusion Model Sampling
In this paper, we explore how token unmasking order influences generative quality in masked diffusion models (MDMs). We derive an expanded evidence lower bound (ELBO) that introduces a planner to select which tokens to unmask at each step. Our analysis reveals that alternative unmasking strategies can enhance generation performance. Building on this, we propose Path Planning (P2), a sampling framework that uses a pre-trained BERT model or the denoiser itself to guide unmasking decisions. P2 generalizes all known MDM sampling strategies and significantly improves performance across diverse domains, including language generation (in-context learning, code generation, story infilling, mathematical reasoning, reverse curse correction) and biological sequence generation (protein and RNA sequences).
♻ ☆ Attention as a Hypernetwork ICLR 2025
Transformers can under some circumstances generalize to novel problem instances whose constituent parts might have been encountered during training, but whose compositions have not. What mechanisms underlie this ability for compositional generalization? By reformulating multi-head attention as a hypernetwork, we reveal that a composable, low-dimensional latent code specifies key-query specific operations. We find empirically that this latent code is predictive of the subtasks the network performs on unseen task compositions, revealing that latent codes acquired during training are reused to solve unseen problem instances. To further examine the hypothesis that the intrinsic hypernetwork of multi-head attention supports compositional generalization, we ablate whether making the hypernetwork-generated linear value network nonlinear strengthens compositionality. We find that this modification improves compositional generalization on abstract reasoning tasks. In particular, we introduce a symbolic version of the Raven's Progressive Matrices human intelligence test, which gives us precise control over the problem compositions encountered during training and evaluation. We demonstrate on this task how scaling model size and data enables compositional generalization in transformers and gives rise to a functionally structured latent space.
comment: ICLR 2025 (Oral); Code available at
♻ ☆ Token-Budget-Aware LLM Reasoning
Reasoning is critical for large language models (LLMs) to excel in a wide range of tasks. While methods like Chain-of-Thought (CoT) reasoning enhance LLM performance by decomposing problems into intermediate steps, they also incur significant overhead in token usage, leading to increased costs. We find that the reasoning process of current LLMs is unnecessarily lengthy and it can be compressed by including a reasonable token budget in the prompt, but the choice of token budget plays a crucial role in the actual compression effectiveness. We then propose a token-budget-aware LLM reasoning framework, which dynamically estimates token budgets for different problems based on reasoning complexity and uses the estimated token budgets to guide the reasoning process. Experiments show that our method effectively reduces token costs in CoT reasoning with only a slight performance reduction, offering a practical solution to balance efficiency and accuracy in LLM reasoning. Code:
♻ ☆ Debiasing Guidance for Discrete Diffusion with Sequential Monte Carlo
Discrete diffusion models are a class of generative models that produce samples from an approximated data distribution within a discrete state space. Often, there is a need to target specific regions of the data distribution. Current guidance methods aim to sample from a distribution with mass proportional to $p_0(x_0) p(\zeta|x_0)^\alpha$ but fail to achieve this in practice. We introduce a Sequential Monte Carlo algorithm that generates unbiasedly from this target distribution, utilising the learnt unconditional and guided process. We validate our approach on low-dimensional distributions, controlled images and text generations. For text generation, our method provides strong control while maintaining low perplexity compared to guidance-based approaches.
comment: 29 pages, 14 figures
♻ ☆ Generalization capabilities and robustness of hybrid models grounded in physics compared to purely deep learning models
This study investigates the generalization capabilities and robustness of purely deep learning (DL) models and hybrid models based on physical principles in fluid dynamics applications, specifically focusing on iteratively forecasting the temporal evolution of flow dynamics. Three autoregressive models were compared: a hybrid model (POD-DL) that combines proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) with a long-short term memory (LSTM) layer, a convolutional autoencoder combined with a convolutional LSTM (ConvLSTM) layer and a variational autoencoder (VAE) combined with a ConvLSTM layer. These models were tested on two high-dimensional, nonlinear datasets representing the velocity field of flow past a circular cylinder in both laminar and turbulent regimes. The study used latent dimension methods, enabling a bijective reduction of high-dimensional dynamics into a lower-order space to facilitate future predictions. While the VAE and ConvLSTM models accurately predicted laminar flow, the hybrid POD-DL model outperformed the others across both laminar and turbulent flow regimes. This success is attributed to the model's ability to incorporate modal decomposition, reducing the dimensionality of the data, by a non-parametric method, and simplifying the forecasting component. By leveraging POD, the model not only gained insight into the underlying physics, improving prediction accuracy with less training data, but also reduce the number of trainable parameters as POD is non-parametric. The findings emphasize the potential of hybrid models, particularly those integrating modal decomposition and deep learning, in predicting complex flow dynamics.
comment: 24 pages, two column, 26 figures and 11 tables
♻ ☆ Bridging Compressed Image Latents and Multimodal Large Language Models ICLR 2025
This paper presents the first-ever study of adapting compressed image latents to suit the needs of downstream vision tasks that adopt Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs). MLLMs have extended the success of large language models to modalities (e.g. images) beyond text, but their billion scale hinders deployment on resource-constrained end devices. While cloud-hosted MLLMs could be available, transmitting raw, uncompressed images captured by end devices to the cloud requires an efficient image compression system. To address this, we focus on emerging neural image compression and propose a novel framework with a lightweight transform-neck and a surrogate loss to adapt compressed image latents for MLLM-based vision tasks. Given the huge scale of MLLMs, our framework excludes the entire downstream MLLM except part of its visual encoder from training our system. This stands out from most existing coding for machine approaches that involve downstream networks in training and thus could be impractical when the networks are MLLMs. The proposed framework is general in that it is applicable to various MLLMs, neural image codecs, and multiple application scenarios, where the neural image codec can be (1) pre-trained for human perception without updating, (2) fully updated for joint human and machine perception, or (3) fully updated for only machine perception. Extensive experiments on different neural image codecs and various MLLMs show that our method achieves great rate-accuracy performance with much less complexity.
comment: Accepted by ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ iFormer: Integrating ConvNet and Transformer for Mobile Application ICLR 2025
We present a new family of mobile hybrid vision networks, called iFormer, with a focus on optimizing latency and accuracy on mobile applications. iFormer effectively integrates the fast local representation capacity of convolution with the efficient global modeling ability of self-attention. The local interactions are derived from transforming a standard convolutional network, \textit{i.e.}, ConvNeXt, to design a more lightweight mobile network. Our newly introduced mobile modulation attention removes memory-intensive operations in MHA and employs an efficient modulation mechanism to boost dynamic global representational capacity. We conduct comprehensive experiments demonstrating that iFormer outperforms existing lightweight networks across various tasks. Notably, iFormer achieves an impressive Top-1 accuracy of 80.4\% on ImageNet-1k with a latency of only 1.10 ms on an iPhone 13, surpassing the recently proposed MobileNetV4 under similar latency constraints. Additionally, our method shows significant improvements in downstream tasks, including COCO object detection, instance segmentation, and ADE20k semantic segmentation, while still maintaining low latency on mobile devices for high-resolution inputs in these scenarios.
comment: Accepted to ICLR 2025. Code:
♻ ☆ Towards Scalable Insect Monitoring: Ultra-Lightweight CNNs as On-Device Triggers for Insect Camera Traps
Camera traps, combined with AI, have emerged as a way to achieve automated, scalable biodiversity monitoring. However, the passive infrared (PIR) sensors that trigger camera traps are poorly suited for detecting small, fast-moving ectotherms such as insects. Insects comprise over half of all animal species and are key components of ecosystems and agriculture. The need for an appropriate and scalable insect camera trap is critical in the wake of concerning reports of declines in insect populations. This study proposes an alternative to the PIR trigger: ultra-lightweight convolutional neural networks running on low-powered hardware to detect insects in a continuous stream of captured images. We train a suite of models to distinguish insect images from backgrounds. Our design achieves zero latency between trigger and image capture. Our models are rigorously tested and achieve high accuracy ranging from 91.8% to 96.4% AUC on validation data and >87% AUC on data from distributions unseen during training. The high specificity of our models ensures minimal saving of false positive images, maximising deployment storage efficiency. High recall scores indicate a minimal false negative rate, maximising insect detection. Further analysis with saliency maps shows the learned representation of our models to be robust, with low reliance on spurious background features. Our system is also shown to operate deployed on off-the-shelf, low-powered microcontroller units, consuming a maximum power draw of less than 300mW. This enables longer deployment times using cheap and readily available battery components. Overall we offer a step change in the cost, efficiency and scope of insect monitoring. Solving the challenging trigger problem, we demonstrate a system which can be deployed for far longer than existing designs and budgets power and bandwidth effectively, moving towards a generic insect camera trap.
♻ ☆ Impactful Bit-Flip Search on Full-precision Models
Neural networks have shown remarkable performance in various tasks, yet they remain susceptible to subtle changes in their input or model parameters. One particularly impactful vulnerability arises through the Bit-Flip Attack (BFA), where flipping a small number of critical bits in a model's parameters can severely degrade its performance. A common technique for inducing bit flips in DRAM is the Row-Hammer attack, which exploits frequent uncached memory accesses to alter data. Identifying susceptible bits can be achieved through exhaustive search or progressive layer-by-layer analysis, especially in quantized networks. In this work, we introduce Impactful Bit-Flip Search (IBS), a novel method for efficiently pinpointing and flipping critical bits in full-precision networks. Additionally, we propose a Weight-Stealth technique that strategically modifies the model's parameters in a way that maintains the float values within the original distribution, thereby bypassing simple range checks often used in tamper detection.
♻ ☆ BitStack: Any-Size Compression of Large Language Models in Variable Memory Environments ICLR 2025
Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized numerous applications, yet their deployment remains challenged by memory constraints on local devices. While scaling laws have enhanced LLM capabilities, the primary bottleneck has shifted from \textit{capability} to \textit{availability}, emphasizing the need for efficient memory management. Traditional compression methods, such as quantization, often require predefined compression ratios and separate compression processes for each setting, complicating deployment in variable memory environments. In this paper, we introduce \textbf{BitStack}, a novel, training-free weight compression approach that enables megabyte-level trade-offs between memory usage and model performance. By leveraging weight decomposition, BitStack can dynamically adjust the model size with minimal transmission between running memory and storage devices. Our approach iteratively decomposes weight matrices while considering the significance of each parameter, resulting in an approximately 1-bit per parameter residual block in each decomposition iteration. These blocks are sorted and stacked in storage as basic transmission units, with different quantities loaded based on current memory availability. Extensive experiments across a wide range of tasks demonstrate that, despite offering fine-grained size control, BitStack consistently matches or surpasses strong quantization baselines, particularly at extreme compression ratios. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first decomposition-based method that effectively bridges the gap to practical compression techniques like quantization. Code is available at
comment: ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ Improved Online Confidence Bounds for Multinomial Logistic Bandits
In this paper, we propose an improved online confidence bound for multinomial logistic (MNL) models and apply this result to MNL bandits, achieving variance-dependent optimal regret. Recently, Lee & Oh (2024) established an online confidence bound for MNL models and achieved nearly minimax-optimal regret in MNL bandits. However, their results still depend on the norm-boundedness of the unknown parameter $B$ and the maximum size of possible outcomes $K$. To address this, we first derive an online confidence bound of $O\left(\sqrt{d \log t} + B \right)$, which is a significant improvement over the previous bound of $O (B \sqrt{d} \log t \log K )$ (Lee & Oh, 2024). This is mainly achieved by establishing tighter self-concordant properties of the MNL loss and introducing a novel intermediary term to bound the estimation error. Using this new online confidence bound, we propose a constant-time algorithm, OFU-MNL++, which achieves a variance-dependent regret bound of $O \Big( d \log T \sqrt{ \smash[b]{\sum_{t=1}^T} \sigma_t^2 } \Big) $ for sufficiently large $T$, where $\sigma_t^2$ denotes the variance of the rewards at round $t$, $d$ is the dimension of the contexts, and $T$ is the total number of rounds. Furthermore, we introduce a Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)-based algorithm, OFU-MN$^2$L, which achieves an anytime poly(B)-free regret of $O \Big( d \log (BT) \sqrt{ \smash[b]{\sum_{t=1}^T} \sigma_t^2 } \Big) $.
comment: Preprint. Under review
♻ ☆ Cost-aware simulation-based inference
Simulation-based inference (SBI) is the preferred framework for estimating parameters of intractable models in science and engineering. A significant challenge in this context is the large computational cost of simulating data from complex models, and the fact that this cost often depends on parameter values. We therefore propose \textit{cost-aware SBI methods} which can significantly reduce the cost of existing sampling-based SBI methods, such as neural SBI and approximate Bayesian computation. This is achieved through a combination of rejection and self-normalised importance sampling, which significantly reduces the number of expensive simulations needed. Our approach is studied extensively on models from epidemiology to telecommunications engineering, where we obtain significant reductions in the overall cost of inference.
♻ ☆ Novel computational workflows for natural and biomedical image processing based on hypercomplex algebras
Hypercomplex image processing extends conventional techniques in a unified paradigm encompassing algebraic and geometric principles. This work leverages quaternions and the two-dimensional orthogonal planes split framework (splitting of a quaternion - representing a pixel - into pairs of orthogonal 2D planes) for natural/biomedical image analysis through the following computational workflows and outcomes: natural/biomedical image re-colorization, natural image de-colorization, natural/biomedical image contrast enhancement, computational re-staining and stain separation in histological images, and performance gains in machine/deep learning pipelines for histological images. The workflows are analyzed separately for natural and biomedical images to showcase the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. The proposed workflows can regulate color appearance (e.g. with alternative renditions and grayscale conversion) and image contrast, be part of automated image processing pipelines (e.g. isolating stain components, boosting learning models), and assist in digital pathology applications (e.g. enhancing biomarker visibility, enabling colorblind-friendly renditions). Employing only basic arithmetic and matrix operations, this work offers a computationally accessible methodology - in the hypercomplex domain - that showcases versatility and consistency across image processing tasks and a range of computer vision and biomedical applications. The proposed non-data-driven methods achieve comparable or better results (particularly in cases involving well-known methods) to those reported in the literature, showcasing the potential of robust theoretical frameworks with practical effectiveness. Results, methods, and limitations are detailed alongside discussion of promising extensions, emphasizing the potential of feature-rich mathematical/computational frameworks for natural and biomedical images.
comment: 24 pages, 18 figures, 14 tables
♻ ☆ HRP: High-Rank Preheating for Superior LoRA Initialization
This paper studies the crucial impact of initialization on the convergence properties of Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA). We theoretically demonstrate that random initialization, a widely used schema, will likely lead LoRA to random low-rank results, rather than the best low-rank result. While this issue can be mitigated by adjusting initialization towards a well-informed direction, it relies on prior knowledge of the target, which is typically unknown in real-world scenarios. To approximate this well-informed initial direction, we propose High-Rank Preheating (HRP), which fine-tunes high-rank LoRA for a few steps and uses the singular value decomposition of the preheated result as a superior initialization. HRP initialization is theory-supported to combine the convergence strengths of high-rank LoRA and the generalization strengths of low-rank LoRA. Extensive experiments demonstrate that HRP significantly enhances LoRA's effectiveness across various models and tasks, achieving performance comparable to full-parameter fine-tuning and outperforming other initialization strategies.
♻ ☆ Circuit Compositions: Exploring Modular Structures in Transformer-Based Language Models
A fundamental question in interpretability research is to what extent neural networks, particularly language models, implement reusable functions through subnetworks that can be composed to perform more complex tasks. Recent advances in mechanistic interpretability have made progress in identifying $\textit{circuits}$, which represent the minimal computational subgraphs responsible for a model's behavior on specific tasks. However, most studies focus on identifying circuits for individual tasks without investigating how functionally similar circuits $\textit{relate}$ to each other. To address this gap, we study the modularity of neural networks by analyzing circuits for highly compositional subtasks within a transformer-based language model. Specifically, given a probabilistic context-free grammar, we identify and compare circuits responsible for ten modular string-edit operations. Our results indicate that functionally similar circuits exhibit both notable node overlap and cross-task faithfulness. Moreover, we demonstrate that the circuits identified can be reused and combined through set operations to represent more complex functional model capabilities.
comment: 22 pages, 21 figures
♻ ☆ Real-time Verification and Refinement of Language Model Text Generation
Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable performance across a wide range of natural language tasks. However, a critical challenge remains in that they sometimes generate factually incorrect answers. To address this, while many previous work has focused on identifying errors in their generation and further refining them, they are slow in deployment since they are designed to verify the response from LLMs only after their entire generation (from the first to last tokens) is done. Further, we observe that once LLMs generate incorrect tokens early on, there is a higher likelihood that subsequent tokens will also be factually incorrect. To this end, in this work, we propose Streaming-VR (Streaming Verification and Refinement), a novel approach designed to enhance the efficiency of verification and refinement of LLM outputs. Specifically, the proposed Streaming-VR enables on-the-fly verification and correction of tokens as they are being generated, similar to a streaming process, ensuring that each subset of tokens is checked and refined in real-time by another LLM as the LLM constructs its response. Through comprehensive evaluations on multiple datasets, we demonstrate that our approach not only enhances the factual accuracy of LLMs, but also offers a more efficient solution compared to prior refinement methods.
♻ ☆ Rethinking Meta-Learning from a Learning Lens
Meta-learning has emerged as a powerful approach for leveraging knowledge from previous tasks to solve new tasks. The mainstream methods focus on training a well-generalized model initialization, which is then adapted to different tasks with limited data and updates. However, it pushes the model overfitting on the training tasks. Previous methods mainly attributed this to the lack of data and used augmentations to address this issue, but they were limited by sufficient training and effective augmentation strategies. In this work, we focus on the more fundamental learning to learn strategy of meta-learning to explore what causes errors and how to eliminate these errors without changing the environment. Specifically, we first rethink the algorithmic procedure of meta-learning from a learning lens. Through theoretical and empirical analyses, we find that (i) this paradigm faces the risk of both overfitting and underfitting and (ii) the model adapted to different tasks promote each other where the effect is stronger if the tasks are more similar. Based on this insight, we propose using task relations to calibrate the optimization process of meta-learning and propose a plug-and-play method called Task Relation Learner (TRLearner) to achieve this goal. Specifically, it first obtains task relation matrices from the extracted task-specific meta-data. Then, it uses the obtained matrices with relation-aware consistency regularization to guide optimization. Extensive theoretical and empirical analyses demonstrate the effectiveness of TRLearner.
♻ ☆ Language Models Struggle to Achieve a Consistent Temporal Representation of Facts
Language Models (LMs) have shown substantial improvements in handling factual knowledge, yet their capability to consistently represent temporal facts, which are valid only within specific timeframes, remains underexplored. To investigate this, we introduce TimeStress, a novel dataset comprising 521K statements on 2003 of the most popular temporal facts in Wikidata. Each statement contextualizes a fact with correct and incorrect dates across three precisions (Day, Month, Year). This setup allows us to evaluate LMs' ability to discern between correct and incorrect temporal statements based on their probability of being generated. We assess 18 LMs across various architectures using two metrics: the win rate, indicating how often correct dates outperform incorrect ones, and robustness, reflecting consistent performance across all dates. Our findings reveal that while some LMs achieve a win rate exceeding 80\%, robustness remains low, with the best model achieving only 6\%. Furthermore, robust knowledge at one date precision does not reliably transfer to others, highlighting a significant generalization gap. These results underscore the struggle of LMs to maintain a consistent temporal representation, supporting their limitations as reliable sources of temporal knowledge. We provide all data and code for further research.
comment: preprint v2
♻ ☆ Learning to Discretize Denoising Diffusion ODEs
Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPMs) are generative models showing competitive performance in various domains, including image synthesis and 3D point cloud generation. Sampling from pre-trained DPMs involves multiple neural function evaluations (NFEs) to transform Gaussian noise samples into images, resulting in higher computational costs compared to single-step generative models such as GANs or VAEs. Therefore, reducing the number of NFEs while preserving generation quality is crucial. To address this, we propose LD3, a lightweight framework designed to learn the optimal time discretization for sampling. LD3 can be combined with various samplers and consistently improves generation quality without having to retrain resource-intensive neural networks. We demonstrate analytically and empirically that LD3 improves sampling efficiency with much less computational overhead. We evaluate our method with extensive experiments on 7 pre-trained models, covering unconditional and conditional sampling in both pixel-space and latent-space DPMs. We achieve FIDs of 2.38 (10 NFE), and 2.27 (10 NFE) on unconditional CIFAR10 and AFHQv2 in 5-10 minutes of training. LD3 offers an efficient approach to sampling from pre-trained diffusion models. Code is available at
♻ ☆ Quantum Policy Gradient in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
Parametrised quantum circuits offer expressive and data-efficient representations for machine learning. Due to quantum states residing in a high-dimensional Hilbert space, parametrised quantum circuits have a natural interpretation in terms of kernel methods. The representation of quantum circuits in terms of quantum kernels has been studied widely in quantum supervised learning, but has been overlooked in the context of quantum RL. This paper proposes parametric and non-parametric policy gradient and actor-critic algorithms with quantum kernel policies in quantum environments. This approach, implemented with both numerical and analytical quantum policy gradient techniques, allows exploiting the many advantages of kernel methods, including available analytic forms for the gradient of the policy and tunable expressiveness. The proposed approach is suitable for vector-valued action spaces and each of the formulations demonstrates a quadratic reduction in query complexity compared to their classical counterparts. Two actor-critic algorithms, one based on stochastic policy gradient and one based on deterministic policy gradient (comparable to the popular DDPG algorithm), demonstrate additional query complexity reductions compared to quantum policy gradient algorithms under favourable conditions.
♻ ☆ Text2Chart31: Instruction Tuning for Chart Generation with Automatic Feedback EMNLP 2024
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated strong capabilities across various language tasks, notably through instruction-tuning methods. However, LLMs face challenges in visualizing complex, real-world data through charts and plots. Firstly, existing datasets rarely cover a full range of chart types, such as 3D, volumetric, and gridded charts. Secondly, supervised fine-tuning methods do not fully leverage the intricate relationships within rich datasets, including text, code, and figures. To address these challenges, we propose a hierarchical pipeline and a new dataset for chart generation. Our dataset, Text2Chart31, includes 31 unique plot types referring to the Matplotlib library, with 11.1K tuples of descriptions, code, data tables, and plots. Moreover, we introduce a reinforcement learning-based instruction tuning technique for chart generation tasks without requiring human feedback. Our experiments show that this approach significantly enhances the model performance, enabling smaller models to outperform larger open-source models and be comparable to state-of-the-art proprietary models in data visualization tasks. We make the code and dataset available at
comment: EMNLP 2024 Main Oral. Code and dataset are released at
♻ ☆ On the Universality of Self-Supervised Representation Learning
In this paper, we investigate the characteristics that define a good representation or model. We propose that such a representation or model should possess universality, characterized by: (i) discriminability: performing well on training samples; (ii) generalization: performing well on unseen datasets; and (iii) transferability: performing well on unseen tasks with distribution shifts. Despite its importance, current self-supervised learning (SSL) methods lack explicit modeling of universality, and theoretical analysis remains underexplored. To address these issues, we aim to explore and incorporate universality into SSL. Specifically, we first revisit SSL from a task perspective and find that each mini-batch can be viewed as a multi-class classification task. We then propose that a universal SSL model should achieve: (i) learning universality by minimizing loss across all training samples, and (ii) evaluation universality by learning causally invariant representations that generalize well to unseen tasks. To quantify this, we introduce a $\sigma$-measurement that assesses the gap between the performance of SSL model and optimal task-specific models. Furthermore, to model universality, we propose the GeSSL framework. It first learns task-specific models by minimizing SSL loss, then incorporates future updates to enhance discriminability, and finally integrates these models to learn from multiple tasks. Theoretical and empirical evidence supports the effectiveness of GeSSL.
♻ ☆ Measuring Catastrophic Forgetting in Cross-Lingual Transfer Paradigms: Exploring Tuning Strategies
The cross-lingual transfer is a promising technique to solve tasks in less-resourced languages. In this empirical study, we compare two fine-tuning approaches combined with zero-shot and full-shot learning approaches for large language models in a cross-lingual setting. As fine-tuning strategies, we compare parameter-efficient adapter methods with fine-tuning of all parameters. As cross-lingual transfer strategies, we compare the intermediate-training (\textit{IT}) that uses each language sequentially and cross-lingual validation (\textit{CLV}) that uses a target language already in the validation phase of fine-tuning. We assess the success of transfer and the extent of catastrophic forgetting in a source language due to cross-lingual transfer, i.e., how much previously acquired knowledge is lost when we learn new information in a different language. The results on two different classification problems, hate speech detection and product reviews, each containing datasets in several languages, show that the \textit{IT} cross-lingual strategy outperforms \textit{CLV} for the target language. Our findings indicate that, in the majority of cases, the \textit{CLV} strategy demonstrates superior retention of knowledge in the base language (English) compared to the \textit{IT} strategy, when evaluating catastrophic forgetting in multiple cross-lingual transfers.
comment: Accepted to IEEE Access
♻ ☆ A Mechanistic Interpretation of Syllogistic Reasoning in Auto-Regressive Language Models
Recent studies on logical reasoning in Language Models (LMs) have sparked a debate on whether they can learn systematic reasoning principles during pre-training or merely exploit superficial patterns in the training data. This paper presents a mechanistic interpretation of syllogistic reasoning in LMs to advance the understanding of internal dynamics. Specifically, we present a methodology for circuit discovery aimed at interpreting content-independent reasoning mechanisms. Through two distinct intervention methods, we uncover a sufficient and necessary circuit involving middle-term suppression that elucidates how LMs transfer information to derive valid conclusions from premises. Furthermore, we investigate how belief biases manifest in syllogistic reasoning, finding evidence of partial contamination from additional attention heads responsible for encoding commonsense and contextualized knowledge. Finally, we explore the generalization of the discovered mechanisms across various syllogistic schemes, model sizes and architectures, finding that the identified circuit is sufficient and necessary for the schemes on which the models achieve high downstream accuracy (> 60%), and that the activation patterns apply to models of different families. Overall, our findings suggest that LMs indeed learn transferable content-independent reasoning mechanisms, but that, at the same time, such mechanisms do not involve generalizable and abstract logical primitives, being susceptible to contamination by the same world knowledge acquired during pre-training.
♻ ☆ Efficient Off-Policy Learning for High-Dimensional Action Spaces ICLR 2025
Existing off-policy reinforcement learning algorithms often rely on an explicit state-action-value function representation, which can be problematic in high-dimensional action spaces due to the curse of dimensionality. This reliance results in data inefficiency as maintaining a state-action-value function in such spaces is challenging. We present an efficient approach that utilizes only a state-value function as the critic for off-policy deep reinforcement learning. This approach, which we refer to as Vlearn, effectively circumvents the limitations of existing methods by eliminating the necessity for an explicit state-action-value function. To this end, we leverage a weighted importance sampling loss for learning deep value functions from off-policy data. While this is common for linear methods, it has not been combined with deep value function networks. This transfer to deep methods is not straightforward and requires novel design choices such as robust policy updates, twin value function networks to avoid an optimization bias, and importance weight clipping. We also present a novel analysis of the variance of our estimate compared to commonly used importance sampling estimators such as V-trace. Our approach improves sample complexity as well as final performance and ensures consistent and robust performance across various benchmark tasks. Eliminating the state-action-value function in Vlearn facilitates a streamlined learning process, yielding high-return agents.
comment: Accepted at ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ AffinityFlow: Guided Flows for Antibody Affinity Maturation
Antibodies are widely used as therapeutics, but their development requires costly affinity maturation, involving iterative mutations to enhance binding affinity.This paper explores a sequence-only scenario for affinity maturation, using solely antibody and antigen sequences. Recently AlphaFlow wraps AlphaFold within flow matching to generate diverse protein structures, enabling a sequence-conditioned generative model of structure. Building on this, we propose an alternating optimization framework that (1) fixes the sequence to guide structure generation toward high binding affinity using a structure-based affinity predictor, then (2) applies inverse folding to create sequence mutations, refined by a sequence-based affinity predictor for post selection. A key challenge is the lack of labeled data for training both predictors. To address this, we develop a co-teaching module that incorporates valuable information from noisy biophysical energies into predictor refinement. The sequence-based predictor selects consensus samples to teach the structure-based predictor, and vice versa. Our method, AffinityFlow, achieves state-of-the-art performance in affinity maturation experiments. We plan to open-source our code after acceptance.
comment: 14 pages, 5 figures
♻ ☆ IRIS: An Immersive Robot Interaction System
This paper introduces IRIS, an immersive Robot Interaction System leveraging Extended Reality (XR), designed for robot data collection and interaction across multiple simulators, benchmarks, and real-world scenarios. While existing XR-based data collection systems provide efficient and intuitive solutions for large-scale data collection, they are often challenging to reproduce and reuse. This limitation arises because current systems are highly tailored to simulator-specific use cases and environments. IRIS is a novel, easily extendable framework that already supports multiple simulators, benchmarks, and even headsets. Furthermore, IRIS is able to include additional information from real-world sensors, such as point clouds captured through depth cameras. A unified scene specification is generated directly from simulators or real-world sensors and transmitted to XR headsets, creating identical scenes in XR. This specification allows IRIS to support any of the objects, assets, and robots provided by the simulators. In addition, IRIS introduces shared spatial anchors and a robust communication protocol that links simulations between multiple XR headsets. This feature enables multiple XR headsets to share a synchronized scene, facilitating collaborative and multi-user data collection. IRIS can be deployed on any device that supports the Unity Framework, encompassing the vast majority of commercially available headsets. In this work, IRIS was deployed and tested on the Meta Quest 3 and the HoloLens 2. IRIS showcased its versatility across a wide range of real-world and simulated scenarios, using current popular robot simulators such as MuJoCo, IsaacSim, CoppeliaSim, and Genesis. In addition, a user study evaluates IRIS on a data collection task for the LIBERO benchmark. The study shows that IRIS significantly outperforms the baseline in both objective and subjective metrics.
♻ ☆ DP-DyLoRA: Fine-Tuning Transformer-Based Models On-Device under Differentially Private Federated Learning using Dynamic Low-Rank Adaptation
Federated learning (FL) allows clients to collaboratively train a global model without sharing their local data with a server. However, clients' contributions to the server can still leak sensitive information. Differential privacy (DP) addresses such leakage by providing formal privacy guarantees, with mechanisms that add randomness to the clients' contributions. The randomness makes it infeasible to train large transformer-based models, common in modern federated learning systems. In this work, we empirically evaluate the practicality of fine-tuning large scale on-device transformer-based models with differential privacy in a federated learning system. We conduct comprehensive experiments on various system properties for tasks spanning a multitude of domains: speech recognition, computer vision (CV) and natural language understanding (NLU). Our results show that full fine-tuning under differentially private federated learning (DP-FL) generally leads to huge performance degradation which can be alleviated by reducing the dimensionality of contributions through parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT). Our benchmarks of existing DP-PEFT methods show that DP-Low-Rank Adaptation (DP-LoRA) consistently outperforms other methods. An even more promising approach, DyLoRA, which makes the low rank variable, when naively combined with FL would straightforwardly break differential privacy. We therefore propose an adaptation method that can be combined with differential privacy and call it DP-DyLoRA. Finally, we are able to reduce the accuracy degradation and word error rate (WER) increase due to DP to less than 2% and 7% respectively with 1 million clients and a stringent privacy budget of $\epsilon=2$.
comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables
♻ ☆ sEMG-Driven Physics-Informed Gated Recurrent Networks for Modeling Upper Limb Multi-Joint Movement Dynamics
Exoskeletons and rehabilitation systems have the potential to improve human strength and recovery by using adaptive human-machine interfaces. Achieving precise and responsive control in these systems depends on accurately estimating joint movement dynamics, such as joint angle, velocity, acceleration, external mass, and torque. While machine learning (ML) approaches have been employed to predict joint kinematics from surface electromyography (sEMG) data, traditional ML models often struggle to generalize across dynamic movements. In contrast, physics-informed neural networks integrate biomechanical principles, but their effectiveness in predicting full movement dynamics has not been thoroughly explored. To address this, we introduce the Physics-informed Gated Recurrent Network (PiGRN), a novel model designed to predict multi-joint movement dynamics from sEMG data. PiGRN uses a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) to process time-series sEMG inputs, estimate multi-joint kinematics and external loads, and predict joint torque while incorporating physics-based constraints during training. Experimental validation, using sEMG data from five participants performing elbow flexion-extension tasks with 0 kg, 2 kg, and 4 kg loads, showed that PiGRN accurately predicted joint torques for 10 novel movements. RMSE values ranged from 4.02\% to 11.40\%, with correlation coefficients between 0.87 and 0.98. These results underscore PiGRN's potential for real-time applications in exoskeletons and rehabilitation. Future work will focus on expanding datasets, improving musculoskeletal models, and investigating unsupervised learning approaches.
♻ ☆ Beyond Autoregression: Discrete Diffusion for Complex Reasoning and Planning ICLR 2025
Autoregressive language models, despite their impressive capabilities, struggle with complex reasoning and long-term planning tasks. We introduce discrete diffusion models as a novel solution to these challenges. Through the lens of subgoal imbalance, we demonstrate how diffusion models effectively learn difficult subgoals that elude autoregressive approaches. We propose Multi-granularity Diffusion Modeling (MDM), which prioritizes subgoals based on difficulty during learning. On complex tasks like Countdown, Sudoku, and Boolean Satisfiability Problems, MDM significantly outperforms autoregressive models without using search techniques. For instance, MDM achieves 91.5\% and 100\% accuracy on Countdown and Sudoku, respectively, compared to 45.8\% and 20.7\% for autoregressive models. Our work highlights the potential of diffusion-based approaches in advancing AI capabilities for sophisticated language understanding and problem-solving tasks.
comment: ICLR 2025
♻ ☆ The Role of Deductive and Inductive Reasoning in Large Language Models
Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities in reasoning tasks, yet their reliance on static prompt structures and limited adaptability to complex scenarios remains a significant challenge. In this paper, we propose the Deductive and InDuctive(DID) method, a novel framework that enhances LLM reasoning by dynamically integrating both deductive and inductive reasoning approaches. Drawing from cognitive science principles, DID implements a dual-metric complexity evaluation system that combines Littlestone dimension and information entropy to precisely assess task difficulty and guide decomposition strategies. DID enables the model to progressively adapt its reasoning pathways based on problem complexity, mirroring human cognitive processes. We evaluate DID's effectiveness across multiple benchmarks, including the AIW and MR-GSM8K, as well as our custom Holiday Puzzle dataset for temporal reasoning. Our results demonstrate significant improvements in reasoning quality and solution accuracy - achieving 70.3% accuracy on AIW (compared to 62.2% for Tree of Thought) while maintaining lower computational costs. The success of DID in improving LLM performance while preserving computational efficiency suggests promising directions for developing more cognitively aligned and capable language models. Our work contributes a theoretically grounded, input-centric approach to enhancing LLM reasoning capabilities, offering an efficient alternative to traditional output-exploration methods.
comment: 4 figures
♻ ☆ SAT-LDM: Provably Generalizable Image Watermarking for Latent Diffusion Models with Self-Augmented Training
The rapid proliferation of AI-generated images necessitates effective watermarking techniques to protect intellectual property and detect fraudulent content. While existing training-based watermarking methods show promise, they often struggle with generalizing across diverse prompts and tend to introduce visible artifacts. To this end, we propose a novel, provably generalizable image watermarking approach for Latent Diffusion Models, termed Self-Augmented Training (SAT-LDM). Our method aligns the training and testing phases through a free generation distribution, thereby enhancing the watermarking module's generalization capabilities. We theoretically consolidate SAT-LDM by proving that the free generation distribution contributes to its tight generalization bound, without the need for additional data collection. Extensive experiments show that SAT-LDM not only achieves robust watermarking but also significantly improves the quality of watermarked images across a wide range of prompts. Moreover, our experimental analyses confirm the strong generalization abilities of SAT-LDM. We hope that our method provides a practical and efficient solution for securing high-fidelity AI-generated content.
comment: 21 pages, 7 figures
♻ ☆ GraphEval36K: Benchmarking Coding and Reasoning Capabilities of Large Language Models on Graph Datasets NAACL 2025
Large language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable success in natural language processing (NLP), demonstrating significant capabilities in processing and understanding text data. However, recent studies have identified limitations in LLMs' ability to manipulate, program, and reason about structured data, especially graphs. We introduce GraphEval36K, the first comprehensive graph dataset, comprising 40 graph coding problems and 36,900 test cases to evaluate the ability of LLMs on graph problem-solving. Our dataset is categorized into eight primary and four sub-categories to ensure a thorough evaluation across different types of graphs. We benchmark ten LLMs, finding that private models outperform open-source ones, though the gap is narrowing. We also analyze the performance of LLMs across directed vs undirected graphs, different kinds of graph concepts, and network models. Furthermore, to improve the usability of our evaluation framework, we propose Structured Symbolic Decomposition (SSD), an instruction-based method designed to enhance LLM performance on complex graph tasks. Results show that SSD improves the average passing rate of GPT-4, GPT-4o, Gemini-Pro and Claude-3-Sonnet by 8.38%, 6.78%, 29.28% and 25.28%, respectively.
comment: The first two authors contributed equally to this work. This paper has been accepted by NAACL 2025. GraphEval36K is available at
♻ ☆ Can humans teach machines to code?
The goal of inductive program synthesis is for a machine to automatically generate a program from user-supplied examples. A key underlying assumption is that humans can provide sufficient examples to teach a concept to a machine. To evaluate the validity of this assumption, we conduct a study where human participants provide examples for six programming concepts, such as finding the maximum element of a list. We evaluate the generalisation performance of five program synthesis systems trained on input-output examples (i) from non-expert humans, (ii) from a human expert, and (iii) randomly sampled. Our results suggest that non-experts typically do not provide sufficient examples for a program synthesis system to learn an accurate program.
♻ ☆ SynthSOD: Developing an Heterogeneous Dataset for Orchestra Music Source Separation
Recent advancements in music source separation have significantly progressed, particularly in isolating vocals, drums, and bass elements from mixed tracks. These developments owe much to the creation and use of large-scale, multitrack datasets dedicated to these specific components. However, the challenge of extracting similarly sounding sources from orchestra recordings has not been extensively explored, largely due to a scarcity of comprehensive and clean (i.e bleed-free) multitrack datasets. In this paper, we introduce a novel multitrack dataset called SynthSOD, developed using a set of simulation techniques to create a realistic (i.e. using high-quality soundfonts), musically motivated, and heterogeneous training set comprising different dynamics, natural tempo changes, styles, and conditions. Moreover, we demonstrate the application of a widely used baseline music separation model trained on our synthesized dataset w.r.t to the well-known EnsembleSet, and evaluate its performance under both synthetic and real-world conditions.
comment: The SynthSOD dataset can be downloaded from
♻ ☆ Reinforcement Learning with Intrinsically Motivated Feedback Graph for Lost-sales Inventory Control
Reinforcement learning (RL) has proven to be well-performed and general-purpose in the inventory control (IC). However, further improvement of RL algorithms in the IC domain is impeded due to two limitations of online experience. First, online experience is expensive to acquire in real-world applications. With the low sample efficiency nature of RL algorithms, it would take extensive time to train the RL policy to convergence. Second, online experience may not reflect the true demand due to the lost sales phenomenon typical in IC, which makes the learning process more challenging. To address the above challenges, we propose a decision framework that combines reinforcement learning with feedback graph (RLFG) and intrinsically motivated exploration (IME) to boost sample efficiency. In particular, we first take advantage of the inherent properties of lost-sales IC problems and design the feedback graph (FG) specially for lost-sales IC problems to generate abundant side experiences aid RL updates. Then we conduct a rigorous theoretical analysis of how the designed FG reduces the sample complexity of RL methods. Based on the theoretical insights, we design an intrinsic reward to direct the RL agent to explore to the state-action space with more side experiences, further exploiting FG's power. Experimental results demonstrate that our method greatly improves the sample efficiency of applying RL in IC. Our code is available at
♻ ☆ Dual-Channel Multiplex Graph Neural Networks for Recommendation
Effective recommender systems play a crucial role in accurately capturing user and item attributes that mirror individual preferences. Some existing recommendation techniques have started to shift their focus towards modeling various types of interactive relations between users and items in real-world recommendation scenarios, such as clicks, marking favorites, and purchases on online shopping platforms. Nevertheless, these approaches still grapple with two significant challenges: (1) Insufficient modeling and exploitation of the impact of various behavior patterns formed by multiplex relations between users and items on representation learning, and (2) ignoring the effect of different relations within behavior patterns on the target relation in recommender system scenarios. In this work, we introduce a novel recommendation framework, Dual-Channel Multiplex Graph Neural Network (DCMGNN), which addresses the aforementioned challenges. It incorporates an explicit behavior pattern representation learner to capture the behavior patterns composed of multiplex user-item interactive relations, and includes a relation chain representation learner and a relation chain-aware encoder to discover the impact of various auxiliary relations on the target relation, the dependencies between different relations, and mine the appropriate order of relations in a behavior pattern. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate that our \model surpasses various state-of-the-art recommendation methods. It outperforms the best baselines by 10.06% and 12.15% on average across all datasets in terms of Recall@10 and NDCG@10 respectively.
♻ ☆ On Feasible Rewards in Multi-Agent Inverse Reinforcement Learning
In multi-agent systems, agent behavior is driven by utility functions that encapsulate their individual goals and interactions. Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) seeks to uncover these utilities by analyzing expert behavior, offering insights into the underlying decision-making processes. However, multi-agent settings pose significant challenges, particularly when rewards are inferred from equilibrium observations. A key obstacle is that single (Nash) equilibrium observations often fail to adequately capture critical game properties, leading to potential misrepresentations. This paper offers a rigorous analysis of the feasible reward set in multi-agent IRL and addresses these limitations by introducing entropy-regularized games, ensuring equilibrium uniqueness and enhancing interpretability. Furthermore, we examine the effects of estimation errors and present the first sample complexity results for multi-agent IRL across diverse scenarios.
comment: Currently under review
♻ ☆ LLMs can be Dangerous Reasoners: Analyzing-based Jailbreak Attack on Large Language Models
The rapid development of Large Language Models (LLMs) has brought significant advancements across various tasks. However, despite these achievements, LLMs still exhibit inherent safety vulnerabilities, especially when confronted with jailbreak attacks. Existing jailbreak methods suffer from two main limitations: reliance on complicated prompt engineering and iterative optimization, which lead to low attack success rate (ASR) and attack efficiency (AE). In this work, we propose an efficient jailbreak attack method, Analyzing-based Jailbreak (ABJ), which leverages the advanced reasoning capability of LLMs to autonomously generate harmful content, revealing their underlying safety vulnerabilities during complex reasoning process. We conduct comprehensive experiments on ABJ across various open-source and closed-source LLMs. In particular, ABJ achieves high ASR (82.1% on GPT-4o-2024-11-20) with exceptional AE among all target LLMs, showcasing its remarkable attack effectiveness, transferability, and efficiency. Our findings underscore the urgent need to prioritize and improve the safety of LLMs to mitigate the risks of misuse.
♻ ☆ SciPIP: An LLM-based Scientific Paper Idea Proposer
The rapid advancement of large language models (LLMs) has opened new possibilities for automating the proposal of innovative scientific ideas. This process involves two key phases: literature retrieval and idea generation. However, existing approaches often fall short due to their reliance on keyword-based search tools during the retrieval phase, which neglects crucial semantic information and frequently results in incomplete retrieval outcomes. Similarly, in the idea generation phase, current methodologies tend to depend solely on the internal knowledge of LLMs or metadata from retrieved papers, thereby overlooking significant valuable insights contained within the full texts. To address these limitations, we introduce SciPIP, an innovative framework designed to enhance the LLM-based proposal of scientific ideas through improvements in both literature retrieval and idea generation. Our approach begins with the construction of a comprehensive literature database that supports advanced retrieval based not only on keywords but also on semantics and citation relationships. This is complemented by the introduction of a multi-granularity retrieval algorithm aimed at ensuring more thorough and exhaustive retrieval results. For the idea generation phase, we propose a dual-path framework that effectively integrates both the content of retrieved papers and the extensive internal knowledge of LLMs. This integration significantly boosts the novelty, feasibility, and practical value of proposed ideas. Our experiments, conducted across various domains such as natural language processing and computer vision, demonstrate SciPIP's capability to generate a multitude of innovative and useful ideas. These findings underscore SciPIP's potential as a valuable tool for researchers seeking to advance their fields with groundbreaking concepts.
comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, 12 tables. The code has been availabel:
♻ ☆ Learning Interpretable Hierarchical Dynamical Systems Models from Time Series Data ICLR 2025
In science, we are often interested in obtaining a generative model of the underlying system dynamics from observed time series. While powerful methods for dynamical systems reconstruction (DSR) exist when data come from a single domain, how to best integrate data from multiple dynamical regimes and leverage it for generalization is still an open question. This becomes particularly important when individual time series are short, and group-level information may help to fill in for gaps in single-domain data. Here we introduce a hierarchical framework that enables to harvest group-level (multi-domain) information while retaining all single-domain characteristics, and showcase it on popular DSR benchmarks, as well as on neuroscience and medical data. In addition to faithful reconstruction of all individual dynamical regimes, our unsupervised methodology discovers common low-dimensional feature spaces in which datasets with similar dynamics cluster. The features spanning these spaces were further dynamically highly interpretable, surprisingly in often linear relation to control parameters that govern the dynamics of the underlying system. Finally, we illustrate transfer learning and generalization to new parameter regimes, paving the way toward DSR foundation models.
comment: Published at the Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2025)
System/Control 24
☆ VoLUT: Efficient Volumetric streaming enhanced by LUT-based super-resolution
3D volumetric video provides immersive experience and is gaining traction in digital media. Despite its rising popularity, the streaming of volumetric video content poses significant challenges due to the high data bandwidth requirement. A natural approach to mitigate the bandwidth issue is to reduce the volumetric video's data rate by downsampling the content prior to transmission. The video can then be upsampled at the receiver's end using a super-resolution (SR) algorithm to reconstruct the high-resolution details. While super-resolution techniques have been extensively explored and advanced for 2D video content, there is limited work on SR algorithms tailored for volumetric videos. To address this gap and the growing need for efficient volumetric video streaming, we have developed VoLUT with a new SR algorithm specifically designed for volumetric content. Our algorithm uniquely harnesses the power of lookup tables (LUTs) to facilitate the efficient and accurate upscaling of low-resolution volumetric data. The use of LUTs enables our algorithm to quickly reference precomputed high-resolution values, thereby significantly reducing the computational complexity and time required for upscaling. We further apply adaptive video bit rate algorithm (ABR) to dynamically determine the downsampling rate according to the network condition and stream the selected video rate to the receiver. Compared to related work, VoLUT is the first to enable high-quality 3D SR on commodity mobile devices at line-rate. Our evaluation shows VoLUT can reduce bandwidth usage by 70% , boost QoE by 36.7% for volumetric video streaming and achieve 3D SR speed-up with no quality compromise.
☆ WeVibe: Weight Change Estimation Through Audio-Induced Shelf Vibrations In Autonomous Stores
Weight change estimation is crucial in various applications, particularly for detecting pick-up and put-back actions when people interact with the shelf while shopping in autonomous stores. Moreover, accurate weight change estimation allows autonomous stores to automatically identify items being picked up or put back, ensuring precise cost estimation. However, the conventional approach of estimating weight changes requires specialized weight-sensing shelves, which are densely deployed weight scales, incurring intensive sensor consumption and high costs. Prior works explored the vibration-based weight sensing method, but they failed when the location of weight change varies. In response to these limitations, we made the following contributions: (1) We propose WeVibe, a first item weight change estimation system through active shelf vibration sensing. The main intuition of the system is that the weight placed on the shelf influences the dynamic vibration response of the shelf, thus altering the shelf vibration patterns. (2) We model a physics-informed relationship between the shelf vibration response and item weight across multiple locations on the shelf based on structural dynamics theory. This relationship is linear and allows easy training of a weight estimation model at a new location without heavy data collection. (3) We evaluate our system on a gondola shelf organized as the real-store settings. WeVibe achieved a mean absolute error down to 38.07g and a standard deviation of 31.2g with one sensor and 10% samples from three weight classes on estimating weight change from 0g to 450g, which can be leveraged for differentiating items with more than 100g differences.
☆ Feasibility Evaluation of Quadratic Programs for Constrained Control
This paper presents a computationally-efficient method for evaluating the feasibility of Quadratic Programs (QPs) for online constrained control. Based on the duality principle, we first show that the feasibility of a QP can be determined by the solution of a properly-defined Linear Program (LP). Our analysis yields a LP that can be solved more efficiently compared to the original QP problem, and more importantly, is simpler in form and can be solved more efficiently compared to existing methods that assess feasibility via LPs. The computational efficiency of the proposed method compared to existing methods for feasibility evaluation is demonstrated in comparative case studies as well as a feasible-constraint selection problem, indicating its promise for online feasibility evaluation of optimization-based controllers.
☆ Design Considerations Based on Stability for a Class of TCP Algorithms
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) continues to be the dominant transport protocol on the Internet. The stability of fluid models has been a key consideration in the design of TCP and the performance evaluation of TCP algorithms. Based on local stability analysis, we formulate some design considerations for a class of TCP algorithms. We begin with deriving sufficient conditions for the local stability of a generalized TCP algorithm in the presence of heterogeneous round-trip delays. Within this generalized model, we consider three specific variants of TCP: TCP Reno, Compound TCP, and Scalable TCP. The sufficient conditions we derive are scalable across network topologies with one, two, and many bottleneck links. We are interested in networks with intermediate and small drop-tail buffers as they offer smaller queuing delays. The small buffer regime is more attractive as the conditions for stability are decentralized. TCP algorithms that follow our design considerations can provide stable operation on any network topology, irrespective of the number of bottleneck links or delays in the network.
☆ Spatial decay of perturbations in hyperbolic equations with optimal boundary control
Recently, domain-uniform stabilizability and detectability has been the central assumption %in order robustness results on the to ensure robustness in the sense of exponential decay of spatially localized perturbations in optimally controlled evolution equations. In the present paper we analyze a chain of transport equations with boundary and point controls with regard to this property. Both for Dirichlet and Neumann boundary and coupling conditions, we show a necessary and sufficient criterion on control domains which allow for the domain-uniform stabilization of this equation. We illustrate the results by means of a numerical example.
comment: 12 pages, 4 figures
☆ QoS based resource management for concurrent operation using MCTS
Modern AESA technology enables RF systems to not only perform various radar, communication and electronic warfare tasks on a single aperture, but even to execute multiple tasks concurrently. These capabilities increase system complexity and require intelligent or cognitive resource management. This paper introduces such a resource management framework based on quality of service based resource allocation and Monte Carlo tree search allowing for optimal system usage and profound decision-making. Furthermore, we present experimental verification in a complex application scenario.
comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, presented at Radio and Wireless Week 2025
☆ Stonefish: Supporting Machine Learning Research in Marine Robotics ICRA 2025
Simulations are highly valuable in marine robotics, offering a cost-effective and controlled environment for testing in the challenging conditions of underwater and surface operations. Given the high costs and logistical difficulties of real-world trials, simulators capable of capturing the operational conditions of subsea environments have become key in developing and refining algorithms for remotely-operated and autonomous underwater vehicles. This paper highlights recent enhancements to the Stonefish simulator, an advanced open-source platform supporting development and testing of marine robotics solutions. Key updates include a suite of additional sensors, such as an event-based camera, a thermal camera, and an optical flow camera, as well as, visual light communication, support for tethered operations, improved thruster modelling, more flexible hydrodynamics, and enhanced sonar accuracy. These developments and an automated annotation tool significantly bolster Stonefish's role in marine robotics research, especially in the field of machine learning, where training data with a known ground truth is hard or impossible to collect.
comment: Accepted as full paper at ICRA 2025
☆ On Data-Driven Robust Optimization With Multiple Uncertainty Subsets: Unified Uncertainty Set Representation and Mitigating Conservatism
Constructing uncertainty sets as unions of multiple subsets has emerged as an effective approach for creating compact and flexible uncertainty representations in data-driven robust optimization (RO). This paper focuses on two separate research questions. The first concerns the computational challenge in applying these uncertainty sets in RO-based predictive control. To address this, a monolithic mixed-integer representation of the uncertainty set is proposed to uniformly describe the union of multiple subsets, enabling the computation of the worst-case uncertainty scenario across all subsets within a single mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem. The second research question focuses on mitigating the conservatism of conventional RO formulations by leveraging the structure of the uncertainty set. To achieve this, a novel objective function is proposed to exploit the uncertainty set structure and integrate the existing RO and distributionally robust optimization (DRO) formulations, yielding less conservative solutions than conventional RO formulations while avoiding the high-dimensional continuous uncertainty distributions and incurring high computational burden typically associated with existing DRO formulations. Given the proposed formulations, numerically efficient computation methods based on column-and-constraint generation (CCG) are also developed. Extensive simulations across three case studies are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed schemes.
☆ Matrix Low-dimensional Qubit Casting Based Quantum Electromagnetic Transient Network Simulation Program
In modern power systems, the integration of converter-interfaced generations requires the development of electromagnetic transient network simulation programs (EMTP) that can capture rapid fluctuations. However, as the power system scales, the EMTP's computing complexity increases exponentially, leading to a curse of dimensionality that hinders its practical application. Facing this challenge, quantum computing offers a promising approach for achieving exponential acceleration. To realize this in noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers, the variational quantum linear solution (VQLS) was advocated because of its robustness against depolarizing noise. However, it suffers data inflation issues in its preprocessing phase, and no prior research has applied quantum computing to high-frequency switching EMT networks.To address these issues, this paper first designs the matrix low-dimension qubit casting (MLQC) method to address the data inflation problem in the preprocessing of the admittance matrix for VQLS in EMT networks. Besides, we propose a real-only quantum circuit reduction method tailored to the characteristics of the EMT network admittance matrices. Finally, the proposed quantum EMTP algorithm (QEMTP) has been successfully verified for EMT networks containing a large number of high-frequency switching elements.
☆ Runtime Enforcement of CPS against Signal Temporal Logic
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs), especially those involving autonomy, need guarantees of their safety. Runtime Enforcement (RE) is a lightweight method to formally ensure that some specified properties are satisfied over the executions of the system. Hence, there is recent interest in the RE of CPS. However, existing methods are not designed to tackle specifications suitable for the hybrid dynamics of CPS. With this in mind, we develop runtime enforcement of CPS using properties defined in Signal Temporal Logic (STL). In this work, we aim to construct a runtime enforcer for a given STL formula to minimally modify a signal to satisfy the formula. To achieve this, the STL formula to be enforced is first translated into a timed transducer, while the signal to be corrected is encoded as timed words. We provide timed transducers for the temporal operators \emph{until} and \emph{release} noting that other temporal operators can be expressed using these two. Our approach enables effective enforcement of STL properties for CPS. A case study is provided to illustrate the approach and generate empirical evidence of its suitability for CPS.
☆ How to Divide: A Set Partitioning Strategy Balancing the Trade-off Between Intra-Subset Correlation and Inter-Subset Gain Mutual Influence in Distributed Attack Detection Scheduling Task
Recently, the efficiency of attack detection in large-scale sensor networks has remained a critical research challenge. Studies have shown that while distributed algorithms offer higher efficiency compared to centralized approaches, they often come at the cost of reduced performance. To strike a balance between detection efficiency and performance in large-scale sensor networks, this paper explores the feasibility of extending existing algorithms to a distributed framework. Starting from the perspective of set partitioning strategies, this study analyzes the key factor that contributes to the performance differences between distributed and centralized algorithms. By examining the gain mutual influence of sensor subsets, an optimal set partitioning strategy is designed to minimize inter-subset mutual influence while enhancing intra-subset correlation. To further reduce the computational cost of gain updates, a suboptimal partitioning strategy based on Grassmann distance is proposed, improving the efficiency of selecting suspicious sensors. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that this approach effectively reduces the computational cost of gain updates while maintaining detection performance. Finally, simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed method in enhancing attack detection performance.
comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication
☆ Dictionary-Learning-Based Data Pruning for System Identification
System identification is normally involved in augmenting time series data by time shifting and nonlinearisation (via polynomial basis), which introduce redundancy both feature-wise and sample-wise. Many research works focus on reducing redundancy feature-wise, while less attention is paid to sample-wise redundancy. This paper proposes a novel data pruning method, called (mini-batch) FastCan, to reduce sample-wise redundancy based on dictionary learning. Time series data is represented by some representative samples, called atoms, via dictionary learning. The useful samples are selected based on their correlation with the atoms. The method is tested on one simulated dataset and two benchmark datasets. The R-squared between the coefficients of models trained on the full and the coefficients of models trained on pruned datasets is adopted to evaluate the performance of data pruning methods. It is found that the proposed method significantly outperforms the random pruning method.
☆ Hovering Flight of Soft-Actuated Insect-Scale Micro Aerial Vehicles using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Soft-actuated insect-scale micro aerial vehicles (IMAVs) pose unique challenges for designing robust and computationally efficient controllers. At the millimeter scale, fast robot dynamics ($\sim$ms), together with system delay, model uncertainty, and external disturbances significantly affect flight performances. Here, we design a deep reinforcement learning (RL) controller that addresses system delay and uncertainties. To initialize this neural network (NN) controller, we propose a modified behavior cloning (BC) approach with state-action re-matching to account for delay and domain-randomized expert demonstration to tackle uncertainty. Then we apply proximal policy optimization (PPO) to fine-tune the policy during RL, enhancing performance and smoothing commands. In simulations, our modified BC substantially increases the mean reward compared to baseline BC; and RL with PPO improves flight quality and reduces command fluctuations. We deploy this controller on two different insect-scale aerial robots that weigh 720 mg and 850 mg, respectively. The robots demonstrate multiple successful zero-shot hovering flights, with the longest lasting 50 seconds and root-mean-square errors of 1.34 cm in lateral direction and 0.05 cm in altitude, marking the first end-to-end deep RL-based flight on soft-driven IMAVs.
comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted to 2025 IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft)
☆ Stochastic Real-Time Deception in Nash Equilibrium Seeking for Games with Quadratic Payoffs
In multi-agent autonomous systems, deception is a fundamental concept which characterizes the exploitation of unbalanced information to mislead victims into choosing oblivious actions. This effectively alters the system's long term behavior, leading to outcomes that may be beneficial to the deceiver but detrimental to victim. We study this phenomenon for a class of model-free Nash equilibrium seeking (NES) where players implement independent stochastic exploration signals to learn the pseudogradient flow. In particular, we show that deceptive players who obtain real-time measurements of other players' stochastic perturbation can incorporate this information into their own NES action update, consequentially steering the overall dynamics to a new operating point that could potentially improve the payoffs of the deceptive players. We consider games with quadratic payoff functions, as this restriction allows us to derive a more explicit formulation of the capabilities of the deceptive players. By leveraging results on multi-input stochastic averaging for dynamical systems, we establish local exponential (in probability) convergence for the proposed deceptive NES dynamics. To illustrate our results, we apply them to a two player quadratic game.
☆ Learning Plasma Dynamics and Robust Rampdown Trajectories with Predict-First Experiments at TCV
The rampdown in tokamak operations is a difficult to simulate phase during which the plasma is often pushed towards multiple instability limits. To address this challenge, and reduce the risk of disrupting operations, we leverage recent advances in Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) to develop a neural state-space model (NSSM) that predicts plasma dynamics during Tokamak \`a Configuration Variable (TCV) rampdowns. By integrating simple physics structure and data-driven models, the NSSM efficiently learns plasma dynamics during the rampdown from a modest dataset of 311 pulses with only five pulses in the reactor relevant high performance regime. The NSSM is parallelized across uncertainties, and reinforcement learning (RL) is applied to design trajectories that avoid multiple instability limits with high probability. Experiments at TCV ramping down high performance plasmas show statistically significant improvements in current and energy at plasma termination, with improvements in speed through continuous re-training. A predict-first experiment, increasing plasma current by 20\% from baseline, demonstrates the NSSM's ability to make small extrapolations with sufficient accuracy to design trajectories that successfully terminate the pulse. The developed approach paves the way for designing tokamak controls with robustness to considerable uncertainty, and demonstrates the relevance of the SciML approach to learning plasma dynamics for rapidly developing robust trajectories and controls during the incremental campaigns of upcoming burning plasma tokamaks.
☆ Domain Randomization is Sample Efficient for Linear Quadratic Control
We study the sample efficiency of domain randomization and robust control for the benchmark problem of learning the linear quadratic regulator (LQR). Domain randomization, which synthesizes controllers by minimizing average performance over a distribution of model parameters, has achieved empirical success in robotics, but its theoretical properties remain poorly understood. We establish that with an appropriately chosen sampling distribution, domain randomization achieves the optimal asymptotic rate of decay in the excess cost, matching certainty equivalence. We further demonstrate that robust control, while potentially overly conservative, exhibits superior performance in the low-data regime due to its ability to stabilize uncertain systems with coarse parameter estimates. We propose a gradient-based algorithm for domain randomization that performs well in numerical experiments, which enables us to validate the trends predicted by our analysis. These results provide insights into the use of domain randomization in learning-enabled control, and highlight several open questions about its application to broader classes of systems.
♻ ☆ Machine Learning for Equitable Load Shedding: Real-time Solution via Learning Binding Constraints
Timely and effective load shedding in power systems is critical for maintaining supply-demand balance and preventing cascading blackouts. To eliminate load shedding bias against specific regions in the system, optimization-based methods are uniquely positioned to help balance between economical and equity considerations. However, the resulting optimization problem involves complex constraints, which can be time-consuming to solve and thus cannot meet the real-time requirements of load shedding. To tackle this challenge, in this paper we present an efficient machine learning algorithm to enable millisecond-level computation for the optimization-based load shedding problem. Numerical studies on both a 3-bus toy example and a realistic RTS-GMLC system have demonstrated the validity and efficiency of the proposed algorithm for delivering equitable and real-time load shedding decisions.
♻ ☆ Reserve Provision from Electric Vehicles: Aggregate Boundaries and Stochastic Model Predictive Control
Controlled charging of electric vehicles, EVs, is a major potential source of flexibility to facilitate the integration of variable renewable energy and reduce the need for stationary energy storage. To offer system services from EVs, fleet aggregators must address the uncertainty of individual driving and charging behaviour. This paper introduces a means of forecasting the service volume available from EVs by considering several EV batteries as one conceptual battery with aggregate power and energy boundaries. Aggregation avoids the difficult prediction of individual driving behaviour. The predictability of the boundaries is demonstrated using a multiple linear regression model which achieves a normalised root mean square error of 20% - 40% for a fleet of 1,000 EVs. A two-stage stochastic model predictive control algorithm is used to schedule reserve services on a day-ahead basis addressing risk trade-offs by including Conditional Value-at-Risk in the objective function. A case study with 1.2 million domestic EV charge records from Great Britain illustrates that increasing fleet size improves prediction accuracy, thereby increasing reserve revenues and decreasing an aggregator's operational costs. For fleet sizes of 400 or above, cost reductions plateau at 60% compared to uncontrolled charging, with an average of 1.8kW of reserve provided per vehicle.
♻ ☆ RoboMNIST: A Multimodal Dataset for Multi-Robot Activity Recognition Using WiFi Sensing, Video, and Audio
We introduce a novel dataset for multi-robot activity recognition (MRAR) using two robotic arms integrating WiFi channel state information (CSI), video, and audio data. This multimodal dataset utilizes signals of opportunity, leveraging existing WiFi infrastructure to provide detailed indoor environmental sensing without additional sensor deployment. Data were collected using two Franka Emika robotic arms, complemented by three cameras, three WiFi sniffers to collect CSI, and three microphones capturing distinct yet complementary audio data streams. The combination of CSI, visual, and auditory data can enhance robustness and accuracy in MRAR. This comprehensive dataset enables a holistic understanding of robotic environments, facilitating advanced autonomous operations that mimic human-like perception and interaction. By repurposing ubiquitous WiFi signals for environmental sensing, this dataset offers significant potential aiming to advance robotic perception and autonomous systems. It provides a valuable resource for developing sophisticated decision-making and adaptive capabilities in dynamic environments.
♻ ☆ Uncertainty-Aware Critic Augmentation for Hierarchical Multi-Agent EV Charging Control
The advanced bidirectional EV charging and discharging technology, aimed at supporting grid stability and emergency operations, has driven a growing interest in workplace applications. It not only reduces electricity expenses but also enhances the resilience in handling practical matters, such as peak power limitation, fluctuating energy prices, and unpredictable EV departures. Considering these factors systematically can benefit energy efficiency in office buildings and for EV users simultaneously. To employ AI to address these issues, we propose HUCA, a novel real-time charging control for regulating energy demands for both the building and EVs. HUCA employs hierarchical actor-critic networks to dynamically reduce electricity costs in buildings, accounting for the needs of EV charging in the dynamic pricing scenario. To tackle the uncertain EV departures, we introduce a new critic augmentation to account for departure uncertainties in evaluating the charging decisions, while maintaining the robustness of the charging control. Experiments on real-world electricity datasets under both simulated certain and uncertain departure scenarios demonstrate that HUCA outperforms baselines in terms of total electricity costs while maintaining competitive performance in fulfilling EV charging requirements. A case study also manifests that HUCA effectively balances energy supply between the building and EVs based on real-time information, showcasing its potential as a key AI-driven solution for vehicle charging control.
♻ ☆ Electric Grid Topology and Admittance Estimation: Quantifying Phasor-based Measurement Requirements
In this paper, we quantify voltage and current phasor-based measurement requirements for the unique estimation of the electric grid topology and admittance parameters. Our approach is underpinned by the concept of a rigidity matrix that has been extensively studied in graph rigidity theory. Specifically, we show that the rank of the rigidity matrix is the same as that of a voltage coefficient matrix in a corresponding electric power system. Accordingly, we show that there is a minimum number of measurements required to uniquely estimate the admittance matrix and corresponding grid topology. By means of a numerical example on the IEEE 4-node radial network, we demonstrate that our approach is suitable for applications in electric power grids.
♻ ☆ Advancements in Electric Vehicle Charging Optimization: A Survey of Reinforcement Learning Approaches
In response to global warming and energy shortages, there has been a significant shift towards integrating renewable energy sources, energy storage systems, and electric vehicles. Deploying electric vehicles within smart grids offers a promising solution to reduce carbon emissions. However, managing the charging and discharging processes of them as distributed power supplies present significant challenges. Additionally, the intermittent nature of renewable energy, uncertainties in electric vehicle-related parameters, fluctuating energy prices, and varying loads make maintaining stable power system operations more complex. Effective management systems for electric vehicle battery charging are crucial to coordinating these processes and ensuring a secure, efficient, and reliable power system. Reinforcement learning, enhanced by deep learning, has gained substantial interest for its model-free approach and real-time optimization, effectively managing electric vehicle charging by maximizing cumulative rewards. This review synthesizes existing literature on reinforcement learning-based frameworks, objectives, and architectures for electric vehicle charging coordination strategies in power systems, classifying methods into centralized and decentralized categories. Additionally, the article offers suggestions for future research directions to further enhance reinforcement learning-based electric vehicle charging optimization.
comment: We are changing some materials in the article which is better to withdrawal from arcive for now
♻ ☆ Lyapunov Neural ODE State-Feedback Control Policies
Deep neural networks are increasingly used as an effective way to represent control policies in various learning-based control paradigms. For continuous-time optimal control problems (OCPs), which are central to many decision-making tasks, control policy learning can be cast as a neural ordinary differential equation (NODE) problem wherein state and control constraints are naturally accommodated. This paper presents a NODE approach to solving continuous-time OCPs for the case of stabilizing a known constrained nonlinear system around an equilibrium state. The approach, termed Lyapunov-NODE control (L-NODEC), uses a novel Lyapunov loss formulation that incorporates an exponentially-stabilizing control Lyapunov function to learn a state-feedback neural control policy. The proposed Lyapunov loss allows L-NODEC to guarantee exponential stability of the controlled system, as well as its adversarial robustness to perturbations to the initial state. The performance of L-NODEC is illustrated in two problems, including a dose delivery problem in plasma medicine, wherein L-NODEC effectively stabilizes the controlled system around the equilibrium state despite perturbations to the initial state and reduces the inference time necessary to reach equilibrium.
♻ ☆ Automated Lane Merging via Game Theory and Branch Model Predictive Control
We propose an integrated behavior and motion planning framework for the lane-merging problem. The behavior planner combines search-based planning with game theory to model vehicle interactions and plan multi-vehicle trajectories. Inspired by human drivers, we model the lane-merging problem as a gap selection process and determine the appropriate gap by solving a matrix game. Moreover, we introduce a branch model predictive control (BMPC) framework to account for the uncertain equilibrium strategies adopted by the surrounding vehicles, including Nash and Stackelberg strategies. A tailored numerical solver is developed to enhance computational efficiency by exploiting the tree structure inherent in BMPC. Finally, we validate our proposed integrated planner using real traffic data and demonstrate its effectiveness in handling interactions in dense traffic scenarios. The code is publicly available at:
Robotics 17
☆ Integrating Retrospective Framework in Multi-Robot Collaboration
Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated substantial capabilities in enhancing communication and coordination in multi-robot systems. However, existing methods often struggle to achieve efficient collaboration and decision-making in dynamic and uncertain environments, which are common in real-world multi-robot scenarios. To address these challenges, we propose a novel retrospective actor-critic framework for multi-robot collaboration. This framework integrates two key components: (1) an actor that performs real-time decision-making based on observations and task directives, and (2) a critic that retrospectively evaluates the outcomes to provide feedback for continuous refinement, such that the proposed framework can adapt effectively to dynamic conditions. Extensive experiments conducted in simulated environments validate the effectiveness of our approach, demonstrating significant improvements in task performance and adaptability. This work offers a robust solution to persistent challenges in robotic collaboration.
comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables
☆ BFA: Best-Feature-Aware Fusion for Multi-View Fine-grained Manipulation
In real-world scenarios, multi-view cameras are typically employed for fine-grained manipulation tasks. Existing approaches (e.g., ACT) tend to treat multi-view features equally and directly concatenate them for policy learning. However, it will introduce redundant visual information and bring higher computational costs, leading to ineffective manipulation. For a fine-grained manipulation task, it tends to involve multiple stages while the most contributed view for different stages is varied over time. In this paper, we propose a plug-and-play best-feature-aware (BFA) fusion strategy for multi-view manipulation tasks, which is adaptable to various policies. Built upon the visual backbone of the policy network, we design a lightweight network to predict the importance score of each view. Based on the predicted importance scores, the reweighted multi-view features are subsequently fused and input into the end-to-end policy network, enabling seamless integration. Notably, our method demonstrates outstanding performance in fine-grained manipulations. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms multiple baselines by 22-46% success rate on different tasks. Our work provides new insights and inspiration for tackling key challenges in fine-grained manipulations.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures
☆ AdaManip: Adaptive Articulated Object Manipulation Environments and Policy Learning ICLR 2025
Articulated object manipulation is a critical capability for robots to perform various tasks in real-world scenarios. Composed of multiple parts connected by joints, articulated objects are endowed with diverse functional mechanisms through complex relative motions. For example, a safe consists of a door, a handle, and a lock, where the door can only be opened when the latch is unlocked. The internal structure, such as the state of a lock or joint angle constraints, cannot be directly observed from visual observation. Consequently, successful manipulation of these objects requires adaptive adjustment based on trial and error rather than a one-time visual inference. However, previous datasets and simulation environments for articulated objects have primarily focused on simple manipulation mechanisms where the complete manipulation process can be inferred from the object's appearance. To enhance the diversity and complexity of adaptive manipulation mechanisms, we build a novel articulated object manipulation environment and equip it with 9 categories of objects. Based on the environment and objects, we further propose an adaptive demonstration collection and 3D visual diffusion-based imitation learning pipeline that learns the adaptive manipulation policy. The effectiveness of our designs and proposed method is validated through both simulation and real-world experiments. Our project page is available at:
comment: ICLR 2025
☆ A Physics-Informed Machine Learning Framework for Safe and Optimal Control of Autonomous Systems
As autonomous systems become more ubiquitous in daily life, ensuring high performance with guaranteed safety is crucial. However, safety and performance could be competing objectives, which makes their co-optimization difficult. Learning-based methods, such as Constrained Reinforcement Learning (CRL), achieve strong performance but lack formal safety guarantees due to safety being enforced as soft constraints, limiting their use in safety-critical settings. Conversely, formal methods such as Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) Reachability Analysis and Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) provide rigorous safety assurances but often neglect performance, resulting in overly conservative controllers. To bridge this gap, we formulate the co-optimization of safety and performance as a state-constrained optimal control problem, where performance objectives are encoded via a cost function and safety requirements are imposed as state constraints. We demonstrate that the resultant value function satisfies a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation, which we approximate efficiently using a novel physics-informed machine learning framework. In addition, we introduce a conformal prediction-based verification strategy to quantify the learning errors, recovering a high-confidence safety value function, along with a probabilistic error bound on performance degradation. Through several case studies, we demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed framework in enabling scalable learning of safe and performant controllers for complex, high-dimensional autonomous systems.
comment: 15Pages, 12 Figures. First two authors have contributed equally
☆ Learning Quiet Walking for a Small Home Robot ICRA 2025
As home robotics gains traction, robots are increasingly integrated into households, offering companionship and assistance. Quadruped robots, particularly those resembling dogs, have emerged as popular alternatives for traditional pets. However, user feedback highlights concerns about the noise these robots generate during walking at home, particularly the loud footstep sound. To address this issue, we propose a sim-to-real based reinforcement learning (RL) approach to minimize the foot contact velocity highly related to the footstep sound. Our framework incorporates three key elements: learning varying PD gains to actively dampen and stiffen each joint, utilizing foot contact sensors, and employing curriculum learning to gradually enforce penalties on foot contact velocity. Experiments demonstrate that our learned policy achieves superior quietness compared to a RL baseline and the carefully handcrafted Sony commercial controllers. Furthermore, the trade-off between robustness and quietness is shown. This research contributes to developing quieter and more user-friendly robotic companions in home environments.
comment: accepted at ICRA 2025
☆ DFM: Deep Fourier Mimic for Expressive Dance Motion Learning ICRA 2025
As entertainment robots gain popularity, the demand for natural and expressive motion, particularly in dancing, continues to rise. Traditionally, dancing motions have been manually designed by artists, a process that is both labor-intensive and restricted to simple motion playback, lacking the flexibility to incorporate additional tasks such as locomotion or gaze control during dancing. To overcome these challenges, we introduce Deep Fourier Mimic (DFM), a novel method that combines advanced motion representation with Reinforcement Learning (RL) to enable smooth transitions between motions while concurrently managing auxiliary tasks during dance sequences. While previous frequency domain based motion representations have successfully encoded dance motions into latent parameters, they often impose overly rigid periodic assumptions at the local level, resulting in reduced tracking accuracy and motion expressiveness, which is a critical aspect for entertainment robots. By relaxing these locally periodic constraints, our approach not only enhances tracking precision but also facilitates smooth transitions between different motions. Furthermore, the learned RL policy that supports simultaneous base activities, such as locomotion and gaze control, allows entertainment robots to engage more dynamically and interactively with users rather than merely replaying static, pre-designed dance routines.
comment: accepted at ICRA 2025
☆ GS-GVINS: A Tightly-integrated GNSS-Visual-Inertial Navigation System Augmented by 3D Gaussian Splatting
Recently, the emergence of 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has drawn significant attention in the area of 3D map reconstruction and visual SLAM. While extensive research has explored 3DGS for indoor trajectory tracking using visual sensor alone or in combination with Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), its integration with GNSS for large-scale outdoor navigation remains underexplored. To address these concerns, we proposed GS-GVINS: a tightly-integrated GNSS-Visual-Inertial Navigation System augmented by 3DGS. This system leverages 3D Gaussian as a continuous differentiable scene representation in largescale outdoor environments, enhancing navigation performance through the constructed 3D Gaussian map. Notably, GS-GVINS is the first GNSS-Visual-Inertial navigation application that directly utilizes the analytical jacobians of SE3 camera pose with respect to 3D Gaussians. To maintain the quality of 3DGS rendering in extreme dynamic states, we introduce a motionaware 3D Gaussian pruning mechanism, updating the map based on relative pose translation and the accumulated opacity along the camera ray. For validation, we test our system under different driving environments: open-sky, sub-urban, and urban. Both self-collected and public datasets are used for evaluation. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of GS-GVINS in enhancing navigation accuracy across diverse driving environments.
☆ Fine-Tuning Hard-to-Simulate Objectives for Quadruped Locomotion: A Case Study on Total Power Saving ICRA 2025
Legged locomotion is not just about mobility; it also encompasses crucial objectives such as energy efficiency, safety, and user experience, which are vital for real-world applications. However, key factors such as battery power consumption and stepping noise are often inaccurately modeled or missing in common simulators, leaving these aspects poorly optimized or unaddressed by current sim-to-real methods. Hand-designed proxies, such as mechanical power and foot contact forces, have been used to address these challenges but are often problem-specific and inaccurate. In this paper, we propose a data-driven framework for fine-tuning locomotion policies, targeting these hard-to-simulate objectives. Our framework leverages real-world data to model these objectives and incorporates the learned model into simulation for policy improvement. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework on power saving for quadruped locomotion, achieving a significant 24-28\% net reduction in total power consumption from the battery pack at various speeds. In essence, our approach offers a versatile solution for optimizing hard-to-simulate objectives in quadruped locomotion, providing an easy-to-adapt paradigm for continual improving with real-world knowledge. Project page
comment: Accepted by ICRA 2025
☆ AI-Augmented Metamorphic Testing for Comprehensive Validation of Autonomous Vehicles ICSE
Self-driving cars have the potential to revolutionize transportation, but ensuring their safety remains a significant challenge. These systems must navigate a variety of unexpected scenarios on the road, and their complexity poses substantial difficulties for thorough testing. Conventional testing methodologies face critical limitations, including the oracle problem determining whether the systems behavior is correct and the inability to exhaustively recreate a range of situations a self-driving car may encounter. While Metamorphic Testing (MT) offers a partial solution to these challenges, its application is often limited by simplistic modifications to test scenarios. In this position paper, we propose enhancing MT by integrating AI-driven image generation tools, such as Stable Diffusion, to improve testing methodologies. These tools can generate nuanced variations of driving scenarios within the operational design domain (ODD)for example, altering weather conditions, modifying environmental elements, or adjusting lane markings while preserving the critical features necessary for system evaluation. This approach enables reproducible testing, efficient reuse of test criteria, and comprehensive evaluation of a self-driving systems performance across diverse scenarios, thereby addressing key gaps in current testing practices.
comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Accepted to 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for Autonomous Driving Systems (SE4ADS 2025) in 47th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2025
♻ ☆ Towards Real-Time Generation of Delay-Compensated Video Feeds for Outdoor Mobile Robot Teleoperation ICRA 2025
Teleoperation is an important technology to enable supervisors to control agricultural robots remotely. However, environmental factors in dense crop rows and limitations in network infrastructure hinder the reliability of data streamed to teleoperators. These issues result in delayed and variable frame rate video feeds that often deviate significantly from the robot's actual viewpoint. We propose a modular learning-based vision pipeline to generate delay-compensated images in real-time for supervisors. Our extensive offline evaluations demonstrate that our method generates more accurate images compared to state-of-the-art approaches in our setting. Additionally, ours is one of the few works to evaluate a delay-compensation method in outdoor field environments with complex terrain on data from a real robot in real-time. Resulting videos and code are provided at
comment: Accepted to IEEE ICRA 2025; 8 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables
♻ ☆ Bilevel Learning for Bilevel Planning
A robot that learns from demonstrations should not just imitate what it sees -- it should understand the high-level concepts that are being demonstrated and generalize them to new tasks. Bilevel planning is a hierarchical model-based approach where predicates (relational state abstractions) can be leveraged to achieve compositional generalization. However, previous bilevel planning approaches depend on predicates that are either hand-engineered or restricted to very simple forms, limiting their scalability to sophisticated, high-dimensional state spaces. To address this limitation, we present IVNTR, the first bilevel planning approach capable of learning neural predicates directly from demonstrations. Our key innovation is a neuro-symbolic bilevel learning framework that mirrors the structure of bilevel planning. In IVNTR, symbolic learning of the predicate "effects" and neural learning of the predicate "functions" alternate, with each providing guidance for the other. We evaluate IVNTR in six diverse robot planning domains, demonstrating its effectiveness in abstracting various continuous and high-dimensional states. While most existing approaches struggle to generalize (with <35% success rate), our IVNTR achieves an average of 77% success rate on unseen tasks. Additionally, we showcase IVNTR on a mobile manipulator, where it learns to perform real-world mobile manipulation tasks and generalizes to unseen test scenarios that feature new objects, new states, and longer task horizons. Our findings underscore the promise of learning and planning with abstractions as a path towards high-level generalization.
comment: 16 pages, 9 figures
♻ ☆ Re$^3$Sim: Generating High-Fidelity Simulation Data via 3D-Photorealistic Real-to-Sim for Robotic Manipulation
Real-world data collection for robotics is costly and resource-intensive, requiring skilled operators and expensive hardware. Simulations offer a scalable alternative but often fail to achieve sim-to-real generalization due to geometric and visual gaps. To address these challenges, we propose a 3D-photorealistic real-to-sim system, namely, RE$^3$SIM, addressing geometric and visual sim-to-real gaps. RE$^3$SIM employs advanced 3D reconstruction and neural rendering techniques to faithfully recreate real-world scenarios, enabling real-time rendering of simulated cross-view cameras within a physics-based simulator. By utilizing privileged information to collect expert demonstrations efficiently in simulation, and train robot policies with imitation learning, we validate the effectiveness of the real-to-sim-to-real pipeline across various manipulation task scenarios. Notably, with only simulated data, we can achieve zero-shot sim-to-real transfer with an average success rate exceeding 58%. To push the limit of real-to-sim, we further generate a large-scale simulation dataset, demonstrating how a robust policy can be built from simulation data that generalizes across various objects. Codes and demos are available at:
♻ ☆ A Survey of World Models for Autonomous Driving
Recent breakthroughs in autonomous driving have been propelled by advances in robust world modeling, fundamentally transforming how vehicles interpret dynamic scenes and execute safe decision-making. In particular, world models have emerged as a linchpin technology, offering high-fidelity representations of the driving environment that integrate multi-sensor data, semantic cues, and temporal dynamics. This paper systematically reviews recent advances in world models for autonomous driving, proposing a three-tiered taxonomy: 1) Generation of Future Physical World, covering image-, BEV-, OG-, and PC-based generation methods that enhance scene evolution modeling through diffusion models and 4D occupancy forecasting; 2) Behavior Planning for Intelligent Agents, combining rule-driven and learning-based paradigms with cost map optimization and reinforcement learning for trajectory generation in complex traffic conditions; 3) Interaction Between Prediction and Planning, achieving multi-agent collaborative decision-making through latent space diffusion and memory-augmented architectures. The study further analyzes training paradigms including self-supervised learning, multimodal pretraining, and generative data augmentation, while evaluating world models' performance in scene understanding and motion prediction tasks. Future research must address key challenges in self-supervised representation learning, long-tail scenario generation, and multimodal fusion to advance the practical deployment of world models in complex urban environments. Overall, our comprehensive analysis provides a theoretical framework and technical roadmap for harnessing the transformative potential of world models in advancing safe and reliable autonomous driving solutions.
comment: Ongoing project
♻ ☆ FLIP: Flow-Centric Generative Planning as General-Purpose Manipulation World Model
We aim to develop a model-based planning framework for world models that can be scaled with increasing model and data budgets for general-purpose manipulation tasks with only language and vision inputs. To this end, we present FLow-centric generative Planning (FLIP), a model-based planning algorithm on visual space that features three key modules: 1. a multi-modal flow generation model as the general-purpose action proposal module; 2. a flow-conditioned video generation model as the dynamics module; and 3. a vision-language representation learning model as the value module. Given an initial image and language instruction as the goal, FLIP can progressively search for long-horizon flow and video plans that maximize the discounted return to accomplish the task. FLIP is able to synthesize long-horizon plans across objects, robots, and tasks with image flows as the general action representation, and the dense flow information also provides rich guidance for long-horizon video generation. In addition, the synthesized flow and video plans can guide the training of low-level control policies for robot execution. Experiments on diverse benchmarks demonstrate that FLIP can improve both the success rates and quality of long-horizon video plan synthesis and has the interactive world model property, opening up wider applications for future works.Video demos are on our website:
♻ ☆ AirSLAM: An Efficient and Illumination-Robust Point-Line Visual SLAM System
In this paper, we present an efficient visual SLAM system designed to tackle both short-term and long-term illumination challenges. Our system adopts a hybrid approach that combines deep learning techniques for feature detection and matching with traditional backend optimization methods. Specifically, we propose a unified convolutional neural network (CNN) that simultaneously extracts keypoints and structural lines. These features are then associated, matched, triangulated, and optimized in a coupled manner. Additionally, we introduce a lightweight relocalization pipeline that reuses the built map, where keypoints, lines, and a structure graph are used to match the query frame with the map. To enhance the applicability of the proposed system to real-world robots, we deploy and accelerate the feature detection and matching networks using C++ and NVIDIA TensorRT. Extensive experiments conducted on various datasets demonstrate that our system outperforms other state-of-the-art visual SLAM systems in illumination-challenging environments. Efficiency evaluations show that our system can run at a rate of 73Hz on a PC and 40Hz on an embedded platform. Our implementation is open-sourced:
comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, 9 tables
♻ ☆ Large Language Models for Autonomous Driving (LLM4AD): oncept, Benchmark, Experiments, and Challenges
With the broader usage and highly successful development of Large Language Models (LLMs), there has been a growth of interest and demand for applying LLMs to autonomous driving technology. Driven by their natural language understanding and reasoning ability, LLMs have the potential to enhance various aspects of autonomous driving systems, from perception and scene understanding to language interaction and decision-making. In this paper, we first introduce the novel concept of designing LLMs for autonomous driving (LLM4AD). Then, we propose a comprehensive benchmark for evaluating the instruction-following abilities of LLM4AD in simulation. Furthermore, we conduct a series of experiments on real-world vehicle platforms, thoroughly evaluating the performance and potential of our LLM4AD systems. Finally, we envision the main challenges of LLM4AD, including latency, deployment, security and privacy, safety, trust and transparency, and personalization. Our research highlights the significant potential of LLMs to enhance various aspects of autonomous vehicle technology, from perception and scene understanding to language interaction and decision-making.
♻ ☆ Assistive Control of Knee Exoskeletons for Human Walking on Granular Terrains
Human walkers traverse diverse environments and demonstrate different gait locomotion and energy cost on granular terrains compared to solid ground. We present a stiffness-based model predictive control approach of knee exoskeleton assistance on sand. The gait and locomotion comparison is first discussed for human walkers on sand and solid ground. A machine learning-based estimation scheme is then presented to predict the ground reaction forces (GRFs) for human walkers on different terrains in real time. Built on the estimated GRFs and human joint torques, a knee exoskeleton controller is designed to provide assistive torque through a model predictive stiffness control scheme. We conduct indoor and outdoor experiments to validate the modeling and control design and their performance. The experiments demonstrate the major muscle activation and metabolic reductions by respectively 15% and 3.7% under the assistive exoskeleton control of human walking on sand.
comment: Ten pages, thirteen figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)
System/Control 7
☆ Reducing Computational Complexity of Rigidity-Based UAV Trajectory Optimization for Real-Time Cooperative Target Localization
Accurate and swift localization of the target is crucial in emergencies. However, accurate position data of a target mobile device, typically obtained from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), cellular networks, or WiFi, may not always be accessible to first responders. For instance, 1) accuracy and availability can be limited in challenging signal reception environments, and 2) in regions where emergency location services are not mandatory, certain mobile devices may not transmit their location during emergencies. As an alternative localization method, a network of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can be employed to passively locate targets by collecting radio frequency (RF) signal measurements, such as received signal strength (RSS). In these situations, UAV trajectories play a critical role in localization performance, influencing both accuracy and search time. Previous studies optimized UAV trajectories using the determinant of the Fisher information matrix (FIM), but its performance declines under unfavorable geometric conditions, such as when UAVs start from a single base, leading to position ambiguity. To address this, our prior work introduced a rigidity-based approach, which improved the search time compared to FIM-based methods in our simulation case. However, the high computational cost of rigidity-based optimization, primarily due to singular value decomposition (SVD), limits its practicality. In this paper, we applied techniques to reduce computational complexity, including randomized SVD, smooth SVD, and vertex pruning.
comment: Submitted to ION ITM 2025
☆ A Physics-Informed Machine Learning Framework for Safe and Optimal Control of Autonomous Systems
As autonomous systems become more ubiquitous in daily life, ensuring high performance with guaranteed safety is crucial. However, safety and performance could be competing objectives, which makes their co-optimization difficult. Learning-based methods, such as Constrained Reinforcement Learning (CRL), achieve strong performance but lack formal safety guarantees due to safety being enforced as soft constraints, limiting their use in safety-critical settings. Conversely, formal methods such as Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) Reachability Analysis and Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) provide rigorous safety assurances but often neglect performance, resulting in overly conservative controllers. To bridge this gap, we formulate the co-optimization of safety and performance as a state-constrained optimal control problem, where performance objectives are encoded via a cost function and safety requirements are imposed as state constraints. We demonstrate that the resultant value function satisfies a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation, which we approximate efficiently using a novel physics-informed machine learning framework. In addition, we introduce a conformal prediction-based verification strategy to quantify the learning errors, recovering a high-confidence safety value function, along with a probabilistic error bound on performance degradation. Through several case studies, we demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed framework in enabling scalable learning of safe and performant controllers for complex, high-dimensional autonomous systems.
comment: 15Pages, 12 Figures. First two authors have contributed equally
♻ ☆ Differentially Private Dual Gradient Tracking for Distributed Resource Allocation
This paper investigates privacy issues in distributed resource allocation over directed networks, where each agent holds a private cost function and optimizes its decision subject to a global coupling constraint through local interaction with other agents. Conventional methods for resource allocation over directed networks require all agents to transmit their original data to neighbors, which poses the risk of disclosing sensitive and private information. To address this issue, we propose an algorithm called differentially private dual gradient tracking (DP-DGT) for distributed resource allocation, which obfuscates the exchanged messages using independent Laplacian noise. Our algorithm ensures that the agents' decisions converge to a neighborhood of the optimal solution almost surely. Furthermore, without the assumption of bounded gradients, we prove that the cumulative differential privacy loss under the proposed algorithm is finite even when the number of iterations goes to infinity. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to simultaneously achieve these two goals in distributed resource allocation problems over directed networks. Finally, numerical simulations on economic dispatch problems within the IEEE 14-bus system illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm.
♻ ☆ High-Performance Distributed Control for Large-Scale Linear Systems: A Partitioned Distributed Observer Approach
In recent years, the distributed-observer-based distributed control law has shown powerful ability to arbitrarily approximate the centralized control performance. However, the traditional distributed observer requires each local observer to reconstruct the state information of the whole system, which is unrealistic for large-scale scenarios. To fill this gap, this paper develops a greedy-idea-based large-scale system partition algorithm, which can significantly reduce the dimension of local observers. Then, the partitioned distributed observer for large-scale systems is proposed to overcome the problem that the system dynamics are difficult to estimate due to the coupling between partitions. Furthermore, the two-layer Lyapunov analysis method is adopted and the dynamic transformation lemma of compact errors is proven, which solves the problem of analyzing stability of the error dynamic of the partitioned distributed observer. Finally, it is proved that the distributed control law based on the partitioned distributed observer can also arbitrarily approximate the control performance of the centralized control law, and the dimension of the local observer is greatly reduced compared with the traditional method. The simulation results show that when the similarity between the physical network and the communication network is about 80%, the local observer dimension is greatly reduced by 90% and the relative error between the performance of the distributed control law and that of the centralized control law is less than 1%.
♻ ☆ An Analysis of Logit Learning with the r-Lambert Function
The well-known replicator equation in evolutionary game theory describes how population-level behaviors change over time when individuals make decisions using simple imitation learning rules. In this paper, we study evolutionary dynamics based on a fundamentally different class of learning rules known as logit learning. Numerous previous studies on logit dynamics provide numerical evidence of bifurcations of multiple fixed points for several types of games. Our results here provide a more explicit analysis of the logit fixed points and their stability properties for the entire class of two-strategy population games -- by way of the $r$-Lambert function. We find that for Prisoner's Dilemma and anti-coordination games, there is only a single fixed point for all rationality levels. However, coordination games exhibit a pitchfork bifurcation: there is a single fixed point in a low-rationality regime, and three fixed points in a high-rationality regime. We provide an implicit characterization for the level of rationality where this bifurcation occurs. In all cases, the set of logit fixed points converges to the full set of Nash equilibria in the high rationality limit.
comment: 9 pages, one figure, to be included in CDC 2024 conference proceedings
♻ ☆ Car-Following Models: A Multidisciplinary Review
Car-following (CF) algorithms are crucial components of traffic simulations and have been integrated into many production vehicles equipped with Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS). Insights from the model of car-following behavior help us understand the causes of various macro phenomena that arise from interactions between pairs of vehicles. Car-following models encompass multiple disciplines, including traffic engineering, physics, dynamic system control, cognitive science, machine learning, and reinforcement learning. This paper presents an extensive survey that highlights the differences, complementarities, and overlaps among microscopic traffic flow and control models based on their underlying principles and design logic. It reviews representative algorithms, ranging from theory-based kinematic models, Psycho-Physical Models, and Adaptive cruise control models to data-driven algorithms like Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Imitation Learning (IL). The manuscript discusses the strengths and limitations of these models and explores their applications in different contexts. This review synthesizes existing researches across different domains to fill knowledge gaps and offer guidance for future research by identifying the latest trends in car following models and their applications.
comment: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles
♻ ☆ Certifiable Reachability Learning Using a New Lipschitz Continuous Value Function
We propose a new reachability learning framework for high-dimensional nonlinear systems, focusing on reach-avoid problems. These problems require computing the reach-avoid set, which ensures that all its elements can safely reach a target set despite disturbances within pre-specified bounds. Our framework has two main parts: offline learning of a newly designed reachavoid value function, and post-learning certification. Compared to prior work, our new value function is Lipschitz continuous and its associated Bellman operator is a contraction mapping, both of which improve the learning performance. To ensure deterministic guarantees of our learned reach-avoid set, we introduce two efficient post-learning certification methods. Both methods can be used online for real-time local certification or offline for comprehensive certification. We validate our framework in a 12-dimensional crazyflie drone racing hardware experiment and a simulated 10-dimensional highway take-over example.